Midea Kitchen Appliances XC951KYY Microwave Oven User Manual XC151KXX P00A

Guangdong Midea Kitchen Appliances Manufacturing Co.,Ltd Microwave Oven XC151KXX P00A


VG8XC951KYY_User Manual

SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLYRead these instructions carefully before using yourmicrowave oven, and keep it carefully.If you follow the instructions, your oven will provide you withmany years of good service.INSTRUCTION MANUALMODEL:TC951KII
120V~  60HzSpecificationsPRECAUTIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURETO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY(a)  Do not attempt to operate this oven with the door open since this can result in      harmful exposure to microwave energy. It is important not to break or tamper      with the safety interlocks.(b)  Do not place any object between the oven front face and the door or allow soil or       cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces.(c)  Do not operate the oven if it is damaged. It is particularly important that      the oven door closes properly and that there is no damage to the:      (1) DOOR (bent)      (2) HINGES AND LATCHES (broken or loosened)      (3) DOOR SEALS AND SEALING SURFACE(d)  The oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone except properly      qualified service personnel.Model:Rated Voltage:Oven Capacity:Net Weight:If the apparatus is not maintained in a good state of cleanliness, its surface could be degraded and affect the lifespan of the apparatus and lead to a dangeroussituation.ADDENDUM1500W00W1.8 Cu.ft.2XWVLGH'LPHQVLRQV&DYLW\'LPHQVLRQVApprox. 69.5 Lbs1450WOutput Power(Microwave):Input Power(Microwave):Output Power(Convection):2TC951KII                         7 29   / 8"  X  17   X   161/ 16"                                      2  X 9  X  141/ 23/32"4"                          9   / 16"115/16"1000WRated Input Power(Grill):9
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING1. Read all instructions before using the    appliance.2. Read and follow the specific: " PRECAU-    TIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE    TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY"  found on page 2.3. As with most cooking appliances, close    supervision is necessary to reduce the risk    of a fire in the oven cavity.4.To reduce the risk of fire in the ovencavity:i). Do not overcook food. Carefully attendthe appliance when paper, plastic, orother combustible materials are placedinside the oven to facilitate cooking.ii).Remove wire twist-ties and metal handles from paper or plasticcontainers/bags before placing them inthe oven.iii). If materials inside the oven ignite,keep the oven door closed. Turn theoven off, and unplug the appliance.Disconnect the power cord, shut offpower at the fuse or circuit breaker panel.iv). Do not use the oven cavity for storagepurposes. Do not leave paper products,cooking utensils, or food in the cavitywhen not in use.5. This oven must be grounded. Connect only to properly grounded outlet. See" GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS" foundon page 4.6. Install or locate this oven only in accordance with the installationinstructions provided.7. Some products such as whole eggsand sealed containers-for example,closed glass jars-are able to explodeand should not be heated in the oven.To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire,injury topersons or exposure to excessive microwave oven energywhen using your appliance, follow basic safety precautions,including the following:8. Use this appliance only for its intended    uses as described in this manual. Do    not use corrosive chemicals or vapors    in this appliance. This oven is    specifically designed to heat or cook       or dry  food. It is not designed for      industrial or laboratory use.9.  As with any appliance, close    supervision is necessary when used    by children.10. Do not operate this oven if it has a      damaged cord or plug, if it is not      working properly or if it has been      damaged or dropped.11. This appliance should be serviced only      by qualified service technicians.      Contact the nearest authorized service      facility for examination, repair or      adjustment.12. Do not cover or block any openings on       the oven.13. Do not store or use this appliance      outdoors.14. Do not use this oven near water, for      example, near a kitchen sink, in a wet      basement, near a swimming pool, or      similar locations.15. Do not immerse cord or plug in water.16. Keep cord away from heated surfaces.17. Do not let cord hang over edge of      table or counter.18. When cleaning  surfaces of door and      oven that comes together on closing      the door, use only mild, nonabrasive      soaps or detergents applied with a      sponge or soft cloth.3
