Miele Dishwasher G600 Users Manual 1
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G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
© 2003 Miele

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers – Table of Contents
1.0 Construction Design…………………………………………………………….8
1.1 Appliance Overview................................................ ……………………9
1.1.1 Appliance Overview – Typical Integrated Model....................... 9
1.1.2 Unit Overview – Typical Fully Integrated (VI) Model............... 10
1.2 Controls Overview .............................................................................11
1.3 Types of Dishwashers ........................................................................13
1.4 Technical Data....................................................................................14
1.4.1 Dishwasher Width................................................................... 14
1.4.2 Dishwasher Height ................................................................. 14
1.4.3 Summary of Dimensions......................................................... 15
1.4.4 Electrical Information .............................................................. 15
1.4.5 Hard Wire Electrical Connection............................................. 16
1.4.6 Plumbing Connection.............................................................. 16 Intake Connection..................................................... 16 Drain Connection ...................................................... 16
1.5 Data Tag.............................................................................................17
1.6 Layout of Components........................................................................18
1.6.1 Novotronic and Touchtronic Series......................................... 18
1.6.2 Incognito Series...................................................................... 19
2.0 Installation (Refer to the Appliance Installation Manual)………………. 20
3.0 Commission and Operation………………………………………………….21
3.1 Door Handle and Door Lock (Novotronic & Touchtronic Series).........21
3.2 Closing the Dishwasher Door .............................................................21
3.3 Child Safety Lock................................................................................21
3.4 Water Softener ...................................................................................22
3.5 General Operation – Novotronic Series..............................................23
3.6 General Operation – Touchtronic Series ............................................23
3.7 General Operation – Incognito Series.................................................23
4.0 Description of Function……………………………………………………….24
4.1 Cabinet Construction ..........................................................................24
4.2 Fan Assembly (Turbothermic Fan Equipped Models).........................24
4.2.1 PTC Release Element ............................................................ 24
4.3 Combination Dispenser ......................................................................25
4.3.1 Construction ........................................................................... 25
4.3.2 Dispensing...............................................................................26
4.4 Heaters...............................................................................................27
4.4.1 Wash Cavity Heating Element ............................................... 27
4.4.2 Flow Through Heater:............................................................ 28

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers – Table of Contents (continued) Flow Through Heater Electrical Data ........................ 28
4.5 Heater Circuit - Operation..................................................................29
4.6 Pulsed Heating - Operation................................................................30
4.7 Temperature Protection .....................................................................30
4.8 Static Drying ......................................................................................30
4.9 Spray Arms........................................................................................31
4.9.1 Spray Arms - Rotation Data.................................................. 31
4.10 Filter Assembly..................................................................................31
4.11 Water Intake – Technical Data ..........................................................32
4.12 WaterProof System ...........................................................................33
4.13 Flowmeter - Operation.......................................................................36
4.14 Water Intake......................................................................................37
4.15 Water Mixing......................................................................................38
4.15.1 Water Mixing - External Flowmeter...................................... 38
4.15.2 Water Mixing - Integrated Flowmeter................................... 39
4.15.3 Solenoid Valve - Operating (Plus Models Only).................. 41
4.16 Electronic Controlled Water Hardness...............................................42
4.17 Water Softener ..................................................................................43
4.17.1 Reactivation ......................................................................... 44
4.17.2 Reactivation Cycles ............................................................. 45
4.18 Condenser Drying (UKT) ...................................................................46
4.18.1 Operation ............................................................................. 46
4.18.2 Technical Data..................................................................... 46
4.18.3 Control Valve ....................................................................... 48
4.19 Drain Pump, Circulation Pump ..........................................................49
4.20 Level Switch – Heater (Heater Pressure Switch)...............................49
4.21 Level Switch (Intake Overflow) ..........................................................51
4.22 Temperature Sensor..........................................................................52
4.23 Top Solo Valve ..................................................................................53
4.24 Turbidity Sensor (ECO Sensor).........................................................54
4.25 Electronic Unit - Power Outputs.........................................................55
4.25.1 Programming After Replacing the Electronic ....................... 56
4.25.2 Electronic Modes ................................................................. 56
5.0 Service and Maintenance……………………………………………………..57
5.1 Locking Plate - Adjustment ................................................................57
5.2 Cabinet Seal - Replacement..............................................................57
5.3 Side Panel - Removal........................................................................58
5.4 Spring Bracket - Replacement ..........................................................59
5.5 Cover Plate - Removal .....................................................................60
5.6 Connecting Strip - Removal...............................................................61
5.7 Basket Support Rollers – Replacement.............................................62
5.8 Combination Dispenser - Removal....................................................64
5.9 Turbothermic Fan - Removal.............................................................65

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers – Table of Contents (continued)
5.10 Door Panel (Outer and Inner) - Removal...........................................66
5.11 Cable Holder - Removal ...................................................................67
5.12 Lock / Handle Assembly - Removal...................................................68
5.13 Door Hinge - Removal .......................................................................69
5.14 Door Tension - Adjustment................................................................70
5.15 Top Spray Arm - Removal.................................................................71
5.16 Middle Spray Arm - Removal.............................................................71
5.17 Bottom Spray Arm - Removal............................................................71
5.18 Top Spray Arm Feed Pipe - Removal................................................71
5.19 Middle Spray Arm Cover - Removal ..................................................72
5.20 Middle Spray Arm Feed Pipe - Removal ...........................................72
5.21 Flow-Through Heater - Removal .......................................................73
5.22 Temperature Limiter - Replacement..................................................74
5.23 Microfine Filter – Exchange...............................................................75
5.24 WaterProof System (WPS) - Removal...............................................76
5.25 WaterProof System (WPS) Restrictor - Exchange.............................77
5.26 Water Inlet (Diverter) - Removal........................................................78
5.27 Water Softener – Operational Check.................................................79
5.28 Water Softener Assembly- Removal..................................................80
5.29 Drip Tray - Removal ..........................................................................80
5.30 Float Switch Housing - Removal........................................................80
5.31 Float Switch – Removal....................................................................81
5.32 Steam Condenser - Removal ............................................................82
5.33 Control Valve - Removal...................................................................83
5.34 Temperature Sensor (NTC) - Removal ............................................ 83
5.35 Circulation Pump (M6) - Removal......................................................84
5.36 Circulation Pump - Partition & Impeller Replacement........................85
5.37 Circulation Pump Housing - Exchange............................................ 86
5.38 Circulation Pump – Release with Tool...............................................86
5.39 Heater Level Switch – Removal.........................................................88
5.40 Drain Pump – Removal .....................................................................89
5.41 Top Solo Valve - Removal.................................................................90
5.42 Overflow Level Switch - Removal......................................................91
5.43 Sump - Removal................................................................................92
5.44 Turbidity Sensor - Calibration ............................................................93
5.45 Turbidity Sensor - Removal ...............................................................93
5.46 Fully Integrated (Vi) Control Panel - Removal ...................................94
5.47 Novotronic & Touchtronic Control Panel – Removal..........................95
5.48 Fixing Bracket – Removal..................................................................96
5.49 Heating Relay & Power Relay – Removal .........................................97

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers – Table of Contents (continued)
6.0 Fault Diagnosis……………………………………………………………….....98
6.1 General Information...........................................................................98
6.2 Programming and Service Mode - Features......................................98
6.2.1 Water Hardness Programming............................................ 98
6.2.2 Drying Options (As Applicable) ........................................... 98
6.2.3 Water Intake Duration......................................................... 98
6.2.4 Buzzer (As Applicable)........................................................ 99
6.2.5 Fault Code (Retrieval)......................................................... 99
6.2.6 Increase Temperature......................................................... 99
6.2.7 With OR Without Water Softener ........................................ 99
6.2.8 2nd Interim Rinse................................................................ 99
6.2.9 Width of Unit ..................................................................... 100
6.2.10 Flowmeter Count .............................................................. 100
6.2.11 Operating Hours ............................................................... 100
6.3 Programming / Service Modes – Access……………………………...100
6.4 Timing Charts – General Information................................................101
6.5 Wiring Diagrams – General Information...........................................105
6.6 Timing Charts & Wire Diagrams ......................................................105
6.7 Fault Repair.....................................................................................106

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
G600 &G800 Electronic Dishwashers – List of Figures
1-1: Appliance Overview - Typical Integrated Model...................................9
1-2: Appliance Overview – Typical Fully Integrated (Vi) Model .................10
1-3: Pre-Finished Dishwasher...................................................................13
1-4: Integrated Dishwasher .......................................................................13
1-5: Fully Integrated ..................................................................................13
1-6: Dishwasher Widths ............................................................................14
1-7: Dishwasher Heights ...........................................................................14
1-8: Data Tag Locations and Information ..................................................17
1-9: Component Overview – Novotronic & Touchtronic Series .................18
1-10: Component Overview – Incognito (Vi) Series ....................................19
4-1: Dispenser Assembly ..........................................................................25
4-2: Cavity Style Heater Element ..............................................................27
4-4: Heater Circuit.....................................................................................29
4-5: Filter Assembly ..................................................................................31
4-6: WaterProof System Connection.........................................................33
4-7: Water Intake Circuit............................................................................35
4-8: Flowmeter Assembly Components (External Flowmeter Shown) ......36
4-9: Water Intake System Equipped With Integrated Flowmeter...............37
4-10: Water Hardness Selector...................................................................38
4-11: Water Path with Integrated Flowmeter...............................................39
4-12: Water Inlet Mixer................................................................................40
4-13: Water Hardness Mixer Solenoid ........................................................41
4-14: Water Softener...................................................................................43
4-15: Components for the Condenser Drying System.................................47
4-16: Control Valve .....................................................................................48
4-17: Heater Pressure Switch – Contact Positions and Current Paths........50
4-18: Water Intake / Level Switch Circuit.....................................................51
4-19: Circulation Pump & Top Solo Valve. ..................................................53
4-20: Turbidity Sensor (ECO Sensor) .........................................................54
5-1: Locking Plate .....................................................................................57
5-2: Seal Fitting Plan.................................................................................57
5-3: Side Panels and Cabinet....................................................................58
5-4: Side View, Door with Bracket.............................................................59
5-5: Cover Plate ........................................................................................60
5-6: Plinth area with Connecting Strip.......................................................61
5-7: Basket Guide .....................................................................................62
5-8: Bolt and Retaining Clip.......................................................................62
5-9: Basket Guide Stopper........................................................................63
5-10: Stopper removal.................................................................................63

