Mitek H870BT Watertight Stereo Receiver built for the Outdoors User Manual H 828 2

Mitek Corp Watertight Stereo Receiver built for the Outdoors H 828 2

User Manual

With Built In Bluetooth Audio Streaming,AM/FM,
USB input,Auxiliary Input,Wired remote
control,and RCA out.
Watertight Stereo Receiver built for the Outdoors
Note: This equipmen t has been tested and found to comply
with the limits for a C lass B digital devic e, pursuant to Pa rt
15 of t he FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment genera tes, uses
and can radiate radio freq uency energy and, if not inst alled
and used in accord ance with the instruct ions, may cause
harmful interfe rence to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that inter ferenc e will not
occur in a particular install ation. If this equipme nt does
cause harmful inter ferenc e to radio or television reception,
which can be d etermine d by turning the equipme nt off and
on, the user is encouraged to try to correc t the interference
by one or more of the followin g measures:
Re orient or relocat e the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipme nt and
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is connected.
4 X 20 W
RCA out
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician
for help.
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly
approved by the part responsible for compliance could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complied with FCC radiation exposure limits
set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment
should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm
between the radiator & your body.
Y EL L O W B +
Front InstallationRear Installation
Wh i le in Ra d io or U S B m ode,
113 mm
wav e
Optional Accessories
1. POWER b utt o n
Pres s t h e b u tto n t o tur n on or o f f
the p ow e r.
2. VOLUME + butt o n
Pres s t h is b utt on t o i n cr e as e th e vo l um e .
3. b utt o n
Pres s t h is b utt on t o p l ay p re v io u s t r a ck or p r evi ous
stat ion .
4. BAND b u tto n
In th e ra d io m od e , p res s t h is b ut t on t o g o c i rcu lar ly
as s h ow n :F M 1- F M2 - FM 3 -M W 1- M W2
In no rma l p l ayi ng c on d it i on , pre ss t hi s butt on t o
chan g e m od e .
5. VOLUME - butt o n
Pre s s t h is butt o n t o de cre a se the v olu m e
6. MODE b utt o n
Pres s M O DE t o s ele ct d iff e re n t m o de .
7. b u tto n
Pres s t h is b utt on t o p l ay n ex t t ra ck o r a nex t sta t io n .

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