Microtek MRS-4800FU Video Sender User Manual users manual

Microtek International Inc Video Sender users manual

users manual

Download: Microtek MRS-4800FU Video Sender User Manual users manual
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Microtek MRS-4800FU Video Sender User Manual users manual
Document ID150340
Application IDVrnAvMXEnEOC3QI9349QHA==
Document Descriptionusers manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize52.88kB (660989 bits)
Date Submitted2001-05-17 00:00:00
Date Available2001-05-15 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-07 05:59:02
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-05-07 05:59:57
Document Titleusers manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

Image scanner (MRS-4800FU) amen“
um . Windows an. Windows Me,
Uillrlflnw‘. moo, Mm mm and mus;
This document provides infnrmation on how to instali your Microlek scanner on a PC or Mac using the scanners
FireWire or USB interface and describes the features of the scanning.
Insta at on for c and Mac ntosh
1 . Unpack scanner
Open your scanner package and check major cumpnnenu
while referring to the Packing List. If any item ls missing.
Contact Microtek Customer Service.
YourMicrotek ScanMaker 5700/6700 scanner comes with
FireWire and USB builHn interfaces. See the figure below
to locate the different pons at the back panel of the
scanner, including the scanners accessory port.
Puwer part
USE DO" Accessory port
FireWire ports
2. Unlock the carriage
1, With the scanner turned off. tilt the scanner on its side
to locate the carriage lever safety lock (located at the
battom left side)
2. Slightly pull the lever towards you until you hear a
'click' which indicates flat the scanner carriage has
been unlocked,
Pull to unlock
/ carriage safety lock
Copyright c 2001 Mlemteit Intemaliond, Inc.
I49—0029xx, April 2001
3- Install software
For PC Users
1. Turn on your computer.
2. Insert the Microtek CD—ROM into your CDfROM
drive. This CD-ROM includes the Scanletrd 5
scanning software application for capturing imags
from your scanner. The Microtek Software Installer
screen should automatically come up.
NOTE: If the Microtek Software Installer screen dots not
come up automatically double-click the following in
succession: “My Computer' on your Windows desktop,“ the
CDAROM icon: and crisetup.exe to start the installer
3. When the Microtek Software Installer screen appears.
click each software program in the order that it appears
on the screen to install all software components. (Your
software includes programs for image editing, OCR
text editing, and the Adobe Acrobat Reader program
for reading and printing the manuals on the CD-ROM).
For each software. follow the on—screen instructions
during installation Default values are specified at every
point during installation: simply accept thae values to
continue installau‘on until you finish.
NOTE. You may be prompted to restart the computer at
this point. Do not "start your computer until all the
software has been installed.
In some applimdons, auxiliary information (such as the
Readme file) may be displayed altar that pardcular
program finishes installing, Simply click the “X' close
box at the upper right corner of the displayed window
to return to the Mlcrotek Software Installer.
4. After all the software has been installed. click EXIT on
the Microtek Software Installer screen
5. If any other image-editing software is bundled with
your scanner, install them now
Note: The software may be on a separate (JD-ROM.
6. Restart your computer.
For Macintosh Usors
I. Turn on your computer.
2. Install the image—editing software. which is a separate
CD-ROM included with your scanner package.
3. Install all the software on your Microtek
(ID—ROM. To install each software, open the software
program's folder. and then click the “Installer" iron.
Follow the screen instructions until installation is
' Microtek ScanWizard 5 is the scanner controller
program for capturing images from your scanner
and delivering it to your image~editing application.
NOTE: For iMac users. please visit Apple's website
at http/lwwwapplecom to download and install any
Mac updates you may need.
' Install the Acrobat Reader for reading and printing
the manuals on the CD—ROM.
4. Restart your computer.
4. Connect scanner
1. Check if the FilmView cover is properly installed with
its connector securely connected to its port,
FilmVIew cover
2 Plug the power adapter into the back of the scanner,
and plug the other end into a wall outlet or power
3. Connect either the FireWire or the USB cable to your
computer and scanner. (You can use only one
interface at a time.)
