Midland Radio 1001LWX CB TRANSCEIVER User Manual TITLE

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Date Submitted2009-05-19 00:00:00
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Plain English Rules-
Citizens Band Radio Service
prepared by the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC.
0. Suhparl D at part 95, Citizens Band
[cat Radio Service, is completely
revised to read as follows:
Subpnrl D—Clllzena Band (CB) Radio
General provisions
05.401 (CB Rule 11 What is the Citizens
Band (CB) Radio Service?
05402 (CB Rule 2] How do use these rules?
95.403 (CB Rule 3] Am l all ble to operate a
CB station?
054th13 Rule 4] Do 1 need a license?
95.405 (CE Rule 51where may i operate my
CB station?
95,406 [CE Rule 5] Are there any special
restrictions on the location oi my CB
ltow To Operate a (18 Station
05.407 (CE Rule 71011 what channels may l
05.400 (CB Rule at How high mayl put my
05.400 (CE Rule 0] what equipment may i
use at my CB station?
05.410 [CB Rule 10) How much power may l
05.411tCB Rule 11)Mayl use power
05.412 (CB Rule 121 what communications
may be transmitted?
05.41 3 (CB Rule 13) What communications
are prohibited?
05414103 Rule 14] May l he paid to use my
(28 station?
05.415 lCB Rule 15] who is responsible ior
CB communications i make?
95.4161CB Rule 16] D0 1 have to limit the
length oi my communications?
95.417 [CE Rule 171Dolidenliiy my CB
05.4111 [CB Rule 10] How do i use my CR
station in an emergency or to assist a
05.410tcs Rule 10] May l operate my CB
station transmitter by remote control?
05.420 (CE Rule 20) May i connect my CB
station transmitter to a telephone?
Other Things You Need Tn Kmiw
05.421 (CB Rule 21] What are the penalties
ior violating these rules?
05.422 [CE Rule 22] How do 1 answer
correspondence from the FCC?
05.413 (CB Rule 23) What must I do it the
FCC tens me that my CB station is
causing interference?
95.424 (CR Rule 241 How do i have my CB
station transmitter serviced?
05.425 [CB Rule 25) May t matte changes to
my CB station transmitter?
05.426 [CBRule 25) Do i have to make my
CE station available for inspection?
05.427 [CB Rule 27) what are my station
05420105 Rule 20) How do i contact the
Subpufl D—Cltlxins Band (CB) Radio
ccnerat provisions
§ 05.401 [CB Rule 1) what is the Citizens
Band {CB} Radio Service?
the CB Radio Service is a private,
twoway. shortdislance voice
communications service for personal or
business activities. The CB Radio
Service may also be used (or voice
§ 05.402 (Cit Rule 2) How dot use these
to] You must comply with these rules
(See CBRule 21 95.421, [or the
penalties ior violations) when you
operate a station in the CB Service tram:
(11 Within or over the territorial limits
oi places where radio services are
regulated by the FCC [see CB Rule 5,
s” 95,405);
12) Aboard any vessel or aircrait
registered in the United State , OR
(a) Aboard any unregistered vessel or
aircrett owned or operated by a United
States citizen or company.
[to] Your CB station must comply with
technical rules (mind in Sitbpart E of
Part 05.
[c] where the rules use the word
“you“. "you” means a person operating
a CR station.
(1!) Where the rules use the word
"person." the rules til-s concerned with
an individual. a corporation, a
partnership, an association. a joint stock
company. a trust, a slate, territorial or
local government unit, or other legal
to) where the mice use the term
"FCC”, that means the Federal
Communications Commission.
it) Where the rules use the term ‘
station", that means a radio station,
transmitting in the CB Radio Service.
sashes (ca not. it Am I ottotbt. to
operate n on stottcn?
You are authorized to operate a CR
station unless:
[at You are a foreign goverrunenl. a
representative at a foreign government,
or e iederat government agency: OR
lb) The FCC has issued a cease and
desist order to you. and the order is still
in ellact.
£595,404 (CB Rule 4) Do I rt! 11 a license?
You Flu not need an indivl ual license
to operate a CB elation. You are
authorized by this rule to operate your
CB station in accurdance with the rules
in this Subpart.
“5405 tea Rota 5) where may I operate
my ca station?
You are authorized to operate your CB
station from:
(a) Within or over any area oi the
world where radio services are
regulated by the FCC. These areas are
within the territorial limits oi:
(1) The titty United States.
