Mitsubishi Electric Sanda Works RV1M Car Audio User Manual 05

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Sanda Works Car Audio 05

User Manual 1

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Document ID2662217
Application IDztTH87vFLwiZ3d/dS71vYQ==
Document DescriptionUser Manual 1
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize377.91kB (4723860 bits)
Date Submitted2015-06-30 00:00:00
Date Available2015-06-30 00:00:00
Creation Date2015-06-30 18:37:09
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 10.1.2 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2015-06-30 18:37:53
Document Title05 User Manual.pdf
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
Document Author: 14539

Thank you lor buying a Mitsubishi Motors pmduct.
In order to fully utilise the iunctionalily of mis produm and ensure safe and corred operalion,
please read the "User Manual" careiully before oparalion.
Aller reading lne 'leer Manual“. ensure this is kepl readily available. and reler lo it again it you
do not undersland any painls. arm the event at problems.
Table of contents
Disclaimers .
Important Forms on Usage
Restrictims on Opemllorls willie tile Vehicle ll Dr'w'nq
How to Clean .
mmm Point: on ”mirth-0mm.
How to ma Thls Manual
Basin operation
Thls Product.
Main Unit Penal,
when Touching _.
SearcllIng Ihems lrom a List.
Home Screen
Display Contents
Switch the Sources
Audio Funcclons 15
III: Owntlon
Switch Audio ONIOFF
Adjust Volume
Snerlng Remote Control Switch Operation
Handling of Ellen...
Types ul Disc That can Be Played Back
Folder Structure
What Is MP37.
Whal ls WMA?
What I! AAC').
Linen to Radio.
Display Conlerlls
Register Vour Favourite Broadcast Stations.
Swell inr Emadufl Slatinns wilh Stung Signals
Switch Playback
”"0“ lo Audlo Fllu on a lilac.
Display a List ..
Display Contenla
Switch Playback Mod
Watch Mavi- F
Display a List
Display Contents
WIlGh WI)!
Display DVD Operation Screen
Display Contents
Select TIIIe Number annaptarNumber
Change Audlo.
cnenge Sum.
Change Display
Change Angles
Operate the Menu
ll:- In “’0‘
Play iPod .
Display Conlencs
Switd'l Playback Mod
Search by List.
Helen tn Audio File an I use Dayle
Display Contents
Display a List ..
Switch Playback Mode
External Input Devlces 51
Use llueloofli Audlo..
Connect a Bluetoolh-capable
Audio Device ..
Listen to a Bluelnolh-capehle
Audio Device ..
Display Conlens
Switdl Playback Mode
Ilse AUX
Use l'le r Dlspll
Moblle Phone.
Connect Vour Mamie Phone. . 57
Display the Phombou .58
Dial a Telephone.
Incomlng call:
other Inlo
Adjust “In Sound A“. (y
Selling Items”
syn-m mm
asap sound
Display Senln
DVD Dlsplay Semng‘
Day/Night Display Safllngl
Blueloolh Se n9
If Thls Message Ap
"You Think Sommng Is N01 09 rope
MEMO ..................................
The following is what you need to know baiore using this product.
Before Use
' Mitsubishi Motors will In no way be held
responsible tor losses resulting from fire.
earthquake, tsunami, flood, or other natural
disasters: trotn actions of third parties: from
other accidents; or irom inappropriate or
abnormal usage conditions utilised by the
customer, be said conditions deliberate or
There will be no infimnificatlon for alteration
or loss of any information stored upon this
product by the customer or a third party
resulting from improper use or this product.
the influence or static electricity or electric
noise. Dr at the time at malfunction or repair
or similar circumstances. We recommend
that you create backups or Important
information as a precautionary measure.
~ Some persona informatron (telephone
numbers etc.) entered into this product may
remaln in memory even iithis product is
removed. The customer is responsible tor
proper handling and management (including
deleting) or personal inlennailon to protect
privacy when handing this product over to
anyone else ordlsposlng or it. Mltsub'shl
Motors will in no way be held responsible,
' MitSUDiShI Motors will In no way be held
responsible tor any collateral losses (loss
or business profits. alteration or loss oi
recorded data) resulting train the usage or
inabilny to use thls product.
