Midland Radio FG1 FRS/GMRS Transceiver User Manual

Midland Radio Corporation FRS/GMRS Transceiver Users Manual

Users Manual

Owner’s GuideModel FG-1 GMRS / FRScombination
2FCC Licensing Information....................................................................................... 2OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR RADIO........................................ 3TIPS FOR GETTING THE MOST FROM YOUR FG-1................................ 5PREPARATION........................................................................................ 5BATTERIES............................................................................................................. 5To Install Batteries:..............................................................................................5Low Battery Indicator:.......................................................................................... 5Instructions for optional charger........................................................................... 5QUICK USE INSTRUCTIONS:................................................................... 6Operating the Radio ................................................................................. 7TO TURN THE RADIO ON OR OFF...................................................................... 7TO CHANGE THE CHANNEL IN USE.................................................................. 8ACTIVATING SCAN FUNCTIONS........................................................................ 8Busy Channel Scan: ..............................................................................................8Activating Dual Watch.......................................................................................... 8TO USE CALL BUTTON......................................................................................... 8TO ENABLE/DISABLE “ROGER-BEEP”.............................................................. 9TO ENABLE/DISABLE “BUTTON PRESS BEEP” ...............................................9TO ENABLE / DISABLE KEY BOARD LOCK......................................................9POWER SAVE CIRCUIT......................................................................................... 9USING THE MONITOR FUNCTION...................................................................... 9TO OPERATE HANDS FREE VOX......................................................................10Setting VOX Functions. ..........................................................................................10TO ENABLE / DISABLE VOX MODE.................................................................10RESETTING THE RADIO..................................................................................... 11TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................ 12CARE OF RECHARGEABLE NI-CAD AND NI-MH BATTERIES ................. 13SERVICE:.............................................................................................. 14CHANNEL FREQUENCIES (MHz)............................................................ 15LIMITED WARRANTY............................................................................ 16 FCC Licensing InformationThis Midland model FG-1 radio when set for channels 1-7 and 15-22 operates onGMRS frequencies which require a license from the Federal CommunicationsCommission (FCC) for business, personal, and recreational use. A GMRS licenseheld by an individual may be shared by immediate family members.At the date of this publication the application for your FCC license is made on FCCform 605 (with optional Schedule F). To obtain forms, call the FCC forms hotline at:1-800-418-3676 or go to http://www.fcc.gov.For questions concerning licensing, contact the FCC at 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322), or go to http://www.fcc.gov.
3OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR RADIOAccessory Name                                                              Model NumberNi-MH battery pack....................................………………….....18-B10Desk Charger stand (needs 1 SA-02)……………………………18-383*Dual Desk Charger stand (needs 2 SA-02)………………………18-385**Lapel Microphone with Ear-bud Speaker………………………..22-405Speaker/Microphone………………………………………….…..22-410Stealth Type Noise Canceling Throat Mic with Ear-bud……….. 22-430Boom Microphone Headset ……………………………………….22-540* Requires one SA-02 adapter sleeve** Requires two SA-02 adapter sleevesCall 1 816 241 8500  to order accessories or visit our website at midlandradio.comThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.Your Midland model FG-1 combines access to FRS (Family Radio Service) channelswith operation on GMRS channels. The Family Radio Service is provided for by theFCC and is totally license free.  Use of the GMRS channels requires FCC licensing.You can use your FG-1 on the FRS UHF FM band for personal communications at nocharge. The FG-1 uses maximum allowable power on FRS for range up to 2 miles.Use for fishing, hunting, picnics, biking, business, or any other activity wherecommunications are needed for convenience or safety. The model FG-1 operates on 22channels of FRS and GMRS combined to provide the best in quiet and privatecommunication. Channels 1 through 7 are co-shared by FRS and GMRS users.  Thismeans that a person with a FRS unlicensed radio can talk to a person using a licensedGMRS radio on these channels.  Channels 8 through 14 are exclusively FRS channels.Radios made strictly for GMRS use do not cover these channels.  Channels 15 through22 are exclusively GMRS channels.  Radios made for FRS use do not cover thesechannels.  Also this radio offers power save, and auto-squelch.
