Microtek PCC-1 User Manual 8

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Date Submitted1999-06-10 00:00:00
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Document Title8

Microtek International Inc. PC Digital Camera FCC ID. ’ EF9PCC-1
EyeStar 2
User’s Manual
wsvroc PM5 1 Mazes, w27 AM
Copyrigh' © 1998 Microtek International Corp.
All nghls reserved
Doc No 1494301957
First Edmon
Mlcmtek Lab, Inc
3715 Doolmle Drwe
Redondo Beach, CA 90278-1225
Mam (310)297-5000 Sales'SOO—GS‘O—Mfio
Technical Support (310)297-$100
FAX (310)29775050 BB5.(310)29775102
AutuTech [ax back system (310) 297-5101
World W|de Web sue htlp llwwwrmcmlekusa com
Microlek Intemalional, Inc, Mic‘mIek Europe B.V.
Nu 6, Industry East Road 3 Max Euwzlaan 68
Science-based Indusmal Park NL-BDGZ MA Rotterdam
Hsmchu 30077‘ Taiwan The Netherlands
R O C, Tel 31404425688
Tel.866-3-i772155 Fax 31-10-1425699
Fax 88636772506
Tn obmm cpumnl resulls from Murolek smmng sohware and user's manual, you
should be familiar wah Wlndnws Concepts such as pmmmg. chukmg, dragging and
sclccung from menus and dmlog boxes
Wmdows IS a trademark o! Mmmsofi Carpnranmn All other product names arc
trademarks or registered Irademurks oflhmr respective holders
wsnoc PMS 2 ans/as u n AM
Federal Communicu'inns Commission (FCC) S'utemen'
ane equlpmenl (Trade name EyeSlar 2 Dlgllal Camera. Model name pc ' 1) has
been tested and found rn Lumply wth the llmlls fur a Class B dlgllul devree, pursuant
10 Fan 15 of lhe Fcc Rules These llmltsare dcslgned lo provldc reaeanable
pmtecnon agamsl harmful lnlerizreme ma resldenm! lnslallnunn Thus equlpmem
generates. uses and can rudlale radlo frequency energy and. rlnor lnslallcd and ueed in
accordance wuh lhe lrlerucuons‘ may cause harmful lmerfelcnce to radio
commumcmmns However. rhere ls no guummes llrrr lnrerlerenee will nol oreur rn a
parucularlnslallallon llrhrs Equlpmcm dnes cause lrnrmlul rnrerlerenee m rudru or
relevrsmn receplmn, whlch can he derermrned hylummg rhe equipmenr olfand on,
rlre user ls encouraged Lo lry lo eon eer rlre rnrerlerenre by one or mom of rhe
(nllowlng mzasurts
- Reovlemorrelocau‘lherecelvlnganlenm Q
- lnerense lhc szparalicn berween the cqulpmcm and receiver
- Cunnec! rlre equrprnenr into an outlet on a erreulr dlflerenl from mm m whlch rlre
recelvex |S ConnEClEd
- Consulr rlre dealer oranexpcnenced radlll/TV ieLhnluan [orhelp
1957100 ms 3 fine/am menu
rCi‘ 1p. EFF/70C ‘I
Toassure conunuzd FCC wmphancc
- Any mange; m'modxivcnnonsnfll nppmvzd by Ihc gunrnnlet or [hudcvire cauld
vu|d me was aulhomy m upemlt‘ me cqmpmem.
' The user must use shielded mlerIMe cable
- FCC Label Cnmplmnce Statement
Thls devuce comphes wnh Fan 15 oflhe FLC Rules Opemnon 15 Subject m lhe
[ullowmg [WU condmons. (l) [1115 dewce may not cause harmful interference‘ and (2)
[his dcvxce must acccpt any mlerkrcnct xccflvzd, including mxerferznce lhnl may
cause undesued opemunn
wsrroc PMs 4 2/16/98,1|27 AM
Quick Star! Guide
Up and running EyeSmr 2 in 7 steps
1 Turn uffyour computer power.
2 Canned Eyesmr z to your PC primer purl, kcyhonrd Jack. and keyboard Refer to
page 9
3 Power up ynur computzr, |mmedialcly begin to ser up the BIOS mode (EFF, ECE
et al) Refeno page 3
4 Check 10 be SUI? of the LED lndlcamr on EyeSmr 2 IS ll!
5 Insen (mama and man EyeSrar z arrver program
6 Restarl your Lumpulel'
7 Choose an apphcalmn program from VocalTec unemer Phone mmPhone. and
lPhom Express
1957TOC PMS 5 merge u 27 AM
Morn Parnllcl PrinI-r Mod"
EyeSmr2 release Vel’SlOn l 2 lmplemenlS mare parallel pnmer modts Olhenhan
EPP mode. you may select EPl’. “EPP 4 EFF“, and 5m? mudzs
T-chniml Supper!
