Microsoft RM-624 GSM/WCDMA cellular phone w/BT, WLAN User Manual Manual

Microsoft Mobile Oy GSM/WCDMA cellular phone w/BT, WLAN Manual


Nokia C6–00 User GuidexxxxxxIssue 1CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYHereby, NOKIA CORPORATION declares that this RM-624product is in compliance with the essential requirements andother relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. A copy of theDeclaration of Conformity can be found at, Nokia Connecting People, Nseries, N97, Nokia OriginalAccessories logo, and Ovi are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Nokia Corporation. Nokia tune is a sound markof Nokia Corporation. Other product and company namesmentioned herein may be trademarks or tradenames of theirrespective owners.Reproduction, transfer, distribution, or storage of part or allof the contents in this document in any form without the priorwritten permission of Nokia is prohibited. Nokia operates apolicy of continuous development. Nokia reserves the rightto make changes and improvements to any of the productsdescribed in this document without prior notice.This product includes software licensed from SymbianSoftware Ltd ©1998-2009. Symbian and Symbian OS aretrademarks of Symbian Ltd.Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.Portions of the Nokia Maps software are ©1996-2009 TheFreeType Project. All rights reserved.This product is licensed under the MPEG-4 Visual PatentPortfolio License (i) for personal and noncommercial use inconnection with information which has been encoded incompliance with the MPEG-4 Visual Standard by a consumerengaged in a personal and noncommercial activity and (ii) foruse in connection with MPEG-4 video provided by a licensedvideo provider. No license is granted or shall be implied forany other use. Additional information, including that relatedto promotional, internal, and commercial uses, may beobtained from MPEG LA, LLC. See THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW,UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL NOKIA OR ANY OF ITSLICENSORS BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS OF DATA OR INCOMEOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECTDAMAGES HOWSOEVER CAUSED.The third-party applications provided with your device mayhave been created and may be owned by persons or entitiesnot affiliated with or related to Nokia. Nokia does not ownthe copyrights or intellectual property rights to the third-party applications. As such, Nokia does not take anyresponsibility for end-user support, functionality of theapplications, or the information in the applications or thesematerials. Nokia does not provide any warranty for the third-party applications.BY USING THE APPLICATIONS YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEAPPLICATIONS ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OFANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENTPERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGETHAT NEITHER NOKIA NOR ITS AFFILIATES MAKE ANYREPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF TITLE,MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ORTHAT THE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD-PARTYPATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS, OR OTHER RIGHTS.THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED "AS IS".EXCEPT AS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW, NO WARRANTIES OFANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYAND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE MADE INRELATION TO THE ACCURACY, RELIABILITY OR CONTENTS OF THISDOCUMENT. NOKIA RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REVISE THISDOCUMENT OR WITHDRAW IT AT ANY TIME WITHOUT PRIORNOTICE.Reverse engineering of software in the device is prohibitedto the extent permitted by applicable law. Insofar as this userguide contains any limitations on Nokia's representations,warranties, damages and liabilities, such limitations shalllikewise limit any representations, warranties, damages andliabilities of Nokia's licensors.The availability of particular products and applications andservices for these products may vary by region. Please checkwith your Nokia dealer for details and availability of languageoptions. This device may contain commodities, technology orsoftware subject to export laws and regulations from the USand other countries. Diversion contrary to law is prohibited.The availability of some features may vary by region. Pleasecontact your operator for more details.FCC/INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICEYour device may cause TV or radio interference (for example,when using a telephone in close proximity to receivingequipment). The FCC or Industry Canada can require you tostop using your telephone if such interference cannot beeliminated. If you require assistance, contact your localservice facility. This device complies with part 15 of the FCCrules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)this device must accept any interference received, includingCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
interference that may cause undesired operation. Anychanges or modifications not expressly approved by Nokiacould void the user's authority to operate this equipment.xxxxxx/Issue 1 ENCyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
ContentsSafety 6About your device 6Office applications 7Network services 7Shared memory 7ActiveSync 8Magnets and magnetic fields 8Find help 9Support 9In-device help 9Accessibility solutions 9Do more with your device 9Update device software 10Access codes 10Remote lock 11Prolong battery life 11Get started 12Keys and parts (front) 12Keys and parts (top) 12Keys and parts (sides) 13Keys and parts (bottom) 13Keys and parts (back) 13Insert the SIM card and battery 13Memory card 14Antenna locations 15Switch the device on or off 15Charge the battery 15Touch screen actions 16Write text 17Lock the keys and touch screen 18Headset 18Transfer content 18Your device 20Home screen 20Display indicators 20Visit Ovi 21Make calls 22Touch screen during calls 22Make a voice call  22Answer or reject a call 23Contact search 23Contacts (phonebook) 24Save and edit names and numbers 24Mail 24About Mail 24Send a mail 24Messaging 25Write and send messages 25Nokia Messaging 26About Nokia Messaging 26Connectivity 27Wi-Fi/WLAN connection  27Bluetooth connectivity 27Internet 29Browse the web 29Maps 30Maps overview 30Camera 31Image capture 31Photos 32About Photos 32View images and video clips 32Music 34Play a song or podcast 34FM radio 34Videos 35Download and play a video clip 35Green tips 36Save energy 36Recycle 364
Save paper 36Learn more 37Accessories 38Battery 38Battery and charger information 38Nokia battery authenticationguidelines 38Taking care of your device 39Recycle 39Additional safety information 39Small children 39Operating environment 39Medical devices 39Vehicles 40Potentially explosive environments 40Emergency calls 40Certification information (SAR) 40Index 5CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
SafetyRead these simple guidelines. Notfollowing them may be dangerous orillegal. Read the complete user guide forfurther information.SWITCH ON SAFELYDo not switch the device onwhen wireless phone use isprohibited or when it maycause interference or danger.INTERFERENCEAll wireless devices may besusceptible to interference,which could affectperformance.SWITCH OFF IN RESTRICTED AREASFollow any restrictions. Switchthe device off in aircraft, nearmedical equipment, fuel,chemicals, or blasting areas.ROAD SAFETY COMES FIRSTObey all local laws. Always keepyour hands free to operate thevehicle while driving. Your firstconsideration while drivingshould be road safety.QUALIFIED SERVICEOnly qualified personnel mayinstall or repair this product.ACCESSORIES AND BATTERIESUse only approved accessoriesand batteries. Do not connectincompatible products.WATER-RESISTANCEYour device is not water-resistant. Keep it dry.About your deviceThe wireless device described in this guideis approved for use on the (E)GSM 850, 900,1800, 1900, and UMTS 850, 1900, 2100networks. Contact your service providerfor more information about networks.When using the features in this device,obey all laws and respect local customs,privacy and legitimate rights of others,including copyrights.Copyright protection may prevent someimages, music, and other content frombeing copied, modified, or transferred.Your device supports several methods ofconnectivity. Like computers, your devicemay be exposed to viruses and otherharmful content. Exercise caution withmessages, connectivity requests,browsing, and downloads. Only installand use services and other software fromtrustworthy sources that offer adequatesecurity and protection against harmfulsoftware, such as applications that areSymbian Signed or have passed the JavaVerified™ testing. Consider installingantivirus and other security software onyour device and any connected computer.Important:  Your device can only supportone antivirus application. Having morethan one application with antivirusfunctionality could affect performanceand operation or cause the device to stopfunctioning.Your device may have preinstalledbookmarks and links for third-partyinternet sites. You may also access otherthird-party sites through your device.Third-party sites are not affiliated with6
