Mitsubishi Electric HS-U747 Video Cassette Recorder User Manual U747 00 1 Front Cover

Mitsubishi Electric Corp Video Cassette Recorder U747 00 1 Front Cover

users manual

VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDEROWNER’S GUIDEMODEL HS-U747VCRPOWEREJECTCM SKIPQUICK PROGRAMINPUTPLAYSTOPPAUSEINDEXADJUSTAUDIO/VIDEO MENUADJUSTCANCEL ENTERSP/EPVCR/TVDISPLAYREWRECX2FFMUTETVPOWERCHANNEL VOLUME2135468790VCRTVAs an ENERGY STAR® Partner, Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America, Inc. has determinedthat this product or product model meets the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency.This Video Cassette Recorder is based on the S-VHS and VHS formats. Only video cassettetapes with the   mark or the   mark may be used with this model.POWEREJECTREC SPEEDSP/EPSTART TIMEOTR21REC LENGTH2VIDEO IN2AUDIO INL/MONO --R2PAUSE RECSTOPPLAYREW FFCHANNEL
CAUTION:  TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK,DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK).NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE.REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL.The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alertthe user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosurethat may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to thepresence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literatureaccompanying the product.IMPORTANT:RECORDING OF COPYRIGHTED TELEVISION PROGRAMS MAY VIOLATE COPYRIGHT LAW.WARNING:TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS PRODUCT TO RAINOR MOISTURE.CAUTION:TO PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD, DO NOT USE THIS (POLARIZED) PLUG WITH AN EXTEN-SION CORD, RECEPTACLE OR OTHER OUTLET UNLESS THE BLADES CAN BE FULLY INSERTEDTO PREVENT BLADE EXPOSURE.NOTE TO CATV SYSTEM INSTALLER:THIS REMINDER IS PROVIDED TO CALL THE CATV SYSTEM INSTALLER’S ATTENTION TO SECTION820-40 OF THE NEC WHICH PROVIDES GUIDELINES FOR PROPER GROUNDING AND, IN PARTICULAR,SPECIFIES THAT THE CABLE GROUND SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE GROUNDING SYSTEM OF THEBUILDING, AS CLOSE TO THE POINT OF CABLE ENTRY AS PRACTICAL.CAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCKDO NOT OPENEASY:♦ViewPoint® MenuOperating System♦OTR2 Advanced OneTouch Recording withdelayed start time♦Auto Clock SetSMART:♦Program ConflictWarning♦S-VHS and S-VHS ETrecord/playback♦VHS Hi-Fi audio record/playbackSpecial Features HS-U747FAST:♦Alfa 500 Precision HighSpeed Mechanism withfor 500x rewind/fastforward speed♦Rental XpressTM – Autorewind, eject and poweroff for a fast moviereturn
1To connect your VCR, go to page 4.To play a tape, go to page 9.To record a program, go to page 18.To learn about Advanced Features, go to page 32.IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS................. 2Hooking Up Your VCR ........................... 4Playback................................................. 9Setting Up Your VCR ............................. 12Selecting the On-screen Language .... 12Memorizing Channels Automatically... 13Adding and Deleting Channels ........... 14Setting the Clock ................................ 15Recording ............................................... 18Recording a Current Broadcast .......... 18OTR .................................................... 19OTR2................................................... 20Using S-VHS Set-Up Menu ................ 21Using Audio and Video Functions....... 23Timer Recording ..................................... 26Conventional VCR Timer Recording... 26Quick Program.................................... 28Timer Recording Hints ........................ 29Editing Features ..................................... 33Using Two VCRs to Copy ................... 33Advanced Features ................................ 35Advanced Playback Controls.............. 35Searching Techniques ........................ 37Displaying Time Gauge, Remaining Time,Current Time ................................. 41Customize Choices Menu................... 42Advanced Options .............................. 45Location of Controls ............................... 47Important Information ............................. 50Trouble Checks ...................................... 51Specifications ......................................... 53Index ...................................................... 53Guía de Operación Básica de lavideogragbadora................................ 55Warranty................................................. 57TABLE OF CONTENTSSHORTCUTS
2Please read all these instructions carefully regarding your VCR before you begin operating it.Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the VCR.  Thank you.1 Read InstructionsAll the safety and operating in-structions should be read beforethe product is operated.2 Retain InstructionsThe safety and operating instruc-tions should be retained for fu-ture reference.3 Heed WarningsAll warnings on the product andin the operating instructionsshould be adhered to.4 Follow InstructionsAll operating and use instruc-tions should be followed.5 CleaningUnplug this product from the walloutlet before cleaning.  Do notuse liquid cleaners or aerosolcleaners.  Use a damp cloth forcleaning.6 AttachmentsDo not use attachments not rec-ommended by the productmanufacturer as they may causehazards.7 Water and MoistureDo not use this product near wa-ter — for example, near a bathtub, wash bowl, kitchen sink,laundry tub, in a wet basement,or near a swimming pool, and thelike.8 AccessoriesDo not place this product on anunstable cart, stand, tripod,bracket, or table.  The productmay fall, causing serious injuryto a child or adult, and seriousdamage to the product.  Use onlywith a cart, stand, tripod, bracket,or table recommended by themanufacturer, or sold with theproduct.  Any mounting of theproduct should follow themanufacturer’s instructions, andshould use a mounting acces-sory recommended by themanufacturer.9A product and cart combinationshould be moved with care.Quick stops, excessive force,and uneven sur-faces may causethe product andcart combinationto overturn.10 VentilationSlots and openings in the cabi-net are provided for ventilationand to ensure reliable operationof the product and to protect itfrom overheating, and theseopenings must not be blocked orcovered.  The openings shouldnever be blocked by placing theproduct on a bed, sofa, rug, orother similar surface.  This prod-uct should not be placed in abuilt-in installation such as abookcase or rack unless properventilation is provided or themanufacturer’s instructions havebeen adhered to.11 Power SourcesThis product should be operatedonly from the type of powersource indicated on the markinglabel.  If you are not sure of thetype of power supply to yourhome, consult your productdealer or local power company.For products intended to oper-ate from battery power, or othersources, refer to the operating in-structions.12 Grounding or PolarizationThis product is equipped with apolarized alternating-current lineplug (a plug having one bladewider than the other).  This plugwill fit into the power outlet onlyone way.  This is a safety fea-ture.  If you are unable to insertthe plug fully into the outlet, tryreversing the plug.  If the plugshould still fail to fit, contact yourelectrician to replace your obso-lete outlet.  Do not defeat thesafety purpose of the polarizedplug.13 Power-Cord ProtectionPower-supply cords should berouted so that they are not likelyto be walked on or pinched byitems placed upon or againstthem, paying particular attentionto cords at plugs, conveniencereceptacles, and the point wherethey exit from the product.14 Outdoor Antenna GroundingIf an outside antenna or cablesystem is connected to the prod-uct, be sure the antenna or cablesystem is grounded so as to pro-vide some protection againstvoltage surges and built-up staticcharges.Article 810 of the NationalElectrical Code,  ANSI/NFPA 70,provides information with regardto proper grounding of the mastand supporting structure, ground-ing of the lead-in wire to an an-tenna discharge unit, size ofgrounding conductors, location ofantenna-discharge unit, connec-tion to grounding electrodes, andrequirements for the groundingelectrode.15 LightningFor added protection for thisproduct during a lightning storm,or when it is left unattended andunused for long periods of time,unplug it from the wall outlet anddisconnect the antenna or cablesystem.  This will prevent dam-age to the product due to light-ning and power-line surges.16 Power LinesAn outside antenna systemANTENNALEAD IN WIREANTENNADISCHARGE UNIT(NEC SECTION 810-20)GROUNDINGCONDUCTORS(NEC SECTION 810-21)GROUND CLAMPSPOWER SERVICE GROUNDINGELECTRODE SYSTEM(NEC ART 250, PART H)GROUND CLAMPELECTRICSERVICEEQUIPMENTNEC – NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODEEXAMPLE OF ANTENNA GROUNDINGIMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS
3should not be located in the vi-cinity of overhead power lines orother electric light or power cir-cuits, or where it can fall into suchpower lines or circuits.  When in-stalling an outside antenna sys-tem, extreme care should betaken to keep from touching suchpower lines or circuits as contactwith them might be fatal.17 OverloadingDo not overload wall outlets, ex-tension cords, or integral conve-nience receptacles as this canresult in fire risk or electric shock.18 Object and Liquid EntryNever push objects of any kindinto this product through open-ings as they may touch danger-ous voltage points or short-outparts that could result in a fire orelectric shock.  Never spill liquidof any kind on the product.19 ServicingDo not attempt to service this prod-uct yourself as opening or remov-ing covers may expose you to dan-gerous voltage or other hazards.Refer all servicing to qualified ser-vice personnel.20 Damage Requiring ServiceUnplug this product from the walloutlet and refer servicing to quali-fied service personnel under thefollowing conditions:(a) When the power-supply cordor plug is damaged.(b) If liquid has been spilled, orobjects have fallen into theproduct.(c) If the product has been ex-posed to rain or water.(d) If the product does not oper-ate normally by following theoperating instructions.  Adjustonly those controls that arecovered by the operating in-structions as an improper ad-justment of other controlsmay result in damage and willoften require extensive workby a qualified technician to re-store the product to its nor-mal operation.(e) If the product has beendropped or damaged in anyway.(f) When the product exhibits adistinct change in perfor-mance – this indicates aneed for service.21 Replacement PartsWhen replacement parts are re-quired, be sure the service tech-nician has used replacementparts specified by the manufac-turer or have the same charac-teristics as the original part.  Un-authorized substitutions may re-sult in fire, electric shock or otherhazards.22 Safety CheckUpon completion of any serviceor repairs to this product, ask theservice technician to performsafety checks to determine thatthe product is in proper operat-ing condition.23 HeatThe product should be situatedaway from heat sources such asradiators, heat registers, stoves,or other products (including am-plifiers) that produce heat.CONDENSATIONLeave the VCR on, without a tape init, for 2 hours if the VCR has beenexposed to sudden changes in tem-perature.  Sudden temperaturechanges cause moisture to form onthe metal parts inside the VCR.  Thismoisture can cause the tape to stickand damage the head.  Leaving theVCR on for a 2 hour period will drythe inside of the VCR.PROTECT THE POWER CORDDo not damage the power cord.Damage to the power cord maycause a fire or shock hazard.  Whenunplugging the power cord, pleasehold it by the plug and remove itcarefully.DO NOT PLACE HEAVYOBJECTS ON  THE  RECORDERHeavy objects placed on the re-corder will cause damage.WHEN NOT IN USEWhen you finish operating the re-corder, always unload the cassetteand turn OFF the VCR POWER.CARE OF THE VIDEOCASSETTE TAPES• Avoid violent vibration or shock.• Do not place in a location wherestrong magnetic fields exist (neara motor, transformer or magnet).• Never place or store in direct sun-light.• Avoid dusty places.• Place the cassette in the cassettecase and store vertically.• Never store tape in a high humid-ity location.INFORMATIONThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant toPart 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference toradio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular instal-lation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, try to correct the interference by one or more of thesemeasures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a different circuit than the receiver is connected• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void theuser’s authority to operate the equipment.  If necessary, consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for additional suggestions.  You may find this booklet prepared by the Federal CommunicationsCommission helpful: How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems.  This booklet is availablefrom the US Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402, Stock No. 004-000-00345-4.
4Unpacking Your VCRAs you unpack your new VCR, please make sure the following items are included:IMPORTANTNever place any heavy objects on top of the VCR.  Do not placethe VCR on top of the television as the surface may not be stable.Choosing a HookupThe connections shown in this book are general.  Individual televisions and stereo systems can vary fromthose shown here.  The first diagrams show connections for common equipment.  Then, if you areconnecting equipment such as a Home Theater receiver, you will also use those diagrams after you haveconnected the common equipment.IMPORTANTTo maximize your system for its best performance, your dealercan help you customize these hookups and sell you anyadditional connection accessories that may be necessary tomatch your particular equipment and antennas.1Make a list of each piece of equipment that you want to hook up.2If you are connecting several pieces of equipment, you may be using more than one of these diagrams.Using your list, find EACH of the diagrams you will need to connect all of your equipment.  Forexample, to hook up this VCR, a TV, a cable box, and a Home Theater receiver, you will use CableSystem with Cable Box, and Connecting a Home Theater receiver.3If your TV has audio and video inputs, use the diagrams on page 7 in addition to the connections onpage 5 or 6.2135468790PRODUCTREGISTRATIONRegister andWin in the$100,000Give Away III!See inside...•   Remote control•   2  "AA" size batteries •   Registration card•   1 Audio cable •   1 Coaxial cable•   1 S-Video cableHooking Up Your VCR
5Cable System withCable BoxConnecting Cable and Cable Box,if all channels are scrambled1Connect cable from wall outlet to CABLEIN on the cable box.2Connect OUT (or OUT TO TV) on thecable box to ANTENNA IN on the VCR.3Connect ANTENNA OUT on the VCR tothe TV’s antenna jacks (varies by TV).4If your TV has audio video inputs,continue with the connections on page 7.If not, plug in power cords of VCR, TV,and cable box.If your cable company scrambles all of itschannels, you cannot record one channelwhile watching another.If your cable company only requires the useof a cable box for some channels, connectthe cable box as shown on the next page.VHFUHFVHF/UHFANTENNAOUTINxxxxVCR Rear PanelTV Rear PanelOROptionalUHF/VHF SplitterOptional 300 Ohm to 75 OhmMatching Transformer Optional UHF/VHF CombinerORsupplied coaxial cableORFrom Antenna or Cable wall outletINOUTVHF/UHFVHFUHFANTENNAOUTINTV Rear PanelFrom Cable wall outletCable Box  Rear Panelcoaxial cable provided          by cable companysupplied coaxial cableVCR Rear PanelORIMPORTANTYou must use one of the connections shown on page 5 and 6 in order to record television or cableprograms.Antenna or CableSystem withoutCable BoxConnecting Antenna or Cable1Connect antenna or cable from walloutlet to ANTENNA IN of the VCR.2Connect VCR ANTENNA OUT tothe TV’s Antenna jacks (varies byTV).3If your TV has audio video inputs,continue with the connections onpage 7.  If not, plug in power cordsof VCR and TV.Hooking Up Your VCRIMPORTANTYour TV Owner’s Guide may have additional suggestions for antenna/cable hookups.If your TV has more than one antenna jack, ask your Mitsubishi dealer for advice on additionalaccessories.
