Microtek MCS-1200P User Manual 8

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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted1998-12-11 00:00:00
Date Available1999-02-05 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-07-12 07:35:49
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-07-12 07:35:50
Document Title8

Installation Guide
for 5
Basic Requirements
mScan CG
' IBM-PC 486, Pentium, or oompatibles with
bulll-in plug-and—play BIOS system
- Microsoflwindows 95, NT orWindows 3 1x
- CD-HOM drive (internal or external)
lmporllnt Non.-
lnslfll’aflfll‘l Guido first.
- Al least 40MB hard disk Will’l 15ME avatlable
- SuperVGA Color display wilh 256 colors or better
sum using Mu scanner and software, you should read this Microtek Scanner
nsta ngu erW ndows 95
1. Unpack your scanner and
check components
Open your scanner package and (hack thc
components as stated m your patkmg llSl Do Nal
install any of the soltwarc unul the hmdware has
been installed.
Installing under Windows 95
Step 1 Unpafh your scanner and Llwclz
Before ptoceedmg any further, check that you have
all the illusu—ated ttems below
components v H , l
2525 put Cable
Step 2 Connect the simmer w ynur mmputer . 2
Step 3 Install the scannzr softwart' v 3 K /
Step 4 Tcstyaur summer .. 4 CD-ROM
Installing undu Windows 3 1x.” .‘ 5
Installing undzr Windows NT 4 G ..... 6
Copyvtgnl o 1995 Mtuolek Eumps, B v. mw/www mlmulek.M 77 Docho tag-ocean
ems! me x
mam, 1:37 PM
2. Connect the scanner to
’ ”slums
your computer
Tum ofi your computer and printer, and
remove the parallel prtrller cable or any devlce
(e g Keypro) from the computer's parallel port
and connect tt [0 the For! A of your scanner
Connect the ZS-to-ZS pin cable at both the
scanner's ZS—pln Port A and your computer‘s
parallel port
Connect your origlnal parallel pnnter cable to
the scanner‘s 25rpin socket port (labeled
PRINTER) and your prtnterjack.
Plug one end of the power cord to the power
connector at the back panel of the scanner and
the other end of the connector to your AC
power source
Power up your scanner, The Ready tnd'tcator
(green lighl) on the front panel of the scanner
flashes brtelly Alter a few seconds the Ready
tncllcator stops bltnktng and stays lit. the
scanner is ready
Turn on your computer, and check to make
sure that your computer ts configured as an
EPP mode Refer to the BIOS section of your
PC's user manual
step 2: 25~tor25 ptn cable \
Most computers allow you to quickly press the
Del key several times whlle powerlng up Then
the screen dlsplays 3 mode selectlons: ECP,
EFF, and Standard. Choose EPP mode, then
restart your computer to acttvate the settlngs
you have made
Technical Note Forjastest scanning, your
parallel port Should be setjur EPP (Enhanced
Parallel Port) mode This 15 usually configured in
your syslem BIOS ljyou encounter cummunicaltun
problems usmg the EPP strung, try chnngmg tth w
l7l-d|Y€LUOTI11l or Compattble mode Please see the
documentallon that Lame will your computerjov
mare lnjalrnatlmt about checking or changmg BIOS
7 When your computer ts restarted, thdows 95
ls launched as well
Nan" When runmng Wmdows 95, Always turn on the
runner before the computer ljyou don't. Windows wtll
not be able to "see" your scanner
Punter l
Slep 1 Parallel primer cable
step a: Power adamer
2 © fuses, v 37 PM
3. Install the scanner software
Bclotc you lrcgm msmllmg sttllwalt make sure
yuut scanner ts connected lo the computer with
1ch 2540-25 ptn (nblC and llml the scanner power
ts tunted on
1 Insert the Mtcmlek CD'ROM mu) your CD—
ROM dnvc The tnstaller program should come
up ftutomattcally and ltst avatluble software
programs for you
2 Sclccl the software you want to tnstall. then
cltck the Install button. The tnstaller wtl] set
up these apphcattons Ior you
Note Ulllf Mtcmteh mstauer K not automaztrally
dnplayed an the 55mm, rink Sum, filled Run, lypc
d.\(dselup.zxe, and cltck OK, whm' d tr the drive
lcltcrjor your CD—ROM Ifyour CD—ROM has a
dtflmnt dvlvc letter than d , you must substttute that
Lll'lw‘ lcttfrjnr d
Install Microlek Scanwizird
Mtctotck ScanWtzurd ts thc TWflm dttver used [or
the scanner to commttntcatz wtth VflTlOuS
Appllullmns Mtumck stattwtmtd cannot be used
by ttsell and rcquttes another ptugram tn order [0
1 Select the “Microle Scanwimrd" oplton,
then follow the tnsttucttons on the screen to
start the tnstallatton
Z In the “Select Cn'mpancnts", choose “Parallel
Prtntcr Pon Interlace" optton as your
r m m insured
3 ll you have HP scrtes pttnttt tthver tn your
system, (lILk Yes to ztcccpt prtntcr tn daisy
unm wul’t thc parallel ptmlct port (lelCC
thtk Yes to check ll‘lc pcv‘lphcral ctwtmnmcnt
tclulcd m ymu stunnct Tltc mutt ol |h€ (heck
ts (ltspluycd. as slttmn bclttu
we t VHS 3
Make sure the Tgt opnon dtsplays n SCSI ID
number between 1 and 6, then conttnuc
5 Cltck Yes to let SwtssKmlc uttltty lo detect ll
you want to
When tnstatlauon ts complete ll'm Mtcrotck
ScanWizard for Windows 95 group appears as
a (older tn the Programs menu.
