Mitsubishi Electric Sanda Works NR172UHS Multimedia Car Radio with Bluetooth transceiver User Manual Instruction manual

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Sanda Works Multimedia Car Radio with Bluetooth transceiver Instruction manual


Instruction manual

COMAND OnlineSupplementNur für internen Gebrauch / For internal use only
Symbols$Warning%Environmental note!Possible vehicle damage+TipXInstructionYY Continuation symbol(Y page) Page referenceDisplay Displays in the multifunction dis-play/COMAND
Welcome to the world of Mercedes-BenzBefore you drive off, familiarise yourself withyour COMAND control panel and read thismanual. This will help you to obtain the max-imum pleasure from your COMAND controlpanel and to avoid endangering yourself andothers.Depending on the model and equipment level,the functions and equipment of yourCOMAND control panel may deviate fromsome descriptions and illustrations.Mercedes-Benz is constantly updating its sys-tems to the state of the art and thereforereserves the right to introduce changes indesign, equipment and technical features atany time.You cannot, therefore, base any claims on thedata, illustrations or descriptions in this man-ual.Please consult a Mercedes-Benz ServiceCentre if you have any questions.This manual is an integral part of the vehicle.You should always keep it in the vehicle andpass it on to the new owner if you sell thevehicle.The technical documentation team atDaimler AG wishes you safe and pleasantmotoring.1725840781Z102 É1725840781Z102YËÍ
Index ....................................................... 4Introduction ......................................... 11At a glance ........................................... 13System settings .................................. 41Navigation system .............................. 49Telephone .......................................... 111COMAND Online and Internet .......... 149Audio .................................................. 185Video .................................................. 225Rear Seat Entertainment System .... 243Contents 3
AAccess data of the mobile phonenetwork providerDeleting ......................................... 157Editing ........................................... 157Making entries ............................... 155Selecting ........................................ 152Active partition (USB devices only)Selecting ........................................ 202Address bookBrowsing ........................................ 140Calling up ....................................... 140Changing an entry .......................... 142Connecting a call ........................... 143Creating an entry ........................... 141Deleting an entry ........................... 141Details about an entry ................... 142Importing contacts ........................ 145Searching for an entry ................... 141Starting route guidance ................. 143Voice tag ....................................... 144Address book entryAdopting as a home address ............ 92Showing the details ....................... 142Address entry menu ............................ 53Alternative route ................................. 82AreaAvoiding ......................................... 103Audio AUX jack .................................. 223Audio CD/DVD or MP3 modeSwitching on .................................. 196Audio DVDPause function ............................... 251Stop function ................................. 198Audio formatSetting (audio DVD mode) ............. 202Automatic disconnectionSetting the length of time .............. 157Autostore ........................................... 190AUX jacksCD/DVD drive ................................. 37BBack button ......................................... 17Bird's-eye view .................................... 98Bluetooth®Activating/deactivating ................... 46External authorisation .................... 116General information ......................... 46Interface ........................................ 114Settings ........................................... 46Telephony ...................................... 114Bluetooth® audio basic display ........ 216Bluetooth® audio deviceReconnecting ................................. 214Bluetooth® audio devicesConnecting .................................... 212Bluetooth® audio modeSwitching on .................................. 215Bluetooth® device list ....................... 213Bluetooth® interface telephonyConditions ..................................... 114Bluetooth® telephones list ............... 115Buttons on the COMAND control-ler .......................................................... 17CCallAccepting ...................................... 123Connecting .................................... 124Rejecting ....................................... 123Call listOpening and selecting an entry ..... 134Saving an entry in the addressbook .............................................. 134Call lists ............................................. 133Displaying details ........................... 134Storing an entry which has not yetbeen stored ................................... 134Category list (music search) ............ 205CDCopy protection ............................. 205Disc ............................................... 205General information ....................... 205Multisession .................................. 203Playback options ........................... 203Selecting a medium ....................... 198Selecting a track ............................ 199CD/audio DVD or MP3 modeSwitching on (Rear Seat Entertain-ment System) ................................ 2494Index
CD/DVDEjecting (DVD drive) ....................... 194Ejecting (DVD single drive) ............ 193Ejecting (Rear Seat EntertainmentSystem) ......................................... 249Inserting (DVD changer) ................ 193Inserting (DVD single drive) ........... 193Inserting (Rear Seat Entertain-ment System) ................................ 248Changing directionAnnouncement phase ...................... 76Change of direction phase ............... 76Preparation phase ............................ 75Character entry ................................... 25CharactersEntering ........................................... 28COMANDBasic functions ................................ 29Components .................................... 14Switching on/off .............................. 29COMAND controller ............................. 17COMAND control panel ....................... 15COMAND display ................................. 19Cleaning instructions ....................... 21Setting ............................................. 42Switching on/off .............................. 30COMAND OnlineImporting POIs ............................... 168Settings ......................................... 183COMAND Online and InternetEnding the connection ........... 158, 159Establishing the connection ........... 158Manually setting the access dataof the mobile phone network pro-vider .............................................. 153Selecting the access data of themobile phone network provider ..... 152COMAND operating system ................ 14Compass function ............................. 106Connecting a USB device ................. 196Convenience telephony .................... 119Copy protection (CD/DVD) ............... 205CountrySelecting .......................................... 54Crosshair positionSaving .............................................. 97DData carrierAudio DVD ..................................... 203MUSIC REGISTER ........................... 208Date formatSetting ............................................. 43Delete button ....................................... 18DeletingCall lists ......................................... 136DestinationAdopting from the list of previousdestinations ..................................... 94Assigning a destination to anaddress book entry .......................... 94Destination entrySpecial destination .......................... 66Using geo-coordinates ..................... 62Destination information ..................... 83Destination input ................................. 53Address ........................................... 53Destination memory ........................ 59Intermediate stop ............................ 62Last destination ............................... 60Map ................................................. 61destination memory ............................ 92Destination memoryDeleting an entry ............................. 95My address ...................................... 92Storing a destination ........................ 93Digital mapUpdating ........................................ 107Digital TV channelsProgramme preview ....................... 231DiscCD/DVD ........................................ 205MP3 ............................................... 203Displaying the track and album ....... 202Distancesee Route overview                                  DTMF tonesSending ......................................... 127DVDCopy protection ............................. 205Disc ............................................... 205Selecting a track ............................ 199DVD menu .......................................... 236DVD playback conditions ................. 233Index 5
Dynamic route guidance ..................... 88EEmergency call (999 or 112) ............ 113Entering charactersIn navigation mode .......................... 25In the address and the phonebook ................................................ 27Using the number pad ..................... 26Entering the town ................................ 54EntryDeleting ........................................... 26Saving .............................................. 29Selecting ........................................ 131Example: entering an address ............ 53Example displayAudio CD mode .............................. 197MUSIC REGISTER ........................... 208Example of operation .......................... 24FFast forwardCD/DVD mode .............................. 200Favourites (Internet) ......................... 180Favourites button ................................ 47Favourites buttons .............................. 18First list entryAccepting ......................................... 26Frequency entryManual ........................................... 189Function restrictionsUsing the telephone ....................... 113Video DVD mode ........................... 233GGoogle™ POI searchAll search queries .......................... 166Free text search ............................. 163Importing a POI .............................. 165Selecting the search position ........ 164Top search queries ........................ 166Using a POI as the destination ....... 165Gracenote Media Database .............. 201HHands-free microphoneSwitching on/off ........................... 125Harman/kardon® Logic 7® Sur-round Sound system ........................... 32Home address ...................................... 92Entering and saving ......................... 57Selecting from the destinationmemory ........................................... 59IIndicator lampRemote control ................................ 38IndividualisationActivating/deactivating ................... 46Intermediate stopDeleting ........................................... 63Entering ........................................... 62InternetCalling up the carousel view .......... 174Entering the URL ............................ 174Favourites manager ....................... 181Favourites menu ............................ 182Menu functions .............................. 178Opening favourites ......................... 179Internet accessConditions ..................................... 150Internet access dataSelecting/setting ........................... 151iPod®Alphabetic track selection ............. 222Connecting to Media Interface ...... 218Selecting a category/playlist ......... 221iTunes® ............................................... 222LLane recommendations ...................... 77Explanation ...................................... 79Presentation .................................... 79LINGUATRONICSettings ........................................... 44List as selection listCalling up ......................................... 27List of access dataNew provider ................................. 1546Index
List of mobile phone network pro-vidersCalling up ....................................... 151Empty ............................................ 152With the selected provider ............. 153Load/eject button ............................. 193Logic 7®see harman/kardon® Logic 7®surround sound system                           MMapArrival time/distance to destina-tion ................................................ 100Calling up ......................................... 61City model ..................................... 102Map settings .................................... 97Moving ....................................... 61, 97RDS-TMC displays ............................ 88Showing geo-coordinates .............. 100Showing road names ..................... 100Showing the map data version ....... 106Topographic map ........................... 101Map information .................................. 99Map orientation ................................... 98Map scaleSetting ............................................. 96Media InterfaceBasic menu .................................... 219Connection options ....................... 218iPod® ............................................. 218Mode ............................................. 218Notes for the MP3 player ............... 222Selecting music files ...................... 220Switching on .................................. 219USB mass storage device .............. 218Media list ........................................... 198MenuExiting .............................................. 33Hiding/showing (TV mode) ............ 228Showing ................................... 51, 234Special destinations ......................... 66System settings ............................... 21Menu itemSelecting .......................................... 23Menu overviewCOMAND ......................................... 20Mercedes-Benz Contact .................... 147Mobile phoneAuthorisation ................................. 115Authorising .................................... 115Connecting (Bluetooth® interface) . 114Connecting (convenience teleph-ony) ............................................... 119De-authorisation ............................ 118External authorisation .................... 116Motorway information ...................... 101MP3Bit/sampling rates ......................... 204Copyright ....................................... 204Disc ............................................... 203File systems ................................... 203Formats ......................................... 204Selecting a medium ....................... 198Multifunction displayLane recommendations ................... 80Multifunction steering wheel ............. 22Selecting a TV channel .................. 229Using the telephone ....................... 131Multisession CDs ............................... 203Music RegisterCopying music data ....................... 209MUSIC REGISTERDeleting all music files ................... 210Memory space info ........................ 210Playback options ........................... 211Switching on .................................. 208Music search ..................................... 205My address .......................................... 92NNavigation announcementsSwitching off .................................... 81Navigation menuShowing/hiding ..................... 227, 234Navigation modeSwitching on .................................... 51North up orientation ........................... 98OOff-map ................................................ 87Off-road ................................................ 87Options menu (COMAND Online) ..... 159Index 7
Orientation in direction of travel ....... 98PPasscodeEntering ......................................... 116Pause function ................................... 197Personal special destinationSelecting as the destination ............. 74Personal special destinationsDisplaying on the map ..................... 71Managing categories ........................ 72Saving .............................................. 73Settings ........................................... 71Visual information ............................ 72Phone bookAdding a number to an addressbook entry ..................................... 133Calling up ....................................... 128Creating a new entry ..................... 132Deleting an entry ........................... 132Symbol overview ............................ 130Phone book entrySearching ...................................... 130PINEntering ......................................... 119Playback options .............. 203, 211, 222Previous destinations ......................... 95RRadio modeRadio Data System ........................ 191Radio mode and DAB radio modeSwitching on .................................. 186Radio stationStoring ........................................... 190RDSSwitching off .................................... 30Switching on/off ........................... 191RDS (Radio Data System) ................. 191Interrupting an announcement ...... 192RDS-TMCExample message ............................ 91Selecting messages ......................... 89Read-aloud functionAutomatic ........................................ 91Read-aloud speedSetting ............................................. 44Rear-compartment screens ................ 35Rear Seat Entertainment SystemAdjusting the sound settings ......... 246Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode ..... 248AUX mode ...................................... 264Changing the batteries .................. 244Changing the picture format .......... 247Setting the brightness ................... 246Setting the colour .......................... 246Setting the contrast ....................... 246Several users ................................. 246System settings ............................. 247TV mode ........................................ 253Using headphones ......................... 245Using the main loudspeaker .......... 245Video DVD mode ........................... 257Wireless headphones ....................... 38Recording the routeTurning off from the route on themap ................................................. 86Redials ................................................ 124Remote controlRear Seat Entertainment System ..... 36Reset .................................................... 48RewindingCD/DVD mode .............................. 200RouteCalculating ....................................... 56Estimated time of arrival .................. 83Recording ........................................ 85Route overview ................................ 84Route calculationStarting ............................................ 56Route display ....................................... 84Route guidance .................................... 75Cancel ............................................. 80Continue .................................... 80, 81Destination reached ......................... 81Lane recommendations ................... 77Off-road ........................................... 87Route optionsSetting ............................................. 52Route overview .................................... 84Route typeSetting ............................................. 528Index
SSafety notesAudio CD/DVD and MP3mode ..................................... 192, 248Using the telephone ....................... 112Video DVD mode ........................... 232ScreenSelecting for remote operation ........ 36SD memory cardEjecting .......................................... 196Inserting ........................................ 196Selecting options (COMANDOnline)POIs download ............................... 162POI search ..................................... 159Restoring the settings .................... 163Weather display ............................. 160SMSNotes and requirements ................ 137SoundSwitching on/off .............................. 30Sound settings ..................................... 31Special destinationCategory .......................................... 68Defining the position for the spe-cial destination search ..................... 67Entering ........................................... 66Entering using the map .................... 70Special destination iconSetting ............................................. 98Special destination list ....................... 68With character bar ........................... 70Speed dial listStoring a phone book entry in thespeed dial list ................................ 136Speed Limit Assist ............................ 103see Speed Limit Assist                             Station list ......................................... 188Station pre-sets ................................. 189StationsSaving ............................................ 190Tuning in ........................................ 188Station search ................................... 189Storage optionsSelecting .......................................... 94Summer and standard timeSwitching ......................................... 43Surround sound ................................... 32System languageSetting ............................................. 47TTelephoneAccepting or rejecting a waitingcall ................................................. 126Ending an active call ...................... 126Entering phone numbers ................ 124Incoming call ................................. 123Making a call ................................. 126Making a call via speed dial ........... 125Outgoing call ................................. 123Sending DTMF tones ...................... 127Single call ...................................... 125Switching hands-free microphoneon/off ............................................ 125Toggling ......................................... 126Telephone basic menuBluetooth® interface ...................... 118Convenience telephony ................. 120Telephone modeRedialling ....................................... 124Telephone numberEntering ......................................... 123Teletext .............................................. 232Text message (SMS)Call sender .................................... 139Inbox .............................................. 138Reading .......................................... 138Reading aloud ................................ 138Storing sender in address book ..... 139Text messagesDeleting ......................................... 140TimeSetting ............................................. 43Time formatSetting ............................................. 43Time zoneSetting ............................................. 43Tone settingsBalance and fader ............................ 31Treble and bass ............................... 31TrackSelecting ........................................ 250Track information .............................. 252Index 9
Traffic announcements on ............... 191Traffic-dependent route guidancesee Dynamic route guidance                   Traffic jam function ............................. 82Traffic jam iconShowing on route ............................. 89Traffic jam messageReading out on route ....................... 91Traffic jamsShowing in the map ......................... 88Traffic ProgrammeSwitching traffic announcementson/off ............................................ 191Traffic reportsReading out on route ....................... 91Showing in the map ......................... 88Showing on route ............................. 89Transferring a call (conveniencetelephone) .......................................... 128Treble and bassAdjusting ......................................... 31TVPicture settings .............................. 226TV basic settingsChannel fix ..................................... 231Setting the reception region .......... 232TV channelSetting ........................................... 228Storing ........................................... 230TV modeNotes on the channel list ............... 228Reception quality ........................... 227Switching on .................................. 227UUsing the telephone .......................... 123VvCardsReceiving ....................................... 146Video DVDFast forward/rewind ...................... 235Operation ....................................... 232Pause function ............................... 235Picture settings .............................. 226Selecting ........................................ 236Selecting a film/title ...................... 236Selecting a scene/chapter ............ 235Stop function ................................. 235Video DVD modeAutomatic picture shutoff .............. 226Switching on .................................. 233VolumeAdjusting ......................................... 30Navigation announcements ............. 30Phone calls ...................................... 31Traffic announcements .................... 30WWavebandSwitching (radio) ............................ 187WaypointsAccepting waypoints for the route ... 65Editing .............................................. 65Entering ........................................... 63Weather display (COMAND Online)Calling up the weather map ........... 172Information chart ........................... 169Selecting the location .................... 170Switching off .................................. 170Switching on .................................. 169Weather map (COMAND Online)Legend ........................................... 173Showing/hiding the menu ............. 172Switching the weather informa-tion display on/off ......................... 173WebsiteAdd to favourites ........................... 17910 Index
Operating safetyGeneral notesGRisk of accidentYour attention must always be focused on thetraffic conditions.Only use COMAND or the telephone when theroad and traffic conditions permit.Bear in mind that, at a speed of only50 km/h, your vehicle covers a distance ofnearly 14 m per second. The navigation sys-tem will not provide you with informationabout stop signs, give-way signs, traffic regu-lations or road safety features. It is up to youto pay attention to these while driving thevehicle. Only enter a new destination whenthe vehicle is stationary.COMAND has a radio included as part of theaudio functions.This radio receiver is suitable for operation byall persons in accordance with the valid ECdirective.The device conforms to currently applicableEuropean or harmonised national standards.Therefore, adherence to the relevant specifi-cations for electromagnetic compatibility isguaranteed for this device.As a result, interference caused by yourequipment with other electrical/electronicequipment and interference with your equip-ment caused by other electrical/electronicequipment can be largely prevented.The equipment is approved by the vehiclemanufacturer in accordance with EuropeanAutomotive EMC Directive 95/54/EC. There-fore, operation according to its intended pur-pose is approved for your vehicle. The equip-ment does not require certification.It complies with device-specific EMC require-ments according to the following Europeanstandards:REN 55013REN 55020Correct useObserve the following information when usingCOMAND:Rthe safety notes in this manualRnational road traffic regulationsiImproper work on electronic componentsor other systems (such as radio, DVDchanger) and their software may result inmalfunction or failure. Even systems thathave not been modified could be affectedbecause the electronic systems are con-nected. Electronic malfunctions can seri-ously jeopardise the operational safety ofyour vehicle.iOnly have work or changes to electroniccomponents carried out at a qualified spe-cialist workshop which has the necessaryspecialist knowledge and tools to carry outthe work required. Daimler recommendsthat you use a Mercedes-Benz ServiceCentre for this purpose. In particular, workrelevant to safety or on safety-related sys-tems must be carried out at a qualified spe-cialist workshop.iProtection against theft: this device isequipped with technical provisions to pro-tect it against theft. Further information onprotection against theft can be obtainedfrom a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre.Information on copyrightMacrovision™This product incorporates copyright protec-tion technology that is protected by U.S. pat-ents and other intellectual property rights.Use of this copyright protection technologymust be authorised by Rovi Corporation, andis intended for home and other limited view-ing uses only unless otherwise authorised byRovi Corporation. Reverse engineering or dis-assembly is prohibited.Introduction 11Z
libJPEGThis software is based in part on the work ofthe Independent JPEG Group.Free TypePortions of this software are copyright © 2005The FreeType Project rights reserved.NetFront™This product contains NetFront Browser soft-ware of ACCESS Co., Ltd. Copyright ©1996-2010 ACCESS Co., Ltd. All rightsreserved.The NetFront Browser software is based inpart on the work of the Independent JPEGGroup.CamelliaCopyright © 2006, 2007 NTT (Nippon Tele-graph and Telephone Corporation).All rights reserved.The conditions and disclaimers in connectionwith use of Camellia are available at® Lite™This product contains Flash® Lite™ technol-ogy by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Thisproduct contains Adobe® Flash® player soft-ware under license from Adobe SystemsIncorporated, Copyright © 1995-2010 AdobeMacromedia Software LLC. All rightsreserved. Adobe and Flash are registeredtrademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporatedin the United States and/or other countries.Vehicle equipmentThese operating instructions describe all thestandard and optional equipment for yourvehicle, as available at the time of going topress. Country-specific deviations are possi-ble. Please note that your vehicle may not beequipped with all features described. Thisalso applies to safety-relevant systems andfunctions. Therefore, the equipment on yourvehicle may differ from that in the descrip-tions and illustrations. The original purchasecontract documentation for your vehicle con-tains a list of all of the systems in your vehicle.Contact a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre ifyou have any questions about equipment oroperation.Function restrictionsFor safety reasons, some COMAND functionsare restricted or unavailable while the vehicleis in motion. You will notice this, for example,because either you will not be able to selectcertain menu items or COMAND will displaya message to this effect.12 Introduction
COMAND operating system ............... 14Multifunction steering wheel ............. 22Operating COMAND ............................ 22Basic functions of COMAND ............... 29Climate control status display ........... 33Rear Seat Entertainment System ...... 34Reversing camera ............................... 3913At a glance
COMAND operating systemOverviewML exampleFunction Page:COMAND display 19;COMAND control panelwith a single DVD drive orDVD changer 15=COMAND controller 17Back button (left) 17Delete button (right) 18Favourites button (left) 18Favourites button (right) 18Components of COMANDCOMAND consists of:Rthe COMAND displayRthe COMAND control panel with a singleDVD drive or DVD changerRthe COMAND controllerRthe back and delete buttonsRup to two favourites buttons (ML), depend-ing on the vehicle equipmentYou can use COMAND to operate the follow-ing main functions:Rthe system settingsRthe navigation systemRthe telephone with text message functionand the address bookRCOMAND Online and InternetRthe audio function in the following modes:radio and DAB radio mode, disc (audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode), memory card (MP3mode), MUSIC REGISTER, USB storagedevice, Media Interface and Bluetooth®audioRthe video function in TV, video DVD andvideo AUX modesYou can call up the main functions:Rusing the corresponding function buttonsRusing the main function bar in the COMANDdisplay14 COMAND operating systemAt a glance
COMAND control panelFunction Page:Switches to radio mode 186Switches wavebands 187Switches to DAB radiomode 186;Switches to navigationmode 51Shows the menu system 51=Press h repeatedly• Switches to audio CD,audio DVD and MP3 modeor DVD video mode 196• Switches to memory cardmode 196• Switches to MUSIC REG-ISTER 208• Switches to USB storagedevice mode 196• Switches to Media Inter-face or audio AUX mode 219• Switches to Bluetooth®audio mode 215Function Page?Calls up the telephonebasic menu:• Bluetooth® interface tel-ephony 118• Convenience telephony 120SAP telephony; see the sep-arate operating instruc-tions.ALoad/eject button8 Single DVD drive 193V DVD changer 193BSelects a station using thestation list (FM and DABradio mode) 188Selects a station using thestation search function 189Rewind 200Selects the previous track 199CDisc slot• To load CDs/DVDs 193• To eject CDs/DVDs 194• To update the digital map 107COMAND operating system 15At a glance
Function PageDSelects a station using thestation list (FM and DABradio mode) 188Selects a station using thestation search function 189Fast forward 200Selects the next track 199EDelete button• Deletes characters 26• Deletes an entry 26FNumber keypad• Selects stations via thestation presets 189• Stores stations manually 190• Mobile phone authorisa-tion 115• PIN entry (conveniencetelephony) 119• Telephone number entry 123• Sends DTMF tones 127• Character entry 25• Selects a location for theweather forecast from thememory 170z Displays the currenttrack being played 202g Selects stations byentering the frequencymanually 189g Selects a track 199Function PageGSwitches COMAND on/off 29Adjusts the volume 30HSD memory card slot 196ICalls up the system menu 24JPIN confirmation (conveni-ence telephony) 119Accepts a call 123Dials a number 124Redials a number 124Accepts a waiting call 126KMute 30Switches the hands-freemicrophone on/off 125Cancels the text messageread-aloud function 138Switches off the traffic andnavigation announcements 138LRejects a call 123Ends an active call 126Rejects a waiting call 12616 COMAND operating systemAt a glance
COMAND controllerML example:COMAND controllerYou can use the COMAND controller to selectthe menu items in the COMAND display.You can call up menus or lists, scroll throughmenus or lists and exit menus or lists.Operating the COMAND controller (example)The COMAND controller can be:Rpressed briefly or pressed and held WRturned clockwise or anti-clockwise cVdRslid left or right XVYRslid forwards or back ZVÆRslid diagonally aVbIn the instructions, operating sequences aredescribed as follows:XPress the $ button.Radio mode is activated.XSelect Radio by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XConfirm Station list by pressing W.The station list appears.Buttons on the COMAND controllerOverviewML example:Back button;Delete button=Favourites button (if available)?Favourites buttoniDepending on the vehicle equipment,there are up to two favourites buttons avail-able for the ML.Back buttonYou can exit a menu or call up the basic dis-play of the current operating mode using thisbutton.XTo exit the menu: press back button :briefly.COMAND changes to the next higher menulevel in the current operating mode.COMAND operating system 17At a glance
iYou can also exit a menu by sliding theCOMAND controller XVY or ZVÆ.XTo call up the basic display: press andhold back button :.COMAND changes to the basic display ofthe current operating mode.Delete buttonYou can delete individual characters or anentire entry during character entry using thisbutton.XTo delete individual characters: brieflypress delete button ;.XTo delete an entire entry: press and holddelete button ;.Favourites buttonsDepending on the vehicle equipment, thereare up to two favourites buttons available forthe ML.You can assign predefined functions infavourites buttons = and ? and call themup by pressing the button (Y page 47).18 COMAND operating systemAt a glance
COMAND displayGeneral notes! Do not use the space in front of the display for storage. Items stored there may damagethe display or impair its function. Avoid any direct contact with the display surface. Fur-thermore, pressure on the display surface may result in impairments to the display whichcould be irreversible.Wearing polarised sunglasses may impair your ability to read the display.The display has an automatic temperature-controlled switch-off feature. The screen's bright-ness dims automatically if the display overheats. The display may temporarily switch off com-pletely.Display overviewThe COMAND display shows the function currently selected and its associated menus. TheCOMAND display is divided into several areas.The radio display is shown in the example.:Status bar;To call up the audio menu=Main function bar?Display/selection windowARadio menu barStatus bar : shows the time and the current settings for telephone operation. If the trafficannouncement function is switched on, the . symbol appears and when the sound isswitched off, the , symbol is displayed.COMAND operating system 19At a glance
The main functions navigation, audio, telephone and video feature additional menus. This isindicated by triangle ;. The following table lists the available menu items.Main function bar = allows you to call up the desired main function.In the example, the Audio main function is set to radio mode and display/selection win-dow ? is active.Radio menu bar A allows you to operate the radio functions.Menu overviewNavi Audio Tele-phoneVideo System Globe symbolRoute settings Radio (includ-ing DAB radio)Tele-phoneTV Calling upthe systemmenuCalling upCOMANDOnline andInternetMap settings Disc AddressbookVideoDVDPersonal POIs Memory card AUXO Activating/deactivating theread aloud func-tion for TMCreportsMUSIC REG-ISTERO Activating/deactivating roadname announce-mentUSB storagedeviceO Audio fadeouton/offMedia Inter-faceO Activating/deactivating thealternative routesfunctionBluetooth®audioAvoiding an area RearShowing the mapversionAUX20 COMAND operating systemAt a glance
System menu overviewSettings Time Consumption Display offDisplay settings Setting the time Calling up the fuelconsumption displaySwitching off thedisplaySetting the textreader speedSetting the formatLINGUATRONIC set-tingsSetting the time zoneSetting the languageFavourites buttonReversing cameraO Activating/deacti-vating Bluetooth®Importing/exportingdataResetting COMANDThe favourites button function is available for the ML.Reversing camera function: if the function is activated and COMAND is switched on, theimage of the reversing camera is automatically shown in the COMAND display when reversegear is engaged.Cleaning instructions! Do not touch the COMAND display. Thedisplay has a very sensitive high-gloss sur-face; there is a risk of scratching. If youhave to clean the screen, however, use amild cleaning agent and a soft, lint-freecloth.The display must be switched off and cooleddown before you start cleaning. Clean thedisplay screen, when necessary, with a com-mercially available microfibre cloth andcleaning agent for TFT/LCD displays. Do notapply pressure to the display surface whencleaning it, as this could cause irreversibledamage. Then, dry the surface with a drymicrofibre cloth.Avoid using alcoholic thinners, petrol or abra-sive cleaning agents. These could damage thedisplay surface.COMAND operating system 21At a glance
Multifunction steering wheelExample: SLKFunction Page:Multifunction display (seethe vehicle Owner's Man-ual);?Switches on LINGUA-TRONIC (see the separateoperating instructions)=~Rejects or ends a call 1236Makes or accepts a call 123Switches to the redial mem-ory 124WXAdjusts the volume 308Mutes 30?=;Selects a menu 124Function Page9:Selects a submenu orscrolls through lists 124aConfirms selections andfades out messages 124A%Back button or switchesLINGUATRONIC off (see theseparate operating instruc-tions)Operating COMANDSelecting a main functionInitial situationYou would like to switch from navigationmode (address entry menu) to the systemsettings, for example.XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Destination by sliding VÆ andturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XSelect Address entry and press W toconfirm.The address entry menu appears.22 Operating COMANDAt a glance
Address entry menu:Main function barXSlide the COMAND controller ZV andswitch to main function bar :.XSelect System in the main function bar byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.The system menu appears.Calling up the menu of a main functionIf one of the main functions navigation, audio,telephone or video is switched on, trian-gle : appears next to the entry. You can nowselect an associated menu.The example describes how to call up theaudio menu from audio CD mode. Insert aCD/DVD (Y page 193).:To call up the audio menuXSelect Audio in the main function bar bysliding ZV the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.The Audio menu appears.Audio menuThe # dot indicates the current audio mode.XSelect another audio mode, e.g. Radio, byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.Selecting a menu itemThe example describes how to select a stationfrom the station presets in radio mode.XPress the $ function button.XSelect Presets by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The station preset memory appears.Operating COMAND 23At a glance
XSelect the station by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The station is set.Example of operationInitial situationYou would like to switch from the systemfunction to radio mode and set a station, forexample.The operating example describes how to:Rcall up the current audio functionRswitch on radio modeRset a station.XTo call up the system menu: press theW button.System menuCalling up the current audio functionXSelect Audio in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The basic display of the current audio func-tion, e.g. audio CD mode, appears.:To call up the audio menuSwitching on radio modeOption 1XPress the $ function button.The radio or DAB radio display appears.iRepeatedly pressing this function buttonswitches between the FM, MW, SW and LWwavebands in that order and then calls upDAB radio mode. Pressing the button againtakes you back to FM radio mode.Option 2XSelect Audio again by sliding ZV theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The Audio menu appears. Radio is high-lighted.24 Operating COMANDAt a glance
XPress W the COMAND controller and con-firm Radio.The radio basic display appears with thewaveband last selected.XTo set a station: turn cVd or slide XVYthe COMAND controller while the display/selection window is active.Entering characters in navigationmode (entering a town)General informationThe following paragraphs describe how toenter characters using town input for BER‐LIN as an example.If you want to use the address entry menu(Y page 53) to enter a town, a street or ahouse number, for example, COMAND pro-vides either a list with a character bar(option 1) or a selection list (option 2).You can enter the characters using either thecharacter bar or the number keypad. In theselection list, you select an entry to copy it tothe address entry menu.Option 1: town list with character barXCall up the town list with character bar(Y page 54).The alphabetically sorted town list showsthe first available entries.Entering characters using the character barXSelect B by turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.:Character entered by the user B;Characters automatically added byCOMAND AABE=List entry that most closely resembles thecurrent entry by the user?To switch to the selection listATo delete an entryBTo change the character set (Latin/Cyril-lic)CCharacters not currently availableOperating COMAND 25At a glance
DCharacters currently availableECharacter barFTo cancel an entryGCurrently selected characterHListList H shows all available town names begin-ning with a B. List entry most closely resem-bling the current entry by the user = isalways highlighted at the top of the list(BAABE in the example).All characters currently entered by the userare shown in black (letter B : in the exam-ple). Letters added by COMAND are shown ingrey ; (letters AABE in the example).Character bar E shows the letters still avail-able for selection in black D. These can beselected. In the example, the letter A is high-lighted G. Which characters remain availabledepends on the characters already enteredby the user and on the data stored in the dig-ital map. Characters that are no longer avail-able are shown in grey C.XSelect E, R, L, I, N in succession, confirmingeach by pressing W.Entering characters using the number keypadXPress number key l twice in quick suc-cession to select the letter B.The character appears at the bottom of thedisplay when the key is pressed. The firstavailable letter is highlighted.You see which characters you can enter withthat key. Each time the key is pressed, thenext character is selected.Example: key l:Rpress once = ARpress twice = BRpress three times = CXWait until the character display goes out.The entries matching your input are shownin the list.XEnter E, R, L, I, N using the correspondingkeys.Further functions in the list with char-acter barXTo delete characters: select F by slidingVÆ and turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.orXPress the j button next to theCOMAND controller.XTo delete an entry: select F and pressand hold W the COMAND controller untilthe entire entry has been deleted.orXPress the j button next to theCOMAND controller and hold it until theentire entry is deleted.XTo switch the character set: selectB and press W to confirm.This will switch the character set from Latinto Cyrillic and back.XTo cancel an entry: select the & symbolin the bottom left of the character bar andpress W to confirm.orXPress the % back button.The address entry menu appears.26 Operating COMANDAt a glance
XTo accept the first list entry: press andhold W the COMAND controller until theaddress entry menu appears.The accepted list entry is shown there.Calling up the list as a selection listSelect the desired town from the selectionlist.If there are several entries for a town or ifseveral towns of the same name are stored,then ¬ is highlighted in the character bar.XPress W the COMAND controller.It is also possible to switch the town list tothe selection list at any time during characterinput.XSlide ZV the COMAND controller repeat-edly until the town list appears as a selec-tion list.orXSelect ¬ in the character bar by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.Option 2: town list as selection listCOMAND either shows the selection list auto-matically or you can call up the selection listfrom the list with character bar.The example shows the selection list after thetown BERLIN has been entered. The entry ishighlighted automatically. The G icon indi-cates that there are several entries.XConfirm BERLING by pressing W theCOMAND controller.You see the available entries.XConfirm BERLIN (1XXXX) by pressing Wthe COMAND controller.The address entry menu appears. You cannow enter a street, for example.iYou will find further information in the"Destination entry" section (Y page 53).Entering characters in the addressand the phone bookIntroductionThe following section describes how to entercharacters in the phone book (Y page 128)and the address book (Y page 141) whencreating a new entry.Creating a new entry in the phone bookXCall up the input menu with data fields(Y page 132).Operating COMAND 27At a glance
Phone book: input menu with data fieldsCreating a new entry in the addressbookXCall up the input menu with data fields(Y page 141).Input menu with data fields:Selected data field with cursor;Character barEntering charactersThe example describes how to enter the sur-name Schulz.XSelect S by turning cVd and sliding ZVÆthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.S is entered into the data field. All charac-ters are shown in black and can always beselected in the character bar.The character bar offers characters corre-sponding to the respective data field (let-ters or digits).:To switch the character bar to upper-case/lower-case letters;To switch the character bar from upper/lower-case letters to digits=Changing the language of the characterbar?To delete a character/an entryXSelect c and confirm by pressing W theCOMAND controller.The letter c is added to S in the data field.XRepeat the process until the name hasbeen entered in full.X To enter a phone number: select the dig-its one by one in the corresponding datafield by turning cVd and sliding ZVÆ theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.Switching data fieldsIf you want to enter a first name after you haveentered a surname, for example, proceed asfollows to switch between the data fields:Option 1XSelect 4 or 5 in the character bar andpress W to confirm.The input menu shows the data field selec-ted.28 Operating COMANDAt a glance
:Cursor in the next data field;To store an entry=4 and 5 icons to select a data fieldOption 2XSlide ZV the COMAND controller repeat-edly until the character bar disappears.XSelect the data field by sliding ZVÆ andpress W to confirm.Storing an entryXSelect ¬ in the character bar by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The entry is stored in the address book.Further functions available in the char-acter barXTo switch the character bar to upper/lower-case characters: select * orE and press W to confirm.XTo switch the character set: selectp and press W to confirm.The character set switches betweenupper/lower-case letters and digits.XTo change the language of the charac-ter bar: select B and press W to con-firm.XSelect the language by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XTo reposition the cursor within the data field: select 2 or 3 and press W to con-firm.:Cursor (repositioned);2 and 3 icon to reposition the cursorXDelete the character/entry (Y page 26).Basic functions of COMANDSwitching COMAND on/offXPress the q control knob.A warning message appears. COMANDcalls up the previously selected menu.iIf you switch off COMAND, playback ofthe current audio or video source will alsobe switched off.Basic functions of COMAND 29At a glance
Switching the COMAND display on/offXPress the W function button.orXSelect System in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.In both cases, the system menu appears.XTo switch off: select Display off andpress W to confirm.XTo switch on: press one of the functionbuttons, e.g. W, Ø or the % backbutton.MuteSwitching audio and video sources on/offXPress the 8 button on COMAND or onthe multifunction steering wheel.The sound from the respective audio orvideo source is switched on or muted.iWhen the sound is off, the system dis-plays the , icon in the status line. Whenyou change the audio or video source, oradjust the volume, sound automaticallyswitches on again.iEven if the sound is switched off, you willstill hear traffic and navigation systemannouncements.Switching off Traffic Programme andnavigation announcements completelyXTraffic Programme: press and hold the8 button until the . display disap-pears from the status bar of the display.A confirmation tone sounds.XNavigation announcements: press the8 button during the announcement.Switching Traffic Programme and navi-gation announcements on againXTraffic Programme: press and hold downthe 8 button until the . display in thestatus bar appears.A confirmation tone sounds.XNavigation announcements: switchCOMAND off and then on again(Y page 30).orXStart a new route calculation(Y page 56).orXIf the navigation menu is shown, select+ and press W to confirm(Y page 81).Adjusting the volumeAdjusting the volume for the audio orvideo sourceXTurn the q control knob.orXPress the W or X button on the mul-tifunction steering wheel.The volume of the currently selected audioor video source changes.You can also adjust the volume for the fol-lowing:Rtraffic announcementsRnavigation announcementsRphone callsRLINGUATRONIC voice control (see the sep-arate operating instructions)Adjusting the volume for trafficannouncements and navigationannouncementsiYou can set the volume of traffic and nav-igation announcements relative to the vol-ume of the audio or video source.30 Basic functions of COMANDAt a glance
During traffic or navigation announcements:XTurn the q control knob.orXPress the W or X button on the mul-tifunction steering wheel.Adjusting the volume for phone callsYou can adjust the volume for hands-freemode during a telephone call.XTurn the q control knob.orXPress the W or X button on the mul-tifunction steering wheel.Adjusting the sound settingsCalling up the sound menuYou can make various sound settings for thedifferent audio and video sources. This meansthat it is possible to set more bass for radiomode than for audio CD mode, for example.You can call up the respective sound menufrom the menu of the desired mode.The example describes how to call up thesound menu in radio mode.XPress the $ function button.The radio display appears. You will hear thelast station played on the last waveband.XSelect Sound by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.You can now set the treble and bass or thebalance and fader for radio mode.Adjusting treble and bassXSelect Treble or Bass in the sound menuby turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.An adjustment scale appears.Adjusting the bass (example: SLK)XSelect a setting by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The setting is stored and you exit the menu.Adjusting balance and faderWith the Balance function, you can controlwhether the sound is louder on the driver's orfront-passenger side.With the Fade function, you can controlwhether the sound is louder in the front or therear of the vehicle.Fader VehicleFunction available C-Class, MLFunction not availa-bleSL, SLKXSelect Balance or Bal./Fad. (Balance/Fader) in the sound menu by turning cVdBasic functions of COMAND 31At a glance
the COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.Adjusting the balance (example: SLK)XSelect a balance setting by sliding XVY theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect a fader setting by sliding ZVÆ theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The setting is stored and you exit the menu.Surround soundGeneral notesIf your vehicle is equipped with the harman/kardon® Logic 7® surround sound system,you can set the optimum surround sound inthe vehicle interior.The harman/kardon®Logic 7® surroundsound system is available for the followingoperating modes:Rradio (FM only)RDAB radioRaudio CDRaudio DVD (MLP, dts, PCM and Dolby Digi-tal audio formats)RMP3 (including SD memory card and USBstorage device)RMedia InterfaceRBluetooth® audio modeRTVRvideo DVD (PCM, dts and Dolby Digitalaudio formats)RAUXBecause some DVDs contain both stereo andmultichannel audio formats, it may be neces-sary to set the audio format (Y page 202).iThe Logic7® on function creates a sur-round sound experience for everypassenger when playing, for example,stereo recordings. It enables optimum play-back of music and films on CD, audio DVDor video DVD with multichannel audio for-mats, such as MLP, dts or Dolby Digital.This results in sound characteristics likethose intended by the sound engineerwhen the original was recorded.iIf you select Logic7® off, all permissibleformats are played as stored on themedium. Due to the design of thepassenger compartment, an optimumaudio experience cannot be guaranteed forall passengers.iDiscs which support the audio formatsmentioned have the following logos:Dolby Digitaldts32 Basic functions of COMANDAt a glance
MLPSwitching surround sound on/offThe example describes how to set the sur-round sound for radio mode.XPress the $ function button.The radio display appears. You will hear thelast station played on the last waveband.XSelect Sound by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect surround and press W to confirm.Setting surround sound (example: SLK)XSelect Logic7® on or Logic7® off by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.Depending on your selection, surroundsound is switched on or off and the menuis exited.XTo exit the menu without saving: pressthe % back button or slide XVY theCOMAND controller.iPlease note the following: for the opti-mum audio experience for all passengerswhen LOGIC7® is switched on, the balanceand fader settings should be set to thecentre of the vehicle interior.You will achieve the best sound results byplaying high-quality audio and video DVDs.MP3 tracks should have a bit rate of at least128 kbit/s.Surround sound playback does not func-tion for mono signal sources, such as themedium wave range (MW) in radio mode.If radio reception is poor, e.g. in a tunnel,you should switch off Logic 7®, as it mayotherwise switch between stereo andmono and cause temporary sound distor-tions.On some stereo recordings, the soundcharacteristics may differ from conven-tional stereo playback.Climate control status displayIf you change the settings of the climate con-trol system (see the vehicle Owner's Manual),the climate status display appears for threeseconds at the bottom of the screen in theCOMAND display. It displays the current set-tings of the various climate control functions.The climate status display appears when you:XTurn one of the two temperature controlsand set the temperature for the left orClimate control status display 33At a glance