6Hooking Up Your VCRConnecting Cable and Cable Box, if only some channels are scrambledVHF/UHFVHFUHFANTENNAOUTINTV Rear PanelVCR Rear PanelORFrom Cable wall outletCable boxSplitterA/B SwitchOUTINABINOUT OUTsupplied coaxial cable1You will need a cable splitter, five lengths ofcoaxial cable, and a cable A/B switch.2Connect cable from wall outlet to IN terminalon the cable splitter.3Connect the coaxial cable to OUT terminal onthe cable splitter and A-IN on the A/B switch.4Connect the second coaxial cable to theother OUT terminal on the splitter and IN (orCABLE) on the cable box.5Connect the third coaxial cable to the OUTor TV on the cable box and B-IN on the A/Bswitch.6Connect the fourth coaxial cable to OUTterminal on the A/B switch and ANTENNAIN on the VCR.7Connect the fifth coaxial cable to theANTENNA OUT on the VCR to the TV’sANTENNA jacks (varied by TV).8If your TV has audio and video inputs,continue with the connections on the nextpage.  If not, plug in power cords of VCR,TV, and cable box.This connection will allow you to watch one non-scrambled channel while you record anothernon-scrambled channel.With this connection, you should set the A/Bswitch to A to record a non-scrambled channel.You may watch the same channel or any othernon-scrambled channel at the same time.To record a scrambled channel, set the switch toB, select your cable output channel (usually 3 or4) on the VCR and select the channel you wishto record on the cable box.  At this time your TVwill not be able to show any other channel.IMPORTANTWith this connection, you cannot:• record a scrambled channel and watcha non-scrambled channel at the sametime.• record a non-scrambled channel andwatch a scrambled channel at the sametime.• record one scrambled channel andwatch a different scrambled channel.
73Set the RF Converter to OFF.  See page 43for instructions on this setting, which can bedone at a later time.IMPORTANTYour TV Owner’s Guide may haveadditional suggestions for audio videohookups.To connect your VCR to a mono (non-stereo) TV, connect only the whiteAUDIO OUT L of the VCR and the whiteAUDIO INPUT of the TV.  Since the TVis not stereo, you cannot take advantageof your VCR’s Hi-Fi stereo sound.If you have an older TV without audiovideo inputs, simply connect only theantenna or cable as shown on page 5 or6.Connections to TV with Audio Video InputsINPUT-1INPUT-2OUTPUTMONITOR/TUNERS-VIDEO VIDEO L (MONO) RAUDIOOUTAUDIOLRVIDEOOUTS-VIDEOOUTRLRRLWhiteRedYellowWhiteRedYellowTV Rear PanelVCR Rear Panelsupplied S-video cablesupplied audio cableWhen you connect an S-video cable, please do not connect a yellow video cable because it may cause interference of the picture depending on your TV. Because you purchased a Hi-Fi VCR, you willwant to take advantage of its superior soundcapability and connect it to a stereo TV systemwith audio and video inputs.  This connectionalso helps maintain the best picture quality.1Connect the red and white audio cable toAUDIO OUT R (right) and AUDIO OUT L(left) on the VCR.  Connect the other end tothe TV’s AUDIO INPUT RIGHT and AUDIOINPUT LEFT.  Match the colors of theconnectors to the cables.2Connect the S-video cable to S-VIDEO OUTon VCR.  Connect the other end to S-VIDEO INPUT on the TV.IMPORTANTIf your TV does not have S-Videoconnections, use standard yellow videocable in step 2.Hooking Up Your VCR
83Connect an S-video cable to the MONITORS-VIDEO OUTPUT of the Home TheaterReceiver.  Connect the other end to the  S-VIDEO INPUT on the back of the TV.IMPORTANTIf either your Home Theater Receiver orTV does not have S-Video connections,use standard yellow video cables in step2 and 3.4See your Home Theater Receiver Owner’sGuide for information concerning audioconnection between TV and Home TheaterReceiver, or additional hookups andoperations.IMPORTANTYou may need to purchase additionalsets of audio video cables for thishookup.Connections to Home Theater ReceiverINPUT 1S-VIDEO VIDEO L (MONO) RAUDIOS  - VIDEORVCR 1 VCR 2 TVAUDIOOUT IN OUT IN INVCR2 MONITORVCR 1OUT IN OUT IN OUTVCR2 MONITORVCR 1OUT IN OUT IN OUTVIDEOLRLROUTAUDIOLRVIDEOOUTS-VIDEOOUTRLLRTV Rear PanelVCR Rear PanelHome Theater Receiver Rear PanelWhiteRedWhiteRedYou may wish to connect your VCR to a HomeTheater Receiver so that you can takeadvantage of the Surround Sound audiorecordings that are common with many movies.Home Theater Receivers often will control boththe sound that is heard from the speakers andthe picture shown on your TV.  Below is thebasic connection between your VCR and HomeTheater Receiver.  If you use this connection,you will not use Connections to TV with AudioVideo Inputs.1Connect the red and white audio cables toAUDIO OUT R and AUDIO OUT L on theVCR.  Connect the other end to the VCR 1AUDIO INPUT R and AUDIO INPUT L onthe Home Theater Receiver.2Connect an S-video cable to S-VIDEO OUTon the VCR.  Connect the other end to theVCR 1 S-VIDEO INPUT on the HomeTheater Receiver.Hooking Up Your VCR
9Setting Up Your VCRThe first thing you need to do is set up your VCR so that you cansee the picture coming from the VCR.  It’s important to take a fewminutes to set up your VCR correctly before you try to use it.Based on the type of TV that you have, choose one of the following:TV with Audio/Video Inputs1Turn on your TV and switch it to the correct external input.For most Mitsubishi TVs, this means pressing the TV’s INPUTbutton until you see the words Ext-1 or Input-1 on the screen.If you do not have a Mitsubishi TV, please refer to your TVOwner’s Guide for this procedure.2Turn the VCR on by pressing POWER.3You are now watching the VCR’s picture.  To go back toviewing the picture from the TV, press the TV’s INPUT buttonto go back to the previous ANTENNA input position.4Later, you should turn the RF converter OFF by followinginstructions on page 43.If your system includes a home theater receiver or an A/Vreceiver, refer to your home theater receiver’s owner’s guide.TV without Audio/Video InputsIf your TV does not have separate audio/video inputs, then yourVCR will need to convert the VCR’s picture to channel 3 or 4.This is called the video channel.  The factory has already selectedchannel 3; however, if it is a broadcast channel in your area, thenyou will need to change this to channel 4.  To make this change:set up1To choose channel 4: with the VCR power OFF, pressCHANNEL ª and REC SPEED on the front panel at thesame time.  CH4 will display on the front panel and the VCRwill send signals on channel 4.If needed, to return to channel 3: with the VCR turned OFF,press CHANNEL º and REC SPEED on the front panel atthe same time.  CH3 will display.2Turn the VCR on by pressing POWER.operating3Check to see if the VCR light on the front panel display is lit.  Ifit is not, press VCR/TV on the remote control until the VCR lightappears on the front panel.  This light must be on when youwatch a video tape or use the VCR menus.  The VCR light willturn on automatically when you play a tape or use the VCRmenus when the RF converter is set to ON.  See page 43.4Turn on the TV and change the TV to the video channel (3 or4).  You are now watching the VCR’s picture.To watch a channel that is different than the channel your VCR isrecording, the VCR light must be off.  The VCR/TV button turnsthis light on and off.Playback2135468790VCR/TVPOWERCHANNELREC SPEEDSP/EP
10Operating Your Remote ControlInstalling the Batteries1To remove the back cover, press the ridged area gently, thenpush the cover in the direction of the arrow and lift.2Load the batteries, making sure the polarities (+) and (–) arecorrect.  This is marked inside the battery compartment.Next, you need to tell the remote control to operate the VCR, notthe TV.Operating the VCR with the Remote ControlThe HS-U747 has two VCR remote control operational settings:VCR-A and VCR-B.  The HS-U747 is pre-set to VCR-A setting.See page 46 for information about VCR operational setting.1Set the VCR/TV slide switch on the remote control to VCRposition.  This “tells” the remote that you want to control theVCR.Loading a TapeTapes can be loaded into your VCR as long as the VCR is pluggedin. Even when the VCR POWER is off, loading a tape willautomatically turn the VCR on.  Use only tapes that have an or   label.1Hold the tape so that the long narrow edge with the contentslabel faces you.  The other edge is hinged and should face theVCR.  The plastic window that shows the videotape shouldface up.2Gently insert the tape evenly into the cassette slot until theVCR automatically takes it in.If the VCR will not automatically take the tape in, press EJECT andtry again.Your VCR will eject the tape if it is loaded improperly.  If the VCRejects the tape; remove the tape, check to see that the contentslabel is facing you, that the geared tape reels are facing down, waita few seconds, and try again.Playing a Tape1Press PLAY on the front panel or the remote control.The VCR will automatically play the tape at the correct speed.When the VCR reaches the end of the tape, it will automaticallyrewind to the beginning of the tape and stop.You can stop playing by pressing STOP.CORRECTINCORRECT2135468790PLAYSTOPPLAYSTOPPlayback
11Using Basic Playback ControlsRewinding a tapeWhile the tape is stopped, press REW on the remote control or onthe front panel.Fast forwarding a tapeWhile the tape is stopped, press FF on the remote control or on thefront panel.Speed Search with pictureWhile the tape is playing press FF for forward speed search withpicture or press REW for reverse speed search.  See page 34 foradditional information on searching techniques.Pausing a tapeWhile the tape is playing, press PAUSE on the remote control or onthe front panel to freeze the picture on the screen.Press PAUSE a second time to return to normal play.If you leave the VCR in pause for more than 5 minutes, the VCRwill automatically stop to prevent damage to the tape.Controlling the Vibration During Still FrameIf the picture vibrates during still frame, press the CHANNEL ª orº on the front panel until the picture is steady.Unloading a Tape1Press EJECT on the front panel or on the remote control.  If theVCR POWER is off, the VCR will turn on, eject the tape, thenturn off.2Remove the tape.Using repaired tapesWe recommend that you take any broken or torn tapes to aprofessional for repair. If you repair a torn tape with impropermaterials, you could damage your VCR when you play the tape.Head cleaningYour VCR automatically cleans the head and the drum of the VCRwhenever you load a tape.  If you see “noise” or snow whenplaying a tape, eject the tape, re-load the tape, then wait 3 or 4seconds.  Repeat this process several times to improve the picture.2135468790REW FFPAUSECHANNELREW FFPAUSE2135468790EJECTEJECTPlayback
12Your VCR comes with Mitsubishi’s exclusive   on-screen operating system.  This system has been developed tosimplify the operation of your VCR with clear, easy-to-understandlanguage and design.Before your VCR can receive television channels or you canprogram your VCR to record, you need to memorize all of thechannels you can receive into your VCR and set the clock.Fortunately, your VCR makes this an easy process with our menusystem.When using the on-screen menus, use the ADJUST buttons tomove the highlight bar up or down and to change the setting ofselected features.  Press the ENTER button to enter a selection oradjustment.  Press the CANCEL button to cancel or clear a setting.Selecting the On-screen LanguageYou can set your VCR to display on-screen messages, menus, andfunctions in English or Spanish.  You will do this the first time youuse the menus or set any audio and video functions.1Make sure you are viewing the picture coming from your VCR.Press MENU on the remote control.  If this is the first time themenus have been used, you will see the menu for selecting theon-screen language.2Press ADJUST buttons on the remote control to highlight thedesired language.3Press ENTER on the remote control.  The menu will change tothe VCR Main Menu.4Press MENU to exit the menus.IMPORTANTThe Select Language menu is unique.  While all othermenus can be accessed at almost any time, the SelectLanguage menu will not automatically appear again after itis first set.  To see the Select Language menu, press theTIMER RESET on the back of the VCR, then follow theprocedure above.  The Select Language menu will alsoappear after an extended power failure.Setting Up Your VCR5468790ADJUSTADJUSTENTERCANCELPress toEnterPress toCancelPress toSelectSelect Language  ƒEnglish  ƒEspañol       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select
13Memorizing Channels AutomaticallyUsing this process, your VCR will automatically memorize all of thetelevision stations available to you.  You can later get rid ofunwanted or unused stations.If your local cable company scrambles some or all stations,and/or requires you to use a cable box, then your ability tomemorize channels would normally be limited.  The cablebox receives all of your channels, then sends only one toyour TV and your VCR, usually on channel 3 or 4.If your cable box or cable system seems incompatiblewith your new VCR, call your cable company.  They maybe able to provide solutions to your problems.1Set the VCR’s input to tuner.  To do this, press INPUT on theremote control until a channel number appears on the screen.2Press MENU on the remote control.  VCR Main Menu comesup.  If First Time Set-Up is not highlighted, use the ADJUSTbuttons on the remote to highlight it.3Press ENTER.  First Time Set-Up menu will appear.  Press theADJUST buttons to select Memorize channels.  Press ENTER.IMPORTANTIf you are playing back a tape or receiving a video signalfrom an external input, Not available will flash and an errormessage will appear.  To correct this, stop the tape or turnoff the menus and switch the VCR’s input to tuner.4You will see the menu for sources connected to the VCR.Using the list below as a reference, press the ADJUST buttonsto select the kind of antenna you connected.•Cable if you are using any cable combination, including acable box with an A/B switch•Indoor/outdoor ant. if you use rabbit ears type or roofmounted type antennasAfter you have selected, press ENTER.5An on-screen message will show you that the VCR ismemorizing the stations you can receive.  You can cancel thememorization at any time by pressing CANCEL.  After the VCRhas memorized all the channels, the screen will return to theVCR’s picture.IMPORTANTAutomatic channel memorizing may include vacantchannels if there are stray signals or noise on thosechannels.  If this occurs, you can manually delete thechannels using the procedure in the section Adding andDeleting Channels.∆Memorize channels  What type of sources are  connected to the VCR?  ’Cable  ”Indoor/outdoor ant.       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to selectƒFirst Time Set-Up  Your choices are:  ≈Set the clock  ∆Memorize channels  «Add/delete channels         ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to selectªVCR Main Menu                  Your choices are:  ¬Program to record  √Customize choices  »S-VHS Set-Up  ƒFirst Time Set-Up       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to selectA special note to cable boxsubscribersSetting Up Your VCR∆Memorize channels  Now memorizing all the  stations you can receive          Channel   3  Stand by this may take  a few minutes    To cancel memorization,   press CANCEL
