Microsoft RM-350 GSM850/900/1800/1900 WCDMA FDD2 /FDD5 Cell Phone w/BT/WLAN/FMTx User Manual Manual

Microsoft Mobile Oy GSM850/900/1800/1900 WCDMA FDD2 /FDD5 Cell Phone w/BT/WLAN/FMTx Manual


User Guide5555555Issue 1CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
© 2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYHereby, NOKIA CORPORATION declares that this RM-350 product is in compliance with the essential requirementsand other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. A copy of the Declaration of Conformity can be found, Nokia Connecting People, Nseries, N79, N-Gage, Navi and Visual Radio are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Nokiatune is a sound mark of Nokia Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or tradenames of their respectiveowners.Reproduction, transfer, distribution, or storage of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without the prior written permission of Nokiais prohibited.This software is based in part of the work of the FreeType Team. This product is covered by one or more of the following patents: United States Patent5,155,805, United States Patent 5,325,479, United States Patent 5,159,668, United States Patent 2232861 and France Patent 9005712.US Patent No 5818437 and other pending patents. T9 text input software Copyright © 1997-2008. Tegic Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.This product includes software licensed from Symbian Software Ltd ©1998-2008. Symbian and Symbian OS are trademarks of SymbianLtd.Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.Portions of the Nokia Maps software are ©1996-2008 The FreeType Project. All rights reserved.This product is licensed under the MPEG-4 Visual Patent Portfolio License (i) for personal and noncommercial use in connection with information whichhas been encoded in compliance with the MPEG-4 Visual Standard by a consumer engaged in a personal and noncommercial activity and (ii) for use inconnection with MPEG-4 video provided by a licensed video provider. No license is granted or shall be implied for any other use. Additional information,including that related to promotional, internal, and commercial uses, may be obtained from MPEG LA, LLC. See operates a policy of ongoing development. Nokia reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of the products described in thisdocument without prior notice.TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL NOKIA OR ANY OF ITS LICENSORS BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYLOSS OF DATA OR INCOME OR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES HOWSOEVER CAUSED.THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED "AS IS". EXCEPT AS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW, NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE MADE IN RELATIONCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
TO THE ACCURACY, RELIABILITY OR CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. NOKIA RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REVISE THIS DOCUMENT OR WITHDRAW IT AT ANY TIMEWITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE.Reverse engineering of any software in the Nokia device is prohibited to the extent permitted by applicable law. Insofar as this user guide containsany limitations on Nokia's representations, warranties, damages and liabilities, such limitations shall likewise limit any representations, warranties,damages and liabilities of Nokia's licensors.The availability of particular products and applications and services for these products may vary by region. Please check with your Nokia dealer fordetails, and availability of language options.Export controlsThis device may contain commodities, technology or software subject to export laws and regulations from the US and other countries. Diversioncontrary to law is prohibited.FCC/INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICEYour device may cause TV or radio interference (for example, when using a telephone in close proximity to receiving equipment). The FCC or IndustryCanada can require you to stop using your telephone if such interference cannot be eliminated. If you require assistance, contact your local servicefacility. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any changes ormodifications not expressly approved by Nokia could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.5555555/Issue 1CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
ContentsSafety...........................................................6About your device...........................................................6Network services.............................................................7Find help......................................................9Instructions inside - In-device help...............................9Get started.......................................................................9Accessibility solutions.....................................................9Extended user guide.......................................................9Additional applications................................................10Software updates..........................................................10Application Update.......................................................11Settings..........................................................................11Your device.................................................12Transfer content............................................................12Navi™ wheel..................................................................13N-Gage™ ........................................................................13Offline profile.................................................................14Web browser..............................................15Browse the web............................................................15Web feeds and blogs....................................................16Widgets..........................................................................16Empty the cache............................................................17End the connection.......................................................17Connection security......................................................17Connections................................................18Wireless LAN..................................................................18Bluetooth connectivity.................................................19Personalise your device.............................22Set tones in Profiles......................................................22Modify the standby mode............................................22Modify the main menu.................................................23Positioning (GPS)........................................24About GPS.......................................................................24Assisted GPS (A-GPS).....................................................24Hold your device correctly............................................25Tips on creating a GPS connection..............................25Maps...........................................................27About Maps....................................................................27Browse maps.................................................................28Download maps............................................................29Extra services for Maps.................................................30Music folder................................................32Music player...................................................................32Nokia Music Store..........................................................34FM transmitter...............................................................35Radio applications........................................................36Camera.......................................................39About the camera.........................................................39Activate the camera......................................................39Image capture...............................................................39Video recording.............................................................42ContentsCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Photos........................................................44About Photos.................................................................44View images and videos...............................................44Active toolbar................................................................45Home network...........................................46About home network...................................................46Important security information..................................46Write and send messages..........................48Make calls...................................................50Voice calls ......................................................................50Make a video call...........................................................50Enhancements............................................52Battery and charger information...............53Battery and charger information................................53Nokia battery authentication guidelines...................54Care and maintenance...............................56Disposal..........................................................................57Additional safety information...................58Small children................................................................58Operating environment................................................58Medical devices..............................................................58Hearing aids...................................................................59Vehicles..........................................................................59Potentially explosive environments............................60Emergency calls.............................................................60CERTIFICATION INFORMATION (SAR).............................61Index..........................................................63ContentsCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
SafetyRead these simple guidelines. Not following themmay be dangerous or illegal. Read  the co mplete us erguide for further information.SWITCH ON SAFELYDo not switch the device on when wirelessphone use is prohibited or when it maycause interference or danger.ROAD SAFETY COMES FIRSTObey all local laws. Always keep your handsfree to operate the vehicle while driving.Your first consideration while driving shouldbe road safety.INTERFERENCEAll wireless devices may be susceptible tointerference, which could affectperformance.SWITCH OFF IN RESTRICTED AREASFollow any restrictions. Switch the device offin aircraft, near medical equipment, fuel,chemicals, or blasting areas.QUALIFIED SERVICEOnly qualified personnel may install orrepair this product.ENHANCEMENTS AND BATTERIESUse only approved enhancements andbatteries. Do not connect incompatibleproducts.ENHANCEMENTSUse only approved enhancements. Do notconnect incompatible products.WATER-RESISTANCEYour device is not water-resistant. Keep itdry.About your deviceThe wireless device described in this guide is approvedfor use on the (E)GSM 850, 900, 1800, 1900, and UMTS850, 1900 MHz networks. Contact your service providerfor more information about networks.When using the features in this device, obey all lawsand respect local customs, privacy and legitimaterights of others, including copyrights.Copyright protection may prevent some images, music,and other content from being copied, modified, ortransferred.6SafetyCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Your device supports several methods of connectivity.Like computers, your device may be exposed to virusesand other harmful content. Exercise caution withmessages, connectivity requests, browsing, anddownloads. Only install and use services and othersoftware from trustworthy sources that offer adequatesecurity and protection against harmful software, suchas applications that are Symbian Signed or have passedthe Java Verified™ testing. Consider installing antivirusand other security software on your device and anyconnected computer.Your device may have preinstalled bookmarks and linksfor third-party internet sites. You may also access otherthird-party sites through your device. Third-party sitesare not affiliated with Nokia, and Nokia does notendorse or assume liability for them. If you choose toaccess such sites, you should take precautions forsecurity or content.Warning: To use any features in this device,other than the alarm clock, the device must beswitched on. Do not switch the device on whenwireless device use may cause interference or danger.The office applications support common features ofMicrosoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel (Microsoft Office2000, XP, and 2003). Not all file formats can be viewedor modified.Remember to make back-up copies or keep a writtenrecord of all important information stored in yourdevice.When connecting to any other device, read its userguide for detailed safety instructions. Do not connectincompatible products.The images in this guide may differ from your devicedisplay.Network servicesTo use the device you must have service from a wirelessservice provider. Many of the features require specialnetwork features. These features are not available onall networks; other networks may require that youmake specific arrangements with your service providerbefore you can use the network services. Usingnetwork services involves transmission of data. Checkwith your service provider for details about fees in yourhome network and when roaming on other networks.Your service provider can give you instructions andexplain what charges will apply. Some networks mayhave limitations that affect how you can use networkservices. For instance, some networks may not supportall language-dependent characters and services.Your service provider may have requested that certainfeatures be disabled or not activated in your device. Ifso, these features will not appear on your device menu.Your device may also have a special configuration such 7SafetyCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