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
G600 &G800 Electronic Dishwashers – List of Figures (continued)
5-11: Exterior view of the Inner Door Panel.................................................64
5-12: Fan Removal......................................................................................65
5-13: Inner Door Panel Removal.................................................................66
5-14: Cable Holder Removal.......................................................................67
5-15: Lock Removal ....................................................................................68
5-16: Hinge Removal ..................................................................................69
5-17: Door Tension Adjustment Screw........................................................70
5-18: Middle Spray Arm Cover Removal.....................................................72
5-19: Dishwasher with Flow-Through Heater ..............................................73
5-20: Flow-Through Heater with Seal..........................................................74
5-21: Microfine Filter – Replacement ..........................................................75
5-22: Pressing and Locking the Filter Assembly. ........................................76
5-23: Tilting the Flow Restrictor...................................................................77
5-24: Removing the Flow Restrictor............................................................77
5-25: Water Inlet - Removal ........................................................................78
5-26: Float Switch Housing .........................................................................81
5-27: Steam Condenser Components.........................................................82
5-28: Circulation Pump – Removal..............................................................84
5-29: Components within the Circulation Pump ..........................................85
5-30: Placing the Circulation Pump Tool into ..............................................86
5-31: Engaging the tool prongs into the Circulation Pumps Impellers.........86
5-32: Turning the Circulation Pump Tool.....................................................87
5-33: Heater Level Switch and Circulation Pump........................................88
5-34: Drain Pump - Replacement................................................................89
5-35: Circulation Pump with Top Solo Valve attached. ...............................90
5-36: Releasing the Overflow Level Switch from the Connecting Strip .......91
5-37: Self Tensioning Sump Clamp.............................................................92
5-38: Sump Clamp without the self tensioning; ...........................................92
5-39: Fully Integrated (Vi) Control Panel .....................................................94
5-40: Control Panel (Novotronic and Touchtronic Dishwashers).................95
5-41: Removing the Fixing Bracket .............................................................96

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
G600 &G800 Electronic Dishwashers – List of Tables
1-1: Summary of Dimensions......................................................................15
4-1: Detergent Quantity in Combination Dispensers. ..................................26
4-2: Rinse Aid Dispensing...........................................................................26
4-4: Flow Restrictor Data.............................................................................32
4-5: Water Inlet Mixer Data .........................................................................32
4-6: Reactivation Cycles Timing..................................................................45
4-7: Circulation and Drain Pump Data.........................................................49
4-8: NTC Sensor Resistance Values...........................................................52
4-9: Activation of Components ....................................................................55

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
1.0 Construction and Design
1.1 Appliance Overview
1.1.1 Appliance Overview – Typical Integrated Model
Figure 1-1: Appliance Overview - Typical Integrated Model

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
1.1.2 Unit Overview – Typical Fully Integrated Model
Figure 1-2: Appliance Overview – Typical Fully Integrated (Vi) Model

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
1.2 Controls Overview
Miele dishwashers are currently categorized into three (3) product
series, based on the type of controls.
Each Novotronic model dishwasher can be operated with a single
knob. Surface mounted design technology (SMD) allows Miele
Novotronic components to be extremely durable and reliable. These
controls are capable of performing hundreds of tasks which cannot be
handled by mechanical components.
This new series of Miele dishwashers is operated by pushing a single
button -- no separate temperature or drying selections -- just turn the
machine on, pick a program and Miele does the rest. All models now
include a Pots and Pans program and a Water Management System,
designed to maximize cleaning results and optimize water and energy

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
Incognito The Incognito (fully integrated) series dishwashers have the program
controls located on the top edge of the door; and are accessed while
the door is open. Neither seen nor heard, the Miele Incognito Series
OCI (Optical Cycle Indicator) you to see the progress of the
dishwasher cycle by way of a red light, which is steady or flashing
depending on the status of the cycle.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
1.3 Types of Dishwashers
Pre-Finished: The pre-finished construction
consist of a pre-assembled door panel and control
panel; making it an ideal replacement unit.
Available in white, black or stainless steel.
Figure 1-3: Pre-Finished Dishwasher
Integrated: This type of dishwasher is shipped
with a separate control panel, and optional GDU
(door) panel. Every Integrated dishwasher ships
with a bracket for installing a custom cabinet
panel. The use of separate components allows for
a truly customized installation.
Figure1-4: Integrated Dishwasher
Fully Integrated: Fully Integrated (Incognito)
Dishwashers are designed to blend into the
surrounding cabinetry. The operator controls are
only available when door is opened. Each
dishwasher is shipped with a bracket for securing
a custom cabinet panel. An optional Miele
stainless steel SCVi panel is also available.
Figure 1-5: Fully Integrated

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
1.4 Technical Data
1.4.1 Dishwasher Width – Fullsize / Slimline
Figure 1-6: Dishwasher Widths
1.4.2 Dishwasher Height – 600 / 800 Series
23 ½ in. 17 ½ in.
32 1/4
34 7/8” 33 1/8
to 35”
Figure 1-7: Dishwasher Heights

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
1.4.3 Summary of Dimensions
FULLSIZE G600 Series G800 Series
Height 32 ¼” - 34 7/8” 33
1/8”- 35”
Width of Machine 23 1/2” 23
Width of Opening 23 5/8” 23
Depth 22 ½” 22 ½”
Depth w/ door open 45 ½” 47 ½”
SLIMLINE G600 Series G800 Series
Height 32 ¼” - 34 7/8” 331/8” - 35”
Width of Machine 17 ½” 17 ½”
Width of Opening 17 ¾ “ 17 ¾”
Depth 22 ½” 22 ½”
Depth w/ door open 45 ½” 47 ½”
Table 1-1: Summary of Dimensions
1.4.4 Electrical Information
Power Requirements: 120 VAC, 60 Hz
Rated Load: 12.5 A / 1500 W (typical)
Circuit breaker: 15 AMPS
The appliance is equipped with a 4 ft power cord and molded
NEMA 515 plug; for connection to a NEMA 5-15R receptacle
(120VAC, 15 Amp, 3 prong, grounded outlet).
It is recommended that the power outlet for the appliance be
installed on the wall (within the cabinets), adjacent to under counter
space where the appliance is installed.
Ensure the cabinets contain no rough edges that could damage the
power cord or drain hose. If metal cabinets are used, ensure a
rubber grommet is installed around the opening.
Always exercise care when sliding the dishwasher in or out, to
prevent damaging the power cord and / or hoses.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
1.4.5 Hard Wire Electrical Connection
Connections: L1 (Black) to L on terminal block, N (White) to N on
terminal block, GND To ground connector.
Hard wiring the dishwasher should only be done if required by
electrical code.
Do not cut the plug off the power supply cord / plug and connect it
directly to the house wiring under any circumstances. This voids the
For hard wiring, the power cord must be removed from the
appliance by disconnecting the cord from the terminal box located
at the lower left front of the dishwasher, behind the Toekick and
Service Panel. Pass the permanent power supply cable through the
strain relief and secure it directly to the terminal box.
1.4.6 Plumbing Connection Intake Connection
The appliance is equipped with a five (5) foot long Double WaterProof
System Intake Hose; equipped with a ¾ inch female hose connection;
for connection to a ¾ inch male hose thread water supply valve. Drain Connection
The appliance is equipped with a five (5) foot long Drain Hose for
connection to a ¾ inch drain nipple.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
1.5 Data Tag
The Data Tag is located on the top edge of the door or on the right side
edge of the door (fully integrated models) - as shown.
ETL Certification –OR-
Figure 1-8: Data Tag Locations and Information

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
1.6 Layout of Components
1.6.1 Novotronic and Touchtronic Series
1 Temperature Limiter 90°C, 3F2. (before 8/99)
2 Interference Suppression Capacitor, Z2
3 Capacitor - Circulation Pump, C6
4 Rinse Aid Dispenser, Y50
5 Detergent Dispensert, Y51
6 Flow Through Heater, R1
7 Temperature Limiter 150°C, 1F2 and 2F2
8 Door Switch, S24
9 Fan M2 & PTC Release Element Y56
10 On / Off Switch, S2
11 WaterProof System (WPS), Y2
12 Electronic
13 Reed Switch - Rinse Aid, B8/1
14 Relay - Heating, 1K1/1
15 Terminal Block, X3/1
16 Circulation Pump, M6
17 Water Softener Valve, Y38/1
18 Flow Meter, B3/4
19 Reed Switch – Salt Float, B8/2
20 Drain Pump, M8
21 Level Switch - Overflow, B1/2
22 Temperature Sensor, R30
23 Float Switch, B8/3
24 Level Switch - Heating, B1/10
25 Transformer, T1
Figure 1-9: Component Overview – Novotronic & Touchtronic Series

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
1.6.2 Incognito Series
1 Temperature Sensor, R30
2 Float Switch, B8/3
3 Level Switch - Heating, B1/10
4 Relay - Mains, 1K1/6
5 Relay - Heating, 1K1/1
6 Fan, M2
7 Interference Suppression Capacitor, Z2
8 Steam Condenser (not all models)
9 Rinse Aid Dispenser, Y50
10 Detergent Dispenser, Y51
11 Flow Through Heater, R1
12 Temperature Limiter, 1F2 and 2F2
13 Switch - Door Contact, S24
14 Electronic
15 WaterProof System (WPS), Y2
16 Door Switch, S5
17 Water Intake Mixer
18 Electronic
19 Reed Switch - Rinse Aid, B8/1
20 Capacitor - Circulation Pump, C6
21 Water Control Valve, Y5
22 Terminal Block, X3/1
23 Flow Meter, B3/4
24 Circulation Pump, M6
25 Condenser Control Valve, Y6 (if equip. w #8)
26 Water Softener (Resin Tank)
27 Water Softener Valve, Y38/1
28 Reed Switch - Reactivation Salt Indicator, B8/2
29 Circulation Valve, Y27
30 Drain Pump, M8
31 Level Switch - Overflow, B1/2
Figure 1-10: Component Overview – Incognito (Vi) Series

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
2.0 Installation
Refer to the Appliance Installation Manual.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
3.0 Commission and Operation
3.1 Door Handle and Door Lock
(Novotronic and Touchtronic Series)
Press the release catch inside the Door Grip.
If the door is opened during operation, the dishwasher will stop
running. Once the door is closed the program will restart.
3.2 Closing the Dishwasher Door
1. Push the baskets in.
2. Lift the door and push it closed until it locks into the closed
3.3 Child Safety Lock
the door is locked
the door can be opened