14Adding and Deleting ChannelsIf necessary, you can manually add or delete channels after youhave completed the automatic channel memorizing.1Make sure that video mute is ON.  See page 42.2Set the VCR’s input to tuner.  To do this, press INPUT on theremote control until a channel number appears on the screen.3Press MENU on the remote control.  VCR Main Menu appears.4Press the ADJUST buttons on the remote control to select FirstTime Set-Up.  Press ENTER.5You will see the First Time Set-Up menu.  Press the ADJUSTbuttons to select Add/delete channels.  Press ENTER.IMPORTANTIf you are playing back a tape or receiving a video signalfrom an external input, then Not available will flash on-screen.  To correct this, stop the tape or turn off the menusand switch the VCR’s input to tuner.6You will see the screen for adding or deleting channels.  Usethe ADJUST buttons to select the channel that you want to addor delete.  Press ENTER to add the channel; press CANCEL todelete it.7When you are finished adding or deleting channels, pressMENU three times to exit the menus.IMPORTANTIf you use automatic memorizing again, you will lose all of themanual changes you made.  All of the channels you deleted willbe added; all of the channels you added will be deleted.Selecting a ChannelNow that you have memorized channels, and added or deletedsome, you will want to be able to select channels.  If you have notyet memorized channels, see page 13, Memorizing ChannelsAutomatically.Antenna/Cable selections Your VCR can receiveindoor/outdoor antenna VHF/UHF channels 2–69cable antenna cable channels 1–125If you try to select a channel number that the VCR cannot receive,the VCR will not change channels.selecting channels sequentiallyPress CHANNEL on the remote control or on the VCR front panel.This will cycle through the channels in sequential numerical order.selecting channels directlyUse the number buttons on the remote control.  For example, tochoose channel 23, press 2-3.To select a single digit channel, such as channel 5; press 5.  Youcan also press 5, then press ENTER.Setting Up Your VCR«Add/delete channels  Channel     39             Not in memory       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to add   † ∑ ππADJUST to select    ≠πππππCANCEL to delete       ƒFirst Time Set-Up  Your choices are:  ≈Set the clock  ∆Memorize channels  «Add/delete channels         ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select
15Setting the ClockYou have to set the clock using either Setting the Auto Clock orSetting the Clock Manually before you can program your VCR torecord.Setting the Auto ClockYour VCR can set the clock automatically by picking up a timesignal which some TV and cable channels transmit with theirbroadcasts.  Most PBS stations send this signal; however, thisfunction works only if a channel in your area is broadcasting a timesignal.  If you don’t receive this signal, set the clock manually.1Press MENU on the remote control.  VCR Main Menu willappear.2Press the ADJUST buttons to select First Time Set-Up.  PressENTER.  The First Time Set-Up menu will appear.  Use theADJUST buttons to select Set the clock.  Press ENTER.3You will see the Set the clock menu.  Auto Clock set will behighlighted.  Press the ADJUST buttons to select ON.4Turn the VCR off to activate the auto clock setting function.The VCR will search for a channel that carries a time signal, thenset your time zone and daylight saving time.  If there are only a fewchannels in your area that carry time signals, it may take about 30minutes to complete.  If you turn the VCR on before the correcttime displays, the auto clock setting will be cancelled.  See if theclock has been set on the front panel display on the VCR.If the VCR displays the wrong time, the time zone setting may notbe correct.  To adjust this, follow the steps in If the VCR displaysthe wrong time.  (See the next page.)IMPORTANTThe auto clock function will activate whenever you turn offthe VCR and at 3:00 am, when the VCR power is off.  Ifyou use a cable box, make sure that you leave the cablebox on and tuned to the local PBS station to activate theauto clock function.After a power failure, the VCR will automatically set theclock again.  (If you have set the Auto Clock set setting ofthe Set the clock menu to OFF, the auto clock function willnot work.)Setting Up Your VCRƒFirst Time Set-Up  Your choices are:  ≈Set the clock  ∆Memorize channels  «Add/delete channels       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select≈Set the clock  ƒAuto Clock set     ON  OFF       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select
16If the VCR displays the wrong time1Follow the procedure on the previous page to step 3.  Thenpress ENTER.2You will see the Set the clock menu.  Channel will behighlighted.  If you know the channel that carries a time signal,press the ADJUST buttons to enter the channel.  Most PBSstations broadcast a time signal.  For fastest response, enteryour local PBS station.  If you don’t know it, leave the channelsetting at AUTO.  Press ENTER.3Time zone will be highlighted.  Press the ADJUST buttons toselect the time zone of your area.  Available time zones are:Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, Alaska, andHawaii.  Press ENTER.4Daylight savings will be highlighted.  Press the ADJUSTbuttons to select AUTO, ON or OFF.  If you follow daylightsaving time, select ON.  If not, select OFF.  If you select AUTO,the VCR automatically sets the daylight saving time.5To activate the auto clock function, turn off the VCR.Setting the Clock ManuallySkip this section if your VCR has set the clock correctly using theauto clock function.1Press MENU on the remote control.  You will see the VCR MainMenu.2Press the ADJUST buttons to select First Time Set-Up.  PressENTER.  First Time Set-Up menu will appear.  Press theADJUST buttons to select Set the clock.  Press ENTER.3You will see the Set the clock menu.  Auto Clock set will behighlighted.  Press the ADJUST buttons to select OFF.  PressENTER.≈Set the clock  ƒChannel              (065)  ƒTime zone           (AUTO)  ƒDaylight savings    (AUTO)  To activate Auto Clock,  turn off the VCR.       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select≈Set the clock  ƒChannel              (065)  ƒTime zone       (Eastern )  ƒDaylight savings    (AUTO)  To activate Auto Clock,  turn off the VCR.       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select≈Set the clock  ƒChannel              (065)  ƒTime zone       (Eastern )  ƒDaylight savings    (AUTO)  To activate Auto Clock,  turn off the VCR.       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select≈Set the clock  ƒAuto Clock set     ON  OFF       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to selectSetting Up Your VCR
174Daylight savings will be highlighted.  Press the ADJUSTbuttons to select ON or OFF.  If you are currently followingdaylight savings, select ON.  Otherwise, select OFF.  PressENTER.5Press the ADJUST buttons until the correct month appears onscreen.  Press ENTER.6Press the ADJUST buttons to set the current year.  PressENTER.7Press the ADJUST buttons to set the date.  Press ENTER.8The hour numbers and the am/pm indicator will be blinking.Press the ADJUST buttons to set the hour and am/pm at thesame time.  Pressing ADJUST + moves the clock forward;pressing ADJUST – moves the clock backward.  Press ENTER.9Press the ADJUST buttons to set the minutes.  When you haveset the correct time, press ENTER.  First Time Set-Up menuwill appear, and the clock will start running.10 Press MENU three times to exit the menus.You can adjust the daylight saving time manually.  When Daylightsavings is highlighted, press the ADJUST buttons to select ON orOFF.If you select ON, the VCR will set the clock forward one hour.If you select OFF, the VCR will set the clock back one hour.IMPORTANTAt any time that you adjust this setting, check yourprogrammed recordings to be sure they are set to thecorrect times.≈Set the clock  ƒDaylight savings    ON  OFF  ƒMonth       --  ƒYear        --  ƒDate        --  ƒTime        --:--Ł       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select≈Set the clock  ƒDaylight savings   ON  OFF  ƒMonth       March  ƒYear        2001  ƒDate     18 Sunday  ƒTime         7:00pmŁ       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select≈Set the clock  ƒDaylight savings   ON  OFF  ƒMonth       March  ƒYear        2001  ƒDate     18 Sunday  ƒTime        12:00pmŁ       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select≈Set the clock  ƒDaylight savings   ON  OFF  ƒMonth       March  ƒYear        2001  ƒDate      1 Thursday  ƒTime        12:00pmŁ       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to selectSetting Up Your VCR
18Your new VCR offers a wide variety of recording options that takefull advantage of our advanced electronics.  First, you can learnhow to record a current broadcast.  Then, in another section of thisbook called Timer Recording, you can learn how to program yourVCR to record at a later time and day.Recording a Current BroadcastTo record a TV program that is currently playing:1Load a tape with its erasure prevention tab intact into the VCR.2Set the recording format.  See Selecting Recording Formaton page 21.3Set the speed at which you would like to record by pressingSP/EP on the remote control or REC SPEED on the frontpanel.  The selected speed will be displayed on the TV screen.4Set the VCR’s input to tuner by pressing INPUT until a channelnumber is shown on-screen.  If External L1 or L2 appears,continue to press INPUT until a channel number appears.5Select the channel you wish to record by pressing CHANNELon the remote control or on the front panel or the numberbuttons on the remote.  If you are using a cable box, selectchannel 3 or 4 on the VCR, and change the channel on thecable box, not on the VCR.  Additionally, if you are using an A/Bswitch, remember to set the switch to the correct position.6Press REC on the remote or REC/˙REC LENGTH on thefront panel.Recording will start.  When the VCR reaches the end of the tape, itwill automatically rewind to the beginning of the tape and stop.• You can stop recording at any time by pressing STOP orPAUSE on the remote or on the front panel.• To resume recording from STOP, press REC.• To resume recording from PAUSE, press PAUSE.You cannot use REC/˙REC LENGTH on the front panelto resume recording from PAUSE.IMPORTANTIf you pause the VCR for more than five minutes, recordingwill stop automatically to protect the tape.If you record in extended play (EP), you will only be able toplay the tape on a VCR equipped for EP play, such as thisone.If you attempt to record on a tape that has had its erasureprevention tab removed, the VCR will eject it.  To recordover such a tape, simply place a piece of vinyl tape overthe opening.Erasure prevention tabRecording2135468790   RECPAUSECHANNELINPUTREC SPEEDSP/EPSTOP RECSTOPSP/EPCHANNEL
19Using One-Touch Recording (OTR)One-Touch Recording (OTR) is a way to begin recording immedi-ately, and have your VCR stop recording and turn off automaticallyafter your show is over.1Load a tape with its erasure prevention tab intact into the VCR.2Set the recording format.  See Selecting Recording Formaton page 21.3Set the speed at which you would like to record by pressingSP/EP on the remote control or REC SPEED on the frontpanel.  The selected speed will be displayed on the TV screen.4Set the VCR’s input to tuner by pressing INPUT on the remoteuntil a channel number shows on-screen.5Select the channel you wish to record by pressing CHANNELon the remote control or on the front panel or the numberbuttons on the remote.  If you are using a cable box, selectchannel 3 or 4 on the VCR, and change the channel on thecable box, not on the VCR.  Additionally, if you are using an A/Bswitch, remember to set the switch to the correct position.6Press REC/˙REC LENGTH on the front panel twice.  The firsttime you press the button, recording will begin.  The secondpress of the same button adds 30 minutes to the OTR timer,displayed on the front panel.7Press REC/˙REC LENGTH for each additional 30 minutesyou want to add to the OTR timer, up to 4 hours.  If you pressthe button 10 times, you will see End on the front panel display.The VCR will record until the end of the tape.  If you press thebutton an eleventh time, the VCR will resume normal manualrecording.The OTR timer will begin to count down backwards.  When itreaches zero, the VCR will stop recording and turn off.If you program too much time into the OTR timerContinue pressing REC/˙REC LENGTH.  After the End point youcan start over from zero, adding time in 30 minute intervals.How OTR affects other controlsIf you press PAUSE during OTR, the VCR will pause recording, butthe OTR timer continues to count down.Press PAUSE again to resume recording from the record-pausemode.  The REC/˙REC LENGTH will not resume your recording.If you press STOP during OTR, you erase the OTR programming.2135468790CHANNELREC SPEEDSP/EPREC2 REC LENGTHINPUTSP/EPCHANNELRecording
20Using Standby One-Touch Recording (OTR2)Standby One-Touch Recording (also called OTR2) is a program-ming method to begin recording within the next 24 hours andrecord in 30 minutes intervals.  Before you use OTR2, make surethe clock has been set correctly.1Load a tape with its erasure prevention tab intact into the VCR.2Set the recording format.  See Selecting Recording Formaton page 21.3Set the speed at which you would like to record by pressingSP/EP on the remote control or REC SPEED on the frontpanel.  The selected speed will be displayed on the TV screen.4Set the VCR’s input to tuner by pressing INPUT on the remoteuntil the channel number shows on-screen.5Select the channel you wish to record by pressing CHANNELon the remote control or on the front panel or the numberbuttons on the remote.  If you are using a cable box, selectchannel 3 or 4 on the VCR, and change the channel on thecable box, not on the VCR.  Additionally, if you are using an A/Bswitch, remember to set the switch to the correct position.6Press PAUSE/%START TIME on the front panel to set the timewhen you wish recording to start (within the next 24 hours).The start time is displayed on the front panel.  The first timedisplay is the next half-hour increment from the current time.For example, if it is currently 2:15, 2:30 (next half-hourincrement) will be displayed.  Similarly, if it is currently 2:40,3:00 (again, the next half-hour increment) will be displayed.Each time you press the button, the start time is delayed by 30minutes.7Press REC/˙REC LENGTH for each additional 30 minutesyou want to add to the OTR2 timer, up to 4 hours.  If you seeEnd on the front panel display, the VCR will record until the endof the tape.After 30 seconds, the power will turn off and the programmedrecording light will be lit.  The VCR will automatically turn on at theOTR2 start time and recording will begin.  When the OTR2 timerreaches zero, the VCR will stop recording and turn off automati-cally.  If the end of the tape is reached before OTR2 is finished, theVCR will stop and the power will turn off.IMPORTANTOther programs you have set to record may be erased if:•  the start times are before the OTR2 start time•  conflicts with the OTR2•  starts within one minute or less after the OTR2 finishesIf you turn the power on while your VCR is in stand-by forthe OTR2, the OTR2 programming will be erased.21354687902 REC LENGTHCHANNELREC SPEEDSP/EPRECPAUSE1 START TIMEINPUTSP/EPCHANNELPMRecording
