Mimosa Networks 100-00010 5GHz PtP Device User Manual

Mimosa Networks, Inc. 5GHz PtP Device

User Manual

Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site OverviewCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Accessing the Graphical User InterfaceAccessing the graphical user interface (GUI) requires that the radio first be connected to power. The Power overEthernet (PoE) connection process describes the steps to do this. Note that the GUI will be available approximatelyone minute after applying power.The GUI can be accessed in two ways to facilitate set-up and management.Through the local Ethernet interface (LAN)1.Remotely through the 5 GHz wireless link2. Via Ethernet interface or in-band over the 5 GHz Wireless linkBy default, the device IP address is and can be accessed via the Ethernet port using this IP address inany standard Web browser.  To access the device via a locally connected computer initially (on the same LAN ordirectly to the Ethernet port), the computer’s IP address must be on the same subnet as the above address. Onceyou have modified the IP address (static or DHCP) of the device for remote management purposes (in-band overwireless or over the Ethernet interface), the new specified IP address must be used to access the device.  This isimportant to do in order to avoid IP address conflicts with other devices on the network. Current IP addresses ofdifferent Mimosa devices on the network can be identified using the Mimosa Device Discovery tool. The defaultpassword for the device is "mimosa". It is highly recommended to change the default password to a unique andsecured password.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site OverviewCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Logging InAfter connecting via one of the three access methods, the GUI will prompt you to log-in with a password.  Thedefault password is "mimosa", and should be changed immediately after login to protect your network since it givesthe user read / write priveleges. The password can be changed within the Preferences > General > Set Passwordpanel of the GUI.If you are looking for the Mimosa Cloud Log In process, please see Manage User Guide: Logging In.If you are looking for the Mimosa Cloud Log In process, please see Manage User Guide: Logging In.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site OverviewCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1User Interface OverviewWhen you first log in, you’ll notice that there is a title bar with the device name shown in the top-right corner, anavigation pane on the left, and a large content pane on the right. The default page shown in the content pane isthe Dashboard, which shows a summary of overall performance at a glance, and highlights both radio and linkparameters that affect link health.On the left navigation pane, there are four prominent sections: Overview, Wireless, Preferences, and Diagnostics.Each of these sections contains one or more links to pages containing task-related data, controls, and tools used toadminister the radio…and you can return the Dashboard at any time by clicking on the Dashboard link in theOverview section.The pin in the top corner of the left navigation pane allows you to "pin" open the navigation menu for easier access.Else, the menu contracts to provide more workspace within the GUI.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site OverviewCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 2
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site DashboardCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1The DashboardThe Dashboard contains several panels used to group related items. The status panel at the top of the page showsthe link SSID, the 5 GHz link status, GPS signal quality, Link Uptime, and Link Availability since the last reboot. Twoof the values on this panel contain an information icon that shows more information when you click or hover over itwith your mouse cursor. On other panels, detailed help text can be found by clicking on the information icon in theupper right hand corner.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site DashboardCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Reading the Signal MeterConnected Link Received signal strength is shown in large text in the center of the control, and as a green indicator in the top dial.The blue shaded bar and text immediately below the dial represent target signal strength based on distance andother information exchanged between radios. The objective is to align the green indicator with the blue bar as aguideline during antenna aiming.The resulting half-duplex PHY rates shown at the bottom of the Signal Meter control are correlated with the MCS,and represent raw data across the link without protocol overhead. The Max Throughput values include TDMAwindow size and MAC layer efficiency.The following settings and values that affect link health are listed for reference:Center Frequency: True center of the frequency range (no offset).●Channel Width: The width of the channel (20, 40 or 80 MHz).●Tx Power: Total transmit power level (dBm).●Link Length: Distance between local and remote radios (when connected).●Click the Spectrum Analyzer button to access the Spectrum Analyzer, which can also be found on the Channel &Power page. This will not disturb the link.When a link is not associated, the signal strength and PHY rates are replaced by an indicator of "Disconnected".Aiming ModeOnce associated, the Aiming Mode button is shown.  Aiming Mode opens a new window that refreshes once per
