Mitsubishi Electric Sanda Works AR0M Car Audio User Manual SCA NAFTA USAEng indb
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Sanda Works Car Audio SCA NAFTA USAEng indb
User Manual
Table of contents Introduction Before Use Disclaimers .................................................... 3 Important Points on Usage ............................ 3 FCC NOTE .................................................... 4 FCC CAUTION .............................................. 4 Restrictions on Operations while the Vehicle Is Driving ......... 4 How to Clean ................................................. 4 Trademarks.................................................... 4 Important Points on Safety for the Customer ......... 6 How to Read This Manual ................. 7 Basic Operation This Product...................................... 8 Main Unit Panel ............................................. 8 Start ............................................................... 9 How to Perform Touch Operations .....10 When Touching ___ ..................................... 10 Searching Items from a List ......................... 10 Home Screen .................................. 11 Display Contents ..........................................11 Switch the Sources ...................................... 12 AV Audio Functions 13 Basic Operation .............................. 13 Switch Audio ON/OFF ................................. 13 Adjust Volume.............................................. 13 Steering Remote Control Switch Operation......14 INFO/SETTINGS INFO Audio Files (MP3/WMA/AAC) ........... 15 Folder Structure ........................................... 16 What Is MP3? .............................................. 17 What Is WMA?............................................. 18 What Is AAC? .............................................. 19 Radio 20 Listen to Radio ................................ 20 Display Contents ......................................... 21 Register Your Favorite Broadcast Stations ......24 Search for Broadcast Stations with Strong Signals .......24 Search for Broadcast Stations from the Station List .......25 iPod/USB 26 Use an iPod ..................................... 26 Play iPod ..................................................... 27 Display Contents ......................................... 27 Switch Playback Mode ................................ 28 Search by List .............................................. 28 Use USB Device .............................. 29 Display Contents ......................................... 30 Display a List ............................................... 32 Switch Playback Mode ................................ 33 Bluetooth Audio 34 Use Bluetooth Audio ....................... 34 Connect a Bluetooth-capable Audio Device ............................................... 34 Listen to a Bluetooth-capable Audio Device ............................................... 35 Display Contents ......................................... 35 36 Mobile Phone................................... 36 Connect Your Mobile Phone ........................ 36 Display the Phonebook................................ 37 Dial a Telephone .......................................... 37 Incoming Calls ............................................. 39 Other Info ........................................ 40 Camera ........................................................ 40 Product Info ................................................. 40 SETTINGS 41 System Settings .............................. 41 Bluetooth Setting ......................................... 41 Adjust the Sound Quality ............................. 43 Day/Night Display Setting ............................ 44 Display Settings ........................................... 45 Clock............................................................ 45 Radio Setting ............................................... 46 Language..................................................... 47 Beep Volume ............................................... 47 Other Settings ................................. 48 Display Off ................................................... 48 Clock Screen ............................................... 48 Other Troubleshooting .............................. 49 If This Message Appears... .......................... 49 If You Think Something Is Not Working Properly... .......50 The following is what you need to know before using this product. Before Use Disclaimers Â'XULQJRSHUDWLRQHQVXUHWKDWWKHYHKLFOHLV QRWVWDWLRQDU\LQDJDUDJHRURWKHUFRQÂżQHG area with bad ventilation while the engine is running. Doing so may result in carbon PRQR[LGHSRLVRQLQJ Â)RUVDIHW\WKHGULYHULVQRWWRRSHUDWHWKLV product while the vehicle is moving. The driver should also minimize as much as possible the time spent viewing the screen. Being distracted by the screen can result in an accident. Â'RQRWWXUQWKHYROXPHXSWRWKHH[WHQWWKDW you cannot hear sounds from outside the vehicle while driving. Driving without being able to hear sounds from outside the vehicle can result in an accident. Â'RQRWGLVDVVHPEOHRUPRGLI\WKHSURGXFW This may lead to malfunction, smoking, or ÂżUH Â:KHQRSHUDWLQJHQVXUHWKDWWKHYHKLFOHLV stopped in a safe area in which stopping is permitted. Â&RQWLQXHGXVDJHRIWKLVSURGXFWZLWKRXW the engine running may deplete the vehicle battery, meaning that the engine may not be able to start. Ensure this product is used while the engine is running. Continued on the next page Before Use Â0LWVXELVKL0RWRUVZLOOLQQRZD\EHKHOG UHVSRQVLEOHIRUORVVHVUHVXOWLQJIURPÂżUH HDUWKTXDNHWVXQDPLĂRRGRURWKHUQDWXUDO disasters; from actions of third parties; from other accidents; or from inappropriate or abnormal usage conditions utilized by the customer, be said conditions deliberate or unintentional. Â7KHUHZLOOEHQRLQGHPQLÂżFDWLRQIRUDOWHUDWLRQ or loss of any information stored upon this product by the customer or a third party resulting from improper use of this product, WKHLQĂXHQFHRIVWDWLFHOHFWULFLW\RUHOHFWULF noise, or at the time of malfunction or repair or similar circumstances. We recommend that you create backups of important information as a precautionary measure. Â6RPHSHUVRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQ WHOHSKRQH numbers etc.) entered into this product may remain in memory even if this product is removed. The customer is responsible for SURSHUKDQGOLQJDQGPDQDJHPHQW LQFOXGLQJ deleting) of personal information to protect privacy when handing this product over to anyone else or disposing