as changes in menu names, menu order, and icons.Contact your service provider for more information.This device supports WAP 2.0 protocols (HTTP and SSL)that run on TCP/IP protocols. Some features of thisdevice, such as MMS, web browsing, and e-mail, requirenetwork support for these technologies.8SafetyCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Find helpFor local services and warranty information, pleaserefer to the separate booklet.For more information on access codes, savingbattery power, and freeing memory, see theextended user guide on the product support pagesof the Nokia website.Instructions inside - In-device helpYour device contains instructions to help you use it.When an application is open, to access the help textfor the current view, select Options > Help. Toopen help from the main menu, select Tools >Utilities > Help, and the relevant application.You can find links to related topics at the end of thehelp text. To make the instructions easier to read,you can change the size of the text. If you click onan underlined word, a short explanation isdisplayed. Help uses the following indicators: shows a link to a related help topic.   shows a linkto the application being discussed. When you arereading the instructions, to switch between helpand the application that is open in the background,press and hold  , or select the application link().Get startedSee the get started guide for keys and partsinformation, instructions for setting up the deviceand for other essential information.Accessibility solutionsNokia is committed to making mobile phones easyto use for all individuals, including those withdisabilities. For more information, visit the Nokiawebsite at user guideAn extended version of this user guide is availableon the product support pages of the Nokia website.Some applications or functions are explained onlyin the extended user guide. This is explained in therelevant sections. The extended user guide alsocontains a troubleshooting section.9Find helpCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
The applications and functions located in thefollowing folders of your device are explained onlyin the extended user guide:●Video centre (main menu)  — Instructions onusing Video centre●Tools  — Information on file management,synchronisation, and settings●Office  — Information on text processingapplications and converter●Applications  — Information on timemanagement, calculation, and applicationmanagement●Media  — Information on media players,recording, and digital rights managementAdditional applicationsThere are various applications provided by Nokiaand different third-party software developers thathelp you do more with your device. Theseapplications are explained in the guides that areavailable on the product support pages of the Nokiawebsite.Software updatesNokia may produce software updates that offer newfeatures, enhanced functions, and improvedperformance. You may be able to request theseupdates through the Nokia Software Updater PCapplication. Software updates may not be availablefor all products or their variants. Not all operatorsmay endorse the latest software versions available.To update the device software, you need the NokiaSoftware Updater application and a compatible PCwith Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, or Vistaoperating system, broadband internet access, anda compatible data cable to connect your device tothe PC.Warning: If you install a software update,you cannot use the device, even to make emergencycalls, until the installation is completed and thedevice is restarted. Be sure to back up data beforeaccepting installation of an update.The size of a software update is approximately 5-10MB using your device and 100 MB using a PC.The download and installation may take up to 20minutes with Device manager and up to 30 minuteswith Nokia Software Updater.To get more information and to download the NokiaSoftware Updater application, in the UnitedStates or inLatin America.If software updates over the air are supported byyour network, you may also be able to requestupdates through the device.10Find helpCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Tip:  To check the software version in yourdevice, enter *#0000# in the standby mode.Application UpdatePress  , and select Tools > App. update.With Application Update, you can check theavailable updates for applications and downloadthem to your device.After updating your device software usingApplication Update, the instructions in the userguide or the helps may not be up to date.To download the available updates, selectOptions > Start update.To unmark updates, scroll to them, and press thescroll key.To view i nformation on an upd ate, select  Options >View details.To change the settings, select Options >Settings.SettingsYour device normally has MMS, GPRS, streaming, andmobile internet settings automatically configured,based on your network service providerinformation. You may have settings from yourservice providers already installed in your device, oryou may receive or request the settings from thenetwork service providers as a special message.You can change the general settings in your device,such as language, standby mode, display, andkeypad lock settings.11Find helpCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Your deviceFor more information on your device, such asantenna locations, display indicators, andshortcuts, see the extended user guide on theproduct support pages of the Nokia website.Transfer contentYou can use the Switch application to copy contentsuch as phone numbers, addresses, calendar items,and images from your previous Nokia device to yourNokia N79 using Bluetooth connectivity.The type of content that can be transferred dependson the model of the device from which you want totransfer content. If that device supportssynchronisation, you can also synchronise databetween the devices. Your Nokia N79 notifies you ifthe other device is not compatible.If the other device cannot be switched on withouta SIM card, you can insert your SIM card in it. Whenyour Nokia N79 is switched on without a SIM card,the offline profile is automatically activated, andtransfer can be done.Transfer content for the first time1. To retrieve data from the other device for thefirst time, on your Nokia N79, select Switch inthe Welcome application, or press  , and selectTools > Utilities > Switch.2. Select the connection type you want to use totransfer the data. Both devices must support theselected connection type.3. If you select Bluetooth, connect the two devices.To have your device search for devices withBluetooth connectivity, select Continue. Selectthe device from which you want to transfercontent. You are asked to enter a code on yourNokia N79. Enter a code (1-16 digits), and selectOK. Enter the same code on the other device, andselect OK. The devices are now paired. See "Pairdevices", p. 21.Some earlier Nokia devices may not have theSwitch application. In this case, the Switchapplication is sent to the other device as amessage. To install the Switch application on theother device, open the message, and follow theinstructions on the display.12Your deviceCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
4. From your Nokia N79, select the content youwant to transfer from the other device.When the transfer has started, you can cancel itand continue later.Content is transferred from the memory of the otherdevice to the corresponding location in your NokiaN79. The transfer time depends on the amount ofdata to be transferred.Navi™ wheelHereafter referred to as scroll key.Use the Navi wheel to move around the menus andlists (up, down, left, or right). Press the scroll key toselect the action shown on top of the key or to showthe most used options  .To turn the Navi wheel setting on or off, press  ,and select Tools > Settings > General > Naviwheel > Navi wheel.When the Navi wheel setting is switched on in thesettings, you can scroll quickly through Photos,Music Player, Nokia Video Centre, Contacts, andMessaging lists, or the multimedia menu.1. Move the tip of your finger gently around the rimof the scroll key clockwise or anticlockwise. Keepmoving your finger until scrolling starts on thedisplay.2. To continue scrolling, slide yourfinger around the rim of thescroll key clockwise oranticlockwise.Sleep mode indicatorThe inner rim of the Navi wheelilluminates slowly when the device is in the sleepmode. The light varies periodically as if the devicewas breathing. To switch off the illumination, press, and select Tools > Settings > General >Navi wheel > Breathing.N-Gage™ For more information on the N-Gage application,see the extended user guide on the product supportpages of the Nokia website.You can play high-quality, multiplayer N-Gagegames with your device. N-Gage is a mobile gamingplatform available for a range of compatible Nokiamobile devices. To access N-Gage games, players,and content, select the N-Gage application in themain menu.For the full N-Gage experience, you need internetaccess on your device, either through the cellularnetwork or wireless LAN. Contact your serviceprovider for more information on data services.For more information, visit 13Your deviceCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Offline profileTo activate the offline profile, press the power keybriefly, and select Offline.The offline profile lets you use the device withoutconnecting to the wireless network. When youactivate the offline profile, the connection to thewireless network is turned off, as indicated by   inthe signal strength indicator area. All wireless RFsignals to and from the device are prevented. If youtry to send messages, they are placed in the outboxto be sent later.When the offline profile is active, you can use yourdevice without a SIM card.Important: In the offline profile you cannotmake or receive any calls, or use other features thatrequire cellular network coverage. Calls may still bepossible to the official emergency numberprogrammed into your device. To make calls, youmust first activate the phone function by changingprofiles. If the device has been locked, enter the lockcode.To leave the offline profile, press the power keybriefly, and select another profile. The device re-enables wireless transmissions (providing there issufficient signal strength).14Your deviceCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Web browserTo browse the web, you need to have an internetaccess point configured in your device.For more information on the web browser, see theextended user guide on the product support pagesof the Nokia website.Browse the webPress  , and select Web.Important: Use only services that you trustand that offer adequate security and protectionagainst harmful software.Important: Only install and use applicationsand other software from trusted sources, such asapplications that are Symbian Signed or havepassed the Java Verified™ testing.To browse a web page, in the bookmarks view,select a bookmark, or enter the address in the field(), and press the scroll key.Some web pages may contain material, such asgraphics and sounds, that requires a large amountof memory to view. If your device runs out ofmemory while loading such a page, the graphics onthe page are not shown.To browse web pages without graphics, to savememory, select Options > Settings > Page >Load content > Text only.To enter a new web page address you want to visit,select Options > Go to web address.To retrieve the latest content of the page from theserver, select Options > Navigation options >Reload.To save the web address of the current page as abookmark, select Options > Save as bookmark.To view snapshots of the pages you have visitedduring the current browsing session, select Back(available if History list is set on in the browsersettings and the current page is not the first pageyou visit). Select the page you want to go to.To save a page while browsing, select Options >Tools > Save page.You can save pages and browse them later whenoffline. You can also group pages into folders. Toaccess the pages you have saved, select Options >Bookmarks > Saved pages.15Web browserCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