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site DashboardCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 2second for a 5-minute period. The Aim Heading indicates the direction in which the front of the device should be pointed based exchange of coordinates.U-NII-1 Elevation RequirementsWhen mounting the Mimosa C5-Client radio, in accordance with the UNII-1 band requirements, neither dish should exceed 30 degrees in elevation.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site DashboardCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Reading the Performance TableIP Throughput and Packet Error Rate are charted over 60 seconds in 5-second intervals. The newest data shows upon the right and scrolls to the left over time.The IP Throughput graph plots three lines representing transmit, receive, and aggregate (summed) throughputs atthe datagram (or packet) layer excluding any protocol or encapsulation overhead. The results here may differ fromthose measured using speed test tools, due to protocol overhead and encapsulation.You can toggle between the charts by clicking on the navigation circles at the bottom of the panel. The PER chartshows the ratio of packets with errors to packets without errors for both transmit and receive PHY.  Lower numbersare better, and higher numbers are an indication of interference.If enabled, click on the cloud icon button to view historical data within the Manage application.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site DashboardCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 2
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site DashboardCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Reading Device DetailsThe Device Details panel shows two summary tables for the local and remote device configurations and their status.​Additional detail can be found by clicking on the navigation circles at the bottom of the panel.The table shows the following for both Local and Remote devices:Device Name: ​The friendly name given to each device. (Set in Preferences > General > Naming)●Serial Number: The unique identifier for the device assigned at the factory.  ●IP Address: The IP address of each device and how it was assigned. (Set in Preferences > Management)●Wireless Protocol: The MAC level protocol. (Set in Wireless > Link > MAC Configuration)●TDMA Traffic Balance: Identifies the "gender" of the radio, the duration for each TDMA time slot, and ratio of●bandwidth allocated for transmission. (Set in Wireless > Link > MAC Configuration)Ethernet Speed: Data rate and duplex mode of the wired Ethernet interface.●Firmware: The latest firmware version applied to each device. (Set in Preferences > Update & Reboot)●Internal Temp: The measured temperature inside the device.●Ethernet MAC: The unique identifier for the physical Ethernet interface.●Last Reboot: The date and time at which each device last rebooted.●
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site DashboardCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Reading MIMO Status TablesThe MIMO Status tables describe the Tx/Rx MIMO status: 2 RF chains and up to 2 data streams​.The Chains table describes each chain's power, noise, SNR, frequency and polarization.The Streams table describes each stream's MCS index, PHY rates and Rx Error Vector Magnitude (EVM).Each table can be found by clicking on the navigation circles at the bottom of the panel.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site Channel & PowerCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Reading the Spectrum AnalyzerThe Spectrum Analyzer actively scans the 5 GHz band in the background to report on interference sources that mayimpact link performance by frequency, amplitude, and probability of recurrence. The display can be shown for thelocal radio, remote radio or a combination of both. Click on the half circle icon in the upper right to toggle thegraph's background color between black and white. Click the Local, Remote, or Combined buttons to view spectrumindividually or simultaneously. Please note that the remote side data may be as much as 5 minutes behind the localradio.Channels that are already in use have “above average” amplitude on the vertical axis, and are shaded in differentcolors to represent how often the signals are likely to be on the same frequency at the same amplitude. The legendto the right of the graph explains the color code for the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF). The color redsuggests the highest probability (closer to 1), while blue represents the lowest probability (closer to 0).There are three types of markings, or bars, immediately beneath the graph’s horizontal axis that indicate frequencyranges that are restricted, manually excluded, or in active use by this link. Note that traffic from the Active Channelis excluded from the display so that noise can be detected.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site Channel & PowerCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Managing Channel & Power SettingsThe Chanel and Power Settings panel allows for either automatic or manual changes to frequency, channel width,and power for either one or two channels.Auto Everything - Automatically configure channel, channel width and power to optimize performance based on●spectrum data.Channel Width (MHz) - Choose the width for each (20, 40, 0r 80 MHz). ●Channel Center Frequency - In Off (Manual) mode, select the center frequency of the channel used on the link.●In all modes, the center frequency represents the absolute center of the selected channel width without anyoffset, and the center can be moved in 5 MHz increments. If Auto Everything is set to On, the Channel(s) will beautomatically set, and not editable.Power - Set the desired transmit power level. The allowed options are determined by a combination of country●and chosen frequency. If Auto Everything is set to On, the Channel & power will be automatically set, and noteditable. Antenna Gain (dBi) - Set the gain according to antenna specifications and subtract out any cable/connector●loss.  By default, this value is set to 25 dBi for the B5 and not shown.Channel Recommendations - List of channel widths, center frequencies, and Tx powers that Auto Everything●would choose in order of preference (if enabled).Note: Tx power selections may be limited based on your regulatory domain (refer to the Maximum Power chart for more details).
