Mitsubishi Electronics Digital Smoker Qseries Users Manual QCPU Programming (Common Instruction)
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: Mitsubishi-Electronics Mitsubishi-Electronics-Mitsubishi-Digital-Electronics-Smoker-Qseries-Users-Manual-557150 mitsubishi-electronics-mitsubishi-digital-electronics-smoker-qseries-users-manual-557150 mitsubishi-electronics pdf
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SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (Always read these cautions before using the product) Before using this product, please read this manual and the related manuals introduced in this manual, and pay full attention to safety to handle the product correctly. Please store this manual in a safe place and make it accessible when required. Always forward a copy of the manual to the end user. A-1 REVISIONS *The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover. Print Date *Manual Number Revision Dec., 2008 SH (NA)-080809ENG-A First edition Mar., 2009 SH (NA)-080809ENG-B Partial corrections Section 3.3, 3.8, 5.1.3, 6.1.7, 6.2.14, 7.3.3, 7.11.18, 7.11.19,,12.7, 7.12.11, 7.12.25, 7.12.26, 7.13.4, 7.13.5, 7.15.7, 7.15.8 Jul., 2009 SH (NA)-080809ENG-C Revision because of function support by the Universal model QCPU having a serial number "11043" or later Partial corrections Section 2.1, 2.5.6, 2.5.18, 2.5.20, 7.6.9, 7.12.7, 7.12.11, 12.1.3, 12.1.4, APPENDIX 1.2, 1.3, 1.4.2, 3, 5.1 Additions Section 2.5.16, 7.16, 7.18.10 Modification Section 2.5.21 Section 9.14 Section 9.15.3 2.5.22, Section 2.5.22 7.6.1, Section 9.15 7.16.3, Section 9.1 2.5.21, Section 9.13 7.16, Section 9.15.1 7.16.2, 7.18.9, Section 9.2 7.18.11, Section 9.3 7.18.12, 7.18.15, Section 9.7 7.18.16, Section 9.4 7.18.13, Section 9.5 7.18.14, Section 9.6 Section 9.8 7.18.17, Section 9.9 7.18.18, Section 9.10 Section 9.11.1 Chapter 10 9.1.1, Section 9.11.2 11, Chapter 11 7.6.10, 7.16.1, Section 9.15.2 9.1.2, Section 9.12 7.18.19, Section 9.11 9.1, 9.2, Section 9.12.1 9.2.1, 10 Japanese Manual Version SH-080804-B This manual confers no industrial property rights or any rights of any other kind, nor does it confer any patent licenses. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation cannot be held responsible for any problems involving industrial property rights which may occur as a result of using the contents noted in this manual. © 2008 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION A-2 INTRODUCTION This manual explains the common instructions required for programming of the QCPU. • The common instructions refer to all instructions except those dedicated to special function modules (such as AJ71QC24 and AJ71PT32-S3) and to AD57 models, as well as PID control instructions, SFC instructions and ST instructions. Before using this product, please read this manual and the relevant manuals carefully and develop familiarity with the functions and performance of the Q series programmable controller to handle the product correctly. ■ Relevant CPU module CPU module Basic model QCPU High Perfomance model QCPU Process CPU Redundant CPU Model Q00JCPU, Q00CPU, Q01CPU Q02CPU, Q02HCPU, Q06HCPU, Q12HCPU, Q25HCPU Q02PHCPU, Q06PHCPU, Q12PHCPU, Q25PHCPU Q12PRHCPU, Q25PRHCPU Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, Q02UCPU, Q03UDCPU, Q04UDHCPU, Q06UDHCPU, Q10UDHCPU, Q13UDHCPU, Universal model QCPU Q20UDHCPU, Q26UDHCPU, Q03UDECPU, Q04UDEHCPU, Q06UDEHCPU, Q10UDEHCPU, Q13UDEHCPU, Q20UDEHCPU A-3 CONTENTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ..................................................................................................................A - 1 REVISIONS .......................................................................................................................................A - 2 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................A - 3 CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................................A - 4 MANUALS........................................................................................................................................A - 14 Common Instructions 1/2 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 Related Programming Manuals 1-2 1.2 Abbreviations and Generic Names 1-5 2. INSTRUCTION TABLES 2 - 1 to 2 - 62 2.1 Types of Instructions 2-2 2.2 How to Read Instruction Tables 2-4 2.3 Sequence Instructions 2-6 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.4 2.5 Contact instructions ...................................................................................................... 2 - 6 Association instructions ................................................................................................ 2 - 7 Output instructions........................................................................................................ 2 - 8 Shift instructions ........................................................................................................... 2 - 8 Master control instructions............................................................................................ 2 - 9 Termination instructions ............................................................................................... 2 - 9 Other instructions ......................................................................................................... 2 - 9 Basic instructions 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.4.7 2.4.8 2 - 10 Comparison operation instructions ............................................................................. 2 - 10 Arithmetic operation instructions ................................................................................ 2 - 16 Data conversion instructions ...................................................................................... 2 - 22 Data transfer instructions............................................................................................ 2 - 24 Program branch instructions....................................................................................... 2 - 27 Program execution control instructions ...................................................................... 2 - 27 I/O refresh instructions ............................................................................................... 2 - 27 Other convenient instructions ..................................................................................... 2 - 28 Application Instructions 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 2.5.6 2.5.7 2.5.8 2.5.9 2.5.10 A-4 1 - 1 to 1 - 8 2 - 29 Logical operation instructions ..................................................................................... 2 - 29 Rotation instructions ................................................................................................... 2 - 32 Shift instructions ......................................................................................................... 2 - 33 Bit processing instructions.......................................................................................... 2 - 34 Data processing instructions ...................................................................................... 2 - 35 Structure creation instructions .................................................................................... 2 - 38 Data table operation instructions ................................................................................ 2 - 40 Buffer memory access instructions............................................................................. 2 - 41 Display instructions..................................................................................................... 2 - 41 Debugging and failure diagnosis instructions ............................................................. 2 - 42 2.5.11 2.5.12 2.5.13 2.5.14 2.5.15 2.5.16 2.5.17 2.5.18 2.5.19 2.5.20 2.5.21 2.5.22 Character string processing instructions .................................................................... 2 - 43 Special function instructions ....................................................................................... 2 - 46 Data control instructions ............................................................................................. 2 - 49 Switching instructions ................................................................................................. 2 - 51 Clock instructions ....................................................................................................... 2 - 52 Expansion clock instruction ........................................................................................ 2 - 55 Program control instructions....................................................................................... 2 - 56 Other instructions ....................................................................................................... 2 - 57 Instructions for Data Link............................................................................................ 2 - 59 Multiple CPU dedicated instruction............................................................................. 2 - 60 Multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction..................................... 2 - 60 Redundant system instructions (For Redundant CPU) .............................................. 2 - 61 3. CONFIGURATION OF INSTRUCTIONS 3 - 1 to 3 - 48 3.1 Configuration of Instructions 3-2 3.2 Designating Data 3-3 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 Using bit data................................................................................................................ 3 - 3 Using word (16 bits) data.............................................................................................. 3 - 4 Using double word data (32 bits).................................................................................. 3 - 6 Using real number data ................................................................................................ 3 - 8 Using character string data......................................................................................... 3 - 11 3.3 Indexing 3 - 12 3.4 Indirect Specification 3 - 23 3.5 Reducing Instruction Processing Time 3 - 25 3.5.1 3.5.2 Subset Processing...................................................................................................... 3 - 25 Operation processing with standard device registers (Z) (only Universal model QCPU) ............................................................................ 3 - 26 3.6 Cautions on Programming (Operation Errors) 3 - 27 3.7 Conditions for Execution of Instructions 3 - 33 3.8 Counting Step Number 3 - 34 3.9 Operation when the OUT, SET/RST, or PLS/PLF Instructions Use the Same Device 3 - 39 3.10 Precautions for Use of File Registers 4. HOW TO READ INSTRUCTIONS 5. SEQUENCE INSTRUCTIONS 5.1 Contact Instructions 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.2 4 - 1 to 4 - 4 5 - 1 to 5 - 60 5-2 Operation start, series connection, parallel connection (LD,LDI,AND,ANI,OR,ORI).... 5 - 2 Pulse operation start, pulse series connection, pulse parallel connection (LDP,LDF,ANDP,ANDF,ORP,ORF) ..................................................................... 5 - 5 Pulse NOT operation start, pulse NOT series connection, pulse NOT parallel connection (LDPI,LDFI,ANDPI,ANDFI,ORPI,ORFI) ............................................................... 5 - 7 Association Instructions 5.2.1 5.2.2 3 - 44 5 - 10 Ladder block series connection and parallel connection (ANB,ORB) ........................ 5 - 10 Operation results push,read,pop (MPS,MRD,MPP) ................................................... 5 - 12 A-5 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.7 5.3.8 5.3.9 5.3.10 5.4 5.6 5.7 Comparison Operation Instructions 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.2 A-6 6 - 1 to 6 - 168 6-2 BIN 16-bit data comparisons (=,<>,>,<=,<,>=) ............................................................. 6 - 2 BIN 32-bit data comparisons (D=,D<>,D>,D<=,D<,D>=) ............................................. 6 - 4 Floating decimal point data comparisons (Single precision) (E=,E<>,E>,E<=,E<,E>=)..................................................................................... 6 - 6 Floating decimal point data comparisons (Double precision) (ED=,ED<>,ED>,ED<=,ED<,ED>=) ..................................................................... 6 - 8 Character string data comparisons ($=,$<>,$>,$<=,$<,$>=) ..................................... 6 - 11 BIN block data comparisons (BKCMP ,BKCMP P) ............................................ 6 - 15 BIN 32-bit block data comparisons (DBKCMP ,DBKCMP P) ............................ 6 - 18 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 6.2.7 6.2.8 6.2.9 5 - 55 Sequence program stop (STOP) ................................................................................ 5 - 55 No operations (NOP,NOPLF,PAGE n) ....................................................................... 5 - 57 6. BASIC INSTRUCTIONS 6.1 5 - 51 End main routine program (FEND)............................................................................. 5 - 51 End sequence program (END) ................................................................................... 5 - 53 Other instructions 5.7.1 5.7.2 5 - 47 Setting and resetting the master control (MC,MCR)................................................... 5 - 47 Termination Instructions 5.6.1 5.6.2 5 - 44 Bit device shifts (SFT(P))............................................................................................ 5 - 44 Master Control Instructions 5.5.1 5 - 20 Out instruction (excluding timers, counters, and annunciators) (OUT)....................... 5 - 20 Timers (OUT T,OUTH T) ............................................................................................ 5 - 22 Counter (OUT C) ........................................................................................................ 5 - 26 Annunciator output (OUT F) ....................................................................................... 5 - 28 Setting devices (except for annunciators) (SET) ........................................................ 5 - 30 Resetting devices (except for annunciators) (RST).................................................... 5 - 32 Setting and resetting the annunciators (SET F,RST F) .............................................. 5 - 35 Leading edge and trailing edge outputs (PLS,PLF).................................................... 5 - 37 Bit device output reverse (FF) .................................................................................... 5 - 40 Pulse conversions of direct outputs (DELTA(P)) ........................................................ 5 - 42 Shift Instructions 5.4.1 5.5 Operation results inversion (INV) ............................................................................... 5 - 15 Operation result conversions (MEP,MEF) .................................................................. 5 - 17 Pulse conversions of edge relay operation results (EGP,EGF).................................. 5 - 18 6 - 22 BIN 16-bit addition and subtraction operations (+(P),-(P)) ......................................... 6 - 22 BIN 32-bit addition and subtraction operations (D+(P),D-(P)) .................................... 6 - 26 BIN 16-bit multiplication and division operations (*(P),/(P))........................................ 6 - 30 BIN 32-bit multiplication and division operations (D*(P),D/(P)) .................................. 6 - 32 BCD 4-digit addition and subtraction operations (B+(P),B-(P)) .................................. 6 - 34 BCD 8-digit addition and subtraction operations (DB+(P),DB-(P)) ............................. 6 - 38 BCD 4-digit multiplication and division operations (B*(P),B/(P)) ................................ 6 - 42 BCD 8-digit multiplication and division operations (DB*(P),DB/(P)) ........................... 6 - 44 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Single precision) (E+(P),E-(P)) ...................................................................................................... 6 - 46 6.2.10 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Double precision) (ED+(P),ED-(P)) ................................................................................................. 6 - 50 6.2.11 Multiplication and division of floating decimal point data (Single precision) (E*(P),E/(P)) ....................................................................................................... 6 - 54 6.2.12 Multiplication and division of floating decimal point data (Double precision) (ED*(P),ED/(P)) .................................................................................................. 6 - 56 6.2.13 Block addition and subtraction (BK+(P),BK-(P))......................................................... 6 - 59 6.2.14 BIN 32-bit data block addition and subtraction operations (DBK+(P),DBK-(P)) ........ 6 - 62 6.2.15 Linking character strings ($+(P)) ................................................................................ 6 - 65 6.2.16 Incrementing and decrementing 16-bit BIN data (INC(P),DEC(P)) ............................ 6 - 69 6.2.17 Incrementing and decrementing 32-bit BIN data (DINC(P),DDEC(P)) ....................... 6 - 71 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.3.6 6.3.7 6.3.8 6.3.9 6.3.10 6.3.11 6.3.12 6.3.13 6.3.14 6.3.15 6.3.16 6.3.17 6.4 6.5 Conversion from BIN data to 4-digit and 8-digit BCD (BCD(P),DBCD(P)) ................. 6 - 73 Conversion from BCD 4-digit and 8-digit data to BIN data (BIN(P),DBIN(P)) ............ 6 - 75 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to floating decimal point (Single precision) (FLT(P),DFLT(P)) ............................................................................................... 6 - 78 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to floating decimal point (Double precision) (FLTD(P),DFLTD(P)).......................................................................................... 6 - 81 Conversion from floating decimal point data to BIN16- and 32-bit data (Single precision) (INT(P),DINT(P)) ................................................. 6 - 83 Conversion from floating decimal point data to BIN16- and 32-bit data (Double precision) (INTD(P),DINTD(P)) ........................................... 6 - 86 Conversion from BIN 16-bit to BIN 32-bit data (DBL(P)) ............................................ 6 - 88 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to BIN 16-bit data (WORD(P))........................................ 6 - 89 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to Gray code (GRY(P),DGRY(P)) .............. 6 - 90 Conversion of Gray code to BIN 16 and 32-bit data (GBIN(P),DGBIN(P))................. 6 - 92 Complement of 2 of BIN 16- and 32-bit data (sign reversal) (NEG(P),DNEG(P)) ...... 6 - 94 Floating-point sign invertion (Single precision) (ENEG(P)) ........................................ 6 - 96 Floating-point sign invertion (Double precision) (EDNEG(P)) .................................... 6 - 97 Conversion from block BIN 16-bit data to BCD 4-digit data (BKBCD(P))................... 6 - 98 Conversion from block BCD 4-digit data to block BIN 16-bit data (BKBIN(P)) ......... 6 - 100 Single precision to Double precision conversion (ECON(P)) ................................... 6 - 102 Double precision to Single precision conversion (EDCON(P))................................. 6 - 104 Data Transfer Instructions 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 6.4.5 6.4.6 6.4.7 6.4.8 6.4.9 6.4.10 6.4.11 6 - 106 16-bit and 32-bit data transfers (MOV(P),DMOV(P))................................................ 6 - 106 Floating-point data transfer (Single precision) (EMOV(P)) ....................................... 6 - 108 Floating-point data transfer (Double precision) (EDMOV(P)) ................................... 6 - 110 Character string transfers ($MOV(P))....................................................................... 6 - 112 16-bit and 32-bit negation transfers (CML(P),DCML(P)) .......................................... 6 - 114 Block 16-bit data transfers (BMOV(P)) ..................................................................... 6 - 117 Identical 16-bit data block transfers (FMOV(P)) ....................................................... 6 - 120 Identical 32-bit data block transfers (DFMOV(P))..................................................... 6 - 122 16-bit and 32-bit data exchanges (XCH(P),DXCH(P)) ............................................. 6 - 124 Block 16-bit data exchanges (BXCH(P)) .................................................................. 6 - 126 Upper and lower byte exchanges (SWAP(P)) .......................................................... 6 - 128 Program Branch Instructions 6.5.1 6.5.2 6 - 73 6 - 129 Pointer branch instructions (CJ,SCJ,JMP) ............................................................... 6 - 129 Jump to END (GOEND)............................................................................................ 6 - 132 A-7 6.6 Program Execution Control Instructions 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.7 6.8 Interrupt disable/enable instructions, interrupt program mask (DI,EI,IMASK) .......... 6 - 133 Recovery from interrupt programs (IRET) ................................................................ 6 - 139 I/O Refresh Instructions 6.7.1 Logical operation instructions 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.1.5 7.1.6 7.1.7 7.1.8 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 A-8 7 - 46 7 - 59 Bit set and reset for word devices (BSET(P),BRST(P)) ............................................. 7 - 59 Bit tests (TEST(P),DTEST(P)).................................................................................... 7 - 61 Batch reset of bit devices (BKRST(P)) ....................................................................... 7 - 64 Data processing instructions 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.3 7.5.4 7 - 35 n-bit shift to right or left of 16-bit data (SFR(P),SFL(P)) ............................................. 7 - 46 1-bit shift to right or left of n-bit data (BSFR(P),BSFL(P)) .......................................... 7 - 49 n-bit shift to right or left of n-bit data (SFTBR(P),SFTBL(P)) ...................................... 7 - 51 1-word shift to right or left of n-word data (DSFR(P),DSFL(P)) .................................. 7 - 54 n-bit shift to right or left of n-word data (SFTWR(P),SFTWL(P)) ................................ 7 - 56 Bit processing instructions 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7-2 Right rotation of 16-bit data (ROR(P),RCR(P)) .......................................................... 7 - 35 Left rotation of 16-bit data (ROL(P),RCL(P)) .............................................................. 7 - 38 Right rotation of 32-bit data (DROR(P),DRCR(P)) ..................................................... 7 - 41 Left rotation of 32-bit data (DROL(P),DRCL(P))......................................................... 7 - 44 Shift instruction 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.5 7 - 1 to 7 - 452 Logical products with 16-bit and 32-bit data (WAND(P),DAND(P)).............................. 7 - 3 Block logical products (BKAND(P)) .............................................................................. 7 - 9 Logical sums of 16-bit and 32-bit data (WOR(P),DOR(P))......................................... 7 - 11 Block logical sum operations (BKOR(P)).................................................................... 7 - 17 16-bit and 32-bit exclusive OR operations (WXOR(P),DXOR(P)) .............................. 7 - 19 Block exclusive OR operations (BKXOR(P)) .............................................................. 7 - 25 16-bit and 32-bit data exclusive NOR operations (WXNR(P),DXNR(P)).................... 7 - 27 Block exclusive NOR operations (BKXNR(P))............................................................ 7 - 33 Rotation instruction 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 6 - 143 Counter 1-phase input up or down (UDCNT1) ......................................................... 6 - 143 Counter 2-phase input up or down (UDCNT2) ......................................................... 6 - 146 Teaching timer (TTMR) ............................................................................................ 6 - 149 Special function timer (STMR).................................................................................. 6 - 151 Rotary table shortest direction control (ROTC) ........................................................ 6 - 154 Ramp signal (RAMP)................................................................................................ 6 - 157 Pulse density measurement (SPD) .......................................................................... 6 - 160 Fixed cycle pulse output (PLSY) .............................................................................. 6 - 162 Pulse width modulation (PWM) ................................................................................ 6 - 164 Matrix input (MTR).................................................................................................... 6 - 166 7. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 7.1 6 - 141 I/O refresh (RFS(P)) ................................................................................................. 6 - 141 Other Convenient Instructions 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.8.3 6.8.4 6.8.5 6.8.6 6.8.7 6.8.8 6.8.9 6.8.10 6 - 133 7 - 66 16-bit and 32-bit data searches (SER(P),DSER(P))................................................... 7 - 66 16-bit and 32-bit data checks (SUM(P),DSUM(P))..................................................... 7 - 69 Decoding from 8 to 256 bits (DECO(P)) ..................................................................... 7 - 71 Encoding from 256 to 8 bits (ENCO(P)) ..................................................................... 7 - 73 7.5.5 7.5.6 7.5.7 7.5.8 7.5.9 7.5.10 7.5.11 7.5.12 7.5.13 7.5.14 7.5.15 7.6 Structure creation instructions 7.6.1 7.6.2 7.6.3 7.6.4 7.6.5 7.6.6 7.6.7 7.6.8 7.6.9 7.6.10 7.6.11 7.6.12 7.6.13 7.7 7.8.2 7.9 7 - 160 Reading 1-/2-word data from the intelligent function module (FROM(P),DFRO(P))........................................................................................ 7 - 160 Writing 1-/2-word data to intelligent function module (TO(P),DTO(P)) ..................... 7 - 163 Display instructions 7.9.1 7.9.2 7.9.3 7 - 151 Writing data to the data table (FIFW(P))................................................................... 7 - 151 Reading oldest data from tables (FIFR(P))............................................................... 7 - 153 Reading newest data from data tables (FPOP(P)) ................................................... 7 - 155 Deleting and inserting data from and in data tables (FDEL(P),FINS(P)).................. 7 - 157 Buffer memory access instruction 7.8.1 7 - 105 FOR to NEXT instruction loop (FOR,NEXT)............................................................. 7 - 105 Forced end of FOR to NEXT instruction loop (BREAK(P))....................................... 7 - 108 Subroutine program calls (CALL(P)) ........................................................................ 7 - 110 Return from subroutine programs (RET) .................................................................. 7 - 115 Subroutine program output OFF calls (FCALL(P)) ................................................... 7 - 116 Subroutine calls between program files (ECALL(P)) ................................................ 7 - 120 Subroutine output OFF calls between program files (EFCALL(P))........................... 7 - 125 Subroutine program call (XCALL)............................................................................. 7 - 129 Refresh instruction (COM)........................................................................................ 7 - 134 Select Refresh Instruction (COM)............................................................................. 7 - 137 Select Refresh Instruction (CCOM) .......................................................................... 7 - 141 Index modification of entire ladder (IX,IXEND)......................................................... 7 - 144 Designation of modification values in index modification of entire ladders (IXDEV,IXSET)................................................................................................. 7 - 148 Data Table Operation Instructions 7.7.1 7.7.2 7.7.3 7.7.4 7.8 7-segment decode (SEG(P)) ...................................................................................... 7 - 75 4-bit dissociation of 16-bit data (DIS(P))..................................................................... 7 - 77 4-bit linking of 16-bit data (UNI(P)) ............................................................................. 7 - 79 Dissociation or linking of random data (NDIS(P),NUNI(P)) ........................................ 7 - 81 Data dissociation and linking in byte units (WTOB(P),BTOW(P)) .............................. 7 - 85 Maximum value search for 16- and 32-bit data (MAX(P),DMAX(P)) .......................... 7 - 89 Minimum value search for 16- and 32-bit data (MIN(P),DMIN(P)) ............................. 7 - 92 BIN 16 and 32 bits data sort operations (SORT,DSORT) .......................................... 7 - 95 Calculation of totals for 16-bit data (WSUM(P)) ......................................................... 7 - 99 Calculation of totals for 32-bit data (DWSUM(P))..................................................... 7 - 101 Calculation of averages for 16-bit or 32-bit data (MEAN(P),DMEAN(P)) ................. 7 - 103 7 - 166 Print ASCII code instruction (PR) ............................................................................. 7 - 166 Print comment instruction (PRC) .............................................................................. 7 - 169 Error display and annunciator reset instruction (LEDR) ........................................... 7 - 172 7.10 Debugging and failure diagnosis instructions 7 - 175 7.10.1 Special format failure checks (CHKST,CHK) ........................................................... 7 - 175 7.10.2 Changing check format of CHK instruction (CHKCIR,CHKEND) ............................. 7 - 179 7.11 Character string processing instructions 7 - 183 7.11.1 Conversion from BIN 16-bit or 32-bit to decimal ASCII (BINDA(P),DBINDA(P))...... 7 - 183 7.11.2 Conversion from BIN 16-bit or 32-bit data to hexadecimal ASCII (BINHA(P),DBINHA(P)).................................................................................... 7 - 186 A-9 7.11.3 Conversion from BCD 4-digit and 8-digit to decimal ASCII data (BCDDA(P),DBCDDA(P))................................................................................. 7 - 189 7.11.4 Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit and 32-bit data (DABIN(P),DDABIN(P)).................................................................................... 7 - 192 7.11.5 Conversion from hexadecimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit and 32-bit data (HABIN(P),DHABIN(P)).................................................................................... 7 - 195 7.11.6 Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD 4-digit or 8-digit data (DABCD(P),DDABCD(P))................................................................................. 7 - 198 7.11.7 Reading device comment data (COMRD(P)) ........................................................... 7 - 201 7.11.8 Character string length detection (LEN(P)) .............................................................. 7 - 204 7.11.9 Conversion from BIN 16-bit or 32-bit to character string (STR(P),DSTR(P)) ........... 7 - 206 7.11.10 Conversion from character string to BIN 16-bit or 32-bit data (VAL(P),DVAL(P)) .... 7 - 212 7.11.11 Conversion from floating decimal point to character string data (ESTR(P))............. 7 - 217 7.11.12 Conversion from character string to floating decimal point data (EVAL(P)) ............. 7 - 224 7.11.13 Conversion from hexadecimal BIN to ASCII (ASC(P)) ............................................. 7 - 228 7.11.14 Conversion from ASCII to hexadecimal BIN (HEX(P)) ............................................. 7 - 230 7.11.15 Extracting character string data from the right or left (RIGHT(P),LEFT(P)).............. 7 - 232 7.11.16 Random selection from and replacement in character strings (MIDR(P),MIDW(P)) ........................................................................................................................ 7 - 235 7.11.17 Character string search (INSTR(P)) ......................................................................... 7 - 239 7.11.18 Insertion of character string (STRINS(P))................................................................. 7 - 241 7.11.19 Deletion of character string (STRDEL(P)) ................................................................ 7 - 243 7.11.20 Floating decimal point to BCD (EMOD(P)) ............................................................... 7 - 245 7.11.21 From BCD format data to floating decimal point (EREXP(P)) .................................. 7 - 248 7.12 Special function instructions 7.12.1 7.12.2 7.12.3 7.12.4 7.12.5 7.12.6 7.12.7 7.12.8 7.12.9 7.12.10 7.12.11 7.12.12 7.12.13 7.12.14 7.12.15 7.12.16 7.12.17 7.12.18 7.12.19 7.12.20 7.12.21 7.12.22 7.12.23 7.12.24 A-10 7 - 250 SIN operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (SIN(P)) .............................. 7 - 250 SIN operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (SIND(P)) .......................... 7 - 252 COS operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (COS(P)) .......................... 7 - 254 COS operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (COSD(P)) ...................... 7 - 256 TAN operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (TAN(P))............................ 7 - 258 TAN operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (TAND(P))........................ 7 - 260 SIN-1 operation on floating point data (Single precision) (ASIN(P)) ......................... 7 - 262 SIN-1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (ASIND(P)) ..................... 7 - 265 COS -1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (ACOS(P)) .................... 7 - 267 COS -1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (ACOSD(P)) ................ 7 - 269 TAN -1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (ATAN(P))...................... 7 - 271 TAN -1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (ATAND(P)).................. 7 - 273 Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Single precision) (RAD(P)) ............ 7 - 275 Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Double precision) (RADD(P)) ........ 7 - 277 Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Single precision) (DEG(P)) ............ 7 - 279 Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Double precision) (DEGD(P)) ........ 7 - 281 Exponentiation operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (POW(P)).......... 7 - 283 Exponentiation operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (POWD(P)) ....... 7 - 285 Square root operation for floating-point data (Single precision) (SQR(P)) ............... 7 - 287 Square root operation for floating-point data (Double precision) (SQRD(P)) ........... 7 - 289 Exponent operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (EXP(P)).................... 7 - 291 Exponent operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (EXPD(P))................ 7 - 294 Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (LOG(P)) ....... 7 - 296 Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (LOGD(P)) ... 7 - 298 7.12.25 Common logarithm operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (LOG10(P))....................................................................................................... 7 - 300 7.12.26 Common logarithm operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (LOG10D(P)) .................................................................................................... 7 - 302 7.12.27 Random number generation and series updates (RND(P),SRND(P)) ..................... 7 - 304 7.12.28 BCD 4-digit and 8-digit square roots (BSQR(P),BDSQR(P)) ................................... 7 - 306 7.12.29 BCD type SIN operation (BSIN(P))........................................................................... 7 - 309 7.12.30 BCD type COS operations (BCOS(P)) ..................................................................... 7 - 311 7.12.31 BCD type TAN operation (BTAN(P)) ........................................................................ 7 - 313 7.12.32 BCD type SIN -1 operations (BASIN(P)) ................................................................... 7 - 315 7.12.33 BCD type COS -1 operation (BACOS(P)) ................................................................. 7 - 317 7.12.34 BCD type TAN -1 operations (BATAN(P)) ................................................................ 7 - 319 7.13 Data Control Instructions 7 - 321 7.13.1 Upper and lower limit controls for BIN 16-bit and BIN 32-bit data (LIMIT(P),DLIMIT(P)) ....................................................................................... 7 - 321 7.13.2 BIN 16-bit and 32-bit dead band controls (BAND(P),DBAND(P)) ............................ 7 - 324 7.13.3 Zone control for BIN 16-bit and BIN 32-bit data (ZONE(P),DZONE(P))................... 7 - 327 7.13.4 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL(P),DSCL(P)).................................... 7 - 330 7.13.5 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL2(P),DSCL2(P))................................ 7 - 334 7.14 File register switching instructions 7 - 337 7.14.1 Switching file register numbers (RSET(P))............................................................... 7 - 337 7.14.2 Setting files for file register use (QDRSET(P)) ......................................................... 7 - 339 7.14.3 File setting for comments (QCDSET(P)) .................................................................. 7 - 342 7.15 Clock instructions 7.15.1 7.15.2 7.15.3 7.15.4 7.15.5 7.15.6 7.15.7 7.15.8 7 - 344 Reading clock data (DATERD(P)) ............................................................................ 7 - 344 Writing clock data (DATEWR(P)) ............................................................................. 7 - 346 Clock data addition operation (DATE+(P)) ............................................................... 7 - 348 Clock data subtraction operation (DATE-(P)) ........................................................... 7 - 350 Time data conversion (from Hour/Minute/Second to Second) (SECOND(P)) .......... 7 - 352 Time data conversion (from Second to Hour/Minute/Second ) (HOUR(P)).............. 7 - 354 Date comparison (DT=,DT<>,DT>,DT<=,DT<,DT>=) .............................................. 7 - 356 Clock comparison (TM=,TM<>,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=).......................................... 7 - 361 7.16 Expansion Clock Instructions 7 - 366 7.16.1 Reading expansion clock data (S(P).DATERD) ....................................................... 7 - 366 7.16.2 Expansion clock data addition operation (S(P).DATE+)........................................... 7 - 369 7.16.3 Expansion clock data subtraction operation (S(P).DATE-)....................................... 7 - 372 7.17 Program control instructions 7.17.1 7.17.2 7.17.3 7.17.4 7.17.5 Program standby instruction (PSTOP(P)) ................................................................ 7 - 377 Program output OFF standby instruction (POFF(P))................................................ 7 - 378 Program scan execution registration instruction (PSCAN(P)) .................................. 7 - 380 Program low speed execution registration instruction (PLOW(P)) ........................... 7 - 382 Program execution status check instruction (PCHK)................................................ 7 - 384 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.1 7.18.2 7.18.3 7.18.4 7 - 375 7 - 386 Resetting watchdog timer (WDT(P))......................................................................... 7 - 386 Timing pulse generation (DUTY) .............................................................................. 7 - 388 Time check instruction (TIMCHK)............................................................................. 7 - 390 Direct 1-byte read from file register (ZRRDB(P))...................................................... 7 - 391 A-11 7.18.5 7.18.6 7.18.7 7.18.8 7.18.9 7.18.10 7.18.11 7.18.12 7.18.13 7.18.14 7.18.15 7.18.16 7.18.17 7.18.18 7.18.19 File register direct 1-byte write (ZRWRB(P)) ............................................................ 7 - 393 Indirect address read operations (ADRSET(P)) ....................................................... 7 - 395 Numerical key input from keyboard (KEY) ............................................................... 7 - 396 Batch save or recovery of index register (ZPUSH(P),ZPOP(P)) .............................. 7 - 400 Reading Module Information (UNIRD(P))................................................................. 7 - 402 Reading module model name(TYPERD(P))............................................................. 7 - 406 Trace Set/Reset (TRACE,TRACER) ........................................................................ 7 - 411 Writing Data to Designated File (SP.FWRITE)......................................................... 7 - 413 Reading Data from Designated File (SP.FREAD) .................................................... 7 - 424 Writing Data to Standard ROM (SP.DEVST)............................................................ 7 - 436 Read Data from Standard ROM (S(P).DEVLD)........................................................ 7 - 438 Load Program from Memory Card (PLOADP).......................................................... 7 - 440 Unload Program from Program Memory (PUNLOADP) ........................................... 7 - 443 Load + Unload (PSWAPP) ....................................................................................... 7 - 445 High-speed Block Transfer of File Register (RBMOV(P)) ........................................ 7 - 448 Common Instructions 2/2 8. INSTRUCTIONS FOR DATA LINK 8.1 Network refresh instructions 8.1.1 8.2 Writing to the CPU Shared Memory of Host CPU 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.2 9 - 1 to 9 - 18 9-2 Write to Host CPU Shared Memory (S(P).TO) ............................................................. 9 - 4 Writing to host station CPU shared memory (TO(P), DTO(P))..................................... 9 - 7 Reading from the CPU Shared Memory of another CPU 9.2.1 8-6 Reading routing information (S(P)/Z(P).RTREAD) ....................................................... 8 - 6 Registering routing information (S(P)/Z(P).RTWRITE)................................................. 8 - 8 9. Multiple CPU dedicated instruction 9.1 8-2 Refresh instruction for the designated module (S(P)/J(P)/G(P).ZCOM)....................... 8 - 2 Reading/Writing Routing Information 8.2.1 8.2.2 8 - 1 to 8 - 10 9 - 11 Reading from Other CPU Shared Memory (FROM(P), DFRO(P)) ............................. 9 - 12 10. QCPU INSTRUCTIONS 10.1 Overview 10 - 1 to 10 - 20 10 - 2 10.2 Writing Devices to Another CPU (D(P).DDWR) 10 - 13 10.3 Reading Devices from Another CPU (D(P).DDRD) 10 - 17 11. QCPU INSTRUCTIONS 11.1 System Switching Instruction (SP.CONTSW) 12. ERROR CODES 12.1 Error Code List 11 - 1 to 11 - 4 11 - 2 12 - 1 to 12 - 84 12 - 2 12.1.1 Error codes ................................................................................................................. 12 - 3 12.1.2 Reading an error code................................................................................................ 12 - 3 12.1.3 Error code list (1000 to 1999) ..................................................................................... 12 - 4 A-12 12.1.4 12.1.5 12.1.6 12.1.7 12.1.8 12.1.9 Error code list (2000 to 2999) ................................................................................... 12 - 16 Error code list (3000 to 3999) ................................................................................... 12 - 34 Error code list (4000 to 4999) ................................................................................... 12 - 51 Error code list (5000 to 5999) ................................................................................... 12 - 66 Error code list (6000 to 6999) ................................................................................... 12 - 68 Error code list (7000 to 10000) ................................................................................. 12 - 78 12.2 Canceling of Errors 12 - 83 APPENDICES App - 1 to App - 198 Appendix 1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME App - 2 Appendix 1.1 Appendix 1.2 Appendix 1.3 Definition .....................................................................................................App - 2 Operation Processing Time of Basic Model QCPU.....................................App - 3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/ Redundant CPU ........................................................................................App - 21 Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU.............................App - 50 Appendix 1.4.1 Subset instruction processing time............................................................App - 50 Appendix 1.4.2 Processing time of instructions other than subset instruction ...................App - 66 Appendix 2 CPU PERFORMANCE COMPARISON App - 114 Appendix 2.1 Appendix 2.1.1 Appendix 2.1.2 Appendix 2.1.3 Appendix 2.1.4 Appendix 2.1.5 Appendix 2.1.6 Appendix 2.1.7 Comparison of Q with AnNCPU, AnACPU, and AnUCPU ......................App - 114 Usable devices ........................................................................................App - 114 I/O control mode......................................................................................App - 115 Data that can be used by instructions .....................................................App - 115 Timer comparison....................................................................................App - 116 Comparison of counters ..........................................................................App - 117 Comparison of display instructions..........................................................App - 117 Instructions whose designation format has been changed (Except dedicated instructions for AnACPU and AnUCPU) ....................App - 118 Appendix 2.1.8 AnACPU and AnUCPU dedicated instructions........................................App - 119 Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST App - 120 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST App - 146 Appendix 5 APPLICATION PROGRAM EXAMPLES Appendix 5.1 INDEX App - 198 n Concept of Programs which Perform Operations of X , X ....................App - 198 n Index - 1 to Index - 12 A-13 MANUALS To understand the main specifications, functions, and usage of the CPU module, refer to the basic manuals. Read other manuals as well when using a different type of CPU module and its functions. Order each manual as needed, referring to the following list. The numbers in the "CPU module" and the respective modules are as follows. Nunber CPU module 1) Basic model QCPU 2) High Perfomance model QCPU 3) Process CPU 4) Redundant CPU 5) Universal model QCPU :Basic manual, Manual name :Other CPU module manuals Description < Manual number (model code) > ■User’s manual Specifications of the hardware (CPU modules, QCPU User's Manual (Hardware design, Maintenance and Inspection) < SH-080483ENG (13JR73) > power supply modules, base units, extension cables, and memory cards), system maintenance and inspection, troubleshooting, and error codes QnUCPU User’s Manual Functions, methods, and devices for programming (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) < SH-080807ENG (13JZ27) > Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) Functions, methods, and devices for programming < SH-080808ENG (13JZ28) > QnUCPU User's Manual (Communication via Built-in Ethernet Port) < SH-080811ENG (13JZ29) > Functions for the communication via built-in Ethernet port of the CPU module ■Programming Manual QCPU Programming Manual (Common Instructions) How to use sequence instructions, basic instructions, < SH-080809ENG (13JW10) > and application instructions QCPU (Q Mode)/QnACPU Programming Manual (SFC) System configuration, performance specifications, functions, programming, debugging, and error codes < SH-080041 (13JF60) > for SFC (MELSAP3) programs QCPU (Q Mode) Programming Manual (MELSAP-L) Programming methods, specifications, and functions < SH-080072 (13JC03) > for SFC (MELSAP-L) programs QCPU (Q Mode) Programming Manual (Structured Text) Programming methods using structured languages < SH-080366E (13JF68) > QCPU (Q Mode) / QnACPU Programming Manual (PID Control Instructions) Dedicated instructions for PID control < SH-080040 (13JF59) > QnPH/QnPRHCPU Programming Manual (Process Control Instructions) < SH-080316E (13JF59) > A-14 Describes the dedicated instructions for performing process control. CPU module 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Related Manuals Manual name Description < Manual number (model code) > CC-Link IE Controller Network Reference Manual Specifications, procedures and settings before system operation, parameter < SH-080668ENG (13JV16) > setting, programming, and troubleshooting of the CC-Link IE controller network module Q Corresponding MELSECNET/H Network System Reference Explains the specifications for a MELSECNET/H network system for PLC to PLC Manual (PLC to PLC network) network. It explains the procedures and settings up to operation, setting the parame- < SH-080049 (13JF92) > ters, programming and troubleshooting. Q Corresponding MELSECNET/H Network System Refer- Explains the specifications for a MELSECNET/H network system for remote I/O ence Manual (Remote I/O network) network. It explains the procedures and settings up to operation, setting the < SH-080124 (13JF96) > parameters, programming and troubleshooting. Type MELSECNET, MELSECNET/B Data Link System Reference Manual < IB-66530 (13JF70) > Q Corresponding Ethernet Interface Module User's Manual (Application) < SH-080010 (13JF70) > Describes the general concept, specifications, and part names and settings for MELSECNET (II) and MELSECNET/B. Describes various functions of the Ethernet module: e-mail function, PLC CPU status monitoring, communication via MELSECNET/H or MELSECNET/10 network system, communication using data link instructions, file transfer (using FTP) and other functions. A-15 MEMO A-16 1 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1-1 This manual explains the common instructions required for programming of the QCPU. The common instructions refer to all instructions except those dedicated to special function modules (such as AJ71QC24 and AJ71PT32-S3) and to AD57 models, as well as PID control instructions, SFC instructions and ST instructions. 1.1 Related Programming Manuals Before reading this manual, check the functions, programming methods, devices and others that are necessary to create programs with the CPU in the manuals below: • QnUCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) • Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) (1) High Performance model QCPU Qn(H)/QnPH/ QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) Explains the functions, programming methods, devices and others that are necessary to create programs with the CPU. This manual QCPU Programming Manual (Common Instructions) Describes the instructions other than those described in the manuals on the right. 1-2 QCPU(Q Mode)/ QnACPU Programming Manual (PID Control Instructions) Describes the instructions to perform PID control. QCPU(Q Mode)/ QnACPU Programming Manual (SFC) QCPU(Q Mode) Programming Manual (MELSAP-L) Describes SFC. Describes MELSAP-L. QCPU(Q Mode) Programming Manual (Structured Text) Describes the ST language. (2) Basic model QCPU 1 Qn(H)/QnPH/ QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) 2 Explains the functions, programming methods, devices and others that are necessary to create programs with the CPU. 3 4 This manual QCPU Programming Manual (Common Instructions) QCPU(Q Mode)/ QnACPU Programming Manual (PID Control Instructions) Describes the instructions Describes the instructions other than those described to perform PID control. in the manuals on the right. QCPU(Q Mode)/ QnACPU Programming Manual (SFC) QCPU(Q Mode) Programming Manual (MELSAP-L) QCPU(Q Mode) Programming Manual (Structured Text) 4 6 Describes SFC. Describes MELSAP-L. Describes the ST language. 7 (3) Process CPU and Redundant CPU Explains the functions, programming methods, devices and others that are necessary to create programs with the CPU. 1.1 Related Programming Manuals Qn(H)/QnPH/ QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) 8 This manual QCPU Programming Manual (Common Instructions) Describes the instructions other than those described in the manuals on the right. QnPHCPU/ QnPRHCPU Programming Manual (Process Control Instructions) Describes the instructions to perform process control. QCPU(Q Mode)/ QnACPU Programming Manual (SFC) QCPU(Q Mode) Programming Manual (MELSAP-L) QCPU(Q Mode) Programming Manual (Structured Text) Describes SFC. Describes MELSAP-L. Describes the ST language. 1-3 (4) Universal model QCPU QnUCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) Explains the functions, programming methods, devices and others that are necessary to create programs with the CPU. This manual QCPU Programming Manual (Common Instructions) QCPU(Q Mode)/ QnACPU Programming Manual (PID Control Instructions) Describes the instructions Describes the instructions other than those described to perform PID control. in the manuals on the right. 1-4 QCPU(Q Mode)/ QnACPU Programming Manual (SFC) Describes SFC. QCPU(Q Mode) Programming Manual (MELSAP-L) Describes MELSAP-L. QCPU(Q Mode) Programming Manual (Structured Text) Describes the ST language. 1.2 Abbreviations and Generic Names 1 This manual uses the generic names and abbreviations shown below to refer to Q series CPU modules, unless otherwise specified. * indicates a part of the model or version. Generic term/Abbreviation Description of Generic Name/Abbreviation 3 ■ Series Q series 2 Abbreviation for Mitsubishi MELSEC-Q series programmable controller 4 ■ CPU module type CPU module Generic term for Basic model QCPU, High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Redundant CPU and Universal model QCPU Basic model QCPU Generic term for Q00JCPU, Q00CPU and Q01CPU High Performance model QCPU Generic term for Q02CPU, Q02HCPU, Q06HCPU, Q12HCPU and Q25HCPU Process CPU Generic term for Q02PHCPU, Q06PHCPU, Q12PHCPU and Q25PHCPU Redundant CPU Generic term for Q12PRHCPU and Q25PRHCPU 4 6 7 Generic term for Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, Q02UCPU, Q03UDCPU, Universal model QCPU Q04UDHCPU, Q06UDHCPU, Q10UDHCPU, Q13UDHCPU, Q20UDHCPU, Q26UDHCPU, Q03UDECPU, Q04UDEHCPU, Q06UDEHCPU, Q10UDEHCPU, Q13UDEHCPU, 8 Q20UDEHCPU and Q26UDEHCPU ■ CPU module model Generic term for Q00JCPU, Q00CPU, Q01CPU and Q02CPU QnHCPU Generic term for Q02HCPU, Q06HCPU, Q12HCPU and Q25HCPU QnPHCPU Generic term for Q02PHCPU, Q06PHCPU, Q12PHCPU and Q25PHCPU QnPRHCPU Generic term for Q12PRHCPU and Q25PRHCPU Generic temr for Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, Q02UCPU, Q03UDCPU, QnUCPU Q04UDHCPU, Q06UDHCPU, Q10UDHCPU, Q13UDHCPU, Q20UDHCPU, Q26UDHCPU, Q03UDECPU, Q04UDEHCPU, Q06UDEHCPU, Q10UDEHCPU, Q13UDEHCPU, Q20UDEHCPU and Q26UDEHCPU QnU(D)(H)CPU QnUD(H)CPU QnUDE(H)CPU Generic temr for Q02UCPU, Q03UDCPU, Q04UDHCPU, Q06UDHCPU, Q10UDHCPU, Q13UDHCPU, Q20UDHCPU and Q26UDHCPU Generic name for Q03UDCPU, Q04UDHCPU, Q06UDHCPU, Q10UDHCPU, Q13UDHCPU, Q20UDHCPU and Q26UDHCPU Generic name for Q03UDECPU, Q04UDEHCPU, Q06UDEHCPU, Q10UDEHCPU, Q13UDEHCPU,Q20UDEHCPU and Q26UDEHCPU 1-5 1.2 Abbreviations and Generic Names QnCPU (Continued) Generic Name/Abbreviation Description of Generic Name/Abbreviation ■ Base unit model Q3 B Generic term for Q33B, Q35B, Q38B and Q312B main base units on which CPU module (except Q00JCPU), Q series power supply module, Q series I/O module, and intelligent function module can be mounted. Q3 SB Generic term for Q32SB, Q33SB and Q35SB slim type main base units on which Basic model QCPU (except Q00JCPU), High Performance model QCPU, slim type power supply module, Q series I/O module, and intelligent function module can be mounted. Q3 RB Other name for Q38RB redundant power supply main base unit on which CPU module (except Q00JCPU), redundant power supply module, Q series I/O module, and intelligent function module can be mounted. Q3 DB Generic term for the Q38DB and Q312DB type Multiple CPU high speed main base unit on which CPU module (except the Q00JCPU), Q series power supply module, Q series I/O module, and intelligent function module can be mounted. Q5 B Generic term for Q52B and Q55B extension base unit on which the Q Series I/O and intelligent function module can be mounted. Q6 B Generic term for Q63B, Q65B, Q68B and Q612B extension base unit on which Q Series power supply module, I/O module, intelligent function module can be mounted. Q6 RB Other name for Q68RB redundant power supply extension base unit on whichredundant power supply module, Q series I/O module, and intelligent function module can be mounted. Q6 WRB Other name for Q65WRB extension base unit for redundant system on which redundant power supply module, Q series I/O module, and intelligent function module can be mounted. QA1S6 QA6 Generic term for QA1S65B and QA1S68B extension base units on which AnS Series power supply module, I/O module, special function module can be mounted. B Generic term for QA65B and QA68B extension base units on which the A series power supply module, A series I/O modules and special function modules can be mounted. B A5 B Generic term for A52B, A55B, and A58B extension base units on which A series I/O module and special function module can be mounted without power supply. A6 B Generic term for A62B, A65B, and A68B extension base units on which A series I/O module and special function module can be mounted. QA6ADP QA6ADP+A5 Abbreviation for QA6ADP QA conversion adapter module. B/A6 B Abbreviation for A large type extension base unit on which QA6ADP is mounted. ■ Network 1-6 MELSECNET/H Abbreviation for MELSECNET/H network system MELSECNET/10 Abbreviation for MELSECNET/10 network system MELSECNET(II/,B) Abbreviation for MELSECNET and MELSECNET/B data link system Ethernet Abbreviation for Ethernet network system CC-Link Abbreviation for Control & Communication Link (Continued) Generic Name/Abbreviation 1 Description of Generic Name/Abbreviation ■ Others Product name of Q series Corresponding SW D5C-GPPW-type GPP function software 2 package GX Developer : Version of the software 3 Check the GX Developer versions that can be used for each CPU module in "System Configuration," QCPU User's Manual (Hardware Design, Maintenance and Inspection). Intelligent function module Intelligent function module device Generic name for intelligent function modules and special function modules 4 Generic name for intelligent function module devices and special function module devices 4 6 7 8 1.2 Abbreviations and Generic Names 1-7 MEMO 1-8 2 INSTRUCTION TABLES 2 2-1 2.1 Types of Instructions The major types of CPU module instructions consist of sequence instructions, basic instructions, application instructions, data link instructions, QCPU instructions and redundant system instructions. These types of instructions are listed in Table 2.1 below. Table 2.1 Types of Instructions Types of Instruction Sequence instruction Basic instruction Application instruction 2-2 Meaning Contact instruction Operation start, series connection, parallel connection Association instruction Ladder block connection, store/read operation results, creation of pulses from operation results Output instruction Bit device output, pulse output, output reversal Shift instruction Bit device shift Master control instruction Master control Termination instruction Program termination Other instruction Program stop, instructions such as no operation which do not fit in the above categories Comparison operation instruction Comparisons such as Arithmetic operation instruction Addition, subtraction, multiplication or division of BIN or BCD BCD BIN conversion instruction Conversion from BCD to BIN and from BIN to BCD Reference Chapter 5 , Data transfer instruction Transmits designated data Program branch instruction Program jumps , Program run control instruction Enables or inhibits interrupt programs I/O refresh Executes partial refresh Other convenient instruction Instructions for: Counter increment/decrement, teaching timer, special function timer, rotary table shortest direction control, etc. Logical operation instruction Logical operations such as logical sum, logical product, etc. Rotation instruction Rotation of designated data Shift instruction Shift of designated data Bit processing instruction Bit set and reset, bit test, batch reset of bit devices Data processing instruction 16-bit data searches, data processing such as decoding and encoding Structure creation instruction Repeated operation, subroutine program calls, indexing in ladder units Table operation instruction Data table read/write Buffer memory access instruction Data read/write from/to an intelligent function module Display instruction Print ASCII code, LED character display, etc. Debugging and failure diagnosis instruction Check, status latch, sampling trace, program trace Character string processing instruction Conversion between BIN/BCD and ASCII;conversion between BIN and character string; conversion between floating decimal point data and character strings, character string processing, etc. Special function instruction Trigonometric functions, conversion between angles and radians, exponential operations, automatic logarithms, square roots Data control instruction Upper and lower limit controls, dead band controls, zone controls Switching instruction File register block No. switches, designation of file registers and comment files Clock instruction Reading/writing of the values of year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and day of the week; addition/subtraction of the values of hour, minute, and second; conversion of the values of hour, minute, and second into second; comparison between the values of year, month, and day; and comparison between the values of hour, minute, and second Expansion clock instruction Reading of the values of year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, and day of the week; addition/subtraction of the values of hour, minute, second, and millisecond Peripheral device instruction I/O to peripheral devices Program control instruction Instructions to switch program execution conditions Other instruction Instructions that do not fit in the above categories, such as watchdog timer reset instructions and timing clock instructions 6 7 Table 2.1 Types of Instructions (Continued) Types of Instruction Instruction for Data Link Link refresh instruction Routing information read/write instruction Meaning Reference Chapter Designated network refresh 8 2 Writing to host CPU shared memory, Reading from other CPU shared memory 9 3 Writes/reads devices to/from another CPU. 10 System switching 11 Reads, writes, and registers routing information Multiple CPU Multiple CPU dedicated dedicated instruction instruction Multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated Multiple CPU device write/read instruction 4 instruction 4 Redundant system Instruction for Redundant CPU instruction 6 7 8 2.1 Types of Instructions 2-3 2.2 How to Read Instruction Tables The instruction tables found from Section 2.3 to 2.5 have been made according to the following format: BIN 16-bit addition and subtraction operations 1) Processing Details + + S D +P +P S D (D)+(S) + + S1 S2 D +P +P S1 S2 D (S1)+(S2) 2) 3) Execution Condition (D) (D) 4) 5) See for Description Symbol Subset Category Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbols Table 2.2 How to Read Instruction Tables 3 6-16 4 6-20 6) 7) 8) Description 1) ..........Classifies instructions according to their application. 