(2) The District of Columbia.
Caribbean Insular areas
[a] Commonwealth of l>uerto Rico.
[4] Navssae island.
[51 United States Virgin islands (50
islets and says).
Pnciyic insular creos
[ti] American Samoa (seven islands],
[71 Baker island.
(a) Commonwealth ol Northern
Mariana Islands.
[0] Guam island.
[10] Rowland island.
(11) Jarvis lslad.
1121 Johnston leladllslels East,
tchroton. North and Sand].
[13] kinxman Rsel’.
(14) Midway lsladllslets Eastern and
(15) Palmyra lslandtmore titan 50
(15) Watts island (tetts Peale, Wale
and Wilkes].
(b) Any other area oi the world,
except within the territorial limits oi
areas where radio services are regulated
[1] An agency oi the United States
other than the FCC. [Ynu are subject to
its rules.)
[2] Any ioreign government. [You are
subject to its rules)
(c) An aircrait or ship. with the
permission oi the captain, within or ovoi-
any area ol the world where radio
services are regulated by the FCC or
upon or over international waters. You
must operate your CB station according
to any applicable treaty to which the
United States is a party.
§95.4us tea auto at An the
rostrtctions on the lac-tron
stotton 2
[at it your CE station is located on
premises controhed by the Department
ol Deiense you may be required to
comply with additional regulations
imposed by the commanding otticer oi
the installation.
[b] it your 00 station will be
constructed on land ot environmental or
historical importance (such as a location
significant in American history,
architecture or culture). you may be
required to provide information and to
comply, with 1.1305 through 1.1310 oi
the FCCs Rules.
How To operate . CB Station
95407 {CD Rul. 7) On whll Chennai:
may I operate?
[a] Your ca station may transmit only
on the following channels (frequencies):
chem-t in.»
| 1s sec
1 1a 975
J 25 cos
i 11 one
s 11 his
a 11 025
1 11 035
s 11 use
1 11 one
to 11 1115
it 11 cos
r;- 21 was
to 11 its
is 11 t1s
is 11 ms
is 11 |§§
n 11 to;
II 11 no
is 11 the
1c 11 205
it 11 215
11 11 225
1: 11 155
11 11 235
15 11 145
1s 11 285
11 11 11s
is 11 see
as 11 295
so 11 cos
it 11 its
31 11 325
33 11 its
as 11 «as
as 11 555
is 11 ass
31 11 115
3! 11 its
so 11 395
's- o-t-otrott tht at our uclmn
[h] channel 9 may he used only for
emergency communications or for
traveler assistance,
(c] You must. at all times and on all
channels. give priority to emergency
communication massages concerning the
immediate safety of life or the
immediate protection of property.
[d)Yt1u may use any channel for
emergency communications or for
traveler assistance.
[a] You must share each channel with
other users.
in The FCC will not assign any
channel for the private or exclusive use
of any particular ca station or group of
(g) The FCC will not assign any
channel for the private of exclusive use
of ca stations transmitting single
sideband or AM.
§95.4oa (ca nul- a) ttow high may I put
my antenna?
(at “Antenna" means the radiating
system (for transmitting, receiving or
both] and the structure holding it up
(tower. pole or mast]. it also means
everything else attached to the radiating
system and the structure.
[b] it your antenna is mounted on a
hand-held portable unit. none of the
ionowing limitations apply.
to] if your antenna is installed at a
fixed location it (whether receiving,
transmitting or both) must comply with
either one of the following.
(1) The highest point must not be more
than 6.10 meters (20 feet) higher than the
highest point of the budding or trea on
which it is mounted; on
[21 The highest point must not he more
than tits meters [on feet] above the
(d) if your ca station is located near
an airport, and il your antenna structure
is more than 5.1 meters (20 feet] high,
you may have to obey additional
restrictions. The highest point of your
Emeline musl not exceed one metal-
above the airport elevation for every
hundred meters of distance from the
nearest point of the nearest airport
runway. Differences in ground elevation
hetwean your antenna and the airport
runway may complicate this formula. if
your cs station is near an airport. you
may contact the nearest rec field office
lisied in Section 0.121 of the
Commission's Rules for a worksheet to
help you figure the maximum allowable
height for your antenna Consult Part 11
of the FCCa Rules for more information.