Mlcrolek conunuously updates funchns oi EyeSlar 2 sollware The must updated
EyeStar z dnver program can be obtained through Mmmlek's web sue, as Slated
hup //wwwmrrrmekusa mm/
|957TDC m5 5 amuse. u 21 w
Basic hquimmnu ..
Unputk your digiml mmm package“
su up your comps)!" ..
Parnlltl For! modl sewing
Keyboard and Cable Ccnnuclions...
Case] Sundard PC
Cam 2 PS/Z type keyboard 10
Case 3 Notebook PC; H . . .. M 11
Hardwuu Insiulluiion
Seflwnrc Innallnbion
Adius| Eyasmr 2 dig val camera"...
In: your EyaSIur z (amen...
Tm Vocanech Internet Phone ; 20
Tm Whom Express , 11
1357“)ch 1 7/15/98,1127 AM
Ey-smr 2 Drivar Commands
San-Ange Sizennd quamy . . v . 24
Adjusx camera . . . . 14
Spacificmions 27
Declaration of Conformity
vsmoc PMS a ENE/98,1127 AM
Mlcrmek‘s Eyélar 2 ls n digilal mmera lhal connecls nghl m your PCS prlmer Port
and brmgs rcal~|lme vlden commumiauons Capablliues tn ynut pc
[i you have connected lo mlemzl, with EyeSlar Z and [he assocme VocalTec Internal
Phnne software, you chat wilh, and see, anyone tn lhe wotld lOrJuSl lht cos! of your
local tntemel, Futthet sull‘ you canjoln the hullesl new tenhnolngy of teal-tune
global vldeo communtcattons vlden confetenctng has never been so eastet and
affordable before.
thh the bundled Ulead lPholo Exptsss Software, yDu can nlsu Laplure vldm at
snapshots wun your lnmlly and frlends Make impresswe greellngs cards, calendars,
or mvilalions Eyestat 2 makes u slmple to add sull ot movlng images In your wala
pages or send plstutes 10 friends and culleagues Vta t-mall Q
Basic Requirements
- Penllum and above, ot compallbles
' Mlcmsofl Windows 95
- 16 MB RAM
' Al least 40 MB hard dlsk wilh 15 MB avallable
- SupErVGA color dlsplay Wllh hlgh colors or beller
w57 PMS v aha/m 11.25 AM
* a»
Unpack your digital camera package
Open your camera package and check the components agmnst (he packmg lrsr
l EyeSlar 1 (wuh cablerku)
2 EyeSlar z scftwme CD-ROM
3 Keybaard adapter
4 User‘s Manual and Warramy Card
wsv PMS z ans/ear was AM
$ l
Sei up your computer
EyeSlzr 2 runs under 4 modes
' EFF (Enhanctd Parallel Perl)
- ECP (Extended Cupahllmzs Purl)
- SPP (Standard Pmllel Purl)
You should 51! your compulEr lo one cl the above avallable modes Thls selling b
required to do it only once
j Warning Wllhoulstmngloanapproprlaremodc,yourEy eray
nol funcnonv
To do the mode sellmg on ynur computer, follow lhese steps
1 Power up your computer
2 When compulcr IS slarlcd‘ a screen mc>sage wll] lel] you w press a key (or mode
changmg In mosl cases, lhl’s key ls [he Dd key on yuur keyboard As you hll lhIS
key several llmes. a New shnwi you lhe Selecuons l‘or mos semngs
Note 5m mmpulers wrll rfqlms yuu m we mhzr hey< filmuhaneuus, mum
njthe Del key Refer to the docummmlwn came Wllh vow compuler.