21To cancel OTR2• Turn the power OFF while you are programming the timer.• Turn the power ON if you have finished programming the timer.How OTR2 affects other controlsIf you press REC/˙REC LENGTH on the front panel during OTR2recording, 30 minutes will be added to the OTR2 timer.  If you pressSTOP during OTR2 recording, you erase the OTR2 programming.Using S-VHS Set-Up MenuSelecting Recording FormatThe HS-U747 allows you to choose between recording in standardVHS or Super VHS (S-VHS) when you use an S-VHS tape.  If youuse a VHS tape, you can choose to record in S-VHS ET (Expan-sion Technology) mode or VHS.  S-VHS ET mode allows you torecord in S-VHS format on a VHS tape.  Though the picture qualityof S-VHS ET mode will not be as clear as that of the S-VHSformat, you can record or playback with a higher picture qualitythan VHS format.1Press MENU on the remote control.  VCR Main Menu appears.2Press the ADJUST buttons on the remote control to select S-VHS Set-Up.  Press ENTER.If you use S-VHS tape for recording:3Press the ADJUST buttons to select S-VHS record.4Press ENTER to select the recording format.• select ON if you want to record in S-VHS.• select OFF if you want to record in VHS.5Press MENU twice to exit the menus.If you use VHS tape for recording:3Press the ADJUST buttons to select S-ET record.4Press ENTER to select the recording format.• select OFF if you want to record in VHS.• select ON if you want to record in S-VHS ET.•AUTO will make the VCR automatically select VHS or S-VHS-ET as a result of the PerfecTape® function.  Seepage 43 for the PerfecTape®.5Press MENU twice to exit the menus.During playback, the VCR automatically selects the recordedformat/mode.  The record format/mode will be displayed on thescreen.RecordingªVCR Main Menu                  Your choices are:  ¬Program to record  √Customize choices  »S-VHS Set-Up  ƒFirst Time Set-Up       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select»S-VHS Set-Up  ƒS-VHS record        ON  OFF  ƒS-ET record    Auto ON  OFF  ƒRear S-input        ON  OFF         ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to change     ∑ ππADJUST to select»S-VHS Set-Up  ƒS-VHS record        ON  OFF  ƒS-ET record    Auto ON  OFF  ƒRear S-input        ON  OFF         ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to change     ∑ ππADJUST to select
22IMPORTANTFor the best quality recording, use S-VHS tapes andrecord in the S-VHS format.The quality of S-VHS ET recordings will vary by the qualityof VHS tapes used.  For the best quality S-VHS ETrecordings, it is recommended that you use HG gradetapes.S-VHS recordings can be played on:• S-VHS VCRs• VHS VCRs with S-VHS Quasi playback capabilitiesS-VHS ET recording can be played on:• S-VHS VCRs (not all S-VHS VCRs will be able to play S-VHS ET)• VHS VCRs with S-VHS Quasi playback capabilitiesPlease use this VCR or S-VHS VCR with S-VHS ET modeto playback the tape recorded in S-VHS ET for betterpicture quality.Selecting S-input SettingTo watch the picture from the other equipment that is connected tothe HS-U747 rear panel through the VCR, you have to select theS-video input jack or video input jack that matches the equipment.1Press MENU on the remote control.  VCR Main Menu appears.2Press the ADJUST buttons on the remote control to select S-VHS Set-Up.  Press ENTER.3Press the ADJUST buttons to select Rear S-input.4Press ENTER to select which input jack to input.• select OFF when you want to input signals from videoinput jack.• select ON when you want to input signals from S-videoinput jack.5Press MENU twice to exit the menus.Recording»S-VHS Set-Up  ƒS-VHS record        ON  OFF  ƒS-ET record    Auto ON  OFF  ƒRear S-input        ON  OFF         ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to change     ∑ ππADJUST to select
23Using Audio and Video FunctionsThe audio and video function menus allow you to set things suchas listening to the stereo track of your recording, or setting the tapelength to have the remaining time display function work properly.The VCR will display the functions and settings on your TV screen.The first section describes the functions, the next section tells youhow to adjust the functions.Audio functionsaudio monitornormal recordVideo functionstape (length) repeat playbackPerfecTape Select PerfecTape®counter zero stop Search to blankDescriptions of Audio FunctionsAudio monitor (Listen to:)This allows you to listen to the various audio tracks that your VCRis capable of recording.• Choose Stereo to listen to both stereo channels.• Choose L to listen to the left channel of a stereo track.• Choose R to listen to the right channel of a stereo track.• Mono track is lower in quality than the others.  The audiomonitor is automatically set to Mono if you are watching atape that was not recorded in VHS Hi-Fi.  Set the audiomonitor to Mono to hear SAP signal recorded on themono track of a Hi-Fi tape.IMPORTANTSurround Sound systems: If you have your VCRconnected to a surround sound system, set the audiomonitor to Stereo.  Surround sound requires both left andright channels to create the rear channel effects.While the VCR is not playing a tape, you will see the followingdisplays on the TV screen for 3 seconds when you change thechannel or press DISPLAY.If you change the channel to: Displaystereo broadcast StereoSAP broadcast SAPstereo and SAP Stereo+SAPWhile the VCR is playing a tape, you will see the following displayson the TV screen for 4 seconds when you press DISPLAY.The audio monitor you listen to DisplayStereo Audio StereoL Audio LR Audio RMono Audio MonoRecording
24RecordingNormal recording (Record:)When your VCR is recording, it actually records the audio portion ofa program twice: once on the stereo Hi-Fi tracks, and once on themono track.  Additionally, your VCR can receive Separate AudioProgram (SAP) broadcasts.  A SAP broadcast is an alternativesoundtrack for a program; it is often a sound track in anotherlanguage.  The SAP broadcast is recorded only on the mono track.Use the normal recording function to record the SAP broadcast onthe mono track by choosing Stereo+SAP.  Otherwise, chooseStereo.  In either case, the main program is recorded on the stereoHi-Fi track.  Also, if there is no SAP broadcast, the VCR will recordthe main program on the mono track.Descriptions of Video FunctionsTapeAdjust this function to ensure the accuracy of the Remaining Timedisplay.  The remaining time function does not work properly with atape that is less than 30 minutes long.Length of tape Use Setting2 hours long or less(T-30 through T-120) T-120160 minutes (T-160) T-160180 minutes (T-180) T-180200 minutes (T-200) T-200210 minutes (T-210) T-210PerfecTape Select (Play PerfecTape)This function turns on the PerfecTape Select circuitry, whichautomatically maximizes picture quality when playing a worn or poorquality tape.Set the switch to Soft to soften the picture, set it to Sharp tosharpen it.  Set it to Normal when you do not want to use thisfeature.  Use Normal on new or high quality tapes.  If it is set toAuto, the VCR will automatically select the ideal setting ofPerfecTape Select depending on the condition of the tape.Counter zero stop (Counter zero stop)This function is used to automatically fast forward or rewind to“0h00m00s” and stop the tape.  See page 38 for more informationon this feature.Repeat playback (Repeat play)Use this function to repeatedly play a section of tape between twoindex marks.  See page 40 for more information on this feature.PerfecTape®PerfecTape function allows you to test the quality of video tapesyou will record on.  After each test, the VCR adjusts its circuitry inorder to make the best possible recording on your tape.  See page43 for more information on this feature.
25Search to blank (Search to blank)Use this function to search the beginning of the blank section of thetape.  See page 40 for more information on this feature.Selecting and adjusting the audio and video functions1Press AUDIO/VIDEO on the remote control to see the functionmenu.2Press AUDIO/VIDEO repeatedly until the function you want toadjust appears.3Press the ADJUST buttons on the remote to adjust the setting.The functions will disappear if you do not press any buttons for 5seconds.IMPORTANTThe audio and video function menus do not appear:• when the VCR menu is displayed• during special effects playbackTape function does not appear during playback.PerfecTape Select is displayed only during playback.PerfecTape displays only when a tape, with its erasure tabintact, is loaded and the VCR is stopped.2135468790AUDIO/VIDEOADJUSTADJUSTVCRListen to: StereoUse ADJUST to selectRecording
26Mitsubishi offers 2 ways to set your VCR to record upcomingbroadcasts.  Choose from:Conventional VCR timer recordingQuick Program (easy) -- VCR does not need to be ON tobegin programmingYou can schedule up to 8 recording events within a one monthperiod.Clock must be set before any timer recordings can be performed.Conventional VCR Timer Recording1Load a tape with its erasure prevention tab intact into theVCR.2Press MENU.  VCR Main Menu appears on your screen.Use the ADJUST buttons to select Program to record.Press ENTER.If there is at least one programmed recording alreadyentered, you will see the Recap screen.  Wait 4 seconds,and the Program to record menu will appear.IMPORTANTIf you have already programmed 8 recording events,Program memory is full will appear on your screen for 3seconds, and then the Recap screen will appear.  UseCANCEL to erase an entry before you can add anotherone.3Program to record menu appears.  Press the ADJUSTbuttons to choose the channel you would like to record; forexample, channel 2.  Press ENTER.• If you are using a cable box, enter the channel numberon which the cable box sends a signal to your VCR(usually channel 3 or 4).• To record from an external source, press INPUT or pressthe ADJUST buttons to:Select External L1 for a source connected to the rearpanel.Select External L2 for a source connected to the frontpanel.4Day will flash.  Press the ADJUST buttons to choose the dayon which you want to record; for example, Monday the 12th.Your choices are:• a single day up to one month away• every day from Monday through Friday; for example, totape a soap opera.  To program, press the ADJUSTbuttons until Monday-Friday appears.• the same day every week; for example, to tape yourfavorite weekly sitcom.  To program, press the ADJUSTbuttons until Every and the desired day of the weekappears.Press ENTER once you have made your choice.ªVCR Main Menu                  Your choices are:  ¬Program to record  √Customize choices  »S-VHS Set-Up  ƒFirst Time Set-Up       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select¬Program to record   CH DAY   ON       OFF§  10 TH15  9:00am  10:30pm SP  --- --    -:--     -:--   SP  --- --    -:--     -:--   SP  --- --    -:--     -:--   SP        ∫πMENU to go back      ∂ ππADJUST to select    ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter      ∑ ππADJUST to selectRecap screenTimer Recording¬Program to record  ƒChannel                2  ƒDay                   --  ƒStart time         --:--  ƒStop  time         --:--  ƒRecord speed        AUTO       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select¬Program to record  ƒChannel                2  ƒDay            Monday 12  ƒStart time         --:--  ƒStop  time         --:--  ƒRecord speed        AUTO       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select
275The hour numbers of the start time will flash.  Press theADJUST buttons to set the hour when recording is to start.Press ENTER.6The minute numbers of the start time will flash.  Press theADJUST buttons to set the minutes when recording is tostart.  Press ENTER.7Set the stop time the same way as the start time, usingsteps 5 and 6.8Press the ADJUST buttons to set the recording speed:SP = standard play; EP = extended play; AUTO = auto.Auto speed programming is discussed on page 28.  PressENTER.IMPORTANTIf you press ENTER when you set the timer recordingincompletely, Current Program is not completed will appearon your screen.If two programmed recording times overlap, VCR is alreadyprogrammed for that time will display on your screen forabout 3 seconds, and then the Recap screen will appear.The program you have just set will be highlighted inmagenta color and flash for 3 seconds.  The start and stoptime of the overlapped program will be highlighted in cyancolor.  You will need to erase one of them.9The programmed memory will appear on the Recap screen.10 To program additional recording times, select an emptyprogram line by pressing ADJUST buttons.  Press ENTER.The Program to record menu will appear.  Continue theprogramming procedure from step 3.11 When you are finished with all programming, check the following:• If you have a cable box, leave the cable box turned ONand tuned to the station you wish to record.  Additionally, ifyou are using an A/B switch, remember to set the switchto the correct position.• Turn the VCR power OFF and make sure the programmedrecording light is lit.IMPORTANTWhen programmed recording of 4 and under are entered,only 4 of the 8 program lines appear on the Recap screenat any one time.  To see additional program lines, press theADJUST buttons to scroll the lines on the screen.Canceling a recording in progressThere are two ways to cancel a recording in progress:Press STOP.  The recording stops, but the program is notcancelled.  Therefore, if you press REC, the recording will startagain.Press POWER on the front panel.  The recording stops and theprogram is cancelled.2135468790STOPSTOPProgramming not cancelled¬Program to record  ƒChannel                2  ƒDay            Monday 12  ƒStart time         11:30am  ƒStop  time          1:30pm  ƒRecord speed        SP       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to selectRecap screen¬Program to record   CH DAY   ON       OFF   10 TH15  9:00pm  10:30pm SP§   2 MO12 11:30am   1:30pm SP  --- --    -:--     -:--   SP  --- --    -:--     -:--   SP        ∫πMENU to go back      ∂ ππADJUST to select    ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter      ∑ ππADJUST to select¬Program to record  ƒChannel                2  ƒDay            Monday 12  ƒStart time         11:00am  ƒStop  time         --:--  ƒRecord speed        AUTO       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to selectTimer RecordingPOWERProgramming cancelled