Nokia, and Nokia does not endorse orassume liability for them. If you choose toaccess such sites, you should takeprecautions for security or content.Warning:To use any features in this device, otherthan the alarm clock, the device must beswitched on. Do not switch the device onwhen wireless device use may causeinterference or danger.Remember to make back-up copies orkeep a written record of all importantinformation stored in your device.When connecting to any other device,read its user guide for detailed safetyinstructions. Do not connect incompatibleproducts.The images in this guide may differ fromyour device display.Office applicationsThe office applications support commonfeatures of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint,and Excel (Microsoft Office 2000, XP, and2003). Not all file formats are supported.Network servicesTo use the device you must have servicefrom a wireless service provider. Somefeatures are not available on all networks;other features may require that you makespecific arrangements with your serviceprovider to use them. Network servicesinvolve transmission of data. Check withyour service provider for details aboutfees in your home network and whenroaming on other networks. Your serviceprovider can explain what charges willapply. Some networks may havelimitations that affect how you can usesome features of this device requiringnetwork support such as support forspecific technologies like WAP 2.0protocols (HTTP and SSL) that run on TCP/IP protocols and language-dependentcharacters.Your service provider may have requestedthat certain features be disabled or notactivated in your device. If so, thesefeatures will not appear on your devicemenu. Your device may also havecustomized items such as menu names,menu order, and icons.Shared memoryThe following features in this device mayshare memory: multimedia messaging(MMS), e-mail application, instantmessaging. Use of one or more of thesefeatures may reduce the memoryavailable for the remaining features. Ifyour device displays a message that thememory is full, delete some of theinformation stored in the shared memory.During extended operation such as anactive video call and high speed dataconnection, the device may feel warm. Inmost cases, this condition is normal. If yoususpect the device is not workingproperly, take it to the nearest authorisedservice facility.Digital rights managementContent owners may use different types ofdigital rights management (DRM)technologies to protect their intellectualproperty, including copyrights. Thisdevice uses various types of DRM softwareto access DRM-protected content. Withthis device you can access contentprotected with WMDRM 10 and OMA DRM2.0. If certain DRM software fails to protectthe content, content owners may ask thatsuch DRM software's ability to access newDRM-protected content be revoked.Revocation may also prevent renewal ofsuch DRM-protected content already inyour device. Revocation of such 7CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
software does not affect the use ofcontent protected with other types of DRMor the use of non-DRM-protected content.ActiveSyncUse of the Mail for Exchange is limited toover-the-air synchronisation of PIMinformation between the Nokia deviceand the authorised Microsoft Exchangeserver.Magnets and magnetic fieldsKeep your device away from magnets ormagnetic fields.8
Find helpFor local services and warrantyinformation, please refer to the separatebooklet.SupportWhen you want to learn more about howto use your product or you are unsure howyour device should function, see thesupport pages at or your local Nokia website, (with a mobiledevice), the Help application in the device,or the user guide.If this does not resolve your issue, do oneof the following:•Restart the device: switch off thedevice, and remove the battery. Afterabout a minute, replace the battery,and switch on the device.•Restore the original factory settingsas explained in the user guide. Yourdocuments and files will be deleted inthe reset, so back up your data first.•Update your device software regularlyfor optimum performance andpossible new features, as explained inthe user guide.If your issue remains unsolved, contactNokia for repair options., or in LatinAmerica, Before sending yourdevice for repair, always back up the datain your device.In-device helpYour device contains instructions to helpto use the applications in your device.To open help texts from the main menu,select Menu > Applications > Help andthe application for which you want to readinstructions.When an application is open, to access thehelp text for the current view, selectOptions > Help.When you are reading the instructions, tochange the size of the help text, selectOptions > Decrease font size orIncrease font size.You may find links to related topics at theend of the help text.If you select an underlined word, a shortexplanation is displayed.Help texts use the following indicators:Link to a related help topic.Link to the application beingdiscussed.When you are reading the instructions, toswitch between help texts and theapplication that is open in thebackground, select Options > Showopen apps. and the desired application.Accessibility solutionsNokia is committed to making mobilephones easy to use for all individuals,including those with disabilities. For moreinformation, visit the Nokia website more with your deviceThere are various applications providedby Nokia and third party softwaredevelopers, that help you do more withyour device. To find and downloadapplications, visit the Ovi Store These applications areexplained in the guides that are availableon the product support pages 9CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack or your localNokia website.Update device softwareAbout software updatesSoftware updates may include newfeatures and enhanced functions thatwere not available at the time of purchaseof your device. Updating the software mayalso improve the device performance.To get a notification when new softwareis available for your device, register withMy Nokia, and subscribe to notificationsfor text or e-mail messages. For moreinformation, go to you install a software update, youcannot use the device, even to makeemergency calls, until the installation iscompleted and the device is restarted. Besure to back up data before acceptinginstallation of an update.Downloading software updates mayinvolve the transmission of large amountsof data (network service).Make sure that the device battery hasenough power, or connect the chargerbefore starting the update.After updating your device software orapplications, the instructions related tothe updated applications in the user guideor helps may no longer be up to date.Update software using your deviceYou can check if there are updatesavailable for your device, and downloadthem to your device (network service).Select Menu > Settings > Phone >Phone mgmt. > Device updates andOptions > Check for updates.Update software using your PCNokia Software Updater is a PC applicationthat enables you to update your devicesoftware. To update your device software,you need a compatible PC, broadbandinternet access, and a compatible USBdata cable to connect your device to thePC.To get more information and to downloadthe Nokia Software Updater application,go to,or in Latin America, codesIf you forget any of the access codes,contact your service provider.Personal identification number (PIN)code — This code protects your SIM cardagainst unauthorised use. The PIN code (4- 8 digits) is usually supplied with the SIMcard. After three consecutive incorrect PINcode entries, the code is blocked, and youneed the PUK code to unblock it.UPIN code — This code may be suppliedwith the USIM card. The USIM card is anenhanced version of the SIM card and issupported by 3G mobile phones.PIN2 code  — This code (4 - 8 digits) issupplied with some SIM cards, and isrequired to access some functions in yourdevice.Lock code (also known as securitycode) — The lock code helps you to protectyour device against unauthorised use. Thepreset code is 12345. You can create andchange the code, and set the device torequest the code. Keep the new codesecret and in a safe place separate fromyour device. If you forget the code andyour device is locked, your device willrequire service. Additional charges mayapply, and all the personal data in yourdevice may be deleted. For more10
information, contact a Nokia Care point oryour device dealer.Personal Unblocking Key (PUK) code andPUK2 code — These codes (8 digits) arerequired to change a blocked PIN code orPIN2 code, respectively. If the codes arenot supplied with the SIM card, contact thenetwork service provider whose SIM cardis in your device.UPUK code — This code (8 digits) isrequired to change a blocked UPIN code.If the code is not supplied with the USIMcard, contact the network service providerwhose USIM card is in your device.International Mobile Equipment Identity(IMEI) number — This number (15 or 17digits) is used to identify valid devices onthe GSM network. Devices that are, forexample, stolen, can be blocked fromaccessing the network. The IMEI numberfor your device can be found under thebattery.Remote lockYou can lock your device remotely using apredefined text message. You can alsolock the memory card remotely.Enable remote locking1 Select Menu > Settings andPhone > Phone mgmt. > Securitysettings > Phone and SIM card >Remote phone locking > Enabled.2 Enter the text message content (5-20characters), verify it, and enter thelock code.Lock your device remotelyWrite the predefined text message, andsend it to your device. To unlock yourdevice, you need the lock code.Prolong battery lifeMany features in your device increase thedemand on battery power and reduce thebattery lifetime. To save battery power,note the following:•Features that use Bluetoothtechnology, or allowing such featuresto run in the background while usingother features, increase the demandon battery power. DeactivateBluetooth connectivity when you donot need it.•Features that use wireless LAN(WLAN), or allowing such features torun in the background while usingother features, increase the demandon battery power. WLAN on yourNokia device deactivates when youare not trying to connect, notconnected to an access point, or notscanning for available networks. Tofurther reduce battery consumption,you can specify that your device doesnot scan, or scans less often, foravailable networks in thebackground.•If you have selected Packet dataconnection >  When available in theconnection settings, and there is nopacket data coverage (GPRS), thedevice periodically tries to establish apacket data connection. To prolongthe operating time of your device,select Packet data connection >When needed.•The Maps application downloads newmap information when you scroll tonew areas on the map, whichincreases the demand on batterypower. You can prevent the automaticdownload of new maps.•If the signal strength of the cellularnetwork varies much in your area,your device must scan for theavailable network repeatedly. Thisincreases the demand on 11CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
