Microsoft RD-17 GSM Internet modem User Manual Manual

Microsoft Mobile Oy GSM Internet modem Manual


Nokia USB Modem5555555/1CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
About your USB modemThe Nokia USB modem is awireless modem, used to connectto the internet in cellular orwireless networks.To connect to the internet, youneed to install the connectionmanager application on yourcomputer.Before using your USB modem,familiarise yourself with the userguide for the connection managerapplication, your computer,operating system, and anysoftware that you use with theinternet connection set upthrough the device. To read theuser guide for the connectionmanager application, in the mainview , select  . The user guide isdisplayed in the language youselected during the installation ofthe application.For additional information, go operating temperature of thisdevice is -15°C to 35°C (41°F to95°F), and the storagetemperature is -15°C to 85°C(-40°F to 185°F).The USB feature supports the datatransfer rates defined in the USBspecification version 2.0.Warning: This product maycontain small parts. Keep them outof the reach of small children.The surface of this product is nickel-free.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Get startedParts1 Cap2 USB connector3 SIM and memory card cover.4 Indicator light5 AntennaAvoid touching the antenna areawhile the antenna is in use. Contactwith antennas affects thecommunication quality and mayreduce battery life due to higherpower level during operation.Do not attach any straps, keyrings, or neck straps to the ring atthe end of the USB modem.Insert the SIM card1. Remove the cap.2. Slide the cover, and lift it up (6).3. Make sure the contact surfaceon the card is facing down, andthe missing corner is at thebottom right, and insert theSIM card (7).4. Lower the cover, and slide itinto place (9).Insert a memory cardThe device includes a microSDmemory card reader that you canuse to save files to yourcompatible memory card. Thememory card is shown as aremovable disk in your operatingsystem.Keep all memory cards out of thereach of small children.Use only compatible memory cardsapproved by Nokia for use with thisdevice. Incompatible cards mayENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
damage the card and the device andcorrupt data stored on the card.1. Remove the cap.2. Slide the cover, andlift it up (6).3. Make sure the contactarea of the memory card isfacing up, and insert the cardinto the slot which isunderneath the SIM card slot.Push the card in, until it locksinto place (8).4. Lower the cover and slide itinto place (9).Remove the memory card — Remove the cover, press the cardin gently, until it is released, andpull the card out.Important: Do not remove thememory card when an application isusing it. Doing so may damage thememory card and the device andcorrupt data stored on the card.Install the connectionmanagerYou may need administratorrights for the operating system,and you may also need to set youroperating system firewall to allowthe device to access the internet.1. Remove the cap.2. Make sure the SIM card isinserted in the device.3. Switch your computer on, andconnect the device to the USBport in the computer.4. If the installation doesn't startautomatically, use yourcomputer’s file browser tolocate the USB modem drive,and select the setup file on yourdevice.The installation may takeseveral minutes.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
5. If prompted, enter the PIN codeof your SIM card. The PIN codehelps to protect your SIM cardagainst unauthorised use andis usually supplied with thecard.Disconnect the device — Disconnect the device from theUSB port. You may need to stopthe device before disconnectingit, if this is required by youroperating system.Uninstall from yourcomputer•In Windows, select theuninstall application from theStart menu.•In Mac OS, select the uninstallicon in the application folder.•In Linux, use the packagemanager.Internet connectionConnect to the internetFor the availability of dataservices, pricing, and tariffs,contact your service provider.1. Connect the device to thecomputer.2. If the connection managerapplication does not openautomatically:•In Windows, select theapplication from thedesktop or Start menu.•In Mac OS, select theapplication from the Finder.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
•In Linux, selectApplications > Internet andthe application.3. If prompted, enter the PIN codeof your SIM card.4. Check the network indicatorlight to see if a networkconnection is available.5. To connect to the internetthrough a cellular network,select  .If your product has the Wi-Fifeature, to use a Wi-Fi network,select Network list and thedesired network. The indicatorbeside the network namedisplays the signal strength ofthe network. If a padlock isdisplayed beside the name, thenetwork is protected and youneed to enter a password.6. Use the internet as normal.7. To close the connection, in theInternet connection window,select  . The connection alsocloses if you close theconnection managerapplication.Note: Using Wi-Fi may berestricted in some countries. Forexample, in France, you are onlyallowed to use Wi-Fi indoors. Formore information, contact your localauthorities.Tip: While browsing theweb, you can check theduration and amount ofdata sent and received inthe Internet connectionwindow.If the computer enters standby orhibernation mode, data transfermay stop. Transferring dataincreases the demand onENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