A. Fir-win uhlo commiens
If your system is FireWire-ready, connect one end of
the Firerre cable to your computer. and connect the
other end of the cable to the scanner's FlreWire
connector (either one is applicable).
1! your system is not FireWire-ready, you will need to
install a FireWire card. For more details on how to
install the FlreWire card. please refer to the FireWr're
Installation Guide on a separate sheet included with the
FireWire cardl
F'rreWire port
(labeled wrth
FlreVWre “Y"
5. USE cabl- connections
Connect one end of the USB cable to your computer,
and connect the other end of the cable to the scanners
USB port.
USB port
(labeled with
USB we." logo)
4. Turn on the Power switch. The green light on the
scanner front panel will blink for a few seconds and
(hen stays lit, At the same time the FllmView and
scanner lamps also light up.
5. The system will detect your scanner automatically.
If the system encounters problems, see the Troubleshooting file
in the Tecblnlo folder on your Mlcmlek CD—ROM.
For users who are using Flrerre Interlace on Windows 98
SE, and are having problems in activating their FireWire
scanner connection. follow the supplemental steps as
described on the next page first. [I the scanne- still dosn't
work. see the hubleshaoo‘ng file In the hobbit: folder on
your Mlcmtek CD—ROM.
1. Open the System Properties‘dinlog box by doing the
following in succession: Start. Settings. Control Panel.
and then double—click the System loan,
2. From the System Properties, select the Device
Manager tab, then double-click [7] IEEE 1394 SBPZ
Device to open its Device properties dialog box,
IEEE 1394
mum-nu... SBPZ Device‘
‘Codus pmfix to ' IEEE 1394 SBPZ Device" vary to
respective scanner models,
3 On the General tab, click the Reinstall Driver button,
m im V’Jlimiiliimu
4. A series of dialog boxes will appear one at a Lime —-
follow the instructions on the screen as shown below.
and then click Nun respectively
Click Emwse
to locate
and then
click Next (where
your system folder)‘
5. When the driver has been successfully updated, a dialog
box will prompt this message: “Windows has finished
installing an updated driver for your hardware
device". Open the System Properties — Device
Manager dialog box (Step 1 and 2). then click the plus
(+) sign adjacent to the Imaging Device. The scanner
name and model appears on the list -4 this means 013!
Windows has detected and reinstalled your device
Gett ng Started
1. Scanning images
NOTE. The FilmView cover should remain connected to the
accessory port a" of the time regardless of which scan
manen‘al (reflective or transparency) is in use.
Steaming photos m1 .
1. Position the photo to be scanned face
down on the scanner bed
2. Double-clicktheSoanWiatdS é?
icon on your desktop to launch the
ScanWimrd 5 - Standard Control
When ScanWizzrd 5 launches. it automatically
perfomis a fast preview of the material and displays it
in the preview area.
3. In the preview window, you can raize the scan frame
(floating dotted line) around the image by dragging on
the edge or corner of [he scan frame to determine the
final size of the actual scan.
4. Click the Original button. m
then select Photo.
5. To scan the image, click the Scan to
button. The image is then scanned and saved 10 a me,
Aside from saving. you may also deliver the scanned
image to an image—editing software, camail application,
or to your photo sharing community
Scanning slides and filmstlips
1. To help you select the appropriate slides or films to
scan, use the “FllrnView” feature on top of the lid to
preview your films.
Hold slide (or film) over
‘FilmView“ to check or
select scan materiel
before scanning
Save the scanned image to a file. or deliver it to an imageediting
program. an e-mail application, or to a photo sharing communiw.