of it. Mitsubishi Motors will in no way be held responsible. Â0LWVXELVKL0RWRUVZLOOLQQRZD\EHKHOG UHVSRQVLEOHIRUDQ\FROODWHUDOORVVHV ORVV RIEXVLQHVVSURÂżWVDOWHUDWLRQRUORVVRI recorded data) resulting from the usage or inability to use this product. Â)RUWKHSXUSRVHRISURGXFWLPSURYHPHQW VSHFLÂżFDWLRQVDQGH[WHUQDODSSHDUDQFHPD\ be subject to change without advance notice. Accordingly, while the contents of the User Manual may differ, please be aware that UHWXUQVUHIXQGVH[FKDQJHRUFRQYHUVLRQ are not possible. Â7KLV8VHU0DQXDOH[SODLQVGHWDLOVIRU multiple models together. Depending on the model, there may be functions that may be described but not available, or requirements for separately purchased-products. Thank you for your understanding. Â,PDJHVDQGLOOXVWUDWLRQVXVHGLQWKH User Manual are either those used in GHYHORSPHQWRUXVHGIRUH[SODQDWLRQV Please be aware that these may differ from the actual images and illustrations used in the product. Â3OHDVHEHDZDUHWKDW0LWVXELVKL0RWRUV including after-sales service departments, will in no way be held responsible for any losses or detriment resulting from alteration or loss of information stored in this product. Common Introduction Introduction Important Points on Usage Â7KHIROORZLQJSKHQRPHQDDUHFKDUDFWHULVWLF of LCD screens. They do not indicate a malfunction. 6PDOOEODFNGRWVRUEULJKWGRWV UHGEOXH green) on the screen. - Screen movement is slow during cold weather. - The screen is sometimes dark during hot weather. - The color tones and brightness vary with the viewing angle. Â,WLVDFKDUDFWHULVWLFRI/&'VFUHHQVWKDWWKH picture quality varies with the viewing angle. :KHQXVLQJWKLVSURGXFWIRUWKHÂżUVWWLPH adjust the picture quality. Â,I\RXSDVWHDQFRPPHUFLDOO\DYDLODEOH/&' SURWHFWLYHÂżOPRUWKHOLNHRQWKHVFUHHQLW may interfere with touch panel operation. Â,I\RXRSHUDWHWKHWRXFKSDQHOZLWKDVKDUS REMHFW SHQWLSÂżQJHUQDLOHWF WKHVFUHHQ may be scratched and this unit may be damaged, leading to faulty operation. Â2SHUDWLQJWKHWRXFKSDQHOZLWKJORYHVRQ may cause faulty operation. Â:KHQFOHDQLQJWKHVFUHHQZLSHLWZLWKDVRIW cloth. Do not use benzene, paint thinners, anti-static agents, or other chemical wipes. They could scratch the screen. iPod/iPhone Playback Function 2SWLRQ Â7KLVSURGXFWVXSSRUWVDXGLRSOD\EDFNIURP iPod/iPhone devices, however differing versions mean that playback cannot be guaranteed. Â3OHDVHEHDZDUHWKDWGHSHQGLQJRQWKH iPod/iPhone model or version, operation may differ. FCC NOTE Trademarks This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two FRQGLWLRQV 7KLVGHYLFHPD\QRWFDXVH KDUPIXOLQWHUIHUHQFHDQG WKLVGHYLFHPXVW accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Â3URGXFWQDPHVDQGRWKHUSURSHUQDPHVDUHWKHWUDGHPDUNV or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Â)XUWKHUPRUHHYHQLIWKHUHLVQRVSHFLÂżFGHQRWDWLRQRI trademarks or registered trademarks, these are to be observed in their entirety. FCC CAUTION &KDQJHVRUPRGLÂżFDWLRQVQRWH[SUHVVO\ approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the userâs authority to operate the equipment. Restrictions on Operations while the Vehicle Is Driving Some operations are restricted while the vehicle is driving. The driver should refrain from operating this product while the vehicle is moving. First stop the vehicle in a safe location, then operate this product. How to Clean Â,IWKHSURGXFWEHFRPHVGLUW\ZLSHZLWKDVRIW cloth. Â,IYHU\GLUW\XVHDVRIWFORWKGLSSHGLQQHXWUDO detergent diluted in water, and then wrung out. Do not use benzene, thinners, or other chemical wipes. This may harm the surface. The BluetoothÂŽ word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. HD Radio Technology manufactured under license from iBiquity Digital Corporation. U.S. and Foreign Patents. HD RadioTM and the HD, HD Radio, and âArcâ logos are proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital Corp. iPod nano iPod touch Introduction âMade for iPod,â âMade for iPhoneâ mean that an electronic DFFHVVRU\KDVEHHQGHVLJQHGWRFRQQHFWVSHFLÂżFDOO\WR L3RGRUL3KRQHUHVSHFWLYHO\DQGKDVEHHQFHUWLÂżHGE\WKH developer to meet Apple performance standards. iPhone, iPod, iPod classic, iPod nano, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards iPhone * iPod and iTunes licensing allows individual users to privately reproduce and play back non-copyrighted material as well as material that may be legally copied and reproduced. Infringement of copyright is prohibited. Before Use Important Points on Safety for the Customer This product features a number of pictorial indications as well as points concerning handling so that you can use the product correctly and in a safe manner, as well as prevent injury or damage to yourself, other users, or property. WARNING This indicates details regarding handling of the product that if ignored, could EHH[SHFWHGWRUHVXOWLQGHDWK or serious injury. CAUTION This indicates details regarding handling of the product that if ignored, could EHH[SHFWHGWRUHVXOWLQ personal injury or property loss. 6 Important Points on Safety for the Customer WARNING Â7KHGULYHUVKRXOGQRWSD\FORVH attention to the images on the screen while driving. This may prevent the driver looking where they are going, and cause an accident. Â7KHGULYHUVKRXOGQRWSHUIRUP complicated operations while driving. Performing complicated operations while driving may prevent the driver looking where they are going, and cause an accident. Therefore stop the vehicle in a safe location before performing such operations. Â'RQRWXVHGXULQJPDOIXQFWLRQV such as when the screen does not light up or no sound is audible. 7KLVPD\OHDGWRDFFLGHQWÂżUHRUHOHFWULF shock. Â(QVXUHZDWHURURWKHUIRUHLJQ objects do not enter the product. 7KLVPD\OHDGWRVPRNLQJÂżUHHOHFWULF shock, or malfunction. Â,QWKHHYHQWRIDEQRUPDOLWLHV occurring when foreign objects RUZDWHUHQWHUWKHSURGXFW resulting in smoke or a strange VPHOOLPPHGLDWHO\VWRSXVLQJWKH SURGXFWDQGFRQVXOWZLWK\RXU dealer. Continuing to use the product may result LQDFFLGHQWÂżUHRUHOHFWULFVKRFN WARNING Â'RQRWGLVDVVHPEOHRUPRGLI\WKH product. 7KLVPD\OHDGWRPDOIXQFWLRQÂżUHRU electric shock. Â'XULQJWKXQGHUVWRUPVGRQRW touch the antenna or the front panel. This may lead to electrical shock from lightning. CAUTION Â'RQRWEORFNYHQWLODWLRQKROHVRU heat sinks on the product. Blocking ventilation holes or heat sinks may prevent heat from escaping from ZLWKLQWKHSURGXFWOHDGLQJWRÂżUHRU malfunction. Â'RQRWWXUQWKHYROXPHXSWR the extent that you cannot hear sounds from outside the vehicle while driving. Driving without being able to hear sounds from outside the vehicle may result in an accident. How to Read This Manual 8) şşş RU>ĘĘĘ@ Shows a touch switch displayed on the screen. The notation used in this manual and what it means are as follows. 