4WARNINGYour wireless hand-held portable transceiver contains a low powertransmitter.  When the Push-to-Talk (PTT) button is pressed it sends outradio frequency (RF) signals.  The device is authorized to operate at aduty factor not to exceed 50%. In August 1996, the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC) adopted RF exposure guidelineswith safety levels for hand-held wireless devices.To maintain compliance with the FCC's RF exposure guidelines, this transmitterand its antenna must maintain a separation distance of least 2 inches (5centimeters) from your face. Speak in a normal voice, with the antenna pointedup and away from the face at the required separation distance. The belt clip isfor storage purposes only. DO NOT TRANSMIT WHILE USING THE BELTCLIP. To transmit, hold the device away from your body and ensure theantenna is at least 2 inches (5 centimeters) from your body when transmitting.
5TIPS FOR GETTING THE MOST FROM YOUR FG-1Due to the band of operation (462/467 MHz) the FG-1 provides communications thatare virtually free of atmospheric interference (skip) that is common on lowerfrequency bands. Along with this and an antenna system that is very efficient ascompared to other unlicensed radio bands, communications range is surprisingly good.Many times the limits to maximum possible range are environmental factors such asblockage caused by trees, buildings, hills, or other obstructions. If you findcommunication is not possible, many times this can be overcome by moving only a fewfeet to a new location. Range may be reduced while operating in a vehicle or frominside to outside a metal building. Battery condition also affects range. The FG-1operates best on alkaline batteries. While this unit has been designed with gaskets forwater resistance and ruggedness it is a precision piece of electronic equipment thatshould not be exposed to water or handled carelessly. Normal care should result inyears of trouble free operation. Do not leave batteries installed over a long period oftime as leakage may occur that can destroy the radio. Always save your receipt, as it isrequired for warranty consideration.PREPARATIONBATTERIESFG-1 radios operate with 3 AAA Alkaline, Ni-Cad (nickel cadmium) or Ni-MH(nickel metal hydride) batteries (optional) or a Ni-MH battery pack. Ni-Cad batteriesprovide about 7 hours of use. Alkaline batteries will provide about 20 hours of useand Ni-MH batteries will provide about 14 hours of use. Ni-Cad and Ni-MH batteriesmust be charged prior to use. Charge NI-Cad or Ni-MH batteries at least 10 hours.DO NOT attempt to charge any type of Alkaline batteries in this radio.To Install Batteries:Hold the radio face down. Press the latch so it swings away from the cover.1. Lift the battery cover slightly. Gently slide the cover off the unit.2. Insert 3 AAA batteries observing the proper polarity.  If a battery pack is used,observe the up arrow is visible and pointing toward the top of the radio.3. Replace the battery cover over the batteries and fasten with the latch.Low Battery Indicator:The battery icon in the lower left of the display will flash when the batteries are inneed of charging.Instructions for optional chargerInstall NI-MH (nickel metal hydride) observing their polarity. Plug the power adapterfor the 18-F10 charger into any 110/115 V wall socket.  Insert the radio into thecharging stand with the front facing you and observe that the LED on the charger is lit.Charge the batteries for at least 10 hours for Ni-MH.  The radio should be turned offwhile charging. The LED will remain lit when the radio is in the charger.! The LED is only an indicator that shows the batteries are charging. Removethe radio after the prescribed length of time.
6For charging with optional wall charger observe instructions supplied with thecharger. DO NOT attempt to charge any type of Alkaline batteries in this radio.QUICK USE INSTRUCTIONS:1. Install fresh alkaline or fully charged Ni-Cad or Ni-MH batteries.2. Turn the unit on by turning the ON/OFF/VOLUME clockwise until a click isheard.3. Use the ON/OFF/VOLUME control to adjust the volume. To test the volumesetting, press and hold the “MON” button so static noise can be heard.  Thenoise can be used as a reference level for volume setting.4. To talk press the PTT (push to talk) button on the left side of the radio and talkin a normal voice into the front of the radio about three inches away from yourmouth.5. To listen release the PTT button.
