Midland Radio ALHP125 User Manual 59819

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Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

HP125HP425 User manual
VHF/UHF Handheld PMR Transceiver
User’s Manual
Copyright © 1998 by CTE International Italy; an rights reserved.
HP125/HP425 User manual
In this book...
Usa‘s Manual
DISPLAY ......
SETUP ................. .. .........,.<.. ...... ...... ............ .........
FnTmemova THE ANTENNA 1 1
msmmmo/kmovmsms BELTCLEP 11
BASIC OPERATIONS......................‘...........................I..................,.I.... ............... Mm. 13
CHANNEL Sam-non . 14
Amusmfi SQUELCH, 15
Amus'rmo TRANSMISSION 0 16
RADIO mac. I7
SELCALL AND CTCSS/DCS OPERATION ............M.....M..._...........m................................................... 19
SeMngaSelca/l 19
Stored cull (Adm-ms book) 19
Who-hascalhd call (Cull Queue 20
Manual call
One loudI c
ADVANCED 0PERATIONS........... “a”..- .....
SENDING 1'st mamas (SDM) '
CARE AND MAINTENANCE .......... ...............26
Information on rechargeabk batteries . 26
Properly charge ofbamry packs .......... 26
HP125IHP425 User manual
Memry eject ..... 26
Erasing memory 97801 2 7
Warnings for battery and chargers use 27
Cleaning bmterypaclls 28
Clemn‘ng the rad!“ 28
Connectors ..... 28
OPTIONAL ACCESSORUES .....m.........‘.............4.........
Micmplmne conneaor.....4
Twswm. .
INDEX ...<......
HP125/HP425 User manual
Congratulations. HP125/HP425 is an advanced PMR (Professional Mobile Radio). Its rugged design
allows it to be your reliable partner even during hard working days. Its large LCD as well as user
friendly controls makes the HP125IHP425 easy to use.
HP125/HP425 is a real system radio, supporting CTCSSIDCS, 5 tone Signalling systems
(encoder/decoder up to 28 + 28 tones), FFSK DTMF and trunking system property. Selcall mode
supports also many facilities, such as an alphanumeric address book, a call queue function as well as a
stems message table. You can also use FFSK to sendlreceive short text messages which you can
enter via the alphanumeric keypad. The way your radio operates may be upgraded and may differ from
what is described here.
To extend the flexibility. the radio is provided wrth VOX fundion, which allows you to switch on the
transmitter just by talking using a optional headset for full hands free operation.
Since standard operation can be changed by programming. the funrnions of the radio and the buttons
used to activate them can be modified to meet your needs. Please contact your radio network
administrator or dealer for further details.
Transceivers specifications provided in HP125/HP425 are compliant with ETS 300 056 and ETS 300
113, moreover its top level design and resistance are compliant with lEC$29 level PM and MIL STD
810 0.0.5
GTE International is committed to continuous quality, for this reason specifications may vary without
prior notice.
Wamlng notes
Every eflort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete, accurate, and
up—to-date. CTE lntemational assumes no responsibility for the results of errors beyond its control, The
manufacturer ct this equipment also cannot guarantee that dtangas in the equipment made by non
authorized people will not affect the applicability of the information in it.
This user’s guide is subject to change without notification. This booklet is referred to 1.0 software
version. if you own a later one please contact CTE International for the most recent updates.
Your HP125/HP425 handheld transceiver has been carefully designed to give you years of safe,
reliable performance As with all electrical equipment, however, there are a few basic precautions you
should take to avoid hurting yourself or damaging the radio:
- Read the instructions in this handbook carefully. Be sure to save it for future reference.
0 Road and follow all wanting and instruction labels on the radio Itsetf.
o Do not carry the transceiver by the antenna This may damage the antenna or antenna terminal
Grasp it by its base (not the tip!) when you need to replace or remove the antenna.
. Do not trensmit the radio with the antenna very close to or touching exposed parts of the body. The
radio will perrorm best it the microphone is 5-10 cm away from the mouth and the radio is vertical,
. Be sure the PTT key is not pressed when you don’t need to transmit.
a Do not operate the radio near unshielded electrical blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere.
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HP125/HP425 User manual
Do not transmit without the antenna fitted on the radio. Alhough the HP124,425is provided with
a protection circuit, damage to the TX final stagecould result.
Respect the environmem conditions. The radio is designed to be used in heavy environments,
however avoid exposure to extremely hot or cold temperatures (out of the range between -30 to
+60'C). Don’t expose the transceiver to excessive vibrations as well as dusty or rainy places,
Never try to disaseembl‘ or service the radio youmtt (aside irom the routine maintenance
described in this handbook). It will immediately void the warranty and you may cause damage
requiring extensive repair work. Always contact your local dealer for assistance.
Use only genuine memories, Non original accessories could seriously damage your handheld
Do not spill liquid of any klnd on this ratio. If your transceiver gets wet immediately dry it with a
soft cloth.
Swlttm the radio off before you clean it. Strictly follow the directions in the paragraph “Care and
Handle the battery properly. Strictly follow the directions in “Care and maintenance".
Be certain that your power source matches the rating listed for the supplied battery charger (AC
adaptor). If you are not sure, check with your dealer.
To avoid damaging the power cable of the battery charger, do not put anything on it or place it
where it will be walked on.
This product complies with the requirements of the Comcil Directives 8913361550 and 73/231EEC on
the approximation of the laws of the member states relating to electromagnetic compatibility and low
HP12$HP425 User manual
Conventions and Symbols In this Book
E5 This symbol marks a ‘note'. Notes are hints of tips which offer additional information to help you,
V} This symbol marks a ‘cautlon'. Cautions are special notices which you should road and
follow car-hilly to avoid postlbh 11mm to your equipmont lnd to avoid potential
danger to yourselforothwpoopln.
