Midmark RTLS Solutions VER1780 IR/RF Personnal Alert Badge User Manual Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

Versus Technology, Inc. IR/RF Personnal Alert Badge Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

Exhibit D Users Manual per 2 1033 b3

Versus Information SystemsHardware and WiringInstallation GuideVERSUS TECHNOLOGY, INC.2600 MILLER CREEK ROADTRAVERSE CITY, MI 49684(231) 946-5868www.versustech.com
iCopyright 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1998, and 2000 Versus Technology, Inc., all rights reserved.This document contains user’s information on technology that is proprietary to Versus Technology, Inc.Permitted transmittal, receipt, or possession of this document does not express license or imply anyrights to use, sell, design, or manufacture this information. No reproduction, publication or disclosure ofthis information, in whole or in part, shall be made without prior written authorization from an officer ofVersus Technology, Inc.WARNING! This product is not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use in any lifesupport or other application where product failure could cause or contribute to personal injury,death, or severe property damage. This product or its systems are covered by one or more of thefollowing U.S. Patents: 4,906,853; 5,017,794; 5,027,314; 5,119,104; 5,276,496; 5,355,222;5,387,993; 5,548,637; 5,572,195, 6,104,295.FCC STATEMENT:  Components complying with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject tothe following two conditions: 1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) this device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Modifying or tampering with the transceiver’s or receiver’s internal components can cause amalfunction, invalidate the warranty, and will void your FCC authorization to use these products.Revision date: 5/4/01
iiiContents1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................11.1 Purpose of This Guide......................................................................................................................11.2 Computer System Requirements......................................................................................................11.3 Terms and Definitions.......................................................................................................................11.4 Parts List...........................................................................................................................................22. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .........................................................................................................................32.1 Infrared (IR) Tracking........................................................................................................................32.2 Radio Frequency (RF) Signals..........................................................................................................32.3 System Hardware Components ........................................................................................................43. PLANNING THE INSTALLATION............................................................................................................73.1 Collector and Concentrator Location Planning .................................................................................83.2 Sensor Location Planning.................................................................................................................83.3 Use of Unauthorized Components..................................................................................................123.4 List of Materials...............................................................................................................................123.5 List of Tools ....................................................................................................................................123.6 Safety and Code Considerations ....................................................................................................134. SYSTEM HARDWARE INSTALLATION ...............................................................................................154.1 Cable Installation.............................................................................................................................154.2 Sensor Installation...........................................................................................................................154.3 Punch-down Block and Collector Installation..................................................................................164.4 Connecting Sensors to Collectors...................................................................................................174.5 Communication Room Check .........................................................................................................194.6 Testing RF Sensors........................................................................................................................244.7 Perimeter Activation Sentinel (PAS) Unit Installation......................................................................255. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE...............................................................................................................255.1 Badge Battery Replacement ...........................................................................................................266. INSTALLATION FORMS........................................................................................................................30
Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide       11. Introduction1.1  Purpose of This GuideThis document is intended to provide the information required to install the hardware and wiringcomponents of a VIS system. Read this entire document before proceeding with the installation. Ageneral understanding of wiring and telephone installation techniques is assumed.1.2  Computer System RequirementsThe software runs in the Microsoft Windows 95, 98 or Windows NT environment and requires acomputer system with reasonable capacity and speed. The minimum computer system requirementsare:Microsoft Windows 95 or laterPentium 500 MHz or better128 MB RAM2GB hard driveEthernet Card1.3  Terms and DefinitionsThe following terms will be used throughout this hardware installation guide, to refer to systemcomponents and modes of operation.Bridging Clip - A small metal clip used in a punch-down block to short the left-hand columns to theright hand columns of punch-down terminals.Coaxial Cable - This type of cable is a special form of shielded wire in which there is a single innerconductor held at a fixed distance from an outer braid or foil shield in a precise manner. Control of thespacing and makeup of the cable dielectric allow it to handle very high frequencies in a predictablefashion.Collector - This device gathers the tracking data from as many as 24 sensors, processes it as required,and sends it via the 2-pair collecting network to the concentrator. Each system must contain at leastone collector, and many systems will contain more than one.Concentrator - This device provides an interface between the 2-pair network that connects collectorstogether (the "Collector Network") and the computer system. It assembles the data from the variouscollectors and bundles it for delivery to the host computer. Each system must contain at least oneconcentrator, and many systems will contain only one.Impe dance - This is a measure of a characteristic of wire that is very important when digital datasignals are to be sent over the wires at high speeds. All wires have impedance determined by theirmakeup and twisting called the "characteristic impedance" of the wire. Most solid twisted pair wire isabout 100 ohms impedance, and the coaxial cables used are 50, 75, or 93 ohms.Sensor - A sensor is a device that gathers infrared light energy and converts it to an electrical signal,which is then sent over a single pair of wires to a collector.Sensor Connection - A sensor connection is a single pair cable that connects a sensor to a collectorport. All of the sensor connections in a system may be referred to as the "Sensory Network".
2 Versus Technology, Inc.Plenum - This term refers to any area that serves as a duct or passage for breathable air. Many officebuildings use the space above the suspended ceiling as a return air "plenum" for the heating and airconditioning systems. Most laws require that any cables, which run in an air plenum, be made ofmaterials which will not burn, or which will not release toxic gases when burned.Punch-down Block - This device is used to connect sensor wires to the collector in an organizedfashion. A special tool is used to "punch" the wire onto the punch-down block terminals, which causesthe terminals to penetrate the wire insulation and cut off excess wire in one easy step. Punch-downBlocks are the preferred method of connection for solid wire in telephone systems.RJ - Acronym for Registered Jack - The system uses some modular style connectors that are identifiedby their 'RJ' designations. RJ-11 is a generic term, which is often used to refer to a six-position jack,though it specifically refers to a single pair connection in a six-position shell. RJ-12 refers to a two pairconnection in a six pair shell, and RJ-25 refers to a three pair connection in a six pair shell.Shielded Wire - This type of wire is wrapped in a braided or foil shield that protects it from electricalinterference. Use of shielded wire may be the only solution in a very high noise environment. (SeeWiring Considerations.)STP - Acronym for Shielded Twisted Pair - This is wiring usually used in audio system installationswhere electrical interference is a prime concern. (See Shielded Wire.)Twisted Pair - The wire used to interconnect sensors, collectors, and interfaces is twisted into pairs tomake the wire characteristics more uniform and to cancel out many types of interference to which thewires might be subjected. (See UTP.)USOC - Acronym for Universal Service Ordering Codes - The connectors and wiring adhere to theUSOC wiring practices standard wherever possible.UTP - Acronym for Unshielded Twisted Pair - This is the typical solid, paired wire used in phonesystem installations. It has no outer shield layer. (See Twisted Pair.)1.4 Parts ListPart Number DescriptionVER-1830 Asset Tag IR/RFVER-1700 Locator BadgeVER-1780 Personnel Alert BadgeVER-2402 CollectorVER-2015 ConcentratorVER-4422 IR SensorVER-4450 RF Sensor
                                                                             Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 32. System DescriptionThe Versus Information System is a reliable, flexible platform for locating personnel and equipment.The system badges, worn by staff or attached to assets, emit signals that contain information about thebadge. The information is sent through the sensory network to a host computer that retrieves theinformation and translates the data into names of rooms, personnel, and equipment. Workstationsthroughout the facility can access the location data with various client software programs, whichdisplay current locations of personnel and equipment, display alarms on the monitor, send pagermessages, and store for later use in reports and archiving.System Structure2.1 Infrared (IR) TrackingThe use of IR signals for tracking has distinct advantages, since it allows accurate locating usingsignals that will not penetrate walls or floors. A system of strategically placed sensors receives IRsignals as badges move between rooms of a building.2.2   Radio Frequency (RF) SignalsIn addition to the IR signal, a low-power RF signal is incorporated into some badges. RF signalspenetrate walls and ceilings, which allows the RF signal to act as a backup if the IR signal is blocked.If the IR signal is blocked, and an RF sensor senses the RF signal, the last known location of the badgeis shown. In addition, RF badges and sensors can be used for security purposes in locations wheretracking assets is important.