28Changing while programmingTo change one of your settings (such as start time) while you areprogramming:Press ENTER to move forward through the program list.Press CANCEL to move backward.Then use the ADJUST buttons to change the setting.You will cancel the entire program if you press CANCEL while thechannel number is flashing.Quick ProgramQuick Program is an exclusive Mitsubishi feature that simplifiesthe process of programming your VCR to record.  When you pressQUICK PROGRAM on the remote control, you will immediatelysee the Program to record menu and can begin programming rightaway.You can use this feature even when the VCR is stopped, playing,fast forwarding, rewinding, or off.  (Quick program does not workwhile a tape is recording.)1Press QUICK PROGRAM on the remote control.  If the VCRis off, it will turn on.  After tuning your TV to the correctchannel or input, Program to record menu will appear.IMPORTANTIf the VCR memory is full, Program memory is full willappear for 3 seconds, and then the Recap screen willappear.  Use CANCEL to erase an entry before you canadd another one.2Complete steps 3 through 9 in Conventional VCR timerrecording.  (See page 26.)  When you have finished, pressQUICK PROGRAM again.If the VCR is stopped, it will turn off and be ready to recordyour program at a later time.If the VCR is playing, fast forwarding or rewinding, themenus will turn off, but the VCR power will remain on.3When you are finished with all programming, check thefollowing:• If you have a cable box, leave the box turned ON andtuned to the station you wish to record.  Additionally, if youare using an A/B switch, remember to set the switch to thecorrect position.• Make sure the VCR is turned OFF and the programmedrecording light is lit before the recording time.IMPORTANTIf you press QUICK PROGRAM, but the clock is not set, Setthe clock menu will appear.  Set the clock manually.2135468790QUICK PROGRAM¬Program to record  ƒChannel               --  ƒDay                   --  ƒStart time         --:--  ƒStop  time         --:--  ƒRecord speed        AUTO       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to selectTimer Recording8790ADJUSTADJUSTENTERCANCELforwardbackwardadjust¬Program to record   CH DAY   ON       OFF§   2 WE14 11:30am   1:30pm SP   10 TH15  9:00pm  10:00pm EP    7 E-WE  8:00am   9:00am EP   12 FR16  5:30pm   5:45pm EP    8 TU20 11:00pm   0:30am SP   13 M-F   7:00pm   7:15pm EP   15 SU 1  8:00pm   9:00pm EP   46 SU18  7:00am   9:00am SPRecap screen
29Timer Recording HintsTo use the VCR before timer recording begins, press POWER onthe remote once.  This turns the programmed recording light offand the VCR on.  If you use POWER on the front panel for thispurpose, press it twice.  Pressing it once turns off the programmedrecording light; pressing it again turns the VCR on.When you are finished using the VCR, turn the VCR power offagain.  Make sure the programmed recording light is back on.After a program has been recorded, the VCR memory of thatprogram is cleared (unless you have scheduled the VCR to recordthe program every day or every week).If there is already a program in the VCR’s memory, you will see theRecap screen when you bring up the menus for programming torecord (unless you are programming with the QUICK PROGRAM).If the VCR’s memory is full, Program memory is full will appear onthe screen.  If so, you must erase a program before you can entera new one.If a tape runs out during timer recording, the VCR ejects the tapeand the programmed recording light ( ) and the cassette light( ) will flash.  Load a new tape and press REC.  Recording willresume.If you forget to load a tape, the programmed recording light ( )and the cassette light ( ) will flash when you turn the VCRpower off.  (A tape without an erasure tab will be ejected.  Tocorrect this, load a tape with its erasure tab intact, and turn off theVCR.)Do not overlap the recording times you enter into the VCR.  If youset two programmed recording times overlap, VCR is alreadyprogrammed for that time will appear on your screen.Remember that the VCR will record over the next section of tape.If you want to save a tape, remove it and instead use a differenttape for a new recording.Your VCR will not record over a tape that has the erasureprevention tab removed.  All rental movies have this tab removed,so they are safe from being accidentally erased.2135468790   RECVCRPOWERRECPOWERTimer Recording
30Auto speed programmingUse auto speed programming if you want to record as much of theprogram as possible in standard play (SP) speed, but you want theVCR to automatically switch to extended play (EP) if there is notenough tape left.Auto speed programming is only available for one program.  In thefirst slot, the recording speed default is AUTO.Make sure that the Tape video function matches the length of tapeyou are using.  See Selecting and adjusting the audio andvideo functions on page 25.At the point where the recording mode changes from standardplay (SP) to extended play (EP), some noise may be in the pictureor sound when playing the tape.Program cautionIf your VCR is set to record, but the power is still ON within 3minutes before timer recording starts, this screen will appear toremind you to turn off the VCR.If the VCR is still turned on 12 seconds before the start time of therecording, that timer recording will be cancelled.TV programs that end on the day afterIf you want to start the recording at 11:00 PM and end it at 2:00AM the next day, simply set the start time to 11:00 PM on therecording start day and the end time to 2:00 AM.  There is no needto change the day of the week.Program skip using menusSometimes you may want to skip one day of a timer recording butdo not want to erase it.  Program skip will prevent the recording,for that day only, of a program you have scheduled to record everyday or every week.1Press MENU on the remote control.  Your VCR will turn onand VCR Main Menu will appear.  Press the ADJUSTbuttons to select Program to record.  Press ENTER.2Recap screen will display for 4 seconds.  While this screenis displayed, press the ADJUST buttons to place the cursorarrow next to the program you wish to skip.3Press STOP.  The cursor arrow will change to a X.4Press MENU twice to exit the menus.To resume recording every day or every week, change the X tothe cursor arrow by following steps 1 to 4 again.¬Program to record   CH DAY   ON      OFF    2 MO12 11:30am  1:30pm SP   10 TH15  9:00pm 10:00pm EPX   2 M-F   8:00am  8:30am SP  --- --    -:--    -:--   SP   Use STOP to skip on/off     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to selectREC in 3 min Turn off VCRprogram caution¬Program to record   CH DAY   ON      OFF    2 MO12 11:30am  1:30pm SP   10 TH15  9:00pm 10:00pm EP§   2 M-F   8:00am  8:30am SP  --- --    -:--    -:--   SP   Use STOP to skip on/off     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to selectTimer Recording
31Program skip using the POWER buttonIf you have entered only one program into your VCR’s memory,you can skip the program without going into the VCR’s menus.Simply press POWER on the front panel once.  The programmedrecording light will turn off, and the program will be skipped.  If youdecide not to skip the program, press POWER on the front paneltwice, the programmed recording light will light up again.Changing timer recording settings1Press MENU on the remote control.  Your VCR will turn onand  VCR Main Menu will appear.  Press the ADJUSTbuttons to select Program to record.  Press ENTER.2Recap screen will display for 4 seconds.  While this screenis displayed, press the ADJUST buttons to place the cursorarrow next to the program you wish to change.  PressENTER.  You will see the Program to record setting menu.3Press ENTER repeatedly to select the item you wish tochange.  Use the ADJUST buttons to change it.  Then pressENTER repeatedly to return the altered program to theRecap screen.4Press MENU twice to exit the menus.  Then press POWERto turn off the VCR.  Make sure the programmed recordinglight is on.Canceling a timer recording before the recording starts1Press MENU on the remote control.  Your VCR will turn onand VCR Main Menu will appear on your screen.  Use theADJUST buttons on the remote control to select Program torecord.  Press ENTER.2Recap screen will display for 4 seconds.  While this screenis displayed, press the ADJUST buttons to place the cursornext to the program you wish to cancel.3Press CANCEL.  The program is erased.4Press MENU twice to exit the menus.TIMER RESETyou can use TIMER RESET on the rear panel to erase both theclock and all timer recordings.To use TIMER RESET, press it with a pencil or a ball point pen.The power will turn off and the clock will be cleared.  All timerrecordings are erased.If you have set the Clock set setting of the Set the clock menu toAUTO, the auto clock function will automatically set the clockagain.Additionally, TIMER RESET will reset the on-screen language youselected.  The next time you set the menus, you will have to selectthe on-screen language.¬Program to record   CH DAY   ON      OFF§   2 MO12 11:30am  1:30pm SP  --- --    -:--    -:--   SP  --- --    -:--    -:--   SP  --- --    -:--    -:--   SP       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to selectRecap screenTimer Recording¬Program to record  ƒChannel                2  ƒDay            Monday 12  ƒStart time         11:30am  ƒStop  time          1:30pm  ƒRecord speed        EP       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select¬Program to record   CH DAY   ON      OFF§   2 MO12 11:30am  1:30pm SP  --- --    -:--    -:--   SP  --- --    -:--    -:--   SP  --- --    -:--    -:--   SP       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to selectRecap screenVCR Rear PanelTIMER RESETTIMER RESET
32Memory backupIf the VCR is without power for 3 minutes or less, it will retain theclock and the programmed settings.  The VCR must have beenplugged in for at least an hour beforehand to charge this backup.If the power is lost for more than 3 minutes, the time and theprogrammed settings will be lost.If you have set the Auto Clock set setting of the Set the clockmenu to ON, the auto clock function will automatically set the clockagain when power is restored.Timer Recording
331Connect the audio cable to AUDIO OUT Land R on the playback VCR and to AUDIOIN L and R on the HS-U747.  If the playbackVCR is mono, use only the AUDIO IN L onthe HS-U747.2If the playback VCR is standard VHS,connect a video cable to VIDEO OUT on theplayback VCR and to the VIDEO IN on theHS-U747.If the playback VCR is S-VHS, connect anS-video cable to S-VIDEO OUT on theplayback VCR and to the S-VIDEO IN onthe HS-U747 rear panel.3If the playback VCR is Hi-Fi, set the audiomonitor to Stereo.4Use INPUT to set the HS-U747 to ExternalL1 if you used the HS-U747 rear paneljacks, or External L2 if you used the HS-U747 front panel jacks.Using Two VCRs to CopyThere are two basic ways to make a copy of a tape.One way is to use the HS-U747 to record and another VCR for playback.The other way is to use another VCR to record and use the HS-U747 for playback.Regardless of which method you may choose, you will need one RCA audio cable and one S-video cableto connect the two VCRs.  You can use either a standard RCA video cable or an S-video cable.  If you donot have these cables, they are available at your local electronics dealer.  The highest quality is achievedthrough an S-video cable.RAUDIOVIDEORL/MONOIN  1IN  1S-VIDEOIN  1LRLPLAYBACKRECORDINGAUDIO IN  1 L/MONO AUDIO IN  1 RS-VIDEO IN  1AUDIO OUT RS-VIDEO OUTAUDIO OUT LVIDEO OUTVIDEO IN  1HS-U747Using the HS-U747 to record from another VCREditing Features5Put a blank tape into the HS-U747.  If youare recording in S-VHS, be sure to use an S-VHS tape.Make sure that the S-VHS record or S-ETrecord in the S-VHS Set-Up menu is setcorrectly.  See page 21, SelectingRecording format.If you connect playback VCR to the HS-U747rear panel, make sure that the Rear S-inputin the S-VHS Set-Up menu is set correctly.See page 21, Selecting S-input Setting.6Put the tape you want to copy into theplayback VCR and find the cue point.  PressSTOP if the picture starts playing.7On the HS-U747, press REC, then PAUSE.8On the playback VCR, press PLAY, thenPAUSE.9Press the PAUSE buttons on both VCRs atthe same time to begin copying the tape.10 When finished, press STOP on both VCRs.
34HS-U747ROUTAUDIOLRVIDEOOUTS-VIDEOOUTLRLRECORDINGPLAYBACKAUDIO OUT LAUDIO OUT RS-VIDEO OUTAUDIO IN RS-VIDEO INAUDIO IN LVIDEO INVIDEO OUTUsing the HS-U747 to playback to another VCR1Connect one stereo audio cable to AUDIOIN L and R on the recording VCR, and toAUDIO OUT L and R on the HS-U747.  If theother VCR is mono, you need a Y-adapter torecord both audio channels.2If the recording VCR is standard VHS,connect a yellow video cable to VIDEO INon the recording VCR and to VIDEO OUTon the HS-U747.If the recording VCR is S-VHS, connect anS-video cable to S-VIDEO IN on therecording VCR and to S-VIDEO OUT on theHS-U747.3Set the audio monitor on the HS-U747 toStereo.  You should set the PerfecTapeSelect in the audio and video function toNormal to improve the quality of your copy.See Selecting and adjusting the audioand video functions on page 25.4Set the input of the recording VCR toExternal.5Put a blank tape into the recording VCR.  Ifthe recording VCR is an S-VHS VCR, besure to use an S-VHS tape.6Put the tape you want to copy into theHS-U747 and find the cue point.7On the recording VCR, press REC, thenPAUSE.8On the HS-U747, press PLAY, then PAUSE.9Press the PAUSE buttons on both VCRs atthe same time to begin copying the tape.10 Press STOP on both VCRs when you arefinished.Editing Features
35Advanced Playback ControlsSpecial effectsYou can use FF and REW on the front panel, or the I\ and ^Ion the remote to control the playback speed of the tape.Using the FF and REW on the front panel to control the playbackspeed1While the VCR is playing a tape, press PAUSE to freeze thepicture.2Press the FF or REW on the front panel.  Each press of FFchanges the playback speed by one step in the forwarddirection.  Each press of REW changes the speed by one stepin the reverse direction.  (See the chart below.)3To resume normal playback, press PLAY.Using the I\\\\\ and ^^^^^I on the remote to control the playback speed1While the VCR is playing a tape, press I\ or ^I on theremote control.  Each press of ^I changes the playbackspeed by one step in the forward direction.  Each press of I\changes the speed by one step in the reverse direction.  (Seethe chart below.)2To resume normal playback, press PLAY.After about 5 minutes in the still or slow-motion mode, the VCR willautomatically stop to avoid damage to the tape.  The picture mayvibrate vertically when you pause the VCR’s picture.Still adjustmentSometimes during still frame, the picture may vibrate or shake.  Tocorrect this problem, press CHANNEL on the front panel until thevibration is reduced or stops.  Side-to-side vibration cannot becorrected.CHANNEL2135468790INDEXREW FF1/30 reverse slow-motion playback1/10 reverse slow-motion playback1/5 reverse slow-motion playbackReverse playbackReverse speed searchReverse high speed search Reverse fast playback Press FF on the front panelor ^| on the remote controlPress REW on the front panel     or |\ on the remote controlHigh speed search Speed searchFast playback1/5 slow-motion playback1/10 slow-motion playback1/30 slow-motion playbackStillPlaybackAdvanced Features
36Double speed playbackYou can see the contents of the videotape in double speedplayback.1While the VCR is playing a tape, press X2.  You’ll see thepicture in double speed playback.  The sound will be muted.  Acertain amount of noise in the picture is normal.2To resume normal playback, press PLAY.Adjusting the Trackingautomatic trackingWhen you start playback of a newly inserted tape, your VCRautomatically adjusts the tape to give you the best quality picture.A certain amount of “noise” in the picture or sound is normal whilethe VCR is tracking a tape.manual trackingFrom time to time, you might play a tape that has excess noise inthe picture, often looking like vibration or interference at the top orbottom of the screen.  To correct the picture, you have to manuallytrack the tape.1While the tape is playing, press CHANNEL on the front paneluntil the picture is clear of excess noise.2To continue automatic tracking, press both front panelCHANNEL at the same time.  Automatic tracking will alsoresume when you eject the tape.slow trackingSlow tracking is used to adjust the playback quality during slowmotion playback and still frame.  You can only use slow tracking ifyour tape was recorded in extended play (EP) speed.  To adjustthe slow tracking, put a tape into slow motion, then press CHAN-NEL on the front panel until the best picture is obtained.2135468790X2CHANNELAdvanced Features