For the purpose or product improvement,
specificauons and external appeamnce may
be subject to change without advance notice.
Accordingly, while the contents ofthe User
Manual may ditier, please be aware that
returns. refunds, exchange, or conversion
are not possible.
This User Manual explains details tor
multiple models together. Depend'ng on the
model, there may be functions that may be
descrlbed but not available. or requirements
for separately purcrasad-producta. Thank
you for your understanding,
Images and illustratlnns used in the
User Manual are either those used in
development. or used rcr exp anations.
Please be aware that these may dirar from
the actual images and illustrations used in
the product.
- Please be aware that Mitsubishi Motors,
including alter-sales service departments.
will in no way be held responsible for any
losses or detriment rasutting irom alteradon
or loss of intormation stored in this product.
Important Polnu on Usa
- During operation. ensure that the vehicle is
not stationery In a garage or other confined
area with bad Ventilation while the engine
is mnning. Doing so may result in gas
- For satiety, the diver is not to operate this
product while the vehicle is moving. The
driller should also minimize as much as
possible the time spent viewing the screen.
Being detracted by the screen can result in
an accident.
- D0 nDt turn the Volume up tcl the extent that
you cannot hear sounds from outside the
vehicle while drivlng Driving without being
able to hear sounds from outside the vehicle
can result in an accident.
- Do not disassemble or modirythe product.
This rrtay lead to rnaliunaion, smoking, or
- When Operating, ensure that the vehicle is
stopped in a sate area in which stopping is
- Continued usage or this product without
the engine running may deplete the vehicle
battery, meaning that the engine may not be
able to start.
Ensure this product ls used while the engine
is running.
. The following phenomena are characteristic
ot LCD screens. They do not Indlcate a
~Small black dots or bnght dots lred. blue.
green) on the screen.
- Screen movement Is slow during oold
-The screen is sometimes dark during hot
-The oolourtones and brightness vary with
the viewing angle.
- It is a characteristic of LCD screens that the
picture quality vanes with the viewing angle.
When using th's product torthe first time.
adjust the picture quality.
- Ir you paste an commercially-available LCD
protective film or the like on the screen. it
may interfere with touch panel operatbn
- It you operate the touch panel With a sharp
object (pen tip. finger nail. etc.), the screen
may be scratched and this unit may be
damaged. tearing to faulty Dperation.
- Operating the touch panel with gloves on
may cause rauity operation.
' When cleaning the screen. wtpe it with a salt
cloth. Do not use benzene, paint thinners.
antI-static agents. or other chemical wipes.
They could scratch the screen.
lPodllPhane Playback
Functlon tom-om
- Thls product supports audio playback trorn
lPodliPhone devices, however dlttering
versions mean that playback cannot be
we rentaed.
- Please be aware that depending on the
lPodliPhone model or version. operation
may dltlar.
Restrictlons on Operations
w the Vehlcle s Drlvlng
Some operations are restricted while the
vehicle ls driving. The driver should refrain
rrorn operating this product while the vahide
is moving. First stopthe vehicle in a sate
Iooatlon. then operate this product
or room-no tr mot- eitmv moat: om .
- Funtmrnoe. w n «more is no We uncut-on ol
"mm null-m1 Ind-ms. in... In on
ooumo it their lhnrlty.
Premi DIA mmfimm‘”
_ 1.11) ._ Mrtumt Eleclrtc oepemon.
Truman on sending In some
pm on
- Itthe product becomes utny, wipe with a sort _ WIDE——
- livery dirty, use a soft cloth dipped in neutral DOLE! Mum-mm unocrncenunorn
detergent diluted in water. and then wrung """"L angbf'gfifimzrr‘m"
out. Do not use benzene, thinners. or other otDt-Ahy m” tarlas
chemical wipes. This may harm the surfaoe.