If the network mode is set to dualmode in the network settings, thedevice searches for the 3G network.You can set the device to use only theGSM network. To use only the GSMnetwork, select Menu > Settings andConnectivity > Network >Network mode > GSM.•The backlight of the display increasesthe demand on battery power. In thedisplay settings, you can change thelength of the time-out period afterwhich the backlight is switched off.Select Menu > Settings andPhone > Display > Light time-out.To adjust the light sensor thatobserves lighting conditions andadjusts the display brightness, in thedisplay settings, select Light sensor.•Leaving applications running in thebackground may increase thedemand on battery power. To closethe applications you are not using, ifthey are not responding, selectOptions > Show open apps., and goto the application using the menu key.Press and hold the menu key to openthe application, and select Options >Exit.Get startedKeys and parts (front)1Proximity sensor2Earpiece3Touch screen4Call key5Menu key6Light sensor7Secondary camera8End/Power keyDo not cover the area above the touchscreen, for example, with protective filmor tape.Keys and parts (top)1Nokia AV connector (3.5 mm) forcompatible headsets and headphones2USB connector12
Keys and parts (sides)1Memory card slot cover2Volume up/Zoom in key3Volume down/Zoom out key4Lock switch5Capture keyKeys and parts (bottom)1Charger connector2Microphone3Wrist strap eyeletKeys and parts (back)1Camera flash2Camera lens3LoudspeakerNote:  The surface of this device does notcontain nickel in the platings. The surfaceof this device contains stainless steel.Insert the SIM card and batteryFollow the instructions carefully, to avoiddamaging the back cover.Always switch the device off anddisconnect the charger before removingthe battery.1 Unlock the back cover release latch,and lift the back cover.2 If the battery is inserted, lift thebattery in the direction of the arrowto remove it.3 Insert the SIM card. Ensure the contactarea on the card is facing theconnectors on the device and that thebevelled corner is facing the top of 13CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
4 Align the contacts of the battery withthe corresponding connectors on thebattery compartment, and insert thebattery in the direction of the arrow.5 To replace the back cover, direct thetop locking catches toward their slots,and press down until the cover locksinto place.Memory cardUse only compatible microSD cardsapproved by Nokia for use with thisdevice. Nokia uses approved industrystandards for memory cards, but somebrands may not be fully compatible withthis device. Incompatible cards maydamage the card and the device andcorrupt data stored on the card.Insert the memory cardA memory card may be already inserted inthe device. If not, do the following:1 Open the memory card slot cover.2 Insert a compatible memory card inthe slot. Ensure that the contact areaon the card is facing down andtowards the slot.3 Push the card in. You hear a click whenthe card locks into place.4 Close the memory card slot cover.Remove the memory cardImportant:  Do not remove the memorycard during an operation when the card isbeing accessed. Doing so may damage thememory card and the device, and corruptdata stored on the card.1 Before you remove the card, press thepower key, and select Removememory card. All applications areclosed.2When Removing memory card willclose all open applications.Remove anyway? is displayed, selectYes.14
3 When Remove memory card andpress 'OK' is displayed, open thememory card slot cover.4 To release the memory card from theslot, push it in slightly.5 Pull out the memory card. If the deviceis switched on, select OK.6 Close the memory card slot cover.Antenna locationsYour device may have internal andexternal antennas. Avoid touching theantenna area unnecessarily while theantenna is transmitting or receiving.Contact with antennas affects thecommunication quality and may cause ahigher power level during operation andmay reduce the battery life.Switch the device on or offSwitch the device on1 Press and hold the power key.2 If prompted, enter a PIN code or lockcode, and select OK. The preset lockcode is 12345. If you forget the codeand your device is locked, your devicewill require service and additionalcharges may apply. For moreinformation, contact a Nokia Carepoint or your device dealer.Switch the device offPress the power key briefly, and selectSwitch off!.Charge the batteryYour battery has been partially charged atthe factory. If the device indicates a lowcharge, do the following:1 Connect the charger to a wall outlet.2 Connect the charger to the device.3 When the device indicates a fullcharge, disconnect the charger fromthe device, then from the wall outlet.You do not need to charge the battery fora specific length of time, and you can usethe device while it is charging. If 15CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
battery is completely discharged, it maytake several minutes before the chargingindicator appears on the display or beforeany calls can be made.Tip: Disconnect the charger from the walloutlet when the charger is not in use. Acharger that is connected to the outletconsumes power even when it is notconnected to the device.During extended operation such as anactive video call and high speed dataconnection, the device may feel warm. Inmost cases, this condition is normal. If yoususpect the device is not workingproperly, take it to the nearest authorisedservice facility.Touch screen actionsUse the touch screen with your finger orwith a stylus (if available).Important:  Use only a stylus approved byNokia for use with this device. Using anyother stylus may invalidate any warrantyapplying to the device and may damagethe touch screen. Avoid scratching thetouch screen. Never use an actual pen orpencil or other sharp objects to write onthe touch screen.Tap and double-tapTo open an application or other elementon the touch screen, you normally tap itwith your finger. However, to open thefollowing items, you must tap them twice.•List items in an application, such asthe Drafts folder in the Messagingapplication.•Files in a file list, for example, animage in the Captured folder in thePhotos application.Tip: When you open a list view, thefirst item is already highlighted. Toopen the highlighted item, tap itonce.If you tap a file or similar item once, itis not opened, it becomeshighlighted. To see the optionsavailable for the item, select Optionsor, if available, select an icon from atoolbar.SelectIn this user documentation, to openapplications or items by tapping themonce or twice, you "select" them.Example: To select Options > Help, tapOptions, and then tap Help.DragTo drag, place your finger on the screen,and slide it across the screen.Example: To scroll up or down on a webpage, drag the page with your finger.SwipeTo swipe, slide your finger quickly left orright on the screen.FlickTo flick, place your finger on the screen,slide it quickly across the screen, thenquickly lift your finger. The content of thescreen will continue scrolling with thespeed and direction it had at the momentof release. To select an item from a16
scrolling list and to stop the movement,tap the item.ScrollTo scroll up or down in lists that have ascroll bar, drag the slider of the scroll bar.In some list views, you can place yourfinger on a list item and drag up or down.Tip: To view a brief description of an icon,place your finger on the icon. Descriptionsare not available for all icons.Touch screen backlightTo turn the screen backlight on, unlock thescreen and keys, if necessary, and pressthe menu key.Write textYou can enter text in different modes. Thefull keyboard works as a traditionalkeyboard, and the on-screenalphanumeric keypad mode allow you totap characters. The handwritingrecognition modes allow you to writecharacters directly on the screen.To activate text input mode, tap any textinput field.In the text input view, to switch betweenthe available text input modes, tap  ,and select the desired input mode.The input methods and languagessupported by the handwriting recognitionvary by region.For information on the different touchinput methods, see the extended userguide on the product support pages of theNokia website.Keyboard inputKeyboardYour device has a full keyboard. To openthe keyboard, slide the touch screen up. Inall applications, the screen rotatesautomatically from portrait to landscapewhen you open the keyboard.1Function key. To insert specialcharacters printed at the top of keys,press the function key, and then pressthe desired key. To enter severalspecial characters in a row, press thefunction key twice quickly. To returnto normal mode, press the functionkey.2Shift key. To switch between upperand lower case modes, press the shiftkey twice. To enter a single upper 17CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
