Midland Radio SP150U2 User Manual 8
Midland Radio Corporation 8
FCC ID: F3JSP15002 APPENDIX 5 OPERATOR’S MANUAL SIXTEEN (16) PAGE OPERATOR’S MANUAL FOLLOWS THIS SHEET OPERATOR’S MANUAL FCC ID: F3JSP150U2 APPENDIX 5 suogpnnsw Sugmado ugpeu Su ueas pazgsaqluAs ! SEHHSéfl/Ofl'ds S I W 11089“! $33 533 15 Ewscasm an 53.5 image 39:5: stay. w 922 v2 ovum “EN 913. w ha} v.54 05 .2 52535 “8:35 3me $8: 5:52:58 we 55> as; a was a. 525.35 3.3. >§¢E 5 $5539.“ $55.52 vs 23qu 8. 55.5 5932 .u=_ \nu_._u=.< 5.an Sea? sign. 5x52 26> 3:28 ”32.“ 562 of 3 causes 9: 9:2qu Esau? w>u.._ no» 3193 gnaw... 52 E 359 £333; 2265: be Bass: 5235 of w)"; E; if am $15 50> 559g _ z ESQ 852 50> a: a; 5.5 we 3 3 Eva.“ m 355 £5 5 v2.55“. 25.2.3 2: 3 2.2 3 5:3 32 die 2: figs "53 is? E. 32 3.3365 s a; or: gs ._m=:ms 35 :_ 3353.“ En m E mmtmm Eton—in $5me E 3925 95 (2.530 g. a. e 15 355522. 5:33 5? 5:2ch i555 f: 225 E macaw eiEm—im $5me 0:5”. Siam ev—Ea Tam 25> 50a< s E a... .a ....u=..!z...~ E a... 3:55:55 3322. fin. 152. Egg: a 23:3 212 x... 3:82. .u... «is. 3. a... 3 13.5.7. E... 3:5 ..< 152. E532. 1.1.:? uu. =. 522... 5.3... a... 502 4.525. c. m... .:x 35.3 5: 5.3. FE. .t . .:55. w... 39. a... mm... Sz 8 . 10.56 a... .u... a. u a... us 855.“ ._ E... a... m m. .. $2.5 vszamcsfi 025.96 5 c. E 33 9.553 int... 3 332.75 52. aim. a... 2239 .Oz an. . 20.54“. .Eo... 1218 $355 $2552? EEXS 2 5.2.3 30 _m .02 On . 02.253 .w.._.._§§. we... a»... 5 3a a... 235...» 5.9. a... .c 2.3 8595 £5.33. a 5. 3: .. 5.5.5 2:1. is“... a f... 5 3.5 2.1.9. 52 ca . 01.5.5... 5.5. 55.523 22535555 Eli E... .u( 5.3... E... 2&3 .u... 9.qu m... 322 5 23395 a... c. 5.3. E). 2.5 2: .n 5.530 .Koi 25191 2. .e a... a... 5. 23:2. twin «Emu a... a. 399.1; 5.62 .:asnauw 3.35.2 uu. 3 3.5... an...” 32.3299.» 5. 55:5... 9.5. a. 932.5. 5.5... 5. 98.5: as”. a 3.8.5 5. SE .2 £52 {2.2 ESQ Esau 5 5.5“ a. 5...» .GE. 551558 2255558 Emma. wf zeta-FEE. 23mm .EwEESm 2.5.35 zwuzczw.c_m_2 mimiacu 2523 35:5 .c 35.50}... ”3qu 6255.2... wu_>.wm v5. 9.2.3: : cmum >_.._O 9133. 1x. .._..o b a... 1x... cam 2:9... .xh zmum FEEZ 55.8. 80500 ~_. w 71: .w_w_an_ 7.5.20 cmum Nfi 5.3mm goo. NH ”Es—mum m:_.._:uum 350 2. ”Hum _m=:mzu a: .i .fizz. 1 53 35.20 .mEEZ Z 15.52 caum cfi 9.3 :w_( £3.33. “Eu EESEE .EEw S. to as... $1.3. 6283. m 35:3 m .,..wE=_o>...O its... m11.1:=o.m.wnO macaw an. (an —.mm a Emu «Em NEEEU Egan 90 ._em w... 955wa “Em 9:55? Jun“. Egan w... 5.3..me v5 w: 2.2 zozmzflws 25:2 .écwzochu 21mg 3 33530 565.5. Scam ovtomzm 1 :c__mE.8:_w:.c_uwn:3 5.55.58... 20.2 vamrxrxrx fizuacou we 932. 55.535; . 593235213» . 5; 95. munmmub . $52“. fig 403 . (as 1:52“ 3:55 . can“ 3:55 . 953m 355? a: 35. £553ch . 5&2. 55:0 mimEEEmEn 355 mi - Seamus E559. 9.533 . 3.5.5“. mv_._vm 3:2” Tum 5qu a big 52 258 as; SEE ma “Em: as __ 25.5255 55530 30 “in 9.55 25.5 fig Exam 221 “new: 333.3 mi é Swain"; 53 we 5:25» Qt 68mg, >=EES uzn $6me 5:55.62... “cc-umncn Ease 5:0 rug; 3- rusun R— .___u in n- .2855 333.51: 22.5358— txuam i 5:3 Sic a =a§f===§ R Ebeflfiéé G in. ts... S 5.5.5. 53.15 ¢ _E_§u2..=_..>.=c\=o a asiscutmwézu a zfigvuuxuggi A— m-cwconEau 053. “0 553.82”. Sung Ewan... wE mwfixuy «Eu mmfizufiv 2293.59 > {a has» En sun 52 See BEEaEa 2:55: dais-£5 was E 55st 32. 5s. BEE 2352.2 unaigux SW 632. nzo v5 Eva «cc 5 mcifizu §o_m WEB: nzu again 59. f 5953 5525 2335 m: 3:0 588 y: fine; 2&— 5 $55 frees so.“ n 31:65 55.0 3&5 mm, 3.6 355° st {a 5:3 52 3 a: 15 SEEBEQ 5:5me 32: =§ Emit Ea 23 is; «£55 £3 3 is fig 522 2. die 52 E5 assatun fig 235 ch 9.6 “Eu “Ema—G rota: a: Eu fig fa 15 wax—3 pm. 33,2 __=.__ “5553. P— .. SE be fifi 5 an . fl. is. "is; 3 33a 95 3.23. 3.3 «5 5853 v5 5.3.3 45:55“ E2552. 5 to?» 2: 5-5 42.2 555 m5 53> is”. 