. rm awwlh‘m ark no
a Bluetootll gpgtl m ownea by": sin-mom
. m;
on: my the armor mm o,
Mrsuml Motor: Corporation i.
unset idem. othermemne
am no. tum-I no tumor-heir
retpeme man.
owx'. DIVX Cennied' and
. moo-too logo: are vacuums
otmvx. in: IN are used moor
Cont/nuad on (In nlxtpam
asn amps
d. my
iPod E IPhone
Mm Ior know mu m-- In «mum:
mum nu mm a N no mm: mommy n:
.m omPhuM‘ moon m I»: has bun mama hylhl
dump-r w m Aaull panama. mud-m.
PM. we. mos dun»; we um, um \Pnd m m
mmlu onh Inc.‘ mum m In Us ma may
Napl- x: minimum- “: m cow-Eon n! m. mm or»:
mmpuam mm um um mum-y urn-u.
- .m and than Iming mm individun‘ u
npmdua- mu phy M Inn-Wm m
— maul-I mu mybe my», mpifl mu rupmdmsd
Inmmumm u mmm n W,
' Thaiuypund mm imvuhiduaqlppad win. .
Human ' 2V0 Imam v-ry. For noun. a. mnvomdn
mar mum-I.
.7. H; 44 ~71 ~74
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Important Points
on Safety for the
This product 'ealulas a number 0' pictorial
indications as well as points concerning
hendllng so that you can use the product
correctly and In a sale manner. as well as
prevent injury or damage to yoursell. other
users, or property.
WARNING This indicates details
regarding handling oflhe
product that it ignored, could
be expected to result in death
or serious injury,
Eamon Thi ndicales details
regarding hendllng at lhe
product that if ignored. could
he expected to result in
personal injury or property
8 Import-lit Points on Selety (or the customer
cThe drlver Ihould not pay close
mentlon to the Image on the
screen whlle drlvlng.
This may prevent the driver looking where
they are going. and cause en eccldent.
~The drlver Ihould not perlorrn
compllcnted operedonl whlle
Pertorming complicated operations while
drlvhg may prevenithe driver looking
where they are going. and cause an
Thereiore stop the vehicle in a safe
location before pertonnlng such
- Do not use during rnelfunctlone,
such a when the screen does
not II hl up or no eound Is
a tale.
This may lead to accident. fire, or elearic
- Ensure weter or other forelgn
objects do not enter the product.
This may lead in smoking. lire. elearic
shock. of malfuncfion.
- Do not Ineen lorelgn objects Into
the dle: Ilol.
This may lead to fire. electric shock. or
In the event of Ibnonn-Illlu
occwrlng when lerelgn objects
or wet-r enter the product,
result a In smoke or e elrenue
Imell, Immedlllely flop uelng the
product, end consult wllh your
Conl nurnu to use the product may result
in accident, fire, orelectrlc shock
I Do not dluuemble or modl'y the
This may lead to malfunction. lira. or
electrrc‘ shock.
- During thunderstorms. do not
touch the unto-Inn or the front
This may lead to electrical shock from
- Do not block venelletlon holes or
heat slnks on the product.
Blocking ventilation holes or heat sinks
may prevent heat trom escaping from
within the product. leading to fire or
- Do not turn the volume up to
the excel-t that you cannot hear
Iounde lroni outelde the vehlcle
whlle drlvlnu.
Dlivinu without being able to hear sounds
from outside the vehicle may result in an
- Do not Inurt your hand or llngere
Into the dllc eloI.
This may result in injury,
How to Read T s Manu
The notation used In this manual and what It means are as lollow
1) Vain-no Huaor
Classified by main functions
2) air-pm mad-r
Classifies more finely the main Vunclions
in the volume header.Achapter header
appears at the head at each chapter.
You can also check the index on the right
3) Major Holder
classifies the main operations and
lunctions in a chapter.
4) Int-multilat- "Old-f
Classlfies the operations and lunclions
under the major header.