To open a sublist of commands or actions for thepage that is open, select Options > Serviceoptions (if supported by the web page).To prevent or allow the automatic opening ofmultiple windows, select Options > Window >Block pop-ups or Allow pop-ups.Shortcuts while browsing●Press 1 to open your bookmarks.●Press 2 to search for keywords on the currentpage.●Press 3 to return to the previous page.●Press 5 to list all open windows.●Press 8 to show the page overview of the currentpage. Press 8 again to zoom in and view thedesired section of the page.●Press 9 to enter a new web address.●Press 0 to go to the home page (if defined insettings).●Press * and # to zoom in or out on the page.Web feeds and blogsWeb feeds are xml files on web pages that are usedby the weblog community and news organisationsto share the latest headlines or text, for example,news feeds. Blogs or weblogs are web diaries. Mostof the web feeds use RSS and Atom technologies. Itis common to find web feeds on web, blog, and wikipages.The Web application automatically detects if a webpage contains web feeds.To subscribe to a web feed, select Options >Subscribe to web feeds.To view the web feeds to which you havesubscribed, in the bookmarks view, select Webfeeds.To update a web feed, select it and Options >Refresh.To define how the web feeds are updated, selectOptions > Settings > Web feeds.WidgetsYour device supports widgets. Widgets are small,downloadable web applications that delivermultimedia, news feeds, and other information,such as weather reports, to your device. Installedwidgets appear as separate applications in theApplications folder.You can download widgets using the Download!application or from the web.The default access point for widgets is the same asin the web browser. When active in the background,16Web browserCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
some widgets may update informationautomatically to your device.Using widgets may involve the transmission of largeamounts of data through your service provider'snetwork. Contact your service provider forinformation about data transmission charges.Empty the cacheThe information or services you have accessed arestored in the cache memory of the device.A cache is a memory location that is used to storedata temporarily. If you have tried to access or haveaccessed confidential information requiringpasswords, empty the cache after each use. Theinformation or services you have accessed arestored in the cache.To empty the cache, select Options > Clearprivacy data > Cache.End the connectionTo end the connection and view the browser pageoffline, select Options > Tools > Disconnect; orto end the connection and close the browser, selectOptions > Exit.To take the browser to the background, press theend key once. To end the connection, press and holdthe end key.To delete the information the network servercollects about your visits to various web pages,select Options > Clear privacy data > Cookies.Connection securityIf the security indicator ( ) is displayed during aconnection, the data transmission between thedevice and the internet gateway or server isencrypted.The security icon does not indicate that the datatransmission between the gateway and the contentserver (or the place where the requested resourceis stored) is secure. The service provider secures thedata transmission between the gateway and thecontent server.Security certificates may be required for someservices, such as banking services. You are notifiedif the identity of the server is not authentic or if youdo not have the correct security certificate in yourdevice. For more information, contact your serviceprovider.17Web browserCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
ConnectionsYour device offers several options to connect to theinternet or to another compatible device or PC.For more information on different connectionmethods, such as Bluetooth and Data cable, see theextended user guide on the product support pagesof the Nokia website.Wireless LANYour device supports wireless local area network(WLAN). With WLAN, you can connect your device tothe internet and compatible devices that haveWLAN.For more information on WLAN access points andoperating modes, see the extended user guide onthe product support pages of the Nokia website.About WLANTo use WLAN, it must be available in the location,and your device must be connected to the WLAN.Some WLANs are protected, and you need an accesskey from your service provider to connect to them.Some places, like France, have restrictions on theuseof wireless LAN. Check with your localauthorities formore information.  Features that use WLAN, or that are allowed to runin the background while using other features,increase the demand on battery power and reducethe battery life.Your device supports the following WLAN features:●IEEE 802.11b/g standard●Operation at 2.4 GHz●Wired equivalent privacy (WEP) with keys up to128 bits, Wi-Fi protected access (WPA), and802.1x encryption methods. These functions canbe used only if they are supported by thenetwork.WLAN wizardThe WLAN wizard helps you to connect to a WLANand manage your WLAN connections.The WLAN wizard shows the status of your WLANconnections in the active standby mode. To view theavailable options, scroll to the row showing thestatus, and select it.If the search finds WLANs, for example, WLANnetwork found is displayed, to create an internetaccess point (IAP) and start the web browser usingthis IAP, select the status and Start Webbrowsing.18ConnectionsCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
If you select a secured WLAN network, you are askedto enter the relevant passcodes. To connect to ahidden network, you must enter the correctnetwork name (service set identifier, SSID). Tocreate a new access point for a hidden WLAN, selectNew WLAN.If you are connected to a WLAN, the IAP name isdisplayed. To start the web browser using this IAP,select the status and Continue Web browsing. Toend the connection in the WLAN, select the statusand Disconnect WLAN.If WLAN scanning is off and you are not connectedto any WLAN, WLAN scanning off is displayed. Toset scanning on and search for available WLANs,select the status and press the scroll key.To start a search for available WLANs, select thestatus and Search for WLAN. To set WLAN scanningoff, select the status and select WLAN scanningoff.To access the WLAN wizard application in the menu,press  , and select Tools > WLAN wiz..Bluetooth connectivityAbout Bluetooth connectivityYou can make a wireless connection to othercombatible devices, such as mobile phones,computers, headsets, and car kits, with Bluetoothconnectivity.You can use the connection to send images, videoclips, music and sound clips, and notes, transfer filesfrom your compatible PC, and print images with acompatible printer.Since devices with Bluetooth wireless technologycommunicate using radio waves, they do not needto be in direct line-of-sight. However, they must bewithin 10 metres (33 feet) of each other, althoughthe connection may be subject to interference fromobstructions such as walls or from other electronicdevices.This device is compliant with BluetoothSpecification 2.0 supporting the following profiles:Generic Audio/Video Distribution Profile, AdvancedAudio Distribution Profile, Audio/Video RemoteControl Profile, Basic Imaging Profile, Basic PrintingProfile, Dial-up Networking Profile, File TransferProfile, Hands-Free Profile, Headset Profile, HumanInterface Device Profile, Object Push Profile, SIMAccess Profile, Synchronization Profile, Serial PortProfile, and Phonebook Access Profile. To ensureinteroperability between other devices supportingBluetooth technology, use Nokia approvedenhancements for this model. Check with themanufacturers of other devices to determine theircompatibility with this device. 19ConnectionsCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Features using Bluetooth technology increase thedemand on battery power and reduce the batterylife.When the device is locked, you cannot use Bluetoothconnectivity.SettingsPress  , and select Tools > Bluetooth.When you open the application for the first time,you are asked to define a name for your device. Youcan change the name later on.Select from the following:●Bluetooth  — To make a wireless connection toanother compatible device, first set Bluetoothconnectivity On, then establish a connection. Toswitch off Bluetooth connectivity, select Off. ●My phone's visibility  — To allow your device tobe found by other devices with Bluetoothwireless technology, select Shown to all. To seta time after which the visibility is set from shownto hidden, select Define period. To hide yourdevice from other devices, select Hidden. ●My phone's name  — Edit the name shown toother devices with Bluetooth wirelesstechnology.●Remote SIM mode  — To enable another device,such as a compatible car kit enhancement, to usethe SIM card in your device to connect to thenetwork, select On.Security tipsPress  , and select Tools > Bluetooth.When you are not using Bluetooth connectivity, tocontrol who can find your device and connect to it,select Bluetooth > Off or My phone's visibility >Hidden.Do not pair with or accept connection requests froman unknown device. This protects your device fromharmful content.Send data using BluetoothconnectivitySeveral Bluetooth connections can be active at atime. For example, if you are connected to acompatible headset, you can also transfer files toanother compatible device at the same time.1. Open the application where the item you wantto send is stored. For example, to send an imageto another compatible device, open Photos.2. Select the item and Options > Send > ViaBluetooth.To interrupt the search, select Stop.3. Select the device with which you want toconnect.20ConnectionsCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
4. If the other device requires pairing before datacan be transmitted, a tone sounds, and you areasked to enter a passcode. See "Pairdevices", p. 21.When the connection is established, Sendingdata is displayed.Pair devicesTo pair with compatible devices and view yourpaired devices, in the main view of Bluetoothconnectivity, scroll right.Before pairing, create your own passcode (1 to 16digits), and agree with the owner of the otherdevice to use the same code. Devices that do nothave a user interface have a factory-set passcode.The passcode is used only once.1. To pair with a device, select Options > Newpaired device. Devices that are within range aredisplayed.2. Select the device, and enter the passcode. Thesame passcode must be entered on the otherdevice as well.3. Some audio enhancements connectautomatically to your device after pairing.Otherwise, scroll to the enhancement, and selectOptions > Connect to audio device.Paired devices are indicated by   in the devicesearch.To set a device as authorised or unauthorised, scrollto the device, and select from the following options:●Set as authorised  — Connections between yourdevice and the authorised device can be madewithout your knowledge. No separateacceptance or authorisation is needed. Use thisstatus for your own devices, such as yourcompatible headset or PC or devices that belongto someone you trust.   indicates authoriseddevices in the paired devices view.●Set as unauthorised  — Connection requestsfrom this device must be accepted separatelyevery time.To cancel a pairing, scroll to the device, and selectOptions > Delete.If you want to cancel all pairings, select Options >Delete all.21ConnectionsCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Personalise your deviceYou can personalise your device by changing thestandby mode, main menu, tones, themes, or fontsize. Most of the personalisation options, such aschanging the font size, can be accessed through thedevice settings.For information on Themes, Audio themes, and 3-Dtones, see the extended user guide on the productsupport pages of the Nokia website.Set tones in ProfilesPress  , and select Tools > Profiles.You can use profiles to set and customise theringing tones, message alert tones, and other tonesfor different events, environments, or caller groups.To change the profile, select a profile, andOptions > Activate, or press the power key in thestandby mode. Scroll to the profile you want toactivate, and select OK.Tip: To switch between the general and silentprofiles in the standby mode, press and hold#.To modify a profile, scroll to the profile, and selectOptions > Personalise.If you want to set a profile to be active a certaintime, select Options > Personalise > Timed.When the set time expires, the profile changes backto the previously active one. When a profile is timed, is displayed in the standby mode. The Offlineprofile cannot be timed.If you want the caller’s name to be spoken whenyour device rings, select Options > Personalise >Say caller's name > On. The caller’s name mustbe found in Contacts.To create a new profile, select Options > Createnew.Modify the standby modeTo change the look of the standby mode, press  ,and select Tools > Settings > General >Personalisation > Standby mode > Standby22Personalise your deviceCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
