Midea Kitchen Appliances M8021TX-Y Microwave Oven User Manual

Guangdong Midea Kitchen Appliances Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. Microwave Oven Users Manual

Users Manual

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Date Submitted2004-06-18 00:00:00
Date Available2004-06-17 00:00:00
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Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAvision AVCapture

Microwave Oven
Read these Instructions carefuiiy before using your
microwave oven, And keep it carelully for future reference.
if you follow the instructions. your oven will provide you with
many years of good service.
0) Do not nuslnpl lo opamta Ihia oven wlln ln- door open nlnoe Ihls can result
in harmiul sxposuro la mlcwwavo anargy." Is Important nm to break ur
lamps! with the saIsly Interlacks.
(b) Do nel place any ahlecl between um even lmnl lace and the door or
allow sail or cleaner resldue to accumulate on sealing surface;
(n) Do not oyorah an own lm u dimlgld. Ins particularly lmpon-m
nm in. oven door clam proplrly nnd that mm ls no «mg. no nu:
(1) noonwonl)
(2) "mass AND LATCHESthrokon or loos-uni}
(a) noun sens AND sauna SURFACE
(a) nu own should not b. adjuud or rcpnlml by anyone except prop-fly
quallflod ten/Ice personneL
0. 750m ft
ow. einches
19 1x14.49x11.31nches
Aurox 29m
1. The well muuoo on a leveled mm.
2. The lumlaolo and lwnnhio must ran muslin in (he men during making. Plasma
oooliwus gentry on (M innit-ole mi handle lloar-lnlly Io avoid poss‘bls breakage.
a. incorrect m ofbromllna msn mlycuuse Ills lesbln in break.
4. Uu only llu mulled hag siz- man using Dired poem Povcnm.
5. The oven has several bulll—ln “(sly mm: to mm. mm Inc power remains onwhen
mo door is open. Do whmporwlm mm swittbes,
e no nol opniellie mrnwnva won amply. Dplmfina (he even wilh norm orrooo Illa!
i- axlnrrmly law In molsluro can ell-Isa firs. dinning or sparking.
7. Do nulcook bacon dlracfiy onllummlnole. Ems-sir. loo-l mung eflho turntable
may muss (he lumlable mbmk.
:. no no! heat baby haul“ or blby food In in. mioromav- own. Uneven h-atlng
may onwrand muld uuu pliyucal Injury.
9. Do mx nun navww-n-ckcd wmalmu, mi- n syrup imam
10. Do nolallempllo dup-lry in yourmimwwe won.
11. Do mammpl home canning in lhis Merwave mn a ii is impossible lo he mu all
contenu ollnqar luv. nsnhod boi'llu lompmwm.
12 Do nm use thl! miclvwwl Man for coffin-ml purposa. Thi; rrl‘cmwavs Wan Ls mad;
lor household we only.
is. To prevail: Mal/ad avae boiling mm liquids and bmrapu of milling youusn.
stir iiquld befove plating {be mmnerm lire wetland min hallway mnwgh cooking
lime. Lot and in the oven lam nhofllilwa and on again more removing in. opnlainor
14. Piano; do nolioe lhe rooa in Illa miomme oven u avoid buming dug m exmrive
cooking when cooking looa mil.
15 Whun in. uppunor i: oporahd in lho wmbhlfilm undo. midis" should only wt me
can unoer adult lupuvis'on due lo ma lampersinros mun-d-
16. Failure lo mainlain (ha well In a clean oonaillon could lead lo delerbmllnll 01 me
sur'au mm own advuvuly aflmlm Mpoflhl appliance awd possibly mull in a
hazardous aim-lion.
