Midland Radio TK14 User Manual
Midland Radio Corporation Users Manual
Users Manual
CONTENTS IMPORTANT SERVICE INFORMATION tmwrhm Service tntettnatton . 2 FCC Name . . 3 FCC trtortrtatiun 3 FCC Wamtng. 3 FRS Pmduet Desatpttnn . 4 Funclmn and Muslim at Ihe Cunlmts. 5 We set Clip. 5 Battery tnslatlatton . . . 7 Opeteudn . . . .. . . a spectfieatiunsw t , t t , ta FRS cnatmet Tame. , , . , . ts trouute snoon'ng . , . . , 14 Wanamy Servtce Instructions ta Wanunty Statement .. ts Reed this Owners menust hem attempttnu m set uu or use ttus ttetrutnent tt euntetts muonant tntennetsen watdmg sate tnslzlhng end use Keep ints munust turtutute retetence ntsusste ttte eenun eeetnng and ptmtnteutettese tn stmetnyenu aeeetetete sny needed action SAVE THESE INSTRUcTtONs What’s inetudaet with YourTK-M . Two mu Twu—Way Radto wntt Antennas - met-Removable Bell cttps . User‘s Manust FCC NOTICE FRS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ttte FCC tequtres mat you be adutsett vi senatn rsquttentents tnvotutng the use at tnts deuce. Tnts equtptnent has been tested and tuunu to empty wttrt the timtts tut e ctassflotgttnt deutce putsusnttu Pan |5 etntte rec Rutes. tme ttntes are destgned tu ntoutde reasunabte vtotscttcn agatrtst ttatmtut tntenerence tn s residenn'al tnsiaitattun Yhts euutpmeni uses and can generate reute ttequeney energy ti nut tnstatt and used in acedttiame with the tnstniettuns, tt may cause harmtut tmenerenee la tame mmmumcahnrts Huweuer, tnere ts nd gustanlse tnat tne tnheflerenw wttt nut occur tn a vantcutat or ieteutstnn teeepttun twtusn can be determined uytuntng tne edutptnentutt snd ant, tne user ts enmuraged td 901mm tntedersttce by one or more of me tottowtng measures . Reertenturretucate ttte tecetttnu anuenna . Increase ttte sepatettdn between the equipmsnland teeetuer - Cunnect the edutpmentto an outtet en actmuil dttterent trent tttat to which ttta reuetvet ts counseled . Consutt ttte manuiacmmlormhntcd assistance. FCC tNFoRMA‘noN: tnts deuce edmpttes wtlh Part ts at the FCC nutes Upmatten ts subteet In ttte tuttuwtng me commons (it Th sueutee may nut eause nan-ntut ntertetenee and (EM FCC WARNING: nus equlpmem generates of uses euato (requency enetgy Changes or mndtflcaficns not Exptessly appmvm tn writing may cause hamtml tnmflsmnca an votd the user's eutttuntymuperate this equtpment Family Radtu Senttee (FEE; ts the newest genstalmn tn petsnnet tueway mmmunteattuns FRS rsdtus oustate tn a ttcensetree redtu hand (no FCC tieense e needed tar ERS npstafinn), un any cute 14 ltcenseafiee enannets tne TK~14 ts e fightwetghl txlmpefl runway radio tnat can be used up in about two tnttes wittt tanttty ur tttenrts at Fatks. shoppmg matts spomng events, eunneasany tnduur er uutddut acttmty The TK—M ts campaiibie wttn mnet twewey tadtus us'tng ute FRS (mnuency band topetettng tn ttte ttedueney range ttutn A62 5525 MHz to 457 ms MHz) The TK-U ts a tisnannels 36 ctcssi SCAN/ UHF twuwey ramot featunnq a muttt—luncltnnal LCD uanet (which tndicates me cunenl ettantvet and minus radto status‘tmnst Other teatures etsu'tnstude stmron‘tcvntume euntrul and battetysaue ctreuitty. Ptease teed utts users manuat ummuuttty tn get ttte most auto! your TK—ta Mway radio Mute: Tne maximum hartsm‘tsstun range will uery dependtng un tenetn and envtrontnent Range wttt be greater tn open fletas, wntte ttte range ts stmnerutttttn and around ttutldtrtgs er tztge suuctutes FUNCTION AND LOCATION OF THE CONTROLS A Fixed Antenna E. PTT Bminn- speak mm the mwcmphuw when Ms TX mdmatur ngms When yuu fimsh speakmg meme m. c. Moniwrl Back Huh! Bumm- checks mum an the channew, anu perrmfs me rams m mnmturweak sqnab 