Mitsubishi Electric Sanda Works RV1M Car Audio User Manual 05
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Sanda Works Car Audio 05
- 1. User Manual 1
- 2. User Manual 2
- 3. User Manual 3
- 4. User Manual 4
User Manual 3
Watch Movie Files - You can dis la atrack lisl. on a Disc p y . Thisexplains how to watch movie files on a On the andlo “9 P'aYDaCk dim Inlonnatlon screen. lnserl I disA: in this product to automatically touch List _ slan playbacka‘lnserfing [he Disc" (P75) NOTE - Operale with an movie file disc loaded Into ml: produd. Press the m key. The home Susan is displayed. Touch CD . A liack Iisl is displayed. The movie file playback mean is displayed, E Touch the track to play. K1 M Touch I “I to sele“ a The display relums 10 the movie file playback Trad“ inlormalion some". - You can select a track bylduchlng V or R . The selected mnvia is played hack. ADVICE - Vou ran fast lorwnrd or rewind the movie belii pin by touching and holding : or . Witch Movle Flies on a Disc 37 AV OSIO Dlsp ay Contents Playback Inlormatlon Screen 1) Sourol plat. Displays the name 0! the currently selected source. clock. and volume. 2) > I II Allows you Io play or pause. :l) l« Starts playback from the beginning ofthe file currently being played back, Continue touching tor fast rewind. 4) ml Displays the (JD-ROM menu screen that allows you Io perlorm [Scan]. [Sound SettingyPfiZ]. and [Display SeltingyF64). 5) 5) Stars playback from the beginning of the next file. Continue touching [or fast lorward. LII1 Displays a track list. _. ‘L/‘sls” (P38) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 2) a) cursor [witch Scrolls pages Audio Llll I Vldlo LM Switdles between the audio data (older list and the video data folder list. File name Touching this starts playback or the hacks Displays a list 0! the tracks ln the tulder currently being played back IEI Returns to the playback information screen, 38 Watch Mai/la File: on I Disc — Watch DVD on eXpI he now to watch DVD — W ['1 - Forthe sake ol ealety. DVDa can only be played with the vehlcle stopped. (You can play DVDs on the rear display while the vehicle ls moving.) - To watch DVDS. enaure Ihat the vehicle In stopped in a safe area In which stopping is permitted and the puking brake is engaged. - "ml: is used with the engine stopped. it may run down the battery and make It impossible lo start the engine. NOTE - Depending on the DVD, the menu may not be dleplayed or some soenee may not be pleyed.Also, lest forward of chapter skip may notbe parlormed due lo the restrictions set for the DVD. In this use. 0 is displayed. - This produu does not support "dts'. Audio is not output when 'dB' is Sahel“, Be sure to select audio other than ‘dts'. - Audlo recorded uslng mum-channel technologies such as DOLBY DIGITAL or MPEG-2 is output in stereo channel 2 with this prodict. - The recording level a! a DVD varies wlth each also. when you ewltoh to other DVD dlec. you may notloe a dlIlerence In volume. ADVICE - The DVD video being played on this product can be displayed on the rear dlepley. Insert a disc in this product to automatically start playback—“Inserting the Disc” (P16) NOTE - Operate with a DVD loaded into this product. Press the m key. The home screen is displayed. Touch DVD . The DVD playoack screen is displayed. Press [El or E to select a chapter. Playback oI Ihe seleaed chapter starts. ADVICE - You can fast forward or rew'nd the track bein la ed by Iioldi down the my inseam: key. Display DVD Operation Screen The menu Ior DVD operation is displayed. Touch anywhere on the screen. The operation screen is displayed. Witch DVD! 39 AV OSIO Dlsplay Contents Operatlon screen during playback 1) Sour” plat. Displays the name of the ulrrently selected source. clock. and volume. 2) status Icon .2 : Play In : Pause m : Fast ramrd m : Rewind : Play in slow motion 3) IE Each time tris is touched. the playback speed changes in the order [x2], |x4]. [XE]. [x16 . [Play]. and [x2]. (Fast torward) 4) IE! Allows you to play or pause. 5) [Z Each time this Is touched, the playback speed changes in the order [x2]. [x4]. [x8]. [x16]. [Play]. and [x2]. (Fast rewind) 40 Wltcll DVD! Plays bad the previous chapter. 7) \El Plays bad the next chapter. a) slow Each time this is touched. the piaybad< [Play]. and [1/2]. (Play in slow motion) a) I Stops playback and switches to the blue screen. Adifierent screen is displayed when playback is stopped. 1 “ME Allows you to switch to the next page. 1 1)- Each lime this Is touched. the audio is changed. 