Important Safety Instructlons
__ To radueolh- rlrir MfiuMahminsmdiJnlun/m
WA R“ I N G mngoremwreloamwimmkzlmwmn
enorgy when uxing your appllflnce. loilow
ouoio pucauIIons, including in. loliowlng:
l. Read all hummus Mom uolno me
2. Reno and loliow lne epooinoz' PRECAU-
3, As will. morn cooking appliances.“
supewision is noose-my lo reduce lne
risk ohms In mo oven oevlry.
lr malorIlIs inelaellre ov-rr lvnlu:
1.Keep|ha oven ooov oloreo
2.1’um in. oven oil. mu unplug mo mam.
JDiseonnecuho power or the neo ovoirmil
broom pan-l.
Keep m mm lmlollwdng nhlatlllflmn:
1.Dorw\wuemklood. oer-fulyerlr-rmne
eppllenoevmm mumprolholoorrbur-
leoilrme ooolling.
pom no nol elore lxxllbushle ilomr ELF
m as bread. moles, mm mm dc.
ireioe the oven, IIIglhIlu rlriires me flow-l
line. no men may urn-l on ivy itself,
meme wire mom and Intel lie-roles
lrom paper or please oonlolnors/ooar we
pieo'ng Ihom in lireoverr.
LThIswonmb'gumM commonly
b ploporly moulded Mat Ses'GROUN-
wIIIl lne Inshhfim irrslruosore proviooo
6 Some proouele such as whole
eoqr, weler wilh oil or tel. mica
oonloinere and oiooeo olaer lens are able
18.quuids,sud| as waien ooflaa. or le- are
able la beovsngbed beyond lbs boIIi'lla
poinl wnmm uppenrhlu In be MIN vleble
bubbling or boiling when he manner I:
removed 1mm llie microwave oven is ml
always preeenLTHls OOULD RESULT IN
lo explode and lhefelore should run be
healed irl urls mien.
uee mi: appliance only lor iIs int-now
use: or oesovloeo In Ille manner. Do
nol uu oorroeive onemioels or vapors
In inn appliance. Thls oven is epeoifioelly
designed in boom cook looo, ll is nol
dnlgnedlor indulriel or lelroralory
5. A: will any nppnanoe, don supervision
in nicesnry when used by childlan
9. Do not operrle Ihis oven if it hoe e
rum-god cord or plug, il u is nol wofdng
pmpfifly or II il has been oem-oeo or
lo. Thl- appilonoe should be ten/Ind
only ivy qullmed sen/Ice lecmrioi-ns.
cummi- neuron eulllorluo
oorvloefeclllly Iormmlmllonnpllr
or ldjlutlmm.
Do nor oover or block any verve on lire
Do nor llou or use lhis appllancs
. Do "at use lllie oven near welor.ior
smut neer e kilomn k, in a mi
omrnenl, noel e svnmmlno pool. or
slmllar lemmas.
14. De Mi immerse ooro or plug i weler.
15. Kup cord ewoy Imm healed sud-m.
16. Do nol Iel ooro hung over me or lolrio
or oounler.
. wnen cleaning «low and oven surlaoes
use only mild, nonemeive ooepe or
oeleroemr applied with e spongo or
eon cloIh.
no nor overhear ur. IIquId.
sunn- IIquId llolil Mon-no hxllwny
armor. Ilnllng II.
III) Do nolun elrelam-nloea tannin-rs
wnh mm neeue
Iv) Ali-r hunting, eiiovr lire eornolnerlo
“and in llro mlunwlm amnion rnorl
Him Moro ronrovlnomo corn-In".
vi lm extra-no can Mun mooning .
sooonoroliururenolllnmn- container.
To mine It» risk of Injury in porsom:
Grounding Installation
Emil: M “MTMM
some (”MM mum-am:
an mm mm mm
udastorudisisflm Ills
El-wie simk Hinrd
Improper m 91 lha gnu-mg
cal rum in sI-wic show 00
ml plan lnln an calm mlil
appliance is plvpefly ilslulleu
and mad
(aroundlng) plug
r== Q
Prop-fly pnhrl'md and
ground“! cull-l
m. npplilnea mum be amused. In Ilnav-nlohn m
"ital shun WK umundm Mm Ihb rilk 01 elem-is
small in Wllkllhfl an amps win my Ihe decide wnull.