4 Versus Technology, Inc.2.3  System Hardware ComponentsThe Versus Information System is made up of a network of badges, sensors, collectors andconcentrators.2.3.1 BadgesBadges are worn by personnel or attached to equipment. Badges send IR or RF signals to the sensorsinstalled in each room. This signal contains encoded digital information that is used to identify andobtain the status of the badge. Motion, timing, battery state, and auxiliary information are all includedin the signal.All Versus badges that include IR technology have a unique feature that serves to extend battery life.They contain a motion-sensing device that causes the badge to transmit most frequently when inmotion and gradually reduce this frequency when there is no motion.There are several types of badges. Badges can include infrared (IR), radio frequency (RF), or IR andRF technology, depending on the needs of the facility. Some badges also include a button for intercomcommunication and alarm notification. The host computer handles alert conditions on equipment.Consult the badge specification sheets for more information on battery and component functions. IR BadgesBecause IR badges use near-visible light to communicate with the sensors, the signal can be hiddenfrom the sensors by clothing or obstacles. It is important to be aware that IR badges should not becovered or hidden from view.The Locator BadgeThe Locator Badge sends infrared signals from two emitters located at thetop left and right corners of the badge case. The signals are directedupward and somewhat forward at a wide angle to be received by thesensors. Better performance occurs by keeping the badge in an uprightposition. IR/RF BadgesIn addition to sending IR signals, IR/RF badges send radio frequency signals that are received by RFsensors.RF signals are used for supervisory capacity, in the case where IR signals are hidden from view, andfor sending alarm or call signals triggered by pressing a button on badges that include buttons..IR/RF Personnel Alert BadgeThe Personnel Alert Badge is incorporated with IR and RFtechnology. It is also equipped with a call button that, when pressed,notifies the system to activate a customizable preprogrammedresponse.
                                                                             Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 5IR/RF Asset TagThe Asset Tag contains IR and RF technology. It is used to identifythe current location of portable assets.2.3.2 SensorsSensors receive signals from badges, convert the signals into electrical signals, and pass the data alongto collectors. Sensors are usually mounted in the ceiling tiles of a facility. There are two types ofsensors, infrared (IR), and radio frequency (RF).  Infrared (IR) Sensor• Receives IR signals from badges.• Converts IR signals into electrical signals.• Sends electrical signals to system via a single unshieldedtwisted pair wire.• 360-degree horizontal coverage.• 180-degree hemispherical vertical coverage.• 15’ radius sensitivity.  Radio Frequency (RF) Sensor• Receives RF signals from badges with RF technology.• Operates at 433.92 MHz receive frequency.• Converts RF signals into electrical signals.• Sends electrical signals to system via a single unshieldedtwisted pair wire.• 50’ radius sensitivity.2.3.3 CollectorAfter sensors receive signals from badges and convert them toelectrical signals, the data is passed to a Collector. Up to 24 sensorscan be connected to one Collector, although we recommend nomore than 20-22 at initial installation to allow for future expansion,possibly without having to add additional Collectors. The Collectoraccepts the inputs from the sensors and assembles the inputs intolarger, network-ready packets. The packets are then relayed to theconcentrators.A punch-down connector block is included with the Collector. The connector block plugs directly intothe 50-pin connector on the side of the Collector. Collectors connect from one to the another in a daisychain configuration. The 24V power supply for the Collector is also included, as well as mountingsupplies.2.3.4 ConcentratorConcentrators receive all data passed through collectors, format thedata, and send it to a computer as a data packet. Up to four collectorscan be connected to one concentrator. Up to 24 Concentrators can beconnected to one Badge Server.
6 Versus Technology, Inc. Badge TesterBadge Testers are available from Versus Technology. A Badge Tester tests the battery and auxiliaryinformation from the badge. It will indicate whether the badge is good or if the battery needs to bereplaced. The instructions for using the Badge Tester are as follows:1. Turn the Badge Tester on.2. Place the front of the badge you are testing a half inch or closer in front of the test window on theBadge Tester.3. The badge condition will be indicated as follows:• If the badge is good, the tester will beep once, and the green light will illuminate.• If the battery is low and needs replacing, the tester will beep twice, and the red lightwill illuminate.
