Microtek MRS-2400FU Image Scanner With USB & 1994 Interface User Manual

Microtek International Inc Image Scanner With USB & 1994 Interface

User Manual

Download: Microtek MRS-2400FU Image Scanner With USB & 1994 Interface User Manual
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Microtek MRS-2400FU Image Scanner With USB & 1994 Interface User Manual
Document ID114968
Application IDyRYpa7yrD/Aulx80P3ACGA==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize31.62kB (395243 bits)
Date Submitted2000-08-29 00:00:00
Date Available2000-09-19 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-08-29 15:26:55
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2000-08-29 15:27:19
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

Image Scanner
User’s Manual
Installing and
Gettmg Started
forthe ScanMaker®5700
Will/M541 mm nus
Firnwirc - thss 55. win 1000, Ma:
calm and tune nv
use -\‘l|t\95, Wm znnu, Mi: 53/04
and lMaE
Thls document ptovtdes lnlormatlon on how to lnslatl yout Microlek scanner on a PC or Mac uslng the scanners
Flrewlre or USB lntertace and descnbes the features or lhe scannlng.
nsta a on for Pc and Mac ntosh
1 . Unpack scanner
Open your scanner package and check major tomponents
as shown ln thls secuon For a complete Ilsting or
components, ruler to the Packlng Llst. lfany Item ls
tnlssmg. comm Mlcrotek Customer Servtce
Your Mlcmtck ScanMaker 5700 scanner comes wlth
FlreWire and USB bulk-m lnterhces See the hgure below
to locate the dl|(er€nl ports clt the back panel olthe
gunner. mcludlng the scanners accessory port
[HEWY Slfl' mm-
4 mm,
Mn [NERuV mt Ftlluu.
Wont huulu
ll n nnnrnl .l..<. lhs mlnnn
mnorlrrcnmn mt
tlnh’hltnhtlutl ylunlnty
Mnnnrm mnmmnm mnwlmnlnnt» unmrrnl trmlrm-tsol Mtu
. mnrksurtng ms]umlmurhsulAd-ttmiyslmulnmunmedC an
2. Unlock the carriage
1 With the scanner turned 0“, till the scanner on ILS slde
lo locate the carnage lever snlory lock (located a! the
bottom left sldt)
z Shghtly pull the lever towards you unu] you hear:
muck" whlch lndicates lhul the scanner carnage has
been unlocked
Pull Io unlock
carriage sately lock
Cofiyrlgm ® 2000 Microlek International Inc.
I49-DDXXXXX, August 2000
3. Install software
For PC Users
Tumon your computer
Insert the Mtct‘olek CD-ROM into your CD-ROM
d. we Thts includes your scanner conrrotter progmm
for capturmg Images from your scanner. The Microtek
Software tnsnner screen should automaucally come
NOTE If the Mtcmtek Suftwnre Installer screen does
not come up automatically, double-(Itch rm following
In succeman “My Computer" an your Windows
desktop, thr CD-ROM mm, and cdsetup exe to start
[ht msmller program
Click the
"Install' button
lot each
soltware on
the list (0
_Clvok "Exit“ to
Qutl Installer
When the Mtctotek Sotrwaretnstoncrscreen appears.
cttct torn software program m the orderthat n appears
nn rnr eer-een to mstun the sconnerconttullernndnll
the puntned ooltware Your soltwate mcturtrs.
' Mtcrotck ScanWtzard 5 ~ the scannet’controllet.
NOTE When you urt‘ plumprzd ru restart the
mmputcr ctjm rnrmttrng llru- program, tetra No. Du
nut rettart yuttt computer ttnttl all other software has
btclt mxtullt-d
For such tuftwuw, follow the art-scrum lmlruclluns
tltutng mxtallarrtm Default values are spectjted at every
pull” tlmmg tlultluutluflt umply accept these values to
tontmut mxtallarttm unttl you ftmslt
- Ulead Photolmpact - program for tmnge edtttng‘