This appliance Is Gaulppsd with I acid having a umndm
wlu WW! I gmmdilu plug, TM m lrllil be plugged irlln
an oullol (ha! ls propony Inslzllsd Ind swundod,
Consult a Mad alacliielnn orseivleemallfme ammu—
|ng innnmluns m not complelsly urldomned w i! duubl
mus as w whauwrma awn-me i: mpeiiy glwndsfl.
ll it It moon-y k: use In mum cord. use only a 3-
wire emrlslm m m has a W urollldirq plug.
and a 34m mum-do lhlt wll sweat lhe plug on ma
I. A man mar-supply card i! pnwldsd m reduce lne
risks resulllng lwm taming mangled ln ov ulwlng
we! a law will.
zl Lung“ card “I: or axLanslon cord is pmvidod lo
rnduoe lha llsks mwlflllg 1mm bacon-Inn entangled
in orlnpplng wen-Wow,
1 ii a long and ms or exlenslon cud ls med: mne
mum electric-I ruling of Ike con! m or exwmlnn
cord mum b- at law as male: 1M ulsflnul min;
0! ln- nppi-nm. 2mm lxlenalon we must be a
gmndlng-lypu s-wlre cord. and 3mm lower card
should be arrangad so lhfll ll wlll ml drape over ma
coumaf lop or lablalnp where n can be pulled on by
chihnn orulpped mumm-nuonally,
see mxlpsaa lulunhet knslmmum ‘Mnhlriflls you
can usu In mlmwuva oven erw he avowed ln mlcm
wav- wen-rm may ha whil- nommhlln ulenslls
CAUTION mat a ml m. m use for minrwmvlnq. lr in doubl.
Pamml injury Hand you mtesnhe "bat-i inquesfion lowing me
‘I’ithy-closed utensils pmumu halvw.
oquld explode. closed
container: are uppnsd and um." 1.“
E9550 Males Famed 1. Fl1| a mlcrwlave-nls comamerwllh 1 cup or cold
°‘°'° °°°”"5- walu (260ml) along wlm the wens! in quesllm.
1ka on Mlxlmum mar car 1 mlnnla.
3. MEN lecl (M "W. N Ills ompfiy Illlnsil is warm,
do ml use Mm miclwuvs cooking
4, DO mum 1 minum cooklna Nm'.
Materials you can use in m Icrownva aven
umul- Rum-m
Alununum loll smmg only. Smlll smnom prim an bouuu u: mmiu parts mm:
orpmhywpmmmklw. helm; mowurlflol I: m glen lo
mu val», Tholui mm b. II has“ lua- (25m) lwafmm man was
wanlnn dlsh Fallon mmnaun/s Irmrurzfim The human dbnmninq alm mun bo 11
mm ans mm (mm) nbcm In; mmunlmwm usage may cm
m. wrrnsblu la bulk.
nlnnnw-u Miemmmnh only, Fem mmhwufi lnslmefinm Do ml nu crackad
a cnlw-u mu
elasflm Maul-mild. Uuuiywmmood mymwumwnglmjm
m not ban misml 1M may bra-IL
Ghsswan Humanism wen alum-u only. Mam sum lhm I: no metallic mm. Do
"01 use amok-u or ohlpptd can.
om. cooking Fulbw m-mfllclunii mum, Do nu dose with maul da. um. um: lo
Inc; an Ila-n h “ups.
Paw plml me for m —Iem\ mum-mm aw. Do not have mm. umndefl whilu
m1 euyl Mug.
Sip-r hwu'_lx m. In W Vow—lot Mg and mum—w. u;- wun sup-MwTr a
mud—helm 500qu only.
lehmem un atacmwpwwmwanmmmmlm.