5) 2) 3) 4) 6) 7) 10)Continued on the next page 8VHGZKHQWKHH[SODQDWLRQRIRSHUDWLRQV is continued. Introduction 1) 9) (P000) Shows the page to refer to. It contains UHOHYDQWH[SODQDWLRQVHWF 8) 9) Before Use 10) 1) Volume Header &ODVVLÂżHGE\PDLQIXQFWLRQV 2) Chapter Header &ODVVLÂżHVPRUHÂżQHO\WKHPDLQIXQFWLRQV in the volume header. A chapter header appears at the head of each chapter.ĘĘĘ@NH\ Shows an operation key on the panel. 4) Intermediate Header &ODVVLÂżHVWKHRSHUDWLRQVDQGIXQFWLRQV under the major header. How to Read This Manual Basic Operation 4) Allows you to adjust the volume for the audio function and telephone function. It also allows you to switch the audio function ON/OFF. When the audio function is OFF, the clock screen is displayed. ĺ³$GMXVW9ROXPH´ 3 This Product Main Unit Panel 7KLVJLYHVWKHQDPHVRIHDFKVHFWLRQRIWKHPDLQXQLWSDQHODQGH[SODLQVWKHLUIXQFWLRQV 1) 6) 2) 3) 7) 4) 8) 5) 1) 5) Display Almost all operations can be performed by touching the touch switches displayed on this display. ĺ³+RZWR3HUIRUP7RXFK2SHUDWLRQV´ 3 6) 7) RADIO key 2) When the radio screen is displayed, the radio source changes each time the key is pressed. When the radio screen is not displayed, the radio screen is displayed. 8 This Product MEDIA key When the media screen is displayed, the media source changes each time the key is pressed. When the media screen is not displayed, the media screen is displayed. When no media is connected, this operation becomes invalid. 3) VOL/PUSH PWR key PHONE key The telephone menu is displayed. When the phone has not been registered, the Bluetooth connection setting screen is displayed. key/ key Allows you to seek a radio station and select tracks. Holding it down allows you to fast-forward/ fast-rewind tracks. HOME key Displays the HOME screen.ĺ³+RPH 6FUHHQ´ 3 8) TUNE key $OORZVWRVHOHFWDQDXGLRÂżOHIROGHURUD radio station by turning. PUSH SOUND key 3 Pressing the key displays the sound quality setting screen. Used to adjust the sound quality. Start Start the system. Introduction 1 Switch the vehicle's engine/ power switch to âACCâ or âONâ. Ĺş Basic Operation The display switches to the last screen used in its previous session. ADVICE Â,PPHGLDWHO\DIWHUWKHHQJLQHSRZHU switch is switched to âACCâ or âONâ, some functions cannot be used immediately because data is being read. Please wait until the reading is completed. This Product How to Perform Touch Operations Searching Items from a List You can move the display one page by touching or This system uses a touch panel that is operated by touching the display directly. When Touching ___ This manual indicates the operation of touching the screen to âEnterâ with âTouch ___â. Ill0167.eps $OVRWKHPHQXRIRSHUDWLRQVH[HFXWHGE\ touch is indicated as âTouch Switchâ. CAUTION Â7KHVXUIDFHRIWKHGLVSOD\VFUDWFKHV easily. Do not push on it too hard or rub it with a stiff cloth. Â,IWKHVFUHHQLVGLUW\ZLSHLWJHQWO\ZLWKDQ eyeglass wipe or other soft cloth. 10 How to Perform Touch Operations Ĺş When the item you are searching for is displayed, touch it directly. Home Screen By pressing the [HOME] key to display the home screen, then selecting a source from that screen, you can use various functions. 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3 Allows you to use the AM radio function. AM 6) 8) 3) USB/iPod *1 When an iPod is connected to this product, iPod is displayed. When you touch it, the iPod screen is displayed. 3 When a USB memory is connected to this product, USB is displayed. When you touch it, the USB screen is displayed. 3 When nothing is connected to this product, USB/iPod is displayed. 3 Allows you to use the FM radio function. FM 4) 6) 3 Allows you to make and receive telephone calls. 7) 3 Displays the settings screen, on which you can make various settings for this product. 8) 3 This turns off the screen display. Phone *3 Setting Display Off 7KLVUHTXLUHVDQH[WHUQDOLQSXWGHYLFHDQGD cable. *2) This requires an audio device that is Bluetooth FDSDEOH DYDLODEOHVHSDUDWHO\ *3) This requires a mobile phone that is Bluetooth FDSDEOH DYDLODEOHVHSDUDWHO\ 3 When a Bluetooth-capable audio device is connected to this product, the Bluetooth audio function can be used. Bluetooth *2 Home Screen 11 Basic Operation 7) 5) Introduction Display Contents 5) Clock Displays the current time using 24-hour time or 12-hour time. Hold down the displayed time to switch to the clock setting screen. ĺ³&ORFN´ 3 Switch the Sources 2 Touch any âsourceâ. A source can be selected on the home screen. NOTE Â7KLVPDQXDOXVHVWKHWHUPÂłVRXUFH´DV the general name for all radio and USB device music playback functions. 1 Press the HOME key. Ĺş Displays the HOME screen. 12 Home Screen Ĺş The screen for the selected source is displayed. AV Adjust Volume NOTE Â7KHYROXPHYDOXHLVUHWDLQHGIRUHDFKRI the following sources. - AM,FM,USB/iPod - Bluetooth - Phone 7KHIROORZLQJH[SODLQVDXGLRIXQFWLRQRSHUDWLRQV Audio Functions Switch Audio ON/OFF You can switch the audio function ON/OFF. NOTE Adjust the audio function volume. 1 During audio play, turn the VOL/PUSH PWR key counter- ADVICE clockwise. Â+ROGGRZQWKHVWHHULQJ>02'(@NH\WR also turn the audio function ON/OFF. 1 Press the VOL/PUSH PWR key. Audio Functions Â7KHDOEXPQDPHVWLWOHVHWFLQWKHWLWOH information in pictures used with the audio functions and related functions of this manual were prepared for these H[SODQDWLRQV7KH\KDYHQRUHODWLRQVKLS whatsoever with actual title information. AV Basic Operation Ĺş Ĺş This switches the audio function OFF. 2 Press the VOL/PUSH PWR key. Ĺş The audio function is switched ON and the audio source screen last used is displayed. The volume is lowered. 2 Turn the VOL/PUSH PWR key clockwise. Ĺş The volume is raised. Basic Operation 13 Radio Listen to Radio 7KLVH[SODLQVKRZWROLVWHQWR$0DQG)0 radio broadcasts. HD Radio TM broadcast or analog broadcast can be received. 1 Press the RADIO key. The radio screen is displayed. When Audio is ON, each time the key is pressed, the radio source changes. Ĺş The AM or FM radio broadcast information screen is displayed. 2 Turn the TUNE key to select a 3URJUDP6HUYLFH'DWD&RQWULEXWHVWRWKHVXSHULRUXVHUH[SHULHQFHRI HD Radio Technology. Presents song name, artist, station IDs, HD2/HD3 Channel Guide, and other relevant data streams. station. $GMDFHQWWRWUDGLWLRQDOPDLQVWDWLRQVDUHH[WUDORFDO)0FKDQQHOV7KHVH HD2/HD3 Channels provide new, original music as well as deep cuts into traditional genre. Ĺş The station at the selected frequency is played. ADVICE Â%\SUHVVLQJWKH>+20(@NH\WRGLVSOD\ the home screen, then selecting a source from that screen, you can select the radio source. 