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site Channel & PowerCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Managing Exclusions & RestrictionsExclusions list the frequency ranges in which the device should not operate. The Auto Everything feature will avoidthese frequency bands. The excluded bands will be shown as shaded regions on the Spectrum Analyzer.Start - Specify the start of the frequency range to be excluded.●End - Specify the end of the frequency range to be excluded.●Add Exclusions - The button to add the Start and End frequency to the exclusion list.●Existing Exclusions and Restrictions - Exclusions can be removed from the list by clicking on the trash icon. The●restricted bands with the lock icon cannot be removed. They are protected because of regulatory requirements.Regulatory Domain - The country in which the device has been configured to run.●​
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site LinkCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1TDMA Configuration SettingsThe TDMA Configuration panel contains controls for configuring and fine tuning TDMA performance. One side of theradio link must be set as an Access point, and the other set as a Station. The Station inherits the other settings fromthe AP, so the other fields are grayed out and not accessible when Station is selected.Wireless Mode - Choose whether the device will act as an Access Point or a Station.●Wireless Protocol -  TDMA is a deterministic protocol where each device is assigned a time slot during which it is●allowed to transmit. Gender - Traffic Split - The radio can be configured to allocate bandwidth symmetrically (50/50) or biased●towards downstream (75/25) in environments where traffic direction is expected to be heavier in one directionthan the other. With an asymmetrical split, the local radio is represented first in the slash notation,(local/remote). For example, in the (75/25) split, the local radio gets 75, while the remote radio gets 25. If"Auto" is selected the radio will automatically determine, based upon traffic flow, which ratio will be used. Theradio will continue to evaluate the flow and adjust accordingly.TDMA Window - Determines the length of the transmit time slot in milliseconds.●Example Access Point SettingsExample Station Settings
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site LinkCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 2
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site LinkCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Link Configuration Settings The Link Configuration panel includes controls to define the 5 GHz SSID and passphrase between radios:Link Friendly Name - A friendly name to describe the link between the Access Point (AP) and Station. This name●is used to differentiate amongst other links.SSID - The wireless link name used by both radios.  Both AP and Station must use the same SSID to●communicate with each other.Encryption Key - Enter the ASCII Passphrase to connect with the broadcasted SSID. Select "Show Key" to see●passphrase in plain text. Enter any combination of printable characters. The passphrase should be between 8 to63 characters in length. The Encryption Key must be the same on both the Access Point and Station for them tocommunicate with each other.Scan for SSID - Causes the Station to scan and display a list of Access Points and the SSIDs they broadcast.●Status (Connect) - Click button to connect to the SSID. This button will be grayed out if already connected to●that network. Status shows "Connected" or "Not Connected".Example Access Point Link Configuration​Example Station Link Configuration
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site LinkCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 2Example SSID Scan after pressing the "Scan SSID" button. Toconnect to a particular SSID, click the "Select" button.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site Site SurveyCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Reading Site Survey ResultsThe Survey Results status table summarizes the results of a site survey, including the SSIDs broadcast by otherdevices, their configuration and capabilities.The table provides the following data per device found:SSID - The wireless link name advertised by each detected AP.●Capability - Indicates which 802.11 (Wi-Fi technology standard) is support by the device. Options include A, G,●N, AC.MAC Address - The device's unique identifier.●Vendor - The name of the device manufacturer (if known).●Wi-Fi Channel - Lists the channel on which the device operates.●Channel Width - The size (in MHz) of the channel on which the device operates.●Frequency Range - The specific frequency range (in MHz) within the Wi-Fi channel that the device operates.●Signal Strength - The received power level (in dBm) from each detected AP.●Note: The Site Survey will temporarily interrupt your link. Once started, this process cannot be stopped until complete.Use the Start Survey button to place the radio into the scan mode to search for 802.11-compatible access points.The Last Updated field indicates (down to the second) when the last Site Survey was requested. It is important to note that running a site survey will temporarily take down your link. Once activated, this processcannot be stopped until complete. Please plan accordingly.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site GeneralCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Setting a Device Name and DescriptionThe device name and description are local identifiers for administrative purposes, and are not used as part of thewireless link.Device Friendly Name - Name for the local device displayed on the Dashboard.●Device Description - A more detailed device description (up to 150 characters) for administrative purposes.●