                                                                             Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 73.  Planning the InstallationPlanning the system design is crucial to the success of the installation. Thorough planning will makethe installation go smoother, and there will be less likelihood of mistakes or oversights. When planningan installation, certain rules and limitations must be observed. The equipment has been designed toprovide trouble free operation in various environments, and adherence to the guidelines is critical for areliable installation. The following sections will detail items that must be included in a system plan toensure a successful installation.The Installation Checklist, located in section 6, is intended to be a record of the installation steps.Before starting the installation, fill in the checklist by referring to the contractual floor plan schematicfor the quantities and numbers of zones and other components for the specific installation. The Punch-down Block Organization List in section 6 will also be used during the planning stages of theinstallation.General System Hardware Configuration
8 Versus Technology, Inc.3.1  Collector and Concentrator Location PlanningWhen planning an installation, it is important to locate a proper place for the concentrators andcollectors. Collectors should be mounted in telephone or service areas that are near the sensorynetworks they service. The sensor wires will run from the collectors to the various sensor locationsthroughout the facility. The concentrator(s) should be mounted in a location central to the collector(s)to minimize the length of collector network runs. In smaller installations, collectors and concentratorsmay all be located in the same place in a telephone or utility closet. The location selected should haveeasy access for servicing, but be secure against tampering by unauthorized personnel. Make sure thelocations selected are free from extremes of heat, cold, and moisture, as with any electronic equipment.Caution: Collectors may be affected by high watt radio or paging antennas. Do not place acollector in close proximity to one of these antennas.3.1.1  Collector Network Length LimitationsThere must be no more than four collectors on any one concentrator as shown in the RS-485 loopdisplay below. Collectors should not be placed more than 1000 feet apart. The total length of thecollector network (from the Concentrator to the last Collector in the chain) must not be more than 3000feet. 3.2    Sensor Location PlanningOne of the most important steps in an installation involves planning the sensor locations. A completeunderstanding of sensors and badges is very helpful in designing an effective system. There are severalthings to consider when planning the sensor locations.IR Sensor        RF Sensor
                                                                             Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 93.2.1  Sensor Connection Length LimitationsThe sensor wire runs can be up to 1000 feet in length from the Collector to the sensor. If theenvironment is known to be electrically "noisy,” consider shorter line lengths for stronger signals andimmunity to interference.3.2.2  Infrared (IR) Sensor Location Planning3.2.2.1  IR Sensor "field-of-view"If an IR sensor is placed in a room with obstacles and reflections eliminated, the field of view of thesensor appears in the shape of six overlapping lobes forming a 15-foot radius.Top view of sensors in a hallwayAn IR sensor “sees” the environment under it in a largely predictable pattern. However, there arefactors that can affect this field of view. The sensor is like an eye, which is sensitive only to a narrowspectrum of light, and the ID badge appears as a bright splash in an otherwise dark world to the sensor.Even if the badge is blocked from the view of a sensor, it can often be detected. The infrared light froma badge does not penetrate solid objects or bend around corners, but it does reflect off surfaces. Thiscan sometimes be mistaken for “seeing around corners”. The effect of reflection can be used toadvantage by the system designer, but can also pose problems for the unwary. Sensors have a givenfield of view when obstacles are not present, but the field of view of an installed sensor will vary dueto room configurations.A sensor may have a field of view that extends out of the designated area through a doorway orpassage. This can cause badges to be detected incorrectly and reported to be in the room when onlypassing by. Place sensors near the middle of rooms, but offset from doors or entryways to prevent falsedetection. The position of a sensor can limit its view by placing it in a location where existingobstacles will block the unwanted sensor view.Due to the line-of-sight nature of the infrared light created by the ID badges, it is also possible to applymasking to the sensor to limit or control the field of view by opening the sensor case and placingelectrical tape over the receiver “eye” whose field of view needs to be blocked. However, properplacement is always the preferred method for controlling, rather than eliminating, sensor field of view.  Effective coverage of roomsA single sensor placed near the middle of the ceiling can usually effectively cover an office or meetingroom. Offices or rooms as large as 30 feet square are generally covered by a single sensor. The sensorshould be located so that it has the best possible view of the room. If the room is very large or has acomplex shape and no single sensor position will provide adequate coverage, multiple sensors will beneeded.
10 Versus Technology, Inc. Overlapping SensorsSensor overlap occurs when two (or more) sensors are placed so that their fields of view overlap.  Thiswill cause some indecision in the system if both sensors see a badge at the same time. The softwarewill not change the location of a badge when it is in an overlap area unless the option to send duplicatehits is selected in the Badge Server software. If the option is selected, a badge may appear to bounceback and forth as long as it is in an overlap condition. This increases the traffic on the system and it isnot recommended that the option be selected. Sunlight interferenceIf the room has windows that allow a large amount of sunlight to enter the room, place the sensor in aposition where the sunlight does not reflect directly into it from objects in the room. Sunlight candecrease sensor range and field of view if allowed to enter the sensor. Window tint films that blockinfrared (heat) energy greatly reduce this effect.3.2.3  RF Sensor Location PlanningPlanning the location of RF sensors depends upon the facility. In most cases, for complete coverage,they can be placed approximately 100’ apart, because they have a sensitivity range radius of 50’.However, because concrete and steel structures absorb the RF signal, and other materials affect thestrength of RF signals, testing is necessary to determine the best placement of RF sensors. In multi-floor facilities, it is desirable to stagger locations, i.e. do not place the one on the third floor directlyabove the one on the second floor, for better coverage.3.2.4  Mapping the Sensor Locations on the Floor PlanThe sensor locations should be mapped out on a floor plan diagram of the facility. These are thelocations where the sensor cable will be run. We suggest using a numbering scheme such as C1-1, C1-2, C1-3, C2-1, C2-2, C2-3 etc., where “C1” represents Collector 1 and “C2” represents Collector 2. Upto 24 sensors can be connected to one collector, although we recommend 20-22 to allow for futureexpansion. The wires should be labeled at both ends with these numbers, as well.The facility should provide you with the names of the rooms. The room names will be used forconfiguring software. Once the sensors have been mapped with identification numbers, and the facilityhas provided a list of names of the rooms, complete the Punch-down Block Organization Chart withthe number and the room name. You can also add the receiver numbers, which will be used forconfiguring the software. Number the receivers with incrementing numbers (1, 2, 3…). If there is morethan one sensor in a particular area, they will have the same receiver number. See the example chartbelow.
                                                                             Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 11Punch-down Block Wire Organization ListCollector #:   3265458142       Collector alias __C1_________There is a copy of this chart in section 6 that can be printed out for use. There will be one chart foreach collector on the system. The chart for the next collector would have receiver numbers startingwith the next incremental number from where this one left off. This chart will assist you with labelingthe cable wires appropriately.Punch-downblockpair Cable ID WireColor Zone description (roomname) Receiver # Relay # Verified1C1-1 John’s Office 12C1-2 Bob’s Office 23C1-3 Patient Room 120 3 0,1,2,34C1-4 Patient Room 122 4 4,5,6,75C1-5 Conference Room 56C1-6 Conference Room 57C1-7 Patient Room 121 6 8,9,10,118C1-8 Patient Room 123 7 12,13,14,159C1-910 C1-1011 C1-1112 C1-1213 C1-1314 C1-1415 C1-1516 C1-1617 C1-1718 C1-1819 C1-1920 C1-2021 C1-2122 C1-2223 C1-2324 C1 24Building: ___Main Facility_______Floor: __1st______________Room #: ___Comm. Room 1_____If there ismore than 1sensor in aroom or area,you can givethem thesame receivernumber.