Key names will be highlighted in bold.
Important sentences and words are highlighted in Italic.
LCD messages which may appear on the transceivers display are highlighted in Courier New
HP125/HP425 User manual
Part Names and their functions
Please have a look to the following parts description in order to familiarize with the transceivers main
parts and controls. Numbers in brackets refer to the illustration.
[1] Antenna connector. Fit the antenna to this connector
(MX thread type).
[2] Programming connector (under the protection cap -
for authorized dealers/service facilities only). Allows to
program the radio (channels data) via a suitable
programmer. it must be protected with the supplied
rubber mp when not in use
[3] Status LED, Glows in different colors to show the current radio's status.
[4] a Monitor button. Enables the speaker for monitoring of the tuned channel,
[5] @ Emergency button. Sends an emergency selective call. (if enabled)
[6] Speaker. The reception sound is emitted by the
built in speaker located at this point.
[7] (D Power button. Press this key to turn the
trensoeiver on and off.
[8] LCD display. Shows the radio’s parameters
(channel number etc.) Icon and symbols are further
explained in the text “Display". Whenever any key
is pressed the display is automatically becklit for a
few seconds.
[9] I? UP and Q] Down buttons. For scrolling
forward and backward through function list and for
changing channels, volume and function values.
[10]Keypad. For entering digits of selective call (if
enabled) and letters for the related operations (9.9.
SDM messages or Address Book). Whenever any
key is pressed the display is automatically baddit
for few seconds.
(11]® Clear button. If pressed for two seconds in
command mode. radio reverts back to standby
mode. In salcall mode, deletes incorrectly entered
digits (if Selcall is enabled).
[12]® our button. To send a valid call when using
selective call features. (Selcall - if enabled)
[131MENU button. Allows to access the main menu.
[14]Mlcrophono. Your voice is detected by the
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HP125/HP425 User manual
microphone located in this place.
Side (left and right)
[151MIcrophom connector. For remote
speaker/micropt'ione. headsets for VOX use
and other accessories. It must be protected
with the supplied rubber cap when not in use.
For the related pin connections please see to
Microphone comedian".
[1 61m” pack. This NiMH battery pack
supplies energy to your radio.
[171Relem button (located on the battery’s
body). Allows for removal of the battery pack,
[1810ALL 1 button. Sends the selective call
No.1. (it enabled)
[191m (Push To Talk) button. When pressed
switches the transceiver from receive to
[20] CALL 2 button. Sends the selective call N0.
2. (if enabled)
This section explains the meaning of the various indicators which may appear on the LCD of your
HP125/425 handheld transceiver
a Radio is transmttttng (status LED will glow red at the sometime)
1] Speaker is enabled (you will hear audio communications and/or noise)
DTMF Ia enabled
I Selective call detected
Q Scrambler enabled
EDT-ID] estuary Lev-i indicator (the number of bars will vary with level of charge)
H'o Keypad lock enabled
‘\ Receive mode (squelch is open)
'. Reception field strength level (the number of bare will very with receive strength)
HP125/HP425 User manual
H—L Trummitoutpui power currently selected, respedivaly high (H) or Low (L)
6 Mali notification
$ Clnkmizlbll operation
l. l l l I I I l I . lVolumo level (the numberof bars will vary with volume level)
HP12¢VHP425 User manual
The following items are in the package:
(a) Transceiver‘s main body
(b) Flaxabia antenna
(c) Battery pack NiMH 1,200 mA/h
(d) Siandard baflery charger composed by two parts:
0 Cradle
. AC adapter
(e) Ben clip
(f) User‘s guide (this book!)
if summing is missing please promptly advise your supplier.
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HP125/HP425 User manual
Fittinglremoving the antenna
To lit the antenna:
1) Locate the antenna terminal (thread MX oonneotor) on transceivers top.
2) Hold the transceiver With one hand and the base (the thicker part) of the antenna with the other one.
3) Attach the included flexeble antenna to the antenna terminal by turning the antenna clockwise until
it is firmly locked. Don’t overtighten the antenna t
To remove the antenna reverse the previous step
t? Leave the antenna cached on the radio. You can not communicate without it. Moreover,
transmitting without the antenna may damage the TX final stage. For the same reason use only
the supplied antenna
% The supplied antenna is broadband type and covers the whole spectrum, The antenna does not
need any afignrnenf.
Installing/removing the battery pack
To install the battery pack {please see the figure)
1) Hold the transceivers body with one hand and the
__ battery pack with the other. Put the battery pack onto
Jam.” the metallic back of the transceiver as shown at
[E LTJM approximately 2 cm from the bottom edge of the thick
part of the transceiver .
__._ 0- 2) Gentty slide the battery peat toward the transceivers
[2 bottom edge keeping it slightly pressed onto the
metallic back surface.
3) At approx. 1.5 em you will feel the battery‘s guides
[11 fitting with the transceivers guides (the battery pack
will be closer to the transceiver), Keep sliding the
battery pack toward the back edge.
I 4) At the and you will hear two dicks: the battery pack WIII
G] snap into place and should be firmly locked.
To remove the battery pack:
1) Press the battery release button located in the back of the battery pack.
2) Keep the button pressed and gently pull the battery pack away from the liensoeiver bottom edge
(the opposite operation of the previous step 2): it will stop at 15 em approximately and will be free.
3) Remove the battery pack by separating it from the transceivers body.