22.2. 22 Em wn=m its. 25 5215 main: SSE} up man 25 FEB ax. uvzm «Em m a. = 383 93a ans» 9: S on. 5.5.1: «can; m_ xuzu « ES Egan E25; 912 as 53> w “is «in 2: 5853. v5 5:5“... din. file an. to £85qu m... 25 316.81 2:25 we 9:52 3 Sue E. a. £235 we 53qu seas—Em:— 252.5. 3-35. is» S...» v...- E ES. seen 2.28: is» as. main-m is. 33 as»... 1&- sm aEF.=9»Ec 952.33 S: 9.151 £26 53 z. 25235 m5...- 522 5.52: ea... 3. go Essa... a. 5. is. gin... =< Eoz gsmwn. 5.62 52 3 2.5 a... 25 8.5.9an >__~ E. 5:23. a £8. 5 . Esau“... 3253992 it) 35.2. a 555.3 - 559.3 began $3 . . 59.3 35229. as: 525: 81293 E. 2... ”55.5.5 . . Eva. a... 9 . veg—Ewe:— cwun mm; 5930. 15.2“. $5 c}... 3. 5 2.25. 3212.55 n S 2.5... . 3.5 382 a. a. 35.2. n 5 . 5... 255.2 . “22.6.5 “5.5.3. 3. S ta 5? RES. B 3... 3:3 he is. < 2555.2 Baas... cw... E. manic... 538323... a... 3 52.20. a... i... 3.555 >un_wE 135. m i: 3:5... _~___:_ can: $5. 5.” 2.5.3 3 6.5 a £35... fizz 3.58 8389982... “5.8528. u was Ecwm 3:33; So) 3:0.— ..u? 2.5.3 15 9.8355 S-Sm 5 man Ewan w... a. _ 3.58 veggie...“ a... u E. E to 5.5 w... E... is $55. a... 9:53. $5225. 8.25 565 to as... <2 Ex 52 520 S: 39.2 {gas 5: 3.5. . go 3:9. fizzoz mzo» 3.33 x38 5. 5.5.62 g 582 e. E. E... a... 3.39 $5.52... E55. 2... a; 565 53... 5535.5: 25 an... was wEEEwfi 22.5 ESE... a... mPEuux 638 z cnarsng 953.55! S 5 fix... $5. a... 3.3.1? B of no. w... 2.5.5 .u.._.._E..E. ._ 218 w... 95 93.05 wees m. Em ZR 2. wits 33.5525 ea 3 3.5... a.” . 5 2: as 5.5: 53; E. E... a; 8. cf "EOz am... 29:59... 2. 25 3.5. 9." 232m xmwam 15 565 £352... a... E. in hp... a... Eu; v5 5... £5 a... 852.5215. 2.5.5 a... E39. 559: a... 59. $55 2 so... ms. 08.393... En... u... 95 _a 3 SEES a... 5.2. £95: 2.3. 2. 3c; caw—u m 2.55 w... 555 a 75.53 13.3 n mEfiBvs x 32. w... £53552: a: m. 8. m1. 53> die 53. 5 5.8! a. 35559“. as. a mass»... E... 0.3. 30 E $0.5 n “E. 5.3 522.05: cwmi a fag m. as...» E x as... as» =§._ 9:55... is»... ES. Ea; cm“. 3.5. as 9: 5 $232 D5 533: m5. ahOz h... 2.25. 95.5 529 E. ESE—u m 5.29: =c> E... 235. 25.5.6»... Ea «£3. zofiflssau EEEEEEES $5.3“. "m-Oz $5552.3- mug 2; £23 5 u g $555 a... 2... 3"... 52 359... n... 23.5 39" ch A) 2.35. 35.93 an: cc. 2 5.5“. BEBE 2.32.1. OE<= th n; wU<2<<< Qmj > nut—£25: wzh mo ZU-héwmo 20:36 ins-u; ace—1532.5? 5: new xuzu u E! 39> 35. $2.83 3:5. «Ego? 58 m... 5.92 z. E. 2.3. a... E... wE=_..>...0 use; ||I||||||||| Suzanna—O 313 av F EMF-mm E. 593?ng a... Zozw 5: _ 3 tea is... 92. sin 5 v.52 o 3. 0:12:55 a 13... m_ 5 3:55: 3. £238! 3.5 52? E: mum >_..o 2.33. . ._o....u..u 2.2 E 5 1252.5 2.5.8. 2.55 r: a w... 5 22. as): a. Essie. B 3... Eu ._ ..ac..m..u 2.5 5 5 3.52. s: E." 55.8. 51... 355.» 5.5.5 o... 5 w is? "x. 3.5 2.5... . 155.9 2.5... vaEEwa—a a... ..o 555... , 5.3. w... .25... m_ 5252.2. 2. $5sz saw. a... 5? 3.58. 31:8 0... s... 155.3 m... .5 mum... an a. 8 5.5.5. afi .w..._. 58 5.3 $5559... ca “5.23... 2.282 m. __S n 5.” 5.3522. a 53.7. a: guum bra... . 593.225. n ke=m S: ._..s v5 $33 at... EH: 5 v.53 ___.s a u. a... 6.5: m. S ESE. m EB $5.5». 53 a... boy? dE: in... new; 3.55.95 2: cc msvcwauv ...a>..uuo. m. _.8 u 5.x 38 ..c_mm.§..s. a 25.2 a: 59m _~......z . 23 8.55... so fig. 39. a; a... 29 s. 53 e. 5.5. so. 3 355.5... 3 5. 3.825 2; u5.5.3 8555 . flame—um X. Z a: snow REESE...“ 3.30 3:3... a... fiwcwim Emma m_ = 8a _a==m.._u E. 53 a... 5 3.25. a. 5.52. 5&5 fie .. 52... 2:5 Eta 892. 3556 w... __..5 E. 53 a... Ea: _w..:£u E... 995. ___z 25 Eva.“ E. a. 35.57 w... 5 as. in 2.55. . ; 8.5. 5.5... o... a»... 32... j. Eu» as. EB. $5.2... n 05.2. ..__.m§.Ew. up 35.00 155.5 5.3. - 6.63 “52.5. .. mm 9.2 mu 5. 35.55 E... 2 $62 ___2. 91... a... $5.2. 2.5... a... 5 Emmi. .. cu .. ._u....