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site GeneralCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Reading the Date/Time & Setting the InstallDateThe Time panel shows the current date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).  The Install Date input boxcan be used for administrative purposes, but it is optional and has no other affect.Current Date (UTC)   - Current date as set by GPS.●Current Time (UTC) - Current time as set by GPS.●Install Date - Used to track the date when the device was installed. This date will be set when the device first●obtains timing from GPS. It can be manually overwritten.NTP Server - .●
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site GeneralCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Setting a PasswordEnter the new password in both the New Password and Verify New Password input boxes to validate that they weretyped correctly. To finalize the change, enter the existing password and then save. By default, the password is"mimosa", and it should be changed during device configuration to protect your network.New Password - Enter the new password.●Verify New Password - Re-enter the new password (to confirm).●Current Configure Password - Enter the existing password (as a security measure).●The Password rules are as follows for choosing a password:It must be between 6 to 64 characters.●It can use capital (A-Z) or lower case (a-z) characters, excluding space.●Valid special characters for the password include ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~●The password cannot be blank.●The password may not have a leading or trailing space.●There is no complexity required for the password.●
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site ManagementCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Setting the Management IP AddressThe Management IP panel contains controls for setting the device's network address, subnet, gateway and DNSservers.IP Mode - Select the preferred mode of network addressing: Static or DHCP+Static Failover. If Static is chosen,●the device will always use the IP address that has been assigned. If DHCP+Static Failover is chosen, and aDHCP server is available, then the addresses are automatically assigned by the DHCP server. If a DHCP server isunavailable, the device will use the static IP address listed below.IP Address - The network address used to manage the device.●Netmask - The subnet mask that defines the network subnet.●Gateway - The gateway address for the subnet.●Primary DNS - The first DNS server IP Address. Default is●Secondary DNS - The backup DNS server IP Address. Default is●Note that the wired Ethernet interface is configured by default to use DHCP with a static failover to the IPNote that the wired Ethernet interface is configured by default to use DHCP with a static failover to the IPaddress in the table below.address in the table below.​
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site ManagementCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Enabling WatchdogThe Watchdog panel contains controls to monitor a remote host and reboot the local device under configurablefailure conditions.IP Ping Watchdog - Enables the IP Ping Watchdog feature, which resets the device if it cannot ping a certain IP●after a number of retry attempts.Ping IP Address - Enter the IP address of the device to ping.●Interval - Set the number of seconds between ping attempts.  ●Delay After Startup - Set the delay in number of seconds between device start up and the first ping attempt.  ●Failure Count Triggering Reboot - Set the number of failed ping attempts before rebooting the device. This●range can be anywhere from 0 to 100. WARNING: rebooting will take the device offline.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site ManagementCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Management ServicesThe Services panel holds controls to secure management traffic by specifying how it should be served over thenetwork. Options include the use of a VLAN, HTTPS, standard and secure web server port selections, and sessiontimeout.Enable HTTPS - Use SSL to access the web interface of this device.●Web Server Port - Indicate which TCP port will be used for the web server. This web server is for the web●interface.Secure Web Server Port - Indicate which TCP port will be used for the secure web server.●Session Time Out - List the number of minutes of inactivity that will be allowed on the interface before●automatic log-out for sessions. If set to "0", the session will have no timeout.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site ManagementCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Management Miscellaneous SettingsThe Miscellaneous panel contains controls to enable Mimosa Cloud Management and to select the Ethernet Port datarate, either automatically or manually.Mimosa Cloud Management - Enables the device to use the Mimosa Cloud Management tools.●Ethernet Port - Set the Ethernet port transfer rate or allow it to be automatically determined. Manually●selectable options are 10, 100, or 1000BaseT at either full or half duplex. Note that Auto or 1000BaseT/Full isrecommended so that the Ethernet port does not create a bottleneck.  Note: Your firewall must be configured for outbound access to enable Mimosa Cloud Management.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site ManagementCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1VLAN ManagementThe VLAN Management panel allows the administrator to enable a VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) formanagement traffic. When enabled, all B5/B5c Web Management traffic must originate from a device on that VLAN.Enable - Use the slider control to turn VLAN Management on or off.●ID - The VLAN ID tag.●Note: After saving changes to activate the Management VLAN, the device GUI will become inaccessible overEthernet, unless connecting over a network configured with a matching VLAN ID. Both ends of the the backhaul link(AP and Station) should be in the same VLAN (configured to use the same VLAN ID).