Installing/removing the belt clip
The supplied belt clip allows you to hang the transceiver on your bait or jacket when you are not using
the radio
To fit the belt clip onto me transceivers body:
1) Remove the battery pack as explained in ‘Installinglremoving the battery pack'.
HP125’HP425 User manual
2) Just gently slide the clip into the appropriate guides located in the transceivers back until it firmly
To remove the belt clip:
1) Remove the battery pack as explained in "Installing/removing the battery park".
2) Reverse step 2.
9 Do not forget to remove the battery pack before fitting/removing the belt clip, otherwise
the operation will be harderho perform.
Charging the Battery
To charge the supplied battery pack you have to setup the supplied standard tat-tamer and connect the
radio as follows (please see the picture):
you” 1) Connect the jack coming from the AC adapter to the
came! eradle‘s socket located in its right side.
2) Connect the Ac plug of the A0 adaptors power cable into
an AC power outlet the built-in green LED at the cradle will
3) Ensure that the radio is switdted off. insert the radio into
the cradle with the keypad toward you (the three metallic
contacts of the battery peck must touch with the three contacts
inside the cradle): the built-in red LED of the cradle will glow.
4) Wait 8-9 hours and remove the radio elfter that time.
13 Do not remove the radio below 8 hours, othemise the
battery‘s duty could be temporarily reduced.
6 Do not forget to remove the rule other 9 hours.
9 The battery charger I: for indoor true only.
i} For the next charges, best duty and battery life please see the chapter "Battery Packs",
HP125’HP425 User manual
Basic Operations
This section describes how the standard operations work. standard operation can be changed by
programming, moreover the functions of the radio i can be modified via an IBM compatible PC. For this
reason the way your radio operates may be upgraded and may slightly differ from what is described
427 IMPORTANT: Due to the lull progremmabi/ity of the radio, certain menu commends could be
unavailable, Eg. il your radio has not been programmed for selective call operations, the related
menu commands won’t be recalled. In case of doubts please contact your dealer/radio network
administrator for further details.
Switching the radio ONIOFF
To switch the radio on:
1) Hold the (D (power) button until the radio is switched on: the LCD will start an autotest showing in
0 A welcome mmage (if previously programmed — it is usually your company name or your
personal station identification). At the same time all the LCD icons will be shown for one
second as LCD test.
a The flmiware release number (m Rev. ).
2) After the autotest has been carried out the LCD will steadily show the following date:
I. I.
o The battery level n. (number of bars indicate level of charge)
. The channel namelnumbor on the first line (a specific twelve alphanumeric diarafiers
identification name), it could be the last recalled channel or a previously programmed specific
- The current volume level with an LCD bar indication.
. The currently selected TX output power L (low) or H (high) in the lower right comer of the LCD.
To swltch the rattle ofl‘ Press and hold the CD key until the transceiver switdies off.
Your radio could be previously programmed to work, channel by channel, in “Open tratfld',
“CTCSSIDCS' or ‘Selcall‘ mode. Please have is look at each description and ask your radio network
manager or dealer which mode your radio channels work
. OPEN TRAFFIC: in this case you will hear any communication which will be transmitted on the
selected channel. When any signal is received your squelch will unmute and you will see in the
Page. 13
HP125/HP425 User manual
LCD the icon I] (smelter enabled), N (squelch is open), l. (reception field strength
level — the number of here will vary according to the received RX strength). Moreover you will
see the status LED glowing green and you will hear the message.
0 CYCSSIDCS (Continuous Tone Code Squelch System - Digital Coded Squelch): are systems
which use partimler TX signaling (a continuous sub-audible tone for CTCSS or a digital code
for DOS) as an access “key" to work a repeater (encoder) or to unlock the party’s signaling
sensitive squelch. This last condition allows sharing more radio networks in the same
frequency. In this case you will receive only messages coming from parties sending a proper
TX signaling. Please see the chapter “Selcall Operation" tor further details.
0 SELCALL (Selective call): is a system which uses a signalling sequence (e.g. audio tones tor
"5 tones" and DTMF selcall or a frequency shift signalling for FFSK) to call a particular station
or grooms) In this case you will receive only calls provided with your identification selective
call code (a number) or calls sent to the group you desire. For further details please see the
chapter “Selcall operation”.
measures and Selcall can be combined together
(9 crcssrocs and Sole-II allow to share more than one radio network in the same
frequency, however they are just useful to avoid disturbing station: not owning of the
same network with messages not related to them. In any cm, ii more then one station is
transmitting at the some time, this will cause interference. Do not transmit it the status
LED it glowing or the N icon it on the LCD. Wait untill channel is clear before
Adjusting volume
When no keys are pressed for 5 seconds, the radio is in its normal stand by condition and the 57
(up) and @ (down) keys are used to adjust the RX volume. To adjust he volume repeatedly press
the 52019) key to increase or he mam) key to reduce the volume. The bar meter
II.I.--- I. I. is provided in the bottom of the LCD to continuously show the
volume level. The number of bars will vary depending on volume level.
Channel selection
it your radio has been programmed with more than one channel, you can easily change it. As
previously explained, each channel can be identified by alphanumeric names which are previously
defined by your network manager or supplier.
To select a channel:
"IS!h 1 N
1. Press the MENU key in order to access the command menu and see on the display the message
channel . Press the [47 key to increase the dwannel (number) or the \'J key to decrease it
2. . Press the ® (clear) key for two seconds to escape the oon‘mand mode
After 5 seconds, if you have not pressed any keys, the radio automatically reverts back to
standby mode.