character in lower case mode, or viceversa, press the shift key, and then thedesired alphabet key.3Sym key. To insert special charactersnot shown on the keyboard, press thesym key, and select the desiredcharacter.4Ctrl key. Some shortcuts require thectrl key.5Space key6Shift key7Enter key8Navi™ key (scroll key). Press the scrollkey to make a selection. Press theedges of the scroll key to scroll left,right, up, or down on the display.Press and hold the edge of the scrollkey to accelerate scrolling.9Backspace key. To delete a character,press the backspace key. To deleteseveral characters, press and hold thebackspace key.Insert characters not shown on thekeyboardIt is possible to insert variations ofcharacters, for example, characters withaccents. To insert á, press and hold thesym key, and then press A repeatedly,until the desired character is displayed.The order and availability of lettersdepends on the selected writinglanguage.Lock the keys and touch screenTo lock or unlock the touch screen and thekeys, slide the lock switch on the side ofthe device.When the touch screen and keys arelocked, the touch screen is switched offand the keys are inactive.To change settings for automatic screenand key locking, select Menu > Settingsand Phone > Phone mgmt. > Auto.keyguard.HeadsetYou can connect a compatible headset orcompatible headphones to your device.You may need to select the cable mode.Warning:When you use the headset, your ability tohear outside sounds may be affected. Donot use the headset where it canendanger your safety.Do not connect products that create anoutput signal as this may cause damageto the device. Do not connect any voltagesource to the Nokia AV Connector.When connecting any external device orany headset, other than those approvedby Nokia for use with this device, to theNokia AV Connector, pay special attentionto volume levels.Transfer contentYou can use the Switch application to copycontent such as phone numbers,addresses, calendar items, and imagesfrom your previous Nokia device to yourdevice.18
The type of content that can betransferred depends on the model of thedevice from which you want to transfercontent. If that device supportssynchronisation, you can also synchronisedata between the devices. Your devicenotifies you if the other device is notcompatible.If the other device cannot be switched onwithout a SIM card, you can insert your SIMcard in it. When your device is switched onwithout a SIM card, the Offline profile isautomatically activated, and transfer canbe done.Transfer content for the first time1 To retrieve data from the other devicefor the first time, on your device,select Menu > Applications >Phone setup > Phone switch.2 Select the connection type you wantto use to transfer the data. Bothdevices must support the selectedconnection type.3 If you select Bluetooth connectivity asthe connection type, connect the twodevices. To have your device searchfor devices with Bluetoothconnectivity, select Continue. Selectthe device from which you want totransfer content. You are asked toenter a code on your device. Enter acode (1-16 digits), and select OK. Enterthe same code on the other device,and select OK. The devices are nowpaired.Some earlier Nokia devices may nothave the Switch application. In thiscase, the Switch application is sent tothe other device as a message. Toinstall the Switch application on theother device, open the message, andfollow the instructions on the display.4 On your device, select the content youwant to transfer from the otherdevice.When the transfer has started, youcan cancel it and continue later.Content is transferred from the memory ofthe other device to the correspondinglocation in your device. The transfer timedepends on the amount of data to 19CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Your deviceFor more information on your device, suchas shortcuts, see the extended user guideon the product support pages of the Nokiawebsite.Home screenAbout the home screenIn the home screen, you can quickly accessyour most frequently used applications,control applications, such as the musicplayer, view your favourite contacts, andview at a glance if you have missed callsor new messages.Interactive home screen elementsTo open the clock application, tap theclock (1).To open the calendar or change profiles inthe home screen, tap the date or theprofile name (2).To view or change connectivity settings(), to see the available wireless LANs ifWLAN scanning is enabled, or to view themissed events, tap the top right corner (3).To make a phone call, select   (4).To hide and show content, swipe thehome screen with your finger.Add items to the home screenTo add an item to the home screen, selectOptions > Edit content > Options >Add content, and select the item from thelist.Using widgets may involve thetransmission of large amounts of data(network service).To move an item, select Options > Editcontent, select the desired item, and dragand drop it to a new location.Remove an item from the home screenSelect Options > Edit content and theitem to be removed.Select Options > Remove > Done.Display indicatorsGeneral indicatorsThe touch screen and keys arelocked.The device alerts silently forincoming calls or messages.You have set a clock alarm.You are using a timed profile.You have a compatible memorycard in the device.Call indicatorsSomeone has tried to call you.You are using your second phoneline (network service).20
You have set your device todivert incoming calls to anothernumber (network service). If youhave two phone lines, a numberindicates the active line.Your device is ready for aninternet call.You have an ongoing data call(network service).Messaging indicatorsYou have unread messages. Ifthe indicator is blinking, the SIMcard memory for messages maybe full.You have received new mail.You have messages waiting tobe sent in the Outbox folder.Network indicatorsYour device is connected to aGSM network (network service).Your device is connected to a 3Gnetwork (network service).You have a GPRS packet dataconnection (network service). indicates that the connectionis on hold and   that aconnection is being established.You have an EGPRS packet dataconnection (network service). indicates that the connectionis on hold and   that aconnection is being established.You have a 3G packet dataconnection (network service). indicates that the connectionis suspended and   that aconnection is being established.You have a high-speed downlinkpacket access (HSDPA)connection (network service). indicates that the connectionis suspended and   that aconnection is being established.A WLAN connection is available(network service).   indicatesthat the connection is encryptedand   that the connection isnot encrypted.Connectivity indicatorsBluetooth is active.   indicatesthat your device is sending data.If the indicator is blinking, yourdevice is trying to connect toanother device.You have connected a USB cableto your device.GPS is active.The device is synchronising.You have connected acompatible headset to thedevice.You have connected acompatible text phone to thedevice.Visit Ovi Ovi contains services provided byNokia. With Ovi, you can create a mailaccount, share your images and videoclips with friends and family, plan tripsand view locations on a map, downloadgames, applications, video clips, 21CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
tones to your device, and purchase music.The available services may vary by region,and not all languages are supported.To access Ovi services, go, and register your ownNokia account.For more information on how to use theservices, see the support pages of eachservice.Make callsFor more information on different calltypes, options during calls, speed dialling,voice dialling, call waiting, video sharing,internet calls, and log, see the extendeduser guide on the product support pagesof the Nokia website.Touch screen during callsYour device has a proximity sensor. Toextend battery life and prevent accidentalselections, the touch screen is disabledautomatically during calls, when youplace the device next to your ear.Do not cover the proximity sensor, forexample, with protective film or tape.Make a voice call 1 In the home screen, select   to openthe dialler, and enter the phonenumber, including the area code. Toremove a number, select C.For international calls, select * twicefor the + character (which replaces theinternational access code), and enterthe country code, area code (omit theleading zero if necessary), and phonenumber. The + character as areplacement for the internationalaccess code may not work in allregions. In this case, enter theinternational access code directly.2 To make the call, press the call key.3 To end the call (or to cancel the callattempt), press the end key.Pressing the end key always ends acall, even if another application isactive.22