theme.  The active standby display showsapplication shortcuts, andevents from applicationssuch as calendar andplayer.To change the selectionkey shortcuts or thedefault shortcut icons inthe active standby mode,select Tools > Settings >General >Personalisation >Standby mode >Shortcuts. Some shortcuts may be fixed, and youcannot change them.To change the clock shown in the standby mode,press  , and select Applications > Clock >Options > Settings > Clock type. You can also change the standby mode backgroundimage or what is shown in the power saver in thedevice settings.Tip:  To check whether there are applicationsrunning in the background, press and hold. To close the applications you do not use,scroll to an application in the list, and pressC. Leaving applications running in thebackground increases the demand on batterypower.Modify the main menuTo change the main menu view, in the main menu,press   and select Tools > Settings > General >Personalisation > Themes > Menu view. Youcan change the main menu to be shown as Grid,List, Horseshoe, or V-shaped.To rearrange the main menu, in the main menu,select Options > Move, Move to folder, or Newfolder. You can move applications used lessfrequently into folders and place applications thatyou use more often into the main menu.23Personalise your deviceCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Positioning (GPS)You can use applications such as Maps and GPS datato find out your location, or measure distances andcoordinates. These applications require a GPSconnection.For information on position requests, landmarks,and GPS data, see the extended user guide on theproduct support pages of the Nokia website.About GPSThe Global Positioning System (GPS) is a worldwideradio navigation system that includes 24 satellitesand their ground stations that monitor theoperation of the satellites. Your device has aninternal GPS receiver.A GPS terminal receives low-power radio signalsfrom the satellites and measures the travel time ofthe signals. From the travel time, the GPS receivercan calculate its location to the accuracy of metres.The coordinates in the GPS are expressed in degreesand decimal degrees format using the internationalWGS-84 coordinate system.The Global Positioning System (GPS) is operated bythe government of the United States, which is solelyresponsible for its accuracy and maintenance. Theaccuracy of location data can be affected byadjustments to GPS satellites made by the UnitedStates government and is subject to change withthe United States Department of Defense civil GPSpolicy and the Federal Radionavigation Plan.Accuracy can also be affected by poor satellitegeometry. Availability and quality of GPS signalsmay be affected by your location, buildings, naturalobstacles, and weather conditions. The GPS receivershould only be used outdoors to allow reception ofGPS signals.Any GPS should not be used for precise locationmeasurement, and you should never rely solely onlocation data from the GPS receiver and cellularradio networks for positioning or navigation.To enable or disable different positioning methods,such as Bluetooth GPS, press  , and select Tools >Settings > General > Positioning >Positioning methods.Assisted GPS (A-GPS)Your device also supports Assisted GPS (A-GPS).24Positioning (GPS)CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
A-GPS is a network service.Assisted GPS (A-GPS) is used to retrieve assistancedata over a packet data connection, which assists incalculating the coordinates of your current locationwhen your device is receiving signals fromsatellites.When you activate A-GPS, your device receivesuseful satellite information from an assistance dataserver over the cellular network. With the help ofassisted data, your device can obtain the GPSposition faster.Your device is preconfigured to use the Nokia A-GPSservice, if no service provider-specific A-GPS settingsare available. The assistance data is retrieved fromthe Nokia A-GPS service server only when needed.You must have an internet access point defined inthe device to retrieve assistance data from theNokia A-GPS service over a packet data connection.To define an access point for A-GPS, press  , andselect Tools > Settings > General >Positioning > Positioning server > Accesspoint. A wireless LAN access point cannot be usedfor this service. Only a packet data internet accesspoint can be used. Your device asks for the internetaccess point when GPS is used for the first time.Hold your device correctlyThe GPS receiver is located on the back of the device.When using the receiver, make sure that you do notcover the antenna with your hand.Establishing a GPSconnection maytake from a coupleof seconds toseveral minutes.Establishing a GPSconnection in avehicle may takelonger.The GPS receiverdraws its power from the device battery. Using theGPS receiver may drain the battery faster.Tips on creating a GPSconnectionIf your device cannot find the satellite signal,consider the following:●If you are indoors, go outdoors to receive a bettersignal.●If you are outdoors, move to a more open space.25Positioning (GPS)CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
●Ensure that your hand does not cover the GPSantenna of your device. See "Hold your devicecorrectly", p. 25.●If the weather conditions are bad, the signalstrength may be affected.●Some vehicles have tinted (athermic) windows,which may block the satellite signals.Check satellite signal statusTo check how many satellites your device has found,and whether your device is receiving satellitesignals, press  , and select Tools >Connectivity > GPS data > Position >Options > Satellite status. Or, in the Mapsapplication, select Options > Map view > GPSinfo.If your device has foundsatellites, a bar for eachsatellite is shown in thesatellite info view. Thelonger the bar, thestronger the satellitesignal. When your devicehas received enough data from the satellite signalto calculate the coordinates of your location, the barturns black.Initially your device must receive signals from atleast four satellites to be able to calculate thecoordinates of your location. When the initialcalculation has been made, it may be possible tocontinue calculating the coordinates of yourlocation with three satellites. However, theaccuracy is generally better when more satellitesare found.26Positioning (GPS)CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
MapsFor more information on Maps, see the extendeduser guide on the product support pages of theNokia website.About MapsPress  , and select Maps.With Maps, you can see your current location on themap, browse maps for different cities and countries,search for addresses and different points of interest,plan routes from one location to another, viewtraffic details, and save locations as favourites andsend them to compatible devices.You can also purchase extra services, such as guides,a turn-by-turn Drive & Walk navigation service withvoice guidance, and a traffic information service.Maps uses GPS. See "Positioning (GPS)", p. 24. Youcan define the positioning methods used with yourdevice in the device settings. For the most accuratelocation information, use either the internal GPS ora compatible external GPS receiver.When you use Maps for the first time, you may needto define an internet access point for downloadingmap information for your current location. Tochange the default access point later, in Maps, selectOptions > Tools > Settings > Internet >Network destination (shown only when you areonline).When you browse a map in Maps, the map data forthe area is automatically downloaded to yourdevice through the internet. A new map isdownloaded only if you scroll to an area which isnot covered by maps already downloaded. Somemaps may be pre-loaded on the memory card inyour device.You can download more maps to your device usingNokia Map Loader PC software. See "Downloadmaps", p. 29.Tip:  You can also download maps by using awireless LAN connection.Downloading maps may involve the transmission oflarge amounts of data through your serviceprovider's network. Contact your service providerfor information about data transmission charges.If you want the Maps application to establish aninternet connection automatically when you startthe application, in Maps, select Options > Tools > 27MapsCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Settings > Internet > Go online at start-up >Yes.To receive a note when your device registers to anetwork outside your home cellular network, selectOptions > Tools > Settings > Internet >Roaming warning > On (shown only when youare online). Contact your network service providerfor details and roaming costs.Almost all digital cartography is inaccurate andincomplete to some extent. Never rely solely on thecartography that you download for use in thisdevice.Browse mapsThe map coverage varies by country.When you open the Maps application, Maps zoomsin to the location that was saved from your lastsession. If no position was saved from the lastsession, the Maps application zooms in to thecapital city of the country you are in based on theinformation the device receives from the cellularnetwork. At the same time, the map of the locationis downloaded, if it has not been downloadedduring previous sessions.Your current locationTo establish a GPS connection and zoom in to yourcurrent location, select Options > My position, orpress 0. If the power saver turns on while the deviceis attempting to establish a GPS connection, theattempt is interrupted.A GPS indicator   is shown on the display.One bar is one satellite. When the device tries to finda satellite, the bar is yellow. When the devicereceives enough data from the satellite to establisha GPS connection, the bar turns green. The moregreen bars, the stronger the GPS connection.When the GPS connection is active, your currentlocation is indicated on the map with  .Move and zoomTo move on the map, scrollup, down, left, or right. Themap is oriented towardsnorth by default. Thecompass rose displays theorientation of the map androtates during navigationwhen the orientationchanges.When you browse the mapon the display, a new mapis automatically downloaded if you scroll to an areawhich is not covered by maps already downloaded.These maps are free of charge, but downloadingmay involve the transmission of large amounts ofdata through your service provider's network. For28MapsCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
more information on data transmission charges,contact your service provider.The maps are automatically saved on a compatiblememory card (if inserted and set as the defaultmaps storage).To zoom in or out, press * or #. Use the scale bar toestimate the distance between two points on themap.Adjust the map viewTo define the metric system used in the maps, selectOptions > Tools > Settings > Map > Systemof measurement > Metric or Imperial.To define what kinds of points of interest are shownon the map, select Options > Tools > Settings >Map > Categories and the desired categories.To select whether you want to view maps in 2-Dmode, 3-D mode, as satellite image, or hybrid, selectOptions > Map mode > Map, Map 3D,Satellite, or Hybrid. Satellite images may not beavailable for all geographic locations.To define whether you want the map view to be aday view or a night view, select Options > Tools >Settings > Map > Colours > Day mode or Nightmode.To adjust other internet, navigation, routing, andgeneral map settings, select Options > Tools >Settings.Download mapsWhen you browse a map on the display in Maps, anew map is automatically downloaded if you scrollto an area which is not covered by maps alreadydownloaded. You can view the amount oftransferred data from the data counter (kB) shownon the display. The counter shows the amount ofnetwork traffic when you browse maps, createroutes, or search for locations online. Downloadingmaps data may involve the transmission of largeamounts of data through your service provider’snetwork. Contact your service provider forinformation about data transmission charges.To prevent the device from automaticallydownloading maps through the internet, forexample, when you are outside your home cellularnetwork, or other map related data required by theextra services, select Options > Tools >Settings > Internet > Go online at start-up >No.To define how much memory card space you wantto use for saving maps or voice guidance files, selectOptions > Tools > Settings > Map >Maximum memory use > Max. memory carduse. This option is available only when a compatiblememory card is inserted and set as the default mapsstorage. When the memory is full, the oldest map 29MapsCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
