Midland Radio 77235ESP User Manual 16522
Midland Radio Corporation 16522
FCC ID: MMA77235ESP APPENDIX 5 USERS MANUAL USER’S MANUAL (ELEVEN (11) PAGES) FOLLOWS THIS SHEET USERS MANUAL FCC ID: MHA77235ESP APPENDIX 5 ' Your 40 channel CB represents the state of the an in high tech engineering. This unit Is not only a full feature GB transceiver but incorporates a high performance 10 channel NOAA weather bureau VHF receiver. The full 10 channel weather receiver allude use on all current and future NOAA weather bureau channels plus Canadian and intemalional channels. The mit incorporates microprocessof controlled PLL circuitry for precise tuning aid increamd function. Receiver noise and interference can now be largely eliminated by the new ESP® noise reduction system. Also included is a backlighted Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) digital information center that out» dates 03’s with LED readouia How to install your Midland mobile CB This transceiver may be installed in any 12 volt negative ground- syatom carortrucit Alrnosiall cunentU.S. andtoreign vehicles usea negafivesyfiem, butsomeoldermodelsandsomeneweriagetrwlsmay have a positive ground. Check the requirement: for your vehicle before you begin Installation. Generally, you have a negative-ground system ifthe minus ( -) battery wrrninal is oonnemed to the motor block. Corned your dealer in the event you are unable to determine your vehicle’s polarity syeiem. Installation and operating accessories furnished with your Midland CB: Easy removal mounting bracket system Microphone bradtet system. All main-unit and microphone mounting hardvmre needed for normal installation. Plug-in micropl'tme with cell cord. FCC part 95, Subpart D. Owner‘s Manual. Pl“? 9’5‘”? Where to locate your CB transceiver. Your new Midlald CB is designed to be installed under the dash or vertically on a omeole of your vehicle. Safety and convenience are the primary considerations in deciding exactly where to locate your radio. Caution: Bewremattheunitislooaedsothatitdoesmtirnerferevmhthe driverorimpairscceoetoany controls. Comecfing cables must behind andsecuredinsmhanmnerasnottoimaterewimmeopemionotthe We,aewlaatorordtheroonVNs..lmfereneeimeitherfl1eurfitor connectingcablesmayomtnbutetothelossofoorflrolofthevehlde. Mechanical mounting Note: Extreme cue diould be exercised when drilling into dash to avoid damage to under-dash electronic ignition. cruise control. inammerlt and I or may wiring. Your unit mum be mounted so as nd to interiere with air bag (SRS)operaion. Step1: Heedngtheceutionmsethemmtingbracketaselempiatefor markingthelocmimofscrevmdesmderlhedash. Useanawl, nailorolher sha'ppoimedobjedtomfltthenual. Step 2: Drill a 1/8" hole for w screwmle in the mounting bracket. Attach the bracket to the dash with the 3/8" phlllips machine wows provided. Step 3: Locate and secure the radio into the narrating bracket eiIoMng working space for later pm connections» Power wiring ( negative ground only). Step 1: lfyouhavenotdetenninedwr-aheryouvehiclehasanegative or posifivegrmndjosonowflhendiscomedmenegatlveleadfrornthe batteryto prevent short drcuilsthatcan oocur during wiring. SH; 3: thh negative ground, connect the red wire (the one with in—line fuse holder) to either the ( a ) fuse block radio circuit (filtered), ( b ) cigarette limiter (unfiltered for noise), or(c ) directlylothe positive post on your battery. Where you locate your antenna does make a difference. some general rules for antenna location that an aid CB permanence: 1. Put your antenna mount as high on the vehicle as possible. 2. Thehighertheproporticnofantennalength thalisabovetheroothe better. 3. if possible, mount the armma in the center of whatever surface you choose. 4. Kaepantennacabletawaytrom ndsemrm. suchastheignition syaem. gaugeseiedric fuel pumps, etc. 5. Makesureyou haveaeoiid metal -to-meta| ground. 