17.ch Panel- a murmuncimn msmay wmch Inmcam mama and arm radio status/ Tum E, vaer Buuun- Push me power human «um ONIOFF F. can Button- to have on sound on an rams tuned to the charm yeuv vadwo. FUNCTION AND LOCATION OF THE CONTROLS s. Up/Dnvm aumn- usau (madmsfing me'wlume 1m and changing The manna H. MODE/ Lock aumm- auows you In chal‘we channel and m enema CTCSSISCAN 1. Spanker J. Speakerl Mmmphm jack K. Bell Cllp- use m secuve The tank) u: a new w anmhef L. emery Companmem~ houses A AAA as Mary M, MIC THE BELT CLIP To mmave The belt cup, pull Ihe Tab and smé the hell 2pr dawn. To mafiach um behehp‘ 5th u up unm mks We place. BATTERY |N STALLATION 1 Rewease the hanelycovev mm meals on me me mm mm 2. Lin up me banery cover from me balmy wmpanmenl 3. rnsAau10mmWW«Maxinebanenesmoflncmded) mnemg me mm a Reinstau we benery cover 5 Lack me battery mver wench m posmnn ma. Notes: . The mu has hum—m power savermf memum hafiely Me am when (he TK-14 is not being used, wnserve bafiery manner by pressmg me pflwer bunan OFF. . Remove the nenenes nme unmu ml used [or along perm a! me OPERATION LCD Disylay a Funclmnmodeindmlur h 853" mode inmcamr c Speaker-"mam {undmale Swaker ON) a Keysmkemnewmamr e. TaWk Confirmation Tune 1. Main channew mam u. as cross Subchanneb mmcalor n Bamcepmylevew mmcatur |. Prmer Save Mode mmcamr , Lmervmcamr k Vmumemdicswr L RXITde'umr Turmng 0" Your FRS \ Push and now me PWR bufian An audnfle wows" wiH imam me mm is on em then LCD ww through a 2 secunds sew-w and men go «7 uperamcnsl mode, | - _ IL: 38 i = i} n‘ - Operafinnal Mane Turning me radio OFF Push and hold me Werbunm agam OPERATION OPERATION Adjusting the speaker volume . Push me um) uuuun u: Imrease whims. n Push the DOWMVI bulk)" In decrease vain/nee . When adjusting Ihespezkel volume me numhemImn bars wiII be increased or decreased m. lneg Receiver a CALL (RX]- The new is cnnflnuoust In RECEIVING mode when the radro ON wnen you recewe a an an the current channeI you are using the LCD paneI wnl flash the renews symhoI (see 'LCD paneI dispIay' lordetafls) Transmitting s CALL (TX) 1 Push and hDId the FIT bulwn ID IfansmIIThe LCD "shim“ symImI wrn oasn (see man panel display“ ImdelaiIs) 2. me hoIdmg the PTT human speaker m a "£1sz vmcs mm: to 3 inches awayIram me mrcrwnnne 3. ReIease 1M PTT buImn when yuu nave finished uznsmmmq Nola: In umer rm other peopIe In renews your nansmusiun may musI aIsa ue on the same channe‘! yw are cuneme usmg Power Save Mode . Aners secondi m sIandby Mode withoul Rx srgnzr waer Save Mode WIII be ON and Power Sev n flashes ~ Imam is RX signal ma key shake i! Fewer Save Made. PuwerSave Mode nu ue remvved and the radio wm reIum m Dueramnal mode MOHIIDI I Back-hghling Bunch: You can use the MONITOR feature ID listen In [or weak swgnals um um cunsnl channel. - Press and Ham the MONITOR hunnn hr at man one second (Dr nnrmaI mnnnunng. . Press me momma uuuun quifikIy m back-Immune LCD Dlsplay. ‘ Emery Level/Low Emery Indmalmfl - rne LCD paneI drsprays me nanery puwerleveI amnrdlng 10 me numbeeruams nsme me uanery symbol. - wnen the battery Ieuel ls Iow‘ me hauery mu wiH flash m rnmeaxe mm are banenes need (a be repreeed. StndIng CiII Tone You can use can Iona m aIerl me mner user at m Mammy yourseu. You can also use Can Tones m slgnaI me begmnlng (5th5 and GI aIvemm’ssifln. . Press and Hold me CaII human. 