data is deleted. The saved maps data can be deletedusing Nokia Map Loader PC software.Nokia Map LoaderNokia Map Loader is PC software that you can use todownload and install maps from the internet to acompatible memory card. You can also use it todownload voice files for turn-by-turn navigation.To use Nokia Map Loader, you must first install it toa compatible PC. You can download the PC softwarefrom the internet at Followthe instructions on the screen.You must use the Maps application and browsemaps at least once before using Nokia Map Loader.Nokia Map Loader uses the Maps historyinformation to check the version of map data to bedownloaded.After you have installed the PC software to your PC,to download maps, do the following:1. Connect your device to the PC by using acompatible USB data cable. Select Massstorage as the USB connection mode.2. Open Nokia Map Loader in your PC. Nokia MapLoader checks the version of map data to bedownloaded.3. Select the maps or voice guidance files you want,and download and install them to your device.Tip:  Use Nokia Map Loader to save on mobiledata transfer fees.Extra services for MapsYou can purchase a licence and download differentkinds of guides, such as city and travel guides, fordifferent cities to your device. You can also purchasea licence for a turn-by-turn Drive & Walk navigationservice with voice guidance, and a trafficinformation service to use it in Maps. A navigationlicence is region specific (region selected whenpurchasing the licence), and it can be used only onthe selected area. The downloaded guides areautomatically saved to your device.The licence you purchase for a guide or navigationcan be transferred to another device, but the samelicence can only be active in one device at a time.To view and update your licences, select Options >Extras > My licenses.Traffic and guide information and related servicesare generated by third parties independent ofNokia. The information may be inaccurate andincomplete to some extent and is subject toavailability. Never rely solely on theaforementioned information and related services.Downloading and using extra services may involvethe transmission of large amounts of data through30MapsCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
your service provider’s network. Contact yourservice provider for information about datatransmission charges.To purchase and download extra services for Maps,select Options > Extras and the desired service.Downloading and using extra services may involvethe transmission of large amounts of data throughyour service provider’s network. Contact yourservice provider for information about datatransmission charges.31MapsCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Music folderFor more information on Music player, radio andNokia Podcasting, see the extended user guide onthe product support pages of the Nokia website.Music playerWarning: Listen to music at a moderate level.Continuous exposure to high volume may damageyour hearing. Do not hold the device near your earwhen the loudspeaker is in use, because the volumemay be extremely loud.Music player supports files formats such as AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, MP3, and WMA. Music player does notnecessarily support all features of a file format or allthe variations of file formats.You can also use Music player to listen to podcastepisodes. Podcasting is the method for deliveringaudio or video content over the internet usingeither RSS or Atom technologies for playback onmobile devices and PCs.You can transfer music from other compatibledevices to your device. See "Transfer music to yourdevice", p. 33.Play a song or a podcast episodeTo open Music player, press  , and select Music >Music player.Tip:  You can access the Music player from themultimedia menu.You may have to refresh the music and podcastlibraries after you have updated the song or podcastselection in your device. To add all available itemsto the library, in the Music player main view, selectOptions > Refresh.To play a song or a podcast episode, do thefollowing:1. Select categories to navigate to the song orpodcast episode you want to hear. If the Naviwheel setting is set on in the settings, to browsethe lists, slide your finger on the rim of the scrollkey .2. To play the selected files, press the scroll key.To pause playback, press the scroll key; to resume,press the scroll key again. To stop playback, scrolldown.32Music folderCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
To fast forward or rewind, press and hold the scrollkey to the right or left.  To go to the next item,scroll right. To return tothe beginning of the item,scroll left. To skip to theprevious item, scroll leftagain within 2 secondsafter a song or podcast hasstarted.To switch random play() on or off, selectOptions > Shuffle.To repeat the current item ( ), all items ( ), orto switch repeat off, select Options > Repeat.If you play podcasts, shuffle and repeat areautomatically switched off.To adjust the volume, press the volume key.To modify the tone of the music playback, selectOptions > Equaliser.To modify the balance and stereo image or toenhance bass, select Options > Audio settings.To view a visualisation during playback, selectOptions > Show visualisation.To return to the standby mode and leave the playerplaying in the background, press the end key, or toswitch to another open application, press and hold.To close the player, select Options > Exit.PodcastsPress  , and select Music > Music player >Podcasts.The podcast menu displays the podcasts availablein the device.Podcast episodes have three states: never played,partially played, and completely played. If anepisode is partially played, it plays from the lastplayback position the next time it is played. If anepisode is never played or completely played, itplays from the beginning.Transfer music to your deviceYou can transfer music from a compatible PC orother compatible devices using a compatible USBdata cable or Bluetooth connectivity.PC requirements for music transfer:●Microsoft Windows XP operating system (orlater)●A compatible version of the Windows MediaPlayer application. You can get more detailedinformation about Windows Media Player 33Music folderCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
compatibility from your device's product pageson the Nokia website.●Nokia Nseries PC Suite 2.1 or laterWindows Media Player 10 may cause playbackdelays to WMDRM technology protected files afterthey have been transferred to your device. CheckMicrosoft support website for a hotfix to WindowsMedia Player 10 or get a newer compatible versionof Windows Media Player.Transfer music from PCYou can use the following methods to transfermusic:●To view your device on a PC as a mass memorydevice where you can transfer any data files,make the connection with a compatible USB datacable or Bluetooth connectivity. If you are usinga USB cable, select Mass storage as theconnection mode. A compatible memory cardmust be inserted in the device.●To synchronise music with Windows MediaPlayer, connect a compatible USB data cable andselect Media transfer as the connection mode.A compatible memory card must be inserted inthe device.To change the default USB connection mode, press, and select Tools > Connectivity > USB > USBconnection mode.Transfer with Windows Media PlayerMusic synchronisation functions may vary betweendifferent versions of the Windows Media Playerapplication. For more information, see thecorresponding Windows Media Player guides andhelp.Nokia Music StoreIn the Nokia Music Store (network service) you cansearch, browse, and purchase music to download toyour device. To purchase music, you first need toregister for the service.To check the Nokia Music Store availability in yourcountry, visit access the Nokia Music Store, you must have avalid internet access point in the device.To open Nokia Music Store, press  , and selectMusic > Music store.To find more music in different categories of themusic menu, select Options > Find in Musicstore.For more information, see the extended user guideon the product support pages of the Nokia website.34Music folderCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
FM transmitterAbout the FM transmitterThe availability of this feature may vary by country.Some countries may restrict the use of the FMtransmitter. Before using the feature in a foreigncountry, see tocheck if use is permitted.With the FM transmitter, you can play songs in yourdevice through any compatible FM receiver, such asa car radio or a home stereo system.The operating distance of the FM transmitter is upto a maximum of 3 metres (10 feet). Thetransmission may be subject to interference due toobstructions, such as walls, other electronic devices,or from public radio stations. The FM transmittermay cause interference to nearby FM receiversoperating on the same frequency. To avoidinterference, always search for a free FM frequencyon the receiver before using the FM transmitter.The FM transmitter cannot be used at the same timeas the FM radio of your device.The operating frequency range of the transmitter isfrom 88.1 to 107.9 MHz.When the transmitter is on and transmitting sound, is displayed in the standby mode. If thetransmitter is on, but not transmitting anything, is displayed and a periodic tone sounds. If thetransmitter is not transmitting anything for severalminutes, it switches off automatically.Play a song using FM transmitterTo play a song stored in your device through acompatible FM receiver, do the following:1. Press  , and select Music > Music player.2. Select a song or a playlist to be played.3. In the Now playing view, select Options > FMtransmitter.4. To activate the FM transmitter, set FMtransmitter to On, and enter a frequency that isfree from other transmissions. For example, ifthe frequency 107.8 MHz is free in your area andyou tune your FM receiver to it, you must alsotune the FM transmitter to 107.8 MHz.5. Tune the receiving device to the same frequency,and select Options > Exit.To adjust the volume, use the volume function inthe receiving device. Listen to music at a moderatelevel. Continuous exposure to high volume maydamage your hearing.To deactivate the FM transmitter, select Options >FM transmitter, and set FM transmitter to Off.If music is not played for several minutes, thetransmitter switches off automatically.35Music folderCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
FM transmitter settingsPress  , and select Music > FM transmitter.To activate the FM transmitter, select FMtransmitter > On.To set a frequency manually, select Frequency andenter the desired value.To list the previously used frequencies, selectOptions > Last frequencies.Radio applicationsPress  , select Music > Radio, and Visual Radioor Internet radio.FM radio   You can use the radio as a traditional FM radio andautomatically tune into and save stations. If youtune into stations that offer the Visual Radio service(network service), you will see information relatedto the radio programme on the display.The radio supports Radio Data System (RDS)functionality. Radio stations supporting RDS maydisplay information, such as the name of thestation. If activated in the settings, RDS alsoattempts to scan for an alternative frequency for thecurrently playing station, if the reception is weak.The radio supports radio broadcast data system(RBDS) functionality. Radio stations supporting RDSmay display information, such as the name of thestation. If activated in the settings, RDS alsoattempts to scan for an alternative frequency for thecurrently playing station, if the reception is weak.When you open the radio for the first time, a wizardhelps you to save local radio stations (networkservice).If you cannot access the Visual Radio service, theoperators and radio stations in your area may notsupport Visual Radio.For more information on the radio, see theextended user guide on the product support pagesof the Nokia website.Listen to the radioThe FM radio depends on an antenna other than thewireless device antenna. A compatible headset orenhancement needs to be attached to the device forthe FM radio to function properly.Press  , and select Music > Radio > VisualRadio.The quality of the radio broadcast depends on thecoverage of the radio station in that particular area.You can make a call or answer an incoming callwhile listening to the radio. The radio is mutedwhen there is an active call.36Music folderCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