Flu“: Maw/M only. Fellow m. "mu-mun ins1rvcfimmshwld be I-bllled
“Micron-v. Snfo' som- pl-slic cor-alum mfim u amend iuid' gun m
‘Bmllng has." and lightly cloud pint": has: mould be fit, plasma of mm
ls dims“! by puma.
Plano wrap Miawavsnfo my. Uu m mar food dunm mung In main manure. Do
ml 1M plume wrlp w men tom.
mmmuu Mums-w- uflgm undo-M law-lam".
Wu pup-y Use as nmvuhpmullcplluorinu m1 rem mum.
Materials to In avolded In microwave won
umulls leukl
Alumlnumlny May cans. arolng. Trnnshr load lulu microwiv- m dish.
Feed anon with my cuusn mlnq, Tundur loan lnlu mlcmwl ul. dilh.
mug hang-
anl or mohl- Mel-I lull-lag ln- food lmm mlmava margy. Mall! lrlm my cause
lrlmma uumll- amlnq.
Idol-l lwan-s my anus. arclnn und could “we a lire ln ln- oven,
P r baa: u- uus-Mlm in Iha awn,
mule loam Plum loam may mall ur wnlxmin-la nu liquid inside man “pond
in high lomparalum.
Wood Woofl will dry om man and ln 1m micrawxvo won and may splil or
Names of Oven Parts and Accessories
Roma/e he even and 5! world: from IN um".
Your oven Wmss wiln use [allowing lucassoviesu
Glass by 1 A
Turntable ring munbly |
Insuunlinn Manuil 1
G ' A)Conlml plndl
ammu- than
C)Tllnllbl0 nag m-muly
mean my
emu-mum wlndow
F} Dnnr Ainmbly
msmay Interlock sysum
Sm swan/an power il door ls openad dumg Malian
Turntable shaft——
. mwumwwmfi»
b. aangmuaywmmngmwmw
94 All load and whims d 1006 m away; placid
l unegmmmmmmsmu.
n IMmemwmam,m
Turmable ling assembly
Remwoal anMWWfi.
Enmlno an oven Int my dam-oz sum as
darlsorhmkendoof. Donolinnallflwenis
Clhlnot Remove any Weefive film found
1. Selocl n Iwal sun'm um pmvldn
annugh op-n space «of (he Intake
A mlnlmum cleurann of 3.0 Inch
(man) I: required Damon nu w-n m1
myadjaum wumm nu. mm he om.
on the “bin-slum.
Bo um runaw- cn- ngnmwm Mm- um
um I: unwod to tho oven unvlly to
nmmme nugmlmn,
(1) mu . mlnlmum dnflnu of 12
menace-n) lbwllht own.
(2) be "M unove 1M l-gi from m.
nolmn ann- oven.
malocklnglh'huka and/av ounel mums
um damage tn. am,
(when Ihe oven as far away Imm
radios and Tv n pussimwmmm
ofmlaowmom mum hmnamnee
lnyow radio anv mueplion.
2. Ploy yuumm mm a standard household
mlIel. Be am! an voltage and lha
lrsquervcy lune same a! immune-m
ms fmquency onlha ruling label.
WARNING: Do not install oven am a
ring: moklop or o‘lhnr had-producing
mm; n inmm could be damaged
and lhewarmnlywnuld be void.
1. Power Level
Ton pwlr Iavals are avalibh.
| Pmr 1aox|m aux 7094, elm soul was nine 20% my.
Wm: when a pawn mm level me u amen. |he high lml inficalol‘ is llgmeu
When n WWN’ Moan lei/01 1-1 la chanson. "is 11701 kvfl indium”: “9th and i! will
flash il openlifln.
2. Operation and Function
1L clock satiny
WM‘IHM mlctowave oven is plugged imo an oulul. the oven will display
(1) Press" , ‘ ' . .l.cn willditphy woo, docklndcalw u
will be lighten-he murfiqllss will flash, and v will be ligmml.