£_. 2.5.5, w... E 5.02. x8... 25:5 an =, ha. a... inseam 52. ”E. 35.2? Qua. v.02. a 8:0 35.2 can“. 3; _u..=m..u 5.55 ._ 79.55 . . L. a... so zmu m 3.5: E... E... 23 in... 9 Eu) in is? Eczun w. cg. 32. S: 2. 9.3 39.1... Eu... m. 253. xi ..9...«... as..." m. a... i he... Jeers 355.83 E as 6.5... 53 w... 5 E: 5.3 ._m....£u >=< 33. xi... . ||||||l|||| 3.5.3“. 22:58 550 f— ,vccus n 3 8:3... WES E... S. $5.93 "ism v... c: has... 3 0339.9. R. 8: E... 5 x2... ME. 3... 4.39 53. “3.2305 m. m. w... 39. can... “5.52.8 sums... « E. 355... 2.5.5 2. xuacu a. fines... 55! E Eons m .e 555. a E. 3:55 “22 o... 23. 0:5. , w... a... 2.3.5. 35. x8... 2m 53 figs... .....B...., 352 ..5_.3.u>:8 5:5 ..u 5.6 8538... “was 2 mi 65.9? titers... 3m... “9.2 =o_§.u>...au Etc...“ , u... a us. a 5. 3555 2.2... w... ...e 5.5. 9.125... >=uu=uEuSm 63 0:3. a... ._w....!.u ._>...E...._. m... 5 “mum-u... w. ._8 a ._ is}. 2.9, 5 8 Ems...“ E. as... a... 5.3 Ea “5.53. 32... 65.11 $5.28... 2.528 53 2.5 m... 42.5... =.... 55. a... 3 85553 y. E... 35.5.0 29. m < Sum 1226 5.3... 3.5... m 85.3 w... as. 2.5.5. ___.s 95:53 «5:96 3; Emv 58m 0... 8.5 “ES-nun 256». a; 9.5 9: 55.9: m. 458. 3 632259. 5.39 vomuwu m5. £25 3.5 3:55 a... so as“ E; aim. 9.1.5: 3 E395 a... m. «E: Em“. Eon of 65. fun 53 239555 6... a... 9.2... is"... 3.3 E. S ......E.. a. saw fl. ___; E; x. gnu“ 3:5: 3. vaEEuEn w. 62.3263 m... an; e. a... an. a; as 55.23 s... S as. x. 93. a... i ES a... c. ”15.2“. m... .o as E. 3528 m. cozngifi m ._ .........5. m. 5.5 w... m. 5»... a... 5 35.5.5... 3 Eu 03 icon ac. 2: emum 215m . 3 Eu! a... ER 5225 35.55 58 m... S no... 5.8.3. Eat a... 26... £5.23. w... ,=. 5 8. 8552.92: . 53. 2.8.6 Eum 35.56 _-......2 $23... m. an; Yum?“ m_ 5580. $5.53 E: 8:0 5: Fa 1.5... S o E {5.2.9 as. a an Em 33... E. «1. $5.23 25. 35.5? cm“; a 2... 36:55... 2. 0. 5m: cmum. 355... m 8.3. 2; 32. a; 5.80 58, $2.35 3 is? m 5.5... a. 8. £33 a... same. «3559.5... 5.30 a m. 55.5 ||||||||| move—z zuum $8... a .a w...“ m... s s... E 5:59 5 5...“ a... a... a. $5... $2.19 355. 3. ayes 5.5.2 ... 3.5.3... EEK E 55.3 $255.99 Eta-E: 2:3: a.“ B ..!§.$ as E. E. S a 352... 5. Eu... a. 1254. E a: ..z. 8.69. 55.2 s 32.5. a... $65.15. see: .a gas...) 325.» o... 39.5... nag-685! E 333 2 5: E... _§..«E 532.0... 952»... x... 5 v2.53“. 32:55 55... a... 5 352.8 Esme... 52.5 5.32 3.5558 m... .>.m:_v.euu< .Em.wEn Hakeem E... $39 e... E5. as c. 35552 .e 38 2 Eu: 9.2.5.» o... msvafi... £559... 223.2 3.53. Lang 5. min: 2.2.96 $3.8 5352.51.33... ma.....:ou.w...m _u=u “win vs...) 2: 5 3m. 13... Etc 5 02.0.5... 5.39.8 ._...$ 5 3.2. 2.1.3... 5.2.5 5an 3.3358 was... k... 3.5... 5.252. 9.5.2... m... 5 536... 5.52 a... 25.130 0.5.53 m. 3.21.55 R5.1.<.....2. 2.32.15“... 55 6. 5.52 2.22 a... in 82.3. a... d. c z. $1.5 3.3: in 5.5. i 1: is. 5.5.5. 3 a... 55...- isqé. 855... 55.3...» 9.39... “Em 9.35.5... in... 5. we... um. 3»... 52:3 gig. mm. a. 8.5... 3 5. 55.2. 2. 39.3 5. um. .a ..__ u ..w...zo..=.1. $5... a... 8 Em RE... 0... Sn... 0. 5.23.25... cane... “cm 5:3 a... 3 n. “3. 3:8 _ .o a... a... 5.5... SE... 5.2. .. Samoa x... ...U....... 9. was. $5 a... 2. 8.5.53... 33 .. 5.5.2. .. .z 8... 0.0.6". 9; 3.8 a. 55.8... 3.2... < 52.2.3 3.2 3 m E... w... 2585 v... gas...“ 5... .u.._ ,3..u=.< 85s. fie...» 5 2.5.5. c. 3.53 an 55.3 EN 335... 3 «53am... 5 3.960. on _m=... 3.5.5: cu... 65». Rue. .o 22. 25:9 5.5 a 5.3: a. .c 15 w... s 8.5». S 38... 5:3 a... 5.2... 295.55 528 5.5. Emu; 58.2... a $5.2 v9.2 v3: $5.33 2.5. bi? Scum-e... _m.:oE..c._>=u d.) B: 3.5321: inc 9 ..._u was Saw. .a 8.5. r.” 5. 5.qu Eves. ESQ... a a. sea. 59. as... 352. .. .. 5.5 w... 33»... 2.2. is a a... 9. em 55 £3! E: 5:58 5.8.5. 