i)    Do not overheat the liquid.ii)   Stir the liquid both before and halfway through heating it.iii)  Do not use straight-sided containers with narrow necks.iv)  After heating, allow the container  to stand in the microwave oven for  a short time     before removing the container.v)   Use extreme care when inserting  a spoon or other utensil into the container.19. Liquids, such as water, coffee, or tea are able to be overheated beyond the boiling point      without appearing to be boiling. Visible bubbling or boiling when the container is      removed from the microwave oven is not always present. THIS COULD RESULT IN     VERY HOT LIQUIDS SUDDENLY BOILING OVER WHEN THE CONTAINER IS    DISTURBED OR A SPOON OR OTHER UTENSIL IS INSERTED INTO THE LIQUID.This appliance must be grounded. In the event ofan electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the riskof electric shock by providing an escape wire for theelectric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord having grounding wire with  a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an outlet that isproperly installed and grounded.Consult a qualified electrician or serviceman if thegrounding instructions are not completely understoodor if doubt exists as to whether the appliance isproperly grounded. If it is necessary to use anextension cord, use only a 3-wire extension cord thathas a 3-pronged grounding plug, and a 3-slotreceptacle that will accept the plug on the appliance.GROUNDING   INSTRUCTIONSSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSWARNINGDANGERElectric Shock HazardTouching some  of  the  internalcomponents can cause seriouspersonal injury or death. Do notdisassemble this appliance.Electric Shock HazardImproper use of  the groundingcan  result in electric shock. Donot plug into an outlet untilappliance is  properly  installedand grounded.(grounding)  plugThree-prongedThe marked rating of the extension cord shall beequal to or greater than the electrical rating of theappliance.4
CAUTIONPersonal Injury HazardTightly-closed utensilscould explode. Closedcontainers should be openedand plastic pouches should bepierced before cooking.Utensil Test:1. Fill a microwave-safe container with 1 cup of cold    water (250ml) along with the utensil in question.2. Cook on maximum power for 1 minute.3. Carefully feel the utensil. If the empty utensil is    warm, do not use it for  microwave cooking.4. Do not exceed 1 minute cooking time.UTENSILS See the instructions on "Materials you can use inmicrowave oven or to be avoided in microwave oven."There may be certain non-metallic utensils that are notsafe to use for microwaving. If in doubt, you can test theutensil in question following the procedure below.Radio Interference1. A short power-supply cord is provided to reduce the risks resulting from becoming entangled in    or  tripping over a longer cord.2. Longer cord sets or extension cords are available and may be used if cared  is exercised  in    their  use.3. If a long cord sets or extension cord is used:   1) The marked electrical rating of the cord set or extension marked electrical rating of the cord        set or extension cord should be at least as great as the  electrical rating of the appliance.    2) The extension cord must be a grounding-type  3-wire cord; and    3) The longer cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the countertop or tabletop        where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally.1. Operation of the microwave oven may cause interference to your radio, TV     or similar equipment.2. When there is interference, it may be reduced or eliminated by taking the    following measures:    1) Clean door and sealing surface of the oven    2) Reorient the receiving antenna of radio or television.    3) Relocate the microwave oven with respect to the receiver.    4) Move the microwave oven away from the receiver.    5) Plug the microwave oven into a different outlet so that microwave oven             and receiver are on different branch circuits.5
Materials you can use in microwave ovenUtensils RemarksAluminum foil Shielding only. Small smooth pieces can be used to cover thin parts ofmeat or poultry to prevent overcooking. Arcing can occur if foil is tooclose to oven walls. The foil should be at least 1 inch (2.5cm) away fromoven walls.Follow manufacturer’s instructions. The bottom of browning dish must beat least 3/16 inch (5mm) above the turntable. Incorrect usage may causethe turntable to break.Microwave-safe only. Follow manufacturer's instructions. Do not usecracked or chipped dishes.Always remove lid. Use only to heat food until just warm. Most glass jarsare not heat resistant and may break.Heat-resistant oven glassware only. Make sure there is no metallic trim.Do not use cracked or chipped dishes.Follow manufacturer’s instructions. Do not close with metal tie. Makeslits to allow steam to escape.Use for short–term cooking/warming only. Do not leave oven unattendedwhile cooking.Use to cover food for reheating and absorbing fat. Use with supervisionfor a short-term cooking only.Use as a cover to prevent splattering or a wrap for steaming.Microwave-safe only. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Should belabeled "Microwave Safe". Some plastic containers soften, as the foodinside gets hot. "Boiling bags" and tightly closed plastic bags should beslit, pierced or vented as directed by package.Microwave-safe only. Use to cover food during cooking to retainmoisture. Do not allow plastic wrap to touch food.Thermometers Microwave-safe only (meat and candy thermometers).Wax paper Use as a cover to prevent splattering and retain moisture.Browning dishGlass jarsGlasswareOven cookingbagsPaper platesand cupsPaper towelsParchmentpaperPlasticPlastic wrapDinnerwareMaterials to be avoided in microwave ovenUtensils RemarksAluminum trayFood carton withmetal handleMetal or metal-trimmed utensilsMetal twist tiesPaper bagsPlastic foamWoodMetal shields the food from microwave energy. Metal trim maycause arcing.May cause a fire in the oven.Plastic foam may melt or contaminate the liquid inside when exposedto high temperature.Wood will dry out when used in the microwave oven and may splitor crack.May cause arcing. Transfer food into microwave-safe dish.May cause arcing. Transfer food into microwave-safe dish.May cause arcing and could cause a fire in the oven.6
7MICROWAVE OVEN FEATURES12 3456 67 7 89A. Glass Turntable                                      C. Hub                                      B. Support A B C4. Vent Top5. Glass Turntable:6. Cooktop light*UHDVHoOWHUV8. Control Panel: Touch the pads on this panel to     perform all functions.&KDUFRDOoOWHU    The turntable reverses rotation each time the    microwave oven door is opened and closed.     This helps cook food evenly. Do not operate the     microwave oven without the turntable in place.To Install: Place the support on the oven cavity bottom.2. Place the  turntable on the support. Fit the raised,     curved lines in the center of the turntable bottom     between the three spokes of the hub. The rollers onWKHVXSSRUWVKRXOGoWinside the turntable bottom See "Caring for the Filters" section.ridge. See "Caring for the Filters" section. (behind Vent Top):NOTE: Not all models come with a charcoal filter.glass The microwave oven is designed to makeyour cooking experience as enjoyable and productive as possible. To get you up andrunning quickly, the following is a list of the oven's basic features:1. Metal Shielded Window:    prevents microwaves from escaping.    It is designed as a screen to allow you     to view food as it cooks.2. Model and Serial Number Plate3. Cooking Guide label The shield
MANUAL COOKING8This section gives instructions for operating each function. Please read this section carefully.To re-enable the clock follow clock instructions.  Using Your Microwave OvenThe clock can be disabled when the microwave is first plugged in and the STOP key is selected.   SETTING CONTROL LOCK ON/OFFSETTING CLOCKExample: To set the clock for 10: . Touch:                                         Display Shows:NOTE:v,I\RXWRXFK ZKLOHVHWWLQJWKHFORFk, the display will show the last time of day set or a  1 01.2.3. correct time.blank display if no time of day has been set.the 8 is an invalid digit and cannot be entered. Enter the59To turn OFF the Control Lock, touch Clock & Settings Touch:                                         Display Shows:1..3Time of daythen touch            if time of day was set 2.59¬¬¬¬¬Clock & Settings Clock & Settings Clock & Settings Clock & Settings Option&ORFN&RQWURO/RFN2Q2II6RXQG2Q2II:HLJKWOENJ'HPRPRGH2Q2IIKey press Clock & Settings Clock & Settings Turntable On/OffClock & Settings &OHDQFor best cooking results, leave the turntable on. It FDQEHWXUQHGRIIIRUODUJHGLVKHs.Touch:                                     Display Shows:CAUTION: Sometimes the turntable can become hot to the touch during and after cooking. Do not run the oven empty without food in it. SETTING TURNTABLE ON/OFF1. 2.3.4. CLOCK & SETTING  The  microwave oven has settings that allow you tocustomize the operation for your convience. Below isthe table showing the various settings. Touch the Clock  & Settings key multiple times to scroll to the desired setting function.SvIf you begin to enter in an incorrect time (e.g. 2:89)To turn ON Control Lock touch Clock & Settingstwice.Press Turntable On-Off to turn the turntable on or off.STOP
9 Example: To turn aud signal on or Rç. Touch:                                         Display Shows: 1.     ible Audible signals are available to guide you when setting and using your oven.vA programming tone  touch a pad.vsignal the end of a Kitchen Timer   countdown.vsignal the end of a cooking cycle.Three tonesThree tones will sound each time you  2. TURNING SOUND ON/OFF  USING CLEAN 2.Touch:                                         Display Shows:1.This is a preset timed cycle to boil water creatingsteam to soften soils inside the microwave oven.When the cycle is done remove the water and wipe the inside of the microwave wit  cloth. hNOTE: Place two cups of water in the microwave oven.To get rid of odors inside the oven add some lemonjuice or vinegar into the water. enter Clean mode touch Clock & Settings When the cooking cycle is completed END will bedisplayed and the audible signal will sound if thesound is turned on.When START is pressed and the previous settingwas ON then it will be set to OFF. If you want toturn the audible signal back ON you will have toagain press Clock & Settings five times and then START.four times.