WARNING: instahation and removal of
ca Station Antennas near powerlines is
dangerous. For your safety follow the
iostahation directions included with your
5 95 405 (cu Rule 9) What cquipmcnt may
tus- at my ca station?
(a) You must use an FCC type accepted
CB transmitter at your CB station. you can
identify an FCC type accepted transmitter
by the type acceptance lahel place on it by
the manulacmrer. You may examine a lisl
of type-accspled equipment at any FCC
Field office or at FCC Headquarters.
Use of a transmitter which is not FCC
type-accepted voids your authority to
operate the station.
[is] You must not malte, or have made.
any internal modification to a type
accepted CB transmitter. (See CB Rule
25, 95.425). Any internal modification
to a typeaccepted CB transmitter
cancels the typeacceptance, and use of
such a transmitter voids your authority
to operate the station.
§95J1NCB Rut- tuition much power
may I use?
(a) your cs station transmitter power
output must not exceed the following
values under any conditions:
AMlA3)—4 watts [carrier power]
ssa-tz watts (posit envelope power)
[in if you need more information
about the power rule. see the technical
rules in Suhpart E of Part 95.
[C] Use of a transmitter which has
carrier or pool envelope power in
excess of that authorized voids your
authority to operate the station.
§95.411(CB Rule it) May I use powor
[a] You may not attach the following
items [power amplifiers] to your type
accepted CE transmitter in any way;
(1) External radio frequency [RF)
power amplifiers [sometimes called
linears or linear amplifiers]; on
(2) Any other devices winch. when
used with a radio transmitter as a signal
source, are capable of amplifying the
[in] There are no exceptions to this
rule and use of a power amplifier voids
your authority to operate the station.
[c] The FCC will presume you have
used a linear or other external RF power
amplifier if—
(i) it is in your possession or on your
premises: AND
(2) there is other evidence that you
have operated your CE station with
more power then allowed by ca Rule to,
[d] Paragraph (cl of this section does
not apply if you hold a license in
another radio service which allows you
to operate an external RF power
§ 95.412 (cs flute 12) What
communications mly be transmitted?
[at You may use your cs station to
transmit twoway plain language
commuicati'ons. Twoway plain
language communications are
communications without codes or coded
messages. Operating signals such as
"ten codes" are not considered codes or
coded messages. You may transmit two
way plain language communications
only to other on stations. to units of
your own CH station or to authorized
government stations on CB frequencies
t our personal or business
actt ea or those of memhers of your
immediate family living in your
(2) Emergencies (see ca tints to.
§ 95.415):
(31 Traveler assistance [sea ca Rule
18. 95.413): or
(41 Civil defense activities in
connection with official tests or drills
conducted by, or actual emergencies
announced by. the civil defense agency
with authority over the area in which
your station is located.
(hi You may use your CE station to
transmit a tone signal only when the
signal is used to make contact or to
continue communications. [Examples of
circuits using these signals are tone
operated sonelch and selective calling
circuits.) if the signal is an audible tone.
it must last no longer than 15 seconds at
one time. it the signal is a suhaudihle
tone. it may be transmitted continuously
only as long as you are talking.
[c] You may use your CE station to
transmit oneway communications
[messages which are not intended to
establish communications between two
or more particular ca stations] only tor
emergency communications. traveler
assistanca. brief tests tradio checks] or
voice paging.
5 95.413 (05 Rul013)Whn
communication: are prohibited?
[at You must not use a CB statlo —
[1] in connection with any activity
which is against federal. stale or local
(2) To transmit obscance. indecent or
profane words, language or meaning:
(3) To interfere intentionally with the
communications of another CB station:
(4) To transmit onoway
communications. except ior emergency
communications. traveler assistance.
briei tests [radio checks). or voice
resins: ,
(5) To advertise or solicit the sale oi
any goods or services;
is] To transmit music. whistling.
sound effects or any material to amuse
or entertain;
(7) To transmit any sound eiiact solely
to attract attention;
to) To transmit the word “MAYDAY”
or any other international distress
signal. except when your station is
located in a shipt aircrait or other
vehicle which is threatened by grave
and imminent danger and your are
requesting immediate assistance;
(9) To communicate wither attempt
to communicate with. any ca station
more than 250 kilometers [155.3 miles]
(10) To advertise a political candidate
or political campai you may use your
CB radio for the business or
organizational aspects oi e campaign. if
you follow all other applicable rules];
[11 J To communicate with stations in
other countries. except General Radio
Service stations in Canada: or
(12) To transmit a lalse or deceptive
[b] You must not use a CB station to
transmit communications ior live or
delayed rebroadcast on a radio or
television broadcast station. You may
use your CB station to gather news
items or to prepare programs.
