Microsoft RT5 User Manual 8b
Microsoft Corporation 8b
FCK m: a 3K KTS' Welcome! your Microsolt ActiMates’“ Tv Pack includes: Transmitter: connects to your vLR, allowing Microsolt ActiMates characters to interact with ActiMates—compatilote videos and PBS“ television broadcasts by means of radio link. Vim can: Connects the Transmitter to your VCNS Video out jack. Ac mater. connects the Transmitter to a power outlet. vinotape: Includes briet instructions for how to connect the Trans? mitter to your VCR and how to insert the radio cartridge into your ActiMates character. includes Teletubbies'“, Barney”, and Arthur" video clips tor use with the corresponding ActiMates character: Radio cartrldgc: Allows the AcliMates character to communicate with the TV rack Transmitter. Insert the cartridge inside the character. Mote Ospending on which AoIiMatas character you have. you may not need the radio mnrldge. See pages 8 and 4 tor more intormation TV Fun with ActiMates Characters when you use gour Microsoll ActiMates character with the Tv Pack and ActiMates-compatible videos or TV broadcasts. the ActiMates character becomes your child’s TV nuddg. The character watches along and encourages children to participate in what they see. The TV Pack works with the following ActiMates characters: Aaluates Interactive ear-mu when used with the Tv rack, Interactive aarney works with actiMates-compatible Barney videos and daily was broadcasts o! the Jamey 4 friends“ Tv show. Wills [film Al’lllll' I‘d RH.“ when used with the TV flack, Interactive Arthur and ow. work with ActiMates»compatible Artht/r videos and daily PBS broadcasts or the armor TV show. It you have both Interactive Arthur and interactive Dw.. both characters can interact with the show at the same time! Admits Interactive Tflllllbbhs when used with the TV Pack, inter- active Tetetubbies work with ActiMales'comnatihle Teletvbbies videos and daily PBS broadcasts oi the Temubbies TV show It gov have more than one Interactive Teletubbu, they can all interact with the show at the same time! indium-ii a in. mm i- am nan-me mim- mu in narrow mum mimic own. cum. lndor am "muted hmianm-lndlll nummmdunomunt wummtmmmom. mun uni-t attenuation-1 wwmuwmwm-m.immmaimummmmmwmm minim or matted n Wm an my mic ninth)!" w nut-int In am mm. mm m- more“ when mm at denim comm-n it mm. w in», mi ii! men . eiulmfl mm In purl meow a hersy yum name mm min. punt minim. ommmownom. or am mil-ion mm mm mum moi-d nan- ii tr: mm. item is awl-ti mom .. wan-n km- mm,“ mm vmwtt the mini-lg a no mutant does nol ya m w Isms. mm;- mm. vim-u. Emits. W m nil-mm mow a im-im motor-sit mouth" in no». reams umutt vs mm. me out“ an arm imim trademarks m imam-am oi um Born nan m in unm Sllin mm am mm. o int-mt Lyon! Pallheism. u u not: maven the names "a chm-x Balm am a» and a J on." 1. mm.- an; humming“ Saul! inwamlimh atim Fromm L.P.!irnq,BJ id'flvnlvAFilum'lrl nu vs at t m e town. on am. no Mug"! res-wed m [Lilli m alt-mm who no ow, Ii! onto-u a PM: am», inc. 0 i m was mam-m tUKi Lil minim tum-a umdby m ill] buy EIIIMKIIIM'I cam-m YEtETUsBfiS m in. name mm Meal ”mu a mom rimm- iuxi no m m we min ”we. ras mm was lag. in momma two; or the ma Stratum save. oiiu m and amour, namesmulhneohemi no, a. n. "ma v! m luonlm amt. unmet m tower- Get Started Using Your ActiMates Character with the TV watching videos with your ActiMates interactive character is very ditterent than playing with it as a standalone toy. When viewing a eo with the character, the main {acus ot attention is what is hap- pening on the television screen. During TV viewing, the ActiMates character temporarily suspends most ot its sensor functions. For example, it you squeeze the character’s toot during the show. the character will redirect the child's attention back to the TV rogetstarnduslngyourttctm moharacterwitntherv i install the radio cartridge inside your ActiMates character, it required. See the instructions on pages 3 and u. 3 Connect the Tv Pack Transmitter to your VCR, according to the diagrams on pages 5 and o. a Make sure your ActiMates character has tresh batteries installed. For instructions. see the Getting started manual that came with the characlen u start the ActiMates-cumpatinle video or television show. (see page 7 {or instructions on how to use your ActiMates character with PBS television broadcasts.) 