10 Example: To enter Demo mode.  Touch:                                         Display Shows:   SETTING DEMO MODE ON/OFF Your microwave oven can be used as a kitchen timer. You can set up to 99 minutes, 99 seconds.Example: To set for three minutes.Touch:                                         Display Shows:NOTE:Timer count down does not stop even if thedoor is open. To cancel the timer, press the   key once.      Timer startscounting down1.2.3.030 SETTING KITCHEN TIMER  The kitchen timer can be used while the microwave oven is running.  1. 2.  Example: To toggle weight b  etween pounds &  Touch:                                         Display Shows:                kilograms.   SETTING WEIGHT IB/KG  1. 2. the display shows kg, pressing the STARTbutton will reset the oven controls to lbs. To returnto kg, you will have to again press Clock & Settingssix times and then START.When START is pressed and the previous setting wasOFF then it will be set to ON. If you want to turn thedemo mode back OFF you will have to again pressClock & Settings seven times and then START.STOP
11Time counting down This is a time saving pad that will automaticallyTouch:                                     Display Shows:2start cooking 2 seconds after selected. Numeric key1 to 6 can be touched for a 1 minute to 6 minuteINTERRUPTING COOKINGYou can stop the oven during a cycle by opening the door. The oven stops heating and the fan turns RTo restart cooking , close the door and Touch.If you do not want to continue cooking, open the door and touch           ff, but the light stays on.automatic start cooking feature.Example: TRFRRNIRUoYHPLQXWHVVHFRQGVDWr.Touch:                                       Display Shows:1.2.053100% powe3.USING ONE TOUCH STARTSETTING TIMED COOK 1.Time counting downThe pad controls the cooktop light. If the light is OFF Example: To set the light for HIGH from the OFFTouch:                                        Display Shows:1.the first touch of the light pad will turn the light ON()high , second touch Nite( )low and third touch OFF.position.USING COOKTOP LIGHT                   USING  VENT  DELAYExample: The pad controls the vent delay time. Set the delay time 10 minutes at HIGHTouch:                                        Display Shows:speed from the OFF position.1. USING VENT FANExample: To set the vent fan speed to HIGH fromTouch:                                        Display Shows:7XPRIIIDQZKHQGHVLUHGNOTE:  If the temperature from the range or cooktop below the oven gets too hot, the vent fan will automatically turn on to protect the oven.It may stay on up to an hour to cool the oven.  When this occurs, the Vent pad will not turn the  IDQRII1.2.The pad controls the 4-speed vent fan. If the vent fanthe OFF position.is OFF the first touch of the Vent pad will turn the fanon TURBO, second touch HIGH, third touch MEDIUM,fourth touch LOW,fifth touch OFF.