12 Versus Technology, Inc.3.3    Use of Unauthorized ComponentsThe VIS system integrates hardware and software to create a safe, reliable and efficient system. Use ofcomponents or connection to equipment not approved by the manufacturer is NOT recommended andwill invalidate any and all warranties.Approved third-party components include wire and connectors, terminal blocks, and otherinterconnection means only. Questions regarding the use of third-party equipment or componentsshould be directed to your dealer for clarification before being connected to your system.3.4    List of MaterialsInstallation activities require a minimum amount of materials, some of which may be purchased by theinstaller independent of Versus. For materials supplied by Versus, refer to the packing list and confirmthat all listed hardware and wire can be identified. For installer-purchased material, insure that theremaining materials are available for the installation shown by the floor plan schematic diagram.3.5 List of ToolsSome installation activities require special tools. Following is a list of recommended tools.ToolCable stripperCordless DrillDiagonal ClippersDigital Multi-MeterElectric Screw DriverEthernet SuppliesFishtapeHole Saw 2 3/8” Drill AttachmentLevelMounting ScrewsNut DriversPaper/PensPunch-down Block Tool-Type 66 or Bix,RJ-45 TestersRJ Connector Terminator Tool KitScissorsScrewdriver AssortmentSplice Crimp ToolSmall HammerElectrical TapeTape MeasureTwist TiesUtility KnifeUY ConnectorsVise grip PliersWalkie Talkies (helpful for testing sensors)Weidmeuller Patch Check Plus
                                                                             Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 13Wire Strippers3.6  Safety and Code ConsiderationsSafety procedures and adherence to local building codes are the responsibility of the system installer.Versus products have been designed to be safe and reliable under the conditions in which they areintended to be used. The following sections detail those aspects of the system that might affect safety.3.6.1 Equipment HandlingThe components used in a typical installation contain internal circuits that are sensitive to staticelectricity. Static electricity transported by the human body may be strong enough to damage internalcircuitry during installation. These components do not normally have exposed connector pins, but ifhandling with exposed connectors or pins is required, the installer should use an anti-static wristbandconnected to an electrical ground. This is especially important when temporarily disconnecting andreconnecting cables. The badges are the only system components that people can come in directcontact with. Therefore, cleaning the badges after each use is recommended. A badge should bethoroughly cleaned after each use, and wiped down with a disinfectant. The disinfectant should bealcohol-based, not water based.WARNING!Avoid touching bare contacts or connector pins when handling systemcomponents in order to prevent the accidental transfer of static to internaldevices. Leave protective covers attached during installation.3.6.2 Power RequirementsThe components obtain low-voltage operating power from a local wall mounted “plug-in” transformer.Transformers provided with the systems are Underwriter Laboratory (UL) approved. No componentsuse 120V AC line power directly, except the computer systems.WARNING!Do not attempt to connect or disconnect concentrators, collectors, sensors,or any other system components with power applied. The hardware may bedamaged. Although damage will not occur in most cases, this practice isnot recommended and may void equipment warranties.Use of powering schemes not approved by the manufacturer will voidequipment warranties.As with any electrical equipment, safety is a prime concern. The system poses no safety hazard, sinceit uses only low-voltage DC power. However, installers must take adequate precautions to ensure thatthe low-voltage wires are not exposed to high-voltage electrical wires, and that wires run throughceilings and walls do not encounter dangerous electrical potentials and carry them to points where theymight be exposed to human contact.No powering device other than the plug-in units provided should be connected to the system withoutprior authorization from the manufacturer.3.6.3  Grounding of EquipmentAll points in a system installation are connected to a common “ground” via their interconnect wires.No attempt should be made to provide any additional earth ground or neutral connections to any sensoror collector. Adding ground connections to multiple points in a networked system may introduce
14 Versus Technology, Inc.electrical system noises that will interfere with normal system operation. Consult the manufacturer ifspecial grounding requirements must be met.CAUTION:     Allowing sensor or network conductors to encounter metal surfaces and structures,or allowing wires to be routed in close proximity to high powered equipment ordevices will introduce electrical interference and may cause erratic operationand/or equipment failure.3.6.4  Codes and Ratings of Materials UsedThe materials used in the construction of individual components meet or exceed UL fire retardingrequirements. However, not all these devices are rated for air plenum use.  They are intended for utilitycloset mounting and must not be placed in airways or plenum areas, unless they can be housed inapproved enclosures and sealed to meet local codes.Installers must be aware of local fire and health codes in their selection of interconnect wiring.Plenum-rated wire and cable must be used where it will pass through breathable air spaces. Wire andcable rated for plenum use will be clearly marked. For information regarding plenum cabling, callVersus Technology, Inc. Manufacturing Department.3.6.5 WorkmanshipThe following standards of workmanship must be followed during installation:• National and local building codes must be followed.• Tools used must be as recommended by the manufacturer, or approved equivalents.• Connections must be made with manufacturer’s recommended tools and procedures.• Conductors must not be nicked nor wire strands cut during wire stripping.• Wire bundles must be neatly dressed.• Wire bundles must be spaced away from power cables and lighting.
                                                                             Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 154.  System Hardware InstallationThis section covers the installation of the system components. Before installing the hardwarecomponents, all planning should be completed as described in section 3.4.1 Cable InstallationWhen installing sensor and network wiring, use normal telephone installation techniques. Sensor wireruns should allow sufficient length to move ceiling tiles and to move sensors if needed.It is the responsibility of the installer to run all cables as indicated on the floor plan schematic diagram.Each cable must be labeled at both ends with the identification of the end device to which it isconnected. Use the same numbering scheme for sensors as described in the previous section, referringto the Punch-down Block Organization List (C1-1, C1-2, C1-3, etc.). Label collector cables with theidentification of the collector that it runs to down the collector chain, away from the concentrator.4.1.1 Cable TypesVersus Technology recommends the following cable types for installing hardware components:Sensor Cable UTP CAT 3 is acceptable, Versus recommends CAT 5Collector Cable CAT 5Ethernet Cable CAT 5Intercom Cable 7 cond. with drain, 26 AWG shielded cableApproved equivalent cable types may be used.4.2    Sensor InstallationHandle the sensors with care to not scratch or damage the casing.WARNING!Always disconnect power from the system before connecting ordisconnecting components. Failure to do so may damage the equipment.The UTP wire runs from the punch-down/collector to a sensor mounted in ceiling tile. Only a singlepair of wire is required for each sensor. No grounding at the sensor is required.