5.9... Eusezuw a... a. $5.5 25.5.2? WEE... 5.3 59.5 S: on. 3.3} was... a “552... saga E. 3. 0 so... uu. 3.3. w... 5.5. s 5.25 552 an. ._=._.cu 5.2.23?“ 25 “23. uu. u... .o 2.9. 5.25 E. w...8._..% w... 32... E... 3.25... an. 5.5 m... 3 6.325 w... E... “2.53. coagEEQU 29; 5556 Raw... 9: 2.9.3: uu. 5.55.2... 3.23 E... 52.3: m— .cfiz 2:5 1. 3 in? E. 1. 2.' an. s. a... ._ 52.5 s...— 5.59... “I. mu: 9 C232. fit so 5 mm: 5- go 50 93.5 55 no 55>... 5.9... no me. “5 so. 5 $9535 g-zgowmzou go 53:92. Jfizwguz. $58.3 >z< ozEEuz. $335 >z< no. misc-ma u: so 55- .E 9 53: me 2925. :_.$ hzu>w oz 2. fizwiwujau so 555. E :_.s Susan 59 ”5 558.3 tzigss at TE; 3.38 5z non. xu=§ Gang... >z< so. fluctxbm “SEQ—5.2.- < sen mme E MD )h_=n hZ> >Z< .ZO;<.=§: SUEZ; .UZ_n-D._UZ_ .>¢05h(hm x0 Emits: x0 Dwmwwxmxw zwztw fiu=z > mmwxmxw m7: Sims. 9 2.35. 5255 E: 5:6. 9 co_.u~_.oz5m E 25.32 E... E. Saw—$83 E 52. 52? $1.23... Ea... Si £2. 55... 322.5 E 83a 0... a. an... 85.3... Ea cozmcamzm: gnu... a... 9.35 5:2. 55. 3553 3qu 8 ézgss visa a... ... 35.8 9.3... a... swam. a £3. 9 E a...“ 59.32. 5.3 39 33 222. «555m. .o 3.5. fies? m. ESE. _ a. E 6) “1.5.5; E: dis... 2. o. new...» $33 3 5 5.5.3. 5. as .. i...) 5. 55.2. m s mes... m... E a... 6:8... m... a. $2.2 f. as? “2.5152... 5 32.5. in: E. 3 855.5: 5 55 fifigmzfl E can 5 B 22.3 :. 55.382. 5 Es Ea an; _ 5.9. E... 5.3. fizz 3.38. E»... 828. 3.8 o. 5 E... 9.2. 2 5.5530 9. 2.2 E... 5.52 6:3... “2. 5.3 5 35.8 c. B... 5 BE...» .. E...) 55.55 E. S... as. 5.5. a: m. ..e. a: m. 35.5; f 5.2 BE. 35... am. a... 5? 8.358 E. a... o... E. 33.5... 53 E... is». a m... e >.w 3. 3 as. m... E... as. 5 at. B 3.2. u a. 8.5. 9... a... E59. BE; 355.553 9.1 ma... 5 £81. 2.5? ._ 3 Bagsfis Gaga 55.2 w... £5.53 $9.52. 5.12.22 5me beats?» nag—z: m— . 52:8 fiat-3T was» ”can... 3... a... 3.22. 5.0.0. is 3 £35 £6 WEE». 2 53. as. E: m is 52. a... s 63 a... 8 25:8 5.5. a... Esu wing: as. wwwEuv 3.5552. k... r... . m. 36 252°. 3: 52 On ..=o_u w! .s_ £2 a : 33.33.05 33.3 21.0 Eamon: En 5532. 3.3.6 5 as... . 231.9. a as sin. a... an». m.:.m.EE 25 1.53 239.5... E. 382135 553... aw. inmiuuiflsfiu E 5:23 a 353.2. z.o_u Ego a £3, $5.3 3:5...” 52“. ”55:3 m {95 noon 5 91.8 E; nus. eh Aww.‘ 851.255: an a. nwcsmuv m. inn 35m avian—am .:o> 022.3522 FCC ID: F3JSP150U2 APPENDIX 6 TRANSMITTER ALIGNMENT THREE (3) PAGE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE FOLLOWS THIS SHEET TRANSMITTER TUNE-UP PROCEDURE FCC ID: F3JSP150U2 APPENDIX 6 Project: SP-lSl] Title: ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE Software Ver: Rev Date: 01/26/98 2:33 PM Revision: - Marketing Comments: Engineering Prod. Support ALIGNMNET PROCEDURE The SP-150 is broad band by design covering UHF (440 to 470 MHz) and VHF (148-174MHz). All alignments to the radio are done through the maintenance sofiware program. No hardware pots need to be adjusted, Perform all alignments at lowest power setting. ’ l. TCXO CENTER FREQUENCY Program=>Test Mode Options => TX TCXO Center Frequency. - Use the up and down arrow keys to modify the Voltage and Count values. The value will automatically be sent to the radio. Otherwise, enter a number between 0 and 255 in the Count field and press Flo to send the value to the radio. Measure TCXO frequency offset from oenter (14.95 MHz). Adjust Voltage or Count values to achieve a center frequency of foil 00Hz. 2. TXBAMNCE TUNE (radio and channel specific) Program=>Test Mode Options => TX Balance Tone. - Set the frequency range to 440 - 470 Mhz (UHF) and set the frequency to the high end ofthe band (i.e, 470 MHZ). - lnjcct a 1 kHz tone to the microphone input and set PTT. - Hess the Tab key to switch between TCXO (501-12) or VCO (300 Hz) tones. Use the up and down arrow keys to adjust the TCXO (TXTRJM3) and VCO (TXTRIMZ) values for 3 kHz deviation until there is a flat response and no significant variation between the two. 0 Measure the response for each channel across the band (at least 16 values). Adjust TCXO (TXTRJMB) up by one binary count (025 dB) for each 3% change in frequency. Save TXTR1M2,3 to EEPROM. 