(2) PIGS! M nun-eucal pads in inpulhighel near, me" the lam mur will in mm
Pres: [he numaficnl mam lnvm lows-how. Insulin nigh-r minutes will h- "naming.
Pm me numefiul pads tn inmn hum-llamas. mm m. lower minutes will be
filming. Press the numerical lulu. 0a inwt Iwef mlnlnes.
(3) was: 1mm in mum 01 PM, AM or PM will in sol-clad in Ium by pressing lbs
human d‘AM/PM‘ coul‘nlnusly ml w ur'P‘ will in day-you in mm.
(4) Plan ' u w ' to finish clock selling. and ill-clock lmllealor will go out.
will be flashing ml {in deck wl| be lighted.
(5) Iflho numbers input are not within the range oi too—um. ma selling will be invalid
umil valid when are input.
Now In file pieces: at clack Ming, infie' bullan a; plus-a airmen I: no
owl-um mm 1 minim. me mnwll w imam the 1mm! selling aulmnnfically.
2). on Power Cooklng
(1) Keep on praising " " ’ “ la chmu mkxowav- power, Th. Indicators!“ ‘MICRO'
and vowel?- wil be min mam.
(2) Press llumeriml pads 10 hp“! "19 cooking fima; me maximum booking Hall is 99
minute m1 9G scandal
(3) Plan In nan mklng, Ind (M ram-ind lacking “no will b. displayed. ":"
and lhe ("dealers Ia, "MXCRO', IIPDWER' will be flashing.
3). Two Siege Docking
(1) Keep an pressing <- » iv;— - in moose Ihe mar iereiiorme first making siege,
indlcabor: lar ‘MICRO‘ and ‘POWER' will be iidni-d Werner.
(2) Press numerical pedere inwl the iimeiorine in making, TM MM!“ cocking iime
ie 99 mlnnln end 99 mum
(3; Keep on pressing “m «a moose power ievei 2, "MICRO" and "POWER'WIII he
named WM.
(4) Press numomal dads io Inpill me mend cooking (I'm, «in mnximum cooking rim. is
as mimnee end 99 seed-ids.
<5) Press v " lo eien cooking, nod lhe remained cooking rime wil be displayed
end indifllm for 'MICRO', ‘powsw wii be lashing.
(6) One "beep" will be mind when "renaming ends, and ihmiire mend Booking will
04 Fur Starting
(I) inwaiiinq ewe ineiemwokingenm warm/Mean bommdbysdecfing e
cooking rime 1mm one (a five minutes by pressing wnesponding nununcai eed. Frees
firm by 30 “wilds. The nuximum waking iimo u 99 mlrwiee end 99 seconds
Mule: Each prim on «zosec' den mar-mine cooklnu by m mud: loving mien) and
Auto menu cooking. However, in. operation will naiwork under'Aim Der-en" eweiion.
s). nefmfing By Wolgm Fumflon
: rvr '. LCD wiI diepiey"dEi=1-; when ameeame
iime irrdimrdre MICRO'. ‘DEFRDST' will be Ilqhud.
(z) Prere numiral pede ion-rpm mm id be deimred. -or indimmrwiii ha iigrrred.
Imuuhe weigh! ranged beiween Home.
(3) ii ihe mien inpui is rmwiinin 4-100. inninwiwiii h- invlld. No weep“ will be sound
and he mimwnve wiii ml work um! vend numbers ere inpui.
(4) Press “ t-
and Mentors Vof'MICRO‘ and ‘DEFROSTING‘wiI b. naming end me ~m~ indium
wii do our,
e)r Defrostlng By Thu Function
(1) Press n-u -, LCD will display "dEFz'. Atthasame E
lime. hm" tor "MICRO’. ‘DEFRDS'F wIII be lighted.
(2) lel marital pads to Illwi dalwmng limo The ottectrvo time range is “mi—99:90
(3) intro limo lnoul lsnot within wot-wear no'beep” wIIl he mud and tho well will ml
work until valid numbers we wui
(4) The def-ill llliavwnvl power is power iovol 3. Ilyml wantio mange the power level
press -m" Grim. nut in. LCD will 4&1”:wa 3: tlton prass tho Mimic-I pad
01 the pew-- lml wanted.