2) ..........Indicates the instruction symbol added to the instruction in a program. Instruction code is built around the 16-bit instruction. The following notations are used to mark 32-bit instructions, instructions executed only at the leading edge of OFF to ON, real number instructions, and character string instructions: • 32-bit instruction ..... The letter "D" is added to the first line of the instruction. D+ Example + 16-bit instruction 32-bit instruction • Instructions executed only at the leading edge of OFF to ON ............................... The letter "P" is added to the end of the instruction. +P Example + Instruction executed when ON Instruction executed only at the leading edge of OFF to ON • Real number instructions ............................... The letter "E" is added to the first line of the instruction. Example + E+ Real number instructions • Character string instructions ............................... A dollar sign $ is added to the first line of the instruction. Example + $+ Character string instructions 2-4 3) ..........Shows symbol diagram on the ladder. + S D S1 S2 D + Indicates destination. Indicates source. Indicates destination. Indicates instruction symbol. Indicates instruction symbol. 2 Indicates source. Fig. 2.1 Symbol Diagram on the Ladder 3 Destination............ Indicates where data will be sent after operation. Source .................. Stores data prior to operation. 4 4) ..........Indicates the type of processing that is performed by individual instructions. (D)+(S) (D) (D+1, D) +(S+1, S) 16 bits 4 (D +1,D) 16 bits Indicates 16 bits. 6 Indicates 32 bits. D+1 D Upper 16 bits Lower 16 bits 7 Fig. 2.2 Type of Processing Performed by Individual Instructions 5) ..........The details of conditions for the execution of individual instructions are as follows: Symbol No symbol recorded 8 Execution Condition Instruction executed under normal circumstances, with no regard to the ON/OFF status of conditions prior to the instruction. If the precondition is OFF, the instruction will conduct OFF processing. Executed during ON; instruction is executed only while the precondition is ON. If the preconditions is OFF, 2.2 How to Read Instruction Tables the instruction is not executed, and no processing is conducted. Executed once at ON; instruction executed only at leading edge when precondition goes from OFF to ON. Following execution, instruction will not be executed and no processing conducted even if condition remains ON. Executed during OFF; instruction is executed only while the precondition is OFF. If the precondition is ON, the instruction is not executed, and no processing is conducted. Executed once at OFF; instruction executed only at trailing edge when precondition goes from ON to OFF. Following execution, instruction will not be executed and no processing conducted even if condition remains OFF. 6) ..........Indicates the basic number of steps for individual instructions. See Section 3.8 for a description of the number of steps. 7) ..........The mark indicates instructions for which subset processing is possible. See Section 3.5 for details on subset processing. 8) ..........Indicates the page numbers where the individual instructions are explained. 2-5 2.3 Sequence Instructions 2.3.1 Contact instructions Execution Condition • Starts logic operation LD (Starts a contact logic operation) • Starts logical NOT operation LDI (Starts b contact logic operation) • Logical product (a contact series connection) AND • Logical product NOT (b contact series ANI *1 5-2 *2 5-5 connection) • Logical sum (a contact parallel connection) OR • Logical sum NOT (b contact parallel ORI Contact Processing Details See for Description Symbol Subset Category Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbol Table 2.3 Contact Instructions connection) LDP • Starts leading edge pulse operation LDF • Starts trailing edge pulse operation ANDP • Leading edge pulse series connection ANDF • Trailing edge pulse series connection ORP • Leading edge pulse parallel connection ORF • Trailing edge pulse parallel connection LDPI • Starts leading edge pulse NOT operation 3 LDFI • Starts trailing edge pulse NOT operation 3 ANDPI • Leading edge pulse NOT series connection 4 ANDFI • Trailing edge pulse NOT series connection 4 ORPI • Leading edge pulse NOT parallel connection 4 ORFI • Trailing edge pulse NOT parallel connection 4 5-7 *1: The number of steps may vary depending on the device being used. Device 2-6 Number of Steps Internal device, file register (R0 to R32767) 1 Direct access input (DX) 2 Devices other than above 3 *2: The number of steps may vary depending on the device and type of CPU module being used. Number of Steps Device 2.3.2 QCPU Internal device, file register (R0 to R32767) 1 Direct access input (DX) 2 Devices other than above 3 2 3 Association instructions 4 ANB ORB MPS MRD 7 1 - 5-12 1 - 5-15 MEP MEF • Conversion of operation result to trailing edge pulse 1 - 5-17 - 5-18 Vn • Conversion of operation result to leading edge pulse (Stored at Vn) 1 Vn • Conversion of operation result to trailing edge pulse (Stored at Vn) *1 *1: The number of steps may vary depending on the device and type of CPU module being used. Component Number of Basic Steps High Performance model QCPU Process CPU Redundant CPU 1 Universal model QCPU Basic model QCPU 2 2-7 2.3 Sequence Instructions 2.3.2 Association instructions • Inversion of operation result • Conversion of operation result to leading edge pulse EGF 5-10 6 • Read and reset of operation results stored with MPS instruction MPP INV EGP - 4 8 • Read of operation results stored with MPS instruction MPS Connection 1 • OR between logical blocks (Series connection between logical blocks) • Memory storage of operation results MRD MPP Condition • AND between logical blocks (Series connection between logical blocks) ANB ORB Execution Processing Details See for Description Symbol Subset Category Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbol Table 2.4 Association Instructions 2.3.3 Output instructions Processing Details Execution Condition See for Description Symbol Subset Category Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbol Table 2.5 Output Instructions 5-20 OUT • Device output *1 - 5-22 5-26 5-28 SET SET D • Sets device *2 RST RST D • Resets device *2 PLS PLS D • Generates 1 cycle program pulse at leading edge of input signal. Output 5-30 *1 - *1 - 2 - 5-37 5-35 5-32 5-35 PLF PLF D • Generates 1 cycle program pulse at trailing edge of input signal. FF FF D • Reversal of device output 2 - 5-40 DELTA DELTA D • Pulse conversion of direct output 2 - 5-42 DELTAP DELTAP D *1: The number of steps may vary depending on the device being used. See description pages of individual instructions for number of steps. *2: The 2.3.4 execution condition applies only when an annunciator (F) is in use. Shift instructions SFT SFT D SFTP SFTP D Shift 2-8 • 1-bit shift of device Execution Condition See for Description Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.6 Shift Instructions 2 - 5-44 2.3.5 Master control instructions control Processing Details MC MCR 2.3.6 n D MCR n Execution Condition • Starts master control 2 • Resets master control 1 See for Description MC Master Symbol Subset Category Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbol Table 2.7 Master Control Instructions - 5-47 Execution Condition 5-53 • Termination of sequence program END Other instructions PAGE • Terminates sequence operation after input condition has been met. • Sequence program is executed by placing the RUN/STOP key switch back in the RUN position. STOP Execution Condition See for Description NOPLF Processing Details Subset STOP NOP Ignored Symbol Number of Basic Steps Stop Instruction Symbol Table 2.9 Other Instructions Category 1 - 5-55 1 - 5-57 • Ignored (For program deletion or space) –––––– • Ignored (To change pages during printouts) NOPLF PAGE n 8 • Ignored (Subsequent programs will be controlled from step 0 of page n) 2-9 2.3 Sequence Instructions 2.3.5 Master control instructions 2.3.7 - 7 5-51 Termination END 1 • Termination of main program FEND See for Description Processing Details Subset FEND 4 6 Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbol Symbol 3 4 Termination instructions Table 2.8 Termination Instructions Category 2 2.4 Basic instructions 2.4.1 Comparison operation instructions LD= S1 S2 AND= S1 S2 OR= • Conductive status when (S1) • Non-conductive status when (S1) S1 S2 AND<> S1 S2 (S1) (S2) 3 (S2) S1 S2 AND> S1 S2 • Conductive status when (S1) • Non-conductive status when (S2) 3 (S2) S1 S2 6-2 data comparisons LD<= AND<= OR<= S1 S2 S1 S2 • Conductive status when (S1) • Non-conductive status when (S1) LD< S1 S2 AND< S1 S2 OR< 3 (S2) • Conductive status when (S1) • Non-conductive status when (S2) 3 (S2) S1 S2 LD>= S1 S2 AND>= S1 S2 OR>= (S2) S1 S2 (S1) 2-10 See for Description 3 S1 S2 LD> OR> (S2) (S2) • Conductive status when (S1) • Non-conductive status when (S1) BIN 16-bit Condition S1 S2 LD<> OR<> Execution Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.10 Comparison Operation Instructions • Conductive status when (S1) • Non-conductive status when (S1) S1 S2 (S2) (S2) 3 LDD= D S1 S2 ANDD= D S1 S2 D S1 S2 LDD<> D S1 S2 ANDD<> D S1 S2 D S1 S2 LDD> D S1 S2 ANDD> D S1 S2 (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when D See for Description *1 4 4 *1 (S2+1, S2) 6 • Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when 7 *1 (S2+1, S2) S1 S2 6-4 data comparisons LDD<= S1 S2 D S1 S2 D S1 S2 LDD< D S1 S2 ANDD< D S1 S2 D S1 S2 LDD>= D S1 S2 ANDD>= D S1 S2 D S1 S2 ANDD<= (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) ORD<= (S2+1, S2) (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when *1 (S2+1, S2) • Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) ORD>= *1 • Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) ORD< *1 (S2+1, S2) *1: The number of steps may vary depending on the device and type of CPU module being used. Component High Performance model QCPU Process CPU Redundant CPU Basic model QCPU Universal model QCPU 8 • Conductive status when 2.4 Basic instructions 2.4.1 Comparison operation instructions D 2 3 (S2+1, S2) (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) ORD> Condition • Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) ORD<> Execution • Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) ORD= BIN 32-bit Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.10 Comparison Operation Instructions (Continued) Device • Word device: • Bit device: • Constant: Internal device (except for file register ZR) Devices whose device Nos. are multiples of 16, whose digit designation is K8, and which use no Indexing. No limitations Number of Steps 5 Note 1) Devices other than above 3 Note 2) All devices that can be used 3 Note 2) Note 1) When using a High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU or Redundant CPU, the number of steps increases but the processing speed becomes faster. Note 2) The number of steps may increase due to the conditions described in Section 3.8. 2-11 LDE= E S1 S2 ANDE= E S1 S2 E S1 S2 LDE<> E S1 S2 ANDE<> E S1 S2 E S1 S2 LDE> E S1 S2 ANDE> E S1 S2 decimal E S1 S2 LDE<= E S1 S2 ANDE<= E S1 S2 E S1 S2 LDE< E S1 S2 ANDE< E S1 S2 E S1 S2 LDE>= E S1 S2 ANDE>= E S1 S2 E S1 S2 ORE> point data comparisons (Single precision) 3 - 3 - 3 - See for Description Condition (S2+1, S2) • Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when (S2+1, S2) • Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) 6-6 • Conductive status when ORE<= ORE< ORE>= 2-12 (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) Floating Execution • Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) ORE= ORE<> Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.10 Comparison Operation Instructions (Continued) (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) 3 - 3 - 3 - (S2+1, S2) • Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) LDED= ANDED= ED ED S1 S2 • Conductive status when S1 S2 (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1) (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when ED S1 S2 (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1) (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) LDED<> ED S1 S2 • Conductive status when ANDED<> ED S1 S2 (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1) (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) ORED= • Non-Conductive status when ED S1 S2 (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1) (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) LDED> ED S1 S2 • Conductive status when ANDED> ED S1 S2 (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1) (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) ORED<> • Non-Conductive status when Floating decimal ORED> point data comparisons (Double precision) ED S1 S2 (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1) (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) LDED<= ED S1 S2 • Conductive status when ANDED<= ED S1 S2 (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1) (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when S1 S2 (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1) (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) LDED< ED S1 S2 • Conductive status when ANDED< ED S1 S2 (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1) (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) • Non-Conductive status when ED S1 S2 (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1) (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) LDED>= ED S1 S2 • Conductive status when ANDED>= ED S1 S2 (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1) (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) ORED< • Non-Conductive status when ORED>= ED S1 S2 Condition 2 3 3 - 4 4 3 - 6 3 7 - 6-8 3 - 3 - 3 - 8 2.4 Basic instructions 2.4.1 Comparison operation instructions ED ORED<= Execution See for Description Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.10 Comparison Operation Instructions (Continued) (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1) (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) 2-13 LD$= $ S1 S2 AND$= $ S1 S2 $ S1 S2 LD$<> $ S1 S2 AND$<> $ S1 S2 $ S1 S2 LD$> $ S1 S2 AND$> $ S1 S2 OR$> Character $ S1 S2 $ S1 S2 $ S1 S2 string data comparisons LD$<= AND$<= OR$<= $ S1 S2 LD$< $ S1 S2 AND$< $ S1 S2 OR$< • Compares character string S1 and character string S2 one character at a time. *2 • Conductive status when (character string S1) (character string S2) • Non-Conductive status when OR$= OR$<> $ S1 S2 LD$>= $ S1 S2 AND$>= $ S1 S2 (character string S1) string S2) Condition 3 - 3 - 3 - (character • Compares character string S1 and character string S2 one character at a time. *2 • Conductive status when (character string S1) (character string S2) • Non-Conductive status when (character string S1) (character string S2) • Compares character string S1 and character string S2 one character at a time. *2 • Conductive status when (character string S1) (character string S2) • Non-Conductive status when (character string S1) (character string S2) • Compares character string S1 and character string S2 one character at a time. *2 • Conductive status when (character string S1) (character string S2) • Non-Conductive status when (character string S1) (character string S2) • Compares character string S1 and character string S2 one character at a time. *2 • Conductive status when (character string S1) (character string S2) 6-8 3 - 3 - 3 - • Non-Conductive status when (character string S1) (character string S2) • Compares character string S1 and character string S2 one character at a time. *2 • Conductive status when (character string S1) OR$>= Execution See for Description Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.10 Comparison Operation Instructions (Continued) (character string S2) • Non-Conductive status when $ S1 S2 (character string S1) string S2) (character *2: The conditions under which character string comparisons can be made are as shown below: • Match: All characters in the strings must match • Larger string: If character strings are different, determines the string with the largest number of character codes. If the lengths of the character strings are different, determines the longest character string. • Smaller string: If the character strings are different, determines the string with the smallest number of character codes. If the lengths of the character strings are different, determines the shortest character string. 2-14 BIN 16-bit Block data comparisons 32-bit block data comparisons BKCMP= BKCMP S1 S2 D n BKCMP<> BKCMP S1 S2 D n BKCMP> BKCMP S1 S2 D n BKCMP<= BKCMP S1 S2 D n BKCMP< BKCMP S1 S2 D n BKCMP>= BKCMP S1 S2 D n BKCMP=P BKCMP P S1 S2 D n BKCMP<>P BKCMP BKCMP>P BKCMP P S1 S2 D n BKCMP<=P BKCMP BKCMP=P BKCMP P S1 S2 D n DBKCMP= DBKCMP S1 S2 D n DBKCMP<> DBKCMP S1 S2 D n DBKCMP> DBKCMP S1 S2 D n DBKCMP<= DBKCMP S1 S2 D n DBKCMP< DBKCMP S1 S2 D n DBKCMP>= DBKCMP S1 S2 D n DBKCMP=P DBKCMP P S1 S2 D n DBKCMP<>P DBKCMP DBKCMP>P DBKCMP P S1 S2 D n DBKCMP<=P DBKCMP DBKCMP
=P DBKCMP P S1 S2 D n Condition See for Description Execution Subset Processing Details 2 3 4 • This instruction compares BIN 16-bit data stored in n-point devices starting from the device specified by S1 with BIN 16-bit data stored in n-point devices starting from the device specified by S2, and then stores the result into the nth device specified by (D) and up. 4 5 - 6-15 6 7 P S1 S2 D n 8 • This instruction compares BIN 32-bit data stored in n-point devices starting from the device specified by S1 with P S1 S2 D P S1 S2 D P S1 S2 D n BIN 32-bit data stored in n-point devices starting from the device 5 - 6-18 specified by a constant and S2, and then stores the result into the nth device specified by (D) and up. n n 2-15 2.4 Basic instructions 2.4.1 Comparison operation instructions BIN Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.10 Comparison Operation Instructions (Continued) 2.4.2 Arithmetic operation instructions Processing Details + + S D +P +P S D • (D)+(S) BIN 16-bit addition and subtraction operations + + S1 S2 D +P +P S1 S2 D (D) • (S1)+(S2) - (D) • (D) P - (S) (D) BIN 16-bit multiplication and division operations BIN 32-bit multiplication and division operations 2-16 4 6-24 3 6-22 (S2) (D) 4 6-24 *1 6-26 *2 6-28 *1 6-26 *2 6-28 S1 S2 D P D+ D+ S D D+P D+P S D • (D+1, D)+(S+1, S) operations 6-22 S D • (S1) subtraction 3 S1 S2 D -P addition and Condition S D -P BIN 32-bit Execution See for Description Symbol Subset Category Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbol Table 2.11 Arithmetic Operation Instructions D+ D+ S1 S2 D D+P D+P S1 S2 D D- D S D D-P D P S D (D+1, D) • (S1+1, S1)+(S2+1, S2) • (D+1, D) D- D D-P D * * *P (S+1, S) (D+1, D) (D+1, D) S1 S2 D P • (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • (S1) (D+1,D) (D+1, D) S1 S2 D S1 S2 D (S2) *3 S1 S2 D 6-30 / / S1 S2 D /P /P S1 S2 D D* S1 S2 D D*P S1 S2 D • (S1) / (S2) Quotient(D), Remainder (D+1) • (S1+1,S1) (S2+1,S2) (D+3,D+2,D+1,D) *4 *4 6-32 D/ D/ S1 S2 D D/P D/P S1 S2 D • (S1+1, S1) / (S2+1, S2) Quotient (D+1, D), Remainder (D+3, D+2) *4 *1: The number of steps may vary depending on the device and type of CPU module being used. Component Number of Device • Word device: • Bit device: High Performance model QCPU Process CPU • Constant: Redundant CPU Basic model QCPU Universal model QCPU Steps Internal device (except for file register ZR) Devices whose device Nos. are multiples of 16, whose digit designation is K8, and which use no indexing. No limitations 5 Note 1) Devices other than above 3 All devices that can be used 3 Note 2) Note 1) When using a High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU or Redundant CPU, the number of steps increases but the processing speed becomes faster. Note 2) The number of steps may increase due to the conditions described in Section 3.8. *2: The number of steps may vary depending on the device and type of CPU module being used. Component Number of Device • Word device: • Bit device: High Performance model QCPU Process CPU • Constant: Redundant CPU Internal device (except for file register ZR) Devices whose device Nos. are multiples of 16, whose digit designation is K8, and which use no indexing. No limitations 6 Note 1) 4 Note 2) 4 Note 2) All devices that can be used Universal model QCPU 3 Note 2) Note 1) When using a High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU or Redundant CPU, the number of steps increases but the processing speed becomes faster. Note 2) The number of steps may increase due to the conditions described in Section 3.8. Device • Word device: • Bit device: QCPU • Constant: Internal device (except for file register ZR) Devices whose device Nos. are multiples of 16, whose digit designation is K8, and which use no indexing. No limitations Devices other than above 4 4 Number of Steps 3 4 Note 1) Note 1) The number of steps may increase due to the conditions described in Section 3.8. *4: The number of basic steps is three for the Universal model QCPU only. 2-17 6 7 8 2.4 Basic instructions 2.4.2 Arithmetic operation instructions *3: The number of steps may vary depending on the device and type of CPU module being used. Component 3 Steps Devices other than above Basic model QCPU 2 Note 2) Processing Details B+ B+ S D B+P B+P S D • (D)+(S) BCD 4-digit addition B+ B+ S1 S2 D B+P B+P S1 S2 D B- B S D B-P B P S D Condition 3 (D) • (S1)+(S2) Execution 4 (D) See for Description Symbol Subset Category Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbol Table 2.11 Arithmetic Operation Instructions (Continued) 6-34 - 6-36 and subtraction operations • (D) B- B S1 S2 D B-P B P S1 S2 D • (S1) DB+ DB+ S D DB+P DB+P S D (S) (S2) (D) • (D+1, D)+(S+1, S) BCD 8-digit addition DB+ DB+ S1 S2 D DB+P DB+P S1 S2 D DB- DB S D DB-P DB 3 (D) (D+1, D) • (S1+1, S1)+(S2+1, S2) (D+1, D) 6-34 4 - 6-36 3 - 6-38 4 - 6-40 3 - 6-38 4 - 6-40 and subtraction operations BCD 4-digit • (D+1, D) BCD 8-digit multiplication (S+1, S) (D+1, D) S D DB- DB S1 S2 D DB-P DB P S1 S2 D B* B S1 S2 D B P S1 S2 D B/ S1 S2 D B/P B/P S1 S2 D DB* DB S1 S2 D multiplication B*P and B/ division operations P • (S1+1, S1) (S2+1, S2) • (S1) (D+1,D) (S2) (D+1, D) 4 6-42 • (S1) / (S2) Quotient(D), Remainder (D+1) • (S1+1,S1) (S2+1,S2) (D+3,D+2,D+1,D) DB*P DB P S1 S2 D DB/ DB/ S1 S2 D • (S1+1, S1) / (S2+1, S2) DB/P DB/P S1 S2 D Quotient (D+1, D), Remainder (D+3, D+2) 4 4 6-44 and division operations 2-18 - 4 E+ E+ Processing Details decimal point data addition E+P E+ E+P 3 S D E+ S1 S2 D E+P S1 S2 D E S D (D+1, D) *6 4 *5 *6 6-46 6-48 and subtraction operations (Single precision) E- • (D+1, D) E-P E- E P E Floating decimal point data addition ED+ (S2+1, S2) (D+1, D) S1 S2 D ED+ ED+P (D+1, D) S1 S2 D E P ED+ (S+1, S) S D ED+P ED+ S D S1 S2 D • (D+3, D+2, D+1, D)+(S+3, S+2, S+1, S) (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) 6-46 ED+P S1 S2 D (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) ED- ED S D • (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) ED-P ED 4 4 *6 4 *5 *6 6-48 3 6-50 4 6-52 3 6-50 4 6-52 • (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1)+ (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) ED+P 3 S D • (S1+1, S1) E-P 2 3 (D+1, D) • (S1+1, S1)+(S2+1, S2) E+P Condition S D • (D+1, D)+(S+1, S) Floating Execution See for Description Symbol Subset Category Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbol Table 2.11 Arithmetic Operation Instructions (Continued) 6 7 8 and subtraction (Double precision) Floating decimal point data P S D ED- ED S1 S2 D ED-P ED P S1 S2 D (S+3, S+2, S+1, S) (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) • (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1) (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) E* S1 S2 D E*P S1 S2 D (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) • (S1+1,S1) (S2+1,S2) (D+1,D) 3 *6 multiplication and division E/ E/ S1 S2 D E/P E/P S1 S2 D ED* ED S1 S2 D ED*P ED P S1 S2 D ED/ ED/ S1 S2 D ED/P ED/P S1 S2 D operations (Single 6-54 • (S1+1, S1) / (S2+1, S2) Quotient (D+1, D) 4 *6 precision) Floating decimal point data (S2+3,S2+2,S2+1,S2) multiplication and division operations (Double precision) • (S1+3,S1+2,S1+1,S1) 4 (D+3,D+2,D+1,D) *6 6-56 • (S1+3, S1+2, S1+1, S1) / (S2+3, S2+2, S2+1, S2) Quotient (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) 4 *6 *5: The number of basic steps is three for the Universal model QCPU only. *6: The subset is effective only with Universal model QCPU. 2-19 2.4 Basic instructions 2.4.2 Arithmetic operation instructions operations subtraction operations BK+ BK+ S1 S2 D n BK+P BK+P S1 S2 D n - BK- BK S1 S2 D n • This instruction substracts BIN 16-bit data stored in the n-point devices starting from the devices specified by (S2) from BIN 16bit data stored in n-point devices starting from the device specified by (S1) in batch. BK-P BK P S1 S2 D n 5 - 5 - Execution Condition See for Description 5 Processing Details addition and • This instruction adds BIN 16-bit data stored in n-point devices starting from the device specified by (S1) to the n-point data stored in the devices starting from the device specified by (S2) in batch. Symbol BIN 16-bit data block Subset Category Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbol Table 2.11 Arithmetic Operation Instructions (Continued) 6-59 • Adds BIN 32-bit data stored in the nDBK+ DBK+ S1 S2 D n point devices starting from the device specified by (S1) and a constant to BIN 32-bit data stored in the n-point devices BIN 32-bit data block DBK+P DBK+P S1 S2 D n (S2) and stores the result into the nth device specified by (D) and up. addition and subtraction starting from the device specified by 6-62 • Subtracts BIN 32-bit data stored in the DBK- DBK S1 S2 D n operations n-point devices starting from the device specified by (S2) or a constant from BIN 32-bit data stored in n-point devices DBK-P DBK P S1 S2 D n 5 - • Links character string designated with (S) to character string designated with (D), and stores the result from (D) onward. 3 - 6-65 • Links character string designated with (S2) to character string designated with (S1), and stores the result from (D) onward. 4 - 6-67 • (D)+1 2 6-69 *7 6-71 2 6-69 *7 6-71 starting from the device specified by (S1) and stores the operation result into the nth device specified by (D) and up. Character $+ $+ S D $+P $+P S D string data Connection $+ $+P $+ S1 S2 D $+P S1 S2 D INC INC D INCP INCP D DINC DINC D DINCP DINCP D DEC DEC D DECP DECP D DDEC DDEC D DDECP DDECP D (D) • (D+1, D)+1 BIN data increment • (D) 1 • (D+1, D) 2-20 (D+1, D) (D) 1 (D+1, D) *7: The number of steps may vary depending on the device and type of CPU module being used. Component High Performance model QCPU Process CPU Redundant CPU Basic model QCPU Universal model QCPU Device • Word device: • Bit device: • Constant: Internal device (except for file register ZR) Devices whose device Nos. are multiples of 16, whose digit designation is K8, and which use no indexing. No limitations Number of Steps 3 Note 1) 2 Note 2) Devices other than above 2 All devices that can be used 2 Note 2) Note 1) When using a High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU or Redundant CPU, the number of steps increases but the processing speed becomes faster. Note 2) The number of steps may increase due to the conditions described in Section 3.8. 3 4 4 6 7 8 2.4 Basic instructions 2.4.2 Arithmetic operation instructions 2-21 2.4.3 Data conversion instructions BCD BCD Processing Details S D (S) BCD conversions BCDP BCDP S D DBCD DBCD S D conversions BIN DBCDP DBCDP S D BIN BIN S D BINP BINP S D DBIN DBIN S D point conversions (Single precision) BIN point conversions (Double precision) Floating DBINP DBINP S D FLT FLT S D FLTP FLTP S D DFLT DFLT S D conversions (Single precision) Floating DFLTP DFLTP S D FLTD FLTD S D FLTDP FLTDP S D DFLTD DFLTD S D DFLTDP DFLTDP S D INT INT S D conversions INTP INTP S D DINT DINT S D DINTP DINTP S D INTD INTD S D INTDP INTDP S D DINTD DINTD S D Conversion to real number (S+1, S) (D+1, D) BIN( 2147483648 to 2147483647) Conversion to real number ( D+3, D+2, D+1, D) BIN( 32768 to 32767) 3 *1 3 *1 *2 DINTDP DINTDP S D 3 *1 *2 4 *2 6-81 Conversion to real number (S+1, S) (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) BIN( 2147483648 to 2147483647) Conversion to BIN (D) Real number (-32768 to 32767) Conversion to BIN (S+1, S) (D+1, D) Real number (-2147483648 to 2147483647) Conversion to BIN (S+3, S+2, S+1, S) (D) Real number ( 32768 to 32767) Conversion to BIN (S+3, S+2, S+1, S) (D+1, D) Real number ( 2147483648 to 2147483647) *1: The number of basic steps is two for the Universal model QCPU only. *2: The subset is effective only with Universal model QCPU. 2-22 3 *1 4 *2 3 *1 *2 6-83 3 *1 3 *2 *2 6-86 (Double precision) Conversion to real number (D+1, D) BIN( 32768 to 32767) (S+1, S) point BIN 3 *1 6-78 point BIN 3 *1 6-75 (S) Floating BIN conversions (D) BCD (0 to 9999) BIN conversions (S+1, S) (D+1, D) BCD (0 to 99999999) (S) Floating Condition 6-73 BCD conversions (S+1, S) (D+1, D) BIN (0 to 99999999) (S) BIN BCD conversions (D) BIN (0 to 9999) Execution See for Description Symbol Subset Category Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbol Table 2.12 Data Conversion Instructions 3 *2 DBL S D (S) 16-bit DBLP DBLP S D 32-bit WORD WORD S D conversion BIN Gray code BIN (D+1, D) BIN (-32768 to 32767) Conversion (S+1, S) WORDP WORDP S D GRY GRY S D GRYP GRYP S D DGRY DGRY S D conversions Gray code Conversion DGRYP DGRYP S D GBIN GBIN S D GBINP S D DGBIN DGBIN S D DGBINP DGBINP S D NEG D conversions NEG NEGP NEGP D DNEG DNEG D Conversion to gray code (S) (D) BIN (-32768 to 32767) Condition 3 - 6-88 3 - 6-89 3 - 3 - Conversion to BIN data (S) (D) Gray code (-32768 to 32767) 3 - Conversion to BIN data (S+1, S) (D+1, D) Gray code (-2147483648 to 2147483647) (D) (D) BIN data Complement to 2 Block conversion DNEGP DNEGP D ENEG ENEG D ENEGP ENEGP D EDNEG EDNEG D EDNEGP EDNEGP D BKBCD BKBCD S D n BKBCDP BKBCDP S D n BKBIN BKBIN S D n BKBINP BKBINP S D n Floating-point ECON Single precision ECONP Double precision Floating-point EDCON Double precision EDCONP Single precision ECON S D ECONP S D EDCON S D EDCONP S D (D+1, D) 6-92 3 - 2 - 2 - (D+1, D) Real number data 2 - 6-96 (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) Real number data 3 - 6-97 • Batch converts BIN data n points from (S) to BCD data and stores the result from (D) onward. 4 - 6-98 • Batch converts BCD data n points from (S) to BIN data and stores the result from (D) onward. 4 - 6-100 Conversion to double precision (S+1, S) (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) 32-bit floating-point real number 3 - 6-102 Conversion to single precision (S+3, S+2, S+1, S) (D+1, D) 64-bit floating-point real number 3 - 6-104 BIN data (D+1, D) 4 6 7 6-94 (D+1, D) 3 4 6-90 Conversion to gray code (S+1, S) (D+1, D) BIN (-2147483648 to 2147483647) 2 2-23 8 2.4 Basic instructions 2.4.3 Data conversion instructions GBINP (D) BIN (-32768 to 32767) Execution See for Description DBL Processing Details Subset BIN Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.12 Data Conversion Instructions (Continued) 2.4.4 Data transfer instructions 16-bit data transfer MOV MOV Condition *4 S D ( D) (S) MOVP MOVP S D DMOV DMOV S D DMOVP DMOVP S D EMOV EMOV S D See for Description Execution Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.13 Data Transfer Instructions *1 6-106 32-bit data transfer Floating decimal point data transfer (Single (S+1, S) EMOVP EMOVP S D EDMOV EDMOV S D *2 (D+1,D) (S+1,S) (D+1, D) *2 *3 Real number data 6-108 precision) Floating decimal point data (S+3, S+2, S+1, S) transfer EDMOVP EDMOVP S D $MOV $MOV S D transfer $MOVP $MOVP S D 16-bit data CML CML S D transfer CMLP CMLP S D 32-bit data DCML DCML S D DCMLP DCMLP S D (Double (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) 2 Real number data *3 6-110 precision) Character string data negation • Transfers character string designated by (S) to device designated by (D) onward. 3 (S) *1 (D) - 6-112 6-114 negation transfer Block transfer Identical 16- (S+1,S) BMOV BMOV S D n BMOVP BMOVP S D n FMOV FMOV S D n (S) (D) n (D) bit data block (S) transfers FMOVP FMOVP S D n Identical 32- DFMOV DFMOV S D n DFMOVP DFMOVP S D n *2 (D+1,D) n 4 6-117 4 6-120 (S+1,S) bit data block transfers 16-bit data exchange (D+1,D) XCH XCH D1 D2 XCHP XCHP D1 D2 DXCH DXCH D1 D2 DXCHP DXCHP D1 D2 (D1) n 4 3 (D2) 6-122 32-bit data exchange 2-24 (D1+1,D1) (D2+1,D2) 3 Exchange BXCH BXCHP S D n BXCHP SWAP 4 - 6-126 n (S) D b15 to b8 b7 to b0 8 bits (D) 8 bits 3 and lower bytes 4 b15 to b8 b7 to b0 8 bits 8 bits D SWAPP SWAPP - 6-128 4 *1: The number of steps may vary depending on the device and type of CPU module being used. Component Device • Word device: • Bit device: QCPU • Constant: 2 3 (D) S D n SWAP of upper (S) Condition See for Description exchange BXCH Execution Processing Details Subset Block data Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.13 Data Transfer Instructions (Continued) Internal device (except for file register ZR) Devices whose device Nos. are multiples of 16, whose digit designation is K4, and which use no indexing. No limitations Number of Steps 7 2 3 Note 1) Devices other than above 6 Note 1) The number of steps may increase due to the conditions described in Section 3.8. 8 *2: The number of steps may vary depending on the device and type of CPU module being used. Device Number of Steps • Word device: Internal device (except for file register ZR) High Performance model QCPU • Bit device: Process CPU Redundant CPU Devices whose device Nos. are multiples of 16, whose digit designation is K8, and which use no indexing. • Constant: 3 No limitations Devices other than above 3 Note 1) • Word device: Internal device (except for file register ZR) • Bit device: Basic model QCPU Universal model QCPU Devices whose device Nos. are multiples of 16, whose digit designation is K8, and which use no indexing. • Constant: No limitations (The number of steps is 3 when the above device + constant are used.) 2 Devices other than above 3 Note 1) All devices that can be used 2 Note 1) Note 1) The number of steps may increase due to the conditions described in Section 3.8. 2-25 2.4 Basic instructions 2.4.4 Data transfer instructions Component *3: The subset is effective only with QCPU. *4: The number of steps may vary depending on the device and type of CPU module being used. Component Device • Word device: • Bit device: QCPU • Constant: Internal device (except for file register ZR) Devices whose device Nos. are multiples of 16, whose digit designation is K4, and which use no indexing. No limitations Devices other than above Number of Steps 2 3 Note 1) Note 1) The number of steps may increase due to the conditions described in Section 3.8. 2-26 2.4.5 Program branch instructions Processing Details CJ CJ Pn SCJ SCJ Pn JMP JMP Pn Jump GOEND 2.4.6 Execution Condition • Jumps to Pn when input conditions are 2 met. • Jumps to Pn from the scan after the 6-129 2 meeting of input condition. • Jumps unconditionally to Pn. 2 • Jumps to END instruction when input GOEND See for Description Symbol Subset Category Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbol Table 2.14 Program Branch Instructions 1 condition is met. - 6 interrupts EI EI • Prohibits the running of an interrupt program. • Resets interrupt program execution prohibition. 1 - 1 6-133 IMASK S • Inhibits or permits interrupts for each interrupt program. 2 - 1 - See for Description IMASK Subset enable Number of Basic Steps Interrupt disable/ See for Description Instruction Symbol DI Subset Enable DI Condition Number of Basic Steps interrupts Execution 7 3 - 6-141 setting Return IRET 2.4.7 • Returns to sequence program from an IRET interrupt program. 6-139 I/O refresh instructions Category I/O Refresh Instruction Symbol Table 2.16 I/O Refresh Instructions Symbol Processing Details RFS RFS S n RFSP RFSP S n • Refreshes the relevant I/O area during scan. Execution Condition 2-27 8 2.4 Basic instructions 2.4.5 Program branch instructions Disable Processing Details 4 6-132 Program execution control instructions Symbol 3 4 Table 2.15 Program Execution Control Instructions Category 2 2.4.8 Other convenient instructions Condition See for Description Execution Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.17 Other convenient instructions 4 - 6-143 4 - 6-146 3 - 6-149 3 - 6-151 5 - 6-154 6 - 6-157 4 - 6-160 4 - 6-162 4 - 6-164 5 - 6-166 (S)+0 UDCNT1 UDCNT1 S D n UDCNT2 UDCNT2 S D n Down Up Up (S)+1 Present Cn value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -2 -1 0 Cn contact Up/Down counter (S)+0 (S)+1 Present Cn value 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 Cn contact Teaching timer (D) (Time that TTMR is ON) n TTMR TTMR D n n=0:1, n=1:10n, n=2:100 • The 4 points from the bit device designated by (D) operate as shown below, depending on the ON/OFF status of the input conditions for the Special timer STMR instruction: STMR STMR S n D (D)+0: Off delay timer output (D)+1: One shot after off timer output (D)+2: One shot after on timer output (D)+3: On delay and off delay timer output • Rotates a rotary table with n1 divisions Shortest direction ROTC ROTC S n1 n2 D control Ramp signal from the stop position to the position designated by (S+1) in the shortest direction. RAMP RAMP n1 n2 D1 n3 D2 • Changes device data designated by D1 from n1 to n2 in n3 scans. • Counts the pulse input from the device Pulse density SPD SPD S n D designated by (S) for the duration of time designated by n, and stores the count in the device designated by (D). Pulse output PLSY PLSY n1 n2 D (n1)Hz (D) Output n2 times n1 Pulse width PWM PWM n2 n1 n2 D modulation (D) • Reads data of 16 points Matrix input MTR MTR S D1 D2 n specified by (S), and stores them to the devices starting from the one specified by (D2). 2-28 n rows from the devices starting from the one 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.1 1 Logical operation instructions 2 WAND S D WANDP WANDP S D (D) WAND WAND Logical product WANDP (S2) DAND DAND S D DANDP DANDP S D (S+1,S) (D+1,D) DAND DAND S1 S2 D DANDP DANDP S1 S2 D BKAND BKAND BKANDP BKANDP S1 S2 D n (S1) S1 S2 D n WOR S D WORP WORP S D WOR WOR Logical sum WORP (S2) DOR S D DORP DORP S D (D+1,D) DOR DOR S1 S2 D DORP DORP S1 S2 D (S+1,S) BKOR BKOR S1 S2 D n BKORP BKORP S1 S2 D n WXOR WXOR S D WXORP WXORP S D (S1) Exclusive OR WXOR WXOR WXORP (S2) (D+1,D) (S2) DXOR S D DXORP DXORP S D (D+1,D) (S+1,S) 5 - 7-9 7-11 7-14 *2 7-11 *3 7-14 5 4 (D) *1 S1 S2 D DXOR 8 3 (D) (S) 7-6 (D) S1 S2 D (S1) WXORP (D+1,D) n (D) *3 *1 (S2+1,S2) (S1+1,S1) 7 4 (D) S1 S2 D DOR 7-3 3 (D) (S) *2 (D) S1 S2 D (S1) WORP (S2) (D+1,D) n (D) 6 (D+1,D) *2 - 7-17 7-19 7-22 7-19 2-29 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.1 Logical operation instructions WOR (D+1,D) (S2+1,S2) (S1+1,S1) 7-6 *1 S1 S2 D 4 2 4 (D) 4 7-3 3 (D) (S) S1 S2 D (S1) WANDP Condition See for Description WAND Processing Details Subset Symbol Execution Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.18 Logical Operation Instructions DXOR DXOR S1 S2 D DXORP DXORP S1 S2 D (S2+1,S2) (S1+1,S1) Exclusive OR BKXOR BKXOR BKXORP BKXORP S1 S2 D n (S1) S1 S2 D n WXNR WXNR S D WXNRP WXNRP S D WXNR NON exclusive logical sum WXNRP (S2) DXNR S D DXNRP DXNRP S D (D+1,D) DXNR DXNR S1 S2 D DXNRP DXNRP S1 S2 D BKXNR BKXNR S1 S2 D n BKXNRP BKXNRP S1 S2 D n (S1) (D+1,D) (D+1,D) See for Description 7-25 7-27 7-30 *1 (S2+1,S2) (S2) - 4 (D) (S+1,S) 5 3 S1 S2 D DXNR 7-22 *3 (D) (D) (S) (S1+1,S1) 2-30 (D+1,D) S1 S2 D (S1) WXNRP (S2) Condition n (D) WXNR Execution Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.18 Logical Operation Instructions (Continued) *2 7-27 *3 7-30 (D) n 5 - 7-33 *1: The number of basic steps is three for the Universal model QCPU only. *2: The number of steps may vary depending on the device and type of CPU module being used. Component Device Number of 1 Steps • Word device: Internal device (except for file register ZR) High Performance model QCPU • Bit device: Devices whose device Nos. are multiples of 16, whose digit designation is K8, and which use no indexing. Process CPU • Constant: Redundant CPU Basic model QCPU Universal model QCPU 5 Note 1) No limitations Devices other than above 3 Note 2) All devices that can be used 3 Note 2) Note 1) When using a High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU or Redundant CPU, the number of steps increases but the processing speed becomes faster. Note 2) The number of steps may increase due to the conditions described in Section 3.8. Component Device • Bit device: Redundant CPU Devices whose device Nos. are multiples of 16, whose digit designation is K8, and which use no indexing. • Constant: Steps Basic model QCPU Universal model QCPU All devices that can be used 6 6 Note 1) 7 No limitations Devices other than above 4 Number of • Word device: Internal device (except for file register ZR) Process CPU 4 2 *3: The number of steps may vary depending on the device and type of CPU module being used. High Performance model QCPU 2 4 Note 2) 4 Note 2) 3 Note 2) 8 Note 1) When using a High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU or Redundant CPU, the number of steps increases but the processing speed becomes faster. Note 2) The number of steps may increase due to the conditions described in Section 3.8. 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.1 Logical operation instructions 2-31 2.5.2 Rotation instructions Condition ROR ROR D n RORP RORP D n Right rotation by n bits Carry flag D n b15 b15 (D) See for Description Execution Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.19 Rotation Instructions SM700 b0 3 Right rotation 7-35 RCR RCR (D) SM700 b0 3 RCRP RCRP D n ROL ROL D n Right rotation by n bits Carry flag SM700 b15 (D) b0 3 Left rotation ROLP ROLP D n Carry flag Left rotation by n bits 7-38 RCL RCL D n RCLP RCLP D n DROR DROR D n SM700 b15 (D) b0 3 Carry flag Left rotation by n bits (D+1) (D) b31 to b16 b15 to b0 SM700 3 Right rotation DRORP DRORP D n DRCR DRCR D n DRCRP DRCRP D n DROL DROL D n Right rotation by n bits Carry flag (D+1) (D) b31 to b16 b15 to b0 7-41 SM700 3 Right rotation by n bits Carry flag SM700 (D+1) (D) b31 to b16 b15 to b0 3 DROLP DROLP D n DRCL DRCL D n DRCLP DRCLP D n Left rotation Carry flag SM700 Left rotation by n bits 7-44 (D+1) (D) b31 to b16 b15 to b0 3 2-32 Carry flag Left rotation by n bits 2.5.3 Shift instructions 1 n-bit shift SFR SFR D n b15 SFRP SFRP D n b15 0 to 0 SFL SFL D n of 16-bit data 1-bit shift SFLP SFLP D n BSFR BSFR D n BSFRP BSFRP D n of n-bit data BSFL BSFLP SFTBR BSFL SFTBR bn D n See for Description Condition b0 Carry flag b0 SM700 b15 bn 2 b0 3 Carry flag SM700 b15 b0 0 to 0 6 n (D) Carry flag SM700 3 - 7 0 7-49 n (D) Carry flag SM700 3 - 4 - 8 0 n1 D n1 n2 SFTRP D n1 n2 SM700 0 0 of n-bit data Carry flag SFTBL SFTBL 7-51 n1 D n1 n2 n2 (D) Carry flag SFTBLP SFTBLP D n1 n2 4 - SM700 0 0 DSFR 1-word DSFRP DSFR DSFRP D n DSFL D n shift of n-words data DSFL DSFLP SFTWR DSFLP n D n (D) 0 7-54 n (D) D n SFTWRP shift of n-words data 3 0 n1 SFTWR D n1 n2 n2 (D) n-words 3 4 - SFTWRP D n1 n2 0 0 SFTWL SFTWLP 7-56 n1 SFTWL D n1 n2 SFTWLP D n1 n2 n2 (D) 4 - 0 0 2-33 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.3 Shift instructions (D) n-bit shift 4 4 3 n2 SFTBRP 2 7-46 D n BSFLP Execution Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.20 Shift Instructions 2.5.4 Bit processing instructions BSET Bit set/reset BSET D n BSETP BSETP D n BRST BRST D n BRSTP D n BRSTP TEST TEST S1 S2 D TESTP TESTP S1 S2 D DTEST DTEST S1 S2 D (D) b15 bn Condition b0 3 1 (D) b15 bn 7-59 b0 3 0 (S1) b15 to b0 (D) 4 - Bit designated by (S2) 7-61 Bit tests DTESTP Batch BKRST (S1) b31 DTESTP S1 S2 D BKRST D n to 2-34 BKRSTP BKRSTP D n b0 (D) 4 - 3 - Bit designated by (S2) (D) ON OFF reset of bit devices See for Description Execution Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.21 Bit Processing Instructions ON ON (D) Reset OFF OFF n OFF OFF 7-64 2.5.5 Data processing instructions 1 SERP SER S1 S2 D n SERP Condition 5 - (S2) (S1) (D): Match No. (D + 1): Number of matches S1 S2 D n 7-66 DSER DSERP DSER S1 S2 D n DSERP SUM S D SUMP SUMP S D DSUM DSUM S D DSUMP DSUMP S D DECO DECO S D n Decode S D n ENCO ENCO S D n ENCOP ENCOP S D n SEG S D SEG ment decode 5 SEGP S D - 6 (D): Match No. (D + 1): Number of matches (S) b0 b15 7 3 (D): Number of 1s (S + 1) (S) 7-69 8 3 (D): Number of 1s Decode from 8 to 256 (D) Decode 4 - 7-71 4 - 7-73 2n bits n Decode from 256 to 8 (S) Encode n 2 bits to 0 (S) SEGP 2 (D) (D) n 3 7-75 7SEG 2-35 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.5 Data processing instructions DECOP Encode 7-seg- n (S) DECOP 4 (S2) S1 S2 D n SUM Bit checks 32 bits (S1) 2 4 n Data searches See for Description Execution Processing Details Subset SER Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.22 Data Processing Instructions S D n DISP DISP S D n UNI UNI S D n UNIP UNIP S D n NDIS NDIS S1 D S2 NDISP NDISP S1 D S2 Separating and linking NUNI NUNI S1 D S2 NUNIP NUNIP S1 D S2 WTOB WTOB S D n WTOBP WTOBP S D n BTOW BTOW S D n BTOWP BTOWP S D n MAX MAX S D n MAXP MAXP S D n Condition • Separates 16-bit data designated by (S) into 4-bit units, and stores at the lower 4 bits of n points from (D). (n 4 - 7-77 4 - 7-79 4 - 7-81 4 - 7-85 4) • Links the lower 4 bits of n points from the device designated by (S) and stores at the device designated by (D). (n See for Description DIS Execution Processing Details Subset DIS Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.22 Data Processing Instructions (Continued) 4) • Separates the data in the devices starting from the one specified by (S1) into bits specified by the devices from (S2), and stores them to the devices starting from the one specified by (D). • Links the data in the devices starting from the one specified by (S1) with bits specified by the devices from (S2), and stores them to the devices starting from the one specified by (D). • Breaks n points of 16-bit data from the device designated by (S) into 8-bit units, and stores in sequence at the device designated by (D). • Links the lower 8 bits of 16-bit data of n points from the device designated by (S) into 16-bit units, and stores in sequence at the device designated by (D). • Searches the data of n points from the device designated by (S) in 16-bit units, and stores the maximum value at the device designated by (D). 7-89 4 MIN MIN S D n MINP MINP S D n DMAX DMAX S D n - • Searches the data of n points from the device designated by (S) in 16-bit units, and stores the minimum value at the device designated by (D). 7-92 • Searches the data of 2n points from the device designated by (S) in 32-bit units, and stores the maximum value at the device designated by (D). 7-89 Search DMAXP DMAXP S D n 4 DMIN DMINP 2-36 DMIN DMINP S D n S D n • Searches the data of 2n points from the device designated by (S) in 32-bit units, and stores the minimum value at the device designated by (D). 7-92 SORT SORT S1 n S2 D1 D2 · S2: Number of comparisons to be made during a single run · D1: Device to be turned ON at the completion of sort · D2: For system use Execution Condition WSUM WSUM S D n (n x (n-1)/2 scans required) - calculations WSUMP WSUMP S D n DWSUM DWSUM S D n (n x (n-1)/2 scans required) 6 • Adds 16 bit BIN data of n points from the 7-99 the device specified by (D). of averages MEAN S D n MEANP MEANP S D n 7-101 the device specified by (D). 8 • Calculates the mean of n-point devices (in 16-bit units) starting from the device specified by (S), and then stores the result into the device specified by (D). 4 DMEAN DMEAN DMEANP DMEANP S D n S D n • Calculates the mean of n-point devices - 7-103 (in 32-bit units) starting from the device specified by (S), and then stores the result into the device specified by (D). 2-37 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.5 Data processing instructions Calculation MEAN 7 - • Adds 32 bit BIN data of n points from the device specified by (S), and stores it in DWSUMP S D n 4 2 designated by (S1) in 32-bit units. 4 DWSUMP 7-95 • Sorts data of 2n points from device device specified by (S), and stores it in Total value 2 designated by (S1) in 16-bit units. 6 DSORT 1 4 • Sorts data of n points from device Sort DSORT S1 n S2 D1 D2 · S2: Number of comparisons to be made during a single run · D1: Device to be turned ON at the completion of sort · D2: For system use See for Description Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.22 Data Processing Instructions (Continued) 2.5.6 Structure creation instructions FOR Number of repeats FOR NEXT n and NEXT . NEXT BREAK BREAK BREAKP D Pn BREAKP D Pn CALL Pn CALL CALL Pn S1 Sn CALLP Pn CALLP CALLP RET RET FCALL FCALL Pn Pn S1 Sn program calls FCALLP Pn FCALLP ECALL ECALL 1 - 3 - 7-105 7-108 • Executes subroutine program Pn when *1 input condition is met. (S1 to Sn are 2 arguments sent to subroutine program. + n n 5) *3 7-110 • Returns from subroutine program 1 • Performs non-execution processing of *1 subroutine program Pn if input 2 conditions have not been met. (S1 to + Sn are arguments sent to subroutine n - 7-115 - 7-116 - 7-120 5) Pn Pn S1 Sn ECALLP ECALLP - Pn Sn S1 : File name ECALLP 2 to NEXT cycle and jumps pointer Pn. program. n FCALLP ECALL • Forcibly ends the execution of the FOR Condition Pn S1 Sn FCALL Subroutine • Executes n times between the FOR Execution See for Description Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.23 Structure Creation Instructions Pn S1 Sn • Executes subroutine program Pn from *2 within designated program name when 3 input condition is met. (S1 to Sn are + arguments sent to subroutine program. n n 5) : File name *1: n indicates number of arguments for subroutine program. *2: n indicates the total of the number of arguments used in the subroutine program and the number of program name steps. The number of program name steps is calculated as "number of characters in the program/2" (decimal fraction is rounded up). *3: The subset is effective only with the Universal model QCPU. 2-38 Processing Details EFCALL EFCALL EFCALL Pn S1toSn EFCALLP EFCALLP program Condition Pn EFCALLP Pn S1toSn • Performs non-execution processing of 3 conditions have not been met. (S1 to + Sn are arguments sent to subroutine n program. N - 7-125 5) input condition is met. XCALL XCALL Pn S1 Sn subroutine program Pn if input conditions have not been met. (S1 to Sn are arguments sent to subroutine program. N 2 6 *1 2 + - 7-129 7 n 5) • Performs auto refresh of intelligent COM function modules, link refresh, auto COM refresh of CPU shared memory, and 1 - 7-134 1 - 7-141 1 - 7-137 2 - 1 - • Performs auto refresh of intelligent CCOM CCOM function modules, auto refresh of CPU 1 - 3 - COM IX CCOMP IX S Device indexing ladder IXEND IXDEV with peripherals after the input conditions are met. • Perform indexing for individual devices used in device indexing ladder. IXEND IXDEV IXSET S D IXSET 7-144 • Stores indexing value used for indexing 7-148 performed between the IX and IXEND to the device designated by D or later. Designates indexing value. *1: n indicates number of arguments for subroutine program. *2: n indicates the total of the number of arguments used in the subroutine program and the number of program name steps. The number of program name steps is calculated as "number of characters in the program/2" (decimal fraction is rounded up). 2-39 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.6 Structure creation instructions shared memory, and communications indexing 8 communications with peripherals. Select Fixed 4 • Executes subroutine program Pn when • Performs non-execution processing of refresh 2 *2 subroutine program Pn if input :File name calls 1 4 Pn :File name Subroutine Execution See for Description Symbol Subset Category Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbol Table 2.23 Structure Creation Instructions (Continued) 2.5.7 Data table operation instructions S D FIFWP FIFWP S D FIFR FIFR S D FIFRP FIFRP S D FPOP FPOP S D (S) (D) Pointer Condition FPOPP FPOPP FDEL S D n FDELP FDELP S D n - 7-151 3 - 7-153 3 - 7-155 4 - Device at pointer + 1 (S) Pointer (S) Pointer (D) Pointer - 1 Pointer - 1 S D FDEL 3 Pointer + 1 (D) Data table processing See for Description FIFW Execution Processing Details Subset FIFW Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.24 Data table Operation Instructions Device at pointer + 1 (S) Pointer Pointer - 1 (D) Designated by n FINS FINS S D n (S) (D) Pointer 7-157 Pointer + 1 4 FINSP 2-40 FINSP S D n Designated by n - 2.5.8 Buffer memory access instructions 1 FROM FROM Processing Details n1 n2 D n3 FROMP FROMP n1 n2 D n3 DFRO DFRO n1 n2 D n3 Execution Condition • Reads data in 16-bit units from an intelligent function module. 5 - See for Description Symbol Subset Category Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbol Table 2.25 Buffer Memory Access Instructions 2 4 4 7-160 Data read DFROP DFROP n1 n2 D n3 TO TO n1 n2 S n3 TOP TOP n1 n2 S n3 DTO DTO n1 n2 S n3 • Reads data in 32-bit units from an intelligent function module. • Writes data in 16-bit units to an intelligent function module. 5 - 2 5 - 6 7-163 Data write DTOP 2.5.9 DTOP n1 n2 S n3 • Writes data in 32-bit units to an 5 intelligent function module. - 7 8 Display instructions PR ASCII print PR When SM701 is OFF PR S D When SM701 is ON PR S D Execution Condition See for Description Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category • Outputs ASCII code of 8 points (16 characters) from device designated by (S) to output module. 7-166 • Outputs ASCII code from device designated by (S) to 00H to output 3 - module. • Converts comments from device PRC PRC S D designated by (S) to ASCII code and 7-169 outputs to output module. Reset LEDR LEDR • Resets annunciator and LED indicator display. 1 - 7-172 2-41 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.8 Buffer memory access instructions Instruction Symbol Table 2.26 Display Instructions 2.5.10 Debugging and failure diagnosis instructions Condition See for Description Execution Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.27 Debugging and Failure Diagnosis Instructions 1 - 7-175 1 - 7-179 • The CHK instruction is executed when CHKST is executable. CHKST CHKST • Jumps to the step following the CHK instruction when CHKST is in a non-executable status. • During normal conditions Checks CHK CHK SD80 : 0 • During abnormal conditions Check condition SM80 : OFF, SM80 : ON, SD80 : Failure No. 2-42 CHKCIR CHKCIR CHKEND CHKEND • Starts update in ladder pattern being checked by the CHK instruction. • Ends update in ladder pattern being checked by the CHK instruction. 2.5.11 Character string processing instructions 1 BIN Decimal BINDAP DBINDA BINDA BINDAP DBINDA S D S D S D ASCII DBINDAP S D Condition 3 - • Converts 1-word BIN value designated by (S) to a 5-digit, decimal ASCII value, and stores it at the word device BINHA S D 7-183 by (S) to a 10-digit, decimal ASCII value, 3 BINHAP BINHAP S D 6 • Converts 1-word BIN value designated by (S) to a 4-digit, hexadecimal ASCII 3 ASCII DBINHA DBINHA S D DBINHAP S D 7-186 • Converts 2-word BIN value designated by (S) to an 8-digit, hexadecimal ASCII value, and stores it at word devices DBINHAP 7 - following the word device number designated by (D). Hexadecimal 2 - the word device number designated by value, and stores it at a word device BIN 4 4 (D). BINHA 2 designated by (D). • Converts 2-word BIN value designated and stores it at word devices following DBINDAP Execution See for Description Processing Details Subset BINDA Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.28 Character String Processing Instructions 3 - 3 - 8 following the word device number designated by (D). BCDDA S D BCDDAP BCDDAP S D • Converts 1-word BCD value designated by (S) to a 4-digit, decimal ASCII value, and stores it at a word device following BCD the word device number designated by (D). Decimal ASCII DBCDDA DBCDDA DBCDDAP DBCDDAP S D S D 7-189 • Converts 2-word BCD value designated by (S) to an 8-digit, decimal ASCII value, and stores it at word devices following 3 - 3 - the word device number designated by (D). Decimal ASCII BIN Hexadecimal ASCII BIN DABIN DABIN S D DABINP DABINP S D DDABIN DDABIN S D • Converts a 5-digit, decimal ASCII value designated by (S) to a 1-word BIN value, and stores it at a word device number designated by (D). 7-192 • Converts a 10-digit, decimal ASCII value designated by (S) to a 2-word BIN value, and stores it at a word device number DDABINP DDABINP S D HABIN HABIN S D HABINP HABINP S D DHABIN DHABIN S D 3 - 3 - designated by (D). • Converts a 4-digit, hexadecimal ASCII value designated by (S) to a 1-word BIN value, and stores it at a word device number designated by (D). 7-195 DHABINP • Converts an 8-digit, hexadecimal ASCII designated by (S) value to a 2-word BIN value, and stores it at a word device DHABINP S D 3 - number designated by (D). 2-43 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.11 Character string processing instructions BCDDA ASCII BCD DABCD S D DABCDP DABCDP S D DDABCD DDABCD S D DDABCDP Device comment read operation Character COMRD DDABCDP S D COMRD S D COMRDP COMRDP S D LEN LEN S D LENP LENP S D string length detection BIN STR STR S1 S2 D STRP STRP S1 S2 D DSTR DSTR S1 S2 D Decimal character string DSTRP DSTRP VAL VAL S1 S2 D S D1 D2 Decimal character VALP VALP S D1 D2 DVAL DVAL S D1 D2 DVALP DVALP S D1 D2 ESTR ESTR string BIN Floating decimal point Character string Character string Floating decimal point 2-44 ESTRP EVAL EVALP ESTRP EVAL EVALP • Converts a 4-digit, decimal ASCII value designated by (S) to a 1-word BCD value, and stores it at a word device number designated by (D). 3 - • Converts a 8-digit decimal ASCII value designated by (S) to a 2-word BCD value, and stores it at the word device number designated by (D). 3 - • Stores comment from device designated by (S) at a device designated by (D). 3 - 7-201 • Stores data length (number of characters) in character string designated by (S) at a device designated by (D). 3 - 7-204 • Converts a 1-word BIN value designated by (S2) to a decimal character string with the total number of digits and the number of decimal fraction digits designated by (S1) and stores them at a device designated by (D). 4 - • Converts a 2-word BIN value designated by (S2) to a decimal character string with the total number of digits and the number of decimal fraction digits designated by (S1) and stores them at a device designated by (D). 4 - • Converts a character string including decimal point designated by (S) to a 1-word BIN value and the number of decimal fraction digits, and stores them into devices designated by (D1) and (D2). 4 - • Converts a character string including decimal point designated by (S) to a 2-word BIN value and the number of decimal fraction digits, and stores them into devices designated by (D1) and (D2). 4 - • Converts the 32-bit floating decimal point data designated by (S) to a character string, and stores it in devices designated by (D). 4 - 7-217 • Converts the character string designated by (S) to a 32-bit floating decimal point data, and stores it in devices designated by (D). 3 - 7-224 Processing Details S1 S2 D S1 S2 D S D S D Execution Condition See for Description DABCD Subset Decimal Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.28 Character String Processing Instructions (Continued) 7-198 7-206 7-212 Hexadecimal BIN ASCII ASCII Hexadecimal BIN ASC ASC S D n ASCP ASCP S D n HEX HEX S D n HEXP HEXP S D n RIGHT RIGHT S D n RIGHTP RIGHTP S D n LEFT LEFT S D n Execution Condition See for Description Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.28 Character String Processing Instructions (Continued) 4 • Converts n hexadecimal ASCII characters of the device numbers designated by (S) and after to BIN values, and stores them at the device numbers designated by (D). 4 - 7-228 4 - 7-230 • Stores n characters from the end of a 6 - 7-232 7 • Stores n characters from the beginning of a character string designated by (S) at S D n MIDR MIDR S1 D S2 MIDRP MIDRP S1 D S2 2 device designated by (D). 4 LEFTP 2 4 • Converts the 1-word BIN value at the device numbers designated by (S) to hexadecimal ASCII, and stores n characters of them at the device numbers designated by (D) and after. character string designated by (S) at the LEFTP 1 the device designated by (D). 