V7 Click on this button to swmch to the
Advanced Control Panel Window
ScanWiurd 5
[or for
Windows Macintosh
Click here to
exit Scanleard 5
Tool Tool
buttons buttons
lor Image for image
settings settings
Re-slze dotted line lor size of the actual scan
2. To scan slides or films. you will need to place the
Transparency Template on top of scanner bed as
illustrated below:
Position template
with the window
and pointed
toward the front
3, Place films (or slides) on the scanner bed by lomting
them within the template window area, then carefully
pull down the FilmView cover.
Position films (or slides}
inside the template window
(llip side up)
4. Then follow the procedures (Steps 2. 3. and 5) in
stunning photos. For Step 4‘ select film (for scanning
positive film) as your Original
Choose "Positive
Film" if original is
slide or positive
Choose "Negative
Film" if originals are
NOTE: For more details on smzming, refer to Micmtek's
Step-by-Step Tutorial guide included In your padrage.
2. Scan text document
for editing
The Optlcal character Recognition (OCR) is a
futur- of SconWIzard 5 that converts scanned
doouments Into text file format. Output may In
saved as filo or Immediately sent to your word
processlng application for further editing.
NOTE: You can also perform OCR scanning With the one
touch OCR button provided in the scanner h'ont panel (see
Semen. "Smart stanning with one~touch buttons").
1. Place the text document (text side down) on the
scanner bed. then launch Stanizzrd 5.
2. Click the following buttons and select me following
options if you are scanning text document for OCR
Original: a
Select Text Document.
Sm Type: S
Only Black Kt White option is
available if you selected Ten
Document as your Original
(previous step) ,
NOTE: When scanning colored documents you must
select: Photo and use either True Color/Web Color unless
W is the chosen output,
Select OCR Text.
3, Cllck and hold the Scan to button. When the options
menu appears, select OCR.
4. When die OCR: Save As dialog box appears, use the
default “Document' file name or key in your preferred
name. and select Ilf. at. htm. ads. or .pdf as the
export file format.
Click to display and choose a’ format
lot the output dowment
Selecting this
check box Will
add specified file
name With serial
numbers to
generate multiple
file names for the
scanned and
saved images in
Select this check box to automatically
send and open the captured
document in the corresponding
application shown in the combo box
5. Click Save to start OCR scanning and deliver the
scanned image to your chosen folder and directly to its
corresponding application.
3. Scanning for direct.
website posting
Share your imagos with the Worldl With the touch
of I button you can scan your photos and then
post them In an Internet photo sharing community.
NOTE: Your system must have accels to Internet before you
can use the Scan-to—Wel: [eatiue
You can also perform Scan-to-Vleb with the anHouch button
provided in the scanner front panel (see Section, “Smart
scanning with one-touch buttons ").
1. Place the material on the scanner bed, then launch
ScanWizard 5 as stand-alone
2. Click and hold the Scan to button,
When the options menu appears,
select To Web.
3. The Scan to Web dialog box will then display to
prompt for parameters required to process your image
for website posting.
Click [0 start
scanning, The
Scanned image is
autoAsaved (JPEG
format) into the
assigned folder
under your
Click to manage
your photo—
sharing account.
4. From a Microtek provided website, you can easily
create or add a photo-sharing account. To create a new
account click Lhe 'Account Manager" button -» click
Create a new account and then follow the given
instructions. Alter completing the registration process:
close the browser and return to the Account Manager
To activate a registered account, click Amount
Manager, click Add, key in your usermme and
pmword. click Close. and then carry on to the next
5. From the Scan to Vlkb dialog box, click Save to start
scanning Scanned image UPEG format) Is
automatically saved according to the parameters
assigned in the dialog box.
Smart Scann ng with one-touch buttons
The ScanMaker 5700/6700 is equipped with five onetouch and fast scanning buttons intuitively located in the front
panel. These buttons (see figure below) perform a quick access and carry out its functions by mere touch of the buttons.
Thge frequently used functiom include image and OCR scanning. printing of outputs. attaching output to e—maii, or
posting it to a designated website
1. Scan button
Captures high resolution imagos using predefined settings
with ouctanding quality. The output can automatically be
saved as files or sent to another application for further
processing depending on how the button is setup in the
Microtek Scanner Configuration (MSC) utility
1. Copy button
Scans the image and sends it to your printer. transforming
your scanner and printer into a convenient copy station.