(5) Puss ‘. to Ehrl damming. Th- Kaitlin-d cooking time wII be army-er
and tndulnro M'MIDRO' and ‘DEFROS’TING' will befluhing.
7). Auto Mum Conklng
11) Press matching human to choose Auto Mam-Isllbiad‘ and at “it same time
"AUTO COOK' and Mubflw“MlCRO" wil be lmott. Kcep on pleating tho matchhu
button loot-am be migM or quantity. 'or nr ‘Miao' inflicatnl's will be mad together.
(2) Floss “m' to mm cooking, and he remained cooking lime wil ha disphyedv
‘AUTO OOOK' am "MICRO" littlews will In Ming together.
at Memory Function
(1) PM: '—" tor one term umu lo choou niornory 1 In Mammy 5. "I“ to "5"
wil be drama.
(2) Sot a making pray-m and pron ' , to start tho cookilqur press
» ,. rolling. Two ma. poms! melting Wm an also be “i
IM sflml way. What ' a promo tho wen win turn our lo tho waiting
mm The sot progmn med viii be oponlod ntonuo by pmsim W“
Note' Memory whim um he used a; cooking program in oft-“l cooking, it in the
process olpveaefling. Mammy mooring mogul": is sel althe same limo. only cooking
programs out be vseordod and Ihe we-ullime will not be recorded.
9). Pro-Ml Function
(1) Sal a waiting program w-ntod,
(2) Fun" m ,-' waopiuythocurrmclodr. "deaf indicatorwlubo lighted
and in: htgter hour Indira!“ will In Mina. ':" and oihar "0‘ ‘s will bl lghthd,
(3) Proo- nu mmellcal pad; to inpui him mar. and tho hmr murwil bofiashlng;
(4) Press in nunuriul pads lo irrpul inworltwr. and th- higtur mlnulu will be My;
(5) From the “ml pad! to input higiw mlrtums. mu Ibe lower minutes will be flashing.
(o) Pnumfi nunmiul pm in lrlpulhmer INNER am puss ii - lo nimflnri the
pm-seleookirlg. Tn- pm wll Ihen mm hack to m. clock asphying slate, and me cloak
indluamr um ’:‘ will be flashlnn.
(7) when me pre-ul lim- u mwlad. lwri meow/ll In sound omling lhe beginning of
me making.
Nnmflha dock must in sol More lilo DWI cooking. inh- cooklng plppram lm not
been an and only pro-ON lime in: pm progmnnud. the oven an only in uiad as an
alarm dock andfive ‘hwp‘ wil in mum-on 010 pro-m lime ls manna.
1a; Inqulrlng Funcllon
(I)Illcloektlate.pras:" "hmy'A"ov"P'bflsewlds.
(2) In cooking stale. press ._ 1 In: LCDwiI display cm fnrlhraa seconds and "A"
or’P' wil be displayad lov snow: sooonds.
(3) in pro-sea slam, LCD will dinghy lhn dock and ms seconds will be flushing al lilo same
lime. Frau m- and w ol'P' wil be dlsplayod hr a man, The" pleas
”m5“ la Inquire lhepwscilinw. The pm-sel lime wlll boll-inning lors semnds.
[hen w M "P” wil be displayed lot mollm a sworn; Anal lrul. ina oven will lum
haw lo |he clack slain,
44) In in; on. pom mk'nu m. we” lo lnquir. mlwwave paw lml. and
m. CH!!!“ mam-v9 powerwlll he dhvluyed Ail-mm 5mm. in: mnwill Ium
beck W in previous m.
