Microtek ID-600 User Manual 81724

Microtek International Inc 81724


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Document ID81724
Application IDwttpzBGiu7FCpB73jhwWdw==
Document Description8
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize12.9kB (161269 bits)
Date Submitted2000-01-18 00:00:00
Date Available1999-01-26 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-04-29 16:53:01
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-04-29 16:53:08
Document Title81724.pdf
Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

Appendix C — USER MANUAL
Report # 1'9901 l46.doc FCC Class B Report
Page 45 of 45
Setup and Features
l;c\> l\ ‘ i‘ll‘ uniincr wnli sciini cripy‘ ll’l'mgflriflvlng lrllflgt'tumpl‘CSSlUlL nnil (lisklnriiiiiiiiiig Mirnili ‘li
in ii i\” iicmiiwii,ii..iiiig n iiiiiMU zip millildgc, as wcll ii i floppy ni W1: iiiii iiii Ni ii ii
\‘li‘l nanny mm Iiiinchan haséOOx lZOOLInl Uplicnl remiuimn and sung ..i “iii”, y mi iii i ii
A l—ul‘ 1c iiimici ‘Micn connccicd in ii priiiicr, liimchcck cm act as a “corner" iliimigli Ils Cu” iuiiriii ii
Setting up
m in llllAfiCDCck. Sll‘l'ij'lly plug llic powcrcord inlo the buck olllic scanner and 1an a nOWCi iiuilci ll you “Ml
ll'iC' lo ii plug ilii: prinicr cablc iriio ilic parallel part ofthe scannnr Tlicn pOWCl up the “Jilllllfh li\l
ilociiicu on ilic from panel or ilic scanner
Using ImageDeck
" lli‘L irin l‘lxllmix
"i“ m, a.“
m.“ M
“an,” m
_,. Lo- Au»
any-wing" “cm-NM
To scan and save an image:
P‘ncc ‘iic inmgc 10 be scanned tin ilic scanner
ilic Mar/c hiiiion uniil the green LED light goes
iii li'l illt Scuii \C€llur\ or ilic pancl, and choose U/W,
Glai rmi‘r nr Cn/m'
v' i‘li‘i‘l‘y disk iriio ihc scanncr's floppy drive. or
ii / , iii-ii ilgc in Llic Zip ilrivc, ilcpsnding an your
~ mgr l'lcdlulvl
Frau iiic 5am in huiiiiri on ilic (on panel, and choose
LAl‘Cli‘ur 3m “lsll IO SEWC ilic inmgc io Zip (Zip
gcl Ci Floppy (floppy dlsk) Donoi press lhc
xiii: a" ‘mllrm (oi iiiore lhari 5 seconds. or you will
mimic (llS\ iminaiiing operaiions
accil) ilic riilicr sciiings {or your scan by pressing
, c filmy ”(ling iiinciimi bulloih and llluklllg your
Scicclim THCSC scllirigs iriclurlc Rcsolunon. Com—
; swan an} Scan Area San lhe ricxl ssclmn for
s fln arch sailing,
/~ F’rcxs iric Siuri buiion Tlic image is scanned and saved
iri ilic sclcucd Zip cariridgc or floppy disc For rlclails
on rilc (orinais and file names, rcicrio ilie Saw m
tcainrc dlSCUSSCd in ihc ncxi scclion,
"a chrl lumiiniis are locnlcd Ull ilic lop panel nlilic scanner, Below I}. an illusiiaiion showing lllC mp iii-mi
[El] .i., (I) cum"
in,“ if.
To use the copy luncnon:
1 Place the image 10 he "ciiiiicd ' oii ilic sriieiiici
2 Press ihe Mode bullon uniil ilic giccn |.11D:igiii
on in (he Capyscciion cl ilic PJllCl .iiiil ciiiniic H’H
or Calm.
3 Press (he "+" or and Ull llic lllllllglilfivdullul liiii
in ilic inirldlc nl‘llic mp i—niiicl [0 llullLJlL‘ iiii siiiivlw
of copies lo bi: piinicd ‘
4 Prcss ihc SIGN buiion Tlic imiigc H KL‘LHllll‘il niiil xcii:
as a “cnpy” la your pi iiiici.