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HP125’HP425 User manual
Adjusting squelch
Squelch is provided to silence your radio when you are working in open traffic mode (please see
“Reoeption') and no signals are received. It's very important to adjust the squelch to a level in order to
assure you a stable silence in stand-by condition. it the squelch level is too high, you might lose weak
signals. A good squelch adjustment assures also proper scanning operation.
To adjust the squelch:
1) Ensure that no communications are carried out in the tuned channel (the icon ”3 should not be
present in the top right part of the LCD).
2) Press the MENU key in order to access the command menu and see on the display the message
‘Squelch". You will also see a number which is the squelch adjustment level.
3) Press the m key repeatedly to decrease the squelch level: after the level 1 you will see OFF
E l
quelch n fl
”A . ........ J
squelch is disabled and you will also see the icon
4) Press the I? key repeatedly in order to select the minimum squelch level in which the“. loan
disappears ( level 2 normally).
5) Press the ® (clear) key for two seconds to escape the command mode
ls} After 5 seconds, it you have not pressed any keys, the command menu is automatically escaped
at In case of either CTCSS or Selcall system programmed, squelch does not affect the speaker
status, because the radio is closed awaiting the correct tones In case of advanced signaling
systems, please, pay attention to the programming of the monitor key function (further
described). Depending on this, you may or may not be able to press the ® button to
mute/unmute the loudspeaker and to adjust the squelch level. The set squelch level will be stored
and recovered at every switch on operation.
When you need to transmit please get used to follow all these steps:
1) Ensure that the channel is not busy (otherwise you will create an interference, please wait till that
2) Press the P11” key: the status LED will glow red.
3) Start talking ate normal voice level at approximately 10 cm from the microphone (keep the P‘I'T key
4) When your message is over, release the PTT.
El Do not shout! it will not increase the distance you are able to communicateShouting into the
microphone will only make your hanseron sound distorted!
Don't release the P17 before your message is over or start talking before pressing it, otherwise
your message will be ‘chopperf’.
a A PMR handheld radio doesn’t normally allow you to talk and receive simultaneously, for this
reason make your messages short,
a Tile radio might be programmed with a timeout timer whlch will automatically match your radio to
receive mode if you talk too much (alter a preset time). In this case release the P7T and wait for
Page. 15
HP125/HP425 User manual
a few seconds: the radio TX features will be automeu‘ceI/y reset, Ask the network administrator or
your dealer for further details,
Adjusting Transmit Power
Your HP125/425 can transmit with two power levels awarding to the distance of your partys station(s).
Low and High levels can be defined by default during programming, however we do recommend. when
possible, to use the Low power: it will increase the battery His and will reduce the risk of interference
with stations not in your radio network which may be sharing the same channel with you.
1) Pass the MENU key in order to access the command menu and see on the display the message
Power You will also see a cursor on either I. or H.
jn Pom L]
2) Change the power as follows:
a If the Iowpcrwer is currently selected, press the i] key to set the high power; the cursor will
move to H.
. lithe high power is currently selected, press the W key to set the low power, the cursor will
move to L.
3) Press the ® (clear) key to escape the command menu and restore the normal LCD condition.
El After 5 seconds, if you have not pressed any keys, the command menu is automatically escaped,
the display will automatically revert to its normal LCD condition,
Adjusting display contrast
You can adjust the LCD contrast in order to obtain the best readability. It will vary depending on your
use as well as the environment illumination,
1) Repeatedly press the MENU key in order to access the command menu and see on the display the
message cont rast (nomlelly four times).
6 Contrast: t
2) Press the l? key repeatedly to increase the contrast or the El key to decrease it
3) Repeatedly press the MENU key to go through the next menu item or press and hold to go to the
previous menu item, or press the ® (clear) key to escape the menu and restore the normal LCD
El Altar 5 seconds, if you are not pressing any key, the menu is automaflcally escaped, so the
display will automatically revert to its normal condition.
Scanning channels
if you have more than one channel programmed, your HP125/HP425 can seen them: in other words it
can cyde through them and stop when a signal is detected.
HP1254-IP425 User manual
The advanced scan functions at the radio allow to optionally preset two groups (gt and 92) in order to
independently activate the scanning in them.
1) Repeatedly press the MENU key in order to access the command menu and see on the display the
message g2 Scan gl.
Scan g1 I
. n
2) Now you can activate the sun as follows:
0 If you have only one group available press the @ key,
- if you have two groups programmed, press @ to scan the 92 group or $7 to scan gt.
- if you simultaneously want to scan the 2 groups, press and hold g1 or 92.
In both cases you will see Scanning and the channel names cycling continuously. The scanning
starts from the lowest address number toward the highest. Obviously, if one or more priority
channels have been programmed, it will start from the first priority address number,
3) To stop channel scan Press the MENU key. ® or the P'rr.
If you are working Ill Open traffic (please see the paragraph ‘Receplion? ensure that the squelch
is properly set, othenm‘se the scanning may not pmpafly work See eventually the paragraph
‘Adjusting squelch” for more details.
If CTCSS/DCS or Selcall have been DIE ‘ y programmed, the swarming will stop only if the
received signal has the appropriate signalling.
Q If you press the PTT during channel scan {on the LCD) it will stop and transmit in the priority
channel or in the first available vacant channel, depending on programming.
12 Channel scan can be programmed by your radio network administrator or dealer in a variety of
different parameters depending to your needs, for example he can assign one or more pn'on‘ty
channels, adjust the scan speed (switching time), the resume time (the time the radio warts
before keeping on scanning), set the busy or vacant channel stop etc. Please contact your
administrator/dealer for further details.
Radio lock
Your HP125I425 has been provided with a security function which protects it against the misuse by
unauthorized people or accidental activation of commands. You can lock the radio in two ways:
0 Full lock. every command is Iodted.
. Partial lock only the keypad is locked.