1:) subtitle Each time this Is touched. the displayed subtitle is changed. speed changes in the order [1/21, [1/3], Displays the DVD route menu. 14)Ploytsack (in. 15E Allows you to switch to the previous page. 16E Each time this is touched. the angle is changed. 17m: Each time this is touched. the screen size is changed. mlzzl Allows you to repeat playback of the drapter currently being played. “MEI Displays the DVD menu screen that allows you to pertorm Search (P41). [Sound] (P62). and [Display] (P64). 3 ct Tltle Numbe chapter Number Atitle or mapler can be selected by entering its number. Touch the screen during playback. E Touch El and then El. Enter the numbers to play in "Title” and “Chapter“. a Touch OK . The title end mepterthat matches the specified numbers are played, - Up to 2 digitsfora title and up to 3 digits for a chapter can be entered. - when the maximum number 0! dlglu are entered In Step 3. touchlng [OK] In Step 4 I: not "scenery. change Audlo The language/type e! the audie can be selected. Touch the screen during playback. Touch | » a v , and than Sound |. Each time this is touched. the audio Is changed. ADVICE ' While the audio is being changed. the audio information is displaytd on the screen. change Suhtltlos The subtme intormaticn can be selected. Touch the screen during playback. Touch El . and then u: Each time this is touched, the subtitle is changed. ADVICE - While the subtitle I: being changed, the subtitle Informetlon ls dlspluyed an the screen. — Watch DVD: 41 change Dlsplay Modes Change Anal 5 Operate the Menu For DVDs. the display method can be when me DVD me multiple angles recorded, Each menu can be selecied and confirmed un changed belween the 2 modes. Inese angles can be changed. me lllle menu. Touch the screen durlng Touch the screen durlng Touch the screen durlng playback. playback. playback. Touch E and then IE]. Touch E and then [E . Touch » . and then I Menu | . Each lime this is Iouched. me dlsplay models Eech lime this is touched, the angle Is Playback ol the selecled menu slans. changed. changed NOTE ' Each lime this is touched. file aspect relic change: in ma order 4:3, 16:9. and 4:3. ~ Touching [Cursor Mode] on me title menu screen switches the display to me following screen which can be operated wllh a cursorswllch. -m- :fi — Watch DVD: 43 AV OSIO Pod/USB Use an iPod By connecting commercially-available iPod/ iFhone devices to this product, you can play back tracts on these through the product. Connect an iPod to automatically stan playback. CAUTION ' Never hold all iPod/lPhcne in your hand and operate it while driving. as this is dangerous. - Do not leave the iFodlehone unattended in the vehicle. - No indemnification for data loss resulting when the iPod/iF'hone is connected to tie product will be possible. - Depending on new devices are handled, audio files can be damaged or lost. therefore it is recommended that data be backed up. NOTE ~ Depending on the generation. model. or software version of the iPDdfiPhone. playback on this product may not be possible. (—.F5) Additionally. playback as explained in the document mey not be possible. 44 Use In IPad NOTE - Updating your software sometimes changes the functions that can be used connected with title product. - Operate the IPod/lPhone while connected to this produtx. ' Please refer to your vehicle's user manual regarding how to connect the iFodIiFhone. ~ When connecting the iPodflPhone. use any commercially-available lF‘od cable. - H the iFodliFI’lone is connected via Bluetlooth as a Eluetooth—capable audio device, then do not connect the iPodl iPhone using an iPod cable. Connection using both methods will result in erroneous operation. ~ If an iPodfiPhone does not operate correctly, then remove the iPodfiPhone from the product, reset. their reconnect - Wewing videos is not possible even it the lPodllPhone supports video playback functions, - Set up the device ln order that no unsafe actions. such as plugging In the comedian cable are taken whlle driving. ~ When inserting and removing the iPod/ iphone. for safety's sake first stop the vehicle. - Depending on the statue of the IPod/ thone. it may take some time until the device is recognlzed. or playback starts. NOTE - Bultons on the product will not operate while IPcdfiPhone is connected - iPodfiPhone specifications and settings may mean that connection I: not possible. or result In differences In operation or display. - Depending on audlo data in the