(s) In memo slaps powelwoldm mu. loo lnqnlnnp way can beams M (be same way 1-
11). Lock-on! Function for Children
Low: in w-ilinq slate. press “ ' (or a wenndm time will be a lung "beep“ denoling
uni-ring inla ill- children lodwm slate 1nd LCD will dilphy
unloplc In loaded slale‘ plus . -
mm Ina lock is aimed,
. "In! 3 “wilds. mar. will be 1! long “beep" Mug
12). Fan Pip-longed Prouollon Funcflon
tha cooking lim- I; soul lp mime 5 minus. lorlne lnn 15 scwnds‘ the "flaw/Eve
waking will in mm smomnflaly. and only melan will be slill cooking
13) Automatic 60an Out Funmion
When the deer i- kapl open. lha wan Iighlwtl hem and will go out aulomalbally wllhofll
any opsmuun (or in naming,
14). Cooking End R'mlmllng Funclinn
when mowing was, lime will be S‘bew'whlch is minding [ha completion oleooking.
15). Dlsplly Splflflcallon
(1) In waning slain , LCD will dlwlw clock and ‘1' will noflludh.
(2) In mum [suing Shh. LCD wil diiplly “1. mm mm.
(3) In the swim and wading stale. LCD will filpllyllu residual cooking time.
(4) ln Illa operation mlumndlng Mn or when lbe door is wan. “fishing 'Mlclo"
indicator wil be lififlsd Indiho MW will hi flashing when he oven 1: rellsrtsd.
Trouble shootlng
Radio and TV reeepiion may be inieriered when
Mist-waive oven inierfering microwavs wen is opeyalion. ll is similar lo me
inierierenee oi small eieclrieel appfiannes . like
mixer , veewrn deammnd eleciric fen.
li is normal.
Dim oven Ilghl In low pmrmicrowave cooking , oven light may
become dim . I! is normal.
in cooking , mm may come out of food . Most will
come ouiirnrn venls , an: some may aocumulalle
on cool piece in wen door . Ills normal.
II does no damage lo oven in! opera!“ amply for
quits short time 4 But it smuld be avoided.
Steam mumulaling on
door, noi air oul oi vents
Oven started aocidenlllly
with no Vood in A
Trouble Poaslbla Gauu Romdy
(1) Puwar card not Unplug. Then plug agaln
plugged In “grim ailer 10 seconds.
Oven can nei (2) 35110”;er fifm'r‘é’pifiléff' cm“
be alerted. 3:1 '° pmfsaslonalplrsunnel
eiour company;
Tesl auflet wilh other
(3) TmubIswi’l umlel. alawiuil appliances,
Ovan does no! MIL (4) Boot no! cloud walli Clue doorwdl,
Gian mmrenie .
4 Reierie Meinienaneeei
mm min when 15mm miler rum and ”mm”. m use" my
microwave own oven Mum. pm,
This appliance wlfwmawllh me CE Manes ler radio wens-em wppreeeiun end
low-voltage salary and has been built In mcumm safeiy requirernenis.
Subject to lechniul arrange. wilhnul prior neiiee.
v, mummumm-mummwmm,
Ins-MIN. ‘
z. tun-mum mmmmmmmwmd
a. mmupfihmw.flmownmm
4. mmmmmwmmmmuumum‘mm
s, mumwmmwmamvmnmwu
um prunm-Irmfnfl‘lwbmhfllw.nmo amm-
FCC lhxtunld. u.- ”MW-weaken: umu-euicnyu
in) The invevftlmce pmmlul “me am ouysum
h) Muir-mum arm system
my Simpl: mmmes 1m c... ht uku- w w vx-evqo m. “Meme,
"mm-nw~-M.wmnm u.-
nmummammnmnnn—mnunn mm,

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
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Page Count                      : 15
Creator                         : Avision AVCapture
Create Date                     :  Thu Jun 17 16:15:17 2004
Author                          : 
Producer                        : Avision AVCapture
Title                           : 
Subject                         : Message from AVCapture
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FCC ID Filing: RSFM8021TX-Y

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