To select a printer:
Press lhc Mode huiiori {or ni lcmi 5 (Ccuild: lll C-‘llCl
prlnlcrvsclccllon mode. The sclccicd piinicr ixili lir- \lll‘~\‘
on l|\c display SL’XCCKL iiiiil ilic iiirnici xclcciiiii. iciiiiiinn iii
cflcci cven ullcr lhc scanner lus hccn iiowcrcil rill
Error Messages Supported Printers
vyc‘ m (hrrwu on mm (mm; mm and The following n a m orpmnm inmmmn
knmh‘mm m o (w rum unformmlcd lmnchcck
rm; cm ncmwmy lmnfthcsc
yv’wcucu (hsk Fnr wmcrprolecmd [omega
\ mlgcs }ru\~1HHCEdlU use the Jmncgn
r 114:er wncrprmcuum Un ma curmdgc
w mxcrxMinkHygomsc‘cclcddnvc
Um 1113 Tim mum ha due lo a full or ncArbuqu i
.m w ma Hmvg nu mags M ton—Ingh rcsoluuon
m mg rm mmgc m log-Wow compresswon
h‘ J mznbmaunn of JH Hm abowc
f'wmxmcd To formal a dxsk. mccs the
m 1mm mo 6cwnd\.nm1d|3k~
m of Hm scanner wnH be untuucd
‘Lgn fly carmdgcs, mu w‘ll nccd m usc Hm ‘
y: fircru
N w WAN: w; fumml lhc canndgc
Supported Accessories
EM: mm but can be used mm [he llnngeDcck scanner
a us: HE Mmmck lO-pagc Aulo Document Feeder,
< NA (u (”Hummus scannmg of (m pages
FCC Warning
Class 8 Computing Device
lnformation to User
"Hus cqulpmcru has been lcsltd and found lo comply wnlh the llmns fur a class B digrlal dcwcc pursuant lD
pm lS m FCC Rules Thcsc lmuls MC dcslgncd ln provldc rcnsonublc prolccuon ugmnsl harmful
r ' rcncc m «l lcslanUJll mslulluuon This cqulpmcnl gcncmcs, uses and can mimic radlo frequency
was) urd. ll‘ nol mslulled and used m accordlmcc wuh Lhc msuucllons. may cause lulrmrul mlcrfcrcncc lo
mdm commumculmns However, man: ls no guarrmlcc lJml mlcrl’crcncc wrll nol Occur ln 3 pamculu
lnsluiluuon lr llus cqulpmcnl docs cnusc mlcrfcrcncc lo rudno or lL‘lCVISIOH rcccplmn, wluclr can be
dclcrnuned by lunlng UlC cqulpmcm orfnnd on. um user us cncourugcd lo try to corrccl Lhc mlcrfcrencc by
cm or more ul‘ Um followulg measures
l) Rcuncm or rcloculc the rcccwmg antenna
2) lncrcusc Lhc sepzuullnn bclwccn lhc cqulpmcnl and rcccwcr
1) Connccl lJlC cqurplucnl mlo an omlcl on J crrcurl mllcrcnl from Lhnl to wluch Lhc rcccucr
lS cormcclcd
4) Consult the dculcr or an cxpcncnccd mdru/TV lcchrucran for help and for admuuml
“l: llSC, my find llrc fallen/mg booklcl prepared by rhc chcrul Cclnmunlcnuous Conmusslan helpful
How to locuulv uuu Resolve Rllle-TV mlcrlcrcllcc Problems " Tlus bumklcl ls uvlulrrulc (rum lllC US
Csxcrmncm Pnnlmg Omcc erSlllllgIOll, D C 2mm}, Slack Nu lulu-ullu-llUNMJ
FCC Warning
Th: user lS cauucncd that changes or modxficauons nol expressly approved by lhc nmnufuclurer could ma
ma user's uulhnrlry m opcrulc UlC cqulpmcnl
NOTE ln urdcr for m mslrulunon ol‘ lJnc pruducr lo ur.um_nn compliance wuh lhn Ilrruls for a Class 8