8 • Stores the designated number of characters in the character string designated by (S1) from the position designated by (S2) at the device designated by (D). MIDW MIDW S1 D S2 string 5 - 7-239 4 - 7-241 4 - 7-243 4 - 7-245 4 - 7-248 • Stores the character string of (S1) in the MIDWP S1 D S2 INSTR INSTR S1 S2 D n INSTRP INSTRP S1 S2 D n of (D) at the position specified by (S2). • Searches character string (S1) from the nth character of character string (S2), STRINS STRINS STRINSP STRINSP S D n STRDEL STRDEL STRDELP STRDELP D n1 n2 S D n D n1 n2 and stores matched positions at (D). • Inserts the character string data specified by (S) to the (n)th character (insert position) from the initial character string data specified by (D). • Deletes the (n2) characters data specified by (D) starting from the EMOD decimal point device(insert position) specified by n1. • Converts 32-bit floating decimal point EMOD S1 S2 D data (S1) to BCD data with number of decimal fraction digits designated by BCD EMODP EMODP S1 S2 D BCD EREXP EREXP S1 S2 D (S2) , and stores at device designated by (D). • Converts BCD data (S1) to 32-bit floating decimal point data with the number of decimal fraction digits Floating decimal point 7-235 specified number to the character string MIDWP Floating - EREXPP EREXPP S1 S2 D designated by (S2), and stores at device designated by (D). 2-45 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.11 Character string processing instructions Character 4 2.5.12 Special function instructions See for Description functions Subset Trigonometric Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.29 Special Function Instructions Sin (S+1,S) (D+1,D) 3 - 7-250 Cos(S+1,S) (D+1,D) 3 - 7-254 Tan(S+1,S) (D+1,D) 3 - 7-258 Symbol Processing Details SIN SIN S D SINP SINP S D COS COS S D COSP COSP S D TAN TAN S D TANP TANP S D ASIN ASIN S D Execution Condition (Floatingpoint singleprecision) Trigonometric functions ASINP ASINP S D ACOS ACOS S D ACOSP ACOSP S D ATAN ATAN S D ATANP ATANP S D SIND SIND S D SINDP SINDP S D COSD COSD S D COSDP COSDP S D TAND TAND S D TANDP TANDP S D ASIND ASIND S D ASINDP ASINDP S D ACOSD ACOSD S D ACOSDP ACOSDP S D ATAND ATAND S D ATANDP S D Sin -1 (S+1,S) (D+1,D) 3 - 7-262 Cos-1(S+1,S) (D+1,D) 3 - 7-267 Tan-1(S+1,S) (D+1,D) 3 - 7-271 Sin(S+3, S+2, S+1, S) (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) 3 - 7-252 Cos(S+3, S+2, S+1, S) (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) 3 - 7-256 Tan(S+3, S+2, S+1, S) (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) 3 - 7-260 3 - 7-265 3 - 7-269 3 - 7-273 (Floatingpoint doubleprecision) ATANDP 2-46 -1 Sin (S+3, S+2, S+1, S) (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) -1 Cos (S+3, S+2, S+1, S) (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) -1 Tan (S+3, S+2, S+1, S) (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) See for Description 3 - 7-275 (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) (S+3, S+2, S+1, S) Conversion from angle to radian 3 - 7-277 (D+1, D) (S+1, S) Conversion from radians to angles 3 - 7-279 (S+3, S+2, S+1, S) (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) Conversion from radian to angle 3 - 7-281 3 - 7-287 3 - 7-289 (D+1,D) 3 - 7-291 (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) 3 - 7-294 (D+1,D) 3 - 7-296 (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) 3 - 7-298 4 - 7-300 4 - 7-302 3 - 7-300 3 - 7-302 Processing Details RAD S D RADP RADP S D RADD RADD S D RADDP RADDP S D DEG DEG S D DEGP DEGP S D DEGD DEGD S D conversion (D+1, D) (S+1, S) Conversion from angles to radians Symbol Angles Radians Subset RAD Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.29 Special Function Instructions (Continued) DEGDP DEGDP S D SQR SQR S D (D+1,D) (S+1,S) SQRP SQRP S D SQRD SQRD S D Execution Condition SQRDP SQRDP S D EXP EXP S D e(S+1,S) operations EXPP S D EXPD EXPD S D e(S+3, S+2, S+1, S) EXPDP EXPDP S D LOG LOG S D LOGP LOGP S D LOGD LOGD S D LOGDP LOGDP S D Loge (S+1,S) Natural logarithms Loge(S+3, S+2, S+1, S) POW POW S1 S2 D • (S1+1,S1) Expone ntiation POWP POWP S1 S2 D POWD POWD S1 S2 D POWDP Common logarithm POWDP S1 S2 D LOG10 LOG10P LOG10 S D LOG10P LOG10P S D LOG10D LOG10D S D LOG10DP LOG10DP S D (S2+1,S2) (D+1,D) (S2+3,S2+2,S2+1,S2) • (S1+3,S1+2,S1+1,S1) • log10(S+1,S) (D+3,D+2,D+1,D) (D+1,D) • log10(S+3,S+2S+1,S) (D+3,D+2,D+1,D) 2-47 4 2 6 7 8 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.12 Special function instructions Exponent EXPP (D+3, D+2, D+1, D) 2 4 Square root (S+3, S+2, S+1, S) 1 RND D generation RNDP RNDP D Random SRND SRND D • Updates random number series SRNDP SRNDP D in the device designated by (S). number series update BSQR BSQR S D BSQRP BSQRP S D BDSQR BDSQR S D BDSQRP BDSQRP S D BSIN BSIN S D BSINP BSINP S D BCOS BCOS S D BCOSP BCOSP S D BTAN BTAN S D BTANP BTANP S D BASIN BASIN S D BASINP BASINP S D BACOS BACOS S D BACOSP BACOSP S D BATAN BATAN S D BATANP BATANP S D Square root Trigonometric functions 2-48 Condition 2 - 7-304 3 - • Generates a random number (from 0 to RND number Execution See for Description Processing Details Subset Random Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.29 Special Function Instructions (Continued) less than 32767) and stores it at the device designated by (D). according to the 16-bit BIN data stored (S) (D)+0 Integer part +1 Decimal fraction part 7-306 (D)+0 Integer part +1 Decimal fraction part 3 - Sin(S) (D)+0 Sign +1 Integer part +2 Decimal fraction part 3 - 7-309 Cos(S) (D)+0 Sign +1 Integer part +2 Decimal fraction part 3 - 7-311 Tan(S) (D)+0 Sign +1 Integer part +2 Decimal fraction part 3 - 7-313 Sin -1 (S) (D)+0 Sign +1 Integer part +2 Decimal fraction part 3 - 7-315 Cos -1 (S) (D) +0 Sign +1 Integer part +2 Decimal fraction part 3 - 7-317 3 - 7-319 (S+1, S) Tan -1 (S) (D) +0 Sign +1 Integer part +2 Decimal fraction part 2.5.13 Data control instructions 1 LIMIT LIMIT S1 S2 S3 D Condition Upper and LIMITP S1 S2 S3 D 5 controls 2 • When (S2) (S3) ......... Stores value of (S2) at (D) 7-321 DLIMIT DLIMIT S1 S2 S3 D • When ((S3)+1, (S3)) ((S1)+1, S1) .. Stores value of ((S1)+1, (S1)) at ((D)+1, (D)) • When ((S1)+1, (S1)) ((S3)+1, (S3)) (S2+1, S2) .. Stores value of ((S3)+1, (S3)) at ((D)+1, (D)) DLIMITP S1 S2 S3 D • When ((S2), (S2)+1) ((S3), (S3)+1) .. Stores value of ((S2)+1, (S2)) at ((D)+1, (D)) BAND BAND S1 S2 S3 D • When (S1) (S3) • When (S3) (S1)......... (S3) (S1) (D) BANDP BANDP S1 S2 S3 D • When (S2) (S3)......... (S3) (S2) (D) band DBAND DBAND S1 S2 S3 D controls • When ((S1)+1, (S1)) ((S3)+1, (S3)) DBANDP S1 S2 S3 D ZONE ZONE ZONEP ZONEP S1 S2 S3 D S1 S2 S3 D ((S3)+1, (S3)) DZONE controls DZONE S1 S2 S3 D ((D)+1, (D)) • When (S3) 0 ................................ 0 • When (S3) 0 .................. (S3)+(S2) (D) • When (S3) 0 .............. (S3) (D) 7-324 5 - (S1) 5 - (D) 0 .................................... 0 • When ((S3)+1, (S3)) - ((D)+1, (D)) ((D)+1, (D)) ((D)+1, (D)) DZONEP S1 S2 S3 D 5 ((D)+1, (D)) • When ((S3)+1, (S3)) 0 ......... ((S3)+1, (S3))+((S2)+1, (S2)) DZONEP 8 ((S3)+1, (S3)) ....... ((S2)+1, (S2)) • When ((S3)+1, (S3)) Zone 7 (D) ((S1)+1, (S1)) ........ ((S1)+1, (S1)) • When ((S2)+1, (S2)) - ((S3)+1, (S3)) ((S2)+1, (S2)) ................... 0 • When ((S3)+1, (S3)) DBANDP (S2)..............0 5 6 7-327 5 - 0 ........ ((S3)+1, (S3)) + ((S1)+1, (S1)) ((D)+1, (D)) 2-49 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.13 Data control instructions DLIMITP Dead 4 - lower limit 2 4 • When (S3) (S1) ......... Stores value of (S1) at (D) • When (S1) (S3) (S2) ......... Stores value of (S3) at (D) LIMITP See for Description Execution Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.30 Data Control Instructions Execution Condition 4 - See for Description Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.30 Special Function Instructions (Continued) • Executes scaling for the scaling SCL SCL S1 S2 D conversion data (16-bit data units) specified by (S2) with the input value specified by (S1), and then stores the result into the device specified by (D). The scaling conversion is executed SCLP SCLP S1 S2 D based on the scaling conversion data Point-by- stored in the device specified by (S2) an point up. coordinate data 7-330 • Executes scaling for the scaling DSCL DSCL S1 S2 D conversion data (32-bit data units) specified by (S2) with the input value specified by (S1), and then stores the result into the device specified by (D). 4 - 4 - The scaling conversion is executed DSCLP DSCLP S1 S2 D based on the scaling conversion data stored in the device specified by (S2) an up. • Executes scaling for the scaling SCL2 SCL2 S1 S2 D conversion data (16-bit data units) specified by (S2) with the input value specified by (S1), and then stores the result into the device specified by (D). The scaling conversion is executed SCL2P SCL2P S1 S2 D based on the scaling conversion data stored in the device specified by (S2) X or Y and up. coordinate 7-334 • Executes scaling for the scaling data DSCL2 DSCL2 S1 S2 D conversion data (32-bit data units) specified by (S2) with the input value specified by (S1), and then stores the result into the device specified by (D). The scaling conversion is executed DSCL2P DSCL2P S1 S2 D based on the scaling conversion data stored in the device specified by (S2) and up. 2-50 4 - 2.5.14 Switching instructions 1 RSET S number switching RSETP RSETP S QDRSET QDRSET QDRSETP QDRSETP File name QCDSET QCDSET • Converts extension file register block number to number designated by (S). 2 - 7-337 2 + - • Sets file names used as comment files. 2 + 4 4 7-339 6 *1 File name 2 2 n File set QCDSETP File name Condition *1 File name • Sets file names used as file registers. QCDSETP Execution See for Description RSET Processing Details Subset Block Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.31 Switching Instructions - 7-342 7 n *1: n ([number of file name characters] / 2) indicates a step. (Decimal fractions are rounded up.) 8 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.14 Switching instructions 2-51 2.5.15 Clock instructions DATERD D DATERDP DATERDP D DATEWR DATEWR S Read/ (Clock elements) (D) +0 Year +1 Month +2 Day +3 Hour +4 Minute +5 Sec. +6 Day of the week Execution Condition See for Description DATERD Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.32 Clock Instructions 2 - 7-344 2 - 7-346 write clock data DATEWRP DATE+ Clock data DATE+P DATEWRP S DATE+ S1 S2 D DATE+P S1 S2 D DATE- S1 S2 D (D) +0 Year +1 Month +2 Day +3 Hour +4 Minute +5 Sec. +6 Day of the week (Clock elements) (S1) Hour Mitnute Sec. (S2) Hour + Mitnute Sec. (D) Hour Mitnute Sec. 4 - 7-348 (S1) Hour Mitnute Sec. (S2) Hour Mitnute Sec. (D) Hour Mitnute Sec. 4 - 7-350 3 - 7-352 3 - 7-354 addition/ subtraction DATEDATE-P Clock data translation S1 S2 D SECOND SECOND S D SECONDP SECONDP S D HOUR HOURP 2-52 DATE-P HOUR HOURP S D S D (S) Hour Minute Sec. (D) Sec. (Lower 16 bits) Sec. (Upper 16 bits) (S) Sec. (Lower 16 bits) Sec. (Upper 16 bits) (D) Hour Mitnute Sec. LDDT= ANDDT= ORDT= LDDT<> ANDDT<> ORDT<> LDDT< ANDDT< ORDT< Date comparison DT S1 S2 n DT S1 S2 n DT S1 S2 n DT S1 S2 n DT DT DT Condition See for Description Execution 1 2 4 S1 Year S2 Year S1 +1 Month S2 +1 Month S1 +2 Day S2 +2 Day Companson operation resuit 4 - 4 S1 S2 n DT DT Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.32 Character String Processing Instructions (Continued) 2 S1 Year S2 Year S1 +1 Month S2 +1 Month S1 +2 Day S2 +2 Day S1 S2 Companson operation resuit 4 - 6 S1 S2 n 7 S1 S2 n S1 S2 n Year Year S1 +1 Month S2 +1 Month S1 +2 Day S2 +2 Day Companson operation resuit 4 - 8 S1 S2 n 7-356 LDDT<= ORDT<= S1 S2 n DT S1 S2 n DT DT S1 S2 n ANDDT> DT S1 S2 n LDDT>= ANDDT>= ORDT>= DT S2 Year S2 +1 Month S1 +2 Day S2 +2 Day S1 S2 Companson operation resuit 4 - Year Companson operation resuit 4 - Companson operation resuit 4 - Year S1 +1 Month S2 +1 Month S1 +2 Day S2 +2 Day S1 S2 S1 S2 n DT S1 S2 n DT S1 S2 n DT Year S1 +1 Month S1 S2 n LDDT> ORDT> S1 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.15 Clock instructions ANDDT<= DT Year Year S1 +1 Month S2 +1 Month S1 +2 Day S2 +2 Day S1 S2 n 2-53 ANDTM= ORTM= LDTM<> ANDTM<> ORTM<> LDTM< ANDTM< ORTM< Clock comparison TM TM S1 S2 n S1 S2 n TM S1 S2 n S1 Hour S2 4 - Companson operation resuit 4 - See for Description Companson operation resuit Hour S1 +1 Minute S2 +1 Minute S1 +2 Second S2 +2 Second S1 S2 Companson operation resuit Hour Hour S1 +1 Minute S2 +1 Minute S1 +2 Second S2 +2 Second S1 S2 S1 S2 n TM S1 S2 n TM S1 S2 n TM - Condition S1 S2 n TM TM 4 Execution Processing Details S1 S2 n Hour Hour S1 +1 Minute S2 +1 Minute S1 +2 Second S2 +2 Second S1 S2 n 7-361 LDTM<= TM S1 S2 n ANDTM<= TM S1 S2 n ORTM<= LDTM> ANDTM> ORTM> LDTM>= ANDTM>= ORTM>= 2-54 TM Subset LDTM= Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.32 Character String Processing Instructions (Continued) TM S1 S2 n TM S1 S2 n S2 Hour S2 +1 Minute S1 +2 Second S2 +2 Second S1 S2 Companson operation resuit 4 - Hour Companson operation resuit 4 - Companson operation resuit 4 - Hour S1 +1 Minute S2 +1 Minute S1 +2 Second S2 +2 Second S1 S2 S1 S2 n TM S1 S2 n TM S1 S2 n TM Hour S1 +1 Minute S1 S2 n TM TM S1 S1 S2 n Hour Hour S1 +1 Minute S2 +1 Minute S1 +2 Second S2 +2 Second 2.5.16 Expansion clock instruction 1 S.DATReading ERD (Clock elements) S.DATERD D data of the expansion clock SP.DATERD S.DATE+ SP.DATERD D S.DATE+ S1 S2 D Adding or subtracting SP.DATE+ data val- SP.DATE+ S1 S2 D ues of the expansion S.DATE- S.DATE S1 S2 D clock SP.DATE- SP.DATE S1 S2 D (S1) Hour Minute Sec. 1/1000 sec. Condition (D) +0 Year +1 Month +2 Day +3 Hour +4 Minute +5 Sec. +6 Day of the week +7 1/1000 sec. (S2) Hour Minute + Sec. 1/1000 sec. See for Description Execution Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.33 Expansion clock instruction 6 - 2 6 8 - 1/1000 sec. (S1) Hour Minute Sec. (S2) Hour Minute Sec. (D) 1/1000 sec. 1/1000 sec. 1/1000 sec. Hour Minute Sec. 4 4 (D) Hour Minute Sec. 2 7 8 - 8 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.16 Expansion clock instruction 2-55 2.5.17 Program control instructions File name PSTOPP PSTOPP File name POFF POFF File name Program control instructions POFFP File name PSCAN PSCAN File name PSCANP PSCANP File name PLOW PLOW File name PLOWP PLOWP LDPCHK PCHK File name status. • Turns OUT instruction coil of designated standby status. ORPCHK PCHK PCHK 2 + n 7-377 - 7-378 - 7-380 - 7-382 - 7-384 *1 2 + n execution type. 2 + n *1 • Registers designated program as low-speed execution type. 2 + n File name File name file name is being executed. *1 2 • In non-conduction when program of + specified file name is not executed. n File name *1: n ([number of file name characters] / 2) indicates a step. (Decimal fractions are rounded up.) 2-56 - *1 • Registers designated program as scan • In conduction when program of specified ANDPCHK Condition *1 • Places designated program in standby program OFF, and places program in POFFP Execution See for Description PSTOP Processing Details Subset PSTOP Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.34 Program Control Instructions 2.5.18 Other instructions 1 reset WDT WDTP Timing DUTY clock • Resets watchdog timer during sequence program. WDTP Condition 1 - 7-386 n1 scans n1 n2 D n2 scans 4 - 7-388 4 - 7-390 SM420 to SM424, SM430 to SM434 TIMCHK TIMCHK S1 S2 D 4 4 6 • Turns ON device specified by (D) if Time check 2 2 (D) DUTY Execution See for Description WDT WDT Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.35 Other Instructions measured ON time of input condition is longer than preset time continuously. Direct read/ write ZRRDB ZRRDB n D ZRRDBP ZRRDBP n D ZRWRB ZRWRB n S 0 1 2 3 n Lower 8 bits ZR0 Upper 8 bits Lower 8 bits ZR1 Upper 8 bits operations in 1-byte units ZRWRBP ZRWRBP n ADRSET ADRSET ADRSETP S ADRSETP S D KEY KEY S n D1 D2 from keyboard ZPUSH D register ZPUSHP ZPUSHP D Batch ZPOP ZPOP D ZPOPP D 3 - 7-393 3 - 7-395 5 - 7-396 2 - 7-400 5 - 7-400 4 - 8 bits (D) Indirect address of designated device Device name unit designated by (S), converts to hexadecimal value following device • Saves the contents of index registers to a index register ZPOPP Batch write operation to file register designated by (D). • Reads the data stored in the location starting from the device designated by recovery of E Lower 8 bits ZR0 Upper 8 bits Lower 8 bits ZR1 Upper 8 bits location starting from the device of index 2PROM 8 number designated by (D1), and stores. ZPUSH Batch save 7-391 • Takes in ASCII data for 8 points of input Numerical key input (S) S D - EROMWR EROMWR EROMWRP EROMWRP S D1 n D2 S D1 n D2 (D) to index registers. • Writes a batch of data to E2PROM file register. • Reads the module information stored in Reading UNIRD UNIRD n1 D n2 the area starting from the I/O No. module infor- designated by n by the points designated mation by n2, and stores it in the area starting UNIRDP UNIRDP n1 D n2 from the device designated by (D). 2-57 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.18 Other instructions 0 1 2 3 n 3 (D) 8 bits (S) 7 TYPERD n D TYPERDP TYPERDP n D - 1 - 1 - • Writes data to the designated file. 11 - • Reads data from the designated file. 11 - • Writes data to the device data storage file in the standard ROM. 9 - • Reads data from the device data storage file in the standard ROM. 8 - 3 - 3 - 4 - 4 - • This instruction reads the module information stored in the area starting from the I/O number specified by "n", and stores it in the area starting from the device specified by (D). Execution Condition • Stores the trace data set with peripheral Trace set TRACE TRACE device by the number of times set when SM800, SM801 and SM802 turn on, to the sampling trace file. Trace rset Writing data to the designated file TRACER TRACER SP.FWRITE SP.FWRITE U0 S0 D0 S1 S2 D1 SP.FREAD SP.FREAD U0 S0 D0 S1 S2 D1 • Resets the data set the TRACE instruction. Reading data from designated file Writing data to standard ROM Reading data from standard ROM S.DEVST SP.DEVST n1 S n2 D S.DEVLD S.DEVLD n1 D n2 SP.DEVLD SP.DEVLD n1 D n2 • Transfers the program stored in a Loading program from memory PLOADP PLOADP S D memory card or standard memory (other than drive 0) to drive 0 and places the program in standby status. Unloading program from PUNLOADP PUNLOADP S D program memory • Deletes the standby program stored in standard memory (drive 0). • Deletes standby program stored in standard memory (drive 0) designated by Load + PSWAPP PSWAPP S1 S2 D Unload (S1). Then, transfers the program stored in a memory card or standard memory (other than drive 0) designated by (S2) to drive 0 and places it in standby status. High-speed RBMOV RBMOV S D n block transfer of device designated by (S) to the devices of n points starting from the one file register RBMOVP 2-58 • Transfers n points of 16-bit data from the RBMOVP S D n designated by (D). See for Description Subset 3 Processing Details TYPERD Module model name read Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.35 Other Instructions (Continued) 2.5.19 Instructions for Data Link 1 Q link instruction: Network refresh Reading routing information Registering routing information S.ZCOM S.ZCOM SP.ZCOM SP.ZCOM Jn S.ZCOM S.ZCOM SP.ZCOM SP.ZCOM Un Execution Condition See for Description Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.36 Instructions for Data Link Refreshes the designated network. 5 - 8-2 2 Un S.RTREAD n D SP.RTREAD SP.RTREAD n D Z.RTREAD Z.RTREAD n D ZP.RTREAD ZP.RTREAD n D S.RTWRITE S.RTWRITE n S SP.RTWRITE SP.RTWRITE n S Z.RTWRITE Z.RTWRITE n S ZP.RTWRITE ZP.RTWRITE n S 4 4 Jn S.RTREAD 2 6 Reads data set at routing parameters. 7 - 8-6 7 Writes routing data to the area designated by routing parameters. 8 8 - 8-8 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.19 Instructions for Data Link 2-59 2.5.20 Multiple CPU dedicated instruction S. TO S.TO n1 n2 n3 n4 D SP. TO SP.TO n1 n2 n3 n4 D TO TO n1 n2 S n3 TOP TOP n1 n2 S n3 DTO DTO n1 n2 S n3 DTOP DTOP n1 n2 S n3 CPU shared memory Read from other FROM FROM n1 n2 D n3 FROMP FROMP n1 n2 D n3 DFRO DFRO n1 n2 D n3 DFROP DFROP n1 n2 D n3 CPU shared memory 2.5.21 Processing Details Execution Condition • Writes device data of the host station to the host CPU shared memory. • Writes device data of the host station to the host CPU shared memory. See for Description Write to host Symbol Subset Category Number of Basic Steps Instruction Symbol Table 2.37 Multipe CPU dedicated instruction 5 - 9-4 5 9-7 • Writes device data of the host station to the host CPU shared memory in 32-bit 5 - 5 - units. • Reads device data from the other CPU shared memories, and stores the data in the host station. 9-12 • Reads device data from the other CPU shared memories in 32-bit units, and 5 - stores the data in the host station. Multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction D.DDWR n S1 S2 D1 D2 In multiple CPU system, data stored in a Execution Condition 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - See for Description Processing Details Subset D.DDWR Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.40 Multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction device specified by host CPU ( S2 ) or later is Writing Devices to Another CPU stored by the number of write points specified DP.DDWR DP.DDWR n S1 S2 D1 D2 by ( D2 +1) into a device specified by another 10-13 CPU (n) ( D1 ) or later D.DDRD D.DDRD n S1 S2 D1 D2 In multiple CPU system, data stored in a Reading Devices device specified by another CPU (n) ( D1 ) or from Another lrater is stored by the number of read points CPU DP.DDRD DP.DDRD n S1 S2 D1 D2 specified by ( S1 +1) into a device specified by host CPU ( S2 ) or late 2-60 10-17 2.5.22 Redundant system instructions (For Redundant CPU) 1 Execution Condition See for Description Processing Details Subset Symbol Number of Basic Steps Category Instruction Symbol Table 2.39 Redundant System Instructions (For Redundant CPU) 8 - 11-2 Switches between the control system and System switching SP.CONTSW SP.CONTSW S D standby system at the END processing of the scan executed with the SP.CONTSW 2 4 4 instruction. 2 6 7 8 2.5 Application Instructions 2.5.22 Redundant system instructions (For Redundant CPU) 2-61 MEMO 2-62 3 CONFIGURATION OF INSTRUCTIONS 3 3-1 3.1 Configuration of Instructions Most CPU module instructions consist of an instruction part and a device part. Each part is used for the following purpose: • Instruction part ...... indicates the function of the instruction. • Device part ............ indicates the data that is to be used with the instruction. The device part is classified into source data, destination data, and number of devices. (1) Source (S) (a) Source is the data used for operations. (b) The following source types are available, depending on the designated device: • Constant ............................................... Designates a numeric value to be used in the operation. This is set when the program is created, and cannot be changed during the execution of the program. Constants should be indexed when used as variable data. • Bit devices and word devices ............... Designates the device that stores the data to be used in the operation. Data must be stored in the designated device until the operation is executed. By changing the data stored in a designated device during program execution, the data to be used in the instruction can be changed. (2) Destination (D) (a) The destination stores the data after the operation has been conducted. However, some instructions require storing the data to be used in an operation at the destination prior to the operation execution. Example An addition instruction involving BIN 16-bit data + S D + Stores the data needed for operation before the actual operation. S1 S2 D Stores only the operation results. (b) A device for the data storage must always be set to the destination. (3) Number of devices and number of transfers (n) (a) The number of devices and number of transfers designate the numbers of devices and transfers used by instructions involving multiple devices. Example Block transfer instruction BMOV S D n Designates the number of transfers used by a BMOV instruction (b) The number of devices or number of transfers can be set between 0 and 32767. However, if the number is 0, the instruction will be a no-operation instruction. 3-2 3.2 Designating Data The following six types of data can be used with CPU module instructions. Bit data ...................... Section 3.2.1 Data that can be handled by CPU module Numeric data Integer data Word data Real number (floating point) data Character string data .... Section 3.2.5 3.2.1 .......................Section 3.2.2 Double-word data ...........Section 3.2.3 Single-precision floating point data .... Section 3.2.4 (1) Double-precision floating point data .... Section 3.2.4 (2) 3 4 4 Using bit data 6 Bit data is data used in one-bit units, such as for contacts or coils. "Bit devices" and "Bit designated word devices" can be used as bit data. 7 (1) When using bit devices Bit devices are designated in one-point units. 8 Designation of 1 point of bit device M0 M0 Y10 SET 3.2 Designating Data 3.2.1 Using bit data Designation of 1 point of bit device Y10 (2) Using word devices (a) Word devices enable the use of a designated bit number 1/0 as bit data by the designation of that bit number. b15 Word device to b0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 Each bit of a word device can be used (1=ON, 0=OFF) (b) Word device bit designation is done by designating " Word device . Bit No. ". (Designation of bit numbers is done in hexadecimal.) For example, bit 5 (b5) of D0 is designated as D0.5, and bit 10 (b10) of D0 is designated as D0.A. However, there can be no bit designation for timers (T), retentive timers (ST), counters (C) or index register (Z). (Example Z0.0 is not available). X0 D0.5 SET D0.5 Bit designated for word device (Bit 5 (b5) of D0 is turned ON if X0 is ON.) Bit designated for word device (Turns ON Y10 if bit 5 (b5) of D0 is ON (1).) SET Y10 3-3 3.2.2 Using word (16 bits) data Word data is 16-bit numeric data used by basic instructions and application instructions. The following two types of word data can be used with CPU module: • Decimal constants................. K-32768 to K32767 • Hexadecimal constants ......... H0000 to HFFFF Word devices and bit devices designated by digit can be used as word data. For direct access input (DX) and direct access output (DY), word data cannot be designated by digit. (For details of direct access input and direct access output, refer to the QnUCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals). (1) When Using Bit Devices (a) Bit devices can deal with word data when digits are designated. Digit designation of bit devices is done by designating " Number of digits Head number of bit device ". Digit designation of bit devices can be done in 4-point (4-bit) units, and designation can be made for K1 to K4. (For link direct devices, designation is done by "J Network No. \ Number of digits Head number of bit device ". When X100 to X10F are designated for Network No.2, it is done by J2\K4X100).For example, if X0 is designated for digit designation, the following points would be designated: • K1X0 ......... The 4 points X0 to X3 are designated. • K2X0 ......... The 8 points X0 to X7 are designated. • K3X0 ......... The 12 points X0 to XB are designated. • K4X0 ......... The 16 points X0 to XF are designated. XF to XC XB to X8 X7 X4 X3 to to X0 K1 designation range (4 points) K2 designation range (8 points) K3 designation range (12 points) K4 designation range (16 points) Fig 3.1 Digit Designation Setting Range for 16-Bit Instruction (b) In cases where digit designation has been made at the source (S), the numeric values shown in Table 3.1 are those which can be dealt with as source data. Table 3.1 List of Numeric Values that Can Be Dealt with as Digit Designation Number of Digits Designated 3-4 With 16-Bit Instruction K1 (4 points) 0 to 15 K2 (8 points) 0 to 255 K3 (12 points) 0 to 4095 K4 (16 points) -32768 to 32767 (c) When destination (D) data is a word device The word device for the destination becomes 0 following the bit designated by digit designation at the source. Ladder Example Processing With 16-Bit Instruction K1X0 X3 X2 X1 X0 X010 MOV K1X0 Filled with 0s D0 3 b15 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 D0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X3 X2 X1 X0 Source (S) data Fig 3.2 Ladder Example and Processing Conducted (d) In cases where digit designation is made at the destination (D), the number of points designated are used as the destination. Bit devices below the number of points designated as digits do not change. Ladder Example 4 4 Processing When source (S) data is a numerical value 1 3 2 4 6 H1234 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 X010 MOV H1234 K2M0 M15 Destination (D) Not changed When source (S) data is a word device 7 M8 M7 M0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K2M0 3 4 8 b15 b8 b7 b0 D0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 X10 MOV D0 K2M100 M115 M108 M107 M100 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 3.2 Designating Data 3.2.2 Using word (16 bits) data Destination (D) K2M100 Not changed Fig 3.3 Ladder Example and Processing Conducted (2) Using word devices Word devices are designated in 1-point (16 bits) units. M0 MOV K100 D0 Designation of 1 point of word device D0 (16 bits) 1. When digit designation processing is conducted, a random value can be used for the bit device initial device number. 2. Digit designation cannot be made for the direct access I/O (DX, DY). 3-5 3.2.3 Using double word data (32 bits) Double word data is 32-bit numerical data used by basic instructions and application instructions. The two types of double word data that can be dealt with by CPU module are as follows: • Decimal constants................. K-2147483648 to K2147483647 • Hexadecimal constants ......... H00000000 to HFFFFFFFF Word devices and bit devices designated by digit designation can be used as double word data. For direct access input (DX) and direct access output (DY), designation of double word data is not possible by digit designation. (1) When Using Bit Devices (a) Digit designation can be used to enable a bit device to deal with double word data. Digit designation of bit devices is done by designating " Number of digits Head number of bit device ". For link direct devices, designation is done by Network No. Head number of bit device ". When X100 "J \ Number of digits to X11F are designated for Network No.2, it is done by J2\K8X100. Digit designation of bit devices can be done in 4-point (4-bit) units, and designation can be made for K1 to K8. For example, if X0 is designated for digit designation, the following points would be designated: • K1X0 ...... The 4 points X0 to X3 are • K5X0...... The 20 points X0 to X13 are designated. designated. • K2X0 ...... The 8 points X0 to X7 are • K6X0...... The 24 points X0 to X17 are designated. designated. • K3X0 ...... The 12 points X0 to XB are • K7X0...... The 28 points X0 to X1B are designated. designated. • K4X0 ...... The 16 points X0 to XF are • K8X0...... The 32 points X0 to X1F are designated. designated. X1F X1C X1B X18 X17 X14 X13 X10 XF XC XB X8 X7 X4 X3 X0 K1 designation range (4 points) K2 designation range (8 points) K3 designation range (12 points) K4 designation range (16 points) K5 designation range (20 points) K6 designation range (24 points) K7 designation range (28 points) K8 designation range (32 points) Fig 3.4 Digit Designation Setting Range for 32-Bit Instructions (b) In cases where digit designation has been made at the source (S) , the numeric values shown in Table 3.2 are those which can be dealt with as source data. Table 3.2 List of Numeric Values that Can Be Dealt with as Digit Designation Number of Digits Designated 3-6 With 32 Bit Instructions Number of Digits Designated With 32 Bit Instructions K1 (4 points) 0 to 15 K5 (20 points) 0 to 1048575 K2 (8 points) 0 to 255 K6 (24 points) 0 to 16777215 K3 (12 points) 0 to 4095 K7 (28 points) K4 (16 points) 0 to 65535 K8 (32 points) 0 to 268435455 2147483648 to 2147483647 (c) When destination (D) data is a word device The word device for the destination becomes 0 following the bit designated by digit designation at the source. Ladder Example Processing With 32 bit Instructions K1X0 X3 X2 X1 X0 Filled with 0s X10 DMOV K1X0 D0 Source (S) data 3 b15 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 D0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X3 X2 X1 X0 D1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b31 b16 4 Filled with 0s Fig 3.5 Ladder Example and Processing Conducted (d) In cases where digit designation is made at the destination (D), the number of points designated are used as the destination. Bit devices below the number of points designated as digits do not change. Ladder Example Processing When source (S) data is a numerical value H78123456 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 3 4 5 4 6 7 6 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 X10 DMOV H78123456 K5M0 Destination (D) 8 7 8 1 2 K5M0 M15 M8 M7 M0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 M31 M20 M19 M16 0 0 1 0 3.2 Designating Data 3.2.3 Using double word data (32 bits) Not changed When source (S) data is a word device b15 b8 b7 b0 D0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 b15 b8 b7 b0 D1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 X10 DMOV D0 K5M10 Destination (D) M25 M18 M17 M10 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 M41 M30M29 M26 0 1 1 1 Not changed Fig 3.6 Ladder Example and Processing Conducted 1. When digit designation processing is conducted, a random value can be used for the bit device initial device number. 2. Digit designation cannot be made for the direct access I/O (DX, DY). 3-7 (2) Using word devices A word device designates devices used by the lower 16 bits of data. A 32-bit instruction uses (designation device number) and (designation device number + 1). M0 DMOV K100 D0 Designation of 2 points of word devices D0 and D1 (32 bits) 32-bit data transfer instruction 3.2.4 Using real number data Real number data is floating decimal point data used with basic instructions and application instructions. Only word devices are capable of storing real number data. (1) Single-precision floating-point data Instructions which deal with single-precision floating-point data designate devices which are used for the lower 16 bits of data. Single-precision floating-point data are stored in the 32 bits which make up (designated device number) and (designated device number + 1). M0 EMOV R100 D0 Designation of 2 points of word devices D0 and D1 (32 bits) Designation of 2 points of R100 and R101 (32 bits) Single-precision floating-point data transfer instruction Remark In sequence programs, floating decimal point data are designated by E . Single-precision floating-point data uses two word devices and is expressed in the following manner: [Sign] 1. [Mantissa part] 2 [Exponent part] The bit configuration and meaning of the internal representation of singleprecision floating-point data is as follows: b31 b30 b31 Sign to b23 b22 to b16 b15 b23 to b30 Exponent part b0 to b0 to b22 Mantissa part • Sign The sign is represented at b31. 0: Positive 1: Negative • Exponent part The n of 2n is represented from b23 to b30. Depending on the BIN value of b23 to b30, the value of n is as follows: b23 to b30 n 3-8 FFH FEH FDH 81 80 7FH 7EH Not used 127 126 2 1 0 -1 02 01 00 -125 -126 Not used • Variable part The 23 bits from b0 to b22, represents the XXXXXX... at binary 1.XXXXXX.... (2) Double-precision floating-point data Instructions which deal with double-precision floating-point datadesignate devices which are used for the lower 16 bits of data. Double-precision floating-point data are stored in the 64 bits which make up (designated device number) to (designated device number + 3). 3 M0 EDMOV R100 D0 Designation of 4 points of word devices D0, D1, D2 and D3 (64 bits) Designation of 4 points of R100, R101, R102 and R103 (64 bits) 4 Double-precision floating-point data transfer instruction 4 Remark In sequence programs, floating decimal point data are designated by E 6 . Double-precision floating-point data uses four word devices and is expressed in the following manner: [Sign] 1. [Mantissa part] 2 [Exponent part] The bit configuration and meaning of the internal representation of doubleprecision floating-point data is as follows: b63 Sign b62 to b52 b51 b16 to b15 b0 to b52 to b62 Exponent part 8 b0 to 51 Mantissa part • Sign The sign is represented at b63. 0: Positive 1: Negative • Exponent part The n of 2n is represented from b52 to b62. Depending on the BIN value of b52 to b62, the value of n is as follows: b52 to b62 n 7FFH 7FEH 7FDH Not used 1023 1022 400H 3FFH 3FEH 3FDH 3FCH 2 1 0 1 2 02H 01H 00H 1021 1022 Not used • Variable part The 52 bits from b0 to b51, represents the XXXXXX... at binary 1.XXXXXX.... 3-9 3.2 Designating Data 3.2.4 Using real number data b63 7 1. The CPU module floating decimal point data can be monitored using the monitoring function of a peripheral device. 2. When floating-point data is used to express 0, all data in the following range are turned to 0. (a) Single-precision floating-point data: b0 to b31 (b) Double-precision floating-point data: b0 to b63 3. The setting range of floating decimal point data is as follows. *1 (a) Single-precision floating-point data 2-126, 0, 2-126 2128 < Device data (b) Double-precision floating-point data 21024 < Device data 2-1022,0,2-1022 Device data < 2128 Device data < 21024 4. Do not specify 0 in floating-point data (when only the most significant bit of the floating-point real number is 1). (An operation error will occur if floating-point operation is performed with 0.) The CPU module that performs the internal operation of floating-point operation with double precision does not result in operation error since it performs floating-point operation after converting 0 into 0 in the CPU module when 0 is specified. The CPU module that performs the internal operation of floating-point operation with single precision results in operation error since it gives priority to the processing speed and uses specified. 0 in floating-point operation without conversion when 0 is (a) The following CPU modules will not result in operation error when 0 is specified. • High Performance model QCPU where internal operation is set to double precision *2 (The internal operation of floating-point operation defaults to double precision.) (b) The following CPU modules will result in operation error when -0 is specified. • Basic model QCPU *3 • High Performance model QCPU where internal operation is set to single precision *2 • Process CPU • Redundant CPU • Universal model QCPU *1: For operations when a real number is out of range and operations when an invalid value is input, refer to the QnUCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals). *2: Switch between single precision and double precision of the internal operation of floating-point operation in the PLC system of the PLC parameter dialog box. For the single precision and double precision of floatingpoint operation, refer to the QnUCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals). *3: The Basic model QCPU can perform floating-point operation if its first five digits of serial No. are "04122 or later". 3-10 3.2.5 Using character string data Character string data is character data used by basic instructions and application instructions. The target ranges from the designated character to the NULL code (00H) that indicates the end of the character string. (1) When designated character is the NULL code 3 One word is used to store the NULL code. M0 $MOV " " 4 D0 D0 NULL 4 Designation of NULL code (00H) Character string data transfer instruction 6 (2) When character string is even Uses (number of characters/2 + 1) words, and stores character string and NULL code. For example, if "ABCD" is transferred to D0, the character string ABCD is stored at D0 and D1, and the NULL code is stored at D2. (The NULL code is stored as the last one word.) 7 M0 $MOV "ABCD" D0 8 D0 42H 41H D1 44H 43H NULL Designation of a character string composed of even numbers Character string data transfer instruction (3) When number of characters is odd Uses (number of characters/2) words (rounds up decimal fractions) and stores the character string and NULL code. For example, if "ABCDE" is transferred to devices starting from D0, the character string (ABCDE) and the NULL code are stored from D0 to D2. (The NULL code is stored into the upper 8 bits of the last one word.) M0 $MOV "ABCDE" D0 D0 42H 41H D1 44H 43H D2 NULL 45H Designation of a character string composed of odd numbers Character string data transfer instruction 3-11 3.2 Designating Data 3.2.5 Using character string data D2 3.3 Indexing (1) Overview of indexing (a) Indexing is an indirect setting made by using an index register. When an Indexing is used in a sequence program, the device to be used will become the device number specified directly plus the contents of the index register. For example, if D2Z2 has been specified, the specified device is calculated as follows: D(2+3) = D5 and the content of Z2 is 3 become the specified device. (b) Indexing with 16-bit index registers and indexing with 32-bit index registers are possible only for Universal model QCPU. (2) Indexing with 16-bit index registers (a) Example of indexing Each index register can be set between 32768 and 32767. Indexing is performed in the way shown below: X0 MOV K 1 Z0 Stores -1 at Z0. MOV D10Z0 D0 Stores the data of D10Z0= D{10+(-1)} = D9 at D0. X0 Indexing (b) Devices to which indexing can be used With the exception of the restrictions noted below, Indexing can be used with devices used with contacts, coils, basic instructions, and application instructions. 1) Devices to which indexing can not be used Device Meaning K, H 32-bit constant E Floating decimal point data $ Character string data . FX, FY, FD Bit designated for word device Function devices P Pointers used as labels I Interrupt pointers used as labels Z Index register S Step relay TR SFC transfer devices*1 BL SFC block devices*1 *1: SFC transfer devices and SFC block devices are devices for SFC use. Refer to the manual below for how to use these devices. • QCPU (Q mode)/QnACPU Programming Manual (SFC) 3-12 2) Devices with limits for use with index registers Device Meaning Application Example T • Only Z0 and Z1 can be used for timer contacts and coils. C • Only Z0 and Z1 can be used for counter contacts and coils. T0Z0 K100 T1Z1 C0Z1 K100 C1Z0 1 2 3 Remark For timer and counter present values, there are no limits on index register numbers used. 4 Value set for timer X0 K100 T0 2 Present value of timer SM400 BCD T0Z4 6 K4Y30 Value set for counter K10 C100 X1 7 Present value of counter SM400 BCD C100Z6 K2Y40 8 (c) A case where Indexing has been performed, and the actual process device, would be as follows: 20 and Z1 5) Ladder Example 3.3 Indexing (When Z0 Actual Process Device X0 MOV K20 Z0 MOV K 5 Z1 X1 MOV K2X64 K1M33 Description K2X50Z0 Converts K20 into a hexadecimal number. K1M38Z1 K1M(38 - 5) = K1M33 X1 MOV K2X50Z0 K1M38Z1 X0 MOV K20 Z0 MOV K 5 Z1 MOV D0Z0 K3Y12FZ1 K2X(50 + 14) = K2X64 X1 MOV D20 K3Y12A Description X1 D0Z0 K3Y12FZ1 D (0 + 20) = D20 K3Y(12F - 5) = K3Y12A Hexadecimal number Fig. 3.7 Ladder Example and Actual Process Device (3) Indexing with 32-bit (only Universal model QCPU) A method of specifing index registers in indexing with 32-bit can be selected from the following two methods. • Specifing the index registers’ range used for indexing with 32-bit. 3-13 • Specifing the 32-bit indexing using “ZZ” specification. The 32-bit indexing with “ZZ” specification is available only for the following CPU modules that the version of GX Developer is 8.68W or later. • The first five digits of the serial No. for QnU(D)(H)CPU is “10042” or higher. • QnUDE(H)CPU (a) Example of specifing the range of index registers for use of 32-bit indexing. 1) Each index register can be set between -2147483648 and 2147483647. An example of indexing is shown below. X0 DMOV K40000 Z0 Stores 40000 at Z0. ZR10Z0 D0 Stores the data of ZR10Z0= ZR{10+40000}=ZR40010 at D0. X0 MOV Indexing 2) Specification method For indexing with a 32-bit index register, specify the head number of an index register to be used on the Device tab of the Q parameter setting screen on GX Developer. GX Developer 8.68R or earlier GX Deveioper 8.68W or later Fig. 3.8 Setting windows for ZR device indexing setting parameter When the head number of the index register used is changed on the Device tab of the Q parameter setting screen, do not change the parameters only or do not write only the parameters into the programmable controller. Be sure to write the parameter into the programmable controller with the program. When the parameter is forced to be written into the programmable controller, an error of CAN'T EXE. PRG. occurs. (Error code: 2500) 3-14 3) Device that indexing can be used Indexing can be used only for the device shown below. Device 1 Meaning ZR Serial number access format file register D Extended data register (D) W Extended link register (W) 2 4) Usable range of index registers The following table shows the usable range of index registers for indexing with 32-bit index registers. For indexing with 32-bit index registers, the specified index register (Zn) and the next index register of the specified register (Zn+1) are used. Be sure not to 3 4 overlap index registers to be used. Setting Value Index Registers to be Used Setting Value Index Registers to be Used Z0 Z0, Z1 Z10 Z10, Z11 Z1 Z1, Z2 Z11 Z11, Z12 Z2 Z2, Z3 Z12 Z12, Z13 Z3 Z3, Z4 Z13 Z13, Z14 Z4 Z4, Z5 Z14 Z14, Z15 Z5 Z5, Z6 Z15 Z15, Z16 Z6 Z6, Z7 Z16 Z16, Z17 Z7 Z7, Z8 Z17 Z17, Z18 Z8 Z8, Z9 Z18 Z18, Z19 Z9 Z9, Z10 Z19 Cannot be specified 2 6 7 8 5) An example of indexing and the actual process device are as follows. (When Z0 (32-bit) 100000 and Z2 (16-bit) Actual Process Device X0 X1 3.3 Indexing Ladder Example 20) DMOV K100000 Z0 MOV K-20 Z2 MOV ZR1000Z0 D30Z2 X1 MOV ZR101000 D10 Description ZR1000Z0 D30Z2 ZR(1000+100000)=ZR101000 D(30-20)=D10 Fig. 3.9 Ladder Example and Actual Process Device 3-15 (b) Example of specifing 32-bit indexing with “ZZ” specification. 1) One index register can specify 32-bit indexing by using “ZZ” specification such as “ZR0ZZ4”. The 32-bit indexing with “ZZ” specification is as follows. M0 M0 DMOVP K100000 Z4 Stores 100000 at Z4 and Z5. MOVP K100 ZR0ZZ4 Indexing ZR device with 32-bit index registers (Z4 and Z5) ZR (0+100000) =ZR100000 2) Specification method To perform 32-bit indexing by using “ZZ” specification, select “Use of ZZ” in “Indexing Setting for ZR Device” in PC parameter for GX Developer. Fig. 3.10 Setting window for indexing setting parameter for ZR device 3) Device that indexing can be used The following device is available for indexing. Device Meaning ZR Serial number access format file register D Extended data register (D) W Extended link register (W) 4) Usable range of index registers The following table shows the usable range of index registers in 32-bit indexing used “ZZ” specification. The 32-bit indexing with “ZZ” specification is specified as the format ZRmZZn. Specifying ZRmZZn enables Zn and Zn+1 of 32-bit values to index the device number, ZRm, “ZZ” specification *1 Index Registers Used specification*1 Index Registers Used ZZ0 Z0, Z1 ZZ10 Z10, Z11 ZZ1 Z1, Z2 ZZ11 Z11, Z12 ZZ2 Z2, Z3 ZZ12 Z12, Z13 ZZ3 Z3, Z4 ZZ13 Z13, Z14 ZZ4 Z4, Z5 ZZ14 Z14, Z15 ZZ5 Z5, Z6 ZZ15 Z15, Z16 ZZ6 Z6, Z7 ZZ16 Z16, Z17 ZZ7 Z7, Z8 ZZ17 Z17, Z18 ZZ8 Z8, Z9 ZZ18 Z18, Z19 ZZ9 Z9, Z10 ZZ19 Not available *1: refers to device name (ZR) for indexing target. 3-16 “ZZ” 5) The 32-bit indexing used “ZZ” specification and the acutual processing device are as follows. (Z0 (32-bit) 100000.Z2 (16-bit) 20) Ladder Example Actual Process Device X1 X0 DMOV K100000 Z0 MOV 2 ZR101000 D10 3 END MOV X1 K-20 Z2 Description MOV ZR1000ZZ0 D30Z2 ZR1000ZZ0 D30Z2 4 ZR(1000+100000)=ZR101000 D(30-20)=D10 2 Fig.3.10 Ladder Example and Actual Process Device 6) Available functions for “ZZ” specification The 32-bit indexing specification with “ZZ” specification applies in the following functions in GX Developer. No. Function Name and Description 1 Specifing devices in program instruction 2 Monitoing device registrations 3 Testing devices execution type 4 Testing devices with conditions 5 Setting monitor conditions 1 6 7 8 Tracing sampling 6 (Trace point(specifing devices), Single ZZn cannot be used as a device like “DMOV K100000 ZZ0”. When setting values of index registers to specify 32-bit indexing with “ZZ” specification, set the value of Zn (Z0~Z19). Single ZZAn cannot be input to each function in GX Develoiper. 3-17 3.3 Indexing Trace taget device) (4) Index modification using extended data register (D) and extended link register (W) (Universal model QCPU(except Q00UJCPU)) Like index modification using data register (D) and link register (W) of internal user device, a device can be specified by index modification within the range of the extended data register (D) and extended link register (W). User Program Index modification in internal user device Z0=0 Image of D device D100 MOV K1234 Z0=1000 Z1=0 Internal user device D1100 D20000 Extended data register MOV K1234 Z1=2000 D22000 Index modification in extended data register 1) Index modification where the device number crosses over the boundary between the internal user device and the extended data register (D) or extended link register (W) The specification of index modification where the device number crosses over the boundary between the internal user device and the extended data register (D) or extended link register (W) cannot be made. If doing so, an error occurs when the device range check is enabled at index modification (error code: 4101). User Program Index modification in internal user device Z0=0 Image of D device D100 MOV K1234 Z0=20000 Index modification where the device number crosses over the boundary between theinternal user device and the extended data register is not possible. 3-18 D20100 Internal user device Extended data register 2) Index modification where the device number crosses over the boundary among the file register (ZR), extended data register (D), and extended link register (W) Index modification where the device number crosses over the boundary among the file register (ZR), extended data register (D), and extended link register (W) will not cause an error. However, an error occurs if the index modification result of file register (ZR), extended data register (D), and extended link register exceeds the file register range (error code: 4101). Index modification where the device number crosses over the boundary among the file register (ZR), extended data register (D) will not cause an error. Z1=0 ZR100 D14196 D20000 MOV K1234 Z20000Z1 Z1=4000 3 File register files MOV K1234 Z0=10000 2 4 User Program Z0=0 1 W2DC0 Index modification where the device number crosses over the boundary among the extended data register (D), and extended link register (W) will not cause an error. 2 File register (8k) 6 Extended data register (D) (8k) D12288~ 7 Extended link register (W) (8k) W2000~ 8 3.3 Indexing Extended link register exceeds the file register range. Z1=10000 3-19 (5) Other index modifications (a) Bit data Device numbers can be index modified when performing digit designation. However, Indexing is not possible by digit designation. BIN K4X0Z2 D0 BIN K4Z3X0 D0 Setting is possible since this indicates Indexing for device number. If Z2=3, then (X0+3)=X3 Setting is not possible since this indicates Indexing by digit designation. (b) Both I/O numbers and buffer memory number can be performed indexing with intelligent function module devices*1. MOV U10Z1\G0Z2 D0 If Z1=2 and Z2=8, then U(10+2)\G(0+8)=U12\G8 (c) Both network numbers and device numbers can be performed indexing with link direct devices*1. MOV J1Z1\K4X0Z2 D0 If Z1=2 and Z2=8, then J(1+2)\K4X(0+8)=J3\K4X8 *1: For the intellingent function module device, link direct devices, refer to the QnUCPU User’s Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User’s Manuall (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) (d) When indexing is used for multiple CPU shared devices*2, indexing for the head I/O numbers of CPU modules and indexing for the CPU shared memory address are automatically executed. MOV U3E0Z1\G0Z2 D0 If Z1=2 and Z2=8, then U3E(0+2)\G(0+8)=U3E2\G8 *2: For the multiple CPU shared device, refer to the QnUCPU User’s Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User’s Manuall (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) 3-20 (e) Index modification using extended data register (D) and extended link register (W) by 32 bits (Universal model QCPU(except Q00UJCPU)) Like index modification using file register (ZR), index modification using extended data register (D) and extended link register (W) by 32 bits can be performed by the following two methods. 1 2 • Specifing the index registers’ range used for indexing with 32-bit. • Specifing the 32-bit indexing using “ZZ” specification. 3 The 32-bit indexing with “ZZ” specification is available only for the following CPU modules that the version of GX Developer is 8.68W or later. • The first five digits of the serial No. for QnU(D)(H)CPU is “10042” or higher. (except Q00UJCPU) • QnUDE(H)CPU 4 2 (6) Cautions (a) Performing indexing between the FOR and NEXT instructions Pulses can be output between the FOR and NEXT instructions by use of the edge relay (V). However, pulse output using the PLS/PLF/pulse ( P) instruction is not allowed. [When edge relay is used] [When edge relay is not used] (M0Z1 provides normal pulse output.) (M0Z1 does not provide normal pulse output.) SM400 MOV K0 Z1 FOR K10 X0Z1 V0Z1 INC Z1 NEXT X0Z1 SM400 MOV K0 Z1 FOR K10 PLS M0Z1 INC Z1 7 8 3.3 Indexing SM400 M0Z1 SM400 6 NEXT Remark The ON/OFF data of X0Z1 is stored by the edge relay V0Z1. For example, the ON/OFF data of X0 is stored by V0, and that of X1 by V1. 3-21 (b) Performing indexing with the CALL instruction Pulses can be output with the CALL instruction by use of the edge relay (V). However, pulse output using the PLS/PLF/pulse ( P) instruction is not allowed. [When edge relay is used] [When edge relay is not used] (M0Z1 provides normal pulse output.) (M0Z1 does not provide normal pulse output.) SM400 MOV SM400 MOV K0 Z1 CALL P0 K1 Z1 CALL P0 SM400 SM400 MOV MOV K0 Z1 CALL P0 K1 Z1 CALL P0 FEND FEND P0 X0Z1 V0Z1 M0Z1 P0 X0Z1 RET PLS M0Z1 RET (c) Device range check during indexing 1) CPUs other than Universal model QCPU Device range checks are not conducted during indexing. Therefore, when the data after index modification exceed the user specified device range, the data is written to another device without causing an error.(Note, however, that when the data after index modification is written to the device for system use exceeding the user specified device range, an error occurs. (Error code: 1103)) Take extra precaution when using indexing in programming. 2) Universal model QCPU The device range is checked for indexing. With changing the settings of the PLC parameter on GX Developer, the device range is not checked. (d) Changing indexing with 16-bit index register for indexing with 32-bit index register For changing indexing with 16-bit index register for indexing with 32-bit index register, check if the program has enough spaces for indexing. For indexing with 32-bit index registers, the specified index register (Zn) and the next index register of the specified register (Zn+1) are used. Be sure not to overlap index registers to be used. 3-22 3.4 Indirect Specification 1 (1) Indirect Specification (a) Indirect specification is a method that specifies address of the device to be used in a sequence program using two word devices (two points of word device). Use indirect specification as index modification when the index register is insufficient. ADRSET D100 D0 MOV K50 Z0 DMOV K50 W0 DMOV K10000 D150 DMOV K10000 D150 DMOV D100Z0 D110 W0 D10 D+ D0 Specification of D (100 + 50) = D150 MOV @D10 Stores the address of D100 to D0. (Address of D100) + 50 = (Address of D150) 3 4 D110 Specification of address of D150 [When index resister is used] 2 2 [When indirect specification is used] (b) Specify the device to be used for specifying the address as "@ + (word device number)". For example, when @D100 is specified, the device address will be the contents of D101 and D100. 6 (c) The address of the device specified indirectly can be confirmed with the ADRSET instruction. For the ADRSET instruction, refer to Section 7.18.6. 7 (2) Indirect specification available devices 8 Table 3.3 shows that the CPU module devices can be specified indirectly. Table 3.3 List of Indirect Specification Available Devices Availability of Device Type Indirect Example of Indirect Specification 3.4 Indirect Specification Specification Bit device *1 Internal user device Word device *1 Bit device *1 Link direct device Word device *1 Intelligent function module device N/A Available –––––––––– • @D100 • @D100Z2 *2 N/A –––––––––– Available*3 • @J1\W10 • @J1Z1\W10Z2 *2 Available*3 • @U10\G0 • @U10Z1\G0Z2 *2 N/A Index register File register Extended data register (D) Extended link register (W) –––––––––– Available • @R0, @ZR20000 • @R0Z1,@ZR20000Z1 *2 Available • @D1000 • @W1000 Nesting –––––––––– Pointer –––––––––– Constants –––––––––– SFC block device SFC transition device Other Network No. specification device N/A –––––––––– I/O No. specification device *1: For the device names, refer to the QnUCPU User’s Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User’s Manuall (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) *2: Indicates when index modification by an index register is performed. *3: Indirect specification is possible, but the address can not be written with the ADRSET instruction. 3-23 (3) Precautions (a) The address for indirect specification uses two words.Therefore, to substitute indirect specification for index modification, the addition/subtraction of 32-bit data is required. The following is the ladder used for the address addition/subtraction of the device stored in D1 and D0 for indirect specification. [To add "1" to the address of the device for indirect specification] DINCP D0 Device used for indirect specification 32-bit instruction [To subtract "1" from the address of the device for indirect specification] DDECP D0 Device used for indirect specification 32-bit instruction (b) Indirect specification of extended data register (D) and extended link register (W) Indirect specification with indirect address can be performed in the extended data register (D) and extended link register (W). Note that when indirect specification is performed to the extended data register (D) and data register (D) in internal device or to the extended link register (W) and link register (W) in internal device, the areas of the internal user device and extended data register (D) or extended link register (W) are not treated as a sequence. Internal user device ADRSET D12000 D100 D+ K1000 D100 MOV D102 Setting an address "D12000 h to D100 and D101 Setting the address that is an addition of 1000 to the address of D12000 to D102 and D103 D0 Data register D12000 D12287 K1234 @D102 File register files File register D12288 D13000 Since the areas of the data register and extended data register are not sequence, D13000 is inaccessible. 3-24 D63487 Extended data register(D) Extended link register (W) 3.5 Reducing Instruction Processing Time 1 3.5.1 Subset Processing 2 Subset processing is used to place limits on bit devices used by basic instructions and application instructions in order to increase processing speed. 3 However, the instruction symbol does not change. To shorten scans, run instructions under the conditions indicated below. 4 (1) Conditions which each device must meet for subset processing (a) When using word data Device Condition 2 • Designates a bit device number in a factor of 16. • Only K4 can be designated for digit designation. • Does not perform indexing. Bit device 6 • Internal user device. • File register (R, ZR *1) Word device • Multiple CPU shared device *1, *2 • Index register (Z) / Standard device register (Z) *1 Constants 7 • No limitations 8 (b) When using double word data Device Condition • Designates a bit device number in a factor of 16. • Only K8 can be designated for digit designation. • Does not perform indexing. Bit device 3.5 Reducing Instruction Processing Time 3.5.1 Subset Processing • Internal user device. • File register (R, ZR *1) Word device • Multiple CPU shared device *1, *2 • Index register (Z) / Standard device register (Z) *1 Constants • No limitations (c) When using bit data Device Bit device Condition • Internal user device (indexing possible) • Bit specification of internal user device Word device • Bit specification of file register (R, ZR *1) • Bit specification of multiple CPU shared device *1, *2 *1: Only for Universal model QCPU *2: Valid only for the multiple CPU high speed transmission area (from U3En\G10000) (Excluding the case that indexing is executed for the head I/O number of the CPU module (U3En\G10000)) 3-25 (2) Instructions for which subset processing can be used Types of Instructions Instruction Symbols LD,LDI,AND,ANI,OR,ORI,LDP,LDF,ANDP,ANDF,ORP,ORF,LDPI,ANDPI,ANDFI, Contact instructions ORPI,ORFI Output instructions OUT,SET,RST Comparison operation instruction • • +, Arithmetic operation , , , , , ,D ,*,/,INC,DEC,D+,D • B+,B ,B*,B/, E+,E ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D ,D*,D/,DINC,DDEC ,E*,E/ Data conversion instructions • BCD, BIN, DBCD, DBIN, FLT, DFLT, INT, DINT Data transfer instruction • MOV, DMOV, CML, DCML, XCH, DXCH • FMOV, BMOV, EMOV Program branch instruction • CJ, SCJ, JMP Logic operations • WAND, DAND, WOR, DOR, WXOR, DXOR, WXNR, DXNR Rotation instruction • RCL, DRCL, RCR, DRCR, ROL, DROL, ROR, DROR Shift instruction • SFL, DSFL, SFR, DSFR Data processing instructions • SUM, SEG Structure creation instructions • FOR, CALL 3.5.2 Operation processing with standard device registers (Z) (only Universal model QCPU) Operation processing time can be reduced with standard device registers (Z). The following shows an example program with standard device registers. + D0 D10 D20 + Z0 Z1 Z2 Using data registers takes three steps and the operation processing time of 28.5 ns. (With Q4/Q06/Q10/Q13/Q20/Q26UD(E)HCPU) Using standard device registers instead of data registers takes one step and the operation processing time of 9.5 ns. (With Q4/Q06/Q10/Q13/Q20/Q26UD(E)HCPU) Operation processing time is reduced with the instructions that the subset processing is possible. For the number of steps, refer to Section 3.8. For the operation time for each instruction, refer to Appendix 1. Because standard device registers are the same devices as index registers, do not use device numbers of the standard device registers for the index registers. 