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
3.4 Water Softener
If your tap water hardness is above 8 grains per gallon (140 ppm), the
water should be softened.
A Water Hardness Test Strip is used to determine the water hardness.
If the Water Softener is needed:
The dishwasher must be programmed to “with Water Softener”
The Water Softener reservoir is filled with softener salt.
The water hardness level is programmed into the dishwasher
If the Water Softener is not needed:
The dishwasher must be programmed to “without Water
Softener” (OFF); however the hardness level is not programmed
into the electronic
Salt is not needed and should not be installed.
Water Softener Salt
Only use water softener salt specially formulated for dishwashers.
Other salts may contain insoluble additives that impair the Water
Softener. The proper salt can be purchased from the Miele Technical
Service Department.
To add salt:
1. Remove the Lower Basket.
2. Unscrew and remove the Salt Reservoir Cap located on the
floor of the Wash Cabinet.
3. If this is the first time salt is installed; add 2 quarts water.
4. Place a funnel over the Salt Reservoir. Carefully fill with salt.
The Salt Reservoir holds approximately 4.5 lbs (2 kg) of
5. Clean any excess salt from the threads of the reservoir
opening; and screw the cap on firmly.
6. Run the "Rinse & Hold" program to remove any traces of salt
from inside the Wash Cabinet.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
3.5 General Operation – Novotronic Series
1. Make sure the Spray Arms are not blocked.
2. Close the door.
3. Turn on the dishwasher. The "Start" Indicator will flash.
4. Select a wash program by turning the Program Selector to the left
or right.
5. Press the "Start" button.
3.6 General Operation – Touchtronic Series
1. Make sure the Spray Arms are not blocked.
2. Close the door.
3. Turn on the dishwasher. The "Start/Stop" Indicator will flash
and a Program Indicator will light.
4. Select a wash program using the Program Selection Buttons. The
Selected Program Indicator will light.
5. Select "Top Solo" if desired.
6. Press the "Start/Stop" button.
3.7 General Operation – Incognito Series
1. Open the door.
2. Make sure the Spray Arms are not blocked.
3. Turn on the dishwasher using the "On" button.
4. Select a wash program using the Program Selection Buttons.
The Selected Program Indicator will light.
5. Close the door. The Optic Indicator illuminates and the program
For specific program details and further information on operating the
dishwasher refer to the model specific Operating Manual.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.0 Description of Function
4.1 Cabinet Construction
The inner cabinet is constructed of stainless steel (1.4301) welded
onto four (4) vertical U-section sub-frames. The cabinet is sound and
heat-insulated with bitumen and/or mineral wool matting.
4.2 Fan Assembly
(Units equipped with Turbothermic Fan)
The fan assembly consists of the Fan Motor (M2) and a PTC Release
Element (Y56), which opens the air outlet flap. The 120VAC fan
operates in the drying stage, after a brief delay. The PTC Release
Element is activated, and the Air Outlet Flap is partially opened. A
bypass channel behind the air outlet is also opened and ensures that
the moist air from the cabinet is mixed with dry air from the door
interior. This measure prevents condensation from developing. After
about a minute, the electronic switches off the Release Element,
however the Air Outlet Flap remains partially open. After a few minutes
the Release Element is activated again, which completely opens the
Air Outlet Flap. The fan operates constantly throughout this period
until the program ends.. The Air Outlet Flap remains open at program
end and closes when the dishwasher door is opened.
4.2.1 PTC Release Element
(Units equipped with Turbothermic Fan)
When 120VAC is applied to the Release Element, the PTC Resistor
heats a small grease-filled capsule. As the grease expands it pushes a
piston upward and slides the Air Outlet Flap to a partially open
position. When the Release Element is activated the second time, the
piston slides the Air Outlet Flap to a fully open position.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.3 Combination Dispenser
4.3.1 Construction
Two individual solenoids control detergent and rinse aid dispensing.
The Rinse Aid Reservoir has a capacity of about 130 ml. When the
Rinse Aid level drops to about 25 ml. the Magnetic Float activates a
Reed Switch on the edge of the dispenser and the Rinse Aid LED
Figure 4-1: Dispenser Assembly

G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
Technical Information
4.3.2 Dispensing
During the main wash, the Detergent Solenoid (Y51) is energized
(120VAC), to open the Detergent Dispenser Flap. The water jet from
the Middle Spray Arm flushes detergent out of the dispenser.
Table 4-1: Detergent quantity in Combination Dispensers C2.06 and C2.09.
During the final rinse the Rinse Aid Solenoid (Y50) is energized
(120VAC), to open the dispenser chamber and allow Rinse Aid to be
dispensed into the cabinet.
The Rinse Aid only flows from the reservoir into the dispenser chamber
when the front door is fully opened at the end of a program.
The quantity taken into the dispenser chamber depends on the
dispenser selector setting.
Table 4-2: Rinse Aid Dispensing (Combination Dispensers C2.06 and C2.09).
When the Rinse Aid Light turns on, an additional 2 to 5 dispensings (at
setting 2) remain available.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
To allow proper filling of the Rinse Aid Dispenser; Rinse Aid should
only be added with the door in the fully open position.
4.4 Heaters
During the main wash and final rinse portions of a wash cycle, the
water is heated to the programs specified temperature before
advancing to the next step in the program (i.e.Thermal Stop).
The water is heated using one of two systems:
4.4.1 Wash Cavity Heating Element
Figure 4-2: Cavity Style Heater Element
The Heating Element is mounted just off the floor of the wash cavity.
When powered (120 VAC) the element radiates heat thereby heating
the surrounding and circulating water. The temperature of
the water is monitored by the Temperature Sensor, mounted in the
Heating Element switching is performed by the electronic via a Relay.
The relay (when energized) closes contacts to provide the Heater
Element with 120VAC. A Temperature Limiter mounted with the
element provides protection by opening up the circuit should the
temperature become to high.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.4.2 Flow Through Heater:
The Flow Through Heater
Assembly is mounted on the (left
side) exterior of the wash cabinet.
The Flow Through Heater is
plumbed into the water path
between the Circulation Pump
Output and the Middle Spray Arm.
The Flow Through Heater Consist
of a Heater Element mounted
parallel to a metal tube that water
passes through when the
dishwasher is circulating.
As water flows through the metal
tube; the water is heated and exits
through the Middle Spray-Arm. As
the water falls to the bottom of the
wash cavity, it passes through the
filter and re-enters the Circulation
Pump - the process then repeats.
The Temperature Sensor monitors
the water temperature until the
programs specified temperature is
reached. Generally the water heats Figure 4-3: Flow Through Heater
about 20 per minute.
Heating Element switching is performed by the electronic via a Relay.
The relay (when energized) closes contacts to provide the Heater
Element with 120VAC. Two Temperature Limiters are mounted along
the element and provides protection by opening up the circuit should
the temperature become to high. Flow Through Heater Electrical Data
9.6 k.Ohms

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.5 Heater Circuit - Operation
Figure 4-4: Heater Circuit

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.6 Pulsed Heating - Operation
In certain programs the heating may be operated at full power until a
water temperature of 77°F is reached; then power is applied in pulses.
This extends the heating time and allows enzyme-containing
detergents to develop their full cleaning potential.
The pulsed heating operates as follows:
• 1 min heater element on.
• 1 min heater element off.
The number of pulse cycles is limited to a maximum of 11. If the
programs specified temperature has not been reached, the heating
resumes using full power. Once the programs temperature has been
reached, the electronic unit advances to the next step in the program.
If the temperature cannot be reached (i.e. heater failure) within a
specified time, the program will advance; and a heating fault is stored
in the electronic.
4.7 Temperature Protection
The Flow-through Heater uses two (2) Temperature Limiters (2F2)
mounted on the body of the Flow-Through Heater. The Temperature
Limiters are designed to open the circuit should the temperature
become too high. When the temperature falls, the Temperature
Limiters do not reset automatically and must be reset manually (via the
red button on the back of the device).
Additional protection is provided by the Electronic, which switches the
appliance off and stores an F4 fault code, should the temperature
exceed 194°F (90°C) – as determined by the Temperature Sensor.
4.8 Static Drying
The Static Drying System uses no electrical and / or mechanical
components to assist in drying. With this system the final rinse water is
heated to 154°F (68°C) (not the usual 150°F / 67°C). The dishwasher
cabinet is made of stainless steel; and conducts the heat generated
during the final rinse. As the final rinse ends this stored thermal energy
radiates and assists in the drying.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.9 Spray Arms
The circulation pump (M6) moves the wash water from the sump
through the Filter Assembly and to the Spray Arms. The water
pressure causes a propulsion effect causing the Spray Arms to rotate.
4.9.1 Spray Arms - Rotation Data
Top Spray Arm: 30 to 55 rpm
Middle Spray Arm: 16 to 40 rpm
Bottom Spray Arm: 24 to 50 rpm
4.10 Filter Assembly
1 Coarse Filter / Handle
2 Large Surface Area Fine Filter
3 Microfine ilter F
4 Filter cap
Figure 4-5: Filter Assembly
Circulating wash water is filtered via 2 parallel paths. A portion of the
water flows through the center opening of the Coarse Filter and
passes through the Microfine Filter. The remaining water passes
through the Large Surface Area Fine Filter. The Coarse Filter, is
attached to the Filter Combination Handle. If dispensed powder

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
detergent should fall into the Microfine Filter, it remains on the Filter
Cap, where it can dissolve, instead of collecting in the drain outlet.
Foreign bodies which pass the Coarse Filter to the Microfine Filter
collect on the Filter Cap and so they don’t clog the drain outlet.
4.11 Water Intake – Technical Data
Table 4-3: WaterProof System Data
1: An optional 4.5 meter version can be installed.
Flow Restrictor - Data
Green 4.1 (1) liters per minute
Grey 4.9 (2) liters per minute
White 5.25 liters per minute
Blue 6.0 liters per minute
Table 4-4: Flow Restrictor Data
(1) Standard with slimline models
(2) Standard with 60cm (fullsize) models
Water Inlet Mixer – Data
Table 4-5: Water Inlet Mixer Data

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.12 WaterProof System (WPS)
The Water Inlet Valve (Y2) consists of two (2) electro-mechanical
valves mounted within a waterproof box located at the water
connection (end of the water intake hose).
The valves are mounted in physically and electrically in series to
ensure that if one valve should fail (e.g. due to blockage caused by a
foreign body) the water flow will still be switched off by the other valve.
Figure 4-6: WaterProof System Connection
The water inlet system is protected by WPS (WaterProof System)
which uses an outer sleeve protecting the water inlet hose and valves.
In the event a valve or the hose should leak, the leaking water will flow
along the outer sleeve to the drip tray in the bottom of the unit. When a
quantity of water collects in the drip tray, the Float Switch (B8/3) is

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
With the Float Switch actuated; power that is normally distributed
throughout the appliance is re-directed to the Drain Pump. The Drain
Pump will continuously operate when the unit is turned on and the door
is closed. Normal operation and Program Selection is not possible
during this time.
● If the WPS is replaced, always ensure the correct flow restrictor is
● The WaterProof system only operates with the door closed and the
dishwasher switched on.
● To ensure optimal protection, the water connection should be at
least 20 cm higher than the floor on which the dishwasher is
● The connection hose must be routed so that no point is higher than
the connection housing.
For further details, refer to the model specific Operating and
Installation Manual.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
WaterProof System Circuit – normal operating position
WaterProof System Circuit – Float Switch B8/3 actuated
From water being present in the lower pan of the dishwasher.
B1/2 Level switch - Overflow
B8/3 Float switch - Overflow
M8 Drain pump
S2 Main switch (pushbutton switch)
S24 Door contact switch
Y2 Solenoid valve (2 off) - Water intake (WaterProof system)
Figure 4-7: Water Intake Circuit