20 Listen to Radio Digital, CD-quality sound. HD Radio Technology enables local radio stations to broadcast a clean digital signal. AM sounds like todayâs FM and FM sounds like a CD. Display Contents FM Radio Preset Screen 6) 7) 4) 8) 5) 9) 1) Source plate Displays the name of the currently selected source. 3) Received frequency Displays the frequency currently being received. 4) Preset switch Allows you to register your favorite broadcast stations. Touch and hold the switch for the desired preset channel number until you hear the âbeepâ. This registers the broadcast station currently being received. ĺ³5HJLVWHU 6FDQ@ 3 , [Sound] 3 , and [Setting] 3 . 10) 6) HD Radio TM indicator Digital broadcasts are displayed as they are received. A white icon is displayed during analog audio output, and an orange icon is displayed during digital audio output. 7) Sub Channel Indicator This is displayed if the station being received digitally has a sub channel. Channel numbers with broadcasts are displayed in white. Channel numbers with no broadcasts are not displayed. The channel number being received is orange. 14) 15) 11) Indicator : Live event broadcasts are displayed as they are received. : RBDS data is displayed as it is received. 12) Station name Displays the station name being received. 13) Preset information Displays the preset number and frequency during registration. For HD Radio TM broadcasts, the HD indicator and sub channel are displayed. Displays the station name if it can be received. 8) Switch page Displays Page 2 of the presets. 14) Message Displays the HD Radio TM reception status. 9) 15) Station Displays a list of the stations that can be received. ĺ³6HDUFKIRU%URDGFDVW 6WDWLRQVIURPWKH6WDWLRQ/LVW´ 3 Info Switches to the information display. 3 10) Switch page Displays Page 1 of the presets. Listen to Radio 21 Radio 2) PTY 'LVSOD\VWKH37< 3URJUDP7\SH EHLQJ received. 11) 12) 13) AV 1) 2) 3) AM Radio Preset Screen 1) 2) 3) 6) 7) 8) 9) 4) 5) 1) Source plate Displays the name of the currently selected source. 2) PTY 'LVSOD\VWKH37< 3URJUDP7\SH EHLQJ received. 3) Received frequency Displays the frequency currently being received. 4) Preset switch Allows you to register your favorite broadcast stations. Touch and hold the switch for the desired preset channel number until you hear the âbeepâ. This registers the broadcast station currently being received. ĺ³5HJLVWHU 6FDQ@ 3 , [Sound] 3 , and [Setting] 3 . 22 Listen to Radio 10) 11) 6) HD Radio TM indicator Digital broadcasts are displayed as they are received. A white icon is displayed during analog audio output, and an orange icon is displayed during digital audio output. 7) Indicator : Live event broadcasts are displayed as they are received. 8) Station name Displays the station name being received. 9) Preset information Displays the preset number and frequency during registration. For HD Radio TM broadcasts, the HD indicator is displayed. Displays the station name if it can be received. 10) Info Switches to the information display. 3 11) Station Displays a list of the stations that can be received. ĺ³6HDUFKIRU%URDGFDVW 6WDWLRQVIURPWKH6WDWLRQ/LVW´ 3 Radio Information Display Screen 1)2) 3) 4) 1) 3) 4) 3) Artist Displays the acquired artist name. 2) Radio Text During analog reception, âTitleâ changes WRÂł5DGLR7H[W´DQGWKHDFTXLUHGUDGLR WH[WLVGLVSOD\HG The âartistâ and âalbumâ are not displayed. 4) Album Displays the acquired album name. 5) Back Switches to preset display. Radio 1) Title Displays the acquired title name. 5) AV 5) Listen to Radio 23 Register Your Favorite Broadcast Stations You can register your favorite 12 stations for FM and 6 stations for AM. 1 On the radio broadcast information screen, turn the TUNE key to search for the âbroadcast stationâ to register. 2 To register your station, touch Search for Broadcast Stations with Strong Signals This is handy for searching for broadcast stations you can receive when you drive to a different area. Starting the Seek A receivable station can be searched one at a time. Starting the Scan This searches for stations that can be received. 1 On the radio broadcast information screen, touch Menu then Scan . Ĺş 1 On the radio broadcast information screen, press key or the key. and hold the âpreset switchâ until you hear the âbeepâ. Ĺş When a broadcast station is received, this is played for 10 seconds, then the product VHDUFKHVIRUWKHQH[WVWDWLRQ Canceling a Scan Ĺş This registers the selected broadcast station to the chosen preset channel number. 24 Listen to Radio 1 During the scan, touch When a receivable station is found, it is played. Ĺş The scan is canceled. Stop . Search for Broadcast Stations from the Station List You can select a station from the list of receivable broadcast stations. On the radio broadcast information screen, touch Station . Updating the Station List You can manually update the station list. 1 On the station list, touch Refresh . Updating starts. Ĺş The updated station list is displayed. AV The station list is displayed. 2 Select the broadcast stations you want from the station list and touch it. Radio Ĺş Reception of the selected broadcast station starts. 3 Touch Back . Ĺş The display returns to the original radio broadcast information screen. Listen to Radio 25 iPod/USB Use an iPod By connecting commercially-available iPod/ iPhone devices to this product, you can play back tracks on these through the product. If the audio source is an iPod/USB device, connect the iPod to automatically start playback. CAUTION Â1HYHUKROGDQL3RGL3KRQHLQ\RXUKDQG and operate it while driving, as this is dangerous. Â'RQRWOHDYHWKHL3RGL3KRQHXQDWWHQGHG in the vehicle. Â1RLQGHPQLÂżFDWLRQIRUGDWDORVVUHVXOWLQJ when the iPod/iPhone is connected to the product will be possible. Â'HSHQGLQJRQKRZGHYLFHVDUHKDQGOHG DXGLRÂżOHVFDQEHGDPDJHGRUORVW therefore it is recommended that data be backed up. NOTE Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKHJHQHUDWLRQPRGHO or software version of the iPod/iPhone, playback on this product may not be possible. Äş3 $GGLWLRQDOO\SOD\EDFNDVH[SODLQHGLQWKLV document may not be possible. 