right1, 2 or turn the temperature control andset the temperature3, 4.orXTurn the control to set the airflow3, 4.orXPress one of the following buttons:K increases air flow1, 2I decreases air flow1, 2¿ switches climate control on/off1, 2, 3á switches the "ZONE" function on/off1, 2Ã controls the air conditioning auto-matically1, 2ñ sets the climate control style in auto-matic mode (FOCUS/MEDIUM/DIF-FUSE)2_ sets the air distribution1, 2M, P or O sets the air distribu-tion3, 4.¬ turns on the "Defrost" func-tion1, 2, 3, 4iThe climate status display does notappear when the image from the reversingcamera is displayed.The climate status display in the COMAND display(example)The illustration shows an example of currentsettings for the "Defrost" function (above)and the climate control style in automaticmode (below).XTo hide the display: turn or press theCOMAND controller.orXPress one of the buttons on the COMANDoperating system.iA detailed description of the climate con-trol is available in the Owner's Manual.Rear Seat Entertainment SystemComponentsOverviewThe Rear Seat Entertainment System compri-ses:Rtwo rear-compartment screens behind thefront-seat head restraintsRthe remote controlRa CD/DVD driveRAUX jacks on both screens (AUX display)and on the CD/DVD drive (AUX drive)Rtwo sets of cordless headphones1Available for THERMOTRONIC 2-zone automatic climate control.2Available for THERMOTRONIC 3-zone automatic climate control.3Available for the air-conditioning system.4Available for Heatmatic.34 Rear Seat Entertainment SystemAt a glance
Rear-compartment screens:AUX jacks, detailed view in the "CD/DVD drive and AUX jacks" section (Y page 37);DisplayRear Seat Entertainment System 35At a glance
Remote controlOverview:Switching the screen on/off;To switch the button lighting on/off=To select the screen for the remote con-trol?To select a menu or menu itemATo confirm a selection or settingBTo switch sound on/off (for corded head-phones)CTo adjust the volume (for corded head-phones)DTo skip, fast-forward/fast-rewindETo select a track, to enter directlyFTo exit a menu (back)Selecting the screen for the remote con-trolYou can use the remote control to operateone of the two rear screens at a time. To doso, you must switch the remote control to thedesired screen.XTo select the left-hand screen: turn thumb-wheel = until "L REAR" is highlighted in thewindow.XTo select the right-hand screen: turnthumbwheel = until "REAR R" is highligh-ted in the window.Switching the screen on/offIf the key is in position 0 or 1 in the ignitionlock (see the vehicle Owner's Manual), or thekey is not inserted, the screens in the rear willswitch off after 30 minutes. Before thescreens switch off, they show a message tothis effect.You can switch the screens back on. How-ever, this will discharge the starter battery.XPoint the remote control at the rear-com-partment screen which has been selectedfor remote operation.XPress button : on the remote control.The respective rear screen switches on oroff.iYou can only switch the screens on usingthe remote control if the ignition isswitched on.Switching the button lighting on/offXPress button ; on the remote control.Depending on the previous status, the but-ton lighting is switched on or off.iIf you do not use the remote control forabout 15 seconds, the button lightingswitches off automatically.36 Rear Seat Entertainment SystemAt a glance
Switching the sound on/off (cordedheadphones only)XPress button B on the remote control.The sound is switched on/off.Selecting a menu/menu item and con-firming your selectionXSelect a menu/menu item using the=;9: buttons on theremote control and press the 9 button toconfirm.CD/DVD drive and AUX jacks:CD/DVD slot;AUX, right-hand (R) jack for audio signal(red)=AUX, left-hand (L) jack for audio signal(white)?AUX, video (V) jack (yellow)ACD/DVD eject buttonThe AUX jacks shown are for the AUX drive.Identical jacks can be found on the right-handside of the rear-compartment screens (AUXdisplay), (Y page 35).Rear Seat Entertainment System 37At a glance
Cordless headphonesOverview:Volume control;Selecting a screen for the headphones=Battery compartment cover?To switch the cordless headphones on/offAIndicator lamp with various displays (Y page 38)XOpen both sides of the headphones and adjust the fit of the headphones by pulling theheadphone band in the direction of the arrow.Switching the cordless headphoneson/offXPress button ?.Depending on the previous status, theheadphones are switched on or off. To savethe battery, the headphones are switchedoff automatically if they do not receive anaudio signal within three minutes.Adjusting the volume of the head-phonesXTurn volume control : until the desiredvolume has been set.iIf you have connected corded head-phones to a rear-compartment screen, youcan adjust the volume by pressing buttonsC on the remote control (Y page 36).Selecting a screen for the headphonesXMove push slider ; to L (left-hand screen)or R (right-hand screen).Indicator lamp displaysThe colour of the indicator lamp showswhether the headphones are switched on oroff and indicates the charge level of the bat-teries inserted.38 Rear Seat Entertainment SystemAt a glance
LED dis-playStatusGreen The headphones are switchedon and connected to a screen.FlashesgreenThe headphones are estab-lishing the connection to ascreen.Red The headphones are switchedon and the batteries arealmost discharged.No display(dark)The headphones are switchedoff or the batteries are dis-charged.Connecting additional headphonesYou can connect one additional set of cordedheadphones to each of the two rear screens(Y page 35). The socket is designed for head-phones with a 3.5 mm stereo jack plug andan impedance of 32 ohms.Changing batteriesBatteries are required for the remote controland for the two sets of cordless headphones.For changing batteries: (Y page 244)Reversing cameraGRisk of accidentThe reversing camera is designed to assistyou when reversing.Please observe the corresponding safetynotes in your vehicle's Owner's Manual.If your vehicle is equipped with a reversingcamera, its image is automatically relayed tothe COMAND display if the function is activa-ted and you engage reverse gear.If the function is activated, the COMAND dis-play will automatically switch back to the pre-viously selected display as soon as you shiftout of reverse gear.iFurther information on the reversing cam-era driving system can be found in the vehi-cle Owner's Manual.XPress the W function button.The system menu appears.XSelect Settings by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Rear view camera and press W toconfirm.XSelect Activation by R gear and pressW to confirm.The function is switched on O or off ª,depending on the previous status.Reversing camera 39At a glanceZ
Vehicle equipment .............................. 42Display settings .................................. 42Time settings ....................................... 42Fuel consumption display .................. 44Text reader settings ............................ 44LINGUATRONIC settings ..................... 44Bluetooth® settings ............................ 46System language settings .................. 47Assigning the favourites button ........ 47Importing/exporting data .................. 48Reset function ..................................... 4841System settings
Vehicle equipmentiThese Operating Instructions describe allstandard and optional equipment availablefor your vehicle at the time it was pur-chased. Please note that your vehicle maynot be equipped with all features descri-bed.Display settingsSetting the brightnessThe brightness detected by the display lightsensor affects the setting options for thisfunction.XPress the W button.XSelect Settings by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Display and press W to confirm.XSelect Brightness and press W to con-firm.XAdjust the brightness by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.Display designYour COMAND display features optimiseddesigns for operation during daytime andnight-time hours. You can customise thedesign by manually selecting day or nightdesign or opt for an automatic setting.XPress the W button.XSelect Settings by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Display and press W to confirm.XSelect Day design, Night design orAutomatic by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.A dot indicates the current setting.Design ExplanationDay design The display is set perma-nently to day design.Night design The display is set perma-nently to night design.Automatic When the Automaticsetting is selected,COMAND evaluates thereadings from the auto-matic vehicle light sen-sor and switchesbetween the displaydesigns automatically.Time settingsGeneral informationIf COMAND is equipped with a navigation sys-tem and has GPS reception, COMAND auto-matically sets the time and date. You can alsoadjust the time yourself in 30-minute incre-ments, but the date cannot be changed.iIf you set the time in 30-minute incre-ments, any time zone settings and settingsfor changing between summer and stand-ard time are lost (Y page 43).42 Time settingsSystem settings
iThe following navigation system functionsrequire the time, time zone and summer/standard time to be set correctly in orderto work properly:Rroute guidance on routes with time-dependent traffic guidanceRcalculation of expected time of arrivalSetting the timeXPress the W button.XSelect Time by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Set time and press W to confirm.XSet the time by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The time is accepted.Setting the time/date formatXPress the W button.XSelect Time by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Format and press W to confirm.The # symbols show the current settings.Abbreviation MeaningDD/MM/YYYY Day/Month/Year(date format)HH/MM Hours/Minutes(time format)You can set the 24-hour or the AM/PM for-mat.XSet the format by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.Setting the time zone and switchingbetween summer and standard timeXPress the W button.XSelect Time by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Time zone and press W to confirm.The country list appears. The # dot indi-cates the current setting.XSelect the country you are currently in byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.A time zone list may also be displayed,depending on the country selected.XSelect the time zone and press W to con-firm.Further steps depend on whether the naviga-tion system currently has GPS reception andon which country you have selected.You have the following two options:XTo change manually: select Summer time or Standard time and press W toconfirm.XTo switch automatic changeover on/off: select Autom. Summer / Winter time on or Autom. Summer / Winter Time settings 43System settings
time off by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The # dot indicates the current setting.iIf you have switched off the automaticchangeover function, you must changefrom summer to standard time and viceversa manually using the "Set time" func-tion (Y page 43).Fuel consumption displayOverviewYou can display the fuel consumption in theCOMAND display.If your vehicle is a hybrid vehicle, you can callup other displays (see the separate operatinginstructions).Calling up displaysXPress the W button.XIn the System menu, slide ZV theCOMAND controller up until the full screenis displayed.XSlide XVY the COMAND controller repeat-edly until the fuel consumption indicatorappears.The COMAND display shows the fuel con-sumption for the last 15 minutes of thejourney.Every bar of the graph displays the averagevalue for one minute.The fuel consumption display may differ fromthe display in the From Start trip computerin the Trip menu, see the vehicle Owner'sManual.Exiting the displayXSlide XVY the COMAND controller repeat-edly until the clock display appears.XPress W the COMAND controller.The system menu appears.Text reader settingsSetting the text reader speedXPress the W button.XSelect Settings by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Text reader speed and press Wto confirm.A list appears. The # dot indicates thecurrent setting.XSelect a setting by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.LINGUATRONIC settingsOpening/closing the help windowThe help window provides information in addi-tion to the audible instructions during indi-vidualisation as well as later, when you areusing voice control.XPress the W button.XSelect Settings by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Linguatronic and press W to con-firm.44 LINGUATRONIC settingsSystem settings
XSelect Help window and press W to con-firm.You have switched the help window onO or off ª.IndividualisationIntroductionUsing individualisation, you can fine tune LIN-GUATRONIC to your own voice and thusimprove voice recognition. This means thatother users' voices will not be recognised aseasily, and therefore this function can bedeactivated (Y page 46).Individualisation comprises two parts andtakes approximately 5 minutes. It consists oftraining the system to recognise a certainnumber of digit sequences and voice com-mands.Starting new individualisationIndividualisation can only be started when thevehicle is stationary. Before starting, switchoff all devices or functions which could inter-fere, such as the radio or the navigation sys-tem. After starting the session, the systemguides you through the training with spokeninstructions.XPress the W button.XSelect Settings by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Linguatronic and press W to con-firm.XSelect Start new individualisationand press W to confirm.You see and hear a prompt asking whetheryou would like further information.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select No, the first part of individual-isation begins. You will be asked whetheryou would like to train digits or voice com-mands.If you select Yes, you will see and hearinformation on the individualisation proc-ess. The first part of individualisation thenbegins automatically.XTo close the display: press W theCOMAND controller.You will be asked whether you would liketo train digits or voice commands.At the end of the first part, a prompt willappear asking whether you wish to begin thesecond part.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select No, individualisation will becancelled. The data from the first part isstored automatically.If you select Yes, the second part will begin.Individualisation is completed at the end ofthe second part. You will see a message tothis effect. The data from the second part isstored automatically.LINGUATRONIC settings 45System settings
Cancelling the first or second part ofindividualisationXConfirm Cancel by pressing W theCOMAND controller.A prompt appears asking whether youreally wish to cancel.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the voice training will becancelled. The data from the part duringwhich you exited is not stored.If you select No, the current part beginsagain.Deleting existing individualisation dataXPress the W button.XSelect Settings by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Linguatronic and press W to con-firm.XSelect Delete individualisation andpress W to confirm.A prompt appears asking whether youreally wish to delete.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select No, the process will be aborted.If you select Yes, the individualisation isdeleted. You will see a message to thiseffect.Activating/deactivating individualisa-tionXPress the W button.XSelect Settings by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Linguatronic and press W to con-firm.XSelect Individualisation on and pressW to confirm.Individualisation is activated O or deacti-vated ª.Bluetooth® settingsGeneral information about Blue-tooth®Bluetooth® technology is the standard forshort-range wireless data transmission of upto approximately 10 metres. Bluetooth®allows, for example, the exchange of vCards.Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Blue-tooth Special Interest Group (SIG) Inc.Activating/deactivating Bluetooth®XPress the W button.The system menu appears.XSelect Settings by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Activate Bluetooth and pressW to confirm.This switches Bluetooth® on O or off ª.46 Bluetooth® settingsSystem settings
System language settingsThis function allows you to determine the lan-guage for the menu displays and the naviga-tion announcements. The selected languageaffects the characters available for entry.If you change the system language, the lan-guage for LINGUATRONIC will be also bechanged. If the selected language is not sup-ported by LINGUATRONIC, English will beselected.XPress the W button.XSelect Settings by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Language and press W to confirm.The list of languages appears. The # dotindicates the current setting.XSelect the language by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.COMAND loads the selected language andsets it.Assigning the favourites buttonThis function is available for the ML. Depend-ing on the vehicle equipment, you can assignone or two favourites buttons. They are loca-ted on the left (one favourites button fitted)or on the left and right (two favourites buttonsfitted) beside the COMAND controller(Y page 17).You can select the following predefined func-tions in a menu:RDisplay off/on: you can switch the dis-play off or on.RFull screen: 'Clock': you can show theclock in full screen.RFull screen: 'Map': you can show themap in full screen.RSpoken driving tip: you can call up thecurrent driving recommendation.RDisplay traffic messages: you can callup traffic reports.RNavigate to 'Home address': you canstart route guidance to your home addressif you have already entered and saved theaddress (Y page 57).RDetour menu: you can call up the Detourmenu and then avoid a section of the routeand recalculate the route (Y page 82).RCompass screen: you can call up the com-pass.XTo assign a favourites button: press theW button.XSelect Settings by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect Assign as favourite and pressW to confirm.The list of predefined functions appears.If your vehicle is equipped with a favouritesbutton, the # dot indicates the currentlyselected function.If your vehicle is equipped with two favour-ites buttons, two asterisks indicate the cur-rently selected function for the respectivefavourites button.XSelect the function by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.If your vehicle is equipped with a favouritesbutton, it is assigned with the functionselected.If your vehicle is equipped with two favour-ites buttons, you will see a submenu.XSelect the favourites button by turningcVd and sliding ZVÆ the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.The favourites button selected is assignedthe predefined function.XTo call up a favourite (example): pressthe g favourites button.This calls up the predefined function.Assigning the favourites button 47System settings
Importing/exporting dataWith this function, you can transfer COMANDdata from one system (vehicle) to anothersystem (vehicle). You can either use an SDmemory card or a USB storage device (e.g. aUSB stick) as temporary storage.XPress the W button.The system menu appears.XSelect Settings by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Import/export data and pressW to confirm.XSelect Import data or Export data andpress W to confirm.XTo select a storage location: insert thememory card (Y page 196) or USB storagedevice into the USB port (Y page 196).XSelect  Memory card or USB storage andpress W to confirm.Export data menu (example)XTo select all data: select All data andpress W to confirm.This function exports all the data to theselected disc.XSelect the data type and press W to con-firm.Depending on the previous entry, select thedata type for the export O or not ª.Reset functionYou can reset COMAND to the factory set-tings. Amongst other things, this will deleteall personal data (e.g. station presets,address book entries, entries in the destina-tion memory and in the list of previous desti-nations in the navigation system). Resettingis recommended before selling or transferringownership of your vehicle, for example.Data on the internal hard drive, e.g. musicfiles in the MUSIC REGISTER, will be deleted.You can also delete music files from theMUSIC REGISTER using the "Delete all musicfiles" (Y page 210) function.XPress the W function button.XSelect Settings by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Reset and press W to confirm.A prompt appears asking whether you wishto reset.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select No, the process will be aborted.If you select Yes, a prompt will appear againasking whether you really wish to reset.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, a message will be shown.COMAND is reset and restarted.If you select No, the process will be aborted.48 Reset functionSystem settings
Vehicle equipment .............................. 50Introduction ......................................... 50Basic settings ...................................... 52Destination entry ................................ 53Entering a special destination ........... 66Personal special destinations ............ 71Route guidance ................................... 75Dynamic route guidance .................... 88Destination memory ........................... 92Previous destinations ......................... 95Map operation and settings ............... 96Additional settings ........................... 103Problems with the navigation sys-tem ..................................................... 10949Navigation system
Vehicle equipmentiThese Operating Instructions describe allstandard and optional equipment availablefor your vehicle at the time it was pur-chased. Please note that your vehicle maynot be equipped with all features descri-bed.IntroductionSafety notesGRisk of accidentFor safety reasons, only enter a new destina-tion when the vehicle is stationary. You mayotherwise be distracted from the traffic con-ditions, cause an accident and injure yourselfand others.COMAND calculates the route to the destina-tion without taking account of the following,for example:Rtraffic lightsRstop and give way signsRparking or stopping restrictionsRlane narrowingRother road and traffic rules and regulationsCOMAND may give incorrect driving recom-mendations if the data on the digital map doesnot correspond to the actual conditions. Forexample, a route may have been diverted orthe direction of a one-way street may havechanged.For this reason, you must always observe therespective road and traffic rules and regula-tions during your journey. Road and trafficrules and regulations always have priorityover system driving recommendations.General notesOperational readiness of the navigationsystemIn vehicles for certain countries, the naviga-tion system is not operational immediatelyafter delivery because the digital map is notpre-installed.If this is the case, the following messageappears in the display after you switch to nav-igation mode:Please insert the map DVD to acti‐vate navigation.XTo install the map software: proceed asdescribed in the "Updating the digital map"section (Y page 107).The navigation system must determine theposition of the vehicle before first use orwhenever operational status is restored.Therefore, you may have to drive for a whilebefore precise route guidance is possible.GPS receptionCorrect functioning of the navigation systemdepends, amongst other things, on GPSreception. In certain situations, GPS recep-tion may be impaired, there may be interfer-ence or there may be no reception at all, tunnels or multi-storey car parks.Entry restrictionOn vehicles for certain countries, there is arestriction on entering data.The restriction is active above a vehicle speedof about 5 km/h. The restriction is deactiva-ted as soon as the vehicle speed drops belowabout 3 km/h.When the restriction is active, certain entriescannot be made. This will be indicated by thefact that certain menu items are greyed outand cannot be selected.50 IntroductionNavigation system
The following entries are not possible, forexample:Rentering the destination town and streetRentering a destination via the mapRentering special destinations in the vicinityof a town or via a name searchRediting entriesRdirect entry using the number keypadOther entries are possible, such as enteringspecial destinations in the vicinity of the des-tination or current position.Addresses can be entered via LINGUA-TRONIC (see separate Operating Instruc-tions) while the vehicle is in motion.Switching on navigation modeOption 1XPress the Ø function button.The map is displayed with the menu eithershown or hidden.Option 2XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The map is displayed with the menu shown.Map showing the menu; route guidance inactive:Status bar;Main function bar=Current vehicle position?Navigation menu barMap without the menu; route guidance inactive:Current vehicle position;Map orientation selected=Map scale selected"Route guidance active" means that you haveentered a destination and that COMAND hascalculated the route. The display shows theroute, changes of direction and lane recom-mendations. Navigation announcementsguide you to your destination."Route guidance inactive" means that no des-tination has been entered and that no routehas been calculated.Showing/hiding the menuXTo hide the menu: slide ZV the COMANDcontroller and, when the Full screenmenu item is shown, press W to confirm.orXPress the % back button.The map can be seen in the full-screen dis-play.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller when the map is shown in full-screen display.Introduction 51Navigation systemZ
Basic settingsRoute settingsSetting route type and route optionsYou can select the following route types:RFast route: COMAND calculates a routewith the shortest (minimised) journey time.RDynamic route: same route type as Fast route. COMAND also takes into accountany RDS-TMC traffic reports received dur-ing route guidance5. Thus, the navigationsystem is able to guide you around a trafficjam, for example. If a faster route is deter-mined due to a received RDS-TMC trafficannouncement, the navigation systemchanges the route. If possible, it will bypassblocked roads.REco route: the Eco route (economicroute) is a variant of the Fast route routetype. COMAND will attempt to minimise thejourney distance at the expense of a slightlyincreased journey time.RShort route: COMAND calculates a routewith the shortest possible (minimised)route distance.iOn very long routes, the "Economic route"more or less corresponds to the "Fastroute" route type.XTo call up the route settings menu: pressthe Ø function button.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Route settings and press W toconfirm.Route settings menu (start of menu):To select the route type;To set route optionsRoute settings (end of menu)XSelect a route type and press W to confirm.A filled circle indicates the current setting.XSelect the route option(s) and press W toconfirm.The route options are switched on O or offª, depending on the previous status.iIf you change the route type and/or theroute options while route guidance is active(the route has been calculated), COMANDwill calculate a new route.If you change the route type and/or theroute options while route guidance is inac-tive (no destination has been entered yet),COMAND uses the new setting for the nextroute guidance.iThe route calculated may, for example,include ferry connections, even if the5RDS-TMC traffic reports are not available in all countries.52 Basic settingsNavigation system
Avoid ferries route option is switchedon.In some cases, e.g. when calculating par-ticularly long routes, COMAND may not beable to take all the selected route optionsinto account.XTo exit the menu: slide XVY the COMANDcontroller.Destination entryIntroduction to destination entryGRisk of accidentFor safety reasons, only enter a new destina-tion when the vehicle is stationary. You couldotherwise be distracted from the traffic con-ditions, cause an accident and injure yourselfand others.The following destination entry options areavailable:Rentering a destination by addressRentering a destination from the destinationmemoryRentering a destination from the list of lastdestinationsRentering a destination using the mapRentering a destination using geo-coordi-natesRentering an intermediate stopRentering waypointsRentering a special destinationRentering a personal special destinationEntering a destination by addressIntroductionWhen entering an address as the destination,you have the following options:Rentering the country, town/postcode,street and house numberRentering the country, town/postcode andstreetRentering the country, town/postcode andcentreRentering the country, town/postcode,street and junctionRentering the country and townCountry and town are sufficient to start nav-igation. You can enter either a town or a post-code. By entering further address data suchas the street and house number, you canspecify the destination more precisely.iNote that you can only enter a street,house number, junction or centre once youhave entered a country and a town or post-code.iYou can only enter those towns, streets,postcodes etc. that are stored in the digitalmap. This means that for some countries,you cannot enter postcodes, for example.Example of entering an addressThe following is a step-by-step example ofhow to enter an address. The destinationaddress is as follows:GermanyBerlinUnstrutstraße 1You can of course enter any country, town,street and house number desired and enter,for example, your home address (Myaddress).Calling up the address entry menuXTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.Destination entry 53Navigation systemZ
XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Destination by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and pressing W toconfirm.XSelect Address entry and press W toconfirm.The address entry menu appears. If youhave previously entered a destination, thiswill be shown in the display.Address entry menuDepending on the sequence in which youenter the address and on the data status ofthe digital map, some menu items may not beavailable at all or may not yet be available.Example: after country selection, the menuitems Street, No., Centr. (centre), Junct.(junction), POI, Save and Start are not yetavailable. The Postcode menu item will notbe available unless the digital map containspostcodes.Selecting the countryXSelect Country in the address entry menuby turning cVd and sliding ZVÆ theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.You see the list of countries with the char-acter bar.Instructions for entering characters usingtown input as an example can be found in the"Entering characters in navigation mode(entering a town)" section (Y page 25).XTo switch to the country list as a selec-tion list: select ¬ in the character barby turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.orXSlide ZV the COMAND controller once ortwice.XSelect GERMANY by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and pressing W toconfirm.The address entry menu appears again.GERMANY has now been entered.Entering the townXSelect Town in the address entry menu byturning cVd and sliding ZVÆ the54 Destination entryNavigation system
COMAND controller and press W to con-firm.You will see the town list either with thecharacter bar (option 1) or as a selectionlist (option 2).Option 1: town list with character barXEnter BERLIN. Instructions for enteringcharacters can be found in the "Enteringcharacters in navigation mode (entering atown)" section (Y page 25).Option 2: town list as selection list:Highlighted selection and G icon foradditional entriesXSelect BERLIN by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.Entries with the G icon cannot be uniquelyassigned. Another selection list is shown.XSelect BERLIN(1XXXX) by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The address entry menu appears again.BERLIN(1XXXX) has now been entered.Entering a street nameXSelect Street in the address entry menuby turning cVd and sliding ZVÆ theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.You will see the street list either with thecharacter bar (option 1) or as a selectionlist (option 2).Option 1: street list with character barXEnter UNSTRUTSTRASSE. Instructions forentering characters using town input as anexample can be found in the "Entering char-acters in navigation mode (entering atown)" section (Y page 25).Option 2: street list as selection listDestination entry 55Navigation systemZ
Street listXSelect UNSTRUTSTRASSE by turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.XIrrespective of the option, press W to con-firm your selection.The address entry menu appears again.UNSTRUTSTRASSE has now been entered.Entering the house numberXSelect No. in the address entry menu byturning cVd and sliding ZVÆ theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.You will see the house number list eitherwith the character bar (option 1) or as aselection list (option 2).Option 1: house number list with charac-ter barXEnter 1. Instructions for entering charac-ters using town input as an example can befound in the "Entering characters in navi-gation mode (entering a town)" section(Y page 25).Option 2: house number list as selection listHouse number listXSelect 1 by turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XIrrespective of the option, press W to con-firm your selection.The address entry menu appears again. 1has now been entered.Starting route calculationYou can now have COMAND calculate theroute to the address entered or save theaddress first, e.g. as your home address (Myaddress) (Y page 57).56 Destination entryNavigation system
Address entry menu with destination address:Destination address;To start route calculationXIn the address entry menu, confirm Startby pressing W.If no other route has been calculated, routecalculation starts immediately (Option 1). Ifanother route has already been calculated(route guidance is active), a promptappears (option 2).Option 1 — no route guidance active: routecalculation starts. While route calculation isin progress, an arrow will indicate the direc-tion to your destination. Below this, you willsee a message, e.g. Calculating fast route....Once the route has been calculated, routeguidance begins. If the vehicle is travelling ona non-digitised road, the system displays thelinear distance to the destination, the direc-tion of the destination and the Off roadmessage. In this case, the display will begreyed out.Option 2 – route guidance is already active: if route guidance is already active, aprompt will appear asking whether you wishto terminate the currently active route guid-ance.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, COMAND will stop routeguidance and start route calculation for thenew destination.If you select No, COMAND will continuewith the active route guidance.iRoute calculation takes a certain amountof time. The time depends on the distancefrom the destination, for example.COMAND calculates the route using thedigital map data.The calculated route may differ from theideal route, e.g. due to roadworks or incom-plete map data. Please also refer to thenotes about the digital map (Y page 107).Entering and storing your home addressYou can either enter your home address forthe first time (option 1) or edit a previouslystored home address (option 2).XOption 1: enter the address, e.g. a town,street and house number (Y page 54).XOnce you have entered the address, selectSave in the address entry menu by turningcVd and sliding ZVÆ the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XSelect Save as "My Address" and pressW to confirm.COMAND stores your home address as My address in the destination memory.XOption 2: proceed as described under"Option 1".A prompt appears asking whether the cur-rent home address should be overwritten.XSelect Yes and press W to confirm.After selecting Yes, the Saving proce‐dure successful message appears.Entering a postcodeEntering a postcode will delete a previouslyentered town.XSelect Postcode in the address entry menuby turning cVd and sliding ZVÆ theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.You will see the postcode list either withthe character bar (option 1) or as a selec-tion list (option 2).Destination entry 57Navigation systemZ
Option 1: postcode list with character barXEnter a postcode. Instructions for enteringcharacters using town input as an examplecan be found in the "Entering characters innavigation mode (entering a town)" section(Y page 25).Option 2: postcode list as selection listPostcode listXSelect the desired postcode by turningcVd the COMAND controller.XIrrespective of the option, press W to con-firm your selection.If COMAND can assign the postcode to onetown unambiguously (e.g. 74172 for NECK-ARSULM), the address entry menu appearsagain. You can now complete the address,e.g. by entering a street.If COMAND cannot assign the postcodeunambiguously to a specific address, theaddress entry menu also appears again.The postcode is automatically entered. Youcan now enter the street for a more preciselocation. Only streets in the area coveredby the entered postcode are available.XStart route calculation (Y page 56).Entering a centreEntering a centre will, for example, delete apreviously entered street.XSelect Centr. (centre) in the address entrymenu by turning cVd and sliding ZVÆ theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.You will see the centre list either with thecharacter bar (option 1) or as a selectionlist (option 2).Option 1: centre list with character barXEnter a centre. Instructions for enteringcharacters using town input as an examplecan be found in the "Entering characters innavigation mode (entering a town)" section(Y page 25).iIn big cities, you can also enter the cen-tres of districts.Option 2: centre list as a selection list58 Destination entryNavigation system
XSelect a centre by turning cVd theCOMAND controller.XIrrespective of the option, press W to con-firm your selection.The address entry menu appears again. Thecentre selected has been entered.XStart route calculation (Y page 56).Entering a junction nameEntering a junction will delete a previouslyentered house number.XSelect Junct. (junction) in the addressentry menu by turning cVd and slidingZVÆ the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.You will see the junction list either with thecharacter bar (option 1) or as a selectionlist (option 2).Option 1: junction list with character barXEnter a junction. Instructions for enteringcharacters using town input as an examplecan be found in the "Entering characters innavigation mode (entering a town)" section(Y page 25).Option 2: junction list as selection list:G icon indicating more selection optionsXSelect a junction by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.Entries with the G icon cannot be uniquelyassigned. Another selection list is shown.XSelect an entry by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The address entry menu appears again. Thejunction selected has been entered.XStart route calculation (Y page 56).Selecting a destination from the des-tination memory (e.g. My address)IntroductionThe destination memory always contains anentry named "My address". You may wish toassign your home address to this entry, forexample (Y page 57), and select it for routeguidance. This entry is always located at thetop of the list in the destination memory.XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Destination in the navigation sys-tem menu bar by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and pressing W toconfirm.Destination entry 59Navigation systemZ
XSelect From memory and press W to con-firm.You will see the destination memory listeither with the character bar (option 1) oras a selection list (option 2).Option 1: destination memory list withcharacter barXEnter a destination, e.g. "My address".Instructions for entering characters usingtown input as an example can be found inthe "Entering characters in navigationmode (entering a town)" section(Y page 25).Option 2: destination memory list as aselection listDestination memory listXSelect My address by turning cVd theCOMAND controller.XIrrespective of the option, press W to con-firm your selection.The address entry menu appears again."My address" has been entered.:To start route calculationXTo start route calculation: select Startand press W to confirm.Entering a destination from the list oflast destinationsXTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Destination in the navigation sys-tem menu bar by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and pressing W toconfirm.XSelect From last destinations andpress W to confirm."Last destinations" list60 Destination entryNavigation system
XSelect the desired destination by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The address entry menu appears again. Thedestination address selected has beenentered.XTo start route calculation: select Startand press W to confirm.Once the route has been calculated, routeguidance begins (Y page 75).iFurther information on the "Last destina-tions" memory can be found on(Y page 95).Entering a destination using the mapCalling up the mapXTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Destination in the navigation sys-tem menu bar by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and pressing W toconfirm.XSelect Using map and press W to confirm.You see the map with the crosshair.:Current vehicle position;Crosshair=Details of the crosshair position?Map scale selectedDisplay = depends on the settings selectedin "Map information in the display"(Y page 99). The current road name can beshown, provided the digital map contains thenecessary data, or it may show the geo-coor-dinate position of the crosshair if the geo-coordinates display is switched on.Moving the map and selecting the des-tinationXTo move the map: slide XVY, ZVÆ oraVb the COMAND controller.XTo set the map scale: as soon as you turncVd the COMAND controller, the scale barappears.XTurn cVd until the desired scale is set.Turning clockwise zooms out from the map;turning anti-clockwise zooms in.XTo select a destination: press W theCOMAND controller.If the crosshair lies outside the digital map,COMAND uses the nearest digitised roadfor route calculation. You will see the The crosshair is off the map message. Ifthe crosshair is located over a body ofwater, you will see the message: The des‐tination is located in a body of water. Please select another des‐tination.XSelect OK and press W to confirm.If the destination is within the limits of thedigital map, COMAND attempts to assignthe destination to the map.If the destination can be assigned, you willsee the address entry menu with theaddress of the destination. If not, you willsee the Destination from map entry.XTo start route calculation: select Startand press W to confirm.Destination entry 61Navigation systemZ
Entering a destination using geo-coor-dinatesXTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Destination in the navigation sys-tem menu bar by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and pressing W toconfirm.XSelect Using geo-coordinates andpress W to confirm.An entry menu appears.You can now enter the latitude and longitudecoordinates.XTo change a value: turn cVd theCOMAND controller.XTo move the mark within the line: slideXVY the COMAND controller.XTo move the mark between the lines:slide ZVÆ the COMAND controller.XTo confirm the value: press W theCOMAND controller.iIf the selected position is outside the dig-ital map, COMAND uses the nearest digi-tised road for route calculation. You will seethe The position is off the map mes-sage. If the selected position is locatedover a body of water, you will see the mes-sage: The destination is located in a body of water. Please select another destination.Entering an intermediate stopIntroductionYou can use this function to enter an inter-mediate stop while the vehicle is in motion.COMAND provides a selection of predefineddestinations in eight categories for this pur-pose, e.g. FILLING STATION or CAFÉ.When you have entered your intermediatestop, COMAND automatically recalculatesthe route to the main destination.Entering predefined destinationsXTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Destination in the navigation sys-tem menu bar by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and pressing W toconfirm.XSelect Stopover and press W to confirm.Option 1: the route does not have an inter-mediate stop.Intermediate stop categoriesXSelect a category, see option 2.Option 2: the route already has an inter-mediate stop.XSelect Change stopover and press W toconfirm.62 Destination entryNavigation system
XTo select a category: select a category byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.COMAND first searches in the selected cat-egory for destinations along the route. Ifthere are no destinations available there,COMAND searches for destinations withina radius of up to 100 km of the vehicleposition.If COMAND finds destinations, a listappears on the right-hand side of the dis-play.Search result for the selected category FILLINGSTATION (example):Highlighted intermediate stop, currentdistance from the vehicle position andname of the intermediate stopThe intermediate stops along the route aredisplayed at the top of the list, sorted byincreasing distance from the vehicle's currentposition. Below this you will see the inter-mediate stops that COMAND finds in thevicinity of the vehicle's current position.iFor intermediate stops that are not loca-ted along the calculated route, the lineardistance is shown.XSelect the intermediate stop by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The address entry menu appears, showingthe destination address.XTo start route calculation: select Startand press W to confirm.If COMAND does not find any destinations,you will see a message to this effect.XConfirm OK by pressing W.XSelect a different category.Deleting an intermediate stopIf an intermediate stop has already beenentered, you can delete it.XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Destination in the navigation sys-tem menu bar by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and pressing W toconfirm.XSelect Stopover and press W to confirm.XSelect Delete stopover and press W toconfirm.COMAND deletes the intermediate stopand recalculates the route to the main des-tination.Entering waypointsIntroductionYou can map the route yourself by enteringup to two waypoints. The sequence of thewaypoints can be changed at any time.iAn intermediate stop is always betweenthe current position of the vehicle and thefirst waypoint.Creating waypointsXTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.Destination entry 63Navigation systemZ
XSelect Dest. in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and pressing W to confirm.XSelect Way points and press W to con-firm.The destination is entered in the menu.Waypoint menu without waypointsXConfirm the symbol for waypoint 1 bypressing W the COMAND controller.XConfirm Set by pressing W the COMANDcontroller.XEnter the waypoint via one of the followingoptions.Selection StepAddress entry XEnter a destina-tion by address(Y page 53).From memory XSelect a destina-tion from the des-tination memory(Y page 59).Selection StepFrom last desti‐nationsXSelect a destina-tion from the listof last destina-tions (Y page 60).From POIs XEnter a specialdestination(Y page 66).From personal POIsXEnter a destina-tion from the per-sonal special des-tinations(Y page 74).Using map XEnter a destina-tion using the map(Y page 61).Using geo-coor‐dinatesXEnter a destina-tion using the geo-coordinates(Y page 62).When the entry is complete, the waypointappears.XTo accept the waypoint: confirm OK bypressing W.XTo display the details: select Details byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XTo make a call: select Call with theCOMAND controller and press W to con-64 Destination entryNavigation system
firm. COMAND switches to telephonemode (Y page 125).iThis menu item is available if the waypointhas a telephone number and a mobilephone is connected to COMAND(Y page 114).XTo call up the map: select Map with theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XYou can move the map and select the des-tination.XTo store the waypoint in the destination memory: select Presets with theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.When you have accepted the waypoint, it isentered in the waypoint menu. The exampleshows the menu with two entered waypoints.Waypoint menu with two waypointsEditing waypointsYou can:Rchange waypointsRchange the sequence in the waypoint menuRdelete waypointsTo change the sequence, both waypointsmust be entered.XTo change waypoints: select the symbolfor waypoint 1 or 2 in the waypoint menuby turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.XSelect Edit and press W to confirm.XUse one of the destination entry optionsoffered.XTo change the sequence of the way-points: select Swap in the waypoint menuby turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.The entries are swapped.XTo delete waypoints: select the symbolfor waypoint 1 or 2 in the waypoint menuby turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.XSelect Delete and press W to confirm.iYou can delete a waypoint directly afterentry using this menu item.Accepting waypoints for the routeXSelect Start in the waypoint menu by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The route is calculated with the enteredwaypoints.iContinue is displayed instead of Startwhen Calculate alternative routes isactivated in the navigation menu(Y page 82), option 2.In the example, there is an intermediate stopP and a waypoint.Destination entry 65Navigation systemZ
Entering a special destinationCalling up the special destinationsmenuSpecial destinations are predefined destina-tions within categories, e.g. a filling station inthe AUTOMOTIVE category.You can look for special destinations:Rin the vicinity of the destinationRnear the current vehicle positionRin the vicinity of another townRusing its nameYou can also select special destinations in themap that are available on the map viewshown.XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Destination in the navigation sys-tem menu bar by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect From POIs and press W to confirm.A menu appears.Special destinations menu ("Search by name"selected)66 Entering a special destinationNavigation system
Defining the position for the special destination searchSelection Characteristic InstructionsNear destina‐tionEntry is only possiblewhen route guidance isactive.XSelect Near destination from the spe-cial destinations menu (Y page 66) andpress W to confirm.XSelect a special destination category(Y page 68).Current posi‐tionThe system looks for aspecial destination in thevicinity of the currentvehicle position.XSelect Current position in the specialdestinations menu and press W to con-firm.XSelect a special destination category(Y page 68).Other town After entering a town,the system looks for thespecial destinationwithin the town.Option 1XSelect Other town in the special desti-nations menu and press W to confirm.XSelect the country, if desired(Y page 54).XEnter the town. Proceed as described inthe "Entering a town" section(Y page 54).XSelect a special destination category(Y page 68).Option 2XEnter a town in the address entry menu(Y page 53).XSelect POI and press W to confirm.XSelect a special destination category.Search by name You can call up all thespecial destinations inthe digital map or focusyour search on the threepreviously selected posi-tions.XSelect Search by name in the specialdestinations menu and press W to con-firm.XSelect All POIs or one of the three pre-viously selected positions.The special destination list with charac-ter bar appears.XProceed as described in the "Specialdestination list with character bar" sec-tion (Y page 70).Entering a special destination 67Navigation systemZ
Search by special destination cate-goryAfter selecting the menu items, the specialdestination categories appear:RNear destinationRCurrent positionROther town (after entering a town)iIf you have selected Search by name andthen defined the position for the search,the special destination list with characterbar appears (Y page 70).XSelect a special destination category byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.In the example, the AUTOMOTIVE categoryhas been selected. The G arrow behind anentry shows that other categories are avail-able.XSelect a category and press W to confirm.In the example, the FILLING STATION cat-egory has been selected.XSelect the ALL entry or one of the differentfilling station brands.The search for special destinations beginsin the vicinity of the selected position.Special destination search near the current posi-tion (example)iThe special destination search is cancel-led when 50 special destinations have beenfound. COMAND searches within a radiusof 100 km.If COMAND does not find any special des-tinations within this radius, it extends itssearch range to approximately 200 km. IfCOMAND finds one special destinationwithin this radius, it finishes the search.Once the search is completed, the specialdestination list is displayed.Special destination listIntroductionThe special destination list displays thesearch results for the selection made.68 Entering a special destinationNavigation system
Special destination list (example)An entry contains the following information:Ran arrow that shows the linear direction tothe special destinationRthe linear distance to the special destina-tionRthe name of the special destinationiThe arrow and linear distance to the des-tination are not visible if you have entereda special destination within a specific town.The arrow is not shown either when enter-ing a special destination in the vicinity ofthe destination.Depending on the special destinationselected, COMAND uses different refer-ence points in determining the linear dis-tance to the destination:Rvicinity of current position: the linear dis-tance is the distance from the currentvehicle position to the special destina-tion.Rvicinity of destination: the linear distanceis the distance from the destinationentered to the special destination.Selecting a special destinationThe example has been selected in the specialdestination category BAR & RESTAURANT.XSelect the special destination in the specialdestination list by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The complete address of the special desti-nation selected is shown.:Special destination with address;To start route calculation=To store an address in the destinationmemory?To display detailsATo make a call when availableBTo display a special destination's positionon the mapXTo start route calculation: select Startand press W to confirm.XTo store an address in the destination memory: select Save and press W to con-firm. You can now select storage options(Y page 94).XTo show the detailed view: selectDetails and press W to confirm.XTo make a call: select Call and press Wto confirm. COMAND switches to tele-phone mode (Y page 125).iThis menu item is available if the specialdestination has a telephone number and amobile phone is connected to COMAND(Y page 114).XTo call up the map: select Map and pressW to confirm.XYou can move the map and select the des-tination (Y page 61).Entering a special destination 69Navigation systemZ
Special destination list with characterbarIf you have selected Search by name in thespecial destination menu (Y page 66) andthen defined the position for the search(Y page 67), the special destination list withcharacter bar appears.Depending on your selection, you can selectall available special destinations on the digitalmap or the special destinations in the vicinityof the selected position.Search by name in the vicinity of the destination(example)Proceed as described in the "Searching for aphone book entry" section (Y page 130).iIf COMAND can assign the charactersentered to one entry unambiguously, theaddress entry appears automatically.XTo start route calculation: select Startand press W to confirm.Selecting a special destination usingthe mapYou can select special destinations that areavailable in the selected (visible) section ofthe map.XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Guide in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.If special destinations are available:Depending on the map scale selected, spe-cial destination icons appear on the map.The scale at which the icons are displayedon the map varies according to the icon.You can select the icons that COMAND willdisplay (Y page 98).If no special destinations are available, youwill see a message to this effect.iYou also see this message if you haveselected the No symbols menu item under"Map display" (Y page 98).XTo confirm the message: press W theCOMAND controller.Special destination on the mapThe special destination is highlighted on themap, you will see information on the upperedge of the display.XTo select a special destination: selectNext or Previous and press W to confirm.XTo show details for the selection: selectDetails and press W to confirm.XTo change to the map: slide ZV theCOMAND controller.You can move the map and select the mapsection.70 Entering a special destinationNavigation system