- Caere OmniPage - OCR text scanntng tool
- Caere PageKceper Standard - document
management program
- Trelltx Web Mtcmtek Edition - program tor
pttbltshtng and updattngweb sues
- Adobe Acrobat Reader- program [or teadtngand
prtnttng the manuals on the CD-ROM
In some appltcattons. auxtltary tnlormzttton (such as the
Rendme me) maybe dtsplayed utter rh—n parttcular
program fintshes mstutttng Stmply cltck the “X” close
box at the upper rtghl corner of the dtsplayed wtndow
to return to the Mtcrotek Software Installer
4 After all the Sollwctre has been tnstalled, cltclt EXIT on
the Mtctotek Software Installer screen
5 llany other tmuge-edtting software is bundled wnn
your scanner, tnstall them now
NOTE the software may be on a rrpornrr CD-ROM
6 Restart your computer
For Macintnsh Users
I Turn on your computer
7. Install the tmage-edtttng soltwure, whtch ts a sepamte
CD-ROM tncluded wtth your scanner package
3 Install all the software on your Mtcrotek
CD-ROM. To install each software. open the software
program‘s folder, and then error the “Installer" Icon
Follow the screen tnstructtons unttl tnstallmtton I5
fitter-la (pm «as nnnmm E
W mm, m mun-t»
Natl/GEM! rm. munt-kawmsrl:
serrwmnr s
t.- the Ilsa:
out-thw- ltmthflt Emmott
\\\ |
' Microtek ScanWizard 5 - the scannercontrcller
- OmniPage Limited Edition - OCR text scanntng
- Adobe Acrobat Reader . program lot readtng rnu
pnntmg the mnnnnls on the cmon
NOTE Fur Mac users, please rm: Apple's web
stte at hllp‘I/ wwwapplc com to download and
famtuu any tMat updates you may need
4. Restart your computer
4. Connect scanner USB cable connection
Connecr one end of the USB cable to your computer, and
Power connection
the other end to the USB port at scanner back panel
Plug the power adapter mm a Wall outlet or power source. A .
and plug the connector and oflhe power cord mm the USB connechon wnh PC
powet pot-t all lhe back panel olthe scanner ‘
Power Swllch (should
be tn OFF poslllon)
Power connector
FireWire cable connection _
ll your system IS Fttewtte-teady, Connect one end nlthe
Fnewtt-e ethle (0 your computer, and connect the other
USB connedion with
end ol the cable [0 the scanner‘s Fttewtre conntcmt M“
ll your syslem is no! Firerre-ready, you wlll need to
lnswll a Frrerre card For delalls on Flrerre curd
lnfimllnuon, refer lo the FlréWm‘ Installation Guide
mcluded Wllh lhe FlreWire curd
atewne pens
l . . . (labeled wtln
Flrerre connechon wtth PC USB logo;
_., J
FireWire Connection with Mac
Flferre pens
(labeled wllh
"a!” logo)
V ew ng Bund e Documentat on from CD
For Pc users
1 Insert the Mmrolek CD-ROM mm your CD-ROM
2 When the Mlcrolek Sollware lnstallercomes upon
your screen cllck the view Manual bunnn that
con esponds w (he manual you wish to read Thls wxll
launch Adobe Acrobat Reader, and you can then read or
print the manual
[or Macintosh users
1 Insert the Mlcrolek CD~ROM mlo your CD~ROM
2 Launch the Adobe Acrobat Reader program From the
file menu, choose the Open command, and open the
file lor the manual [but you w|sh [O vlew, manuals have
a pdjexlenslon lathe" [Ile name Thz manual lsthen
ready m be viewed or pnnled.
Troub eshoot ng
u you encounter problems wuh the installation. see [he
lmubleshoonng file m the Techinjo folder on your
Microlek CD—ROM.
Fldrvfll comm-mum”: con-minim Intolhuncl Shhmonl
nawnmnnmum“an nan. wanawnnn slumcL-ssndeul
nn 1 m. Hm an rcc nan nan mum nluslunulwpmvulv