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site ManagementCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Configuring REST ServicesThe REST Services panel contains controls to enable remote access to the radio’s REST API, and then set ausername and password that will be used to log in. Note that this feature need only be activated when using a third-party monitoring system that supports REST calls. REST services require that HTTPS is enabled.REST Management - Use the slider control to turn REST on or off.●Management Username - The username that will be used to log into the local device through the REST●interface.Management Password - The password that will be used to log into the local device through the REST interface.●
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site NotificationsCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Enabling SNMP NotificationsEnable the SNMP service to allow SNMP requests and enable push notifications to a remote server.SNMP - Enable or disable SNMP service on the local device.●Contact - Specify an (optional) administrative contact for the SNMP system.●Location - Specify the (optional) physical location for the SNMP system.●Trap Server - Define the server to receive the notifications.●
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site NotificationsCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Configuring SNMP TrapsDefine which traps (or notifications) are sent to the remote SNMP server.Critical Fault  - Notification created if the device is forced to reboot or if GPS signal is lost.●Boot/Reboot - Notification created if the system boots or reboots.●Wireless Up/Down - Notification created if the device connects to (Wireless Up) or disconnects from (Wireless●Down) another device.Ethernet Up/Down - Notification created if the Ethernet Port is connected (Ethernet Up) or disconnected●(Ethernet Down).Ethernet Speed Change - Notification created when the Ethernet port changes from one speed (10, 100, or●1000BaseT) to another.Temperature Low/High - Notification created if the device temperature drops below -40C or rises above +60C.●Multiple Login Attempts - Notification created if multiple failed login attempts are made from the same IP●Address.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site NotificationsCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Enabling System Log NotificationsEnable Syslog service on the local device to send traps to a remote Syslog server.Syslog Remote Log - Enable or disable Syslog service on the local device.●Transport Server - Choose the desired protocol for the Syslog connection. Note that most devices send UDP●messages by default. UDP is an unreliable transmission protocol, thus messages may get lost. Choose TCP forhigher reliability if any message loss is unacceptable.Remote Log IP Address - List the IP Address of the remote Syslog server to which Notifications will be sent.●Remote Log Port - List the Port on the remote Syslog server to which Notifications will be sent.●
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site NotificationsCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Configuring System Log TrapsDefine which traps (or notifications) are sent to the remote server for the System Log.Critical Fault - Notification created if the device is forced to reboot or if GPS signal is lost.●Boot/Reboot - Notification created if the system boots or reboots.●Wireless Up/Down - Notification created if the device connects to (Wireless Up) or disconnects from (Wireless●Down) another device.Ethernet Up/Down - Notification created if the Ethernet Port is connected (Ethernet Up) or disconnected●(Ethernet Down).Ethernet Speed Change - Notification created when the Ethernet port changes from one speed (10, 100, or●1000 BaseT) to another.Temperature Low/High - Notification created if the device temperature drops below -40C or rises above +60C.●Multiple Login Attempts - Notification created if multiple login attempts are made from the same IP Address.●
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site Firmware & ResetCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Performing a Firmware UpdateThe Firmware Update panel displays the current firmware version and date, and allows the user to upload a newfirmware image. The latest firmware image may be downloaded from help.mimosa.co.  Alternately, firmware can bepushed to the device automatically through the Manage application at manage.mimosa.co.Installed Version - The currently installed firmware version.●Build Date - The date that the installed firmware was created.●Image File - Update to the latest firmware. Click the Choose File button to select a file for upload the file.●
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site Firmware & ResetCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Reset & Reboot the DeviceReboot the device or reset it to its original factory settings.Factory Reset Device - Clears all configuration settings and locks the device. WARNING: This will delete ALL●saved configuration settings and return the device to the locked factory state. You will be required to re-enteryour unlock key upon device reset. The current version of firmware will remain, however.Reset Device Configuration - Clears all configuration settings. The device will remain unlocked.●Reset Device Unlock - Locks the device and resets the country code. WARNING: You will be required to re-enter●your unlock key upon reset.Reboot Device - Restarts the device.●
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site Backup & RestoreCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Backup or Restore Configuration SettingsThe Backup and Restore Configuration panel contains controls for managing configuration settings files.Backup Current Config - Perform a configuration backup by downloading the mimosa.conf file.●Restore Configuration - Click the Choose File button to upload a previously saved mimosa.conf file.●