lssrws 3 arms. wu AM
3 {l}
3 Flnd the parallel pun BIOS szmng, Sal u m nne ollhe four modes. EFF, ECP,
4 The onboard parallel porl [IO should be 521 m Either 378h or 278h (378h ls
5 Save the changing you have madcl restart your Cumpuler [0 make (he semngs
mkmg alien
mums 4 W‘s/eel nu AM
‘ 76 ‘
Parallel Peri mode sefling (using EPP mods as an uxumplc)
wmle you are powermg up (he campuler, on your cumpuler keyboard hu (he Del
key several times, this procedure mu display the mos selling Screen
The following illustrauon is an example ofwhal the 5105 sellmg home m2 nu should
100k hke However, this may vary dependmg on (h: 3105 in your computer if
you experience d|fl|cul|y selung EPP made, cunsuh your computer dealer
mu mm mos EASGGIM)
was sfvw mm
was sonwms wc
mos muss saw IDE HDD Awn ummuu
mum 75mm ssmv HBO LEN! [EVEL roman
vows»: MANAGEMENT sEnw mum amp
Drawn ownsuwmou m wwmcw mm
vaGmrEu pmmsms
mm saw mums
Esc u.-
m mu m snxw 45mm: um- m,
um. um um um»
mums s mama u 25 AM
On your keyboard, press LheAnow Down key to select "Inlegrzued Peripharals"
RUM mm mos mmm;
cMos saw mm
mm: sonwARE 4m:
smmu cMossEVw’ nsswonn smNa
ms Fan/REE sEruP mint-u Aura nmmm
cmPsEv mwnzs saw mm LOW LEVEL mum
Powzw MmAGEMEm‘ saw» 5sz a Exn saw—
Puvmclcwnsummm EKW wwmow sAvwe
Low 5510? nErNqus
ssc Gui ”fl mam
rm mumsm (mm a." m-
cum-u we, m. cm Ann-1m“
1957 ms 5 mama u 23 AM
Press the Emu key m commue
Auhe “Parallel Pan Mode" option, select “EPP l 9","EFP l 7“‘ or“EPP“ Iflhese
selecuons do not appear, press PageUp or PageDown key L0 Select
new mm was 11mm m
was sew unqu
mm sonwmz we
ma mm mm m. sum-
ms Pym-w Mum we m
we Pmry sm- we Mo
luE my, Mn]- wo m
we Smry sm- P10 m
0nd“: mm, pm mi Erma-d
mun swam, Pew lbs ("avid
pm sum 2m ovum mum
use mm mum
Q mm mo Carmela Emu-1
mm Sam m 1 an
mm w m 7 m
um.“ mm m swim}?
Faun-1mm an Egg nun NA. satin-m
n My pu/pw. Mmfly
w 55 new». «smsz chum-cw
‘ 51 LmSMude-um
Press (he Esc key ThIS W111 return ynu [o the BIOS seumg home menu
On your keyboaru press the F10 function key The screen wm ask whzlhzryou want
10 save the thanges you have made and restart the Computer
FressY, then [he Emu key Vour computer 15 now Set to [he EPP mode You wul only
have [0 changz [he seumg [n EFF once. unless anyone alxers 1th semng
1957 ms 1 2/15/95 1123 AM
Keyboard and Cable Connections
The EycSmr z cable-kn mcludes Eyesm Z‘fldaplel p1ugfind|hz 25-pm primer pen
Dependmg on the PC and keyboard you hm yuu may have mm poss|ble
connecnon ways ounng keyboard and connccuon procedurz. ynu should Lum omne
power ofyour pc and removz mg zx|5ung kcybnnrd Lunnecmr rmm your pc
1957 m5 3 2mm: was AM
i 4» \
Cast ‘I Siundurd PC
1 Connecl [he Adapter Plug [0 your PC
1 Connect the Cable-kit m the Adapter Plug
3 Reconnect lhe keyboard cunnecmr lo the socket and ohhz Cable—kn
4 Connecl Ey?SI=r'5 Zi—pln primer pun connector m the parallel pnmer ofyour PC
wsums 9 2/15/98‘ u as AM
Can 2 PS/2 type keyboard
1 Canned the small and cl Cablc'kxi (0 your PC
2 Comm m: Cable-kn w the Adapter Plug
3 RflcnnneLt lhe keybnard Canneclur m the socket end ofrhe Cable-kn
4 Conneu EyeSmr‘s 25er primer pon connector to the parallel pnnm olyour PC
0 0
DH : E 31515” Q“
wasn’Ms w ans/9a n 28m
l 6} ‘
Can J No'ahook PC
1 Canned the small and quablzrkn m ynur Nazelmok pc
1. The blgend 0mm Cablerkit u- left open
3 Cannzct EyeSlar's 25~pm pnmzr pon COnneClOr m the parallel printer olyuur PC
0 0
i957 mg n ans/3a n 29 AM
Hardware Installation
The EyeSlar 2 cable kn |s des|gned [0 he mstalled 10 your PC The msmllauon
procedure m this secuon uses Case 1 (see page 9) cunflguranon as an example To