5 Make sure the ActiMates character is within is teet (it 1: meters) at the Transmitter: a squeeze the character's hand to make sure it's turned on. The character will say a greeting to let you know it‘s communicating with the Tv, 1 Adjust your television's volume it necessary, so your child can hear both the estimates character and the TV. l Sit back and enjoy the snow with the ActiMates character! Installing the Radio cartridge instructions lor installing the radio cartridge diner, depending on which ActiMates character you have. ll you have an AclIMileS 1nler~ active Telelubbq, see the instructions below. ll goo have Acthates interactive sarneu. Arthur, or D.w., turn the page lor instructions, Note The radio cartridge only needs in be installed once. Aiter you've installed the ladio cartridge, you won't need to remove or replace the amnion. For Interactive Teletuhbies Follow lhe steps below to insert a radio cartridge into your Inlerac- live Teletubny ll gou have more than one Interactive Teletubhg and want them all to work with the TV Pack, use the ActiMates Nadia Cartridge order lorm at the back ot this manual to order additional cartridges. To Insert. all "40 WV” | Turn your Telelubbg lace down and open the Velcro-secured (lap to reveal the yellow door to the radiorcartridge compartment, which is the smaller ol the two doors. a use a small nhillips screwdriver to remove the screw that secures the door to the radio-cartridge Lombarlmenl. 1 open the compartmehl door, and slide the radio cartridge into the compartment as shown in the figure below. Make sure uau m 5h firm, so that the cartridge ls pushed ln as ial‘ as it will go. I! close the radio-cartridge compartment anon and secure it bl; tightening the screw. radio-amide- camouflmdrll carom Nola To iollow along wilh this diagram. client yourTslstuocy so that the door to the radiocarlridge convanmanl owls to your right For Interactive Barney, Arthur, and on. Follow the steps below to insert a radio cartridge into your interactive Earneu. Arthur, or D.w. character. Not- Soms prevrous versions oi Interactive Barney. Arthur. and D,W4 oonta'et o Wilt-in radio cartridge, and therehre do mt require that you install a separate radio cartridge Fonow steps 1-3 below to determine it your Interactive Gamay, Arthur, oi DiW. character requires that you iistall a separate radio cartridge. to inert the rldlo mridge I Turn your ActiMates character upside down. and tilt the Vetcro-secvreo flap to reveal the door to the battery compartment. 2 use a small Phitltps screwdriver to remove the screw that secures the door to the battery compartment, 3 open the battery compartment door, and temporarily remove the batteries to reveal the yellow door to the radio—cartridge compartment. Note It you don't see a yellow door to the radio-cartridge compartment. then your Interactive Barney. Arthur. or Diw. character already contains a Wilblfl radio cartridge, and you do not need to install a separate radio cartridge. In that can, skip to step 6 helow. ll you do we a yellow doot, contlnuo with steps 475 new. U Remove the screw that secures the door to the radio» cartridge compartment, and open the compartment door: slide the radio cartridge into the compartment as shown in the tigure heiow, Make sure you whim, so that the cartridge is pushed in as tar as it will do 5 Close the radio-cartridge compartment doon and secure it by tightening the screw 6 insert the batteries back into the battery compartment, making sure that you orient tnem property. close the battery compartment door, and secure it no tightening the screw. badly m.” comp-rim ”mp-orient door Hodltreortridge mm! ll lmide lite hntsy compmoflL L udlo cartridge Note To tollow along with this diagram. orient the AotiMatos Character so Ihat the floor to the battery compartment opens to your isit. Connect the Transmitter The Transmitter is the device that sends radio signals from the ACliMatES-Compallble videotape or TV broadcast to the ActiMates character. connect the Transmltter to your ch‘s Video out jack according to one at the following setup options, The videotape in— cluded with the TV Pack walks goo step-pg-slep through this process, Note when power is present, the green light on the item at the Transminer ls Iil.Thls light um when ms Transmit?! detects that an ActhaMS‘wmpaiihls videotape 01W ornadcasl is playing. Placement and Range The Transmitter communicates with the Acthates character by means at a radio link. As with most AM/FM radius. the Transmitter is influenced by its placement and proximitg to metal, The Transmltter is designed to operate at a maximum of Is teet “0.5 meters) trom the ActiMates character; but this distance can vary depending on where the Transmitter is placed For best results, do not place the Transmitter dlrectly on [up at the VCR or TV, or in close proximity to a large metal object, It the Trans- mitter IS placed in such a location. the operating distance to the ActiMates character mag be greatly reduced. in addition, make sure the Transmitters caples are not coiled up. Extending the cables («no will maximlze the transmitters range Option cl: If nothing is connected to your VCR's video out. jack“. I Turn 0" your TV and vca. 2 Connect one end at the video cable provided with the AcllMates TV Pack to the VCR'S Video out lack. 1 Connect the other end at the cable to the Transmitter‘s video In Jack. I! Leave the Transmitter's video out jack unconnected. a rlug the AC adapter's cable into the power connection on the Transmitter. and men plug the AC adapter into a Wall outlet. Antannalcable 12W AC L TV Packvideo cable option «2: If your TV is connected to your VCR’s Video out jackm | Turn oif your TV and Vch : unplug the cable lrom in: VCR’s Via-o wt jack and plug it into me Transmitters Vlao on! lack. your TV's Video In jack will now be connected in me Transmiller's video out jack according lo lhe “new connection“ diagram below 3 Connect the cable provided with ihe AcllMales TV Pack to the VCR‘s via» out jack and lo the Transmiller's vino In lack. u Plug the AC adapters cable into the power conngclion on me Transmitter and then plug the AC anapler into a wall aullel, Existing connectlon Back of TV whom 1 ”MI Q— Antenna/Cable Back ol VCR ‘ l m ‘ l Alida Wu W l l MM l — Existing video connection new Commotion BM 01 TV 120V Ac “M“ eo— Manna/Cable swan Bull 0! ’ a.“ o! VCR “ TV Pack Tflnlmim L TV Pack video cabie New video connoofion Use the Character with PBS Television Broadcasts Microsott aha FBS are working together, making daily PBS broadcasts ot the Teletuobies, armur. and Barney s Friends TV shows AcliMates- compatible with this revolutionary TV broadcast feature, uour ActiMates character can provide ditterent comments and interactions tor each new TV episode! First check the list below to see it your local 935 station IS certified as an ActiMates-compatible station. It so, then tollow these steps to use uour Acthates character with the PBS televismn broadcast: l Follow the steps on page 2 for watching TV with your ActiMales character. you can verify that the iransmitter is connected prop» erlu to your VCR by checking to see it your ActiMates character works with the Videotape incluoeo in this TV Pack. a Verity that your VCR is set up to record TV programs so that uour VCR can act as a tuner during the PBS broadcast. There are a varietu at wags to set up uour vcit to recoro programs, and any at these waus will work as long as uou have oroperlu connectecl the Transmitten note that you do not need to actually recoro the PBS show, just verify that your vcn is set up in such a wag that it con record TV programs. 3 Turn on your VCR white watching the was show with uour Acthates character Make sure that your TV/VCR switch is set to "VCR" and that your VCR is tuned into gour local PBS channel, ActiMates—Compatible PBS Stations At the time this manual was created (October has), the tollowihg PBS stations were certitieo as ActiMates-cnmpatible. Atalanta comedian Iowa Birmingham: wtlo naruoro: WEDM Johnston: Koln. Kiln Alaska norm mat-l- rail-hanks: KUAC aounton Beach: wxEL aloomlnqlon. wnu anchorage» KAKM calnesv‘llle: wurr tlkhart: wnn My... Miamizwrar, WLRII Evansvll :wnlh phuemx: my orlana .wMFE Furl WU". WFWA Tucson: um Pensacel .wsnt inalanapollszwryi m Tallahassee: wrsu Muncle: Winn . Tampa. sou. wusr Km Conway. Astn . . “we Rock; Km Georgia Bunker Hill; xooo . . Athens/Atlanta: wow Topeka: xtwu "" "' "" Savannah: wvAn Wichita: Kots Eureka: KEEY . Fresno: KVPY Wrens. wccs ‘M'W tos Angeles xcn Kauai Bowling Green wxyu gagging; leg Honolulu: KHiT tenngton: WKDC Sacramento: KVIE ilitois Loud.