37Time CounterYour VCR has a time counter that shows the amount of time thetape has run in hours, minutes, and seconds.  This counter isuseful when you want to find specific points on a tape.  Thecounter will not work when playing blank tapes or on blank sectionsof tape, or when the VCR’s power is make the time counter appear:Press DISPLAY.  The time counter will appear on the TV screen.  Itwill disappear after 4 seconds when playing a tape.  To turn off thedisplay, press DISPLAY twice.setting the counterTo set the counter to “0h00m00s,” press CANCEL on the remotecontrol.You cannot reset the counter if you are using the VCR’s menus.The counter will reset to “- h - - m - - s” when you eject a tape.When you load a tape again, the counter will display “0h00m00s”.Searching TechniquesYour VCR lets you search through a tape in a number of ways.These include:Quick search (CM skip) -- 30 second intervalsSpeed search -- visually searchCounter zero stop -- direct to start of recordingIndex search -- find specific index pointsSearch to blank -- find the beginning of the blank sectionQuick search (CM skip)Quick search lets you skip over the tape you are playing in about30 second intervals.  It is designed so that you can quickly speedthrough any commercials you may have recorded.  To do this:1Make sure that you have set the VCR/TV slide switch on theremote control to the VCR position.2While playing a tape, choose the desired search time bypressing a number button.The VCR will speed through the selected length of tape, thenresume playback.  This screen will show the search time and thegauge.  Each mark on the gauge represents 15 seconds.  Themarks will disappear, one by one, every 15 seconds of the searchtime.   You can select a search time up to 3 minutes.CM Skip3m00s§§§§§§§§§§§§NumberbuttonSearchtime12345630 sec. 1 min. 1 min.30 sec. 2 min. 2 min.30 sec. 3 min.Advanced FeaturesVCRStop⁄‡‚‡‡‡‡‡‡‹ REM  1:40  0h20m08sRecord mode:S-VHSTime counter
38Speed searchUse speed search to visually search through the contents of avideotape.1While playing a tape, press FF or REW on the front panel or onthe remote control.  You will see the picture as it fast forwardsor rewinds.  Noise bars may appear in the pictures.2If you press FF or REW and hold it down for about 1 second,the search speed will increase.3To resume normal playback, press FF or REW again quickly, orpress PLAY.IMPORTANTThe fastest search speed that allows you to see the pictureis about 30 times normal speed.  It is normal for thenumber of noise bars on the screen to increase and rollfrom top to bottom as the visual search speed increases.Using speed search for long stretches of tape may causethe video heads to become dirty faster.The fastest way to move through the tape is without apicture, which allows you to search up to 500 times normalspeed.  To do this, press STOP, then FF or REW.  If youpress and hold FF or REW for more than 2 seconds, thesearch speed will slow to 330 times normal speed.In order to protect your tapes and the VCR heads, the FastForwarding/Rewinding Speed will be slower than 500xunder the following conditions:1 Use of tapes shorter in length than T-120 (for example,T-30, T-60, T-90).2 Activating fast forwarding or rewinding from the middleof the tape.Counter zero stopCounter zero stop allows you to quickly access the beginning of arecorded or playback section of a tape.  The counter zero stop willautomatically fast forward or rewind the tape to “0h00m00s” andstop.1Press CANCEL on the remote control at the point you wish tolocate later.  The counter will reset to “0h00m00s”.2When you wish to return to the point specified in step 1, pressAUDIO/VIDEO on the remote control.  The function menuappears on your screen.  Press AUDIO/VIDEO until theCounter zero stop function appears.3Press ENTER to start the counter zero stop.The VCR will automatically search to the counter “0h00m00s” andthen stop.  The VCR may stop slightly before or after the counter“0h00m00s”.2135468790REWFFSTOPAdvanced FeaturesVCRCounter zero stopUse ENTER to start
39Index searchIndex search is a way to find specific points on a tape.  Beforeusing index search, index marks are placed at specific places on atape.  Index search is used to find these marks.  Index marks areadded automatically whenever your VCR starts a new recording;you can also add index marks manually at any point duringrecording.automatic index marksWhenever recording is begun from the STOP mode, an index markis automatically added to the tape.  A message will indicate that themark is being recorded.Index marks are not added when you press PAUSE or REC tobegin recording from the record-pause mode.manual index marksTo add an index mark yourself, press REC on the remote controlwhile a tape is recording.Index marks must be added at least one minute apart.1When the tape is stopped, press INDEX ^I to begin aforward search; press INDEX I\ to search in reverse.  TheVCR will fast forward or rewind and index search displayappears on the TV.Once the VCR finds an index mark, it will begin playing backthe tape from that point.2You can press INDEX ^I or INDEX I\ buttons up to 19times to search for that many index marks.  For example, tofind the third index mark ahead, press INDEX ^I three times.The on-screen display will count down the number of markspassed before playback begins.3To cancel index search, press PLAY or STOP.Advanced Features2135468790INDEXSTOP   RECVCR Lookingfor index+ 1⁄‡‚‡‡‡‡‡‡‹ REM  1:40  0h20m08s
40repeat playbackYou can playback a section of tape over and over using repeatplayback.  The tape will play until the next index mark, rewind tothe previous index mark, and resume playing.  If there is only oneindex mark on the tape, then the VCR will play or rewind to thatmark and resume playback.  If there is no index mark, the entirecassette will repeat.1Press AUDIO/VIDEO on the remote control to display thefunction menu.  Press AUDIO/VIDEO until the Repeat playfunction appears.2To start the playback, press ENTER.When the VCR encounters the next mark or the end of thetape, it will automatically rewind to the previous mark and beginplayback again.The VCR will also search for a blank section of tape.  If theVCR encounters any blank sections longer than 4 seconds inlength, the repeat playback will begin.3Press STOP to cancel the repeat.Search to blankThis feature allows you to find the end point of the recorded part ofthe tape.  The VCR will stop automatically at the beginning of theblank section of a tape.1Press AUDIO/VIDEO on the remote control to display thefunction menu.  Press AUDIO/VIDEO until the Search to blankfunction appears.2To start the search, press ENTER.When the VCR encounters the blank section of a tape, it willautomatically stop.IMPORTANTThis feature may not work correctly when the end point ofthe recorded part is within 5 minutes in SP mode (15minutes in EP mode) from the current position.VCRRepeat playUse ENTER to startAdvanced FeaturesVCRSearch to blankUse ENTER to start
41Displaying the Time Gauge and theRemaining TimeThe time gauge is a graphic representation of your position on avideo tape.  The left side of the gauge is the tape start (S), and theright side is the tape end (E).  For a T-120 length tape played atstandard (SP) speed, each mark on the gauge represents about 15minutes.  The remaining time display shows the time, in hours andminutes, left until the end of a tape.the time gauge and the remaining time automatically appearduring:fast forward and rewind (from a stopped tape)counter zero stopindex searchesrewinding for repeat playbackTurn off the time gauge and the remaining time by pressingDISPLAY make the time gauge and the remaining time appear:Press DISPLAY once.  The time gauge and remaining time appearon the TV screen.  They disappear after 4 seconds when playing atape.To turn off the display, press DISPLAY twice.IMPORTANTThe time gauge and remaining time work by detectingcontrol signals on recorded tapes.  Therefore they do notfunction while playing blank tapes.The remaining time display may not show the correct remainingtime if the Tape function is incorrectly set, if you are using speedsearch, if you are using a special length cassette (such as T-10length), or if you are using an S-VHS-C or a VHS-C tape with anadapter. The remaining time display may not work correctlydepending on your tape.Displaying the Current TimeThe current time is shown on the front panel display or the TVscreen.  If you have not set the clock, or if there has been a powerfailure of longer than 3 minutes, the display will show - : - -.To see the current time on the TV screen:1Press DISPLAY twice.  The remaining time display will bereplaced by the current time.2To turn off the current time, press DISPLAY again.VCRStop⁄‡‚‡‡‡‡‡‡‹ REM  1:40  0h20m08sRecord mode:S-VHSTime gaugeRemaining time displayVCRStop⁄‡‚‡‡‡‡‡‡‹Sun  8:30p  0h20m08sRecord mode:S-VHSCurrent time displayAdvanced FeaturesVCRPMPWR.Current time display
42Customize Choices MenuIn the Customize Choices menu, there are 5 options that you canset.  For each of the 5 options, start with these 2 steps:1Press MENU on the remote control.  VCR Main Menu appearson your TV.2Use the ADJUST buttons on the remote to select Customizechoices.  Press ENTER.Video muteWhen you turn video mute ON, any blank section of tape or manystations with a weak signal will be replaced by a blue screen.  Thesound will also be turned off.  When you would like to try to tune inon a weak station, turn video mute OFF.3Complete steps 1 and 2 above.  Customize choices menuappears.  Use the ADJUST buttons to select Video mute.Press ENTER to set video mute to ON or OFF.4Press MENU twice to exit the menus.IMPORTANTVideo mute function may not work properly when youplayback a section of a tape where only audio signals arerecording.Auto power save (auto-off)When the Auto Power Save feature is turned on, the VCR willautomatically turn off after remaining idle for 30 minutes.  If acontrol, such as a menu function or channel selection, is used or ifthere is a tape playing or being recorded, the VCR will remain on.3Complete steps 1 and 2 above.  Customize choices menuappears.  Use the ADJUST buttons to select Auto power save.Press ENTER to set to ON.4Press MENU twice to exit the menus.IMPORTANTWhen viewing broadcast stations through the VCR,3minutes>Power off will appear on the TV screen threeminutes before the VCR power turns off.  The display willcount down the number of minutes until the VCR turns off.If you want to continue using the VCR, press any of thebuttons.√Customize choices  ƒVideo mute          ON  OFF  ƒAuto power save     ON  OFF  ƒRF converter        ON  OFF  ƒAuto PerfecTape     ON  OFF  ƒRental Xpress       ON  OFF       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to change     ∑ ππADJUST to selectªVCR Main Menu                  Your choices are:  ¬Program to record  √Customize choices  »S-VHS Set-Up  ƒFirst Time Set-Up       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to select√Customize choices  ƒVideo mute          ON  OFF  ƒAuto power save     ON  OFF  ƒRF converter        ON  OFF  ƒAuto PerfecTape     ON  OFF  ƒRental Xpress       ON  OFF       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to change     ∑ ππADJUST to selectAdvanced Features
43RF converterIf your TV has audio and video inputs, turn the RF converter OFF.If your TV does not have audio and video inputs, keep the RFconverter set to ON.  It is preset by the factory to ON.3Complete steps 1 and 2 on the previous page.  Customizechoices menu appears.  Use the ADJUST buttons to select RFconverter.  Press ENTER to select ON or OFF.4Press MENU twice to exit the menus.IMPORTANTIf the RF converter is set to ON, you aren’t required topress VCR/TV to play a tape or to use VCR menus.  TheVCR light will automatically light up when you press PLAYor MENU.  Be sure to set the TV to the video channel (Seepage 9).PerfecTape®PerfecTape® is an exclusive Mitsubishi feature that tests the qualityof video tapes you will record on.  After each test, the VCR willadjust its internal circuitry in order to make the best possiblerecording on your tape.setting up Auto PerfecTapeYou can set up PerfecTape® to function two ways.If you want the VCR to automatically test any non-recorded tapeswhen the tape is loaded, set Auto PerfecTape to ON.If you do not want the VCR to automatically test tapes, select OFF.PerfecTape® will now function only when you start a test.  Any tapewith the erasure prevention tab intact can be manually tested.It will not automatically test recorded tapes – you must choose totest those yourself.3Complete steps 1 and 2 on the previous page.  Customizechoices menu appears.  Use the ADJUST buttons to selectAuto PerfecTape.4Press ENTER to set Auto PerfecTape to ON or OFF.5Press MENU twice to exit the menus.using PerfecTape® automatically1Load a tape that has not been recorded into the VCR.The VCR will display the testing status screen.  When testing, theVCR records for one second, then evaluates the recording it made.The entire test takes about 8 seconds.  If you wish to cancel thetest, press STOP on the remote.When the test is done, the VCR will display the rating of your tapefor 8 seconds, indicating that the VCR has set its internal circuitryto make the best possible recording on this tape.√Customize choices  ƒVideo mute          ON  OFF  ƒAuto power save     ON  OFF  ƒRF converter        ON  OFF  ƒAuto PerfecTape     ON  OFF  ƒRental Xpress       ON  OFF       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to change     ∑ ππADJUST to select         PerfecTape:SP    Band   S-ET record: ON    High  ¤°°°°°°°°°‡‡‡‡‡‡‡›      Mid.  ¤°°°°°°°°°°°‡‡‡‡‡›    Low   ¤°°°°°°°°°°°‡‡‡‡‡›          Test is completed.√Customize choices  ƒVideo mute          ON  OFF  ƒAuto power save     ON  OFF  ƒRF converter        ON  OFF  ƒAuto PerfecTape     ON  OFF  ƒRental Xpress       ON  OFF       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to change     ∑ ππADJUST to selectAdvanced Features