mslall, follow lhese suns
1 Tumulhhapowerofyourcumpuler
2 Dnsconneu keyboard connector m the back ohhe campuler (shown as bullet 1),
than reconnect n by usmg [he EyeSlar 2 blg end Cunnettor insxead (shown as
bullel 2)
0‘ 0 0
@[ DH : {JD :
my ms ‘2 2/15/95, n saw
3 Connect your onglnal keyboard conneclor m m: sockel-end nhhe FyeSwr 2
cable (Shawn as bullet 3),
4 Dlsconnec! the parallel prlnlercable from the parallel pan olyumcompulen and
Connect the 25-pin and oflhe Eyesmr 2 parallel pnrlmnnecmr(shown asbullel
5 Tum (he lens ohhe EycSrar 2‘ pomung to your (angel T‘hs basemenl ohhe
EyeSLar 2 base allows you make adjuslmem m up‘ down, left, and ”gm
Rotate the knub to
adjus1 lows
fill me bottom /
mass to change
msxms |3 males. u 25 AM
6 The finished configuration IS xllusumd beluw
1957 ms u
Adams: Pug
awe/es, 11 2s AM
7 Move your EyeSmr 2, In the camtra pomis no ycu
wsv PM5 6
2/15/95, 11 23 AM
Software Installation
1 Place me EyESlar z dnvEr program CD~ROM mm your CD-ROM dnve
2 The EyeStar 2 software menu aulomalIC-illy appears Select the program you wam
Q to install ”the EyeSmr 2 sahware program menu does um appear, chck Slm‘ i
select Rum, ly‘pt C:\Cdsetup.m, and Click OK
|957 ms \s ans/98, u as AM
3 Click In Select 5mm 2 dnm program The EyeStar 2 driver program wtll guldc
you step by step. unu] the mslallation ts complm At this moment, you should
click [a select Ram to activate the driver pmgmms
Warning thhnut mslallmgthc EyeStar 2 driver program, your EyeStnr 2 will
not work
4 Next, cltck to select une clthe [hrtz nppllcallons. VocalTsc lnlernEl Phone.
mmPhcne‘ and Ulcad tPhclo Express
- The Imemct Phnnc \s a theo-conlerence sofiware If you have connected [0
Internet, wtth a mtcrophone connected [0 your PC‘ you can chat wtth anyone
m thz world why 15 currently on {he mlemet To use VocalTet Internet Phone,
you should Enter the regtslrancn number (m this manual). ©
- The mmP’hAm: ts a shareware sultwm with similar lunctlon ltke VocalTec
lntemet Phone
- The Whole Exprm is an image Cdmng software You can use lh|s sultware m
|mages (or lmEmEt hams page, or mate greeting cards or calendar olyour
personal style
5. Install Adobe Acrobat Reader
Adobe Acrobat Reader ts [ht program for readingyouronlme documentatinn and
user's manual VucalTec lntemel Phone usfl‘: mannntpham pdfis located m the
\dn(umenl dtrecmry cl yuur carom
1957 m5 w 2/15/981123AM
ul Supporl
Mlcrolek‘s provides lechmcal support and commuuusly |mplemenls dnver pmgrams
For more mfflrmalion‘ mu Microlek’s web site at.
http: / /www .mi|:rotekusa . com
E-mail: infoemegasrc . com
‘957 PM5 n; 2115198. u 23 AM
Q l
Adiusiing EyeSiar 2 digital camera
Yuul EyeSwr 2 allows manually mm lull direcllons oflhe camera (up‘ dawn, left,
and fight) You can also manually adjust Khz (ucus by mlatmg the knob around {he
nu ma boflcm Rmale me knob lo
bass |o change gums! locus
\957.PM5 v9 211mm 27 AM
Test your EyeStur 2
Tesi VetuIToc Infiernot Phone
1 Rtsmn your cumpuler
2 Connect 10 memet, euher by usmg .1 modem (0 dial up‘ or cox pom: mlernel
3 Chck (he Slan button. then sclzclVocalTec Inlerne! Phune 4 Wm awl-nlc, your
lmflgE I5 shown on the screen at realrnmt
|957.PM5 20 M6155. um AM
4 Tu 5a! (he image quuhly or adjusl lmagt‘ moose [he Vulco Menu
~ vmumm, mm.“
5 For (unhm mwrmmon of lhEVocalTec Imernzt Phone, mm to (he use] 5 manual
xphunM pd] which 5 1mm m [heviocumem dlreuory ufyour EyeSlmr 2 CD7
Tesl iPhoio Express
1 Reslarl yuur Computer
2 Click the Sum button, [hen sclecl |PhowExpless
3 Chousz [he SeleclSuurcecommand (rum the file menu nhPhomExpress 531m
‘Mlcrmek mm EyeStar 2"