3-26 3.6 Cautions on Programming (Operation Errors) 1 Operation errors are returned in the following cases when executing basic instructions and application instructions with CPU module: • An error listed on the explanatory page for the individual instruction occurred. • When an intelligent function module device is used, no intelligent function module is installed at the specified I/O number position. • When an intelligent function module device is used, the specified buffer memory address does not exist. • The relevant network does not exist when using a link device. • When a link device is used, no network module is installed at the specified I/O number position. • When a multiple CPU shared device is used, a CPU module is not installed at the head I/O number position of the specified CPU module. • When a multiple CPU shared device is used, the specified shared memory address does not exist. • The setting of the device number crosses over the boundary between the internal user device and the extended data register (D) or extended link register (W). (Universal model QCPU only) 2 3 4 2 6 When file register is set but a memory card is not installed or when file register is not set, writing/reading to/from file register is as follows: (1) For the High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, and Redundant CPU An error does not occur even when writing/reading to/from file register is performed. However, “0H” is stored when reading from file register is performed. (2) For the Universal model QCPU The OPERATION ERROR (error code:4101) occurs when writing/reading to/ from file register is performed. Device range checks for the devices used by basic instructions and application instructions in CPU module are as indicated below: (a) Instructions for specified each device, including MOV and DMOV 1) CPUs other than Universal model QCPU The device range is not checked. In cases where the corresponding device range is exceeded, data is written to other devices. *1 For example, in a case where the data register has been allocated 12k points, there will be no error even if it exceeds D12287. DMOV K100 D12287 This designates D12287 and D12288 as the target devices for executing the DMOV instruction. However, since D12288 does not exist, data in another device is corrupted. Device range checks are not conducted also in cases where indexing is being performed. In cases where the corresponding device range is exceeded as the result of performing indexing, data is written to other devices.*1 *1: For the assignment order of internal user devices, refer to this Section (c) Character string data. 3-27 8 3.6 Cautions on Programming (Operation Errors) (1) Device range check 7 2) Universal model QCPU The device range is checked. When the device number is outside the device range, an operation error occurs. For example, when12 k points are assigned to a data register, an error occurs if the device number of the data register exceeds D12287. DMOV K100 D12287 When D12287 is specified with the DMOV instruction, the target devices are D12287 and D12288. However, an operation error occurs because D12288 does not exist. The device range is checked even though indexing is executed. With changing the settings of the PLC parameter on GX Developer, the device range is not checked.*2 *2: For changing the settings of the PLC parameter on GX Developer, refer to the following manual. • QCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) (b) Instructions for a block of devices, including BMOV and FMOV 1) CPUs other than Universal model QCPU The device range is checked. When the device number is outside the device range, an operation error occurs. For example, when 12 k points are assigned to a data register, an error occurs if the device number of the data register exceeds D12287. BMOV D0 D12287 K2 This designates D12287 and D12288 as the target devices for executing the BMOV instruction. However, since D12288 does not exist, an operation error occurs. Device range checks are also conducted when indexing is performed. However, if indexing has been conducted, there will be no error returned if the initial device number exceeds the relevant device range. MOV BMOV D0 BMOV D0 K2 Z1 D12285Z1 K2 D12287Z1 K2 When D12287 is specified with the BMOV instruction, the target devices are D12287 and D12288. However, an operation error occurs because D12288 does not exist. An operation error occurs since head device number is D12289 that exceeds the device range. 3-28 2) Universal model QCPU The device range is checked. When the device number is outside the device range, an operation error occurs. For example, when12 k points are assigned to a data register, an error occurs if the device number of the data register exceeds D12287. 1 2 BMOV D0 D12287 K2 When D12287 is specified with the BMOV instruction, the target devices are D12287 and D12288. However, an operation error occurs because D12288 does not exist. The device range is checked even though indexing is executed. An error occurs when the head device number of the devices with indexing exceeds the device range. MOV BMOV D0 BMOV D0 K2 3 4 2 Z1 6 D12285Z1 K2 D12287Z1 K2 When D12287 is specified with the BMOV instruction, the target devices are D12287 and D12288. However, an operation error occurs because D12288 does not exist. An operation error occurs since head device number is D12289 that exceeds the device range. 7 8 With changing the settings of the PLC parameter on GX Developer, the device range is not checked.*2 For changing the settings of the PLC parameter on GX Developer, refer to the following manual. • QCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) (c) Character string data Because all character string data is of variable length, device range checks are performed. In cases where the corresponding device range has been exceeded, an operation error will be returned. For example, in a case where the data register has been allocated 12k points, there will be an error if it exceeds D12287. $MOV "ABC" D12287 This designates D12287 and D12288 as the target devices for executing the $MOV instruction. However, since D12288 does not exist, an operation error occurs. However, with CPUs other than Universal model QCPU, when indexing is executed and the head device number is outside the device range, no error occurs and the other devices are accessed. 3-29 3.6 Cautions on Programming (Operation Errors) *2: When performing the following access in Universal model QCPU, an error (error code: 4101) occurs. 1) Access crossing the boundary of devices caused by indexing (range of A area) The allocation order of individual devices is shown below: SM SD X Y M L B F SB V Area A S Contact and coil of T Contact and coil of ST Contact and coil of C Present value of T Present value of ST Present value of C D W SW Empty area File register (32K points) Boundary B 2) Access crossing the boundary of file registers caused by indexing 3) Access to file registers (R, ZR) without setting file register files 4) Access to file registers (R, ZR) exceeded the range of file register files Presetting PC parameter not to check indexing device range enables the Universal model QCPU not to detect an error in the above accesses from 1) to 4). Detecting an error in the above accesses from 1) to 4) , however, depends on the serial No. of Universal model QCPU.*2 Setting device range in indexing Set Not set *2: First 5 digits of serial No. for Universal model QCPU Serial No.”10021” or lower Serial No.”10022” or higer Detected errors in accesses 1) to 4) Detected errors in accesses 2) to 4) Not detected For changing the settings of the PLC parameter on GX Developer, refer to the QnUCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals). When indexing is executed only with Universal model QCPU, devices between internal user devices (SW) and file registers (R) cannot be skipped. (Error code: 4101). 3-30 Remark For the how to change the internal user device allocation, referto User’s Manual (Functions Explanation, Program Fundamentals) for the CPU module used. 1 2 (d) Device range checks are conducted when indexing is performed by direct access output (DY). (e) Set the following items so that the specification does not cross over theboundary between the internal user device and the extended data register (D) or extended link register (W). • Index modification • Indirect specification User Program 6 Image of D device D100 FMOV K0 D100 K200 Internal user device D199 FMOV K0 D12200 K200 FMOV K0 D20000 K200 4 2 • Specification for the instructions which target data block*1 Data biock where the device number crosses over the boundary between the internal user device and the extended data register (D) is not possible. 3 7 8 D12200 D12299 D20100 D20299 *1 Data block indicates the following data. • Data used in the instructions, such as FMOV, BMOV, BK+, which multiple words are targeted for operation • Control data, composed of two or more words, specified in the instructions, such as SP.FWRITE, SP.FREAD • Data whose data type is 32-bit or more (BIN 32-bit, real number, indirect address of the device) 3-31 3.6 Cautions on Programming (Operation Errors) Extended data register (D) (2) Device data check Device data checks for the devices used by basic instructions and application instructions in CPU module are as indicated below: (a) When using BIN data No error is returned even if the operation results in overflow or underflow. The carry flag does not go on at such times, either. (b) When using BCD data 1) Each digit is check for BCD value (0 to 9). An operation error is returned if individual digits are outside the 0 to 9 (A to F) range. 2) No error is returned even if the operation results in overflow or underflow. The carry flag does not go on at such times, either. (c) When using floating-point data 1) An operation error occurs when the following operation results are returned with the single-precision floating-point operation instruction. When the absolute value of the floating decimal point data is 1.0 2-127 or lower When absolute value of floating decimal point data is 1.0 2128 or higher 2) An operation error occurs when the following operation results are returned with the double-precision floating-point operation instruction. When the absolute value of the floating decimal point data is 1.0 When absolute value of floating decimal point data is 1.0 2-1023 or lower 21024 or higher (d) Using character string data No data check is conducted. (3) Buffer memory access For accessing buffer memories, using instructions with intelligent function module devices (from Un\G0) is recommended. (4) Multiple CPU shared memory access For accessing multiple CPU shared memories, using instructions with multiple CPU shared devices (from U3En\G10000) is recommended. 3-32 3.7 Conditions for Execution of Instructions 1 The following four types of execution conditions exist for the execution of CPU module sequence instructions, basic instructions, and application instructions: • Non-conditional execution...... Instructions executed without regard to the ON/OFF status of the device Example LD X0, OUT Y10 • Executed at ON...................... Instructions executed while input condition is ON 2 3 Example MOV instruction, FROM instruction • Executed at leading edge ...... Instructions executed only at the leading edge of the input condition (when it goes from OFF to ON) Example PLS instruction, MOVP instruction. • Executed at trailing edge ....... Instructions executed only at the trailing edge of the input condition (when it goes from ON to OFF) Example PLF instruction. 4 2 6 For coil or equivalent basic instructions or application instructions, where the same instruction can be designated for either execution at ON or leading edge execution, a "P" is added after the instruction name to specify the condition for execution. 7 • Instruction to be executed at ON Instruction name 8 • Instruction to be executed at leading edge Instruction name + P Execution at ON and execution at leading edge for the MOV instruction are designated as follows: K4X0 3.7 Conditions for Execution of Instructions MOV D0 Execution during ON MOVP K4X0 D0 Execution at leading edge 3-33 3.8 Counting Step Number The number of steps in CPU module sequence instructions, basic instructions, and application instructions differs depending on whether indirect setting of the device used is possible or not. (1) Counting the number of basic steps The basic number of steps for basic instructions and application instructions is calculated by adding the device number and 1. For example, the "+ instruction" would be calculated as follows: + + D0 D10 (1) (2) D0 D10 D20 (1) (2) (3) Number of devices 2 Number of basic steps: 3 Number of devices 3 Number of basic steps: 4 (2) Conditions for increasing the number of steps The number of steps is increased over the number of basic steps in cases where a device is used that is designated indirectly or for which the number of steps is increased. (a) When device is designated indirectly In cases where indirect designation is done by @ , the number of steps is increased 1 step over the number of basic steps. For example, when a 3-step MOV instruction is designated indirectly (example: MOV K4X0 @D0), one step is added and the instruction becomes 4 steps. (b) Devices with additional steps (Except Universal model QCPU) Devices with Additional Steps Added Steps Example MOV U4\G10 D0 Intelligent function module device MOV U3E1\G0 D0 Multiple CPU shared device MOV J3\B20 D0 Link direct device 1 Index register MOV Z0 D0 Serial number access format file register MOV ZR123 D0 32-bit constant DMOV K123 D0 Real constant EMOV E0.1 D0 For even numbers: (number of characters) / 2 Character string constant For odd numbers: (number of characters + 1) / 2 3-34 $MOV "123" D0 (c) Devices with additional steps (Universal model QCPU(except Q00UJCPU)) 1) Instructions applicable to subset processing 1 The following table shows steps depending on the devices. Added Steps Instruction Symbols Devices with Additional Steps (Number of Basic Number of Steps 2 1(2) 1 3 1(4) 3 1(5) 4 Instruction Steps) Serial number access format file register, LD,LDI,AND,ANI,OR,ORI, Extended data register (D), LDP,LDF,ANDP,ANDF,ORP,ORF Extended link register (W) Multiple CPU shared device Serial number access format file register, LDPI,LDFI Extended data register (D), Extended link register (W) 4 Multiple CPU shared device Serial number access format file register, ANDPI,ANDFI,ORPI,ORFI 2 Extended data register (D), Extended link register (W) Multiple CPU shared device 6 Serial number access format file register SET Extended data register (D), 1(2) Extended link register (W) 1 7 Multiple CPU shared device Timer/Counter 3(4) Serial number access format file register OUT Extended data register (D), 8 1 1(2) Extended link register (W) Multiple CPU shared device Serial number access format file register Extended data register (D), 1(2) Extended link register (W) 1 3.8 Counting Step Number RST (bit device) Multiple CPU shared device Timer/Counter 2(4) (Bit/word device) RST (word device) Serial number access format file register Extended data register (D), 2 1(3) Extended link register (W) Multiple CPU shared device Standard device register * LD=,LD<>,LD<,LD<=,LD>,LD>=, AND=,AND<>,AND<,AND<=,AND>,AND>=, OR=,OR<>,OR<.OR<=,OR>,OR>= 1(3) 2 -1 Serial number access format file register Extended data register (D), 3 1 Extended link register (W) Multiple CPU shared device Standard device register *2 LDD=,LDD<>,LDD<,LDD<=,LDD>,LDD>=, ANDD=,ANDD<>,ANDD<,ANDD<=,ANDD>, AND>=,ORD=,ORD<>,ORD<.ORD<=, ORD>,ORD>= -1 Serial number access format file register Extended data register (D), Extended link register (W) 3 1 Multiple CPU shared device Decimal constant, hexadecimal constant, real constant Standard device register *2 +,-,+P,-P,WAND,WOR,WXOR,WXNR, WANDP,WORP,WXORP,WXNRP (2 devices) D :-1 Serial number access format file register Extended data register (D), Extended link register (W) S1 : 1, D :3 3 Multiple CPU shared device 3-35 Added Steps Instruction Symbols Devices with Additional Steps (Number of Instruction Steps) Standard device register *2 D Basic Number of Steps :-1 Serial number access format file register D+,D-,D+P,D-P,DAND,DOR,DXOR,DXNR, Extended data register (D), DANDP,DORP,DXORP,DXNRP Extended link register (W) (2 devices) S1 :1, D S1 :1 constant, real constant WANDP,WORP,WXORP,WXNRP (3 devices)*1 3 Multiple CPU shared device Decimal constant, hexadecimal +,-,+P,-P,WAND,WOR,WXOR,WXNR, :3 Serial number access format file register Extended data register (D), Extended link register (W) S1 , S2 :1, D :2 S1 , S2 :1, D :2 3 Multiple CPU shared device Serial number access format file register D+,D-,D+P,D-P,DAND,DOR,DXOR,DXNR, DANDP,DORP,DXORP,DXNRP (3 devices)*1 Extended data register (D), Extended link register (W) 3 Multiple CPU shared device Decimal constant, hexadecimal S1 constant, real constant , S2 :1 Serial number access format file register *, *P, /, /P Extended data register (D), Extended link register (W) S1 , S2 :1, D :2 S1 , S2 :1, D :2 3 Multiple CPU shared device Serial number access format file register Extended data register (D), D*, D*P, D/, D/P, E*, E*P Extended link register (W) 3 Multiple CPU shared device Decimal constant, hexadecimal constant, real constant 3-36 S1 , S2 :1 Added Steps Instruction Symbols Devices with Additional Steps (Number of Basic Number of Instruction Steps) INC,INCP,DEC,DECP,DINC,DINCP, DDEC,DDECP Index register/Standard device register *2 Serial number access format file register 1 2 2 -1 Extended data register (D), 3 Extended link register (W) Multiple CPU shared device Serial number access format file register Extended data register (D), MOV,MOVP Steps 1 Extended link register (W) Multiple CPU shared device Serial number access format file register 3 2 4 Extended data register (D), Extended link register (W) Multiple CPU shared device Decimal constant, hexadecimal DMOV,DMOVP,EMOV,EMOVP 1 2 2 constant, real constant Serial number access format file register BCD,BCDP,BIN,BINP,FLT,FLTP,CML,CMLP Extended data register (D), Extended link register (W) Multiple CPU shared device Serial number access format file register Extended data register (D), DBCD,DBCDP,DBIN,DBINP,INT,INTP,DINT, DINTP,DFLT,DFLTP,DCML,DCMLP Extended link register (W) Multiple CPU shared device Decimal constant, hexadecimal :1, S2 :2 S1 :1, S2 :2 2 6 7 2 S1 constant, real constant *1: *2: S1 :1 8 If the same device is used for S1 and S2 , the number of basic steps increases by one. The number of steps decreases with a standard device register. Instruction Symbols Locations Where Standard Device Register Is Used LD=,LD<>,LD<,LD<=,LD>,LD>=, AND=,AND<>,AND<,AND<=,AND>,AND>=, OR=,OR<>,OR<.OR<=,OR>,OR>= LDD=,LDD<>,LDD<,LDD<=,LDD>,LDD>=, ANDD=,ANDD<>,ANDD<,ANDD<=,ANDD>, AND>=,ORD=,ORD<>,ORD<.ORD<=, ORD>,ORD>= +,-,+P,-P,D+,D-,D+P,D-P, WAND,WOR,WXOR,WXNR, DAND,DOR,DXOR,DXNR, WANDP,WORP,WXORP,WXNRP, DANDP,DORP,DXORP,DXNRP (2 devices) S1 S1 +,-,+P,-P,D+,D-,D+P,D-P, WAND,WOR,WXOR,WXNR, DAND,DOR,DXOR,DXNR, WANDP,WORP,WXORP,WXNRP, DANDP,DORP,DXORP,DXNRP Instruction Steps) -2(1) 3 S1 and D -2(1) 3 , S2 , or , and S2 and and -2(1) D -1(2) D S2 (only when that device that the specified for and D D 3 ) file register is specified for and ±0(3) S2 (only when a serial number access format S1 Steps S2 number of steps does not increase is If the same device is used for Basic Number of and S1 *1: (Number of S1 S1 (3 devices)*1 Added Steps D +2(5) ) , the number of basic steps increases by one. 3-37 3.8 Counting Step Number When multiple standard device registers are used in an instruction applicable to subset processing, the number of steps decreases. The following table shows the number of steps for each instruction. Added Steps Locations Where Standard Device Regis- Instruction Symbols ter Is Used S1 *, *P, /, /P S1 S2 , or S1 S1 , , S1 S2 S2 , or , and S2 Instruction Steps) 3 -1(2) D -2(1) D and and -1(2) D S2 (only when that device that the D*, D*P, D/, D/P, E*, E*P number of steps does not increase is specified for S1 and D ±0(3) 3 ) S2 (only when a serial number access format file register is specified for MOV,MOVP,DMOV,DMOVP,EMOV,EMOVP Steps -2(1) D and , and Basic Number of (Number of D +2(5) ) S1 and D -1(1) 2 S1 and D -1(1) 2 BCD,BCDP,BIN,BINP,DBCD,DBCDP, DBIN,DBINP,FLT,FLTP,DFLT,DFLTP, INT,INTP,DINT,DINTP,CML,CMLP, DCML,DCMLP 2) Except Instructions applicable to subset processing The following table shows steps depending on the devices. Devices with Additional Steps Added Steps Example MOV U4\G10 D0 Intelligent function module device MOV U3E1\G10000 D0 Multiple CPU shared device MOV J3\B20 D0 Link direct device MOV Z0 D0 Index register / standard device register 1 Serial number access format file register MOV ZR123 D0 Extended data register(D) MOV D123 Extended link register(W) MOV W123 32-bit constant DMOV K123 D0 Real constant EMOV E0.1 D0 For even number: (number of characters) / 2 Character string constant For odd numbers: (number of characters + 1) / 2 $MOV "123" D0 (d) In cases where the conditions described in (a) to (c) above overlap, the number of steps becomes a culmination of the two. Example MOV If U1\G10 ZR123 has been designated, a total of 2 steps are added. MOV U1\ G10 ZR123 Serial number access format file registers = Intelligent function module devices : 1 step + : 1 step Increased by 2 steps 3-38 3.9 Operation when the OUT, SET/RST, or PLS/PLF Instructions Use the Same Device 1 The following describes the operation for executing multiple instructions of the OUT, SET/RST, or PLS/PLF that use the same device in one scan. 2 3 (1) OUT instructions using the same device Do not program more than one OUT instruction using the same device in one scan. If the OUT instructions using the same device are programmed in one scan, the specified device will turn ON or OFF every time the OUT instruction is executed, depending on the operation result of the program up to the relevant OUT instruction. Since turning ON or OFF of the device is determined when each OUT instruction is executed, the device may turn ON and OFF repeatedly during one scan. The following diagram shows an example of a ladder that turns the same internal relay (M0) with inputs X0 and X1 ON and OFF. [Ladder] 4 2 6 X0 M0 7 X1 M0 8 [Timing Chart] X0 X0 M0 X1 X1 M0 M0 END END END ON X0 OFF ON X1 OFF ON M0 OFF M0 turns OFF because X1 is OFF. M0 turns ON because X0 is ON. M0 turns ON because X1 is ON. M0 remains OFF because X0 is OFF. With the refresh type CPU module, when the output (Y) is specified by the OUT instruction, the ON/OFF status of the last OUT instruction of the scan will be output. 3-39 3.9 Operation when the OUT, SET/RST, or PLS/PLF Instructions Use the Same Device M0 (2) SET/RST instructions using the same device (a) The SET instruction turns ON the specified device when the execution command is ON and performs nothing when the execution command is OFF. For this reason, when the SET instructions using the same device are executed two or more times in one scan, the specified device will be ON if any one of the execution commands is ON. (b) The RST instruction turns OFF the specified device when the execution command is ON and performs nothing when the execution command is OFF. For this reason, when the RST instructions using the same device are executed two or more times in one scan, the specified device will be OFF if any one of the execution commands is ON. (c) When the SET instruction and RST instruction using the same device are programmed in one scan, the SET instruction turns ON the specified device when the SET execution command is ON and the RST instruction turns OFF the specified device when the RST execution command is ON. When both the SET and RST execution commands are OFF, the ON/OFF status of the specified device will not be changed. [Ladder] X0 SET M0 X1 RST M0 [Timing Chart] X0 X0 SET M0 X1 RST M0 END END SET M0 X1 RST M0 END ON X0 OFF X1 OFF M0 OFF ON ON RST M0 is not executed because X0 is OFF. (M0 remains ON.) M0 turns ON because X0 is ON. M0 turns OFF because X1 is ON. SET M0 is not executed because X0 is OFF. (M0 remains ON.) When using a refresh type CPU module and specifying output (Y) in the SET/RST instruction, the ON/OFF status of the device at the execution of the last instruction in the scan is returned as the output (Y). 3-40 (3) PLS instructions using the same device The PLS instruction turns ON the specified device when the execution command is turned ON from OFF. It turns OFF the device at any other time (OFF to OFF, ON to ON, or ON to OFF). If two or more PLS instructions using the same device are executed in one scan, each instruction turns ON the device when the corresponding execution command is turned ON from OFF and turns OFF the device in other cases. For this reason, if multiple PLS instructions using the same device are executed in a single scan, a device that has been turned ON by the PLS instruction may not be turned ON during one scan. 1 [Ladder] 4 X0 2 3 PLS M0 2 X1 PLS M0 6 [Timing Chart] • The ON/OFF timing of the X0 and X1 is different. (The specified device does not turn ON throughout the scan.) X0 X0 PLS M0 X1 PLS M0 END END END 8 PLS M0 X1 PLS M0 7 ON OFF X1 OFF M0 OFF 3.9 Operation when the OUT, SET/RST, or PLS/PLF Instructions Use the Same Device X0 ON ON ON M0 turns ON because X1 M0 turns OFF because X1 goes ON (OFF ON). status is other than OFF ON. M0 turns OFF because X0 status M0 turns ON because is other than OFF ON. X0 goes ON (OFF ON). (M0 remains OFF.) 3-41 • The X0 and X1 turn ON from OFF at the same time. X0 X0 PLS M0 X1 PLS M0 END END PLS M0 X1 PLS M0 END ON X0 OFF X1 OFF M0 OFF ON ON M0 turns ON because X1 goes ON (OFF ON). (M0 remains ON.) M0 turns ON because X0 goes ON (OFF ON). M0 turns OFF because X1 status is other than OFF ON. (M0 remains OFF.) M0 turns OFF because X0 status is other than OFF ON. When using a refresh type CPU module and specifying output (Y) in the PLS instructions, the ON/OFF status of the device at the execution of the last PLS instruction in the scan is returned as the output (Y). (4) PLF instructions using the same device The PLF instruction turns ON the specified device when the execution command is turned OFF from ON. It turns OFF the device at any other time (OFF to OFF, OFF to ON, or ON to ON). If two or more PLF instructions using the same device are executed in one scan, each instruction turns ON the device when the corresponding execution command is turned OFF from ON and turns OFF the device in other cases. For this reason, if multiple PLF instructions using the same device are executed in a single scan, a device that has been turned ON by the PLF instruction may not be turn ON during one scan. [Ladder] X0 PLF M0 X1 PLF M0 3-42 [Timing Chart] • The ON/OFF timing of the X0 and X1 is different. (The specified device does not turn ON throughout the scan.) X0 X0 PLF M0 PLF M0 END END 2 PLF M0 X1 PLF M0 END X1 3 ON OFF X0 4 ON X1 1 OFF ON 2 M0 OFF M0 turns OFF because X1 status is M0 turns OFF because X1 other than ON OFF. status is other than ON OFF. (M0 remains OFF.) M0 turns ON because X0 goes OFF (ON OFF). M0 turns OFF because X0 status is other than ON OFF (M0 remains OFF.) 6 7 • The X0 and X1 turn OFF from ON at the same time. X0 X0 PLF M0 X1 PLF M0 END END 8 PLF M0 X1 PLF M0 END ON ON X1 OFF ON M0 OFF M0 turns ON because X1 goes OFF (ON OFF). (M0 remains ON.) M0 turns ON because X0 goes OFF (ON OFF). M0 turns OFF because X1 status is other than ON OFF. (M0 remains OFF.) M0 turns OFF because X1 status is other than ON OFF. When using a refresh type CPU module and specifying output (Y) in the PLF instructions, the ON/OFF status of the device at the execution of the last PLF instruction in the scan is returned as the output (Y). 3-43 3.9 Operation when the OUT, SET/RST, or PLS/PLF Instructions Use the Same Device OFF X0 3.10 Precautions for Use of File Registers This section explains the precautions for use of the file registers in the QCPU. (1) CPU modules that cannot use file registers The Q00JCPU and Q00UJCPU cannot use the file registers. When using the file registers, use the CPU module of other than the Q00JCPU and Q00UJCPU. (2) Setting of file registers to be used When using the file registers, the file registers to be used must be set with the PLC parameter or QDRSET instruction. (The PLC parameters of the Q00CPU and Q01CPU need not be set since they are preset to "Use file register".) If the file registers to be used have not been set, normal operation cannot be performed with the instructions that use the file registers. Even when file registers to be used are not set in the PLC parameter, a program that uses file registers can be created. For the CPU module other than the Universal model QCPU, an error does not occur when that program is written to the CPU module. However, note that the correct data cannot be written/read to/from the file register. For the Universal model QCPU, an error occurs if the program where file registers are used is executed. (3) Securing of file register area (a) High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Redundant CPU, Universal model QCPU When using file registers, register the file registers to the standard RAM/memory card to secure the file register area. (b) Basic Model QCPU (except Q00JCPU) The file register area has been secured in the standard RAM beforehand. The user need not secure the file register area. The following table indicates the memories that can use the file registers in each CPU module. High Performance model QCPU Memory Process CPU Basic Model QCPU Redundant CPU (except Q00JCPU) Universal model QCPU Standard RAM Memory card *1 *2 *3 : Can be registered, : Cannot be registered. *1: When the flash memory is used, only read from the file registers can be performed. (Write to the flash ROM cannot be performed.) *2: When the E2PROM is used, write to the E2PROM can be performed with the PROMWR instruction. *3: Unusable for the Q00UCPU and Q01UCPU. 3-44 Remark For the file register setting method and file register area securing method, refer to User’s Manual (Functions Explanation, Program Fundamentals) for the CPU module used. (4) Designation of file register number in excess of the registered number of points (a) CPUs other than Universal model QCPU An error will not occur if data are written or read to or from the file registers that have numbers greater than the registered number of points. However, note that the read/write of correct data to/from the file registers cannot be performed. (b) Universal model QCPU When data are written to or read from the file registers that are not registered, an error occurs. (Error code: 4101) (5) File register specifying method There are the block switching method and serial number access method to specify the file registers. (a) Block switching method In the block switching method, specify the number of used file register points in units of 32k points (one block). For file registers of 32k points or more, specify the file registers by switching the block No. to be used with the RSET instruction. Specify each block as R0 to R32767. RSET K1 D0 Block 0 R32767 RSET K2 MOV D0 R0 Specifying R0 for block 2 3 4 2 6 7 8 Standard RAM/Memory card R0 to R0 2 3.10 Precautions for Use of File Registers MOV Specifying R0 for block 1 1 R0 to Block 1 R32767 R0 to Block 2 3-45 (b) Serial number access method In the serial number access method, specify the file registers beyond 32k points with consecutive device numbers. The file registers of multiple blocks can be used as consecutive file registers. Use "ZR" as the device name. MOV D0 Standard RAM/Memory card ZR32768 ZR0 to MOV D0 ZR65536 (Block 0) ZR32767 ZR32768 to (Block 1) ZR65535 ZR65536 to (Block 2) (6) Settings and restrictions when refreshing file registers (a) Settings The settings of refresh devices are as follows. • Refresh settings for CC-Link IE controller network • Refresh settings for MELSECNET/H • Refresh settings for CC-Link • Auto refresh settings for the intelligent function module • Auto refresh settings for the multiple CPU system (b) Restrictions The restrictions when specifying file registers to refresh devices are as follows. 1) Refresh cannot be performed correctly if the use of file register which has the same name as the program is specified by the PLC parameter. When the file register which has the same name as the program is used, refresh is performed to the data of the file register having the same name as the program that is set at the last number in the [Program] tab page of PLC parameter. To read/write the refresh data, specify the file register to the refresh device after switching the file register to the corresponding one with the QDRSET instruction. 2) Refresh cannot be performed correctly if the file name of file register or the drive number is changed by the QDRSET instruction. If the file name of file register or the drive number is changed by the QDRSET instruction, link refresh is performed to the data of the setting file at the time of the END instruction execution. To read/write the refresh data, specify the file register of the setting file at the time of the END instruction execution. If the drive number is changed by the QDRSET instruction when "ZR" is specified for the device in the CPU modules other than the Universal model QCPU, an error (LINK PARA ERROR (3101)) occurs. (Note that an error does not occur when "R" is specified for the device.) 3-46 3) When a block number is switched by the RSET instruction, refresh is performed to the data of the file register (R) in the switched block number. When a block number is switched by the RSET instruction, refresh is performed to the data of the file register (R) in the block number at the time of the END instruction execution. To read/write the refresh data, specify the file register of the block number at the time of the END instruction execution. 1 2 (7) Precautions when file registers in the flash memory are used This section explains the precautions for use of the flash memory. 3 (a) The following flash memory can be used. •Flash card 4 (b) File registers in the flash memory can be only read in a sequence program. (Write to the flash memory cannot be performed in a sequence program.) Sequence program 2 Flash memory BMOV D100 R0 K10 BMOV R100 D0 K10 6 Write File register Read 7 8 When using the flash memory for the file registers, write data in advance. Using GX Developer, write data to the flash card. 3.10 Precautions for Use of File Registers 3-47 MEMO 3-48 4 HOW TO READ INSTRUCTIONS 4 4-1 The description of instructions that are contained in the following chapters are presented in the following format. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 1) Code used to write instruction (instruction symbol). 2) Section number and general category of instructions described. 3) Shows if instructions are enabled or disabled for each CPU module type. Icon Universal model QCPU Basic model QCPU High Performance model QCPU Process CPU Redundant CPU Universal Basic High performance Process Redundant Meaning A normal icon means the corresponding instruction can be used. The icon with Ver. means the Ver. Ver. Universal Basic Ver. High performance Ver. Ver. Process Redundant instruction can be used with some restrictions (e.g., function version, software version). The icon with Universal 4-2 Basic High performance Process Redundant (cross) means the corresponding instruction cannot be used. 9) 4 4) Indicates ladder mode expressions and execution conditions for instructions. Execution Condition Non-conditional Execution Code recorded on No symbol description page recorded Executed while ON Executed One Time at ON Executed while OFF Executed One Time at OFF 5) Indicates the data set for each instruction and the data type. Data Type Meaning Bit Bit data or head number in bit data BIN 16 bits BIN 16-bit data or head number in word device BIN 32 bits BIN 32-bit data or head number in double word device BCD 4-digit 4-digit BCD data BCD 8-digit 8-digit BCD data Real number Floating decimal point data character string Character string data Device name Device name data 4-3 6) Devices which can be used by the instruction in question are indicated with circle. The types of devices that can be used are as indicated below: Setting Data Internal Devices (System, User) Bit Applicable devices *1 X, Y, M, L, SM, F, B, SB, FX, FY *2 Word T, ST, C, *3 D, W, SD, SW, FD, @ Link direct device *4 File Register R, ZR R, ZR J \ Bit Word J \X J \Y J \W J \B J \SW J \SB Intelligent function module U U Index register Zn Constant *5 Others *5 \G \G Z K, H , E, $ P, I, J, U, DX, DY, N, BL, TR, BL \ S,V *1: For the description for the individual devices, refer to the QnUCPU User’s Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User’s Manuall (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) *2: FX and FY can be used only for bit data, and FD only for word data. *3: When T, ST and C are used for other than the instructions below, only word data can be used. (Bit data cannot be used.) [Instructions that can be used with bit data] LD, LDI, AND, ANI, OR, ORI, LDP, LDF, ANDP, ANDF, ORP, ORF,LDPI, LDFI, ANDPI, ANDFI, ORPI, ORFI, OUT, RST *4: Usable with the CC-Link IE controller network, MELSECNET/H, and MELSECNET/10. *5: Devices which can be set are recorded in the "Constant" and the "Other" columns. 7) Indicates the function of the instruction. 8) Indicates conditions under which error is returned, and error number. See Section 3.6 for errors not included here. 9) Indicates both ladder and list for simple program example. Also indicates the types of individual devices used when the program is executed. 4-4 5 7 SEQUENCE INSTRUCTIONS 7 7 7 5 7 Category Contact instruction Association instruction Processing Details Operation start, series connection, parallel connection Ladder block connection, creation of pulses from operation results, store/read operation results Section Section 5.1 Bit device output, pulse output, output reversal Section 5.3 Shift instruction Bit device shift Section 5.4 Master control instruction Master control Section 5.5 Termination instruction Program termination Section 5.6 Other instruction fit in the above categories 7 Section 5.2 Output instruction Program stop, instructions such as no operation which do not 7 Reference Section 5.7 5-1 LD,LDI,AND,ANI,OR,ORI 5.1 Contact Instructions 5.1.1 Operation start, series connection, parallel connection (LD,LDI,AND,ANI,OR,ORI) LD,LDI,AND,ANI,OR,ORI Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Bit device number / Word device bit designation ( S ) X1/D0.1 LD X1/D0.1 LDI X2/D0.2 AND X2/D0.2 ANI OR X3/D0.3 ORI X3/D0.3 S Setting Data S : Devices used as contacts (bits) Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR Bit \ Word U \G Zn Constants Other DX, BL –– Function LD, LDI (1) LD is the A contact operation start instruction, and LDI is the B contact operation start instruction. They read ON/OFF information from the designated device*1, and use that as an operation result. *1: When a bit designation is made for a word device, the device turns ON or OFF depending on the 1/0 status of the designated bit. 5-2 LD,LDI,AND,ANI,OR,ORI AND, ANI (1) AND is the A contact series connection instruction, and ANI is the B contact series connection instruction. They read the ON/OFF data of the designated bit device*2, perform an AND operation on that data and the operation result to that point, and take this value as the operation result. *2: When a bit designation is made for a word device, the device turns ON or OFF depending on the 1/0 status of the designated bit. 1 2 3 (2) There are no restrictions on the use of AND or ANI, but the following applies with a peripheral device used in the ladder mode: (a) Write ......... When AND and ANI are connected in series, a ladder with up to 24 stages can be displayed. (b) Read......... When AND and ANI are connected in series, a ladder with up to 24 stages can be displayed. If the number exceeds 24 stages, up to 24 will be displayed. 4 5 OR, ORI (1) OR is the A contact single parallel connection instruction, and ORI is the B contact single parallel connection instruction. They read ON/OFF information from the designated device*3, and perform an OR operation with the operation results to that point, and use the resulting value as the operation result. *3: When a bit designation is made for a word device, the device turns ON or OFF depending on the 1/0 status of the designated bit. 6 7 8 (2) There are no limits on the use of OR or ORI, but the following applies with a peripheral device used in the ladder mode. 5.1 Contact Instructions 5.1.1 Operation start, series connection, parallel connection (LD,LDI,AND,ANI,OR,ORI) (a) Write ......... OR and ORI can be used to create connections of up to 23 ladders. (b) Read......... OR and ORI can be used to create connections of up to 23 ladders. The 24th or subsequent ladders cannot be displayed properly. Remark Word device bit designations are made in hexadecimal. Bit b11 of D0 would be D0.0B. See 3.2.1 for more information on word device bit designation. 5-3 LD,LDI,AND,ANI,OR,ORI Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors with LD, LDI, AND, ANI, OR, or ORI instruction. Program Example (1) A program using the LD, AND, OR, and ORI instructions. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step b15 D0 Device Bit designated for word device b0 b5 1 Instruction 0 (2) A program linking contacts using the ANB and ORB instructions. [Ladder Mode] b15 D6 b4 b1b0 1 1 0 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 0 Bit designated for word device ORB ANB (3) A parallel program with the OUT instruction. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 5-4 Instruction Device LDP,LDF,ANDP,ANDF,ORP,ORF 5.1.2 Pulse operation start, pulse series connection, pulse parallel connection (LDP,LDF,ANDP,ANDF,ORP,ORF) 1 LDP,LDF,ANDP,ANDF,ORP,ORF Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 Bit device number / Word device bit designation ( S ) 4 X1/D0.1 LDP 5 X1/D0.1 LDF 6 X2/D0.2 ANDP X2/D0.2 7 ANDF ORP 8 X3/D0.3 X3/D0.3 S Setting Data : Devices used as contacts (bits) Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR Bit \ U Word \G Zn Constants Other DX –– S Function LDP, LDF (1) LDP is the leading edge pulse operation start instruction, and is ON only at the leading edge of the designated bit device (when it goes from OFF to ON). If a word device has been designated, it is ON only when the designated bit changes from 0 to 1. In cases where there is only an LDP instruction, it acts identically to instructions for the creation of a pulse that are executed during ON( P). Ladder using an LDP instruction X0 MOV K0 D0 X0 Ladder not using an LDP instruction X0 MOVP K0 D0 X0 M0 PLS M0 5-5 5.1 Contact Instructions 5.1.2 Pulse operation start, pulse series connection, pulse parallel connection (LDP,LDF,ANDP,ANDF,ORP,ORF) ORF LDP,LDF,ANDP,ANDF,ORP,ORF (2) LDF is the trailing edge pulse operation start instruction, and is ON only at the trailing edge of the designated bit device (when it goes from ON to OFF). If a word device has been designated, it is ON only when the designated bit changes from 1 to 0. ANDP, ANDF (1) ANDP is a leading edge pulse series connection instruction, and ANDF is a trailing edge pulse series connection instruction. They perform an AND operation with the operation result to that point, and take the resulting value as the operation result. The ON/OFF data used by ANDP and ANDF are indicated in the table below: Device Specified in ANDP or ANDF Bit Device Bit Designated for ANDP State ANDF State Word Device OFF to ON 0 to 1 OFF 0 ON 1 ON to OFF 1 to 0 ON OFF OFF ON ORP, ORF (2) ORP is a leading edge pulse parallel connection instruction, and ORF is a trailing edge pulse serial connection instruction. They perform an OR operation with the operation result to that point, and take the resulting value as the operation result. The ON/OFF data used by ORP and ORF are indicated in the table below: Device Specified in ORP or ORF Bit Device Bit Designated for ORP State ORF State Word Device OFF to ON 0 to 1 OFF 0 ON 1 ON to OFF 1 to 0 ON OFF OFF ON Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors with LDP, LDF, ANDP, ANDF, ORP, or ORF instruction. Program Example (1) The following program executes the MOV instruction at input X0, or at the leading edge of b10 (bit 11) of data register D0. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device *1 *1: Word device bit designation is performed in hexadecimal. Bit b10 of D0 will be D0.A. 5-6 LDPI,LDFI,ANDPI,ANDFI,ORPI,ORFI 5.1.3 Pulse NOT operation start, pulse NOT series connection, pulse NOT parallel connection (LDPI,LDFI,ANDPI,ANDFI,ORPI,ORFI) 1 2 LDPI,LDFI,ANDPI,ANDFI,ORPI,ORFI Ver. Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal • QnU(D)(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. • QnUDE(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. 3 4 Bit device number / Word device bit designation ( S ) X1/D0.1 LDPI 5 X1/D0.1 LDFI 6 X2/D0.2 ANDPI 7 X2/D0.2 ANDFI 8 ORPI X3/D0.3 X3/D0.3 S Setting Data S : Devices used as contacts (bits) Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR Bit \ Word U \G Zn Constants Other DX –– Function LDPI, LDFI (1) LDPI is the leading edge pulse NOT operation start instruction that is on only at the leading edge of the specified bit device (when the bit device goes from on to off) or when the bit device is on or off. If a word device has been specified, LDPI is on only when the specified bit is 0, 1, or changes from 1 to 0. 5-7 5.1 Contact Instructions 5.1.3 Pulse NOT operation start, pulse NOT series connection, pulse NOT parallel connection (LDPI,LDFI,ANDPI,ANDFI,ORPI,ORFI) ORFI LDPI,LDFI,ANDPI,ANDFI,ORPI,ORFI (2) LDFI is the trailing edge pulse NOT operation start instruction that is on only at the trailing edge of the specified bit device (when the bit device goes from off to on) or when the bit device is on or off. If a word device has been specified, LDFI is on only when the specified bit is 0, 1, or changes from 0 to 1. Device Specified in LDPI or LDFI Bit Device Bit Designated for LDPI State LDFI State Word Device OFF to ON 0 to 1 OFF ON OFF 0 ON ON ON 1 ON ON ON to OFF 1 to 0 ON OFF ANDPI, ANDFI (1) ANDPI is a leading edge pulse NOT series connection, and ANDFI is a trailing pulse NOT series connection. ANDPI and ANDFI execute an AND operation with the previous operation result, and take the resulting value as the operation result. The on or off data used by ANDPI and ANDFI are indicated in the table below. Device Specified in ANDPI or ANDFI Bit Device Bit Designated for LDPI State LDFI State Word Device OFF to ON 0 to 1 OFF ON OFF 0 ON ON ON 1 ON ON ON to OFF 1 to 0 ON OFF ORPI, ORFI (1) ORPI is a leading edge pulse NOT parallel connection, and ORFI is a trailing pulse NOT parallel connection. ORPI and ORFI execute an OR operation with the previous operation result, and take the resulting value as the operation result. The on or off data used by ORPI and ORFI are indicated in the table below. Device Specified in ORPI or ORFI Bit Device Bit Designated for ORPI State ORFI State Word Device OFF to ON 0 to 1 OFF ON OFF 0 ON ON ON 1 ON ON ON to OFF 1 to 0 ON OFF Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors with LDPI, LDFI, ANDPI, ANDFI, ORPI, or ORFI instruction. 5-8 LDPI,LDFI,ANDPI,ANDFI,ORPI,ORFI Program Example 1 (1) The following program stores 0 into D0 when X0 is on, off, or turns from on to off, or M0 is on, off, or turns from off to on. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 2 Device 3 4 (2) The following program stores 0 into D0 when X0 is on and b10 (bit 11) of D0 is on, off, or turns from on to off. Ladder Mode] 5 [List Mode] Step Instruction 6 Device 7 8 5.1 Contact Instructions 5.1.3 Pulse NOT operation start, pulse NOT series connection, pulse NOT parallel connection (LDPI,LDFI,ANDPI,ANDFI,ORPI,ORFI) 5-9 ANB,ORB 5.2 Association Instructions 5.2.1 Ladder block series connection and parallel connection (ANB,ORB) ANB,ORB Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal ANB ANB Block A Block B Block A ORB ORB Block B Internal Devices Setting Data Bit Word R, ZR J For parallel connection of 1 contact, OR or ORI is used. \ Bit U Word –– \G Zn Constants Other –– Function ANB (1) Performs an AND operation on block A and block B, and takes the resulting value as the operation result. (2) The symbol for ANB is not the contact symbol, but rather is the connection symbol. (3) When programming in the list mode, up to 15 ANB instructions (16 blocks) can be written consecutively. ORB (1) Conducts an OR operation on Block A and Block B, and takes the resulting value as the operation result. (2) ORB is used to perform parallel connections for ladder blocks with two or more contacts. For ladder blocks with only one contact, use OR or ORI; there is no need for ORB in such cases. [Ladder Mode] X1 X0 [List Mode] Y10 0 X2 X4 X3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 LD AND LD AND ORB OR OUT X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 Y10 (3) The ORB symbol is not the contact symbol, but rather is the connection symbol. (4) When programming in the list mode, it is possible to use up to 15 ORB instructions successively (16 blocks). 5-10 ANB,ORB Operation Error 1 (1) There are no operation errors associated with ANB or ORB instruction. 2 Program Example 3 (1) A program using the ANB and ORB instructions. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 4 Instruction Device 5 6 7 8 5.2 Association Instructions 5.2.1 Ladder block series connection and parallel connection (ANB,ORB) 5-11 MPS,MRD,MPP 5.2.2 Operation results push,read,pop (MPS,MRD,MPP) MPS,MRD,MPP Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal In the ladder display, MPS, MRD and MPP are not displayed. Command Command MPS Command MRD Command MPP Setting Data –– Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ U Word \G Zn Constants Other –– Function MPS (1) Stores the memory of the operation result (ON or OFF) immediately prior to the MPS instruction. (2) Up to 16 MPS instructions can be used successively. If the MPP instruction is used during this process, the number of uses calculated for the MPS instruction will be decremented by one. MRD (1) Reads the operation result stored for the MPS instruction, and uses that result to perform the operation in the next step. MPP (1) Reads the operation result stored for the MPS instruction, and uses that result to perform the operation in the next step. (2) Clears the operation results stored by the MPS instruction. (3) Subtracts 1 from the number of MPS instruction times of use. 5-12 MPS,MRD,MPP 1. The following shows ladders both using and not using the MPS, MRD, and MPP instructions. Ladder Using the MPS, MRD and MPP Instruction Ladder not Using MPS, MRD, and MPP Instructions X0 X1 X2 X3 X5 Y10 X4 Y11 Y12 X0 X1 X2 X0 X1 X3 X0 X1 X5 1 2 Y10 X4 3 Y11 Y12 4 2. The MPS and MPP instructions must be used the same number of times. Failure to observe this will not correctly display the ladder in the ladder mode of the peripheral device. 5 6 Operation Error 7 (1) There are no errors associated with the MPS, MRD, or MPP instruction. 8 Program Example (1) A program using the MPS, MRD, and MPP instructions. 1) [List Mode] Step Instruction 5.2 Association Instructions 5.2.2 Operation results push,read,pop (MPS,MRD,MPP) [Ladder Mode] Device 1) 2) 4) 3) 2) 3) 5) 4) 6) 5) 7) 8) 6) 7) 9) 8) 10) 9) 10) 5-13 MPS,MRD,MPP (2) A program using the MPS and MPP instructions successively. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 5-14 Instruction Device INV 5.2.3 Operation results inversion (INV) 1 INV Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 3 Command INV 2 4 Internal Devices Setting Data Bit Word –– R, ZR J Bit \ U Word \G Zn Constants Other –– 5 6 Function Inverts the operation result immediately prior to the INV instruction. 7 Operation Result Immediately Prior to the Operation Result Following the Execution of INV Instruction the INV Instruction OFF ON ON OFF 8 Operation Error 5.2 Association Instructions 5.2.3 Operation results inversion (INV) (1) There are no operation errors associated with the INV instruction. Program Example (1) A program which inverts the X0 ON/OFF data, and outputs from Y10. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Timing Chart] ON X0 Y10 OFF ON OFF 5-15 INV 1. The INV instruction operates based on the results of calculation made until the INV instruction is given. Accordingly, use it in the same position as that of the AND instruction. The INV instruction cannot be used at the LD and OR positions. 2. When a ladder block is used, the operation result is inverted within the range of the ladder block. To operate a ladder using the INV instruction in combination with the ANB instruction, pay attention to the range that will be inverted. Range inverted M0 M1 M2 0 Y10 ANB M10 M20 10 For details of the ANB instruction, refer to Section 5.2.1 5-16 END MEP,MEF 5.2.4 Operation result conversions (MEP,MEF) 1 MEP,MEF Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 MEP MEF Command 3 Command 4 Internal Devices Setting Data Bit –– Word R, ZR J Bit \ U Word \G Zn Constants Other 5 –– 6 Function MEP (1) If operation results up to the MEP instruction are leading edge (from OFF to ON), goes ON (continuity status). If operation results up to the MEP instruction are anything other than leading edge, goes OFF (non-continuity status). (2) Use of the MEP instruction simplifies pulse conversion processing when multiple contacts are connected in series. 7 8 MEF (2) Use of the MEF instruction simplifies pulse conversion processing when multiple contacts are connected in series. Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the MEP or MEF instruction. Program Example (1) A program which performs pulse conversion to the operation results of X0 and X1 [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 1. The MEP and MEF instructions will occasionally not function properly when pulse conversion is conducted for a contact that has been indexed by a subroutine program or by the FOR to NEXT instructions. If pulse conversion is to be conducted for a contact that has been indexed by a subroutine program or by the FOR to NEXT instructions, use the EGP/EGF instructions. 2. Because the MEP and MEF instructions operate with the operation results immediately prior to the MEP and MEF instructions, the AND instruction should be used at the same position. The MEP and MEF instructions cannot be used at the LD or OR position. 5-17 5.2 Association Instructions 5.2.4 Operation result conversions (MEP,MEF) (1) If operation results up to the MEF instruction are trailing edge (from ON to OFF), goes ON (continuity status). If operation results up to the MEF instruction are anything other than trailing edge, goes OFF (non-continuity status). EGP,EGF 5.2.5 Pulse conversions of edge relay operation results (EGP,EGF) EGP,EGF Basic EGP EGF D Setting Data D Command D Command D Process Redundant Universal : Edge relay number where operation results are stored (bits) Internal Devices Bit High performance Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word U \G Zn Constants Other V –– Function EGP (1) Operation results up to the EGP instruction are stored in memory by the edge relay (V). (2) Goes ON (continuity status) at the leading edge (OFF to ON) of the operation result up to the EGP instruction. If the operation result up to the EGP instruction is other than a leading edge (i.e., from ON to ON, ON to OFF, or OFF to OFF), it goes OFF (non-continuity status). (3) The EGP instruction is used for subroutine programs, and for conducting pulse operations for programs designated by indexing between the FOR and NEXT instructions. (4) The EGP instruction can be used like an AND instruction. EGF (1) Operation results up to the EGF instruction are stored in memory by the edge relay (V). (2) Goes ON at the trailing edge (from ON to OFF) of the operation result up to the EGF instruction. If the operation result up to the EGF instruction is other than a trailing edge (i.e., from OFF to ON, ON to ON, or OFF to OFF), it goes OFF (non-continuity status). (3) The EGF instruction is used for subroutine programs, and for conducting pulse operations for programs designated by indexing between the FOR and NEXT instructions. (4) The EGF instruction can be used like an AND instruction. Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the EGP or EGF instruction. 5-18 EGP,EGF Program Example 1 (1) A program using the EGP instruction in the subroutine program using the EGD instruction [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 2 Instruction Device 3 4 5 6 7 [Operation] END processing (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) 8 (2) ON ON OFF X0 OFF ON Turns OFF as X0 remains ON. ON ON V0 OFF V1 OFF Turns ON at the leading ON edge of X0. Turns OFF as X1 remains ON. Turns ON at the leading edge of X1. D0 2 1 1 D1 1. Since the EGP and EGF instructions are executed according to the operation results performed immediately before the EGP/EGF instructions, these instructions must be used at the same position as the AND instruction. (Refer to Section 5.1.1.) The EGP and EGF instruction cannot be used at the position of the LD or OR instruction. 2. EGP and EGF instructions cannot be used at the ladder block positions shown below. X0 X1 V0 SET M0 X2 5-19 5.2 Association Instructions 5.2.5 Pulse conversions of edge relay operation results (EGP,EGF) X1 OFF OUT 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.1 Out instruction (excluding timers, counters, and annunciators) (OUT) OUT Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Bit device number ( D ) Command Y35 OUT Word device bit designation ( D ) Command D0.5 D Setting Data D : Number of the device to be turned ON and OFF (bits) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word U \G Zn (Other than T, C, or F) Constants –– Function (1) Operation results up to the OUT instruction are output to the designated device. (a) When Using Bit Devices Operation Results Coil OFF OFF ON ON (b) When Bit Designation has been Made for Word Device Operation Results Bit Designated OFF 0 ON 1 Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the OUT instruction. 5-20 Other DY OUT Program Example 1 (1) When using bit devices [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 2 Device 3 4 (2) When bit designation has been made for word device [Ladder Mode] 5 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6 7 8 b15 b7 b6 b5 b0 D0 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.1 Out instruction (excluding timers, counters, and annunciators) (OUT) Remark The number of basic steps for the OUT instructions is as follows: • When using internal device or file register (R) • When using direct access output (DY) • When using serial number access format file register (Only for Universal model QCPU) (Other than Universal model QCPU) • Devices other than above :1 :2 :2 :3 :3 5-21 OUT T,OUTH T 5.3.2 Timers (OUT T,OUTH T) OUT T,OUTH T Basic Command OUT T Command Set value Setting in the range from 1 to 32767 is valid. D10 Set value Data register value in the range from 1 to 32767 is valid. T0 Set value Setting in the range from 1 to 32767 is valid. H K50 Command T0 OUTH T (High-speed timer) Command H D10 Set value Data register value in the range from 1 to 32767 is valid. T0 K50 Command Set value Setting in the range from 1 to 32767 is valid. ST0 OUT ST (Low-speed retentive timer) Command D10 Set value Data register value in the range from 1 to 32767 is valid. ST0 H K50 Command Set value Setting in the range from 1 to 32767 is valid. ST0 OUTH ST (High-speed retentive timer) Command Process Redundant Universal K50 T0 (Low-speed timer) High performance H D10 Set value Data register value in the range from 1 to 32767 is valid. ST0 D : Timer number (bit) Set value : Value set for timer (BIN 16 bits *1) Setting Data D Set value Internal Devices Bit (Only T) –– Word –– R, ZR –– (Other than T, C) J Bit \ Word –– U –– –– \G Zn Constants K Other –– –– –– –– *2 –– *1: The value setting for the timer cannot be designated indirectly. @D0 T0 Indirect designation is not permitted. See Section 3.4 for further information on indirect designation. *2: Timer values can be set only as a decimal constant (K). Hexadecimal constants (H) and real numbers cannot be used for timer settings. Function (1) When the operation results up to the OUT instruction are ON, the timer coil goes ON and the timer counts up to the value that has been set; when the time up status (total numeric value is equal to or greater than the setting value), the contact responds as follows: 5-22 A Contact Continuity B Contact Non-continuity OUT T,OUTH T (2) The contact responds as follows when the operation result up to the OUT instruction is a change from ON to OFF: Type of Timer Timer Coil Low speed timer Present Value of After Time Up 1 Timer A Contact B Contact A Contact B Contact 0 Non-continuity Continuity Non-continuity Continuity 2 Non-continuity Continuity Continuity Non-continuity 3 OFF High speed timer Prior to Time Up Low speed retentive timer OFF High speed Maintains the present value retentive timer (3) To clear the present value of a retentive timer and turn the contact OFF after time up, use the RST instruction. (4) A negative number ( 32768 to 1) cannot be set as the setting value for the timer.*3 If the setting value is 0, the timer will time out when the time the OUT instruction is executed. *3: When specifying a setting value for the timer using a word device (D, W, R, ZR, J \ or U \ ), whether the value is in the setting range is not checked. Check the value in the user program so that a negative number is not set. (5) The following processing is conducted when the OUT instruction is executed: • OUT T coil turned ON or OFF • OUT T contact turned ON or OFF • OUT T present value updated In cases where a JMP instruction or the like is used to jump to an OUT T instruction while the OUT T instruction is ON, no present value update or contact ON/OFF operation is conducted. Also, if the same OUT T instruction is conducted two or more times during the same scan, the present value of the number of repetitions executed will be updated. Remark 1. Timer's time limit Time limit of the timer is set in the PLC system of the PLC parameter dialog box. Type of Timer QCPU Setting Range Low speed timer 1 ms to 1000 ms Low speed retentive timer (Default: 100 ms) High speed timer 0.1 ms to 100.0 ms High speed retentive timer (Default: 10.0 ms) Setting Unit 1 ms 0.1 ms 2. For information on timer counting methods, User's Manual (Functions Explanation, Program Fundamentals) for the CPU module used. 3. The number of basic steps of the OUT C instruction is 4. Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the OUT T instruction. 5-23 5 6 7 8 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.2 Timers (OUT T,OUTH T) (6) Indexing for timer coils or contacts can be conducted only by Z0 or Z1. Timer setting value has no limitation for indexing. 4 OUT T,OUTH T Caution (1) When creating a program in which the operation the timer contact triggers the operation of other timer, create the program for the timer that operates later first. In the following cases, all timers go ON at the same scan if the program is created in the order the timers operate. • If the set value is smaller than a scan time. • If "1" is set Example • For timers T0 to T2, the program is created in the order the timer operates later. T1 T0 X0 K1 T2 K1 T1 K1 T0 T2 timer starts measurement from the next scan after turning ON of the contact of T1 timer. T1 timer starts measurement from the next scan after turning ON of the contact of T0 timer. T0 timer starts measurement when X0 is turned ON. • For timers T0 to T2, the program is created in the order of timer operation. X0 5-24 K1 T0 T0 K1 T1 T1 K1 T2 T0 timer starts measurement when X0 is turned ON. Contacts of T1 and T2 timers are turned ON when the contact of T0 timer is turned ON. OUT T,OUTH T Program Example 1 (1) The following program turns Y10 and Y14 ON 10 seconds after X0 has gone ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] *3 Step 2 Instruction Device 3 4 5 *3: The setting value of the low-speed timer indicates its default time limit (100 ms). (2) The following program uses the BCD data at X10 to X1F as the timer's set value. 6 [Ladder Mode] Converts the BCD data at X10 to X1F to BIN and stores the converted value at D10. When X2 is turned ON, T2 starts measurement using the data stored in D10 as the set value. 7 Y15 goes ON at the count-up of T2. 8 [List Mode] Instruction Device 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.2 Timers (OUT T,OUTH T) Step (3) The following program turns Y10 ON 250 ms after X0 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] *4 Step Instruction Device *4: The setting value of the high-speed timer indicates its default time limit (10 ms). 5-25 OUT C 5.3.3 Counter (OUT C) OUT C Basic Command High performance K50 Set value Setting in the range from 1 to 32767 is valid. D10 Set value Data register value in the range from 1 to 32767 is valid. C0 OUT C Command C1 D Process Redundant Universal : Counter number (bits) Set value : Counter setting value (BIN 16 bits *1) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit (Only C) D Set value –– Word –– R, ZR –– (Other than T, C) J Bit \ U Word –– \G –– –– Zn Constants K Other –– –– –– –– *2 –– *1: Counter value cannot be set by indirect designation. @D0 C0 Indirect designation is not permitted. See Section 3.4 for further information on indirect designation. *2: Counter value can be set only with a decimal constant (K). A hexadecimal constant (H) or a real number cannot be used for the counter value setting. Function (1) When the operation results up to the OUT instruction change from OFF to ON, 1 is added to the present value (count value) and the count up status (present value set value), and the contacts respond as follows: A Contact Continuity B Contact Non-continuity (2) No count is conducted with the operation results at ON. (There is no need to perform pulse conversion on count input.) (3) After the count up status is reached, there is no change in the count value or the contacts until the RST instruction is executed. (4) A negative number ( 32768 to 1) cannot be set as the setting value for the timer. If the set value is 0, the processing is identical to that which takes place for 1. (5) Indexing for the counter coil and contact can use only Z0 and Z1. Counter setting value has no limitation for indexing. Remark 1. For counter counting methods, refer to the User's Manual (Functions Explanation, Program Fundamentals) for the CPU module used. 2. The number of basic steps of the OUT C 5-26 instruction is 4. OUT C Operation Error 1 (1) There are no operation errors associated with the OUT C instruction. 2 Program Example (1) The following program turns Y30 ON after X0 has gone ON 10 times, and resets the counter when X1 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] 3 [List Mode] Step Instruction 4 Device 5 6 (2) The following program sets the value for C10 at 10 when X0 goes ON, and at 20 when X1 goes ON. 7 [Ladder Mode] 8 Stores 10 at D0 when X0 goes ON. Stores 20 at D0 when X1 goes ON. 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.3 Counter (OUT C) C10 executes counting using the data stored in D0 as the set value. Y30 goes ON at the count-up of C10. [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 5-27 OUT F 5.3.4 Annunciator output (OUT F) OUT F Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Annunciator number Command OUT F F35 D Setting Data D : Number of the annunciator to be turned ON (bits) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word U \G Zn Constants Other –– (Only F) Function (1) Operation results up to the OUT instruction are output to the designated annunciator. (2) The following responses occur when an annunciator (F) is turned ON. • The "USER"/"ERR." LED goes ON. • The annunciator numbers which are ON (F numbers) are stored in special registers (SD64 to SD79). • The value of SD63 is incremented by 1. (3) If the value of SD63 is 16 (which happens when 16 annunciators are already ON), even if a new annunciator is turned ON, its number will not be stored at SD64 to SD79. (4) The following responses occur when the annunciator is turned OFF by the OUT instruction. The coil goes OFF, but there are no changes in the status of the "USER" / "ERR." LED and the contents of the values stored in SD63 to SD79. Use the RST F instruction to make the "USER"/"ERR." LED go OFF as well as to delete the annunciator which was turned OFF by the OUT F 5-28 instruction from SD63 to SD79. OUT F Operation Error 1 (1) There are no operation errors associated with the OUT F instruction. 2 Remark 1. For details of annunciators, refer to the User's Manual (Functions Explanation, Program Fundamentals) for the CPU module used. 2. The number of basic steps for the OUT module F instruction is 2. 3. The table below shows which CPU module features either the LED display device on front of the CPU module or "USER" LED. Type of LED "USER" LED "ERR." LED 3 4 CPU Module Type Name High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Redundant 5 CPU, Universal model QCPU Basic model QCPU 6 Program Example 7 (1) The following program turns F7 ON when X0 goes ON, and stores the value 7 from SD64 to SD79. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.4 Annunciator output (OUT F) [Operation] X0 ON SD63 SD64 SD65 SD66 SD67 0 0 0 0 0 SD79 0 Adds 1 SD63 SD64 SD65 SD66 SD67 1 7 0 0 0 SD79 0 8 5-29 SET 5.3.5 Setting devices (except for annunciators) (SET) SET Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command SET SET D Setting Data D : Bit device number to be set (ON)/Word device bit designation (bits) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit U Word Zn \G Other BL, DY –– (Other than T, C) D Constants Function (1) When the execution command is turned ON, the status of the designated devices becomes as shown below: Device Device Status Bit device Coils and contacts turned ON When Bit Designation has been Made for Word Device Designation bit set at 1 (2) Devices turned ON by the instruction remain ON when the same command is turned OFF. Devices turned ON by the SET instruction can be turned OFF by the RST instruction. ON Command X5 SET Y10 X5 OFF ON X7 RST Command Y10 X7 OFF ON Y10 OFF (3) When the execution command is OFF, the status of devices does not change. 5-30 SET Operation Error 1 (1) There are no operation errors associated with the SET instruction. 2 Program Example (1) The following program sets Y8B (ON) when X8 goes ON, and resets Y8B (OFF) when X9 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 3 4 Instruction Device 5 6 (2) The following program sets the value of D0 bit 5 (b5) to 1 when X8 goes ON, and set the bit value to 0 when X9 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 7 8 Sets b5 of D0 at 1. Sets b5 of D0 at 0. 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.5 Setting devices (except for annunciators) (SET) B5 B0 D0 Remark 1. The number of basic steps for the SET instruction is as follows: • When internal device or file register (R0 to R32767) are in use : 1 • When direct access output (DY) or SFC program device (BL) are in use :2 • When using serial number access format file register (Only for Universal model QCPU) (Other than Universal model QCPU) :2 :3 • When some other device is in use :3 2. When using X as a device, use the device numbers that are not used for the actual input. If the same number is used for the actual input device and input X, the data of the actual input will be written over the input X specified in the SET instruction. 5-31 RST 5.3.6 Resetting devices (except for annunciators) (RST) RST Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command RST RST : Bit device number to be reset/ Word device bit designation (bits) Word device number to be reset (BIN 16 bits) D Internal Devices Setting Data D Bit Word R, ZR J Bit U Word Zn G Constants Other DY –– D Function (1) When the execution command is turned ON, the status of the designated devices becomes as shown below: Device Device Status Bit device Turns coils and contacts OFF Timers and counters Sets the present value to 0, and turns coils and contacts OFF When Bit Designation has been Made for Word Device Sets value of designated bit to 0 Word devices other than timers and counters Sets contact to 0 (2) When the execution command is OFF, the status of devices does not change. (3) The functions of the word devices designated by the RST instruction are identical to the following ladder: X10 Command Command X10 RST D50 Device number 5-32 MOV K0 D50 Device number RST Operation Error 1 (1) There are no operation errors associated with the RST instruction. 2 Remark The basic number of steps of the RST instruction is as follows. a) For bit processing • Internal device (bit to be specified by bit device or word device) • Direct access output • Timer, counter • When using serial number access format file register (Only for Universal model QCPU) (Other than Universal model QCPU) • Other than above b) For word processing • Internal device • Index resister • When using serial number access format file register (Only for Universal model QCPU) (Other than Universal model QCPU) • Other than above 3 :1 :2 :4 4 :2 :3 :3 5 :2 :2 6 :2 :3 :3 7 8 Program Example 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.6 Resetting devices (except for annunciators) (RST) (1) The following program sets the value of the data register to 0. [Ladder Mode] Stores the contents at X10 to X1F in D8 when X0 is turned ON. Resets D8 to 0 when X5 is turned ON. [List Mode] Steps Instruction Device 5-33 RST (2) The following program resets the 100 ms retentive timer and counter. [Ladder Mode] When ST225 is set as retentive timer, it is turned ON when X4 ON time reaches 30 min. Counts the number of times ST225 was turned ON. Resets the coil, contact and present value of ST225 when the contact of ST225 is turned ON. Y55 goes ON at the count-up of C23. Resets C23 to 0 when X5 is turned ON. [List Mode] Step 5-34 Instruction Device SET F,RST F 5.3.7 Setting and resetting the annunciators (SET F,RST F) 1 SET F,RST F Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 Command SET SET D RST D Command RST Setting Data SET D : Number of the annunciator to be set (F number) (bits) RST D : Number of the annunciator to be reset (F number) (bits) Internal Devices Bit (Only F) D Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word U \G 4 5 Zn Constants Other –– 6 7 Function SET (1) The annunciator designated by D is turned ON when the execution command is turned ON. (2) The following responses occur when an annunciator (F) is turned ON. *1: When using the Basic model QCPU, the "ERR."LED goes ON. (3) If the value of SD63 is 16 (which happens when 16 annunciators are already ON), even if a new annunciator is turned ON, its number will not be stored at SD64 to SD79. RST (1) The annunciator designated by D is turned OFF when the execution command is turned ON. (2) The annunciator numbers (F numbers) of annunciators that have gone OFF are deleted from the special registers (SD64 to SD79), and the value of SD63 is decremented by 1. Remark 1. For details of annunciators,refer to the User's Manual (Functions Explanatio Program Fundamentals) for the CPU module used. 2. The number of basic steps for the SET F and RST F instructions is 2. 5-35 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.7 Setting and resetting the annunciators (SET F,RST F) • The "USER" LED goes ON.*1 • The annunciator numbers which are ON (F numbers) are stored in special registers (SD64 to SD79). • The value of SD63 is incremented by 1. 8 SET F,RST F (3) When the value of SD63 is "16", the annunciator numbers are deleted from SD64 to SD79 by the use of the RST instruction. If the annunciators whose numbers are not registered in SD64 to SD79 are ON, these numbers will be registered. If all annunciator numbers from SD64 to SD79 are turned OFF, the LED display device on the front of the CPU module, or the "USER" LED, will be turned OFF.*2 *2: When using the Basic model QCPU, the "ERR." LED goes OFF. [Operations which take place when SD63 is 16] Turns F30 ON. SD63 SD64 SD65 SD66 16 233 90 700 SD64 SD65 SD66 SD78 145 SD79 1027 Resets F90. 16 233 90 700 SD64 SD65 SD66 16 233 700 28 F number in SD67 is stored. SD77 145 SD78 1027 SD79 30 SD78 145 SD79 1027 F30, which was ON, is stored in SD79. Contents of SD63 and those of SD64 to SD79 are not changed. Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the SET F or RST F instruction. Program Example (1) The following program turns annunciator F11 ON when X1 goes ON, and stores the value 11 at the special register (SD64 to SD79). Further, the program resets annunciator F11 if X2 goes ON, and deletes the value 11 from the special registers (SD64 to SD79). [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction [Operation] When X1 is ON 5-36 SD63 SD64 SD65 SD66 0 0 0 0 SD78 SD79 0 0 Adds 1 When X2 is ON SD63 SD64 SD65 SD66 SD67 1 11 0 0 0 SD78 SD79 0 0 Subtracts 1 SD63 SD64 SD65 SD66 SD67 0 0 0 0 0 SD78 SD79 0 0 Device PLS,PLF 5.3.8 Leading edge and trailing edge outputs (PLS,PLF) 1 PLS,PLF Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 3 Command PLS PLS D PLF D 4 Command PLF D Setting Data Bit 5 : Pulse conversion device (bits) Internal Devices R, ZR Word 2 J Bit \ Word U \G Zn Constants Other DY –– D 6 7 Function PLS 8 (1) Turns ON the designated device when the execution command is turned OFF ON, and turns OFF the device in any other case the execution command is turned OFF ON (i.e., at ON ON, ON OFF or OFF OFF of the execution command). ON X5 OFF X5 ON M0 PLS M0 OFF 1 scan 1 scan (2) If the RUN/STOP key switch is changed from RUN to STOP after the execution of the PLS instruction, the PLS instruction will not be executed again even if the switch is set back to RUN. X0 Operating the RUN/STOP key switch of CPU module Operating the "STOP RUN". RUN/STOP key switch of CPU module LD X0 "RUN STOP". LD X0 PLS PLS M0 M0 END END 0 ON X0 OFF Operating the RUN/STOP key switch of CPU module "STOP RUN". M0 PLS CPU operation stop time Operating the RUN/STOP key switch of CPU module "RUN STOP". END 0 LD X0 PLS M0 CPU operation stop time ON M0 OFF 1 scan of PLS M0 5-37 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.8 Leading edge and trailing edge outputs (PLS,PLF) When there is one PLS instruction for the device designated by D during one scan, the specified device turns ON one scan. See Section 3.9 for the operation to be performed when the PLS instruction for the same device is executed more than once during one scan. PLS,PLF (3) When designating a latch relay (L) for the execution command and turning the power supply OFF to ON with the latch relay ON, the execution command turns OFF to ON at the first scan, executing the PLS instruction and turning ON the designated device. The device turned ON at the first scan after power-ON turns OFF at the next PLS instruction. PLF (1) Turns ON the designated device when the execution command is turned ON OFF, and turns OFF the device in any other case the execution command is turned ON OFF (i.e., at OFF OFF, OFF ON or ON ON of the execution command). When there is one PLF instruction for the device designated by D during one scan, the specified device turns ON one scan. See Section 3.9 for the operation to be performed when the PLF instruction for the same device is executed more than once during one scan. ON X5 OFF X5 PLF ON M0 M0 OFF 1 scan 1 scan (2) If the RUN/STOP key switch is changed from RUN to STOP after the execution of the PLF instruction, the PLF instruction will not be executed again even if the switch is set back to RUN. Note that the device designated by D may remain ON for more than one scan if the PLS or PLF instruction is jumped by the CJ instruction or if the executed subroutine program was not called by the CALL instruction. Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the PLS or PLF instruction. Program Example (1) The following program executes the PLS instruction when X9 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step [Timing Chart] ON X9 OFF ON M9 OFF 5-38 1 scan Instruction Device PLS,PLF (2) The following program executes the PLF instruction when X9 goes OFF. [Ladder Mode] 1 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 2 3 [Timing Chart] ON X9 OFF 4 ON M9 OFF 1 scan 5 6 7 8 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.8 Leading edge and trailing edge outputs (PLS,PLF) 5-39 FF 5.3.9 Bit device output reverse (FF) FF Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command FF FF D Setting Data D : Device number of the device to be reversed (bits) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit U Word Zn \G Constants Other DY –– D Function (1) Reverses the output status of the device designated by turned OFF ON. D when the execution command is Device Status Device Bit device Bit designated for word device Prior to FF Execution After FF Execution OFF ON ON OFF 0 1 1 0 Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the FF instruction. Program Example (1) The following program reverses the output of Y10 when X9 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step [Timing Chart] ON X9 OFF Y10 OFF ON 5-40 Instruction Device FF (2) The following program reverses b10 (bit 10) of D10 when X0 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 1 Instruction Device 2 3 [Timing Chart] ON X0 D10 of b10 OFF 4 0 1 0 5 6 7 8 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.9 Bit device output reverse (FF) 5-41 DELTA(P) 5.3.10 Pulse conversions of direct outputs (DELTA(P)) DELTA(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command DELTA DELTA D DELTAP D Command DELTAP D : Bit for which pulse conversion is to be conducted (bits) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit Word J R, ZR Bit \ U Word \G Zn Constants Other DY –– D Function (1) Conducts pulse output of direct access output (DY) designated by D . If DELTA DY0 has been designated, the resulting operation will be identical to the ladder shown below, which uses the SET/RST instructions. [Ladder using the DELTA instruction] X100 [Ladder using the SET/RST instructions] X100 DELTA DY0 SET DY0 RST DY0 [Operation] END processing DELTA DY0 DELTA DY0 ON X100 OFF ON ON DY0 OFF (2) The DELTA (P) instruction is used by commands for leading edge execution for an intelligent function module. Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • A direct access output number designated by range. 5-42 D has exceeded the CPU module output (Error code: 4101) DELTA(P) Program Example 1 (1) The following program presets CH1 of the AD61 mounted at slot 0 of the main base unit, when X20 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] Stores preset value (0) at addresses 1 and 2 of the AD61 buffer memory. 2 3 Outputs the preset command. 4 [List Mode] Step 5 Instruction Device 6 7 8 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.10 Pulse conversions of direct outputs (DELTA(P)) 5-43 SFT(P) 5.4 Shift Instructions 5.4.1 Bit device shifts (SFT(P)) SFT(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command SFT SFT D SFTP D Command SFTP D Setting Data : Device number to shift (bits) Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Zn \G Other DY –– (Other than T, C) D Constants Function (1) When bit device is used (a) Shifts to a device designated by D the ON/OFF status of the device immediately prior to the one designated by D , and turns the prior device OFF. For example, if M11 has been designated by the SFT instruction, when the SFT instruction is executed, it will shift the ON/OFF status of M10 to M11, and turn M10 OFF. (b) Turn the first device to be shifted ON with the SET instruction. (c) When the SFT and SFTP are to be used consecutively, the program starts from the device with the larger number. Shift range M0 Shift input SFTP M14 M15 M14 M13 M12 M11 M10 M9 M8 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 X02 ON (1) 0 0 (2) 0 SFTP SFTP 0 0 0 1 0 M13 M12 0 After the 1st shift input 1 0 After the 2nd shift input 1 0 X02 ON 0 After the 3rd shift input 0 After the 4th shift input 0 After the 5th shift input 1 0 (3) 0 0 0 1 0 0 (4) 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 (5) 0 SFTP 0 1 0 1 0 M11 (6) 0 1 0 1 0 0 X2 1 0 SET M10 Head device to shift 5-44 1 0 (7) 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 * At M8 to M15, "1" indicates ON and "0" indicates OFF. SFT(P) (2) When word device bit designation is used the 1/0 status of the bit immediately prior to 1 the one designated by D , and turns the prior bit to 0. For example, if D0.5 (bit 5 [b5] of D0) has been designated by the SFT instruction, when the SFT instruction is executed, it will shift the 1/0 status of b4 of D0 to b5, and turn b4 to 0. 2 (a) Shifts to a bit in the device designated by D b5 b4 to b0 b15 to Before the 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 execution of shift 0 D0 After the 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 execution of shift 3 4 5 Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The device specified by D exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (For the Universal model QCPU only.) (Error code: 4101) 6 7 8 5.4 Shift Instructions 5.4.1 Bit device shifts (SFT(P)) 5-45 SFT(P) Program Example (1) The following program shifts Y57 to Y5B when X8 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] Executes shift for Y57 to Y5B when X8 goes ON. Start programming from the device having a large number. Turns Y57 ON when X7 goes ON. [Timing Chart] [List Mode] ON X8 Step OFF ON X7 OFF ON Y57 OFF ON Y58 OFF ON Y59 OFF ON Y5A OFF ON Y5B 5-46 OFF Instruction Device MC,MCR 5.5 Master Control Instructions 1 5.5.1 Setting and resetting the master control (MC,MCR) 2 MC,MCR Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 4 Command MC n MC n D D 5 Master control ladder MCR n MCR n : Nesting (N0 to N14) (Nesting) D : Device number to be turned ON (bits) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit Word J R, ZR n \ Bit U Word Zn \G –– Constants 6 Other N –– –– D –– –– A ladder using the master control is as follows: Ladder as it actually operates Ladder as displayed in GPP ladder mode X0 MC n1 MC M0 n1 M0 X1 X3 M7 n1 Y47 M5 M0 M0 X1 X3 M7 Y47 M5 Y4F X6 X4 Y4F Executed only when X0 is ON. X6 X4 MCR MCR n1 X0F n1 XF Y10 Y40 Remark Inputting of contacts on the vertical bus is not necessary when programming in the write mode of a peripheral device. These will be automatically displayed when the "conversion" operation is conducted after the creation of the ladder and then "read" mode is set. 5-47 8 5.5 Master Control Instructions 5.5.1 Setting and resetting the master control (MC,MCR) The master control instruction is used to enable the creation of highly efficient ladder switching sequence programs, through the opening and closing of a common bus for ladders. X0 7 DY Function n1 3 MC,MCR MC (1) If the execution command of the MC instruction is ON when master control is started, the result of the operation from the MC instruction to the MCR instruction will be exactly as the instruction (ladder) shows. If the execution command of the MC instruction is OFF, the result of the operation from the MC instruction to the MCR instruction will be as shown below: Device Device Status High speed timer Count value goes to 0, coils and contacts all go OFF. Low speed timer High speed retentive timer Coils go OFF, but counter values and contacts all maintain Low speed retentive timer current status. Counter Devices in OUT instruction All turned OFF SET, RST SFT Devices in the following instructions: Basic, Maintain current status Application (2) Even when the MC instruction is OFF, instructions from the MC instruction to the MCR instruction will be executed, so scan time will not be shortened. When a ladder with master control contains instructions that do not require any contact instruction (such as FOR to NEXT, EI, DI instructions), the CPU module executes these instructions regardless of the ON/OFF status of the MC instruction execution command. (3) By changing the device designated by number as often as desired. (4) Coils from devices designated by D D , the MC instruction can use the same nesting (N) are turned ON when the MC instruction is ON. Further, using these same devices with the OUT instruction or other instructions will cause them to become double coils, so devices designated by instructions. D should not be used within other MCR (1) This is the instruction for recovery from the master control, and indicates the end of the master control range of operation. (2) Do not place contact instructions before the MCR instruction. (3) Use the MC instruction and MCR instruction of the same nesting number as a set. However, when the MCR instructions are nested in one place, all master controls can be terminated with the lowest nesting (N) number. (Refer to the "Precautions for nesting" in the program example.) Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the MC or MCR instruction. 5-48 MC,MCR Program Example 1 The master control instruction can be used in nesting. The different master control regions are distinguished by nesting (N). Nesting can be performed from N0 to N14. The use of nesting enables the creation of ladders which successively limit the execution condition of the program. 3 A ladder using nesting would appear as shown below: [Ladder as displayed in the GPP ladder mode] A MC N0 M15 NO M15 B 4 A MC N0 M15 B MC N2 M17 C MCR N2 5 Executed when A and B are ON. 6 MC N2 M17 N2 M17 N2 M17 Executed when A is ON. MC N1 M16 N1 M16 N1 M16 C [Ladder as it actually operates] NO M15 MC N1 M16 2 Executed when A, B and C are ON. 7 8 MCR N2 Executed when A and B are ON. MCR N1 MCR N1 MCR N0 MCR N0 Not related to the status of A, B or C. 5-49 5.5 Master Control Instructions 5.5.1 Setting and resetting the master control (MC,MCR) Executed when A is ON. MC,MCR Cautions when Using Nesting Architecture (1) Nesting can be used up to 15 times (N0 to N14) When using nesting, nests should be inserted from the lower to higher nesting number (N) with the MC instruction, and from the higher to the lower order with the MCR instruction. If this order is reversed, there will be no nesting architecture, and the CPU module will not be capable of performing correct operations. For example, if nesting is designated in the order N1 to N0 by the MC instruction, and also designated in the N1 to N0 order by the MCR instruction, the vertical bus will intersect and a correct master control ladder will not be produced. [Ladder as displayed in the GPP ladder mode] A N1 [Ladder as it actually operates] A MC N1 M15 M15 N1 MC N1 M15 M15 B MC N0 M16 N0 MC N0 M16 N0 M16 M16 MCR N1 MCR N1 MCR N0 MCR N0 (2) If the nesting architecture results in MCR instructions concentrated in one location, all master controls can be terminated by use of just the lowest nesting number (N). X1 X1 MC NO M15 NO M15 MC NO M15 NO X2 X2 MC N1 M16 N1 M16 N1 X3 N2 M17 MCR N2 MCR N1 MCR N0 5-50 MC N1 M16 M16 X3 MC N2 M17 N2 M15 MC N2 M17 M17 MCR N0 FEND 5.6 Termination Instructions 1 5.6.1 End main routine program (FEND) 2 FEND Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 3 4 FEND FEND 5 Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ U Word –– \G Zn Constants Other –– 6 7 Function (1) The FEND instruction is used in cases where the CJ instruction or other instructions are used to cause a branch in the sequence program operations, and in cases where the main routine program is to be split from a subroutine program or an interrupt program. 8 (2) Execution of the FEND instruction will cause the CPU module to terminate the program it was executing. (Peripheral devices continue to display ladders until encountering the END instruction.) 0 Operation performed when the CJ instruction is not executed Main routine program CJ P Main routine program FEND P Main routine program FEND CALL P Jump caused by the CJ instruction Operation performed when the CJ instruction is executed Main routine program FEND P Subroutine program I Interrupt program END END (a) When the CJ instruction is used (b) When there are subroutine and interrupt programs 5-51 5.6 Termination Instructions 5.6.1 End main routine program (FEND) (3) Even sequence programs following the FEND instruction can be displayed in ladder display at a peripheral device. FEND Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The FEND instruction is executed after the execution of the CALL, FCALL, ECALL, or EFCALL instruction, and before the execution of the RET instruction. (Error code: 4211) • The FEND instruction is executed after the execution of the FOR instruction, and before the execution of the NEXT instruction. (Error code: 4200) • The FEND instruction is executed during an interrupt program, and before the execution of the IRET instruction. (Error code: 4221) • The FEND instruction is executed between the CHKCIR and CHKEND instructions. (Error code: 4230) • The FEND instruction is executed between the IX and IXEND instructions. (Error code: 4231) Program Example (1) The following program uses the CJ instruction. [Ladder Mode] When XB is ON, the program jumps to label P23 and the steps that follow P23 are executed. Executed when XB is OFF. Indicates the termination of the sequence program to be executed when XB is OFF. [List Mode] Step 5-52 Instruction Device END 5.6.2 End sequence program (END) 1 END Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 4 5 END END 6 Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR Bit –– \ U Word \G Zn Constants Other 7 –– Function 8 (1) Indicates termination of programs, including main routine program, subroutine program, and interrupt programs. 0 Sequence program END (2) The END instruction cannot be used during the execution of the main sequence program. If it is necessary to perform END processing during the execution of a program, use the FEND instruction. (3) When programming in the ladder mode of a peripheral device, it is not necessary to input the END instruction. 5-53 5.6 Termination Instructions 5.6.2 End sequence program (END) Execution of the END instruction will cause the CPU module to terminate the program that was being executed. END (4) The use of the END and FEND instructions is broken down as follows for main routine programs, subroutine programs, and interrupt programs: Main routine program FEND (FEND instruction is necessary.) Subroutine program Main sequence program area Interrupt program END (END instruction is necessary.) Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The END instruction was executed before the execution of the RET instruction and after the execution of the CALL, FCALL, ECALL, or EFCALL instruction. (Error code: 4211) • The END instruction was executed before the execution of the NEXT instruction and after the execution of the FOR instruction. (Error code: 4200) • The END instruction was executed during an interrupt program prior to the execution of the IRET instruction. (Error code: 4221) • The END instruction was executed within the CHKCIR to CHKEND instruction loop. (Error code: 4230) • The END instruction was executed within the IX to IXEND instruction loop. (Error code: 4231) 5-54 STOP 5.7 Other instructions 5.7.1 1 Sequence program stop (STOP) 2 STOP Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 3 4 Command STOP STOP 5 Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ U Word –– Zn \G Constants Other –– 6 7 Function (1) Resets the output (Y) and stops the CPU module operation when the execution command is turned ON. 8 (The same result will take place if the RUN/STOP (key) switch is turned to the STOP setting.) b15 to b12 b11 to SD203 b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 0 0 1 1 Sets value "3". (3) In order to restart CPU module operations after the execution of the STOP instruction, return the RUN/STOP key switch, which has been changed from RUN to STOP, back to the RUN position. 5-55 5.7 Other instructions 5.7.1 Sequence program stop (STOP) (2) Execution of the STOP instruction will cause the value of b4 to b7 of the special register SD203 to become "3". STOP Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The STOP instruction was executed before the execution of the RET instruction and after the execution of the CALL/FCALL/ECALL/EFCALL/XCALL instruction. (Error code: 4211) • The STOP instruction was executed before the execution of the NEXT instruction and after the execution of the FOR instruction. (Error code: 4200) • The STOP instruction was executed during an interrupt program prior to the execution of the IRET instruction. (Error code: 4221) • The STOP instruction was executed within the CHKCIR to CHKEND instruction loop. (Error code: 4230) • The STOP instruction was executed within the IX to IXEND instruction loop. (Error code: 4231) • The STOP instruction was executed during the fixed scan execution type program. (For the Universal model QCPU only) (Error code: 4223) Program Example (1) The following program stops the CPU module when X8 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] Stops the programmable controller when X8 goes ON. Sequence program [List Mode] Step 5-56 Instruction Device NOP,NOPLF,PAGE n 5.7.2 No operations (NOP,NOPLF,PAGE n) 1 NOP,NOPLF,PAGE n Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 In the ladder display, NOP is not displayed. Command NOP NOP 4 NOPLF NOPLF PAGE n PAGE n Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit –– \ U Word \G Zn Constants 5 Other –– 6 7 Function 8 NOP (1) This is a no operation instruction that has no impact on any operations up to that point. (a) To insert space for sequence program debugging. (b) To delete an instruction without having to change the number of steps. (Replace the instruction with NOP.) (c) To temporarily delete an instruction. NOPLF (1) This is a no operation instruction that has no impact on any operations up to that point. (2) The NOPLF instruction is used when printing from a peripheral device to force a page change at any desired location. (a) When printing ladders • A page break will be inserted between ladder blocks with the presence of the NOPLF instruction. • The ladder cannot be displayed correctly if an NOPLF instruction is inserted in the midst of a ladder block. Do not insert an NOPLF instruction in the midst of a ladder block. (b) When printing instruction lists • The page will be changed after the printing of the NOPLF instruction. (3) Refer to the Operating Manual for the peripheral device in use for details of printouts from peripheral devices. 5-57 5.7 Other instructions 5.7.2 No operations (NOP,NOPLF,PAGE n) (2) The NOP instruction is used in the following cases: NOP,NOPLF,PAGE n PAGE n (1) This is a no operation instruction that has no impact on any operations up to that point. (2) No processing is performed at peripheral devices with this instruction. Operation Error (1) There are no errors associated with the NOP, NOPLF, or PAGE instruction. Program Example NOP (1) Contact closed.... Deletes the AND or ANI instruction. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Before change Step Instruction Device Step Instruction Device Changing to NOP After change (2) Contact closed.... LD, LDI changed to NOP. (Note carefully that changing the LD and LDI instructions to NOP completely changes the nature of the ladder.) [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Before change Step Step Instruction Instruction Device Device Step Instruction Device Changing to NOP After change 5-58 NOP,NOPLF,PAGE n [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] 1 Before change Step Instruction Device 2 Changing to LD T3 Changing to NOP 3 4 After change Step Instruction Device 5 6 7 NOPLF [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 8 Device 5.7 Other instructions 5.7.2 No operations (NOP,NOPLF,PAGE n) 5-59 NOP,NOPLF,PAGE n • Printing the ladder will result in the following: 0 X0 MOV K1 D30 MOV K2 D40 5 NOPLF instruction, inserted as a delimiter of ladder blocks, causes print out page to be changed forcibly. NOPLF X1 6 Y40 8 END • Printing an instruction list with the NOPLF instruction will result in the following: 0 LD X0 1 MOV K1 D30 3 MOV K2 D40 5 NOPLF 6 LD X1 7 OUT Y40 8 END Changes print output page after printing NOPLF. PAGE n [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step NOP 5-60 Instruction Device 6 7 BASIC INSTRUCTIONS 7 7 7 7 6 Category Comparison operation instruction Arithmetic operation instruction Processing Details Compares data to data. Adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, increments, or decrements data with other data. Section Section 6.2 Converts data types. Section 6.3 Data transfer instruction Transmits designated data. Section 6.4 Program branch instruction Program jumps. Section 6.5 Program run control instruction Enables and disables program interrupts. Section 6.6 Refreshes bit devices. Section 6.7 Other convenient instructions Up/down counters, teaching timers, special function timers, rotary table shortest direction controls, etc. 7 Section 6.1 Data conversion instructions I/O refresh instruction 7 Reference Section 6.8 6-1 =,<>,>,<=,<,>= 6.1 Comparison Operation Instructions 6.1.1 BIN 16-bit data comparisons (=,<>,>,<=,<,>=) =,<>,>,<=,<,>= Basic High performance indicates an instruction symbol of LD S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 Process Redundant Universal / / / / . / Command AND Command Command OR , S1 Setting Data S2 : Data for comparison or head number of the devices where the data for comparison is stored (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ U Word Zn \G Constants K, H Other S1 –– S2 –– Function (1) Treats BIN 16-bit data from device designated by designated by S2 S1 and BIN 16-bit data from device as an a normally-open contact, and performs comparison operation. (2) The results of the comparison operations for the individual instructions are as follows: Instruction Symbol in = <> > <= < >= Condition S2 = > S1 S1 <> S2 Continuity S2 S1 < S2 S2 Instruction Symbol in = S1 S2 S1 S1 Comparison Operation Result > <= < >= Condition S2 S1 S2 Comparison Operation Result = S1 S2 S1 Non-continuity S1 > S2 S1 S1 S2 < S2 (3) When S1 and S2 are assigned by a hexadecimal constant and the numerical value (8 to F) whose most significant bit (b15) is "1" is designated as a constant, the value is considered as a negative BIN value in comparison operation. 6-2 =,<>,>,<=,<,>= Operation Error 1 (1) There are no operation errors associated with the , , , , , or instruction. 2 Program Example (1) The following program compares the data at X0 to XF with the data at D3, and turns Y33 ON if the data is identical. [Ladder Mode] 3 [List Mode] Step Instruction 4 Device 4 (2) The following program compares BIN value K100 to the data at D3, and establishes continuity if the data in D3 is something other than 100. [Ladder Mode] 6 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 7 8 (3) The following program compares the BIN value 100 with the data at D3, and establishes continuity if the D3 data is less than 100. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Device (4) The following program compares the data in D0 and D3, and if the data in D0 is equal to or less than the data in D3, establishes continuity. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6-3 6.1 Comparison Operation Instructions 6.1.1 BIN 16-bit data comparisons (=,<>,>,<=,<,>=) Step D=,D<>,D>,D<=,D<,D>= 6.1.2 BIN 32-bit data comparisons (D=,D<>,D>,D<=,D<,D>=) D=,D<>,D>,D<=,D<,D>= Basic High performance indicates an instruction symbol of D / D LD S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 Process Redundant Universal /D /D /D / D . Command AND Command Command OR , S1 Setting Data S2 : Data for comparison or head number of the devices where the data for comparison is stored (BIN 32 bits) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ U Word Zn \G Constants K, H Other S1 –– S2 –– Function (1) Treats BIN 32-bit data from device designated by designated by S2 S1 and BIN 32-bit data from device as an a normally-open contact, and performs comparison operation. (2) The results of the comparison operations for the individual instructions are as follows: Instruction Symbol in D= D<> D> D<= D< D>= Condition S2 = > S1 S1 D<> S2 Continuity S2 S1 < S2 S2 Instruction Symbol in D= S1 S2 S1 S1 Comparison Operation Result D> D<= D< D>= Condition S2 S1 S2 Comparison Operation Result = S1 S2 S1 Non-continuity S1 > S2 S1 S1 S2 < S2 (3) When S1 and S2 are assigned by a hexadecimal constant and the numerical value (8 to F) whose most significant bit (b31) is "1" is designated as a constant, the value is considered as a negative BIN value in comparison operation. (4) Data used for comparison should be designated by a 32-bit instruction (DMOV instruction, etc.). If designation is made with a 16-bit instruction (MOV instruction, etc.), comparisons of large and small values cannot be performed correctly. 6-4 D=,D<>,D>,D<=,D<,D>= Operation Error 1 (1) There are no operation errors associated with the D , D instruction. ,D ,D ,D or D 2 Program Example 3 (1) The following program compares the data at X0 to X1F with the data at D3 and D4, and turns Y33 ON, if the data at X0 to X1F and the data at D3 and D4 match. [Ladder Mode] 4 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 4 6 (2) The following program compares BIN value K38000 to the data at D3, and D4, and establishes continuity if the data in D3 and D4 is something other than 38000. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 7 Device 8 [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Step Device (4) The following program compares the data in D0 and D1 with the data in D3 and D4, and establishes continuity if the data in D0 and D1 is equal to or less than the data in D3 and D4. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6-5 6.1 Comparison Operation Instructions 6.1.2 BIN 32-bit data comparisons (D=,D<>,D>,D<=,D<,D>=) (3) The following program compares BIN value K 80000 to the data at D3 and D4, and establishes continuity if the data in D3 and D4 is less than 80000. E=,E<>,E>,E<=,E<,E>= 6.1.3 Floating decimal point data comparisons (Single precision) (E=,E<>,E>,E<=,E<,E>=) E=,E<>,E>,E<=,E<,E>= Ver. Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Basic model QCPU: The upper five digits of the serial No. are "04122" or larger. indicates an instruction symbol of E / E LD S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 /E /E /E . / E Command AND Command Command OR , S1 S2 : Data for comparison or head number of the devices where the data for comparison is stored (real number) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR \ Bit Word U Zn \G Constants E Other S1 –– –– –– –– S2 –– –– –– –– *1:Available only in multiple Universal model QCPU (1) The 32-bit floating decimal point data from device designated by S1 and 32-bit floating decimal point data from device designated by S2 as A normally-open contact, and performs comparison operation. (2) The results of the comparison operations for the individual instructions are as follows: Instruction Symbol in E= E<> E> E<= E< E>= S2 = > < S1 Symbol in E= S1 E<> E> S2 Continuity E<= S2 S1 S1 Operation Result S2 S1 S1 Instruction Comparison Condition E< S2 E>= S2 Condition S2 S1 S2 Comparison Operation Result = S1 S2 S1 Non-continuity S1 > S2 S1 S1 S2 < S2 Note that use of the E= instruction can on occasion result in situations where errors cause the two values to not be equal. Example X0 EMOV E1.23 D0 E D0 D2 E* D0 E4.56 D2 E/ D2 E4.56 D2 M0 Two values may not be equal. 6-6 E=,E<>,E>,E<=,E<,E>= Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The value of the specified device is 0. *1 (For the Basic model QCPU, High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Redundant CPU) (Error code: 4100) *1: There are CPU modules that will not result in an operation error if Section 3.2.4. 0 is specified. For details, refer to • The value of the specified device is outside the following range. (For the Universal model QCPU) 0, 2 -126 | value of specified device | < 2128 3 4 (Error code: 4140) • The value of the specified device is 0, unnormalized number, nonnumeric, and ± . (For the Universal model QCPU only) (Error code: 4140) Program Example 4 6 (1) The following program compares 32-bit floating decimal point real number data at D0 and D1 to 32-bit floating decimal point real number data at D3 and D4. [Ladder Mode] 2 [List Mode] Step Instruction 7 Device 8 [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (3) The following program compares 32-bit floating decimal point real number data at D0 and D1 to 32-bit floating decimal point real number data at D3 and D4. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Step Device (4) The following program compares the 32-bit floating decimal point data at D0 and D1 to the floating decimal point real number 1.23. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6-7 6.1 Comparison Operation Instructions 6.1.3 Floating decimal point data comparisons (Single precision) (E=,E<>,E>,E<=,E<,E>=) (2) The following program compares the floating decimal point real number 1.23 to the 32-bit floating decimal point real number data at D3 and D4. ED=,ED<>,ED>,ED<=,ED<,ED>= 6.1.4 Floating decimal point data comparisons (Double precision) (ED=,ED<>,ED>,ED<=,ED<,ED>=) ED=,ED<>,ED>,ED<=,ED<,ED>= High performance Basic /ED indicates an instruction symbol of ED LD S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 Process Redundant Universal /ED /E /E /E Command AND Command Command OR , S1 S2 : Data for comparison or head number of the devices where the data for comparison is stored (real number) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word U Constants $ Zn \G Other S1 –– –– –– –– S2 –– –– –– –– Function (1) The 64-bit floating decimal point real number from device designated by decimal point real number from device designated by performs comparison operation. S2 S1 and 64-bit floating as A normally-open contact, and (2) The results of the comparison operations for the individual instructions are as follows: Instruction Symbol in ED= ED<> ED> ED<= ED< ED>= 6-8 Condition S2 = S1 S1 > S1 < Continuity S2 S2 Symbol in ED<> S2 S2 Instruction ED= S1 S2 S1 S1 Comparison Operation Result ED> ED<= ED< ED>= Condition S1 S2 Comparison Operation Result S2 = S1 S1 S2 Non-continuity S1 > S1 S1 S2 S2 < S2 ED=,ED<>,ED>,ED<=,ED<,ED>= Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The value of the specified device is not in the following range: 0,2 -1022 | value of specified device | < • The value of the designated device is (Error code: 4140) 0. (Error code: 4140) Program Example 3 4 (1) The following program compares 64-bit floating decimal point real number data at D0 to D3 with 64-bit floating decimal point real number data at D4 to D7. [Ladder Mode] 2 21024 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 4 6 7 (2) The following program compares the floating decimal point real number 1.23 with the 64-bit floating decimal point real number data at D4 to D7. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Step Device [List Mode] Instruction Step Device (4) The following program compares the 64-bit floating decimal point data at D0 to D3 with the floating decimal point real number 1.23. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6-9 6.1 Comparison Operation Instructions 6.1.4 Floating decimal point data comparisons (Double precision) (ED=,ED<>,ED>,ED<=,ED<,ED>=) (3) The following program compares 64-bit floating decimal point real number data at D0 to D3 with 64-bit floating decimal point real number data at D4 to D7. [Ladder Mode] 8 ED=,ED<>,ED>,ED<=,ED<,ED>= Caution (1) Since the number of digits of the real number that can be input by GX Developer is up to 15 digits, the comparison with the real number whose number of significant digits is 16 or more cannot be made by the instruction shown in this section. When judging match/mismatch with the real number whose significant digits is 16 or more by the instruction in this section, compare it with the approximate values of the real number to be compared and judge by the sizes. Example When judging the match of E1.234567890123456+10 (Number of significant digits is 16) and the double-precision floating-point data. E1.23456789012345+10 E1.234567890123456+10 E1.23456789012346+10 Whether D0 to D3 is within this range is checked.(Values on boundaries are excluded.) Example When judging the mismatch of E1.234567890123456+10 (Number of significant digits is 16) and the double-precision floating-point data. E1.23456789012345+10 E1.234567890123456+10 E1.23456789012346+10 Whether D0 to D3 is within this range is checked.(Values on boundaries are included.) 6-10 $=,$<>,$>,$<=,$<,$>= 6.1.5 Character string data comparisons ($=,$<>,$>,$<=,$<,$>=) 1 $=,$<>,$>,$<=,$<,$>= Basic indicates an instruction symbol of $ LD S1 S2 S1 S2 High performance /$ Process Redundant Universal /$ / $ /$ / $ . Command 3 4 Command AND 2 4 Command OR S1 S2 6 S1 , S2 : Data for comparison or head number of the devices where the data for comparison is stored (character string) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit U Word \G Constants $ Zn 7 Other S1 –– –– –– S2 –– –– –– (1) Compares the character string data designated by designated by S2 S1 with the character string data as a normally-open contact. (2) A comparison operation involves the character-by-character comparison of the ASCII code of the first character in the character string. (3) The character string data of S1 and S2 for comparison refers to the data stored at the range from the designated device number to the device number where "00H" code is stored. (a) If all character strings match, the comparison result will be matched. S1 S1 S1 b15 b8 42H (B) +1 44H (D) +2 00H b7 b0 41H (A) 43H (C) 45H (E) "ABCDE" Instruction Symbol in S2 S2 S2 b15 b8 b7 b0 42H (B) 41H (A) +1 44H (D) 43H (C) 45H (E) +2 00H "ABCDE" Comparison Operation Result Instruction Symbol in Comparison Operation Result $= Continuity $<= Continuity $<> Non-continuity $< Non-continuity $> Non-continuity $>= Continuity 6-11 6.1 Comparison Operation Instructions 6.1.5 Character string data comparisons ($=,$<>,$>,$<=,$<,$>=) Function 8 $=,$<>,$>,$<=,$<,$>= (b) If the character strings are different, the character string with the larger character code will be the larger. b15 b8 42H (B) S1 +1 44H (D) S1 +2 00H S1 b7 b0 41H (A) 43H (C) 46H (F) b15 b8 42H (B) S2 +1 44H (D) S2 +2 00H S2 "ABCDF" "ABCDE" Comparison Operation Instruction Symbol in b7 b0 41H (A) 43H (C) 45H (E) Result $= Non-continuity $<> $> Instruction Symbol in Comparison Operation Result $<= Non-continuity Continuity $< Non-continuity Continuity $>= Continuity (c) If the character strings are different, the first different sized character code will determine whether the character string is larger or smaller. S1 S1 S1 b15 b8 32H (2) +1 34H (4) +2 00H b7 b0 31H (1) 33H (3) 35H (5) S2 S2 S2 b15 b8 32H (2) +1 33H (3) +2 00H "12345" "12435" Comparison Operation Instruction Symbol in Result Instruction Symbol in Comparison Operation Result $= Non-continuity $<= Continuity $<> Continuity $< Continuity $> Non-continuity $>= Non-continuity (4) If the character strings designated by longer character string will be larger. b15 b8 32H (2) S1 +1 34H (4) S1 +2 36H (6) S1 +3 00H S1 b7 31H 33H 35H 37H S1 b0 (1) (3) (5) (7) "1234567" Instruction Symbol in 6-12 b7 b0 31H (1) 34H (4) 35H (5) and S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 are of different lengths, the data with the b15 b8 32H (2) +1 34H (4) +2 36H (6) 00H +3 b7 b0 31H (1) 33H (3) 35H (5) 00H "123456" Comparison Operation Result Instruction Symbol in Comparison Operation Result $= Non-continuity $<= Non-continuity $<> Continuity $< Non-continuity $> Continuity $>= Continuity $=,$<>,$>,$<=,$<,$>= Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The code "00H" does not exist within the range of the relevant device, starting from the device number designated by S1 and S2 . 2 (Error code: 4101) (Error code: 4101) 3 The character string data comparison instruction checks the device range while comparing the designated character string data. For this reason, if the "00H" code does not exist in the relevant device range, the instruction outputs the comparison result instead of returning an operation error when no match of characters is detected. 4 • The character string of Example S1 and $ S2 exceeds 16383 characters. M0 D12287 D10 S1 If S1 and S2 6 S2 Data of S2 Data of S1 D12287 W0 4 B 00 H D10 D11 A C Z 00 H data are as shown above, the second character of 7 A C S1 does not match with that of S2 , and the comparison result is expressed as S1 S2 (the operation result is "non-conductive"). Though the "00H" code is not included 8 within the S1 device range, no operation error is returned, because the no-match is detected at D12287, which is within the device range. (1) The following program compares character strings stored following D0 and characters following D10. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (2) The following program compares the character string "ABCDEF" with the character string stored following D10. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6-13 6.1 Comparison Operation Instructions 6.1.5 Character string data comparisons ($=,$<>,$>,$<=,$<,$>=) Program Example $=,$<>,$>,$<=,$<,$>= (3) The following program compares the character string stored following D10 with the character string stored following D100. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (4) The following program compares the character string stored following D200 with the character string "12345". [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 6-14 Instruction Device BKCMP ,BKCMP P 6.1.6 BIN block data comparisons (BKCMP ,BKCMP P) 1 BKCMP ,BKCMP P Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 indicates an instruction symbol of / / / / . / Command BKCMP BKCMP S1 S2 D n S1 S2 D n 4 Command BKCMP P BKCMP P 4 S1 : Data to be compared or head number of the devices where the data to be compared is stored (BIN 16 bits) S2 : Head number of the devices where the comparison data is stored (BIN 16 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the comparison operation result will be stored (bits) n : Number of comparison data blocks (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit J R, ZR Word Bit \ U Word 6 Constants K, H Zn \G Other S1 –– –– S2 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– D –– n 16-bit data the nth point from the device number designated by from the device designated by D onward. D will be turned ON. (b) If the comparison condition has not been met, the device designated by turned OFF. 1 2 1234 (BIN) 5678 (BIN) 5000 (BIN) S1 S1 (n 2) (n 1) 7777 (BIN) 4321 (BIN) 1 2 5321 (BIN) 3399 (BIN) 5678 (BIN) (n 2) (n 1) 6543 (BIN) 1200 (BIN) S2 S2 S2 n with BIN , and stores the result S2 (a) If the comparison condition has been met, the device designated by S1 S1 S2 S2 n D will be Operation Results OFF (0) ON (1) OFF (0) D D D 1 2 D D (n 2) (n 1) ON ON n (1) (1) (2) The comparison operation is conducted in 16-bit units. (3) The constant designated by S1 can be between 32768 and 32767 (BIN 16-bit data). Operation Results 32000 (BIN) 4321 (BIN) 32000 (BIN) S2 S2 S1 32000 (BIN) S2 S2 S2 1 2 (n (n 2) 1) 1234 (BIN) 5678 (BIN) n D D D 1 2 D D (n (n 2) 1) ON OFF ON (1) (0) (1) OFF OFF (0) (0) n 6-15 6.1 Comparison Operation Instructions 6.1.6 BIN block data comparisons (BKCMP ,BKCMP P) (1) Compares BIN 16-bit data the nth point from the device number designated by S1 8 –– Function S1 7 BKCMP ,BKCMP P (4) The results of the comparison operations for the individual instructions are as follows: Instruction Condition Symbols BKCMP= S2 BKCMP<> = S1 BKCMP<= > S1 BKCMP>= Symbols BKCMP= S1 BKCMP<> BKCMP> S2 ON (1) BKCMP<= S2 S1 BKCMP< Instruction S2 S1 BKCMP> Comparison Operation Result < S1 BKCMP< S2 BKCMP>= S2 (5) If all comparison results stored n points from signal) goes ON. D Comparison Condition S2 S1 S2 Operation Result = S1 S2 S1 OFF (0) S1 > S2 S1 S1 S2 < S2 are ON (1), SM704 (block comparison Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The range of the device n points from a device designated by relevant device. S1 , S2 • The device range for n points starting from the device designated by device range for n points starting from the device designated by D or D exceeds the (Error code: 4101) S1 overlaps with the . (Error code: 4101) • The device range for n points starting from the device designated by device range for n points starting from the device designated by D S2 overlaps with the . (Error code: 4101) Program Example (1) The following program compares, when X20 is turned ON, the data stored at D100 to D103 with the data stored at R0 to R3 and stores the operation result into the area starting from M10. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Device Instruction [Operation] D100 D101 D102 D103 b15 1000 2000 3000 4000 D0 6-16 b0 (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) 4 R0 R1 R2 R3 b15 1000 2000 5000 4000 b0 (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) M10 M11 M12 M13 ON ON OFF ON BKCMP ,BKCMP P (2) The following program compares, when X1C is turned ON, the constant K1000 with the data stored at D10 to D13, and stores the operation result at b4 to b7 in D0. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Step 1 Device 2 3 [Operation] D10 D11 D12 D13 b15 b0 1000 (BIN) b15 2000 1000 1000 2222 b0 (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) 4 4 D0 before operation D0 after operation b15 b4 b7 b0 0 10000 1000 100000 6 b7 b15 b4 b0 0 10000 10100 10000 7 (3) The following program compares, when X20 is turned ON, the data at D10 to D12 with the data at D30 to D32, and stores the operation result into the area starting from M100. The following program transfers the character string "ALL ON" to D100 onward when all devices from M100 onward have reached the 1 "ON" state. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Device 6.1 Comparison Operation Instructions 6.1.6 BIN block data comparisons (BKCMP ,BKCMP P) Step [Operation] D10 D11 D12 b15 1234 5678 9876 b0 (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) 8 D30 D31 D32 b15 4321 5678 9999 b0 (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) M100 M101 M102 b0 b15 b8 b7 D100 4CH (L) 41H (A) D101 20H ( ) 4CH (L) D102 4EH (N) 4FH (O) ON ON ON SM704 ON $MOV 6-17 BKCMP ,BKCMP P 6.1.7 BIN 32-bit block data comparisons (DBKCMP ,DBKCMP P) Ver. High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal QnU(D)(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. QnUDE(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. indicates an instruction symbol of / / / / / . Command DBKCMP DBKCMP S1 S2 D n S1 S2 D n Command DBKCMP P DBKCMP S1 : Data to be compared or head number of the devices where the data to be compared are stored (BIN 32 bits) S2 : Head number of the devices where the comparison data are stored (BIN 32 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the comparison operation result will be stored (bits) : Number of comparison data blocks (BIN 16 bits) n Internal Devices Setting Data P Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit Word U Constants K, H Zn \G Other S1 –– –– S2 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– D –– n –– Function (1) This instruction compares BIN 32-bit data stored in n-point devices starting from the device specified by S1 with BIN 32-bit data stored in n-point devices starting from the device specified by a constant and and up. S2 and then stores the result into the nth device specified by (a) If the comparison condition has been met, the corresponding devices specified by be turned on. D (b) If the comparison condition has not been met, the corresponding devices specified by will be turned off. b31 S1 +1, S1 S1 +3, S1 +2 S1 +5, S1 +4 S1 +n 1, S1 +n 2 6-18 b0 1090 (BIN) 2080 (BIN) 5060 (BIN) n 1106 (BIN) b31 S2 +1, S2 S2 +3, S2 +2 S2 +5, S2 +4 S2 +n 1, S2 +n 2 b0 1000 (BIN) 2000 (BIN) 5060 (BIN) 1106 (BIN) n D D +1 D +2 D will D Operation result OFF (0) OFF (0) n ON (1) D +n 1 ON (1) BKCMP ,BKCMP P (2) The comparison operation is executed in 32-bit units. (3) The constant in the device specified by (BIN 32-bit data). S1 can be between b31 b31 b0 S1 +1, S1 32800 (BIN) S2 +1, S2 S2 +3, S2 +2 S2 +5, S2 +4 2147483648 and 2147483647 b0 32700 (BIN) 40000 (BIN) 32800 (BIN) D D +1 D +2 n S2 +n 1, S2 +n 2 2147400 (BIN) (4) Operation result ON (1) OFF (0) n ON (1) D +n 1 OFF (0) D specifies out of the device range of n-point devices starting from the device specified by S1 and S2 . (5) The following table shows the results of the comparison operations for each individual instruction. Instruction Symbols DBKCMP= DBKCMP<> DBKCMP> DBKCMP<= DBKCMP< DBKCMP>= Condition S2 = > S1 Operation Result Symbols DBKCMP= S1 DBKCMP<> S2 ON (1) S2 S1 S1 Instruction S2 S1 S1 Comparison < DBKCMP> DBKCMP<= DBKCMP< S2 DBKCMP>= S2 Condition S2 = > 6 S1 7 S2 S2 S1 S1 4 Operation Result OFF (0) S1 3 4 S2 S1 2 Comparison S2 S1 1 < 8 S2 (6) If all comparison results stored into the devices starting from the device specified by D to nth device are on(1), or one of the results is off(2), the special relays will be on or off in accordance with the conditions as follows. No. Number Initial execution/Scan 1 SM704 ON 2 SM716 3 SM717 4 SM718 Interrupt (other than l45)/Fixed Interrupt(l45) scan execution When results of comparison operations have a result of off(0) Initial execution/ Scan Interrupt (other than l45)/Fixed Interrupt(l45) scan execution ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON –– –– OFF –– –– –– ON –– –– OFF –– –– –– ON –– –– OFF In a standby program, a special relay depending on the caller program turns on or off. (7) If the value specified by n is 0, the instruction will be not processed. 