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.13 Flowmeter - Operation
The incoming water turns an impeller that contains a magnet located in
the Flow Meter Axle. As the impeller turns, an external Reed Switch is
switched on / off by the effect of the magnet. The electronic monitors
the number of pulses to determine the volume of incoming water.
Approximately 200 pulses = 1 liter.
1 Reed Switch
2 Housing
3 Magnet (could also be mounted directly on an impeller blade)
4 Impeller
5 Housing cap
Figure 4-8: Flowmeter Assembly Components (External Flowmeter Shown)

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.14 Water Intake
If the water pressure is low, the electronic can be programmed to
increase the allotted intake duration from 2 minutes, to up to 4 minutes.
For further information refer to the section 6 Fault Diagnosis.
1 Input - Ion exchanger (softener)
2 Intake opening - Sump
3 Output - Ion exchanger (softener)
4 Water softener selector
5 Bypass - Water
6 Non-return device
7 Water reservoir
8 Water intake channel
9 Cabinet ventilation
10 WaterProof system (valve Y2)
11 Salt container
12 Solenoid valve Y38/1
13 Non-return valve
14 Ion exchanger
Figure 4-9: Water Intake System Equipped With Integrated Flowmeter

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.15 Water Mixing
4.15.1 Water Mixing - External Flowmeter
Refer to figure 4-9.
The main water flows into the WaterProof system (Item 10), to the
Water Intake Assembly where it passes a Non-Return Device (Item 6).
The Non Return Valve prevents a reflux of water from the machine into
the supply should a vacuum develop in the system.
The water path is then divided at the bypass (Item 5), and up to 5% of
the water flows directly into the cabinet without passing through the
Water Softener. Depending on the Water Hardness Selector Setting
(Item 4), a proportion of the water flows directly into the cabinet via the
Cabinet Ventilation, (Item 9). The remaining water fills the reservoir in
the Water Inlet (Item 7), for later reactivation of the softener. When the
reservoir is full, water flows through the Ion Exchanger (Item 14), and
the intake opening in the sump (Item 2), to enter the cabinet.
Mains water mixing (External Flowmeter)
Figure 4-10: Water Hardness Selector
With correct programming and operation the water softener should
supply water with a hardness level < 4° in all wash programs. With
certain types of glass it may be necessary to set the wash water
hardness individually to avoid possible glass corrosion. Depending on
the water hardness, the selector at the Water Intake (Non Plus Models
Only) must be set to between 0 - 3. This sets the quantity of mains
water flowing directly into the cabinet without passing the Water
Softener. For details, see the model specific operating manual.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.15.2 Water Mixing - Integrated Flowmeter
1 Drain pump
2 Sump
3 Sump - Soft water intake
4 Water softener - Soft water outlet
5 Solenoid valve Y2 (WPS)
6 Water inlet mixer
7 Water inlet mixer intake and outlet
8 Control valve Y6 - Steam condenser
9 Solenoid valve Y38/1 (reactivation)
10 Salt container
11 Salt container intake
12 Non-return device
13 Water softener hard water intake
14 Ion exchanger
Figure 4-11: Water Path with Integrated Flowmeter

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
Refer to the figure 4-12.
The water intake hose from the WaterProof System (WPS) is
connected to the Water Inlet Mixer (Item 6). Hard water flows through
the Integrated Flow Meter (Item 1), and into the Intake Channel (Item
3), to Solenoid Valve Y5 (Item 4).
1 Flow meter B3/4
2 Surrounding test channel, for production purposes only
3 Mains water intake channel
4 Solenoid valve Y5 (wash water hardness)
5 Valve pin
6 Ball valve
7 Water reservoir - Softener reactivation
8 Overflow
Figure 4-12: Water Inlet Mixer
9 Non-return device
10 Cabinet ventilation
11 Vent
12 Water intake - Soft water from water softener
13 Water outlet to sump
14 Water outlet from water reservoir for softener
15 Water outlet to softener
16 Water intake from WaterProof system (WPS)

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.15.3 Solenoid Valve (Y5) - Operating (Plus Models Only)
Figure 4-13: Water Hardness Mixer Solenoid
Refer to figure 4-12.
With no voltage to Y5
The Valve Pin (Item 5) closes the channel for cabinet ventilation. The
non-softened water then flows behind the Valve Pin (Item 5.1), through
an opening in the Water Channel (Item 3.2). From here it flows
upwards to the Ball Valve (Item 6), where a small proportion of the
water passes through a small bypass in the Ball Valve to the Water
Reservoir (Item 7), for later use during softener reactivation.
After softener reactivation, the reservoir is filled again by the time
the third water intake has taken place.
The majority of the water, blocked by the Ball Valve at the Water
Reservoir Inlet, flows through the Water Channel (Item 3.3), to the
Water Mixer Outlet and then to the Water Softener, (Item 5). After
passing through the Water Softener, the now soft water flows via the
Soft Water Intake (Item 12), back into the Water Inlet Mixer. It then
flows past the Non-Return Device (Item 9), into the Sump, (Item 13).
With voltage applied to Y5
The Valve Pin is drawn back and a portion of the hard water flows
through the hole into the channel (Item 3.1), via the Cabinet Ventilation
Port. This mixing of hard water with the soft water allows the wash
water hardness to be adjusted more precisely.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.16 Electronic Controlled Water Hardness (EGS)
To avoid possible glass corrosion, the wash water hardness level
should not exceed or fall below
45 ppm in programs with heating
71 ppm in program without heating
With water hardness below 286 ppm (in heating steps under 232 ppm)
the Solenoid Valve Y5 is activated to add a proportion of hard water to
the cabinet. The proportion added in this way is fixed and depends on
the mains water hardness level programmed into the electronic.
The EGS system is not active in all wash programs, however it can be
programmed if required. The additional function Top Solo has no
influence on the EGS system.
The EGS system is not active in the following cases:
● In programs Universal Plus 55°, Universal Plus 65° or Economy
(standard setting).
• If the programmed water hardness is above 286 ppm.
• In the program when the softener is being reactivated.
• When flushing the Water Softener after reactivation.
• If no Water Softener is fitted.
• If the function “Without Softener” has been programmed
If a water softener is fitted but has been deactivated (programmed to
“without water softener”), then the incoming water flows directly into
the cabinet via the Solenoid Valve only. However a small quantity
(approximately 1 liter) of water still flows through the Water Softener
System to prevent mold from forming.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.17 Water Softener
The Water Softener consists of 2 compartments - a Salt Container and
an Ion Chamber. In addition it also has a mechanical Non-Return
Valve, a Solenoid Valve and a Reed Switch / Magnetic Float Switch.
1 Reed switch B8/2 - salt level float switch
2 Salt container
3 Water exit
4 Ion exchanger
5 Mains water intake on underside
6 Solenoid valve Y38/1 - Softener
7 Intake for water for reactivation from reservoir in water mixer
Figure 4-14: Water Softener
Incoming water flows through the Intake Assembly and into the Ion
Exchanger. When the water flows through the Softener, the calcium
and magnesium ions are exchanged for sodium ions which soften the
water. The softened water flows into the cabinet via a port in the Sump.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.17.1 Reactivation
The electronic unit activates the Softener Valve (Y38/1) and water from
the Water Intake Assembly flows into the Salt Container, where it
dissolves a quantity of salt to become a brine mixture.
The saturation point, above which the water cannot dissolve any more
salt, is approximately 40%. The brine then flows past a mechanical
Non-Return Valve into the Ion Exchanger and flushes the existing
water into the Sump. The built-in Non-Return Valve in the Softener
prevents the brine mixing with the incoming water during normal
The brine flushes the resin in the Ion Exchanger, and replaces the
retained calcium and magnesium ions, with sodium ions. At the next
program start, the incoming water flushes out the remaining brine and
hardness minerals before the actual dishwashing program begins.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.17.2 Reactivation Cycles
Water Hardness Number of Program sequences
before reactivation (Universal
Parts per
Million Grains per
Gallon Normal Water
18 to 71 1 to 4.1 18 12
89 to 107 5.2 to 6.2 13 8
125 7.3 12 8
143 to 179 8.3 to 10.4 7 5
196 to 214 11.4 to 12.4 6 4
232 to 250 13.5 to 14.5 5 3
268 to 304 15.5 to 17.6 4 2
321 to 375 18.6 to 21.8 3 1
393 to 625 22.8 to 36.3 2 1
643 to
1250 37.3 to 72.5 1 1
Table 4-6: Reactivation Cycles Timing
The salt in the Salt Container is sufficient for several reactivation
cycles as it is not dissolved all at once. As the quantity of salt in the
Salt Container reduces, the concentration of the brine decreases.
When a specific concentration is reached, the Float (containing a
magnet) activates the Float Switch. The Salt Indicator is then
illuminated to advise the operator the softener system needs salt
The dishwasher operates with consumption-linked reactivation. After a
certain number of programs (Refer to Table 4-6), the Electronic
activates the Solenoid Valve (Y38/1) at the end of the Final Rinse
Cycle and starts the reactivation process. If several other programs are
operated between two Universal 65°C programs such as Economy, the
electronic unit calculates the probable quantity of water used and the
approximate number of equivalent Universal 65°C programs. Therefore
the figures provided in Table 4-6 can only be considered as a guide

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.18 Condenser Drying (UKT)
Does not apply to all dishwasher models
4.18.1 Operation
An air inlet port is located on the back / left area of the cavity ceiling.
An air duct is fitted to the port and attaches to the Condenser
During the Drying portion of a program, moist air within the cabinet is
drawn through the Condenser Assembly via the Condenser Fan (M2).
As the cabinet air passes the Cold Water Reservoir (inside the
condenser) water vapor forms and exits the condenser (as water) via
the port on the left wall of the cabinet.
The cooling bank within the Condenser Assembly utilizes water from
the intake / softening system controlled by the electronic via the
Condenser Control Valve (Y6).
4.18.2 Technical Data
Control valve (Y6) AC 120 Hz
Cold Water Reservoir 750 ml

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
1 Water Control ValveY6 – (for Steam Condenser)
2 Fan M2
3 Vent / Water Port from condenser
4 Steam Condenser Assembly
5 Air Duct (Condenser Intake)
6 Water Intake Assembly
7 Solenoid Valve Y5 - Water hardness
8 Cabinet Vent / Water Port (un-softened)
9 Flow Meter B3/4
10 Reactivation Valve Y38
11 Water Softener Assembly
Figure 4-15: Components for the Condenser Drying System