XTo start route calculation: select Startand press W to confirm.A prompt appears asking whether the spe-cial destination should be used as the des-tination.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, route guidance starts.If you select No, you can choose a new spe-cial destination.iContinue is displayed instead of Startwhen Calculate alternative routes isactivated in the navigation menu(Y page 82), option 2.Personal special destinationsSettingsOverviewPersonal destinations can be:Rdisplayed on the mapRhighlighted on the map as you approachthemRmanaged in categoriesRmanagedCalling up the "Personal special desti-nations" menuXTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Personal POIs and press W toconfirm.Displaying personal special destina-tions on the mapThe personal special destinations are shownon the map with an icon according to theircategory.XSelect Display personal POIs on mapin the menu and press W to confirm.You can select different categories.Selection ExplanationªNot clas‐sifiedStandard entry for per-sonal special destinationsªCOMAND OnlinePersonal special destina-tions which you haveimported via COMANDOnline (Y page 168).If you have created your own categories(e.g. "Café", "Top 10") (Y page 72), theyare also displayed.Personal special destinations 71Navigation systemZ
XSelect a category and press W to confirm.The icon display is switched on O or offª, depending on the previous status.iThe icons are displayed on the map scales50 m, 100 m and 200 m.Visual information for personal specialdestinationsWhen the vehicle is approaching a personalspecial destination and the display of the rel-evant category is switched on, it is highlightedon the map.XSelect Visual warning for personal POIs in the menu and press W to confirm.XPress W to confirm the entry.This will switch the visual information forthe personal special destinations of thiscategory on O or off ª, depending on theprevious setting.Visual information for a personal special destina-tion (example)Managing categories for personal spe-cial destinationsXSelect Manage categories for per‐sonal POIs in the menu and press W toconfirm.XTo create a new category: select New andpress W to confirm.XEnter the name of the category. Proceed asdescribed under "Entering characters" inthe "Entering characters in the address andphone books" section (Y page 28).XSelect the ¬ icon and press W to con-firm.A list with icons appears. You can assign anicon to the category.XSelect an icon by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.You have created a new category with aname and icon. This category appearswhen selecting the display on the map orwhen selecting the destination.XTo rename a category, to change an icon: select Rename or Change icon andpress W to confirm.XProceed as described under "To create anew category".72 Personal special destinationsNavigation system
XTo delete a category: select Delete andpress W to confirm.A prompt appears asking whether the cat-egory should be deleted.iIf you delete a category, all special desti-nations of this category are also deleted.XSelect Yes and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the category will bedeleted.If you select No, the process will be aborted.Managing personal special destinationsXSelect Manage personal POIs in themenu and press W to confirm.XSelect Not classified, COMAND Onlineor your own category and press W to con-firm.XSelect a personal special destination andpress W to confirm.The personal special destination is dis-played.The following functions are described in the"Select as destination" section(Y page 74):RrenamingRchanging the categoryRdeletingSaving personal special destinationsThere are three ways of saving personal spe-cial destinations. You must insert an SD mem-ory card to do so. The No memory card mes-sage otherwise appears.Option 1XInsert the SD memory card (Y page 196).XPress W the COMAND controller for longerthan two seconds.The current position of the vehicle is savedas a personal special destination on the SDmemory card in the "Unclassified" cate-gory.iThe crosshair position is saved whilescrolling the map (Y page 61).Option 2XInsert the SD memory card (Y page 61).XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Position in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Save position as pers. POI orSave crosshair pos. as personal POI ("Move map" function active) and pressW to confirm.The current position of the vehicle or thecrosshair is saved as a personal specialdestination on the SD memory card in the"Unclassified" category.Option 3XInsert the SD memory card (Y page 196).XSelect Save in the address entry menu andpress W to confirm.XSelect Save as personal POI and pressW to confirm.XSelect a category.XEnter the name.The current address is saved as a personalspecial destination on the SD memory card.Importing personal special destina-tions via COMAND OnlineYou can import personal special destinationsvia COMAND Online (Y page 168). Whenimporting, you can choose whether to writefiles to the SD memory card or to file them inthe address book. The imported personal spe-cial destinations have their own icon and arefiled in the "COMAND Online" category.Personal special destinations 73Navigation systemZ
Selecting as the destinationXInsert the SD memory card (Y page 196).XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Destination in the navigation sys-tem menu bar by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect From personal POIs and pressW to confirm.A menu appears.XSelect an entry and press W to confirm.Selection ExplanationNot classi‐fiedStandard entry for per-sonal special destina-tions.COMAND OnlinePersonal special destina-tions which you haveimported via COMANDOnline (Y page 168).Café Icon and category thatyou have created yourself(Y page 72).In the example, COMAND Online has beenselected. The received special destinationsare displayed.XSelect a personal special destination andpress W to confirm.XTo rename a personal special destina-tion: select Rename and press W to con-firm.XTo change the category: select Change category and press W to confirm.XTo change to the map: select Map andpress W to confirm.The position of the personal special desti-nation is shown in the map.iAn icon is displayed according to the "Dis-playing personal special destinations onthe map" setting (Y page 71).XTo start route calculation: select Startand press W to confirm.If route guidance has been activated, aprompt will appear asking whether youwish to accept the personal special desti-nation as the destination.74 Personal special destinationsNavigation system
If route guidance has not been activated,route calculation for the personal specialdestination will start immediately.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the personal special des-tination is accepted as the destination.If you select No, the process will be aborted.XTo make a call: select Call and press Wto confirm. COMAND switches to tele-phone mode (Y page 125).iThis menu item is available if the personalspecial destination has a telephone num-ber and a mobile phone is connected toCOMAND (Y page 114).XTo delete a personal special destina-tion: select Delete and press W to con-firm.A prompt appears asking whether you wishto delete the special destination.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the personal special des-tination is deleted.If you select No, the process will be aborted.Route guidanceGeneral notesGRisk of accidentCOMAND calculates the route to the destina-tion without taking account of the following,for example:Rtraffic lightsRstop and give way signsRparking or stopping restrictionsRlane narrowingRother road and traffic rules and regulationsCOMAND may give incorrect driving recom-mendations if the data on the digital map doesnot correspond to the actual conditions, e.g.the road layout has changed.For this reason, you must always observe therespective road and traffic rules and regula-tions during your journey. Road and trafficrules and regulations always have priorityover system driving recommendations.Route guidance begins once a route has beencalculated (Y page 56).COMAND guides you to your destination bymeans of navigation commands in the formof audible navigation announcements androute guidance displays.The route guidance displays can only be seenif the display is switched to navigation mode.If you do not follow the navigation announce-ments or if you leave the calculated route,COMAND automatically calculates a newroute to the destination.If the digital map contains the correspondinginformation, the following applies:Rwhen selecting a route, COMAND tries toavoid roads that only have limited access,e.g. roads closed to through traffic and non-residents.Rroads that have time restrictions (e.g.closed on Sundays and public holidays) areconsidered for route guidance on dayswhen they are open. For this purpose, therelevant times must be correctly stored inthe database.Change of directionIntroductionChanges of direction have three phases:Rpreparation phaseRannouncement phaseRchange-of-direction phasePreparation phaseCOMAND prepares you for the upcomingchange of direction. Based on the exampledisplay below, the change of directionis announced by the Prepare to turn right message. You see the full-screen map.Route guidance 75Navigation systemZ
Example display: preparation phase:Point at which the change of directiontakes place (light blue dot);Next road=Current vehicle position (the tip of the tri-angle indicates the vehicle’s direction oftravel)?Current roadDisplay ? depends on the setting selectedfor "Information in map" (Y page 99).Announcement phaseCOMAND announces the imminent change ofdirection. Based on the following example,the change of direction is announced with theIn 400 metres turn right onto the A81 message.The display is now split into two sectors. Inthe left half, you see the normal map view.The right half shows an enlarged section ofthe area around the junction (Crossing Zoom)or a 3D image of the road's course with theroute indicating the next manoeuvre.Example display: announcement phase:Next road;Point at which the change of directiontakes place (light blue dot, shown in boththe left and right half of the display)=Graphic representation of the distance tothe next change of direction?Change of direction (turn right here)ADistance to the next change of directionBRoute (blue line, shown in both the leftand right half of the display)iThe filled-in section of visual display fordistance = gets shorter the nearer you getto the announced change of direction.Change-of-direction phaseCOMAND announces the imminent change ofdirection. Based on the example displaybelow, the change of direction is announced40 metres before the change of direction withthe Now turn right message. The display issplit into two halves, as in the announcementphase.76 Route guidanceNavigation system
Example display: change-of-direction phase:Current vehicle position (the tip of the tri-angle indicates the vehicle’s direction oftravel);Graphic representation of the distance tothe next change of direction=Distance to the next change of directionExample display: roundaboutOnce the change of direction is completed,COMAND automatically switches back to full-screen display.Example of a display without changesof direction:Route (highlighted in blue);Current vehicle position=Current road?Map orientation selectedAMap scale selectedLane recommendationsOverviewOn multilane roads, COMAND can displaylane recommendations for the next change ofdirection. The relevant data must be availableon the digital map.COMAND displays lane recommendationsB, based on the next two changes of direc-tion. The number of lanes applies to the pointat which the next change of direction isrequired.Route guidance 77Navigation systemZ
Lane recommendations (example):Point of the next change of direction;Point of the change of direction after next=Direction display, number of junction andof motorway?Graphic representation of the distance tothe next change of directionADistance to the next change of directionBRecommended lane (dark blue)CNext change of direction (in this case, exitto the right)DPossible lanes (light blue)ENot recommended lanes (light brown)FCurrent vehicle position (the tip of the tri-angle indicates the vehicle’s direction oftravel)iThe multifunction display also shows lanerecommendations, Only the recommendedlanes are displayed here (Y page 80).78 Route guidanceNavigation system
Display and description of lane recommendationsThe colours used in the lane recommendation display vary depending on whether day or nightdesign is switched on.Lane Day design Night designRecommended lane BIn this lane, you will be able to complete thenext two changes of direction without chang-ing lanes.Dark blue Light bluePossible lane DIn this lane, you will only be able to completethe next change of direction without chang-ing lanes.Light blue Dark blueLane not recommended EIn this lane, you will not be able to completethe next change of direction without chang-ing lane.Light brown GreyFurther display examplesDuring the change of direction, there may beadditional lanes which are displayed differ-ently.:New lane (dark blue)Day design (example):The displayed lane recommendationsapply to this position (light blue circle)Night design (example)Route guidance 79Navigation systemZ
Lane recommendations at a motorway junction(example)Example display: multifunction displayXUse = or ; to select the Navi menu.:Road to which the change of directionleads;Distance to the change of direction anddistance graphic=Lane recommendation?Change of direction iconOn multilane roads, the system can displaylane recommendation = for the next changeof direction. During the change of direction,additional lanes may be displayed.Announcing the street namesIf the function is switched on, the name of thestreet which you are turning into isannounced.Street names may be announced in the fol-lowing languages:RDanishRGermanREnglishRFrenchRDutchRPortugueseRSwedishAnnouncements are not made in these lan-guages in all countries. They are made whenrelevant street names for the selected lan-guage are available in the database.XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XSelect Announce street names and pressW to confirm.Depending on the previous status, the func-tion is switched on O or off ª.Cancelling or continuing route guid-anceCancelling route guidanceXTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Dest. in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and pressing W to confirm.XSelect Cancel route guidance and pressW to confirm.80 Route guidanceNavigation system
Continuing route guidanceXTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Dest. in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and pressing W to confirm.XSelect Continue route guidance andpress W to confirm.COMAND calculates the route.Destination or area of destinationreachedWhen you reach your destination, COMANDdisplays a chequered flag and route guidanceis automatically ended.If the destination is not in close proximity toa digitised street, the Area of destina‐tion reached message appears when thedestination is reached.Navigation announcementsRepeating navigation announcementsiAudible navigation announcements aremuted during a telephone call.If you have missed an announcement, you cancall up the current announcement at anytime.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect + in the navigation system menubar by turning cVd the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.Switching navigation announcementson/offXTo switch off: press the 8 button dur-ing an announcement.You will briefly see the message: The guidance instructions have been muted.XTo switch on: press W the COMAND con-troller.XSelect + in the navigation system menubar by turning cVd the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.iCOMAND automatically switches the nav-igation announcements back on when:Rit receives RDS-TMC traffic reports dur-ing dynamic route guidance(Y page 88) and recalculates the routeaccordingly.Ryou have a new route calculated.Ryou switch COMAND back on again orstart the engine.Reducing volume during a navigationannouncementThe volume of an active audio or video sourcecan be automatically reduced during a navi-gation announcement.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Audio fadeout and press W toconfirm.Depending on the previous status, the func-tion is switched on O or off ª.Setting the volume manuallyXAdjust the volume using the q controlknob during a navigation announcement.orXSelect + in the map view with the menushown and adjust the volume using theq control knob.Route guidance 81Navigation systemZ
Avoiding a section of the routeblocked by a traffic jamThis function blocks a section of the routeahead of you. You can set the length of theblocked route section. If possible, COMANDcalculates a detour around the blocked sec-tion of the route.XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Route in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Detour and press W to confirm.XTo block a section of the route: selectLonger or Shorter repeatedly and confirmusing W until the desired section has beenselected.iThe total length of the section that can beblocked is defined by the digital map. Themenu items are available accordingly.:Length of the blocked route section;Name of route section=Blocked route sectionXTo start route calculation: select Startand press W to confirm.XTo delete the blocked section: selectDelete while the message is shown andpress W to confirm.COMAND calculates the route without theblock.Selecting an alternative routeIntroductionWith the "Alternative route" function, routesother than the original one can be calculated.iEnsure that the "Alternative routes" set-ting is activated in the navigation menu(option 2).Option 1XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Route in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Alternative route and press Wto confirm.On the right-hand side, you will see infor-mation on the currently selected alterna-tive route, e.g. distance, estimated remain-ing driving time and estimated time ofarrival. Route sections used (e.g. motor-ways, tunnels) are displayed as symbols.Route 1 (example)82 Route guidanceNavigation system
The route is shown in the map with a dark blueline.Route 1 is calculated with the current settingsfor the route type and route options(Y page 52). The alternative routes 2 to 4 arecalculated with the same route options as forroute 1. Route 4 is the economic route (ecoroute).Route 4 (example: eco route)The route is shown in the map with a greenline.Option 2XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XSelect Calculate alternative routesand press W to confirm.Depending on the previous status, the func-tion is switched on O or off ª.Function is activated: alternative routesare calculated directly after the destinationis entered.Menu functionsXTo select the next or previous alterna-tive route: select Next or Previous andpress W to confirm.XTo start route guidance using the selec-ted alternative route: select Start andpress W to confirm.COMAND calculates the alternative route.Displaying destination informationYou can display destination information forthe destination, for both waypoints and theintermediate stop, if they are part of theroute.XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Route in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Destination information andpress W to confirm.Destination information is displayed.Destination information (example)The example shows:Rthe destination ORtwo waypointsRthe relevant information on distance, esti-mated time of arrival and estimatedremaining driving timeiIf a mobile phone is connected toCOMAND (Y page 114) and a phone num-ber is included in the destination informa-tion, you can call it.Route guidance 83Navigation systemZ
XTo call up further destination informa-tion: turn cVd the COMAND controller.XTo close the destination information:slide XVY the COMAND controller or pressthe % back button.Route overviewYou can use the route overview to move alongthe active route section by section and viewinformation and details about each section ofthe route.XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Route in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Route browser and press W toconfirm.Route overview (example)At the top of the display, you will see infor-mation about the highlighted route section,for example the distance to be driven on theroad and road designation. The highlightedroute section is marked in white with a redborder on the map.XTo view the next or previous route sec-tion: select Next or Previous and pressW to confirm.iIf the first or last route section is high-lighted, you cannot select Previous orNext.XTo zoom in or out of the map: select Nor M and press W to confirm.XTo close the route overview: selectBack and press W to confirm.Route displayYou can see the route before starting yourjourney. This function is only available whenthe vehicle is stationary.XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Route in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Route demonstration and pressW to confirm.The map with the crosshair appears.XTo get to the destination: press W toconfirm the highlighted symbol.XTo stop the route display: confirm theË symbol by pressing W.84 Route guidanceNavigation system
Route display stopped (example):Road name and location display;Distance of the crosshair from currentvehicle positionXTo get to the current vehicle position:press W to confirm the symbol for the cur-rent vehicle position.XTo change the map scale: select Scaleand press W to confirm.The scale bar appears.XTurn cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.Recording the routeNotesIf you have activated COMAND and the SDmemory card has been inserted, you shouldnot take it out of the slot.When you record a route, COMAND uses so-called support points and displays the routeas a series of lines. If the route is then calcu-lated, COMAND attempts to align the recor-ded route with the digital map.The support points of the route may not be ona digitised road.This is often the case with routes which aredrawn up using other map data and importedvia COMAND Online, e.g.:Rroutes from the Google™ special destina-tion search (Y page 165)Rroutes from the special destination down-load (Y page 168)Calling up the "Routes" menuXInsert the SD memory card (Y page 196).XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Destination in the navigation sys-tem menu bar by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and pressing W toconfirm.XSelect Routes.Starting/ending recordingXTo start recording: select Start record‐ing in the "Routes" menu by turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.The route is recorded and entered in alist.#REC is displayed in red :.XTo end recording: select End recordingin the "Routes" menu by turning cVd theRoute guidance 85Navigation systemZ
COMAND controller and press W to con-firm.Displaying and editing the recordedrouteXInsert the SD memory card (Y page 196).XSelect List in the "Routes" menu by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.Previously recorded routes are displayed.XSelect a route and press W to confirm.The map appears with a menu. The recor-ded route is shown in the map with a bluedotted line.Turning off from the route on the mapXSelect Demo by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The map with the crosshair appears.XProceed as described in the "Route display"section (Y page 84).Starting route calculationXSelect Start in the menu by turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.COMAND attempts to align the recordedroute with the digital map.Editing the routeYou can change the route name and the icon.XSelect Edit in the menu by turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.XTo change the route name: selectRename and press W to confirm.iThe name cannot be changed while thevehicle is in motion.XTo change the icon: select Change iconand press W to confirm.XA description for both entries can be foundin the "Personal special destinations" sec-tion under "Managing categories for per-sonal special destinations" (Y page 72).Changing direction for route calculationYou can set the icon for the route to the start-ing point or to the destination thereby chang-ing the direction for route calculation.iDuring route calculation, one-way streetsor turn restrictions, for example, are takeninto account. Therefore, the outward andreturn routes may differ from each other.86 Route guidanceNavigation system
XSelect Swap in the menu by turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.Deleting the routeXSelect Delete in the menu by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.A prompt appears asking whether the routeshould be deleted.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the route will be deleted.If you select No, the process will be aborted.Scanning the memoryThe SD memory card is inserted.XSelect Memory in the "Routes" menu(Y page 85) by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The route memory is displayed.Off-road and off-mapRoute guidance to a destination that isnot on a digitised roadCOMAND can guide you to destinationswhich are within the area covered by the dig-ital map, but which are not themselves recor-ded on the map.These destinations are known as off-roaddestinations, which you can enter using themap, for example. In these cases, COMANDguides you for as long as possible with navi-gation announcements and displays on roadsknown to the system.Route guidance to an off-road destination (exam-ple):Off-road destination;Off-road route section (dashed blue)=Current vehicle position (the tip of the tri-angle indicates the vehicle’s direction oftravel)Shortly before you reach the last known pointon the map, you will hear the "Area of desti-nation reached" announcement. The displayshows a direction arrow with the linear dis-tance to the destination.Route guidance from an off-road loca-tion to a destinationIf the vehicle position is within the area cov-ered by the digital map, but the map does notcontain any information about that location,the vehicle is in an off-road location.COMAND is also able to guide you to a des-tination even from an off-road location.At the start of the route guidance, you will seethe Off road message, an arrow and the dis-tance to the destination. The arrow shows thecompass heading to the actual destination.The route is highlighted blue, starting fromthe last recognised street the vehicle was onbefore it left the map.As soon as the vehicle is back on a roadknown to the system, route guidance contin-ues in the usual way.Route guidance 87Navigation systemZ
Route guidance from an off-map loca-tion to a destinationIf the vehicle position is outside the area cov-ered by the digital map, then the vehicle is inan off-map location. COMAND is also able toguide you to a destination even from an off-map location.At the start of the route guidance, you will seethe Off road message, an arrow and the dis-tance to the destination. The arrow shows thecompass heading to the road left last.The route is highlighted blue from the nearestroad known to the system.As soon as the vehicle is back on a roadknown to the system, route guidance contin-ues in the usual way.Off-road during route guidanceDue to roadworks, for example, there may bedifferences between the data on the digitalmap and the actual course of the road.In such cases, the system will temporarily beunable to locate the vehicle position on thedigital map and thus considers the vehicle tobe in an off-road position.In the display, you will see the Off road mes-sage, an arrow and the distance to the desti-nation. The arrow shows the compass head-ing to the last road you were driving on.As soon as the system can assign the vehicleposition to the map again, route guidancecontinues in the usual way.Dynamic route guidanceIntroductionAn RDS-TMC radio station transmits RDS-TMC traffic reports in addition to the radioprogramme. COMAND can receive the RDS-TMC traffic reports and take them into con-sideration for dynamic (traffic-dependent)route guidance. The navigation system can,for example, guide you around a traffic jam.In Germany, COMAND uses the high-qualitytraffic data from T-systems Traffic for theTMCPro traffic jam warning system. In con-trast to the public TMC service, TMCPro usesexclusive traffic data that is detected with anautomated sensor network, in addition to themessages generated by the TMC service. Thetraffic data received from the traffic jam warn-ing services named above could differ.There may also be differences between thetraffic reports received and the actual roadand traffic conditions.The respective traffic data being receivedappears at the bottom right of the display withthe symbols "TMCPro" or "TMC". If there is noreception, no symbol is displayed.Switching dynamic route guidanceon/offXTo switch on: set Dynamic route as theroute type6(Y page 52).XTo switch off: select the Fast route orShort route route type (Y page 52).iCOMAND calculates a new route if youchange the route type setting with routeguidance active. If you change the routetype setting when route guidance is inac-tive, COMAND uses the new setting for thenext route guidance.RDS-TMC displays on the mapCOMAND can show certain traffic incidentson the map. These displays can be seen onmap scales 50 m (0.05 miles) to 20 km(20 miles).XTo set the map scale: turn cVd theCOMAND controller until the desired mapscale is set.Turning clockwise zooms out from the map;turning anti-clockwise zooms in.6RDS-TMC is not available in all countries.88 Dynamic route guidanceNavigation system
Traffic jam on the route (example)iCOMAND uses corresponding icons tohighlight the entire section of the affectedroute, regardless of how long the incidentactually is. The icons are placed on the sideof the carriageway affected by the incident.The following illustration shows the RDS-TMCicons used.RDS-TMC icons:Traffic jam on the route;Slow-moving traffic on the route=Road blocked?Road blockedATraffic jam (red)BSlow-moving traffic (yellow)Displaying RDS-TMC traffic reportsDisplaying the report listXTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect TMC in the navigation system menubar by turning cVd the COMAND control-ler and pressing W to confirm.COMAND scans for RDS-TMC stationswithin reception range.No RDS-TMC station found: a message tothis effect appears.XTo close the message: confirm OK by press-ing W the COMAND controller.RDS-TMC station found: COMAND scans fortraffic reports.If there are no traffic reports, you will see amessage to this effect.XTo close the message: confirm OK by press-ing W the COMAND controller.If there are traffic reports, you will see a list.The content of the list depends on whetherroute guidance is active.List when route guidance is not activeThe list shows all the roads, areas or regionsfor which reports are available.:To call up TMC icon information;Icon for warning message=Country designation?Road affectediA report may also relate to an area orregion rather than a road, e.g. impaired vis-ibility due to fog.Dynamic route guidance 89Navigation systemZ
XTo show traffic report: select a road(area, region) by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.You will find an example of a traffic reporton (Y page 91).XTo show TMC symbols: select TMC sym‐bol information by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.Example display:Affected section of motorway;Icon for incident (traffic jam in the exam-ple shown)=Icon display for the section of route affec-tedXTo show the next/previous incident:select Next or Previous (if available) andpress W to confirm.XTo show the detailed view: selectDetails and press W to confirm.XTo scroll the map: select Map and pressW to confirm.You can move the map (Y page 61) to ena-ble further traffic reports to be displayed.List when route guidance is activeBy default, the list shows the roads, areas andregions that lie along the route and are affec-ted by traffic reports.:To display all reports (including those notaffecting the route);To have traffic reports read out on route(Y page 91)=Affected roads, areas or regions (onlyavailable when there are traffic reports forthe route)XTo show all traffic reports: select Dis‐play all messages and press W to con-firm.You will see a list of all roads, areas orregions for which reports are available,including those that do not affect the route.XTo show a traffic report: select a road, anarea or a region and press W to confirm.You will find an example of a traffic reportbelow.XTo exit the list: slide XVY the COMANDcontroller once or several times.90 Dynamic route guidanceNavigation system
Example message:Depending on your selection: Messages on the route or All messages;Icon for report type (e.g. warning mes-sage)=Country designation?Road, area or region for which there is atraffic reportAReport 1 of 1 (example) for the road affec-tedBReport textThe icons for possible report types are shownbelow.:Traffic jam;Slow-moving traffic=Warning message?Road blockedXTo scroll within a report or to access the next report: turn cVd the COMANDcontroller.XTo return to the list of messages: pressW or slide XVY the COMAND controller.Reading out traffic reports on therouteCalling up traffic reportsThe read-aloud function is only availablewhen route guidance is active. You can setthe language (Y page 47) and the text readerspeed (Y page 44).XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect TMC in the navigation system menubar by turning cVd the COMAND control-ler and pressing W to confirm.XSelect Read out all messages on route and press W to confirm.COMAND reads out the messages insequence.iThe Read out all messages on route menu item has no function if thereare no reports relating to the route.XTo cancel the read-aloud function: selectCancel read-aloud function and pressW to confirm.The current traffic report is read out to theend and the function is then deactivated.orXPress the 8 button briefly.The function is deactivated immediately.iCOMAND interrupts the read-aloud func-tion automatically as it recalculates theroute following a new RDS-TMC trafficannouncement.Automatic read-aloud functionYou can have TMC traffic reports on yourroute read aloud automatically. Announce-ments are made as you approach traffic inci-dents.Dynamic route guidance 91Navigation systemZ
XTo switch the automatic read-aloud function on/off: select Navi in the mainfunction bar by sliding ZV and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect Read traffic messages auto‐matically and press W to confirm.Depending on the previous status, the func-tion is switched on O or off ª.Destination memoryHome address (My address)Entering the home address via addressentryXInitially proceed as described in the "Adopt-ing an address book entry as a homeaddress" and confirm My address bypressing W.XTo enter the home address for the first time: confirm New entry by pressing W.XTo change the home address: selectChange in the menu showing the homeaddress by turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XConfirm New entry by pressing W.XIn both cases, enter the home address as adestination, e.g. as a town, street andhouse number (Y page 53). Then save thehome address (Y page 57).Adopting an address book entry as ahome addressXTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Dest. in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and pressing W to confirm.XSelect From memory and press W to con-firm.You will see the destination memory listeither with the character bar (option 1) oras a selection list (option 2).Option 1: destination memory list with character bar:Entry contains data that can be used fornavigation;To call up optionsXSlide ZV the COMAND controller repeat-edly until the destination memory listappears as a selection list.Option 2: destination memory list as a selection listThe My address entry is listed as the firstentry in the destination memory.XSelect My address by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.iIf you have not yet entered any charac-ters, the My address entry is automaticallyhighlighted in the selection list.92 Destination memoryNavigation system
If no home address has been stored yet, youcan now assign an address book entry. If ahome address already exists, it is displayedand you can alter it.iIf you select New entry, you are alsooffered the option of entering the homeaddress for the first time. You can thensave the home address without having tostart route guidance.XTo enter the home address for the first time: select Assign to address book entry and press W to confirm.XSelect Home or Work and press W to con-firm.XTo change the home address: selectChange and press W to confirm.XSelect Assign to address book entryand press W to confirm.iIf you select New entry, you are alsooffered the option of changing the homeaddress by entering an address. You canthen save the Home address without hav-ing to start route guidance.XSelect Home or Work and press W to con-firm.In both cases, you will see the address bookeither with the character bar or as a selec-tion list.XTo select an address book entry: pro-ceed as described in the "Searching for anaddress book entry" section(Y page 141).XTo confirm the selection: press W theCOMAND controller.If no home address has been stored,COMAND saves the entry. You will see amessage and then the address menu withthe selected address. Start is highlightedautomatically.If a home address has already been stored,you will see a prompt asking you whetherthe My address entry should be overwrit-ten.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, COMAND overwrites thedestination. You will see a message andthen the address menu with the selectedaddress. Start is highlighted automati-cally.If you select No, the list will appear again.Selecting the home address for routeguidanceXProceed as described in the "Selecting adestination from the destination memory"section (Y page 59).Storing a destination in the destina-tion memoryNotesThis function also stores the destination inthe address book.When the address book is full, no destinationscan be saved in the destination memory. Youmust first delete address book entries(Y page 141).After destination entryXThe destination has been entered and isshown in the address entry menu(Y page 56).XSelect Save by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.You can now select storage options(Y page 94).During route guidanceXTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Dest. in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and pressing W to confirm.Destination memory 93Navigation systemZ
XSelect Save destination and press W toconfirm.You can now select storage options(Y page 94).From the list of previous destinationsXTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Dest. in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and pressing W to confirm.XSelect From last destinations andpress W to confirm.The list of last destinations appears.XSelect a destination by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The destination address is shown.XSelect Save and press W to confirm.You can now select storage options.Selecting storing optionsXTo save the destination without a name: select Save without name andpress W to confirm.COMAND stores the destination in the des-tination memory and uses the address asthe destination name.XTo save the destination as My address:select Save as "My Address" and pressW to confirm.COMAND stores the destination in the des-tination memory as My address. If theselected address book entry already con-tains address data that can be used fornavigation (L icon), a prompt will appearasking whether you wish to overwrite theexisting data.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the entry is overwritten.If you select No, the process will be aborted.XTo save the destination with a name:select Save with name and press W toconfirm.XSelect a category, e.g. Home, and press Wto confirm.The input menu appears with data fieldsand the character bar.Saving a destination with a name (example):Selected data field with cursor;Character barXProceed as described under "Entering char-acters using the character bar" in the"Entering characters in navigation mode(entering a town)" section (Y page 28).XThen, select ¬ and press W to confirm.COMAND stores the destination under thename entered.Assigning a destination to an addressbook entryAn address with complete address data thatis suitable for navigation can be assigned toa pre-existing address book entry. You canthen later start route guidance to this addressstraight from the address book(Y page 143).XSelect Assign to address book entryand press W to confirm.XSelect a category, e.g. Home, and press Wto confirm.You will see the address book either withthe character bar or as a selection list.94 Destination memoryNavigation system
XTo select an address book entry: pro-ceed as described in the "Searching for anaddress book entry" section(Y page 141).COMAND stores the data if the addressbook entry selected does not yet containnavigable address data.If the selected address book entry alreadycontains navigable address data, a promptwill appear asking whether you wish tooverwrite the existing data.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, COMAND stores the data.Deleting a destination or the homeaddress from the destination memoryXTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Dest. in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and pressing W to confirm.XSelect From memory and press W to con-firm.You will see the destination memory listeither with the character bar (option 1) oras a selection list (option 2).XOption 1: destination memory list with character bar: proceed as described in the"Entering characters using the characterbar" section (Y page 28).XOption 2: destination memory list as selection list: select a destination by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.You see the address data of the selectedentry.XSelect Delete and press W to confirm.A prompt appears asking whether you wishto delete the destination.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, COMAND deletes thedestination. You will see a message to thiseffect.If you select No, the process will be aborted.iIf the navigable address data for the des-tination being deleted is also assigned toan address book entry, COMAND will alsodelete this data from there. If the corre-sponding address book entry does not con-tain any further data, such as telephonenumbers, COMAND deletes the entireaddress book entry.Previous destinationsIntroductionCOMAND automatically stores the previousdestinations for which the route calculationhas been started. If the memory is full,COMAND deletes the oldest destination. Youcan also save a destination from the list ofprevious destinations in the destination mem-ory. It will be stored there permanently.Storing a destination permanently inthe destination memoryXProceed as described in the "From the listof previous destinations" section(Y page 94).Storing the vehicle position in the listof previous destinationsXTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Position in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.Previous destinations 95Navigation systemZ
XSelect Save vehicle position and pressW to confirm.COMAND stores the current vehicle posi-tion as a destination in the list of previousdestinations.Storing the crosshair position in thelist of previous destinationsA crosshair appears on the map if you havemoved the map manually. You can store thecrosshair position as a destination in the listof previous destinations.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Position in the navigation systemmenu bar by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Save crosshair position andpress W to confirm.Deleting one of the previous destina-tionsXTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Destination in the navigation sys-tem menu bar by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and pressing W toconfirm.XSelect From last destinations andpress W to confirm.The list of last destinations appears.XSelect the desired destination and pressW to confirm.The destination address appears.XSelect Delete and press W to confirm.A prompt appears asking whether the entryshould be deleted.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the entry is deleted.If you select No, the process will be aborted.Map operation and settingsNoteCompany logos displayed on the map aretrademarks of the respective companies andused solely for the purpose of indicating thelocation of these companies. The use of suchlogos on the map does not indicate approvalof, support of or advertising by these compa-nies for the navigation system itself.Setting the map scaleXTo hide the menu: slide ZV the COMANDcontroller and, when the Full screenmenu item is shown, press W.XTo call up the scale bar: as soon as youturn cVd the COMAND controller, scalebar ? appears.XTurn cVd until the desired scale is set.:Currently set map scale expressed as anumber with unit, in this case 500 m;New map scale=Currently set map scale as indicated bythe needle on the scale bar?Map scaleUnit of measurement : in the COMAND dis-play depends on the selection made for theinstrument cluster (see the vehicle Owner'sManual).96 Map operation and settingsNavigation system
Moving the mapShowing the crosshairXTo hide the menu: slide ZV the COMANDcontroller and, when the Full screenmenu item is shown, press W.XTo move the map: slide XVY, ZVÆ oraVb the COMAND controller.A crosshair appears on the map. If you slideit again, the map moves in the correspond-ing direction under the crosshair.Map with crosshair:Current vehicle position;Crosshair=Details of the crosshair position?Map scale selectedDisplay = may be the name of a street, forexample, provided the digital map containsthe necessary data. Alternatively, it may showthe geo-coordinate position of the crosshairif the Geo-coordinates display is switchedon (Y page 100).Hiding the crosshair and centring themap on the vehicle position or destina-tionXPress the % back button twice.The crosshair disappears and the map isset to the vehicle position.orXSet the map to the vehicle position; see theexplanation below.Centring the map on the vehicle ordestination positionCentring the map on the vehicle posi-tionXTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Position in the navigation systemmenu bar by sliding VÆ and turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.XSelect Vehicle position map and pressW to confirm or, if the crosshair is shown,press the % back button.This hides the crosshair.Centring on the destinationThis function requires that a route to a desti-nation has been calculated. If the routeincludes waypoints and an intermediate stop,the map can also be set to these positions.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Position in the navigation systemmenu bar by sliding VÆ and turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.XSelect Destination position map andpress W to confirm.The crosshair position is set to the relevantdestination.Map settingsCalling up the map settings menuXTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.Map operation and settings 97Navigation systemZ
XSelect Map settings and press W to con-firm.The map settings menu appears.Setting the map orientationMap orientation:Current map orientationThe following display modes are possible:R0 North orientation (the map view is dis-played so that north is always up).R¤ Orientation in direction of travel (themap is displayed so that the direction oftravel is always up; the orange point of theicon points north).R¤ Bird's-eye view (the map is displayed sothat the direction of travel is always up; themap projection reproduces the curvatureof the earth and the orange point of the iconpoints north).R¤ 3D map (the map is displayed so thatthe heading is always up; at a scale of1 km or less, the map displays elevation;the orange point of the icon points north)XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Map settings and press W to con-firm.The map settings menu appears.XSelect Map orientation and press W toconfirm.A # dot indicates the current setting.Map orientation menuXSelect North up, Heading up, Bird's-eye view or 3-D map by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.A # dot indicates the new setting.Setting the special destination icons inthe mapYou can set the special destinations you wishto have displayed as symbols on the map.Special destinations are, for example, fillingstations, hotels, cinemas and restaurants.The following settings are possible:RStandard symbolsSymbol display determined by the factorysettings.RPersonal symbolsYou can determine the symbols yourself.RNo symbolsThe map does not show any symbols.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.98 Map operation and settingsNavigation system
XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Map settings and press W to con-firm.The map settings menu appears.XSelect POI symbols on map and pressW to confirm.XSelect Standard symbols, Personal symbols or No symbols.If you select Personal symbols, the list ofspecial destinations appears.XTo switch the symbol display on/off:select a special destination by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.Depending on the previous state of thesymbols, they will either be shown O orhidden ª. You can switch on the symboldisplays for more than one special destina-tion.XTo switch all personal symbols on/off:select All and confirm with W.Depending on the previous state of the per-sonal symbols, they will either be shownO or hidden ª.If the function is switched on O, the indi-vidual special destinations are greyed outand the previously selected settings remainunchanged.If the function is switched off ª, you canreselect the individual special destinations.They show the most recently selected set-tings.iThe list shows all symbols that are con-tained on the digital map across all coun-tries. However, not all special destinationsare available in all countries. As a result,certain special destination symbols maynot be displayed on the map, even if thesymbol display is switched on.XTo exit the menu: press the % backbutton.Map information in the displayShowing text informationDuring route guidance, you can have mapinformation displayed at the bottom edge ofthe display.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Map settings and press W to con-firm.The map settings menu appears.XSelect Text information on map andpress W to confirm.A # dot indicates the current setting.Map operation and settings 99Navigation systemZ
XSelect Arrival time / Distance, Cur‐rent street, Geo-coordinates or Noneand press W to confirm.XTo exit the menu: slide XVY the COMANDcontroller.Arrival time/distance to the destinationArrival time/distance display switched on:Icon for destination;Distance to the destination=Estimated time of arrivalYou can only see this display during routeguidance. While scrolling the map(Y page 61), you will see additional data, e.g.road names, depending on the crosshair posi-tion, if the digital map supports this data.iDuring route calculation, or if the vehicleis travelling on a non-digitised road, the lin-ear distance to the destination is shown. Inthis case, the display will be greyed out.Road displayRoad display active:Road name or designationGeo-coordinate displayGeo-coordinate display active:Current height above average sea level(rounded to the nearest 10 m);Current vehicle position: latitude coordi-nates=Current vehicle position: longitude coor-dinates?Number of GPS satellites currently beingusedThere must be sufficient GPS reception for alldisplays to be shown. If this is not the case,the display will be greyed out. Height dis-play : may vary from the actual value,because the navigation system uses the GPSsignals for the calculation.While scrolling the map (Y page 61), you willsee the geo-coordinates of the crosshair posi-tion. Height display : and number of satel-lites used ? are not displayed.100 Map operation and settingsNavigation system
"None" menu optionDisplay switched off:Current map orientationiWhile scrolling the map, you can see addi-tional data, depending on the position ofthe crosshair, such as a road name, if thedigital map supports this data.Switching the topographical map on/offThe topographical map uses different coloursto depict elevation. The colour key generallyreflects the topography's dominant vegeta-tion or the ground's perceived colour whenseen from the air, for example:Rgreen (grass) for lowlandRyellow, brown (woodland) for hillsRgrey (stone) and white (snow) for moun-tains.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Map settings and press W to con-firm.The map settings menu appears.XSelect Topographic map and press W toconfirm.Depending on the previous state, switchthe option on O or off ª.Topographical map (example)Motorway informationWhen driving on motorways, you can have thenearest filling stations, rest areas, etc., aswell as your current distance from them,shown on the right-hand side of the display.XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Map settings and press W to con-firm.The map settings menu appears.XSelect Motorway information and pressW to confirm.Depending on the previous state, switchthe option on O or off ª.Motorway information (example)Map operation and settings 101Navigation systemZ
The entries show the number of the motorwayand motorway exits as well as their distancefrom the vehicle's current position.Switching the city model on/offWhen the city model is switched on, the mapshows buildings as 3D models.iThe city model is only shown for "Bird's-eye view" or "3D map".It is available for map scales 50 m and100 m.The data required for displaying buildingsis not available for all towns.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Map settings and press W to con-firm.The map settings menu appears.XSelect City (3D) and press W to confirm.Depending on the previous state, switchthe option on O or off ª.City model (example)Showing/hiding intersecting streetsIf route guidance is inactive, intersectingstreets can be shown on the upper edge ofthe display.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Map settings and press W to con-firm.The map settings menu appears.XSelect Next intersecting street andpress W to confirm.Depending on the previous state, switchthe option on O or off ª.Intersecting street (example: city route)Intersecting street (example: motorway route)Coordinates on the mapXTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Map settings and press W to con-firm.The map settings menu appears.102 Map operation and settingsNavigation system
XSelect Compass on map and press W toconfirm.A menu appears.XSelect Never, When street unknown orWhen route guidance inactive andpress W to confirm.The selected setting is accepted.Topographical 3D map with compass (example)Speed Limit AssistInformation and requirementsIf COMAND supports Speed Limit Assist andthe function is switched on in COMAND, it canshow the permissible speed limit in theCOMAND display.iThe display appears if Speed Limit Assistdetects traffic signs stating the maximumpermissible speed. Speed Limit Assistdetects these traffic signs using a camera(see the vehicle Owner's Manual).Restricted speed limits may also be dis-played.Restrictions include:Rwhen wet – applies only if the road is wetRwhen icy – applies only if the road is slip-pery (due to cold)Rin fog – applies only in foggy weatherRtemporary – applies only at certain timesRLimited – COMAND cannot identify thetype of restrictionIf corresponding data is available, you see theinformation at the bottom left of theCOMAND display directly above the mapscale indicator, e.g. "120" or "80 when wet".The displays also appear in the multifunctiondisplay in the Assistance menu (see vehicleOwner's Manual).iThe speed limits displayed may be incor-rect if:Rthe data is outdated.Rthe camera has failed to identify a trafficsign correctly.Switching Speed Limit Assist on/offXTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Speed Limit Assist and pressW to confirm.Depending on the previous state, switchthe option on O or off ª.Additional settingsAvoiding an areaGeneral informationCOMAND makes it possible to avoid areasyou do not wish to drive through.If you activate or deactivate a route blockwhile route guidance is active, COMAND willcalculate a new route. If you activate or deac-tivate a route block while route guidance isinactive, COMAND will use the new setting forthe next route guidance.iMotorways within blocked areas arealways taken into consideration in theroute calculation.XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.Additional settings 103Navigation systemZ
XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Avoid area and press W to con-firm.If you have not yet set an area to be avoi-ded, a menu appears (option 1).If you have already set one or more areasto be avoided, a list appears (option 2).Option 1: the menu appearsXSelect Using map, From memory or From personal POIs and press W to confirm.If you select Using map, the map with thecrosshair appears.If you select From memory or From per‐sonal POIs, either the destination mem-ory (Y page 92) or a menu (Y page 74)appears.XSelect a destination and press W to con-firm.XWhen the destination address is displayed,select Map and press W to confirm.The map appears.The crosshair marks the centre of the areathat is to be avoided.XTo move the map: slide XVY, ZVÆ oraVb the COMAND controller.XTo set the map scale: as soon as you turncVd the COMAND controller, the scale barappears. Turning clockwise zooms out fromthe map; turning anti-clockwise zooms in.XTurn cVd until the desired scale is set.XTo apply a block: press W the COMANDcontroller.A red square appears on the map.XTo adjust the size of the square: turncVd the COMAND controller.The square is enlarged or reduced.XTo confirm the settings: press W.The list appears. The previously selectedarea to be avoided has been added andactivated.XFollow the instructions listed under "Option2: the list appears".104 Additional settingsNavigation system
Option 2: the list appears"Avoid area" list (example)iAvailable list places are named Area <x> and are shown in grey.XSelect Avoid new area by turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.A menu appears.XSelect Using map, From memory or From personal POIs and press W to confirm.If you select Using map, the map with thecrosshair appears.If you select From memory or From per‐sonal POIs, either the destination mem-ory (Y page 92) or a menu (Y page 74)appear.XSelect destination and press W to confirm.XWhen the destination address is displayed,select Map and press W to confirm.The map appears.XProceed according to the instructionsunder "Option 1: the menu appears" if youwish to set a new area to be avoided in themap.The following illustration shows an examplewith two areas that are to be avoided.:New area to be avoided, the size of whichcan still be adjusted;Area currently being avoidedSwitching an avoided area on/offXSelect an entry in the list by turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.The avoided area is switched on O or offª depending on the previous status.Displaying and changing an avoidedareaXSelect an entry in the list by turning cVdthe COMAND controller.XSelect Options by sliding VY theCOMAND controller and pressing W toconfirm.XSelect Display/Change and press W toconfirm.The area to be avoided is indicated in themap.XTo change the location of the area: slidethe COMAND controller XVY, ZVÆ oraVb.The area is moved on the map.Additional settings 105Navigation systemZ
XTo adjust the size of the area: turncVd the COMAND controller.The area is enlarged or reduced.XTo confirm the change: press W theCOMAND controller.The list appears and the change is entered.Deleting a set areaXSelect an entry in the list by turning cVdthe COMAND controller.XSelect Options by sliding VY theCOMAND controller and pressing W toconfirm.XSelect Delete and press W to confirm.A query appears asking whether the entryshould be deleted.XSelect Yes or No.If you select Yes, the entry is deleted.If you select No, the process will be aborted.Compass functionIn the compass view, you can see the currentdirection of travel, the current height abovesea level and the coordinates of the vehicleposition, for example.XTo switch on navigation mode: press theØ function button.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Position in the navigation systemmenu bar by sliding VÆ and turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.XSelect Compass and press W to confirm.Compass (example):Current direction of travel;Current height above average sea level,rounded=Current vehicle position: longitude coor-dinates?Number of GPS satellites currently beingusedACurrent vehicle position: latitude coordi-natesBCurrently set steering angle of the frontwheelsiTo display current height ;, the systemmust be able to receive at least four satel-lites. Steering angle B can be a maximumof 35° in both directions.XTo exit the display: confirm Back by press-ing W or press the % button.Showing the map data versionXTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Navi in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Map version and press W to con-firm.The map data version number is shown.Information about new versions of the dig-ital map can be obtained from a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre.106 Additional settingsNavigation system
Updating the digital mapIntroductionThe digital maps generated by the map soft-ware become outdated in the same way asconventional road maps. Optimal route guid-ance can only be provided by the navigationsystem in conjunction with the most up-to-date map software.Information about new versions of the digitalmap can be obtained from a Mercedes-BenzService Centre. You can have the digital mapupdated there with a DVD, or you can updateit yourself.iThe update process can take a long time(over an hour), depending on the size of thedigital map. During this time, you will onlybe able to switch on radio mode and toaccept incoming calls. The update will becompleted more quickly if the vehicle isstationary.If you carry out the update with the engineswitched off and the starter battery hasinsufficient power, COMAND may automat-ically switch off during the process in orderto protect the battery. If this occurs, restartthe update with the engine running.GRisk of poisoningNever run the engine in an enclosed space.The exhaust fumes contain poisonous carbonmonoxide. Inhaling exhaust fumes is hazard-ous to your health and can lead to loss of con-sciousness and death.Updating processXDepending on your vehicle's equipment,insert the DVD into the DVD single drive(Y page 193) or the DVD changer(Y page 193).COMAND checks whether the digital mapon the DVD is compatible with the naviga-tion system and system software.A prompt then appears asking if you wantto install the database. Versions of thedatabase currently installed and the data-base that is to be installed are displayed.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.After selecting Yes, an activation codemust be entered when installing a databasefor the first time. You will receive the acti-vation code when you buy the navigationDVD.If you select No, the process will be aborted.XEnter the activation code.After entering the activation code cor-rectly, COMAND starts updating the digitalmap. Once the update is finished, you willsee a message.XTo confirm the message: press W theCOMAND controller.XTake the DVD out of the slot.While the update is running, you will see amessage to this effect and a progress bar. Thenavigation system is not operational until theupdate is complete.iYou cannot eject the DVD during theupdate. If you switch off COMAND duringthe update, the update is interrupted. Itthen continues from where it was interrup-ted when the system is restarted.COMAND may prompt you to change the DVDduring the update.XPress the V (for DVD changer) or8 (for DVD single drive) load/eject but-ton.XTake the DVD out of the slot.Additional settings 107Navigation systemZ
XInsert the requested DVD.Once the update has been successfullycompleted, you will see a message to thiseffect.XTo confirm the message: press W theCOMAND controller.XTake the DVD out of the slot.The update is complete.If the update is not successfully completed,you will see a message that the map updateis not possible.XTo confirm the message: press W theCOMAND controller.XTake the DVD out of the slot.108 Additional settingsNavigation system
Problems with the navigation systemProblem Possible causes/consequences and M SolutionsCOMAND is unable tocontinue route guid-ance after the journeyhas been interrupted.Route guidance is cancelled if you interrupt the journey for morethan two hours."Interrupting the journey" refers to stopping the vehicle."Continuing route guidance" refers to switching COMAND back onand driving on.XContinue route guidance (Y page 81).Problem Possible causes/consequences and M SolutionsCOMAND is unable todetermine the vehicle'sposition.COMAND has to redetermine the position of the vehicle if thevehicle has been transported (e.g. by ferry, by motorail or aftertowing).XStart the vehicle and pull away.COMAND determines the vehicle's position. Depending on thedriving situation, this may take some time.Route guidance may be restricted during the determination ofthe vehicle's position.When positioning is complete, route guidance is resumed withnavigation announcements and route guidance displays.Problem Possible causes/consequences and M SolutionsThe Navigation unavailable messageappears.COMAND has an integrated hard drive on which the digital map isstored.To protect the integrated hard drive against damage, COMANDdeactivates it at very high and low temperatures. The navigationsystem will then be temporarily unavailable.XLet the vehicle and COMAND cool down.XTo hide the message: switch COMAND off and then on again.If an area of the hard disk has a fault, COMAND can no longeraccess the map data in this area, for example when calculating aroute.XTo hide the message: switch COMAND off and then on again.The navigation system will be operational again until it has toaccess the faulty area of the hard drive once more. The messagewill then reappear.XConsult a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre.Problems with the navigation system 109Navigation systemZ
Problem Possible causes/consequences and M SolutionsYou see a messageinforming you that theDVD containing the dig-ital map is incompatiblewith the system soft-ware.The DVD containing the digital map cannot be used for the update.XTo confirm the message: press W the COMAND controller.XEject the DVD.XHave the system database checked at a Mercedes-Benz ServiceCentre.Problem Possible causes/consequences and M SolutionsThe map softwareupdate has failed.The DVD is dirty.XClean the DVD.XRestart the update.The DVD is scratched.XConsult a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre.There is overheating due to excessive temperatures in the vehicleinterior.XWait until the vehicle interior has cooled down.XRestart the update.COMAND's integral hard drive is faulty.XConsult a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre.Problem Possible causes/consequences and M SolutionsCOMAND asks for anactivation code duringthe map update.The digital map is secured with an activation code.XConsult a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre.110 Problems with the navigation systemNavigation system
Vehicle equipment ............................ 112General notes .................................... 112Telephony via the Bluetooth® inter-face .................................................... 114Convenience telephony .................... 119Switching between Bluetooth® andconvenience telephony .................... 121Reception and transmission volume  122Telephone operation ......................... 123Using the phone book ...................... 128Using call lists ................................... 133Using the speed-dial list ................... 136Text message (SMS) ......................... 137Using the address book ................... 140Mercedes-Benz Contact ................... 147111Telephone
Vehicle equipmentiThese Operating Instructions describe allstandard and optional equipment availablefor your vehicle at the time it was pur-chased. Please note that your vehicle maynot be equipped with all features descri-bed.General notesIntroductionCOMAND offers three types of telephony:RBluetooth® interface telephonyRConvenience telephonyRSAP telephonyiAs an enhancement to convenience tel-ephony, a permanently installed telephonecan be fitted (Bluetooth® telephone mod-ule with SAP profile). In addition to a SIMcard slot, mobile phones, which supportthe SIM Access Profile (SAP), can also beconnected to it.SAP telephony is described in separateoperating instructions.When connecting Bluetooth®-capable mobilephones with PBAP (Phone Book Access Pro-file) or a convenience telephone, the contactsare automatically downloaded to COMAND.Basic telephony, in conjunction with a Blue-tooth®-capable mobile phone, enables you tophone via the Bluetooth interface. With a suit-able mobile phone, you can use the hands-free system and receive vCards via the Blue-tooth® interface.If your vehicle is equipped with conveniencetelephony, you can obtain mobile phonebrackets for specific mobile phones at yourMercedes-Benz Service Centre and havethem installed in the armrest.In the bracket the mobile phone battery ischarged and a connection is made to thevehicle's exterior aerial.Using a suitable mobile phone, the hands-freesystem is available with convenience teleph-ony.You can use the text message function(receiving and reading) if the following condi-tions are met:Rthe mobile phone bracket and the mobilephone support the function (conveniencetelephony)Rthe mobile phone supports the MAP Blue-tooth® profile (Message Access Profile),(basic telephony).iIf your vehicle is equipped with conveni-ence telephony, you can still connect aBluetooth®-capable mobile phone toCOMAND via the Bluetooth® interface.You can obtain more detailed informationabout suitable mobile phones and about con-necting Bluetooth®-capable mobile phones toCOMAND from your Mercedes-Benz ServiceCentre or on the Internet ( notesGRisk of accidentYou must observe the legal requirements forthe country in which you are currently drivingwhen operating mobile communicationsequipment in the vehicle.If it is permitted to operate communicationsequipment while the vehicle is in motion, youmay only operate such equipment when roadand traffic conditions permit. You may other-wise be distracted from the traffic conditions,cause an accident and injure yourself and oth-ers.Two-way radios or fax machines without low-reflection exterior aerials may interfere withthe vehicle electronics and thereby compro-mise the operational safety of the vehicle andyour safety. Therefore, only use these if theyare properly connected to a separate, low-reflection exterior aerial.112 General notesTelephone
GRisk of injuryExcessive electromagnetic radiation may con-stitute a health hazard to yourself and others.There is scientific discussion surrounding thepossible health risks posed by electromag-netic fields. You can reduce this risk by usingan exterior aerial.Therefore, only use mobile communicationequipment if it is connected to the exterioraerial of the vehicle.Call disconnection while the vehicle isin motionA call may be disconnected if:Rthere is insufficient GSM network coveragein certain areas.Ryou move from one GSM or UMTS trans-mitter/receiver area (GSM/UMTS cell) intoanother and no channels are free.Ryou use a SIM card which is not compatiblewith the network available.Ryou are using a mobile phone with "Twin-card" and the mobile phone with the sec-ond SIM card is already logged into the net-work.Operating optionsYou can operate the telephone by:Rusing the COMAND controller:turn cVd.slide XVY or ZVÆ.press W.Rpressing the 6 or ~ button andusing the telephone keypad on COMANDRthe 6 or ~ button on the multifunc-tion steering wheelRusing LINGUATRONIC (see the separateLINGUATRONIC operating instructions)Unless stated otherwise, the descriptions andillustrations in this section refer to COMAND.Function restrictionsYou will not be able to use the telephone, willno longer be able to use the telephone, or youmay have to wait before using it, in the fol-lowing situations:Rwhen the mobile phone is switched offRwhen the "Bluetooth®" function is switchedoff in COMANDRwhen the Bluetooth® function is switchedoff on the mobile phone if you are usingBluetooth® interface telephonyRif the mobile phone is not logged into amobile phone networkiThe telephone automatically tries to logon to a network. If no network is available,you may not be able to make a "999" or"112" emergency call. If you attempt tomake an outgoing call, the No Servicemessage will appear for a short while.If you switch COMAND off during a call inhands-free mode, the call will be terminated.You can prevent this as follows:Bluetooth® interface telephonyXSwitch the mobile phone to "Private mode"before switching off COMAND (see themobile phone operating instructions).Convenience telephonyXBefore switching off COMAND, remove themobile phone from the bracket and, if nec-essary, switch the mobile phone to "Privatemode" (see the mobile phone operatinginstructions)."999" or "112" emergency callThe following conditions must be fulfilled inorder to make a 112 emergency call:Rthe mobile phone must be switched on.Ra network must be available.Ra valid and operational SIM card must beinserted in the mobile phone.Rthe PIN must have been entered.General notes 113TelephoneZ
If you cannot make an emergency call, youmust arrange rescue measures yourself.iThe 999 or 112 emergency call numberis a public service. Any misuse is punisha-ble by law.Telephony via the Bluetooth® inter-faceConditionsOn the mobile phoneIf your vehicle is equipped with conveniencetelephony and you wish to make calls via theBluetooth® interface, your mobile phoneshould not be inserted in the mobile phonebracket or connected to the mobile phonebracket. Doing so could result in a malfunc-tion, depending on the type of mobile phone.For telephony via COMAND's Bluetooth®interface, a Bluetooth®-capable mobilephone is required.Not all mobile phones available on the marketare equally suitable. You can obtain moredetailed information about suitable mobilephones and about connecting Bluetooth®-capable mobile phones to COMAND fromyour Mercedes-Benz Service Centre or on theInternet ( battery of the mobile phone shouldalways be kept sufficiently charged in orderto prevent malfunctions.In preparation for telephoning via the Blue-tooth® interface, you should check the fol-lowing items on your mobile phone (see themobile phone operating instructions):XHands-Free ProfileThe mobile phone must support Hands-Free Profile 1.0 or above.iSome displays (e.g. the signal strength)depend on the supported version of theHands-Free Profile.XBluetooth® visibilityOn certain mobile phones, the device itselfmust be made "visible" for other devices,as well as activating the Bluetooth® func-tion (see the mobile phone operatinginstructions).XBluetooth® device nameEvery Bluetooth® device has its own Blue-tooth® device name. This device name isfreely definable, but can be identical for alldevices from the same manufacturer. It istherefore recommended that you changethis name so that you can easily recogniseyour mobile phone (see the mobile phoneoperating instructions).XSwitch on the mobile phone and enter thePIN when prompted to do so (see themobile phone operating instructions).XActivate Bluetooth® functions and, wherenecessary, Bluetooth® visibility on themobile phone (see the mobile phone oper-ating instructions).On COMANDXActivate the Bluetooth® function inCOMAND (Y page 46).Connecting a mobile phoneGeneral informationBefore using your mobile phone withCOMAND for the first time, you will need toconnect it.When you authorise a new mobile phone, it isconnected automatically.Connecting comprises:Rsearching for a Bluetooth®-capable mobilephoneRsubsequently authorising itYou can connect up to 15 mobile phones.During connection, the phone book, call listsand text messages are automatically down-loaded to COMAND.114 Telephony via the Bluetooth® interfaceTelephone
Searching for a mobile phoneXPress the % function button onCOMAND.XSelect Telephone in the telephone basicmenu by sliding VÆ and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Bluetooth telephones and pressW to confirm.XSelect Update and press W to confirm.COMAND searches for Bluetooth® tele-phones within range and adds them to theBluetooth® telephone list.The duration of the search depends on thenumber of Bluetooth® telephones withinrange and their characteristics.iMobile phones which are connected tothe optionally available permanently instal-led telephone (Bluetooth® telephone mod-ule with SAP profile), are displayed in theirown telephone list. These can be called upby selecting the SAP telephones menuitem, see the separate operating instruc-tions.Bluetooth® phone list (example):Currently connected # and authorisedmobile phone Y;Mobile phone not within range but previ-ously authorised (L appears in grey)=Mobile phone in range and authorised(L appears in black)?Newly detected mobile phone withinrange but not yet authorised (no icon yetY)The Bluetooth® telephones list shows allmobile phones within range and all previouslyauthorised mobile phones, whether or notthey are in range.iIf the Bluetooth® telephones list is alreadyfull, you will be requested to de-authorise amobile phone (Y page 118). If COMANDdoes not find your mobile phone, externalauthorisation (Y page 116) may be neces-sary.iIf you call up the telephone list again, theunauthorised devices are removed fromthe list. In this case, start a new search toupdate the Bluetooth® telephone list.Authorising (registering) a mobilephoneOption 1: using the passcode (accesscode)XIn the Bluetooth® telephones list, select thenot yet authorised mobile phone by turningcVd the COMAND controller.XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Authorise and press W to confirm.The input menu for the passkey appears.Telephony via the Bluetooth® interface 115TelephoneZ
The passcode is any one to sixteen-digit num-ber combination which you can determineyourself. You must enter the same numbercombination in COMAND and in the Blue-tooth®-capable mobile phone (see the oper-ating instructions of the mobile phone).iSome mobile phones require the input ofa four-digit passcode or longer numbersequences.If you want to re-authorise a mobile phonefollowing de-authorisation, you can select adifferent passcode.XTo enter a passcode in COMAND: pressthe number keys in turn.¬ is highlighted after the first numberhas been entered.orXSelect the digits in the digit bar one by oneby turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm. Then, select¬.XTo confirm an entry in COMAND: pressW the COMAND controller.XNow enter the same passcode in the mobilephone.To make entries on the mobile phone: ifthe Bluetooth® connection is successful, youwill be requested to enter the passcode(access code, passkey) (see mobile phoneoperating instructions).XEnter the same passcode in the mobilephone as already entered in COMAND.iAfter entering the passcode, you may alsoneed to enter a confirmation in your mobilephone to connect calls. Please check yourmobile phone display.If the COMAND display shows the mes-sage: Authorisation procedure unsuccessful, you may have exceededthe prescribed time period. Repeat the pro-cedure.The mobile phone is connected to COMAND(authorised). You can now phone using theCOMAND hands-free system.Option 2: via Secure Simple PairingThe mobile phone (or the Bluetooth® audiodevice) must support the Bluetooth® version2.1 for connection via Secure Simple Pairing.COMAND creates a six-digit code, which isdisplayed on both devices that are to be con-nected.XIf the code is the same on both devices,confirm Yes by pressing W.If you select Yes, authorisation continuesand the mobile phone is connected.If you select No, the process will be aborted.XConfirm the message on the mobile phone.External authorisationIf COMAND does not detect your mobilephone, this may be due to particular securitysettings on your mobile phone. In this case,you can test if your mobile phone can findCOMAND. The Bluetooth® device name ofCOMAND is MB Bluetooth.Please note the following: some mobilephones require that you establish the con-nection to COMAND again once you haveentered the passcode (see the mobile phoneoperating instructions). The mobile phonecannot otherwise be authorised.116 Telephony via the Bluetooth® interfaceTelephone
XPress the % function button onCOMAND.XSelect Telephone in the telephone basicmenu by sliding VÆ and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Bluetooth telephones and pressW to confirm.XSelect Update.XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect External authorisation andpress W to confirm.XStart the Bluetooth® search on the mobilephone (see the mobile phone operatinginstructions).XSelect COMAND (MB Bluetooth) on themobile phone.XOption 1: when requested to do so, enterthe passkey first on the mobile phone andthen in COMAND.X Option 2: confirm the displayed codes onthe mobile phone and in COMAND (SecureSimple Pairing).Automatic reconnectionCOMAND always searches for the last con-nected mobile phone.If no connection can be made to the mostrecently connected mobile phone, the systemsearches for the mobile phone which wasconnected before that one.Connecting another mobile phoneIf you have authorised more than one mobilephone, you can switch between the individualphones.iYou can only switch to another authorisedphone if you are not currently making a call.XSelect the mobile phone in the Bluetooth®telephones list by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The selected mobile phone is searched forand connected if it is within Bluetooth®range and if Bluetooth® is activated.Only one mobile phone can be connectedat any one time. The currently connectedmobile phone is indicated by the # dot inthe Bluetooth® telephones list(Y page 115).Displaying detailsXPress the % function button onCOMAND.XSelect Telephone in the telephone basicmenu by sliding VÆ and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Bluetooth telephones and pressW to confirm.XSelect the desired mobile phone in theBluetooth® telephones list.XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Details and press W to confirm.The following information concerning theselected mobile phone is shown:RBluetooth® nameRBluetooth® addressRavailability status (is shown after a newsearch)Rauthorisation statusXTo close the detailed view: turn cVd orslide XVY the COMAND controller.Telephony via the Bluetooth® interface 117TelephoneZ
De-registering (de-authorising) amobile phoneiMercedes-Benz recommends de-authori-sation in COMAND and on the mobilephone. Subsequent authorisation may oth-erwise fail.XPress the % function button onCOMAND.XSelect Telephone in the telephone basicmenu by sliding VÆ and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Bluetooth telephones and pressW to confirm.XSelect the desired mobile phone in theBluetooth® telephones list.XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect De-authorise and press W to con-firm.A prompt appears asking whether youreally wish to revoke authorisation for thisdevice.XSelect Yes or No.If you select Yes, the device will be deletedfrom the Bluetooth® telephones list.If you select No, the process will be aborted.iBefore re-authorising the mobile phone,you should also delete the device name MB Bluetooth from your mobile phone's Blue-tooth® list.Telephone basic menu (Bluetooth®interface)XPress the % function button.If the mobile phone is ready for use, the fol-lowing display appears:Telephone basic menu (Bluetooth® interface):Network provider's name (depends on theconnected phone);Signal strength of mobile phone networkÄ=Receiver icon ¢ or ¡?To display call listsACharacter barBBluetooth® name of the currently connec-ted mobile phoneCTo display the COMAND phone bookiDisplays : and ; are shown, dependingon the mobile phone connected.Bars ; display the current signal strengthof the mobile phone network. If all the barsare filled, you have optimum reception. Ifall the bars are empty, there is very poorreception or none at all.Receiver icon = shows whether a call isactive/being connected ¡ or not ¢.SMS display in telephone basic menuThe SMS menu item is available if the Blue-tooth® telephone supports the MAP Blue-tooth® profile (Message Access Profile) andthe text message has been downloaded fromthe Bluetooth® telephone. The menu item isotherwise greyed out and is not available.The 1 mail icon is displayed when you havean unread text message. The symbol disap-pears once you have read the text message.The ú mail symbol is displayed when the118 Telephony via the Bluetooth® interfaceTelephone
text message memory is full. The symbol dis-appears once you delete at least one textmessage.You will find further information in the "Textmessage" section (Y page 137).Convenience telephonyConnecting a mobile phoneEstablishing a connectionFor convenience telephony with COMAND,you require a mobile phone bracket and asuitable mobile phone.iSome mobile phones are connected viaBluetooth® to the mobile phone bracket. Insuch cases, you can use convenience tel-ephony (without the charging and antennafunctions) even when the mobile phone isnot in the bracket.You can obtain more detailed informationabout suitable mobile phones and about con-necting convenience telephones to COMANDfrom your Mercedes-Benz Service Centre oron the Internet at the bracket into the fixture in thearmrest (see the vehicle Owner's Manual).XInsert the mobile phone into the bracket(see vehicle Owner's Manual).Example:To engage the mobile phone;Connector contact=Mobile phone bracketXSwitch on the mobile phone (see the mobilephone operating instructions).iSome mobile phones can switch on auto-matically when inserted into the bracket.XIf Bluetooth® interface telephony is active:press the % function button.XSelect Telephone in the telephone basicmenu by turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XSelect Bluetooth telephones and pressW to confirm.XSelect Convenience phone and press Wto confirm.You may be requested to enter the PIN viaCOMAND.PIN entryiIf you have entered an incorrect PIN twicevia COMAND, you will not see a warning toinform you that you only have one moreattempt. If you enter the PIN incorrectlythree times, you must unlock the SIM cardvia the mobile phone (see mobile phoneoperating instructions).You can enter the PIN in COMAND using thecharacter bar or the number keys.If your vehicle is equipped with LINGUA-TRONIC (see the separate operating instruc-Convenience telephony 119TelephoneZ
tions), you can also enter the PIN using voicecommands.:PIN entry line;To confirm the pin (available if entered)=Character barYou can enter the PIN using the character bar(option 1) or the number keypad (option 2).XOption 1: select the digits in character bar= by turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.XSelect icon ; in character bar = andpress W to confirm or press the 6 but-ton.Further information on deleting can be foundin the "Searching for a phone book entry"section (Y page 130).XOption 2: enter the digits using the numberkeys.Once you have entered the first digit,icon ; is highlighted in the character bar.XConfirm symbol ; by pressing W theCOMAND controller or press the 6 but-ton.In both cases, COMAND will check the PIN.If the PIN is entered correctly, the tele-phone basic menu appears.Telephone basic menu (conveniencetelephony)XPress the % function button.When the mobile phone is inserted in thebracket and is operational, the following dis-play is shown:Telephone basic menu (convenience telephony):Network provider icon;Signal strength of mobile phone networkÄ=Receiver icon ¢ or ¡?To display call listsACharacter barBConvenience phone connected7To display the COMAND phone bookiBars ; display the current signalstrength of the mobile phone network. If allthe bars are filled, you have optimumreception. If all the bars are empty, there isvery poor reception or none at all.Receiver icon = shows whether a call isactive/being connected ¡ or not ¢.SMS display in telephone basic menuThe 1 mail icon is displayed when you havean unread text message. The symbol disap-pears once you have read the text message.The ú mail symbol is displayed when thetext message memory is full. The symbol dis-appears once you delete at least one textmessage.The SMS menu item is available if the functionis supported by the convenience telephoneand the mobile phone bracket and once theconvenience telephone has completed thedownload of the text message.120 Convenience telephonyTelephone
The menu item is greyed out and is not avail-able:Rwhen you switch from the conveniencetelephone to phoning via the Bluetooth®interface and the Bluetooth® telephonedoes not support the MAP Bluetooth® pro-fileRwhen COMAND first downloads the textmessages from the mobile phone after themobile phone has been inserted in thebracketThe duration of the download, depends on thenumber of text messages (SMS) stored on thephone and the make of the phone.Switching between Bluetooth® andconvenience telephonySwitching telephony type duringoperationIf your vehicle is equipped with conveniencetelephony, you can switch between telephonytypes.You can switch the telephony type in the Blue-tooth® telephone list by selecting either aBluetooth® telephone or the conveniencetelephone.XCall up the Bluetooth® telephones list(Y page 115).XSelect a mobile phone by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.iSAP telephony: mobile phones which areconnected to the optionally available "Blue-tooth® telephone module with SAP profile"permanently installed telephone (SAP mod-ule), are displayed in their own telephonelist. These can be called up by selecting theSAP telephones menu item, therebyswitching to SAP telephony. See the sepa-rate operating instructions.Switching telephony type whenswitching onNoteCOMAND starts the telephony type depend-ing on whether:Ra Mercedes-Benz SAP module is insertedinto the fixture or notRa bracket is inserted for the mobile phoneor not.If neither an SAP module nor a bracket areinserted, COMAND immediately changes toBluetooth® telephony.SAP module is insertedCOMAND starts SAP telephony.iYou must set up your SAP module beforefirst use so it is recognised by COMAND,see the separate operating instructions.If no mobile phone is connected to the SAPmodule, the Ready for SAP connectiv‐ity... message appears. Approximately twominutes after switching on COMAND, aprompt will appear asking whether you wishto switch to Bluetooth® telephony.If you confirm by selecting Yes, the Ready for Bluetooth telephony... messagewill appear. COMAND will search for the twomobile phones last connected via the Blue-tooth® interface. If one of the two mobilephones is found, the telephone basic menufor Bluetooth® telephony (Y page 118)appears. If neither of the mobile phones arefound, the Ready for Bluetooth teleph‐ony... message remains in the display. Younow have to connect your mobile phone(Y page 114).After confirming No, the message Ready for SAP connectivity... reappears.SAP module is not insertedIf there is no Mercedes-Benz SAP module fit-ted, COMAND checks whether a bracket isinserted.Switching between Bluetooth® and convenience telephony 121TelephoneZ
Bracket for the mobile phone is insertedCOMAND starts convenience telephony.If no mobile phone is in the bracket the fol-lowing message appears: Phone not inser‐ted. Approximately two minutes after youswitch on COMAND, you are asked if youwant to switch to Bluetooth® telephony.If you confirm by selecting Yes, the Ready for Bluetooth telephony... messagewill appear. COMAND will search for the twomobile phones last connected via the Blue-tooth® interface. If one of the two mobilephones is found, the telephone basic menufor Bluetooth® telephony (Y page 118)appears. If neither of the mobile phones arefound, the Ready for Bluetooth teleph‐ony... message remains in the display. Younow have to connect your mobile phone(Y page 114).After confirming No, the message No tele‐phone inserted reappears.If there is a mobile phone in the bracket, thePIN query (Y page 119) or the telephone basicmenu for convenience telephony(Y page 120) appears.Mobile phone bracket is not insertedCOMAND starts telephony via the Blue-tooth® interface and searches for the last twomobile phones to have been connected viathe Bluetooth® interface. If one of the twomobile phones is found, the telephone basicmenu for Bluetooth® telephony(Y page 118) appears. If neither of the mobilephones are found, the Ready for Blue‐tooth telephony... message remains inthe display. You now have to connect yourmobile phone (Y page 114).iThe Bluetooth® connection with themobile phone remains active until the nexttime COMAND is switched off unless youconnect a different mobile phone via thephone list. While the Bluetooth® connec-tion is active, only the Bluetooth® interfacefunctions are available to you.Reception and transmission volumeThe following information is valid for Blue-tooth® interface telephony and conveniencetelephony.Once the mobile phone has been authorised,you can optimise the transmission and recep-tion volume settings. To find out about thebest possible settings for your mobile phone,contact a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre orvisit settings may have a significantimpact on the quality of calls.XPress the % function button.XSelect Telephone in the telephone basicmenu by turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XSelect Bluetooth telephones and pressW to confirm.XSelect an authorised mobile phone fromthe list by turning cVd.XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Reception volume or Transmis‐sion volume and press W to confirm.:Scale with indicator showing current vol-ume122 Reception and transmission volumeTelephone
XSelect a volume setting by turning cVd theCOMAND controller.XTo close the setting scale: press W orslide XVY.Telephone operationIncoming callRejecting or accepting a callWhen there is an incoming call, you see a cor-responding window in the display.XTo reject: select Reject by turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.orXPress the ~ button on COMAND or themultifunction steering wheel.XTo accept: confirm Accept by pressingW.orXPress the 6 button on COMAND or themultifunction steering wheel.Multifunction display (example)iYou can also accept the call by voice com-mand using LINGUATRONIC (see the sep-arate operating instructions).Once you have accepted the call, you can usehands-free mode. The call volume can beadjusted (Y page 31). For more information,see the "Functions during a single call con-nection" section (Y page 125).The display shows the phone number or thename and phone number (if the entry is storedin the address book) or shows the Unknown(phone number withheld) message.iYou can also accept a call as describedabove when another main function isswitched on in COMAND. Once you haveaccepted the call, the display switches totelephone mode. After the call is finished,you see the display of the previous mainapplication again.The display does not switch to telephonemode if you:Rhide the window with the % buttonnext to the COMAND controller and thenRaccept the call with the ; button onthe multifunction steering wheel.Making a callEntering a telephone number using thenumber keypadXCall up the telephone basic menu:Telephone operation 123TelephoneZ
Rconvenience telephony (Y page 120)Rtelephony via the Bluetooth® interface(Y page 118)XEnter the digits using the number keypad.XTo connect the call: press the 6 but-ton on COMAND.orXPress the =; buttons on the multi-function steering wheel to select the Telmenu and press the 6 button.Entering a telephone number using thetelephone basic menuXCall up the telephone basic menu:Rconvenience telephony (Y page 120)Rtelephony via the Bluetooth® interface(Y page 118)XSelect the digits one by one by turningcVd and sliding ZVÆ the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XTo connect a call: select ° in the char-acter bar and press W to confirm.orXPress the 6 button on COMAND or themultifunction steering wheel.Redialling a numberOn COMANDXCall up the telephone basic menu:Rconvenience telephony (Y page 120)Rtelephony via the Bluetooth® interface(Y page 118)XSelect ° in the character bar and pressW to confirm.orXIf the telephone basic menu is displayed,press the 6 button in COMAND.In both cases, the calls dialled list appears.The most recently dialled number is at thetop.XTo select a call: turn cVd the COMANDcontroller.XTo connect the call: press W theCOMAND controller.Using the multifunction steering wheelXPress the =; buttons to select theTel menu.XPress the ; button to open the list ofdialled numbers.XPress the :9 buttons to select thedesired name or phone number.XTo connect a call: press 6 or 9 on themultifunction steering wheel.Connecting a call to an entry on a calllist or in the COMAND phone bookXOpen a call list and select an entry(Y page 134).orXCall up the COMAND phone book andselect an entry (Y page 130).XTo connect a call: press W the COMANDcontroller or the 6 button.Connecting a call to a COMAND phonebook entry via the multifunction steer-ing wheelXUse = or ; to select the Tel menu.XPress :, 9 or 9 to switch to thephone book.XPress : or 9 to select the name youwant.iThe saved names are displayed alphabet-ically.iIf you hold down the : or 9 buttonfor longer than one second, rapid scrollbegins. The multifunction display goes fromthe 7th entry displayed to the first entryunder the following letter. Release the but-ton to stop.124 Telephone operationTelephone
XTo connect a call: press 6 or 9 on themultifunction steering wheel.The Connecting call..., messageappears in the multifunction display alongwith the number being dialled and thename, if it is stored in the phone book.The number dialled is stored in the corre-sponding call list.iIf there are several numbers for thisname, you see a list of sub-entries..XPress : or 9 to select thephone number you want.XPress the 6 or 9 button again toplace the call.Making a call via speed dialPhone book entries are saved in the speeddial list (Y page 136).Option 1:XHold down one of the number keys for lon-ger than two seconds.Option 2:XCall up the telephone basic menu:Rconvenience telephony (Y page 120)Rtelephony via the Bluetooth® interface(Y page 118)XSelect Speed dial preset list by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The speed dial list appears.XSelect the storage location and press W toconfirm.Irrespective of the option chosen, the tele-phone basic menu appears and displaysthe selected entry. This initiates dialling.Functions available during a callOverviewTelephone operation with a single call:Person you are calling;Icon for active telephone connection=To switch hands-free microphone on/off?To send DTMF tones (not possible with allmobile phones)ATo end a callSwitching the hands-free microphoneon/offThis function is also available during an activephone call.XCall up the telephone basic menu:Rconvenience telephony (Y page 120)Rtelephony via the Bluetooth® interface(Y page 118)XTo switch off: select Mike off and pressW to confirm.If the microphone is switched off, the dis-play shows the Q icon and the The microphone is off message appears fora short period.XTo switch on: select Mike on and pressW to confirm.The Q symbol disappears. You will brieflysee the The microphone is on message.Telephone operation 125TelephoneZ
Ending an active callXSelect ¢ in the telephone basic menu andpress W to confirm.orXPress the ~ button on COMAND or themultifunction steering wheel.The call on hold is activated.Rejecting or accepting a waiting callOverviewThe Call waiting function must be supportedby the mobile phone network provider and beenabled. Depending on the mobile phoneused, the system behaviour differs whenaccepting a call (option 1 and 2).If you have a call in progress and receiveanother call, a new window appears in thedisplay. You also hear a tone. You can acceptor reject the call.XTo reject: select Reject and press W toconfirm.orXPress the ~ button on COMAND or themultifunction steering wheel.XTo accept: select Accept and press W toconfirm.orXPress the 6 button on COMAND or themultifunction steering wheel.Option 1: if you accept the waiting call, theactive call is ended.The active call will also be ended if youaccept the waiting call using LINGUA-TRONIC (see the separate operatinginstructions).Option 2: if you accept the waiting call, theactive call is put on hold. You can thenswitch back and forth between both calls(toggling), (Y page 126).iThe second option is available if yourmobile phone supports the toggling func-tion (via Bluetooth®).Valid for both options: if you accept thewaiting call using the mobile phone, the activecall is put on hold. You then have two calls.The call you have just accepted is active.The COMAND display changes. If you con-tinue to operate functions on the mobilephone, the COMAND display may differ fromthat of the mobile phone.Making a further callYou can make a second call while on thephone with someone else. This action putsthe previous call on hold. The function is avail-able if your mobile phone supports this func-tion via Bluetooth®.:Symbol for making a second callXSelect the symbol : by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.orXPress the ; button on COMAND.XEnter the phone number:Rmanually (Y page 123)Rusing the phone book (Y page 128)Rfrom the call lists (Y page 134)Rusing speed dial (Y page 125)Call waitingOverviewYou can switch back and forth between callswith this function. The function is available if126 Telephone operationTelephone
your mobile phone supports the togglingfunction (via Bluetooth®).You can use the function if you are answeringa second call or making a second call.Switching between the active call and thecall on hold:Active call;Call on holdXConfirm symbol ; by pressing W.orXPress the ; button on COMAND or themultifunction steering wheel.The previous call on hold is activated.Ending an active callXSelect ¢ in the telephone basic menu andpress W to confirm.orXPress the ~ button on COMAND or themultifunction steering wheel.The call on hold is activated.Conference callYou can interconnect calls (active and onhold) on the mobile phone. This permits sev-eral parties to hear one another and speakwith one another.You can also make a further call in COMAND(Y page 126).Sending DTMF tonesThis function is not supported by all mobilephones.Answering machines or other devices can becontrolled by DTMF tones, e.g. for remotequery functions.XIf you would like to listen to the messageson your answering machine, for example,select the corresponding number.XTo transmit individual characters: oncea connection has been established to theanswer phone, select the desired charac-ters in the character bar and press W toconfirm.orXPress the corresponding key on theCOMAND number keypad.Every character selected will be transmit-ted immediately.XTo send a phone book entry as a DTMF sequence: select Name by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect the desired phone book entry andpress W to confirm.The entry is sent as a DTMF characterstring.XTo return to the call display: selectBack and press W to confirm.iYou can also send DTMF tones using LIN-GUATRONIC (see the separate operatinginstructions).Telephone operation 127TelephoneZ
Transferring a call (convenience tel-ephony)NoteWhen using a bracket connected to the mobile phone via Bluetooth®: if you wish tocontinue a call in private mode, you will needto perform the necessary steps on the mobilephone (see the mobile phone operatinginstructions).From the hands-free system to themobile phoneXRemove the mobile phone from the bracketand, if necessary, switch the mobile phoneto "Private mode" (see the mobile phoneoperating instructions).The Telephone not inserted messageappears in the COMAND display. Subse-quent operation is only possible using themobile phone.From the mobile phone to the hands-free systemXInsert the mobile phone into the bracket.Once the call has been transferred tohands-free mode, all the functions descri-bed in the section "Functions during a sin-gle call connection" will be available to you(Y page 125).Using the phone bookIntroductionThe phone book displays the names andphone numbers of all of the address bookentries saved in the COMAND address book.If an address book entry does not have a tele-phone number, it does not appear in thephone book.In addition, MB Contact is listed as the firstentry. This allows you to place a call to theMercedes-Benz Service hotline(Y page 147).You can store telephone numbers in thephone book or import contacts. The phonebook of the mobile phone is automaticallydownloaded to COMAND after connection.You can import contacts from the memorycard and the USB device into the phone book,or receive vCards via Bluetooth®.The functions:Rimporting contactsRreceiving vCardsRdeleting contactsare described in detail in the "Addressbook" section (Y page 145).iThe stored phone book and the vCardsremain in COMAND, even if you useCOMAND with another mobile phone. Theentries can be viewed without a mobilephone. For this reason, delete the phonebook before selling or transferring owner-ship of your vehicle.Calling up the phone bookOverviewXSelect Name in the telephone basic menuby sliding VÆ and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.If the phone book contains entries, they willbe displayed in alphabetical order. Thecharacter bar at the bottom of the displayis active.The character bar is used for fast selectionof an entry.128 Using the phone bookTelephone
XTo close the phone book: select & inthe character bar by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.orXPress the % button.Using the phone book 129TelephoneZ
Symbol overviewIcon ExplanationÆAddress book entry that has been entered or changed via COMANDImported contact that has been saved in the phone or address book\Address book entry with voice tagiThese entries have also been assigned a voice tag. Voice tags are availablein vehicles with LINGUATRONIC (see the separate operating instructions).ÃContact imported from a mobile phone that supports PBAP or imported froma convenience telephone¯Entry which has been imported from the SD memory card or USB device®Entry imported via the Bluetooth® interfaceUsing the multifunction steering wheelXUse = or ; to select the Tel menu.XUse 9 or : or 9 to call up the phonebook.Searching for a phone book entryWith character barYou determine the first letter of the entry youare looking for with the first character youenter.XSelect a character by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The first entry in the list that starts with theletter selected is highlighted. If there aresimilar entries, the next different characteris shown. For example, with entries such asChristel and Christine, the beginningsof the names are similar. In this case youwill be offered a choice between E and I.XSelect the characters of the entry you aresearching for one by one and press W toconfirm.When the selection is clear, COMANDswitches automatically to the selection list.XTo complete the search: switch from thephone book with character bar to the selec-tion list (Y page 131).The last list entry is automatically highligh-ted.With number keypadAlternatively, you can also enter digits usingthe number keypad (direct entry)(Y page 26).Deleting charactersXTo delete individual characters: selectF by turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W briefly.orXBriefly press the j buttonEach time a character is deleted, the entrymost closely resembling the remainingcharacters is shown at the top of the list.XTo delete the entry: select F by turningcVd the COMAND controller and press130 Using the phone bookTelephone
and hold W until the entire entry has beendeleted.orXPress and hold the j button until theentire entry is deleted.Changing the language of the characterbarXSelect B and press W.XSelect the desired language.Changing the character set of the char-acter barXSelect p and press W to confirm.The character set changes each time youmake this selection.Selecting an entry directly from the listYou can switch to the list at any time duringcharacter entry.XSlide VZ the COMAND controller repeat-edly or press and hold W until the charac-ter bar disappears.orXSelect ¬ and press W to confirm.XTo select an entry: turn cVd theCOMAND controller until the desired entryis highlighted and press W to confirm.To select a phone number: the G icon indi-cates that an entry contains more than onephone number.XSelect a phone book entry with the G iconand press W to confirm.The sub-entries appear. The G iconchanges to I.Phone book entry with several entriesXSelect a sub-entry by turning cVd andpress W to confirm.XTo return to the phone book with char-acter bar: select Back in the list and pressW to confirm.orXPress the % back button.Selecting an entry using the multifunc-tion steering wheelXUse = or ; to select the Tel menu.XUse 9 or : or 9 to call up the phonebook.XPress and hold the 9 or : buttonuntil the desired entry is highlighted.iIf you press the 9 or : button forlonger than a second, the on-board com-puter shows the names in rapid scroll. Aftera short time, rapid scroll speeds up. It stopswhen you release the button again or theend of the list is reached.If an entry has several phone numbers, these are displayed.XSelect a phone book entry and press the9 or 6 button.The sub-entries appear.XSelect the desired sub-entry with the9 or : button.XTo make a call: press the 9 or 6 but-ton.Using the phone book 131TelephoneZ
Displaying details for an entryXSelect an entry in the selection list by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller.XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Details and press W to confirm.The detailed display appears.XTo close the detailed view: slide XVYrepeatedly until the entry is highlightedagain or press the % back button.Deleting an entry from the phonebookIf the entry contains only phone numbers, itis deleted from the phone book and addressbook.If there is additional data included along withthe phone number, e.g. a navigable destina-tion, the entry is deleted from the phone bookbut retained in the address book.XSelect an entry in the selection list by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller.XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Delete and press W to confirm.A prompt appears asking whether the entryshould be deleted.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the entry is deleted inaccordance with the rules described above.If you select No, the process will be aborted.Creating a new entry in the phonebookXSlide ZV the COMAND controller repeat-edly in the phone book until the selectionlist appears.XSelect the list symbol on the right in theselection list by sliding VY the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect New entry and press W to confirm.XSelect a category for the number, e.g.Home, and press W to confirm.XSelect a category for the phone, e.g.Mobile, and press W to confirm.XSelect Continue and press W to confirm.The input menu with data fields appears.:Selected data field with cursor;Character barXEnter characters and save the entry. Pro-ceed as described under "Entering charac-ters" in the "Entering characters in theaddress and phone books" section(Y page 27).iThe entry is created in the phone bookand in the address book.132 Using the phone bookTelephone
Adding telephone numbers to anexisting phone book entryXSelect an entry in the selection list by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller.XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Add telephone no. and press Wto confirm.XSelect a category for the number, e.g.Home, and press W to confirm.XSelect a category for the phone, e.g.Mobile, and press W to confirm.XSelect Continue and press W to confirm.COMAND stores the data if there are fewerthan five numbers assigned to the entry youare searching for in the selected numbercategory.If five numbers are stored for the entry inthe selected number category, a promptwill appear asking whether you wish tooverwrite one of the existing numbers.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, a selection list will appearcontaining the five existing numbers.If you select No, the process will be aborted.XSelect the number to be overwritten byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.An input menu appears. The data field forentering the new phone number is high-lighted.XEnter characters and save the entry. Pro-ceed as described under "Entering charac-ters" in the "Entering characters in theaddress and phone books" section(Y page 27).Using call listsIntroductionCOMAND displays lists of calls received(including missed calls) and made duringphone operation. Call lists are not availableunless a mobile is connected to COMAND.COMAND supports the PBAP Bluetooth® pro-file. For this reason, note that the systembehaviour differs, especially when telephon-ing via the Bluetooth® interface:RConvenience telephone or Bluetooth® tele-phone with PBAP Bluetooth® profile:The call lists are downloaded automaticallyfrom the mobile phone by COMAND assoon as the mobile phone is connected toCOMAND.COMAND displays entries without timeinformation if they have been downloadedfrom a convenience telephone.RBluetooth® telephone without PBAP Blue-tooth® profile:The call lists are created and displayed byCOMAND.iFor Bluetooth® telephones without theBluetooth® profile PBAP, the call lists inCOMAND are not synchronised with thoseon your mobile phone. These calls may ormay not be listed on your mobile phone,depending on the model.iIf no mobile phone is connected, then theCall lists menu item is greyed out andcannot be selected. If you connect a mobilephone other than the previous one toCOMAND, the previously available call listsand their entries will be deleted automati-cally. They are still available on the mobilephone itself.iThe respective menu item can only beselected if calls have already been made orreceived in COMAND.Displaying missed calls in the COMANDdisplay is not supported by all mobilephones.Using call lists 133TelephoneZ