To start a station search, select   or  .To change the frequency manually, selectOptions > Manual tuning.If you have saved radio stations in your device, togo to the next or previous saved station, select or  .To adjust the volume, use the volume key.Warning: Listen to music at a moderate level.Continuous exposure to high volume may damageyour hearing. Do not hold the device near your earwhen the loudspeaker is in use, because the volumemay be extremely loud.To listen to the radio using the loudspeaker, selectOptions > Activate loudspeaker.To view available stations based on location, selectOptions > Station directory (network service).To save the station to which you are currently tunedto your station list, select Options > Savestation.To open the list of your saved stations, selectOptions > Stations.To return to the standby mode while listening to theFM radio in the background, select Options > Playin background.Nokia Internet RadioWith the Nokia Internet Radio application (networkservice), you can listen to available radio stationson the internet. To listen to radio stations, you musthave a WLAN or packet data access point defined inyour device. Listening to the stations may involvethe transmission of large amounts of data throughyour service provider's network. The recommendedconnection method is WLAN. Check with yourservice provider for terms and data service feesbefore using other connections. For example, a flatrate data plan can allow large data transfers for aset monthly fee.For more information on the internet radio settings,see the extended user guide on the product supportpages of the Nokia website.Listen to internet radio stationsPress  , and select Music > Radio > Internetradio.Warning: Listen to music at a moderate level.Continuous exposure to high volume may damageyour hearing. Do not hold the device near your earwhen the loudspeaker is in use, because the volumemay be extremely loud.To listen to a radio station on the internet, do thefollowing: 37Music folderCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
1. Select a station from your favourites or thestation directory, or search stations by theirname from the Nokia Internet Radio service.To add a station manually, select Options >Add station manually. You can also browse forstation links with the Web application.Compatible links are automatically opened inthe Internet Radio application.2. Select Listen.The Now playing view opens displayinginformation about the currently playing stationand song.To stop the playback, press the scroll key; to resume,press the scroll key again.To adjust the volume, use the volume key.To view station information, select Options >Station information (not available if you havesaved the station manually).If you are listening to a station saved in yourfavourites, scroll left or right to listen to theprevious or next saved station.38Music folderCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
CameraFor more information on the camera and camerasettings, see the extended user guide on theproduct support pages of the Nokia website.About the cameraYour Nokia N79 has two cameras. The main, high-resolution camera, is on the back of the device. Thesecondary, lower resolution camera is on the front.You can use both cameras to capture images andrecord videos.Your device supports an image capture resolutionof 2592x1944 pixels. The image resolution in thisguide may appear different.The images and video clips are saved in Photos.See "Photos", p. 44. The produced images are inthe JPEG format. Video clips are recorded in theMPEG-4 file format with the .mp4 file extension, orin the 3GPP file format with the .3gp file extension(sharing quality).To free memory for new images and video clips,transfer files to a compatible PC using a compatibleUSB data cable, for example, and remove the filesfrom your device. The device informs you when thememory is full. You can then free up memory in thecurrent storage or change the memory in use.Activate the cameraTo activate the main camera, open the lens cover.To activate the main camera when the lens cover isalready open and the camera is active in thebackground, press and hold the capture key.To close the main camera, close the lens cover.Keep a safe distance when using the flash. Do notuse the flash on people or animals at close range.Do not cover the flash while taking a picture.Image captureStill image camera indicatorsThe still image camera viewfinder displays thefollowing:39CameraCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
1 — Capture mode indicator2 — Active toolbar (not displayed during imagecapture). See "Active toolbar", p. 40.3 — Battery charge level indicator4 — Image resolution indicator5 — Image counter (the estimated number ofimages you can capture using the current imagequality setting and memory)6 — The device memory ( ) and memory card ( )indicators, which show where images are saved7 — GPS signal indicator. See "Locationinformation", p. 41.Active toolbarThe active toolbar provides you with shortcuts todifferent items and settings before and aftercapturing an image or recording a video. Scroll toitems, and select them by pressing the scroll key.You can also define when the active toolbar is visibleon the display.The settings in the active toolbar return to thedefault settings after you close the camera.To view the active toolbar before and aftercapturing an image or recording a video, selectOptions > Show icons. To view the active toolbaronly when you need it, select Options > Hideicons. To activate the active toolbar when it ishidden, press the scroll key. The toolbar is visible for5 seconds.In the active toolbar, select from the following:   to switch between the video mode and theimage mode   to select the scene   to switch the video light on or off (video modeonly)   to select the flash mode (images only)   to activate the self-timer (images only).   to activate the sequence mode (images only).   to select a colour effect   to show or hide the viewfinder grid (imagesonly)   to adjust white balance40CameraCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
   to adjust the exposure compensation (imagesonly)   to adjust sharpness (images only)   to adjust contrast (images only)   to adjust light sensitivity (images only)The icons change to reflect the current setting.Saving the captured image may take longer if youchange the zoom, lighting, or colour settings.The active toolbar in Photos has different options.See "Active toolbar", p. 45.Capture imagesWhen capturing an image, note the following:●Use both hands to keep the camera still.●The quality of a digitally zoomed image is lowerthan that of a nonzoomed image.●The camera goes into the battery saving mode ifthere are no keypresses for a moment. Tocontinue capturing images, press the capturekey.To capture an image, do the following:1. If the camera is in the video mode, select theimage mode from the active toolbar.2. To lock the focus on an object, press the capturekey halfway down (main camera only, notavailable in landscape or sport scene. See "Activetoolbar", p. 40.). A green locked focus indicatorappears on the display. If the focus was notlocked, a red focus indicator appears. Releasethe capture key, and press it halfway downagain. You can also capture an image withoutlocking the focus.3. To capture an image, pressthe capture key. Do notmove the device before theimage is saved and the finalimage appears on thescreen.To zoom in or out whencapturing an image, use thezoom key in your device.Location informationYou can automatically add capture locationinformation to the file details of the capturedmaterial. For example, in the Photos application youcan then view the location where an image wascaptured.To add location information to all capturedmaterial, in Camera, select Options > Settings >Record location > Yes.Location information indicators at the bottom ofthe display: 41CameraCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
●  — Location information unavailable. GPSstays on in the background for several minutes.If a satellite connection is found and the indicatorchanges to   within that time, all the imagesand video captured during that time are taggedbased on the received GPS positioninginformation.●  — Location information is available. Locationinformation is added to the file details.Files with location information are indicated by in the Photos application.FlashThe flash is available only in the main camera.Keep a safe distance when using the flash. Do notuse the flash on people or animals at close range.Do not cover the flash while taking a picture.The camera of your device has a dual LED flash forlow light conditions.Select the desired flash mode from the activetoolbar: Automatic ( ), Red-eye ( ), On ( ), andOff ( ).Video recordingVideo capture indicatorsThe video viewfinder displays the following:1 — Capture mode indicator2 — Video stabilisation on indicator3 — Audio mute on indicator4 — Active toolbar (not displayed during recording).See "Active toolbar", p. 40.5 — Battery charge level indicator6 — Video quality indicator. To change this setting,select Options > Settings > Video quality.7 — Video clip file type8 — Available recording time. When you arerecording, the current video length indicator alsoshows the elapsed and remaining time.9 — The location to which the video clip is saved.42CameraCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
10 — GPS signal indicator. See "Locationinformation", p. 41.Record videos1. If the camera is in the image mode, select thevideo mode from the active toolbar.2. To start recording, press the capture key. The redrecord icon ( ) is displayed and a tone sounds.3. To pause recording at any time, press Pause.Select Continue to resume. If you pauserecording and do not press any key within oneminute, the recording stops.To zoom in or out of the subject, use the zoomkey in your device.4. To stop recording, press the capture key. Thevideo clip is automatically saved in Photos. Themaximum length of a video clip is approximately30 seconds with sharing quality and 90 minuteswith other quality settings.To activate the front camera, select Options > Usesecondary camera. To start recording a video,press the scroll key. To zoom in or out, scroll up ordown.43CameraCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
PhotosFor information on file details, albums, tags, slideshow, image and video editing, printing, andsharing media files online, see the extended userguide on the product support pages of the Nokiawebsite. See also the Gallery application in theextended user guide.About PhotosPress  , select Photos and from the following:●Captured  — to show all the photos and videosyou have taken●Months  — to show photos and videoscategorised by the month they where taken●Albums  — to show the default albums and thoseyou have created●Tags  — to show tags you have created for eachitem●Downloads  — to show items and videosdownloaded from the web or received via MMSor email●All  — to view all itemsFiles stored on your compatible memory card (ifinserted) are indicated with  .To open a file, press the scroll key. Video clips openand play in Video centre.To copy or move files to another memory location,select a file, Options > Move and copy, and fromthe available options.View images and videosPress  , select Photos and one of the following:●All  — View all images and videos.●Captured  — View images captured and videoclips recorded with the camera of your device.●Downloads  — View downloaded video clips andvideo clips saved in Video centre.Images and video clips can also be sent to you in amultimedia message, as an e-mail attachment, orthrough Bluetooth connectivity. To be able to viewa received image or video clip in Photos, you mustfirst save it.44PhotosCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