“ san Diego KPBS carbondate: wslu Baton Rouge: WLPB San Francls zxoto Charleston: wtlu new Orleans: wyts, San Jose: Kim cnicaq wttw WLAE W, ' mar Shreveport: KLTS Denver: KRMA lcontmueo) Mite Bangor: wcsa Balllmnre: wraps was aoston:_waau Springfield: waxy Detroit: W_TVS Eds! LGHSIHQ WKAR Flint: WFUM Grand Rapids: wsvu ML pleasant: wmu Anplelnn' KWCM Austin; KSMO Bemld] Ksz Duluth: wosz Minneapolis/St. Paul: K In Jacksu wwn mi _ Kansas pltu: KLFT Springfield, KOZK St. Louis: Km warrensourg: was Menu“ meman: nus» las Vegas: KLVX Reno:KnPB me-nfli‘ burnomzwznn "CW JCS-H Trenton: wnJr mum Albuquerque: mu: Las Cruces: KNWG Portales: me new M Buflilc: wnzn new York- WHEY nlalnview. WLM Plallsburg mm mneste xxl Schenectady: mam Syracuse: wcny VeslllwaKG WMEI‘IDWH: WHFE nor-mentalit- cmpel mu: wunc charlotle: WTVI W‘llml’nglan: wunL nor-mum Fargo: zmz mm , Oklahoma City: Km Tulsa: KOED Olin Alhens: wouu sowling Green: wsou Cincinnatl: wan clevelanu WVIZ cowmbv wosu Dagton: wle Kent: wnzo Dxlnru: wwn Portsmouth: wpno Yoledn: WGTE Dragon _ Corvallls’ KOAC Mealora. KSVS Purllanfl: KDPB "mu-i- Betnlenem; wtw Erie: wuln Harrisburq' wllr Pnlladelpn a: WMV‘I pittsburgn; wow pittstn -wvm UniVEI‘SIll) Park: wpsx m ulna Providenne wSBi south Emu columbla: WRLK spartanburg: mm 500!!! um vermlllon: «(so Tam-sue cnattopooqo: WTCI Knvxyllle: wxov Martln wul Memphis: wxno nashvllle: wncn was Amarillo: xuv Austin: mu college station «mu Curl-W5 Chrlsllt KKDT uallas: KERA El Dan. was Houston KuNT Lubbock: lel Odessa: chv San Antonio: Kle Salt Lake: KuED v-mm colcnesler: wm vaun- Marrisonnurq: WVPT norlalk: wmw Richmon cvz Roanoke WHRA Wm Ricnlanu me Seattle: KLTS Spokane: KSPS 0.5. Washington. Wm Westvmna Berkley: wswv wununqw MPBV Morgantown: wnPB “With Green Bay ani Madison: WHA Milwaukee: wmvs "35235; KCWC Troubleshooting Tips ttmmumtontherrmsniturisnotm: . The Transmitter is not getting power Make sure the Ac adapter is nlUQQEd into a wall outlet and connected securely to the Transmitter: NthavkuclsplqinflbmUnlifltlonunTr-tsnitmlsnotblinkinz . Make sure the Transmitter is property connectea to the Tv and VCR and make sure the video is playing at normal speed - Make sure the video is ActiMates—compatible. check the viaeo’s package tor the Microsott ActiMates-compatible symbol. nwvunkehsfiwmuummmn-mmfikutmlng ll a stem rate: . Adjust the tracking on your VCR. tthkMMmAM-mmmmm with the W901 - Squeeze the ActiMates character's hand to make sure it's turned on. it the character says an appropriate TV phrase such as “Let's watch TV together,‘ the character is property receiving the raalo signal Tram the Transmitter, However it the character otters to play a game or asks you to saueeze one at its sensors, there may be an interterence problem with another radio operated'devtce, such as a cordless phone or baby monitor Try moving the charac- ter closer to the Transmitter or turning all the other device while watchth TV Wllh the character: 0 Make sure the ActiMales character has tresn batteries installed It the character‘s movements slow down, its speech becomes slurred or stuttered, or it has trouble interacting with the vioeo, the cnaracter's batteries heed to be replaced. 0 Make sure you've installed the radio cartridge, it required. [See pages 3 and all nthevideolsptayhgbutyeucuvtueutoptcmonuuwz . Make sure the Tv anal ch are both turned on, the TV/VCR switch is set to “vat,“ and the TV is tuned to the correct channel tor use with your VCR. 0 check that the Transmitter cable connections are secure and connected accoraing to the instructions on page; 5 and a. - Adiust the tracking on your VCR. Ift-heviuulsmgbutunninmlsdhtm . Adjust the tracking on your VCR. . it the picture quality is poor or show but you can hear the auolio clearly, the heads on your VCR may be ctirty try cleaning the VCR‘s heaas. . lt the previous suggestions don't work then either the videotape or the heads on your VCR may be worn out. If the Actiuales chi-actor stops and starts in mid—sentence white the vine I: m - Move the character closer to the Transmitter so it‘s in the Transmitter’s range. The character should be within it» tee! (u meters) of the Transmitter. 0 Adjust the tracking on your VCR. it the tracking control is very sensitive, then the VCR probably needs to be serviced by a qualified technician. ltuncnrecter‘sspeechkbrmflupormbshgm: a Move the character closer (V the Transmitter or a (AW teet to the right or tell. Ideally, the character should be less than 15 teet (10.5 meters) tram the Transmitter, and the Transmitter should be at least i tool to 3 meters) mm the TV and VCR. . Try moving the Transmitter to a ditterent location. For nest results. do not place the Transmitter directly on top at the Tv or VCR, or in direct proximity to a large metal obiect. 