7Operating the RadioDISPLAY SYMBOLSCAUTION: DON’T EXPOSE THE DISPLAY TO EXTREME HOT ORCOLD TEMPERATURE1. Channel number: Displays channel number 1-14.2. B.SCAN indicates the scan mode B is in use. SCAN  indicates the normal scanmode is in use3. DW Symbol: Indicates Dual Watch channel selection is active..4. VOX Symbol: Indicates “VOX” is activated5. SAVE Symbol: Flashes indicating battery save is active.6. BUSY/TX Symbol:When the radio is transmitting the icon will look like this:When the radio is receiving the icon will look like this:When the radio is in stand-by the icon will look like this:7. Musical note indicates ROGER BEEP is on.8. Battery symbol shows the battery condition. When this icon is displayed replaceor recharge the batteries.9. BEEP indicates the button press tone and power up tones are active.10.  Key Symbol indicates when the keypad has been locked. Only the “PTT” and“CALL” buttons are active when this indicator is on.FEATURES AND LOCATION OF CONTOLSTO TURN THE RADIO ON OR OFFThe ON/OFF/VOLUME control at the top of the radio controls power and volume.  Aseries of tones will be heard confirming that radio is working.
8TO CHANGE THE CHANNEL IN USEPress and release the channel button /\ or \/ to select the desired channel.  To changechannel rapidly, press and hold the channel button /\ or \/ until the desired channelappears on the display.ACTIVATING SCAN FUNCTIONSThe FG-1 has two scan modes. The most popular and most used is the “BUSY”channel scan. This allows the radio to stop on a channel that someone is talking on.When the radio stops on a “Busy” channel, the scan will stop and resume after about 5seconds. The other is “DUAL WATCH”. This allows you to scan only two channels.This is useful when you want to keep track of two other people.Busy Channel Scan:1. Press and release the ”F” button the ”SCAN” icon (5) will begin flashing.2. Press and release the “UP” or “DOWN” channel button to activate scan. The unitwill now begin scanning through the channels.! Pressing the “UP” or “DOWN” channel button during scan will determine ifthe channels are scanned up or down.! Pressing the “PTT” (push to talk) button will cause the radio to stop scanningand return to normal operate mode.Activating Dual WatchDual watch is a function that allows you to scan only two channels.1. Select channel one.2. Press the “F” button three times until “DW” (11) is flashing.3. Select the second channel to be scanned.! About 1 second after your selection of the second channel is complete theradio will begin switching between the two channels.! When the radio hears activity on either channel, scanning will stop on thatchannel for about 5 seconds and then resume scanning.! If communication is desired on the channel scanning stopped on, press the“PTT” button. This will deactivate Dual Watch and allow you to communicatenormally.4. To reactivate Dual Watch repeat steps above.TO USE CALL BUTTONPress and release the CALL button.  A call signal of alternating tones will be sent forabout 2 seconds.! Both radios must be on the same channel and the radios must be turned on.
9! If any function is selected and no buttons are pressed in 10 seconds, thecurrent settings are retained and the radio switches back to normal operation.TO ENABLE/DISABLE “ROGER-BEEP”The radio transmits a rapid tone sequence when the PTT button is released if thisfeature is active. The default condition is for the “roger beep” to be off.1. Press the “F” button until you see on the display “oF” (depending on previousprogramming) with a flashing music note  (8) in the display.2. Press the channel /\ or \/ buttons to select off or on.! “oF” is roger beep off. “oN” is roger beep on.3. Press "ENTER" to store your selection.TO ENABLE/DISABLE “BUTTON PRESS BEEP”The radio emits a beep when a button is pressed. The default is “key beep on”.1. Press and release the “F” button until you see on the display “”oN” (depending onprevious programming) with the word “BEEP” flashing in the in the lower rightcorner of the display.2. Press the channel /\ or \/ buttons to select off or on.!!!! “oF” is button press  beep off. “oN” is button press beep on.3. Press "ENTER" to store your selection.TO ENABLE / DISABLE KEY BOARD LOCKTo enable the KEYBOARD LOCK press and hold the “ENTER” button for 2 seconds.The display will contain a key symbol (9). PTT, MON and CALL buttons will stillbe active. The “ENTER” button will also activate the backlight for 5 seconds. Whenradio is in lock mode and any other keys are pressed a tone will be heard. To disablethe KEYBOARD LOCK, press and hold the “ENTER” button for about 2 seconds.POWER SAVE CIRCUITThis part of the operation of the radio is completely automatic and not adjustable.When the radio has not transmitted or received a signal for about 8 seconds it willbegin to cycle from a sleep mode to fully on. This occurs several times a minute. If asignal is received or you cause the unit to transmit the radio will become fully awake.This cycling from sleep to fully on increases the standby battery life more than 50%.USING THE MONITOR FUNCTION1. Press and hold the “MON” button on the side of the radio to open the squelch.! This allows you to override the squelch. This is useful to monitor the channelbefore you transmit.2. Release the “MON” button to restore the squelch to normal.