12For best resultsVRPHUHFLSHVFDOOIRUGLIIHUHQWpower levels during a cook cycle. You can program your oven for two power level stages during the cooking cycle.Example: To set a 2-stage cook cycle. The first stageTouch:                                         Display Shows:To set an 80% cookSRZHUIRUWKHILUVWVWDJHTo set a 7 minute cookSRZHUIRUWKHILUVWVWDJHTo set a 50% cook powerfor the second stage.NOTE: You can program a "0" power  second stage for standing time inside the oven.To set a 3 minute cookWLPHIRUILUVWVWDJH 03080705SETTING TWO-STAGE COOKING is a 3 minute cook time at 80% cook power then a7 minute cook time at 50% cook power.7KLVIHDWXUHOHWV\RXSURJUDPDVSHFLILFFRRNWLPHand power. For best results, there are 10 power level settings in addition to HIGH (100%) power. Refer to the "Microwave Power Levels" table. Example: TRFRRNIRUoYHPLQXWHVVHFRQGVDW80% power.Touch:                                       Display Shows: 0538NOTE: will  cook at HIGH (100%) power. automatically If you do not select a power level, the ovenSETTING TIMED COOKING WITH POWER LEVELTime counting downTime counting downThis is a time-saving pad,WLVDVLPSOLoHGIHDWXUHthat lets you quickly set and start microwave cooking at 100% power.  Example: To cook for one minute.Touch:                                         Display Shows:NOTE: add 30 seconds up to 99 minutes .Time counting down1.2. Each time you touch ADD 30 SEC, it will USING ADD 30 SEC.  59 seconds
13Three defrost sequences are preset in the oven.The auto defrost feature provides you with the best defrosting method for frozen foods. The cooking guidewill show you which defrost sequence is recommended for the food you are defrosting.For added convenience, the Auto Defrost includes a built-in beep mechanism that reminds you to check,turn over, separate, or rearrange the food in order to get the best defrost results7KUHHGLIIHUHQWGHIURVWLQJlevels are provided:Available weight is 0.1-6.0 lbsNOTE:Remove any portions that have thawed. Return frozen portions to the oven and touch START to resume the defrost cycle.USING AUTO DEFROSTExample: To defrost 1.2 lbs of fish.Touch:                                          Display Shows: 1.      12To enter weightand 2. 3.Time counting down4.                                           5.6.                                           open the door and turn, separate, or rearrange the food.The oven will beep during the DEFROST cycle. At this time,  2. POULTRY 3. FISH 1. MEAT BREAD4.Example: To cook frozen pizza with sensor. Touch:                                         Display Shows:USING SENSOR COOK1.Using SENSOR COOK lets you cook common microwave-prepared foods without needing toprogram times and cook powers. Cook selections are made by touching theSensor Cook key multiple times. Example: To reheat casserole with sensor reheat. Touch:                                          Display Shows:USING SENSOR REHEAT 1.Using SENSOR REHEAT lets you  common microwave-prepared foods without selecting cookingtimes and power levels. Reheat selections are made by touching the reheat Sensor Reheat key multiple times.
14USING QUICK TOUCHYour microwave has preprogrammed selections to cook food automatically.The Popcorn quick touch pad lets you pop 3.3,3.0, 1.75 ounce bags of commercially packaged microwave popcorn. Pop only one package ata time. If you are using a microwave popcornpopper, follow manufacturer's instructions. Example: To pop a 3.3 oz. popcron.Touch:                                         Display Shows: 2.1.SETTING POPCORN (Control Panel Feature 8)VEGGIESExample: Touch:                                         Display Shows:   SETTING To cook Frozen veggies.  KeyVeggies x2Veggies x3Food AmountFresh VeggiesFrozen VeggiesTime counting down1.2.3.4.Veggies x1    1-4  1-4 Servings 1-4 Servings    PotatoTime counting down Example: TRUHFDOOJDUOLFVKULPSFRRNVHWWLQJ 1.Touch:                                       Display Shows:KeyFavorites x1Favorites x2Favorites x3Favorites x4Favorites x5Favorites x6Favorites x7Favorites x8Favorites x9Favorites x10Roasted Vegetable MedleySpiced PecansBaked Apples with Caramel Marinated Flank SteakSavory Sweet PotatoesFoodChocolate Chip CookiesRosemary Roasted ChickenGarlic ShrimpStuffed MushroomsAsiago Red PotatoesFAVORITE.2.34.Time counting downThe Pizza sensor cook quick touch pad lets you reheat  NOTE:v3ODFHRQDSODWHDQGSDSHUWRZHOv'RQRWFRYHUExample: To reheat 1 to 4 slices of Pizza.Touch:                                         Display Shows:1.SETTING PIZZA up to four slices of pizza (based on a 5 ounce slice).2.NOTE: Remove the metal shelf from microwave oven when cooking popcorn. Do not use regular paper bags. Do not re-pop unpopped kernals. Do not pop popcorn in glass cookware.Key press AmountPopcorn Popcorn Popcorn3.33.01.75 1.75 oz (50g) 3.3 oz (94g) 3.0 oz (84g) SelectionTouch this pad to select one of several preprogrammed    items.Touch Veggie key repeatedly to switch between Potato, Fresh and Frozen selections.The V  eggies quick touch pad lets you cook potatoes,   fresh and frozen vegetables.  NOTE:  Refer to page 34-35 for favorite recipes.