Every time you unlock the radio you will have to enter a 4 digits security ooda walled PlN (personal
identification number).
To look the radio:
1) Repeatedly press the MENU key in order to access the command menu and see on the display the
message I Lock P.
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HP12M-IP425 User manual
2) Press the V key to activate the Fun look or the 57 key to activate the Partial one,
To unlock the radio:
1) If the radio is in Partial lock men press the MENU key: the display will read PIN ‘ . . . else go
directly to poim 2
2) Enter the PIN (four digits): the radio will be unlocked,
B If you entered the carved pin than the radio will rstum to normal opelaa'on mode; if you entered
the wrong pin radio remains locked
HP12WP425 User manual
Selcall and CTCSSIDCS Operation
During CTCSSIDCS and Sales" operation the radio may be set-up so that the appropriate cTCSS/DCS
and Seiceil decoder enables the speaker, Speaker will remain muted until the correct CTCSS tone, the
correct DCS code and/or the appropriate selective call is received. In case of unmuted speaker. the
message will be heard, the status LED will glow green and the receive icon N will be displayed.
Moreover the strength level of the received signal is displayed l... (as man are the bars as
stronger is the received signal . The c'rcssmcs reception is indicated by the icon; the Selcali
reception is indicated by the ileum
Sending a Sclcell
You can send a selective call in many different ways which make easy and quick sending your cells
depending to your need: Stored cell, Who—has called call, Manuel call and One touch call.
One or more of these modes can’t be available depending on the previous programming set up
by your radio network administrator or dealer. Please contact them for further details.
stored cell (Address book)
This mode allows you to originate a call by using a convenient alphanumeric address book which has
been programmed by your radio network administrator or dealer with the most used ID associated to an
alphanumeric label, for example:
Heodoftlce 15
John 01
Mary 07
Mike 09
Robert 05
; xx
Starting from now, as 'address" we mean an lD associated with an alphanumeric label,
To call an address using the address book:
1) Repeatedly press the MENU key in order to access the command menu and see on the display the
message AddrBook 0k.
anok 0k
ll"! it
2) Press the 1? key to access the address book
3) Select the required address to call (name with associated ID); you have two choices:
HP12WHP425 User manual
- Scrolling trough the van'ous addressed by means of the Q] and w keys.
- Recalling the initial letter of the addresses. Press the key which states the initial letter (eg. to
call Mary press 5, to call John press 4 etc.) the unit will display the first name of the address
book starting with the saieded character (or the next if no names beginning with the selected
character is in the list). It the initial letter is the 2'“ of the 3'" one printed an a key, press
respectively that key two or "tree times (e.g. to recall the Headofl’ice press 3 twice). If you have
more than one address beginning with the same initial letter use the it key to scroll down
names till you will reach the proper address,
4) Hold pressed the ® (call) button to call the selected address.
E? If you made a mistake in recalling an address you can abort the cell operation at step 4 by
pressing the ® (clear) button. Note: the selected address became the default 7X address.
Address book is also useful in reception: in fact when you receive a selcall ID which is stored in it,
your radio will automafically look for that ID in the address book. If it is stored in it, you will see the
alphanumeric label on the display as well. 59. if you receive 15 as caller in, and it is sored in
your address book as ‘Headolfice", you will see 'Heedaliice" in your LCD instead of ”15”.
Who-has-catled call (Call Queue)
This is a convenient facility which is useful to check who has called you and eventually call back
him/her. First of all please note that your HP125/HP425 has a sort of buffer reception memory which
This buffer memory is displayed similarly to the address book and is a FIFO (First In First Out) type: it
means that the 10 stored address (the oldest received call) is the first which will be deleted after the
11‘" received call in order to make room for it
In the over stated example the 1"t received call came from Peter, so it will be deleted from the call
queue as soon as a new call will be received. All the other addresses (Names with associated IDs) will
be shifted one position down in order to make room for the new address at the 1" position as follows:
HP125/HP425 User manual
unnamed! mmnllmfivmrmanza)
; l
2) Press the $7 key to access the can queue. This access is only allowed if he CaIlQueue is not
3) Scroll through the address by using the 37 and D7 keys and select the address you want to
4) Press the ® (call) button to cell the selected address: it will be walled and emametlcally deleted
from the call queue.
Q If you need to delete an address stored in the call queue without calling it perlbnn the over stated
procedure. Atthe step 4 press the ® (clear) button: the selected address will be deleted.
automatically be deleted and the new one wall be kept. For example this Is what wfll happen when
a new cell is received from a user who'has already been stored In the call queue (Mike with ID
Before the ad 1mm the (ID oe) AM he call from Mike (ID 05)
Page. 5
HP125HP425 User manual
Menu-I call
If the radio network administrator or your dealer has enabled in your unit the manual definition of
variable address digits:
1) Just dial the variable address digits using the keypad before sending the call. Any digit can be
corrected by overwriting.
2) After you see the right address on the display make the call by pressing the ® (call) button.
1? Ta repeat the last call. just press the ® buttnn twice. The group tone (’A’) can be obtained by
pressing and holding the 0 key,
One touch call
Just press either the CALL1 or CALLz button. If they have been programmed the preset addresses will
be aulometicelly called.
HP125/HP425 User manual
Advanced Operations
In this section we'll describe some advanced operation which you can do with your handheld
Sending status messages
Status digits allow you to h'enamit some previously programmed conditions in which you could
momentarily be (e.g. BUSY, FREE, EMERGENCY etc). Your transceiver sen amomatioelly associate
the said digits with the related alphanumeric message in order to make easier sending and remgnizing
them exactly as you do with the address book. To send 8 status message:
i) Repeatedly press the MENU key in order to access the command menu and see on the display the
message StatusDiq 0k.