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site TestsCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Diagnostic TestsThree types of tests are available within the Diagnostics section: Ping, Bandwidth and Traceroute.Ping TestA low level ICMP test which indicates whether the target host is reachable from the local device.Destination Host - The destination IP Address of the device to ping.●Packet Count - The number of packets to transmit during a ping.●Packet Size - The size of each packet to transmit during a ping.●Run Test - Click on the Run Test button to ping the destination IP address. Results are shown in the●corresponding table.Bandwidth TestA manual test to assess maximum throughput (in Mbps) when minimal or no traffic is present using a proprietaryUDP-like protocol. The default test time is approximately 30 seconds.Test Duration - The length of the bandwidth test in seconds.●Run Test - Click on the Run Test button to assess the maximum throughput. Results are shown in the●corresponding table.Traceroute TestA network utility used to display the path and transit delay between the local device and a given destination acrossan IP network.Destination Host - The destination IP address for traceroute to send packets.●Resolve IP Address - Indicate whether the system should resolve and print the host name of the destination.●Max Number of Hops - Choose the number of hops that you want the trace to take. If no issues are found along●the route, this number may be increased.Run Test - Click on the Run Test button to begin the traceroute test. Results are shown in the corresponding●table.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site TestsCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Running a Ping TestA low level ICMP test which indicates whether the target host is reachable from the local device.Destination Host - The destination IP Address of the device to ping.●Packet Count - The number of packets to transmit during a ping.●Packet Size - The size of each packet to transmit during a ping.●Run Test - Click on the Run Test button to ping the destination IP address. Results are shown in corresponding●table.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site TestsCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Running a Bandwidth TestA manual test to assess maximum throughput when minimal or no traffic is present using a proprietary UDP-likeprotocol.Test Duration - The length of the bandwidth test in seconds.●Run Test - Click on the Run Test button to assess the maximum throughput. Results are shown in corresponding●table.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site TestsCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Running a Traceroute TestA network utility used to display the path and transit delay between the local device and a given destination acrossan IP network.Destination Host - The destination IP address for traceroute to send packets.●Resolve IP Address - Indicate whether the system should resolve and print the host name of the destination.●Max Number of Hops - Choose the number of hops that you want the trace to take. If no issues are found along●the route, this number may be increased.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site LogsCopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Diagnostic LogsView Events and download diagnostic information to share with Mimosa Support.Event Log - This is a persistent (non-volatile) log of all significant events that occur.●Support Info - Download a single file containing all information required by Mimosa Support to help with●troubleshooting.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site REST APICopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1Mimosa REST API Mimosa provides a REST API that allows developers to access information from our hardware products, such asconfiguration and status, for integration with third-party applications and services. Using the API There are four calls available through the REST API to access different types of information: Device Status, DeviceInformation, Ethernet Data, and Link Information. Each REST API request returns an XML response object. Accessing the API All requests to the APIs require authentication. Authentication requires completing both of the following actions:Enable HTTPS within the device GUI.1.NOTE: For security reasons, REST can not be enabled until HTTPS is activated. This will also activate HTTPS●for access to the GUI. Enable REST Management within the device’s embedded GUI, and assign a REST-specific Management2.Username and Password.Include the Management Username and Management Password parameters in the Request URL.3.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site REST APICopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1GET Device Status Returns device status found on the Mimosa embedded Dashboard. Resource URL https://{DEVICE-IP}/core/api/service/status? Resource Information Response Formats XMLRequires Authentication Yes (Username / Password), must also be set in the Mimosa embedded GUI. Parameters DEVICE-IPRequiredThe Management IP Address assigned to the Mimosa Device.Example: REST Management username as set in the REST Services Panel within the Mimosa embedded GUI.Example:  mimosacloudREST-PASSWORDRequiredThe REST Management password as set in the REST Services Panel within the Mimosa embedded GUI.Example:  pass123 Request FormatGEThttps://{DEVICE-IP}/core/api/service/status?username={REST-MANAGEMENT-USERNAME}&password={REST-MANAGEMENT-PASSWORD}