15The oven uses low power to melt and soften items. Touch:                                         Display Shows: 1.See the following table.Example:   2.3.4.To melt 2 sticks of Butter.2SETTING MELT/SOFTEN  Time counting downKeyMelt / Soften x4 Soften Cream Cheese 3 oz. 38 oz. 8Melt / Soften x3 Soften Ice Cream Pint 11.5 Quart 2Melt / Soften x2 Melt Chocolate2 oz. 24 oz. 48 oz. 8Food Amount KeyMelt / Soften x1 Melt Butter 2 sticks 2  1 stick  1               DIRECTIONCATEGORYBUTTERMELT TABLECHOCOLATEUnwrap and place  in microwavable  container. No need tocover butter. Stir at the end of cooking to complete melting.              AMOUNTChocolate chips orsquares of baking  chocolate may be used.Unwrap squares and place in microwavablecontainer. Stir at theend of cycle to complete melting.ICE CREAM/SOFTENPlace container in ovenlce cream will be softenough to makescooping easier.Pint, 1.5 Quart.1 or 2 sticks2, 4 or 8 oz.Unwrap and place  in microwavable  container. Cream CREAMCHEESE cheese will be at room temperature and ready for usein recipe.3 or 8 oz.
16 Example: TRNHHSZDUPIRUPLQXWHV 1. The default keep warm temperature is 170Touch:                                       Display Shows:.202003. Example: TRSUHKHDWWRGHJUHHV 1.Touch:                                       Display Shows:.23.8Time counting down\\\\\NOTE: When the oven reaches the set preheat temperature,message "PREHEAT END". The oven will automaticallyhold that temperature for 30 minutes.During convection cooking, the exhaust fan in the venthood will automatically turn on at the low speed settingto protect the oven.vv   The display will show PREHEAT up to 200 deg F.   then display temperature in 25 degree increments   (e.g. 225, 250). up to the set temperature. degrees.NOTE:  If you do not set a keep warm time, just press Convection Keep Warm then touch START, you can keep warm up to 90 minutes.CONVECTION KEEP WARM CONVECTION BAKE/ ROAST three (3) tones will sound and the display will scroll the   Example: To set the convection cooking at 350  F.Touch:                                         Display Shows:  1.0for 20 minutes without preheating.  2000     The temperature range has 10 steps from 100  F to450  F.0               Number Pad Temperature    123456789100  F0000000000200  F2   F300  F325  F350  F375  F400  F425  F450  F0  5.6.Time counting down050
17 1.Touch:                                         Display Shows:00 154.3.2.Time counting downBake (Degrees F) Key325 Default250 3300 4325 5350 6375 7400 8Roast (Degrees F) Key300 Default325 5350 6375 7400 8425 9450 0Microwave Setting10%10%10%10%10%30%30%30%30%10%10%Microwave Setting30%30%30%Example: To bake 15 minutes at 325 degress default.MICRO+CONV COMBICOOK
CLEANING AND CARE18In order to ensure that your microwave oven looks good and works well for a long time, you should maintain it properly. For proper care, please follow these instructions carefully.Wash often with warm, sudsyFor stubborn soil: Boil a cup of water in the ovenOver time, surfaces may stain as a result of food particles splattering during cooking. This is normal.and the interior and exterior water and a sponge or soft cloth.Use only mild, nonabrasive soaps or a mild detergent.Be sure to keep the areasclean where the door and oven frame touch when closed. Wipe well withfor two to three minutes.Steam will soften the soil.To get rid of odors inside the oven, boil a cup of water with some lemon juice or vinegar in it.Use a soft cloth with spray glass cleaner. Apply the spray glass cleaner to the soft cloth; do notspray directly on the oven.NOTE: Abrasive cleansers, steelwool pads, gritty wash cloths, some paper towels, etc.,can damage the control panelTo clean glass turntable and turntable support: Wash soiled areas, use a mild cleanser and scouring sponge. The turntable and turntablesupport are dishwasher safe.supportGlass turntableFor interior surfaces:  For exterior surfaces and control panel: oven surfaces.Turntablein mild, sudsy water. For heavily  glassclean cloth.NOTE: Use the Clean option inClock & Settings for a preset timedcycle for stubborn soil cleaning.