26 Use an iPod NOTE Â8SGDWLQJ\RXUVRIWZDUHVRPHWLPHV changes the functions that can be used while connected with this product. Â2SHUDWHWKHL3RGL3KRQHZKLOHFRQQHFWHG to this product. Â3OHDVHUHIHUWR\RXUYHKLFOH VXVHU manual regarding how to connect the iPod/iPhone. Â:KHQFRQQHFWLQJWKHL3RGL3KRQHXVH any commercially-available iPod cable. Â,IWKHL3RGL3KRQHLVFRQQHFWHGYLD Bluetooth as a Bluetooth-capable audio device, do not connect the iPod/iPhone using an iPod cable. Connection using both methods will result in erroneous operation. Â,IDQL3RGL3KRQHGRHVQRWRSHUDWH correctly, then remove the iPod/iPhone from the product, reset, then reconnect. Â9LHZLQJYLGHRVLVQRWSRVVLEOHHYHQLI the iPod/iPhone supports video playback functions. Â6HWXSWKHGHYLFHLQRUGHUWKDWQR unsafe actions, such as plugging in the connection cable are taken while driving. Â:KHQLQVHUWLQJDQGUHPRYLQJWKHL3RG L3KRQHIRUVDIHW\ VVDNHÂżUVWVWRSWKH vehicle. Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKHVWDWXVRIWKHL3RG iPhone, it may take some time until the device is recognized, or playback starts. NOTE Â%XWWRQVRQWKHSURGXFWZLOOQRWRSHUDWH while iPod/iPhone is connected. ÂL3RGL3KRQHVSHFLÂżFDWLRQVDQGVHWWLQJV may mean that connection is not possible, or result in differences in operation or display. Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKHDXGLRGDWDLQWKHL3RG iPhone, track information may not be displayed correctly. Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKHVWDWXVRIWKHYHKLFOH and device, the iPod/iPhone may not play back after starting the engine. Â'DWDFRQWDLQLQJFRS\ULJKWLQIRUPDWLRQ may not play back. Â,WLVUHFRPPHQGHGWKDWWKHL3RGL3KRQH HTXDOL]HUVHWWLQJVEHVHWWRĂDW Play iPod 1 Press the MEDIA key. Display Contents iPod Playback Information Screen The media last played is resumed. When Audio is ON, each time the key is pressed, the media source changes and the media playback screen is displayed. 1) 2) Ĺş key key to select or the track. Ĺş The selected track is played back.  +20(@NH\WRGLVSOD\ the home screen, then selecting a source from that screen, you can select the media source. 6) 1) Source plate Displays the name of the currently selected source, clock, and volume. 2) Track name If there is title information, displays the track name. If there is no title information, displays âUnknownâ. *1 3) Album name If there is title information, displays the album name. If there is no title information, displays âUnknownâ.*1 4) Playback time 5) Returns to the previous track. Allows you to fast rewind by continuing touching. 6) Menu Displays the iPod menu screen that allows you to change the playback mode or perform [Sound] 3 . 7) Artist name If there is an artist name in the title information, displays it. If there is no title information, displays âUnknownâ. *1 8) Playback mode display Displays the current playback mode. ĺ³6ZLWFK3OD\EDFN0RGH´ 3 : Repeat play 6KXIĂHSOD\ $OEXPVKXIĂHSOD\ 9) iPod/USB ADVICE 9) 10) 11) AV The iPod playback information screen is displayed. 2 Press the 7) 8) 3) 4) 5) Allows you to play or pause. 10) 3OD\VEDFNWKHQH[WWUDFN$OORZV\RXWR fast forward by continuing touching. 11) List This displays the display list.ĺ³6HDUFKE\ /LVW´ 3 *1) âUnknownâ may be displayed depending on the connected iPod/iPhone. Use an iPod 27 Switch Playback Mode Repeat playback, random playback, etc. are possible. 1 On the iPod playback information screen, touch Menu . Displays the iPod menu. Touch the âmodeâ to change to. iPod Menu Touching [Menu] on the iPod playback information screen will display the iPod menu. Repeat Song Play tracks on the current level in a random order. 6KXIĂH Albums Play all the albums on the current level in a random order. However, the order within albums is not changed. Back 3 Touch Back . Ĺş Repeat playback of the track currently being played. 6KXIĂH$OO Songs Sound Adjusts the sound quality. ĺ³$GMXVWWKH6RXQG4XDOLW\´ 3 Returns to the playback information screen. ĺ³'LVSOD\&RQWHQWV´ 3 Category menu Ĺş A list of the selected category is displayed. 3 Touch the âitemâ to play from the list. Search by List Touching a category on the playlist displays a list of its category. By touching the list, you can check album names and track names while searching for the tracks you want. 1 On the iPod playback information screen, touch List . The playlist is displayed. Playback in the selected mode starts. 2 Touch âcategoryâ. Ĺş A list of the selected item is displayed. Repeat Step 3 to search for tracks. When you touch the track to play from the list, playback starts. ADVICE Â7KHOHYHORILWHPVRSHUDWHGRQLQ6WHS depends on which category you selected in Step 2. Â7KHWLWOHLQIRUPDWLRQUHFRUGHGLQWRWKH iPod is displayed on the list. 28 Use an iPod Use USB Device By connecting commercially-available USB devices such as USB memory to this SURGXFW\RXFDQSOD\EDFNDXGLRÂżOHVRQ these through the product. If the audio source is an iPod/USB device, connect the USB device to automatically start playback. Â3OHDVHUHIHUWR\RXUYHKLFOH VXVHU manual regarding details such as types of USB devices that can be connected and USB input ports. Â3OHDVHUHIHUWR\RXUYHKLFOH VXVHU manual regarding how to connect USB devices. Â'HSHQGLQJRQDXGLRGDWDLQWKH86% device, track information may not be displayed correctly. Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKHVWDWXVRIWKHYHKLFOH and device, the iPod/iPhone may not play back after starting the engine. 1 Press the MEDIA key. The media last played is resumed. When the media playback screen is displayed, the media source changes each time the key is pressed. Ĺş The USB device playback information screen is displayed. 2 Turn the TUNE key to select the folder. 3 Press the key key to select or the track. Ĺş The selected track is played back. ADVICE  +20(@NH\WRGLVSOD\ the home screen, then selecting a source from that screen, you can select the media source. Use USB Device 29 iPod/USB NOTE Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKHW\SHRI86%GHYLFH usage may not be possible, or functions that can be used may be restricted. Â7KHUHFRPPHQGHGÂżOHV\VWHPIRU86% memory is FAT16 or FAT32. Â7KHPD[LPXPVXSSRUWHGFDSDFLW\IRU USB memory is 32GB. Â2SHUDWHWKH86%GHYLFHFRQWDLQLQJ UHFRUGHGDXGLRÂżOHVZKLOHFRQQHFWHGWR this product. Â:KHQFRQQHFWLQJD86%GHYLFHXVHDQ\ commercially-available connection cable. Failure to use a connection cable when connecting may place undue load on, or damage the USB connector. Â6HWXSWKHGHYLFHLQRUGHUWKDWQR unsafe actions, such as plugging in the connection cable are taken while driving. Â:KHQLQVHUWLQJDQGUHPRYLQJWKH86% GHYLFHIRUVDIHW\ VVDNHÂżUVWVWRSWKH vehicle. Â'RQRWLQVHUWQRQDXGLRGHYLFHVLQWR the USB port. Damage to the device or equipment may result. Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKHVWDWXVRIWKH86% device, it may take some time until the device is recognized, or playback starts. Â'HSHQGLQJRQ86%GHYLFHVEXWWRQVRQ the product will not operate while the USB device is connected. Â'DWDFRQWDLQLQJFRS\ULJKWLQIRUPDWLRQ may not play back. Â86%GHYLFHVSHFLÂżFDWLRQVDQGVHWWLQJV may mean that connection is not possible, or result in differences in operation or display. NOTE AV CAUTION Â1HYHUKROGDQ86%GHYLFHLQ\RXUKDQG and operate it while driving, as this is dangerous. Â'RQRWOHDYHWKH86%GHYLFHXQDWWHQGHG in the vehicle. Â'RQRWXVHKDUGGLVFVFDUGUHDGHUVRU memory readers, as damage may occur to these or to the data contained therein. If these are erroneously connected, then turn the engine ignition âOFFâ, then remove. Â1RJXDUDQWHHLVPDGHDVUHJDUGV damage to the USB device, nor regarding loss or damage to data contained therein. Â'HSHQGLQJRQKRZGHYLFHVDUHKDQGOHG DXGLRÂżOHVFDQEHGDPDJHGRUORVW therefore it is recommended that data be backed up. NOTE 10) Folder name Displays the name of the folder currently being played back. Display Contents Playback Information Screen 1) 11) 2) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 1) Source plate Displays the name of the currently selected source, clock, and volume. 7) 2) Track name If there is title information, displays the track name. If there is no title information, displays âUnknownâ. 8) Artist name If there is an artist name in the title information, displays it. If there is no title information, displays âUnknownâ. 3) Album name If there is title information, displays the album name. If there is no title information, displays âUnknownâ.*1 9) Playback mode display Displays the current playback mode. ĺ³6ZLWFK3OD\EDFN0RGH´ 3 : Repeat play : Folder repeat play 6KXIĂHSOD\ 4) Playback time 5) Used to select a folder. Touching this switches to the previous folder and plays EDFNIURPWKHÂżUVWWUDFNLQWKDWIROGHU 6) Menu Displays the USB menu screen that allows you to change the playback mode or perform [Sound] 3 . 30 Use USB Device Plays back the previous track. Allows you to fast rewind by continuing touching. Used to select a folder. Touching this VZLWFKHVWRWKHQH[WIROGHUDQGSOD\VEDFN IURPWKHÂżUVWWUDFNLQWKDWIROGHU 12) 3OD\VEDFNWKHQH[WWUDFN$OORZV\RXWR fast forward by continuing touching. 13) List Displays a folder list. ĺ³/LVWV´ 3 14) Allows you to play or pause. Lists Folder List 1) 2) AV 3) 2) Folder name 7RXFKLQJWKLVH[SDQGVWKHIROGHU 3) Current Folder A folder list is displayed with the folder FXUUHQWO\SOD\HGÂżUVWRQWKHOLVW 4) 5) iPod/USB 1) Cursor switch Scrolls pages. 4) Current Track The currently playing track is displayed at the head of the displayed track list. 5) Back Returns to the playback information screen. Continued on the next page Use USB Device 31 Display a List Track List 1) 2) A folder list can be displayed. 1 On the USB device playback information screen, touch List . 3) 4) 1) Cursor switch 2) File name 'LVSOD\VWKHÂżOHQDPH Touch to play the track and return to the playback information screen. 3) 5) 4) 32 Use USB Device 6) A folder list is displayed. Current Folder Current Track The currently playing track is displayed at the head of the displayed track list. Folder List Switches to the list of the tracks in the folder one level up. 6) A folder list is displayed with the folder FXUUHQWO\SOD\HGÂżUVWRQWKHOLVW 5) Ĺş Back Returns to the playback information screen. 2 Touch Back . Ĺş The display returns to the USB device playback information screen. Switch Playback Mode Repeat playback and random playback are possible. 1 On the USB device playback information screen, touch Menu . USB Device Menu Repeat Song Repeat Folder Repeat playback of the tracks within the folder currently being played. Play all the tracks on the medium in a random order. Sound Adjusts the sound quality. ĺ³$GMXVWWKH6RXQG4XDOLW\´ 3 Back Returns to the playback information screen. ĺ³3OD\EDFN,QIRUPDWLRQ6FUHHQ´ 3 iPod/USB 3 Touch AV 6KXIĂH The USB device menu is displayed. 2 Touch the âmodeâ to change to. Repeat playback of the track currently being played. Back . Ĺş Playback in the selected mode starts. Use USB Device 33 Bluetooth Audio Use Bluetooth Audio This product can play back tracks on commercially-available Bluetooth-capable audio devices. CAUTION Â1HYHUKROGD%OXHWRRWKFDSDEOHDXGLR device in your hand and operate it while driving, as this is dangerous. Â'RQRWOHDYHWKH%OXHWRRWKDXGLRGHYLFH unattended in the vehicle. Â'HSHQGLQJRQKRZGHYLFHVDUHKDQGOHG DXGLRÂżOHVFDQEHGDPDJHGRUORVW therefore it is recommended that data be backed up. NOTE Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKHW\SHRI%OXHWRRWK capable audio devices, usage may not be possible, or functions that can be used may be restricted. Â8SGDWLQJ\RXUVRIWZDUHVRPHWLPHV changes the functions that can be used while connected with this product. Â$VLQJOH%OXHWRRWKFDSDEOHDXGLRGHYLFH can be connected to this product. 34 Use Bluetooth Audio NOTE Â&RQÂżUPWRJHWKHUZLWKWKHXVHUPDQXDOV for the commercially-available Bluetoothcapable audio devices. Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKHW\SHRI%OXHWRRWK capable audio devices, volume levels may differ. There is the danger of loud volumes, so prior to use, it is recommended that you turn the volume down. ĺ³$GMXVW9ROXPH´ 3 Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKHVWDWXVRIWKH%OXHWRRWK audio device, it may take some time until the device is recognized, or playback starts. Â%OXHWRRWKDXGLRGHYLFHVSHFLÂżFDWLRQV and settings may mean that connection is not possible, or result in differences in operation or display. Â'HSHQGLQJRQDXGLRGDWDLQWKH%OXHWRRWK audio device, track information may not be displayed correctly. Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKHVWDWXVRIWKHYHKLFOH and device, the iPod/iPhone may not play back after starting the engine. Â'DWDFRQWDLQLQJFRS\ULJKWLQIRUPDWLRQ may not play back. Â,WLVUHFRPPHQGHGWKDWWKH%OXHWRRWK audio device equalizer settings be set to ĂDW Â7KHÂżUVWWLPH\RXOLVWHQWR%OXHWRRWK audio, you must make the connection settings. 3 Connect a Bluetooth-capable Audio Device This product and the Bluetooth-capable audio device uses the Bluetooth function to connect. For details on how to connect, refer to Âł%OXHWRRWK6HWWLQJ´ 3 . Operation methods below describe situations once a connection has been completed. NOTE Â,IWKHL3RGL3KRQHLVFRQQHFWHGYLD Bluetooth as a Bluetooth-capable audio device, do not connect the iPod/iPhone using an iPod cable. Connection using both methods will result in erroneous operation. Listen to a Bluetooth-capable Audio Device 1 Press the MEDIA key. The media last played is resumed. When the media playback screen is displayed, the media source changes each time the key is pressed. Ĺş The Bluetooth audio playback information screen is displayed. 