3. 7X VCD RANGEADJUST Program=>Test Mode Options :> TX VCO Range. Read TX VCO Range (440 - 470 Mhz). 0 Select lowest channel. Adjust TX VCO for 2.0v tuning voltage at TPl. Ensure lock. - Select highest channel. Measure TX VCO timing voltage at TPl. Ensure lock. 4. RX VCO RANGEADJl/ST Program=>Test Mode Options => RX VOO Range. - Read RX VCO Range (440 - 470 Mhz). Select lowest channel. Adjust RX VCO for 2.0v tuning voltage at TPl. Ensure lock. - Select highest channel. Measure RX VCO tuning voltage at TPl. Ensure lock. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 5 material is for use only by the t This IS the property of Maxon America Inc and shall not he made available or ENG! FORM N 107 2mm ent thereof directly from Maxon America, Inc. sclosed without the proper written authorization thereof. mam“ Project: SP-150 Title: ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE A World Communications File: N:\PROJ\TP128\docs\ATE\Align_Proc.doc Software Ver: Page: 2 of l 3 Revlsion: Rev Date: 5. SET 7X CHANNEL Program=>Test Mode Options => Set TX Channel. Choose Frequency Band from 100, 400, 750, or 800 Mhz. Choose Reference Frequency: 5 or 615 kHz. Choose Power Level: Lo or Hi Power Choose TX Frequency: xxx.xxxxxx Mhz (i.e. - 455.000000 MHz) Measure Current and Power at six points across the band for flatness. 6. SE TRX CHANNEL Program=>Test Mode Options :> Go To RX Channel. Choose Frequency Band from 100, 400, 750, or 800 Mhz. Choose Reference Frequency: 5 or 6.25 kHz. Choose Channel Spacing: 12.5 or 25.0 kHz Choose IF Frequency: 45.0 or 45.3 MHz Choose RX Frequency: xxx.xxxxxx Mhz (i.e. — 455000000 MHz) 7. SETASIC CONTROLS Program:>Test Mode Options => ASIC Controls. 0 Use arrows to adjust values ofASlC registers: ASW], lNTRIM, ASWZ, RXVOL. ASW4, VXCLPF, SATRIMZ, AMP, LIMM, SATRIMI, ASWJ, VLPF, TX'I'RIMI, TXSUM, ATl'N, TXTRIMZ, TXTRIM3. 0 Select “Read Values” to read contents of ASIC. 0 Select “Write Values" to write new values to ASIC, 8. SETDATA RATE Program=>Test Mode Options => Data Rate. Generate LTR data at full rated deviation through SATFRIM. a Measure baud rate. 9. SETRXAl/DIO LEVEL Program=>Test Mode Options => RX Audio Output Level. 0 Set/Calibrate RX Volume for normal RX audio output level. 10. RX SQUELCH & RSSI (radio and channel specific) ProgramZ>Test Mode Options => RX Squelch & R58]. 0 Select RX, lowest channel. 0 Input —47 dBm. Read RSSl level. Measure audio distonion. Audio distortion should be less than 5%, but 3% is the failure threshold. There is a possibility of using a RX warp on the TCXO to improve audio distortion. lf distortion is above 3%, investigate RX TCXO warping. 0 Set input level for minimum desired Sl'NAD reading (lZdB) on HP8920. Project: SP-ISO Title: ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE A Mbrld Commknlimrs File: N:\PROJ\TP128\docs\ATE\Align_Proc.doc Software Ver: Page: 3 of ‘3 Re Rev Date: 0 Read R581 and determine squelch open and close values, Repeat N times across the band. - Save data to EEPROM. ll. SPUR SEARCH Program=>Test Mode Options => Spur Search. 