16 Versus Technology, Inc.Sensor installation calls for use of a splice connector at the sensor end of the cable run. Sensor wireshave no polarity and can be connected to sensor wire-pairs in either order. In the case of 2-pair UTPcable, the same pair must be used at each end of the sensor run. It is suggested that the blue wire beused for consistency. Up to four sensors may be used on each CAT 5 cable if preferred, although usingone cable per sensor makes troubleshooting easier.To install and wire sensors:1. Referring to the floor plan schematic diagram, identify sensor locations and verifyidentification numbers.2. Create a hole for the sensor in ceiling tile or ceiling surface using a 2-3/8" hole saw.3. Pull the sensor cable wire-pair through the hole and connect to the sensor using UY spliceconnectors.4. Gently bend the spring steel clips upward and insert the sensor into the ceiling tile hole. Thesteel clips and the sensor cover will “sandwich” the ceiling tile and hold securely.5. Mark the sensor as installed on the Installation Checklist.4.3  Punch-down Block and Collector InstallationAn example of neatly installed punch-down blocks, collectors, and concentrators.Concentrators
                                                                             Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 17The punch-down blocks, collectors, and concentrators should be installed in a secure location, such asa communication or server room. The installation should allow for wiring access, neat wire routingand dress, and connection of any sensor wire-pair to any collector input. Neat and orderly punch-down blocks are easier to troubleshoot and maintain.To install the punch-down blocks and collectorsNote: Make sure power is not supplied when connecting components.1. Mount the punch-down block on the wall using appropriate wall-mount hardware.2. Mount the collector adjacent and connected to the associated punch-down block, using theVelcro tape and clip provided with the unit. When using Velcro tape to secure a collector unit,make sure the solid metal end clip is firmly secure to prevent sagging of the connectionbetween the collector and punch-down block.4.4  Connecting Sensors to CollectorsSensors are connected to the collectors through punch-down blocks. The punch-down block isorganized so that each two punch-down block rows, starting at the top left of the block, are onecollector port that is connected to by one sensor.Punch-downBlocks Collectors24V ACSensor wires
18 Versus Technology, Inc.Bridge-clips are used to connect left-side pins to the right-side pins, which are wired to the collectorunit. If patching of sensor inputs is required, jumpers can be used from any sensor wire-pair on the leftto any collector wire-pair on the right.Make sure power is not supplied when connecting components.Punch-down BlockTo connect the sensors to the punch-down block:For connecting the sensor wires to the punch-down block, refer to the Punch-down Block OrganizationChart for the location each wire should be connected on the block.1. Remove all bridge clips from the punch-down block.2. Referring to the Punch-down Block Organization List to make sure each sensor wire isconnected to the correct position on the punch-down block, connect the sensor wire-pairs tothe appropriate punch-down block pin-pair positions using the punch-down block tool.3. Check isolation.This is necessary because in the course of interconnecting many sensors to a collector, it is notuncommon to make contact with a sharp metal edge, ganged knockout box, or electricalground with one of the conductors. It is critical, however, that such accidental connections belocated and cleared before applying power to the system. The effect of these accidentalconnections can range from mild to severe. In many cases, erratic behavior may be noted. In
                                                                             Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 19some cases, equipment damage may occur. In any case, an electrical code violation hasoccurred.To verify that the system is "isolated" from building and electrical grounds:Note: It may be helpful to disconnect the collector from the punch-down blockwhile this measurement is made. This will isolate the sensor wiring completely.1. Use an ohmmeter or multimeter set to the 2K (2000)-ohm scale.2. Clip one probe to the nearest electrical conduit, electrical ground, or metal water pipe.3. Touch the other probe to each punch-down block row in turn.4. Every row MUST indicate an infinite (open) connection. If this is not the case, thesuspect line must be traced to find the accidental connection to the structure that has beenmade.4. Once isolation has been checked, replace the bridge clips on the punch-down block.4.5    Communication Room CheckThere are several items that need to be verified before applying power to the system. Use theCommunication Room Checklist in section 6 to check off each step as it is completed.4.5.1  Checking the Collector WiringA visual check of the collector wiring should find the punch-down block secure and the collector unitconnector firmly seated against the punch-down block connector. See the Collector VoltageTroubleshooting Flow Chart in section 5 Troubleshooting Guide, for checking the collector wiring.WARNING!Correct two-pair wiring is essential. Crossed or reversed pairs can causeequipment damage in some cases. Always test all wiring before connectionof system power sources.The collector network (2-pair) must be tested before the system power is applied to be sure that wiresare not misconnected. Failure to thoroughly test the collector network wiring may result in equipmentdamage.The concentrator and collector devices connect to the 2-pair wiring system using modular interfaces toallow for easy testing of the wiring before power is applied. It is recommended that installers beequipped with appropriate USOC cable testers as required to verify the polarity and validity ofinstalled wiring.Note that 3-pair USOC interconnections may also be used. In this case, the third pair (outermost) isused in parallel with the second pair to improve power distribution to the collectors.4.5.2  Setting the "Last Unit" Switch on a CollectorWhen installing collectors, the collector network wires run from unit to unit in a daisy chain fashion.Each collector has a small switch for identifying the last collector on a line. It is very important that thecollectors which are NOT at the end of the line have this switch set to the UNTERMINATED position,and that the collector which is at the end of the line has this switch set to the TERMINATED position.
20 Versus Technology, Inc. Terminated Unterminated The reason for this is that with high speed digital data, it is critical that the electrical energy that runsdown the wires is absorbed at the end and does not "bounce back" down the wire and causeinterference with other data coming down. To exactly absorb all the energy coming down a wire, thewire must be ended at the last device in the chain with a resistor, which has value that equals thecharacteristic impedance of the wire. Each collector unit is equipped with such a resistor that isconnected when the switch is in the TERMINATED position.4.5.3 Power-up TestCollectors are provided with a 24V power supply that must always be used for each collector,providing local operating power. No other power supply is adequate to power collectors. To ensurethat the power supplies do not pull out by their own weight, either mount the power strip outlet side upor use wire ties to hold the power supply in place.When the collector wiring and isolation have been verified and the cable connection between theconcentrator and the collector has been tested and found correct, the next step is to apply power to thecollector and check the sensor connections for the correct voltages.  To test sensor voltageOnce power has been applied to the collector, a voltmeter check should be made of the sensors onthe punch-down block to verify that they are connected correctly.1. Set the voltmeter or multimeter to a 20-volt range.2. Apply the probes to each sensor connection on the punch-down block.If the reading is: For: (Sensor type) Then:Approximately 18volts RF only the sensor is wired correctly.<14 volts IR and RF There is radio frequency or electromagneticinterference.Approximately 16volts IR only the sensor is wired correctly.Approximately 20volts IR and RF there is no sensor connected to this pair or thewiring to the sensor is open.Power supply  maybecomedisconnected ifpower strip ismounted sideways.If the power strip ismounted plug sideup, the powersupply will be firmlyseated.
                                                                             Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 21Very low or zero IR and RF the sensor pair is shorted. (The 25th pair on thepunch-down block is unused and will read zerovolts.)When voltmeter is applied to a sensor pair, a slight drop in voltage can be observed when thesensor is receiving a transmitting ID badge.  This can be used to identify sensors in lieu ofcomplete system operation.3. Check RF interference by switching the meter to the AC scale and reading the voltage. Withno badge transmitting over the sensor there should be < 0.1 VAC on a sensor pair.Caution!A shorted sensor pair will not cause immediate damage to the collector. However, if allowedto remain, some heating of collector components will occur, which is undesirable. If shortedpairs are found in the sensor voltage test, remove the collector power and resolve the shortas soon as possible. If the system must be powered with the short unresolved, remove thepunch-down block bridging clips to disable the disruptive sensor until the wiring can berepaired.4.5.4    Collector Network Wiring Connections4.5.4.1  Concentrator End ConnectionsThe 2-pair collector network connects to the concentrator unit using a modular connection with an RJ-12 modular jack (6 wire). This provides a means to easily disconnect the collector network for testingof the 2-pair wires or for service of the collector unit.  Collector End ConnectionsThe 2-pair collector network connects to the collector module via a modular connector with an RJ-12modular jack (6 wire). A modular-to-modular jumper is then used from one collector unit to the nextcollector unit. This provides a means to easily disconnect the collector unit for testing of the 2-pairwires or for service of the collector unit. Collector WiringThe collector devices connect to the sensor network using modular interfaces to allow for testing of thewiring before power is applied. It is recommended that installers are equipped with appropriate cabletesters to verify the polarity and validity of installed wiring.There are two parallel RJ receptacles on each collector. This allows collectors to be chained togetherfrom their assigned concentrator to the last collector in the chain. A key indication of connectorproblems with the collector cable is the red indicator light on the collectors, which may indicate eitherreverse polarity or a short circuit. The red light will flash every time it sees a badge fire. A constantpattern of four or five flashes may indicate there is a problem with the connectors on the cable.To wire collectorsNote: Do not make any connections to components unless indicated by a step in theprocedure. Ensure that all bridge clips have been removed from the selectedpunch-down block/collector unit.1. Refer to the contractual floor plan schematic diagram and identify the concentrator location.