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site REST APICopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 2 Example RequestGEThttps:// Response<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><response status="ok">   <mimosaContent>      <values>         <SignalStrength>-58.0753</SignalStrength>         <TxRate>650</TxRate>         <RxRate>650</RxRate>         <Noise>-88.627</Noise>         <Chains_1_2>5050-5130 MHz</Chains_1_2>         <Chains_3_4>5050-5130 MHz</Chains_3_4>         <Tx_Power>0</Tx_Power>         <Tx_Phys_Rate>650</Tx_Phys_Rate>         <Rx_Phys_Rate>650</Rx_Phys_Rate>         <Rx_MCS>7</Rx_MCS>         <Details>            <_ELEMENT index="1">               <Tx />               <Rx />               <Noise>-27.0</Noise>               <Encoding />            </_ELEMENT>            <_ELEMENT index="2">               <Tx />               <Rx />               <Noise>-27.8</Noise>               <Encoding />            </_ELEMENT>            <_ELEMENT index="3">               <Tx />               <Rx />               <Noise>0.0</Noise>               <Encoding />            </_ELEMENT>            <_ELEMENT index="4">               <Tx />               <Rx />               <Noise>0.0</Noise>               <Encoding />            </_ELEMENT>         </Details>         <Noise2 />      </values>      <errors />   </mimosaContent>   <mimosaStatus>      <status>0</status>      <message>Command succeeded</message>   </mimosaStatus>   <mimosaSession>4lijtluaodqer2jp90nddednf5</mimosaSession></response>
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site REST APICopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 3 Glossary Signal Strength The current signal level (in dBm) for the established link.TxRate The current IP transmit throughput rate (in Mbps) for the established link.RxRate The current IP receive throughput rate (in Mbps) for the established link.Noise The receive noise level for the established link.Chains_1_2 The frequency range for chains 1 and 2.Chains_3_4 The frequency range for chains 3 and 4.Tx_Power The transmit power level for the channel.Tx_Phys_Rate The half-duplex transmit PHY rate.Rx_Phys_Rate The half-duplex receive PHY rate.Rx_MCS The current MCS index for the established link.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site REST APICopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1GET Device Info Returns detailed device information found in the summary tables of the Device Details panel of the Mimosaembedded GUI. Resource URL https://{DEVICE-IP}/core/api/service/device-info? Resource Information Response Formats XMLRequires Authentication Yes (Username / Password), must also be set in the Mimosa embedded GUI. Parameters DEVICE-IPRequiredThe Management IP Address assigned to the Mimosa Device.Example: REST Management username as set in the REST Services Panel within the Mimosa embedded GUI.Example:  mimosacloudREST-PASSWORDRequiredThe REST Management password as set in the REST Services Panel within the Mimosa embedded GUI.Example:  pass123 Request Format GEThttps://{DEVICE-IP}/core/api/service/device-info?username={REST-MANAGEMENT-USERNAME}&password={REST-MANAGEMENT-PASSWORD}
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site REST APICopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 2 Example Request GEThttps:// Example Response <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><response status="ok">   <mimosaContent>      <values>         <DeviceName>Mimosa-Test-Link</DeviceName>         <Description />         <InstallDate />         <Model>B02</Model>         <DeviceMode>Access point</DeviceMode>         <SerialNumber>10-0000-0001</SerialNumber>         <Version>0.4.0-31</Version>         <Country>United States</Country>         <Temperature>35.4</Temperature>         <LastReboot>11d 7h 46m 46s</LastReboot>         <IPAddress></IPAddress>         <WLANMAC>20:B5:C6:00:07:50</WLANMAC>         <WANMAC>20:B5:C6:00:07:51</WANMAC>         <GigabitEthernetPort>20:B5:C6:00:07:50</GigabitEthernetPort>         <WirelessMode>802.11</WirelessMode>         <NumberOfAntenna>2</NumberOfAntenna>         <CableLength>100</CableLength>         <Location>37.2856 -- -121.9440</Location>         <BuildDate>2014-11-25 16:09:00 (UTC -0800)</BuildDate>         <UnlockCode>YKD6ZQ3FZ</UnlockCode>      </values>      <errors />   </mimosaContent>   <mimosaStatus>      <status>0</status>      <message>Command succeeded</message>   </mimosaStatus>   <mimosaSession>4lijtluaodqer2jp90nddednf5</mimosaSession></response>
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site REST APICopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 3Glossary DeviceName The device friendly name for the local device.Description The detailed device description (up to 150 characters) for administrative purposesInstallDate The installation date used to track when the device was installed. Model Model of the Mimosa ProductDeviceMode The listing of whether the device is the Access Point or Station.SerialNumber The unique identifier for the device assigned at the factoryVersion The currently installed version of the firmwareCountry The regulatory domain (country) in which the device has been configured to run.Temperature The measured temperature inside the device.LastReboot The date and time at which the device last rebooted.IPAddress The IP address of the device.WLANMAC The wireless LAN MAC address.WANMAC The 5 GHz radio MAC address.GigabitEthernetPort The unique identifier for the physical Ethernet interface.WirelessMode N/ANumber of Antennas N/ACable Length N/ALocation The GPS longitude and latitude coordinates for the device.Build Date The date that the installed firmware was created.Unlock Code Displays the code to unlock the device.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site REST APICopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1GET Ethernet Configuration Returns detailed device networking information found in the Preferences Management page of the Mimosaembedded GUI. Resource URL https://{DEVICE-IP}/core/api/service/ethernet? Resource Information Response Formats XMLRequires Authentication Yes (Username / Password), must also be set in the Mimosa embedded GUI. Parameters DEVICE-IPRequiredThe Management IP Address assigned to the Mimosa Device.Example: REST Management username as set in the REST Services Panel within the Mimosa embedded GUI.Example:  mimosacloudREST-PASSWORDRequiredThe REST Management password as set in the REST Services Panel within the Mimosa embedded GUI.Example:  pass123 Request Format GEThttps://{DEVICE-IP}/core/api/service/ethernet?username={REST-MANAGEMENT-USERNAME}&password={REST-MANAGEMENT-PASSWORD}