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.18.3 Control Valve
Refer to figure 4-15…
The Miele Circulation Condenser Drying System consists of a Steam
Condenser (Item 4), with Circulation Fan. The Steam Condenser
contains a Cold Water Reservoir over which an air duct passes and
moist air from the cabinet is passed through this air duct. The cold
water and the air duct are separated by a 0.5 mm thick membrane
which provides the condensing surface. The Fan (Item 2), takes in
moist air from the top of the cabinet (Item 5), and passes it over the
condensing surface where it is cooled then blows it back into the
cabinet via the opening in the lower area of the Side Panel (Item 3).
The water vapor that is condensed out during cooling flows down and
enters the cabinet via the opening in the lower area of the Side Panel.
Some vapor may condense out in the Fan and this flows out via a hole
in the bottom of the Fan Housing to the Drip Tray where it evaporates
1 Soft water from Water Softener
2 Soft water to Water Mixer
3 Soft water to Condenser Module
Figure 4-16: Control Valve Y6
Refer to figure 4-16.
No voltage applied to Control Valve Y6
The path between positions 1 and 3 is always open so during every
water intake the Cold Water Reservoir in the Steam Condenser is filled
with water from the Water Softener. If the Reservoir is full, excess
water overflows at its top edge and flows down then enters the cabinet
via the opening in the lower area of the Side Panel.
Voltage applied to Control Valve Y6
If voltage is applied to the Control Valve during water intake stages,
the path between 1 and 2 is also open (this is marked with +K in the
Program Timing Chart). In this way soft water flows to the Water Mixer
and then into the cabinet.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.19 Drain Pump, Circulation Pump
The Drain Pump (M8) is located below the cabinet and connects to the
right / front of the Sump. The Pump removes the wash water through
the Non-Return Valve and Drain Hose to the on-site drain. The Drain
Pump is controlled / powered by the electronic.
If the on-site drain is below the level of the guides for the bottom
basket, the drain must be vented to prevent siphoning. See the
appropriate operating/ installation instructions or call Technical Support
for assistance.
During dishwashing, the Circulation Pump (M6) takes in the wash
water from the side of the Sump through the Microfine Filter and the
Large Surface Area Filter and pumps it to the Spray Arms. During
drainage, the Drain Pump removes water out from below the Microfine
Filter. This change of direction in the water flow assist in flushing out
any residues that may have been retained within the Filter. Water
passing through the Non-Return Valve and then to the on-site drain.
A Bimetallic Switch is integrated in the Circulation Pump Motor
Windings and serves as a safety cut-off should the temperature
exceed 150°C (302°F). After a cooling-down phase, which can be
between 10 min - 1 hour the Switch resets automatically. If the Switch
is faulty, the Motor Assembly must be exchanged.
Type Voltage
Power Pump
Pressure Flow Rate Maximum
Pump 120 VAC 120 W 3.6 psi 18.2
gallons /
minute - -
Pump 120 VAC 65 W - 4.2 gallons
/ minute 39 inches 13 feet
Table 4-7: Circulation and Drain Pump Data
4.20 Level Switch – Heater (Heater Pressure Switch)
The Level Switch – Heating (Heater Pressure Switch) (B1/10) is
located directly on the Circulation Pump and actuates when water is
present and circulating (producing pressure). The switch is monitored
by the Electronic and is electrically in series with the Heater Relay.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
If sufficient water and circulation is not present the switch is not
actuated; this keeps the Heater Relay circuit interrupted, the appliance
malfunctions and a fault is stored in the Electronic.
Should the switch be faulty and remain constantly actuated, the
appliance malfunctions and a fault is stored in the Electronic.
Figure 4-17: Heater Pressure Switch – Contact Positions and Current Paths

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.21 Level Switch (Intake Overflow)
As an additional safety measure, the Overflow Level Switch (B1/2) is
electrically in series to the Water Inlet Valves (Y2). The Level Switch
interrupts power should the water level become to high inside the
Figure 4-18: Water Intake / Level Switch Circuit

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.22 Temperature Sensor
The Temperature Sensor R30 (NTC resistor) is located in the bottom
area of the Sump. The Electronic Unit constantly monitors the water
temperature using the resistance value of the sensor. If the resistance
is less than 14.9 kilo-ohms ± 750 ohm at 68°, a fault is registered.
Table 4-8: NTC Sensor resistance values

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.23 Top Solo Valve
Refer to figure 4-19.
If the Top Solo option is selected, water is directed to the Top and
Middle Spray Arms only. The Top Solo Valve (Y27) is located between
the Circulation Pump and the Sump within the plumbing circuit to the
Bottom Spray Arm. When Top Solo is selected an electromagnet (Item
3), releases a plastic ball in the water intake, wash and / or rinse
stages into the valve body (Item 2). This ball is now unlocked and the
water pressure pulls it free of the bottom part of the valve and presses
it against the output opening (Item 4). This almost completely closes
the channel to the Bottom Spray Arm. A bypass opening (a small
square cutout in the output opening) allows a minimal quantity of water
to flow to the Bottom Spray Arm so keeping the jets free of food
residue deposits.
The Top Solo Valve is activated after 2.5 liters of water is present
inside the appliance.
1 – Intake Opening
2 – Valve Body
3 – Top Solo Solenoid
Output Opening
Figure 4-19: Circulation Pump; highlighting components for the Top Solo feature.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.24 Turbidity Sensor (ECO Sensor)
Certain model dishwashers are equipped with a Turbidity (ECO)
Sensor. The Sensor is comprised of a Phototransistor that emits a
beam of light through the water path. On the opposite side of the
sensor is a Photoelectric Switch (receiver). The amount of light
capable of passing through the water is based on the turbidity
(transparency) of the water. The amount of light received, effects the
current flow of the sensor, and is used by the Electronic to calculate
the condition of the water.
If clean water is present, the light flow is near 100%. As the water
becomes dirty the amount of light received is reduced.
During certain steps of the program (refer to the model specific Timing
Chart) the Sensor is monitored to determine the condition of the water.
1 5 V
2 Photoelectric Switch Line
3 Phototransistor Line
At the end of the Pre-Wash the water is checked via the Turbidity
Sensor. If the water is clean enough, the program will change by
eliminating the drain at the end of the Pre-Wash and fill at the
beginning of the Main Wash. The same water will continue to be used
to reduce water consumption.
If the Turbidity Sensor and electronic determine the water to be “dirty”.
Then the program will continue with a drain at the end of the Pre-
Wash, and a fill during the Main Wash.
Figure 4-20: Turbidity Sensor (ECO Sensor)

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
The sensor is located within the plumbing connection between the
Circulation Pump and Top Spray Arm. In order to compensate for
residues on the sensor and ageing of the optical system, the Turbidity
Sensor is re-calibrated automatically every time the dishwasher runs a
program (the steps on the Timing Chart are marked with a “T “). To
prevent residues drying on the sensor surface, the sensor remains in
water after the drainage cycle.
4.25 Electronic Unit - Power Outputs
The Electronic Unit controls all components within the dishwasher.
The activation of components requiring 120VAC power is handled by
Thyristors and Relays within the Electronic. The individual components
of the Electronic are not replaceable. Should the Electronic require
replacement; the Electronic is replaced as one assembled component.
Table 4-9: Activation of components

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
4.25.1 Programming After Replacing the Electronic
In addition to Intake Duration and Water Softener Settings certain
dishwasher Electronics need to be programmed for the width of the
dishwasher (45 cm or 60 cm).
For further information refer to the model specific programming and
service mode(s) information.
4.25.2 Electronic Modes
The electronic modes are divided into 3 levels:
The Programming Mode
Service Mode 1
Service Mode 2
The Programming Mode is intended for user access. Service Mode 1
and Service Mode 2 are designed to be accessed only by qualified
service personnel.
Note - While in Service or Programming Modes…
If the dishwasher is switched off; or the door is opened the dishwas
her automatically exits the current mode and returns to the
operational mode.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.0 Service and Maintenance
5.1 Locking Plate - Adjustment
Figure 5-1: Locking Plate
1. Loosen the two Screws (Item 1).
2. Adjust the Locking Plate in the direction of the arrow as required
3. Tighten the Screws.
5.2 Cabinet Seal - Replacement
Figure 5-2: Seal Fitting Plan
Refer to figure 5-2.
1. Open the Door.
2. Remove the Old Seal.
3. Clean the groove around the cabinet.
4. Press the appropriate Sealing Compound, into the corners of the
Door Seal Groove.
5. Fit the new Seal in accordance with the figure 2; first at the ends
and corners of the groove. The Seal Lip should point inwards.
6. Press the mid points of the Seal on the edges (Item 3). Work
towards the corners and ends, press the Seal into its groove.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.3 Side Panel - Removal
Figure 5-3: Side Panels and Cabinet
Refer to figure 5-3
With the appliance removed from it’s installation location
2. Remove the raised head screws (Items 1 and 3).
3. Open the Door.
4. Remove the Raised Head Screws, (Item 2).
5. Remove the Side Panels.
Service Tip
When reinstalling the Side Covers; fit the bottom lip of the panel into
the edge of the Drip Tray.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.4 Spring Bracket - Replacement
Figure 5-4: Side View, Door with Bracket
1. Remove the Side Panels (5.3)
2. Fold up the Mineral Wool Matting (depending on model).
3. Hold the Spring with one hand and pull it down.
4. Release the Cable from the Bracket (Figure 5-4 – Item 3).
5. Unhook the Spring (Figure 5-4 – Item 1).
6. Remove the Raised Head Screws (Figure 5-4 – Item 2).
7. Remove the Bracket.
With the Springs removed from the Door; the Door has no tension.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.5 Cover Plate - Removal
Figure 5-5: Cover Plate
1. Remove the two Screws and the Plinth (Toekick).
2. Remove the Raised Head Screws, (Figure5-5 – Item 1).
3. Tilt the Cover Plate forwards slightly and lift its bottom edge out of
the Drip Tray.
4. Remove the Cover Plate.
Service Tip
When reinstalling the Side Covers; fit the bottom lip of the panel into
the edge of the Drip Tray.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.6 Connecting Strip - Removal
Figure 5-6: Plinth area with Connecting Strip
1. Remove the Cover Plate (5.5).
1. Remove the Raised Head and Countersunk Screws (Figure 5-6 –
Item 1).
2. Remove components from the Connecting Strip.
4. Remove the Connecting Strip.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.7 Basket Support Rollers – Replacement
Figure 5-7: Basket Guide
Do not attempt to pry the Basket Guides free with a screwdriver; this
will result in irreversible damage to the cabinet walls.
1. Slide out the Basket Guide (Figure 5-7 – Item 1), until the Clip,
between the Bolt on the cabinet wall and the Basket Guide is
Figure 5-8: Bolt and Retaining Clip