1 Make sure the Transmitter‘s cables are tutly extended. . it you're using a lit an cordless phone while the tape is playing, there may be interference between the phone and the Transmit— ter. Try changing the trequency (channel) or your cordless phone. Vou may need to hotel the phone close to its base station to change the trequency. . Turn on other radio-operated devices while playing with the ActiMates character There may be interference between the Transmitter and another radio-operated electronic device. (For example. baby monitors, garage door openers, burglar alarmsl radio-Controlled toys. etc.) Certain types at appliances with elec— lric motors may also cause interference. it the “Gates character tsn't hterncthg with the PIS TV program: . Make sure your local PBS station is ActiMates—combatibie. For a list at compatible stations, see pages 1 and a. note that interactive Barney works only with ActiMeles—compab ibte broadcasts ol the flurhey s Friends TV show, interactive Arthur and uw. work only with ActiMateSvCOMD-ilible broadcasts ot the armor TV show, and interactive Teletubbies work only with ActiMates-compatible broadcasts ot the Teletuhbies TV show. . verity that the character works with the videotape included in the TV Pack, For example, see it AcliMates Barney interacts with the Barney video ctip on the TV Pack‘s introductory videotape. . Turnonyour VCR while watching the 985 show with your ActiMates character. Make sure your TV/VCR switch is set to “VCR‘ and make sure your VCR is tuned to the local PBS channel. e Adjust your TV tuner and/or antenna tor the best picture. it your picture is snowy, gnosted. or smeared, the AcliMates character nrobably thn'l work Wllh the program. . Verity that your VCR is set up to record TV programs. so that your VcR can act as a tuner during the this hrnaocast. To test your VCR setun. try recording the FBS show to see it your ActiMates charac— ter works with the recording. For best results use the “SF' or ‘z-hour‘ recording mode on your VCR. it you cannot record the show your VCR setup may not be correct. Refer to your VCR manual tor instructions on now to set up your vcit to record pro— grams, it you can recoro the snow ones the ActiMates character work when playing the show back? it so, your setup is correct and the character should also work during an actual PBS broadcast— just be sure to turn on your VCR while watching the has show with your ActiMates character. Microsoft Product Support Services it you have a technical question, you can get your question answered quickly through one oi several options. Ontine support use support Dnline to lind inlormation you need oniine. Innovative wizards provide step—buvslep guidance so you can diagnose and solve problems yoursell. To begin your search, go to http:/isubportomicrosoltcom/supporll. Tetephone SUPport standard rte-charge support—tor new dining regular business hours Receive assistance directly mm a support engineer to solve your issue. Please call one at the iollouiing numbers. in me u s ' us hes-sou; mm ozoo AM. - sou EM.Paci1iLlime, 3on AM. - xziio EM. eastern time. Monday - Friday, excluding Monday - Friday, excluding holidays holidays For questions about the ActiMales character or the TV flack Transmitter and Radio cartridge. you are eligible ior qo days oi standard no~cnarge Support which begins the first lime you speak with an engineer (For example, if the AcliMates character is not making any sound, or it you have the ActiMales 1v Pack, but the AcliMates character is not respond- ing to cues trim the ActiMales—compatibte video.) Fewer-incident Support—tor imp nui- hours if you need help from a support engineer alter hours, or it you nave used up your standard no-cnarge support, you can purchase Payrreo incident support, support fees will be billed to your VlsA, MasterCard. or American Express card. For questions about me ActiMales character or TV Pack: Min Mum Mum mum ~ indent: (coo) sac-57W (too) ass-7175 zu hours a day, seven days No AM, - szoo nM. eastern time. a week, including holidays Monday - Friday. excluding holidays Email support You can submit questions 2“ hours a day and will receive a response (mm a support engineer within one business day. To submit your ques- tion, go to nttp-//support.microsoit.comlsubportl and select web Re— sponse web Response is available tor both Standard novcnarge Support and Pauper-incident Support. Text mephone (fly/TDD) services In the united states. dial (025) has-Will, 11:00 AM. - moo 2M. Pacific time, Monday - Friday, excluding holidays or in Canada, dial (nos) sax-ooui, no A M. - mo PM, eastern time, Monday . Friday, excluding holidays. support