The SwtssKntlc uttltty program checks your cables
and the status of your scanner SW\SSKnll€ runs
under Wmdcws 95 only
Install Ippflcafions
The bundled appltcatton that came wtth your CD—
ROM vm‘lcs dependtng on markcttng stmtcgtes
Install some or all let yam nceds
; Test your scanner
Restart your computet; and start up Scanner Test
The scanner test tepurts thc detected scanner
t model and the mtcrfacc and 7 smplscst You are
now ready to scan
sunniy uni-w
than): an: Illhflmlg: lulu! m 5“ ' ‘
mun, tut ml
V-vt-Q'me w
nm E...
Pry-«w m
Mum 4m
scs met
Rcmnflgum meme“
sns/sa tin PM
5. Test your scanner
I Restart thdows 95 (lkk gmfl‘ Settlngs, and
select Control Panel
Z Doulrle-eltck on the System l(‘0n ll‘l Control
Pilntl‘ then select DEt’tLL‘ Manager from the lop
3 Double-cltck on “SCSl wntrollers", you can
lmd “Mtcrotek Parallel Port llosl Adapter“ ltst
hcrc Thl: scanner ts ready to scan
w hulk-mlflM—l
4 Start up Scanncr Test lmm thc Microlek
ScanWizard for Windows 95 lolder tn the
Programs menu When started up successfully,
the screen below appears
aHufntex Snanh‘u
Sunuv Llnllng Rudy,
than: an: of m lmnuz Gnu-nu In!
sunning Igfl.
mum mm
man-nun am
scsr cum
sznfiguu Equtymutl.
r ecstpms 4
(thck the Flatbed butttln
Plat-c ytltlr document latt- tlnwn trn the scanner
glass The top left (0mm ol the document
should he at the “0,0“ pusltlon on the mlcr
gtlldcs lunntng zllongsrtlc LhC St’anner
7 A gray scale prevlew ol ynut tmage wtll be
dtsplayed tn the Mtcmtek ScanTcsr wrndow,
Close and Ex“ Mterotck SeanTcst
To stan the dDLumcnt, start up your soltware
nppltezttton to brlng up the Mtcrotek
StanWrznrd. click on the Scan button tn the
Plcvlcw wtndow The tmzlgc wtll be SLN’mEd
and Mineral to your snlrwm appllcatton‘
where ll can be saved as a lllc,
For mole dctatls on how to operate your
iLflnnEl’ wrth Mrcrctek stanWtzard, relet to the
Mltmlcll Suthlzul'd Rtft'rclltt' Manual tn your
The detected scanner ana us SCSl lD numbel
The “smplscsl” means you are usmg
Palallel Purl trllerians
The “Flamed" buttun,
The SCSI Checkleatme acts as a SCSl
, probe to vsnly the lemon a! your scanner
and [he Scanner ID
The Reconfigure Equipment leature allows the
l system to update lIS own lrltemal relevance
trle and Is nselul when you have changed your
setup at recnnllgured your system.