0 Set radio and HPS920 for RX frequency. (if 12.5kHz, then 1.5kHz deviation) (if25.0ld-lz, then 3 Okflz deviation). Set HP8648 RF OFF. Adjust RF on HPB920 for l2dB SINAD - -1l0 dB (Add ZdB). Set 8648 lo 90 dBm greater - -20dBm and 400 Hz modulation (with same deviation as above). Set frequency of 8648 to MIN frequency and step 625 kHz for l2.5kHz spacing or 12.5 kHz for 25.0kHz spacing. Record frequency that degrades SINAD below I2.0 dB. 15- Afier testing from lOOkHz to 1 GHz and listing problem, go back to frequency in list. Change RF level of HP8648 to get back to 12 dB SINAD. Increment frequency UP/DOWN in 1 kHz steps to fund frequency that degrades SINAD the most and the level (1ko that yielded 12 dB SINAD a... o... 12. SET 1X POWER Program=>Test Mode Options => TX Power. Toggle Power setting for Low Power or High Power. Enter Power Level as a value between 0 and 255. Hit F3 to Toggle PTT. Press F4 to send new values to the radio. 13. SET IXSUB-A l/DIBLE DE VIA "ON Progmm=>Test Mode Options => TX Sub-Audible Deviation Set. 0 Adjust SA'ITRIM],2 for sub-audible tone deviation. 0 Not necessary to align across band 14. SET 1X TUNEDEVM TION Program=>Test Mode Options => TX Tone Deviation Set. - Input 1 kHz audio tone into microphone input (INZ) to force limiting. Adjust TXli for 3 kHz deviation. TXli varies by I count for each 3% change in TX frequency. a Set P’l’r. Measure deviation at 3 places across the band for UHF (more for VHF), 0 Measure North American ModBalance test on HP8920. 15. SET 1X CHANNEL and POWER ADJUST Program=>Test Mode Options => TX Channel fl: Power Adjust. - Enter Alignment Frequency and Power Level (0 to 255). - Press F3 to Toggle P'l'l‘. 0 Press F4 to send frequency and power values to the radio. tly from Maxon America. Inc, n authori FCC ID: F3JSP150U2 APPENDIX 7 CIRCUITS AND DEVICES TO STABILIZE FREQUENCY A 14.95 MHz referenced Tcxo PLL circuit establishes and stabilizes output frequency. CIRCUITS AND DEVICES TO STABILIZE FREQUENCY FCC ID: F3JSP15OU2 APPENDIX 7 FCC ID: F3JSP150U2 APPENDIX 8 CIRCUITS TO SUPPRESS SPURIOUS RADIATION, LIMIT MODULATION AND CONTROL POWER TWO (2) PAGE DESCRIPTION OF AUDIO, RF LOW PASS FILTER AND POWER CONTROL FOLLOWS THIS SHEET CIRCUITS TO SUPPRESS SPURIOUS RADIATION, LIMIT MODULATION- AND CONTROL POWER FCC ID: F3JSP150U2 max150u2 APPENDIX 8 Project: SP-150 Title: CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION A beld Communications File: N:\PROJ\TP128\docs\Theory\THEORY.doc Software Ver: Page: 3 of 5 Part No: Rev Date: 03/03/98 9:38 AM Revision: ECO No: The volume is controlled by the VR1 potentiometer. lts analog output is read by the ASIC ADz port (U400-6) where it is converted to digital and read by the microprocessor through the serial part. 2.7. External Speaker/Mic Control Circuit The external microphone is connected to W401 on the right side of the radio. When an external microphone accessory is attached, it pulls the MlC_DISABLE line (W401»10) to ground which un- biases the Internal microphone element. When an external speaker accessory is attached, it pulls the SPKR_DSBL line (W401-6) to ground which breaks the path to the internal speaker. 2.8. Low-Battery Detect Circuit The Iowoattery detect circuit applies a voltage (determined by Van-rm, " (R4DBI[R4OB+R409])) to the AD3 port of the ASIC (U400-7). The ASIC converts this analog voltage to a digital byte which the microprocessor reads through the ASIC serial data path. The threshold for low-battery detect is programmable by software When the value of AD3 falls below this threshold. the microprocessor disables the transmitter and enables the Iow»bat‘tery LED (LED400) and tone alerts. 