Midland Radio SP200U1 Non-Broadcast Transmitter User Manual User Instructions
Midland Radio Corporation Non-Broadcast Transmitter User Instructions
User Instructions
513-200, I Synthesizedficanning Radio Operating Instructions ‘ About Your SP-200 Radio an's sP-zoo, ndlo mmmlweml operation with , ~ superior perfumes and relinbilizy, Operation m6 functions for ngmr‘s SP-200 radius ll'e ilescfibed In this manual. We me you no mommy ma run mun! before operating 1h: radio, Agplicnfion (whom ohm functions described in this nmnual is dewrmined by the syslzm you use. Your Mnxern Dealer will pivgxam your radio so film you lave magnum: number offunctlons possible relative to your mods. A ‘ Shmlrlywhwequstlms “mu-gun upemdonofllle radio. pleas ; / consult your Wan Dealeri About Mxxon Amer-inn, Inc. Maxon America, Incl desiwnsund mar-“mm pmfurlpnfl FM two-way radio equipmmnm serve awide variety ofemnmuuiudnn Mada Mnxon products equipment for m: Lmd Mnbile Radio and Specllliud Mobile Radio mum (basins, industrial, government ml public safrty). Table of Contents Safity lnformafiom.... SP-200 Upuation. Power On-Volurne Priority Channel Scam. Other Scanning Fmr Back... ; Look Scan Channel Delct CfCSS/DCS Seanning" , Receive Only Scan. Licensing and Service lnfonnanon Recycling/Disposal ofBatteria Software Copyrights... « Moinwnancan. Warranty Sumement Safety Information The Federal Commic'afions-Commiuion (FCC), with its action in Gznwal Dock“ 79-144, March I3, l985, ha adopted asaficly sundnrd inhuman exposure to mm: Frequency (RF) electromagnetir enera emitted by FCC “gill-ted equipment. Moron mum-1mm die Sm safety MM for m useofin prodm Proprr aperlllon ofthis ndln will result in uscrexposum far below the Occupational Safety and Henlih Am 1nd Federal Communications Commission limits, WARNING - D0 NUT hold the radio in such amnertluttlw amen-n Is naxi to, or wunhlnpexposed puns oflhe ‘ body, especiily tbs {we or wean/Idle transmitfing. wmnvs - no nor mow children to operate mniner - equipped, radio equlpmcm. CAUTION - DO NOT owmihe radio mmhielded electrical ‘ Mating caps or in ln explosive atmosphere unless it , ls Hype especially designed and qualifizd forsudl use. CAUTION - DO NOT mess and hold the innsmlt swiwh (P-T-T) when i nor unfurlw wishing Io iratm'niL NOTE: This radio opera!“ in FCC regnllud frequency ~ bands. All radios must be licensed by the FCC odor: use. Because this radio annulus n transmitter, Federal ' t hw prohibit! unnutlioriud use or mijusnnents oftils ndlo. » Unpacking Information Ron-ave Ind carefully inspect the confirm of your pwhgfis) Senna following irons: Min EMF-ck Antenna Sprlnx Belt Clip c 1“ cfimfi n: ,,,, lfmy interns we missing, mess: eonmyourbcuerorMaxon. ' sr-zoo Features ~ Widzbundfiequzncy sap-ration ' I or 5 w pmgramnnble output power Programohlc 125/15 kHz channel syncing ' Chantal sun ~ Priority diam-cl scan [Mk back channel ' CI‘CSSIDCS tonesignnling - Busy elm-ml lqckou! fime—ouxfimer m.‘ Description of Radio Components 1) Antenn- Rgupude z) nun-{cl Selmr Rumpus 3) OnIOl‘I- Volume Control 4) Busy/HURT Indicator 5) hungry Luci. ‘ é) Push-Tail"; (rm 7) Moullor Emmi 8) Option Dawn 9) Speaker 10) Microphone ll) Accessory Connecmr . 12) Mt Cllp 13) Emery 14) Battery Chill: Cont-m 15) LCD Antenna Inmllation PM me manna the “din by'tumlng the attem- tlockwise into the tempucle on tn]: nllhe radio. Installing and Removing the Battery Pack Tn lnsull: ' Position the whim oftha battery in line wlth the radio buttery guide nils Ind slide thelntlery into poslfinn unlil I click is llefltd. To Remove: Holding ml» in one hand. push and hold battery 1m. human located In the upper right hand comer oftlu: blflfl'y pm . nun nr if locking at me but white min and radio firmly urn slid: battery In downward direction while pushing the battery latch nnnnn. Attaching and Removing the Belt Clip To lush": mull belt clip onto the beltdlpr holder located on fl|e Ilprpet le'R lmnd comer nfthe radio, held 8 meeting lithe back of