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site REST APICopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 2 Example Request GEThttps:// Example Response <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><response status="ok">   <mimosaContent>      <values>         <PortSpeed>Auto</PortSpeed>         <SpanningTree>0</SpanningTree>         <IPAddressMode>Static</IPAddressMode>         <CurrIP></CurrIP>         <CurrNetmask></CurrNetmask>         <CurrGateway></CurrGateway>         <CurrDNS1></CurrDNS1>         <CurrDNS2></CurrDNS2>         <StaticIP></StaticIP>         <StaticNetmask></StaticNetmask>         <StaticGateway></StaticGateway>         <StaticDNS1></StaticDNS1>         <StaticDNS2></StaticDNS2>         <Curr>            <IP></IP>            <Netmask></Netmask>            <Gateway></Gateway>            <PrimaryDNS></PrimaryDNS>            <SecondaryDNS></SecondaryDNS>         </Curr>         <Static>            <IP></IP>            <Netmask></Netmask>            <Gateway></Gateway>            <PrimaryDNS></PrimaryDNS>            <SecondaryDNS></SecondaryDNS>         </Static>         <ActualIP></ActualIP>         <MTU>1500</MTU>      </values>      <errors />   </mimosaContent>   <mimosaStatus>      <status>0</status>      <message>Command succeeded</message>   </mimosaStatus>   <mimosaSession>4lijtluaodqer2jp90nddednf5</mimosaSession></response>
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site REST APICopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 3 Glossary PortSpeed The Ethernet Port Speed (in Mbps) for the device. (Options include: Auto, 10/100/1000)SpanningTree N/AIPAddressMode Lists the preferred mode of network addressingCurrIP The network address used to manage the device.CurrGateway The gateway address for the subnet.CurrDNS1 The default DNS server IP Address.CurrDNS2 The backup DNS server IP Address.
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site REST APICopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 1GET Link Info Returns detailed link information typically found in the Wireless section of the Mimosa embedded GUI. Resource URL https://{DEVICE-IP}/core/api/service/link-info?  Resource Information Response Formats XMLRequires Authentication Yes (Username / Password), must also be set in the Mimosa embedded GUI. Parameters DEVICE-IPRequiredThe Management IP Address assigned to the Mimosa Device.Example: REST Management username as set in the REST Services Panel within the Mimosa embedded GUI.Example:  mimosacloudREST-PASSWORDRequiredThe REST Management password as set in the REST Services Panel within the Mimosa embedded GUI.Example:  pass123 Request Format GEThttps://{DEVICE-IP}/core/api/service/link-info?username={REST-MANAGEMENT-USERNAME}&password={REST-
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site REST APICopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 2MANAGEMENT-PASSWORD} Example Request GEThttps:// Example Response <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><response status="ok">   <mimosaContent>      <values>         <LinkName>HECPLINK</LinkName>         <MaxCapacity />         <Distance>150</Distance>         <Frequency>5090 MHz (ch 18)</Frequency>         <BandWidth>80</BandWidth>         <PacketsReceived>861413377</PacketsReceived>         <PacketsSent>1009901282</PacketsSent>         <BytesReceived>1526527039</BytesReceived>         <BytesSent>1357421940</BytesSent>      </values>      <errors />   </mimosaContent>   <mimosaStatus>      <status>0</status>      <message>Command succeeded</message>   </mimosaStatus>   <mimosaSession>4lijtluaodqer2jp90nddednf5</mimosaSession></response>  Glossary LinkName The friendly name to describe the link between the Access Point (AP) and StationMaxCapacity N/ADistance Link Distance In km
Mimosa Help SiteMimosa Networks Help Site REST APICopyright © 2015 Mimosa Page 3Frequency The center frequency of the selected channel width and its associated channel number.BandWidth The channel width (in MHz) for the radio.PacketsReceived The number of packets received on this link.PacketsSent The number of packets sent on this link.BytesReceived The number of bytes received on this link.BytesSent The number of bytes sent on this link.
FCC/IC  English This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1.This device may not cause harmful interference; 2.This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. French  Cet appareil est conforme à Industrie Canada une licence standard RSS exonérés (s). Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes: 1. Cet appareil ne doit pas provoquer d'interférences 2. Cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence reçue, y compris les interférences pouvant provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable de l'appareil.
RF EXPOSURE The radiated output power of this device is below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, the device should be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact during the normal operation is minimized. In order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure limit, human proximity to the antenna should be more than 1m. La puissance de sortie rayonnée de cet appareil est inférieure aux limites d'exposition de radio de fréquence FCC. Néanmoins, le dispositif doit être utilisé de telle manière que le potentiel pour le contact humain pendant l'utilisation normale soit minimisé. Afin d'éviter la possibilité de dépasser la limite d'exposition de fréquence radio de la FCC, la proximité humaine à l'antenne devrait être plus que 1m.

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