22 Versus Technology, Inc.2. Refer to the contractual floor plan schematic diagram and identify all collector locations.3. Verify that each collector cable for each collector site and the concentrator site has beeninstalled as indicated on the contractual floor plan schematic diagram.4. Attach an RJ connector to each end of the collector cable.5. Using the Weidmeuller Patch Check Plus test set or an equivalent model, perform thefollowing steps to verify straight through continuity for each collector cable run:     a) Plug one end of the cable into the receiver unit of the test set.     b) Set the reset switch on the receiver unit to the “On” position.     c) Plug the other end of the cable into the Transmitter unit of the test set.     d) Set the reset switch on the transmitter unit to the “On” position. All the red LED’s willlight followed by an audible squawk tone.     e) Touch the TEST button on the transmitter. After a short delay, the transmit #1 LED willlight with the corresponding #1 LED on the receiver scale     f) Touch the TEST button again to light transmit #2 LED with its corresponding receiver#2 LED.     g) Repeat this process until all conductors in the cable have been verified for continuity.6. Mark the collector cable as checked on the Installation Checklist.7. For each collector perform the following:    a) For the collectors identified on the contractual floor plan schematic diagram asLAST, set the UNTERMINATED/TERMINATED switch to the TERMINATEDposition. For all other collectors, set the switch to UNTERMINATED.    b) Insert the RJ plug(s) into the collector receptacle(s) (either collector receptacle isacceptable.)    c) Mark the collector as installed on the Installation Checklist.             Collector RJ-12 Plug Wire Colors:Plug Pin No. CAT 5 Wire Color Description Voltage1NOT USED2NOT USED3White/BlueData (+)+ 1 VDC4BlueData (-)+ 1 VDC5White/OrangeGround0 VDC6Orange Ground 0 VDCNOTE: With connector pins pointing toward you, cable away from you, pin 1 is to the left.
                                                                             Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 23 4.5.5 Concentrator InstallationThe computer should be equipped with an appropriate network card for Ethernet Concentratorinstallation.The Concentrator is a “table-top” box assembly, which can sit on a level surface or be mounted on anyflat surface with mounting clips. Mount all concentrators as indicated on the floor plan schematicdiagram.  Installing and Checking the ConcentratorThe Concentrator power supply should be secured to the electrical outlet using a screw or other meansto ensure that it cannot fall out or is disconnected by others working in the same area.Caution!Do NOT plug in the power supply cable until the installation wiringchecks are completed. System damage could occur.  Network Wiring for Ethernet ConcentratorsThe Ethernet Concentrator requires CAT 5 four pair UTP cable runs between the network card in thecomputer and the Ethernet Concentrator. For multiple concentrators, install a 10Base-T or10x100Base-T network hub or connect it to an existing Ethernet network within a facility. TheConcentrator cannot be connected to a 100Base-T network hub. Like Collectors, EthernetConcentrators use a 24V power supply. For more information on the Ethernet Concentrator, refer tothe Ethernet Concentrator manual. Power-up TestWhen the wiring has been examined and the power supply voltage has been found to be in range, apower up of the concentrator may be performed to verify its operation.Caution!Disconnect the modular cable from any down channel collector(s) and allow it to remainunconnected during the test. Down channel collectors could be damaged if power is appliedbefore they have been checked.Plug the power supply connector into the concentrator and observed the red LED indicator lights. If itfails to light, recheck the power and connections.There are four LED indicator lights on the Concentrator. The function of each is described in thediagram below.Concentrator
24 Versus Technology, Inc.The LED indicator light on the Collector will blink every time it receives badge data from the sensors.If the LED blinks in a four or 5-blink pattern, this indicates that it is not communicating with theconcentrator. If this is the case, there is a problem with either the network cable connection or theconnection to the concentrator. If the LED blinks in a 3-blink pattern, this indicates a problem with thecollector, and it should be sent to Versus Technology for repair.  Walking Setup TestAfter the Database Server, Badge Server and Configuration Utilities have been installed, you shouldperform a walking setup of the system to verify sensor locations. The Ethernet Concentrator andDatabase Server Manual describes the installation and configuration of the Badge Server and DatabaseServer. The Configuration Utilities Manual includes adding collectors, adding room locations,matching up the sensors with locations, and testing them with the walking setup.4.6  Testing RF SensorsThe Frequencer is  utility that shows data being received by sensors. Data can be filtered to show onlyinformation for a specific badge or sensor. The Frequencer is instrumental in testing that all areas ofthe facility are covered by RF sensors.To test RF sensor coverage:1. Open the Frequencer, which is installed to the Versus\IRTools directory. The file is TCPFreq.exe.2. On the Frequencer screen, type the IP address of the computer where the Badge Server is installed.The badge hits will start appearing in the window.3. To isolate and only test RF sensors, type the badge number of an RF badge in the Badge field.