2.9. Subaudible (LTR/CTCSSIDCS) Decode Circuits Disoriminator audio from the lF chip, U750-9 (TA31138), passes through a 3rd order 500-Hz Bessel low-pass filter with a gain of 2.5 to pass and amplify the subaudible data (U772A and associated components). The filter output goes into the Audio ASIC. U400-3 (XRCSG4OB). as RX data input. The data exits the ASIC at U400-23 (FLTOUT) and passes through a 3rd order 500-Hz Chebyshev low pass filter to strip out switch~cap clock noise (U77ZB and associated components). For CTCSS, the RX data is fed back into the ASIC comparator (COMPIN-) port (U400-22). The ASIC DACZ output (U400—10) sets the dc average to drive the comparator (COMPINt) port (U400- 20). The comparator output (U400-2‘l) then feeds the microprocessor (U401 -71) input capture port for CTCSS decoding. For DCS and LTR, the RX data on the ASIC Filter Output (U400-23) ls directly decoded by the microprocessors A-to—D port (U401-25) The microprocessor determines whether the data matches a preset value and then controls the speaker output based on the squelch data results. 2.10. Subaudible (LTRICTCSSIDCS) Encode Circuits During TX encode. the subaudible tone signals are generated on the TXSAT pulse-width port of the microprocessor (U401-3). They pass through a 500 Hz low-pass filter and are sent to the TDIN port of the ASIC (U400-4). The TX data exits the ASIC at U400—23 (FLTOUT) and is then fed back into the ASIC comparator (COMPIN-) port (U400-22) where it is summed with the TX audio. DTMF. Two-Tone, or Set-Call data is generated by the microprocessor pulse-width port U401-2 and passes through a 4.5«kHz lowApass filter. The subaudible data than enters the ASlC DTMF port (U400—25) where it is routed through the TX Audio path, 2.11. RX Audio Discriminator audio from the IF chip U750-9 (TAG-1136) ls fed into the RXAUDIN port of the ASIC (U400-30). The RXAUDOUT exits the ASIC at U400-28 and is amplified by U490 and U491 in a balanced audio bn'dgeamp to generate up to 1 W through an 8 Q speaker. 2.12. TX Audio and Filter circuits The TX audio from the internal or external microphone is fed into the ASIC MICAUDIN port (U400- 29). The combined TX audio and data extts the ASIC at the MOD1 (U400-1) and M002 (MOD-31) output ports to directly control the VCO and TCXO FM modulan'on. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATIO malcrlfll is for use only by the recipient thereofdirectly from Moxon America, Inc. This is the property ofMexon America Inc, and shall not be made available or disclosed without the proper written authorization thereof. Title: Project: SP-150 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION A World 1 Communications File: N:\PROJ\TP128\docs\Theory\THEORY.doc Rev Date: 03/03/98 9:38 AM Software Ver: Page: 4 of 5 ECO No: Revision: 3. RF CIRCUITS 3.1. TRANSMITTER 3.1.1. Buffer The VCO output level of—6 dBm is amplified to +10 dBm (UHF) or +6 dBm (VHF). The buffer includes 041 and 042 for isolation and gain. 3.1.2. PA Module The PA Module is a three stage amplifier 0501 amplifies the TX signal from +10 dBm to 100 mW and 0502 amplifies it further by 7 dB to 0.5 W. Finally, 0503 amplifies it by 10 dB to 5 W and matches it to 50 0 using an LC network, reducing the harmonics to > 30 dBc. 3.1.3. Low-Pass Fllter L101 to L103 and C102 to C108 make up a 3‘" order Elliptic 550-MH2 (UHF) Low-Pass Filter suppressing unwanted harmonics by 2 433 dBc below carrier. 3.1.4. Antenna Switch In transmit, pin diodes D100 and D101 are fowvard biased and enable the RF signal to pass to the antenna. D101 is shorted to ground and inhib|ts the RF signal to the Front End. 3.1.5. Automatic Power Control (AFC) The APC keeps the current constant to the final PA buffer stage (0503) The current into 0503 is sensed across resistor R61. The voltage difference across R61 is amplified through U51A by the ratio of R56 to R60, The U51B Op Amp acts as a lead/lag loop filter comparing the U51A output to the radio’s output power setting from the ASIC DA2 port (U400-10). The U52 0p Amp mimics a VCO as an integrator and the U53 Op Amp is a voltage follower which generates the supply current to the 2’“ stage amplifier in the PA (0502). 