na lunnnnmnumm. Imukululumullanm ms
nwmln mmulmv
alumni") mums u
lmll auuvnhnu mm m
nnmnmnnmn mam an
ullllms Imuullxl. wuulmm ml (crlcvcuumudmor
um l». «lukfl mlhy Manama-nun). m nu nnl un, llu' 1m!
”qu hymn ur muu‘nlllvn Inlluwmxlmmsun's
nnnnnanmn mm lummfl nn ml
~ Rmvmm m nlmMmlu nmunu ummn
lnwum mmnnnnn- Imuun llwupupnum and “mm
4 Lmvuullln nannnnn. mm mumlu ulmunmhllllrmu lrulnllw lnwhulullr
mum ls ummuul
- Lnlv>nvl| |l|c4lulrrm anNam-annnumnvnaln-nunlm Ivrln
rLc Lmlmu Tuaslm mum-nu!mmpllamu.llxzmpl. fluswmlyullmldul murmur-ks
filxvounmlu mpmplu | lums) mmnnnwnualmmnnmnn
qua.) lupnhlm vulvmplnmuuuk‘ nan.|n»nm..n|nnnu
nlmv mmhl
mm u
m; «mlpmlm
mumnmnnnnnumn. r-na mu m.» ruc mun; Upcmlmn mama” unhclulluwmu
uvummlumrs anlluulu‘lu nu, nu. nnuln. unnmnn . dilhhudsvlu
unmuuynanynuclhmllu‘uuul,lmlm amnwmannnmmunmnu
an, annn
Rnhulmhle V'm)‘ Lon nan
w xx manna Dmv
kldumlu Bull», CA 0027x4120
u > u
wanna Nn nnmumaoo
ma. Na... Maw Numhu
sunM-knsmo MRS-14mm
ream n ervly
F© wan m Slam-ms
ma name on omcs use
F. oulcommun mans Cnmmlulonlnk men“ sun-mom
mama. mm! (Math-I MR)-ZWUVU)hJsinnit-Sudan!!! luuml unnmplywnh lh:
llmllslmachss Bdlgluldmu. ymrsuml ml'm liul lhn rcc Rules lekllmmak
(kiwi-d mlmwnlvlusfmihltpulmmnag n. Iruvmlul mldluznu. ma minimum
. ullzmm"H5“(lupin-mgn'numximnsamlunml clldklln‘qlwnyeu gymdll
msullul an: and m Auuldmlu wall an» msmnum a hallnlul lmtrlcnmtm
rulmlwhmlmum msNum’vsr,lhnmlsnnglmmuull- Wknwxmllmuuurma
mnnnlnmauvnnm u |l|lswmynn uhmulm lwlnh mrluum lumlluxw
. vlsumn‘wpmmwlluhumNdx ullmldun.
vsummngul lulryuuurml m n
~ Rummmrnlluuuhtmmw
~ Inu-‘mmsflx lumlmwwlu
. anmlllluqll nvmlmmmu u-
» Qmsuluhmknlu ouncxpfllulmd mtllnflVlrlhuumn luv m,»
n. ilmlnaml m 1!
ammuaanm. m. lowluduln
MM 1) A mama um undid“ wa Mm [rlrllruul umullldun m. nunnn “manna
ma mu m uvnl mm m nqumuu z) ACuJupvu wuh [nun nan nmumann m
man umhnlm md mm! l~ and mm lhn “Wan."
cm. cfi(wnullllununsmngxpnslwppmvnl by an mmulmuun’rnspmwhlzlm
amuuuldwul an usu‘smlllmly nmnmn 1m “(unpvmm
ScanMa er 5700 : MRS-2400FU Spec a ons
Media: Reflective color or black-and-white origmals
Transparency color or black-and-whue ongmals
Scanning Modes: Color. grayscale and black £1 white m a slngle scanning pass
42-Brt Color Input and output
(approx 4,398 bllhon colors)
14-B1t Grayscale
(approx 16,384 shades of gray)
l-Bit Black 81 White ,
64 shades of gray simulated
Halftone Selecutms
12 built-m halfwne patterns
Scan Speed: 4 mllliseconds @ 600 dpr
3 milliseconds @ 1200 dpn
Scanning area: 8.5" x 11” (216 mm x 279 mm) for reflective ongmal
4" x 5" (100 mm x125 mm) for transparency ongmal
Resolution: Opucal: 1200 dpi x 2400 dpr
lnterpo1atecl: 9600 dpr x 9600 dpr
Dxmensions (L xWX H): 19 7”x11.4" x 4.5"
Weight: 10le /4,7 kg (mcluding power adapter)
Voltage: AC 100V ro 120V (U S and Canada)
AC 200V to 240V (Europe and other pans)
47-63 Hz
Environment: Operatmg temperature: 10° to 40°C (50° to 104°F)
Relanve humrdrty: 20% to 85%

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 2000:08:29 15:27:19-04:00
Create Date                     : 2000:08:29 15:26:55-04:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Producer                        : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Page Count                      : 6
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools
FCC ID Filing: EF9MRS-2400FU

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