Opening the call list and selecting anentryXPress the % function button.XSelect Call lists in the telephone basicmenu by sliding VÆ and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.A menu appears.XSelect Incoming calls or Calls dial‐led using cVd and press W to confirm.The corresponding list appears.List of selected phone numbers (example):To close the list;Date/time (if available), symbol (ifassigned) and phone number of the selec-ted entry=To call up optionsiYou can also call up the list of dialled callsby pressing the 6 button when the tele-phone basic menu is shown. In this case,the list will only show phone numbers.XSelect an entry by turning cVd theCOMAND controller.XTo dial a phone number: press W.XTo close the list: select Back and pressW to confirm or press the % button.Displaying details about a list entryCOMAND can also show a shortened list entryin full.XSelect a list entry by turning cVd theCOMAND controller.XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Details and press W to confirm.The detailed display appears.XTo go back to the list: slide XVY repeat-edly until the list is highlighted.Storing a phone number which hasnot yet been storedIntroductionFor incoming calls from a person who is notin the address book, COMAND displays thephone number in the call list. You can savethis entry.Storing as a new entry in the addressbookXOpen a call list and select an entry(Y page 134).XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Save and press W to confirm.iSave is shown in grey if the selected listentry has already been saved in the addressbook.XSelect New entry and press W to confirm.XSelect a category for the number, e.g.Home, and press W to confirm.XSelect a category for the phone, e.g.Mobile, and press W to confirm.134 Using call listsTelephone
Number category Display (phonebook and addressbook)Not classified No symbolHome ¸Work ·Phone category Display (phonebook and addressbook)Not classified ;Landline ¬Mobile ÏCar ´XSelect Save and press W to confirm.An input menu with data fields is shown.The data field for the telephone number isfilled in automatically.:Data field with cursor;Telephone number and symbol for thephone category are automatically entered=Character barXProceed as described under "Entering char-acters" in the "Entering characters in theaddress and phone books" section(Y page 27).Adding a phone number to an addressbook entryXOpen a call list and select an entry(Y page 134).XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Save and press W to confirm.iSave is shown in grey if the selected listentry has already been saved.XSelect Add telephone no. and press Wto confirm.XSelect a category for the number, e.g.Home, and press W to confirm.XSelect a category for the phone, e.g.Mobile, and press W to confirm.XSelect Save.The search menu for address book entriesappears.XSearch for the desired entry. Proceed asdescribed under "Searching for a phonebook entry" (Y page 130).XPress W when you have finished searching.COMAND stores the data if there are fewerthan five numbers assigned to the entry youare searching for in the selected numbercategory.You will see a message to this effect.If five numbers are stored for the entry youare searching for, a prompt will appear ask-ing whether you wish to overwrite one ofthe existing numbers.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, a selection list with thefive existing numbers is displayed.If you select No, the process will be aborted.XSelect the number to be overwritten in thelist by turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.COMAND overwrites the selected numberwith the new data.Using call lists 135TelephoneZ
Deleting call listsThis function is available when COMAND cre-ates and manages the call lists. This is thecase if you use a Bluetooth® telephone with-out the support of the Bluetooth® profilePBAP or use a convenience telephone.If you use call lists from a Bluetooth® tele-phone with the support of the Bluetooth® pro-file PBAP or a convenience telephone, youcannot delete them from COMAND.iIf you delete the call lists from the mobilephone (separate mobile phone operatinginstructions), COMAND updates the call listdisplay the next time it connects. The calllists are empty in the case described.XSelect Call lists in the telephone basicmenu by turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XSelect Delete call lists and press Wto confirm.A prompt appears asking whether you wishto delete all call lists.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the call lists are deleted.If you select No, the process will be aborted.Using the speed-dial listStoring a phone book entry in thespeed dial listYou can assign ten speed dial presets (0 - 9)to the speed dial list. There are two optionsavailable for this purpose.Option 1:XSearch for a phone book entry in the phonebook (Y page 130).XIf an entry has several phone numbers,select the desired number by turningcVd the COMAND controller.XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.A menu appears.XSelect Speed dial by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.A menu appears.Speed dial menuXConfirm Assign speed dial preset bypressing W.The speed dial list appears. The selectedphone book entry is listed as the first entry.The next available speed dial preset is high-lighted.XSelect the speed dial preset by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The phone book entry is saved in the speeddial preset.Option 2XCall up the telephone basic menu:136 Using the speed-dial listTelephone
Rconvenience telephony (Y page 120)Rtelephony via the Bluetooth® interface(Y page 118)XSelect Call lists by sliding VÆ and turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect Speed dial preset list andpress W to confirm.The speed dial list appears.XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XConfirm Assign speed dial preset bypressing W.XProceed as described under option 1.Making a call via speed dialA description can be found in the "Making acall" section (Y page 125).Deleting a speed dial numberXTo delete a speed dial number: selectDelete speed dial preset in the"Speed dial" menu by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The speed dial number is deleted.XTo delete all speed dial numbers: selectDelete all speed dial presets in the"Speed dial" menu by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.You will be asked whether you want to con-tinue.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, all speed dial numbers willbe deleted from the speed dial list.If you select No, the process will be aborted.Text message (SMS)Information and requirementsThe following conditions must be fulfilled inorder to use the functions:Type of tel-ephonyConditionsBluetooth®interface tel-ephonyRThe Bluetooth® mobilephone supports theMAP Bluetooth® profile(Message AccessProfile)ConveniencetelephonyRThe mobile phone isinserted in the bracketand switched on.RThe PIN has beenentered.RThe mobile phone is log-ged into a mobile phonenetwork.iTelephony via the SAP module, see theseparate operating instructions.When the mobile phone is connected, the 30most recent text messages which are cur-rently stored on the phone are loaded to theCOMAND's text message inbox and dis-played.iCOMAND may not load all the mostrecent text messages:This may occur in exceptional cases, forexample when using certain mobilephones/brackets and when the mobilephone inbox holds many text messages.If the above conditions are met, new incomingtext messages appear in the COMAND textmessage inbox. In addition, a tone soundsand the / icon appears. The symbol dis-appears once you have read the text mes-sage. The ú mail symbol is displayed whenthe text message memory is full. The symboldisappears once you delete at least one textmessage.Text message (SMS) 137TelephoneZ
Displaying the text message (SMS)inboxOverviewXPress the % function button.XSelect SMS in the telephone basic menu byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.The text message inbox appears.Text message (SMS) inboxThe shortened text or sender of the selectedtext message (depending on the settings) aswell as the date and time at which the selec-ted text message was received are displayedat the top and in the middle. The 0 symbolappears if a text message has not yet beenread.Reading a text message (SMS)XSelect a text message in the text messageinbox by turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.The text message appears.XTo scroll through the display or select phone numbers in a text message: turncVd the COMAND controller.The display scrolls up or down line by line,or skips to the next or previous telephonenumber and automatically highlights it.XTo return to the list: press W and selectBack.Listening to a text messageYou can set the language (Y page 47) and thespeed of the read-aloud function(Y page 44).XPress W while a text message is being dis-played, select Read aloud and press W toconfirm.COMAND reads out the text message.XTo cancel the read-aloud function: pressthe 8 button.orXPress W, select Cancel read-aloud function and press W to confirm.Switching the displayYou can switch between displaying the textmessage sender or the text message content.The sender display shows the sender of thetext message. If the sender is stored in theCOMAND phone book, the name is displayed.The text display shows the first few words ofa text message.XSelect a text message in the text messageinbox by turning cVd the COMAND con-troller.XTo switch to the text display: select thelist symbol to the right of the text messageby sliding VY the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XSelect Display text and press W to con-firm.The view changes.XTo switch to the sender display: selectthe list symbol to the right of the text mes-sage by sliding VY the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.XSelect Display sender and press W toconfirm.The view changes.138 Text message (SMS)Telephone
Displaying details and phone numbersCOMAND can also show a shortened senderdisplay in full.XSelect a text message in the text messageinbox by turning cVd the COMAND con-troller.XSelect the list symbol to the right of the textmessage by sliding VY the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XSelect Details and press W to confirm.The detailed display appears.XTo close the detailed view: slide XVY theCOMAND controller.Returning to the telephone basic menuXPress the % back button.Managing text messagesCalling a text message (SMS) senderXPress W the COMAND controller while thetext message is being displayed.XSelect Call sender and press W to con-firm.The telephone makes the call to the sender.Using phone numbers in the textYou can use numbers that are red and under-lined in text messages (SMS).iIt is possible that a highlighted numericalsequence may not contain a telephonenumber.XSelect a usable number when the text mes-sage is displayed.:Usable numerical sequenceXPress W the COMAND controller andselect Use.XSelect Call.The telephone makes the call.iYou can use the "New entry" or "Add no."functions to save this telephone number orto add it to an existing entry.Storing the sender as a new addressbook entryThis function is not possible if the sender’stelephone number is already stored in theaddress book.XPress W the COMAND controller while thetext message is being displayed.XSelect Save number and press W to con-firm.XSelect New entry and press W to confirm.XProceed as described in the "Storing as anew entry in the address book" section(Y page 134).Storing a text message sender in anexisting address book entryXPress W the COMAND controller while thetext message is being displayed.XSelect Save number and press W to con-firm.Text message (SMS) 139TelephoneZ
XSelect Add telephone no. and press Wto confirm.XProceed from the step "Select a numbercategory" in the "Adding telephone num-bers to an existing phone book entry" sec-tion (Y page 133).Deleting a text message (SMS)XSelect a text message in the text messageinbox by turning cVd the COMAND con-troller.XSelect the list symbol to the right of the textmessage by sliding VY the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XSelect Delete and press W to confirm.A deletion prompt appears.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the text message isdeleted.If you select No, the process will be aborted.iThis delete function is not supported byall mobile phones. The Delete failedmessage appears.Using the address bookIntroductionThe address book organises and storesentries which are entered from different sour-ces (mobile phone, memory card, USB device,COMAND telephone book, navigation sys-tem).You can use these entries to make telephonecalls and for navigation.iAddress book entries remain stored whenthe mobile phone is disconnected. There-fore, you should delete your personal datausing the reset function before selling yourvehicle, for example (Y page 48).Calling up the address bookOption 1:XPress the % function button.You see the telephone basic menu or theaddress book if it was open previously.XWhen the telephone basic menu is dis-played, press the % function buttonagain.Option 2:XWith the telephone basic menu shown,select Tel by sliding VZ the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XSelect Address book from the menu andpress W to confirm.Address book with address book entry ¥ and nav-igable data ¤iAn address book entry can contain thefollowing information: surname, first name,company, two addresses, geo-coordinatesand up to five telephone numbers.XTo browse in the address book: turncVd the COMAND controller.XTo close the address book: press the% button.140 Using the address bookTelephone
Searching for an address book entryXCall up the address book (Y page 140).XSelect Search in the address book by slid-ing VÆ and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.If there are more than eight entries, thesearch menu and the character bar appear.Search menu with character bar:¥ symbol for address book entry;¤ symbol for complete address datafrom the navigation=Character bar?d symbol for phone book entry from themobile phoneAEntry with voice tagAdditional icons are described in the "Symboloverview" section (Y page 130).XProceed as described under "Searching fora phone book entry" (Y page 130).Creating a new entry in the addressbookYou can enter address data directly into theaddress book. If you store telephone num-bers in the COMAND phone book, these arealso saved in the address book. If you store anavigation destination, COMAND creates anaddress book entry which includes the com-plete navigable address data.XCall up the address book (Y page 140).XSelect New in the address book by slidingVÆ and turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.An input menu with data fields appears.Input menu with data fields:Selected data field with cursor;Character barXEnter characters and save the entry. Pro-ceed as described under "Entering charac-ters" in the "Entering characters in theaddress and phone books" section(Y page 27).Deleting an address book entryXOption 1: select Delete by sliding VÆ andturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XOption 2: search for an address book entry(Y page 141).XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Delete and press W to confirm.Irrespective of the option chosen, a promptwill appear.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the entry will be deleted.If you select No, the process will be aborted.Using the address book 141TelephoneZ
Displaying details for an address bookentrySelecting an entryXSearch for an address book entry and turncVd the COMAND controller to select it inthe selection list (Y page 141).orXSelect an address book entry by browsing(Y page 140).XIn both cases, press W.The detailed display appears.Detailed display for business details:To go back to the previous menu;\ icon for business details=To call up optionsStarting route guidance to an addressXSelect the address data field by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The route to the destination address is cal-culated and route guidance starts(Y page 56).Calling a telephone numberXSelect the phone number data field by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.This initiates dialling and you can thenmake your call (Y page 125).Showing the details of an address bookentryXSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Details and press W to confirm.The display is shown in full.XTo close the detailed display: press the% button.Changing an address book entryChanging an entryXOption 1: search for an address book entryand turn cVd the COMAND controller toselect it in the selection list (Y page 141).XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Edit and press W to confirm.XOption 2: call up the detailed view for anaddress book entry (Y page 142).XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Edit and press W to confirm.Irrespective of the option, the input menucontaining data fields appears.XProceed as described under "Entering char-acters" in the "Entering characters in theaddress and phone books" section(Y page 27).142 Using the address bookTelephone
Changing the category of a telephonenumber data fieldXDisplay the detailed view for an addressbook entry (Y page 142) and highlight thetelephone number data field.XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Change category and press W toconfirm.XSelect a number category, e.g. Home.XSelect a telephone category, e.g. Mobile.XIf desired, select Preferred and press Wto confirm.Depending on the previous state, switchthe option on O or off ª. The phone num-ber is displayed as the first number in thephone book and can be dialled immedi-ately.XSelect Save and press W to confirm.The new category is stored.Calling a number stored in an entryConditionsThe mobile phone must be inserted in thebracket or be connected via the Bluetooth®interface.Option 1XDisplaying details for an address bookentry (Y page 142).XSelect the phone number data field by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The telephone makes the call. The displayswitches to telephone mode.Option 2XDisplaying details for an address bookentryXSelect the phone number data field by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller.XSelect the list symbol to the right of thedata field by sliding VY the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XSelect Call and press W to confirm.The telephone makes the call.Storing the phone number as a speeddial numberXDisplaying details for an address bookentryXSelect the phone number data field by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller.XSelect the list symbol to the right of thedata field by sliding VY the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XSelect Speed dial and press W to con-firm.You can now store the number in one of theten speed dial presets.Starting route guidance to an entryNoteThis function is available as soon as you havestored a destination in the destination mem-ory (Y page 93). COMAND also saves desti-nations in the address book together with allthe data required for route guidance.Using the address book 143TelephoneZ
Option 1XSearch for an address book entry(Y page 141) with the L icon and select itfrom the list.XDisplaying details for an address bookentry (Y page 142).XSelect the address data field by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.Option 2XSearch for an address book entry(Y page 141) with the L icon and select itfrom the list.XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Navigate and press W to confirm.Irrespective of the option chosen, routeguidance starts.Option 3Route guidance can also be started for anaddress book entry without the ¤ symbol. Ifthe address data or designations do notmatch the digital map, COMAND prompts youto re-enter the address.iIt is best to then store the new addressunder the address book entry. This will pro-vide you with an address book entry that issuitable for navigation.XEnter the destination address (Y page 53).XSelect Save from the address entry menuand press W to confirm.XAssigning a destination to an address bookentry (Y page 94).Voice tagsAdding or changing a voice tagYou can enter voice tags via LINGUATRONIC(see the separate operating instructions).Once you have assigned a voice tag to anaddress book entry, you can vocally call upthis entry and dial a phone number, for exam-ple. You can add one voice tag per addressbook entry.XSearch for an address book entry with orwithout a voice tag (¦ symbol)(Y page 141).XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Voice tag and press W to confirm.XSelect Add or Change and press W to con-firm.Subsequent operation is voice-controlled.LINGUATRONIC guides you through thedialogues.Deleting a voice tagXSearch for an address book entry with avoice tag (Y page 141).XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Voice tag and press W to confirm.XSelect Delete and press W to confirm.A deletion prompt appears.XSelect Yes or No and press the 9 buttonto confirm.If you select Yes, COMAND deletes thevoice tag.If you select No, the process will be aborted.144 Using the address bookTelephone
Listening to a voice tagXSearch for an address book entry with avoice tag (Y page 141).XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Voice tag and press W to confirm.XSelect Listen and press W to confirm.You hear the voice tag.Storing a phone book entry from themobile phone in the address bookYou can use this function to store phone bookentries:Rimported from a mobile phoneRfrom the memory cardRfrom the USB deviceRvia the Bluetooth® interfacein the address book. These entries are indi-cated in the phone book by the different sym-bols (Y page 130).XSearch for an entry in the phone book onthe mobile phone d (Y page 130).XSelect the list symbol to the right of theentry by sliding VY the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XSelect Save entry and press W to con-firm.The Saving procedure successfulmessage appears. The phone book entry isnow saved as an address book entry.The d icon is replaced by the ¥ icon.Importing contactsInformation and requirementsYou can import contacts (vCards) from thememory card and a USB device into theaddress book, or receive vCards via Blue-tooth®.Depending on the source of the contact data,different requirements apply:Source ConditionsMemory card The SD memory card mustbe inserted (Y page 196)and must contain importa-ble contact data.USB device The USB device is insertedin the USB port and con-tains importable contactdata.Requirements for receiving vCards via Bluetooth®You can receive vCards from devices (e.g.from a PC) which support the sending ofvCards via Bluetooth®.It is not necessary to authorise the device inCOMAND to do so.Please bear the following in mind:RBluetooth® is activated in COMAND and onthe Bluetooth® device (see operatinginstructions for the device).Rthe Bluetooth® device can send vCards viaBluetooth® (see operating instructions forthe device).Rthe Bluetooth® device in the vehicle mustbe switched on.Importing from the memory card or USBdeviceEntries imported from the memory card orfrom a USB device have the ¯ symbol.The following conditions must be fulfilled inorder to import vCards:RvCards (vcf files) may be located in the maindirectory or in folders. COMAND allows fora targeted selection of the correspondingdirectories.RvCards must have the file extension ".vcf".iA vCard can also contain several vCards.Using the address book 145TelephoneZ
COMAND supports vCards in versions 2.1and 3.0.XSelect Address book in the address bookor, if the telephone basic menu is shown,select Telephone by sliding VÆ and turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect Import contacts and press W toconfirm.A menu appears.XSelect From the memory card or From the USB device in the menu by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect Add or Overwrite and press W toconfirm.Add imports the entries from the memorycard or USB device into the address book.Overwrite imports the entries from thememory card or USB device and overwritesall entries in the address book with the¯ symbols. The previous entries arethen no longer available.After the contact data has been importedsuccessfully, you will see a message to thiseffect. The address book or the respectivetelephone basic menu is displayed.iYou can select the Overwrite menu itemif the address book already contains corre-sponding entries. A message notifies youwhen the address book is full.Receiving vCards via Bluetooth®Received vCards are identified by the ®symbol.iIf you switch to another main function,e.g. navigation, while receiving vCards, thereception of vCards will be terminated.XSelect Address book in the address bookor, if the telephone basic menu is shown,select Telephone by sliding VÆ and turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.A menu appears.XSelect Import contacts and press W toconfirm.XSelect Received business cards in themenu by turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.This interrupts the Bluetooth® connectionbetween COMAND and your active mobilephone. COMAND is, however, ready toreceive vCards from another Bluetooth®device (PC, mobile phone).XStart the data transfer on the external Blue-tooth® device (see the operating instruc-tions for the device).The number of vCards received is dis-played.XTo end reception: press W or the %back button.COMAND then reconnects with the mobilephone. The new contacts are contained inthe address book with the BT addendum.Deleting contactsXSelect Address book in the address bookor, if the telephone basic menu is shown,select Telephone by sliding VÆ and turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.A menu appears.XSelect Delete contacts and press W toconfirm.146 Using the address bookTelephone
XSelect one of the following options:RInternal contactsRContacts from storage mediaRReceived business cardsRDelete allA prompt corresponding to your selectionappears.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the contacts are deletedaccording to your selection.If you select No, the process will be aborted.Mercedes-Benz ContactIntroductionMercedes-Benz Contact is ready to help atany time, e.g. if you have queries about yourvehicle or if you need help in the event of abreakdown.This function enables you to call theMercedes-Benz Customer Centre, subject toa fee. All important vehicle data is sent at thesame time so that you receive optimum sup-port.The following data is transmitted:Rthe vehicle identification numberRthe total distance recorder readingRthe vehicle positionRthe telephone numberYou can make use of the function with anoperational mobile phone connected toCOMAND via the Bluetooth® interface or con-venience telephony.iPlease note that Mercedes-Benz Contactis a Mercedes-Benz customer service. Inemergencies, always call the nationalemergency services first, using the stand-ard national emergency service telephonenumbers.iCurrently (as of June 2010), this service isavailable in the following European coun-tries:RBelgiumRGermanyRFranceRUnited KingdomRIrelandRItalyRLuxembourgRNetherlandsRAustriaRPolandRSwitzerlandRSlovakiaRSpainRCzech RepublicRHungaryPlacing a call to the Mercedes-BenzCustomer CentreXCall up the COMAND phone book(Y page 128)The "MB Contact" entry is the first entry inthe COMAND phone book. The entry ishighlighted.You have two different means by which tocontact the Mercedes-Benz CustomerCentre:XPress W the COMAND controller.orXThis initiates a call. When the call is con-nected, a voice message prompts you toconfirm the data transmission by enteringthe stated number via the COMAND controlpanel. After confirmation, COMAND sendsthe required vehicle data.iAlternatively, you can initiate a call usingthe multifunction steering wheel (see thevehicle Owner’s Manual).Data transmission is shown in the display.This may take a moment. You can then selectMercedes-Benz Contact 147TelephoneZ
the desired service and are connected with aspecialist at the Mercedes-Benz CustomerCentre.Your Mercedes-Benz Service Centre can pro-vide further information on Mercedes-BenzContact, the range of services offered and onusing the function.148 Mercedes-Benz ContactTelephone
Vehicle equipment ............................ 150General notes .................................... 150Setting access data .......................... 151Establishing/ending a connection .. 158Options .............................................. 159Special destination search .............. 163Downloading special destinations .. 167Weather ............................................. 169Internet .............................................. 174149COMAND Online and Internet
Vehicle equipmentiThese Operating Instructions describe allstandard and optional equipment availablefor your vehicle at the time it was pur-chased. Please note that your vehicle maynot be equipped with all features descri-bed.General notesConditions for using COMAND Onlineand Internet accessCOMAND Online and Internet access are onlyavailable for telephony via the Bluetooth®interface, not for convenience telephony.In order to use the functions, the followingconditions are necessary:Rthe mobile phone supports the DUN Blue-tooth® profile (Dial-Up Networking) and isconnected to COMAND via the Blue-tooth® interface (Y page 114). The DUNBluetooth® profile enables the mobilephone to establish a dial-up connection tothe Internet.Ryou need a valid mobile service contractwith a data option, which is used to calcu-late the associated connection costs.Rthe access data of the connected mobilephone must be set in COMAND(Y page 151).iYou can obtain more detailed informationabout suitable mobile phones from yourMercedes-Benz Service Centre or on theInternet ( you use incorrect access data, addi-tional costs may be incurred. This happenswhen you use details that are different fromthe contract or details from another con-tract/data package.Connection difficulties while the vehi-cle is in motionThe connection may be lost if:Rthere is insufficient GSM or UMTS networkcoverage in certain areas.Ryou move from one GSM or UMTS trans-mitter/receiver area (GSM/UMTS cell) intoanother and no data channels are free.Ryou use a SIM card which is not compatiblewith the network available.Ryou are using a mobile phone with "Twin-card" and the mobile phone with the sec-ond SIM card is already logged into the net-work.Function restrictionsYou will not be able to use the mobile phone,will no longer be able to use the mobile phone,or you may have to wait before using it, in thefollowing situations:Rwhen the mobile phone is switched offRwhen the "Bluetooth®" function is switchedoff in COMANDRwhen the "Bluetooth®" function is switchedoff on the mobile phone if you are usingBluetooth® interface telephonyRif the mobile phone is not logged into amobile phone networkRif neither the mobile phone network nor themobile phone allow simultaneous use of aphone and an Internet connection.RoamingWhen you are driving your vehicle in a differ-ent country and using the COMAND Onlineand Internet functions, you may incur addi-tional costs (roaming fees). When you are ina different country, your SIM card must beenabled for data roaming. If your mobilephone network provider does not have a dataroaming agreement with the roaming partner,150 General notesCOMAND Online and Internet
it may not be possible to establish an Internetconnection.Setting access dataIntroductionThe Internet access data for your connectedmobile can be obtained from your mobilephone network provider. The required settingfor the Internet access data in COMAND isdescribed below.A selected/manually set mobile phone net-work provider applies for the connectedmobile phone.iAdditional costs may incur if the incorrectaccess data (details that are different fromthe contract or details from another con-tract/data package) is set.iWhen you are driving your vehicle in a dif-ferent country and using the COMANDOnline and Internet functions, additionalcosts (roaming fees) may incur.iWhile initialising the mobile phone for theInternet connection, access data which isalready on the mobile phone may be over-written. You should therefore check thesettings on the mobile phone (see themobile phone operating instructions).iAdjust the access data settings when thevehicle is stationary.Selecting/setting Internet accessdataCalling up the list of mobile phone net-work providersXSelect the globe icon in the main functionbar by sliding ZV and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The carousel view appears.XSelect Settings by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.When you connect the mobile phone toCOMAND for the first time (Y page 114),there is no mobile phone network providerpreset. Provider: is followed by the entrynot selected.If a mobile phone is already connected anda mobile phone network provider has beenselected or manually set, their nameappears here.XPress W the COMAND controller.The list of mobile phone network providersappears.Setting access data 151COMAND Online and Internet
List of mobile phone network providers (empty)You can now select predefined access dataof the mobile phone network provider(option 1) or manually set the access data ofthe mobile phone network provider (option 2).Option 1: selecting the access data ofthe mobile phone network provideriThe access data of the mobile phone net-work provider is selected once for the con-nected mobile phone.XSelect Search for providers in themobile phone network providers list(Y page 152) by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.A list of countries appears.XSelect the country of your mobile phonenetwork provider, e.g. Germany, and pressW to confirm.The list of available mobile phone networkproviders appears.iYou must set the access data of themobile phone network provider who pro-vides the SIM card or the associated datapackage (access settings) for the connec-ted mobile phone. The access data remainsthe same when you are in a different coun-try (roaming). The access data of anothernetwork is not selected.There are mobile phone network providerswho supply various access data (e.g. depend-ing on the data package used).XThe mobile phone network provider only has one access setting: select themobile phone network provider by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.A menu appears.XTo check the preset access data beforeconnection, select Edit and press W toconfirm.The list of access data appears.152 Setting access dataCOMAND Online and Internet
Editing the access dataXProceed as described in "Making entries"(Y page 155) in the "Manually setting theaccess data of the mobile phone networkprovider" section.When you confirm the edited access data,the list of mobile phone network providersappears and displays the selected provider.Access data is correctXPress the % back button or select &and press W to confirm.You can now accept the access data of themobile phone network provider.XConfirm Save by pressing W.The list of mobile phone network providersappears, the access data of the providerhave been accepted.XThe mobile phone network provider has several access settings: if several accesssettings are displayed after selecting themobile phone network provider, select theappropriate access setting by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.A menu appears.XTo check the preset access data settingsbefore connection, select Edit and pressW to confirm.The list of access data appears.Editing the access dataXProceed as described in "Making entries"(Y page 155) in the "Manually setting theaccess data of the mobile phone networkprovider" section.When you confirm the edited access data,the list of mobile phone network providersappears and displays the selected provider.Access data is correctXPress the % back button or select &and press W to confirm.You can now accept the access data of themobile phone network provider.XConfirm Save by pressing W.The list of mobile phone network providersappears, the access data of the providerhave been accepted.List of mobile phone network providers with theselected providerThe currently selected access settings (# dotin front of the entry) are used for the connec-ted mobile phone.XTo return to the carousel view: press the% back button twice.orXPress W the COMAND controller and thenthe % back button.Option 2: manually setting the accessdata of the mobile phone network pro-viderCalling up the list of access dataiThe access data of the mobile phone net-work provider is set once for the connectedmobile phone.Setting access data 153COMAND Online and Internet
XConfirm New provider in the list of mobilephone network providers by pressing Wthe COMAND controller.The list of access data appears. The stand-ard name provider <x> is automaticallyentered into the Provider: field. You cannow make the entries.List of access data (new provider)Input field MeaningProvider: Name of the provider, tobe displayed in the list ofmobile phone networkproviders. The name canbe selected at will.The standard entry is pro‐vider <x>.Ph. number: Access number for estab-lishing the connection.iThe access numberdepends on the mobilephone used. For GSM/UMTS mobile phones,*99***1# is used as astandard.Access point:APN network access point(Access Point Name)You can obtain this infor-mation from your mobilephone network provider.iEntry is not necessaryfor all mobile phone net-work providers/mobilephones.User ID: The user identification canbe obtained from yourmobile phone networkprovider.iEntry is not necessaryfor all mobile phone net-work providers.Password: The password can beobtained from your mobilephone network provider.iEntry is not necessaryfor all mobile phone net-work providers.154 Setting access dataCOMAND Online and Internet
Input field MeaningDNS address:The DNS addresses(Domain Name Service)can be negotiated auto-matically or must beentered manually. Therequired information canbe obtained from yourmobile phone networkprovider.iMost mobile phonenetwork providers sup-port the Automaticfunction. If you selectedthe Manual option, youare usually required toenter a DNA address.DNS 1:DNS 2:Fields for entering theDNS server addressesmanually. The address canbe obtained from yourmobile phone networkprovider.Making entriesXTo enter the provider: in the list of accessdata (Y page 154) confirm the Providerinput field by pressing W.An input menu appears.XEnter the provider. Instructions for enteringcharacters using the controls can be foundin the "Operating COMAND" section(Y page 27).XTo enter the phone number: in the list ofaccess data (Y page 154), select the Ph. number: input field by sliding ÆV or turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The input menu for the phone numberappears.XEnter the telephone number. Instructionsfor entering characters using the controlscan be found in the "Operating COMAND"section (Y page 27).XTo enter the access data: in the list ofaccess data (Y page 154) confirm theAccess point: input field by pressing W.XInstructions for entering characters usingthe controls can be found in the "OperatingCOMAND" section (Y page 27).XTo enter the user ID: in the list of accessdata (Y page 154) confirm the User ID:input field by pressing W.XInstructions for entering characters usingthe controls can be found in the "OperatingCOMAND" section (Y page 27).XTo enter the password: in the list ofaccess data (Y page 154) confirm thePassword: input field by pressing W.XInstructions for entering characters usingthe controls can be found in the "OperatingCOMAND" section (Y page 27).Setting access data 155COMAND Online and Internet
XTo set the DNS address: in the list ofaccess data (Y page 154) confirm the DNS address: input field by pressing W.The # dot in front of an entry indicates thecurrent setting.XSelect Automatic or Manual with theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.Automatic negotiates the DNS addressesautomatically.Manual uses the entries in DNS 1 and DNS2.Entering the example DNSXAfter selecting Manual, select the DNS1input field with the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XFor example, enter Instruc-tions for entering characters using the con-trols can be found in the "OperatingCOMAND" section (Y page 27).Entering the DNS1Using previously set Internet accessdata for another mobile phoneIf the access data is already available in thelist of mobile phone network providers, youcan use it for another mobile phone.The following prerequisites are required forthis:Rthe mobile phone must be connectedRthe access data must apply to the mobilephone contract of the currently connectedmobile phoneXSelect a provider in the list of mobile phonenetwork providers (Y page 153) by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.After you select the provider, the list ofmobile phone network providers is closed.The selected provider is entered.XSlide XVY the COMAND controller to callup the carousel view.Managing access data of the mobilephone network providerOverviewThe access data of the mobile phone networkprovider can be:ReditedRcopied, edited and accepted for a new pro-vider nameRdeletediChanges that you make to the accessdata of a mobile phone network providerapply for all mobile phones that use thisaccess data.156 Setting access dataCOMAND Online and Internet
Editing the access dataXSelect a provider in the list of mobile phonenetwork providers (Y page 153) by turningcVd the COMAND controller.XSelect the symbol to the right of the entryby sliding VY the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XConfirm Edit by pressing W.The access data is displayed.XEdit the access data. A description of theentry can be found in "Making entries" inthe "Manually setting the access data of themobile phone network provider" section(Y page 155).Copying, editing and saving access dataunder a new provider nameXSelect a provider in the list of mobile phonenetwork providers (Y page 153) by turningcVd the COMAND controller.XSelect the symbol to the right of the entryby sliding VY the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XConfirm Copy provider entry by press-ing W.The access data is displayed.XEdit the access data. A description of theentry can be found in "Making entries" inthe "Manually setting the access data of themobile phone network provider" section(Y page 155).Deleting access data of the mobilephone network providerXSelect a provider in the list of mobile phonenetwork providers (Y page 153) by turningcVd the COMAND controller.XSelect the symbol to the right of the entryby sliding VY the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XConfirm Delete by pressing W.A prompt appears asking whether you wishto delete the access data.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the access data is deletedand the name of the provider is removedfrom the list of mobile phone network pro-viders.If you select No, the process will be aborted.iWhen the Internet connection is active,you cannot edit or delete the access dataof the currently set mobile phone networkprovider.Selecting the length of time for auto-matic disconnection of the InternetCOMAND automatically disconnects theInternet after a preset time has elapsed dur-ing which neither COMAND Online nor theInternet have been used.An active Internet connection is identified bythe double arrows on the top right of the dis-play.XSelect Settings in the carousel view(Y page 151) by sliding ÆV and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect Disconnect automatically after: and press W to confirm.The # dot indicates the current setting.Setting access data 157COMAND Online and Internet
XSelect 5 min, 15 min or Off and pressW to confirm.Off switches the function off.Establishing/ending a connectionEstablishing the connectioniThe conditions for establishing a connec-tion are described in the "General notes"section (Y page 150).XTo establish the connection: select theglobe icon in the main function bar by slid-ing ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The carousel view appears.XTurn cVd or slide XVY the COMAND con-troller until the COMAND Online panel or afavourite are brought to the front, if thesehave been created (Y page 180).orXEnter a URL (web address) (Y page 174).COMAND Online panelFavourite (example)XPress W the COMAND controller.The Internet connection is established. Anactive Internet connection is identified withsymbol :. The example shows a menu inthe Google™ POI search (Y page 166).iIf a phone call is made at the same timeas the active Internet connection, the ¡symbol is displayed in :. The Internet con-nection remains active depending on themobile phone and mobile phone networkused.XTo cancel the connection: while the con-nection is being established, confirm Can‐cel by pressing W.orXPress the ~ button on COMAND or themultifunction steering wheel.158 Establishing/ending a connectionCOMAND Online and Internet
Ending the connectionXPress the ~ button on COMAND or themultifunction steering wheel.orXSelect the scissors symbol on the bottomright of the carousel view and press W toconfirm.iIf the mobile phone Internet connection iscancelled, COMAND tries to reconnect.You should therefore always close the con-nection in COMAND or on the multifunctionsteering wheel.OptionsIntroductionYou can select options for the followingCOMAND Online services:RPOI searchRweather displayRPOIs downloadYou can reset the selected options to thedefault settings.Calling up the options menuXSelect the globe icon in the main functionbar by sliding ZV and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The carousel view appears.XBring the COMAND Online panel to the frontby turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.XSelect Options by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.Options menuSelecting options for the POI searchOverviewYou can adjust the following features for thePOI search:Rsearch radiusRservice providerXSelect Local search (POIs) in theoptions menu by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The menu shows the current settings.Options 159COMAND Online and Internet
XTo exit the menu: select Back by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.Setting the search radiusXConfirm the entry after Search radius:by pressing W.The # dot indicates the currently selectedsearch radius.XSelect an entry by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The selected setting is accepted.Selecting a service providerXSelect the entry after Service pro‐vider: by turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.The # dot indicates the currently selectedservice provider.iIf the entry is greyed out, you cannotselect the service provider.XSelect an entry and press W to confirm.The selected service provider is accepted.Deleting/saving search queriesXSelect the Delete all searches entry byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.The # dot indicates the current setting.XSelect an entry and press W to confirm.The selected setting is accepted.Selecting options for the weather dis-playOverviewYou can adjust the following features for theweather display:Rdefault view (e.g. current weather)Rdefault location (e.g. current vehicle posi-tion)Rweather data for the map view (e.g. precip-itation radar)XSelect Weather in the options menu(Y page 159) by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The menu shows the current settings.XTo exit the menu: select Back by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.160 OptionsCOMAND Online and Internet
Setting the default viewYou can specify which view is called up afteractivating the weather display (Y page 169).You can make the following settings:Rcurrent weatherR5-day forecastRinfoRlast viewXConfirm the entry after Default view: bypressing W.The # dot indicates the currently selecteddefault view.XSelect an entry by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The selected view is accepted.Setting the default locationYou can make the following settings:Rcurrent positionRcurrent destinationRpresetsXSelect the entry after Default location:(Y page 160) by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The # dot indicates the currently selecteddefault location.XSelect an entry by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The selected location is accepted.Selecting weather data for the mapviewThe weather map can display the followingweather data:Rhazard reports (e.g. storms, slippery con-ditions)Rprecipitation radar (e.g. rain, snow)Ratmospheric pressure conditionsRtemperaturesRcloud coverRwind direction and speedsYou can select one feature each for the mapview.XSelect the entry after Default map view:(Y page 160) by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The # dot indicates the currently selectedfeature.Options 161COMAND Online and Internet
XSelect an entry and press W to confirm.The selected feature is accepted.Setting the options for the POIs down-loadOverviewYou can make the following settings:Rspecify the ID for the downloadRspecify the type of importRdelete/save POIs after they have beenimported to the serverXSelect Download POIs in the options menu(Y page 159) by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The menu shows the current settings.XTo exit the menu: select Back by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.Specifying the ID for the downloadYou can choose between the vehicle identifi-cation number (SendToCar ID) and your e-mail address. The vehicle identification num-ber is usually entered.XConfirm the entry after SendToCar ID:(Y page 162) by pressing W.An input menu appears.XEnter an e-mail address. Instructions forentering characters can be found in the"Entering characters in the phone book andaddress book" section (Y page 27).XAfter entry, select ¬ and press W toconfirm.The e-mail address is entered in the menu.An e-mail will be sent to your e-mail addressshortly afterwards. You must confirm itwithin 48 h, as your current ID will other-wise continue to be used.XTo complete the settings, check your mail-box and follow the link in the e-mail.Setting the type of importYou can choose between manual and auto-matic importing.XSelect the entry after Import:(Y page 162) by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The # dot indicates the current setting.XSelect Manual or Automatic and pressW to confirm.The setting is accepted.Deleting/saving POIs after they havebeen imported to the serverXSelect the entry after Import & delete:(Y page 162) by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The # dot indicates the current setting.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.The setting is accepted.162 OptionsCOMAND Online and Internet
Yes deletes the POIs after importing to theserver.No does not delete the POIs on the server.iRoutes and destinations are automati-cally deleted on the server after sevendays.Resetting adjustmentsXSelect the globe icon in the main functionbar by sliding ZV and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The carousel view appears.XBring the COMAND Online panel to the frontby turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.XSelect Options by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect Reset and press W to confirm.A prompt appears asking whether youreally wish to reset.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the settings are reset.If you select No, the process will be aborted.Special destination searchIntroductionThere are three options for the POI search:Rtop search queriesRfree text searchRall search queriesCalling up the POIs search menuXSelect the globe icon in the main functionbar by sliding ZV and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The carousel view appears.XBring the COMAND Online panel to the frontby turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.The COMAND Online menu appears.XBring the Google Local search (POIs)panel to the front and press W to confirm.XTo exit the menu: select Back by slidingVÆ and turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.Free text searchEntry restrictionIt is only possible to enter a search term inthe input menu when the vehicle is stationary.Entering a search termXConfirm Free text search in the POIsearch menu by pressing W.An input menu appears.Special destination search 163COMAND Online and Internet
XTo enter using the character bar: enterthe search term. Instructions for enteringcharacters using the character bar can befound in the "Entering characters in thephone book and address book" section(Y page 28).XTo enter characters using the number pad: press the number keys in rapid suc-cession.The character appears when the key ispressed. The first available letter is high-lighted. Instructions for entering charac-ters using the number pad can be found inthe "Entering characters in navigationmode" section (Y page 25).XAfter entering the search term, select¬ by turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.A menu appears. Here, you can selectwhere the POI search should begin.Selecting the search positionThe POI is entered and confirmed.XSelect an entry by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.COMAND searches for available POIs forthe search term entered:Rnear the current vehicle positionRalong the calculated routeRnear the destinationRnear an addressXAfter selecting Near address, enter anaddress and confirm. Instructions forentering characters can be found in the"Entering characters in navigation mode"section (Y page 25).The search results are displayed.Google™ search results (example)Five search results per page are shown.XScrolling forwards/backwards through pages: select Query results 6-10 in the164 Special destination searchCOMAND Online and Internet
example by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The entry Back to results 1-5 is avail-able on the next page for scrolling back-wards.Using search resultsXSelect an entry in the list of search resultsby turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.A menu appears.XTo show the detailed view: confirmDetails by pressing W the COMAND con-troller.The address of the POI is displayed.XTo use a POI as the destination: selectNavigate to by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.You then switch to navigation mode andcan start route calculation (Y page 56).iThe POI is stored in the "Last destina-tions" memory at the same time(Y page 95). You can adopt the POI fromthis memory and save it permanently in thedestination memory (Y page 94).XTo call up a POI: select Call with theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.You then switch to the telephone functionand make the call (Y page 123).iThe menu item is greyed out if there is nophone number available.XTo import a POI: select Import with theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.You can choose whether you want to savethe POI as a personal POI on the SD mem-ory card or in the address book.iIf there is no SD memory card in the slot,the As personal POI menu item is greyedout.XInsert the SD memory card (Y page 196).XTo save as a personal POI: confirm As personal POI by pressing W theCOMAND controller.The entry is saved as a personal POI on theSD memory card.iYou can use a personal POI in navigationmode for route calculation, see the "Per-sonal POIs" section under "Selecting as thedestination" (Y page 74).If the personal POI is saved on the SD mem-ory, you can also use it for route calculationin another vehicle.Special destination search 165COMAND Online and Internet
XTo save to the address book: select To address book by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The entry is stored in the address book.XTo display the weather data: selectWeather by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The weather data is displayed at the POIlocation (Y page 169).Top search queriesThis function allows you to search using pre-defined search criteria.XBring Popular searches in the POI searchmenu to the front by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.A menu displays the available search crite-ria.XSelect the search criteria and press W toconfirm.XProceed as described in the "Selecting thesearch position" section (Y page 164).All search queriesThis function offers you all the previoussearch queries.XBring Search history in the POI searchmenu to the front by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The previous search queries are displayed.XSelect the search criteria and press W toconfirm.XProceed as described in the "Selecting thesearch position" section (Y page 164).166 Special destination searchCOMAND Online and Internet