the unit. Loam slotloeuicn ln belt clip and push bell. clip until nclick is heard, ~ , To Remove: Push lad hold Nlease bum» located at my nfbelt cllp Ind slid: clip ofl'the belt clip holder, Battery Charging and Care Tnernmpefiprrfnnnunufinmyomruio,mwwypnckmw , be flatly amennvpercue Ind charging wm nuowmnxirmrnr perfomnee mdliieofyomhlflefypuk m uplionll ACE-400 Desklnrp Charge: Wldu L5 hours charging an: normal ‘slow' purging to one radio anti pm batteryr See mmpmying insmwtlnns imlnnnn with this drum for male inhalation, ‘ To receive maximum perfomunce fivm your mile and ham pack periodically completely discharge and recharge the balmy pack. sp-zoo Operations Power On-Vulnme Turn the Min on by rotating the onIoE-volume control clockwise until you hear a click and the jelf test "alert" lonel Channel Select ' 1 The snot) is capable oinp to 199 pmgnmmed channels .To ehange channels press and release the A orv keys to change channels A pres; and hold will scroll through your programmed channels. Channel numbels will appear in the LCD loerretl Map of unit. Trnnnnlt CAUTION ~ OPERATION OF THE TRANSMITTER WITHOUT A PROPER ANTENNA msTAI-LE'D MAY RESULT IN PERMANENT DAMAGE TO THE RADIO l) Press the monitor button to monitor the channel for utivityl To avoid interrupting another user, nuke sure the channel is clear before you begin truismiuing. new: Federal Commie-hone Commlssion Rule. and Regulations require that you monitor a channel for aeriviry before mmiliinga norm: The trimlor LED lee-ted on the top panel em help with channel monitoring it will glow amber it‘RF aetiviry is present; or ' . green irihe transmission has n cross or DCS tone that matches | ,» tone programmed formeive in your radio, When this LED is not illuminnted, the radio is lnaiming a -elear- ehrnnel. 2) When the elarnnel is clear, held the radio upright with the antenna vertical and the front mimnltone are. shout 2-3 inches fi'om the mouth. keeping the antenna arwny bum the ripe and eyes. press Ind hold the p-r-r bar on the side ofthe radio. and speak slowly and clearly into the microphone ares NOTE' The LE) will slow red when manning. s llldiclior should be on continuously while the P-T-T bit is being prusetl and the radio is transmitting. Slimlld the red LED be "flu g", the bunny needs to be recharged and mmission will cease, Recharge the battery befilre attempting more dun one transmission. Receive When you have finished transmitting, release the P-T-T bar tn receive. Power Oi! When finished trinsmining, receiving. mnitnring, etc., turn the radio offby rotating the on/otr-volmne ermtml hilly counter-clockwise, In the delent position Status Indicators and Audible Alert Tones Your SP-IOO has asophisticnmd microprmcessnr control whioh provides nseries of audible alert tonesr Upon initial power up, a quick melody indicates that the self-test of the microprocessor nmclions has been completed satisfactorily A series of tones mly be sounded with my oftl'le following conditions: Attempt to transmit on a channel set for receive only thuempr to transmit on a channel that is already in use when hnsy channel lockout has been programmed into the radio . r'rransmlutng time has exceeded time-out timer programmed length . ~ Low battery condition ~Selccting a channel with no programmed frequency ' Indicates a fimctlon that is initially prov-mum“ into the radio by your Maxon Dealer. NOTE: All audlhle tones can be programmed oil‘ for silent operation. Scan Model Scanning is aDu‘ler prognmrnnhle {centre that allows you to monitor a number ofchannela. Yoln' Dealer will help you define a channel ‘scan list” to be programmed into ascan Once that channel location is selected, scan is initialed Normal Channel Sun Once the scan list is programmed you can initiate scan. Simply move the channel selector m to the scan channel position nnddleradlowillstarttoscmflrcwppmlLEDcanbe programmedtollasllgreenaslheradiois scanning. » , lfa conversation is detected on law ofthe chlmlels in the scan