Call a contact1 Select Menu > Contacts.2 Go to the desired name. Or, enter thefirst letters or characters of the namein the search field, and go to thename.3 To call the contact, press the call key.If you have saved several numbers fora contact, select the desired numberfrom the list, and press the call key.End a callPress the end key.Answer or reject a callTo answer a call, press the call key.To answer the call when the touch screenis locked, swipe Swipe to answer fromleft to right.To unlock the touch screen withoutanswering a call, swipe Swipe to unlockfrom right to left, and then answer orreject the call, or send a reject call textmessage. The ringing tone is mutedautomatically.If you do not want to answer a call, toreject the call, press the end key. If the calldivert feature (network service) isactivated, rejecting an incoming call alsodiverts the call.To mute the ringing tone of an incomingcall, select Silence.To send a reject call text message withoutactually rejecting the call, informing thecaller that you cannot answer the call,select Silence and Send msg., edit themessage text, and press the call key.To activate the reject call text messagefeature, and to write a standard message,select Menu > Settings and Calling >Call > Reject call with message, andMessage text.Contact search1 To open the dialler, in the homescreen, select  .2 To activate contact search, selectOptions > Contact search > On.3 To search for contacts, start enteringthe contact's name.To search for contacts using the fullkeyboard, in the home screen, startentering the contact's name or phonenumber. Select the desired contact fromthe list of proposed matches.To call the found contact, press the 23CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Contacts (phonebook)To open Contacts, select Menu >Contacts.You can save and update contactinformation, such as phone numbers,home addresses, or e-mail addresses ofyour contacts. You can add a personalringing tone or a thumbnail image to acontact. You can also create contactgroups, which allow you to send textmessages or e-mail to many recipients atthe same time.Save and edit names and numbersSelect Menu > Contacts.Add a new contact to the contacts list1 Select  .2 Select a field to enter information. Toclose the text input, select  . Fill inthe appropriate fields, and selectDone.Edit contactsSelect a contact and Options > Edit.MailAbout MailSelect Menu > E-mail.With Mail, you can add several mailboxesand access them directly from your homescreen. In the main mail view, you canswitch from one mailbox to another.If you do not have a mailbox, you cancreate one at a mail.2Switch between your mailboxes.3Sort your mail by, for example, date.4Mail in current mailbox.Mail contains interactive elements. Selectand hold, for example, a mail to view apop-up menu.Send a mailYou can use your device to write and sendmail, and attach files to your mail.Select Menu > E-mail.1 Select  .24
2 To add a recipient from your contactslist, select the To, Cc, or Bcc icon. Toenter a mail address manually, selectthe To, Cc, or Bcc field.3 To add an attachment to the mail,select  .4 To send the mail, select  .MessagingWrite and send messagesSelect Menu > Messaging.Important:  Exercise caution whenopening messages. Messages may containmalicious software or otherwise beharmful to your device or PC.Before you can create a multimediamessage or write a mail, you must havethe correct connection settings defined.The wireless network may limit the size ofMMS messages. If the inserted pictureexceeds this limit, the device may make itsmaller so that it can be sent by MMS.Only devices that have compatiblefeatures can receive and displaymultimedia messages. The appearance ofa message may vary depending on thereceiving device.Check the size limit of mail messages withyour service provider. If you attempt tosend a mail message that exceeds the sizelimit of the mail server, the message is leftin the Outbox folder, and the deviceattempts to resend it periodically.Sending a mail requires a data connection,and continuous attempts to resend themail may incur charges from your serviceprovider. In the Outbox folder, you candelete such a message or move it to theDrafts folder.Messaging requires network services.Send a text or multimedia messageSelect New message.Send an audio or mail messageSelect Options > Create message, andthe relevant 25CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
Select recipients or groups from thecontacts listSelect   from the toolbar.Enter the number or mail addressmanuallyTap the To field.Enter the subject of the mail ormultimedia messageEnter it in the Subject field, . If the Subjectfield is not visible, select Options >Message header fields to change thefields that are visible.Write the messageTap the message field.Add an object to a message or mailSelect   and the relevant type of content.The message type may change tomultimedia message based on theinserted content.Send the message or mailSelect  , or press the call key.Your device supports text messagesbeyond the limit for a single message.Longer messages are sent as two or moremessages. Your service provider maycharge accordingly. Characters withaccents, other marks, or some languageoptions take more space, and limit thenumber of characters that can be sent ina single message.Nokia MessagingAbout Nokia MessagingThe Nokia Messaging serviceautomatically transfers mail from yourexisting mail address to your device. Youcan read, respond to, and organise yourmails on the go.If you do not have a mail account, you cancreate one at Nokia Messaging service may bechargeable. For information on possiblecosts, contact your service provider or theNokia Messaging service Messaging is a network service, andmay not be available in all regions.You need to install Nokia Messaging first.After installation, to open NokiaMessaging, select Menu > Applications.26
ConnectivityYour device offers several options toconnect to the internet or to anothercompatible device or PC.Wi-Fi/WLAN connection Your device can detect and connect towireless local area networks (WLAN).Using a WLAN, you can connect yourdevice to the internet and compatibledevices that have WLAN support.About WLANTo use a wireless LAN (WLAN) connection,it must be available in the location, andyour device must be connected to theWLAN. Some WLANs are protected, andyou need an access key from the serviceprovider to connect to them.Note:  In France, you are only allowed touse WLAN indoors.There might be some restrictions forWLAN use in some countries. Check withyour local authorities for moreinformation.Features that use WLAN, or that areallowed to run in the background whileusing other features, increase the demandon battery power and reduce the batterylife.Important:  Always enable one of theavailable encryption methods to increasethe security of your wireless LANconnection. Using encryption reduces therisk of unauthorised access to your data.WLAN wizardSelect Menu > Settings andConnectivity > WLAN.The WLAN wizard helps you to connect toa wireless LAN (WLAN) and manage yourWLAN connections.If the search finds WLANs, to create aninternet access point (IAP) for aconnection and start the web browserusing this IAP, select the connection andStart web browsing.If you select a secured WLAN, you areasked to enter the relevant password. Toconnect to a hidden network, you mustenter the correct network name (serviceset identifier, SSID).If you already have the web browserrunning using the currently active WLANconnection, to return to the web browser,select Continue web browsing.To end the active connection, select theconnection and Disconnect WLAN.Bluetooth connectivityAbout Bluetooth connectivityWith Bluetooth connectivity, you canmake a wireless connection to othercompatible devices, such as mobiledevices, computers, headsets, and car kits.You can use the connection to send itemsfrom your device, transfer files from yourcompatible PC, and print files with acompatible printer. Select Menu > Settings andConnectivity > Bluetooth.Since devices with Bluetooth wirelesstechnology communicate using radiowaves, they do not need to be in directline-of-sight. However, they must bewithin 10 metres (33 feet) of each other,although the connection may be 27CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
to interference from obstructions such aswalls or from other electronic devices.This device is compliant with BluetoothSpecification 2.0 + EDR supporting thefollowing profiles: Dial-Up Networking(DUN), Object Push Profile (OPP), FileTransfer Profile (FTP), Hands Free Profile(HFP), Headset Profile (HSP), Basic ImagingProfile (BIP), Remote SIM Access Profile(SimAP), Device Identification Profile (DI),Phonebook Access Profile (PBAP), HumanInterface Device Profile (HID), GenericAudio/Video Distribution Profile (GAVDP),Audio/Video Remote Control Profile(AVRCP), Advanced Audio DistributionProfile (A2DP). To ensure interoperabilitybetween other devices supportingBluetooth technology, use Nokiaapproved accessories for this model.Check with the manufacturers of otherdevices to determine their compatibilitywith this device.When the device is locked, onlyconnections to authorised devices arepossible.Features using Bluetooth technologyincrease the demand on battery powerand reduce the battery life.Bluetooth settingsSelect Menu > Settings andConnectivity > Bluetooth.Select from the following:Bluetooth  — Activate Bluetoothconnectivity.My phone's visibility  — To allow yourdevice to be visible to other Bluetoothdevices, select Shown to all. To set alength of time, after which the visibility isset from shown to hidden, select Setvisibility period. To hide your devicefrom other devices, select Hidden.My phone's name  — Edit the name ofyour device. The name is shown to otherBluetooth devices.Remote SIM mode  — Allow anotherdevice, such as a compatible car kitaccessory, to use the SIM card in yourdevice to connect to the network.Send data using BluetoothconnectivityYou can have several Bluetoothconnections active at a time. For example,if you are connected to a compatibleheadset, you can also transfer files toanother compatible device.1 Open the application where the itemyou want to send is stored.2 Go to an item, and select Options >Send > Via Bluetooth.Devices with Bluetooth wirelesstechnology that are within range aredisplayed. Device icons are as follows:computerphoneaudio or video deviceother deviceTo interrupt the search, selectCancel.3 Select the device with which you wantto connect.4 If the other device requires pairingbefore data can be transmitted, a tonesounds, and you are asked to enter apasscode. The same passcode must beentered in both devices.When the connection is established,Sending data is displayed.Tip: When searching for devices, somedevices may show only the uniqueaddress (device address). To find theunique address of your device, in thehome screen, enter *#2820#.28