Downloading special destinationsIntroductionYou can send POIs from Google™ maps to theserver and download these via the COMANDOnline POIs download. POIs are routes ordestinations, special destinations and geo-coordinates. You can use POIs for route guid-ance and save them for further use.Step 1: sending POIs to the serverXCall up the website for Google™ maps onthe Internet.XSelect a POI.XSelect "Mercedes-Benz" as the companyentry.XSelect the identification for the download(e-mail address or vehicle identificationnumber).iInstructions for setting the identificationcan be found in the "Setting the options forthe POI download" section (Y page 162).XConfirm "Send" on the Google™ maps web-site.The POIs are sent to the server.Step 2: downloading POIs from theserverXSelect the globe icon in the main functionbar by sliding ZV and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The carousel view appears.XBring the COMAND Online panel to the frontby turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.The COMAND Online menu appears.XBring the Download POIs panel to thefront.With Exit you quit the POIs download.With Options you set the options for the POIdownload (Y page 162).XConfirm the Download POIs panel bypressing W.Existing POIs are downloaded from theserver and displayed in a list. Entries fromthe server are identified by the @ symbol.List with one route and two destination entriesYou can download up to 20 routes and 50destinations, POIs or geo-coordinates anddisplay them in a list. When you downloadmore navigation information, the oldestentries are deleted.iThe POIs sent from Google™ maps to theserver are automatically deleted from thereafter seven days.Downloading special destinations 167COMAND Online and Internet
Step 3: using POIsCalling up the menuXSelect an entry in the list by turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.A menu appears.Displaying detailsXConfirm Details in the menu by pressingW the COMAND controller.The route or destination is displayed.Example of a route with a start and destinationExample of a destination addressXTo call up a POI: confirm the entry bypressing W.iYou can use this function when a mobilephone is connected (Y page 114) and thedestination address includes a phone num-ber.Using a POI as the destinationXSelect Navigate to in the menu by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.You then switch to navigation mode andcan start route calculation (Y page 56).iThe POI is stored in the "Last destina-tions" memory at the same time(Y page 95). You can take the POI from thismemory and save it permanently in thedestination memory (Y page 94).Importing POIsWhen importing, you can choose whether youwant to save the POI as a personal POI on theSD memory card or in the address book. Youcan only save routes as personal POI, but notin the address book.XSelect Import in the menu with theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.iIf there is no SD memory card in the slot,the As personal POI menu item is greyedout.168 Downloading special destinationsCOMAND Online and Internet
XInsert the SD memory card (Y page 196).XTo save as a personal POI: confirm As personal POI by pressing W theCOMAND controller.The entry is saved as a personal POI on theSD memory card.iYou can use a personal POI in navigationmode for route calculation (Y page 74).You can also use a personal POI in anothervehicle for route calculation.XTo save to the address book: select To address book by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The entry is stored in the address book.Deleting POIsXSelect an entry in the list by turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.XSelect Delete and press W to confirm.A prompt appears asking whether you wishto delete the POI.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, the POI is deleted.If you select No, the process will be aborted.WeatherIntroductionCOMAND can receive weather forecasts any-where in the world via online connection anddisplay it in an information chart (current day,5-day forecast) or in the weather map.The weather map can display the followingweather data with symbols:Rhazard reports (e.g. storms, slippery con-ditions)Rprecipitation radar (e.g. rain, snow)Ratmospheric pressure conditionsRtemperaturesRcloud coverRwind direction and speedsSwitching the weather display on/off(COMAND Online)Switching onXSelect the globe icon in the main functionbar by sliding ZV and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The carousel view appears.XTurn cVd the COMAND controller untilCOMAND Online is brought to the front andpress W to confirm.The carousel view for COMAND Onlineappears.XTurn cVd the COMAND controller untilWeather is brought to the front and pressW to confirm.The information chart displays the currentweather in the previously selected location(Y page 170), in the example, the currentvehicle position.Weather 169COMAND Online and Internet
You see the following information:Rthe time of the current weather reportRthe current temperatureRinformation on the weather (e.g. cloudy,rain)Rthe maximum daytime temperatureRthe minimum daytime temperatureRthe probability of rainRthe forecast for the current day (three timeintervals)XTo switch to a five-day forecast: confirm5-day by pressing W.The information chart displays the forecastfor the next five days in the currently selec-ted location.XTo return to the current weather infor-mation: confirm Current by pressing W.Switching offXPress the % button.orXSelect Back by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.Irrespective of the option chosen, the car-ousel view will appear.Displaying additional informationIn addition to the current temperatures, youcan also display information such as humidityand air quality (if the information is available).XSelect Info in the information chart byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.The information chart displays informationfor the selected location.Selecting the locationIntroductionYou can select the following options for theweather forecast:Rthe current vehicle positionRthe destinationRa winter sports areaRa location anywhere in the worldYou can select the location in the informationchart (option 1) or in the map (option 2).Weather information is supplied by the near-est weather station.170 WeatherCOMAND Online and Internet
Option 1: selecting the location in theinformation chartXSelect Position in the information chartby turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.A menu appears.XTo select the current vehicle position:confirm Current position by pressingW.XTo select the destination: select At des‐tination in the menu by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.iYou can select At destination  if theroute has been calculated (Y page 56). Themenu item is otherwise greyed out.XTo select a winter sports area: select In winter sports areas in the menu andpress W to confirm.A list of countries appears.XSelect a country, e.g. ANDORRA and pressW to confirm.The available winter sports areas are dis-played.XSelect a winter sports area from the menuand press W to confirm.The information chart shows informationon:Rtype of skiingRsnow conditionsRtemperaturesXTo select the location: select Search area in the menu by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.An input menu appears.Weather 171COMAND Online and Internet
XEnter the search area. Instructions forentering characters can be found in the"Entering characters in navigation mode"section (Y page 25).The information chart with the weatherforecast appears when the search area hasbeen entered.Entry ExamplePostcode 10117City BerlinAddress Unter den LindenAirport code TXL (Tegel Airport)Option 2: selecting the location in theweather mapXCall up the weather map and move to thedesired location (Y page 172).XPress W the COMAND controller.The menu bar is shown.XPress W the COMAND controller again andconfirm Display weather.The information chart displays the currentweather for the selected location.Weather mapCalling up the weather mapXSelect Map in the information chart by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The map appears in a scale of 20 km.XTo move the weather map: slide ZV theCOMAND controller to display the cross-hair.XSlide XVY, ZVÆ or aVb the COMANDcontroller.The weather map moves in the correspond-ing direction under the crosshair.XTo change the map scale: as soon as youturn cVd the COMAND controller, thescale bar appears.XTurn cVd until the desired scale is set.iData is downloaded again from the serverfor these functions which may delay themap being displayed.Showing/hiding the menu in theweather mapXTo show: press W the COMAND controllerin the weather map.XTo hide: slide up ZV the COMAND con-troller.172 WeatherCOMAND Online and Internet
Switching the weather information dis-play in the map on/offXDisplay the menu in the weather map(Y page 172).XSelect View by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.Weather charac-teristicDisplay in the mapHazard icons Displays warnings,legend; see example(Y page 173)Weather radar Displays the rainradar as a colouredarea on the map,legend; see example(Y page 173)Atmospheric pressureDisplays air pres-sure with isobarsand as a colouredarea on the mapTemperatures Displays the tem-peraturesCloud cover Displays the cloudsWinds Displays wind direc-tion with an arrowand wind speed withcolouringXSelect a weather characteristic by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The # dot indicates which weather charac-teristic is currently displayed on the map.You can select one weather characteristicat a time.LegendXDisplay the menu on the weather map(Y page 172).XSelect View by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Legend and press W to confirm.The legend is displayed in accordance withthe currently selected weather character-istic.Legend for warningsLegend for precipitation radarWeather 173COMAND Online and Internet
Changing to the information chartXDisplay the menu in the weather map(Y page 172).XSelect Display weather and press W toconfirm.Memory functionsStoring a location in the memoryYou can save locations that are called up fre-quently in ten preset positions (0, 1 - 9).XSelect the location (Y page 170).XPress and hold a number key.When the location is saved, the number ofthe selected preset comes before the nameof the place in the caption.Selecting a location from the memoryXQuick selection: when the weather dis-play (COMAND Online) is switched on andan entry is available, press a number key,e.g. l.The information chart appears and displaysthe weather information.XFrom the weather memory: select Posi‐tion in the information chart by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect Presets and press W to confirm.XSelect a preset position that has an entryby turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.The information chart appears and displaysthe weather information.InternetCalling up a websiteCalling up the carousel viewXSelect the globe icon in the main functionbar by sliding ZV and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The carousel view appears.You can now enter a web address (URL)(option 1) or select it in the carousel view(option 2).To select in the carousel view, you must firstcreate favourites (Y page 180).Option 1: entering the URLYou can enter the web address (URL) usingeither the character bar or the number key-pad.XSelect Enter URL by sliding VÆ and turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.An input menu appears.174 InternetCOMAND Online and Internet
XTo enter using the character bar: enterthe URL in the input line.Instructions for entering characters can befound in the "At a glance" chapter(Y page 28).As soon as the first letter has been enteredin the input line, a list appears below it. Thelist shows web addresses which begin withthe letters you have entered and webaddresses which have already been calledup.The list is empty the first time you call it up.XTo enter characters using the number pad: press the number keys in rapid suc-cession.The character appears when the key ispressed. The first available letter is high-lighted.Detailed instructions for entering charac-ters can be found in the "At a glance" sec-tion (Y page 26).XAfter entering the web address (URL),select the ¬ symbol by turning cVd orsliding XVY the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.The website is called up.XTo select a web address in the list: slideZV the COMAND controller in the inputmenu with the character bar.The list is activated.XSelect the web address by turning cVd orsliding ZVÆ the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.The web address is entered in the input line.XPress W the COMAND controller.The website is called up. The Establish‐ing data connection to <provider name>... message appears.Option 2: selecting favouritesYou must create at least one favourite in thecarousel view for this function (Y page 180).XIn the carousel view, bring a favourite to thefront by turning cVd or sliding XVY theInternet 175COMAND Online and Internet
COMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The website is called up.176 InternetCOMAND Online and Internet
Navigating the websiteOverviewStep ActivityXTurn cVd the controller. Navigates from one item that can be selec-ted (e.g. link, text field or selection list) to thenext and highlights the respective elementon the website.Sliding the controller:XLeft or right XVYXUp or down ZVÆXDiagonally aVbMoves the pointer on the page.XPress W the controller. Calls up the menu or opens the selecteditem.XPress the % button. Calls up the previous page.XPress the j button. Closes the Internet browser or the currentwindow, if there are several open.ExamplesHighlighting an item that can be selectedXTurn cVd the COMAND controller.A button is highlighted in the example.Entering textXSelect an input line by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The character bar appears.XEnter the text using the character bar or thenumber keypad.Instructions for entering characters can befound in the "At a glance" section:REntering characters using the characterbar (Y page 28)REntering characters using the numberkeypad (Y page 26)XIf the text has been entered, select the¬ icon by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The text has now been entered.Internet 177COMAND Online and Internet
Menu functionsCalling up the menuXTo call up the shortcut: highlight theselectable item on the page by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XTo call up the entire menu: when theshortcut is displayed, slide VÆ theCOMAND controller downwards.orXSelect a free area on the website by slidingZVÆ, XVY or aVb the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.Start of menuEnd of menuOpenOpens the website to the selectable item.XConfirm Open by pressing W the COMANDcontroller.Open in new windowOpens the website in a new window. You canopen up to five windows simultaneously.XSelect Open in new window by turningcVd or sliding ZVÆ the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.XTo select a window: select View and pressW to confirm.XSelect Page selection and press W toconfirm.XSelect the website in the carousel view byturning cVd or sliding XVY the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.178 InternetCOMAND Online and Internet
Add to favouritesAdds the current website to the favourites.The website can then be called up using thecarousel view. You can save up to 20 favour-ites in the carousel view.XSelect Add to favourites by turningcVd or sliding ZVÆ the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.The The page has been added as a favourites. message appears.Display favouritesCalls up the favourites.XSelect Display favourites by turningcVd or sliding ZVÆ the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.The favourites are shown in the carouselview.You will find further information in the"Favourites" section (Y page 181).Enter URLOpens the input menu where you can enterthe web address (URL).XSelect Enter URL by turning cVd or slid-ing ZVÆ the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XEnter the URL (Y page 174).ReloadReloads the website and updates the content.XSelect Reload by turning cVd or slidingZVÆ the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.PreviousCalls up the previous website.XSelect Previous by turning cVd or slidingZVÆ the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.NextCalls up the next website.XSelect Next by turning cVd or slidingZVÆ the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.ViewYou can use this function to:Rposition a selection window on websitesthat are larger than the displayRselect a window that is already open.XSelect View by turning cVd or slidingZVÆ the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.orXPress the z key on the number keypad.iYou cannot use the z key if a phonecall is being made.XTo position the selection window: con-firm Full-screen view of current page by pressing W the COMAND control-ler.A selection window appears on the web-site.Internet 179COMAND Online and Internet
XSlide XVY, ZVÆ or aVb the COMANDcontroller and position the selection win-dow on the website.XPress W the COMAND controller.The selected section is enlarged.XTo display and select open windows:select Display open windows by turningcVd or sliding ZVÆ the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.The carousel view appears.XPress W the COMAND controller.The website is displayed.Link detailsDisplays the complete web address of theselected link (URL).XSelect Link details by turning cVd orsliding ZVÆ the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.The URL appears.XPress W the COMAND controller and closethe display.SettingsThe settings are described in a separate sec-tion (Y page 183).Close active windowXSelect Close active window by turningcVd or sliding ZVÆ the COMAND control-ler and press W to confirm.orXPress the j button to the right of theCOMAND controller.iYou cannot use the j button if aphone call is being made.ExitXSelect Exit by turning cVd or slidingZVÆ the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The Internet browser is closed. If other win-dows are opened in the background,another prompt appears.FavouritesIntroductionFavourites are frequently visited websites.You can create a favourite in the carouselview (option 1) or in the menu (Y page 178)using the Add to favourites menu item(option 2).Before creating a favourite in the carouselview, you must first close active connections(Y page 159).You can select and edit favourites that youhave created.Creating favouritesOption 1: creating in the carousel viewXCall up the carousel view (Y page 174).180 InternetCOMAND Online and Internet
XBring the Create new favourite panel tothe front by turning cVd or sliding XVYthe COMAND controller.XPress W the COMAND controller.An input menu appears.XEnter the web address (URL) and nameusing either the character bar or the num-ber keypad.Instructions for entering characters can befound in the "At a glance" section:REntering characters using the characterbar (Y page 28)REntering characters using the numberkeypad (Y page 26)XSelect the ¬ icon and press W to con-firm.The favourite has been created.Option 2: adding to favouritesXWhen a website is displayed, call up themenu (Y page 178).XSelect Add to favourites in the menuand press W to confirm.Selecting favouritesXCall up the carousel view (Y page 174).XSelect the favourite in the carousel view byturning cVd or sliding XVY the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The favourite is opened.Editing favouritesIn the carousel viewXSelect (Y page 174)Edit in the carouselview by sliding ÆV and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.An input menu appears.XEnter the web address (URL) and nameusing either the character bar or the num-ber keypad.Instructions for entering characters can befound in the "At a glance" section:REntering characters using the characterbar (Y page 28)REntering characters using the numberkeypad (Y page 26)In the favourites menuXSelect Display favourites in the menu(Y page 178) by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The favourite is displayed.XPress W the COMAND controller.The favourites menu appears.Internet 181COMAND Online and Internet
Favourites menuXSelect Edit by turning cVd or slidingZVÆ the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.orXPress the g button on the number key-pad.An input menu appears.XEnter the web address (URL) and nameusing either the character bar or the num-ber keypad.Instructions for entering characters can befound in the "At a glance" section:REntering characters using the characterbar (Y page 28)REntering characters using the numberkeypad (Y page 26)Other functions in the favourites menuOpenOpens the current favourites.XConfirm Open in the favourites menu(Y page 182) by pressing W the COMANDcontroller.Open in new windowOpens the current favourites in a new win-dow.XSelect Open in new window in the favour-ites menu (Y page 182) by turning cVd orsliding ZVÆ the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.Calling up detailsXSelect Details in the favourites menu(Y page 182) by turning cVd or slidingZVÆ the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.orXPress the z button on the number key-pad.The detailed display appears.ExitXSelect Exit in the favourites menu(Y page 182) by turning cVd or slidingZVÆ the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.orXPress the % button to the left of theCOMAND controller.The menu closes.Deleting favouritesIn the carousel viewXSelect Delete in the carousel view(Y page 174) by sliding ÆV and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.A query appears.XSelect Yes and press W to confirm.The favourite is deleted.If you select No, the process will be aborted.182 InternetCOMAND Online and Internet
In the favourites menuXSelect Delete in the favourites menu(Y page 182) by turning cVd or slidingZVÆ the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.orXPress the j button to the right of theCOMAND controller.The favourite is deleted.SettingsXCall up the menu (Y page 178).XSelect Settings by turning cVd or slidingZVÆ the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.You can activate/deactivate the followingsettings:RDownload imagesIt may take some time to download thecontents of websites that contain a largeamount of images. Therefore, it may beuseful to deactivate this option.RBlock popupsPopups are windows (usually with adver-tisements) which are displayed automati-cally when you call up a website. You canblock these displays.REnable JavascriptJavascript makes it possible to display andinteract with dynamic content on the web-site.REnable cookiesSome websites save information in smalltext files (cookies) in COMAND. You candetermine whether cookies may be stored.XSelect a setting by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.Switch the setting on O or off ª.You can make other settings:RCharacter sizeYou can select the font size which is usedwhen displaying the website.RCharacter codeYou can select a different character sethere, e.g. if the characters of a websiteappear distorted.RDelete private dataDeletes data which has been saved by thebrowser during Internet use.iIf you change the settings, the websitesmay not be displayed correctly.XSelect Character size or Character code by turning cVd or sliding ZVÆ theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.A menu appears.XSelect a setting using the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XSelect Delete private data and pressW to confirm.A menu appears.Internet 183COMAND Online and Internet
Option FunctionAll Deletes all privatedata.Cache Deletes data in thetemporary storage.Cookies Deletes cookies thatare created by web-sites which you havecalled up.Websites visited Deletes all websitesvisited (path).ODelete all data on exitingIf this function isactivated O, all pri-vate data is deletedwhen you exit theInternet browser.XSelect the setting by turning cVd or slidingZVÆ the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The # dot in front of an entry indicateswhich setting is active.orXSelect Delete all data on exiting andpress W to confirm.Switch the setting on O or off ª.iThese settings are deleted when you resetCOMAND (Y page 48).184 InternetCOMAND Online and Internet
Vehicle equipment ............................ 186Radio mode and DAB radio mode .... 186Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode ........ 192Music search ..................................... 205MUSIC REGISTER .............................. 208Operation with Bluetooth® audio .... 212Media Interface mode ...................... 218Audio AUX mode ............................... 223185Audio
Vehicle equipmentiThis manual describes all the standardand optional equipment of your vehiclewhich was available at the time of pur-chase. Country-specific differences arepossible. Bear in mind that your vehiclemay not feature all functions describedhere. This also refers to safety-related sys-tems and functions.Radio mode and DAB radio modeIntroductioniPortable electronic devices in the vehiclemay seriously impair radio and DAB radioreception.DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) is an opti-mised digital transmission standard designedfor the mobile reception of radio transmis-sions. Several programmes are combinedinto so-called ensembles and transmitted ona single frequency. Digital radio stations canbe transmitted nationally, regionally orlocally.Some stations only transmit programmes atcertain times. If you have selected a stationthat is subsequently removed from theensemble, it will no longer be received. Youwill continue to receive the other pro-grammes in the ensemble. You must thenselect another programme.iDAB cannot be received everywhere inEurope.Switching on radio mode and DABradio modeOption 1XPress the $ function button.The radio or DAB radio display appears.Radio mode: you will hear the last stationplayed on the last waveband selected.DAB radio mode: you will hear the last sta-tion played from the last ensemble selec-ted.iRepeatedly pressing the $ functionbutton switches between the FM, MW, SWand LW wavebands in that order and thencalls up DAB radio mode. Pressing the but-ton again takes you back to FM radio mode.Option 2XSelect Audio in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.If radio mode or DAB radio mode was thelast mode selected, it is now active.If another audio mode is switched on, youcan now switch to radio mode in the audiomenu.You can select DAB radio mode in the radiodisplay.XSelect Audio by sliding ZV the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The audio menu appears.:Current audio operating mode;Main function bar=Audio menuXSelect Radio by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.186 Radio mode and DAB radio modeAudio
FM radio display:Waveband and frequency of the selectedstation;Station name or station frequency of theselected station=Memory position of a station?Radio text plus display (if available)ARadio mode menu barXTo switch on DAB radio mode: select FMin the radio display by sliding VÆ and turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect DAB and press W to confirm.DAB radio display:Name of the ensemble to which the selec-ted station belongs;Name of the selected station=Memory position of a station?Radio text plus display (if available)ADAB radio mode menu bariIf reception is poor (e.g. in tunnels ormountain valleys), affected stations areshown in grey and playback of the currentlyselected station is interrupted. As soon asthe reception quality is adequate, displaysand playback return to normal.Switching wavebandsOption 1You can switch the radio between the FM,MW, LW and SW wavebands.XPress the $ function button repeatedlyuntil the desired waveband is selected.Option 2XSelect FM, DAB, MW, SW or LW in the radiodisplay by sliding VÆ and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect a waveband and press W to confirm.You will hear the last station played on theselected waveband.Radio mode and DAB radio mode 187Audio
iIn the MW, LW and SW wavebands,COMAND shows the station frequencyinstead of the station name.Ensembles (DAB radio mode)An ensemble consists of multiple radio pro-grammes. Every ensemble is transmitted in acertain area (national, regional or local) in thesame way as a traditional AM/FM radio sta-tion.Switching to an FM station automati-callyIf the reception of a DAB radio station dete-riorates, COMAND automatically changes tothe corresponding FM station under the fol-lowing conditions:Rthe FM station's frequency is available.Rthe Station fix(Y page 191) menu itemis switched off.iIf you want to use this function, do notswitch to FM radio.If there is no reception, the display shows theNo reception message.Selecting a stationSelecting a channel from the channellistThe station list is available in the FM wave-band and in DAB radio mode.Radio mode: the station list contains all thestations that can currently be received and issorted alphabetically. For stations without aprogramme service, the list shows the fre-quency instead of the name.DAB radio mode: the station list contains thestations of all the ensembles that can cur-rently be received and displays the currentprogramme and a programme preview, if sup-ported by the station operator. The station listis sorted alphabetically.XQuick select: turn cVd or slide XVY theCOMAND controller while the display/selection window is active.orXPress the E or F button.The needle jumps to the left or right.XTo make a selection in the station list:select Radio by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XConfirm Station list by pressing W.The station list appears.Radio mode (example):Currently selected station;Memory slot in station presetsDAB radio mode (example):Currently selected DAB radio station;Current programme=Start and end times of the programmeXSelect the station by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.188 Radio mode and DAB radio modeAudio
XTo call up the programme preview: slideVY the COMAND controller.The next programmes are shown for thedisplayed DAB radio stations.XSwitch back by sliding XV.Using the multifunction steering wheelXSwitch on radio mode in COMAND.XPress = or ; to select the Audiomenu.:Radio mode (FM) set;Currently selected stationStation ; is displayed with the station fre-quency or station name. If the station hasbeen stored, the associated preset is alsodisplayed in ;.XPress and hold 9 or :.Selecting a station using the stationsearch functionIn radio mode, the station search function isonly available for the MW, LW and SW wave-bands.XPress the E or F button.Station search scans up or down and stopsat the next station found.Using the multifunction steering wheelXPress = or ; to select the Audiomenu.XPress and hold 9 or :.Selecting stations via the station pre-setsXQuick setting: press a number key, e.g.l.XDirectly in the station presets: selectPresets by sliding VÆ and turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.orXPress W the COMAND controller when thedisplay/selection window is active.The station preset memory appears. The# dot indicates under which preset thecurrently selected station is stored.XSelect a station by turning cVd and pressW to confirm or press a number key, e.g.l.Using the multifunction steering wheelXPress = or ; to select the Audiomenu.XPress 9 or : briefly.Selecting stations by entering the fre-quency manuallyThis function is available in radio mode.XOption 1: press the l button.XOption 2: select Radio in the radio displayby sliding VÆ and turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Frequency entry and press W toconfirm.Irrespective of the option chosen, an inputmenu will appear.XEnter a frequency using the number keys.COMAND tunes in to the frequencyentered.Radio mode and DAB radio mode 189Audio
Waveband FrequencyFM (VHF) 87.5 – 108.0 MHzMW (medium wave) 531 – 1620 kHzSW (short wave) 5800 – 6250 kHzLW (long wave) 153 – 282 kHziYou can only enter currently permittednumbers.iIf you enter a frequency in the MW, SW orLW wavebands that is outside the fre-quency range, COMAND sets the nextlower frequency.Storing stationsStoring stations manuallyThere are ten presets available for each wave-band as well as for DAB radio mode.XQuick save: press and hold a number key,e.g. l, until you hear a tone.The station is stored.XDirectly in the station presets: press Wthe COMAND controller when the display/selection window is active.orXSelect Presets by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.In both cases, the station presets appear.The # dot indicates under which presetthe currently selected station is stored.Station presets in DAB radio modeXSelect a preset by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press and holdW until you hear a tone.The station is stored under the preset.Storing stations automaticallyThis function automatically stores stationswith adequate reception under the presets.The search starts at the lowest frequency.COMAND stores any stations found, begin-ning with preset 1. The storing process endsonce the highest frequency has been reachedor once ten stations have been found. Anystations stored manually under the presetswill be lost. COMAND may not occupy allmemory slots when storing.XOption 1: press W the COMAND controllerwhen the display/selection window isactive.XSelect Autostore in the presets by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XOption 2: select Presets by sliding VÆand turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.XSelect Autostore and press W to confirm.In both cases, COMAND searches for sta-tions that can be received. You will see amessage to this effect. The available sta-tions are automatically stored in the presetpositions.190 Radio mode and DAB radio modeAudio
XTo cancel storing: select Cancel andpress W to confirm.Radio Data System (RDS)General notesThe Radio Data System (RDS) provides inaud-ible additional information in the FM wave-band. The system consists of a listeningreceiver and a monitoring receiver.The monitoring receiver constantly scans theFM waveband and collects data from all thestations with adequate reception, e.g. recep-tion quality and RDS data such as programmenames and alternative frequencies. COMANDstores the data and constantly updates thememory. The audio receiver is therefore ableto switch automatically to an alternative fre-quency with a better signal.iRDS only functions for stations whichtransmit RDS data.Switching RDS on/offYou can use the functions "Frequency fix" (FMmode) or "Station fix" (DAB mode) to preventCOMAND from switching between alternativefrequencies. This is useful, for example, whenthe same content is broadcast with a timedelay, or when there is interference on one ofthe frequencies.XSelect Radio in the radio display by slidingVÆ and turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XSelect Frequency fix or Station fix byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.Depending on the previous state, switchFrequency fix on O or off ª.Traffic ProgrammeNoteMany FM stations transmit traffic announce-ments (TA). You can also hear these in DABradio mode.Switching traffic announcements on/offXOption 1: select Radio by sliding VÆ andturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.The tick next to TA indicates that trafficannouncement reception is switched on.You see the TA icon in the status bar.XSelect TA and press W to confirm.TA are switched on or off, depending on theprevious status.XOption 2: press and hold the 8 buttonon COMAND or on the multifunction steer-ing wheel until TA lights up or goes out inthe status bar.A tone sounds.Once traffic announcements have beenswitched on, COMAND selects an RDS sta-tion.The Traffic Programme is retrieved from:Rthe currently selected FM stationRan RDS station from the network of thecurrently selected FM stationRthe RDS station with the best receptionqualityWhen traffic announcements are switchedon, a traffic announcement will interrupt theaudio signal from the currently activatedaudio or video source.iTelephone conversations and navigationannouncements are not interrupted.A display message appears in the display inall audio operating modes.Radio mode and DAB radio mode 191Audio
Interrupting a traffic announcementDuring a traffic announcement:XBriefly press the 8 button on COMANDor on the multifunction steering wheel.orXPress the 9, : or 9 button on themultifunction steering wheel.COMAND switches back to the audiosource that was selected before theannouncement. Any subsequent newannouncements will continue to interruptthe audio source.Radio text/radio text plusMessages in the displayThe function is available in FM mode and inDAB radio mode.Radio text/radio text plus consists of addi-tionally transmitted data, e.g. information onthe current programme, which is displayed inthe COMAND display.If the station supports radio text plus, theartist and track are displayed.Radio text plus (display: artist and track)XShowing/hiding the artist and track:select Radio in the radio display by slidingVÆ and turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XSelect Display artist and track andpress W to confirm.This switches the function on O or off ª.XTo display radio text: select Info in thecorresponding radio display by sliding VÆand turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.If the station supports radio text and infor-mation is available, the system displays it.Radio text (display for additional information onprogramme)XTo return to the radio display: confirmInfo by pressing W.XSlide ZV the COMAND controller up.Audio CD/DVD and MP3 modeImportant safety notesGRisk of injuryCOMAND is classified as a class 1 laser prod-uct. You must not open the casing. If you openthe casing, or if the casing is faulty or dam-aged, there is a risk of exposure to invisiblelaser radiation. This may damage your eyes,or those of others.COMAND does not contain any parts that canbe serviced by the user. For safety reasons,all maintenance work must be carried out byqualified aftersales technicians.GRisk of accidentOnly when the vehicle is stationary shouldyou:Rload a discReject a disc192 Audio CD/DVD and MP3 modeAudio
There is a risk of being distracted from theroad and traffic conditions if this is done whilethe vehicle is in motion.Inserting/ejecting CDs/DVDsNotesIf the CD/DVD has a printed side, this mustface upwards when the CD/DVD is inserted.If neither side is printed, the side to be playedshould face downwards. CDs/DVDs withcopy protection may not be able to be playedby the system.iIf a medium contains other files in addi-tion to music files, the loading time beforethe first track starts to play may be longer.Inserting a disc into the single DVDdriveXPress the 8 eject button.If there is a disc already inserted, it will beejected.XTake the disc out of the slot.XInsert a disc into the slot.The disc is drawn in and playback starts ifthe disc has been inserted correctly and itis a permissible type of disc.Ejecting a disc from the single DVDdriveXPress the 8 eject button.XTake the disc out of the slot.If you do not take the disc out of the slot,COMAND will draw it in again automaticallyafter a short while and load it again.Inserting discs into the DVD changerThe DVD changer has a fixed magazine withsix trays.XTo insert a CD/DVD into the magazine tray: press the V load/eject button.A menu shows the current load status ofthe magazine trays. The last tray selectedis identified by a red digit.XSelect a magazine tray to be filled by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.orXPress a number key, e.g. j.The DVD changer switches to the selectedmagazine tray. You see the Please wait... message.You then see the Please insert disc <x> message.iNever insert a data medium beforeCOMAND prompts you to do so. Neverinsert more than one disc at a time into amagazine tray.XInsert a disc into the disc slot with the prin-ted side facing upwards.Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode 193AudioZ
The DVD changer loads the disc into theselected magazine tray. You see the mes-sage: Loading disc <x>....iIt may take some time for the disc to beloaded, depending on the type of disc. If nodisc is inserted for approximately 20 sec-onds, the display returns to the magazinemenu.The DVD changer plays the disc if:Rit has been inserted correctly.Rit is a permissible type of disc:Full magazine tray (eject function is avail-able);Empty magazine tray (disc can be inser-ted)XTo exit the menu: press the V eject/load button again or press the % backbutton.orXSelect Back by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XTo fill empty magazine trays: press theV load/eject button.The magazine menu appears.XSelect Fill empty slots.You see the Please wait... message.COMAND switches to the next empty mag-azine tray. You then see the Please insert disc <x> message.iNever insert a data medium beforeCOMAND prompts you to do so. Neverinsert more than one disc at a time into amagazine tray.XInsert a disc into the disc slot with the prin-ted side facing upwards.You see the Please wait... message.Once the disc is loaded, the DVD changerswitches to the next empty tray. You seethe message: Please insert disc <x>.XRepeat this step until all trays are loaded.The DVD changer will play the last disc loa-ded if it has been inserted correctly and isof a permissible type. This applies even ifnot all trays have been loaded with a disc.XTo cancel loading: press the V eject/load button again or press the % backbutton.iIf you cancel loading with the % backbutton, the system loads and plays the lastCD you inserted.Ejecting discs from the DVD changerIf you remove one disc while playing anotherdisc, the DVD changer interrupts playback.Playback continues once the disc has beenejected.XTo eject a CD/DVD: press the V load/eject button.The magazine menu appears. The magazinetray with the current disc is highlighted.:Eject possible;Data medium type=Disc name (only if stored on the disc)?Current disc194 Audio CD/DVD and MP3 modeAudio
XSelect a magazine tray containing a disc byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.orXPress a number key, e.g. j.You see the message: Ejecting disc <x>.... Then you see the following mes-sage:XTake the disc out of the slot.If you do not take the disc out of the slot,COMAND will draw it in again automaticallyafter a short while and load it again.XTo eject all CDs/DVDs: press the Vload/eject button.The magazine menu appears.XSelect Eject all by sliding ÆV and turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The DVD changer ejects the last disc selec-ted. You see the message: Ejecting disc <x>....XTake the disc out of the disc slot when yousee the Please remove disc <x> mes-sage.The DVD changer switches to the next loa-ded magazine tray and ejects the disc.XRepeat the last step until the magazine isempty.XTo exit the menu: press the V eject/load button again or press the % backbutton.orXSelect Back by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.Inserting and ejecting an SD memorycardGeneral informationCOMAND supports SD memory cards(Secure Digital) and SDHC memory cards(Secure Digital High Capacity).iNot all memory cards available on themarket are designed for the temperatureswhich may be reached in the vehicle.Due to the wide range of SD memory cardsavailable on the market, playback cannotbe guaranteed for all brands of SD memorycard.The readable storage capacity depends onthe memory card used. Further informationcan be obtained from a Mercedes-BenzService Centre.Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode 195AudioZ
Inserting an SD memory cardXInsert the memory card into the slot until itengages in place. The side with the con-tacts must face downwards and pointtowards the slot.COMAND loads the memory card andshows a message to this effect. If no MP3tracks can be found, you will see a messageto this effect.Ejecting an SD memory cardXPress the memory card.The memory card is ejected.XTake the memory card out of the slot(Y page 15), position H.Connecting a USB deviceThe USB port is located in the stowage com-partment in the centre console.Electrical consumption at this connectionmust not exceed a continuous current of500 mA. If the electrical consumption ishigher, use a separate source to providepower for the USB device (e.g.12 V power supply).The following data formats are supported:RAAC: fixed and variable bitrates (Low Com-plexity profile)RMP3, WMA: fixed and variable bitrates upto 320 kbit/sXConnect the USB device (e.g. USB stick) tothe USB port.Activating audio CD/DVD or MP3modeOption 1XInsert a CD/DVD (Y page 193), SD memorycard (Y page 196) or connect a USB device(Y page 196).COMAND loads the medium inserted andstarts to play it.Option 2XPress the h function button one or moretimes.iBy pressing the function button repeat-edly, you can change the operating modein the following order:Raudio CD/DVD/video DVD/MP3 CD/MP3 DVD in the DVD changer or singleDVD drive (disc mode)Rmemory card modeRMUSIC REGISTERRUSB storage deviceRMedia Interface or audio AUX modeRBluetooth® audio modeXSelect an audio medium from the media list(Y page 198).Option 3XSelect Audio in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The last active audio source is now activa-ted.You can activate another audio source viathe audio menu.XSelect Audio by sliding ZV and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The audio menu appears.XSelect Disc, Memory card, MUSIC REGIS‐TER, USB storage or Media Interfaceand press W to confirm.This switches to the desired audio source.XSelect an audio medium from the media list(Y page 198).196 Audio CD/DVD and MP3 modeAudio
Example display: audio CD mode:CD cover (if available);Track time=Track number and track name (only ifstored on the disc as CD text or if Grace-note® data is available)?Graphic time and track displayADisc type, disc position in the media listand disc name (only if stored on the discas CD text or if Gracenote® data is avail-able)BArtist (only if stored on the disc as CD textor if Gracenote® data is available)CCD mode menuExample display: audio DVD mode:Cover (if available);Track time=Track number?Graphic time and track displayADisc type, disc position in the media list,disc name (only if stored on the disc)BAudio DVD mode menuExample display: MP3 mode:Cover (if available);Track time=Track number and track name?Graphic time and track displayADisc type, disc position in the media list,current folderBArtists (if available)CMP3 mode menuiIf no Media Interface (Y page 218) is con-nected during operation with a DVDchanger, C displays Changer instead ofMedia.Pause functionIn audio CD/DVD and MP3 modeXTo pause playback: briefly press the8 button.The , icon appears at the top left in thestatus bar.XTo continue playback: briefly press the8 button again.The , icon disappears.Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode 197AudioZ
Only in audio DVD modeXTo pause playback: switch on audio DVDmode (Y page 196).XSelect Ë by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The Ë display changes to Ì.XTo continue playback: select Ì andpress W to confirm.Playback continues from the point where itwas interrupted. The Ì display changesto Ë.Stop functionThis function is only available in audio DVDmode.XSwitch on audio DVD mode (Y page 196).XTo interrupt playback: select É bysliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The Ë display changes to Ì. Éremains highlighted.XTo continue playback: select Ì andpress W to confirm.Playback continues from the point where itwas interrupted.XTo stop playback: while playback is inter-rupted, select É again and press W toconfirm.orXSelect É and confirm by pressing Wtwice in rapid succession.Ì is highlighted.XTo restart playback: select Ì andpress W to confirm.Playback starts at the beginning of theDVD.Selecting CD/audio DVD/MP3 discsSelecting via the media listXIn CD/audio DVD and MP3 mode: selectMedia or Changer by sliding VÆ and turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The media list appears. The # dot indi-cates the current medium being played.Media list when equipped with a DVD changer:To display all magazine traysThe media list shows the discs currently avail-able.iIf a disc cannot be read, an entry appearsnext to the corresponding magazine tray.XTo display all magazine trays: press Wthe COMAND controller while : is high-lighted.Media list showing all magazine trays198 Audio CD/DVD and MP3 modeAudio
The following tables list the selection optionsfor the respective equipment variants.For DVD changerMagazine trays, positions 1 to 6: readabledata media are audio CDs, MP3 CDs or MP3DVDs, audio DVDs and video DVDs.Memory card, position 7MUSIC REGISTER, position 8USB storage device, position 9Media Interface, position 0Bluetooth® audioEquipped with a single DVD driveDVD drive, position 1: readable data mediaare audio CDs, MP3 CDs or MP3 DVDs,audio DVDs and video DVDs.Memory card, position 2MUSIC REGISTER, position 3USB storage device, position 4Media Interface, position 5Bluetooth® audio, position 6XSelect the data medium by turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.iIf you select a video DVD, the systemswitches to video DVD mode(Y page 232).Selecting a track using the number key-padXPress a number button, e.g. n, when thedisplay/selection window is active.The medium at the corresponding positionin the media list is loaded and then played.Selecting a trackSelecting by skipping to a trackXTo skip forwards or back to a track: turncVd the COMAND controller when the dis-play/selection window is active.orXPress the E or F button.The skip forward function skips to the nexttrack.The skip back function skips to the begin-ning of the current track if the track hasbeen playing for more than 8 seconds. Ifthe track has been playing for less than 8seconds, it skips to the start of the previoustrack.If you have selected the playback optionsRandom tracks or Random folder, thetrack order is random.XOn the multifunction steering wheel:switch COMAND to audio CD, audio DVD orMP3 mode (Y page 196).XPress = or ; to select the Audiomenu.Display for DVD changer (example):Track displayXPress 9 or : briefly.XPress and hold the 9 or : buttonuntil the desired track has been reached.If you hold down 9 or :, the systemruns through the list more quickly. Not allaudio drives or data carriers support thisfunction.Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode 199AudioZ
If track information is stored on the audiodrive or data storage device, the multifunc-tion display shows the number and name ofthe track.Selecting a track using the number key-padXPress the ¯ button on the number key-pad.A numerical entry field appears. The num-ber of positions offered corresponds to thenumber of tracks on the CD/DVD. Onlynumbers that correspond to a track num-ber on the CD/DVD can be entered.XEnter the desired track number using thenumber buttons.The track plays after the last possible num-ber is entered.iPressing and holding a number button for2 seconds or more completes entry and thecorresponding track is played.Selecting a track using music searchSelect music via categories with the musicsearch function.If you select a category which does not con-tain any music data, COMAND starts a musicsearch using the following media (if insertedor connected):Rdisc (audio CD/DVD/MP3)Rmemory cardRMUSIC REGISTERRUSB storage deviceThe Track information is completemessage appears once the search is comple-ted. COMAND stores the music data in itsown database. You can now select the avail-able music data within the desired category.You will find further information on searchingfor music in the "Music search" section(Y page 205).XIn audio CD/audio DVD mode/MP3 mode,select Search by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The list of categories appears.XSelect Current tracklist, Folder or acategory and press W to confirm.iIn MP3 mode, the list shows all the tracksin alphabetical order.XSelect the track by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The basic display appears and the track isplayed.Fast forward/rewindXWhile the display/selection window isactive, slide XVY and hold the COMANDcontroller until the desired position hasbeen reached.orXPress and hold the E or F buttonuntil the desired position is reached.200 Audio CD/DVD and MP3 modeAudio
Gracenote Media DatabaseIntroductionThis function is only available in audio CDmode.There is a version of the music recognitionsoftware from Gracenote®, Emeryville, Cali-fornia, USA on the hard disk. You will recog-nise this by the logo which can be seen in thebottom right-hand corner of certain audio dis-plays.Many audio CDs contain CD text. COMANDuses the information contained therein to dis-play the artist, album and track name.If the audio CD does not contain any CD textinformation, COMAND can use the GracenoteMedia Database to identify unknown audiotracks when running in audio CD mode. Thisis only possible if the relevant information issaved in the Gracenote Media Database andif the "Gracenote Media Database" functionis activated.If this is the case, COMAND will display thecorresponding data such as artist, album andtrack name in the relevant displays and lists.If COMAND accesses the Gracenote MediaDatabase when reading an audio CD, you willsee the following message:Selecting Gracenote® data to be dis-playedIf several entries exist for the CD of a partic-ular artist, you can select which of the entriesshould be shown.If the inserted CD does not contain any Grace-note® data, the Gracenote Media Data‐base menu item is shown in grey and cannotbe selected.XSwitch on audio CD mode (Y page 196).XSelect CD by sliding VÆ and turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.XSelect Gracenote Media Database byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.A menu appears.The # dot indicates the current selection forthe display.XSelect an entry by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.Switching the Gracenote® data displayon/offXSwitch on audio CD mode (Y page 196).XSelect CD by sliding VÆ and turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.XSelect Gracenote Media Database byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode 201AudioZ
XTo switch off the display: select None andpress W to confirm.In the basic display (Y page 197), Track 1, Track 2 etc. are shown instead of theGracenote® data, for example.XTo switch on the display: select an entryin the menu by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.Updating Gracenote® music recogni-tion technology and the GracenoteMedia DatabaseThe digital data on the Gracenote Media Data-base becomes obsolete due to the release ofnew CDs. Optimum functionality can only beattained with up-to-date Gracenote® musicrecognition technology. Information aboutnew versions can be obtained from aMercedes-Benz Service Centre.You can have your music recognition soft-ware updated there with a DVD, or you canupdate it yourself.iThe Gracenote Media Database is upda-ted in conjunction with the navigation sys-tem's digital map (Y page 107).Displaying the track and albumXPress the z button.The current track and album are displayedin a window.Displaying metadata (MP3 mode)COMAND can also display the album nameand artist (metadata) during playback, if thisinformation has been entered into the sys-tem.For USB devices, you can choose to displaythe metadata contained in the tags of theencoded music data, or to display the file anddirectory names during playback.XTo display the album and artist name:select MP3 or USB in the basic display bysliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Display track information andpress W to confirm.Setting the audio formatYou can only set the audio format in audioDVD mode. The number of audio formatsavailable depends on the DVD. The content ofan audio DVD is called an "album", and thiscan be divided into up to nine groups. A groupcan contain music in different sound qualities(stereo and multichannel formats, for exam-ple), or bonus tracks. Each group can containup to 99 tracks. If an audio DVD only containsone audio format, the Group menu item(s)cannot be selected.XSwitch on audio DVD mode (Y page 196).XSelect DVD-A by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect Group by turning cVd and pressW to confirm.The list of available groups appears. The# dot indicates the group currently selec-ted.XSelect Group by turning cVd and pressW to confirm.XTo exit the menu: slide XVY the COMANDcontroller or press the % back button.Selecting an active partition (USBmass storage devices only)You can select this function for USB massstorage devices when the storage device ispartitioned. Up to four partitions (primary orlogical; FAT format) are supported.iThe Windows® formatting program sup-ports FAT partitioning up to 32 GB as stand-ard.202 Audio CD/DVD and MP3 modeAudio