2) Press the w key to enter to access the status digit command.
3) Press either the W and E keys to scroll through the various previously programmed
messages and select the one you wish to transmit.
4) Press the (9 (call) button to select the status digit or hold pressed the ® (clear) button to revert
the transceiver in stand by condition.
5) Refer to “Sending a Somali" to address the call. Select the required address to call, press the ®
(call) button, the status digit/digits will be automatically sent to the selected addrefl.
Sending FFSK free messages (SDM)
1) Repeatedly press the MENU key in order to access the command menu and see on the display the
message Send SDM ok.
”if " 1
Send SD“ 01:
I III 11
2) Press the if key to edit the SDM.
3) Edit me text of SDM by using the keyan as follows.
Page. 23
HP125HP425 User manual
- Press the key which states each required letter/number (eg. use 5 to select M, N, 0 or 5) if the
letter is the 2'“, the 3’“ or the 4'” one primed on a key, press respectively that key two, three or
four times (eg. to recall the H press the key 3 twice). Alter one second the cursor will
automatically move to the next position.
0 To select a dot press the key 9 three times.
- To select I, 7 or a space, repeatedly press the key It until the required character appears on
the LCD.
- if you have made a mistake in editing the message, you can delete characters by briefly
pressing me ® (clear) button,
4) Hold pressed the ® (call) button to send the SDM or hold pressed the ® (clear) button to revert
the transceiver in stand by condition.
Checking FFSK free messages (SDM)
When you receive an SDM (FFSK message) you automatically see it on the LCD. Any key will delete it,
however you can see the last 5 received messages at any time, because SDM are queued in a FIFO
all queue similarly to the one dedicated for the selective calls (please make reference on “Who-has-
called call” in the chapter “Salon" and CTCSSIDCS Operatiorf’). To recall it:
1) Repeatedly press the MENU key in order to access the command menu and see on the display the
message MSGQueue 0k.
imGIQueue Cult;
2) Press the @ key to amass the message queue. This awess is only allowed if the MSGQueue is
not empty.
3) Scroll through the messages by using the W and W keys and select the one you want to see.
4) Press the ® (clear) button to exit the message queue.
Sending DTMF patterns
DTMF (Dual Tone Multifunction Frequency) is a standard signalling system used to dial telephone
numbers over a normal PSTN land line. However in radiocommunicetione it can be also used to do the
same if your radio channel is connected to a land line via a suitable device (phone patch). Moreover
DTMF is used to send/receive radio commands or provide signalling similarly to selective cells. For
further details please contact your network adminish'ator. To store dial a DTMF pattern:
1) Repeatedly press the MENU key in order to access the command menu and see on the display the
message pm? Send 0k.
2) Press the E47 key to edit the DTMF pattem to send.
3) Edit the DTMF pattern to send by using the keyboard. Briefly pressing ® or ® buttons. you can
digit ' or it. Any digit can be corroded by overwriting.
4) Hold pressed the (a (tall) button to send the DTMF pattern or hold pressed the ® (clear) button
to revert the transceiver in stand by condition.
Page. 24
HP 1 25’HP425 User manual
Handsfree transmission (VOX)
VOX (Voice Operated eXchenge) is an automatic system which allows you to automatically switch the
transmission in hands free mode just by speaking in the built-in microphone of an headset (not
provided with the unit). Please ensure that the handset is suitable for your transceiver as reported in
the paragraph “Microphone connection", To edwst the VOX sensitivity:
Connect the optional headset with built-in microphone to the microphone connector lowed on the
transceiver‘s side.
Repeetedly press the MENU key in order to access the command menu and see on the display the
message Vox. Over the said message you will also see OFF (disabled) or digit which is the
microphone sensitivity value.
V0: h
Ensure that the headset’s built-in microphone is located close to the side of your mouth.
Press either the A/ and E keys to adjust the VOX sensitivity in order to ensure a stable
transmission when speaking with a normal voice level.
Hold pressed the ® (clear) button to revert the transceiver in stand by condition.
t? We recommend to set the just minimum sensitivity as pose/ole. It too high value could
come accidental transmissions, especially In Ill-noise environments.
Page. 25
HP125/HF425 User manual
Care and Maintenance
Battery Packs
lntomrltion on rechargeable batteries
- When the battery pack is new it doesn't provide 100% of its emciancm it means that it might be
discharged earlier. To reach the full battery life you have to "run-in" the battery with at least 34
deep charging/damaging cycles, alter that it will reach its maximum capacity. Please see
'Proper|y charge of battery packs’ for further details.
- Should you properly use the battery pack you will obtain at least 400 charging/discharging
cycles (300 with the optional rapid charger). The battery duty will progressively reduce after 213
or its life (approx),
0 Rechargeable battery packs lose their charge with the time if left unused (self discharge); this
is normal. A NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydrate) battery can reduce 10 to 20% or its stored energy in
few days.
Properly charm of bin-hr packs
1) Ensure that the radio is switched off. otherwise switch it off by holding the a) (power) key pressed
(release it otter the radio is witched off).
2) Insert the radio into the cradle as explained In the paragraph “Charging the battery pack'
3) Wait the necessary time to provide a full charge. if the pack isn't completety disotte so you will
need less than 8 hours. Evaluate the time by using the battery level indicator and... the
common sense.
6 Don’t overcharge the battery: always remember to remove the radio alter the necessary
Ev Thahauuychargerls Mindoorrrseonly.
is? When possible, charge the battery when it is fully discharged or, at least, you have used it for the
major part of its duty; otherwise the battery‘s duty could be temporarily reduced. Please see the
paragraph “Memory effect”.