5) Mlnor Holdor
Classines more finely the operations and
functions Diassified under the intermediate
6) OpIrIllon prcuodurl
These are numbers that shows the
operation procedure. Perform the
procedure in the order of these numbers.
1) - koy or [cool lay
Shows an operatlon key on the panel,
8) or [an]
Show: a touch switch displayed on the
9) (P000)
Shows the page to reler to. It contains
relevant explanations etc.
10)canrlnuod on "to next page
Used when the explanation ol operations
is continued.
How to Road Tnla Manual 9
asn algae
Bas c Operat o
IThIs Product
This gives the names 01 each seclion oi the main unii panel and explains their tunctions
1) a leI
Used to ejeci a disc (P15).
2) ml lay
Allows you to seek a radio station. or
selecta track. Also. holding down either of
these keys allows you to iast-iorwald/last—
rewind a lrack,
Displays the home scleen.~."Hame
Screen ' (P13)
10 This Product
Almost all operations can be performed by
touching the touch switches displayed on
this display.
_.”How [0 Perform Tow/l 0paralmns"(F12)
Allows you to connect exielnal input
devices. —> ‘Use AUX ' (P54)
Dlle [lot
When a disc is inserted that can be played
by this product. slans playback.
#lnsenrng the Disc'(P161
7) —|uy
Allows you to mute the audio.
0) man by
When the radio screen is displayed, the
radio source changes each tlmethe key is
When the redo screen is not displayed.
the radio screen Is displayed.
a) lay
When the media screen is displayed. the
media source changes each time the key
is pressed.
When the media sateen is not displayed,
the media screen is displayed.
When no media is cunnected Drinserted,
this operation bemmes invalid.
1 0)_ key
Displays the phone menu.
When the phone has not been registered,
the Bluetoolh oonheaion setting screen is
Allows you to adjust the volume tor the
audio lunction and telephone function.
It also allows you in switch the audio
lunctlen ON/OFF. When the audio lunotion
is OFF, the clock screen is displayed.
avid/us! Valume’ {P15}
sum the system
Switch the vehlcle's Ignltlon
key to “ACC' or "ON”. E
The display swilches In the last screen. [he W
ween forme func1ion used Iasl Ihe previous n
time. ”_'
ma: 9
- Immediawa aflerlhe ignitian kay is o
switched to 'ACC‘ or 'oN', some 3
functions mmot be used immadiamaly g
because dam ls belng read In‘ Pleaae 3
wait until me madmg is completed.
— Thll Product 11
How to Perform arching ms from a Llsl
You can move the dl lay one page by
A .
Touch Operations touchlng v Io,
This system uses a touch panel that ls
operated by touching the display directly.
When uclllng
This manual i sates the operation at
touching the sateen to “Enter" with “Touch
When the item you are searching for is
displayed. touch it directly.
Also‘ the menu at operations executed by
touch is indicated as “Touch Switch”,
- The surleoe oi the display swatches
easily. Do not push on ittoo hard or min
with a still cloth.
- It the screen :3 dlrty. wipe itgently Min 31
eyeglass wipe or other soft cloth,
12 How to Perform Touch Openllonl —
Home Screen
By pressing the [HOME] key to display the home screen. then selecting a source lrom that
menu. you can use various iunctiuns
Dlsplay Contents
1) Alli (P27)
z) m (P27)
Allows you to use the FM radio function.
Plays disc media inserted 'nto this
Audio CD (F30)
Audio files (lAPe/WMAIAAC) (P33)
DVD (P39)
wuso files(DivX/MP4)(P37)
Allaws you to use the AM radio function.
10) 11) 12)
when an iPod is connected to this
product. El is displayed and when you
touch this, the lF'od screen is displayed.
When 8 USE dewce is connected to this
product. is displayed and when you
touch this. the USB screen is displayed.
When nothing is connected to this product,
ml is displayed.