XSelect MP3 or USB in the basic display bysliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect Select active partition andpress W to confirm.Playback optionsThe following options are available to you:RNormal track sequenceThe tracks are played in the normal order(e.g. track 1, 2, 3, etc.).In MP3 mode, the track order is determinedby the order in which the tracks are writtento the MP3 data carrier when it is created.Alphabetical order is the most common.Once all the tracks in a folder have beenplayed, the tracks in the next folder areplayed.RRandom mediaAll the tracks on the medium are played inrandom order (e.g. track 3, 8, 5 etc.).RRandom track list (MP3 mode only)The tracks in the current track list or thecurrently active folder are played in a ran-dom order.XTo select options: switch on audio CD/DVD or MP3 mode (Y page 196).XSelect CD, DVD-A or MP3 by sliding VÆ andturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.The options list appears. The # dot indi-cates the option selected.XSelect an option by turning cVd and pressW to confirm.The option is switched on. For all optionsexcept "Normal track sequence", you willsee a corresponding display in the display/selection window. See the example of thedisplay in audio CD mode (Y page 197).iThe "Normal track sequence" option isautomatically selected when you changethe medium you are currently listening toor when you select a different medium. Ifan option is selected, it remains selectedafter COMAND is switched on or off.Notes on MP3 modeGeneral notesDepending on the volume and format of theMP3 data, the length of time required forreading the data may increase.Permissible discsRCD-R and CD-RWRDVD-R and DVD-RWRDVD+R and DVD+RWRSD memory card:RUSB storage devicePermissible file systemsRISO 9660/Joliet standard for CDsRUDF for audio and video DVDsRFAT16 or FAT32 for SD memory cards andUSB storage mediaMultisession CDsFor multisession CDs, the content of the firstsession determines how COMAND will proc-ess the CD. COMAND plays only one sessionand gives priority to the audio CD session.If possible, use COMAND to play only CDswhich have been written in one session.File structure of a data carrierWhen you create a disc with compressedmusic files, the tracks can be organised infolders. A folder can also contain subfolders.A disc can contain a maximum of 255 folders.Each folder can contain a maximum of255 tracks and 255 subfolders.The disc may contain no more than eightdirectory levels. Files beyond the eighth levelwill not be recognised by the system.Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode 203AudioZ
Track and file namesWhen you create a disc with compressedmusic files, you can assign names to thetracks and folders.COMAND uses these names accordingly forthe display. Folders which contain data otherthan MP3 or WMA tracks are not displayed byCOMAND.If MP3 or WMA files are stored in the rootdirectory itself, the root directory will also betreated as a folder. COMAND will then showthe name of the root directory as the foldername.You must observe the following when assign-ing track names:Rtrack names must have at least 1 charac-ter.Rtrack names must have the extension"mp3" or "wma".Rthere must be a full stop between the trackname and the extension.Example of a correct track name:"Track1.mp3".Permissible formatsCOMAND supports the following formats:RMPEG1 Audio Layer 3 (MP3)RMicrosoft Windows Media Audio V8 and V9(WMA) without copy protectionRadditional music files in AAC format withthe file extensions .aac, .mp4, .m4aand .m4b, but not copy-protected iTunesmusic files with the extension .m4p.iIf, as well as MP3 files, there are othermusic files in these audio formats stored onthe disc, loading may require longer beforethe first track is played.iThe MP3 audio encoding method is underlicence from Fraunhofer IIS (Institut Integ-rierte Schaltungen – Institute for IntegratedCircuits) and Thomson.Permissible bit and sampling ratesCOMAND supports MP3 files of the followingtypes:Rconstant and variable bit rates from32 kbit/s to 320 kbit/sRsampling rates of 8 kHz to 48 kHzCOMAND supports WMA files of the follow-ing types:Rfixed bit rates of 5 kbit/s up to384 kbit/sRsampling rates of 8 kHz to 48 kHzCOMAND does not support WMA files of thefollowing types:RDRM (Digital Rights Management) encryp-ted filesRvariable bit rateRWMA ProR5.1 SurroundiOnly use tracks with a bit rate of at least128 kbit/s and a sampling rate of at least44.1 kHz. Lower rates can cause a notice-able deterioration in quality. This is espe-cially the case if you have activated a sur-round sound function.Notes on copyrightMP3 or WMA tracks that you create or playback are generally subject to copyright pro-tection in accordance with the applicableinternational and national regulations.In many countries, reproductions, even forprivate use, are not permitted without theprior consent of the copyright holder.Make sure that you know about the applicablecopyright regulations and that you complywith these.If you own these rights yourself, e.g. for yourown compositions and recordings, or if thecopyright holder has granted you permission,these restrictions do not apply.204 Audio CD/DVD and MP3 modeAudio
Notes on CDs/DVDsDiscs with copy protection are not compati-ble with the audio CD standard and thereforemay not be able to be played by COMAND.There may be playback problems when play-ing copied discs. There is a wide range of datacarriers, disc-writing software and writersavailable. This variety means that there is noguarantee that the system will be able to playdiscs that you have copied yourself.There may be playback problems if you playCDs that you have copied yourself with a stor-age capacity of more than 700 MB. CDs ofthis type do not conform to the currentlyapplicable standards.iOn many DVD audio discs, the last trackdoes not contain any music and COMANDthen switches to the next disc. This is nor-mal system behaviour and does not meanthat there is a malfunction.! Do not affix stickers or labels to the discs.They could peel off and damage the drive.The drive is designed to hold discs whichcomply with the EN60908 standard. There-fore, you can only use discs with a maxi-mum thickness of 1.3 mm.If you insert thicker discs, e.g. those thatcontain data on both sides (DVD on oneside and audio data on the other), they can-not be ejected and can damage the drive.Do not use discs with a diameter of 8 cm,even with an adapter. Only use round discswith a diameter of 12 cm.iCOMAND is able to play back audio CDsin multichannel audio format.Music searchCalling up a category listXSwitch on an audio source and call up thebasic display, e.g. CD mode (Y page 197).XSelect Search by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The category list appears.Category listThe categories are displayed according to thedata available. The categories Current tracklist, Folder, Playlists (if available)and Photos (if available) are alreadyassigned. The other available categories arefilled by the music search.Selecting a categoryStarting a music searchThe music search starts when you select acategory from the category list which doesyet have any contents.The music search finds tracks via all availablemedia. The search begins with the audiosource that is currently active.The following media are included for themusic search:Rdisc mode (audio CD/DVD/MP3)Rmemory cardRMUSIC REGISTERRUSB storage deviceXSelect a category in the category list byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.The Reading data... message appears.The search may take some time, dependingon the number of tracks available.Music search 205AudioZ
The Track information is completemessage appears once the search is comple-ted. Playback then starts with the previouslyactive audio source.XTo cancel the music search: confirmCancel by pressing W.Selecting an albumXSelect Albums in the category list by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The available albums are displayed alpha-betically. If there is a cover available for analbum, it is displayed in front of the albumname.Selecting a trackXSelect Tracks in the category list(Y page 205) by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The available tracks are displayed.XSelect a track and press W to confirm.Playback starts.Selecting a year of publicationXSelect Year in the category list(Y page 205) by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.XSelect an entry and press W to confirm.The genre list is displayed.XSelect a genre, e.g. pop, and press W toconfirm.The track list is displayed.XSelect a track and press W to confirm.Playback starts.Selecting a coverXSelect Select by cover in the categorylist (Y page 205) by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The available covers are displayed in alpha-betical order of the artists.206 Music searchAudio
XSelect the desired cover by turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.The corresponding album is played.Selection via keyword searchXSelect Keyword search in the category list(Y page 205) by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.An input menu appears.XEnter characters and confirm the entry.Instructions for entering characters can befound in the "Entering characters in thephone book and address book" section(Y page 28).Depending on the entry, the hits are shownin a list.XSelect an entry by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect an entry, e.g. Artists, and pressW to confirm.The album and cover (if available) are dis-played.XConfirm the album with W.The tracks on the album are displayed.Music search 207AudioZ
XSelect a track and press W to confirm.Playback starts and the basic displayappears.MUSIC REGISTERGeneral notesYou can store music files in a compressedformat in the MUSIC REGISTER(Y page 209). The memory has a capacity of10 GB.! Retain the original music files in a securelocation. If you, for example, accidentallyreset COMAND to the factory settings withthe reset function, all music files in theMUSIC REGISTER are deleted. Mercedes-Benz is not liable for any loss of data.Switching to MUSIC REGISTEROption 1XPress the h function button repeatedlyuntil the MUSIC REGISTER is switched on.By pressing the function button repeatedly,you can change the operating mode in thefollowing order:Raudio CD/DVD/MP3 (disc)Rmemory card modeRMUSIC REGISTERRUSB storage deviceRMedia Interface or audio AUX modeRBluetooth® audio modeIf music files are available, playback begins atthe point last listened to.If there are no music files, you will see a mes-sage to this effect.XConfirm the message by pressing W theCOMAND controller and then copy themusic files in to the MUSIC REGISTER(Y page 209).Option 2XSelect Audio in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.If MUSIC REGISTER was the last modeselected, it is now switched on.If another audio source is switched on, youcan now switch on the MUSIC REGISTER inthe audio menu.XSelect Audio by sliding ZV and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The audio menu appears.XSelect Music Register and press W toconfirm.Option 3XPress number key r (for a DVDchanger) or m (for a single DVD drive).The MUSIC REGISTER is switched on.MUSIC REGISTER (example):Cover (if available);Track time208 MUSIC REGISTERAudio
=Track number and track name?Graphic time and track displayAPosition of the medium in the media listand name of the medium, followed by thecurrent playback option (no display fornormal track sequence)BArtistCMUSIC REGISTER menu barCopying music data to the MUSICREGISTERIntroductionYou can copy music files in the file formatsMP3, WMA and AAC (with the file exten-sions .m4p, .m4a, .m4b and .aac) from thefollowing media:Rdiscs in a DVD changer or a single DVDdriveRmemory cardRUSB storage deviceiWhile copying, several functions will notbe available. If this is the case, you will seea message to this effect.1. Selecting a data mediumXSwitch to MUSIC REGISTER (Y page 208).XSelect Music Register by sliding VÆ andturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XSelect Copy MP3 music files and pressW to confirm.The media list appears. A data carrier fromwhich files can be copied is selected auto-matically.XSelect the data medium by turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.The data medium is loaded.If the data carrier contains music files thatcan be copied, you see a menu.2. Selecting music filesXTo select all music files: select All music files and press W the COMANDcontroller to confirm.This function copies all music files on theselected data carrier. The icon in front ofAll music files is filled in and all follow-ing entries have a tick O beside them.XTo select a folder: : turn cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.A tick O next to the folder entry highlightsthe selection.MUSIC REGISTER 209AudioZ
3. Confirming your selectionXSelect Continue by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The copying menu appears.4. Starting the copying processIn the example, music files are copied fromthe memory card to the MUSIC REGISTER.XTo select a target folder: select Desti‐nation folder by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Folder and press W to confirm.The folder is selected O.XSelect Continue and press W to confirm.XConfirm Start by pressing W.Copying begins. The progress bar indicatesthe status of the copying procedure.! Under no circumstances should youremove the medium while you are copyingdata from it (SD memory card, USB storagedevice, CD/DVD). Doing so will generateunusable data in the MUSIC REGISTER.iIt may take some time for the copyingprocess to be completed, depending on theamount of data. If there is not enough mem-ory space, you will see a message to thiseffect.Once copying is complete, you hear the firsttrack on the album copied. The MUSIC REG-ISTER display appears. Now you can copymore music files to the MUSIC REGISTER.XTo cancel the copying process: selectCancel and press W to confirm.Music files are stored in the MUSIC REGIS-TER up until the point of cancellation.Deleting all music filesThis function deletes all music files from theMUSIC REGISTER.! In order to prevent malfunctions, do notuse COMAND during this time.XSwitch to MUSIC REGISTER (Y page 208).XSelect Music Register by sliding VÆ andturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XSelect Delete all music files andpress W to confirm.A query appears. No is highlighted.If you select Yes, all music files are deleted.You see the Please wait... message.Then, you see the Deletion procedure successful message.If you select No, the process will be aborted.Calling up memory space infoXSwitch to MUSIC REGISTER (Y page 208).XSelect Music Register by sliding VÆ andturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XSelect Memory info and press W to con-firm.The following is displayed:Rstorage capacityRavailable memoryRoccupied memoryRcontent (folders, tracks)210 MUSIC REGISTERAudio
Music searchThe music search finds tracks via all availablemedia. The search begins with the audiosource that is currently active.The following media are considered for themusic search:Rdisc (audio CD/DVD/MP3)Rmemory cardRMUSIC REGISTERRUSB storage deviceXSwitch to MUSIC REGISTER (Y page 208).XSelect Search by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The category list appears.XSelect a track in a category (Y page 205).Example: opening a folderXSelect Folder in the category list by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.orXPress W the COMAND controller when thedisplay/selection window is active.You see the contents of the current folder.The name of the current folder is at the topand the track currently playing is indicated bya # dot.XTo switch to the next folder up: press the% back button or slide XV theCOMAND controller.Changing the folder/track nameXSwitch to MUSIC REGISTER (Y page 208).XSelect Music Register by sliding VÆ andturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XSelect Rename/delete files and pressW to confirm.XSelect a folder/track by turning cVd.XSelect Options by sliding VY and pressW to confirm.XSelect Change and press W to confirm.XEnter a name for the folder/track. Instruc-tions for entering characters can be foundin the "Entering characters in the phonebook and address book" section(Y page 28).XTo save the changes: select ¬ andpress W to confirm.Deleting folders/tracksXSwitch to MUSIC REGISTER (Y page 208).XSelect Music Register by sliding VÆ andturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.XSelect Rename/delete files and pressW to confirm.XSelect a folder/track by turning cVd.XSelect Options by sliding VY and pressW to confirm.XSelect Delete and press W to confirm.A query appears. No is highlighted.If you select Yes, the folders/tracks aredeleted. You see the Please wait...message. Then, you see the Data deleted message.If you select No, the process will be aborted.Playback optionsThe following options are available:RNormal track sequenceMUSIC REGISTER 211AudioZ
The tracks are played in the normal order(e.g. track 1, 2, 3, etc.).RRandom mediaAll the tracks on the medium are played inrandom order.RRandom track list (MP3 mode only)The tracks in the currently active folder/track list are played in a random order.XTo select options: switch on the MUSICREGISTER (Y page 208).XSelect Music Register by sliding VÆ andturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.The options list appears. The # dot indi-cates the option selected.XSelect an option and press W to confirm.The option is switched on. For all optionsexcept Normal track sequence, you willsee a corresponding display in the display/selection window.iThe Normal track sequence option isautomatically selected when you changethe disc you are currently listening to orwhen you select a different medium. If anoption is selected, it remains selected afterCOMAND is switched on or off.Operation with Bluetooth® audioConnecting Bluetooth® audio devicesConditionsBluetooth® audio deviceBluetooth® audio mode requires a Blue-tooth®-capable audio device.iNot all Bluetooth® audio devices availableon the market are equally suitable. You canobtain more detailed information aboutsuitable Bluetooth® audio devices andabout connecting Bluetooth® audio devi-ces to COMAND from your Mercedes-BenzService Centre or on the Internet ( using Bluetooth® audio mode, youshould check your Bluetooth® audio devicefor the following (see the Bluetooth® audiodevice's operating instructions):XBluetooth® audio profileThe Bluetooth® audio device must supportthe A2DP and AVRCP Bluetooth® audioprofiles.iA2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Pro-file): Bluetooth® audio profile for audio datatransmissionAVRCP (Audio Video Remote Control Pro-file): Bluetooth® audio profile for audio dataplaybackXBluetooth® visibilityOn certain Bluetooth® audio devices, aswell as activating the Bluetooth® function,the device itself must also be made "visi-ble" for other devices (see the Bluetooth®audio device's operating instructions).XBluetooth® device nameEvery Bluetooth® device has its own Blue-tooth® device name. This device name isfreely definable, but can be identical for alldevices from the same manufacturer. Youshould therefore change the name of thedevice so that you can correctly identifyyour Bluetooth® audio device (see the Blue-tooth® audio device's operating instruc-tions).XActivate Bluetooth® and Bluetooth® visibil-ity on the Bluetooth® audio device.On COMANDXActivate the Bluetooth® function inCOMAND (Y page 46).General informationBefore using your Bluetooth® audio devicewith COMAND for the first time, you will needto authorise it.When you authorise a new Bluetooth® audiodevice, it is connected automatically. Con-212 Operation with Bluetooth® audioAudio
nection involves first searching for a Blue-tooth® audio device and then authorising it.You can authorise up to fifteen Bluetooth®devices.iIf you authorise a mobile phone that sup-ports Bluetooth® audio, the A2DP andAVRCP Bluetooth® audio profiles are con-nected automatically. The mobile phone isthen entered in both the Bluetooth® tele-phone list (Y page 115) and in the Blue-tooth® device list (Y page 213).Mercedes-Benz recommends authorising amobile phone in Bluetooth® telephony(Y page 115).Searching for and authorising a Blue-tooth® audio deviceXSwitch on Bluetooth® audio mode(Y page 215).If you see the No Bluetooth audio device authorised message, you willneed to connect the Bluetooth® audiodevice first.XSelect BT audio by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XConfirm Bluetooth audio device listby pressing the COMAND controller W.XTo search: confirm Update by pressing theCOMAND controller W.COMAND searches for Bluetooth® audiodevices within range and adds them to theBluetooth® device list. Bluetooth® audiodevices are detected if they support theBluetooth® audio profiles A2DP andAVRCP.The duration of the search depends on thenumber of Bluetooth® audio devices withinrange and their characteristics.Bluetooth® device list (example):Newly detected mobile phone with Blue-tooth® audio function in range;Bluetooth® audio player not within rangebut previously authorised (icon appears ingrey)The Bluetooth® device list displays all author-ised devices, whether they are within rangeor not. After a device search, devices whichare within range but not authorised are alsodisplayed.XTo authorise: select an unauthorised Blue-tooth® audio device from the list (exam-ple: :) by turning cVd the COMAND con-troller.XSelect the symbol to the right of the Blue-tooth® audio device by sliding VY theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Authorise and press W to confirm.Depending on the Bluetooth® audio deviceused, you now have two options for con-tinuing with authorisation.XOption 1: enter the passcode. To do so,proceed as described in the "Authorising(registering) a mobile phone" section(Y page 115).After successful authorisation, the Blue-tooth® audio device is connected andstarts playing.XOption 2 (Secure Simple Pairing): if thedigit code displayed in COMAND and on theOperation with Bluetooth® audio 213AudioZ
Bluetooth® audio device is the same, con-firm Yes by pressing W.If you select Yes, authorisation continuesand the Bluetooth® audio device is connec-ted. Playback starts.If you select No, authorisation will be can-celled.iThe Bluetooth® audio device must sup-port the Bluetooth® version 2.1 for con-nection via Secure Simple Pairing.COMAND creates a six-digit code, which isdisplayed on both devices that are to beconnected.XExternal authorisation: COMAND maynot be able to locate your Bluetooth® audiodevice due to the specific security settingsof the Bluetooth® audio device itself. In thiscase, check whether your Bluetooth® audiodevice can locate the COMAND system(Y page 116). The Bluetooth® device nameof COMAND is MB Bluetooth.After successful authorisation, the Blue-tooth® audio device is connected andstarts playing.iWith some Bluetooth® audio devices,playback must be initially started on thedevice itself, so that COMAND can play theaudio data.Reconnecting a Bluetooth® audiodeviceThe Bluetooth® audio profiles are connectedautomatically under the following circum-stances:Rone of the last two mobile phones to havebeen connected has also been used as aBluetooth® audio player.Rthe mobile phone takes over the automaticconnection itself.A Bluetooth® audio player without telephonefunctions is not automatically reconnected,even if it was the last device connected.If the No Bluetooth audio device con‐nected message appears, you have twooptions to connect a Bluetooth® audiodevice:Option 1XConfirm Connect last device in thebasic display by pressing the COMANDcontroller W.If COMAND can locate the Bluetooth®audio device, it will be connected and startplaying.iWith some Bluetooth® audio devices,playback must be initially started on thedevice itself, so that COMAND can play theaudio data.Option 2XSelect BT audio by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XConfirm Bluetooth audio device listby pressing the COMAND controller W.XSelect a Bluetooth® audio device by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.If COMAND can locate the Bluetooth®audio device, it will be connected and startplaying.iWith some Bluetooth® audio devices,playback must be initially started on thedevice itself, so that COMAND can play theaudio data.Bluetooth® audio device and simultane-ous search for mobile phonesDuring the search for mobile phones(Y page 115), the connection with the Blue-tooth® audio device is terminated. In theBluetooth® audio (Y page 216) basic display,you will see the No Bluetooth audio device connected message and the Con‐nect last device menu item cannot beselected.214 Operation with Bluetooth® audioAudio
Displaying detailsXSelect a Bluetooth® audio device in theBluetooth® device list.XSelect the symbol to the right of the Blue-tooth® audio device by sliding VY theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect Details and press W to confirm.The following information concerning theselected mobile phone is shown:RBluetooth® nameRBluetooth® addressRavailability status (is shown after a newsearch)Rauthorisation statusXTo close the detailed view: turn cVd orslide XVY the COMAND controller.De-authorising (de-registering) a Blue-tooth® audio deviceXSelect a Bluetooth® audio device in theBluetooth® device list.XSelect the symbol to the right of the Blue-tooth® audio device by sliding VY theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect De-authorise and press W to con-firm.A prompt appears asking whether youreally wish to revoke authorisation for thisdevice.XSelect Yes or No.If you select Yes, the device will be deletedfrom the Bluetooth® device list.If you select No, the process will be aborted.iBefore re-authorising the Bluetooth®audio device, you should also delete thedevice name MB Bluetooth from yourBluetooth® audio device's Bluetooth® list(see the Bluetooth® audio device's operat-ing instructions).Switching on Bluetooth® audio modeOption 1XConnecting (Y page 212) or reconnecting(Y page 214) a Bluetooth® audio device.COMAND activates the Bluetooth® audiodevice. The basic display appears and thedevice starts playing.Option 2XPress the h function button one or moretimes.iBy pressing the function button repeat-edly, you can change the operating modein the following order:RAudio CD/DVD/MP3 (disc)RMemory card modeRMUSIC REGISTERRUSB storage deviceRMedia Interface or audio AUX modeRBluetooth® audio modeOption 3XSelect Bluetooth audio(Y page 198) inthe media list by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.COMAND activates the connected device.You will see a message to this effect. Thebasic display then appears.Operation with Bluetooth® audio 215AudioZ
Bluetooth® audio basic display when equippedwith a single DVD drive (example):Track name;Current playback settings (no symbol for"Normal track sequence")=Album name?Sound settingsAMedia listBArtistCTo stop É or start Ì playbackDTo connect a Bluetooth® audio device, toswitch traffic announcements on/off, toincrease the volume on COMANDEBluetooth® Audio data medium typeFData carrier position in the media listiIf the Bluetooth® audio device connectedsupports metadata and corresponding datais available, then the artist, track and albumname can be displayed.Starting/stopping playbackXTo start playback: select Ì by slidingVÆ and turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.Playback starts. Selection is at É.XTo stop playback: select É by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.A message appears. Selection is at Ì.XTo continue playback: select Ì byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.A message appears. Selection is at É.Starting playback if the Bluetooth®audio device has been stoppedDuring the search for mobile phones(Y page 115), the connection with the Blue-tooth® audio device is terminated. In theBluetooth® audio basic display (Y page 216),you will see the No Bluetooth audio device connected message and the Con‐nect last device menu item cannot beselected.When the search is finished, the Bluetooth®audio device can be reconnected.XConfirm Connect last device by press-ing W.Depending on the Bluetooth® audio deviceused, playback starts immediately or youmust start playback manually.In this case, you will see the Bluetooth audio device paused message.216 Operation with Bluetooth® audioAudio
XTo start playback: select Ì by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.Playback then starts from the beginning.Selecting a trackThe function is not supported by all Blue-tooth® audio devices.XTo skip forwards or backwards to a track: press the E or F button onCOMAND.orXPress the 9 or : button briefly onthe multifunction steering wheel.XRapid scroll: press and hold the 9or : button on the multifunction steer-ing wheel until the desired track is reached.If you hold down 9 or :, the systemruns through the list more quickly.Selecting playback optionsIf the Bluetooth® audio device supports thecorresponding function, the following optionsare available:RNormal track sequenceThe tracks are played in the normal order(e.g. track 1, 2, 3, etc.).Audio data playback is determined by theorder in which the tracks are written to thedata carrier. Alphabetical order is the mostcommon. Once all the tracks in a folderhave been played, the tracks in the nextfolder are played.RRandom tracksAll the tracks on the medium are played inrandom order (e.g. track 3, 8, 5 etc.).XSelect BT audio by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The # dot indicates the option selected.XSelect the option by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.If you select Random tracks, you will seea corresponding icon in the display/selec-tion window.Switching Traffic Programme on/offA description can be found in the "Radio DataSystem" section (Y page 191).Adjusting the sound settingsThe sound settings are described using radiomode as an example in the "Basic functionsof COMAND" section (Y page 31).Increasing the volume using COMANDXSelect BT audio by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect Volume and press W to confirm.A menu appears. The # dot indicates thecurrent setting.Operation with Bluetooth® audio 217AudioZ
XSelect Standard or Boost and press W toconfirm.You will find further information in the "AudioAUX Mode" section (Y page 223).Media Interface modeConnection optionsOverviewThe connection sockets are located in thestowage compartment in the centre console.Device-specific adapter cables, included inthe Media Interface scope of delivery, arerequired to connect external devices to theMedia Interface.iStore individual parts in a safe place.Only use genuine Mercedes-Benz connec-tion cables.You can connect the following data carriersto COMAND via the Media Interface:RiPod®Rcertain MP3 playersiiPod® is a registered trademark of AppleInc., Cupertino, California, USA.Supported devicesFor further details and a list of supporteddevices, contact a Mercedes-Benz ServiceCentre or go to the website Then,follow the instructions in the "Media Inter-face" section.Connecting an external deviceiDo not leave external devices in the vehi-cle as their correct function cannot be guar-anteed if they are subjected to extremetemperatures, e.g. if subjected to directsunlight or very low outside temperatures(see the operating instructions of therespective device). Mercedes-Benzaccepts no liability for damage to externaldevices.Never connect more than one device at atime. You will otherwise not be able to playback from the external device.:4-pole socket for 3.5 mm stereo jack, e.g.for MP3 players (audio and video);iPod® plug, to connect an iPod®=USB socket, to connect an MP3 player?Example of device, iPod®XConnect the external device with suitablesocket :, ; or =.COMAND activates the device, a messageappears.If you remove a device, the No device con‐nected message appears.iA connected iPod® or MP3 player shouldnot be simultaneously operated via theMedia Interface and the remote control(e.g. Bluetooth® remote control) or directlyon the device itself as this may causeunforeseen technical difficulties.218 Media Interface modeAudio
iConnecting an exhaustively dischargediPod® or MP3 player can result in an exten-ded initialisation period.Error messages appear while the device isbeing activated if:RCOMAND does not support the device con-nected (External device unavailablemessage).Rthe connected device consumes too muchpower.Rthe Media Interface connection is faulty.Ra mass storage device (e.g. USB stick orUSB hard disc) is connected to the MediaInterface (Please connect the device to the other USB port message).iThe separate USB port ensures fastaccess and additional options for selectingthe media content.iConsult a Mercedes-Benz Service Centreif you have any queries.Switching to Media Interface modeGeneral notesIn extreme cases, starting up individual func-tions can take up to several minutes – thisdepends on the external device and its con-tent (e.g. video podcasts).Only use the original programs to populate aniPod or MP3 player. Otherwise, some or allfunctions may not be available.Option 1XConnect an external device (Y page 218).COMAND activates the device. The basicdisplay then appears.Option 2XPress the h function button one or moretimes.By pressing the function button repeatedly,you can change the operating mode in thefollowing order:RAudio CD/DVD/MP3 (disc)RMemory card modeRMUSIC REGISTERRUSB storage deviceRMedia Interface or audio AUX modeRBluetooth® audio modeOption 3XPress number key i (for a DVDchanger) or o (for a single DVD drive).This directly selects the connected externalaudio device.Option 4XSelect the entry under position 0 (DVDchanger) or position 5 (single DVD drive) inthe media list (Y page 198) by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.COMAND activates the connected device.You will see a message to this effect. Thebasic display then appears.If no device is connected, you will see theMedia Interface entry instead of adevice name.Media Interface mode (iPod® mode) when equip-ped with a DVD changer:Data medium type;Track numberMedia Interface mode 219AudioZ
=Elapsed track time (also in format00:00:00 for audio books)?Track nameAGraphic time displayBGraphic track displayCSound settingsDMedia listEAlbum name (if available)FMusic searchGPosition in the media listHArtist (if available)IPlayback optionsType of device : connected is indicated bythe corresponding symbol for iPod® or MP3player.The current playback option (Y page 203) isshown with a symbol behind album nameE (no display for Normal track sequence).iIf the device connected does not containany playable tracks, a message appears tothis effect.Selecting music filesNoteCOMAND displays the data stored on theiPod® or MP3 player according to the filingstructure used in the respective medium.Selecting by skipping to a trackXTo skip forwards or back to a track: turncVd the COMAND controller when the dis-play/selection window is active.orXPress the E or F button.The skip forward function skips to the nexttrack. The skip back function skips to thebeginning of the current track if the trackhas been playing for more than eight sec-onds. If the track has been playing for lessthan eight seconds, it skips to the start ofthe previous track. If you have selected aplayback option other than Normal track sequence, the track sequence is random.XOn the multifunction steering wheel:switch on Media Interface mode inCOMAND (Y page 219).XOn the multifunction steering wheel, pressthe = or ; button to select theAudio menu.XBriefly press the 9 or : button.If you hold down 9 or :, the systemruns through the list more quickly. Not allmedia players support this function.If track information is available on themedia player, the multifunction displayshows the number and name of the track.Selecting using the number keypadXTo make an entry: press the l button.An input menu appears. The number ofcharacters available for input depends onthe number of stored tracks.XTo enter a track number: press a numberkey, e.g. q.The digit is entered in the first position inthe input line.iCOMAND will ignore and not display aninvalid digit.XEnter more numbers if desired.The track plays after the last possible num-ber is entered.iPressing and holding a number button for2 seconds or more completes entry and thecorresponding track is played.Fast forward/rewindXWhile the display/selection window isactive, slide XVY and hold the COMANDcontroller until the desired position hasbeen reached.orXPress and hold the F or E buttonuntil the desired position is reached.220 Media Interface modeAudio
iOn an iPod®/iPhone®, fast rewind onlyfunctions within the current track.Selecting a category/playlist/folderOverviewiPod® and selected MP3 playersFor an iPod® or MP3 player, you can selecttracks using categories or folders.Depending on the device connected, the fol-lowing categories may be available, for exam-ple:RCurrent tracklistRPlaylists (e.g. All)RArtistsRAlbumsRTracksRPodcastsRGenresRComposersRAudiobooksiSome playback categories contain theentry All. If this entry has been selected,the entire content of the category selectedwill be played.Calling up a category listXSelect Search in the basic display by slid-ing VÆ and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The list of categories appears.iThe Search menu item is not availableuntil the device has been activated.Category list (example)XSelect Current tracklist by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The contents of the current track listappear.Current track list (example):Icon for next folder up;Device icon and device name=Track symbol?Current trackXSelect the track by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.The track is played.XTo switch to the next folder up: slideXV the COMAND controller or press the% button.Media Interface mode 221AudioZ
Playing back the contents of a categoryor folderXSelect the category or folder by turningcVd the COMAND controller.XPress W the COMAND controller for longerthan two seconds.The content of the category or folder selec-ted is played in accordance with the play-back option (Y page 203) selected.Alphabetical track selectioniPod® and MP3 playersThis function is available for alphabeticallysorted categories and folders. This functionis not available for albums or playlists, forexample.XSelect a category, e.g. Artists, by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The available artists are displayed.XPress the corresponding number key onceor several times to select the first letter ofthe artist's name (e.g. for an artist begin-ning with the letter "C", press number keyl three times).The available letters are listed at the loweredge of the display.After a message, the first entry in the listwhich matches the letter entered is high-lighted.iIf no corresponding entry exists, the lastentry corresponding to a previous letter ishighlighted instead.iFor iPods® and MP3 players, the qualityof the search results is highly dependent onthe version and language variant of thesoftware (e.g. iTunes® version) used topopulate the device.If different sorting rules are defined (e.g. iniTunes®), the search is cancelled withoutany result.Playback optionsThe following options are available:RNormal track sequenceNormal track sequence: you hear thetracks in their normal order (e.g. numericalor alphabetical).RRandom mediaAll the tracks on the medium are played inrandom order.RRandom track listThe tracks in the currently active categoryor folder, including any subfolders, areplayed in random order.iFor MP3 players, the random playlistsoffer a maximum of 300 tracks chosen atrandom.XTo select a playback option: selectMedia Interface in the basic display bysliding VÆ and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The options list appears. The # dot indi-cates the option selected.XSelect an option and press W to confirm.Notes for the MP3 playerData formatsMP3 and WMA are supported as data formatswith fixed and variable bitrates (up to320 kbits/s).Notes on MP3 playersUp to eight directory levels with up to 1,000tracks per directory are supported.Do not use USB extension leads or adapters.They can impair functionality.iDRM (Digital Rights Management) protec-ted files are not supported by the MediaInterface.222 Media Interface modeAudio
Audio AUX modeNotes on audio AUX modeYou can connect an external audio source(AUX) to COMAND. The socket for this is loca-ted in the glove compartment.If COMAND is equipped with a Media Inter-face, external audio sources are connectedusing the cable set provided. The cable setthen replaces the audio AUX socket. The con-nections for the Media Interface are locatedin the stowage compartment in the centreconsole.iYou can find more information on theInternet at and in the "MediaInterface mode" section (Y page 218).Activating audio AUX modeWhen you connect an external audio source,audio AUX is not selected automatically.XSelect Audio in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.If AUX mode was the last mode selected, itwill now be active.If another audio source is switched on, youcan now switch to audio AUX mode in theaudio menu.XSelect Audio using ZV and press W toconfirm.The audio menu appears.XSelect Aux using cVd and press W to con-firm.The audio AUX menu appears. The mediumin the external audio source is played, if thesource is connected and playback selec-ted.Please see the respective operating instruc-tions for how to operate the external audiosource.You will find details on volume (Y page 30)and sound (Y page 31) settings in the "At aglance" section.GRisk of accidentExternal audio sources may have different vol-umes, which can mean that system messagessuch as traffic announcements and navigationsystem announcements are much louder. Ifnecessary, please deactivate the system mes-sages or adjust their volume manually.Increasing the volume using COMANDIn some cases, the volume of the externalaudio device may be quieter or louder, or theusual maximum possible volume may belower. On some devices, it is possible toadjust the volume separately. In this case,start at a medium volume and increase itgradually. This enables you to determinewhether the system is able to play the musicat high volume without distorting it.XSelect Volume in the AUX display by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.A menu appears. The # dot indicates thecurrent setting.Audio AUX mode 223AudioZ
XSelect Standard or Boost and press W toconfirm.Standard: the volume of the external audiosource is adjusted to a standard value.Boost: the volume of the external audiosource is raised by approximately 10 dB.224 Audio AUX modeAudio
Vehicle equipment ............................ 226General information ......................... 226Basic settings .................................... 226TV mode ............................................. 227Video DVD mode ............................... 232Video AUX operation ........................ 238Picture viewer ................................... 239225Video
Vehicle equipmentiThese Operating Instructions describe allstandard and optional equipment availablefor your vehicle at the time it was pur-chased. Please note that your vehicle maynot be equipped with all features descri-bed.General informationAutomatic picture shutoffIf the vehicle is travelling faster than approx-imately 5 km/h, the picture automaticallyswitches off in the following modes:RTV mode (with teletext)RVideo DVD modeThe following message appears in the display:In order not to distract you from the traffic situation, the picture is faded out while the vehicle is in motion.As soon as the vehicle speed drops belowabout 5 km/h, the picture switches back onagain.Background video modeIf another main function is active, e.g. navi-gation, you can perform the following opera-tions in TV and video DVD mode. A windowshows information about the selected func-tion.Using the E or F button, you can:Rselect a TV channelRselect a scene or chapter (video DVDmode)Rfast-forward or rewind (video DVD mode)Where operating steps can be carried out inthe active main function using the numberkeys, the following functions are not possi-ble:Rselecting TV channels from the channelpresetsRstoring TV channels in the channel presetsBasic settingsPicture settingsAdjusting the brightness, contrast orcolourThe following describes the TV, video DVDand video AUX modes.XPress W the COMAND controller in TV orvideo DVD mode and show the menu.XSelect TV, DVD-V or Aux by sliding VÆ andturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.A menu appears.Example display: TV mode:Brightness, contrast and colour;Picture formatsXSelect Brightness, Contrast or Colourby turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.Changing the picture formatThe following describes the TV, video DVDand video AUX modes.226 Basic settingsVideo
XPress W the COMAND controller in TV orvideo DVD mode and show the menu.XSelect TV, DVD-V or Aux by sliding VÆ andturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.A menu appears.XSelect Automatic, 16:9 optimised, 4:3or Widescreen and press W to confirm.The dot in front of the entry indicates thecurrently selected format.XSelect a setting by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.TV modeReception qualityPortable electronic devices in the vehicle mayseriously impair TV reception.The TV tuner is designed to receive analogueterrestrial TV channels (all standards) anddigital TV channels conforming to the DVB-Tstandard7. If the reception deteriorates, theTV receiver automatically switches to analternative frequency (digital or analoguetransmission) transmitting the same pro-gramme content with better reception, assoon as a corresponding channel can bereceived.The constantly changing reception conditionswhile the vehicle is in motion can interrupt thesignal. If the reception is too poor,COMAND can switch off the sound and freezeor hide the picture. To indicate this, an iconof a radio tower, struck through, appears inthe display.Switching to TV modeXSelect Video in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.If TV mode was the last mode selected, itwill now be active.If another mode is switched on, you cannow switch on TV mode in the video menu.XSelect Video and press W to confirm.The video menu appears.Video menuXSelect TV and press W to confirm.You see the last TV channel selected, pro-vided it can still be received.Hiding/showing the navigation menuXTo show: turn cVd or slide ZVÆ theCOMAND controller.XTo hide: slide ZVÆ the COMAND control-ler.orXWait for approximately eight seconds.7DVB-T may not be available in some countries, or may not be available in all areas.TV mode 227Video
Navigation menu displayed:Preset position of the selected TV channel;Selected TV channel=Current programme (digital TV receiveronly)?Next TV channel in the channel list (chan-nel name or number)ATo show the menuBPrevious TV channel in the channel list(channel name or number)Showing/hiding the menuXTo show: press W the COMAND control-ler.orXSelect Menu while the navigation menu isshown and press W to confirm.XTo hide: slide ZV the COMAND controllerand confirm Full screen by pressing W.Menu shown:TV options;Channel preset list=Information on the current programme(only for digital TV channels)?To switch on teletextASound settingsSelecting TV channelsSelecting channels from the navigationmenuXTurn cVd or slide XVY the COMAND con-troller.orXPress the E or F button.The TV tuner selects the previous or nextchannel from the alphabetical channel list.Selecting a station from the station listAs soon as the vehicle or COMAND is in oper-ation, the background reception function ofthe TV tuner lists the channels that can cur-rently be received in the channel list.The channel list contains the following infor-mation, if it is transmitted and can bereceived:Rthe names of the channels that can bereceivedRthe name of the current and next pro-gramme on each channelRinformation text about the current pro-grammeRthe name of digital radio stations; these arelisted below the TV channelsThe background reception function requiresa certain amount of time to update this infor-mation. COMAND can only display the infor-mation if the TV channels are transmitting itand if the reception conditions are adequate.The electronic programme guide (EPG) sup-plies the titles of the current and upcomingprogrammes, as well as the information textabout the current programme.228 TV modeVideo
The channel list is sorted alphabetically andcontains:Ranalogue TV channels (all standards)Rdigital TV channels (DVB-T standard)Rdigital radio stations (DVB-T standard)iThe radio stations are optically separatedfrom the TV channels by a dotted line.XTo set a channel using COMAND: pressW the COMAND controller to show themenu.XSelect TV by sliding VÆ and turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.XSelect Channel list and press W to con-firm.The channel list appears. The # dot infront of a list entry indicates the currentlyselected channel. A number before the listentry shows the memory slot in the channelpresets.XSelect the channel and press W to confirm.XTo set a channel using the multifunc-tion steering wheel: switch on TV modein COMAND (Y page 227).XPress = or ; to select the Audiomenu.XPress and hold 9 or :.Selecting channels via the channel pre-setsXTo set a channel using COMAND: pressW the COMAND controller to show themenu.XSelect Presets by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The channel preset memory appears. The# dot in front of a preset position indi-cates that the currently selected channel isstored there.Channel presetsXSelect the channel by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.orXPress a number key, such as l.iIf you press the s number key, forexample, the preset view changes and thecorresponding channel name becomes visi-ble.XTo set a channel using the multifunc-tion steering wheel: switch on TV modein COMAND (Y page 227).XPress = or ; to select the Audiomenu.XPress 9 or : briefly.Selecting channels by entering thechannel and programme numberSeveral programmes can be transmitted onone channel with digital TV. You can thereforeenter a channel and the desired programmeon this channel.Only one programme can be sent on a chan-nel with analogue TV. The programme entryfunction therefore has no effect.XOption 1: press W the COMAND controllerto show the menu.XSelect TV by sliding VÆ and turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.XSelect Channel entry and press W toconfirm.TV mode 229Video
XOption 2: press the l button while theTV is playing.Irrespective of the option, an input barappears at the top of the screen.XPress the corresponding number keys toenter the channel/programme number.XConfirm by pressing the COMAND control-ler W or press and hold the number keyuntil the character bar disappears.The channel is set.iIf you have not entered a programmenumber, the first programme with ade-quate reception will be set for a digitalchannel.iYou can enter channels or programmesavailable in your country even if the recep-tion is currently not adequate.If you enter channels which are not inten-ded for your country or are not allowedthere, the Invalid channel number mes-sage appears.XPress W the COMAND controller and con-firm the message.Storing TV channelsStoring channels manuallyThere are ten preset positions available.XTo call up the channel presets: pressW the COMAND controller to show themenu.XSelect Presets by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The channel preset memory appears. The# dot in front of a preset position indi-cates that the channel currently selected isstored there.XTo select a preset: turn cVd theCOMAND controller.XTo store a channel: press and hold theCOMAND controller W until you hear atone.orXPress and hold a number key such asl until you hear a tone.Then, the TV picture reappears.iIf you press number key s, for exam-ple, the channel preset display changesand the corresponding preset becomesvisible.Storing channels automaticallyThis function automatically stores channelswith adequate reception in order of theirreception quality. Any channels stored man-ually in the preset memory will be lost.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Presets by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect Autostore and press W to confirm.COMAND searches for channels with ade-quate reception. The available channels areautomatically stored in the preset posi-tions.Information about the current pro-grammeThis function is only available for digital TVchannels and digital radio stations.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect Info by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.You will see the information if it is providedby the selected TV channel. The informa-tion field otherwise remains empty.iIt may take a few seconds for the infor-mation to appear.230 TV modeVideo
Displaying the current programme orprogramme previewThis function is only available for digital TVchannels and digital radio stations. The pro-gramme preview is also referred to as theelectronic programme guide (EPG).XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect TV by sliding VÆ and turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.XSelect Channel list.The channel list appears. It shows the cur-rent programme on the digital TV channelsand digital radio stations which have ade-quate reception. The # dot in front of a listentry indicates the currently selected chan-nel.:Current TV channel;To display the programme preview=Current programme?Visual display of the elapsed programmetimeXTo show the programme preview: selectDisplay programme preview and pressW to confirm.The channel list shows the channel's nextprogramme.:TV channel;Next programme=To display the current programme?The beginning and end of the programmeXTo show the current programme: selectDisplay current programme and pressW to confirm.XTo close the display: press the % but-ton.Basic TV settingsFixing the frequencyThe TV tuner may automatically switch to analternative channel with the same pro-gramme content but better reception,depending on reception quality. You can useChannel fix to prevent this channel switch-ing. This is useful, for example, when thesame content is broadcast with a time delay,or when there is interference on one of thefrequencies.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect TV by sliding VÆ and turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.XSelect Channel fix and press W to con-firm.XDepending on the previous status, the func-tion is switched on O or off ª. When theTV mode 231Video
function is switched on, FIX appears in thedisplay window.XTo exit the menu: slide XVY the COMANDcontroller.Setting the reception regionThe correct reception region setting ensuresthat analogue TV channels can be receivedwith the usual quality and functionality.COMAND is set to the correct receptionregion at the factory. If you are driving yourvehicle in a different country or region, youshould set COMAND accordingly. AMercedes-Benz Service Centre can help youto select the correct reception region.XTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XSelect TV by sliding VÆ and turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.XSelect TV standard and press W to con-firm.A list appears, showing the receptionregions. The # dot in front of a list entryindicates the currently selected receptionarea or country.XSelect the reception area and press W toconfirm.A message appears to inform you that if thewrong country is set, correct reception willnot be possible.XSelect Yes or No and press W to confirm.If you select Yes, COMAND will switch tothe country setting you have selected.If you select No, the country list will appearagain.TeletextIntroductionTeletext can only be received if there is nointerference in the picture reception. The tel-etext function receives all teletext pages forthe channel currently set, excluding sub-pages, and stores them in the system mem-ory. If you set a different channel, the memoryis cleared and refilled.Switching teletext on/offXTo show the menu: press W the COMANDcontroller.XTo switch on: select Teletext by slidingVÆ and turning cVd the COMAND con-troller and press W to confirm.XTo switch off: press and hold the %back button.The TV picture appears.Selecting a teletext pageXTo access a page directly: press the cor-responding number keys.iYou can only enter pages that are permis-sible for teletext between 100 and 899.XTo access the previous/next page: turncVd or slide ZV¬ the COMAND control-ler.Dynamic teletext pageA dynamic teletext page consists of severalsubpages. The display automatically changesto the next page after a certain time.Video DVD modeSafety notesGRisk of injuryCOMAND is classified as a class 1 laser prod-uct. You must not open the casing. If you openthe casing, or if the casing is faulty or dam-aged, there is a risk of exposure to invisiblelaser radiation. This may damage your eyes,or those of others.COMAND does not contain any parts that canbe serviced by the user. For safety reasons,all maintenance work must be carried out byqualified aftersales technicians.232 Video DVD modeVideo