came, srucldcd cables musl be used
Appendix C — USER MANUAL
Report 59907222 doc FCC Class B Report
Page 45 of 45
Setup and Features
41C; k l\ 1mm suiiiiicr WilllKCiIl’l.[Opy‘lmi’lgfirsilvlflgi llllflgc-Lomplc'fllmh midL1I3k~l0rl|iillllllgLilllillllllllih Tit:
i iii; rm rlriw‘ ll'l iirteiiiriiiitiiiiiiig ii intiMB zip tiiiiiuigc. as well us it lltimlydlwc ii..ii riiii .itriiiiiiii~t,.iir~
‘ l utis mom iiiiii liiinchcck “15600 x IZOOtlpi oplical resolution mitt mm in (film. ghlyn'
u .iiii1
Him illi l'\\llilc Hll)(|[1\ Wlicii CUHHCUCU in ii prllHCL Iiiiachcck can act as a "copier" iliioiigh it~ Ctiiiy liiiir iiiiii
Setting up
To wt irr liimguDeeL. simply plug the power cord into the back ol the scanner and “HG a puwci' nullcl ii ynii \\]\ll li‘
l'rmm iwiiitmi liieated on the front panel uftlie seminar
Using lmageDeck
si t. l‘llfllcr to ii plug the printer cable min the parallel port (tithe scanner. Tlieii pDWCI up the willlllcli iixiiig iii:
". 1m lmtichcck {unclirtnfi m JOL‘nlCtl on [lie top panel ol l|iC scanner Below lS alll||u51lalv0l|5huwiilgllictripimiiiiliiiiil
‘iii‘ iiiiiiiiifi llHlLi'li'lfl [MIHOHN
a,“ m, be“
awn M
“min,“ mm
.- irim-ii.
Ihinahiuan f—
To scan and save an image:
mice the image it) hC scanned on the scanner
Prev the Mmlr hiittmi until the green LED light goes
on iii the Sam section of the panel, And L||OOSC B/W,
(Tia-i (HI/0. tar Crilor,
7 liixeri ti New). llisk min the scanner's floppy drive or
i. 7 r‘ ;nrllitlgc mitt the zip LlllVC, depending on your
ti ,L‘lf\l'7higcmmlluln
Press the finite in bumm on Ilie inp panel, and choose
MliClllC wu with in save (lie image to Zip (Zip
Earlrldgej ar Floppy (floppy disk). Do not press the
”Sn: iii" lwuitfiii for more than 5 seconds. Or you will
iniiiiiic u‘lSk-R‘lrmfllllllg operations
a Spcur) l|lC (illicr settings [or your seen by pressing
ilie ttiiiexpuiidiiig liineiiim buiimis ziiid making your
selection These settings include Rasolullon‘ Com-
presiion, and Sean Area See the next section for
(let; ls rm caeli setting
6 PFCVS the Start button. The image is scanned and saved
(a the selected Zip cartridge or Happy dise For details
on file formats and file names, rcier to the Save In
feature discussed in lhe next section.
[131 m (a mum."
5m... w-
To use the copy functiu
I Place the image to be “copied
tiii ilie seniiiici
2. Press lhc Made bullori unlrl llic glCCil Lizr) liglil grit-i
on in the Copy Sccllmi 01 [he fund, and riiiiiiie imi'
or Color.
3 Press the “+" (ir
in the middle trltlic itip [L‘llCl tti iiitlie.iic tlir llllllllVCl
olcopies to be printed ~
and im iiie iiiiiiigi.isssiiiirir-ii ii.”
4 Press the Slat‘l button. The image is ~L.lllliulmlil\[1il
as a “copy" to your piiiiier.