6. Exercise care to prevent cable damage. Essentially. you have live Ioeaim choices: the root, gutter, rear deck. lmm own or rear bumper. Where you decide to lowte your antenna will determine the type of antenna you inflall. Again consult your Midland CB dealer for advice and guidance and measure your needs against the Antenna instahflon. Follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions mrefully. Warning: Never operate your CB radio without attaching an antenna or with a broken antenna able. This wt result in damage to transmitter circuitry. Tuning your antenna. Some antennas are factory tuned. However. performance can usually be improved by slightly Iengtt'rening or shortening its length, using 3 Standing WaveRadio( SWR ) meter. Fortheexactproeedureswbe used, referto the antenna manufactmer’s Ingallafion manual. '- Yoann buyan SWRmetelseparately orhaveyourantennachecked by your Midland CB Dealsfs service department or a twoway 00mm shop. 77-235ESP FUNCTION AND LOCATION OF CONTROLS 1514 515 20171157 FRONT 4 1 2 3 3 9 10 11 12 13 EXI’S-MEI'ER G 6 BACK MICROPHONE FRONT PANEL CONTROLS 1. ONIOFF VOLUME: In the off position your trensceivefs power is off. Turn this control clockwise in switch on the unit md adjust the volume. 2. SQUELCH CONTROL: Adjus this oonlml until background noise ind disappears. Iftl'ieumtml isadiusledtoofarclockwise itmey muse muting of weaker signals. 4. MICROPHONE CONNECTOR: Plug in the supplied microphone to this connector. Theodlarring hasascrewon linking ring. Pushtheringonto the units collar and screw on until it istight. 5. ROTARY CHANNEL SELECTOR: This easy to operate cofllml allows changing of weather of CB channel. either up or down. This control will notoperaewhenemeigencychamewhasbeen selectedbyuslngthe 'EMG" button or when the channel “LOCK" function has been activated. s. CHANNEL DISPLAY: LCD (liqu'd crystal display) read-out of selemd ca or weatfer channel. 1. SIRF DISPIAY: LCD reed-om of received signal strength and relative transmitter putter output. 8. EIG BUTTON: Pres this billion for qu'ck selection of emergency channel 9. All keyboardbuttonsarelockedothuflrenchamelQis activated by using the ‘EMG' button. To relum to normal CB operation 9. SCAN BUTTON: This Man when mated and menthesquelch is cloud mmmnelsmbesmnnedunmasgnal opensthe squelch. Praeing the buttm again wheels scanning. 10. "IO BUTTON: When this button Is pressed “MIC" will be displayed atd the microphone will become lea sensitive. Pissing again returns the mlcrophme to normal operation. 11. CBIWX: This button causes your unit to change modes baween NOAA weaner bureau receiver and CB operation. 12. DIM: Pressing this button causes the backlighting of the display to which between dimmed and full bn'gtrrees 13. ESP: Pressing this button controls the ESPQ audio system. Channel noises are reduwd and voices enhanced when ESPQ is active. 14. TX INDICATOR: LCD indicaor for shouting the unit is transmitting. 15. Rx INDICATOR: This indicator is active when unit is receiving 15. WX INDICATOR: When this indicator is illuminated it indicates your unit is in lhevvealher receive mode. Weather channels are displayed. 17. “IO |ND|CATOR: When this LCD is illuminated it indicates the microphone gain is lowered. 18. SCAN INDICATOR: This indicates channel sunning is operating. 19. ENG, INDICATOR: lndkates the ‘EMG” button has been preaed to select channel 9. The channel selector is locked out in this mode. 20. DIM INDICATOR: This iridlcata display lighting is dimmed. BACK PANEL ANTENNA CONNECTOR: Connect a standard 50 ohm CB antenna to this connector. s—METER JACK: A DC voltmeter may be connected to thisjack for precision monitoring of received signal strength. EXT SPEAKER JACK: When a speaker is connected to this Jack the inlamal speaker is by-paseed. All received signals will be heard through the externd speaker when it is connected. The speaker connected to the “EXT'jacksl’nuldbelstedflBohmandfiwmtsornm. HOW TO OPERATE YOUR TRANSCENER FOR CB USE You should become familiarwith the controls and complete the preceding installatlon instructions before attempting operation of your CB. 1. Adjust the squelch omtml fully counter-clockwise 2. Ratatemeonloffvolumoormol clockwiselommthemiton. Adjtmme volume tor a mnal listening level. 