Simply specify the number of copies you want,
3. E-mail button 2. When the MSC panel appears, click on a tab to redefine
the settings you want,
Scans the image and delivers it directly to your email
editor as defined in the MSC utility
4. OCR button
Scans a text document and converts it into text file format,
Output may be saved as a file or immediately sent to your
word processing application for further editing as
configured in the MSC utility.
5. Scan-to-Web button
Scans an image and sends output to a website while your
default browser is launched to displays me captured image.
Configuring the
one-touch buttons with
MSG uti ity
To change the way the five onetouch buttons function,
launch the Microwk Sanner Configuration (MSC) utility
that was installed WM‘ ScanWizard 5‘ , NOTE: I! you choose “None” for the ~Send to Application "
1. Launch the MSC Utility by _ field the image will be scanned and saved as a file in the
a) Double-clicking the MSC icon from the Destination 100311017.
desktop: or b) (For Windows only) From Windows
taskbar, click Start. Programs Microtek ScanWiwd
5 for Windows, then Micmtek Scanner
Reading additional
documentation from
the CD
l Troubleshooting
1 If you encounner problems with hardware installation. see
l the troubleshooting tile in (he Techlrd'o folder on your
For Pc users Microtek CID-ROM.
lt Insert the Microtek CDaROM into your CDaROM drive. 1
2. When the Microtek Software Installer comes up on your
screen. click the View Manual button that corresponds
to the manual you wish to read. Depending on the
format (.pdi or hem) of the manual being accessed,
your Acrobat Reader or browser is automatically
launched, and you can then read or print the manual. .
For Macintosh users
1. Insert the Microtek CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Launch both your browser and Acrobat Reader. From the.
File menu. choose the Open command, and open the file
for the manual that you Wish to view. Manual with a
Jltm extension is opened with your browser. Likewise
manuals with .pdf extension are opened with your
Acrobat Reader. You can then read or print the manual.
Filml mm“ mule" Inllflmu ital-"Ill“
This equipnm mum med am finmdromrliplywim me limits IaraCIass Bdigival
rime, puum u: Pm 15 01th: FCC ru|= Tm- lmu are mama mpnmde
tea-ovum: mniymmmnnm.“ m. mam mum... “mu
mum-4mm um moan radhwndlu meme-inward. iirm [mulled and
Mir-WWW I}! nun-00mm. mum mi flatulence m mam
mmunmms However. the: a m Wmumfimm will m m In:
pemmlnr hmlhonn. Ulhbequipmdoc mg mm imamw mu: or
"imam mpum. whk’tm be outlined bymringmcequlwmnflamon. the umr
umuregdmlrymmmthe imemmbymamdwlollmgnwm.
- Rmrtentw mm mew/mg mmu.
~ lmmdtxpmlhnbnwmurwfipnmmdmmn
. emf-emu aqulpnun mm woodman ncimmdllfnmt her-mm towhim m
- Camulttheduierot mm mdl‘lwchnmn lnr help.
FCC Cauunn Tom-e comm (enhance. (mph 4 use nntystnelfledhnertmoblu
wmmmmmnmorpenpm mica) Any than?! mammal"; "m
wmlywpw by Ihlvlr'ymwflilbh‘fll militia: muldvnin menu": authority
mum-mum (ll Thummymmhnmmn‘sem,w (2) mam:
Rspmflhlel’my: id Hm
3115 Doomhihn
TaleplumNo: 1-310291-500)
We Nlmo Med-I mm um nu.- um mm,
tum-hr mu mumsu M in ma was-ammru,
mu u; Culv'v , mu m army
Fe meow“. pg mm m...”
F-dml enmwieaiiom cm-niltim Int-runne- star-mm
mu equipment (Model: mnwrumumm m; um um mid [mm to
ivme with ”limits for a Clas Damn! device. wmunt to Perl lSohf-eFCC Ruls.