InternetFor more information on the browsertoolbar, feeds and blogs, bookmarks, andinternet settings, see the extended userguide on the product support pages of theNokia website.To browse the web, you need to have aninternet access point configured in yourdevice. Using the web browser requiresnetwork support.Browse the webWith the Browser application, you canbrowse web pages.Select Menu > Web.Go to a web pageFrom the toolbar, select  Go to URL orsearch, and enter a web address, or tosearch the web, enter search words in thesearch field.Exit full screen mode to see controliconsSelect the arrow icon in the bottom rightcorner. By default, the browser goes backto full screen mode after a few seconds.Some web pages may contain material,such as video clips, that requires a largeamount of memory to view. If your deviceruns out of memory while loading such aweb page, insert a memory card.Otherwise, the video clips are notdisplayed.Disable graphics to save memory andspeed up downloadingSelect Options > Settings > Page >Load content > Text only.Refresh the content of the web pageSelect Options > Web page options >Reload.View snapshots of web pages you havevisitedSelect Back. A list of pages you havevisited during the current browsingsession opens. This option is available ifHistory list is activated in the browsersettings.Block or allow the automatic openingof multiple windowsSelect Options > Web page options >Block pop-ups or Allow pop-ups.Zoom in and out on a web pageTo zoom in, double-tap the display. Tozoom back out, double-tap the displayagain.Tip: To send the browser to thebackground without closing theapplication or connection, press the endkey 29CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
MapsFor more information on how to find yourway around with the maps available onyour device, see the extended user guideon the product support pages of the Nokiawebsite.Maps overview Select Menu > Maps.Welcome to Maps.Maps shows you what is nearby, helps youplan your route, and guides you whereyou want to go.•Find cities, streets, and services.•Find your way with turn-by-turndirections.•Synchronise your favourite locationsand routes between your mobiledevice and the Ovi Maps internetservice.•Check weather forecasts and otherlocal information, if available.Note:  Downloading content such asmaps, satellite images, voice files, guidesor traffic information may involvetransmission of large amounts of data(network service).Some services may not be available in allcountries, and may be provided only inselected languages. The services may benetwork dependent. For moreinformation, contact your network serviceprovider.Almost all digital cartography isinaccurate and incomplete to someextent. Never rely solely on thecartography that you download for use inthis device.Content such as satellite images, guides,weather and traffic information andrelated services are generated by thirdparties independent of Nokia. The contentmay be inaccurate and incomplete tosome extent and is subject to availability.Never rely solely on the aforementionedcontent and related services.30
CameraYour device supports an image captureresolution of 2592x1944 pixels (5megapixels). The image resolution in thisguide may appear different.To ensure good quality photos, wipe thecamera lens carefully with a cleaningcloth.Image captureCapture an imageWhen capturing an image, note thefollowing:•Use both hands to keep the camerasteady.•The quality of a digitally zoomedimage is lower than that of a non-zoomed image.•The camera goes into battery savingmode after about a minute ofinactivity.•Keep a safe distance when using theflash. Do not use the flash on peopleor animals at close range. Do not coverthe flash while taking a picture.1 To switch from video mode to imagemode, if necessary, select   >  .2 Press the capture key. Do not movethe device before the image is savedand the final image displayed.Capture images with the secondarycamera1 Select Options > Use secondarycamera.2 To capture an image, select . Donot move the device before the imageis saved and the final imagedisplayed.Zoom in or out when capturing animageUse the zoom slider.Leave the camera open in thebackground and use otherapplicationsPress the menu key. To return to thecamera, press and hold the capture key.Location informationYou can automatically add capturelocation information to the file details ofthe captured material. For example, in thePhotos application, you can then view thelocation where an image was captured.Select Menu > Applications > Camera.Add location information to allcaptured materialSelect Options > Settings > Show GPSinfo > On. The location information isavailable only for images captured withthe main camera.It may take several minutes to obtain thecoordinates of your location. Theavailability and quality of GPS signals maybe affected by your location, buildings,natural obstacles, and weatherconditions. If you share a file that includeslocation information, also the locationinformation is shared, and your locationmay be visible to third parties viewing thefile. The device requires network servicesto acquire location information.Location information indicators:  — Location information unavailable.GPS stays active in the background forseveral minutes. If a satellite connectionis made and the indicator changes to within that time, all the images capturedand video clips recorded during that 31CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
are tagged based on the received GPSpositioning information.  — Location information is available.Location information is added to the filedetails.Files with location information areindicated with   in the Photosapplication.PhotosAbout PhotosWith Photos, you can view images andvideo clips you have captured andrecorded, downloaded from the web,received in a multimedia or e-mailmessage, saved on a memory card, orcopied to your device memory from amemory card or other sources.Select Menu > Photos and from thefollowing:Captured  — View all the images andvideo clips you have captured andrecorded.Months  — View images and video clipscategorised by the month they werecaptured or recorded. Applicable only forcontent captured or recorded with yourdevice.Albums  — View the default albums andthe ones you have created.Tags  — View the tags you have createdfor each item.All  — View all images and video clips onyour device.Share online  — Post your images orvideo clips to the web.Copy or move files to another memorylocationSelect a file, Options > Organise, and theappropriate option.View images and video clipsSelect Menu > Photos.32
The images and video clip files are orderedby date and time. The number of files isdisplayed.Browse the filesSwipe up or down.Open a fileSelect the file.To view the toolbar, tap the image. Tozoom in the image, use the zoom slider.The zooming ratio is not storedpermanently.Edit an image or a video clipSelect the file and Options > Edit.View the details of an imageSelect the file and Options > Details.Print your images on a compatibleprinterSelect Options > Print.Images and video clips can also be sent toyou from a compatible device. To be ableto view a received image or video clip inPhotos, you must first save 33CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
MusicWarning:Continuous exposure to high volume maydamage your hearing. Listen to music at amoderate level, and do not hold the devicenear your ear when the loudspeaker is inuse.For more information on the music player,radio and podcasting, see the extendeduser guide on the product support pagesof the Nokia website.Play a song or podcastSelect Menu > Music > Music library.Start playing1 Select the songs or podcasts you wantto play.2 To play an item, select the item fromthe list.Pause, resume, or stop playbackTo pause playback, select  ; to resume,select  .Fast-forward or rewind a songSelect and hold   or  .Play songs in random orderSelect Options > Shuffle play to playsongs randomly ( ).Repeat the current item or all itemsSelect Options > Repeat to repeat thecurrent item ( ) or all items ( ).If you play podcasts, shuffle and repeatare automatically deactivated.Modify the tone of the music playbackSelect Options > Equaliser.Modify the balance and stereo image,or enhance the bassSelect Options > Settings.Return to the home screen, and leavethe player playing in the backgroundPress the end key.Close Music playerSelect Options > Exit.FM radioListen to the radioSelect Menu > Music > Radio.The FM radio depends on an antenna otherthan the wireless device antenna. Acompatible headset or accessory needs tobe attached to the device for the FM radioto function properly.When you open the application for thefirst time, you can choose to have the localstations tuned automatically.To listen to the next or the previousstation, select   or  .To mute the radio, select  .Select Options and from the following:Stations  — View saved radio stations.Tune stations  — Search for radiostations.Save  — Save the radio station.Activate loudspeaker or Deactivateloudspeaker — Turn the loudspeaker onor off.Alternative frequencies  — Selectwhether you want the radio toautomatically search for a better RDSfrequency for the station if the frequencylevel becomes low.34