3. Saleem-e desired channel by the rotary channel selector. Rotate the squelch control until the background noise is just quieted. You are now in the receive rmoe. NOTE: lfthechmneludllnotdiange,d’ieckmatthe'EMGbultoflhasnot beenpresssd. lnfliiscasepreesm‘EMG'btmonlodeadivateflsflmction 4.TotransmitprecsmePTTbaronthesideofthemicroptholdthe microphoneztuiiindtefiromyourlipsandspeakinanormalvoioe. 5. To receive simply release thePTTbar. TO OPERATE YOUR TRANSCEIVER FOR WEATHER RECENE 1. Followstepsl atdZ above. 2. Pm the ‘WX' btmon. 3. 05an the rotary channel selector select the active channel in your area. How ESP® works to make your CB sound better. TheESPOnoiseredudicnsystemcondanflynmnprsthesignalstrength artdfltetypeotmlspreaem Whentriesignatsu-engmisroolowforgood reception, the receiver sound ls amomaliuily adjusted to dramatically reducethenoisethacormthrough the speaker. Whilethenoise is decremedtheadualsoundsyouheedtohearareincleased. Skipinterferencecancwsemmlesamlmlllngsam Electrical imaferemefiompmlinesjgdfimwstemsormhermmproduce lowhumrningandbuzzingnoise. Thesehiyiandlowswndsaremt neededforcommunicdions ESP®candeiermineihedifierencebetwem mdesiredminuandsoumtsyouvantloheamdfiltermenoissout. These results ESPQm accomplishwimomdecreaslng reoeiverrange (it usually mum rmge). Mostimportantty. ESPOworksbyitsstfanddoes nctncedtobs listeningwotherESPQequipped DB‘stobe 100% effective. LIMITED WARRANTY. MMMMWWW.IEWMRM,WWMM, “maummcmmmmmmmamm mwmhpmnmmmmwfidmwm. msmmmmmmmm‘mawgmumm beapmdummdwihmsmpm,amscmdwiwmmwmm dumhanfideermermnfim. mawwwmmismwmbemwmmm waned MMWM,“WMde.mewMWn-fiy mm1mmvnm.mmmwmumaw'w Mmelyseficeswmfwmmmdwd-eM-mdfi), wmwmwumdmmwmmwmmm: mmmwmmmmwmmw. mmmmmmm.wmmmmmwmm nyfmm “mm. Non: mmmwwnmwmmuuwsmam uwflmmammamus.mym Fammm MMMJGHMMWWMMWW muskmdeder SERVICE nuwmmmmmmmm anmanmwmmmmmmmmymuuhwwm mnmnsommmmm.mmmmm uimyunn whpoaagaanmig), Indudeamlldesaipficndmypmbmalndudemmmm Vmwmwwmwm1m.m.mm,amm)mm mbmwmmm. Mawfimmamummdmsmmmdsfi This Aflamdflémwiaopiywmpnismmadbymm Seamushievsmnney mamcamflfsawdmnw, MlDLAND CONSUIER RADIO 1670 N, Toning Kansas Cly, Mo 54120 mus-241m. Fax 616-241-5713 E-mnil: midlgngdlandmdiomm Pm in China I1 Document Number RevisionNumber : 0 Issue Date : 9 October, 1998. Page : Page 1 of 6 —__________— A. PLL SECTION 1. Test Equipment Required a. Frequency Counter b. DC Voltmeter (about 100K ohm) c. DC Power Supply (133V, 2‘5Amp‘) NOTE : Figure 1 provides test point and all alignment location infcn'nation. 2. Test Set-Up P'" ”m °F '°‘ FREEUENCV CEIJNTER DCVEILT METER HOT POINT OF C83 111: PINE! SUPPLY DocumentNumber RevisionNumber : 0 Issue Date : 9 October, 1998. Page : Page 2 of 6 3. Alignment Procedure (VCO) OUTPUT lNDlCATOR ADJUST ADJUSTFOR CONNECTION Alignment of Ref. Osc. Adjust for 4.500 MHz t 20Hz indifition on frequency counter Mic :Recelve POWER :On VOLUME :Optlclnal SQUELCH :Opfional Channel Selector : optional Comer: frequency coun- ter to PM No.1 of 101 (Figure 2) Alignment ofVCO Connect DC voltmeter to hit point of C83, (Figure 3) Mlc :Tx or Rx POWER :On VOLUME :Optional SQUELCH :Optlonal Channel selector : Channel 40 Adjust for 3.8V indica- tion on DC voltmeter. (Before adjust 17 must select high vco volt- age mods.) Check the indiwtlon on DC voltmeter (must be over 2.0V). If DC voltmeter under 2.0V, read- just T7 and Mum to step 2. MIC :Tx or Rx POWER :On VOLUME :Optional SQUECH :Opljunal Channel Selector : Channel 1 Same as step 2. DocumentNumber RevisionNumber : 0 Issue Date : 9 October, 1998. Page : Page 3 of 6 B. TRANSMITTER SECTION 1. Test Equipment Required 5. RF Power Meier b. 50 ohm dummy w/ attenuator c. RF Voltmeter d. DC Power Supply (13.8V, 2A5Amp) NOTE : Figure 1 provides test point and all alignment location information. 2a. Test Set—Up BASE OF 025 FigggS DocumentNumber Revision Number : 0 Issue Date : 9 October, 1998. Page : Page 4 of 6 2b. Test Set-up
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