2 Press the or the track. key key to select ADVICE 1) 2) 3) 4) 7) 8) 9) 5) 6) 1) Source plate Displays the name of the currently selected source, the antenna, the remaining battery, the Bluetooth logo, the volume, and the clock. 2) Track name If there are track names in the title information, displays them. If there is no title information, displays âUnknownâ. 3) Artist name If there is an artist name in the title information, displays it. If there is no title information, displays âUnknownâ. 4) Album name If there is title information, displays the album name. If there is no title information, displays âUnknownâ.*1 5) Returns to the previous track. Allows you to fast rewind by continuing touching. 6) Menu Displays the Bluetooth audio menu screen WKDWDOORZV\RXWRFRQÂżJXUH>6RXQG@ 3 and [Bluetooth] 3 . 7) Allows playback. 8) Pauses the track. 9) 3OD\VEDFNWKHQH[WWUDFN$OORZV\RXWR fast forward by continuing touching. Use Bluetooth Audio 35 Bluetooth Audio  +20(@NH\WRGLVSOD\ the home screen, then selecting a source from that screen, you can select the media source. Playback Information Screen AV Display Contents INFO/SETTINGS INFO Mobile Phone Connecting your mobile phone to this product with Bluetooth lets you use the hands-free function. WARNING Â)RUVDIHW\ VVDNHGRQRWRSHUDWHWKH mobile phone while driving. When RSHUDWLQJWKHPRELOHSKRQHÂżUVWVWRSWKH vehicle in a safe location. Â'RQRWOHDYH\RXUPRELOHSKRQH unattended in the vehicle. If your mobile phone rolls underfoot when you stop the vehicle or when you go around a curve and it get under the brake pedal, it can interfere with driving and cause an accident. 36 Mobile Phone NOTE Â&DQFHOIXQFWLRQVVXFKDVWKHPRELOH phone âdial lockâ, and connect while on the standby screen. Â:KLOHFRQQHFWHGPRELOHSKRQH UHFHLYLQJ calls, etc.) operations may not function correctly. Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKHGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQ the product and the mobile phone, the conditions within the vehicle, and types of screening, connection may not be possible. In these cases, situate the mobile phone as close as possible to the product. Â7KLVSURGXFWDOORZV\RXWRUHJLVWHUD total of 5 Bluetooth devices, including Bluetooth-capable mobile phones and audio devices. Â(YHQWKRXJKDPRELOHSKRQHLV Bluetooth capable, characteristics and VSHFLÂżFDWLRQVPD\PHDQWKDWFRUUHFW operation may not be possible. Â(YHQWKRXJKDPRELOHSKRQHLV%OXHWRRWK FDSDEOHSKRQHVSHFLÂżFDWLRQVDQG settings may result in differences in display, or prevent correct operation. Â6RPHPRGHOVPD\QRWEHFRQÂżUPHGDV connected, or may not connect. Connect Your Mobile Phone This product and your mobile phone use the Bluetooth function to connect. For details on how to connect, refer to Âł%OXHWRRWK6HWWLQJ´ 3 . Operation methods below describe situations once connection has been completed. NOTE Â7KLVUHTXLUHVDPRELOHSKRQHWKDWFDQEH connected to the Bluetooth. Display the Phonebook The phonebook in your mobile phone can be displayed. Press the PHONE key. The mobile phone screen is displayed. 2 Touch There are a number of ways to make a call. CAUTION Â$VPXFKDVSRVVLEOHUHIUDLQIURPSKRQH calls while driving. First stop your vehicle in a safe location. Calling by Entering a Telephone Number 1 Press the PHONE key. The mobile phone screen is displayed. If the keypad screen is displayed, proceed to Step 3. 2 Touch Keypad . The keypad screen is displayed. 3 Input the âtelephone numberâ. ADVICE Â,I\RXPDNHDPLVWDNHIRUHQWHULQJWRXFK to clear one digit. Â+ROGGRZQ to delete all of the input characters. The phonebook screen is displayed. 3 Touch Ĺş The phonebook in your mobile phone can be displayed. ADVICE Â2QO\ZKHQD%OXHWRRWKFRQQHFWLRQLV established, touching the [HOME] key then the [PHONE] key displays the phone screen. 4 Touch the âOFF HOOKâ key. INFO Refresh . âOFF HOOKâ key Ĺş A call is started to the telephone number you entered. Mobile Phone INFO/SETTINGS Contacts . Ĺş Dial a Telephone 37 Making a Call from a Phone Record Making a Call from a Phonebook A call can be made using outgoing/incoming call records. 1 Display the phonebook. 1 On the mobile phone screen, touch Recents . ĺ³'LVSOD\WKH3KRQHERRN´ 3 2 Select and touch the âperson to callâ. 2 Touch Outgoing , Incoming , or Missed . 3 Touch the âtelephone number to callâ. Touch the âtelephone number to callâ. Ĺş A call is started to the telephone number you selected. 38 Mobile Phone Ĺş A call is started to the telephone number you selected. ADVICE Â7KHÂżUVWOHWWHURIWKHQDPHFDQEH changed by touching the or Â,I\RXWRXFKWKHÂżUVWOHWWHURIWKHQDPH a list is displayed with the selected letter ÂżUVWRQWKHOLVW Calling the Person You Were Just Talking with Display the keypad screen. Incoming Calls The audio guide sounds and the incoming call screen is displayed. ĺ³&DOOLQJE\(QWHULQJD7HOHSKRQH 1XPEHU´ 3 2 Touch the Answering an Incoming Call 1 Touch Ĺş Redial . Ĺş A call is started to the telephone number you were just talking with. You can now talk with the calling party. ADVICE Â:KHQWKHVWHHULQJUHPRWHFRQWUROOHUKDV the âOFF HOOKâ key, pressing the "OFF HOOK" key allows you to talk with the calling party. ĺ³6WHHULQJ5HPRWH&RQWURO6ZLWFK 2SHUDWLRQ´ 3 Ending a Telephone Call 1 Touch Ĺş This ends the incoming call. ADVICE Â:KHQWKHVWHHULQJUHPRWHFRQWUROOHUKDV the âON HOOKâ key, pressing the "ON HOOK" key allows you to end the call. ĺ³6WHHULQJ5HPRWH&RQWURO6ZLWFK 2SHUDWLRQ´ 3 Mobile Phone 39 INFO Â7RXFKLQJ>0XWH@VZLWFKHVRIIWKHIXQFWLRQ for the mic connected to this product. Touching [Mute] again switches ON the mic function. Â7RXFKLQJ>3ULYDWH&DOO@VZLWFKHVWKH speaker and mic functions to the mobile phone side. Touching [Private Call] again switches the speaker and mic functions to this product. Â7KHFDOOYROXPHLVVZLWFKHGWRWKHYROXPH from the last call. The volume during this FDOOZLOOEHWKHYROXPHIRUWKHQH[WFDOO INFO/SETTINGS ADVICE SETTINGS System Settings System related settings, such as the operation sound and the time, can be made. You can use the Bluetooth function to connect any commercially-available Bluetooth device to this product. NOTE Â7KLVSURGXFWVXSSRUWV9HU('5 Bluetooth AUDIO $'3 Y $95&3 Y Hands-free +)3 Y Phonebook transfer 3%$3 Y Icon display when Bluetooth is connected The antenna level of the mobile SKRQH WR Not displayed if the antenna information cannot be obtained or if outside the signal area. The remaining battery of the PRELOHSKRQH WR Not displayed if the battery information cannot be obtained. INFO/SETTINGS Bluetooth Setting What Bluetooth is Bluetooth is a wireless communications standard specialized for connecting devices RYHUVKRUWGLVWDQFHV DIHZPHWHUVRUOHVV Since it uses radio waves, it is not directional. Thanks to its characteristic, communications are possible even if there is an obstruction. This makes it possible to communicate, even with the mobile phone still in your shirt pocket or briefcase or shoulder bag. 6XSSRUWHGSURĂOHV Bluetooth connected. SETTINGS Continued on the next page System Settings 41 NOTE Â&DQFHOIXQFWLRQVVXFKDVWKHPRELOH phone âdial lockâ, and connect while on the standby screen. Â:KLOHFRQQHFWHGRSHUDWLRQVRQWKH %OXHWRRWKGHYLFH UHFHLYLQJFDOOVHWF may not function correctly. Â)RUGHWDLOVRQKRZWRHQWHUWKHSDVVNH\ for your Bluetooth device, refer to its user manual. Â7KHFRQQHFWLRQIDLOVVRPHWLPHV5HJLVWHU again. Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKHGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQWKLV product and your Bluetooth device, the conditions within the vehicle, and types of screening, connection may not be possible. In this case, put your Bluetooth as close as possible to this product. Â(YHQWKRXJKDGHYLFHLV%OXHWRRWK capable, its characteristics and VSHFLÂżFDWLRQVPD\PHDQWKDWFRUUHFW operation is not possible. Â6RPH%OXHWRRWKGHYLFHVFDQQRWEH connected. Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKH%OXHWRRWKGHYLFH connecting may take some time. 42 System Settings Registering a Bluetooth Device Register a Bluetooth device with this product. 1 Press the HOME key. Displays the HOME screen. 2 Touch Setting , and then Bluetooth . 3 Touch the New Devices . If no Bluetooth devices are registered to this product, Step 3 is not required. Ĺş Permitting pairing on the Bluetooth device will allow the connection to be made. ADVICE Â8SWR%OXHWRRWKGHYLFHVFDQEH registered. If 7 devices are already registered, you must delete one before you can register a new Bluetooth device. Â6RPH%OXHWRRWKGHYLFHVUHTXLUHDSDVV key. Â,IWKHSDVVNH\LVLQFRUUHFWUHGRWKH Bluetooth device side operations from the start. Â'HSHQGLQJRQWKH%OXHWRRWKGHYLFH V settings, it may be necessary to enter the pass key each time the device is connected. Â&DUU\RXWWKHSURFHGXUHIRUHQWHULQJ the pass key to the Bluetooth device according to its user manual. Â6RPH%OXHWRRWKGHYLFHVGRQRWUHTXLUHD pass key entry. Â,IQR%OXHWRRWKGHYLFHLVFRQQHFWHGWRWKLV product, Bluetooth device registration/ connection is possible even with the following procedure. - Press the [PHONE] key. - Touch [Bluetooth] on the home screen. Selecting a Bluetooth Device Deleting a Registered Device If you have registered multiple Bluetooth devices, you must select the one to connect. )URPWKHQRQWKH%OXHWRRWKGHYLFH\RXVHW with this function is connected automatically when it is detected by this product.) Deletes the Bluetooth device information registered with this product. 1 Press the 2 Touch HOME key. 3 Touch the Paired Devices . NOTE Press the HOME key.  5HVHW@UHWXUQVDOOWKHVRXQGTXDOLW\DGMXVWPHQWVWRWKHLUIDFWRU\GHIDXOWVHWWLQJV You can make the settings concerning the screen. Auto The screen brightness can be linked to change with the vehicle OLJKWLQJVWDWH KHDGOLJKWVDQG position lights). Lighting on: Screen is dimmed. Lighting off: Screen is bright. For some vehicle types, linking may only be carried out when the light switch is in Auto. Day Screen is constantly bright. Night Screen is constantly dimmed. 3 Change the settings, then touch Back . Ĺş The screen setting change is complete. 44 System Settings Display Settings The brightness, contrast, and color tone of the screen can be set. 1 Press the HOME key. Displays the HOME screen. 2 Touch Setting , and then touch Back . Ĺş The screen setting change is complete. The time and format of the clock can be changed. 1 Press the Displays the HOME screen. NOTE Â+ROGGRZQWKHGLVSOD\HGWLPHWRVZLWFKWR the clock setting screen. 2 Touch You can make the settings concerning the screen. Tint $GMXVWVWKHFRQWUDVW7RXFKLQJ>@ increases the contrast, touching [-] decreases it. You may continue touching the adjustment until the setting is acceptable. Adjusts the color tone. 7RXFKLQJ>@PDNHVWKHGLVSOD\ more greenish, touching [-] makes it more reddish. Allows you to adjust continuously by continuing the touch. Ĺş You can make the settings concerning the time. Time Format Sets 12h or 24h format. Time Setting $GMXVWVWLPHE\WRXFKLQJ>@RU>@ 3 Touch Set . 4 Change the settings, then touch Back . Ĺş The time setting change is complete. System Settings 45 SETTINGS Contrast Adjusts the brightness. 7RXFKLQJ>@PDNHVWKHGLVSOD\ brighter, touching [-] makes it dimmer. You may continue touching the adjustment until the setting is acceptable. Setting , and then Clock . Ĺş Brightness HOME key. INFO/SETTINGS Display . Clock 3 Change the settings, then Radio Setting You can change the radio reception mode and WKHGLVSOD\ODQJXDJHIRU37<ÂżOWHU You can set this for both FM and AM. Press the HOME key. Displays the HOME screen. 2 Touch Setting , and then Radio . 3 Set individual items. ADVICE  +20(@>6HWWLQJV@WKHQ>&ORFN@ you can change the format for time display. ĺ³&ORFN´ 3  3UHVVWKH>92/386+3:5@NH\DJDLQWR return to the original screen. This turns off the screen display. ADVICE  7RXFKLQJWKHVFUHHQUHWXUQVWKHGLVSOD\ to the original screen. 48 Other Settings This device complies with part 15 of FCC Rules and Industry Canada s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Le prĂŠsent appareil est conforme Ă la partie 15 des règles de la FCC et aux normes des CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisĂŠe aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage subi, mĂŞme si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user s authority to operate the equipment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. This equipment complies with FCC/IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines and RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules. This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that is deemed to comply without testing of specific absorption rate (SAR). Cet ĂŠquipement est conforme aux limites d exposition aux rayonnements ĂŠnoncĂŠes pour un environnement non contrĂ´lĂŠ et respecte les règles les radioĂŠlectriques (RF) de la FCC lignes directrices d'exposition et d exposition aux frĂŠquences radioĂŠlectriques (RF) CNR-102 de l IC. Cet ĂŠquipement ĂŠmet une ĂŠnergie RF très faible qui est considĂŠrĂŠe comme conforme sans ĂŠvaluation du dĂŠbit d absorption spĂŠcifique (DAS).
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