Disconnect the power cord before cleaning or leave the door open to deactivate the oven during cleaning.19CARING FOR THE FILTERS1.2. TRUHPRYHJUHDVHoOWHUsVOLGHHDFKILOWHUWRWKH    side. PXOOILOWHUVGRZQZDUGDQGSXVKWRWKHRWKHU    side7KHoOWHUZLOOGURSRXt.3.6RDNJUHDVHoOWHUVLQKRWZDWHUDQGDPLOG    detergent. Scrub and swish to remove     embedded dirt and grease. Rinse well and    shake to dry'RQRWFOHDQoOWHUVZLWK    ammonia, corrosive cleaning agents, such 4. TRUHSODFHJUHDVHoOWHUsVOLGHoOWHULQWKHIUDPH    slot on one side of the opening. PXVKoOWHU    upward and push to the other side to lock    into place.5. Plug in microwave oven or reconnect power.Unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.    as lye-based oven cleaners, or place them    in a dishwasher. The filters will turn black or     become damaged.NOTE: Do not operate the hood without the JUHDVHoOWHUVLQSODFe.2. Open the microwave door and remove the twovent mounting screws located on top of themicrowave using a #1 Phillips screwdriver.#1. Unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.3. Slide the vent left and tip forward. Lift out toremove.4. Install the charcoal filter. Lay the filter on the backof the grille with the black mesh face upper.Tabs Charcoal filter    vent into place. Push the vent top into position     oven or reconnect power. 1 ##    Phillips screwdriver.#    and slide right into place. Replace the two vent     screws located on top of the microwave #5. Reinstall the vent by sliding the bottom of the6.  Close the microwave door. Plug in microwave Grease filters (Part No. 5304488377) Charcoal filters (Part No. 5304488379)7KHJUHDVHoOWHUVVKRXOGEHUHPRYHGDQGFOHDQHGRIWHQDWOHDVWRQFHDPRQWh.NOTE:  FDQQRWEHFOHDQHGDQGVKRXOGEHUHSODFHGHYHry 6 to 12 months.smoke and odors. Replacement oOWHUs are available from Sears by calling 1-800-4-MY-HOME. The charcoal filterModels are shipped for recirculating exhaust (To duct air outside reference the Installation Instructionsbook included with your microwave.). Some models have a disposable charcoal filter installed to help remove    mounting    using a #
Disconnect the power cord before cleaning or leave the door open to deactivate the oven during cleaning.203. Replace bulb with candelabra-base 30-watt bulb(Part No. 5304488360) available from Sears by    calling 1-800-4-MY-HOME.4.The oven cavity light1. Unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.3. Slide the vent left and tip forward, then lift out to     remove.Plug in microwave oven or reconnect power.2. Open the microwave door and remove the twovent mounting screws located on top of the microwaveusing a  ## 1#Phillips screwdriver.#4./LIWWKHERWWRPRIWKHFKDUFRDOoOWHr6OLGHWKHoOWHU    straight out.5. Replace the bulb with a candelabra-base    30-watt bulb (Part No. 5 304488360)    from Sears by calling 1-800-4-MY-HOME.6. Close the microwave door. Plug in microwave oven 1  0 . Replace the bulb holder.7.L ift up the bulb holder.or reconnect power.REPLACING THE COOKTOP AND The cooktop lights1.  Unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.2. Remove the bulb cover mounting screw for the  OVEN CAVITY LIGHTSMounting screwspecific bulb you want to replace.    should rest like the picture shown below.    8. Slide the charcoal filter into p ace. The filterl    vent into place. Push the vent top into position    mounting 1# #    Phillips screwdriver.#    and slide right into place. Replace the two vent     screws located on top of the microwave #    using a #9. Reinstall the vent by sliding the bottom of the
For best performance and for safety reasons, keep the ovenclean inside and outside. Take specialcare to keep theinner door panel and oven fron frame free offood and greasebuild-up.Never use rough scouring powder or pads on themicrowave. Wipe the microwave oven inside and out with asoft cloth and and warm(not hot) mild detergent solution.Then rinse and wipe completely dry.Wipe spatters immediately with a wet paper towel,especially after cooking greasy foods like chicken or bacon.Clean your microwave oven weekly or more often, ifneeded.Follow these instructions to cleanand care for yourmicrowave oven:Cleaning suggestionsKeep the inside (cavity) ofthe oven clean. Food particlesand spilled liquids can stickto the oven walls, causingthe