outside the united states and Canada The support options described here are available in the united States and Canada only, For inlormation on support available in other countries, contact the Microsoll subsidiary nearest you. A listing oi Microsoll Worldwide subsidiaries is available at The services and prices listed here are available in the united States and Canada. Support outside the united States and Canada may van). Microsolt's support services are subject to Microsoit's then—current prices. terms, and conditions, which are simject to change without notice letted Warranty and lettatlon of Liability Lerl'ED mummy. Microsalt warrants that on the day you receive the Hardware Device and tor the next to days lhereatler. under normal use and service. la) the Hardware Device Will be substantially free lrom detects in materials and workmanship, and (at any support Services provided by Microsoft shall be substantially as described in applicable written materials proVided to you toy Microsolt, and Microsolt support engineers will make commercially reasonable eliorts to solve anti problem lSSI/es. vou also have an implied warranty and/or condition, but only as In deltas mmmmwmwmmammmmnm membmwwmwxmm tMWsm/memmwmuuwamm Wmermummmmkmwmwmum kind. some states and jurisdictions do not allow limitations on duration or an implied warranty or condition, so the above limitation may not apply to you. LIMITAYIOII on REMEDIES: no COHSEQIEIITIAI. OR omen DAMAGES- Your exclusive remedy tor any breach oi this Limited warranty is as set lorth below. Whrwmmwlflmwmmmtfi wmmmmtmuwwsms Limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. you may have others, which vary trom slate/jurisdiction to state/jurisdiction REGISTHAYIOIL Will need not return the warranty registration card tor this Limited warranty to be eltective. unzrtclanv. To the extent allowed by applicable law, this Limited warranty is only made to you, (he lirsl user at the Hardware Device, and there are no third party beneficiaries or this Limited warranty it is not intended tor and does not apply to anyone else (except as required toy law). you: ExcLusNE REMEDY. Microsott‘s and its suppliers' entire liability and your exclusive remedy with respect to the Hardware Device shall be, at Microsott's option, either (a) return or the price paid (it anui tor. or to) repair or replacement Dt the hardware Device that does not meet this Limited warranty and which is returned to Microsolt with a copy at your receipt at purchase. You may exercise this remedy without charge, except that you are responsible tor any expenses you may incur. This Limited warranty is void if tailure at the Hardware Device has resulted tram accident, abuse, or misanplicalian. Any replacement Hardware Device will be warranted tor the remainder oi the original warranty period or thirty (to) days. whichever is longer. To exercise your remedy, contact Microsott at' Microsolt Sales information center, one Microsatt way, Redmond, wA teosz-em. DISCLAIM“ OF mummies, the limited warranty herein is the only express warranty made to you and is provided in lieu at any other express warranties til any) created by any documentation or packaging. no other warranties or conditions are made with respect to the Hardware Device by any person, including not not limited to Microsoft and its suppliers. Ewe-wt Ioramnhmpwmmmhfldmmoruokflm emn, d! with "mt-o In. My! Devin. Also, there is no warranty or condition of title, authority, or noninlringement in the Hardware Device. Excmston or IncIDEm'AL. conscnuEmlAL Ann cmAll OTHER DAMAGES. To mmmmntpmmdbywwmhmwentw Mmu‘hflwkrsbeflfih'wmmmnuofw umwmmmmummmw mtormhummuauermmurmmmm mdmyinotmfiigwgoodfllmorafwmmmm and (wwflmmnfimwumwsvflm,athgmflcrhw mmmunuseuwmwtounmmmnneviu,mn Microsoft orwsmrhuboonndvkodolmposshifituotsum smog-s. GWERmnG LAN. Ii you acquired the Hardware Device in the united Slates of America, the laws 01 the state at Washington, u.S,A,, will applg to this contract. if you acquired this Hardware Device outside or the united states at America, than local law may apply. it you acquired this product in Canada, except where expressly prohibited by local law, the laws in lorce in the Province ol Ontario, Canada will 39th to this contract and each at the parties hereto irrevocably moms to the jurisdiction of the courts at the Province oi Ontario and iurther agrees to commence any litigation which may arise hereunder in the courts located in the Judicial District at york, Provmce