§95.4|4 (CB Rnll 14) HIV I b. plld to USO
my ca station?
(a) You may not accept direct or
indirect payment ior transmitting with a
as station.
to) You may use a cs station to help
you provide a service. and he paid ior
that service, as long as you are paid
only tor the service and not tor the
actual use at the cs station.
§95.‘I 5 (CB Rule 1 5) Who is respmslbll
lot communications I "1le7
You are responsible ior all
communicauons which are made by you
from a CB station.
§95Aistce Rule is) not haveto limit the
length at my communioations'l
ta) You must limit your CB
communications to the minimum
practical lime.
tb] If you are communicating with
another CB station or stations. you. and
the stations communicatirm with you.
must limit each at your conversations to
no more than five continuous minutes.
(c) At the and oi your conversation,
you. and the stations communicating
with you. must not transmit again (or at
least one minute.
§ 95.417 (ca Rule 17) Do lndentlty my on
ta] You need not identify your so
(b) [You are encouraged to identity
your CE communications by any at the
iollowing means:
(i) Previously assigned CB can sign;
(2) K prefix iollowed by operator
initials and residence zip code;
13) Name: on
(4) Organizational description
including name and any applicable
operator unit number.)
[c] [You are encouraged to use your
“handle" only in coniuction with the
methods oi identification hated in
paragraph to) oi this section]
§ ssAtstca Rule in) Now uol tut my cs
station in an emergency or to assist a
[a] You must at all times and on all
channels. give priority to emergency
(b) when you are directly
participating in emergency
communications, you do not have to
comply which the rule about length oi
transmissions [CB Rule to. 95.415].
You must obey all other rules.
[c] You may use your CB station for
communications necessary to assist a
traveler lo reach a destination or to
receive necessary services. When you
are using your CB station to assist a
traveler. you do not have to obey the
rule about length of transmi ions [CE
Rule in, 9561116].th must obey all
other rules.
§ 95.419 tce Rule wintry I oparata my CB
station transmitter by remote control?
(a) You may not operate a CB station
transmitter by radio remote control.
to) You may operate a co transmitter
by wireline remote control it you obtain
specific approval in writing trom'the
FCC. To obtain FCC approval you must
show why you need to operate your
station by wireline remote control. Send
your request and iuetiiicetion ta rcc,
Gettysburg. Pa i7325. If you receive FCC
approval. you must keep the approval as
part at your station records. tSse CB
Rule 27. 95.427).
to) Remote control means operation at
a CB transmitter irom any place other
than the location at the CB transmitter.
Direct mechanical control or direct
electrical control hy wire irom some
point on the same premises. crait or
vehicle as the CB transmitter is not
considered remote control.
s 95.120 (ca nut. 20) May I connect my
ca transmitter to a telephone?
[a] You may connect your CB station
transmitter to a telephone it you comply
with all at the following:
[1) You or someone else must be
present at your CB station and must—
ti) Manually make the connection (the
connection must not be made by remote
[ii] Supervise the operation at the
transmitter during the connection;
[iii] Listen to each communication
during the connection: AND
try) Stop all communications ii there
are operations in violation of these
(2) Each communication during the
telephone connection must comply With
all of these rules.
(3) You must obey any restriction that
the telephone company places on the
connection a! at ca transmitter to a
(ii) The CB transmitter you connect to
a telephone must not he shared with any
other CB station.
[c] I! you connect your CB transmitter
to a telephone. you must use o phone
patch device with has been registered
with the FCC.
Other Things You Need to Know
§ 95.421 (ca Rule 21) What are the
penalties tor viotttlno those wins?
(a) ii the FCC finds that you have
williqu or repeatedly violated the
Communications Act or the FCC Rules,
you may have to pay as much as $2,000
ior each violation, up to a total oi 35.000.
[See Section 503 [b] oi the
Communications Act.)
to) it the rec iinds that you have
violated any section oi the
Communications Act or the FCC Rules.
you may be ordered to stop whatever
action caused the violation. [See Section
312 [b] at the Communications Act.)
to) H a federal court finds that you
have williuiiy and knowingly violated
any FCC Rule. you may be lined up to
send ior each day you committed the
violation. [see Section 502 of the
Communications Act.)