10TO OPERATE HANDS FREE VOX(VOICE OPERATED TRANSMIT)To get the most use from the “VOX” feature you must first determine what sensitivitylevel is needed to activate the “VOX” control. Sensitivity is how loud you have to talkto activate the “VOX” circuit. The “VOX” has three levels of sensitivity that can beadjusted. The 1 option you can talk in a normal voice with no background noise toactivate the “VOX” circuit. The option 2 will require more voice level to activate the“VOX” circuit. This is useful in slightly noisier areas that might activate the “VOX”without talking. The option 3 will require the most voice level to activate the “VOX”circuit. This will be useful in very noisy areas. The next adjustment is the delay. Thisis a function of the “VOX” that keeps the radio in transmit mode after you stop talking.A delay that is set to short will cause the “VOX” circuit to stop between some words.The delay is adjustable to three levels. Level 1 will give about one half second ofdelay, level three will give you about one and one half seconds of delay. By activatingthe “VOX” you only have to talk into the front of the radio or use a headset to make theradio transmit. The PTT (push to talk) button is not functional in “VOX” mode. It isrecommended to use a headset when using the “VOX” feature.NOTE: It is recommended to disable the Roger Beep when VOX is in use. See page 8for instructions.Setting VOX Functions.Setting VOX Levels1. With the radio in the off position, press and hold the “CALL” button and turn theradio on. The display will show “L” followed by a 1, 2 or three depending onprevious settings.2. Press the channel “UP” or  “DOWN” buttons to select the level desired.! As described earlier L 1 will be the most sensitive and L 3 will be the leastsensitive.3. Press the “F” button to switch to the Delay setting. A “d” followed by a d1, d2 ora d3 will show on the display depending on previous settings.4. Press the channel “UP” or  “DOWN” buttons to select the level desired.! As described earlier d 1 will be the shortest and d 3 will be the longest delay.5. Press the “ENTER button to store your settings and return to normal operationmode.TO ENABLE / DISABLE VOX MODEPress and hold the “F/VOX” button on the front of the radio for about 2 seconds.“VOX” will be displayed when enabled.  Talk into the front of the radio or the headsetmicrophone. (head set is recommended)  To listen stop talking.
11RESETTING THE RADIOIf the radio stops responding to button presses or otherwise does not function properlyin some cases the radio can be reset to restore normal operation.To reset the radio: With the radio off, press and hold the “F” button and turn the radioon. Release the “F” button when the radio powers up. (see turning the radio on)
12TROUBLESHOOTINGPROBLEM SOLUTIONNo Power 1. Check battery installation and/or replace batteriesCannot receive messages 1. Make sure the volume is set high enough.2. Change your location, you may be out of range.3. Install batteries properly or replace.Range is short 1. Operating the radio in a vehicle or metal buildingwill decrease the range. If possible operate outside ofvehicles or buildings.2. Carrying the radio so that the antenna is very nearthe body will decrease the range. Hold the radio in theopen for the best range.3. Battery condition can affect range.  Replace orrecharge batteries.Radio squeals when receivingmessages 1.  Check battery condition.   Usually lowering thevolume stops the squealing.  This indicates weakbatteries.Messages not transmitted. 1. If  PTT button is not responding, check to see ifVOX is active.2. If VOX is in use, check for correct VOX levelsetting.Interference/Static 1. Change your location.  The interference may becaused by nearby electronic or electrical equipment.Cannot change channels 1. Make sure keyboard is not locked.2. Make sure the radio is not transmitting.Battery icon flashes 1. Replace alkaline batteries or recharge rechargeablebatteries.Display is dim Reposition or replace batteries.