iPodl iPhcne. track information may not be displayed correctly - Depending on the status of the vehicle and device. the iPud/iPhone may not play back after starting the engine. ~ Data containing copyrigm information may not play back, ' It is recommended that me iPodliPhone eoual’ser settings be set to flat. y IPod Press the key. The home screen is displayed. a Touch IPod The iPod playback information screen is displayed. Touch l« or El to select a track. The selected track is played back, - Vou can test forward or rewind the treat being pie ed by touching and holding or M 4 SwItch P syn-ck Mou- IPod Playback Information Screen mar-#0:»: 1) Sourc. plat. Displays the name of the ulrrently selected source. clock. and volume. 2) Track name If there is lllle informalion, displays lhe track name. 3) Album n-mo ll there is title inlormalion. displays lhe album name, lfthore is no title inlormatian. displays “unknown". 4) Playback um. 5) l« Relums to Illa previous track. Allows you to lasl rewind by confinuing touching. 5) Mann Dlsplays Illa iPod menu screen that allows you In change the playback mode or perioml [Sound Selling] (P62). 1) 1mm um Ii mere is an ariisl name in [he title infurmalion. displays it. 8) Playback mods display Displays the current playback mode. 45mm Playback Mode'{P45) : Repeat play : SNUMS play 9) > I II 1 Allows you Io play or pause. 1o) »1 Plays back the next lraok. Allows you to last lorward by continuing touching. 1 1) Pllyun Displays a waist—"Search by llsl' (P46; Repeal playback, random playback. sic. are possible. On the IPod playback Information screen, touch IE. The iPod menu ls displayed. Touch the “mode" to change to. ~ w M...“ . m m ,. ,m» Playbackln lhe selemad mode stalls. — Uu an IPod 45 AV SSH/Poe“ lPod Menu Touching [Menu] on the iPod playback inlormatlon screen Will dlsplay the IPod menu. lop-It ton. Repaal playback al the luck wrvamry nemg played. Ilium. Play track: on ma cunenl level in a random order, tuna Mime lha sound quality a mum me sound mum/- (P52) Ink Returns to me playback inlennaiion semen. 4le Pbynadr Warmer/an Screen” (P45; mann- Touch......wWW Touchlng a calegory an the playlist displays the "st. a list of Its category, By louchlng the Ilst, you can check album names and track names whlle searching bf the tracks you wanl. 0n the iPod playback infomation screen, touch Llst . The playlisl is displayed. Touch "category". A list of the seledsd item is displayed. Repeat Step 3 to search fortmcks. when you touch the track to play from the list. playback starts. ADVICE ‘ . - The level of items operated on in Step 3 category menu oepands on which category you seleded in step 2 V - The title Inlormatlon recorded Into the A list oi the selecled category is displayed. PM Is displayed an the list. Listen to Audio F' as on a USB Device By connecting commercially-available USE deVlces such as USE memory to thls prdducl, you can play back audio files on these through the produd. Insert a USB device In this product to automatically start playback. - Never hold an USE device In your hand and operate It while driving. as this is dangerous. - Do not leave the USE device unattended In the vehicle. - Do not use hard dscs. card readers. or memory readers. as damage may occur to these or to the data contained therein If these are erroneously connected, then turn the engine ignition “OFF. then remove. - No guarantee is made as regards damage to the USE device. nor regardlrg loss or damage to data contained therein. - Depending on new devices are handled. audio files can be damaged or lost. therefore it is recommended that data be backed up. NOTE ' Please refer In your vehicle‘s user manual regarding details such as types of USB devices that can be connected and USB Input ported NOTE - Please refer to your vehicle's user manual regarding how to connect use devices. - Depending on the type ct USE device. usage may not be possible. or functions that can be used may be restricted. - The recommended me system tor use memory is FAT32. - The maximum supported capacity lcr USB memory is 3265. - Operate the USE device containing recorded audio files while connected to this produd. - When connecting a USB device, use any commercially-available connection able. Failure to use a connection cable when connealng may place undue load on. or damage the USE connector ' Set up the device ln order that no unsate actions. such as plugging in the ccnneaion mole are taken while driving. - When inserting and removing the USE