(d) li a federal court iinds that you
have willfully and knowingly violated
any provision of the Communications
Act. you may be lined up to $10,000 or
you may be imprisoned for one year. or
both. [See Section 501 oi the
Communications Act.)
“5.422 (ca Rule 22) Now not answer
correspondence tram the FCC?
is) it it appears to the FCC that you
have violated the Communications Act
or these rules. the set: may send you a
discrepancy notice.
(b) Within the time period stated in
the notice. you must answer with:
[11A complete written statement
about the apparent discrepancy:
(2) A complete written statement
about any action you have taken to
correct the apparent violation and to
prevent it trorn happening aga‘ . ND
(3)The name oi the person operating
at the time at the apparent violation.
(c) ii the rec sends you a letter
asking you questions about your CB
radio station or its operation. you must
answer each at the questions with a
complete written statement within the
time period stated in the latter.
id] You must not shorten your answer
by reierencea to other communications
or notices.
[a] You must send your answer to the
rec oiiica which sent you the notice.
[t] You must keep a copy oi your
answer in your station records. [See ca
Rule 27. 95.427.
sssraza too not. 23) What must I do it the
FCC tells me that my on station Is causing
(a) ii the rec tens you that your CB
station is causing intarierence ior
teclniical reasons you must iollow all
instructions in the oiiicial rcc notice.
(This notice may require you to have
technical adiuatments made to your
equipment.) (b) You must comply with any
restricted hours at ca station operation
which may be included in the oiiicial
§95.424 (on little at tum do i have my
on station tun: or omitted?
(a) You may adiust an antenna to your
ca transmitter and you may make radio
checks. [A radio check means a one way
transmission for a short time in order to
test the transmitter]
(it) Each internal repair and each
internal adiustment to your rcc type-
acnepied CB transmitter (555 CE Rule 9.
95.409} must be made by or under the
direct supervision ot a person licensed
hy the ran as a General Radiotelephonc
(a) Exoept as provided in paragraph
(d) of this section, each internal repair
and each internal adiustment ot a ct;
transmitter in which signals are
trammitted must be made using a
nonradiafins (“dummy") antenna.
[d] Brial test signals (signals not
longer than one minute during any live
minute period] using a radiating antenna
may be transmitted in order to;
(11 Adjust an antenna to a transmitter.
(21 Detector measure radiation of
energy other than the intended signal:
(a) tune a receiver to your ca
§ 95.425 (up Rule 25) May I max. any
changes to my ct; on ion transmitter?
(31 You must not malta or have any
one also make any internal modification
to your CB transmitter.
[h] internal modification does not
(1) Repair or servicing of a CB station
transmitter [see CB Rule 24. 95.424);
[21 Changing plug-in modules which
were type accepted as part of your CE
to) You must not operate a CB
transmitter which has been modified by
anyone in any way. including
modification to operate on unauthorized
traouancies or with illegal power. (See
CB Rules 9 and i 1, 95.409 and 95.411.)
§ss.4zs (ca Rule 25) Dot have to incite
my on station av shi- tor Inspocllon?
ta] ii an authorized rcc
representative requests to inspect your
CE station. you must malts your CB
station and records ayailahle tor
[h] A CB station includes all oi the
radio equipment you use.
§ 95.427 (ca Huh 27) What are my station
Your station records include the
iouowing documents. as applicable.
(ai A copy at each response to an rcc
violation notice or an rcc1etter.tSee
CE Rule 22. 95.422]
in] Each written permission received
from the FCC. [See cs Rule is. 95.419.)
§ 95.423 ica Rule m How not contact the
[a] Write to your nearest rcq Field
Office listed in Section oi zi oi the
Commission's Rules ii yuu:
(1) Want to report an inierierenca
complaint: on
[21 Want to know it the FCC has type
Eccepled a lransmillsr (or CE.
(is) Write to the rec. private Radio
Bureau. Personal Radio Branch.
Washington, DC. 20554 it you have
questions about the CB Rules.
9. Paragraph [f] at 95,545 at the rules
is revised to read:
595.845 Additional requirements tor type
accepts rice.
(”A copy of Subparl D of Part 95 of
the Commission's Rules. to be current at
the tune oi packing of the transmitter.
shall be furnished with each transmitter.
Printed in Thailand

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