1 a ReIease I've CALI. DIIIIfln Yam CaII Tone wlII Iransmfl FUNCTION MODE 1, Eden Mhin channel 11-14) a. Push and release me MODE mman Mam enannel numbers wiII nasn b SeIecl main channeI by pushing and rsisasmg v crA bununs, 0 Men desireu mam uharmeI rs msmayad push and release PW uunon a us allerssecnnds no sexeeu’m is made, (he mlwnl save the Iast changed channel and remm m operanenal made e Tovemm k; opevzlimal mus unu nm save yum laslseiung, Just pusn and Mass caII Men 10 OPERATION OPERATION 2. Select 01055 Sun channel {OVER} a Push am release lhe MODE bunch Mile b. Sebcl CTCSS submannel by yushing and leleaalllg v w A bullons l: when fleshed code ls disvlayed push and lelease PTT hullm u ll after 5 seconds ha selecllnn is made me llllllwlll save the lasl changed subchalll’lel and leluln tn opelamnal mods. e. To lelulll lo Uperallurlal made and ml save your last semng, lusl push and release call when 1 Talk canhlmallen lane (UN/OFF) Your Ilslerl will hear an zudlble tulle when YOU release We PTT hullun Thlsalens lhe mhel nanylhal ynll ale llrllshed lalklng and il‘sO K, lnrlhem la being lalhng 5 Push and leleaselhe MODE bunch mlum Roger Beep Tone lCDVl flashes l r ) b Push ahu release me uu/dwwrl hlman la luln Roger Beep Tune ON/OFF c. Push and release lhe PTT bullun la save yourselecllon ahu lhen radlu wlll leluln Wapelalional nlnae. d Push and release lhe CALL buflml lo cancel your ssleellon and men lama lo opelauunal nlaue e seep Tone hm IUFF) You wlll heal an allele lone when any hullun s pushed (exeapan uuunnl. You can mm an arch by, a Push am Release Up/Duwrl hlman unlil seep Tone lcnh llashes (BEEP) b Push and Release Uplflowrl bulmn lo lum beep Tone ONIDFF c Push and Release lhe PTT [71mm lo save ymlr selecllon and men the ladle Wlll lelum la operalwmal made. ll u. Push and Release me call hulmn to cancel your sslecllah and lhen me laulo wlll lelnlh la apelallunm lhuue. 5. SCAN mln channel a Push and Release lhe lunclwll hunch unlll scan lean and N lllaln channel hash a. Push and Release ualnom lnlllun aha then lhe mom will uelng seennlnn me main channel , The ladln Wlll oohl'lllue ll) scan all main channels and slap, ll an lncomlng llansnlsslan ‘ls deleched. c Push and bold PW button am lheh lalk. a. Push FTT oleall butlunlo slap seamln‘g 6. sun crcss Subchznnelt a. Push and Release lhe luneu‘on numn unlll scan Subchamlel hashes h Push anu Release Up/ann lumen and lhen, The lama wlll uelng Scanhll’lg lha Subchahnel The radila will conllnue la scan all crass Suuehannels and sum, ll an lnwmlhg llansln'sslon ls delecled. e Push and Hold PTT buhun and lhell Talk e Push Prl or Call lumen to slap scannl‘rig 12 ECIFICATIONS TROUBLE SHOOTING SYMPTOM scLulloN Channels Avallahle 14 Channels / all CTCSS l . Check hafieT-ig em mm m Oulpm Power (TX) 0 5w (FCC Maxlmum) l ‘_ a haflenes are mslalled plupelly. Ham, We 3“ HM; (lymcall ‘ Dmnm m”, a" - The ball/arms maybe mall Replace all f 1 bananas wllh law (4) llew'AAA' alkallns Rang mm: Mlles ”mm - Push Ihe up MIMI! m inclease vulumel FRS CHANNEL TABLE Recipllonls . Tre mam? sfgal "$532 and wl Channel Numher Frequency (MHZ) "93 ' ”Mgfiffim blimp” "’ i is; 2:3: - To change channels..vush am hold We ’ MODE hulmrl snonly fllsl mm m 3 152.6125 gigmgam Channel dlgll flashes on 1119 LCD panel 4 452 5375 ' Push m U? ur DOWN humans In Change channels 5 4525525 - Banenes may be weak. Replace wiLh 5 “52-9375 new banariss m Ihe namely level hdlcamr l 7 452 7125 ls low. 5 457 5525 Range ls Ilmfied. - We maxlmum range will valy dEfiDE‘gdmg on lafim and ellvlmnmenl Open 9 s g 467 5875 ‘ pmvlde me maxlmum mugs, whlle buildmg W “57 5125 ‘ and wher slmclllres may 1i|ll| me range ,” 467 5375 ‘ slgnmcznlly |Z 457 5625 - ll you ltarlsmlmn ,sveak m a normal lone , l 9 13 457 am mm “mm triflfii’ufemm awayllcm Ihe M 457'7'25 ”we“ . llyau are mmivlflgl kzwel 0»; volume mm! W acumlonable level ‘3 ‘ 14
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