% Don‘t remove the radio before the necessary urns, otherwise the battery‘s duty could be
temporarily reduced Please see the paragraph “Memory effect’i
The supplied NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydrate) battery pack is made with a more advanced technology than
normal NiCd (Nickel Cadmium) battery. For this reason it is virtually free of what is called “memory
street”, which streets NiCd batteries. Memory effect is a temporary capmity reduction which reduces
the battery duty. Memory effect may oomr just if you raga/any charge the battery when you haven't
disdrarged it at least at 50-70%. Memory effect can be easily avoided by fol|0wing these simple rules:
Page. 35
HP125/HP425 User manual
- When possible charge battery packs only when they are completely discharged, La. when the
battery icon has no bars inside.
- Don’t remove the battery from the charger before the namary time to provide a full charge.
. Provide at least two deep charge/discharge cycles per month.
- The best way to avoid memory sited is to use two battery packs and attamate their use with
the radio. This will allow you to keep on your transceivers operation by replacing the battery
pack just when it's fully discharged and use the spare (charged) one. At the end of your
working day you will oharge the discharged pack for 8 hours.
Erasing mortuary moot
Memory effect can be easily erased just by applying 34 deeper charge/discharge cycles:
1) Use the battery fitted in the radio and wait till the radio switches off. Don't stop when the last battery
bar disappears from the m icon, wait till the LCD completely disappears.
2) Wait at least one hour and then try to switch on the radio by pressing the CD button: you will note
that some energy has restored in the battery, because the radio can be switched on.
3) Leave the radio in RX until the radio switches off again.
4) Repeat steps 2) and 3) three times.
5) Fully charge the battery for 9 hours and check the battery duty. If some memory etieot still exist 90
back to step 1.
if the battery duty doesn’t improve alter three of the over stated cyclies, it means that your beflery
pack is faulty or has reached the end of lilo (please see 'lnibrmatrfon on rechargeable batteries).
In this case please ask your dealer to provide a new battery pack.
Wamlngs for battery and charger: use
Please use these cautions to avoid damaging battery packs or the transceiver.
6 Before using the battery charger carefully read any minted warning or caution.
0 Don't short betray terminals: this my cause lira, burn: or explosions.
6 Never dispose batteries into life they may explode causing fire, bums or explosions.
Strictly ioliow any disposal regulation of your Courmy.
@ Use only genuine batteries and chargers. The use of non genuine accessories may cause
bums, fire or explosions: making serious damages to the radio/battery or serious injuries
to people.
6 Battery chargers are for Indoor use only.
(9 Be certain that your power source matches the rating listed for the supplied battery
shower {AC Adaptor). if you are not sum, check with your dealer or with your local power
t? To avoid damaging the power cable of the battery chamer, do not put anything on it or
9 Avoid strong shocks. Don’t use the charger if it received a strong shock, has fallen down
or it appears rimmed; immediately contact an authorized service station.
Page. 2—7
HP125/HP425 User manual
5 Never try to disassemble or service the charger by yourself. Always contact your local
f} To reduce the risk of electric shocks disconnect the plug before providing any ole-hing or
malnwnanco. Grasp the plug (not the cable) to remove the plug from the socket. The use
a! non suitable extenxion can cause fire or emtrk shocks.
5 Don't expose batteries directly to temperatures below -20'C or greater then ss-c during
their use and don't charge them outside the range of 05 to iss'c.
Radio maintenance
Cleaning battery packs
Wipe the battery oomects with a clean and lint free cloth to remove dirt, grease or any other material
which may prevent a good electrical contact. if contacts are very dirty you can also wipe them using a
soil pencil rubber (not hard erasers for inkl). If you feel that battery contacts aren‘t still working
properly, please contact your authorized dealer.
Y? be not use liquid, alcohol ornmeol cleaners.
Cleaning the radio
- Wipe the radio with a clean and lint tree cloth to remove dust. if it is very dirty, you can use a damp
(slightly moistened with match cloth.
0 Do not use liquid, alcohol oraeroaol cleanen.
12 ll you normally use your radio in dusty or hard environments, we do recommend to use the
optional carrying case. Please see ‘Optionalacoesson‘es'.
Vlhien the connectors are not being used, film; should be fitted with the supplied cover oops,
i} Only suitable accessories must be connected to the related connectors.
Page. 26
HP125/HP425 User manual
Optional accessories
These optional awessories can be used to improve the transceivers periomtances:
- Spare battery pack. It extends the duty time and minimizes the possibility of memory erleot (please
see “Memory effect“).
. Rapid charger. tt recharges the battery packs in 1 hour and provides trickle charge when they
reached their full charge.
- Carrying case. It protects your radio against small shocks and scratches; the best for use in hard
Microphone connector
The microphone oonnector is designed for the connection of two basic awessories (not supplied as
0 An external speaker/microphone, which allows to use the radio firmly secured to your belt by
means of the supplied belt clip.
. An headset with builtv'n microphone, which additionally add the vox facility, in other words you can
switch the transmission just by talking at the headsets microphone in hands free convenience. For
further details please see ‘Hands free transmission (VOX)',
Any kind of accessory for the above stated purposes can be connected to the microphone connector,
provided that they meet the following requirements:
- Jack connectors for Speaker (SPK) and Microphone (MIC) must be respectively standard type 3,5
mm and 2,5 mm and connected as follows:
0 The suggested speaker input Impedance is 3 Ohms
- The microphone should be condenser low-impedance type.
- Any accessory should be hi—quality suitable for professional use.