44If you would like to know whether your VHS tape is suitable for S-ET recording, set the S-ET record in the S-VHS Set Up menu toAUTO then test the VHS tape.  If the tape is suitable, S-ET record:ON is shown on the screen and the tape will record in S-ET mode.If it is not suitable for S-ET recording, S-ET record: OFF is shownon the screen and the tape will record in VHS format.using PerfecTape® manually1Load a tape that has its erasure prevention tab intact into theVCR.2Find a portion of the tape that is OK to record over; this featurewill record over one second of your tape.3Press AUDIO/VIDEO on the remote control.  Function menuappears.  Press AUDIO/VIDEO until the PerfecTape functionappears.4Press ENTER on the remote to begin the test.  To cancel thetest while testing, press STOP on the remote.When the test is finished, the VCR will display the rating of yourtape for 8 seconds.  Turn off the display by pressing STOP on theremote control.If you would like to know whether your VHS tape is suitable for S-ET recording, set the S-ET record in the S-VHS Set Up menu toAUTO then test the VHS tape.  If the tape is suitable, S-ET record:ON is shown on the screen and the tape will record in S-ET mode.If it is not suitable for S-ET recording, S-ET record: OFF is shownon the screen and the tape will record in VHS format.If you wish to erase the settings, eject the tape.  The settings willbe erased if you press TIMER RESET or if the VCR loses power.After the test is finished, the PerfecTape function will not appearunless the tape is ejected.Rental XpressRental Xpress is a feature, when activated, that will automaticallyrewind the tape to the beginning, eject and power off the VCR,after it has reached the blank section of 30 seconds or longer onany rental tape (or any tape with the erasure prevention tabremoved).  To activate this feature:3Complete steps 1 and 2 on page 42.  Customize choices menuappears.4Press the ADJUST buttons to select Rental Xpress.  PressENTER to select ON or OFF.5Press MENU twice to exit the menus.IMPORTANTWhile the VCR is rewinding to the beginning of the tape,you cannot use repeat playback, counter zero stop andindex search.VCRPerfecTapeUse ENTER to start√Customize choices  ƒVideo mute          ON  OFF  ƒAuto power save     ON  OFF  ƒRF converter        ON  OFF  ƒAuto PerfecTape     ON  OFF  ƒRental Xpress       ON  OFF       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to change     ∑ ππADJUST to selectAdvanced Features
45Advanced OptionsUsing the remote control to operate your TVThe HS-U747 remote control can operate many of the frequently-used functions of your TV.  You only need one remote to operateboth your VCR and TV.The HS-U747 remote control is pre-set to operate Mitsubishitelevisions, but it can also operate TVs from other manufacturers.To set your remote control for your particular brand of television,follow these instructions.setting up your remote control to operate your TV1Turn off your TV.2On the HS-U747 remote control, set the VCR/TV slide switch tothe TV position.3While holding in SP/EP, press the code button listed thatcorresponds to the brand of your TV.4Press TV POWER on the HS-U747 remote control.  Once yourTV has turned on, your remote is set up to operate your brandof TV.If your TV does not turn on, repeat step 3 using the next codelisted for the brand of your TV.If none of the codes listed for the brand of your TV work, thenrepeat step 3 several times, using a different code button until oneworks.  The possible code buttons are: 0, 1-9, MUTE, VOLUMEª,º, CHANNELª,º and INPUT.You do not need to perform this set-up again until you change thebatteries, set up your remote for another brand of television, or youget a new TV.Once you have correctly set your remote control to operate yourTV, you will be able to use the TV POWER, CHANNEL, VOLUME,and number buttons to operate your TV.IMPORTANTBecause of variations among models, some or all buttonsmay not work, or they may operate different functions thanexpected for your particular TV.  If this occurs, you mayneed to use your TV remote control.Sometimes manufacturers will change the remote controlcodes for their products, or they will use more than onecode.  If this is the case, your remote may not be able tocontrol your TV.When you replace the batteries in your remote, the remotemay return to its initial setting (code button 1).  Repeat thesteps above to reset your remote control.  If you enter anew code, the previous code will be erased.MitsubishiFisherG.E.GoldstarHitachiJVCMagnavoxNECPanasonicPioneerPhilipsProscanQuasarRCASanyoSharpSonyToshibaZenith1, 2, 30VOLUME ª2, 98MUTE42, 9CHANNELª,º64VOLUME ªCHANNELºVOLUMEª 03, 5VOLUMEº7INPUTBrand of TV Brand codebuttonsAdvanced Features
46operating your TV with the HS-U747 remote control1Set the VCR/TV slide switch to TV position on the HS-U747remote control to tell the remote that you want to operate the TV.2Point the remote control towards the TV and press the desiredbuttons.  To once again control the VCR, set the VCR/TV slideswitch to VCR position.To program the HS-U747 to respond to VCR-B signalsThe HS-U747 has two remote control operational settings, VCR-Aand VCR-B.  Both signals are available so that you may separatelycontrol two Mitsubishi VCRs that are placed closely together.However, the remote control for the HS-U747 will only send VCR-Asignals.  By setting the HS-U747 to respond to VCR-B signals, youwill NOT be able to operate the HS-U747 using the remote controlthat came with this VCR.  Other selected Mitsubishi VCR remotesand TV remotes are capable of sending both VCR-A and program the HS-U747 to respond to VCR-B signals1Make sure the HS-U747 is plugged in but turned off.  On theVCR front panel, press REC SPEED and REW at the sametime.  To confirm that the VCR responds to VCR-B signals, bappears on the front panel reprogram the HS-U747 to respond to VCR-A signals again1Make sure the HS-U747 is plugged in but turned off.  On theVCR front panel, press SP/EP and FF at the same time.  Toconfirm that the VCR responds to VCR-A signals, A appears onthe front panel display.Child LockThe child lock feature prevents others from using your VCR.  Tolock the VCR:1Press and hold down DISPLAY on the remote control for about8 seconds.  “LOC” will appear on the front panel display for 4seconds.  When the child lock feature is in use, LOC displaywill reappear when you press any of the buttons.2To cancel the child lock, press and hold down DISPLAY forabout 8 seconds.The LOC display will reappear when DISPLAY is pressed, andwhen you hold down this button, it will go out to show the childlock is cancelled.IMPORTANTYou can lock the VCR with the power off, even if the VCRis standing by for a programmed recording.  If you lock theVCR with no cassette in it, the VCR will not accept acassette.  To unload the accidentally loaded tape while theVCR is off and child lock is in use, press TIMER RESET onthe rear panel to cancel the child lock.REW FFREC SPEEDSP/EPAdvanced Features2135468790VCRTV
47Remote ControlVCR POWERTurns the VCR on or off.  If you have programmedthe VCR to record, you need to turn the VCR off.EJECTEjects a tape.CHANNEL Up and DownSelects next higher or lower channel in the VCR’sor TV’s channel memory.VOLUME Up and DownRaises and lowers the sound of the TV.(Operates the TV only)TV POWERTurns the TV on or off.  You need to program yourremote to operate your particular brand of television.MUTETurns off the TV sound.  Press again to restore theTV sound to its previous volume. (Operates the TVonly)Number keysSelects TV stations.Sets quick search (CM skip) time.QUICK PROGRAMGoes to Program to record menu.Exits the programming screen.INPUTSelect between the antenna and any other videoequipment that may be connected.PLAY Plays a tape.2135468790CHANNELEJECT MUTEVOLUMEVCRPOWER TVPOWERCM SKIPQUICK PROGRAMINPUTPLAYSTOPREW FFDISPLAYPAUSEX2   RECINDEXAUDIO/VIDEOMENUVCR/TV SP/EPADJUSTCANCEL ENTERADJUSTVCRTVSTOP Stops a tape.REW Rewinds a tape or reverse searches.FF Fast forwards a tape or fast forward searches.VCR/TV slide switchOperates the VCR when set to the VCR position, theTV when set to the TV position.  You need toprogram your remote to operate your particularbrand of television. RECStarts recording.  While recording, adds manualindex mark.PAUSE Pauses a tape when recording.Freezes a frame when playing a tape.DISPLAYDisplays on the TV screen:• Time elapsed on the tape• Time left on the tape, current time• Channel number and audio reception mode• Audio channel(s) selected• Source supplying the VCR with a signal• If the VCR is stopped, playing, or recordingTurns the Child Lock on and off.X2Use double speed playback when playing a tape.INDEX   I\\\\\, ^^^^^IBegins index search forward and backward.Controls the playback speed of a tape.AUDIO/VIDEOSelects the audio and video settings to be adjusted.MENUDisplays the menus.  Exits the menus.CANCELCancels menu selections.Resets the counter display to “0h00m00s.”ADJUST +, –Selects and adjusts menu selections.ENTEREnters menu selections.VCR/TVSwitches between the VCR’s picture and the TV’stuner.SP/EPChanges the recording speed.  (SP is standardplay; EP is extended play).Location of Controls
48    REC LENGTH    START TIMEOTR2CHANNELREC SPEEDSP/EPPOWER EJECTVIDEO IN    L/MONO - AUDIO IN     - RREW FFPLAYSTOP RECPAUSEcassette slotfront panel displayremote controlsensorvideo input 2 jackaudio input 2 jacksCHANNELChanges channels.Adjusts tracking and picture vibration.REW Rewinds a tape or reverse searches.PLAY Plays a tape.Resumes normal playback from special effects. FFFast forwards a tape or fast forward searches. STOPStops a tape. PAUSE/%%%%%START TIMEPauses a tape when recording.Freezes a frame when playing a tape.Sets the start time in OTR2 recording. REC/˙˙˙˙˙REC LENGTHRecords to the end of the tape by pressing once.Sets the recording time for OTR recording bypressing repeatedly.POWERTurns the VCR on or off.If you have programmed your VCR to record, turnoff your VCR. EJECTEjects a tape.REC SPEED  SP/EPChanges the recording speed (SP is standardplay; EP is extended play).video input ˙˙˙˙˙ jackConnect source here, such as a VCR orcamcorder, to record or dub input ˙˙˙˙˙ jacksConnect source here, such as a VCR orcamcorder, to record or dub audio.cassette slotInsert the video cassette tape here.front panel displaySee the next page.remote control sensorReceives signals from the remote control.Do not block it.Front PanelLocation of Controls
49OUTAUDIOLRANTENNAOUTINVIDEORL/MONOTIMER RESETOUTIN  1IN  1S-VIDEOOUT IN  1Rear Panel JacksAUDIO INput and OUTput jacksRed and white jacks for receiving (IN) and sending(OUT) audio signals.  Red signifies the rightchannel, and white signifies the left channel.Stereo audio cables are also color coded red andwhite.  If you are receiving or sending a mono(non-stereo) signal, you should use only the left(white) terminal.VIDEO INput and OUTput jacksYellow jacks for receiving (IN) and sending (OUT)video signals to a monitor TV or from anotherVCR.  The black jacks marked with “S-VIDEO”can be used to connect televisions with S-Videojacks.  (“S-Video jack” refers to a SeparatedLuminance-Chrominance (Y/C) jacks thatconforms to the NTSC signal.)TIMER RESETErases all programmed recording settings andresets the clock.  Use this button with care.ANTENNA IN jackAttach an external antenna or cable to bring in anoutside signal.ANTENNA OUT jackAttach a coaxial cable to your TV to send outantenna/cable signals from the VCR to your TV.POWER light :   PWR.Is lit when power is ON.VCR light :   VCRIndicates that the picture is controlled by the VCR.Cassette light :   Lights up when a tape is in the VCR.time displayThis area displays:• current time• OTR and OTR2 timerVCRRECPMPWR.Front Panel DisplayLocation of ControlsRecord light :   RECLights up when the VCR is recording.Flashes when the VCR is in recording pausemode.Programmed recording light :   Lights up when VCR is off and it is programmed torecord.PM light :   PMLights up when the current time or start time ofOTR2 is in the afternoon.Turns off when it is in the morning.
50Important InformationSpecial Information Concerning Stationary Images or Letterbox Images:For best performance and longest life, the normal use of a TV should include a mixture of TV picture types.The most frequently used picture types should fill the screen with constantly moving images rather thanstationary images or patterns.  Displaying the same stationary patterns over extended periods of time, ordisplaying the same stationary patterns frequently, can cause uneven aging of the TV picture tubes andleave a subtle, but permanent, ghost image.  Most TV warranties do not cover this type of damage to thepicture tubes.  To avoid this, mix your viewing pattern.  Do not show the same stationary image for morethan 15% of your total TV viewing in any one week.  Display constantly moving and changing images thatfill the screen whenever possible.  We also recommend that you reduce the contrast setting of your TVwhen you watch that type of image.  When possible, you may wish to use your  television’s PIP, POP,ZOOM, EXPAND or other picture shape controls so that the moving images fill the screen.Please check your TV’s owner’s guide for other recommendations.Examples of stationary images include:•Letterbox top/bottom bars.  These are solid colored bars that when showing a widescreen (16:9)image on a standard (4:3) TV.•Side panels.  These are the solid colored side bars when showing standard shaped (4:3) TV images ona widescreen (16:9) TV.•Stock-market report bars.  These include the ticker bar constantly running at the bottom of the TVscreen on financial news channels.•Shopping channel logos & pricing displays.  These include bright graphics that are shown constantlyor repeatedly in the same location.•Video game patterns and scoreboards.•Bright station logos.  Moving or low-contrast graphics are less likely to cause uneven aging of thepicture tubes.•On-line (internet) web sites.  In addition, any other stationary of repetitive computer style images fromany source may cause uneven aging of the picture tubes.
51Trouble ChecksIf your VCR malfunctions, try the following steps prior to contacting your Mitsubishi Dealer:1Check the Trouble Checks below to see if there is a solution to the current problem that you areexperiencing.2If the problem is not addressed on the Trouble Checks, the safety circuits in the VCR may be inoperation, thus please try the following: (the clock setting and the timer recording will be deleted.)1 If possible, press EJECT on the front panel and remove the tape.2 Press TIMER RESET on the rear panel with a pencil or a ball point pen.3 If a tape is not loaded, press POWER to turn the power on.  If a tape is loaded, wait about 1minute until the tape protecting function is completed, then press POWER.3You may also try the following procedure if the above steps did not resolve the problem.  (Allsettings will be reset to the default settings.)1 Press POWER on the front panel continuously for about 8 seconds until the current time displayon the front panel shows “- : - -”.2 If a tape is not loaded, press POWER to turn the power on.  If a tape is loaded, the tapeprotecting function will work and “99” will appear on the front panel display to begin count down.Wait about 1 minute until it reaches “00” to show the tape protecting function is completed, thenpress POWER.If the problem with your VCR persists, contact your Mitsubishi dealer for assistance.ProblemThe VCR won’t turn on.The VCR power is on but nocontrols work.You can’t see the VCR’s pictureon your TV.Poor picture when watching theVCR’s tuner on your TV.VCR REC button doesn’tfunction.No picture during recording.VCR does not record TVprogram.Try This...• Check the power cord and the AC outlet.• Is the child lock in use?  If so, press and hold DISPLAY on the remotefor more than 8 seconds until the LOC display turns off.• Is the child lock in use?  If so, press and hold DISPLAY on the remotefor more than 8 seconds until the LOC display turns off.• Set the VCR/TV slide switch to VCR position.• Press TIMER RESET on the rear panel.• Check the TV’s input setting.• Check to see that your VCR is not set to External L1 or External L2.• Check to see if your TV is set to the correct channel or input.• Check your TV’s fine tuning, if using an older TV.• Check your connections to make sure they are secure.• Check the erasure prevention tab on the tape cassette.• Check the hook-up.• Check to see if your TV is set to the correct channel or input.• Check the VCR tuning.• Check the input selection on the VCR.  Does the channel display onthe TV screen show External L1 or External L2? If so, switch it totuner by pressing INPUT.