oven to workless efficiently.Wipe up spills immediately. Use a damp, clean clothand mild soap. DO NOT use harsh detergents orabrasive cleaners.To help loosen baked-on food particles or liquids, heat 2cups ofwater (add the juice of 1 lemon ifyou desire tokeep the oven fresh smelling) in a 4 cup measuringglassatHighpower for 5 minutes or until boiling. Let stand inoven cavity for 1 or 2 minutes.Remove the glass turntable trayfromthe oven whencleaning the oven cavity or tray. To prevent the glassturntable frombreaking,handle with care and do not putit in water immediately after cooking. Wash the turntabletrayinwarmsudsy water or in the dishwasher.Clean the outside surface ofthe microwave with soapand a cleandamp cloth. Dry with a cleansoft cloth. Toprevent damage to the operating parts of the oven, do notlet water seep into any vents or openings.Wash the oven door windowwith very mild soapandwater. Be sure to use a soft clean cloth to avoidscratching.Ifsteam accumulates inside or outside the oven door,wipe with a soft cloth. Steam canaccumulate whenoperatingthe oven in highhumidity and in no wayindicates microwave leakage.Never operate the oven without food in the oven cavity;this candamage the magnetron tube or glass tray. Youmay wish to leave a cup of water standing inside the ovenwhen it is not in use to prevent damage if the oven isaccidentally turned on.Disconnect t he power cord before cleaning or leave t he door open t o deactivat e t he oven during cleaning.Somespatters canberemoved with a paper towel, othersmay require a damp cloth. Remove greasy spatters with asudsy cloth, then rinse with a damp cloth. Do not useabrasive cleaners or sharp utensils on oven walls.To clean the surface ofthe door and the surface of the oven thatcometogether upon closing, use onlymild, non-abrasive soaps or detergents using a  spongeorsoft cloth. Rinse with a damp cloth and dry.Never use a commercial oven cleaner on any part ofyour microwave.Removable Turntable and Turntable SupportTo prevent breakage, do not place the turntable into waterjust after cooking. Wash it carefully in warm, sudsy wateror in the dishwasher. The turntable and support can bebroken ifdropped. Remember, do not operate the ovenwithout the turntable and support in place.Do not use cleaners containing ammoniaor alcohol on the microwave oven. Ammonia or alcohol candamage the appearance ofthe microwave.Clean the outside ofthe microwave with a sudsy cloth.Rinse with a damp cloth and then dry. Wipe the windowcleanwith a damp cloth.How to Clean the InsideHow to Clean the OutsideWalls,Floor, Inside Widow, Metal and Plastic Patrs on the  Door.Case21
Disconnect t he power cord before cleaning or leave t he door open t o deactivat e t he oven during cleaning.Wipe with a damp cloth. Dry thoroughly. Do not use cleaningsprays, largeamounts ofsoapand water, abrasives or sharpobjects on the panel—they candamage it. Somepaper towelscanalso scratch the control panel.It is important to keep the areacleanwhere the door sealsagainst the microwave. Use only mild, non-abrasivedetergents applied with a clean spongeorsoft cloth. Rinse well.Ifthe cord becomes soiled, unplugand wash with a damp cloth.For stubborn spots, sudsy water may be used, but be certainto rinse with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly before pluggingcord into outlet.            To cleanstainless steel surfaces, use a hot, damp clothwith a mild detergent suitable for stainless steel surfaces.Use a clean, hot,damp cloth to remove soap. Dry with a dry, cleancloth.Iffood soil remains, try a generalkitchen cleaner, such asFantastik®, Simple Green®or Formula409®.For hard-to-clean soil, use a standard stainless-steelcleaner, such asBon-Ami®or Cameo ®.Apply cleaner with a damp sponge. Use aclean, hot,damp cloth to remove cleaner. Dry with a dry, clean cloth.Always scrub lightly in the direction ofthe grain.After cleaning, use a stainless-steel polish, such astainless Steel Magic ®, Revere Copper and Stainless SteelCleaner ®or Wenol All Purpose Metal Polish®. Followtheproduct instructions for cleaningthe stainless-steel surface.Control Panel and DoorDoor SurfacePower CordStainless SteelDo not use a steel-wool pad;it will scratch the surface.22

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