computer battery power andreduces the battery life.Indicator lightsLight StatusRed light The device can'tconnect becausethe SIM card is notvalid or properlyinserted, or asupportednetwork is notavailable.Flashing redlightThe device can'tconnect becauseyou have notentered the PINcode or flightLight Statusmode isactivated.Green light You areconnected to aGSM network andtransferring data.Flashinggreen lightYou areconnected, butnot transferringdata.Blue light You areconnected to a 3Gnetwork andtransferring data.Flashing bluelightYou areconnected, butnot transferringdata.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Product and safety informationNetwork services and costsTo use the device, you need asubscription with a service provider.Using network services requires anetwork connection and may resultin data traffic costs. Some productfeatures require support from thenetwork, and you may need tosubscribe to them.Take care of your deviceHandle your device with care. Thefollowing suggestions help youprotect your warranty coverage.•Keep the device dry.Precipitation, humidity, and alltypes of liquids or moisture cancontain minerals that corrodeelectronic circuits.•Do not store the device in coldtemperatures.•Do not attempt to open thedevice.•Unauthorised modifications maydamage the device and violateregulations governing radiodevices.•Do not drop, knock, or shake thedevice.•Only use a soft, clean, dry cloth toclean the surface of the device.During extended operation, thedevice may feel warm. In most cases,this is normal. If you suspect thedevice is not working properly, takeit to the nearest authorised servicefacility.RecycleAlways return your used electronicproducts, batteries, and packagingmaterials to dedicated collectionpoints. This way you help preventENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
uncontrolled waste disposal andpromote the recycling of materials.Check how to recycle your Nokiaproducts at safetyinformationThis product may contain smallparts. Keep them out of the reach ofsmall children.Medical devicesOperation of radio transmittingequipment, including wirelessphones, may interfere with thefunction of inadequately protectedmedical devices. Consult a physicianor the manufacturer of the medicaldevice to determine whether theyare adequately shielded fromexternal radio frequency energy.Implanted medical devicesManufacturers of medical devicesrecommend a minimum separationof 15.3 centimetres (6 inches)between a wireless device and animplanted medical device, such as apacemaker or implantedcardioverter defibrillator, to avoidpotential interference with themedical device. Persons who havesuch devices should:•Always keep the wireless devicemore than 15.3 centimetres (6inches) from the medical device.•Turn the wireless device off ifthere is any reason to suspect thatinterference is taking place.•Follow the manufacturerdirections for the implantedmedical device.If you have any questions aboutusing your wireless device with animplanted medical device, consultyour health care provider.HearingSome wireless devices may interferewith some hearing aids.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Operating environmentThis device model has been testedand meets RF exposure guidelineswhen positioned at least 0.5centimetre (1/5 inch) away from thebody when plugged directly into aUSB port on the host device or usedat the end of a connectivity cablethat may be supplied in the salespackage.VehiclesRadio signals may affect improperlyinstalled or inadequately shieldedelectronic systems in motor vehiclessuch as electronic fuel injection,electronic antilock braking,electronic speed control, and air bagsystems. For more information,check with the manufacturer of yourvehicle or its equipment.Do not store or carry flammableliquids, gases, or explosive materialsin the same compartment as thedevice, its parts, or accessories.Remember that air bags inflate withgreat force. Do not place your deviceor accessories in the air bagdeployment area.Potentially explosiveenvironmentsSwitch off your device in any areawith a potentially explosiveatmosphere, for example near gaspumps at service stations. Sparks insuch areas could cause an explosionor fire resulting in bodily injury ordeath. Observe restrictions in fuelservice stations, storage, anddistribution areas; chemical plants;or where blasting operations are inprogress. Areas with a potentiallyexplosive atmosphere are often, butnot always, clearly marked. Theyinclude areas where you would beadvised to turn off your vehicleengine, below deck on boats,chemical transfer or storagefacilities and where the air containschemicals or particles such as grain,ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