GRisk of accidentOnly when the vehicle is stationary shouldyou:Rload a discReject a discThere is a risk of being distracted from theroad and traffic conditions if this is done whilethe vehicle is in motion.Notes about discsThere may be playback problems when play-ing copied discs. There are a large variety ofdiscs, DVD authoring software, writing soft-ware and writers available. This variety meansthat there is no guarantee that the system willbe able to play discs that you have copiedyourself.! Do not affix stickers or labels to the discs,as they could peel off and damageCOMAND. Stickers can cause the disc tobend, which can result in read errors anddisc recognition problems.! COMAND is designed to accommodatediscs which comply with the EN 60908standard. You can therefore only use discswith a maximum thickness of 1.3 mm.If you insert thicker discs, e.g. those thatcontain data on both sides (DVD on oneside and audio data on the other), they can-not be ejected and can damage COMAND.Use round discs with a diameter of 12 cm.Do not use discs with a diameter of 8 cm,even with an adapter.DVD playback conditionsThere are video DVDs available on the marketwhich do not conform to the current stand-ards. Such DVDs may have picture, sound orother playback problems.COMAND can play back video DVDs pro-duced according to the following standards:Rregion code 2 (for Europe) or region code 0(no region code)RPAL or NTSC standardYou will generally find the relevant detailseither on the DVD itself or on the DVD case.iIf you insert a video DVD with a differentregion code, you will see a message to thiseffect.iCOMAND is set to region code 2 at thefactory. This setting can be changed at aMercedes-Benz Service Centre. This willallow you to play video DVDs with a differ-ent region code, provided that they are pro-duced in accordance with the PAL or NTSCstandard. The region code can be changeda maximum of five times.Function restrictionsDepending on the DVD, it is possible that cer-tain functions or actions will be temporarilyblocked or may not function at all. As soon asyou try to activate these functions or actions,you will see the K symbol in the display.Inserting and removing DVDsXProceed as described in the "Inserting andejecting CDs and DVDs" section(Y page 193).Activating video DVD modeOption 1XSingle DVD drive: insert a video DVD.COMAND loads the medium inserted andstarts to play it.Video DVD mode 233VideoZ
XDVD changer: insert a video DVD.XPress the h function button or the% back button.COMAND loads the medium inserted andstarts to play it.Option 2XPress the h function button one or moretimes.COMAND switches to the previous discoperating mode.iBy pressing this function button repeat-edly, you can change the operating modein the following order:Raudio CD/DVD/video DVD/MP3 in theDVD changer or DVD single drive (discmode)Rmemory card modeRMUSIC REGISTERRUSB storage deviceRMedia Interface or audio AUX modeRBluetooth® audio modeXSelect Media by sliding VÆ and turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect a ý video DVD from the media list(Y page 236).Option 3XSelect Video in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.If video DVD mode was the last mode selec-ted, it will now be active.If another video source is switched on, youcan now switch to video DVD mode in thevideo menu.XSelect Video by sliding ZV the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The video menu appears.XSelect Video-DVD and press W to confirm.Hiding/showing the navigation menuXTo display: slide ZVÆ the COMAND con-troller.iThis function is not available while theDVD's own menu (Y page 236) is beingdisplayed.XTo hide: slide ZVÆ the COMAND control-ler.orXWait for approximately eight seconds.Navigation menu displayed:Data medium type;Current track=Current scene?Track timeATo show the menuShowing/hiding the menuThis function is not available while the DVD'sown menu (Y page 236) is being displayed.XTo display: in full-screen mode, press Wthe COMAND controller.orXSelect Menu while the navigation menu isshown and press W to confirm.XTo hide: slide ZV the COMAND controllerand confirm Full screen by pressing W.234 Video DVD modeVideo
Menu shown:Video DVD options;Pause function=Stop function?Media selection (Changer or Media)ASound settingsFast forward/rewindXIn full-screen mode, slide XVY and hold theCOMAND controller until the desired posi-tion has been reached.orXPress and hold the E or F buttonuntil the desired position is reached.You see the navigation menu.Stop functionXPress W the COMAND controller to showthe menu.XTo interrupt playback: select É byturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.The Ë display changes to Ì. Thevideo image is hidden.XTo continue playback: select Ì andpress W to confirm.Playback continues from the point where itwas interrupted.XTo stop playback: while playback is inter-rupted, select É again and press W toconfirm.orXDuring playback, confirm É by pressingW twice in rapid succession.Selection is at Ì.XTo restart playback: confirm Ì bypressing W.Playback restarts from the beginning.Pause functionXPress W the COMAND controller to showthe menu.XTo pause playback: select Ë by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The Ë display changes to Ì.XTo continue playback: select Ì andpress W to confirm.The menu is hidden.Selecting a scene/chapterIf the film is divided into scenes or chapters,you can select them directly while the film isrunning, or skip forwards step-by-step. SomeDVDs do not permit this at certain points (e.g.during the opening credits).It may also be possible to select the scene/chapter from within the menu stored on theDVD.XTo skip forwards or back: in full-screenmode, turn cVd or slide XVY theCOMAND controller.orXPress the E or F button on the con-trol panel.The navigation menu (Y page 227) appearsfor approximately eight seconds.Video DVD mode 235VideoZ
XOn the multifunction steering wheel:switch on video DVD mode in COMAND(Y page 233).XUse the = or ; button to select theAudio menu.XPress 9 or : to select a scene/chapter.If you press and hold 9 or : for anextended period, rapid scroll begins.Selecting a film/titleThis function is only available if the DVD isdivided into several films/tracks. If the DVDcontains several films, these can be selecteddirectly. A film can be selected either whenthe DVD is being played back or when it isstopped.The film can also be selected from the menuon the DVD itself.XPress W the COMAND controller to showthe menu.XSelect Video-DVD by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect DVD functions and press W toconfirm.A menu appears.DVD function menuXSelect Title selection by turning cVdthe COMAND controller and press W toconfirm.XSelect a film/title and press W to confirm.Selecting a video DVD from the medialistXPress W the COMAND controller to showthe menu.XSelect Changer or Media by sliding VÆ andturning cVd the COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.The media list appears. The # dot indi-cates the current medium being played.Video DVDs are indicated by the ý icon.XEquipped with a single DVD drive: pressW the COMAND controller.COMAND loads the video DVD and beginsplaying it.XEquipped with a DVD changer: press Wthe COMAND controller to display all mag-azine trays.XSelect a video DVD by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.COMAND loads the video DVD and beginsplaying it.iIf you select a CD, an audio DVD or anMP3 medium, you switch to the respectiveaudio mode. You can find further informa-tion about the media list on (Y page 198).DVD menuCalling up the DVD menuThe DVD menu is the menu stored on the DVDitself. It is structured in various ways accord-ing to the individual DVD and permits certainactions and settings.In the case of multi-language DVDs, for exam-ple, you can change the DVD language in theDVD menu.XIn full-screen mode, press W the COMANDcontroller to show the menu.XSelect Video-DVD in the menu by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.236 Video DVD modeVideo
XSelect DVD functions and press W toconfirm.XSelect Menu and press W to confirm.The DVD menu appears.Selecting menu items in the DVD menuXSelect a menu item by sliding ZVÆ or turn-ing XVY the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.The menu appears.iMenu items which cannot be selected areshown in grey.XTo reconfirm your selection: confirmSelect by pressing W.COMAND executes the action.Make a selection from the further options,if necessary.COMAND then switches back to the DVDmenu.iDepending on the DVD, the menu items:Back (to the movie), Play,Stop, ., / or Go up may not func-tion or not function at certain points in theDVD menu. To indicate this, the K iconappears in the display.Moving up one level in the DVD menuXSelect the corresponding menu item in theDVD menu and press W the COMAND con-troller to confirm.orXSelect any menu item in the DVD menu andpress W the COMAND controller to con-firm.XSelect Go up and press W to confirm.Back to the filmXPress the % back button repeatedlyuntil you see the movie.orXSelect the corresponding menu item in theDVD menu.XSelect the Back (to the movie) menuitem in the menu and press W to confirm.Setting the language and audio for-matThis function is not available on all DVDs. If itis available, you can set the DVD menu lan-guage, the audio language or the audio for-mat. The number of settings is determined bythe DVD content. It is possible that the set-tings may also be accessed in the DVD menu(Y page 236).XIn full-screen mode, press W the COMANDcontroller to show the menu.XSelect Video-DVD in the menu by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect DVD functions and press W toconfirm.XSelect Menu language or Audio lan‐guage and press W to confirm.In both cases, a menu appears after a fewseconds. The # dot in front of an entryindicates the currently selected language.XSelect a setting by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.Video DVD mode 237VideoZ
Subtitles and camera angleThese functions are not available on all DVDs.The number of subtitle languages and cameraangles available depends on the content ofthe DVD. It is possible that the settings mayalso be accessed in the DVD menu(Y page 236).XIn full-screen mode, press W the COMANDcontroller to show the menu.XSelect  DVD-Video in the menu by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XSelect DVD functions and press W toconfirm.XSelect Subtitles or Camera angle andpress W to confirm.In both cases, a menu appears. The # dotin front of an entry indicates the currentsetting.XSelect a setting by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.Interactive contentDVDs can contain interactive content (e.g. avideo game). In a video game, for example,you may be able to influence events by select-ing and triggering actions. The type and num-ber of actions depend on the DVD.XSelect an action by sliding ZVÆ or XVY theCOMAND controller and press W to exe-cute it.A menu appears and the first entry,Select, is highlighted.XPress W the COMAND controller.Video AUX operationConnecting external video sourcesIf your vehicle is equipped with a Media Inter-face, you can connect an external videosource.You require an additional audio/video cableset to connect an external video source to theMedia Interface.For more details, please contact a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre or visit Then,follow the instructions in the "Media Inter-face" section.You will find the connection sockets in theglove compartment.Audio/video sockets:Video port (V) (yellow);Audio port (L) (white)=Audio port (R) (red)iTo facilitate correct playback, it may benecessary to set a suitable video standardin the external video source.XConnect the external device to correspond-ing port :, ; or =.COMAND activates the device.Switching on video AUX modeXSelect Video in the main function bar bysliding ZV and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.If video AUX mode was the last mode selec-ted, it will now be active.238 Video AUX operationVideo
If another video source is switched on, youcan now switch to video AUX mode in thevideo menu.XSelect Video and press W to confirm.XSelect Aux and press W to confirm.The video AUX menu appears. You will hearand see the content of the external videosource if it is connected and switched toplayback.Video AUX modeFor details on how to operate the externalvideo source, see the respective device'soperating instructions.Showing/hiding the menuXTo show: press W the COMAND control-ler.XTo hide: slide ZV the COMAND controllerand confirm Full screen by pressing W.Volume and sound settingsYou will find details on volume (Y page 30)and sound (Y page 31) settings in the "At aglance" section.GRisk of accidentExternal video sources may have different vol-umes, which can mean that system messagessuch as traffic announcements and navigationsystem announcements are much louder. Ifnecessary, please deactivate the system mes-sages or adjust their volume manually.iIt may be the case that a device which isconnected as an external video sourceseems quieter or louder in the vehicle, orthat the usual maximum volume cannot bereached. On some devices, it is possible toadjust the volume separately. In this case,start at a medium volume and increase itgradually. This enables you to determinewhether the system is able to play thesound at high volume without distorting it.Increasing the volume using COMANDXSelect Volume in the AUX display by turningcVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.A menu appears. The # dot indicates thecurrent setting.XSelect Standard or Boost and press W toconfirm.Standard: the volume of the external videosource is adjusted to a standard value.Boost: the volume of the external videosource is raised by approximately 10 dB.Picture viewerIntroductionIf there are pictures on the active datamedium, you can look at them.Data medium Supported pictureformatsCD/DVD with pic-ture filesjpeg, jpgUSB devices (sticks,hard drives)SD memory card:jpeg, jpgCalling up a category listXSelect a data medium (e.g. memory card)with pictures in the audio menuPicture viewer 239VideoZ
(Y page 186) or in the media list(Y page 198).XSelect Search in the basic display by slid-ing VÆ and turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The category list appears.Displaying picturesXSelect (Y page 205)Photos in the categorylist by turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.A folder directory appears.XSelect a folder with photos and press W toconfirm.The folder displays the existing picture files(example).XSelect a photo and press W to confirm.The photo is displayed and the music isstopped.Changing the picture viewXPress W the COMAND controller.A menu appears.XTo turn the picture clockwise: confirmTurn clockwise by pressing W theCOMAND controller.XTo turn the picture anti-clockwise:select Turn anti-clockwise by turningthe cVd COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.XTo zoom into a picture: select Zoom byturning the cVd COMAND controller andpress W to confirm.After you have zoomed into the picture, youcan move the section of the picture.XSlide ZVÆXVY the COMAND controller.XTo return to the original size: press Wthe COMAND controller.Exiting the picture viewerXSelect Back to menu in the menu by turn-ing cVd the COMAND controller and pressW to confirm.240 Picture viewerVideo
XTo start playing music: confirm Searchby pressing W.The category list appears (Y page 205).XSelect a category by turning cVd theCOMAND controller and press W to con-firm.XSelect other entries within the category(e.g. track, album) until the music startsplaying.Picture viewer 241VideoZ
Vehicle equipment ............................ 244General information ......................... 244Basic functions ................................. 245System settings ................................ 247Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode ........ 248TV mode ............................................. 253Video DVD mode ............................... 257Active COMAND source mode ......... 262AUX mode .......................................... 264243Rear Seat Entertainment System
Vehicle equipmentiThese Operating Instructions describe allstandard and optional equipment availablefor your vehicle at the time it was pur-chased. Please note that your vehicle maynot be equipped with all features descri-bed.General informationChanging batteriesNotesBatteries are required for the remote controland for the two sets of cordless headphones.GRisk of injuryKeep batteries away from children. Consult adoctor immediately if a child should swallowa battery.Do not dismantle, short-circuit or burn a bat-tery.HEnvironmental noteDispose of used batteries in an environmen-tally responsible manner.On the remote control:Battery compartment;Catch tab=Battery compartment cover?Retaining lugsABatteriesThe remote control contains 2 type AAA,1.5 V batteries.XTo open the battery compartment:remove battery compartment cover = onthe back of the remote control.XTo do so, press down retaining lug ; andtake off battery compartment cover =.XRemove discharged batteries A from thetray.244 General informationRear Seat Entertainment System
XInsert the new batteries. Observe the polar-ity markings on the batteries and batterycompartment when doing so.Left-hand battery: The positive pole (+)must face upwards.Right-hand battery The positive pole (+)must face downwards.XTo close the battery compartment:insert battery compartment cover = start-ing with retaining lugs ? into the batterycompartment and allow catch tab ; toengage in place.On the cordless headphonesThe battery compartment cover is located onthe left headphone.:Battery compartment coverThe wireless headphones contain 2 type AAA,1.5 V batteries.XTo open the battery compartment: flipbattery compartment cover : upwards.As you do so, hold the left-hand side of theheadphones as shown to prevent the bat-teries from falling out.XRemove the discharged batteries from thetray.XInsert the new batteries. Observe the polar-ity markings on the batteries and batterycompartment when doing so.Left-hand battery: The positive pole (+)must face upwards.Right-hand battery The positive pole (+)must face downwards.XTo close the battery compartment:press battery compartment cover down-wards until it engages into place.If the batteries have been inserted cor-rectly, the indicator lamp will light up greenwhen the headphones are switched on.Basic functionsOperating with headphonesYou can use the cordless headphones sup-plied and/or up to two sets of corded head-phones connected to the corresponding jackof the rear-compartment screens(Y page 35).The following information can be found in the"Cordless headphones" section:Rswitching the wireless headphones on/off(Y page 38).Radjusting the headphone volume(Y page 38).Rselecting a screen for the headphones(Y page 38).Using the main loudspeakersThis function is available in conjunction withCOMAND.You can use the vehicle loudspeakers to lis-ten to a disc inserted in the rear-compartmentdrive. To do so, at least one of the rear-com-partment screens must be set to disc mode.XSetting using COMAND: press, for exam-ple, the $ function button to switch onan audio mode.XSelect Audio by sliding ZV the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.The Audio menu appears.XSelect Rear by turning cVd the COMANDcontroller and press W to confirm.Basic functions 245Rear Seat Entertainment SystemZ
iThe headphones' volume setting does notaffect the main loudspeakers.Adjusting the sound settingsYou can select the sound settings in the audioCD/DVD/MP3, TV, video DVD and AUXmodes.XSwitch on an operating mode (e.g. audioCD mode) (Y page 249).XSelect Treble or Bass usingthe :=; buttons on the remotecontrol and press the 9 button to confirm.An adjustment scale appears.XSelect a setting using the 9: but-tons and press the 9 button to confirm.Multiple usersSimultaneous use of the rear-compart-ment disc driveThe two rear-compartment screens can beoperated almost entirely independently fromone another. However, there can be a conflictin some menus if the two screens are usedsimultaneously.If the rear-compartment disc drive is beingused for both screens simultaneously, select-ing certain menus or settings on one of thescreens also affects the other screen.The following functions affect both screens:Rchanging playback optionsRselecting a track (from a track list or folder)Rusing the play, pause and stop functionsRfast forward/rewind or scrollingRcalling up the DVD menu and navigatingwithin itRsetting the language, subtitles and cameraangleRcalling up interactive DVD contentThe following functions affect only onescreen:Raudio and video functions as well as picturesettingsRswitching between full screen and themenuSwitching between operating modesWhen you exit an operating mode (e.g. audioCD mode), the current setting is saved. If youcall up this operating mode again later, thereare two possibilities:Rthe operating mode has been changed onthe other screen.Rthe operating mode has not been changed.In the first case, the operating mode appearsas it is on the other screen.In the second case, the setting appears on thescreen as it was when you last exited theoperating mode.Picture settingsOverviewYou can select these settings in TV, videoDVD and AUX mode. Instructions for AUXmode are detailed later (Y page 264).Adjusting the brightness, contrast andcolourXSwitch on TV mode (Y page 227) or videoDVD mode (Y page 257).XTo show the menu: press the 9 buttonon the remote control.orXSelect Menu while the navigation menu(Y page 227) is shown and press the 9button to confirm.XIn both cases, select TV or Video-DVDusing the :=; buttons andpress the 9 button to confirm.246 Basic functionsRear Seat Entertainment System
TV mode (example):Brightness, contrast and colour;Picture formatsXSelect Brightness, Contrast or Colourusing the 9: buttons and press the9 button to confirm.An adjustment scale appears.XSelect a setting using the 9: but-tons and press the 9 button to confirm.Changing the picture formatXTo show the menu: press the 9 buttonon the remote control.orXSelect Menu while the navigation menu(Y page 227) is shown and press the 9button to confirm.XSelect TV or DVD-V usingthe :=; buttons and press the9 button to confirm.The dot in front of one of the menu items16:9 optimised, 4:3 or Widescreen indi-cates the format currently selected.XSelect a format using the 9: but-tons and press the 9 button to confirm.System settingsNoteYou can adjust almost all system settingsindividually for each screen without affectingthe other screen. You make these settingsusing the remote control (Y page 36).Selecting the display languageXSelect System using the 9=;button on the remote control and press9 to confirm.You see the system menu on the selectedrear screen.XSelect Settings using the : buttonand press the 9 button to confirm.XSelect Language using the 9: but-tons and press the 9 button to confirm.The list of languages appears. The # dotindicates the current setting.XSelect a language using the 9: but-tons and press the 9 button to confirm.The Rear Seat Entertainment System acti-vates the respective language.Switching the display designXSelect Settings in the system menu usingthe : button on the remote control andpress the 9 button to confirm.XSelect Day design, Night design orAutomatic using the 9: buttonsand press the 9 button to confirm.The dot indicates the current setting.Design ExplanationDay design The display is set per-manently to daydesign.Night design The display is set per-manently to nightdesign.Automatic The display designchanges depending onthe vehicle instrumentcluster illumination.System settings 247Rear Seat Entertainment SystemZ
Setting the brightnessXSelect Settings in the system menu usingthe : button on the remote control andpress the 9 button to confirm.XSelect Brightness using the 9:buttons and press the 9 button to confirm.A scale appears.XAdjust the brightness using the 9:buttons and press the 9 button to confirm.The brightness bar moves up or down. Thepicture becomes lighter or darker inaccordance with the scale.Showing/hiding the pictureXTo hide the picture: select Display offin the system menu using the :;buttons on the remote control and pressthe 9 button to confirm.The picture is hidden.XTo display the picture: press the 9 but-ton.Audio CD/DVD and MP3 modeSafety noteGRisk of injuryThe CD/DVD drive is a class 1 laser product.You must not open the casing. There is a riskof exposure to invisible laser radiation if thecasing is opened, or if the casing is faulty ordamaged.The Rear Seat Entertainment System containsno parts which you can repair yourself. Forsafety reasons, all maintenance work must becarried out by qualified aftersales techni-cians.General notesYou will find information on the following top-ics in the Audio section:Rnotes on CDs/DVDs (Y page 205)Rnotes on MP3 mode (Y page 203)Rnotes on copyright (Y page 204)Inserting a CD/DVD:Disc slot;Eject buttonThe CD/DVD drive is a single disc drive. Ifthere is already a disc inserted, this must beejected before another is inserted.XInsert a disc into the disc slot.The printed side of the disc must faceupwards. If neither side of the disc is prin-ted, the side you wish to play must facedownwards.The CD/DVD drive draws in the disc.248 Audio CD/DVD and MP3 modeRear Seat Entertainment System
The CD/DVD drive plays the disc:Rif it has been inserted correctly and is apermissible disc, andRafter you have switched on disc mode(audio CD/audio DVD/MP3 mode)(Y page 249).Data on an MP3 CD first needs to be loadedby the drive. Loading may take a some time,depending on the number of folders andtracks.Removing a CD/DVDXPress the þ eject button.The drive ejects the disc.XTake the disc out of the slot.If you do not take the disc out of the slot,the drive will draw it in again automaticallyafter a short while.Switching to audio CD, audio DVD orMP3 modeXInsert a CD/DVD (Y page 248).The Rear Seat Entertainment System loadsthe inserted disc.XSelect Disc in the menu using the9=; buttons on the remotecontrol and press the 9 button to confirm.The corresponding mode is switched on.The Rear Seat Entertainment System playsthe disc.Audio CD mode (example):Type of data medium _;Track number=Track name (only if stored on the disc asCD text)?Track timeAGraphic time and track displayBCurrent playback settings (no symbol for"Normal track sequence")CTo set the bassDTo set the trebleEDisc name (if stored on the disc as CDtext)FTo call up the track listGPlayback optionsAudio DVD mode (example):Type of data medium ü;Track number=Track name (if stored on the disc)?Track timeAGraphic time and track displayBCurrent playback settings (no symbol for"Normal track sequence")Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode 249Rear Seat Entertainment SystemZ
CTo set the bassDTo set the trebleEDisc name (if stored on the disc)FTo call up the track listGStop functionHPause functionIPlayback optionsMP3 mode (example):Type of data medium þ;Track number=Track name?Track timeAGraphic time and track displayBCurrent playback settings (no symbol for"Normal track sequence")CTo set the bassDTo set the trebleEDisc name or current folderFTo call up the folder listGPlayback options, to switch track infor-mation on/offiVariable bit rates in MP3 tracks can resultin the elapsed time shown being differentto the actual elapsed time.Selecting a trackSelecting by skipping to a trackXTo skip forwards or backwards to a track: press the = or ; button onthe remote control.orXPress the E or F button.The skip forward function skips to the nexttrack.Skipping backwards restarts the currenttrack (if it has been playing for more thaneight seconds) or starts the previous track(if the current track has only been playingfor a shorter time).If you have selected the playback optionsRandom tracks or Random folder, thetrack order is random.Selecting by track listIn audio CD mode, the track list contains alltracks on the disc currently playing.In audio DVD mode, the track list contains alltracks in the currently active group; see "Set-ting the audio format" (Y page 202).In MP3 mode, the track list shows all tracksin the currently active folder as well as thefolder structure, allowing you to select anytrack on the MP3 CD.XSelect Track list (audio CD/DVD mode)or Folder (MP3 mode) usingthe :=; buttons on the remotecontrol and press the 9 button to confirm.orXPress the 9 button when the display/selection window is selected.The track list appears. The # dot indicatesthe current track.XSelect a track using the 9: buttonsand press the 9 button to confirm.250 Audio CD/DVD and MP3 modeRear Seat Entertainment System
Making a selection by entering the tracknumber directlyXPress the h button on the remote con-trol.The track entry display appears.Example: track 2XPress the · number button.Example: track 12XPress the corresponding number keys inrapid succession.iIt is not possible to enter numbers thatexceed the number of tracks on the CD orin the currently active folder.XWait for approximately three seconds aftermaking the entry.You will hear the track which has beenentered. The corresponding basic menuthen reappears.Fast forward/rewindXWith the display/selection window active,press the = or ; button on theremote control repeatedly until you reachthe desired position.orXPress and hold the E or F buttonuntil the desired position is reached.Selecting a folderThis function is only available in MP3 mode.XSelect Folder in MP3 mode usingthe :=; buttons on the remotecontrol and press the 9 button to confirm.orXPress the 9 button when the display/selection window is selected.The folder content appears.:Folder selection symbol;Current folder name=Track symbolXTo switch to the superordinate folder:select icon : using the 9: buttonson the remote control and press the 9button to confirm.The display shows the next folder up.:Folder selection symbol;Folder iconXSelect a folder using the 9: buttonsand press the 9 button to confirm.You will see the tracks in the folder.XSelect a track using the 9: buttonsand press the 9 button to confirm.The track is played and the correspondingfolder is now the active folder.Pause functionThis function is only available in audio DVDmode.Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode 251Rear Seat Entertainment SystemZ
XTo pause playback: select Ë usingthe :=; buttons on the remotecontrol and press the 9 button to confirm.The Ë display changes to Ì.XTo continue playback: select Ì andpress the 9 button to confirm.The Ì display changes to Ë.Stop functionThis function is only available in audio DVDmode.XTo interrupt playback: select É usingthe :=; buttons on the remotecontrol and press the 9 button to confirm.The Ë display changes to Ì.XTo continue playback: select Ì andpress the 9 button to confirm.Playback continues from the point where itwas interrupted.XTo stop playback: while playback is inter-rupted, select É again and press the9 button to confirm.Playback stops and returns to the begin-ning of the DVD. Ì is highlighted.XTo restart playback: select Ì andpress the 9 button to confirm.Playback starts from the beginning of theDVD.Setting the audio formatFurther information on audio formats is avail-able in the "Audio" section (Y page 202).XSelect DVD-A using the :=;buttons on the remote control and press9 to confirm.XSelect Group using the 9: buttonsand press the 9 button to confirm.The list of available audio formats appears.The # dot indicates the format currentlyselected.XSelect an audio format using the9: buttons and press the 9 buttonto confirm.XTo exit the menu: press the =or ; button.Playback optionsFurther information on playback options isavailable in the "Audio" section(Y page 203).XSelect CD, DVD-A or MP3 usingthe :=; buttons on the remotecontrol and press the 9 button to confirm.The options list appears. The # dot indi-cates the option currently selected.XSelect Normal track sequence, Random tracks or Random folder using the9: buttons and press the 9 buttonto confirm.The option is switched on. For all optionsexcept Normal track sequence, you willsee a corresponding display in the display/selection window.iIf you change the disc, the Normal track sequence option is activated auto-matically. If an option is selected, itremains selected after the Rear Seat Enter-tainment System is switched on or off.Switching track information on/off(MP3 mode only)If the function is switched on, folder and tracknames are displayed.If the function is switched off, disc and filenames are displayed.XSelect MP3 using the :=; but-tons on the remote control and press the9 button to confirm.252 Audio CD/DVD and MP3 modeRear Seat Entertainment System
XSelect Display track informationusing the 9: buttons and press the9 button to confirm.The function is switched on O or off ª,depending on the previous status.TV modeGeneral informationFurther information on channel receptionquality can be found in the "Video" section(Y page 227).Switching to TV modeXSelect TV using the 9=; but-tons on the remote control and press the9 button to confirm.You see the last TV channel selected, pro-vided it can still be received.Hiding/showing the navigation menuXTo show: press the 9 or : buttonon the remote control.XTo hide: press the 9 or : button.orXWait for approximately eight seconds.Navigation menu displayed:Preset position of the selected TV channel;Selected TV channel=Current programme (digital TV receiveronly)?Next TV channel in the channel list (chan-nel name or number)ATo show the menuBPrevious TV channel in the channel list(channel name or number)Showing/hiding the menuXTo show: press the 9 button on theremote control.orXSelect Menu while the navigation menu isshown and press the 9 button to confirm.XTo hide: press the 9 button, selectFull screen and press the 9 button toconfirm.Menu shown:To call up the TV options menu;To call up the channel presets=Information on the current programme(only for digital TV channels)?To switch on teletextATo set the trebleBTo set the bassTV mode 253Rear Seat Entertainment SystemZ
Selecting TV channelsSelecting channels from the navigationmenuXPress the = or ; button on theremote control while the display window isactive.orXPress the E or F button.The TV tuner selects the previous or nextchannel from the alphabetical channel list.Selecting channels via the channel pre-setsXTo show the menu: press the 9 buttonon the remote control.orXSelect Menu while the navigation menu isshown and press the 9 button to confirm.XSelect Presets using the =; but-tons and press the 9 button to confirm.The station preset memory appears. The# dot indicates where the selected chan-nel is currently stored.Channel presetsXSelect a channel using the 9: but-tons and press the 9 button to confirm.orXPress a number button.Selecting a channel from the channellistNotes on the channel list can be found in the"Video" section (Y page 228). Informationregarding COMAND also applies to the RearSeat Entertainment System.XTo show the menu: press the 9 buttonon the remote control.orXSelect Menu while the navigation menu isshown and press the 9 button to confirm.XSelect TV using the =; buttons andpress the 9 button to confirm.XSelect Station list and press the 9button to confirm.The channel list appears. The # dot infront of a list entry indicates the currentlyselected channel. A number before the listentry shows the memory slot in the channelpresets.XSelect a channel using the 9: but-tons and press the 9 button to confirm.Selecting channels by entering thechannel and programme numberSeveral programmes can be transmitted onone channel with digital TV. You can thereforeenter a channel and the desired programmeon this channel.Only one programme can be sent on a chan-nel with analogue TV. The programme entryfunction therefore has no effect.XTo show the menu: press the 9 buttonon the remote control.orXSelect Menu while the navigation menu isshown and press the 9 button to confirm.XOption 1: select TV using the =;buttons and press the 9 button to confirm.XSelect Channel entry and press the 9button to confirm.254 TV modeRear Seat Entertainment System
XOption 2: press the h button while theTV is playing.Irrespective of the option, an input barappears at the top of the screen.XTo set a channel: enter the channel num-ber using the number keys and press the9 button to confirm.orXPress and hold the number key until theentry line is hidden.The channel is set.iIf you have not entered a programmenumber, the first programme with ade-quate reception will be set for a digitalchannel.iYou can enter channels or programmesavailable in your country even if the recep-tion is currently not adequate.If you enter channels which are not inten-ded for your country or are not allowedthere, the Invalid channel number mes-sage appears.XPress the 9 button and confirm the mes-sage.Storing TV channelsStoring channels manuallyThere are ten preset positions available.XTo show the menu: press the 9 buttonon the remote control or confirm Menu bypressing the 9 button while the navigationmenu is shown.XSelect Presets using the =; but-tons and press the 9 button to confirm.The station preset memory appears. The# dot indicates under which preset thecurrently selected channel is stored.XTo store a channel: select a preset usingthe 9: buttons and press and holdthe 9 button until you hear a tone.orXPress and hold a number button until youhear a tone.Then, the TV picture reappears.Storing channels automaticallyThis function automatically stores channelswith adequate reception in order of theirreception quality. Any channels stored man-ually in the preset memory will be lost.XTo show the menu: press the 9 buttonon the remote control or confirm Menu bypressing the 9 button while the navigationmenu is shown.XSelect Presets using the =; but-tons and press the 9 button to confirm.XSelect Autostore and press the 9 buttonto confirm.The Rear Seat Entertainment Systemsearches for channels it can receive. Theavailable channels are automatically storedin the preset positions.Information about the current pro-grammeThis function is only available on digital TVchannels. If you are watching an analogue TVchannel, this menu cannot be selected.XTo show the menu: press the 9 buttonon the remote control or confirm Menu bypressing the 9 button while the navigationmenu is shown.XSelect Info using the =; buttonsand press the 9 button to confirm.If the current TV channel provides the cor-responding information, this will be dis-played.iIt can take a few seconds for the infor-mation to be displayed.TV mode 255Rear Seat Entertainment SystemZ
Displaying the current programme orprogramme previewThis function is only available on digital TVchannels. The programme preview is alsoreferred to as the electronic programmeguide (EPG).XTo show the menu: press the 9 buttonon the remote control or confirm Menu bypressing the 9 button while the navigationmenu is shown.XSelect TV using the =; buttons andpress the 9 button to confirm.XSelect Station list and press the 9button to confirm.The channel list appears. It shows the cur-rent programme on the digital TV channelswith adequate reception. The # dot infront of a list entry indicates the currentlyselected channel.:Current TV channel;To display the programme preview=Current programme?Visual display of the elapsed programmetimeXTo show the programme preview: selectDisplay programme preview and pressthe 9 button to confirm.The channel list shows the channel's nextprogramme.:TV channel;Next programme=To display the current programme?The beginning and end of the programmeXTo show the current programme: selectDisplay current programme and pressthe 9 button to confirm.XTo close the display: press the % but-ton.Basic TV settingsFixing the frequencyFurther information on this function is avail-able in the "Video" section (Y page 231).XTo show the menu: press the 9 buttonon the remote control or confirm Menu bypressing the 9 button while the navigationmenu is shown.XSelect TV using the =; buttons andpress the 9 button to confirm.XSelect Channel fix and press the 9 but-ton to confirm.Depending on the previous status, the func-tion is switched on O or off ª. When thefunction is switched on, FIX appears in thedisplay window.XTo exit the menu: press the =or ; button.256 TV modeRear Seat Entertainment System
Setting the reception regionFurther information on this function is avail-able in the "Video" section (Y page 232).XTo show the menu: press the 9 buttonon the remote control or confirm Menu bypressing the 9 button while the navigationmenu is shown.XSelect TV using the =; buttons andpress the 9 button to confirm.XSelect TV standard and press the 9 but-ton to confirm.A list appears, showing the receptionregions. The # dot in front of a list entryindicates the currently selected receptionarea or country.XSelect the reception area and press the9 button to confirm.A message appears to inform you that if thewrong country is set, correct reception willnot be possible.XSelect Yes or No and press the 9 buttonto confirm.If you select Yes, the Rear Seat Entertain-ment System switches the country.If you select No, the country list will appearagain.TeletextSwitching teletext on/offXTo show the menu: press the 9 buttonon the remote control.orXSelect Menu while the navigation menu isshown and press the 9 button to confirm.XTo switch on: select Teletext using the=; buttons and press the 9 buttonto confirm.The first video text page is displayed.XTo switch off: press the % back button.Selecting a teletext pageXTo select a page directly: press the cor-responding number keys on the remotecontrol.iYou can only enter pages that are permis-sible for teletext between 100 and 899.XTo call up the next/previous page: pressthe 9 or : button.Dynamic teletext pageA dynamic teletext page consists of severalsubpages. The display automatically changesto the next page after a certain time.Video DVD modeGeneral notesHere you will find further information on thefollowing topics:Rsafety notes (Y page 192)Rnotes on DVDs (Y page 232)DVD playback conditionsThere may be playback problems when play-ing copied discs. There are a large variety ofdiscs, DVD authoring software, writing soft-ware and writers available. This variety meansthat there is no guarantee that the Rear SeatEntertainment System will be able to playvideo DVDs that you have copied yourself.You will find further information in the Videosection (Y page 233). Information regardingCOMAND also applies to the Rear Seat Enter-tainment System.Function restrictionsDepending on the DVD, it is possible that cer-tain functions or actions described in thissection will be temporarily blocked or may notfunction at all. As soon as you try to activateVideo DVD mode 257Rear Seat Entertainment SystemZ
these functions or actions, you will see theK symbol in the display.Inserting and removing a CD/DVDXProceed as described in the "Audio CD/DVD and MP3 mode" section(Y page 248).Activating video DVD modeXInsert a video DVD.The Rear Seat Entertainment System loadsthe disc.If disc mode was the last mode selected, itwill now be active.If it was not, switch on video DVD mode asdescribed in the following instruction.XSelect Disc in the menu using the9=; buttons on the remotecontrol and press the 9 button to confirm.If the video DVD fulfils the playback criteria:the film either starts automatically or themenu saved on the DVD appears. If theDVD menu appears, you must start the filmmanually.XSelect the corresponding menu item in theDVD menu.Hiding/showing the navigation menuXTo show: press the 9 or : buttonon the remote control.XTo hide: press the 9 or : button.orXWait for approximately eight seconds.Navigation menu:Data medium type;Current track=Current scene?Track timeATo show the menuShowing/hiding the menuXTo show: press the 9 button on theremote control.orXSelect Menu while the navigation menu isshown and press the 9 button to confirm.XTo hide: press the 9 button, selectFull screen and press the 9 button toconfirm.Menu system:Video DVD options;Pause function=Stop function258 Video DVD modeRear Seat Entertainment System
?To set the trebleATo set the bassFast forward/rewindXPress and hold the E or F button onthe remote control until the desired posi-tion has been reached.You see the navigation menu.Pause functionXTo show the menu: press the 9 buttonon the remote control.orXSelect Menu while the navigation menu isshown and press the 9 button to confirm.XTo pause playback: select Ë and pressthe 9 button to confirm.The Ë display changes to Ì.XTo continue playback: select Ì andpress the 9 button to confirm.The menu is hidden.Stop functionXTo show the menu: press the 9 buttonon the remote control.orXSelect Menu while the navigation menu isshown and press the 9 button to confirm.XTo interrupt playback: select É andpress the 9 button to confirm.The Ë display changes to Ì. Thevideo image is hidden.XTo continue playback: select Ì andpress the 9 button to confirm.Playback continues from the point where itwas interrupted. The menu is hidden.XTo stop playback: while playback is inter-rupted, select É again and press the9 button to confirm.Playback stops and returns to the begin-ning of the DVD. Ì is highlighted.XTo restart playback: select Ì andpress the 9 button to confirm.Playback starts from the beginning of theDVD.Selecting a scene/chapterNoteFurther information on this function is avail-able in the "Video" section (Y page 235).Skipping forwards/backwardsXPress the = or ; button on theremote control.orXPress the E or F button.The navigation menu (Y page 227) appearsfor approximately eight seconds.Selecting a scene/chapter directlyThe examples illustrate how to select scene/chapter 5.XOption 1: while the film is playing, pressthe h button on the remote control.XPress the corresponding number key, suchas ¿.Video DVD mode 259Rear Seat Entertainment SystemZ
XOption 2: while the film is playing, pressthe 9 button on the remote control andshow the menu.XSelect DVD-Video and press the 9 buttonto confirm.XSelect DVD functions and press the 9button to confirm.XSelect Scene selection and press the9 button to confirm.XSelect 5 using the 9 or : button andpress the 9 button to confirm.In both cases, playback will begin from thefifth scene/chapter after a brief pause.Selecting a film/titleNoteFurther information on this function is avail-able in the "Video" section (Y page 236).Option 1XPress the 9 button on the remote controland show the menu.XSelect DVD-Video and press the 9 buttonon the remote control to confirm.XSelect DVD functions and press the 9button to confirm.XSelect Title selection and press the9 button to confirm.XTo call up the selection list: press the9 button.XSelect a film/track.Option 2:Example: selecting film 2XPress the · button.After a brief pause, the second film isplayed.DVD menuNoteYou will find further information on the DVDmenu in the "Video" section (Y page 236).Calling up the DVD menuXPress the 9 button on the remote controland show the menu.XSelect Video-DVD and press the 9 buttonon the remote control to confirm.XSelect DVD functions and press the 9button to confirm.XSelect Menu and press the 9 button toconfirm.The DVD menu appears.Selecting menu items in the DVD menuXSelect a menu item using the9:=; buttons on theremote control and press the 9 button toconfirm.A menu appears.iMenu items which cannot be selected areshown in grey.260 Video DVD modeRear Seat Entertainment System
XConfirm Select by pressing the 9 button.The Rear Seat Entertainment System exe-cutes the action or shows a submenu.XIf available, additional options can now beselected.The Rear Seat Entertainment System thenswitches back to the DVD menu.iDepending on the DVD, the menu items:Back (to the movie), Play,Stop, ., / or Go up may not func-tion or not function at certain points in theDVD menu. To indicate this, the K iconappears in the display.Stopping a film or skipping to the begin-ning or end of a sceneXSelect any menu item from the DVD menu.The menu appears.XTo stop the film: select the Stop menuitem and press the 9 button on the remotecontrol to confirm.XTo skip to the end of a scene: selectthe / menu item and press the 9 but-ton to confirm.XTo skip to the beginning of a scene:select the . menu item and press the9 button to confirm.Moving up one level in the DVD menuXOption 1: press the % back button onthe remote control or select the corre-sponding menu item in the DVD menu.XOption 2: select any menu item in the DVDmenu.XSelect the Go up menu item in the menuand press the 9 button to confirm.Back to the filmXOption 1: press the % back button onthe remote control repeatedly until you seethe film or select the corresponding menuitem in the DVD menu.XOption 2: select any menu item in the DVDmenu and press the 9 button to confirm.XSelect the Back (to the movie) menuitem in the menu and press the 9 buttonto confirm.Setting the audio formatThis function is not available on all DVDs. If itis available, you can set the audio languageor the audio format. The number of settingsis determined by the DVD content. It is pos-sible that the settings may also be accessedin the DVD menu.XPress the 9 button on the remote controland show the menu.XSelect  DVD-Video and press the 9 but-ton on the remote control to confirm.XSelect DVD functions and press the 9button to confirm.XSelect Audio language and press the 9button to confirm.A menu appears after a short while. The# dot in front of an entry indicates thecurrently selected language.XSelect a language using the 9: but-tons and press the 9 button to confirm.XTo exit the menu: press the =or ; button.Subtitles and camera angleThese functions are not available on all DVDs.The number of subtitle languages and cameraangles available depends on the content ofthe DVD. It is possible that the settings mayalso be accessed in the DVD menu.XPress the 9 button on the remote controland show the menu.XSelect  DVD-Video and press the 9 but-ton on the remote control to confirm.XSelect DVD functions and press the 9button to confirm.Video DVD mode 261Rear Seat Entertainment SystemZ
XSelect Subtitles or Camera angle andpress the 9 button to confirm.In both cases, a menu appears after a fewseconds. The # dot in front of an entryindicates the current setting.XSelect a setting using the 9: but-tons and press the 9 button to confirm.XTo exit the menu: press the =or ; button.Interactive contentDVDs can also contain interactive content(e.g. a video game). In a video game, you maybe able to influence events by selecting andtriggering actions. The type and number ofactions depend on the DVD.XSelect an action using the9;:= buttons on theremote control and press the 9 button toexecute it.A menu appears and the first entry,Select, is highlighted.XPress the 9 button.Active COMAND source modeSwitching the function on/off inCOMANDYou can transfer an audio or video sourceselected in COMAND to the Rear Seat Enter-tainment System.iIf you subsequently switch modes inCOMAND, the new source will not be trans-mitted to the Rear Seat Entertainment Sys-tem.XTo switch on the function in COMAND:switch on the desired audio mode inCOMAND, e.g. CD mode (Y page 196), orshow the menu in video DVD mode(Y page 51).XSelect the menu item at the bottom left,e.g. CD in audio CD mode, by sliding VÆand turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.A menu appears.XSelect Active audio/video source in rear and press W to confirm.In the status bar at the top, you will see theheadphones icon and the _ icon for thesource that has been switched on.XTo switch off the function in COMAND:switch on the desired audio mode inCOMAND or show the menu in video DVDmode.XSelect the menu item at the bottom left,e.g. CD in audio CD mode, by sliding VÆand turning cVd the COMAND controllerand press W to confirm.XSelect Rear off_ and press W theCOMAND controller to confirm.262 Active COMAND source modeRear Seat Entertainment System
Selecting an active COMAND sourcein the rear-compartment screenLoading the active COMAND sourceXSelect COMAND using the 9=;buttons on the remote control and press9 to confirm.The audio or video source selected inCOMAND is loaded in the Rear Seat Enter-tainment System.When the loading process is complete, theaudio or video source is set in the Rear SeatEntertainment System.If Rear off is activated in COMAND, theCOMAND is off or there is no active COMAND source message appears.Audio CD modeCD mode (example)XTo select a track by skipping to a track: press the = or ; button onthe remote control.orXPress the E or F button.The skip forward function skips to the nexttrack.Skipping backwards restarts the currenttrack (if it has been playing for more thaneight seconds) or starts the previous track(if the current track has only been playingfor a shorter time).Additional setting option:Rselecting the sound settings (Y page 246)Audio DVD modeAudio DVD mode (example)XTo skip to the next/previous group:press the : button on the remote con-trol.XHighlight with the = or ;b orc button and press 9 to confirm.iInformation on groups can be found in the"Setting the audio format" section(Y page 202).Additional setting option:Rselecting the sound settings (Y page 246)Active COMAND source mode 263Rear Seat Entertainment SystemZ
MP3 modeMP3 mode (example)XTo select a track by skipping to a track: press the = or ; button onthe remote control.orXPress the E or F button.The skip forward function skips to the nexttrack.Skipping backwards restarts the currenttrack (if it has been playing for more thaneight seconds) or starts the previous track(if the current track has only been playingfor a shorter time).XTo select a folder: press the : buttonon the remote control.XHighlight one of the two folder symbolswith the = or ; button and press9 to confirm.Depending on your selection, the previousor next folder is selected and the first trackis played.Additional setting option:Rselecting the sound settings (Y page 246)Video DVD modeVideo DVD mode (example)XTo hide a menu: confirm Menu with the9 button.The video image is played in full screenmode.Additional setting options:Rsetting the brightness, contrast and colour(Y page 246)Rchanging the picture format (Y page 247)Radjusting the sound settings (Y page 246)AUX modeIntroductionYou can connect one external video source toeach of the displays of the Rear Seat Enter-tainment System (AUX display) and also oneexternal video source to the rear-seat CD/DVD drive (AUX drive) with a sound and pic-ture signal.Please see the corresponding operatinginstructions for information on how to oper-ate the external video source.For further details about external video sour-ces, please consult a Mercedes-Benz ServiceCentre.264 AUX modeRear Seat Entertainment System
Connecting AUX equipmentAUX driveThe AUX drive jacks are located on the CD/DVD drive next to the CD/DVD eject button(Y page 37).Display AUXThe AUX display jacks are located on the sideof the screen (Y page 35).Audio and video connectionXInsert the audio plugs for the left and rightsignals into the corresponding L and Rjacks.XInsert the video plug into the V jack.Activating AUX modeAUX driveXSelect Aux in the menu using the9=; buttons on the remotecontrol and press the 9 button to confirm.The AUX menu appears.AUX menuXSelect Source from the AUX menu andpress the 9 button to confirm.XSelect Disc drive Aux and press the 9button to confirm.You will hear and see the content of theexternal video source if it is connected tothe CD/DVD drive and switched to play-back. If no video image is available from theAUX source connected, you will see anaudio menu.Displaying AUXXSelect a screen using the thumbwheel onthe remote control "(Y page 36) until LREAR" (left-hand screen) or "REAR R" (right-hand screen) is highlighted in the window.XSelect Aux in the menu using the9=; buttons on the remotecontrol and press the 9 button to confirm.XSelect Source from the AUX menu andpress the 9 button to confirm.XSelect Display Aux and press the 9 but-ton to confirm.You will see and hear the content of thevideo source if it is switched to playback. Ifno video image is available from the AUXsource connected, you will see an audiomenu.Adjusting treble and bassXSelect Treble or Bass in the AUX menuand press the 9 button on the remotecontrol to confirm.An adjustment scale appears.XSelect a setting using the 9 or :button and press the 9 button to confirm.Adjusting the brightness, contrast orcolourXSelect Display Aux or Disc drive Auxin the AUX menu and press the 9 buttonto confirm.XSelect Brightness, Contrast or Colourand press the 9 button to confirm.An adjustment scale appears.XSelect a setting using the 9 or :button and press the 9 button to confirm.AUX mode 265Rear Seat Entertainment SystemZ
Changing the picture formatXSelect Display Aux or Disc drive Auxin the AUX menu and press the 9 buttonto confirm.XSelect 16:9 optimised, 4:3 or Wide‐screen using the 9: buttons andpress the 9 button to confirm.The dot in front of a menu item indicatesthe current setting.266 AUX modeRear Seat Entertainment System
Publication detailsInternetFurther information about Mercedes-Benzvehicles and about Daimler AG can be foundon the internet on the following websites:http://www.mercedes-benz.comhttp://www.daimler.comEditorial officeYou are welcome to forward any queries orsuggestions you may have regarding thismanual to the technical documentation teamat the following address:Daimler AG, HPC: R822, D 70546 Stuttgart,GermanyNot to be reprinted, translated or otherwisereproduced, in whole or in part, without writ-ten permission from Daimler AG.As at 01.06.2010
Order no. 6515 6890 02 Part no. 172 584 07 81 Z102 Edition NA 2011/03aÉ1725840781Z102YËÍ1725840781Z102Nur für internen Gebrauch / For internal use only

Navigation menu