6-19 6.1 Comparison Operation Instructions 6.1.7 BIN 32-bit block data comparisons (DBKCMP ,DBKCMP P) When all results of comparison operations are on(1) BKCMP ,BKCMP P Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns on, and an error code is stored into SD0. • A negative value is specified for n. (Error code: 4100) • The range of the n-point devices starting from the device specified by S1 , S2 . or D exceeds the specified device range. (Error code: 4101) • The range of the n-point devices starting from the device specified by range of the n-point devices starting from the device specified by S1 overlaps with the . D (Error code: 4101) • The range of the n-point devices starting from the device specified by range of the n-point devices starting from the device specified by S2 overlaps with the . D (Error code: 4101) Program Example (1) The following program compares the value data stored at R0 to R5 with the value data stored at D20 to D25, and then stores the operation result into Y0 to Y2, when M0 is turned on, [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Device Instruction Step [Operation] b31 b0 R1,R0 -2147483000 0 R3,R2 R5,R4 2147483000 b31 b0 D21,D20 -2147483000 1 D23,D22 D25,D24 2147482999 Y0 Y1 Y2 OFF ON ON (0) (1) (1) (2) The following program compares the constant with the value data stored at D0 to D9, and then stores the operation result into D10.5 to D10.9, when M0 is turned on, [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Step Device [Operation] b31 b0 -60000 6-20 b31 D1,D0 D3,D2 D5,D4 D7,D6 D9,D8 b0 -70000 50000 -32768 32767 0 D10.5 D10.6 D10.7 D10.8 D10.9 ON OFF OFF OFF OFF (1) (0) (0) (0) (0) BKCMP ,BKCMP P When certain bits are specified in a word device, bits other than the certain bits that store the operation result do not change. D10.F Before execution 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 D10.0 0 D10.F 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 D10.0 0 After execution 2 3 No change No change (3) The following program compares the value data stored at D0 to D5 with the value data stored at D10 to D15, and then stores the operation result into M20 to M22, when M0 is turned on. Also, the program transfers the character string "ALL ON" to D100 and up when all devices from M20 to M22 have reached the on status. [Ladder Mode] 1 4 4 [List Mode] Step 6 Device Instruction 7 [Operation] b31 b0 D1,D0 -2147483000 60000 D3,D2 D5,D4 -900000 8 b31 b0 D11,D10 -2147483000 60001 D13,D12 D15,D14 -899999 ON ON ON (1) (1) (1) SM704 ON (1) SM716 SM717 SM718 ON OFF OFF (1) (0) (0) 6.1 Comparison Operation Instructions 6.1.7 BIN 32-bit block data comparisons (DBKCMP ,DBKCMP P) When all operation results are on(1), the special relays corresponding to each program turn on(1). (Since this program examples refer to scan programs, SM704 and SM716 turn on(1), SM7171 and SM718 do not change in the scan program) M20 M21 M22 6-21 +(P),-(P) 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.1 BIN 16-bit addition and subtraction operations (+(P),-(P)) +(P),-(P) Basic When two data are set ( D + S D , - D D S High performance Process Redundant Universal ) indicates an instruction symbol of +/ . Command +, S D S D Command +P, P P Setting Data S : Data for additing/subtracting or head number of the devices where the data for additing/subtracting is stored (BIN 16 bits) S1 D : Head number of the devices where the data to be added to/subtracted from is stored (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR \ Bit U Word Zn \G Constants K, H Other –– S –– D –– Function + (1) Adds 16-bit BIN data designated by D to 16-bit BIN data designated by result of the addition at the device designated by D b0 5678 (BIN) S and D b15 and stores the . S b15 (2) Values for D S D b0 1234 (BIN) can be designated between b15 b0 6912 (BIN) 32768 and 32767 (BIN, 16 bits). (3) The judgment of whether data is positive or negative is made by the most significant bit (b15). • 0: Positive • 1: Negative (4) The following will happen when an underflow or overflow is generated in an operation result: The carry flag in this case does not go ON. 6-22 K32767 +K2 (0002H) (7FFFH) K 32767 (8001H) Since bit 15 value is "1", result of operation takes a negative value. K 32768 +K 2 (8000H) (FFFEH) K32766 (7FFEH) Since bit 15 value is "0", result of operation takes a positive value. +(P),-(P) – (1) Subtracts 16-bit BIN data designated by D from 16-bit BIN data designated by stores the result of the subtraction at the device designated by D b15 S b0 5678 (BIN) (2) Values for S and D b15 D S 1 and . 2 D b0 1234 (BIN) can be designated between b15 b0 4444 (BIN) 3 32768 and 32767 (BIN, 16 bits). (3) The judgment of whether data is positive or negative is made by the most significant bit (b15). • 0: Positive 4 • 1: Negative (4) The following will happen when an underflow or overflow is generated in an operation result: 4 The carry flag in this case does not go ON. K 32768 (8000H) K2 (0002H) K32766 (7FFEH) Since bit 15 value is "0", result of operation takes a positive value. K32767 (7FFFH) K 2 (FFFEH) K 32767 (8001H) Since bit 15 value is "1", result of operation takes a negative value. 6 7 Operation Error 8 (1) There are no operation errors associated with the +(P) or -(P) instruction. 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.1 BIN 16-bit addition and subtraction operations (+(P),-(P)) 6-23 +(P),-(P) When three data are set ( S1 + S2 D , S1 - S2 D ) indicates an instruction symbol of +/ . Command +, S1 S2 D S1 S2 D Command +P, P P : Data to be added to/subtracted from or head number of the devices where the data to be added S1 to/subtracted from is stored (BIN 16 bits) : Data for additing/subtracting or head number of the devices where the data for additing/subtracting is stored S2 (BIN 16 bits) : Head number of the devices where the addition/subtraction operation result will be stored (BIN 16 bits) D Internal Devices Setting Data Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Zn \G Constants K, H Other S1 –– S2 –– –– D S –– Function + (1) Adds 16-bit BIN data designated by S1 to 16-bit BIN data designated by result of the addition at the device designated by S1 b15 b0 S1 , S2 D b15 and stores the . D S2 5678 (BIN) (2) Values for D S2 b0 b15 1234 (BIN) andcan be designated between b0 6912 (BIN) D 32768 and 32767 (BIN, 16 bits). (3) The judgment of whether data is positive or negative is made by the most significant bit (b15). • 0: Positive • 1: Negative (4) The following will happen when an underflow or overflow is generated in an operation result: The carry flag in this case does not go ON. K32767 (7FFFH) +K2 (0002H) K 32768 +K 2 (8000H) (FFFEH) 6-24 K 32767 (8001H) Since bit 15 value is "1", result of operation takes a negative value. K32766 (7FFEH) Since bit 15 value is "0", result of operation takes a positive value. +(P),-(P) – (1) Subtracts 16-bit BIN data designated by S1 from 16-bit BIN data designated by stores the result of the subtraction at the device designated by S1 b15 5678 (BIN) (2) Values for S1 , S2 D 1 and . 2 D S2 b0 D S2 b15 b0 b15 1234 (BIN) and can be designated between b0 4444 (BIN) D 32768 and 32767 (BIN, 16 bits). (3) The judgment of whether data is positive or negative is made by the most significant bit (b15). 3 4 • 0: Positive • 1: Negative (4) The following will happen when an underflow or overflow is generated in an operation result: 4 The carry flag in this case does not go ON. K 32768 K2 (8000H) (0002H) K32766 (7FFEH) Since bit 15 value is "0", result of operation takes a positive value. K 2 K32767 (7FFFH) (FFFEH) K 32767 (8001H) Since bit 15 value is "1", result of operation takes a negative value. 6 7 Operation Error 8 (1) There are no operation errors associated with the +(P) or -(P) instruction. Program Example [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Step Device (2) The following program outputs the difference between the set value for timer T3 and its present value in BCD to Y40 to Y53. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6-25 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.1 BIN 16-bit addition and subtraction operations (+(P),-(P)) (1) The following program adds, when X5 is turned ON, the data at D3 and D0 and outputs the operation result at Y38 to Y3F. D+(P),D-(P) 6.2.2 BIN 32-bit addition and subtraction operations (D+(P),D-(P)) D+(P),D-(P) Basic When two data are set (( D +1, D )+( +1, S S ) ( D +1, D ), ( D High performance +1, D )-( Process Redundant Universal S +1, ) ( S D +1, D )) indicates an instruction symbol of D+/D . Command D+, D S D S D Command D+P, D P P S : Data for additing/subtracting or head number of the devices where the data for additing/subtracting is stored D : Head number of the devices where the data to be added to/subtracted from is stored (BIN 32 bits) (BIN 32 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Zn \G Constants K, H Other –– S –– D –– Function D+ (1) Adds 32-bit BIN data designated by D to 32-bit BIN data designated by result of the addition at the device designated by D +1 D b31 b16 b15 b0 567890 (BIN) (2) The values for (BIN 32 bits). S and D S +1 S b31 b16 b15 b0 123456 (BIN) D S , and stores the . D +1 D b31 b16 b15 b0 691346 (BIN) can be designated at between 2147483648 and 2147483647 (3) Judgment of whether the data is positive or negative is made on the basis of the most significant bit (b31). • 0: Positive • 1: Negative (4) The following will happen when an underflow or overflow is generated in an operation result: The carry flag in this case does not go ON. 6-26 K 2147483647 K2147483647 +K2 (00000002H) (80000001H) (7FFFFFFFH) Since bit 31 value is "1", result of operation takes a negative value. K 2147483648 +K 2 K2147483646 (80000000H) (FFFFFFFEH) (7FFFFFFEH) Since bit 31 value is "0", result of operation takes a positive value. D+(P),D-(P) D(1) Subtracts 32-bit BIN data designated by D from 32-bit BIN data designated by stores the result of the subtraction at the device designated by D D +1 b31 b16 b15 b0 567890 (BIN) (2) The values for (BIN 32 bits). S and D S +1 D +1 S b31 b16 b15 b0 123456 (BIN) D S 1 and . 2 D b31 b16 b15 b0 444434 (BIN) can be designated at between 2147483648 and 2147483647 (3) Judgment of whether the data is positive or negative is made on the basis of the most significant bit (b31). 3 4 • 0: Positive • 1: Negative 4 (4) The following will happen when an underflow or overflow is generated in an operation result: The carry flag in this case does not go ON. K2147483646 K 2147483648 K2 (80000000H) (00000002H) (7FFFFFFEH) K2147483647 (80000000H) K 2147483647 K 2 (FFFFFFFEH) (80000001H) 6 Since bit 31 value is "0", result of operation takes a positive value. Since bit 31 value is "1", result of operation takes a negative value. 7 Operation Error 8 (1) There are no operation errors associated with the D+(P) or D-(P) instruction. 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.2 BIN 32-bit addition and subtraction operations (D+(P),D-(P)) 6-27 D+(P),D-(P) When three data are set (( S1 +1, S1 )+( S2 +1, S2 ) ( D +1, D ), ( S1 +1, S1 )-( S2 +1, S2 ) ( D +1, D )) indicates an instruction symbol of D+/ D . Command D+, D S1 S2 D S1 S2 D Command D+P, D P P S1 : Data to be added to/subtracted from or head number of the devices where the data to be added S2 : Data for additing/subtracting or head number of the devices where the data for additing/subtracting is stored to/subtracted from is stored (BIN 32 bits) (BIN 32 bits) D Setting Data : Head number of the devices where the addition/subtraction operation result will be stored (BIN 32 bits) Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Zn \G Constants K, H Other S1 –– S2 S1 –– –– D –– Function D+ (1) Adds 32-bit BIN data designated by S1 to 32-bit BIN data designated by result of the addition at the device designated by S1 +1 S2 S1 b31 b16 b15 b0 567890 (BIN) (2) The values for (BIN 32 bits). S1 , S2 and D +1 S2 b31 b16 b15 b0 123456 (BIN) D S2 , and stores the . D +1 D b31 b16 b15 b0 691346 (BIN) can be designated at between 2147483648 and 2147483647 (3) Judgment of whether the data is positive or negative is made on the basis of the most significant bit (b31). • 0: Positive • 1: Negative (4) The following will happen when an underflow or overflow is generated in an operation result: The carry flag in this case does not go ON. K2147483647 (7FFFFFFFH) +K2 (00000002H) K 2147483647 (80000001H) K 2147483648 +K 2 K2147483646 (80000000H) (FFFFFFFEH) (7FFFFFFEH) 6-28 Since bit 31 value is "1", result of operation takes a negative value. Since bit 31 value is "0", result of operation takes a positive value. D+(P),D-(P) D(1) Subtracts 32-bit BIN data designated by from 32-bit BIN data designated by S1 stores the result of the subtraction at the device designated by S1 +1 S1 S2 b31 b16 b15 b0 567890 (BIN) (2) The values for (BIN 32 bits). S1 , S2 and D +1 D +1 S2 b31 b16 b15 b0 123456 (BIN) D S2 1 and . 2 D b31 b16 b15 b0 444434 (BIN) can be designated at between 2147483648 and 2147483647 (3) Judgment of whether the data is positive or negative is made on the basis of the most significant bit (b31). 3 4 • 0: Positive • 1: Negative 4 (4) The following will happen when an underflow or overflow is generated in an operation result: The carry flag in this case does not go ON. K 2147483648 K2 K2147483646 (80000000H) (00000002H) (7FFFFFFEH) K2147483647 (7FFFFFFFH) K 2147483647 K 2 (FFFFFFFEH) (80000001H) 6 Since bit 31 value is "0", result of operation takes a positive value. Since bit 31 value is "1", result of operation takes a negative value. 7 8 Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the D+(P) or D-(P) instruction. (1) The following program adds 28-bit data from X10 to X2B to the data at D9 and D10 when X0 goes ON, and outputs the result of the operation to Y30 to Y4B. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (2) The following program subtracts the data from M0 to M23 from the data at D0 and D1 when XB goes ON, and stores the result at D10 and D11. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6-29 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.2 BIN 32-bit addition and subtraction operations (D+(P),D-(P)) Program Example *(P),/(P) 6.2.3 BIN 16-bit multiplication and division operations (*(P),/(P)) *(P),/(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal indicates an instruction symbol of * , / . Command *, / S1 S2 D S1 S2 D Command *P, / P P S1 : Data to be multiplied/divided or head number of the devices where the data to be multiplied/divided is stored S2 : Data for multiplying/dividing or head number of the devices where the data for multiplying/dividing is stored D : Head number of the devices where the multiplication/division operation result will be stored (BIN 32 bits) (BIN 16 bits) (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit Word U Zn \G Constants K, H Other S1 –– S2 –– –– D –– Function * (1) Multiplies BIN 16-bit data designated by S1 and BIN 16-bit data designated by stores the result in the device designated by b15 b0 D b0 1234 (BIN) D b31 b16 b15 b0 7006652 (BIN) is a bit device, designation is made from the lower bits. Example (3) Values for K1.......... Lower 4 bits (b0 to b3) K4.......... Lower 16 bits (b0 to b15) K8.......... 32 bits (b0 to b31) S1 and S2 (4) Judgments whether can be designated between S1 , S2 , and most significant bit (b15 for • 0: Positive • 1: Negative 6-30 D b15 5678 (BIN) , and . S2 S1 (2) If D S2 S1 D , and 32768 and 32767 (BIN, 16 bits). are positive or negative are made on the basis of the S2 , for D and b31). *(P),/(P) / (1) Divides BIN 16-bit data designated by and BIN 16-bit data designated by S1 the result in the device designated by D S1 S2 b0 5678 (BIN) , and stores D b0 b15 1234 (BIN) 2 Remainder D 1 b15 b0 b15 b0 742 (BIN) 4 (BIN) (2) If a word device has been used, the result of the division operation is stored as 32 bits, and both the quotient and remainder are stored; if a bit device has been used, 16 bits are used and only the quotient is stored. Quotient: Stored at the lower 16 bits. Remainder: Stored at the upper 16 bits (Stored only when using a word device). (3) Values for S1 and S2 1 . Quotient b15 S2 can be designated between 3 4 4 32768 and 32767 (BIN 16 bits). (4) Judgment whether values for S1 , S2 , D and D +1 are positive or negative is made on the basis of the most significant bit (b15). (Sign is attached to both the quotient and remainder.) • 0: Positive 6 • 1: Negative 7 Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • Attempt to divide S2 by 0. (Error code: 4100) (1) The following program multiplies "5678" by "1234" in BIN and stores the result at D3 and D4 when X5 turns ON. [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (2) The following program multiplies BIN data at X8 to XF by BIN data at X10 to X1B, and outputs the result of the multiplication to Y30 to Y3F. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Step Device (3) The following program divides, when X3 is turned ON, the data at X8 to XF by 3.14 and outputs the operation result at Y30 to Y3F. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6-31 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.3 BIN 16-bit multiplication and division operations (*(P),/(P)) Program Example [Ladder Mode] 8 D*(P),D/(P) 6.2.4 BIN 32-bit multiplication and division operations (D*(P),D/(P)) D*(P),D/(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal indicates an instruction symbol of D * D/ . Command D* , D/ S1 S2 D S1 S2 D Command D* P,D/P P S1 : Data to be multiplied/divided or head number of the devices where the data to be multiplied/divided is stored S2 : Data for multiplying/dividing or head number of the devices where the data for multiplying/dividing is stored (BIN 32 bits) (BIN 32 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the multiplication/division operation result will be stored (BIN 64 bits) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Constants K, H Zn \G Other S1 –– S2 –– –– D –– Function D* (1) Multiplies BIN 32-bit data designated by S1 and BIN 32-bit data designated by stores the result in the device designated by S1 S1 S2 b31 b16 b15 b0 567890 (BIN) D D S2 b31 b16 b15 b0 123456 (BIN) S2 , and . D D D b63 b48 b47 b32 b31 b16 b15 70109427840 (BIN) b0 (2) If D is a bit device, only the lower 32 bits of the multiplication result will be considered, and the upper 32 bits cannot be designated. Example K1.......... Lower 4 bits (b0 to b3) K4.......... Lower 16 bits (b0 to b15) K8.......... Lower 32 bits (b0 to b31) If the upper 32 bits of the bit device are required for the result of the multiplication operation, first temporarily store the data in a word device, then transfer the word device data to the bit device by designating ( (3) The values for (BIN 32 bits). S1 and (4) Judgments whether S1 D S2 , +2) and ( • 1: Negative 6-32 +3) data. can be designated at between S2 , and most significant bit (b31 for • 0: Positive D S1 D and 2147483648 and 2147483647 are positive or negative are made on the basis of the S2 , b63 for D ). D*(P),D/(P) D/ (1) Divides BIN 32-bit data designated by the result in the device designated by S1 S1 S2 b31 b16 b15 b0 567890 (BIN) and BIN 32-bit data designated by S1 D S2 , and stores . D S2 b31 b16 b15 b0 123456 (BIN) D b31 b16 b15 4 (BIN) D 2 D b0 b31 b16 b15 b0 74066 (BIN) (2) With a word device, the division operation result is stored in 64 bits and both the quotient and remainder are stored. With a bit device, only the quotient is stored as the operation result in 32 bits. Quotient : Remainder : (3) The values for (BIN 32 bits). Stored at the lower 32 bits. Stored at the upper 32 bits (Stored only when using a word device). S1 and S2 can be designated at between (4) Judgment whether values for S1 , S2 , basis of the most significant bit (b31). D 1 and D 2147483648 and 2147483647 +2 are positive or negative is made on the 3 4 4 6 (Sign is attached to both the quotient and remainder.) • 0: Positive 7 • 1: Negative 8 Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) is turned ON, and the corresponding error code is stored into SD0. S2 by 0. (Error code: 4100) Program Example (1) The following program multiplies the BIN data at D7 and D8 by the BIN data at D18 and D19 when X5 is ON, and stores the result at D1 to D4. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Step Device (2) The following program outputs the value resulting when the data at X8 to XF is multiplied by 3.14 to Y30 to Y3F when X3 is ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6-33 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.4 BIN 32-bit multiplication and division operations (D*(P),D/(P)) • Attempt to divide B+(P),B-(P) 6.2.5 BCD 4-digit addition and subtraction operations (B+(P),B-(P)) B+(P),B-(P) B+(P), B-(P) High performance Basic When two data are set ( D + S D , D - D S Process Redundant Universal ) indicates an instruction symbol of B+/B . Command B+, B S D S D Command B+P, B P P S : Data for adding/subtracting or head number of the devices where the data for adding/subtracting is stored D : Head number of the devices where the data to be added to/subtracted from is stored (BCD 4 digits) (BCD 4 digits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Constants K, H Zn \G Other –– S –– D –– Function B+ (1) Adds the BCD 4-digit data designated by and the BCD 4-digit data designated by D stores the result of the addition at the device designated by D 5 6 D S 7 8 1 2 S , and . D 3 (2) 0 to 9999 (BCD 4 digits) can be assigned to 4 6 and S D 9 1 2 . (3) If the result of the addition operation exceeds 9999, the higher bits are ignored. The carry flag in this case does not go ON. 6 4 3 2 3 5 8 3 0 0 1 5 B(1) Subtracts the BCD 4-digit data designated by and the BCD 4-digit data designated by S and stores the result of the subtraction at the device designated by D 0 6 D S 7 8 0 2 D 3 4 0 4 4 4 Digits exceeding the designated number of digits are assumed to be 0. (2) 0 to 9999 (BCD 4 digits) can be assigned to 6-34 S and D . . D , B+(P), B-(P) (3) The following will result if an underflow is generated by the subtraction operation: The carry flag in this case does not go ON. 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 9 9 9 8 2 Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The S or D BCD data is outside the 0 to 9999 range. 3 (Error code: 4100) 4 Program Example (1) The following program adds BCD data 5678 and 1234, stores it at D993, and at the same time outputs it to from Y30 to Y3F. [Ladder Mode] 4 6 Stores 5678 in BCD to D993. 7 Adds 1234 in BCD to the value at D993, and stores the result to D993. Outputs the data in D993 to Y30 to Y3F. 8 [List Mode] Instruction Device (2) The following program subtracts the BCD data 4321 from 7654, stores the result at D10, and at the same time outputs it to Y30 to Y3F. [Ladder Mode] Stores 7654 in BCD to D10. Subtracts the value in D10 from 4321 in BCD, and stores the result to D10. Outputs the data in D10 to Y30 to Y3F. [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6-35 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.5 BCD 4-digit addition and subtraction operations (B+(P),B-(P)) Step B+(P), B-(P) When three data are set ( S1 + S2 D , S1 - S2 ) D indicates an instruction symbol of B+/B- . Command B+, B- S1 S2 D S1 S2 D Command B+P,B-P P S1 : Data to be added to/subtracted from or head number of the devices where the data to be added S2 : Data for adding/subtracting or head number of the devices where the data for adding/subtracting is stored D : Head number of the devices where the addition/subtraction operation result will be stored (BCD 4 digits) to/subtracted from is stored (BCD 4 digits) (BCD 4 digits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Constants K, H Zn \G Other S1 –– S2 –– –– D –– Function B+ (1) Adds the BCD 4-digit data designated by and the BCD 4-digit data designated by S1 stores the result of the addition at the device designated by 6 7 8 1 2 , and . D S2 S1 5 D S2 3 (2) 0 to 9999 (BCD 4 digits) can be assigned to 4 S1 , 6 S2 and D 9 1 2 . (3) If the result of the addition operation exceeds 9999, the higher bits are ignored. The carry flag in this case does not go ON. 6 4 3 2 3 5 8 3 0 0 1 5 B(1) Subtracts the BCD 4-digit data designated by S1 and the BCD 4-digit data designated by and stores the result of the subtraction at the device designated by 0 6 D S2 S1 7 8 0 2 D 3 0 4 4 4 4 Digits exceeding the designated number of digits are assumed to be 0. (2) 0 to 9999 (BCD 4 digits) can be assigned to 6-36 S1 , S2 and D . . S2 , B+(P), B-(P) (3) The following will result if an underflow is generated by the subtraction operation: The carry flag in this case does not go ON. 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 9 9 9 8 2 Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The S1 , S2 D or BCD data is outside the 0 to 9999 range. 3 (Error code: 4100) 4 Program Example (1) The following program adds the D3 BCD data and the Z1 BCD data when X20 goes ON, and outputs the result to Y8 to Y17. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 4 6 Instruction Device 7 (2) The following program subtracts the BCD data at D20 from the BCD data at D10 when X20 goes ON, and stores the result at R10. [Ladder Mode] 8 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.5 BCD 4-digit addition and subtraction operations (B+(P),B-(P)) 6-37 DB+(P),DB-(P) 6.2.6 BCD 8-digit addition and subtraction operations (DB+(P),DB-(P)) DB+(P),DB-(P) High performance Basic When two data are set (( D +1, D )+( S +1, S ) ( D +1, D ), ( D +1, Process Redundant Universal )-( D S +1, S ) ( D +1, )) D indicates an instruction symbol of DB+/DB- . Command DB+, DB- S D S D Command DB+P. DB-P Setting Data P S : Data for adding/subtracting or head number of the devices where the data for adding/subtracting is stored (BCD 8 digits) D : Head number of the devices where the data to be added to/subtracted from is stored (BCD 8 digits) Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Constants K, H Zn \G Other –– S –– D –– Function DB+ (1) Adds the BCD 8-digit data designated by D and the BCD 8-digit data designated by stores the result of the addition at the device designated by D D S S D D S , and . D (Upper 4 digits)(Lower 4 digits) (Upper 4 digits)(Lower 4 digits) (Upper 4 digits)(Lower 4 digits) 0 9 8 7 1 0 6 8 0 0 3 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 1 9 4 5 2 4 Digits exceeding the designated number of digits are assumed to be 0. (2) 0 to 99999999 (BCD 8 digits) can be assigned to S and D . (3) If the result of the addition operation exceeds 99999999, the upper bits will be ignored. The carry flag in this case does not go ON. 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 DB(1) Subtracts the BCD 8-digit data designated by D and the BCD 8-digit data designated by and stores the result of the subtraction at the device designated by D +1 D S +1 S D +1 D (Upper 4 digits) (Lower 4 digits) (Upper 4 digits) (Lower 4 digits) (Upper 4 digits) (Lower 4 digits) 0 9 8 7 1 0 6 8 0 0 3 2 3 4 5 6 0 9 5 4 7 6 1 2 Digits exceeding the designated number of digits are assumed to be 0. 6-38 D . S , DB+(P),DB-(P) (2) 0 to 99999999 (BCD 8 digits) can be assigned to S and D . (3) The following will result if an underflow is generated by the subtraction operation: The carry flag in this case does not go ON. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 2 Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The S or D BCD data is outside the 0 to 99999999 range. (Error code: 4100) Program Example 3 4 4 (1) The following program adds the BCD data 12345600 and 34567000, stores the result at D887 and D888, and at the same time outputs them to from Y30 to Y4F. [Ladder Mode] 6 Stores 12345600 in BCD to D887 and D888. 7 Adds 34567000 in BCD to the value in D887 and D888, and stores the result to D887 and D888. Outputs the data in D887 and D888 to Y30 to Y4F. 8 [List Mode] Instruction Device (2) The following program subtracts the BCD data 98765432 from 12345678, stores the result at D100 and D101, and at the same time outputs it from Y30 to Y4F. [Ladder Mode] Stores 98765432 in BCD to D100 and D101. Subtracts the value in D100 and D101 from 12345678 in BCD, and stores the result to D100 and D101. Outputs the data in D100 and D101 to T30 to Y4F. [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6-39 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.6 BCD 8-digit addition and subtraction operations (DB+(P),DB-(P)) Step DB+(P),DB-(P) When three data are set (( S1 +1, S1 )+( S2 +1, S2 ) ( D +1, D ), ( S1 +1, S1 )-( S2 +1, S2 ) ( D +1, indicates an instruction symbol of DB+/ DB D )) . Command DB+, DB- S1 S2 D S1 S2 D Command DB+P, DB-P P S1 : Data to be added to/subtracted from or head number of the devices where the data to be added S2 : Data for adding/subtracting or head number of the devices where the data for adding/subtracting is stored to/subtracted from is stored (BCD 8 digits) (BCD 8 digits) : Head number of the devices where the addition/subtraction operation result is stored (BCD 8 digits) D Setting Data Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word J \ Bit U Word Zn \G Constants K, H Other S1 –– S2 –– –– D –– Function DB+ (1) Adds the BCD 8-digit data designated by S1 and the BCD 8-digit data designated by stores the result of the addition at the device designated by S1 +1 S1 S2 +1 S2 D , and . D +1 D (Upper 4 digits) (Lower 4 digits) (Upper 4 digits) (Lower 4 digits) (Upper 4 digits) (Lower 4 digits) 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 8 0 2 3 6 9 0 + S2 Digits exceeding the designated number of digits are assumed to be 0. (2) 0 to 99999999 (BCD 8 digits) can be assigned to S1 , S2 and D . (3) If the result of the addition operation exceeds 99999999, the upper bits will be ignored. The carry flag in this case does not go ON. 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 6-40 0 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 DB+(P),DB-(P) DB(1) Subtracts the BCD 8-digit data designated by S1 and the BCD 8-digit data designated by and stores the result of the subtraction at the device designated by S1 +1 S1 (Upper 4 digits) (Lower 4 digits) 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 S2 +1 D +1 S2 (Upper 4 digits) (Lower 4 digits) S2 , . D 2 D (Upper 4 digits) (Lower 4 digits) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 6 3 Digits exceeding the designated number of digits are assumed to be 0. (2) 0 to 99999999 (BCD 8 digits) can be assigned to 1 S1 , S2 and D . 4 (3) The following will result if an underflow is generated by the subtraction operation: The carry flag in this case does not go ON. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Operation Error 6 (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The S1 , S2 D or BCD data is outside the 0 to 99999999 range. (Error code: 4100) Program Example 7 8 (1) The following program adds the BCD data at D3 and D4 to the BCD data at Z1 and Z2 when X20 goes ON, and stores the result at R10 and R11. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.6 BCD 8-digit addition and subtraction operations (DB+(P),DB-(P)) Step Device 6-41 B*(P),B/(P) 6.2.7 BCD 4-digit multiplication and division operations (B*(P),B/(P)) B*(P),B/(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal indicates an instruction symbol of B * ,B/ . Command B * , B/ S1 S2 D S1 S2 D Command B * P, B/P P S1 : Data to be multiplied/divided or head number of the devices where the data to be multiplied/divided is stored (BCD 4 digits) S2 : Data for multiplying/dividing or head number of the devices where the data for multiplying/dividing is stored (BCD 4 digits) D : Head number of the devices where the multiplication/division operation result will be stored (BCD 8 digits) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Constants K, H Zn \G Other S1 –– S2 –– –– D –– Function B* (1) Multiplies BCD data designated by in the device designated by D 6 and BCD data designated by D +1 (Upper 4 digits) S2 7 8 S2 , and stores the result . S1 5 S1 0 8 7 6 (2) 0 to 9999 (BCD 4 digits) can be assigned to 0 and S1 9 4 S2 D (Lower 4 digits) 7 3 9 8 2 . B/ (1) Divides BCD data designated by the device designated by D 6 and BCD data designated by S2 7 8 / 0 S2 , and stores the result in . S1 5 S1 8 D (Quotient) 7 6 0 0 0 6 D +1 (Remainder) 0 4 2 2 Digits exceeding the designated number of digits are assumed to be 0. (2) Uses 32 bits to store the result of the division as quotient and remainder Quotient (BCD 4 digits) :Stored at the lower 16 bits. Remainder (BCD 4 digits) :Stored at the upper 16 bits. (3) If 6-42 D has been designated as a bit device, the remainder of the operation will not be stored. B*(P),B/(P) Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The or S1 S2 BCD data is outside the 0 to 9999 range. • Attempt to divide (Error code: 4100) by 0. S2 (Error code: 4100) 2 3 Program Example (1) The following program multiplies, when X20 is turned ON, the BCD data at X0 to XF by the BCD data at D8 and stores the operation result at D0 to D1. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] 4 Device Instruction Step 4 6 [Operation] D8 XF 9 7 5 X0 3 8 6 4 2 8 4 Multiplier Multiplicand 7 D1 (Upper 4 digits) D0 (Lower 4 digits) 2 8 5 4 2 6 Multiplication result (2) The following program divides 5678 by the BCD data 1234, stores the result at D502 and D503, and at the same time outputs the quotient to Y30 to Y3F. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Device Instruction Step 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.7 BCD 4-digit multiplication and division operations (B*(P),B/(P)) [Operation] D502 5 6 7 8 8 / 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 D503 4 0 0 Y30 4 Quotient Y3F 0 0 7 4 2 Remainder Quotient 6-43 DB*(P),DB/(P) 6.2.8 BCD 8-digit multiplication and division operations (DB*(P),DB/(P)) DB*(P),DB/(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal indicates an instruction symbol of DB * ,DB/ . Command DB * , DB/ S1 S2 D S1 S2 D Command DB * P, DB/P P S1 : Data to be multiplied/divided or head number of the devices where the data to be multiplied/divided is stored (BCD 8 digits) S2 : Data for multiplying/dividing or head number of the devices where the data for multiplying/dividing is stored (BCD 8 digits) D : Head number of the devices where the multiplication/division operation result will be stored (BCD 16 digits) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Constants K, H Zn \G Other S1 –– S2 –– –– D –– Function DB* (1) Multiplies the BCD 8-digit data designated by S1 and the BCD 8-digit data designated by and stores the product at the device designated by D . S1 9 9 S1 +1 9 9 9 9 S2 9 9 9 9 9 9 S2 9 9 D +2 D +3 9 9 +1 9 9 9 9 S2 9 9 9 D +1 8 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 1 (2) If D has designated a bit device, the lower 8 digits (lower 32 bits) will be used for the product, and the higher 8 digits (upper 32 bits) cannot be designated. K1 ....Lower 1 digit (b0 to 3), K4 ....Lower 4 digits (b0 to 15), K8.....Lower 8 digits (b0 to 31) (3) 0 to 99999999 (BCD 8 digits) can be assigned to S1 and S2 . DB/ (1) Divides 8-digit BCD data designated by S1 and 8-digit BCD data designated by stores the result in the device designated by D . S1 +1 5 6 7 8 Quotient 6-44 S2 +1 S1 9 1 2 3 / 0 1 2 S2 3 4 5 6 7 D +1 (Upper 4 digits) Digits exceeding the designated number of digits are assumed to be 0 D D +3 D +2 (Lower 4 digits) Remainder (Upper 4 digits) (Lower 4 digits) 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 0 1 2 3 3 6 0 8 S2 , and , DB*(P),DB/(P) (2) 64 bits are used for the result of the division operation, and stored as quotient and remainder. 1 Quotient (BCD 8 digits) :Stored at the lower 32 bits. Remainder (BCD 8 digits) :Stored at the upper 32 bits. (3) If D has been designated as a bit device, the remainder of the operation will not be stored. Operation Error 3 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The S1 2 or S2 BCD data is outside the 0 to 99999999 range. • Attempt to divide (Error code: 4100) by 0. S2 (Error code: 4100) 4 4 Program Example (1) The following program multiplies the BCD data 67347125 and 573682, stores the result from D502 to D505, and at the same time outputs the upper 8 digits to Y30 to Y4F. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] 7 Device Instruction Step 6 8 [Operation] 0 0 5 7 3 6 8 2 Multiplicand Multiplier D504 D503 D502 0 0 3 9 2 0 9 5 1 5 3 6 4 2 5 0 Y4F Y30 0 0 3 9 2 0 9 5 (2) The following program divides the BCD data from X20 to X3F by the BCD data at D8 and D9 when X0B goes ON, and stores the result from D765 to D768. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Device Instruction Step [Operation] D9 (Upper 4 digits) D8 (Lower 4 digits) X3F 9 9 8 6 4 3 2 X20 1 / 5 1 2 6 3 7 4 8 Divisor Dividend D766 (Upper 4 digits) 0 0 0 0 D765 (Lower 4 digits) 0 Quotient 0 0 6 D768 (Upper 4 digits) 0 8 2 8 D767 (Lower 4 digits) 1 8 3 3 Remainder 6-45 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.8 BCD 8-digit multiplication and division operations (DB*(P),DB/(P)) 6 8 3 4 7 1 2 5 D505 E+(P),E-(P) 6.2.9 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Single precision) (E+(P),E-(P)) E+(P),E-(P) Ver. High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal Basic model QCPU: The upper five digits of the serial No. are "04122" or larger. When two data are set (( D +1, D )+( S +1, S ) ( D +1, D ), ( D +1, D )-( S +1, S ) ( D +1, D )) indicates an instruction symbol of E+/E- . Command E+, E- S D S D Command E+P, E-P P S : Data for adding/subtracting or head number of the devices where the data for adding/subtracting is stored D : Head number of the devices where the data to be added to/subtracted from is stored (real number) (real number) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit Word U \G Constants E Zn S –– –– –– D –– –– –– Other –– –– –– *1:Available only in multiple Universal model QCPU Function E+ (1) Adds the 32-bit floating decimal point type real number designated at floating decimal point type real number designated at designated at D S D and the 32-bit , and stores the sum in the device . D +1 D S +1 S D +1 D + 32-bit floating-point real number 32-bit floating-point real number (2) Values which can be designated at 0, 2-126 S and D 32-bit floating-point real number and which can be stored, are as follows: | Designated value (stored value) | < 2128 E(1) Subtracts a 32-bit floating decimal point type real number designated by D and a 32-bit floating decimal point type real number designated by S , and stores the result at a device designated by D . D +1 D 32-bit floating-point real number 6-46 S +1 S 32-bit floating-point real number D +1 D 32-bit floating-point real number E+(P),E-(P) (2) Values which can be designated at 0, 2-126 S and D and which can be stored, are as follows: | Designated value (stored value) | < 2128 1 Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. 2 • The contents of the designated device or the result of the addition are not "0", or not within the following range: (Error code: 4100) 3 0, 2-126 | Contents of designated device | < 2128 (For the Basic model QCPU, High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Redundant CPU) (Error code: 4100) 4 • The value of the specified device is 0.*2 (For the Basic model QCPU, High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Redundant CPU) (Error code: 4100) *2: There are CPU modules that will not result in an operation error if Refer to Section 3.2.4 for details. 0 is specified. 6 • The result of addition and subtraction exceeds the following range. (The overflow occurs.) (For the Universal model QCPU only) 2128 | Result of addition and subtraction | 4 (Error code: 4141) • The value of the specified device is 0, unnormalized number, nonnumeric, and ± . (For the Universal model QCPU only) (Error code: 4140) 7 8 Program Example [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Step Device [Operation] D4 D3 5961.437 D11 D10 12003.200 D4 D3 17964.637 (2) The following program subtracts the 32-bit floating decimal point type real number at D10 and D11 from the 32-bit floating decimal point type real numbers at D20 and D21, and stores the result of the subtraction at D20 and D21. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] D21 D20 97365.203 D11 D10 76059.797 D21 D20 21305.406 6-47 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.9 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Single precision) (E+(P),E-(P)) (1) The following program adds the 32-bit floating decimal point type real numbers at D3 and D4 and the 32-bit floating decimal point type real numbers at D10 and D11 when X20 goes ON, and stores the result at D3 and D4. E+(P),E-(P) When three data are set (( S1 +1, S1 )+( S2 +1, S2 ) ( D +1, ), ( S1 +1, S1 )-( S2 +1, S2 ) ( D +1, D D indicates an instruction symbol of E+/E-. Command E+, E- S1 S2 D S1 S2 D Command E+P, E-P P S1 : Data to be added to/subtracted from or head number of the devices where the data to be added S2 : Data for adding/subtracting or head number of the devices where the data for adding/subtracting is stored D : Head number of the devices where the addition/subtraction operation result is stored (real number) to/subtracted from is stored (real number) (real number) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word \G Constants E Zn Other S1 –– –– –– –– S2 –– –– –– –– D –– –– –– –– –– *1:Available only in multiple Universal model QCPU Function E+ (1) Adds the 32-bit floating decimal point type real number designated at floating decimal point type real number designated at designated at D S2 S1 and the 32-bit , and stores the sum in the device . S1 +1 S2 +1 S1 D +1 S2 D + 32-bit floating-point real number 32-bit floating-point real number (2) Values which can be designated at 0, 2-126 S1 , S2 and D 32-bit floating-point real number and which can be stored, are as follows: | Designated value (stored value) | < 2128 E(1) Subtracts a 32-bit floating decimal point type real number designated by floating decimal point type real number designated by designated by D S1 +1 S2 +1 S1 , and stores the result at a device D +1 S2 32-bit floating-point real number (2) Values which can be designated at 6-48 and a 32-bit . 32-bit floating-point real number 0, 2-126 S2 S1 S1 and S2 and D 32-bit floating-point real number D | Designated value (stored value) | < 2128 which can be stored, are as follows: )) E+(P),E-(P) Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The contents of the designated device or the result of the addition are not "0", or not within the following range: 0, 2-126 | Contents of designated device | < 2128 (For the Basic model QCPU, High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Redundant CPU) (Error code: 4100) • The value of the specified device is 0.*2 (For the Basic model QCPU, High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Redundant CPU) (Error code: 4100) *2: There are CPU modules that will not result in an operation error if Refer to Section 3.2.4 for details. | Result of addition and subtraction | 3 4 4 0 is specified. • The result of addition and subtraction exceeds the following range. (The overflow occurs.) (For the Universal model QCPU only) 2128 2 6 (Error code: 4141) • The value of the specified device is 0, unnormalized number, nonnumeric, and ± . (For the Universal model QCPU only) (Error code: 4140) 7 8 Program Example (1) The following program adds the 32-bit floating decimal point type real numbers at D3 and D4 and the 32-bit floating decimal point type real numbers at D10 and D11 when X20 goes ON, and outputs the result to R0 and R1. [List Mode] Instruction Step Device [Operation] D4 D3 5961.437 D11 D10 12003.200 R1 R0 17964.637 (2) The following programs subtracts the 32-bit floating decimal point type real numbers at D20 and D21 from the 32-bit floating decimal point type real numbers at D11 and D10, and stores the result at D30 and D31. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] D11 D10 97365.203 D21 D20 76059.797 D31 D30 21305.406 6-49 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.9 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Single precision) (E+(P),E-(P)) [Ladder Mode] ED+(P),ED-(P) 6.2.10 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Double precision) (ED+(P),ED-(P)) ED+(P),ED-(P) Basic When two data are set (( ( +3, D D +2, D +1, D )-( D S +3, +3, D S +2, +2, D S +1, +1, Process Redundant Universal )+( S +3, S +2, S +1, S ) ( ) ( D +3, D +2, D +1, D S High performance D D +3, D +2, D +1, D ), )) indicates an instruction symbol of ED+/ED-. Command ED+, ED- S D S D Command ED+P, ED-P P S : Data for adding/subtracting or head number of the devices where the data for adding/subtracting is stored D : Head number of the devices where the data to be added to/subtracted from is stored (real number) (real number) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR Bit \ Word U S –– –– D –– –– \G Constants E Zn Other –– –– –– Function ED+ (1) Adds the 64-bit floating decimal point type real number designated at floating decimal point type real number designated at designated at D 64-bit floating-point real number D S +3 S +2 S +1 S 64-bit floating-point real number (2) Values which can be designated at 6-50 and the 64-bit , and stores the sum in the device . D +3 D +2 D +1 0, 2-1022 S D S and D D +3 D +2 D +1 D 64-bit floating-point real number and which can be stored, are as follows: | Designated value (stored value) | < 21024 ED+(P),ED-(P) ED(1) Subtracts a 64-bit floating decimal point type real number designated by floating decimal point type real number designated by designated by D and a 64-bit 1 , and stores the result at a device . D +3 D +2 D +1 2 D 64-bit floating-point real number S +3 S +2 S +1 D +3 D +2 D +1 S 64-bit floating-point real number (2) Values which can be designated at 0, 2-1022 S D S and D D 3 64-bit floating-point real number and which can be stored, are as follows: 4 | Designated value (stored value) | < 21024 4 Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The contents of the designated device or the result of the addition are not "0", or not within the following range: (Error code: 4140) 0, 2-1022 | Contents of designated device | < 21024 • The value of the designated device is 0. | Result of operation | [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] D4 D3 5961.437 D13 D12 D11 D10 12003.200 D6 D5 D4 D3 17964.637 (2) The following program subtracts the 64-bit floating decimal point type real number at D10 to D13 from the 64-bit floating decimal point type real numbers at D20 to D23, and stores the result of the subtraction at D20 to D23. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] D23 D22 D21 D20 D13 D12 D11 D10 D23 D22 D21 D20 97365.203 76059.797 21305.406 6-51 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.10 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Double precision) (ED+(P),ED-(P)) (1) The following program adds the 64-bit floating decimal point type real numbers at D3 to D6 and the 64-bit floating decimal point type real numbers at D10 to D13 when X20 goes ON, and stores the result at D3 to D6. D6 D5 8 (Error code: 4141) Program Example [Ladder Mode] 7 (Error code: 4140) • The result of addition/subtraction exceeds the following range (Operation results in an overflow): 21024 6 ED+(P),ED-(P) When three data are set(( S1 +3, S1 +2, S1 +1, S1 )+( S2 +3, S2 +2, S2 +1, S2 ) ( ( S1 +3, S1 +2, S1 +1, S1 )-( S2 +3, S2 +2, S2 +1, S2 ) ( D +3, +2, D D +1, D D +3, D +2, D +1, D ), )) indicates an instruction symbol of ED+/ED-. Command ED+, ED- S1 S2 D S1 S2 D Command ED+P, ED-P Setting Data P S1 : Data to be added to/subtracted from or head number of the devices where the data to be added to/subtracted from is stored (real number) S2 : Data for adding/subtracting or head number of the devices where the data for adding/subtracting is stored (real number) D : Head number of the devices where the addition/subtraction operation result is stored (real number) Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word J \ Bit U Word Constants E Zn \G Other S1 –– –– –– S2 –– –– –– D –– –– –– –– Function ED+ (1) Adds the 64-bit floating decimal point type real number designated at floating decimal point type real number designated at designated at S1 +3 D S2 S1 and the 64-bit , and stores the sum in the device . S1 +2 S1 +1 S2 +3 S1 S2 +2 S2 +1 D +3 S2 D +2 D +1 D + 64-bit floating-point real number 64-bit floating-point real number (2) Values which can be designated at 0, 2-1022 S1 , S2 64-bit floating-point real number and D and which can be stored, are as follows: | Designated value (stored value) | < 21024 ED(1) Subtracts a 64-bit floating decimal point type real number designated by floating decimal point type real number designated by designated by S1 +3 S1 +2 D S1 +1 S1 S2 +3 S2 +2 S2 +1 D +3 D +2 D +1 S2 64-bit floating-point real number (2) Values which can be designated at 6-52 S1 and a 64-bit , and stores the result at a device . 64-bit floating-point real number 0, 2-1022 S2 S1 and S2 D 64-bit floating-point real number and D which can be stored, are as follows: | Designated value (stored value) | < 21024 ED+(P),ED-(P) Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The contents of the designated device or the result of the addition are not "0", or not within the following range: (Error code: 4140) 0, 2-1022 | Contents of designated device | < 21024 • The value of the specified device is 0. (Error code: 4140) • The result of addition/subtraction exceeds the following range (Operation results in an overflow): 21024 | Result of operation | 2 3 4 (Error code: 4141) 4 Program Example (1) The following program adds the 64-bit floating decimal point type real numbers at D3 to D6 and the 64-bit floating decimal point type real numbers at D10 to D13 when X20 goes ON, and outputs the result at R0 to R3. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] 7 Device Instruction Step 6 8 [Operation] D6 D5 D4 D3 D13 D12 D11 D10 R3 R2 12003.200 R1 R0 17964.637 (2) The following programs subtracts the 64-bit floating decimal point type real numbers at D20 to D23 from the 64-bit floating decimal point type real numbers at D10 to D13, and stores the result at D30 to D33. [Ladder Mode] SM 400 [List Mode] 10 20 30 Step Device Instruction SM 400 20 30 [Operation] D13 D12 D11 D10 D23 D22 D21 D20 D33 D32 D31 D30 97365.203 76059.797 21305.406 6-53 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.10 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Double precision) (ED+(P),ED-(P)) 5961.437 E*(P),E/(P) 6.2.11 Multiplication and division of floating decimal point data (Single precision) (E*(P),E/(P)) E*(P),E/(P) Ver. Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Basic model QCPU: The upper five digits of the serial No. are "04122" or larger. indicates an instruction symbol of E* , E/ . Command E* , E/ S1 S2 D S1 S2 D Command E* P, E/P P Setting Data S1 : Data to be multiplied/divided or head number of the devices where the data to be multiplied/divided is stored (real number) S2 : Data for multiplying/dividing or head number of the devices where the data for multiplying/dividing is stored (real number) D : Head number of the devices where the multiplication/division operation result will be stored (real number) Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word J \ Bit U Word Constants E Zn \G Other S1 –– –– –– *1 –– S2 –– –– –– *1 –– D –– –– –– *1 –– *1:Available only in multiple Universal model QCPU Function E* (1) Multiplies the 32-bit floating decimal point real number designated by floating decimal point real number designated by device designated by S1 +1 D by the 32-bit and stores the operation result at the . S2 +1 S1 32-bit floating-point real number D +1 S2 32-bit floating-point real number (2) Values which can be designated at 0, 2-126 S2 S1 S1 , S2 and D D 32-bit floating-point real number and which can be stored, are as follows: | Designated value (stored value) | < 2128 E/ (1) Divides the 32-bit floating decimal point real number designated by decimal point real number designated by designated by D S2 S1 and stores the operation result at the device . S1 +1 S2 +1 S1 S2 D +1 D / 32-bit floating-point real number 6-54 by the 32-bit floating 32-bit floating-point real number 32-bit floating-point real number E*(P),E/(P) (2) Values which can be designated at 0, 2-126 S1 , S2 and D and which can be stored, are as follows: 1 | Designated value (stored value) | < 2128 Operation Error 2 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The value of the specified device or the result of multiplication is not within the following range: 0, 2-126 | Contents of designated device | < 2128 (For the Basic model QCPU, High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Redundant CPU) (Error code: 4100) • The value of the designated device is 0.*2 (For the Basic model QCPU, High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Redundant CPU) (Error code: 4100) • The result of multiplication and division exceeds the following range. (The overflow occurs.)(For the Universal model QCPU only) | Result of addition and subtraction | 4 4 6 *2: There are CPU modules that will not result in an operation error if -0 is specified. Refer to Section 3.2.4 for details. 2128 3 (Error code: 4141) • The value of the specified device is 0, unnormalized number, nonnumeric, and ± . (For the Universal model QCPU only) (Error code: 4140) 7 8 Program Example [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Step Device [Operation] D3 D4 36.7896 D11 D10 11.9278 R1 R0 438.8190 (2) The following program divides the 32-bit floating decimal point real numbers at D10 and D11 by the 32-bit floating decimal point real numbers at D20 and D21, and stores the result at D30 and D31. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] D11 D10 52171.39 D21 D20 9.73521 D31 D30 5359.041 6-55 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.11 Multiplication and division of floating decimal point data (Single precision) (E*(P),E/(P)) (1) The following program multiplies the 32-bit floating decimal point real numbers at D3 and D4 and the 32-bit floating decimal point real numbers at D10 and D11, and stores the result at R0 and R1. ED*(P),ED/(P) 6.2.12 Multiplication and division of floating decimal point data (Double precision) (ED*(P),ED/(P)) ED*(P),ED/(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal indicates an instruction symbol of ED*, ED/. Command ED*, ED/ S1 S2 D S1 S2 D Command ED* P, ED/P P : Data to be multiplied/divided or head number of the devices where the data to be multiplied/divided is stored S1 (real number) : Data for multiplying/dividing or head number of the devices where the data for multiplying/dividing is stored S2 (real number) : Head number of the devices where the multiplication/division operation result will be stored (real number) D Internal Devices Setting Data Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit Word U \G Zn Constants E Other S1 –– –– –– S2 –– –– –– D –– –– –– –– Function ED* (1) Multiplies the 64-bit floating decimal point real number designated by S1 by the 64-bit floating decimal point real number designated by S2 and stores the operation result at the device designated by D . S1 +3 S1 +2 S1 +1 64-bit floating-point real number S1 S2 +3 S2 +1 D +3 D +2 D +1 S2 64-bit floating-point real number (2) Values which can be designated at 0, 2-1022 S2 +2 S1 , S2 and D 64-bit floating-point real number D and which can be stored, are as follows: | Designated value (stored value) | < 21024 (3) When the operation results in -0 or an underflow, the result is processed as 0. 6-56 ED*(P),ED/(P) ED/ (1) Divides the 64-bit floating decimal point real number designated by S1 by the 64-bit floating decimal point real number designated by S2 and stores the operation result at the device designated by D . S1 +3 S1 +2 S1 +1 64-bit floating-point real number S1 S2 +3 S2 D +3 D +2 D +1 64-bit floating-point real number (2) Values which can be designated at 0, 2-1022 S2 +1 S2 +2 S1 , S2 and D 64-bit floating-point real number D 1 2 3 and which can be stored, are as follows: 4 | Designated value (stored value) | < 21024 (3) When the operation results in -0 or an underflow, the result is processed as 0. 4 Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The value of the specified device or the result of multiplication is not within the following range: (Error code: 4140) 0, 2-1022 | Contents of designated device | < 21024 • The value of the designated device is • The value of S2 0. (Error code: 4140) at division operation is 0. (Error code: 4100) 6 7 8 • The result of multiplication/division exceeds the following range (Operation results in an overflow): 21024 | Result of operation | (Error code: 4141) (1) The following program multiplies the 64-bit floating decimal point real numbers at D3 to D6 and the 64-bit floating decimal point real numbers at D10 to D13, and stores the result at R0 to R3. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] D6 D5 D4 D3 36.7896 D13 D12 D11 D10 11.9278 R3 R2 R1 R0 438.8190 6-57 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.12 Multiplication and division of floating decimal point data (Double precision) (ED*(P),ED/(P)) Program Example ED*(P),ED/(P) (2) The following program divides the 64-bit floating decimal point real numbers at D10 to D13 by the 64-bit floating decimal point real numbers at D20 to D23, and stores the result at D30 to D33. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction [Operation] D13 D12 D11 D10 52171.39 6-58 D23 D22 D21 D20 9.73521 D33 D32 D31 D30 5359.041 Device BK+(P),BK-(P) 6.2.13 Block addition and subtraction (BK+(P),BK-(P)) 1 BK+(P),BK-(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 indicates an instruction symbol of BK+, BK- . Command BK+, BK- S1 S2 D n S2 S2 D n 4 Command BK+P, BK-P P 4 S1 : Head number of the devices where the data to be added to/subtracted from is stored (BIN 16 bits) S2 : Data for additing/subtracting or head number of the devices where the data for additing/subtracting is stored (BIN 16 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the operation result will be stored (BIN 16 bits) 7 n : Number of addition/subtraction data blocks (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word J \ Bit U Word S1 –– –– S2 –– –– D –– –– Zn \G Constants $ Other –– –– –– –– –– BK+ (1) Adds n points of BIN data from the device designated by the device designated by S1 +2 S1 +(n 2) S1 +(n 1) S2 S1 and n-points of BIN data from and stores the result from the device designated by b15 b0 1234 (BIN) 4567 (BIN) 2000 (BIN) S2 S2 +1 S2 +2 n 1234 (BIN) 4000 (BIN) b15 b0 4000 (BIN) 1234 (BIN) 1234 (BIN) S2 +(n 2) S2 +(n 1) 5000 (BIN) 4321 (BIN) n D D +1 D +2 D b15 b0 5234 (BIN) 5801 (BIN) 3234 (BIN) D +(n 2) D +(n 1) onward. n 3766 (BIN) 8321 (BIN) (2) Block addition is performed in 16-bit units. (3) The constant designated by S1 S1 +1 S1 +2 S1 +(n 2) S1 +(n 1) b15 b0 1234 (BIN) 4567 (BIN) 2000 (BIN) n 1234 (BIN) 4000 (BIN) S2 can be between S2 32768 and 32767 (BIN 16-bit data). b15 b0 4321 (BIN) D D +1 D +2 b15 b0 5555 (BIN) 8888 (BIN) 2321 (BIN) D +(n 2) D +(n 1) n 3087 (BIN) 8321 (BIN) 6-59 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.13 Block addition and subtraction (BK+(P),BK-(P)) Function S1 +1 8 –– n S1 6 BK+(P),BK-(P) (4) The following will happen when an underflow or overflow is generated in an operation result: The carry flag in this case does not go ON. K32767 +K2 (7FFFH) (0002H) K 32767 (8001H) K 32767 +K 2 (8001H) (FFFEH) K32767 (7FFFH) BK(1) Subtracts n points of BIN data from the device designated by from the device designated by onward. b15 8765 8888 9325 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 +1 +2 b0 (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) n +(n 2) 5000 +(n 1) 4352 b15 1234 5678 9876 S2 S2 (BIN) (BIN) S2 S2 and n-points of BIN data and stores the result from the device designated by S2 S2 S1 +1 +2 b0 (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) n +(n 2) +(n 1) 4321 4000 (BIN) (BIN) D D +1 D +2 D +(n 2) D +(n 1) D b15 b0 7531 (BIN) 3210 (BIN) 551 (BIN) n 679 352 (BIN) (BIN) (2) Block subtraction is performed in 16-bit units. (3) The constant designated by b15 8765 8888 9325 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 +1 +2 b0 (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) 32768 and 32767 (BIN 16-bit data). b15 b15 8880 S2 n +(n 2) 5000 +(n 1) 4352 can be between S2 (BIN) (BIN) b0 (BIN) D D +1 D +2 D +(n 2) D +(n 1) b0 115 (BIN) 8 (BIN) 445 (BIN) n 3880 (BIN) 4528 (BIN) (4) The following will happen when an underflow or overflow is generated in an operation result: The carry flag in this case does not go ON. K 32768 K2 (8000H) (0002H) K32766 (7FFEH) K32767 (7FFFH) 32767 (8001H) K 2 (FFFEH) Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The n-bit range from the • The device ranges of and D 6-60 D S2 and D ) • The device ranges of and S1 , S1 ) or D device exceeds the range of that device. (Error code: 4101) overlap. (Except when the same device is assigned to S1 (Error code: 4101) S2 and D overlap. (Except when the same device is assigned to S2 (Error code: 4101) BK+(P),BK-(P) Program Example 1 (1) The following program adds, when X20 is turned ON, the data stored at D100 to D103 to the data stored at R0 to R3 and stores the operation result into the area starting from D200. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 2 Device Instruction 3 4 [Operation] b15 D100 6789 D101 7821 D102 5432 D103 3520 D0 b0 (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) R0 R1 R2 R3 b15 1234 2032 3252 1000 b0 (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) b15 D200 8023 D201 9853 D202 2180 D203 2520 b0 (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) (BIN) 4 4 6 (2) The following program subtracts, when X1C is turned ON, the constant 8765 from the data at D100 to D102 and stores the operation result into the area starting from R0. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 7 Device Instruction 8 [Operation] b15 8765 b0 (BIN) R0 R1 R2 b15 b0 3580 (BIN) 64 (BIN) 5263 (BIN) 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.13 Block addition and subtraction (BK+(P),BK-(P)) b15 b0 D100 12345 (BIN) D101 8701 (BIN) D102 3502 (BIN) 6-61 DBK+(P),DBK-(P) 6.2.14 BIN 32-bit data block addition and subtraction operations (DBK+(P),DBK-(P)) DBK+(P),DBK-(P) Ver. Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal QnU(D)(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. QnUDE(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. indicates an instruction symbol of DBK+, DBK- . Command DBK+,DBK- S1 S2 D n S1 S2 D n Command DBKP+,DBK-P P S1 : Head number of the devices where the data to be added and subtracted are stored (BIN 32 bits) S2 : Addition and subtraction data or head number of the devices where the addition and subtraction data are stored (BIN 32 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the addition and subtraction operation result will be stored (BIN 32 bits) n: Number of addition and subtraction data blocks (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word U S1 –– –– S2 –– –– D –– –– n –– Zn \G Constants K,H Other –– –– –– –– –– –– Function DBK+ (1) This instruction adds BIN 32-bit data stored in n-point devices starting from the device specified by S1 to BIN 32-bit data stored in n-point devices starting from the device specified by S2 or a constant. and then stores the operation result into the nth device specified by and up, When a device is specified for S1 +1, S1 +3, S1 +5, b31 b0 -30000 (BIN) 40000 (BIN) S1 +2 -50000 (BIN) n S1 +4 S1 +n 1, S1 +n 2 60000 6-62 S2 +1, S1 (BIN) S2 +3, + S2 +5, D S2 b31 b0 50000 (BIN) 20000 (BIN) S2 +2 -10000 (BIN) n S2 +4 S2 S2 +n 1, S2 +n 2 -20000 (BIN) D +1, D +3, D +5, D D +2 D +4 b31 b0 20000 (BIN) 60000 (BIN) -60000 (BIN) n D +n 1, D +n 2 40000 (BIN) DBK+(P),DBK-(P) When a constant is specified for S1 +1, S1 +3, S1 +5, b31 b0 -30000 (BIN) 40000 (BIN) S1 +2 -50000 (BIN) n S1 +4 S2 S1 S1 +n 1, S1 +n 2 60000 + S2 +1, S2 b31 b0 50000 (BIN) D +1, D +3, D +5, D D +2 D +4 b31 b0 20000 (BIN) 90000 (BIN) 0 (BIN) n 1 2 D +n 1, D +n 2 110000 (BIN) (BIN) 3 (2) Block addition is executed in 32-bit units. (3) The constant in the device specified by (BIN 32-bit data). S2 can be between 2147483648 to 2147483647 4 (4) If the value specified by n is 0, the instruction will be not processed. (5) The following will happen if an overflow occurs in an operation result: The carry flag in this case is not turned on. 4 K 2147483647 ・K2147483647+K2 (7FFFFFFFH) (00000002H ) ( 80000001H) 6 K2147483647 ・ K 2147483647 +K 2 (80000001H) ( FFFFFFFEH) (7FFFFFFFH) 7 DBK(1) This instruction subtracts BIN 32-bit data stored in the n-point devices starting from the device specified by S2 or a constant from BIN 32-bit data stored in n-point devices starting from the device specified by specified by D S1 S1 +5, b31 b0 -55555 (BIN) 33333 (BIN) S1 +2 44444 (BIN) n S1 +4 S2 +1, S1 S1 +n 1, S1 +n 2 13579 S2 +3, S2 +5, S2 b31 b0 44445 (BIN) 3333 (BIN) S2 +2 -10000 (BIN) n S2 +4 S2 S2 +n 1, S2 +n 2 12345 (BIN) When a constant is specified for S1 +1, S1 +3, S1 +5, b31 b0 -99999 (BIN) 99999 (BIN) S1 +2 -59999 (BIN) n S1 +4 (BIN) S1 +n 1, S1 +n 2 79999 D D +2 D +4 b31 b0 -1000000 (BIN) 30000 (BIN) 54444 (BIN) n D +n 1, D +n 2 1234 (BIN) S2 S1 b31 S2 +1, D +1, D +3, D +5, S2 b0 9999 (BIN) (BIN) D +1, D +3, D +5, D D +2 D +4 b31 b0 -109998 (BIN) 90000 (BIN) 69998 (BIN) n D +n 1, D +n 2 70000 (BIN) (2) Block subtraction is executed in 32-bit units. (3) The constant in the device specified by (BIN 32-bit data). S2 can be between 2147483648 to 2147483647 (4) If the value specified by n is 0, the instruction will be not processed. (5) D S2 specifies out of the range of n-point devices starting from the device specified by S1 and . However, S1 and S2 can specify the same device. 6-63 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.14 BIN 32-bit data block addition and subtraction operations (DBK+(P),DBK-(P)) S1 +3, 8 and up, When a device is specified for S1 +1, , and then stores the operation result into the nth device DBK+(P),DBK-(P) (6) The following will happen if an overflow occurs in an operation result: The carry flag in this case is not turned on. K 2147483647 ・K2147483647 −K−2 (7FFFFFFFH) (00000002H ) ( 80000001H ) K2147483647 ・ K 2147483647 −K2 (80000001H) ( FFFFFFFEH ) ( 7FFFFFFFH ) Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns on, and an error code is stored into SD0. • A negative value is specified for n. (Error code: 4100) • The range of the n-point devices starting from the device specified by S1 , S2 , or D exceeds the specified device range. (Error code: 4101) • The range of the n-point devices starting from the device specified by range of the n-point devices starting from the device specified by that S1 and D D overlaps with the S1 . (Exclude the case specify the same device. (Error code: 4101) • The range of the n-point devices starting from the device specified by range of the n-point devices starting from the device specified by D . overlaps with the S2 (Error code: 4101) (1) The following program adds the value data stored at R0 to R5 to the constant, and then stores the operation result into D30 to D35, when M0 is turned on. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Device Instruction Step [Operation] b31 600000 R1,R0 -800000 R3,R2 R5,R4 -123456 b0 + 123456 b31 723456 D31,D30 -676544 D33,D32 D35,D34 0 b0 (2) The following program subtracts the value data stored at D50 to D59 from the value data stored at D100 to D109, and then stores the operation result into R100 to R109, when M0 is turned on. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] b31 D101,D100 D103,D102 D105,D104 D107,D106 D109,D108 6-64 b0 12345 54321 -12345 -54321 99999 b31 D51,D50 D53,D52 D55,D54 D57,D56 D58,D58 b0 11111 -11111 22222 -22222 33333 b31 R101,R100 R103,R102 R105,R104 R107,R106 R109,R108 b0 1234 65432 -34567 -32099 66666 $+(P) 6.2.15 Linking character strings ($+(P)) 1 $+(P) Basic When two data are set ( D + D S High performance 2 Process Redundant Universal ) 3 Command $+ $+ S D $+P S D 4 Command $+P Setting Data 4 S : Data for linking or head number of the devices where the data for linking is stored (character string) D : Head number of the devices where the data to be linked is stored (character string) Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word J Bit \ U Word S –– –– D –– –– Constants $ Zn \G 6 Other 7 –– –– –– 8 Function by D S after the character string data designated and stores the result into the area starting with the device number designated by D . The object of character string data is that character string data stored from device numbers designated at D D +1 D +2 D and S to that stored at "00H". b15 b8 b7 b0 42H (B) 41H (A) 44H (D) 43H (C) 00H 45H (E) S S +1 S +2 S +3 "ABCDE" b15 b8 b7 b0 32H (2) 31H (1) 34H (4) 33H (3) 36H (6) 35H (5) 00H "123456" D D D D +1 +2 +3 +4 D +5 b15 b8 b7 42H (B) 41H 44H (D) 43H 31H (1) 45H 33H (3) 32H 35H (5) 34H 00H 36H b0 (A) (C) (E) (2) (4) (6) "ABCDE123456" (2) When character strings are linked, the "00H", which indicates the end of character string data designated at D , is ignored, and the character string designated at the last character of the D S is appended to string. 6-65 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.15 Linking character strings ($+(P)) (1) Links the character string data designated by $+(P) Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The entire character string linked from the device number designated by D to the final device number of the relevant device cannot be stored. (Error code: 4101) • The storage device numbers for the character strings designated by • The character string of and S D exceeds 16383 characters. S and D overlap. (Error code: 4101) (Error code: 4101) Program Example (1) The following program links the character string stored from D10 to D12 to the character string "ABCD" when X0 is ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] D10 D11 D12 b15 b8 b7 b0 62 H (b) 61H (a) 64 H (d) 63 H (c) 00H 65 H (e) + "ABCD" D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 b15 b8 b7 61H 62 H (b) 63 H 64 H (d) 65 H 41H (A) 43H (C) 42H 44H 00H Automatically stores "00H". 6-66 b0 (a) (c) (e) (B) (D) $+(P) When three data are set ( S1 + S2 D ) 1 Command $+ $+ S1 S2 D $+P S1 S2 D 2 Command $+P Setting Data 3 S1 : Data for linking or head number of the devices where the data for linking is stored (character string) S2 : Data to be linked or head number of the devices where the data to be linked is stored (character string) D : Head number of the devices where the linking result will be stored (character string) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word U Zn \G Constants $ 4 Other S1 –– –– –– S2 –– –– –– D –– –– –– 4 6 –– 7 Function (1) Links the character string data designated by by S1 S1 after the character string data designated and stores the result into the area starting with the device number designated by b15 b8 b7 b0 46H (F) 48H (H) +1 2DH ( ) 41H (A) 00H +2 b15 b8 b7 b0 35H (5) 31H (1) S2 +1 39H (9) 33H (3) S2 +2 41H (A) 00H S2 b15 b8 b7 46H (F) 48H D D +1 2DH ( ) 41H D +2 35H (5) 31H D +3 39H (9) 33H 00H 41H D +4 D . b0 (H) (A) (1) (3) (A) (2) When character strings are linked, the "00H" which indicates the end of character string data indicated by S1 , is ignored, and the character string indicated by character of the S1 S2 8 is appended to the last string. 6-67 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.15 Linking character strings ($+(P)) S1 S1 S2 $+(P) Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The entire character string linked from the device number designated by D to the final device number of the relevant device cannot be stored. (Error code: 4101) • The storage device numbers for the character strings designated by S1 • The storage device numbers for the character strings designated by S2 • The character string of S1 , S2 and D exceeds 16383 characters. and S2 overlap. (Error code: 4101) and D overlap. (Error code: 4101) (Error code: 4101) Program Example (1) The following program links the character string stored from D10 to D12 with the character string "ABCD" when X0 is ON, and stores them in D100 onwards. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] b15 b8 b7 b0 61H (a) D10 62 H (b) 63 H (c) D11 64 H (d) 00H 65 H (e) D12 + "ABCD" b15 b8 b7 61H D100 62 H (b) 63 H D101 64 H (d) 65 H D102 41H (A) 42H D103 43H (C) 00H 44H D104 Automatically stores "00H". 6-68 b0 (a) (c) (e) (B) (D) INC(P),DEC(P) 6.2.16 Incrementing and decrementing 16-bit BIN data (INC(P),DEC(P)) 1 INC(P),DEC(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 indicates an instruction symbol of INC/DEC. 4 Command INC, DEC D 4 Command P INCP, DECP D Setting Data : Head number of devices for INC (+1)/DEC ( Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR 6 1) operation (BIN 16 bits) \ Bit D U Word Zn \G Constants Other 7 –– D 8 Function INC D (16-bit data). D b15 D b0 b15 5678 (BIN) b0 5679 (BIN) (2) When INC/INCP operation is executed for the device designated by 32767, the value 32768 is stored at the device designated by D D , whose content is . DEC (1) Subtracts 1 from the device designated by D (16-bit data). D b15 D b0 5678 (BIN) b15 1 b0 5677 (BIN) (2) When DEC/DECP operation is executed for the device designated by 32768, the value 32767 is stored at the device designated by D D , whose content is . Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the INC(P)/DEC(P) instruction. 6-69 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.16 Incrementing and decrementing 16-bit BIN data (INC(P),DEC(P)) (1) Adds 1 to the device designated by INC(P),DEC(P) Program Example (1) The following program outputs the present value at the counter C0 to C20 to the area Y30 to Y3F in BCD, every time X8 is turned ON. (When present value is less than 9999) [Ladder Mode] Outputs the present value of C (D+Z1) to Y30 to Y3F in BCD. Executes Z1 + 1. Sets Z1 at "0" when Z1=21 or X7 (reset input) is ON. [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (2) The following is a down counter program. [Ladder Mode] Transfers 100 to D8 when X7 goes ON. In the state M38=OFF, decrement at D8 (D8 - 1) is executed when X8 goes from OFF to ON. At D8=0, M38 goes ON. [List Mode] Step 6-70 Instruction Device DINC(P),DDEC(P) 6.2.17 Incrementing and decrementing 32-bit BIN data (DINC(P),DDEC(P)) 1 DINC(P),DDEC(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 indicates an instruction symbol of DINC/DDEC. 4 Command DINC, DDEC D 4 Command P DINCP, DDECP D Setting Data 6 : Head number of devices for DINC(+1) or DDEC(-1) operation (BIN 32 bits) Internal Devices Bit D J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Zn \G Constants Other 7 –– D 8 Function DINC D +1 D (32-bit data). D D +1 b31 b16 b15 b0 73500 (BIN) D b31 b16 b15 b0 73501 (BIN) (2) When DINC/DINCP operation is executed for the device designated by 2147483647, the value D , whose content is 2147483648 is stored at the device designated by D . DDEC (1) Subtracts 1 from the device designated by D +1 D b31 b16 b15 b0 73500 (BIN) D (32-bit data). D +1 1 D b31 b16 b15 b0 73499 (BIN) (2) When DDEC/DDECP operation is executed for the device designated by is 0, the value 1 is stored at the device designated by D D , whose content . Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the DINC(P) or DDEC(P). 6-71 6.2 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.17 Incrementing and decrementing 32-bit BIN data (DINC(P),DDEC(P)) (1) Adds 1 to the device designated by DINC(P),DDEC(P) Program Example (1) The following program adds 1 to the data at D0 and D1 when X0 is ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (2) The following program adds 1 to the data set at X10 to X27 when X0 goes ON, and stores the result at D3 and D4. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (3) The following program subtracts 1 from the data at D0 and D1 when X0 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (4) The following program subtracts 1 from the data set at X10 to X27 when X0 goes ON, and stores the result at D3 and D4. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 6-72 Instruction Device BCD(P),DBCD(P) 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.1 1 Conversion from BIN data to 4-digit and 8-digit BCD (BCD(P),DBCD(P)) 2 BCD(P),DBCD(P) BCD(P), DBCD(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 3 4 indicates an instruction symbol of BCD/DBCD. 4 Command BCD, DBCD S D S D Command BCDP, DBCDP Setting Data P S : BIN data or head number of the devices where the BIN data is stored (BIN 16/32 bits) D : Head number of the devices where BCD data will be stored (BCD 4/8 digits) Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Zn \G 6 7 Constants K, H Other –– S –– D –– BCD device designated by D to BCD data, and stores it at the . -32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 S BIN 9999 S 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Must always be "0". 8000 4000 2000 1000 800 D BCD 9999 1 0 0 1 1 BCD conversion 400 200 100 80 40 20 10 8 4 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Thousands digits Hundreds digits Tens digits Ones digits DBCD Converts BIN data (0 to 99999999) at the device designated by the device designated by D S to BCD data, and stores it at . S (Lower 16 bits) 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 S +1 (Upper 16 bits) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 101 102 104 105 106 BCD conversion 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 107 Must always be "0" (upper 5 digits). 103 S BIN 99999999 D BCD 99999999 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Ten millions digits Millions digits Hundred thousands digits Ten Thousands Hundreds thousands digits digits digits D +1 (Upper 4 digits) Tens digits Ones digits D (Lower 4 digits) 6-73 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.1 Conversion from BIN data to 4-digit and 8-digit BCD (BCD(P),DBCD(P)) Function Converts BIN data (0 to 9999) at the device designated by 8 BCD(P), DBCD(P) Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The data of S is other than 0 to 9999 at BCD instruction. • The data of S or S (Error code: 4100) +1 is other than 0 to 99999999 at DBCD instruction. (Error code: 4100) Program Example (1) The following program outputs the present value of C4 from Y20 to Y2F to the BCD display device. Output power supply 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 Y23 Y22 Y21 Y20 8 4 2 1 Y27 Y26 Y25 Y24 80 40 20 10 800 400 200 100 8000 4000 2000 1000 Y2B Y2A Y29 Y28 COM Y2F Y2E Y2D Y2C Programmable Controller Output Module 1 0 0 0 7-segment display unit [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (2) The following program outputs 32-bit data from D0 to D1 to Y40 to Y67. Programmable Controller Output Module Y67 to Y64 Y63 to Y60 Y5F to Y5C Y5B to Y58 Y57 to Y54 Y53 to Y50 Y4F to Y4C Y4B to Y48 Y47 to Y44 Output power supply 7-segment display unit [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 6-74 Instruction Device Y43 to Y40 BIN(P),DBIN(P) 6.3.2 Conversion from BCD 4-digit and 8-digit data to BIN data (BIN(P),DBIN(P)) 1 BIN(P),DBIN(P) High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal 2 3 indicates an instruction symbol of BIN/DBIN. 4 Command BIN, DBIN S D S D Command BINP, DBINP P S : BCD data or head number of the devices where the BCD data is stored (BCD 4/8 digits) D : Head number of the devices where BIN data will be stored (BIN 16/32 bits) Internal Devices Setting Data 4 Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Zn \G Constants K, H 6 Other –– S –– D 7 –– 8 Function BIN designated by D to BIN data, and stores at the device . 8000 4000 2000 1000 800 S S BCD 9999 1 0 0 1 1 400 200 100 80 40 20 10 8 4 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Thousands digits Hundreds digits Tens digits Ones digits BIN conversion 32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 D BIN 9999 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Always filled with 0s. DBIN Converts BCD data (0 to 99999999) at device designated by . 102 103 104 105 106 S 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 107 S +1 100 D to BIN data, and stores at the 101 device designated by S S BCD 99999999 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 Ten millions digits Millions digits Hundred thousands digits Ones digits 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 D +1 Ten Thousands Hundreds Tens thousands digits digits digits digits BIN conversion D D BIN 99999999 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Always filled with 0s. 6-75 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.2 Conversion from BCD 4-digit and 8-digit data to BIN data (BIN(P),DBIN(P)) Converts BCD data (0 to 9999) at device designated by BIN(P),DBIN(P) Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • When values other than 0 to 9 are designated to any digits of S (Error code: 4100) When the QCPU is used, the error above can be suppressed by turning ON SM722. However, the instruction is not executed regardless of whether SM722 is turned ON or OFF if the designated value is out of the available range. For the BINP/DBINP instruction, the next operation will not be performed until the command (execution condition) is turned from OFF to ON regardless of the presence/absence of an error. Program Example (1) The following program converts the BCD data at X10 to X1B to BIN when X8 is ON, and stores it at D8. 8 4 2 1 COM 0 1 1 0 X13 X12 X11 X10 80 40 20 10 COM 0 0 1 1 X17 X16 X15 X14 COM X1F X1E X1D X1C Input power supply 0 X1B 0 X1A 1 X19 0 X18 Can be used in other purposes. 800 400 200 100 COM BCD digital switch Programmable Controller input module [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 6-76 Instruction Device BIN(P),DBIN(P) (2) The following program converts the BCD data at X10 to X37 to BIN when X8 is ON, and stores it at D0 and D1. (Addition of the BIN data converted from BCD at X20 to X37 and the BIN data converted from BCD at X10 to X1F) BCD digital switch 2 Input power supply X37 to X34 X33 to X30 X2F to X2C X2B to X28 X27 to X24 1 X23 to X20 X1F to X1C X1B to X18 X17 to X14 X13 to X10 3 Programmable Controller Output Module [Ladder Mode] 4 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 4 6 7 If the data set at X10 to X37 is a BCD value which exceeds 2147483647, the value at D0 and D1 will be a negative value, because it exceeds the range of numerical values that can be handled by a 32-bit device. 8 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.2 Conversion from BCD 4-digit and 8-digit data to BIN data (BIN(P),DBIN(P)) 6-77 FLT(P),DFLT(P) 6.3.3 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to floating decimal point (Single precision) (FLT(P),DFLT(P)) FLT(P),DFLT(P) Ver. Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Basic model QCPU: The upper five digits of the serial No. are "04122" or larger. indicates an instruction symbol of FLT/DFLT. Command FLT, DFLT S D S D Command FLTP, DFLTP P S : Integer data to be converted to 32-bit floating decimal point data or head number of the devices where the D : Head number of the devices where the converted 32-bit floating decimal point data will be stored integer data is stored (BIN 16/32 bits) (real number) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR \ Bit Word U Constants K, H Zn \G Other –– S D –– –– –– *1 *1:Available only in multiple Universal model QCPU Function FLT (1) Converts 16-bit BIN data designated by S to 32-bit floating decimal point type real number, and stores at device number designated by D S . D +1 D BIN 16 bits 32-bit floating-point real number (2) BIN values between 32768 to 32767 can be designated by S . DFLT (1) Converts 32-bit BIN data designated by S to 32-bit floating decimal point type real number, and stores at device number designated by S +1 Upper 16 bits S 6-78 . D +1 D Lower 16 bits BIN 32 bits (2) BIN values between D 32-bit floating-point real number 2147483648 to 2147483647 can be designated by S +1 and S . FLT(P),DFLT(P) (3) Due to the fact that 32-bit floating decimal point type real numbers are processed by simple 32-bit processing, the number of significant digits is 24 bits if the display is binary and approximately 7 digits if the display is decimal. 1 For this reason, if the integer exceeds the range of 16777216 to 16777215 (24-bit BIN value), errors can be generated in the conversion value. As for the conversion result, the 25th bit from the upper bit of the integer is always filled with 1 and 26th bit and later bits are truncated. 2 Integer b31 b24 b23 b16 b15 b8 b7 b0 222030030 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 3 After conversion Result of operation is 222030032. Truncation Always filled with 1 b31 b24 b23 b16 b15 b8 b7 b0 372588919 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 4 Result of operation is 372588928. Truncation Always filled with 1 6 Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The result exceeds the following range (The overflow occurs.) (For the Universal model QCPU only) 2128 4 | Operation result | (Error code: 4141) 7 8 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.3 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to floating decimal point (Single precision) (FLT(P),DFLT(P)) 6-79 FLT(P),DFLT(P) Program Example (1) The following program converts the BIN 16-bit data at D20 to a 32-bit floating decimal point type real number and stores the result at D0 and D1. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] D20 Integer conversion D1 15923 D0 15923 BIN value 32-bit floating-point real number (2) The following program converts the BIN 32-bit data at D20 and D21 to a 32-bit floating decimal point type real number, and stores the result at D0 and D1. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction [Operation] D21 D20 Integer conversion 16543521 D20 173963112 BIN value D0 16543521 BIN value D21 D1 Integer conversion 32-bit floating-point real number An error is generated in operation results since the number of significant digits is "7". D1 D0 173963120 32-bit floating-point real number 6-80 Device FLTD(P),DFLTD(P) 6.3.4 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to floating decimal point (Double precision) (FLTD(P),DFLTD(P)) 1 FLTD(P),DFLTD(P) High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal 2 3 indicates an instruction symbol of FLTD/DFLTD. 4 Command FLTD, DFLTD S D S D 4 Command FLTDP, DFLTDP P S : Integer data to be converted to 64-bit floating decimal point data or head number of the devices where the 6 integer data is stored (BIN 16/32 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the converted 64-bit floating decimal point data will be stored 7 (real number) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word J \ Bit Word S –– –– D –– –– U Constants K, H Zn \G Other –– –– –– FLTD S to 64-bit floating decimal point type real number, and stores at device number designated by D . D +3 D +2 D +1 S D BIN 16 bits 64-bit floating-point real number (2) BIN values between 32768 to 32767 can be designated by S . DFLTD (1) Converts 32-bit BIN data designated by S to 64-bit floating decimal point type real number, and stores at device number designated by S +1 S Upper 16 bits Lower 16 bits BIN 32 bits (2) BIN values between D . D +3 D +2 D +1 D 64-bit floating-point real number 2147483648 to 2147483647 can be designated by S +1 and S . 6-81 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.4 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to floating decimal point (Double precision) (FLTD(P),DFLTD(P)) Function (1) Converts 16-bit BIN data designated by 8 FLTD(P),DFLTD(P) Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The result exceeds the following range (Operation results in an overflow): 21024 | Operation result | (Error code: 4141) Program Example (1) The following program converts the BIN 16-bit data at D20 to a 64-bit floating decimal point type real number and stores the result at D0 to D3. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] D20 15923 Conversion to real number D3 D2 D1 D0 15923 BIN value 64-bit floating-point real number (2) The following program converts the BIN 32-bit data at D20 and D21 to a 64-bit floating decimal point type real number, and stores the result at D0 to D3. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step [Operation] D21 D20 16543521 BIN value 6-82 Conversion to real number D3 D2 D1 D0 16543521 64-bit floating-point real number Instruction Device INT(P),DINT(P) 6.3.5 Conversion from floating decimal point data to BIN16- and 32-bit data (Single precision) (INT(P),DINT(P)) 1 INT(P),DINT(P) Ver. High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal Basic model QCPU: The upper five digits of the serial No. are "04122" or larger. indicates an instruction symbol of INT/DINT. S D S D 4 Command INTP, DINTP P 3 4 Command INT, DINT 2 S : 32-bit floating decimal point data to be converted to BIN value or head number of the devices where the D : Head number of the devices where the converted BIN value will be stored (BIN 16/32 bits) 6 floating decimal point data is stored (real number) Setting Data S Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR \ Bit –– U Word Constants E Zn \G –– 7 Other –– *1 –– D 8 –– *1:Available only in multiple Universal model QCPU INT (1) Converts the 32-bit floating decimal point real number designated at and stores it at the device number designated at D . S +1 S into BIN 16-bit data S D BIN16-bit 32-bit floating-point real number (2) The range of 32-bit floating decimal point type real numbers that can be designated at or S is from 32768 to 32767. (3) Stores integer values stored at D S +1 as BIN 16-bit values. (4) After conversion, the first digit after the decimal point of the real number is rounded off. DINT (1) Converts 32-bit floating decimal point type real number designated by and stores the result at the device number designated by D . S +1 S 32-bit floating-point real number D +1 D Upper 16 bits Lower 16 bits S to BIN 32-bit data, BIN 32 bits (2) The range of 32-bit floating decimal point type real numbers that can be designated at or S is from 2147483648 to 2147483647. S +1 6-83 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.5 Conversion from floating decimal point data to BIN16- and 32-bit data (Single precision) (INT(P),DINT(P)) Function INT(P),DINT(P) (3) The integer value stored at D +1 and D is stored as BIN 32 bits. (4) After conversion, the first digit after the decimal point of the real number is rounded off. Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The contents of the designated device or the result of the addition are not "0", or not within the following range(For the Universal model QCPU only): 0, 2-126 | Contents of designated device | < 2128 (Error code: 4140) • The value of the specified device is 0, unnormalized number, nonnumeric, and ± . (For the Universal model QCPU only) (Error code: 4140) • The 32-bit floating decimal point type data designated by used was outside the S when the INT instruction was 31768 to 32767 range. (Error code: 4100) • The 32-bit floating decimal point type data designated by was used was outside the S when the DINT instruction 2147483648 to 2147483647 range. (Error code: 4100) Program Example (1) The following program converts the 32-bit floating decimal point type real number at D20 and D21 to BIN 16-bit data, and stores the result at D0. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step [Operation] D20 D21 25915.6796 Integer conversion BIN value 32-bit floating-point real number D20 D21 -33562.3211 32-bit floating-point real number 6-84 D0 25916 Integer conversion An operation error occurs since "setting data < -32768." Instruction Device INT(P),DINT(P) (2) The following program converts the 32-bit floating decimal point type real number at D20 and D21 to BIN 32-bit data and stores the result at D0 and D1. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 1 Device 2 [Operation] D20 D21 -574968.321 Integer conversion 32-bit floating-point real number D1 D0 -574968 4 BIN value 32-bit floating-point real number D20 D21 2147483649.22 3 Integer conversion 4 An operation error occurs since "setting data > 2147483647." 6 7 8 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.5 Conversion from floating decimal point data to BIN16- and 32-bit data (Single precision) (INT(P),DINT(P)) 6-85 INTD(P),DINTD(P) 6.3.6 Conversion from floating decimal point data to BIN16- and 32-bit data (Double precision) (INTD(P),DINTD(P)) INTD(P),DINTD(P) High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal indicates an instruction symbol of INTD/DINTD. Command INTD, DINTD S D S D Command INTDP, DINTDP P : 64-bit floating decimal point data to be converted to BIN value or head number of the devices where the S floating decimal point data is stored (real number) : Head number of the devices where the converted BIN value will be stored (BIN 16/32 bits) D Internal Devices Setting Data Bit Word J R, ZR Bit \ U Word S –– –– D –– –– Constants E Zn \G Other –– –– –– –– Function INTD (1) Converts the 64-bit floating decimal point real number designated at and stores it at the device number designated at S +3 S +2 S +1 D into BIN 16-bit data S . D S BIN 16 bit 64-bit floating-point real number (2) The range of 64-bit floating decimal point type real numbers that can be designated at S +3, S +2, S +1 or S is from (3) Stores integer values stored at 32768 to 32767. D as BIN 16-bit values. (4) The converted data is the value rounded 64-bit floating-point real number to the first digit after the decimal point. DINTD (1) Converts 64-bit floating decimal point type real number designated by and stores the result at the device number designated by S +3 S +2 S +1 64-bit floating-point real number 6-86 S D . D +1 D Upper 16 bits Lower 16 bits BIN 32 bit S to BIN 32-bit data, INTD(P),DINTD(P) (2) The range of 64-bit floating decimal point type real numbers that can be designated at S +3, S +2, S +1 or S is from (3) The integer value stored at D 2147483648 to 2147483647. +1 and D 1 is stored as BIN 32 bits. (4) The converted data is the value rounded 64-bit floating-point real number to the first digit after the decimal point. Operation Error 3 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The value of the specified device is not in the following range: 0, 2-1022 2 0. (Error code: 4140) • The 64-bit floating decimal point type data designated by was used was outside the S (Error code: 4100) S 4 when the INTD instruction 31768 to 32767 range. • The 64-bit floating decimal point type data designated by was used was outside the 4 21024 | value of specified device | • The value of the designated device is (Error code: 4140) 6 when the DINTD instruction 2147483648 to 2147483647 range. (Error code: 4100) 7 Program Example (1) The following program converts the 64-bit floating decimal point type real number at D20 to D23 with BIN 16-bit data, and stores the result at D0. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device D0 D23 D22 D21 D20 Conversion to integer 25916 25915.6796 BIN value 64-bit floating-point real number D23 D22 D21 D20 Conversion to integer 33562.3211 An operation erroe occurs because the specified data is larger than -32768. 64-bit floating-point real number (2) The following program converts the 64-bit floating decimal point type real number at D20 to D23 with BIN 32-bit data and stores the result at D0 and D1. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] D1 D0 574968 BIN value D23 D22 D21 D20 Conversion to integer 2147483649.22 An operation erroe occurs because the specified data is larger than 2147483647. 64-bit floating-point real number 6-87 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.6 Conversion from floating decimal point data to BIN16- and 32-bit data (Double precision) (INTD(P),DINTD(P)) [Operation] D23 D22 D21 D20 Conversion to integer 574968.321 64-bit floating-point real number 8 DBL(P) 6.3.7 Conversion from BIN 16-bit to BIN 32-bit data (DBL(P)) DBL(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command DBL DBL S D DBLP S D Command DBLP Setting Data S : BIN 16-bit data or head number of the devices where the BIN 16-bit data is stored (BIN 16 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the converted BIN 32-bit data will be stored (BIN 32 bits) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit U Word \G Zn Constants K, H Other –– S –– D –– Function Converts BIN 16-bit data at device designated by result at a device designated by D S BIN 16-bit data S to BIN 32-bit data with sign, and stores the . D +1 D Upper 16 bits Lower 16 bits BIN 32-bit data Operation Error (1) There are no errors associated with the DBL(P) instruction. Program Example (1) The following program converts the BIN 16-bit data stored at D100 to BIN 32-bit data when X20 is ON, and stores at R100 and R101. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step [Operation] D100 FB2EH ( 1234) 6-88 R101 R100 FFFFFB2EH ( 1234) Instruction Device WORD(P) 6.3.8 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to BIN 16-bit data (WORD(P)) 1 WORD(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 3 Command WORD WORD S D WORDP S D 4 Command WORDP Setting Data S : BIN 32-bit data or head number of the devices where the BIN 32-bit data is stored (BIN 32 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the converted BIN 16-bit data will be stored (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR 2 J \ Bit U Word \G Zn Constants K, H 4 Other 6 –– S –– D –– 7 8 Function Converts BIN 32-bit data at device designated by result at a device designated by D . S to BIN 16-bit data with sign, and stores the S +1 S Upper 16 bits Lower 16 bits D BIN 16-bit data BIN 32-bit data Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The contents of the data designated by 32767. S +1 and S are outside the range of 32768 to (Error code: 4100) Program Example (1) The following program converts the BIN 32-bit data at R100 and R101 to BIN 16-bit data when X20 is ON, and stores it at D100. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] R101 R100 FFFF8253 H (-32173) D100 8253H (-32173) 6-89 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.8 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to BIN 16-bit data (WORD(P)) Devices can be designated in the range from -32768 to 32767. GRY(P),DGRY(P) 6.3.9 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to Gray code (GRY(P),DGRY(P)) GRY(P),DGRY(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal indicates an instruction symbol of GRY, DGRY. Command GRY, DGRY S D S D Command GRYP, DGRYP Setting Data P S : BIN data or head number of the devices where the BIN data is stored (BIN 16/32 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the converted Gray code will be stored (BIN 16/32 bits) Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Zn \G Constants K, H Other –– S –– D Function GRY Converts BIN 16-bit data at the device designated by device designated by D S to Gray code, and stores result at . 16 bits S BIN 1234 b15 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 b0 0 D Gray code 1234 b15 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 b0 1 DGRY Converts BIN 32-bit data at the device designated by device designated by D to Gray code, and stores result at . S +1 (Upper 16 bits) S BIN 305419896 S S (Lower 16 bits) b31 b16 b15 b0 000 100 1000 110 1000 10 10 1100 1111000 D +1 D b31 b16 b15 b0 D Gray code 305419896 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 6-90 –– GRY(P),DGRY(P) Operation Error 1 (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The data at S is a negative number. (Error code: 4100) Program Example 3 (1) The following program converts the BIN data at D100 to Gray code when X10 is ON, and stores result at D200. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [List Mode] Step Instruction 4 4 (2) The following program converts the BIN data at D10 and D11 to Gray code when X1C is ON, and stores it at D100 and D101. [Ladder Mode] 2 6 7 Device 8 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.9 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to Gray code (GRY(P),DGRY(P)) 6-91 GBIN(P),DGBIN(P) 6.3.10 Conversion of Gray code to BIN 16 and 32-bit data (GBIN(P),DGBIN(P)) GBIN(P),DGBIN(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal indicates an instruction symbol of GBIN/DGBIN. Command GBIN, DGBIN S D S D Command GBINP, DGBINP P S : Gray code data or head number of the devices where the Gray code data is stored (BIN 16/32 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the converted BIN data will be stored (BIN 16/32 bits) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Zn \G Constants K, H Other –– S –– D –– Function GBIN Converts Gray code data at device designated by designated by D S to BIN 16-bit data and stores at device . 16 bit b15 S Gray code 1234 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 b0 1 b15 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 b0 0 D BIN 1234 DGBIN Converts Gray code data at device designated by designated by D S to BIN 32-bit data and stores at device . S +1 (Upper 16 bits) S (Lower 16 bits) b31 b16 b15 b0 S Gray code 305419896 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 D +1 D BIN 305419896 6-92 D b31 b16 b15 b0 00010010001101000101011001111000 GBIN(P),DGBIN(P) Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • Data at S • Data at S when the GBIN instruction was issued is outside the 0 to 32767 range. (Error code: 4100) when the DGBIN instruction was issued is outside the 0 to 2147483647 range. (Error code: 4100) (1) The following program converts the Gray code data at D100 when X10 is ON to BIN data, and stores the result at D200. 4 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6 (2) The following program converts the Gray code data at D10 and D11 to BIN data when X1C is ON, and stores the result at D0 and D1. [Ladder Mode] 3 4 Program Example [Ladder Mode] 2 [List Mode] Step Instruction 7 8 Device 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.10 Conversion of Gray code to BIN 16 and 32-bit data (GBIN(P),DGBIN(P)) 6-93 NEG(P),DNEG(P) 6.3.11 Complement of 2 of BIN 16- and 32-bit data (sign reversal) (NEG(P),DNEG(P)) NEG(P),DNEG(P) High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal indicates an instruction symbol of NEG/DNEG. Command NEG, DNEG D Command NEGP, DNEGP P D D : Head number of the devices where the data for which complement of 2 is performed is stored (BIN 16/32 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Zn \G Constants Other –– D Function NEG (1) Reverses the sign of the 16-bit device designated by by D and stores at the device designated D . 16 bit b15 1 0 Before execution D 1 Sign conversion After execution D 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 b0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 b15 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 b0 0 (2) Used when reversing positive and negative signs. 6-94 -21846 21846 NEG(P),DNEG(P) DNEG (1) Reverses the sign of the 32-bit device designated by by D D and stores at the device designated 1 . 2 32 bit b31 1 1 Before execution D 1 Sign conversion - 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 b0 0 0 b31 0 0 After execution D 1 b0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 -218460 3 4 218460 4 (2) Used when reversing positive and negative signs. Operation Error 6 (1) There are no operation errors associated with the NEG(P) or DNEG(P) instruction. 7 Program Example (1) The following program calculates a total for the data at D10 through D20 when XA goes ON, and seeks an absolute value if the result is negative. 8 [Ladder Mode] M3 is turned ON if D10 < D20. 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.11 Complement of 2 of BIN 16- and 32-bit data (sign reversal) (NEG(P),DNEG(P)) Executes "D10 - D20". Calculates the absolute value (complement of 2) when M3 is ON. [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6-95 ENEG(P) 6.3.12 Floating-point sign invertion (Single precision) (ENEG(P)) ENEG(P) Ver. Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Basic model QCPU: The upper five digits of the serial No. are "04122" or larger. Command ENEG ENEG D ENEGP D Command ENEGP D : Head number of the devices where the 32-bit floating decimal point data whose sign is to be reversed is stored (real number) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit Word J R, ZR –– D \ Bit Word U \G –– Zn Constants Other –– *1 *1:Available only in multiple Universal model QCPU Function (1) Reverses the sign of the 32-bit floating decimal point type real number data designated by D , and stores at the device designated by D . (2) Used when reversing positive and negative signs. Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The contents of the designated device or the result of the addition are not "0", or not within the following range(For the Universal model QCPU only): 0, 2-126 | Contents of designated device | < 2128 (Error code: 4140) • The value of the specified device is 0, unnormalized number, nonnumeric, and ± . (For the Universal model QCPU only) (Error code: 4140) Program Example (1) The following program inverts the sign of the 32-bit floating decimal point type real number data at D100 and D101 when X20 goes ON, and stores result at D100 and D101. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step [Operation] D101 D100 1.2345 6-96 D101 D100 1.2345 Instruction Device EDNEG(P) 6.3.13 Floating-point sign invertion (Double precision) (EDNEG(P)) 1 EDNEG(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 Command EDNEG EDNEG D EDNEGP D 4 Command EDNEGP 4 : Head number of the devices where the 64-bit floating decimal point data whose sign is to be reversed is D 6 stored (real number) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit Word U –– D Zn \G Constants Other 7 –– 8 Function (1) Reverses the sign of the 64-bit floating decimal point type real number data designated by D , and stores at the device designated by . D Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The value of the specified device is not in the following range: 0, 2 -1022 (Error code: 4140) 1024 | value of specified device | < 2 • The value of the designated device is 0. (Error code: 4140) Program Example (1) The following program inverts the sign of the 64-bit floating decimal point type real number data at D100 to D103 when X20 goes ON, and stores result at D100 to D103. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] D3 D2 D1 D0 D3 D2 D1 D0 1.2345 6-97 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.13 Floating-point sign invertion (Double precision) (EDNEG(P)) (2) Used when reversing positive and negative signs. BKBCD(P) 6.3.14 Conversion from block BIN 16-bit data to BCD 4-digit data (BKBCD(P)) BKBCD(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command BKBCD BKBCD S D n BKBCDP S D n Command BKBCDP S : Head number of the devices where BIN data is stored (BIN 16 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the converted BCD data will be stored (BCD 4 digits) n : Number of variable data blocks (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit Word U \G Zn Constants K, H Other S –– –– –– D –– –– –– n –– Function (1) Converts BIN data (0 to 9999) n points from device designated by D . Must always be "0". 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 result following the device designated by S BIN 1234 00000 100110 10010 S +1 BIN 5678 000 10 11000 10 1110 S +2 BIN 1545 0000011000001001 S +(n 2) BIN 4321 000 10000 1110000 1 S +(n 1) BIN 5555 000 10 101101100 11 n 8000 4000 2000 1000 800 400 200 100 80 40 20 10 8 4 2 1 BCD conversion D BCD 1234 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 D +1 BCD 5678 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 D +2 BCD 1545 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 D +(n 2) BCD 4321 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 D +(n 1) BCD 5555 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 6-98 n S to BCD, and stores BKBCD(P) Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The range of the device n points from a device designated by relevant device. • The data n points from the device designated by • The S and D S , D or exceeds the (Error code: 4101) is outside the 0 to 9999 range. (Error code: 4100) S devices overlap. (Error code: 4101) 2 3 4 Program Example (1) The following program converts, when X20 is turned ON, the BIN data stored at D100 to D102 to BCD and stores the operation result into the area starting from D200. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 4 6 Device 7 [Operation] 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 8 D100 BIN 5432 000 10 10 100 111000 D101 BIN 4444 000 1000 10 10 11100 D102 BIN 3210 0000110010001010 3 8000 4000 2000 1000 800 400 200 100 80 40 20 10 8 4 2 1 D0 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.14 Conversion from block BIN 16-bit data to BCD 4-digit data (BKBCD(P)) BCD conversion D200 BCD 5432 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 D201 BCD 4444 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 D202 BCD 3210 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 6-99 BKBIN(P) 6.3.15 Conversion from block BCD 4-digit data to block BIN 16-bit data (BKBIN(P)) BKBIN(P) Basic High performance BKBIN S D n BKBINP S D n Process Redundant Universal Command BKBIN Command BKBINP S : Head number of the devices where BCD data is stored (BCD 4 digits) D : Head number of the devices where the converted BIN data will be stored (BIN 16 bits) n : Number of variable data blocks (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit Word U \G Zn Constants K, H Other S –– –– –– D –– –– –– n –– Function (1) Converts BCD data (0 to 9999) n points from device designated by D . 8000 4000 2000 1000 800 400 200 100 80 40 20 10 8 4 2 1 result following the device designated by D BCD 1234 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 D +1 BCD 5678 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 D +2 BCD 1545 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 D +(n 2) BCD 4321 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 D +(n 1) BCD 5555 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 n 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 BIN conversion 6-100 S BIN 1234 00000100110 100 10 S +1 BIN 5678 000 10 11000 10 1110 S +2 BIN 1545 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 S +(n 2) BIN 4321 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 S +(n 1) BIN 5555 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 n S to BIN, and stores BKBIN(P) Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The n-bit range from the • The data n points at the S S , D , or device exceeds the range of that device. (Error code: 4101) device is outside the 0 to 9999 range. (Error code: 4100) • The S and D devices overlap. (Error code: 4101) 2 3 4 Program Example (1) The following program converts, when X20 is turned ON, the BCD data stored at D100 to D102 to BIN and stores the operation result into the area starting from D200. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 4 6 Device 7 [Operation] 8000 4000 2000 1000 800 400 200 100 80 40 20 10 8 4 2 1 8 D100 BCD 8080 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 D101 BCD 7654 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 D102 BCD 9999 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.15 Conversion from block BCD 4-digit data to block BIN 16-bit data (BKBIN(P)) 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 BIN conversion (when D0=3) D200 BIN 8080 00 01111110010000 D201 BIN 7654 00 0111 011110 0110 D202 BIN 9999 0 010 0111000 01111 6-101 ECON(P) 6.3.16 Single precision to Double precision conversion (ECON(P)) ECON(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command ECON ECON S D ECONP S D Command ECONP S : Conversion source data, or head number of the device where conversion source data is stored D : Head number of the device where the converted data is stored (Real number (double precision)) (Real number (single precision)) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit Word U S –– –– D –– –– Constants E Zn \G Other –– –– –– Function Converts 32-bit floating-point real number specified for S into 64-bit floating-point real number, and stores the conversion result to the device specified for S +1 S D +3 32-bit floating-point real number D +2 D +1 D . D 64-bit floating-point real number Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The value of the specified device is not in the following range: 0,2 -126 | value of specified device | • The value of the specified device is 6-102 (Error code: 4140) 128 2 0, unnormalized number, nonnumeric, and ± . (Error code: 4140) ECON(P) Program Example 1 (1) The program which converts 32-bit floating-point real number of the devices, D10 to D11, into 64-bit floating-point real number when X0 turns ON, and outputs the conversion result to the devices, D0 to D3. [Ladder Mode] 2 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 3 4 4 6 7 8 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.16 Single precision to Double precision conversion (ECON(P)) 6-103 EDCON(P) 6.3.17 Double precision to Single precision conversion (EDCON(P)) EDCON(P) High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal Command EDCON EDCON S D EDCONP S D Command EDCONP S : Conversion source data, or head number of the device where conversion source data is stored D : Head number of the device where the converted data is stored (Real number (single precision)) (Real number (double precision)) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit Word S –– –– D –– –– U Constants E Zn \G –– Other –– –– –– Function Converts 64-bit floating-point real number specified for S into 32-bit floating-point real number, and stores the conversion result to the device specified for S +3 S +2 S +1 D +1 S D . D 32-bit floating-point real number 64-bit floating-point real number Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The value of the specified device is not in the following range: 0,2-1022 | value of specified device | • The value of the designated device is (Error code: 4140) 21024 0. (Error code: 4140) • The result exceeds the following range (Conversion results in an overflow): 2128 6-104 | Conversion result | (Error code: 4141) EDCON(P) Program Example 1 (1) The program which converts 64-bit floating-point real number of the devices, D10 to D13, into 32-bit floating-point real number when X0 turns ON, and outputs the conversion result to the devices, D0 to D1. [Ladder Mode] 2 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 3 4 4 6 7 8 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.17 Double precision to Single precision conversion (EDCON(P)) 6-105 MOV(P),DMOV(P) 6.4 Data Transfer Instructions 6.4.1 16-bit and 32-bit data transfers (MOV(P),DMOV(P)) MOV(P),DMOV(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal indicates an instruction symbol of MOV/DMOV. Command MOV, DMOV S D S D Command MOVP, DMOVP Setting Data P S : Data to be transferred or the number of the device where the data to be transferred is stored (BIN 16/32 bits) D : Number of the device where the data will be transferred (BIN 16/32 bits) Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Constants K, H Zn \G Other –– S –– D –– Function MOV (1) Transfers the 16-bit data from the device designated by Before transfer S b15 1 0 D b15 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 S to the device designated by 1 0 0 1 b0 0 1 0 0 1 b0 0 Transfer After transfer 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 DMOV (1) Transfers 32-bit data at the device designated by S to the device designated by S +1 Before transfer S b15 1 0 1 1 S 0 1 0 D b15 1 0 1 1 b0 b15 0 0 1 1 Transfer D +1 After transfer D 0 1 0 b0 b15 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 b0 0 0 0 1 b0 0 D 1 Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the MOV(P) or DMOV(P) instruction. 6-106 . D . MOV(P),DMOV(P) Program Example 1 (1) The following program stores input data from X0 to XB at D8. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 2 Device 3 (2) The following program stores the constant K155 at D8 when X8 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] 4 [List Mode] Instruction Step Device 4 009BH 6 b8b7 b15 b0 D8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 (3) The following program stores the data from D0 and D1 at D7 and D8. [Ladder Mode] 7 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 8 (4) The following program stores the data from X0 to X1F at D0 and D1. [List Mode] Step Instruction 6.4 Data Transfer Instructions 6.4.1 16-bit and 32-bit data transfers (MOV(P),DMOV(P)) [Ladder Mode] Device 6-107 EMOV(P) 6.4.2 Floating-point data transfer (Single precision) (EMOV(P)) EMOV(P) Ver. Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Basic model QCPU: The upper five digits of the serial No. are "04122" or larger. Command EMOV EMOV S D EMOVP S D Command EMOVP Setting Data S : Data to be transferred or number of the device to which the data to be transferred is stored (real number) D : The number of the device to which the transferred data will be stored (real number) Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word J \ Bit Word U Zn \G S –– –– *1 D –– –– *1 Constants E –– –– *1:Available only in multiple Universal model QCPU Function Transfers 32-bit floating decimal point type real number data being stored at the device designated by S to a device designated by S +1 D S . S D +1 D Transfer 4.23542 4.23542 32-bit floating-point real number 32-bit floating-point real number Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the EMOV(P) instruction. 6-108 Other –– EMOV(P) Program Example 1 (1) The following program stores the real numbers at D10 and D11 at D0 and D1. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 2 Device 3 [Operation] D11 D10 36.475 D1 4 D0 36.475 (2) The following program stores the real number [Ladder Mode] 4 1.23 at D10 and D11 when X8 is ON. [List Mode] Step Instruction 6 Device 7 [Operation] D11 1.23 D10 8 1.23 6.4 Data Transfer Instructions 6.4.2 Floating-point data transfer (Single precision) (EMOV(P)) 6-109 EDMOV(P) 6.4.3 Floating-point data transfer (Double precision) (EDMOV(P)) EDMOV(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command EDMOV EDMOV S D EDMOVP S D Command EDMOVP Setting Data S : Data to be transferred or number of the device to which the data to be transferred is stored (real number) D : The number of the device to which the transferred data will be stored (real number) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit U Word S –– –– D –– –– \G Zn Constants E Other –– –– –– Function Transfers 64-bit floating decimal point type real number data being stored at the device designated by S +3 S +2 S to a device designated by S +1 S 4.23542 64-bit floating-point real number Transfer D +3 D S . D +2 D +1 D 4.23542 64-bit floating-point real number Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the EDMOV(P) instruction. 6-110 EDMOV(P) Program Example 1 (1) The following program stores the 64-bit floating decimal point type real number at D10 to D13 at D0 to D3. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 2 Device 3 4 [Operation] D13 D12 D11 D10 36.475 D3 D2 D1 D0 36.475 (2) The following program stores the real number [Ladder Mode] 4 1.23 at D10 to D13 when X8 is ON. 6 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 7 [Operation] 8 D13 D12 D11 D10 6.4 Data Transfer Instructions 6.4.3 Floating-point data transfer (Double precision) (EDMOV(P)) 6-111 $MOV(P) 6.4.4 Character string transfers ($MOV(P)) $MOV(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command $MOV $MOV S D $MOVP S D Command $MOVP : Character string to be transferred (maximum string length: 32 characters) or head number of the devices S where the character string to be transferred is stored (character string) D Setting Data : Head number of the devices where the transferred character string will be stored (character string) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit U Word S –– –– D –– –– \G Zn Constants $ Other –– –– –– Function (1) Transfers the character string data designated by S to the devices from the device designated by D and onward. The character string data enclosed in " (double quotes) or devices from the number specified by S to the device number storing "00H" are transferred all at once. b0 b15 b8 b7 2nd character 1st character S S + 1 4th character 3rd character S + 2 6th character 5th character 00H b0 b15 b8 b7 2nd character 1st character D D + 1 4th character 3rd character D + 2 6th character 5th character nth character nth character 00H Indicates the end of character string. (2) Processing will be performed without error even in cases where the range for the devices storing the character data to be transferred ( S to S +n) overlaps with the range of the devices which will store the character string data after it has been transferred ( D to D +n). The following occurs when the character string data that had been stored from D10 to D13 is transferred to D11 to D14: b15 b8 b7 b0 D10 32 H (2) 31 H (1) D11 34 H (4) 33 H (3) D12 36 H (6) 35 H (5) D13 00 H D14 6-112 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 b15 32 H 32 H 34 H 36 H b8 b7 31 H (2) (2) 31 H 33 H (4) 35 H (6) 00 H b0 (1) Character string before (1) transfer is remained. (3) (5) $MOV(P) (3) If the "00H" code is being stored at lower bytes of higher bytes and the lower bytes of S S +1 S +2 b15 b8 b7 b0 42 H (B) 41 H (A) 44 H (D) 43 H (C) 45 H (E) 00 H D D D +1 D +2 Upper byte is not transferred. S +n, "00H" will be stored at both the +n. 1 b15 b8 b7 b0 42 H (B) 41 H (A) 44 H (D) 43 H (C) 00 H 00 H 2 At the upper byte position, "00H" is automatically stored. 3 Operation Error 4 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • There is no "00H" code stored between the device number designated by S and the relevant device. (Error code: 4101) • The entire character string linked from the device number designated by D to the final device number of the relevant device cannot be stored. (Error code: 4101) • The character string of S exceeds 16383 characters. (Error code: 4101) 4 6 7 Program Example (1) The character string data stored in D10 to D12 is transferred to D20 to D22 when X0 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6.4 Data Transfer Instructions 6.4.4 Character string transfers ($MOV(P)) [Operation] b15 b8 b7 b0 D10 4DH (M) 2AH ( * ) D11 45H (E) 45H (E) 00H D12 b15 b8 b7 b0 D20 4DH (M) 2AH ( * ) D21 45H (E) 45H (E) D22 00H (2) When X is turned ON, the character string "ABCD" is transferred to D20 and D21. [Ladder Mode] 8 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6-113 CML(P),DCML(P) 6.4.5 16-bit and 32-bit negation transfers (CML(P),DCML(P)) CML(P),DCML(P) High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal indicates an instruction symbol of CML, DCML. Command CML, DCML S D S D Command CMLP, DCMLP Setting Data P S : Data to be reversed or the number of the device where data to be reversed is stored (BIN 16/32 bits) D : Number of the device where the reversing result will be stored (BIN 16/32 bits) Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Constants K, H Zn \G –– S –– D Function CML (1) Inverts 16-bit data designated by designated by D bit by bit, and transfers the result to the device S . Before execution S b15 1 0 D b15 0 1 After execution 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 b0 0 0 1 1 0 b0 1 Inversion 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 DCML (1) Inverts 32-bit data designated by designated by D bit by bit, and transfers the result to the device S . S +1 Before execution S b15 1 0 1 S 0 1 1 0 D b15 0 1 0 0 b0 b15 0 0 1 1 Inversion D +1 After execution 1 0 1 b0 b15 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 b0 0 1 1 0 b0 1 D 0 Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the CML(P) or DCML(P) instruction. 6-114 Other –– CML(P),DCML(P) Program Example 1 (1) The following program inverts the data from X0 to X7, and transfers result to D0. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 2 Device 3 [Operation] 4 If "Number of bits of S < Number of bits of D " X7 X0 11010000 These bits are all regarded as 0. 