To select a printer:
Press the Mods bullon {or at least 5 ieeuiids (U L’lllL‘l
printer-seiceiion mode. The Sclecicd pl‘mlcr “A” l): Alillwr‘
mi llie display screen, iiiid the printer seleriinii lullltlllh iii
effecl even after the scaiiiier has been powered till
Error Messages Supported Printers
ngct are shnwn on mm mm succn and Thc Inflowmg IS 3 Mil of prnncu suppnmul h}
~ ~:\ mm; ~ My pmhlcms n L- mq full, unrurmaucd lumchcck
“J rink ‘ Ralw m A hat ml mass
- in \\mic~pmlm[cd dlsk For wrllc—prmnctcd lmnngn
mp gum chk. )<>u mll nccd m usn lhc Imncgn
m: m rcumvc urilc wmcumn an we curmdgc
~ ‘w, m ‘ Ls 1mm A dukxn)0ursc\ccmd drnvc
- I I‘m} mH Hus cnuld he duc lo a l’uH m ncflrly~qu
4m 1rvumvmng an nnngc at Luorhxgh rcsclunon
ugh. n mung an mmgc nl mo—Inw conmrcssmn
c: m J Lhmblvmlon of AH Ihc anvc
DM r‘r! r/vrvtux‘ml Tn hmmn [A «ink muss (he ‘
r v M n My at mm mc mom, nmidwsk-
mom of 12m ccnnncv wwH hc vnumlcd
rl7lp uvlrulgcs. )nu mu nccd m um ma
\/ H mm my Mum ch carmdgc
Supported Accessories
nucvymlcx mm can he med leh Hm ImageDcck tcanncr
We (1 Mmmck \O—pagc Auto Dotumcnl Ftndcr,
J: :< mu hgr wmmnnuc sczmmng 0( mt pngcs
FCC Warning
Class B Computing Device
Information to User
T‘ms cquxpmcnr has becn lcsled nnd found lD comply wuh Um hmus fur a class B digiml dcvrcc pursuam lo
pun 15 ml" FCC Rules Thcsc luuus are dcmgncd lo provxdc reasonable prnlccuun ugmnfl harmful
lucn‘crcncc m n rcsrdcnunl mslulluuan Tlus cqurprncnl gcncrulcs, uses, and can mimic radio frcqucncy
mugy uud‘ xl not rusrullcd and used m accordance wuh Lhc msu’uclionsl may cause lulmu'ul mlcrferenc: ru
mam cnmmumcuuons Howcvcr‘ lhcrc |s no guarxmrcc um mrcrfcrcncc uull nor occur in n pumculur
lnmlluuon lruus cqulpmcnl docs cuusc uucrrcrcncc |o Hldlo or lclcvrsmu rcccpllon, wluch can be
dclcrnuncd by lumng |J|c cqurpmcm off and on um uscr ls cncuurugcd lo rry m corrccr the mrcrfcrcncc by
Bus or more cl Lhc following measures
1) Reuncm or rcloculc Lhc rcccwmg antenna
2) lncrcusc the scpzuuuon bclwccn Lhc cqurprucnl und rcccwcr
l) Conuccl the cqurpmcnr uuo an ourlcl on u cucuu dllrcrcm from lhnl lo wluch the rccclvcr
lS cunncclcd
4) Consull lhc dculcr or nn cxpcncnccd mdlu/I‘V lcchrucmn for help and for admuonul
The user muy find the l'olluwnu,I backlcl prepared by (he chcrul Communlcflhons Cumnusslan helpful
how lo lucurllv JIlLl Rc>o|vc Rudlor'l‘v uucrfcrcncc Problems “ Tlu; booklcl rs .mul.nblc Irmu lira U S
Gmcrlmvcnl Pnuuug omen Wusluuglnu D C 204412510“ No llll-l-lllNHlanS-J
FCC Warning
The user is cauuoncd that changes or modnl’ncmwns nur cxprcssly approved by the manufacturer could vord
ch user's uumonry m upemlc the cqurprncul
NOTE ln ordcr for .\.n mslulluuon ohhc product (0 muulhun compluulcc wuh lhc lumls for a Class B
dcwcc, slucldcd cables must be used
Repon w r9807192.doc FCC Class B Report
Page 27 of 27
FCC Warning
Class B Computing Device
Information to User
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device pursuant to
part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation, This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur In a particular
installation, If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be
delermined by tuning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
one or more of the followrng measures:
1) Reoricnt or relocate the recerving antenna.
2) Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
3) Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is connected,
4) Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/T V technician for help and for additional
The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission helpful:
“how to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV interference Problems." This booklet is available from the US.
Government Punting Office, Washington, DC. 20402, Stock No. 004-000-00345-4.
FCC Warning
The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: In order for an installation of the product to maintain compliance with the limits for a Class B
device, shielded cables must be used.

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Create Date                     : 2001:04:29 16:53:01
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Title                           : 81724.pdf
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Page Count                      : 10
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FCC ID Filing: EF9ID-600

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