52Try This...• Check that the programmed recording light lights up in the front paneldisplay.• Check the clock time.• Make sure you have turned the VCR off before the start time.• Check the tracking control.  Adjust manually if necessary.• Check the monitor settings.• Check the quality of the video tape.• Try automatic head cleaning.• Clean the video heads using a dry-type video head cleaning cassette.Do not use a wet-type cleaning cassette, as it may damage yourVCR.  Excessive use of a cleaning cassette could shorten head life.Follow the cleaning instructions carefully.• Have the VCR video heads cleaned by a qualified service technician.• Check that VCR operational setting is set to VCR-A.• Check to see that the VCR/TV slide switch is set to the correctposition.• Change the batteries.• In order to protect your tapes and the VCR heads, the FastForwarding/Rewinding Speed will be slower than 500x under thefollowing conditions:1 Use of tapes shorter in length than T-120 (for example, T-30, T-60,T-90).2 Activating fast forwarding or rewinding from the middle of the tape.ProblemThe VCR timer recording doesnot operate.Noise in the picture anddistorted sound.Poor or no Hi-Fi sound.Playback is noisy or “snowy”.VCR remote does not function.The fast forwarding/rewindingspeed is slow.Trouble Checks
53FORMAT S-VHS/VHS NTSC standard with Hi-Fi audioVIDEO SIGNAL SYSTEM EIA standard; NTSC colorRECORD/PLAYBACK SYSTEM Video -- 4 headsAudio -- 2 Hi-Fi channels  and 1 monaural audio controlANTENNA 75-ohm external VHF/UHF combined antenna terminalTUNER 181 channels capabilityVHF -- Channels 2 - 13UHF -- Channels 14 - 69CATV -- Channels 1-125HORIZONTAL RESOLUTION S-VHS -- more than 400 lines (SP, EP)VHS -- more than 220 lines (SP), more than 210 lines (EP)SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO S-VHS -- more than 43 dB  (SP, EP)VHS -- more than 45 dB  (SP), more than 46 dB  (EP)COMB FILTER Digital dynamicTIMER PROGRAM CAPACITY 1-month programmable/8 programsMEMORY BACKUP TIME approx. 3 minutesMAXIMUM RECORDING TIME 120 min. with T-120 video cassette (SP)360 min. with T-120 video cassette (EP)REWIND TIME approx. 43 seconds for T-120 cassette (full recorded tape)POWER REQUIREMENT 120V AC, 60 HzPOWER CONSUMPTION 21 Watts -- 3.0  Watts standbyDIMENSIONS3.7 in Height  x  16.7 in Width  x  11.7 in Depth (93 mm x 425 mm x 298 mm)WEIGHT 8.0 lbs approx. (3.6 kg)SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES 1 set coaxial cable1 set audio cables1 S-video cable1 remote control2 “AA” size batteries1 registration cardAadding channels .................... 14adjust button .........................47adjusting tracking ..................36advanced options ..................45playback controls .............. 35antenna, connecting................ 5jacks ............................. 5, 49audioconnecting a TV with inputs 7input, output jacks....... 48, 49monitor.............................. 23audio video functions    button ................................ 47    selecting ............................ 25using ................................. 23auto clock function ................15auto power save .................... 42auto speed programming ......30Bbackup, memory ................... 32batteries, installing ................10Ccable, connections to .............. 5cable box, connections to ... 5, 6cancel button ........................ 47cancelbutton................................ 47programmed recording ..... 31recording in progress ........27cassettelight ................................... 49slot ................................... 48changing recording settings ..31changing settings while       programming ..................28channel(s)adding and deleting .......... 14button .........................  47, 48memorize .......................... 13selecting ........................... 14child lock ............................... 46choosing a hookup .................. 4clock setting .......................... 15CM skip ................................. 37connections toantennas ............................  5cable with or without box  5, 6home theater receiver ......... 8TV w/audio video inputs ...   7copying a tape .................33, 34counter display ...................... 37counter zero stop ............24, 38customize choices menu ....... 42SpecificationsIndex
54Ddaylight savings time ............. 16deleting channels .................. 14display button .......................  47displaying current time .......... 41displaying remaining time ..... 41displaying time gauge ........... 41Eediting features ..................... 33eject button ....................  47, 48enter button ..........................  47erasure, preventing tape ....... 18Ffast forward button .......... 47, 48fast forwarding a tape ..... 11, 38front panel buttons ...............  48front panel display ........... 48, 49Hhead cleaning ........................ 11Iimportant safeguards ............   2indexbuttons .............................  47techniques ........................ 39input button ........................... 47Llanguage, on-screen ............. 12loading a tape ....................... 10location of controls ................ 47lock VCR ...............................46Mmemory backup .................... 32menu button ..........................47menus, using......................... 12mute button ..........................  47Nnumber buttons ...................   47normal recording ................... 24Oone touch recording (OTR) ... 19one touch recording, standby 20Ppause button ..................  47, 48pausing a tape ...................... 11PerfecTape®...................  24, 43PerfecTape Select ................. 24play button .....................  47, 48play a tape ............................ 10playback controls, advanced. 35PM light .................................49powerbutton.......................... 47, 48light ................................... 49program caution ....................30programmed recording light .  49programmingauto speed ........................30cancel ......................... 27, 31changing settings while ....28Qquick program button ............ 47quick program ....................... 28quick search .......................... 37Rrear panel jacks..................... 49REC button ..................... 47, 48record cancel ........................ 31record light ............................ 49rec speed button ................... 47recordingcanceling programmed ..... 31canceling one in progress. 27conventional VCR timer ....26current broadcast.............. 18format ...............................21one-touch.......................... 19Quick Program ..................28Standby one-touch ...........20timer.................................. 26remote control buttons .......... 47sensor ...............................48rental xpress ......................... 44repeat playback............... 24, 40REW button ...................  47, 48rewinding a tape .............. 11, 38RF converter setting.............  43SSAP broadcast ...................... 24search techniques ................ ␣ 37search to blank ............... ␣ 25, 40S-ET mode ............................ 21setting the clock .................... 15S-input setting ....................... 22skipping programs ........... 30, 31special effects .....................   35SP/EP button ......................   47still adjustment ....................   35stop button .....................  47, 48S-VHS Set UP menu ............. 21S-video input jack .................. 49Ttape function ......................... 24tapecopying ....................... 33, 34loading .............................. 10playing .............................. 10repeating ..................... 24, 40television, connecting.............. 7operating with remote ....... 45timecounter.............................. 37display .............................. 49display current .................. 41gauge ................................ 41remaining .......................... 41timer recording ...................... 26timer reset button .................. 49tracking ................................. 36trouble checks ...................... 51TV POWER button ............... 47VVCRlight ..................................  49setting up .......................... 12VCR POWER button ............  47VCR/TV button .....................  47VCR/TV slide switch ............  47videoinput, output jacks...... 48, 49mute .................................  42volume button ...................... 47XX2 button ............................... 47Index
55    REC LENGTH    START TIMEOTR2CHANNELREC SPEEDSP/EPPOWER EJECTVIDEO IN    L/MONO - AUDIO IN     - RREW FFPLAYSTOP RECPAUSE115 3457810 62135468790VOLUMECHANNELEJECT MUTEVCRPOWER TVPOWERCM SKIPQUICK PROGRAMINPUTVCRTVPLAYSTOPREW FFDISPLAYPAUSEX2   RECINDEXAUDIO/VIDEOMENUVCR/TV SP/EPADJUSTCANCEL ENTERADJUST1512374811149561311025 botón de adelanto (FF)Utilice este botón para adelantar una cinta.6 botón de parada (STOP)Oprima este botón para detener lareproducción de una cinta.7 botón de grabación (REC)Utilice este botón para comenzar la grabación.8 botón de pausa (PAUSE)Utilice este botón para interrumpir o congelaruna cinta.9 selector de aparato (VCR,TV)Utilice este selector para usar el control remotopara operar la videograbadora (VCR) o sutelevisor (TV).10 botón de cambio de canales (CHAN-NEL)Oprima este botón para cambiar canales en lavideograbadora.11 botón de cancelación (CANCEL)Oprima este botón para cancelar seleccionesen los menús en pantalla, o para poner elcontador de tiempo en “0h00m00s”.12 botón de programación rápida (QUICKPROGRAM)Oprima este botón para ver de inmediato elmenú de programar grabaciones “Programargrabaciónes”.13 botón de ingreso (ENTER)Oprima este botón para ingresar seleccionesen los menús en pantalla.14 botón de menú (MENU)Oprima este botón para utilizar el sistemaoperativo de menús en pantalla.15 botón de expulsión (EJECT)Oprima este botón para sacar la cinta.Funciones básicas1 botón de encender (VCR POWER)Oprima este botón para encender o apagar lavideograbadora.2 botón de modalidad (VCR/TV)Oprima este botón para cambiar entre elsintonizador o salida de la videograbadora y elsintonizador del televisor.3 botón de rebobinado (REW)Utilice este botón para rebobinar una cinta.4 botón de reproducción (PLAY)Oprima este botón para comenzar lareproducción de una cinta.Guía de Operación Básicade la Videograbadora
56Cómo seleccionar el idioma de el sistemaoperativo de menús en pantalla1Si nunca se ha usado la videograbadora, vaya al paso 3.2Oprima el botón TIMER RESET en el panel trasero de lavideograbadora.3Oprima el botón POWER para encender la videograbadora.4Oprima el botón MENU en el control remoto.5Verá el menú de seleccionar el idioma Select Language.Utilice los botones de adjuste ADJUST+ o ADJUST– paraseleccionar el idioma.6Después de seleccionar el idioma que desea, oprima el botónENTER.  Luego oprima el botón MENU para salir de losmenús.Cómo poner el reloj1Oprima el botón MENU en el control remoto para ver el MenúPrincipal.2Utilice los botones de ajuste ADJUST+ o ADJUST– paraseleccionar el menú de Programación Inicial; luego oprima elbotón ENTER.3Utilice los botones de ajuste ADJUST+ o ADJUST– paraseleccionar el menú de Poner el reloj; luego oprima el botónENTER.4Utilice los botones de ajuste ADJUST+ o ADJUST– y ENTERpara programar el mes, año, día, hora y selección de hora deverano.5Al completar las selecciones de poner el reloj, oprima el botónENTER.  Ahora oprima el botón MENU tres veces para salir delos menús.Cómo programar la videograbadora para grabar1Oprima el botón MENU en el control remoto para ver el MenúPrincipal.2Utilice los botones de ajuste ADJUST+ o ADJUST– paraseleccionar el menú de Programar grabaciónes; luego oprimael botón ENTER.3Utilice los botones de ajuste ADJUST+ o ADJUST– y ENTERpara programar el canal, día, la hora y minutos de comienzo, lahora y minutos de terminado y la velocidad de grabación.4Al completar las selecciones de programar grabaciones,oprima el botón ENTER.  Despúes oprima el botón MENU dosveces para salir de los menús.  Asegúrese de insertar unacinta en blanco para hacer su grabación y que lavideograbadora este apagada.Select Language  ƒEnglish  ƒEspañol       ∫πMENU to go back     ∂ ππADJUST to select   ≤¥≥πENTER  to enter     ∑ ππADJUST to selectƒProgramación Inicial  Sus selecciones son:  ≈Poner el reloj  ∆Memorizar canales  «Añadir/borrar canales         ∫πMENU para volver     ∂ ππADJUSTπseleccionar   ≤¥≥πENTER πconfirmar     ∑ ππADJUSTπseleccionar≈Poner el reloj  ƒHora de verano    ENC APG  ƒMes          Marzo  ƒAño          2001  ƒDía       18 Domingo  ƒHora          7:00pmŁ       ∫πMENU para volver     ∂ ππADJUSTπseleccionar   ≤¥≥πENTER πconfirmar     ∑ ππADJUSTπseleccionarªMenú Principal   Sus selecciones son:  ¬Programar grabaciónes  √Controles Especiales  »Ajuste de S-VHS  ƒProgramación Inicial       ∫πMENU para volver     ∂ ππADJUSTπseleccionar   ≤¥≥πENTER πconfirmar     ∑ ππADJUSTπseleccionar¬Programar grabaciónes  ƒCanal                  2  ƒDía                   --  ƒHora comienza      --:--  ƒHora terminado     --:--  ƒVel. grabado        AUTO       ∫πMENU para volver     ∂ ππADJUSTπseleccionar   ≤¥≥πENTER πconfirmar     ∑ ππADJUSTπseleccionarGuía de Operación Básica de la Videograbadora
MITSUBISHIVIDEO CASSETTE RECORDERLIMITED WARRANTYMITSUBISHI DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC. (MDEA) warrants to the original purchaser of this videocassette recorder if purchased from an authorized MITSUBISHI Audio/Video Dealer that, should it prove defec-tive by reason of improper workmanship and/or material:a. Parts. For one year from the date of original purchase at retail, we will repair or replace, at our option, anydefective part including the video head without charge for the part. Parts used for replacement are war-ranted for the remainder of the original warranty period.b. Labor. For ninety days from the date of original purchase at retail, we will provide the labor for a warrantyrepair without charge at an authorized MITSUBISHI service center.c. Notice.  To obtain warranty service, you must notify an authorized MITSUBISHI service center of anydefect within the applicable warranty time period.1TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE, deliver your VCR to the nearest MITSUBISHI service center.Shipping expenses are your responsibility.  The name and address of the nearest service center can beobtained from your MITSUBISHI Dealer, or by writing or calling MDEA at the address and telephone numberbelow. Proof of purchase date from an authorized MITSUBISHI Dealer is required when requesting warrantyservice. Present your sales receipt or other document which establishes proof and date of purchase. THERETURN OF THE OWNER REGISTRATION CARD IS NOT A CONDITION OF WARRANTY COVERAGE.However, please detach and return the Owner Registration Card so that we can contact you should a ques-tion of safety arise which could affect you.2THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER damage caused by: modification, alteration, repair or service of thisproduct by anyone other than an authorized MITSUBISHI service center; physical abuse to, or misuse of, theVCR; operation in a manner contrary to the instructions which accompany the VCR; freight damage; or anydamage caused by acts of God such as lightning or fluctuation in electrical power.  This warranty alsoexcludes all costs arising from installation, adjustment of user controls, external antenna systems, service ofproducts purchased or serviced outside the U.S.A., initial technical adjustments (set-up) and user-requiredmaintenance including head cleaning. Consult the operating instructions enclosed with the product for infor-mation regarding user controls.3ANY EXPRESS WARRANTY NOT PROVIDED HEREIN, AND ANY REMEDY WHICH, BUT FOR THISPROVISION, MIGHT ARISE BY IMPLICATION OR OPERATION OF LAW, IS HEREBY EXCLUDED ANDDISCLAIMED. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR ANY PAR-TICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO A TERM OF ONE YEAR.4UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL MDEA BE LIABLE TO PURCHASER OR ANY OTHER PERSONFOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER ARISING OUT OFBREACH OF WARRANTY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE.5Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion or limitation ofincidental, special, or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.6This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state tostate.7BEFORE REQUESTING SERVICE, please review the instruction booklet to insure proper installation andcorrect customer control adjustment. If the problem persists, contact your nearest MITSUBISHI Dealer forname(s) of authorized MITSUBISHI Service Center(s). If you are unable to obtain the information, please call1-800-332-2119, or write us at the address below.MITSUBISHI DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC.9351 Jeronimo RoadIrvine, CA  92618-1904Warranty
For your nearest Mitsubishi Authorized Service Centercall 1-800-332-2119RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS SERIAL NO.CUSTOMER NAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY STATE ZIPPHONE (            ) PURCHASE DATE / /MO DAY YRPLACE OF PURCHASEPHONE (            )MITSUBISHI DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC.9351 Jeronimo RoadIrvine, CA© 2001 Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America, Inc.Printed in Japan872C244A8

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