3.2. PLL SYNTHESIZER 3.2.1. 14.95-MHz TCXO The UHF 14.95—MHz Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator (TCX01) provides the reference .. to die PLL, has a frequency stability of11.5 ppm, and a frequency adjust of $12.5 ppm. 3.2.2. PLL Ic Dual-Modulus Pro-Scalar The MC145190 divides the 14.95—MHZ TCXO input frequency at pm U1-20 down to 5 or 625 kHz by the reference counter R at the Phase-Frequency Detector fREF input. The VCO output, fvco, enters U1-11 and is divided by 64, A, and N until the feedback frequency. from entering the Phase- Frequency Detector equals 5 or 625 kHz. if f“,BK is leading fag, then current-sinking pulses are output on PDour (U1-6) to the passive low-pass filter «212,13, R9,10) to lower the frequency ofthe VCO. lf in,BK is lagging fa“. then current-sourcing pulses are output on PDQ”r to increase the frequency of the VCO. The LPF settling time (when the VCO frequency is within 1 kHz of the RF frequency) is 510 ms. This reduces the residual side-band noise for the best signal-to-noise ratio. To obtain the TX or Rx VCO frequency, the A, N, and R counters are programmed into the PLL by serial data from the microprocessor. Output port U1-1 (050) is used to generate the ASIC clock by flue/4 = 14.95 MHz/4 = 3.7375 MHz. Output port U1-16 (OUTA) is used as an APC TX enable pin. 3.2.3. DC to DC Converter The MAX860 (UQOO) is a switched-capacitor voltage converter that converts +5 V at U900-3 up to +10 V at U900-8 QQDO and R903 are configured as an emitter follower to generate a stable +9 V at the VPD input of the PLL (U1»5) to power the internal phase-frequency detectors. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION This is the property ofMaxon America Inc. and shall not be made a FCC ID: F3JSPl50U2 APPENDIX 9 TRANSIENT FREQUENCY BEHAVIOR (90.214) TEST PROCEDURE TWO (2) PAGES FOLLOW THIS SHEET TRANSIENT FREQUENCY BEHAVIOR TEST PROCEDURE FCC ID: FJJSDISOUZ APPENDIX 9 90.214 REQUIREMENTS: limits 6.25 kHz channels: In the 450 - 500 MHz frequency band, sient frequencies must be within the maximum frequency difference during the time interval indicated below for 25, tran- 12.5 12.5 kHz: Time Maximum Mobile Radios Interval Frequency 450 — 500 MHz £12 . 5 kHz 1:6 . 25 kHz t3 $12.5 kHz 10.0 ms 25.0 kHz Time Maximum Mobile Radios Interval Frequency 450 — 500 MHz 125.0 kHz 10.0 ms $12.5 kHz 25.0 ms 125.0 kHz 10.0 ms TEST EROCEQQBE: TIA/BIA T5603, PARA. 2.219, the levels were set as follows: 1. Using the variable'attenuator, the transmitter level was set to 40 dB below the test receivers maximum input level, then the transmitter was turned off. 2. With the transmitter off, the signal generator was set 20 dB below the level of the transmitter in the above step (this level was maintained with the signal generator ,throughout the test). 3. Attenuation between the transmitter and the RF detector was reduced by 30 dB. 4. The transient frequency behavior was observed and record— Ed using a TEK TDSBGO DSO. Para. 2.995(a)(b)(d) Fre u 0 st ' 't 90.214 Transient Frequency Behavior (continued) Dummy Microphone Transmitter Under Test RF signal Generator Dummy Load & Variable Attenuator RF Detector Plotter Directional Coupler Trig Vert Test Receiver Storage Oscilloscope
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