dust, or metal powders. You shouldcheck with the manufacturers ofvehicles using liquefied petroleumgas (such as propane or butane) todetermine if this device can be safelyused in their vicinity.Certification information (SAR)This device model meetsguidelines for exposure to radiowaves.Your device is a radio transmitterand receiver. It is designed not toexceed the limits for exposure toradio waves recommended byinternational guidelines. Theseguidelines were developed by theindependent scientific organisationICNIRP and include safety marginsdesigned to assure the protection ofall persons, regardless of age andhealth.The exposure guidelines employ aunit of measurement known as theSpecific Absorption Rate or SAR. TheSAR limit stated in the ICNIRPguidelines is 2.0 watts/kilogram (W/kg) averaged over ten grams oftissue. Tests for SAR are conductedusing standard operating positionswith the device transmitting at itshighest certified power level in alltested frequency bands. The actualSAR level of an operating device canbe below the maximum valuebecause the device is designed touse only the power required to reachthe network. That amount changesdepending on a number of factorssuch as how close you are to anetwork base station.SAR values may vary depending onnational reporting and testingrequirements and the network band.Additional SAR information may beprovided under product informationat device model has been testedand meets RF exposure guidelineswhen positioned at least 0.5ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
centimetre (1/5 inch) away from thebody when plugged directly into aUSB port on the host device or usedat the end of a connectivity cablethat may be supplied in the salespackage.Your device is also designed to meetthe requirements for exposure toradio waves established by theFederal CommunicationsCommission (USA) and IndustryCanada. These requirements set aSAR limit of 1.6 W/kg averaged overone gram of tissue. The highest SARvalue reported under this standardduring product certification whenpositioned 0.5 cm (1/5 inch) awayfrom the body is 1.12 W/kgCopyright and other noticesDECLARATION OF CONFORMITYHereby, NOKIA CORPORATIONdeclares that this RD-17 / RD-19 /RD-22 / RD-23 product is incompliance with the essentialrequirements and other relevantprovisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Acopy of the Declaration of Conformitycan be found at .© 2011 Nokia. All rights reserved.Nokia, Nokia Connecting People andNokia Original Accessories logo aretrademarks or registeredtrademarks of Nokia Corporation.Other product and company namesmentioned herein may betrademarks or tradenames of theirrespective owners.Reproduction, transfer, distribution,or storage of part or all of thecontents in this document in anyform without the prior writtenpermission of Nokia is prohibited.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Nokia operates a policy ofcontinuous development. Nokiareserves the right to make changesand improvements to any of theproducts described in this documentwithout prior notice.To the maximum extent permittedby applicable law, under nocircumstances shall Nokia or any ofits licensors be responsible for anyloss of data or income or any special,incidental, consequential or indirectdamages howsoever caused.The contents of this document areprovided "as is". Except as requiredby applicable law, no warranties ofany kind, either express or implied,including, but not limited to, theimplied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for aparticular purpose, are made inrelation to the accuracy, reliability orcontents of this document. Nokiareserves the right to revise thisdocument or withdraw it at any timewithout prior notice.The availability of products,features, applications and servicesmay vary by region. For moreinformation, contact your Nokiadealer or your service provider. Thisdevice may contain commodities,technology or software subject toexport laws and regulations from theUS and other countries. Diversioncontrary to law is prohibited.FCC/INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICEYour device may cause TV or radiointerference (for example, whenusing a telephone in close proximityto receiving equipment). The FCC orIndustry Canada can require you tostop using your telephone if suchinterference cannot be eliminated. Ifyou require assistance, contact yourlocal service facility. This deviceco mp lies with part 15 of the FCC rulesand Industry Canada licence-exemptRSS standard(s). Operation is subjectto the following two conditions: (1)ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this devicemust accept any interferencereceived, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation. Anychanges or modifications notexpressly approved by Nokia couldvoid the user's authority to operatethis equipment.This transmittermust not be co-located or operatingin conjunction with any otherantenna or transmitter.ENGLISHCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack

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