13CARE OF RECHARGEABLE NI-CAD AND NI-MH BATTERIESALWAYS DISPOSE OF BATTERIES PROPERLYAlways follow the battery manufacturer's recommendations for charging and disposingof Ni-Cad and Ni-MH batteries.The following is meant as general information regarding Ni-Cad/Ni-MH batteries..1. Occasionally allow the batteries to fully discharge before recharging. Fulldischarge will be indicated by the low battery indicator coming on during receiveoperation.2. Always allow the battery to fully charge before using. This requires 10 hours withthe approved charger. (Ni-MH batteries require 16 hours for full charge.)3. The above will prevent the batteries from developing “memory” which effectivelyreduces their capacity.4. It is better to store Ni-Cad batteries that are discharged rather than charged.Ni-MH batteries are best stored charged.
14SERVICE:If you have a problem which you believe requires service, please call first and speakwith a service technician.  Many problems can be remedied over the phone withoutreturning the unit for service.If it ever becomes necessary to return your unit for service:♦ Pack the unit in its original box and packing. Improper packing may result indamage during shipment.♦ Include a full description of any problems.♦ Include a daytime telephone number and or E-mail address.♦ Include a money order for $7.50 to cover shipping and handling (this may not berequired in some states).! You do not need to return accessory items (charger, batteries, wrist strap,owners guide) unless they maybe directly related to the problem.♦ Include a photocopy of the bill of sale or other proof of purchase showing the dateof sale. This information must be included before warranty service can beconsidered.♦ A flat rate of $35.00 will apply to repairs not covered by the 1-year warranty.Payment is accepted by Cashiers Check, Money Order, Master Card or Visa only.Personal checks will not be accepted.! Items not covered by the warranty include abuse, water damage, battery leakdamage, broken antennas, broken battery latch
15TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS*GENERALFrequency range..................................................................................462/467 MHzChannels...............................................................................................................22Modulation type................................................................................................. FMAntenna impedance ....................................................................................50 OhmLoudspeaker.........................................................................................8 Ohm 0.5WMicrophone...................................................................................…...electret typePower supply..........................................3 AAA Ni-cads or Alkaline (3.6/4.5VDC)RECEIVERSensitivity at 12dB Sinad..............................................................................0.25µVSelectivity........................................................................................................50 dBSquelch range...................................................................................…....automaticAudio output power...........................................0.25W @ 8 Ohm (10% distortion)Distortion at 1000 mV.........................................................................................7%Audio frequency response.....................................................................400-2400 HzTRANSMITTERRF Output Power...........................................….…….nominal 500 mW @ 4.5VDCFrequency Tolerance.................................................................................0.00025%Harmonic Suppression...................................................................more than 50 dBModulation......................................................................................FM +/- 2.5 kHz*Specifications are nominal and subject to changeCHANNEL FREQUENCIES (MHz)Channels 15 through 22 are exclusively GMRS channels.  A license isrequired for operation on these frequencies.01=462.5625 F+G 07=462.7125 F+G 13=467.6875 F 19=462.650 G02=462.5875 F+G 08=467.5625 F 14=467.7125 F 20=462.675*03=462.6125 F+G 09=467.5875 F 15=462.550 G 21=462.700 G04=462.6375 F+G 10=467.6125 F 16=462.575 G 22=462.725 G05=462.6625 F+G 11=467.6375 F 17=462.600 G06=462.6875 F+G 12=467.6625 F 18=462.625 G* GMRS emergency channel 462.675MHz.
16 LIMITED WARRANTYMidland Radio Inc. will repair or replace, at its option without charge, anyMidland FRS transceiver which fails due to a defect in material or workmanshipwithin One Year following the initial consumer purchase. This warranty does notapply to water damage, battery leak damage or abuse.This warranty does not include any carrying cases, earphones, or antennaswhich may be a part of or included with the warranted product, or the cost of labor forremoval or re-installation of the product in a vehicle or other mounting.Performance of any obligation under this warranty may be obtained byreturning the warranted product, freight prepaid, along with proof of purchase date, toMidland Radio Inc., Warranty Service Department, 1120 Clay St., North Kansas City,Missouri 64116.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have otherrights, which vary, from state to state.Note:  The above warranty applies only to merchandise purchased in the United Statesof America or any of the territories or possessions thereof, or from a U.S. Militaryexchange.Midland Radio Inc.1120 Clay St.N. Kansas City,  MO  64116 Printed in KoreaTel: (816) 241-8500)E-mail: mail@midlandradio.comURL: www.midlandradio.com

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