yrs/gs r as PM l
The mfinutlmns huluw petunn to msmllannn tn (ht
«um-ant lhnl tnmc wtth ymu stunner undct
\deuw< 3 1x Fullmv lht‘ mp5 below
1 Unpmk your ctmmu nnd Lhcck Lompnncnls
Z Conncu lhc 51 mncr IO ynut wmputcr
Only when you hm'u LOmplL’lCd [ht above steps
mu mnncr under
Wrmlnws NT 4 0 Follow rlru slaps hclnw
l Unpade ynur murmur And (hank components
2 (nnncu [he smnner m yrmr Compulcl
Only when you hrnc mmplusd the above Sltps
should you procccd wnh 1nM'n\'nrc lur mu
2 Salem (ht snllwarc you mm [0 mslall, then
LllLl-i {he lnslall buunn The msmller wrll m
up these applruuum lm you
Nam ll [hr Mltlall'lz unrullu pmgvum 1; nm
nurmnanmllv (Inpluwd ml lln‘ xu'ctn, Llnlz Stan, kl'll'll
Ruu‘ type d miwup an and llnlz 0K; whm‘ ll 1\ {ln
llrm' lullrr {m mu LDrROM IrvamtnROM hm ll
rllI/mml rlnw lulu lhun ll , wu mun sulzrmun- llzrn
rlnw lulll'v (m <1
lnslall Micvotek Scanwixard
anlvk SLaannul |s (he Imam dnver med lnr
lhi' Sumner m mmmunumc “uh vanmu
rpplrurrons Mrrmltk SLr\n\\‘|zz\vcl lnnnnl hc "ml
lry vlscll 11nd rcqlnrca nnnlhtr lrmgmm m (mlrl' nv
l bclul the “Micmlck Scnquzar‘d” ”plum
llrcn lullnw llrr mslnnumfi an llu‘ worn in
xlrlll rho mqullunnn
o [6 1 Mr, G
1 In lhl' ‘bclcu anpom'nl. xhoosc “Parallel
Primer Pm Inwrlarc ' upllnn as your mlcrlatv
r mwmum
f~‘ FEE-w JEFE
r run-mash msmrMnm
r “WWW;
r Nnunkkim
3 When rmmllnnon 1.x cnmplclc, [he Microlek
SLanWizard for Windows NT group appears
us a luldm m lllL‘ ngrams menu
Inslall app aliens
lhc bundled Jpplkaumr llrzn mmc wuh your an,
(OM vanes dcpcndmg an nmrkeung slraleglcs
lnsmll some m all (m yrul nceds
Test your scanner
llcslrlll yum mmpuu 1. and smrl up Sianncx' Tcsl
Imm Lthlumck Suanlzanl lur Windows NT m
vhc programs mvnu llw hcannur lcsl reports the
dL‘lCLlCd manner mmlcl and (fit nucrlanc card ~
amplx sl You rue nnw ll‘atly m Stan
1. mm 5mm
Sam-fl mm; mm
c u m nun: inn-g; Italian
rm..." rm.
mum me
“wanna sw-
5:51 chm
Rtmnllgmz [mm
sums w u, w
m l
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
Thts Equlpmenl has been tested and lound to comply W|ll| Ihc ltmtts fur a Class B dtgttal dcvtcc‘ pursuant tn
Part 15 of the FCC Rules These ltmtts are destgncd tn pl'OVIdC reasonable pmlcctmn agnmst harmful
tnterfetence tn a restdcnttal tnstallmton Thts equipmt‘nt generate» ttxcs and U!“ tadtatc radto frequency
energy and, tfnm tnstalled and used tn accotdanee tvtth ll’\(‘ mstrutttons, may cause harmful interference to
radto tttmmunnattons However, there ts no guarantee that tntctletenec wtll not mcur m a parttcular
mstallatton lf lhlS eqtttpment clues cause harmful mtetlerenee tn udtu Dr televtstun teteptton, whteh can be
determtned by tummg the equtpment offend on, the user ts entouragcd [D try to LUHCLL the tntsrlsrence by
UnC ttr more 01 the followmg measures
- Remnant/relocate the recctvtng antenna.
- lntrease the scpamtton between the equtpment and rtcctver
~ Connect the equtpment mto an outlet on a Clrcull tltllcrent from that to whtLh the rceztver ts connected.
Consult the dealer er an cxpcrteneed radto/TV tetlmtuan for help
Note Slttelded tmcrjate cable wtzltjemte (one msmllcd tm \L(lm|(‘l' mnnetwr end must be med wt’th tlus tqutpment
Trade Name Mndcl Name
Slthcan C6 (SeanneréBGCs) MCS-lZOOP
Changes or modillcallofls not expressty approved by the manutacturer responsmte tor
eompttance could Vold lhe users aulhorivy m operate the equtpmanl.
eprms 7 sugar l AS w
Model Name
Model number
Sample depth
Calibralion lime
Scanning speed
(at 600 dpl)
Tmnsmission speed
Scanning Area
Mam mum
Warm up (imc
Power Supply
Voltage Frequenry
Power Cunsumplion
Stunner (wBfiCS
Desktop, l‘lalbcd‘ bmgle pass
600 dpx(l|)x1200dpl(\/l
12 husptuulm wuh Dual Opumunuon Technology
55m (guy)
Bsec (Law
Lint—an 13 ms/lme
Gray‘ IS ms/lme
Color. 30 ms/lmc
Prsvww 285, Leuer snzc
l6p|xclsx lepmls
215.8 mm x 294 7 mm
(a ‘3"x 1] (w)
lmin (m |mage qualuy level
100 V 10240 V(»lO% m do‘lfi)
57 Hz (0 63 Hz (USA)
47 Hz (0 63 Hz (nlhcr munmcs)
12W mlu
l04”>« l 7”x 164"
sue/95. , A5 PM

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:07:12 07:35:49
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Modify Date                     : 2001:07:12 07:35:50+01:00
Page Count                      : 8
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FCC ID Filing: EF9MCS-1200P

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