The images andvideo clip files arein a loop andordered by dateand time. Thenumber of files isdisplayed. Tobrowse the filesone by one, scrollleft or right. Tobrowse files in groups, scroll up or down. Or, if theNavi wheel setting is activated, to browse the files,slide your finger on the rim of the scroll key.To open a file, press the scroll key. When an imageopens, to zoom in the image, press the zoom key onthe side of your device. The zooming ratio is notstored permanently.To edit a video clip or an image, select Options >Edit.To see where an image marked with   wascaptured, select Options > Show on map.Active toolbarThe active toolbar is available only when you haveselected an image or a video clip in a view.In the active toolbar, scroll up or down to differentitems, and select them by pressing the scroll key.The available options vary depending on the viewyou are in and whether you have selected an imageor a video clip.To hide the toolbar, select Options > Hide icons.To activate the active toolbar when it is hidden,press the scroll key.Select from the following:  to play the selected video clip  to send the selected image or video clip  to upload the selected image or video clip to acompatible online album (only available if you haveset up an account for a compatible online album).  to add the selected item to an album  to manage tags and other properties of theselected item  to delete the selected image or video clip45PhotosCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Home networkFor more information on the home network, see theextended user guide on the product support pagesof the Nokia website.About home networkYour device is compatible with Universal Plug andPlay (UPnP) and certified by Digital Living NetworkAlliance (DLNA). You can use a wireless LAN (WLAN)access point device or a WLAN router to create ahome network. Then you can connect compatibleUPnP devices that support WLAN to the network.Compatible devices may be your mobile device, acompatible PC, sound system, or television, or acompatible wireless multimedia receiver connectedto a sound system or a television.You can share and synchronise media files in yourmobile device with other compatible UPnP andDLNA certified devices using the home network. Toenable the home network functionality andmanage the settings, press  , and select Tools >Connectivity > Home media. You can also use theHome media application to view and play mediafiles from home network devices on your device oron other compatible devices such as a PC, soundsystem, or television.To view your media files in another home networkdevice, in Photos, select a file, Options > Show viahome network, and the device.Important securityinformationWhen you configure your WLAN home network,enable an encryption method on your access pointdevice, then on the other devices you intend toconnect to your home network. Refer to thedocumentation of the devices. Keep any passcodessecret and in a safe place separate from the devices.You can view or change the settings of the WLANinternet access point in your device.If you use the ad hoc operating mode to create ahome network with a compatible device, enableone of the encryption methods in WLAN securitymode when you configure the internet accesspoint. This step reduces the risk of an unwantedparty joining the ad hoc network.46Home networkCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Your device notifies you if another device attemptsto connect to it and the home network. Do notaccept connection requests from an unknowndevice.If you use WLAN in a network that does not haveencryption, switch off sharing your files with otherdevices, or do not share any private media files.47Home networkCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Write and send messagesFor more information on messaging and messagingsettings, see the extended user guide on theproduct support pages of the Nokia website.Press  , and select Messaging.Important: Exercise caution when openingmessages. Messages may contain malicioussoftware or otherwise be harmful to your device orPC.Before you can create a multimedia message orwrite an e-mail, you must have the correctconnection settings in place.The wireless network maylimit the size of MMSmessages. If the insertedpicture exceeds this limitthe device may make itsmaller so that it can besent by MMS.1. Select Newmessage > Messageto send a text ormultimedia message(MMS), Audiomessage (a multimedia message that includesone sound clip), or E-mail.2. In the To field, press the scroll key to selectrecipients or groups from contacts, or enter therecipient’s phone number or e-mail address. Toadd a semicolon (;) that separates the recipients,press *.3. In the Subject field, enter the subject of the e-mail. To change the fields that are visible, selectOptions > Message header fields.4. In the message field, write the message.5. To add a media object to a multimedia message,select Options > Insert, the object type orsource, and the desired object. To insert abusiness card, slide, note, or some other file tothe message, select Options > Insert > Insertother.6. To capture an image or record video or sound fora multimedia message, select Options >Insert > Insert image > New, Insert videoclip > New, or Insert sound clip > New .7. To add an attachment to an e-mail, selectOptions > Insert > Image, Sound clip, Video48Write and send messagesCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
clip, Note, or Other. E-mail attachments areindicated by  .8. To send the message, select Options > Send,or press the call key.Note: The message sent icon or text on yourdevice screen does not indicate that the message isreceived at the intended destination.Your device supports text messages beyond thelimit for a single message. Longer messages aresent as two or more messages. Your service providermay charge accordingly. Characters with accents orother marks, and characters from some languageoptions, take up more space, and limit the numberof characters that can be sent in a single message.You may not be able to send video clips that aresaved in the .mp4 format or that exceed the sizelimit of the wireless network in a multimediamessage.49Write and send messagesCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Make callsFor more information on different call types,options during calls, speed dialling, voice dialling,call waiting, video sharing,internet calls, and log,see the extended user guide on the product supportpages of the Nokia website.Voice calls 1. In the standby mode, enter the phone number,including the area code. To remove a number,press C.For international calls, press * twice for the +character (which replaces the internationalaccess code), and enter the country code, areacode (omit the leading zero if necessary), andphone number. The character + as a replacementfor the international access code may not workin all regions. In this case, enter the internationalaccess code directly.2. To make the call, press the call key.3. To end the call (or to cancel the call attempt),press the end key.Pressing the end key always ends a call, even ifanother application is active.To make a call from Contacts, press  , and selectContacts. Scroll to the desired name, or enter thefirst letters of the name to the search field. To callthe contact, press the call key. If you have savedseveral numbers for a contact, select the desirednumber from the list, and press the call key.Make a video callWhen you make a video call (network service), youcan see a real-time, two-way video between youand the recipient of the call. The live video image,or video image captured by the camera in yourdevice is shown to the video call recipient.To be able to make a video call, you must have aUSIM card and be in the coverage of a UMTS network.For availability of and subscription to video callservices, contact your network service provider.A video call can only be made between two parties.The video call can be made to a compatible mobiledevice or an ISDN client. Video calls cannot be madewhile another voice, video, or data call is active.1. To start a video call, enter the phone number inthe standby mode, or select Contacts and acontact.50Make callsCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
2. Select Options > Call > Video call.3. To end the video call, press the end key.51Make callsCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
EnhancementsWarning: Use only batteries, chargers, andenhancements approved by Nokia for use with thisparticular model. The use of any other types mayinvalidate any approval or warranty, and may bedangerous.For availability of approved enhancements, pleasecheck with your dealer. When you disconnect thepower cord of any enhancement, grasp and pull theplug, not the cord.52EnhancementsCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Battery and charger informationBattery and chargerinformationYour device is powered by a rechargeable battery.The battery intended for use with this device isBL-6F . Nokia may make additional battery modelsavailable for this device. This device is intended foruse when supplied with power from the followingchargers: AC-5, AC-8, DC-1, DC-8, DC-9 . The exactcharger model number may vary depending on thetype of plug. The plug variant is identified by one ofthe following: E, EB, X, AR, U, A, C, or UB.The battery can be charged and dischargedhundreds of times, but it will eventually wear out.When the talk and standby times are noticeablyshorter than normal, replace the battery. Use onlyNokia approved batteries, and recharge yourbattery only with Nokia approved chargersdesignated for this device. Use of an unapprovedbattery or charger may present a risk of fire,explosion, leakage, or other hazard.If a battery is being used for the first time or if thebattery has not been used for a prolonged period,it may be necessary to connect the charger, thendisconnect and reconnect it to begin charging thebattery. If the battery is completely discharged, itmay take several minutes before the chargingindicator appears on the display or before any callscan be made.Always switch the device off and disconnect thecharger before removing the battery.Unplug the charger from the electrical plug and thedevice when not in use. Do not leave a fully chargedbattery connected to a charger, since overchargingmay shorten its lifetime. If left unused, a fullycharged battery will lose its charge over time.Always try to keep the battery between 15°C and25°C (59°F and 77°F). Extreme temperatures reducethe capacity and lifetime of the battery. A devicewith a hot or cold battery may not worktemporarily. Battery performance is particularlylimited in temperatures well below freezing.Do not short-circuit the battery. Accidental short-circuiting can occur when a metallic object such asa coin, clip, or pen causes direct connection of thepositive (+) and negative (-) terminals of thebattery. (These look like metal strips on thebattery.) This might happen, for example, when youcarry a spare battery in your pocket or purse. Short-53Battery and charger informationCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
circuiting the terminals may damage the battery orthe connecting object.Do not dispose of batteries in a fire as they mayexplode. Batteries may also explode if damaged.Dispose of batteries according to local regulations.Please recycle when possible. Do not dispose ashousehold waste.Do not dismantle, cut, open, crush, bend, deform,puncture, or shred cells or batteries. In the event ofa battery leak, do not allow the liquid to come incontact with the skin or eyes. In the event of such aleak, flush your skin or eyes immediately withwater, or seek medical help.Do not modify, remanufacture, attempt to insertforeign objects into the battery, or immerse orexpose it to water or other liquids.Improper battery use may result in a fire, explosion,or other hazard. If the device or battery is dropped,especially on a hard surface, and you believe thebattery has been damaged, take it to a servicecentre for inspection before continuing to use it.Use the battery only for its intended purpose. Neveruse any charger or battery that is damaged. Keepyour battery out of the reach of small children.Nokia batteryauthentication guidelinesAlways use original Nokia batteries for your safety.To check that you are getting an original Nokiabattery, purchase it from an authorised Nokiadealer, and inspect the hologram label using thefollowing steps:Successful completion of the steps is not a totalassurance of the authenticity of the battery. If youhave any reason to believe that your battery is notan authentic, original Nokia battery, you shouldrefrain from using it, and take it to the nearestauthorised Nokia service point or dealer forassistance. Your authorised Nokia service point ordealer will inspect the battery for authenticity. Ifauthenticity cannot be verified, return the batteryto the place of purchase.Authenticate hologram1. When you look at thehologram on the label, youshould see the Nokiaconnecting hands symbolfrom one angle and the NokiaOriginal Enhancements logowhen looking from anotherangle.54Battery and charger informationCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
2. When you angle thehologram left, right, downand up, you should see 1, 2, 3and 4 dots on each siderespectively.What if your battery is notauthentic?If you cannot confirm that your Nokia battery withthe hologram on the label is an authentic Nokiabattery, please do not use the battery. Take it to thenearest authorised Nokia service point or dealer forassistance. The use of a battery that is not approvedby the manufacturer may be dangerous and mayresult in poor performance and damage to yourdevice and its enhancements. It may also invalidateany approval or warranty applying to the device.For additional information, refer to the warrantyand reference leaflet included with your Nokiadevice.55Battery and charger informationCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Care and maintenanceYour device is a product of superior design andcraftsmanship and should be treated with care. Thefollowing suggestions will help you protect yourwarranty coverage.●Keep the device dry. Precipitation, humidity, andall types of liquids or moisture can containminerals that will corrode electronic circuits. Ifyour device does get wet, remove the battery,and allow the device to dry completely beforereplacing it.●Do not use or store the device in dusty, dirtyareas. Its moving parts and electroniccomponents can be damaged.●Do not store the device in hot areas. Hightemperatures can shorten the life of electronicdevices, damage batteries, and warp or meltcertain plastics.●Do not store the device in cold areas. When thedevice returns to its normal temperature,moisture can form inside the device and damageelectronic circuit boards.●Do not attempt to open the device other than asinstructed in this guide.●Do not drop, knock, or shake the device. Roughhandling can break internal circuit boards andfine mechanics.●Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, orstrong detergents to clean the device.●Do not paint the device. Paint can clog themoving parts and prevent proper operation.●Use a soft, clean, dry cloth to clean any lenses,such as camera, proximity sensor, and lightsensor lenses.●Use only the supplied or an approvedreplacement antenna. Unauthorised antennas,modifications, or attachments could damage thedevice and may violate regulations governingradio devices.●Use chargers indoors.●Always create a backup of data you want to keep,such as contacts and calendar notes.●To reset the device from time to time foroptimum performance, power off the device andremove the battery.These suggestions apply equally to your device,battery, charger, or any enhancement. If any device56Care and maintenanceCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