devbe. tor safetys sake first stop the veh'cle. - Do not insert other than audio devices into the USE port. Damage to the device or equipment may result. - Depending on the status at the USB devbe. it may take some time until the device ls recognlzad. or playback starts. NOTE - Depending on USB devices, on Itons on the product wil not operate while the USB device is connected. - Data containing copyriglvl lniormatlcn may not play back. - USE device specifications and settings may mean that connection is not possible. or result In ditlerenoea In operation or display. - Depending on audio data in me use device. track information may not be displayed correctly - Depending on the status ollhe vehicle and device. the IPod/iFhone may not play back after starting the engine. Press the key. The home screen is displayed. a Touch use The playbackinrormatlon screen is splayed. Touch 59.] or folder. Touch l« or E to select a track. The selected track is played back, ' You can last lurward or rewind the lradt being pie ed hy touching and holding or . Listen to Audio Flies on a USE Device 47 AV SSH/Poe“ Dlsp ay Contents 10)Foldor mm. Playback Informatlon Screen Displays the name of the iolder currently being played back. 3‘ An Attnnmnn Hui » .n.n - 1: : Used to selecta lolder. Touching this switches to the next iolder and plays back from the first lrack in that lolder. lzllEl Plays back the next track. Allows you to fast lorward by continuing touching. 1) Scum. plate 13)@ Displays the name 0f the currently Plays back the previous track, Allaws you Displays a folder list. selected source, clock, and volume. torast rewind by continuing touching fliimsypm 2) Track name a) Artlsl name 14“ , , I. If there is title information. displays the If there is an artist name in the title Allows you to play or pause track name. information. displays it. 8) Album name 9) Playan mode display ll there is title information, displays the Displays the current playback mode. album name, If there is no n‘tle irliorrhation. ~‘swilch Playback Mode'(P5fl) displays “unknown", : Repeat play : Folder repeat play 4) Playback time : ShuMe play 5) SCI m : Swn play Used to select a iolder. Tuuching this Em = Folder scan play sztches to the previous folder and plays back from the fits! (lack in that fulder 8) ml Displays the USE menu screen that allews you to change the playback mode or periorm [Scan] and [Sound Settlng](P62). 48 Listen ta Audlc Files an: USB Device — Llsls D sp my a Llst A lolder list can be dlsplayed. Folder Lln On (he USB dovloe playback 1) Informallon screen, touch Lllt . . l lllmm . l m u . lu(kU Aloldsr lisl is displayed. 6’ 7) a Touch . 1) Gumr swflch 5) Hllhor Fem: _ _ Allaws you Io selem a folder. Swltohes lo the list ol lhe tracks in me The dlspliay mums m the USE demos We, one lam up. playback Informanon screen. 2) Folder name ADVICE Touching Ihis expandsthelolder. 6) V 3) Fllo name Displays a list olme (lacks in he (older ' :fur" select a folder by touchlng El Displays the file name. currently belng played back. Touch the file name to play the track 1) Buck Relums la me playback information 4) M screen Displays ma lop folder. ’ — Llstan Io Audlo Flies an 3 USE Device 49 AV SSH/Podl Swltch yhack Mad USB Devlce Menu Repeat playback. random playback, and scan . on So Repeal pl ack ol the mack playback are possible. I" "' ”,an :fig play-d. 0" ‘hfi U55 devlce playback Mun Ion-r R9993! playblckol the hacks lnfonnallon screen, touch ”I'mmflm" “WWW” ”"9 9 eye - unnum- Play lnacks nu ma lower currently The USB device menu is dlsplayedl w All lean Pia the first 10 seconds cl each Touch the “mode" to change to. Enigma: m my, Foldol' Scull Play (he ms! 10 seconds ol each ul‘ ma [lacks in the (older cunenw belng played m order, Sound Adjuals ma mm quallry, —. may me sound auanry' (my luck Relums to the playback lnlormalion screen. «'Flaybadl bur-mam" Screen' (PIE) Playback in the selected mode slans. 