9 Please don't connect any accessory which you are not sum mm the above stated
mqulmments. You could create serious damages to your mdlo. In case of doubt please
contact your authorized dealer.
Page. 29
HP125/HP425 User manual
Quick reference
Operation resume
Should you are new familiar with ywr transceiver you do know now that it’s very easy to use one of its
menu commend, you just have to do what follows:
1) Press repeatedly the MENU key until the required setting appears on the LCD.
2) Now you can do one of the iollewing actions:
- lithe related message is followed by ck, press the W key to enter the setting.
a if two arrows are present in each side of the LCD, press either E or W respectively to
decrease or increase the setting.
- If two parameters appears in each side of the LCD, press either i] or W respectively to
activate the left or right parameter.
3) ff necessary do what is described for that particular setting (e.g. held pressed the ® (cell) button
in case of DTMF sending).
4) To exit from the menu command hold pressed the ® (clear) key.
LCD Memo reference guide
As soon as you have read the whole manual, the following table resumes the meaning of each LCD
message to help you to quickly locate each functiorvsetting. This is just a memo, for turnter details
please see the related paragraph,
HP125/HP425 User manual
LCD Message Description For full details plea:- on...
channel Operating channel selection (if more then one previously Channel seleaion
programmed) Use W and W to select the needed channel.
Squflc“ Squeloh (audio mute in open trall'lc mode) adiustment. Use 57 Adjusting ”USN"
and if to soleet the level.
POW” Allcms to adjust the transmission output power. Use E7 and t{I Adjusting trammission PW!“
Q0 selectL (Low) OfH (High).
Contrast 0“,th contrast adjustment. 1)” W and m m “led it. Adiusting display contrast
92 Scan 91 Channel scanning. Il you have only one programmed group use Scanning channels
E37 to activate the scanning. It you have two groups. press l?
to scan group 1 or m to scan group 2. Hold pressed gt or gz to
seen both.
F L°°k P Radio lock against misuse. Press [I7 to lock the keypad only or Radio “a“
m to look the whole radio
Addeock 0k
(Setoall) Display the prepmgrammed Address book. Pm: I? to
access the book than use if and El or the keypad to select
the address to call. Hold pressed the ® to all the address.
Stomd call
cal lQueue Ok
(Solos-II) Display the addresses of the last 10 received addresses
(to recall the callers). Press l? to access the call queue, than
use W and W] to select an address. Hold pressed the ® to
call, or hold pressed the ® to delete It,
Who-hoe-oalled dell
StetusDig 0k
(Selcali) Sends the previously programmed status messages.
Press D to access the status list, then use W and m to
select the needed status. Hold pressed the ® to confirm the
selected status. To send it, address a call.
Sending status messages
send SDM Ok
Allows to edit an FFSK text message (SDM). Press [57 to start
editing the message (use the keypad to do it). Hold pressed the
to send the message.
Sending FFSK tree messages
“smug“ 0“ Display the last 5 received FFSK messages. Press W to aooess Checking FFSK "99 manages
the message queue, then use [P and m to scroll through the
DTMF Send 0k To edit and mm a DTMF pattern. Press A? to start editing the Sendino DTMF patterns
pattern (use the keyboard to do it). Hold pressed the ® to send.
Allows to select the VOX sensitivity for handstnee operation
(through an extemal headset). Use [P and m to seleot the
level. Hold pressed to go back in stand by condition.
Hands free transmission
HP125’HP425 User manual
Main Specifications
Frequency Bands VHF (HP125): 136+174 MHz(136+1621146+174 MHz)
UHF (HP425): 400+520MHZ (400440 l440+4701490+520MHz)
Number of Channels more than 100
Frequency Control synthesizer
Modulation System RE 1 GE
Channel spacing 125 l 20 / 25KHz
Temperature Range ~3O I ~eo 'C operative, -40 I +80 'C storage
Humidity 90°15 not condensing @ 40°C
Power Supply NiMH battery 1 ,200mA/h
RF Impedance 500
Antenna socket MX thread type
Frequency Stability better than 1 2.5ppm
Output Power
Mcdulatlon System
Maximum Deviation
Adjacent Channel Puwer
Spurious Emissions Switching
Cirwit Type
Intermediate Frequencies
Intennoduletim Rejection
Spurious Response Rejection
Adjacent Channel Selectivity
Switching Bandwidtl'i
5 W , High I low level programmable chemel dependent
FM (FEE) l PM (G3E)
$2.5 KHzQ125KHz, 1:5 KHz@25KHz
< -60dBc
< 0.25pW 9KHz+1GHL <1uW 1+4GHZ
full band
Double Conversion
I: 45 MHz, ll: 455 KHZ
< 025er Q 12 dB SINAD
> 65dB
> 70GB
> GOdB 12,5KHz‘ 70dB 25KHz
full band
HP125/HP425 User manual
Squelch threshold
Squeleh hysteresis
AF & slgnalllng
Audio power
CTCSS sensitivity
CTCSS selectivity
Selcall sensibility
Selcell selectivity
Mechanical Specs
Size (mm)
Radio and key paint
Shock resistant
Water 8. dusl
Environmental :
o. 1 auv
< ads
> 500mW
< 6115 Sinad
accept tones +I~0,5%
> 9996 @ 12 dB sinad
> 9596 @ 10 dB sinad
accept tones +I-1,5%
reject tones +I-3%
146 x 36 x 60
385 g,
bedtlit LCD 2 x 12 char alphanumeric
12 + 3 function keys + UPIDOWNIMENU
keys + Emergency key
back slide battery
grease resistant
fallow MIL STD 810
IEC529 lP54

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