Play in background  — Return to thehome screen with the radio playing in thebackground.Manage radio stationsSelect Menu > Music > Radio.To listen to saved stations, selectOptions > Stations, and select a stationfrom the list.To remove or rename a station, selectOptions > Stations > Options >Delete or Rename.To set the desired frequency manually,select Options > Tune stations >Options > Manual tuning.VideosYou can download and stream video clipsover the air from compatible internetvideo services (network service) using apacket data or WLAN connection. You canalso transfer video clips from a compatiblePC to your device to view them.Downloading videos may involve thetransmission of large amounts of datathrough your service provider's network.Contact your service provider forinformation about data transmissioncharges.Your device may have predefined services.Service providers may provide freecontent or charge a fee. Check the pricingin the service or from the service provider.Download and play a video clipSelect Menu > Applications > Videos &TV.Install a video serviceSelect Video feeds > Video directoryand the desired video service.Add a video feed manuallyIn the Video feeds view, select Options >Add feed > Add manually.Browse installed video servicesSelect Video feeds. The content of somevideo services is divided into categories.To browse video clips, select a category.Search for a video clipSelect Video search. Search may not beavailable in all services.Download a video clipSelect Options > Download. Some videoclips can be streamed over the air, butothers must be first downloaded to 35CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
device. Downloads continue in thebackground if you exit the application.The downloaded video clips are saved inMy videos.Stream a video clip or play adownloaded video clipSelect the Play icon.To view the control keys during playback,tap the screen.To adjust the volume, use the volumekeys.Schedule downloadsSchedule an automatic download forvideo clips in a serviceSelect Options > Schedule downloads.New video clips are automaticallydownloaded daily at the time you define.Cancel scheduled downloadsSelect Manual download as thedownload method.Setting the application to download videoclips automatically may involve thetransmission of large amounts of datathrough your service provider's network.For information about data transmissioncharges, contact your service provider.Green tipsHere are tips on how you can contributeto protecting the environment.Save energyWhen you have fully charged the batteryand disconnected the charger from thedevice, unplug the charger from the walloutlet.You do not need to charge your battery sooften if you do the following:•Close and disable applications,services, and connections when not inuse.•Decrease the brightness of the screen.•Set the device to enter the powersaver mode after the minimum periodof inactivity, if available in yourdevice.•Disable unnecessary sounds, such askeypad and ringing tones.RecycleMost of the materials in a Nokia phone arerecyclable. Check how to recycle yourNokia products at, or with a mobile device, packaging and user guides at yourlocal recycling scheme.Save paperThis user guide helps you get started withyour device. For more detailedinstructions, open the in-device help (inmost applications, select Options >36
Help). For further support, moreFor more information on theenvironmental attributes of your device,see 37CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
AccessoriesWarning:Use only batteries, chargers, and accessories approved byNokia for use with this particular model. The use of any othertypes may invalidate any approval or warranty, and may bedangerous. In particular, use of unapproved chargers orbatteries may present a risk of fire, explosion, leakage, orother hazard.For availability of approved accessories, please check withyour dealer. When you disconnect the power cord of anyaccessory, grasp and pull the plug, not the cord.BatteryBattery and charger informationYour device is powered by a rechargeable battery. The batteryintended for use with this device is BL-4J. Nokia may makeadditional battery models available for this device. Thisdevice is intended for use when supplied with power fromthe following chargers: AC-8 or AC-15. The exact chargermodel number may vary depending on the type of plug. Theplug variant is identified by one of the following: E, EB, X, AR,U, A, C, K, or UB.The battery can be charged and discharged hundreds oftimes, but it will eventually wear out. When the talk andstandby times are noticeably shorter than normal, replace thebattery. Use only Nokia approved batteries, and rechargeyour battery only with Nokia approved chargers designatedfor this device.If a battery is being used for the first time or if the battery hasnot been used for a prolonged period, it may be necessary toconnect the charger, then disconnect and reconnect it tobegin charging the battery. If the battery is completelydischarged, it may take several minutes before the chargingindicator appears on the display or before any calls can bemade.Safe removal. Always switch the device off and disconnect thecharger before removing the battery.Proper charging. Unplug the charger from the electrical plugand the device when not in use. Do not leave a fully chargedbattery connected to a charger, since overcharging mayshorten its lifetime. If left unused, a fully charged battery willlose its charge over time.Avoid extreme temperatures. Always try to keep the batterybetween 15°C and 25°C (59°F and 77°F). Extremetemperatures reduce the capacity and lifetime of the battery.A device with a hot or cold battery may not work temporarily.Battery performance is particularly limited in temperatureswell below freezing.Do not short-circuit. Accidental short-circuiting can occurwhen a metallic object such as a coin, clip, or pen causes directconnection of the positive (+) and negative (-) terminals ofthe battery. (These look like metal strips on the battery.) Thismight happen, for example, when you carry a spare batteryin your pocket or purse. Short-circuiting the terminals maydamage the battery or the connecting object.Disposal. Do not dispose of batteries in a fire as they mayexplode. Dispose of batteries according to local regulations.Please recycle when possible. Do not dispose as householdwaste.Leak. Do not dismantle, cut, open, crush, bend, puncture, orshred cells or batteries. In the event of a battery leak, preventbattery liquid contact with skin or eyes. If this happens, flushthe affected areas immediately with water, or seek medicalhelp.Damage. Do not modify, remanufacture, attempt to insertforeign objects into the battery, or immerse or expose it towater or other liquids. Batteries may explode if damaged.Correct use. Use the battery only for its intended purpose.Improper battery use may result in a fire, explosion, or otherhazard. If the device or battery is dropped, especially on ahard surface, and you believe the battery has been damaged,take it to a service centre for inspection before continuing touse it. Never use any charger or battery that is damaged. Keepyour battery out of the reach of small children.Nokia battery authentication guidelinesAlways use original Nokia batteries for your safety. To checkthat you are getting an original Nokia battery, purchase itfrom a Nokia authorised service centre or dealer, and inspectthe hologram label using the following steps:Authenticate hologram1 When you look at the hologram on the label, you shouldsee the Nokia connecting hands symbol from one angleand the Nokia Original Enhancements logo whenlooking from another angle.38
2 When you angle the hologram left, right, down and up,you should see 1, 2, 3 and 4 dots on each siderespectively.Successful completion of the steps is not a total assurance ofthe authenticity of the battery. If you cannot confirmauthenticity or if you have any reason to believe that yourNokia battery with the hologram on the label is not anauthentic Nokia battery, you should refrain from using it, andtake it to the nearest Nokia authorised service centre ordealer for assistance.For additional information, refer to the warranty andreference leaflet included with your Nokia device.Taking care of your deviceYour device is a product of superior design and craftsmanshipand should be treated with care. The following suggestionswill help you protect your warranty coverage.•Keep the device dry. Precipitation, humidity, and alltypes of liquids or moisture can contain minerals thatwill corrode electronic circuits. If your device does getwet, remove the battery, and allow the device to drycompletely before replacing it.•Do not use or store the device in dusty, dirty areas. Itsmoving parts and electronic components can bedamaged.•Do not store the device in high or cold temperature.High temperatures can shorten the life of electronicdevices, damage batteries, and warp or melt certainplastics. When the device warms to its normaltemperature from a cold temperature, moisture canform inside the device and damage electronic circuitboards.•Do not attempt to open the device other than asinstructed in this guide.•Do not drop, knock, or shake the device. Roughhandling can break internal circuit boards and finemechanics.•Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strongdetergents to clean the device. Only use a soft, clean,dry cloth to clean the surface of the device.•Do not paint the device. Paint can clog the moving partsand prevent proper operation.•Use only the supplied or an approved replacementantenna. Unauthorised antennas, modifications, orattachments could damage the device and may violateregulations governing radio devices.•Use chargers indoors.•Backup all data you want to keep, such as contacts andcalendar notes.