                                                                             Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 254. Take an RF badge and  “hide” the badge in a pocket or other place, so it is not seen by the IRsensors.5. One person will need to sit at the computer while another person walks to all areas within thefacility with the hidden badge. Both will need walkie-talkies to communicate.6. Have the person with the badge walk around the facility and press the badge at different locations.You will see the hits in the Total Time, Total Hits, and Avg. Time fields.7. Verify that the badge is seen in all locations by the RF sensors, especially areas such asbathrooms, where there may be no IR coverage.8. Mark the area as covered on the Punch-down Block Organization List.4.7  Perimeter Activation Sentinel (PAS) Unit InstallationIf the Versus system includes PAS units, there are a couple options for mounting. You can placethem above the ceiling tile if there is a suspended ceiling. If you choose this method, do not placethe unit on the metal frame of the ceiling, but rather touching only the ceiling tile. Alternately, youcan set the PAS unit on a shelf above the area where you need the signal range. The shelf must benon-metallic.5. Troubleshooting GuideThese are possible hardware scenarios and solution issues that may affect the operation of the trackingsystem.  The Collector Voltage Troubleshooting Flow Chart and the Functionality Test Flow Chart areincluded as troubleshooting strategies for correcting system hardware problems.Problem:  System will not start up.Discussion:  Most system failures on startup are caused by failure to properly crimp RJ Type connectors,along with failure to test the completed connection.Problem:  Collector cannot be seen by the Concentrator on the Subnet.Discussion:  A collector works properly when unconnected to the subnet, on powering on, it blinks four tofive times every five or so seconds.  Once connected to the concentrator’s subnet, upon power on, the
26 Versus Technology, Inc.collector light should come on strong after the first few seconds and then blink only upon receipt of a badgeID.Problem:  Incorrect voltages across sensor pair at the punch-down block.Discussion:  The voltage across the sensor pair at the collector punch-down block should be between 15and 17 volts DC. A voltage above18 may indicate an open circuit, while a voltage below 15 may indicateRF interference, or faulty sensor, or faulty wiring.  RF interference may be verified by switching the meterto the AC scale and reading voltage.  With no badge id’s being sent down the sensor pair, any AC voltagereading may indicate RF interference.Problem:   RF interference.Discussion:  RF interference may be checked as discussed above.  Possible RF interference that effects thesensor network includes, certain types of energy efficient lighting and associated electronic ballasts.  Themost common offenders are classified as T8 lights and have and electronic ballast in the 40 kHz range.Sensor wiring should not touch electrical conduit, or ceiling grates, as they are very good at picking up RFfrequencies.Problem:  Sensor not picking up id from badge (non-working sensor).Discussion:  Smoke detectors using IR detection interfere with Versus sensors.  The sensor should not beinstalled within two feet of smoke detectors to avoid any interference.Problem:  Collector mounting failures.Discussion:  Collector mounting failures can be avoided by using the mounting clip provided to hold theend of the collector firmly against the wall.5.1  Badge Battery ReplacementWarning! A low battery may affect system performance. Change low batteries at first indication.Note:  Static electricity can damage batteries. When changing badge batteries, it is critical to begrounded, such as by using a static strap and an Electro-Static Device mat to protect from anyshock that would damage the battery or the badge.The table below provides instructions on how to replace badge batteries. Remember to use a static strap andan Electro-Static tabletop mat when changing badge batteries.Badge Battery Type Replacement InstructionsLocator Badge Lithium, 3.5V750 mAH 1. Place the Locator badge face down on an Electro-Static mat.2. Locate the screw on the back of the badge. Using a small Phillipshead screwdriver (or security screw driver), remove the screw and
                                                                             Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 27the back cover of the badge and flip it over to expose the battery.3. Gently lift the battery from the board using your thumb and finger.4. Insert the new battery into the lead holes. Replace the top cover andgently tighten the badge screw.PersonnelBadge 3V LithiumCR2477950 mAH1. Locate the screw on the back of the badge. Using a small Phillipshead screwdriver (or security screwdriver), remove the screw andbattery cover.2. Remove the battery and replace with the new battery, making sureto pay attention to polarity, which is noted on the inside of thebattery compartment cover.3. Replace the battery compartment cover.
28 Versus Technology, Inc. Replace Sensor Collector Voltage Level   Low or High? Replace collector Voltage Level  <15 Volts Dc No Yes No No Voltage Level  >17 Volts Dc Check Sesnor for EMI Sensor Wire too close to ceiling tile railing Sensor too close to High freq. light Replace Collector No Goto  Voltage Test Move Wire Move Sensor Yes Yes Check for Open Wires between sensor & punchdown block Check Collector Voltage Levels Replace Collector Done Fix or Replace Wire Yes No Good Votage Levels Bad Voltage Levels Collector Voltage Troubleshooting Flow Chart Voltage Test Check Sesnor for wires shorted together Fix wiring Yes
                                                                             Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 29Functionality Test Flow Chart Functionality Test Choose a sensor Location Start Frequency Program Start in the middle of the sensor, walk out at 6" intervals with a badge four feet off the floor. Record these readings Repeat reading around  sensor at 30 degree  intervals. Next Sensor Are there any dead spots Goto Light Test Page Check another Sensor Done Done
30 Versus Technology, Inc.6. Installation FormsThis section includes forms for testing and installation purposes.FormsInstallation PlanInstallation ChecklistPunch-down Block Wire Organization ListCommunication Room ChecklistPreventative Maintenance Inspection ReportFinal Verification
Installation PlanCustomer Name:____________________________Customer PO #(s):  _______________________________________________Sensors: ____________  RF Sensors:___________Collectors: ____________  Room & Location Names RequiredEthernet Concentrators: ____________  IP Address RequiredBadges: __________ Qty: _______   ; __________ Qty: _______ ;  __________ Qty: _______Software:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Additional Information: (i.e. badge drawer, focused sensors, relays…these require additionaltime)Time Estimates:1.  # of installation days by contractor:  ______2.  # of Verification days by Versus Technology  ______ *  crew size of ___   _______3.  # of Training Hours  ______ *  crew size of ___   _______4.  # of On-Site Configuration  ______ *  crew size of ___   _______5.  Total Versus Installation         _______Required: PO, Install Checklist, and Proposal/QuoteFloorplan(s): Sensor Placement DrawingsInstallation:          Begin Date___/___/____       End Date ___/___/___Requirements for Installation:Room KeysID BadgesSupport Contacts/Personnel w/phone #s1.2.3.Installers: Versus or outside contracting familiar with regulationsFloorplan(s) to Installers with Wiring Specification and if needed site visitSensors, collectors, concentrators, wiring installed and mounted correctlyRequired facility sign off of contractors workVersus Verification of installation work if requiredCommunication Room Check ListVersus Computer Server Setup: # of Computers _______Check RequirementsJazz DriveAdditional Hardware components:PC Anywhere SoftwareVersus Software:
