Microsoft TME-4 M2M Terminal User Manual Users manual 3

Microsoft Mobile Oy M2M Terminal Users manual 3

Users manual 3

2002 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.U.S. English27CREATE NEW DIAL-UP CONNECTIONAfter you have installed the modem driver required by your system, you can select the Nokia 31 terminal as your modem and start using it through a communications software application. For example, MS Windows 95/98/2000/NT 4.0 includes communications applications such as Dial-Up Networking and HyperTerminal. For set-up assistance, please refer to the user manuals for the software you are using.When using Dial-Up Networking with Windows 2000, a new dial-up connection must be specified for each type of connection. The following steps apply equally to GPRS or CSD dial-up connections.1In the Windows Taskbar, go to the Start button and press Settings.2Select Control Panel and Network and press Dial-up Connections.3Select Make New Connection.4In the Welcome to the Network Connection Wizard window, press Next.5Select Dial-up to the Internet in the Network Connection Wizard window and press Next.
2002 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.286In the Internet Connection Wizard windows, select I want to set up my Internet connection manually, or I want to connect through a local area network (LAN). Press Next. 7Select I Connect through a phone line and a modem and press Next.If your PC has more than one modem driver installed, the Choose Modem window will appear. You can then select Nokia 31 (cable) and press Next.
2002 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.U.S. English29GPRS connection1Type in the telephone number for your GPRS connection. The telephone number for the GPRS connection is provided by your Internet service provider. For more information on this number, please contact your service provider.Leave the Use area code and dialing rules box unchecked.2Press Next.

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