•To reset the device from time to time for optimumperformance, power off the device and remove thebattery.These suggestions apply equally to your device, battery,charger, or any accessory.RecycleAlways return your used electronic products, batteries, andpackaging materials to dedicated collection points. This wayyou help prevent uncontrolled waste disposal and promotethe recycling of materials. Check product environmentalinformation and how to recycle your Nokia products, or safety informationSmall childrenYour device and its accessories are not toys. They may containsmall parts. Keep them out of the reach of small children.Operating environmentThis device meets RF exposure guidelines in the normal useposition at the ear or at least 1.5 centimetres (5/8 inch) awayfrom the body. Any carry case, belt clip, or holder for body-worn operation should not contain metal and should positionthe device the above-stated distance from your body.To send data files or messages requires a quality connectionto the network. Data files or messages may be delayed untilsuch a connection is available. Follow the separation distanceinstructions until the transmission is completed.Parts of the device are magnetic. Metallic materials may beattracted to the device. Do not place credit cards or othermagnetic storage media near the device, becauseinformation stored on them may be erased.Medical devicesOperation of radio transmitting equipment, includingwireless phones, may interfere with the function ofinadequately protected medical devices. Consult a physicianor the manufacturer of the medical device to determinewhether they are adequately shielded from external RFenergy. Switch off your device when regulations postedinstruct you to do so. Hospitals or health care facilities mayuse equipment sensitive to external RF energy.Implanted medical devicesManufacturers of medical devices recommend a minimumseparation of 15.3 centimetres (6 inches) between a wirelessdevice and an implanted medical device, such as a 39CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
or implanted cardioverter defibrillator, to avoid potentialinterference with the medical device. Persons who have suchdevices should:•Always keep the wireless device more than 15.3centimetres (6 inches) from the medical device.•Not carry the wireless device in a breast pocket.•Hold the wireless device to the ear opposite the medicaldevice.•Turn the wireless device off if there is any reason tosuspect that interference is taking place.•Follow the manufacturer directions for the implantedmedical device.If you have any questions about using your wireless devicewith an implanted medical device, consult your health careprovider.Hearing aidsSome digital wireless devices may interfere with somehearing aids.VehiclesRF signals may affect improperly installed or inadequatelyshielded electronic systems in motor vehicles such aselectronic fuel injection, electronic antilock braking,electronic speed control, and air bag systems. For moreinformation, check with the manufacturer of your vehicle orits equipment.Only qualified personnel should service the device or installthe device in a vehicle. Faulty installation or service may bedangerous and may invalidate your warranty. Check regularlythat all wireless device equipment in your vehicle is mountedand operating properly. Do not store or carry flammableliquids, gases, or explosive materials in the samecompartment as the device, its parts, or accessories.Remember that air bags inflate with great force. Do not placeyour device or accessories in the air bag deployment area.Switch off your device before boarding an aircraft. The use ofwireless teledevices in an aircraft may be dangerous to theoperation of the aircraft and may be illegal.Potentially explosive environmentsSwitch off your device in any area with a potentially explosiveatmosphere. Obey all posted instructions. Sparks in suchareas could cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodilyinjury or death. Switch off the device at refuelling points suchas near gas pumps at service stations. Observe restrictions infuel depots, storage, and distribution areas; chemical plants;or where blasting operations are in progress. Areas with apotentially explosive atmosphere are often, but not always,clearly marked. They include areas where you would beadvised to turn off your vehicle engine, below deck on boats,chemical transfer or storage facilities and where the aircontains chemicals or particles such as grain, dust, or metalpowders. You should check with the manufacturers ofvehicles using liquefied petroleum gas (such as propane orbutane) to determine if this device can be safely used in theirvicinity.Emergency callsImportant:  This device operates using radio signals,wireless networks, landline networks, and user-programmedfunctions. If your device supports voice calls over the internet(internet calls), activate both the internet calls and thecellular phone. The device will attempt to make emergencycalls over both the cellular networks and through yourinternet call provider if both are activated. Connections in allconditions cannot be guaranteed. You should never relysolely on any wireless device for essential communicationslike medical emergencies.To make an emergency call:1 If the device is not on, switch it on. Check for adequatesignal strength. Depending on your device, you mayalso need to complete the following:•Insert a SIM card if your device uses one.•Remove certain call restrictions you haveactivated in your device.•Change your profile from offline profile mode toan active profile.•If the screen and keys are locked, slide the lockswitch on the side of the device to unlock them.2 Press the end key as many times as needed to clear thedisplay and ready the device for calls.3 Open the dialler by selecting the dialler icon ( ).4 Enter the official emergency number for your presentlocation. Emergency numbers vary by location.5Press the call key.When making an emergency call, give all the necessaryinformation as accurately as possible. Your wireless devicemay be the only means of communication at the scene of anaccident. Do not end the call until given permission to do so.Certification information (SAR)This mobile device meets guidelines for exposure toradio waves.Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It isdesigned not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio wavesrecommended by international guidelines. These guidelineswere developed by the independent scientific organisationICNIRP and include safety margins designed to assure theprotection of all persons, regardless of age and health.The exposure guidelines for mobile devices employ a unit ofmeasurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate or SAR.The SAR limit stated in the ICNIRP guidelines is 2.0 watts/kilogram (W/kg) averaged over 10 grams of tissue. Tests forSAR are conducted using standard operating positions with40
the device transmitting at its highest certified power level inall tested frequency bands. The actual SAR level of anoperating device can be below the maximum value becausethe device is designed to use only the power required to reachthe network. That amount changes depending on a numberof factors such as how close you are to a network base station.The highest SAR value under the ICNIRP guidelines for use ofthe device at the ear is 1.05 W/kg.Use of device accessories may result in different SAR values.SAR values may vary depending on national reporting andtesting requirements and the network band. Additional SARinformation may be provided under product information mobile device is also designed to meet the requirementsfor exposure to radio waves established by the FederalCommunications Commission (USA) and Industry Canada.These requirements set a SAR limit of 1.6 W/kg averaged overone gram of tissue. The highest SAR value reported under thisstandard during product certification for use at the ear is 1.20W/kg and when properly worn on the body is 1.21 W/ 41CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack
IndexAaccess codes 10answering calls 23antennas 15audio messages 25Bbattery—  inserting 13—  saving power 11Bluetooth 27, 28bookmarks 29browser 29Ccalls 22—  answering 23—  rejecting 23camera—  capturing images 31—  image mode 31—  location information 31charger—  battery 15connectors 12, 13contacts—  adding 24—  editing 24—  saving 24—  searching 23Ddata connections—  Bluetooth 27declining callsSee rejecting callsdismissing calls 23Ee-mailSee MailFFM radio 34Ggeneral information 9Hheadset 18help application 9Iicons 20indicators 20internet browser 29internet connection 29See also browserKkeyboard 17keypad lock 18keys and parts 12, 13Llock code 10, 15lock switch 18locking—  remotely 11MMail 24mail 26—  attachments 24—  creating 24—  sending 24Maps 30memory card 14MMS (multimedia message service) 25multimedia messages 25music player 34muting sound 23my music 34NNokia Messaging 2642
Nokia support information 9OOvi 21PphotographsSee cameraPhotos 32PIN code 10, 15PIN2 code 10podcasting 34powering device on/off 15proximity sensor 22PUK codes 10Rradio 34—  listening 34—  stations 35rejecting calls 23remote locking 11Ssearching—  contacts 23security code 10settings—  Bluetooth 28SIM card—  inserting 13SMS (short message service) 25software updates 10songs 34support resources 9switching device on/off 15Ttext input 17text messages—  sending 25touch screen 16, 22transferring content 18turning device on/off 15Uupdates 10UPIN code 10UPUK code 10useful information 9Vvideo clips—  downloading 35—  playing 35voice callsSee callsWweb browser 29web connection 29wireless LAN (WLAN) 43CyanCyanMagentaMagentaYellowYellowBlackBlack

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