50 Llaten to Audio Files on: USB Device — External Input Dev ces Use Bluetooth Audio This product can play back tracks on commerdalIy-available BIuetocth-capable audio devices mm - Never hold a Bluetoothupable audio device in yourhand and operate it while driving. as the Is dangerous. - Do not leave the Bluetooth audio device unattended in the vehicle. - Depending on new devices are handled. audio tiles can be damaged or lost. therefore it is recommended that data be backed up. NOTE - Depending on the type of Bluetooth- capable audio devices. usage may not be possible. or functions that can be used may be restricted. - Updating your software sometimes changes the functions that can be used connected with this product. ' Even when a Bluetocth~capable audio device is connected to this product, the hands-fies finctlon (P57) can be used via Eluetnoth connection from a separate device. NOTE - Confirm together with the user manuals for the commercially-available Bluetooth- capable audio devices. - Dependlng on the type of Bhetooth- capable audio devices. volume levels may differ. There is the danger of loud volumes. so pricrto use. it is recommended that you turn the volume down. —."Ar1jusl Volume'YP15) - Depending on the status of the Eluetooth audio device. it may take some time until the device ls recognized, or playback starts. ' Bluewolh audio device specifications and settings may mean that connection Is not possible. or result In differences In operation or display - Depending on audio data in the Bluetaotti audio device. track information may not be displayed correctly. ~ Depending on the status of the vehicle and device. the iPcd/iPhone may not play back afler starting the engine. - Date oontainlng copyright informatlon may not play back. ' Ii is recommended that me Bluetcoih audio device equallser settlnge be set to flat. - The first time you listen to Bluetooth audio. you must make the connection setthge. (F51) Connect a BIuotootlI-capablo Audlo Devlce This product and the Eluetooth-capable audio device use the Bluetooth function to connect Fordelails on how to connect. refer to “Bluetccln Selfln9"(F'57}. Operation methods below describe situations once connection has been completed. NOTE - If the lPodliPhcne is connected via Bluetooth as a BIuetooth-cepable audio device. then do not connect the iPcd/ iPhone using an iPod cable. Connection using both methods will result In erroneous opaatlcn. Listen to a Bluetooth-capabl Audio Device Press the m key. The home screen is displayed. a Touch tooth . AV The Bluetooth audio playback Interrnation screen is displayed. Touch El or El to select a track. ' You can last lcrward or rewind the lradt being pla ed by touchan and holding Of ‘ seamen 3ndu| |2uJaIX3 Use Bluetootft Audio 51 Dlsp ay Contents Swltch P ayhack Mod Playback Inlorlnatlon Screen 1) Sourol plat. Displays the name or the wrrently selected source. clock. and volume. 2) Track name If there are track names in the hue informationv displays them. 3) Artist nam- ll there is an artist name in the title inrunnalion. displays it. 4) Album nam- It there is tiIIe inlerrnation. displays the album name, It there is no title inlorrnetlon. displays "unknown". 5) |« Returns to the previous track. Allows you to last rewind by continuing touching. a) mi... Displays the Bluetnoth eudlo menu screen that allows you tu change the playback mode or perform [Sound Setting] (P62) and [Bluetloolh Setting] (P57). 1) Playback mode dlqalay'm : Repeat play 1 SNUMS play In : Scan play a) > I I Alluws you to play or stop. 9) E Stops playback, 10) »l Plays back the next track. Allows you lo lest lorward by continuing touching. '1) Not dlaplayed when AVRCF is v1.0. 7) Not displlyod when inlermation cannot be obtained. Repeal playback, random playback. etc. are possible. ' This furlctlon cannot be used when AVRCP is V1 .0. On the Bluelooth audio playback Information screen, touch Menu . er audio menu is displayed. Touch the ”mode" to change to. 05 will .. mi. N -. mu ”no. 6' mm. .* An Allan-mm Playbackin the selected mode starts. 52 Use Blusrooth Audio — Bluetoo‘h Audlo Menu M“ “II Repeal playback ov me luck mnanny being nlayad Flay me tracks n ma Bluoloolh audio devlee in a Imdom Dmsr Play the ms! 10 seconds oi each Amum me sound qua my a Mun me Sou/n1 Gus/IV (P62) Sets Bluatoom dame. fi'ameloam Semny" (P67) Rslu us n: ma vlsyback Invomauon screen, 4mm“ mimsm Some/17W!) Use Bluoloofll Audio 53 AV seamen mdu| leuJaua
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : Yes Author : 14539 Create Date : 2015:06:30 18:40:53+09:00 Modify Date : 2015:06:30 18:41:05+09:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.2-c001 63.139439, 2010/09/27-13:37:26 Metadata Date : 2015:06:30 18:41:05+09:00 Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Format : application/pdf Title : 05 User Manual.pdf Creator : 14539 Document ID : uuid:0cf1ac20-19b1-40c3-95d9-b9c70bab4607 Instance ID : uuid:3421f835-d6ff-49c2-a8af-053311d1b60c Producer : Acrobat Distiller 10.1.2 (Windows) Page Count : 17EXIF Metadata provided by