oi Ontario questions. Should you have any questions, or it uou desire to contact Microsoft tor ang reason, please contact the Microsoft subsidiary serving your country, or write: Microsolt Sales Iniormation Center: One Microsolt wag, Redmond, WA txnsz-om. GARAnTrE LIMITEE ET LIMITATlon DE RESPODSABILHE SAMMIE LanEE. Microsoit garantit due, a to date cte reception du Materiel iniurmatique et pendant une période de qualre~vingl—dix (to) jours a compiler de cetie dale. dans des conditions normales d‘ulilisation el d'entretien. (a) le Materiel Intormatidue sera, pour l'essentiel, exempt de delaut de matériau et de vice de lahrication, et [bi lous tes services d'assistance lournis par Microsoft seront, pour l'essentiet, tets due decrits dans la documentation écrite applicable qui vous a élé iournie For Microsoft, et due les soécialistes en assistance de Microsott leronl des etlorts raisunnaples, d'on point do we commercial, pour resoudre tes oroptemes soumls, vous bénéliciez egatement d'une garantie et/ou condition legate ou implicite, “thummtnwmmmtu muumfinmelhiléefituflwwmflwglnnfiewcmion ugu-whuuuestcréuwusmhdevmml/Wmlonetquhs lols'ederateswprwmhwmd'unmnznuufim mmmmwumummmimi Netdshnmgarmflewcomflflondowomnquecesolcfluisoue certains etats ou ivridictions ne permeltenl pas la limitation de la durée d'une garantie ou condition léqale ou implicite. it est possible due la restriction ci—dessus ne vuus concerne pas, LIMITATIMI DB RECWIS: ABSENCE DE DOMMAGES MSSOIRES ou m5 Von-e unique recours relativemeni a tout manquemem a cam Garantie Limite‘e est tei que prévu ci-aprés. A man do but mars-mm Gummmmvitcmiflnaudhafibuavwsmqm wmzannawmgqmmmmmu annuals-canons cette fiarantie timitée vous accorde Hes areits tégaux spéciiiques. it est possible que vaus en auez d‘autres variant d‘un élal nu a'une juriuiction a rautre. Emzatsmtum. can: Garantie Limiiée est en vigueur méme si vous ne renvogez pas la carton n'enregistrement de garaniie, lblEFiflAinz. Dans ta mesure permise par la iégislatian en vigueur, utte Garantie Limitée ne s'auresse qu'a wus, (e premier itisateur uu Matériet Intormatique. e! amine tierce partie ne peut hénéiicner de catte Garamie Limilée. ceue carantie Limitée n‘est prévue pour, at ne s’anniiqve a, personne d'auir! (5311! (El que requis par [a mi). VOYHE IIIIQUE IECDIRS. La SEUIE reswonsabiiilé de MichSUft 2! 02 ses luurnisseurs e! Wire unique recours relativzment au Matériei informatique sum, av cnoix a: Microsoft. salt (a) (e rembcursement am pm page (s'it g a lieu) pour le Materiel iniormatinue, on (b) In reparation m) te rempiacement nu Materiel iniormatique qui n'est pas contorme a cette Garantie Limiiée et qui est rewurné a Micrasoll avec une conie de vatre rew d‘achat. sz pouvzz exercer ce recavrs sans irais. saui que vous demeurez resuonsabie de toute népense encaurue a cat boar-u. ceite Garantie Limitée esi nviie si la déiecluasilé an Malériel Informalique résuite d'un accident, a‘un anus u'utiiisatinn w a'un usage non apnropi‘ié. Tnut Matériei intermatique ae rempiacement sera garanti pendant is rests de (a periode de garantie iniliale Du pendant irente (so) Jours. salon la permue ia plus Innguet Pour exercer wire react/rs, veuiuez cnmmuniquer avec Microsoit au: aux {tats- unisi MiLrosalt sales Intermatian center, one Microsoft way, Redmond, WA «sasmm et au Canada, Ms Canada 60.120 Matheson Bivu. west, Mississauga. Ontario, canana LEN am. Exclusion DE Mums. La présente carantie Limuée est ia seuie garantie expresse qui vows est atcnrdée et rempiace mute autre garanlie expr‘asse (s‘it g a lieu) créée par toute documentation cu (out matériel d‘emballage. Aucune autre garanue w condition n’est accordée reiaiivemznt au Matériei Informaliuue par queique nersonne que ca 51711, y campris, mats sans (imitation Micmsofl et ses murnisseurs A t‘memkm a; can: Gar-uh mum, ummummm‘uwhléqismimenvhmn Mlu'osottet mmnflumnlmtumnériel mmm nmmmmmwusmmsmmmm wmflcmflmwwhfldutbmwommmmu wmamflmhmhfluflmifllgamxmmu collation imfifl'u w ugh an aunt mama. a mom-“u aux um,¢mmwmn¢mun§¢w,mfl New mm D: must il n'existe avcune garantie cu condition dz titre, d'aulorité at d'absence de contretacon reiativement au Matériel ininrmatiquet EXCUBIOI'I DE DomGES WESSON“, “DIRECTS ET AUTRES. his tout. h mnmmmummvmmmnmm muntmmmwmmmhm Msmwmsmwwmwcwwflsmkm (irritation Ia mm a mm, vim-"Mon as mans Its down-acts mmmsmmwmanmtmmy Ml'mwameamSermmmu Mmammmmmwuwmm), aka-Int n w a. w men nuts A. rutllsabn on Pin-mm muumwmmmsmmnwmmmmm am m was a Viv-mum