list. (M mill) will mp on that channel and you will be able to hear lire conversation. lfpmgmmnwd for normal scan TX you will be able to transmit on that active channel durin; the pro- yawn-able scan delay time. The scan delay time is the amount of time the radio will stay on that channel once activity has ceased (Dealer programmable, 4-7 seconds is typical). The . fldio will resume scanning once the scan delay tilrle has expired. Scanning will continue until the channel ls changed. Priority Channel Sean A single channel may be programmed as the "Priority" channel. ‘nre radio will constantly monitor this channel while scanning and when the radio has stopped on an active channel. If: all is detected on the “Trierity' channel, the radio will automatically move to, and remain on, the "Privrlry‘ channel filr as long as the priority conversation taker placer ‘Priorlty‘ channel activity takes precedence over all other conversations. ‘ NOTE: “Priority“ channel scan and “look back“ require that lb: radio leave the active channel for a Mon of a seoorld (at regular . intervals) to check the priority channel for amessage. Depending upon how the radio is programmed (scan speed, etc.) this may or may not be noticeable as "breaks" on die active channel flor that sense fraction oh sccmd. Other Scanning Features - Molt Back: Ally channeL when not in the scan mode, canbe programmed to 'look back" at the Trinity" channel. This feature is ideal for those who do not need soon as defined above, but want to make sure thatdtey never miss call on the “Priority‘ channel if another channel has been selected. Once a 'Iook back“ dunn=l A has been . selected, the radio will periodically apokparr mite . , "Pnflf'lty' channel, it activity is detected on the 'Priorrty' channel, the radio wall move to that channel thus long as it ml“! active. ~ Sara Channel Delete: To temporarily delete a channel from the scan ' ‘ list. simply pm: the monitor button while scanning and slap on the channel to be deleted. This will remove that channel fronlthr scan list mlfilthechmnelisollarlzedorthcradio'spowerisreaet. Whenpowcrlsrcnoredorthescmlist charmel position is again selected, the original Derlerprogrsrnmed scanlist will be activated. ~ CTCSS/DCS Scanning: The SP-ZOO can be programmed by yourDealerto scan for tone. This will help blocks-unwanted” calls. .. W , a ,. ,, 7 7 7 ,,, 7 7 ~ Normal sm ax: Allows a mission only one! a call is received. . depending on rheprogrmrma sun delay time, Mier the scan resumes, and commission k made, the radio will sound an alarm (two beeps) and will not allow atrannnision. ~ Priority Sean TX: Allows a transmision am a call is received depending on programmed scan delay time. The transmission vn'll he made on the channel that the cell was received. Alter the scan ' mum, in transmission is made, the radio will transmit on the progarnmed priority charlrlel., - Priority Only Tx: Allows a transmission on the priority channel when scanning andnot stopped on an active channel. it can also be programmed to always transmit on the priority channel itscarrning or stopped on an active chumel. ‘ - Receive Only Stan: This allows only reception. lf admission is made at any time, the radio will sound an alarm (two beeps) and will not allow the transmission Licensing and Service Information rec Licensing The Federal Cdrmmmications Commission requires (link the operator of mi! radio be pmperly licensed under Ihe applicable Pm Ind/or Pun; offli: FCC Rules and Regulatinns. Consuli with your Maxim Denler, or, mum! Q}: lieu-es! FCC Field Office for information elm-x obnlning a license. Service Do not umper will! inbeml adjusnnenls Dunlge tn the equipment and/or improper operation may mull. Thm are no use: servioelble items inside the radio. hislemededMyoulenrmynllrndiniotqualifledMlxonDealcrfvrmysewleeorlypails. Recycling/Disposal of Batteries The us. Envimnmenlal humion Agency (EPA) clnssifier used Nicd bnoerins as hmdws mete, nulls: emu. exemprioru apply. l