1957 ms a 2mm 10.57 AM
4 Choose (he Acqun'e Image mmmand from \he Fllc menu
The men should showyou 1m Images um captured by Eyesm z lnslnllauon
onyeSlar z w now completed
1957 ms 22 218/98. 11.27AM
[E the lmage LS not shown, check these nems
- Checklhe euhle cannecllons
- Ynur mmpulershould be sci n) [he appmpnnle mode, lhe I/O address all FT]
should he sel w Him or z7eh wnhoul IRQ confllcl
EyeS‘lur 2 Driver Commands
EyeSlar z dnver ls no! a stand—alone suhwm; rather, u IS a plug-m module inslde
appllcauons such as lPholo Express or VacalTes. Internet Phone Whenyou cxecule
lPholo Express, choose Aenune Image mmmand. EyeSlar's menu dlspleys ¢
Command menus lnelude lull features anyeSlJr 2, me most commonly used
lommands can be accessed by clmkmg [he selected Tlmlbar icon, and live lmagts are
shown on [he Image semen For Vacachc Inlemcl Phone, choose the ‘lmagz Sun and
Qualny" mmmand er “Camera Adjustmenls" command from me vldeo menu
lssv PM5 23 21mm 11.27 AM
Set image sin and quality
Th: image size and qualuy selling [uncuan allows you select image 5am color/gray
image and sharpness Thxsselling is made through the Seumgscnmmand or by
chckinglhc cquwalem molbancon
image size
color at
gmy image
Sharpness Q,
Adius! camera
The Adjust Camera funcnon allows you mochfy Image fur Bnghmzss selling, whue
balance‘ and Saturauon To (hang the mung, ellhflr drag the vndlcnwr level, my type
the reqmred value m the emrybox
warms 24 alts/96.11.27 AM
Enghmass arm
exposure nms
Wnue balance and
color adlustmsms
Sa|urallnn levew
wszms 25 enema u 21 AM
How do |... Icon/Funclion Key Menu command
Save a snapshot file as File menu
anoxher file name Save As
Snapshm a picture File menu
fake Plclura
F112 menu
Hm me hvz mauve
m image size
and quahty
Seltmgs menu
Image Size and Qualuy Q
Adjusl camera Semngs menu
Camera adjustment
Zanm mggle
(fullslze and dnuble sue)
Strung; mtnu
1957 PMS 25 2/16/31 11 21 AM
Model number
Hardware lmtrlace
Speed ofScann'mg
Opucal vvewangle
1957 ms 27
EyeStar 2
ngml pc camera
Parallel aner Pon
ECP, EPP, “ECP+EPP". NibblE Made
Full Made 640(H)x4SD(V) plxel
Hall Made 320 (H) x 240 (V) pixel
QumerMode 160(H)x 120W) pixel
Qunrlter) Mode‘ 160(H)x120(V)p|xel
QCIF Mode. 176(H)x144(V>p1xEl
sub-QCIF Mode [28 (H) x 96 (V) plxel
Z4-bu RGB, Gray
164m KGB. YUV4ZZ (capture dnver cnly)
30 frame/sec (160 x120)
(Under Pentium 166 CPU‘ 32MB RAM.
llonzomal, 4st degrees
Diagonal so 7 degrees
Vemcnl 35 5 degrees
2/16/98 11.55AM
Mechanical vlew angle
Companbxhty OS
Software mterhce
Power supply
Power cunsumpuon
W'hue balance
Dimensmns (WxHxL)
Swwel‘ 350 degrees
"£111 30 degrees (max ,elevauon)
30 degrees (max depressmn)
Manual (adjustable)
Windows 95
Vldeo for Wmdcws dnver
TWAIN dnver
DC iv, from PC keybuard connacwr
wnhoul adapter
1 ZW
Wugh: 600g
Color Color/Gray
, ,, 28 H ,, ,,,
1957 PMS
mam u 55 m
Declaration of Conformity
Name Mlelek lnlemntmnal Inc
Addres ND 5 industry East Rd 3
Samoa-Based Industrial Park
Hsmchu‘ mean 300‘ R O C
Declares Lha\
Type oqumpmem PC Digital Camera
Model Number 11501
Complies with me fellowmg
Standards Directive
(Low Vollzgt Dwecu‘m)
msoom-x , smsozz class a 89/336/EEC
ENSSOHZ-I‘IEC woo.“ (EMC Dwecuvc)
lEC moo-+3
lEC 1000.44
Persun mspunslble formakmglhm deularaunn
Don Kai Chung
(Name hurname)
R 6: D Center Vice Pxemdem
Hsmchu Ofl- -l
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File Type                       : PDF
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MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:06:19 22:10:11
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