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
2. Insert a small screwdriver under the Clip between the Bolt on the
cabinet wall and the Basket Guide and remove the Clip upwards.
3. Remove the Basket Guide.
Figure 5-9: Basket Guide Stopper
4. Bend open the Holder Tag for the Rear Stopper in the direction
of the arrow (Figure 9 – Item 1).
Figure 5-10: Stopper removal
5. Remove the Rear Stopper in the direction of the arrow
(Figure 10 – Item 1).
6. Bend the other Holder Tag in the direction of the arrow
(Figure 10 – Item 2).
7. Remove the old Support Rollers.
8. Slide the Clips onto the new Support Rollers.
9. Insert 2 new Support Rollers in the Basket Guide.
10. Reinstall the Stopper.
11. Bend the Holder Tags back into position.
12. Reinstall the Clips on the 2 new Support Rollers. Align the Rollers
with the Bolts. Press the Basket Guide with the new Support
Rollers firmly onto the Bolts until the Rollers clip into place.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.8 Combination Dispenser - Removal
Figure 5-11: Exterior view of the Inner Door Panel
1. Remove the Outer Door Panel (5.10).
2. Disconnect all Electrical Plugs; and Hose – if fitted with a Fan.
Service Tip
To help avoid incorrect connection, the plug connection leads are of
different lengths.
3. Remove the Raised Head Screws (Figure 11 – Item 1).
4. Press the Retaining Clips downwards in the direction of the arrow
(Figure 11), and remove the Combination Dispenser Unit.
5. Fit a new Combination Dispenser Unit.
6. On models without a Fan, fit a stopper in the connection for the
Condensate Hose.
7. Check for proper operation.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.9 Turbothermic Fan - Removal
1. Remove the Outer Door Panel (5.10).
2. Remove the Control Panel.
3. Remove the Fixing Bracket. Components can remain on the Fixing
Bracket (i.e. Electronic Unit, Handle)
Figure 5-12: Fan Removal
4. Disconnect the Connection Plugs and the Drain Hose, to the
Combination Dispenser (Figure 5-12 - Item 2).
5. Open the Door.
6. Using needle-nose pliers, turn the Fan Cover (Filter) on the Door
Inner Panel in the direction of the arrow to release it from the
Bayonet Fitting.
7. Remove the Fan and Seal.
Service Tip
When refitting, insert the two lugs on the Fan in the
holes provided.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.10 Door Panel (Outer and Inner) - Removal
This procedure does NOT apply to Pre-Finished models.
To Remove the Outer Door Panel
1. Remove the GDU or Custom Panel
2. Open the front door.
3. While supporting the Outer Door Panel; remove the six (6)
screws from the inside edge of the panel.
4. Lower the panel to remove.
To Remove the Inner Door Panel
1. Remove the Control Panel (5.47).
2. Remove the Fixing Bracket. Components can remain on the
Fixing Bracket (i.e. Electronic Unit, Handle) (5.48).
3. Remove the Insulated Matting between the Inner and Outer
Door Panels.
4. Remove the Dispenser (5.8).
5. Remove the Lock Assembly (5.12).
6. Remove the Fan (if applicable) (5.9)
Figure 5-13: Inner Door Panel Removal
7. Disconnect the Ground Wire.
8. Remove the Screws (Figure 5-13 – Item 3).
9. Open the Door. Remove the Raised Head Screws
(Figure 5-13 – Item 4).
10. Remove the Inner Door Panel in an upward direction.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.11 Cable Holder - Removal
Figure 5-14: Cable Holder Removal
Refer to figure 5-14.
1. Remove the Outer Door Panel (5.10).
2. Open the Cable Holder Cover with a screwdriver.
3. Remove the Raised Head Screw (Figure 5-14 – Item 1).
4. Remove the Cable Holder.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.12 Lock / Handle Assembly – Removal
Figure 5-15: Lock Removal
Ensure the power is disconnected at the wall outlet; by shutting off
the appropriate circuit breaker
1. Remove the Outer Door Panel (5.10).
2. Remove the Control Panel (5.47).
3. Open the Door and remove the Screw (Figure 5-15 – Item 3).
Service Tip
A Sealing Ring (Figure 5-15 – Item 3) is located under the Countersunk
Screw. This Sealing Ring must be refitted during reassembly.
4. Remove the Lock and Cover.
5. Disconnect the Plug Contacts from the Switch.
6. Dismantle the Lock and Cover.
7. When refitting, ensure the two lugs on the Switch engage in the
holes provided.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.13 Door Hinge - Removal
Refer to Figure 5-16.
1. Remove the Side Panel (5.3).
2. Remove the Outer Door Panel (5.10).
3. Remove the Tensioning Spring (5.4).
Figure 5-16: Hinge Removal
Ensure the Door is held in position; and supported while opening it.
4. Open the Door. Remove the Raised Screws (Item 1).
5. Close the Door. Remove the Screw (Item 2).
6. Remove the Hinge Bolt Retainer (Item 3).
7. Remove the Hinge Bolt (Item 4).
8. Remove the Hinge.
Service Tip
When reassembling, lightly coat all moving parts with acid-free

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.14 Door Tension - Adjustment
1. Open the Door.
2. Locate the Spring Adjustment Screw on the left side of the
dishwasher at the top front edge – as shown in Figure 5-17.
3. Use a Torx 20 screwdriver to adjust the Screw as follows:
Clockwise – Tighten.
Counterclockwise – Loosen.
Figure 5-17: Door Tension Adjustment Screw
4. Adjust the Door as follows:
With the Door opened to a 45º position, it
remains stationary (does not continue to open OR close on
it’s own tension)
Repeat step 3 – as needed.
Replacement of Door Tension Springs and / or the Door
Panel requires readjustment of the Door Tension.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.15 Top Spray Arm - Removal
1. Open the Door.
2. Press the Top Spray Arm upwards to engage it.
3. Unscrew clockwise.
5.16 Middle Spray Arm - Removal
1. Open the Door.
2. Remove the Upper Basket.
3. Press the Middle Spray Arm upwards to engage it.
4. Unscrew clockwise.
5.17 Bottom Spray Arm - Removal
1. Open the Door.
2. Remove the Lower Basket.
3. Lift up on the Spray Arm to remove it.
5.18 Top Spray Arm Feed Pipe - Removal
1. Remove the left Side Panel (5.3).
2. Remove the Top Spray Arm (5.15).
3. Unscrew the Counter Nut at the Spray Arm Mount.
4. Loosen the Bottom Hose Clip on the Feed Pipe; pull off the Hose.
5. Remove the Feed Pipe from it’s Fixing Bracket by lifting upward.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.19 Middle Spray Arm Cover - Removal
Figure 5-18: Middle Spray Arm Cover Removal
1. Insert a large screwdriver between the Cover Retainer and the
Metal Holder on the rear of the cabinet wall – see figure 5-18.
2. Unclip the Spray Arm Cover and slide it upwards.
3. Remove the cover by pulling it down and outward.
5.20 Middle Spray Arm Feed Pipe - Removal
1. Remove the Spray Arm Cover (5.19).
2. Remove the Left Side Panel (5.3).
3. Remove the Spring Clip located at the top of the Feed Pipe near
the Flow-Through Heater.
4. Lift upward on the Feed Pipe to remove.
Service Tip
When refitting, ensure the Seal is fitted on the Feed Pipe before re-

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.21 Flow-Through Heater - Removal
Refer to figure 5-19.
1. Remove the Left Side Panel (5.3).
2. Fold up the insulation – as needed.
Figure 5-19: Dishwasher with Flow-Through Heater
3. Disconnect the Electrical Connections.
4. Disconnect the Top and Bottom Hose Connections (Items 1&4).
5. Lift upwards on the Flow-Through Heater Assembly to release it
from the Retainer (Item 2).
Service Tip
When replacing a Flow-Through Heater, the old Seal should be
replaced with a new part. See Figure 5-20 – Item 1.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
1 – Seal
2 – Flow Through Heater
erature Limiters
Figure 5-20: Flow-Through Heater with Seal (Item 1).
5.22 Temperature Limiter - Replacement
1. Remove the Left Side Panel (5.3).
2. Disconnect the Temperature Limiter Electrical Connections.
3. Loosen the Clamp from the Temperature Limiter using a
4. Fit a new Temperature Limiter in the same position and secure it
with the Retaining Clamp.
5. Ensure the Retaining Clamp is seated correctly.
6. Connect the Plug Contacts.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.23 Microfine Filter – Exchange
Refer to figure 5-21.
1. Open the Door.
2. Remove the Filter Assembly from the dishwasher.
Figure 5- 21: Microfine Filter – Replacement
3. Cut the old Filter combination apart at the Snap Fitting between the
Handle and Microfine Filter (Item 4).
4. Open the Filter Cap on the new Microfine Filter.
5. Place the Handle and Microfine Filter together as shown in Figure
Service Tip
Ensure the cutout on the Handle (Item 1), must align with the
cutout on the large surface area fine Filter (Item 2).
Ensure the The retaining lug on the new Microfine Filter (Item 3),
aligns with the cutout on the Handle (Item 1).