is not working properly, take it to the nearestauthorised service facility for service.DisposalThe crossed-out wheeled-bin symbol on yourproduct, literature, or packaging reminds youthat all electrical and electronic products,batteries, and accumulators must be taken toseparate collection at the end of their working life.This requirement applies to the European Union andother locations where separate collection systemsare available. Do not dispose of these products asunsorted municipal waste.By returning the products to collection you helpprevent uncontrolled waste disposal and promotethe reuse of material resources. More detailedinformation is available from the product retailer,local waste authorities, national producerresponsibility organizations, or your local Nokiarepresentative. For the product Eco-Declaration orinstructions for returning your obsolete product, goto country-specific information and maintenanceCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Additional safety informationSmall childrenYour device and its enhancements may containsmall parts. Keep them out of the reach of smallchildren.Operating environmentThis device meets RF exposure guidelines whenused either in the normal use position against theear or when positioned at least 1.5 centimetres (5/8inch) away from the body. When a carry case, beltclip, or holder is used for body-worn operation, itshould not contain metal and should position thedevice the above-stated distance from your body.To transmit data files or messages, this devicerequires a quality connection to the network. Insome cases, transmission of data files or messagesmay be delayed until such a connection is available.Ensure the above separation distance instructionsare followed until the transmission is completed.Parts of the device are magnetic. Metallic materialsmay be attracted to the device. Do not place creditcards or other magnetic storage media near thedevice, because information stored on them may beerased.Medical devicesOperation of any radio transmitting equipment,including wireless phones, may interfere with thefunctionality of inadequately protected medicaldevices. Consult a physician or the manufacturer ofthe medical device to determine if they areadequately shielded from external RF energy or ifyou have any questions. Switch off your device inhealth care facilities when any regulations postedin these areas instruct you to do so. Hospitals orhealth care facilities may be using equipment thatcould be sensitive to external RF energy.Implanted medical devicesManufacturers of medical devices recommend thata minimum separation of 15.3 centimetres (6inches) should be maintained between a wirelessdevice and an implanted medical device, such as apacemaker or implanted cardioverter defibrillator,to avoid potential interference with the medicaldevice. Persons who have such devices should:58Additional safety informationCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
●Always keep the wireless device more than 15.3centimetres (6 inches) from the medical devicewhen the wireless device is turned on.●Not carry the wireless device in a breast pocket.●Hold the wireless device to the ear opposite themedical device to minimise the potential forinterference.●Turn the wireless device off immediately if thereis any reason to suspect that interference istaking place.●Read and follow the directions from themanufacturer of their implanted medical device.If you have any questions about using your wirelessdevice with an implanted medical device, consultyour health care provider.Hearing aidsSome digital wireless devices may interfere withsome hearing aids. If interference occurs, consultyour service provider.Hearing aidsWarning: For hearing aid compatibility, youmust turn off the Bluetooth connectivity.Your mobile device model complies with FCC rulesgoverning hearing aid compatibility. These rulesrequire an M3 microphone or higher value. The M-value, shown on the device box , refers to lowerradio frequency (RF) emissions. A higher M-valuegenerally indicates that a device model has a lowerRF emissions level, which may improve thelikelihood that the device will operate with certainhearing aids. Some hearing aids are more immunethan others to interference. Please consult yourhearing health professional to determine the M-rating of your hearing aid and whether your hearingaid will work with this device. More information onaccessibility can be found signals may affect improperly installed orinadequately shielded electronic systems in motorvehicles such as electronic fuel injection systems,electronic antiskid (antilock) braking systems,electronic speed control systems, and air bagsystems. For more information, check with themanufacturer, or its representative, of your vehicleor any equipment that has been added.Only qualified personnel should service the deviceor install the device in a vehicle. Faulty installationor service may be dangerous and may invalidate anywarranty that may apply to the device. Checkregularly that all wireless device equipment in your 59Additional safety informationCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
vehicle is mounted and operating properly. Do notstore or carry flammable liquids, gases, or explosivematerials in the same compartment as the device,its parts, or enhancements. For vehicles equippedwith an air bag, remember that air bags inflate withgreat force. Do not place objects, including installedor portable wireless equipment in the area over theair bag or in the air bag deployment area. If in-vehicle wireless equipment is improperly installedand the air bag inflates, serious injury could result.Using your device while flying in aircraft isprohibited. Switch off your device before boardingan aircraft. The use of wireless teledevices in anaircraft may be dangerous to the operation of theaircraft, disrupt the wireless telephone network,and may be illegal.Potentially explosiveenvironmentsSwitch off your device when in any area with apotentially explosive atmosphere, and obey allsigns and instructions. Potentially explosiveatmospheres include areas where you wouldnormally be advised to turn off your vehicle engine.Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fireresulting in bodily injury or even death. Switch offthe device at refuelling points such as near gaspumps at service stations. Observe restrictions onthe use of radio equipment in fuel depots, storage,and distribution areas; chemical plants; or whereblasting operations are in progress. Areas with apotentially explosive atmosphere are often, but notalways, clearly marked. They include below deck onboats, chemical transfer or storage facilities andareas where the air contains chemicals or particlessuch as grain, dust, or metal powders. You shouldcheck with the manufacturers of vehicles usingliquefied petroleum gas (such as propane orbutane) to determine if this device can be safelyused in their vicinity.Emergency callsImportant: This device operates using radiosignals, wireless networks, landline networks, anduser-programmed functions. If your devicesupports voice calls over the internet (internetcalls), activate both the internet calls and thecellular phone. The device will attempt to makeemergency calls over both the cellular networks andthrough your internet call provider if both areactivated. Connections in all conditions cannot beguaranteed. You should never rely solely on anywireless device for essential communications likemedical emergencies.To make an emergency call:60Additional safety informationCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
1. If the device is not on, switch it on. Check foradequate signal strength. Depending on yourdevice, you may also need to complete thefollowing:●Insert a SIM card if your device uses one.●Remove certain call restrictions you haveactivated in your device.●Change your profile from offline or flightprofile mode to an active profile.2. Press the end key as many times as needed toclear the display and ready the device for calls.3. Enter the official emergency number for yourpresent location. Emergency numbers vary bylocation.4. Press the call key.When making an emergency call, give all thenecessary information as accurately as possible.Your wireless device may be the only means ofcommunication at the scene of an accident. Do notend the call until given permission to do so.CERTIFICATION INFORMATION(SAR)This mobile device meets guidelines forexposure to radio waves.Your mobile device is a radio transmitter andreceiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits forexposure to radio waves recommended byinternational guidelines. These guidelines weredeveloped by the independent scientificorganisation ICNIRP and include safety marginsdesigned to assure the protection of all persons,regardless of age and health.The exposure guidelines for mobile devices employa unit of measurement known as the SpecificAbsorption Rate or SAR. The SAR limit stated in theICNIRP guidelines is 2.0 watts/kilogram (W/kg)averaged over 10 grams of tissue. Tests for SAR areconducted using standard operating positions withthe device transmitting at its highest certifiedpower level in all tested frequency bands. The actualSAR level of an operating device can be below themaximum value because the device is designed touse only the power required to reach the network.That amount changes depending on a number offactors such as how close you are to a network basestation. The highest SAR value under the ICNIRPguidelines for use of the device at the ear is 1.17 W/kg.Use of device accessories and enhancements mayresult in different SAR values. SAR values may varydepending on national reporting and testingrequirements and the network band. Additional SAR61Additional safety informationCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
information may be provided under productinformation at mobile device is also designed to meet therequirements for exposure to radio wavesestablished by the Federal CommunicationsCommission (USA) and Industry Canada. Theserequirements set a SAR limit of 1.6 W/kg averagedover one gram of tissue. The highest SAR valuereported under this standard during productcertification for use at the ear is 1.42 W/kg andwhen properly worn on the body is 1.10 W/kg.62Additional safety informationCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
IndexAactive standby mode 22active toolbarin camera 40in Photos 45applicationsupdating 11assisted GPS (A-GPS) 24audio messages 48Bblogs 16Bluetooth connectivitydevice visibility 20pairing devices 21security 20sending data 20settings 20switching on/off 20browserbrowsing pages 15cache memory 17security 17widgets 16Ccache memory 17calls 50cameraflash 42imaging mode 41indicators 39location information 41video mode 43clock 23DDLNA 46Ffeeds, news 16FM radio 36FM transmitter 35playing songs 35settings 36Ggames 13general information 9GPS (Global PositioningSystem) 24grid view of menus 23Hhelp application 9home network 46Iinternet connection 15See also browserinternet radiolistening 37Llist view of menus 23location information 24Mmain menu 23Maps 27mediamusic player 32radio 36memoryweb cache 17MMS (multimedia messageservice) 48multimedia messages 48 63IndexCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
music player 32transferring music 34NN-Gage 13Navi wheel 13navigation tools 24news feeds 16Ooffline mode 14PphotographsSee cameraphotosviewing 44positioning information 24profilesoffline restrictions 14Rradio 36RBDS (Radio Broadcast DataSystem) 36RDS (Radio Data System) 36recording video clips 43ringing tones 22Sscroll key 13securityweb browser 17settingsBluetooth connectivity 20FM transmitter 36SMS (short messageservice) 48software update 10songs 32standby mode 22Ttext messagessending 48tones 22toolbar 40, 45transferring music 33UUPnP (Universal Plug and Playarchitecture) 46useful information 9Vvideo calls 50Visual Radio 36voice callsSee callsWweb connection 15web logs 16widgets 16wireless LAN (WLAN) 18Zzooming 41, 4364IndexCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlackCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack

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