Tm um “designed m Wm: mun-m pram-om mm harm/u! lnmflem m I
Mental (mun-um mhzqnpmmtgtms. u-uamiun nonuniform-mm
mam/and. rm lnmlledlnd used mm.“ wan a: Immune-u. mum hlrmiul
‘ inredemnoem radio mmummm Hume-211m!“ nu swam-e Ihatimedaenoe will
mm rm pummmuumm [ltfiueqmpmun mm“ mrmiul mmmm in
radio mam-rm mm". which m be mum hymmingthe equipment arm
on, we um u encouraged is try mm lheinterlereflce by one or more new felhwlng
1 - Rememurelnmtrhe mMrulnunnn
~ lmmemfim between howlpmnllm mum.
receiver “Mum.
~ (lawn-m «mm m unnamed r-dlnll'V uchmm for heip.
med-M wan _
_ , , squirm: 21 am
I mm mm; and must be
. Chimwnndiflummtwufiympmvzdbymmuhnmermwmblefm
I mlummldmflfitw'uumnymmmquw.
Federal Communications Commission Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device. pursuant to Part IS of the
FCC rules. These limis are designed to provide reasonable protection against hannful interference in a residential
installation This equipment generates. uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in
accordance widi the instructions. may muse harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment doa cause harmful innerference to
radio or televrsion reception. which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on. the user is encouraged to try
to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorlent or relocate the receiving antenna.
' Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect die equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected
' Consult the dealer or an upenenced radio/TV technidan for help.
FCC Caution: To assure continued compliance (example - use only shielded interface cables when connecting to computer
or peripheral devices). Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This defice
may not cause harmful interference. and (2) this device must accept any interference received. u-rcluding interference that
may cause rmdsired operation.
Responsible Party: Loi Han
3715 Doolittle Drive tru- N-m- Mm Nut-hr
Redondo Beach. CA 90278-1226 WW“ “5mm“ om"
UM to“ m m m...
Telephone No: 14104975000 “’ " “M W“
Federal Communications Commission Interference Statement
This equipment (Model: MRS-4800FU) has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device.
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Thue limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harrnfui
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates. uses and an radiate radio frequency energy and. if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular mstallation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception. which an be determined hy turning the equipment off and on. the user is
encouragd to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following msures:
- Reunent or relomte the receiving antenna.
Increase die separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which die receiver is connected.
Corsult the dealer oran experienced radio/W technician for help.
Note: 1) A shielded of USE interface cable with ferrite core installed on the scanner connector end must be used with this
equipment. 2) AC adapter with [emit core installed on the scanner connector and must be used with this equipment.
Caution: Changes or modifications not exprasiy approved by the manufacturer responsible for compliance could void the
user's authority to operate the equipment. '
Copyright 0 2001 Microtek international. Incl http'J/wwwmicroteltcom April 2001
MRS-4800FU (ScanMaker 6700) Specifications
Scanning Modes Color, grayscale and black St white in a single scanning pass
48-bit color input and output
(approx. 281 trillion colors)
16-bit grayscale
(approx. 65,538 shades of gray)
Scanning area 8,5'xll.7"/216mmx297mm
Resolution Optical: 4800 dpi x 2400 dpi
lnterpolated: 9600 dpi x 9600 dpi
Dimensions (LxWxH) 19i7"xll.4"x4.5”
(500mmx290 mmx 115 mm)
Weight 10A lbs / 4.7 kg
Voltage AC 100V to 240V
47-53 Hz
Environment Operating Temperature: 10° to 40°C (50’ to 104°F)
Relative Humidity: 2096 to 8596

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : No
Modify Date                     : 2001:05:07 05:59:57+08:00
Create Date                     : 2001:05:07 05:59:02+08:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Producer                        : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Page Count                      : 11
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools
FCC ID Filing: EF9MRS-4800FU

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