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
6. Apply a small amount of Rinse Aid to act as a lubricant while
snapping the new Microfine Filter into place.
7. Apply pressure with both thumbs inside the Microfine Filter and
press it onto the Handle (Figure 5-22), so that the parts lock
Figure 5-22: Pressing and Locking the Filter Assembly.
Service Tip
Use caution to ensure the Filter is not damaged during
8. Re-install Filter.
5.24 WaterProof System (WPS) - Removal
1. Remove the Drip Tray (5.29).
2. Release the Hose Clamp Tension and remove the Intake Hose
from the Flowmeter (or Water Intake Assembly).
3. Disconnect the Electrical Connection to the Solenoid Valve (Y2)
(located near the front of the water softener salt tank).
4. Release the Locking Collar Tension on the back of the dishwasher
and remove the WPS by pulling outwards.
Service Tip
The new WPS is supplied with various Flow Restrictors. Ensure the
correct Flow Restrictor (coded by color) is installed into the new part

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.25 WaterProof System (WPS) Restrictor - Exchange
1. Shut off the water supply.
2. Disconnect the WPS at the plumbing supply connection.
3. Remove the Sealing Washer and Filter from inside the WPS
4. Using a 5mm nut-driver; press and tilt the Restrictor to the side; as
shown in figure 5-23.
Figure 5-23: Tilting the Flow Restrictor
5. Remove the Restrictor with needle-nose pliers; as shown in figure
Figure 5- 24: Removing the Flow Restrictor.
6. Fit the new Restrictor using a suitable 5 mm socket spanner.
Service Tip
Use care when installing a new Flow Restrictor, a damaged
Restrictor should never be used.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.26 Water Inlet (Diverter) - Removal
1. Open the Door.
2. Unscrew the connections securing the Water Intake to the inside of
the cabinet; as shown in Figure 5-25.
Figure 5-25: Water Inlet - Removal
3. Remove the Right Side Panel (5.3).
Service Tip
Be prepared as residual water remains in the Water Intake. Water will
flow from the Water Intake upon disconnecting the hoses.
4. Disconnect all Connection Hoses.
5. Remove the Water Inlet.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.27 Water Softener – Operational Check
Service Tip
Ensure the Electronic is programmed “with Water Softener” before
performing the following procedure.
1. Refer to the model specific Operating Manual; Program the
Electronic to the 643 ppm (parts per million) – 1,250 ppm (parts per
million) softener setting.
2. Remove the Filter Assembly.
3. Access Service Mode 1. (refer to section 6 – Fault Diagnosis for
model specific instructions)
4. Proceed to a water intake step.
5. Proceed to a drain step and drain the appliance.
6. Open the Door.
7. “Cheat” the Door Switch into the “closed position” by using a Door
Switch Bypass Tool P/N 05057670.
8. Turn off the water supply to the dishwasher.
9. Access Service Mode 1.
10. Refer to the model specific Timing Chart and Select a program and
proceed to a step that is marked “E-REG” (Softener Reactivation).
The Electronic Unit activates the Softener Solenoid Valve (Y38/1)
If water flows through the intake opening in the Sump, the Water
Softener is operating correctly.
If water does not flow through the intake opening in the Sump, -
check the following:
The activation of the Solenoid Valve Y38/1.
The Water Softener Salt Cap for leaks and/or damage.
The Water Softener Hoses and Connections.
Service Tip
The Softener Solenoid Valve (Y38/1) is activated for 2 minutes during
reactivation. The Water Intake is emptied in approximately 60

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.28 Water Softener Assembly- Removal
1. Open the Door; remove the Salt Container Cap and Sealing Ring.
Remove any excess water / brine as necessary.
2. Remove the Right Side Panel (5.3).
3. Note the location of the Hoses on the Water Intake Assembly;
disconnect the Hoses and drain the remaining water.
4. Lay the dishwasher on its back.
5. Remove the Drip Tray (5.29).
6. Note the location of the Hoses on the Water Softener; disconnect
the Hoses and drain remaining water.
7. Unplug the Electrical Connections and remove the Reed Switch.
8. Release the wires from the holders on the Water Softener.
9. Remove the Water Softener.
5.29 Drip Tray - Removal
1. Lay the dishwasher on its back.
2. Remove four (4) screws from the corners of the Drip Tray.
3. Pull the Drip Tray from the appliance to remove.
5.30 Float Switch Housing - Removal
1. Remove the Drip Tray (5.29)
2. Pull the Float Switch to the front.
3. Disconnect the Plug.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.31 Float Switch (B8/3) – Removal
Refer to figure 5-26.
Figure 5-26: Float Switch Housing
1. Remove the Float Switch Housing (5.30).
2. Unclip the Top and Side Retainers (Items 1 and 2).
3. Open the Float Switch Housing.
4. Remove the Switch.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.32 Steam Condenser - Removal
1. Remove the Left Side Panel (5.3).
2. Open the Door.
3. Unscrew the Top Air Duct Cap (Intake Connection).
4. Unscrew the Bottom Air Duct Cap from the Steam Condenser
(Bayonet Connection).
5. Remove the Top Air Duct.
6. Unclip the Steam Condenser from the frame.
7. Disconnect the Hose Connections.
8. Disconnect the Fan Plug.
9. Unscrew the Heating Relay Fixing Screw. Remove the Heating
1 Water Control ValveY6 – (for Steam Condenser)
2 Fan M2
3 Vent / Water Port from condenser
4 Steam Condenser Assembly
5 Air Duct (Condenser Intake)
6 Water Intake Assembly
7 Solenoid Valve Y5 - Water hardness
8 Cabinet Vent / Water Port (un-softened)
9 Flow Meter B3/4
10 Reactivation Valve Y38
11 Water Softener Assembly
Figure 5-27: Steam Condenser Components

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.33 Control Valve (Y6) - Removal
1. Lay the dishwasher on it’s back.
2. Remove the Drip Tray (5.29).
3. Disconnect the Electrical Connection to the Valve.
4. Note position of all Hoses. Disconnect the Hose Connections.
5. Remove the Control Valve.
To prevent the possibility of a flooding condition:
Ensure all hoses to the Control Valve get connected correctly and are
not crushed, kinked or stretched.
5.34 Temperature Sensor (NTC) - Removal
1. Remove as much water as possible from the Sump.
2. Disconnect the Plug Connection from the Temperature Sensor.
3. Pull the Sensor outward to remove from the Sump.
Service Tip
During re-installation the Seal should be positioned within the
Sump assembly before installing the Temperature Sensor.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.35 Circulation Pump (M6) - Removal
Refer to figure 5-28
1. Remove all water from the Sump.
2. Remove the Fixing Bolt (Item 5), from the Casing Rear Panel (Item
Figure 5-28: Circulation Pump – Removal
3. Lay the dishwasher on its back.
4. Remove the Drip Tray (5.30).
5. Disconnect the Connection Plug (Item 7).
6. Remove the Heating Level Switch (5.39).
7. Release the Hose Clips (Items 3 and 8).
8. Press the Rear Casing out slightly, to remove the Spacer (Item 9).
9. Loosen the Circulation Pump (Item 6), and remove it.
10. When refitting, ensure the Seal (Item 2), is seated correctly.
Service Tip
The use of a small amount of Rinse Aid may assist in getting the
seal positioned correctly. Do not use liquid detergent, this will
cause an oversudsing condition.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.36 Circulation Pump - Partition & Impeller
To avoid the risk of leaks; all parts included in the Partition /
Impeller Kit should be installed during this procedure.
Refer to figure 5-29.
Figure 5-29: Components within the Circulation Pump
1. Remove the Circulation Pump (5.35).
2. Remove the 4 Screws from the Pump Housing (Item 1).
3. Open the Pump Housing.
4. Use a large screwdriver to block the Motor at the Cooling Vanes at
the rear of the Motor Block (Item 3). Take care not to damage the
Motor Winding Insulation!
5. Unscrew the Impeller (Item 2) - left-hand thread!
6. Remove the Partition (Item 4) from the Motor Block.
7. Fit the new Partition (Item 4) and Impeller (Item 2).
8. Reassemble the Pump Housing. Always use a new O-ring.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.37 Circulation Pump Housing - Exchange
1. Remove the Circulation Pump (5.35).
2. Remove the four (4) Screws from the pump housing.
3. Fit the new Pump Housing and O-ring.
5.38 Circulation Pump – Release with Tool
1. Open the Door.
2. Remove the Bottom Spray Arm (5.17) and the Filter Assembly.
3. Slide the releasing tool prongs horizontally into the Circulation
Pump Intake opening as far as possible.
Figure 5-30: Placing the Circulation Pump Tool into
the Circulation Pump Intake Port
4. Ensure that the prongs engage in the Circulation Pump Impeller,
Figure 5-31: Engaging the tool prongs into the Circulation Pumps Impellers.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
Figure 5-32: Turning the Circulation Pump Tool
5. Carefully turn the Releasing Tool back and forth about its axis to
release the Pump Impeller.
Service Tip
The Circulation Pump Releasing Tool (P/N 05585740) can be
obtained by contacting the Miele Technical Support Center at 1-

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.39 Heater Level Switch (B1/10) – Removal
Refer to figure 5-33.
1. Remove as much water as possible from the Sump.
2. Lay the Dishwasher on it’s back.
3. Remove the Drip Tray (5.30).
4. Disconnect the Electrical Connection.
5. Unlock the Heater Level Switch by turning it approx. 90°
Counterclockwise (Item 1) then remove it (Item 2).
Figure 5-33: Heater Level Switch and Circulation Pump
Service Tip
When re-installing the Heater Level Switch; ensure both tabs on the
Switch are engaged to the Circulation Pump Housing. Also ensure the
Seal (Figure 33, Item 3) is not pinched or kinked.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.40 Drain Pump (M8) – Removal
Refer to figure 5-34.
1. Remove as much water as possible from the Sump.
2. Remove the Cover Plate (5.5).
3. Disconnect the Electrical Connection (Item 1).
4. Release the Locking Retainer (Item 4).
5. Turn the Drain Pump about 90° counterclockwise (Item 3), to
release it from its mounting.
Figure 5-34: Drain Pump - Replacement

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.41 Top Solo Valve - Removal
1. Remove the Circulation Pump (5.35).
2. Disconnect the Electrical Connection.
It is essential to note correct position of the Valve before removal.
(The direction of flow is marked by an arrow on the Valve Housing)
3. Pull the valve away from the circulation pump.
Top Solo Valve
Figure 5-35: Circulation Pump with Top Solo Valve attached.
Service Tip
During re-installation of the Top Solo Valve ensure the cutout on the
Valve Housing engages with the lug on the Circulation Pump

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.42 Overflow Level Switch - Removal
Refer to figure 5-36
1. Remove as much water as possible from the Sump.
2. Remove the Cover Plate (5.5)
3. Locate the Overflow Level Switch mounted on the right / rear side
of the Connecting Strip.
4. Press the Retaining Clips toward each other (A); push in to release
it from the frame(B).
5. Disconnect the Electrical Connection and Hose.
Figure 5-36: Releasing the Overflow Level Switch from the Connecting Strip