Facility Software & Hardware Requirements:Required Room/Location Names:Computer Room Location(s) for server(s):Phone line or TCP/IP routing services Password Required:IP Addresses for all network devicesSoftware Client locationsDevelop Badge/Tag Types:Network Requirements:Identification of ComputersDomainIP AddressSubnetDefault GatewayDNS Host NameDNS DomainDNS ServicesWINS Address PrimarySecondary   Check: Enable DNS for Windows Resolution   Uncheck: Enable LMHosts LookupOn-Site ConfigurationSystem Hardware Testing completed see final installation Comm Room ChecklistSoftware Setup: Configuration of Sensors & Room Names and CollectorsSensor Software Verification (Walk Around with Training)Using the Software TrainingAssigning BadgesHow to wear a badgeHow the system works trainingWho is responsible for the system communication i.e. where do I ask my questionsHow to change batteries optionHow to send back RMAsAdditional Planning: (Additional configuration or time issues)Installation Plan page 2
Training1.  General Usage by End User   - Low Level Training # 1- Different Views- Badge Assignment Date Who2.  Training for Supervisory trainers - Medium Level Training # 2-  How the System Works / Components- Different View- Badge Assignment- Application FlowsDate Who3.  Overall Key Operations for overall system administrator - High Level Training # 3-  How the System Works / Components-  Location of Hardware Components-  Ethernet / Network Knowledge- Different Views-  Configuration Utilities including Badge Assignment- Application Flow- Trouble Shooting- Backup Procedures-  Clearing Out Logs-  Overall System MaintenanceDate WhoFinal Customer Sign off:Final Verification Check off required: see Final Verification sheetInstallation Plan page 3
Installation ChecklistThe table and inspection report in this section will be used to indicate the completed installation and test ofhardware and wiring. The installation codes will be as follows:C = Cable checked    I = Installed hardwareMake copies of the table and enter the numbers of the hardware as they are installed. Indicate a cable checkcompletion with a “C” and a hardware installation completion with the “I” in each numbered cell of thetable. The installer will be directed by the steps of the installation to make these entries as the checks andinstallation are made.Copies of the entries should be kept with other installation documentation.Item Versus P/N Quantity HardwareInstallation SystemInstallationSensor Cable 2 pair UTP plenum 24 AWG,solidCollector Cable 2 pair UTP plenum 24 AWGsolidIntercom Module Cable 7 Conductor 26gauge, stranded , shielded w/drainUY connectorsUR connectorsNetwork CableCable LabelsCable tiesSensors - High FrequencySensor Mounting Brackets OptionalCollector KitsConcentratorIntercom/ Speaker UnitsChannel for wire between Speaker UnitsRJ 12RJ 45 (for shielded cable use shielded RJ 45connectors)Host Computer SystemPager Computer SystemAudio Switch MatrixRemote Monitor (Optional)VGA Splitter (Optional)Magnetic Doorlocks (Optional)Doorlock Control Interface (Optional)Personnel BadgesEquipment BadgesEquipment Badge Cables - Bear33Equipment Badge Cables - PLVEquipment Badge Cables - MonaghanEquipment Badge Cables - Newport Breeze
Equipment Badge Cables - MDE EscortP-Badge LabelsE-Badge ID Code LabelsHardware Installation Manual & DrawingsSoftware LicensesSoftware Backups--Some Optional--Sensor Splice Crimp ToolPunch-down Tool - Type 66RJ Connector Terminator Tool KitEthernet Connector Terminator Tool KitEthernet SuppliesElectric ScrewdriverCable StripperScrewdriver Assortment - Incl’ SmallNutdriver Assortment - Incl’ ASM SizesDiagonal Clippers - Small & LargeDigital Multi-MeterUtility KnifeFlashlightVisegrip PliersSmall HammerCordless Drill2 3/8” Hole SawFishtapeCenter PunchStep-DrillKnock-Out PunchInstallation Checklist page 2
Punch-down Block Wire Organization ListCollector #                                                       Collector Alias ____________________Punch-downblockpair Cable ID WireColor Zone description (room name) Receiver/Room # Relay # RelayCable ID Verified123456789101112131415161718192021222324Building: ____________________Floor: ________________Room #: ________________
Communication Room ChecklistFloor: _________  Location/Room #: ______________________________Check Installation VerificationCheck Power Strip MountingCheck 50 Pin Connector Status to Punch-down BlockHub/Port AvailabilityNetwork Cable installed/Continuity TestEthernet Concentrator AdministeredCollector Voltage Testing ~ 15.5 to 16.9Collector TerminationCollector CablingConcentrator Room Label informationOptional Collector Layout SheetRelay Unit ConfigurationComputer Setup and Hardware ConfigurationNumber of Collectors: ____________C# Identification # TerminationNumber of Ethernet Concentrators: _________Port/Hub # IP Address # ID #Additional Comments: Fixed Date_____________________________      ___________________(Installation Person)     (Date)Powered up
Preventative Maintenance Inspection ReportCustomer ______________________________ Customer Number______________________ Date___________Call Number______________________________Equipment Serial Number _________________ Software Revision _________Configuration (!)___ Host Computer Setup ___ Collector Setup ___ Software Intellimotion 3-Pack___ Pager Computer Setup (Optional) ___ Punch-down Block Configuration ___ Software Pager (Optional)___ Work Station Computer(Optional) ___ Concentrator Setup (Optional) ___ Software Misc. (Optional)___ Network Wiring ___ Sensors ___ Sensor Wiring___ ASM (Optional) ___ ASM Audio Wiring (Optional)Tools1. Standard hand tools 3. RJ Tester 4, 6 & 8 Pins 5. ESD Mat and Wrist Strap2. Multimeter 4. Hardware & Software ManualsVisual Inspection (!)Inspect the following for excess wear and/or any visual signs of damage.1. ___ General 4. ___ Reseat socketed     Components/connectors 7. ___ ASM Mounting2. ___ Computers 5. ___ Connectors 8. ___ Cable insulation3. ___ Concentrator Mounting 6. ___ Sensor Mounting 9. ___ Collector MountingCleaning (!)1. ___ Clean all internals of dust 4. ___ Clean Sensor Work Area(s) 7. ___ Clean Infrared Tag2. ___ Clean external surfaces 5. ___ Clean ASM Work Area(s)3. ___ Clean ASM Area 6. ___ Clean All Computer StationsCalibration (!)1. ___ N/AElectrical Safety Checks (!)1. ___ Wall Receptacle Test2. ___ Sensor Voltage Test3. ___ Collector RJ Line Continuity Test
Checkout Procedure (!)System Computers Concentrator___ Connections Sensor/ASM ___ Software Setup ___ Connection between Computers and Network (Optional)___ Display ___ Startup and Restart___ Intercom Modules ___ PC Anywhere & Modem___ NetworkCollectors Sensors ASM___ Wiring Punch-down ___ Sensor Test Software ___ LED Power ON___ Mounting ___ Voltage Check ___ Intercom Connections___ Random flashing Red LED ___ Software Move Test ___ ASM Test SoftwareBattery Install Backups Training___ Battery Installation ___ Backup Data fromComputer Install ___ Completed___ Tracking on System___ Activates Page (Optional)Preventative Maintenance Report page 2
Final verification and sign off for: ______________________________Primary responsible party: _____________________   ______________________                                                                      (Name)                                                (Signature)PO Verification Check1.  The hardware components: Collectors _______, Ethernet Concentrator____, Sensors & Wiring ______  and computer(s) _______have beeninstalled and are acceptable2.  Training on backup procedures and preventive maintenance includingbattery replacement has occurred to appropriate responsible party (seebelow # 7)3.  Software CD has been issued and installed and clients are acceptable4.  Software & Hardware documentation have been issued and explained5.  Support & Trouble Shooting have been covered (see #6 below)6.  Training has occurred to appropriate personnel and everyone is aware of their currentresponsibilities: ___________________________   ___________________________ (Primary Responsible Party)                (Signature)7.  Customer’s Designated Support Contactsa. System administrator:_____________________________   ______________   ______________________(Name & Title)                                       (Phone #)                (E-mail)b. Support contact:_____________________________   ______________  _______________________(Name & Title)    (Phone #)            (Email)8.  The Versus System is working correctly according to contractual agreement_____________________     ______________________________    ________________(Primary Responsible Party)      (Signature)                                            (Date)_____________________     ______________________________    ________________(Versus Representative)             (Signature)                                            (Date)Final Verification

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