Displays "I! Currlnt time using zit-hum
time Or 12-hour time—"ClockYPfiEJ
5) ”(P50
When a BluetcoIh-capable audio devim
is connected to this product the Bluetoath
audio tunctiorl can be used.
7) El "(P50
when an external input device is
connected to AUX JACK. the external
inputdevlce is played.
a) m “(Pm
when an external input device is
connected with an HDMI. the external
input device is played.
9) 1(P55)
Plays the audio [mm the rear display.
10) PHONE "(P50
Alluws ynu to make and receive telephone
1 1 )— (P67)
Turns oft the screen display.
1 Z)_ (P52)
Displays the settings screen. on which you
can make venous settings tor this product
nonalado alsea
'1) This requires an external Input device and a
'2) this is equipment that only some vanlde types
'3) THE require: an audio device that is Bluotooth
capable lavarlabla separately)
1) ms requires a mobile phone that iir aluetoaih
capable lsveriaoie sessrareiv)
Home Screen 13
8wllch the Sources
Asource can be selecled on the heme screen.
- Tl-lls manual uses the term ‘sauroe'a:
ma general name for ell eudlo fumms.
Includlng radio. CD, on:
Press the m key.
The home screen is displayed.
14 Hume Simon —
Touch any “source".
("’2 0
The screen for llie selected source ls
- [RsarDisp] is displayed only when the
rear display is connected.
- The contents onha menu depend on “13
model and on what optional equlpment Ia
The toiiowing explains audio lunction operations. ' The vulume value is retained for DVD
and AUX. and other devices.
Aud 0 Func OI‘IS Adjustlheaudloluncltonvolums.
I Bas'c Operat'on
- The album names. lilies. etc. in the title
Informatlan In pictures used with the
audio lunctions and ralalsd functions
of this manual were prepared (orthese
explanations. They have no rehlionship
whatsoever with actual lilla inforrnabon.
During audio play. turn the
VOL/PUSH PWR ke counter- >
8wllch Audlo ONIOFF clockwlse y <
You can switch the audio lunaion ONIOFF. '
- Hold down the steering [MODE] key to
also turn the audio funclion ON/OFF.
Press the VOL/PUSH PWR key. >
This switches the audio luncliun OFF.
E Fressthe VOL/PUSH PWR key. ThevolumeisIOwered.
v Turntha VOL/PUSH PWR key
The audio luncuorr is switched ON and me clockwise.
audio source screen test used is displayed. v
The volume is raised,
Bash: Operation 15
sertIEject Dlscs Ejlctlng the DIM:
The lollowing explains how in insert a die: into
thle product. Press the a key.
. When repladng dllce. llm ”Sure that This will elect the disc from me product, so
the vehicle I slapped In an area In whim remove "'9 dlsll
flopping l: pennltled.
- Do not insert yourhend, lingers, or
lorelgn object Into the disc elaL This
may lead no Injury smoking. or fire.
Inserting the Disc
Insert the dlsc Into the disc slot
with the label surface up.
Push the disc in I oenain amount, and the
product will pull the disc in.
Playback slam.
16 But: aper-tlon —
Sleerlng Remote Control Swllch Operallon
1) ~92:ch key“
Do not use.
2) "arr Hoox- m"
Used to receive a telephone call.
a) “on HOOK" key"
Used in end a telephone call.
4) Vol-.flk-vln.flhy
Adlusl audio lunclions and (he lelephane
luncllen volume.
5) can“.k-y/.Iwy
Selecl CD and char audio source tracks
and rank: smilons.
Hold down iorlasl lorwerd and rewind,
a) my: new by
Hold down to turn the audio lunmion
ON/OFF. Addillonally. each llme this is
pressed. mis ewilches the audio source.
The ordev of switching is as shown below.
ll devices are nol connected. (hen these
are to be skipped. and the next source
or[USE devicepmluelooih
1) m"
Allows you to display the piclure from the
mmere orswnch ihe picture mode.
'1)1n'eisoqulpmonmm only some mime Iypes
Basic Operation 17
suouaung (1|an

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