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.43 Sump - Removal
1. Remove as much water as possible from the Sump.
2. Open the door; remove the Bottom Spray Arm (5.17) and Filter
3. Lay the dishwasher on its back.
4. Remove the Drip Tray (5.30)
5. Remove the Circulation Pump (5.35).
6. Remove the Drain Pump (5.40).
7. Remove the Float Switch Assembly (5.31)
8. Remove the NTC Temperature Sensor (5.34)
9. Disconnect all Hoses to/from the Sump.
10. Unclip the Wiring Harness from the Retainers.
11. Unscrew and remove the Clamp surrounding the Sump Seal.
12. Lift the Sump from the cabinet.
Re-Installation Service Tip
Apply Rinse Aid to the inner surface of the seal.
Fit the Sealing Ring on the cabinet.
Align the Sump with the drain connection.
To avoid leaks on units without the Self Tensioning Clamp. The Clamp
should be tightened to a gap of approximately 22 mm. See figure 37.
Figure 5-37: Self Tensioning Sump Clamp
Figure 5-38: Sump Clamp without the self tensioning;
should be tightened to a gap of about 22mm.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.44 Turbidity Sensor - Calibration
After installing a new Electronic and / or Turbidity Sensor the
dishwasher must be run through a complete program without any
Service Tip
If the above procedure is carried out with dirty dishes; the ECO System
will only be activated after approximately six (6) wash programs are
5.45 Turbidity Sensor - Removal
1. Remove as much water as possible from the Sump.
2. Lay the dishwasher on it’s back.
3. Remove the Drip Tray (5.30).
4. Disconnect the Electrical Connection to the Turbidity Sensor.
5. Loosen the Hose Clips and remove the Hoses from the Sensor.
Re-Installation Service Tip
Ensure the Turbidity Sensor is fitted with the arrow (on the bottom of
the Sensor) in the direction of water flow.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.46 Fully Integrated (Vi) Control Panel - Removal
Refer to figure 5-39.
1. Open the Door.
2. Hold the Fascia Panel (Item 9) while removing the interior Screws
(Item 10).
3. Lift the Fascia Panel (Item 9) from the appliance.
1 Fixing Screws
2 Fixing Bracket
3 Electronic Unit
4 Fixing Screw - Door closure
5 Wiring Harness
6 Electronic Unit
7 Fixing Screws
8 Fixing Screws
9 Fascia Panel
10 Fixing Screws
Figure 5-39: Fully Integrated (Vi) Control Panel

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.47 Novotronic & Touchtronic Control Panel –
Refer to figure 5-40.
8 Pushbutton Switch
9 Electronic Unit
10 Adapter for Program
Selector Switch
11 Fixing Screw
12 Fixing Screws
13 On/Off Switch Cap
14 Fixing Screw
On Novotronic Dishwashers, the Program Knob (Item 1) must be
removed before the Fascia (Item 4) and Control Panel (Item 3). Pull
the Knob outward to remove it from the appliance.
1. Open the Door.
2. Hold the Fascia (Item 4) and Control Panel (Item 3) while removing
the interior Screws (Item 14).
3. Lift the Fascia (Item 4) and Control Panel (Item 3) from the
1 Switch Knob
2 Start Button Cap
3 Control Panel
4 Fascia Panel
5 Fixing Screw - Door Closure
6 Fixing Bracket
7 Adapter for Pushbutton Switch
Figure 5-40: Control Panel (Novotronic and Touchtronic Dishwashers)

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.48 Fixing Bracket – Removal
Service Tip
The Fixing Bracket is removed to access to the following
Turbothermic Fan / PTC Release
On / Off Button
Door Handle / Lock Assembly
Figure 5-41: Removing the Fixing Bracket
Refer to figure 5-41.
1. Remove the Control Panel (5.46 or 5.47)
2. Remove one Screw from each side of the Door (A)
3. Support the Fixing Bracket; remove the upper Screw (B)
4. Carefully lower the Fixing Bracket away from the Door.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
5.49 Heating Relay & Power Relay – Removal
Service Tip
Make note of wiring position for re-installation.
1. Remove the Left Side Panel (5.3).
2. Locate the Relay (location varies by model number).
3. Remove the Relay Bracket Screw and Bracket (as applicable).
4. Note / Disconnect the Electrical Connections.
5. Slide the Relay to remove it from its Bracket.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
6.0 Fault Diagnosis
6.1 General Information
Every electronic controlled Miele dishwasher has three modes
accessible for services purposes:
Programming Mode
Service Mode One
Service Mode Two
6.2 Programming and Service Mode - Features
6.2.1 Water Hardness Programming
The Water Hardness Value can only be programmed if the
dishwasher is programmed to the “With Water Softener” setting.
For entering the water hardness (grains per gallon / parts per million)
of the incoming water. Refer to the model specific Operating Manual
for further details.
6.2.2 Drying Options (As Applicable)
Accessed by the customer in the Programming Mode for extending the
duration the Turbothermic Fan is on, during drying.
An additional amount of time can also be programmed by a technician
using Service Mode 2. Refer to the model specific Timing Chart for
6.2.3 Water Intake Duration
This setting adjusts the maximum duration the dishwasher has to fill
with the proper amount of water. The default setting is two minutes. An
extended value of four minutes can be programmed for low pressure
Since water volume is determined by the Flowmeter, the dishwasher
may fill in less time than the actual programmed duration.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
6.2.4 Buzzer (As Applicable)
Applies only to fully integrated (Vi) dishwashers (except Plus series).
Can be used to add an audible alarm at the end of the program.
6.2.5 Fault Code (Retrieval)
Stores the last fault registered, to assist in troubleshooting.
Any stored fault code must be cleared prior to performing any
6.2.6 Increase Temperature
Enables a higher temperature setting during heating. Refer to the
model specific Timing Chart for details.
6.2.7 With OR Without Water Softener
Used to enable or disable the Water Softener System.
“With Water Softener” = Water Softener is ON
“Without Water Softener” = Water Softener is OFF
If the Water Softener is not needed, the Electronic should be
programmed “Without Water Softener”
If the Electronic is programmed “With Water Softener” the hardness
value (gph / ppm) must be programmed. See the model specific
Operating Manual for further information.
6.2.8 2nd Interim Rinse
An additional rinse between the first rinse and the final rinses can be
added. Refer to the model specific Programming / Service Mode
Section for further details.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
6.2.9 Width of Unit (As Applicable)
Some Electronic Units can be installed in more than one specific model
number; and therefore require programming the width of the
dishwasher it is being installed in. Refer to the model Specific
Programming / Service Modes Section for further details.
To ensure proper appliance operation…The Electronic must be
programmed for the width of the dishwasher (Fullsize / Slimline) it is
installed in.
6.2.10 Flowmeter Count
Stores the “numeric value” marked on the side of the Flowmeter to
ensure proper operating conditions.
To ensure proper appliance operation…The Flowmeter count must be
re-programmed after installation of a new Flowmeter and / or
6.2.11 Operating Hours
Records the duration (in hours) the appliance has been operated.
6.3 Programming / Service Modes - Access
Procedures (Model Specific)
Refer to the Dishwasher Service Modes Guide;
included at the rear of this section.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
6.4 Timing Charts – General Information

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
A Timer Steps
Run along the left and right side of the chart numbered 1-50. All fifty
steps do not apply to every program, refer to E and F for further
B The component names and Wiring Diagram Legends are listed
here. Below this area each Timer Step indicates activation of a
component based on the location of the text. Refer to the example
Refer to the Timing Chart’s Legend for symbol descriptions.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
C Time Column, indicates the length in time the step occurs. Minutes
are on the left side of the column, while seconds are displayed on the
right side of the column. “ZT #” refers to a Thermal-Stop, see details
D Timer Step Explained…

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
E Program Choices and steps performed…
Understanding the steps performed
Clear (White) Blocks indicate the step is performed.
Black Blocks indicate the step is not performed.
Additional details on step can be found at the bottom of the chart listed
under “Additional Functions”.
G Additional Functions provides model specific information on what
additional functions are available and under which mode.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
6.5 Wiring Diagrams – General Information
1 Electronic Assembly (Circuit Boards)
2 Molex Plug Connectors (framed by dotted lines)
3 “Current Path” to identify the location of the component along a numbered
line. (Example: Water Inlet Valve Y2 is positioned at current path 22)
4 Wire diagram number and applicable model number(s)
6.6 Timing Charts & Wire Diagrams
(Model Specific)
Refer to the Timing Charts & Wire Diagrams Guide;
included at the rear of this section.

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
6.7 Fault Repair
Door does not close correctly
Incorrectly fitted Stopper at end of Top Basket Guide.
- Remove the Stopper and fit it correctly (5.7).
Door Seal incorrectly fitted and protrudes forwards.
- Remove the Door Seal and fit it correctly (5.2).
Damaged Door Hinges
- Inspect and replace Hinges – as necessary (5.13)
Mains Relay 1K1/6 not activated (Vi Models Only).
- Check the Main Switch (S2) circuit.
Excess foaming
Too much (or improper type) of detergent and / or rinse aid is being
- Use the correct type and amount of detergent
- Reduce the setting on the Rinse Aid Dispenser
- If rinse aid spills while filling the Dispenser, wipe it away
Detergent added to Rinse Aid Dispenser
- Remove the Dispenser (5.8) and thoroughly flush the dispenser
If the Dispenser cannot be flushed completely; replace the
Dispenser Assembly (5.8)
Detergent not released
Basket incorrectly loaded
- Load the Basket in accordance with the operating instructions.
Middle Spray Arm is blocked
- Inspect the Spray Arm and check rotation

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
Water leaks from the Turbothermic Fan Grille
Hose between Fan and Dispenser is blocked
- Inspect Hose and replace as necessary (5.9)
The PTC Flap is not closing correctly
- Inspect Flap – replace the Turbothermic Fan as necessary (5.9)
Poor drying results
Incorrect Dispenser setting.
- Adjust setting as necessary
Rinse Aid Dispenser Flap not properly closed. The Rinse Aid
Container filled with water during program operation.
- Flush the Dispenser, refill with new Rinse Aid
- Replace Dispenser assembly – as necessary (5.8).
Rinse Aid not being dispensed released.
- Ensure Dispenser is operating.
Rinse aid should only be added’ with the door fully open so it can
flow properly into the Reservoir. Ensure the Flap is closed and locked.
No drying or drying too slow
Fan run-on time too short. (if applicable)
- Extend the Fan run-on time (6.2.2).
Fan not functioning.
- Check circuit, perform service as necessary.
Air Outlet does not open.
- Check the Release Element and related circuit
Drying option – not enabled
- Enable the Drying Option (6.2.2)

Technical Information
G600 & G800 Electronic Dishwashers
Water not heating
One of the Temperature Limiters is not functioning
- Check the Temperature Limiters
Before resetting the Temperature Limiter, it is essential to check
why it has cut-out!
Flow-Through Heater not functioning
- Check the Through Flow Heater electrical circuit
Heater Relay 1K1/1 not functioning
- Check the Heating Relay electrical circuit
Heater Level Switch not functioning
- Check the Heater Level Switch electrical circuit
Circulation Pump does not start
Circulation Pump Motor Winding too hot and the Winding Protection
device has tripped. Foreign objects may have blocking the Pump.
- Check for foreign bodies, jammed motor, etc.
Operating Capacitor C6 defective.
- Check the Capacitor, and the electrical circuit
If the dishwasher has not been used for an extended period, the
Axial Face Seal of the Circulation Pump can stick; preventing the
Circulation Pump from starting.
- Pour approximately 1 liter of hot water with 3 - 5 drops of rinse aid
into the sump and wait for 3 - 5 min. Restart the dishwasher.
- Use the Rinse Pump tool to manually turn the Circulation Pump
(refer to 5.38 “Circulation Pump – Release with Tool”)
End of Document