dc tots m LDI Amman: Si vous avez acqui; (e Maté et |ntormatique aux ttatsflnis d’Amérique, [es mi; de i’ttat a» Washington. flats-unis s'applinuent a sette conventian. Si vous avez acquis l: Matériei inflarmatique a t'extérieur des Etats~unis d'Amérique, aiors ies iois tucates peuvem s'appiiquen Si vaus avez acfluis ce prom/it au Canada. saut si its lnis iocates interuisent expressément les conditions cle sects Garantie Limilée, les lais en vigueur mans (a province u'ontarin, Canada. réqissent matte convention et chacune aes parties a (a presents recanna“ irrévocablement la ccmnétence des tritwnaux de la province u‘antaria at cansent a instituer tout titige um puurrall découler we (a présanu uwant tes tribunaux situés dens (e district iudiciaire tie Yorkt pravlnce u‘ontario. nms'rlons. Si vous avez ass questions. at: si vws desire: cammuniquer avec Micrusalt pour quelque raisun que ce soit, veuiuez canlacter 1a succursaie Micrnsoft aesservant vntre pays. av écrire a: Microsult Sales inmrmation center, one Microsoft way, Redmvnd, WA qxusz—wq. hint-Willi: More my aim“,me mm“ mm Radio Interference Information united States Radio and TV Interference Regulations The Microsolt Acthatas Interactive character, the ActiMates Radio Cartridge and the ActiMates TV Pack Transmltter comply with Part is at the u.s. Fed» erat communications commission (rec) nutes. Operation is subject to the (allowing two conditions it) these devices may not cause harmtul interler- ence, and (2) these devices must accept any interlerence that may cause undesired operation. When used together; the ActiMates Character, the Radio Cartridge, and the Transmitter emit radio lrequency (RF) energy, it not installed and used in strict accordance with the instructions given in the printed documentation, the ActiMates character, the Radio cartridge, and the transmitter may cause harmlul interlerence with other radio-operated devices‘ reception. Any cable that is connected to the Transmitter must be a shielded cable that is properly grounded. (The caple supplied with the Transmitter is properly grounded.) The ActiMates character, the Radio Cartridge, and the Tv Pack Transmitter have been tested. and they comply with the limits for a class E computing device in accordance with the specifications in Part is oi the u.s. rcc rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful RF interlerence in a residential installation, There is, however, no guarantee that RF interlerence will not occur in a particular installation, To determine it the ActiMates Character (with the Radio cartridge installed! or the Transmitter is causing interlerehce to other radio-operated devices (lor example, baby monltors, cordless phones, radio—controlled toys, eth. disconnect the Transmitter power cord, ii the interlerence stops, it was probabty caused by the Transmitter: ii the ActiMales character or the Transmitter causes interlerence to other radio-operated devices in your home, try the lollowing measures to correct the situation: - Move the other radioroperated device to another part at the room. away lrom the ActiMates Character and the transmitter, or move the ActiMates character to a dillerent part or tne roomt - Move the Transmitter to a dillerent location For example. put the TV Pack Transmitter on the lloor or on a stereo cabinet, For maximum range, the Transmitter should be at least one loot (0.1 meters] away lrom your television, vcit or any large metal Object. . Plug the Tv Pack Transmitter into a dillereni power outlet so that the Transmitter is on a dilrerent circuit than the radio-operated device with which it is interfering. - ll necessary, ask an experienced radio-TV technician tor more sugges- tions. you may tind helplut information in the booklet 'ihe lnterierence handbook" (loss), published by the no The booklet is available lrom the Compliance and lnlormation Bureau ol the rcc tl—aoo»cottFCC) and on their Web site at http://www.fcc oov/cib/. Note Any changes or modifications nol expressly approved by Microsoil oouio void lha user's authority to operate this dance. Canadian interference-causing Equipment Regulations This Class B digital apparatus complies with lcEs-oos. cet apparell numeridue de la classe ti est conlorme a la norme nMB~ooa du Canada. al. I!
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2001:07:12 10:32:33 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows Modify Date : 2001:07:12 10:32:34-04:00 Page Count : 16EXIF Metadata provided by