The battery should be ncyclell acne end orlls useful life. Under various state or local 1m swell banerlu must be recycled or disposed of properly and cummbe dumped in hndfllls or incineflwrs. , an America, in. fully ell-10m rnd encourages are recycling ofNi-Cd hurries. A nuional program to colleol Ind recycle used med bnnerios ls being irnplemenoed by me Rechargeable Bum-y Recycling Corporation (RBRC or This prop-am is being funded lhlougll lire use ollleense fees pnid by the bazlery nnd product msnufmeis lo plamme KBRCO Seal on the breeder. The fallawin; is l list officilities where the batteries an be shipped to be recycled. Cwnmrhese flcililits forproper ple‘luging Ind shipping guidellnet. . /' Software Copyrights Tbe Mason products described in this openllng inmelion mud nrny include wpyrigmd M-xon sow moms stored in mi-oondumrmemofiu creme! medln. Llws in Ihe United Sum llld other countries preterve for Maxim certain exclusive rights lbr oopy-rlgbzed sofiwm progrnnls, including lbe exclusive rigbmoopy or reproduoe in any lbrln me oepyrigbmd software program Acourdlngly, me oopyrigbled Maxon sons-mp programs oonuired in lb‘eMnnon products described in mi: operating instrucflml mmmll mm be copied or lepmduoed winwut file express written permission “Manon. Film-emu, il-le purchase ofMamn pludum I nor ' be deemed w grunt eilber direollyor by impliendnn, uwppsl, or odrerwlse, my license undenbe copyrlgnls, pnems or patent npplio-fions nfMlxon, except for norml mn-cxclluive myslry free lioonse wmemuaisesbyopemionorl-win thesnleoflpmduct. Maintenance Your sr-zoo Radio is designed do be mrinlenanee free. To keep your radio in good working ooudiuon: Clem emu wrrnoes wlllu clean cloth dampened in a solution ordlsbwasber detergenz diluoed in water. Apply die solution sparingly lo avoid any rnoisuue leaking inlo cracks Ind orevioer. Do nor submerge me rrdir. Use n non-memllio brush lo dislodge swbbom pm’lcles, irneorssary. Dry me surfnoe dlomuylly will. a roll, ruu (tee elem. Donor u: solvtrm or spiriu for aiming - they my permanently mas: me housing cm.- flu: battery mm: on m back emu q‘diowish a tintficc cloth to remove din, gem, nr other (min material dummay impm good electric-l ennui ' , Limited Warranty an Amriu. inc. C'Muxon“) mu die Maxim Product mmhcuned by it ig-iim dam in mwid and workmanship under nonml us: md service for: period afmo(1)yeflsf70m the Malachi/cry k) the urifinhl end‘ um, pmvided mm user has comalied wlth an mqnimnm mam-sin. This warranty is not assignabl: on msferablz. Minion is not responsible for my ancillary equipnuntwhich is attached oruud in connection wifi: £1:ka men mu havenn obligation lo make mails 01 to cm replaosmem minim! which ml! from mu wear and w or nemsiuud in while or in pan by mmphe,’fmli ur nefligrm ofihe m, improper or mmuhnriud almtions, win to die Produu, use of ' ‘ - ' die mm: in 3 mm: m which it was rm desiwd, or by mm mm to me mum m mmnly i! void mu serial number summer-moved. ' szon’s sole amigaxionmm shall m w leplil ornplnce this Product mm in an above warruvtyr To motive wmmiy ntviee, denim orsend the mum, mmpomiion and imam main, to in plus «rpm along with your minimum. Altamuively, all 1—800—821-1848 in: other locations 0! mfllnrizlfifln to mm mmoduu directly to Mnxon. , THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES CONTAIN“ HEW ARE IN LIEU. OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, Ermmmmssm OR Mull) OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WM OF MERCHANT Axnm OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ronmmonucr wmcn DOES Nor comm WlTBfrHE~ , , , , ,, WARRANTY srzcn-‘mn, 1m: sou: REMEDY WILL BE REPAIR on REPLACEMENT. in NO EVENT WILL ‘ ' MAXON BE man Tom . _ BUYER on ns CUSTOMERS FOR AN! DAMAGES, mcwnmc ANY srnchL mommu. INDIRECT on CONSEQUEN'HAL DAMAGES, on FOR Tm: LOSS or mom, REVENUE on DATA ARISING on or THE USE or on Tm: mum TOUSE 1m: rkonucr. mmmhmhrmflmnmflmufiwm,
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