4 b0 b15 b8 b7 D0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 (2) The following program inverts the data at M16 to M23, and transfers the result to Y40 to Y47. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 7 Device 8 [Operation] M23 M16 01011100 These bits are all regarded as 0. Y40 Y4B Y48Y47 111110100011 (3) The following program inverts the data at D0 when X3 is ON, and stores the result at D16. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] D0 b15 b8 b7 b0 1101100110101111 b15 b8 b7 b0 D16 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 6-115 6.4 Data Transfer Instructions 6.4.5 16-bit and 32-bit negation transfers (CML(P),DCML(P)) If "Number of bits of S < Number of bits of D " CML(P),DCML(P) (4) The following program inverts the data at X0 to X1F, and transfers results to D0 and D1. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Device Instruction Step [Operation] If "Number of bits of S < Number of bits of D " X1B These bits are all regarded as 0. X8 X7 0100 b31 b28 b27 X0 011100101100 b24 b8 b7 D0, 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 b0 100011010011 (5) The following program inverts the data at M16 to M35, and transfers it to Y40 to Y63. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] If "Number of bits of S < Number of bits of D " These bits are all regarded as 0. M35 0 10 0 M24 M23 M16 0 1 1 10 0 10 1 10 0 Y63 Y56 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 Y48 Y47 Y40 10 0 0 1 10 10 0 1 1 (6) Inverts the data at D0 and D1 when X3 is ON, and stores the result at D16 and D17. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step [Operation] 6-116 b31 b24 D0,D1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 b8 b7 b0 0 11100101100 b31 b24 D16,D17 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 b8 b7 b0 1000 110 100 11 Instruction Device BMOV(P) 6.4.6 Block 16-bit data transfers (BMOV(P)) 1 BMOV(P) High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal 3 Command BMOV BMOV S D n BMOVP S D n 4 Command BMOVP S : Head number of the devices where the data to be transferred is stored (BIN 16 bits) D : Head number of the devices of transfer destination (BIN 16 bits) n : Number of transfers (when using an intelligent function module device (U \G 4 ): 1 to 6144 (QnA only)) (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word 2 J R, ZR \ Bit Word U Constants K, H Zn \G Other S –– –– D –– –– n 6 –– 7 8 Function points from the device designated by b15 1234 H 5678 H 7FF0 H S +(n-1) 6FFFH 553F H to location n . B0 S S +1 S +2 S +(n-2) D S b15 Block transfer n B0 D D +1 D +2 1234 H 5678 H 7FF0 H D +(n-1) D +(n-2) 6FFF H 553F H n (2) Transfers can be accomplished even in cases where there is an overlap between the source and destination device. In the case of transmission to the smaller device number, transmission is from S ; for transmission to the larger device number, transmission is from S + (n 1). However, as shown in the example below, when transferring data from R to ZR, or from ZR to R, the range to be transferred (source) and the range of destination must not overlap. Transfer from R to R, or from ZR to ZR can be performed without any problem. • ZR transfer range ((specified head No. of ZR) to (specified head No. of ZR + the number of transfers -1)) • R transfer range ((specified head No. of R + file register block No. head No. of R + file register block No. 32768) to (specified 32768 + the number of transfers -1)) 6-117 6.4 Data Transfer Instructions 6.4.6 Block 16-bit data transfers (BMOV(P)) (1) Transfers in batch 16-bit data of n points from the device designated by BMOV(P) Example Transfer ranges of ZR and R overlap when transferring 10000 blocks of data from ZR30000 (source) to R10 (block No.1 of the destination). • ZR transfer range (30000) to (30000+10000-1) • R transfer range (10+(1 32768)) to (10+(1 (30000) to (39999) 32768)+10000-1) (32778) to (42777) Therefore, the range 32778 to 39999 overlaps and the data is not correctly transferred. Source of transfer Destination of transfer ZR0 R0 Overlapped Block No. 0 ZR30000 R32767 R10 ZR39999 R10009 Block No. 1 (3) When S is a word device and D is a bit device, the object for the word device will be the number of bits designated by the bit device digit designation. If K1Y30 has been designated by will become the object. b15 S D100 D , the lower four bits of the word device designated by b4 b3 b2 b1b0 D +2 D +1 D 1011 Y3B S +1 D101 0011 n S +2 D102 0111 (4) If bit device has been designated for same number of digits. S and Y38 Y37 Y34 Y33 Y30 011100111011 n D , then S and D should always have the (5) When using a link direct device and an intelligent function module device for either of S or D S S and D , only can be used. (6) Selection whether to check a device range Whether to check a device range during execution of the BMOV instruction can be selected with the device range check inhibit flag (SM237) (only when the conditions for subset processing are established). While SM237 is ON, whether S to S + (n) -1 and D to D + (n) - 1 are within the device range or not are not checked. For details of SM237, refer to Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST. SM237 can be used only for the Universal model QCPU whose first 5 digits of serial number is 10012 or later. 6-118 BMOV(P) Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The device range of n points from or S D exceeds the corresponding device range. (Error code: 4101) 2 3 Program Example (1) The following program outputs the lower 4 bits of data at D66 to D69 to Y30 to Y3F in 4-point units. [Ladder Mode] 4 [List Mode] 4 Device Instruction Step 6 [Operation] Before execution (source of transfer) After execution (destination of transfer) b15 b4b3 b0 D66 1110 1 1 1 0 1 Y33 to Y30 0 0 0 0 Y37 to Y34 D67 00000 0 0 1 1 Y3B to Y38 D68 10011 1 1 0 1 Y3F to Y3C D69 0 110 1 7 8 Ignored [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Device Instruction [Operation] X2F X2CX2B X28X27 X24X23 X20 Before execution 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 After execution (destination of transfer) b15 b4 b3 b0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 D100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 D101 4 points 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 D102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 D103 Filled with 0s. 6-119 6.4 Data Transfer Instructions 6.4.6 Block 16-bit data transfers (BMOV(P)) (2) The following program outputs the data at X20 to X2F to D100 to D103 in 4-point units. FMOV(P) 6.4.7 Identical 16-bit data block transfers (FMOV(P)) FMOV(P) Basic High performance FMOV S D n FMOVP S D n Process Redundant Universal Command FMOV Command FMOVP S : Data to be transferred or the head number of the devices where the data to be transferred is stored D : Head number of the devices of transfer destination (BIN 16 bits) (BIN 16 bits) n : Number of transfers (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR \ Bit U Word Constants K, H Zn \G Other –– S –– D –– n –– Function (1) Transfers 16-bit data at the device designated by one designated by D to n points of devices starting from the S . b15 b15 S (2) In cases where S b0 Transfer 3456 H b0 D D +1 D +2 3456 H 3456 H 3456 H D +(n-2) D +(n-1) 3456 H 3456 H designates a word device and D n a bit device, the number of bits designated by digit designation for the bit device will be the object bits for the word device. If K1Y30 has been designated by will become the object. D , the lower 4 bits of the word device designated by D +3 b15 S D100 b4 b3 b2 b1b0 Y3F Y3C Y3B D +1 Y38 Y37 Y34 Y33 D Y30 1 01 1 1 01 11 01 1 1 01 1 n 1 011 (3) If bit device has been designated for same number of digits. 6-120 Transfer D +2 S and D , then S and D should always have the S S FMOV(P) (4) Selection whether to check a device range Whether to check a device range during execution of the FMOV instruction can be selected with the device range check inhibit flag (SM237) (only when the conditions for subset processing are established). While SM237 is ON, whether D to D + (n) - 1 is within the device range or not is not checked. For details of SM237, refer to Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST. 1 2 SM237 can be used only for the Universal model QCPU whose first 5 digits of serial number is 10012 or later. 3 4 Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The device range of n points from or exceeds the corresponding device range. (Error code: 4101) D 4 6 Program Example (1) The following program outputs the lower 4 bits of D0 when XA goes ON to Y10 to Y23 in 4-bit units. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Device Instruction 7 8 [Operation] b15 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Ignored Transfer 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y13 to Y10 Y17 to Y14 Y1B to Y18 5 points Y1F to Y1C Y23 to Y20 (2) The following program outputs the data at X20 through X23 to D100 through D103 when XA goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Device Instruction [Operation] X2F X2CX2B X28X27 X24X23 X20 Before execution 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 Ignored After execution (destination of transfer) b15 b4 b3 b0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 D100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 D101 4 points 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 D102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 D103 Filled with 0s. 6-121 6.4 Data Transfer Instructions 6.4.7 Identical 16-bit data block transfers (FMOV(P)) D0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 DFMOV(P) 6.4.8 Identical 32-bit data block transfers (DFMOV(P)) DFMOV(P) Ver. Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal QnU(D)(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. QnUDE(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. Command DFMOV DFMOV S D n DFMOVP S D n Command DFMOVP S : Data to be transferred or head number of the devices where the data to be transferred are stored (BIN 32 bits) D : Head number of the devices of transfer destination (BIN 32 bits) n : Number of transfers (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word Constants K, H Zn \G Other –– S –– D –– n –– Function (1) This instruction transfers 32-bit data of the device specified by starting from the device specified by D S to the n-point devices . b31 b31 S +1, S b0 Transfer 1234567H D +1, D +3, D +5, D D +2 D +4 D +n 1, D +n 2 b0 1234567H 1234567H 1234567H n 1234567H (2) If S specifies data of a device with digit specification, the amount of data to be transferred will be the amount of the data specified digit. If K5Y0 is specified by will be the object. Y1F S , the lower 20 bits (five digits) of the word device specified by Y14 Y13 Y0 S +1, Ignored S 20 bits (five digits) data b31 b20 b19 b0 D +3, 0 ・ ・ b20 b19 ・ Transfer b31 20 bits (five digits) data D +2 ・ ・ ・ b0 D +(2n 0 Filled with 0s D D +1, 0 6-122 S 1), D +(2n 2) DFMOV(P) (3) If D specifies data of a device with digit specification, the amount of data stored in the device specified by If K5Y0 is specified by object. If both and S specified by D D 1 will be transferred. D D , the lower 20 bits of the word device specified by will be the S 2 specify data of a device with digit specification, the amount of data will be transferred regardless of the number of digits. b31 b20 b19 b0 S +1, 3 S Amount of data specified digits by D 4 Transfer D +n D +1 … Y14n+19 Y14n D Y27 Y14 Y13 Y0 4 6 (4) If the value specified by n is 0, the instruction will be not processed. (5) Whether to check a device range during the execution of the FMOV instruction can be selected with the device range check inhibit flag (SM237). (Only when the conditions of the subset processing are established) Operation Error 7 8 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns on, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The value specified by n is negative. (Error code: 4100) D . (Error code: 4101) Program Example (1) The following program stores the value data stored at Y0 to Y13(20 bits) into D10 to D17,when M0 is turned on, [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Device Instruction Step [Operation] Y1F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y14 Y13 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 Ignored 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Y0 0 1 20 bits (five digits) data b31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b20 b19 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 b0 1 0 1 D11,D10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 D13,D12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 D15,D14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 D17,D16 Transfer 20 bits (five digits) Filled with 0s 6-123 6.4 Data Transfer Instructions 6.4.8 Identical 32-bit data block transfers (DFMOV(P)) • The range of n-point devices, to be transferred, exceeds the range of devices specified by XCH(P),DXCH(P) 6.4.9 16-bit and 32-bit data exchanges (XCH(P),DXCH(P)) XCH(P),DXCH(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal indicates an instruction symbol of XCH, DXCH. Command XCH, DXCH D1 D2 D1 D2 Command XCHP, DXCHP P , D1 Setting Data D2 : Head number of the devices where the data to be exchanged is stored (BIN 16/32 bits) Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR \ Bit U Word Zn \G Other D1 –– D2 –– Function XCH (1) Conducts 16-bit data exchange between D1 and D2 . D2 D1 b15 b8 b7 b0 1111 00001111 0000 b15 b8 b7 b0 Before execution 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 After execution D1 D2 b15 b8 b7 b0 1111000011110000 b15 b8 b7 b0 0111000000000111 DXCH (1) Conducts 32-bit data exchange between D1 +1 D1 After execution b31 0000 D1 b16 b15 000111 b31 Before execution 1 1 1 1 6-124 Constants +1 b0 0000 D1 b16 b15 111111 b0 1111 D1 +1, D1 and D2 +1, D2 D2+1 b31 0000 b16 b15 111111 D2 +1 b31 1111 b16 b15 000111 . D2 b0 1111 D2 b0 0000 XCH(P),DXCH(P) Operation Error 1 (1) There are no errors associated with the XCH (P) and DXCH (P) instruction. 2 Program Example (1) The following program exchanges the present value of T0 with the contents of D0 when X8 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] 3 [List Mode] Instruction Step 4 Device 4 (2) The following program exchanges the contents of D0 with the data from M16 to M31 when X10 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 6 Device 7 (3) The following program exchanges the contents of D0 and D1 with the data at M16 to M47 when X10 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6-125 6.4 Data Transfer Instructions 6.4.9 16-bit and 32-bit data exchanges (XCH(P),DXCH(P)) (4) The following program exchanges the contents of D0 and D1 with those of D9 and D10 when M0 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] 8 BXCH(P) 6.4.10 Block 16-bit data exchanges (BXCH(P)) BXCH(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command BXCH BXCH D1 D2 n BXCHP D1 D2 n Command BXCHP D1 n Setting Data , D2 : Head number of the devices where the data to be exchanged is stored (BIN 16 bits) : Number of exchanges (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR \ Bit Word U Zn \G Constants K, H Other D1 –– –– –– D2 –– –– –– n –– Function (1) Exchanges 16-bit data of n points from device designated by from device designated by D1 D1 +1 D1 +2 D1 +(n D1 +(n D1 D1 +1 D1 +2 D1 +(n D1 +(n 6-126 D2 D1 and 16-bit data of n points . b15 b8 b7 b0 0000 111100001111 D2 1111111100000000 D2 +1 110000 11110000 11 0000000011111111 D2 +2 1111111100000000 n b15 b8 b7 b0 00 11001100 110011 2) 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 D2 +(n 2) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 D2 +(n 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b15 b8 b7 b0 00 11001100110011 D2 110000 11110000 11 D2 +1 1111111100000000 1111111100000000 D2 +2 0000000011111111 n n b15 b8 b7 b0 0000 111100001111 2) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D2 +(n 2) 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D2 +(n 1) 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 n BXCH(P) Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The range of the device of n points from a device designated by relevant device. • The D1 and D2 D1 , D2 devices overlap. or exceeds the (Error code: 4101) (Error code: 4101) Program Example 3 4 (1) The following program exchanges 16-bit data for 3 points from D200 for 16-bit data for 3 points from R0 when X1C goes ON. [Ladder Mode] 2 [List Mode] Step Instruction 4 Device 6 7 [Operation] b15 b8 b7 b0 R0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 D201 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 D202 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 R2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 b15 b8 b7 b0 D200 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 b15 b8 b7 b0 R0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D201 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 R1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D202 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 R2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 8 6.4 Data Transfer Instructions 6.4.10 Block 16-bit data exchanges (BXCH(P)) b15 b8 b7 b0 D200 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6-127 SWAP(P) 6.4.11 Upper and lower byte exchanges (SWAP(P)) SWAP(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command SWAP SWAP D SWAPP D Command SWAPP D : Head number of the devices where the data is stored (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit R, ZR Word J \ Bit Word U \G Zn Constants Other –– D Function (1) Exchanges the higher and lower 8 bits of the device designated by b15 D b8 b7 b4 b3 . b0 0 10 1010 11010 10 10 b15 D b12 b11 D b12 b11 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0 10 10 10 100 10 10 10 1 Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the SWAP(P) instruction. Program Example (1) The following program exchanges the higher 8 bits and lower 8 bits of R10 when X10 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step [Operation] b15 b12 b11 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0 R10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b15 b12 b11 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0 R10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6-128 Instruction Device CJ,SCJ,JMP 6.5 Program Branch Instructions 6.5.1 1 Pointer branch instructions (CJ,SCJ,JMP) 2 CJ,SCJ,JMP Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 3 4 Command CJ CJ P** SCJ P** JMP P** Command SCJ JMP Label 4 6 Command P** 7 P** : Pointer number of jump destination (Device name) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit P \ Word U \G Zn Constants Other P 8 –– CJ (1) Executes the program specified by the pointer number within the same program file, when the execution command is ON. (2) When the execution command is OFF, the program at the next step is executed. ON Execution command OFF CJ Executed at each scan SCJ (1) Executes the program specified by the pointer number within the same program file starting with the scan immediately after OFF ON of the execution command. (2) When the execution command is OFF or turned ON OFF, the program at the next step is executed. ON Execution command OFF SCJ 1 scan Executed at each scan 6-129 6.5 Program Branch Instructions 6.5.1 Pointer branch instructions (CJ,SCJ,JMP) Function CJ,SCJ,JMP JMP (1) Unconditionally executes program of designated pointer number within the same program file. Note the following points when using the jump instruction. 1. After the timer coil has gone ON, accurate measurements cannot be made if there is an attempt to jump the timer of a coil that has been turned ON using the CJ, SCJ or JMP instructions. 2. Scan time is shortened if the CJ, SCJ or JMP instruction is used to force a jump to the OUT instruction. 3. Scan time is shortened if the CJ, SCJ or JMP instruction is used to force a jump to the rear. 4. The CJ, SCJ, and JMP instructions can be used to jump to a step prior to the step currently being executed. However, it is necessary to consider methods to get out of the loop so that the watchdog timer does not time out in the process. P8 X0 Y40 When X3 is ON, the loop is closed. X7 CJ P9 CJ P8 X3 P9 Exits the loop when X7 is turned ON. X6 Y42 5. The device to which a jump has been made with the CJ, SCJ or JMP does not change. XB 10 CJ P19 XC 14 Y43 XB 16 P19 18 Y49 X9 Jumps to label P19 when XB turns ON. Y43 and Y49 remain unchanged regardless of whether XB and XC are turned ON/OFF during the execution of CJ instruction. Y4C 6. The label (P*) occupies step 1. X8 10 CJ P9 M33 14 Occupies 1 step 16 P9 18 Y30 M3 Y36 M36 Y39 X9 21 Y3B 7. The jump instructions can be used only for pointer numbers within the same program file. 8. If a jump is made to a pointer number inside the skip range during a skip operation, program execution will be taken up following the pointer number of the jump destination. 6-130 CJ,SCJ,JMP Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The pointer number designated does not come prior to the END instruction. (Error code: 4210) • A pointer number which is not in use as a label in the same program has been designated. (Error code: 4210) • A common pointer has been designated. 2 3 (Error code: 4210) 4 Program Example (1) The following program jumps to P3 when X9 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Step 4 Device 6 7 (2) The following program jumps to P3 from the next scan after XC goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Step 8 Device (1) When using the Universal model QCPU with the SCJ instruction, inserting "AND SM400" (or the NOP instruction) in immediately before the SCJ instruction is required. [Program example1] [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction Step 0 1 2 [Program example2] [Ladder Mode] LD AND SCJ Device M0 SM400 P0 [List Mode] Step 0 1 2 3 Instruction LD OUT AND SCJ Device M0 Y0 SM400 P0 6-131 6.5 Program Branch Instructions 6.5.1 Pointer branch instructions (CJ,SCJ,JMP) Caution GOEND 6.5.2 Jump to END (GOEND) GOEND Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command GOEND GOEND Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ U Word –– \G Zn Constants Other –– Function (1) Jumps to the FEND or END instruction in the same program file. Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The GOEND instruction has been executed after the execution of the CALL, ECALL instruction, and prior to the execution of the RET instruction. (Error code: 4211) • The GOEND instruction has been executed after the execution of the FOR instruction, and prior to the execution of the NEXT instruction. (Error code: 4200) • The GOEND instruction has been executed during an interrupt program but prior to the execution of the IRET instruction. (Error code: 4221) • The GOEND instruction was executed between the CHKCIR and CHKEND instruction block. (Error code: 4230) • The GOEND instruction was executed between the IX and IXEND instruction block. (Error code: 4231) Program Example (1) The following program jumps to the END instruction if D0 holds a negative number. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 6-132 Instruction Device DI,EI,IMASK 6.6 Program Execution Control Instructions 1 6.6.1 Interrupt disable/enable instructions, interrupt program mask (DI,EI,IMASK) 2 DI,EI,IMASK Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 3 4 When the Basic model QCPU is used 4 DI DI 6 Sequence program IMASK IMASK EI S 7 EI : Interrupt mask data or head number of the devices where the interrupt mask data is stored (BIN 16 bits) S Setting Data S Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR Bit –– \ Word U Zn \G Constants Other –– DI (1) Disables the execution of an interrupt program until the EI instruction has been executed, even if a start cause for the interrupt program occurs. (2) A DI state is entered when power is turned ON or when the CPU module is reset. EI The EI instruction is used to clear the interrupt disable state resulting from the execution of the DI instruction, and to create a state in which the interrupt program designated by the interrupt pointer number certified by the IMASK instruction can be executed. When the IMASK instruction is not executed, I32 to I47 are disabled. Sequence program DI Sequence program EI FEND Even if a cause of interrupt occurs during the execution of the sequence program between the DI and EI instructions, execution of the interrupt program is suspended until the processing of the sequence program is completed. Interrupt programs 6-133 6.6 Program Execution Control Instructions 6.6.1 Interrupt disable/enable instructions, interrupt program mask (DI,EI,IMASK) Function In 8 DI,EI,IMASK IMASK (1) Enables/disables the execution of the interrupt program marked by the designated interrupt pointer by using the bit pattern of 8 points from the device designated by S . • 1(ON)......Interrupt program execution enabled • 0(OFF) .... Interrupt program execution disabled (2) The interrupt pointer numbers corresponding to the individual bits are as shown below: b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 I8 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I0 S I15 I14 I13 I12 I11 I10 I9 S+1 I31 I30 I29 I28 I27 I26 I25 I24 I23 I22 I21 I20 I19 I18 I17 I16 S+2 I47 I46 I45 I44 I43 I42 I41 I40 I39 I38 I37 I36 I35 I34 I33 I32 S+3 I63 I62 I61 I60 I59 I57 I56 I55 I54 I53 I52 I51 I50 I49 I48 S+4 I79 I78 I77 I76 I75 I74 I73 I72 I71 I70 I69 I68 I67 I66 I65 I64 S+5 I95 I94 I93 I92 I91 I90 I89 I88 I87 I86 I85 I84 I83 I82 I81 I80 S+6 I111 I110 I109 I108 I107 I106 I105 I104 I103 I102 I101 I100 I99 I98 I97 I96 S+7 I127 I126 I125 I124 I123 I122 I121 I120 I119 I118 I117 I116 I115 I114 I113 I112 I58 (3) When the power is turned ON or when the CPU module has been reset, the execution of interrupt programs I0 to I31,I48 to I127 is enabled, and the execution of interrupt programs I32 to I47 is disabled. (4) The statuses of devices S , S +1, S +2, and S +3 to S +7 are stored in SD715 to SD717 and SD781 to SD785 (storage area for the IMASK instruction mask pattern). (5) Although the special registers are separated as SD715 to SD717 and SD781 to SD785, device numbers should be designated as S to S +7 successively. 1. An interrupt pointer occupies 1 step. I 10 Stored at step 50 X1C Y10 50 X5 53 Y30 55 IRET 2. For the information on interrupt conditions, link direct devices, refer to the QnUCPU User’s Manual(Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User’s Manuall(Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) 3. The DI state (interrupt disabled) is active during the execution of an interrupt program. Do not insert the EI instructions in interrupt programs to attempt the execution of multiple interrupts, with interrupt programs running inside interrupt programs. 4. If there are the EI and DI instructions within a master control, these instructions will be executed regardless of the execution/non-execution status of the MC instruction. 6-134 DI,EI,IMASK Operation Error 1 (1) There are no operation errors associated with the DI, EI or IMASK instruction. 2 Program Example (1) The following program is designed to enable the execution of only the interrupt programs having the interrupt pointer numbers I1 and I3 while X0 is ON. [Ladder Mode] 3 [List Mode] Step Instruction 4 Device 4 6 7 8 6.6 Program Execution Control Instructions 6.6.1 Interrupt disable/enable instructions, interrupt program mask (DI,EI,IMASK) 6-135 DI,EI,IMASK When the High Performance model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU/Universal model QCPU is used DI DI Sequence program IMASK IMASK S EI EI : Head number of the devices where the interrupt mask data is stored (BIN 16 bits) S Setting Data S Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR Bit –– \ Word U Zn \G Constants Other –– Function DI (1) Disables the execution of an interrupt program until the EI instruction has been executed, even if a start cause for the interrupt program occurs. (2) A DI state is entered when power is turned ON or when the CPU module is reset. EI The EI instruction is used to clear the interrupt disable state resulting from the execution of the DI instruction, and to create a state in which the interrupt program designated by the interrupt pointer number enabled by the IMASK instruction and the fixed cycle execution type program can be executed. When the IMASK instruction is not executed, I32 to I47 are disabled. Sequence program DI Sequence program EI FEDN In 6-136 Interrupt programs Even if a cause of interrupt occurs during the execution of the sequence program between the DI and EI instructions, execution of the interrupt program is suspended until the processing of the sequence program is completed. DI,EI,IMASK IMASK (1) Enables/disables the execution of the interrupt program marked by the designated interrupt pointer by using the bit pattern of 16 points from the device designated by S 1 . • 1(ON)...... Interrupt program execution enabled 2 • 0(OFF).... Interrupt program execution disabled (2) The interrupt pointer numbers corresponding to the individual bits are as shown below: b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 I8 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I0 S I15 I14 I13 I12 I11 I10 I9 S +1 I31 I30 I29 I28 I27 I26 I25 I24 I23 I22 I21 I20 I19 I18 I17 I16 S +2 I47 I46 I45 I44 I43 I42 I41 I40 I39 I38 I37 I36 I35 I34 I33 I32 S +3 I63 I62 I61 I60 I59 I57 I56 I55 I54 I53 I52 I51 I50 I49 I48 S +4 I79 I78 I77 I76 I75 I74 I73 I72 I71 I70 I69 I68 I67 I66 I65 I64 S +5 I95 I94 I93 I92 I91 I90 I89 I88 I87 I86 I85 I84 I83 I82 I81 I80 S +6 I111 I110 I109 I108 I107 I106 I105 I104 I103 I102 I101 I100 I99 I98 I97 I96 S +7 I127 I126 I125 I124 I123 I122 I121 I120 I119 I118 I117 I116 I115 I114 I113 I112 S +8 I143 I142 I141 I140 I139 I138 I137 I136 I135 I134 I133 I132 I131 I130 I129 I128 S +9 I159 I158 I157 I156 I155 I154 I153 I152 I151 I150 I149 I148 I147 I146 I145 I144 S +10 I175 I174 I173 I172 I171 I170 I169 I168 I167 I166 I165 I164 I163 I162 I161 I160 S +11 I191 I190 I189 I188 I187 I186 I185 I184 I183 I182 I181 I180 I179 I178 I177 I176 S +12 I207 I206 I205 I204 I203 I202 I201 I200 I199 I198 I197 I196 I195 I194 I193 I192 S +13 I223 I222 I221 I220 I219 I218 I217 I216 I215 I214 I213 I212 I211 I210 I209 I208 S +14 I239 I238 I237 I236 I235 I234 I233 I232 I231 I230 I229 I228 I227 I226 I225 I224 S +15 I255 I254 I253 I252 I251 I250 I249 I248 I247 I246 I245 I244 I243 I242 I241 I240 I58 3 4 4 6 7 8 (4) The status of devices S , S +1, S +2, and S +3 to S +15 are stored in SD715 to SD717 and SD781 to SD793 (storage area for the IMASK instruction mask pattern). (5) Although the special registers are separated as SD715 to SD717 and SD781 to SD793, device numbers should be designated as S to S +15 successively. 1. An interrupt pointer occupies 1 step. T10 Stored at step 50 X1C Y10 50 X5 53 Y30 55 IRET • For the information on interrupt conditions, link direct devices, refer to the QnUCPU User’s Manual(Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User’s Manuall(Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) 2. The DI state (interrupt disabled) is active during the execution of an interrupt program. Do not insert the EI instructions in interrupt programs to attempt the execution of multiple interrupts, with interrupt programs running inside interrupt programs. 3. If there are the EI and DI instructions within a master control, these instructions will be executed regardless of the execution/non-execution status of the MC instruction. 6-137 6.6 Program Execution Control Instructions 6.6.1 Interrupt disable/enable instructions, interrupt program mask (DI,EI,IMASK) (3) When the power is turned ON or when the CPU module has been reset, the execution of interrupt programs I0 to I31,I48 to I255 is enabled, and the execution of interrupt programs I32 to I47 is disabled. DI,EI,IMASK Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The device specified by S exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (For the Universal model QCPU only.) (Error code: 4101) Program Example (1) The following program creates an execution enabled state for the interrupt program marked by the interrupt pointer number when X0 is ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 6-138 Instruction Device IRET 6.6.2 Recovery from interrupt programs (IRET) 1 IRET Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 I ** IRET 4 IRET Setting Data –– Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ U Word \G Zn Constants Other 4 –– 6 Function 7 (1) Indicates the completion of interrupt program processing. (2) Returns to sequence program processing following the execution of the IRET instruction. 8 Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. (Error code: 4220) • The IRET instruction was executed before the interrupt program is executed. (Error code: 4223) • The END, FEND, GOEND, or STOP instruction has been executed after the generation of an interrupt and prior to the execution of the IRET instruction. (Error code: 4221) • The IRET instruction was executed during the fixed scan execution type program. (For the Universal model QCPU only) (Error code: 4223) 6-139 6.6 Program Execution Control Instructions 6.6.2 Recovery from interrupt programs (IRET) • There is no pointer corresponding to the interrupt number. IRET Program Example (1) The following program adds 1 to D0 if M0 is ON when the number 3 interrupt is generated. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 6-140 Instruction Device RFS(P) 6.7 I/O Refresh Instructions 1 6.7.1 I/O refresh (RFS(P)) 2 RFS(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 3 4 Command RFS RFS S n RFSP S n 4 Command RFSP 6 : Head number of the devices to be refreshed (bits) S n : Number of refreshes (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data S Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR \ Bit U Word \G –– (Only X, Y) n Zn Constants K, H Other –– –– 7 8 Function (2) Fetching of input from or sending output to an external source is conducted in batch only after the execution of the END instruction, so it is not possible to output a pulse signal to an outside source during the execution of a scan. When the I/O refresh instruction is executed, the inputs (X) or outputs (Y) of the corresponding device numbers are refreshed forcibly midway through program execution. Therefore, a pulse signal can be output to an external source during a scan. (3) Use direct access inputs (DX) or direct access outputs (DY) to refresh inputs (X) or outputs (Y) in 1-point units. [Program based on the RFS instruction] Command X0 RFS K1 Refreshes X0 X0 Y20 Command RFS Y20 K1 Refreshes Y20 [Program based on direct access input and direct access output] DX0 DY20 Direct access input Direct access output 6-141 6.7 I/O Refresh Instructions 6.7.1 I/O refresh (RFS(P)) (1) 1. Refreshes only the device being scanned during a scan, and functions to fetch input from external sources or to output data to an output module. RFS(P) Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The range n points from the device designated by S exceeds the proximate I/O range. (Error code: 4101) Program Example (1) The following program refreshes X100 to X11F and Y200 to Y23F when M0 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 6-142 Instruction Device UDCNT1 6.8 Other Convenient Instructions 6.8.1 1 Counter 1-phase input up or down (UDCNT1) 2 UDCNT1 Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 3 4 Command UDCNT1 UDCNT1 : S S + 0: Input number for count input (bits) S + 1: For setting count up/down (bits) S D n 4 •OFF: Count up (add numbers when counting) •ON: Count down (subtract numbers when counting) 6 : Number of the counter to be enabled to start counting with the UDCNT1 instruction (Device name) D n : Value to set (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR Bit \ Word U \G Zn Constants K, H Other S (Only X)*1 –– –– –– –– D –– *1(Only C) –– –– –– n *2 *2 7 8 –– *2 *1: Only the X device can be used for . However, the X device can be used only in the range of number of I/O points (the number of accessible points to actual I/O modules). *2: Local devices and the file registers set for individual programs cannot be used. S (1) When the input designated at S goes from OFF to ON, the present value of the counter designated at D will be updated. (2) The direction of the count is determined by the ON/OFF status of the input designated by S +1. • OFF : Count up (counts by adding to the present value) • ON : Count down (counts by subtracting from the present value) (3) Count processing is conducted as described below: • When the count is going up, the counter contact designated at D goes ON when the present value becomes identical with the setting value designated by n. However, the present value count will continue even when the contact of the counter designated at goes ON. (See Program Example (1)) D • When the count is going down, the counter for the contact designated at D goes OFF when the present value reaches the set value 1. (See Program Example (1)) 6-143 6.8 Other Convenient Instructions 6.8.1 Counter 1-phase input up or down (UDCNT1) Function UDCNT1 • The counter designated at D is a ring counter. If it is counting up when the present value is 32767, the present value will become 32768. Further, if it is counting down when the present value is 32768, the present value will become 32767. The count processing performed on the present value is as shown below: 32768 32767 2 1 0 1 2 32766 32767 When counting up When counting down (4) The UDCNT1 instruction triggers counting when the execution command is turned OFF ON and suspends counting when the execution command is turned ON OFF. When the execution command is turned OFF ON again, the counting resumes from the suspended value. (5) The RST instruction clears the present value of the counter designated at contact OFF. D and turns the 1. With the UDCNT1 instruction, the argument device data is registered in the work area of the CPU module and counting operation is processed as a system interrupt. (The device data registered in the work area is cleared by turning the execution command OFF, or turning the STOP/RUN switch STOP RUN.) For this reason, the pulses that can be counted must have longer ON and OFF times than the interrupt interval of the CPU module. The interrupt interval of individual modules is shown below: CPU Module Type Name High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Universal model QCPU Interrupt Interval 1 ms 2. The set value cannot be changed during counting directed by the UDCNT1 instruction (while the execution command is ON). To change the set value, turn OFF the execution command. 3. Counters which have been designated by the UDCNT1 instruction cannot be used by other instructions. If they are used by other instructions, they will not be capable of returning an accurate count. 4. The UDCNT1 instruction can be used as many as 6 times within all the programs being executed. The seventh and the subsequent UDCNT1 instructions are not processed. Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The device specified by 6-144 S exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (Error code: 4101) UDCNT1 Program Example 1 (1) This program uses C0 (Up/Down counter) to count the number of times X0 goes from OFF to ON after X20 has gone ON. [Ladder Mode] 2 [List Mode] Instruction Step Device 3 4 [Operation] X20 4 X0 X1 Up Down Up 6 C0 present value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0- 1- 2- 3- 2- 1 0 1 1 C0 contact 7 8 6.8 Other Convenient Instructions 6.8.1 Counter 1-phase input up or down (UDCNT1) 6-145 UDCNT2 6.8.2 Counter 2-phase input up or down (UDCNT2) UDCNT2 Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command UDCNT2 UDCNT2 : S S S S D n + 0: Input number for count input (A phase pulse) (bits) + 1: Input number for count input (B phase pulse) (bits) : Number of the counter to be enabled to start counting with the UDCNT2 instruction (Device name) D n : Value to set (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR Bit \ Word U \G Zn Constants K, H Other S (Only X)*1 –– –– –– –– D –– *1(Only C) –– –– –– n *2 *2 –– *2 *1: Only the X device can be used for . However, the X device can be used only in the range of number of I/O points (the number of accessible points to actual I/O modules). *2: Local devices and the file registers set for individual programs cannot be used. S Function (1) The present value of the counter designated by D is updated depending on the status of the input designated by S (A phase pulse) and the status of the input designated by S +1 (B phase pulse). (2) Direction of the count is determined in the following manner: • When S is ON, if S +1 goes from OFF to ON, count up operation is performed (values are added to the present value of the counter). • When S is ON, if S +1 goes from ON to OFF, count down operation is performed (values are subtracted from the present value of the counter). • No count operation is performed if S is OFF. (3) Count processing is conducted as described below: • When the count is going up, the counter contact designated at D goes ON when the present value becomes identical with the setting value designated by n. However, the present value count will continue even when the contact of the counter designated at goes ON. (See Program Example (1)) • When the count is going down, the counter for the contact designated at D goes OFF when the present value reaches the set value 1. (See Program Example (1)) 6-146 D UDCNT2 • The counter designated at D is a ring counter. If it is counting up when the present value is 32767, the present value will become 32768. Further, if it is counting down when the present value is 32768, the present value will become 32767. The count processing performed on the present value is as shown below: 32768 32767 2 1 0 1 2 32766 32767 1 2 When counting up When counting down (4) Count processing conducted according to the UDCNT2 instruction begins when the count command goes from OFF to ON, and is suspended when it goes from ON to OFF. When the execution command is turned OFF to ON again, the counting resumes from the suspended value. (5) The RST instruction clears the present value of the counter designated at contact OFF. D 4 execution command OFF, or turning the STOP/RUN switch STOP RUN.) For this reason, the pulses that can be counted must have longer ON and OFF times than the interrupt interval of the CPU module. The interrupt interval of individual modules is shown below: CPU Module Type Name Universal model QCPU 7 1 ms (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (Error code: 4101) 6-147 6.8 Other Convenient Instructions 6.8.2 Counter 2-phase input up or down (UDCNT2) Operation Error S 6 8 Interrupt Interval 2. The set value cannot be changed during counting directed by the UDCNT2 instruction (while the execution command is ON). To change the set value, turn OFF the execution command. 3. Counters designated by the UDCNT2 instruction cannot be used by any other instruction. If they are used by other instructions, they will not be capable of returning an accurate count. 4. The UDCNT2 instruction can be used as many as 5 times within all the programs being executed. The sixth and the subsequent UDCNT2 instructions are not processed. • The device specified by 4 and turns the 1. With the UDCNT2 instruction, the argument device data is registered in the work area of the CPU module and counting operation is processed as a system interrupt. (The device data registered in the work area is cleared by turning the High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, 3 UDCNT2 Program Example (1) The following program performs a count operation as instructed by C0 (count up or down) on the status of X0 and X1 after X20 has gone ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Device Instruction Step [Operation] X20 X0 X1 COM present value 0 1 C0 contact 6-148 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 1 1 TTMR 6.8.3 Teaching timer (TTMR) 1 TTMR Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 Command TTMR TTMR D n 4 D : D + 0: The device where measurement value is stored (BIN 16 bit) D + 1: For CPU module system use (BIN 16 bit) 4 n : Measurement value multiplier (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit D –– n –– Word J R, ZR \ Bit Word U \G Zn Constants K, H –– Other 6 –– –– Function 7 8 (1) Measures the time while the execution command is ON in units of seconds, and stores the multiplied value of the measured time by the multiplier specified by n at the device designated by D . D +0 or D +1 when the execution command is turned (3) The multipliers that can be designated by n are as shown below: n Multiplier 0 1 1 10 2 100 1. Time measurements are conducted when the TTMR instruction is executed. Using the JMP or similar instruction to jump the TTMR instruction will make it impossible to get an accurate measurement. 2. Do not change the multiplier designated by n while the TTMR instruction is being executed. Changing this multiplier will result in an inaccurate value being returned. 3. The TTMR instruction can also be used in low speed execution type programs. 4. The device designated by D +1 is used by the system of the CPU module, so users should not change its value. If users do change this value, the value stored in the device designated by D will no longer be accurate. (4) No processing is performed when the value specified by "n" is other than 0 to 2. 6-149 6.8 Other Convenient Instructions 6.8.3 Teaching timer (TTMR) (2) Clears the device designated by OFF ON. TTMR Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The device specified by D exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (For the Universal model QCPU only.) (Error code: 4101) Program Example (1) The following program stores the amount of time that X0 is ON at D0. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 6-150 Instruction Device STMR 6.8.4 Special function timer (STMR) 1 STMR High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal 2 3 Command STMR STMR n S D 4 S : Timer number (word) 4 n : Value to set (BIN 16 bits). D Setting Data S : D + 0: Off delay timer output (bits) D + 1: One shot timer output after OFF (bits) D + 2: One shot timer output after ON (bits) D + 3: ON delay and Off delay timer output (bits) Internal Devices Bit Word –– *1 R, ZR –– J Bit \ Word 6 U \G Constants K, H Zn –– –– –– –– 7 –– n D Other –– –– 8 *1:Can be used only by timer (T) data (1) The STMR instruction uses the 4 points from the device designated by types of timer output. D to perform four • OFF delay timer output ( D +0) Goes ON at the leading edge of the command for the STMR instruction, and after the trailing edge of the command, goes OFF when the amount of time designated by n has passed. • One shot timer output after OFF ( D +1) Goes ON at the trailing edge of the command for the STMR instruction, and goes OFF when the amount of time designated by n has passed. • One shot timer output after ON ( D +2) Goes ON at the leading edge of the command for the STMR instruction, and goes OFF either when the amount of time designated by n has passed, or when the command for the STMR instruction goes OFF. • ON delay timer output ( D +3) Goes ON at the trailing edge of the timer coil, and after the trailing edge of the command for the STMR instruction, goes OFF when the amount of time designated by n has passed. (2) The timer coil designated by S turns ON at the leading edge and trailing edge of the command for the STMR instruction, and starts measurement of the present value. • The timer coil measures to the point where the value reaches the set value designated by n, then enters a time up state and goes OFF. • If the command for the STMR instruction goes OFF before the timer coil reaches the time up state, it will remain ON. Timer measurement is continued at this time. When the STRM instruction command goes ON once again, the present value will be cleared to 0 and measurement will begin once again. 6-151 6.8 Other Convenient Instructions 6.8.4 Special function timer (STMR) Function STMR (3) The timer contact goes ON at the leading edge of the command for the STMR instruction, and after the trailing edge is reached, the timer coil goes OFF at the trailing edge of the STMR instruction command. The timer contact is used by the CPU module system, and cannot be used by the user. Command for STMR instruction S (Coil) S (Contact) D +0 OFF delay timer D +1 One-shot timer after OFF D +2 One-shot timer after ON D +3 ON delay timer + OFF delay timer Setting value designated by n Set value designated by n Set value Set value designated by n designated by n (4) Measurement of the present value of the timer specified by the STMR instruction is executed regardless of the command ON/OFF status of the STMR instruction. If the STMR instruction is jumped with the JMP or similar instruction, it will not be possible to get accurate measurement. (5) Measurement unit for the timer designated by D is identical to the low speed timer. (6) A value between 0 to 32767 can be set for n. No operation if n is other than 0 to 32767. (7) The timer designated by S cannot be used by the OUT instruction. If the STMR instruction and the OUT instruction use the same timer number, accurate operation will not be conducted. Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The device specified by D exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (For the Universal model QCPU only.) (Error code: 4101) 6-152 STMR Program Example 1 (1) The following program turns Y0 and Y1 ON and OFF once each second (flicker) when X20 is ON. (Uses 100 ms timer) [Ladder Mode] 2 [List Mode] Step Instruction 3 Device 4 4 [Timing Chart] 6 X20 M1, Y0 7 M2, Y1 M3 1 sec 8 1 sec 6.8 Other Convenient Instructions 6.8.4 Special function timer (STMR) 6-153 ROTC 6.8.5 Rotary table shortest direction control (ROTC) ROTC Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command ROTC ROTC S : S n1 n2 S +0 : Measures the number of table rotations (for system use) (BIN 16 bits) S +1 : Call station number (BIN 16 bits) S +2 : Call item number (BIN 16 bits) D n1 : Number of divisions of table (2 to 32767) (BIN 16 bits) n2 : Number of low-speed sections (value from 0 to less than n1) (BIN 16 bits) D Setting Data S : D +0 : A phase input signal (bits) D +1 : B phase input signal (bits) D +2 : 0 point detection input signal (bits) D +3 : High speed forward rotation output signal (for system use) (bits) D +4 : Low speed forward rotation output signal (for system use) (bits) D +5 : Stop output signal (for system use) (bits) D +6 : Low speed reverse rotation output signal (for system use) (bits) D +7 : High speed reverse rotation output signal (for system use) (bits) Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word –– J Bit \ Word U \G Zn Constants K, H –– n1 –– –– n2 D Other –– –– –– –– Function (1) This control functions to enable shortest direction control of the rotary table to the position of the station number designated by S +1 in order to remove or deposit an item whose number has been designated by by n1. S +2 on a rotary table with equal divisions of the value designated (2) The item number and station number are controlled as items allocated by counterclockwise rotation. (3) The system uses S +0 as a counter to instruct it as to what item is at which number counting from station number 0. Do not rewrite the sequence program data. Accurate controls will not be possible in cases where users have rewritten the data. (4) The value of n2 should be less than the number of table divisions specified by n1. (5) D +0 and D +1 are A and B phase input signals that are used to detect whether the direction of the rotary table rotation is forward or reverse. The direction of rotation is judged by whether the B phase pulse is at its leading or trailing edge when the A phase pulse is ON: • When the B phase is at the leading edge: Forward rotation (clockwise rotation) • When the B phase is at the trailing edge: Reverse rotation (counterclockwise rotation) 6-154 ROTC (6) D +2 is the 0 point detection output signal that goes ON when item number 0 has arrived at the No. 0 station. When the device designated by D +2 goes ON while the ROTC instruction is being executed, S +0 is cleared. It is best to perform this clear operation first, then to begin shortest direction control with the ROTC instruction. (7) The data from D +3 to D +7 consists of output signals needed to control the table's operation. The output signal of one of the devices from D +3 to D +7 will go ON in response to the execution results of the ROTC instruction. (8) If the command for the ROTC instruction is OFF, clears all shortest direction control. D +3 to D +7 without performing (9) The ROTC instruction can be used only one time in all programs where it is executed. Attempts to use it more than one time will result in inaccurate operations. (10) No processing is performed when the value of than n1. S +0 to S +2, or the value of n2 is greater Operation Error 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The device specified by S or D exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (For the Universal model QCPU only.) (Error code: 4101) 8 6.8 Other Convenient Instructions 6.8.5 Rotary table shortest direction control (ROTC) 6-155 ROTC Program Example (1) The following program deposits the item at section D2 on a 10-division rotary table at the station at section D1, and the two sections ahead and behind this determine the rotation direction and control speed of the motor when the table is being rotated at low speed. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Device Instruction Step Station No. 0 0 point detection X002 8 9 0 7 Part X000 6 1 Detection switch 2 Forward rotation 3 Station No. 1 6-156 5 X001 4 Rotary table RAMP 6.8.6 Ramp signal (RAMP) 1 RAMP Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 Command RAMP n1 RAMP n2 D1 n3 D2 4 n1 : Initial value (BIN 16 bits) n2 : Final value (BIN 16 bits) D1 : 4 D1 +0 : Present value (BIN 16 bits) D1 +1 : Number of executions (BIN 16 bits) n3 : Number of shifts (BIN 16 bits) D2 : +0 : Completion device (bits) D2 +1 : Bit for selecting data retaining at completion (bit) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit 6 D2 J R, ZR Word Bit \ U Word \G Zn Constants K, H Other n1 –– n2 –– –– D1 n3 –– 7 8 –– –– D2 –– –– (1) When the execution command is ON, the following processing is executed. • Shifts from the value specified by n1 to the value specified by n2 in the number of times specified by n3. • For n3, designate the number of scans (number of shifts) required for shift from n1 to n2. No operation if other than 0
1 or D1=1 and D2 0 Executes COS-1 operation and outputs the result of operation to Y40 to Y4F ( 4 ) [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operations involved if X0 and X20 to X33 designate a value of D0 0 0 0 1 1 X0 ON BCD value X33 X30 0 2 BCD value X2F X20 7 6 5 0 BCD value 7-318 3 Transfer D1 0 0 0 0 MOV BCD value Transfer D2 7 6 5 0 MOV BCD value 4 BACOS operation Y4F Y40 0 1 4 0 BACOS BCD value 0.7650] BATAN(P) 7.12.34 BCD type TAN -1 operations (BATAN(P)) 1 BATAN(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 Command BATAN BATAN S D BATANP S D 4 Command BATANP Setting Data S S : Number of the device where data of which the TAN-1 (inverse tangent) value is obtained is stored (BCD 4 digits) D : Head number of the devices where the operation result will be stored (BCD 4 digits) Internal Devices Bit J R, ZR Word Bit \ Word –– U Zn \G 6 Constants –– 6 Other –– 7 –– D 8 Function (1) Performs TAN-1 (inverse tangent) on value designated by D . S +1 S TAN 1 ( Sign and stores operation results S +2 Integer part . Decimal fraction part ) (2) A sign for the operation data is set at S D . If the operation data is a positive value, this is set at "0", and if it is a negative value, it is set at "1". (3) The part before the decimal point and fraction part are stored at as BCD values. S +1 and S +2 respectively, (Values from 0 to 9999.9999 can be set.) (4) Operation results stored at degrees (degree units). D are BCD values between 0 and 90 degrees, and 270 and 360 (5) Calculation results are a value from which the decimal fraction part has been rounded. Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The operation data designated by S is not a BCD value. (Error code: 4100) • The device specified by S exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (For the Universal model QCPU only.) (Error code: 4101) 7-319 7.12 Special function instructions 7.12.34 BCD type TAN -1 operations (BATAN(P)) (angles) at device designated by S BATAN(P) Program Example (1) The following program performs a TAN-1 operation on the sign (positive when X0 is OFF, and negative when X0 is ON), the BCD 4-digit integer part from X20 to X2F and the BCD 4-digit decimal fraction part from X30 to X3F, and outputs the calculated angle in 4 BCD digits from Y40 to Y4F. [Ladder Mode] Sets the sign of a TAN value ( 1 ) Sets the integer part of a TAN value ( 2 ) Sets the decimal fraction part of a TAN value ( Executes TAN-1 operation and outputs the result of operation to Y40 to Y4F ( 4 ) [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operations involved when X0 and X20 to X2F designate a value of 1.2654] D0 0 0 0 0 1 X0 OFF BCD value X2F X20 0 0 0 1 2 MOV BCD value X3F X30 2 6 5 4 BCD value 7-320 Transfer 3 Transfer MOV D1 0 0 0 1 BCD value D2 2 6 5 4 BCD value 4 BATAN operation Y4F Y40 0 0 5 2 BATAN BCD value 3 ) LIMIT(P),DLIMIT(P) 7.13 Data Control Instructions 1 7.13.1 Upper and lower limit controls for BIN 16-bit and BIN 32-bit data (LIMIT(P),DLIMIT(P)) 2 LIMIT(P),DLIMIT(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 3 4 indicates an instruction symbol of LIMIT/DLIMIT. Command LIMIT, DLIMIT S1 S2 S3 D S1 S2 S3 D Command P LIMITP, DLIMITP 6 7 S1 : Lower limit value (minimum output threshold value) (BIN 16/32 bits) S2 : Upper limit value (maximum output threshold value) (BIN 16/32 bits) S3 : Input value to be controlled by the upper and lower limit control (BIN 16/32 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the output value controlled by the upper and lower limit control will be stored (BIN 16/32 bits) Internal Devices Settng Data Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word U Constants K, H Zn \G S2 –– S3 –– –– –– Function LIMIT (1) Controls the output value to be stored at the device designated by D by checking whether the input value (BIN 16 bits) designated by S3 is within the range of upper and lower limit values specified by S1 and S2 or not. Output value is controlled in the way shown below: • When S1 Lower limit value S3 Input value .................... S1 Lower limit value D Output value • When S2 Upper limit value S3 Input value .................... S2 D Output value • When S1 Lower limit value S3 Input value Upper limit value Upper ......... S3 Input value Output value D Output value ( D ) Value designated by S1 (2) Values in the range from Value designated by S2 Input value( S3 ) 32768 and 32767 can be designated at S1 , S2 , and S3 . 7-321 7.13 Data Control Instructions 7.13.1 Upper and lower limit controls for BIN 16-bit and BIN 32-bit data (LIMIT(P),DLIMIT(P)) –– D 8 Other S1 S2 6 LIMIT(P),DLIMIT(P) (3) When control based only on upper limit values is performed, the lower limit value designated at S1 is set at " 32678". (4) When control based only on lower limit values is performed, the upper limit value designated at S2 is set at "32767". DLIMIT (1) The function controls the output value to be stored at the device designated by ( D , D +1) by checking whether the input value (BIN 32 bits) designated by ( S3 , S3 +1) is within the range of upper and lower limit values specified by ( S1 , +1) or not. S1 +1 S1 When Lower limit value S2 +1 S2 When Upper limit value S1 +1 S1 When Lower limit value S3 +1 S1 +1) and ( S2 , S1 +1 S3 Input value S3 +1 S3 Input value S3 +1 S3 S2 +1 Input value S2 Upper limit value S2 S1 D +1 D Lower limit value Output value S2 +1 D +1 S2 D Upper limit value Output value S3 +1 D +1 S3 Input value D Output value Output value ( D +1, D ) Value designated by S2 +1, S2 Output value ( S3 +1, S3 ) 0 Value designated by S1 +1, S1 (2) The values designated by ( S1 , S1 +1), ( S2 , 2147483648 to 2147483647. S2 +1), or ( S3 , S3 +1) are within the range of (3) To perform controls based only on the upper limit value, set the lower limit value designated by ( S1 , S1 +1) to " 2147483648". (4) To perform controls based only on the lower limit value, set the upper limit value designated by ( S2 , S2 +1) to "2147483647". Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The lower limit value designated by S2 7-322 . S1 is larger than the upper limit value designated by (Error code: 4100) LIMIT(P),DLIMIT(P) Program Example 1 (1) The following program conducts limit controls from 500 to 5000 on the data set as BCD values from X20 to X2F, and stores the result at D1 when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 2 Device 3 4 6 [Operation] • D1 becomes 500 if D0 Example 500. D0 400 D1 500 • D1 becomes the value of D0 when 500 Example 6 5000. D0 1300 D1 1300 • D1 becomes 5000 when 5000 Example D0 7 D0. D0 9600 D1 5000 (2) The following program conducts limit value controls from 10000 to 1000000 on the data set as BCD values from X20 to X3F when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 7.13 Data Control Instructions 7.13.1 Upper and lower limit controls for BIN 16-bit and BIN 32-bit data (LIMIT(P),DLIMIT(P)) [Operation] • (D11, D10) become 10000 if (D1, D0) are less than 10000. Example (D1,D0) 400 (D11,D10) 10000 • (D11, D10) become the value of (D1, D0) if 10000 Example (D1, D0) 1000000. (D1,D0) 345678 (D11,D10) 345678 • (D11, D10) become 1000000 if 1000000 Example 8 (D1, D0). (D1,D0) 9876543 (D11,D10) 1000000 7-323 BAND(P),DBAND(P) 7.13.2 BIN 16-bit and 32-bit dead band controls (BAND(P),DBAND(P)) BAND(P),DBAND(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal indicates an instruction symbol of BAND/DBAND. Command BAND,DBAND S1 S2 S3 D S1 S2 S3 D Command P BANDP,DBANDP S1 : Lower limit value of dead band (no output band) (BIN 16/32 bits) S2 : Upper limit value of dead band (no output band) (BIN 16/32 bits) S3 : Input value to be controlled by a dead band control (BIN 16/32 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the output value controlled by the dead band control will be stored (BIN 16/32 bits) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit Word J R, ZR \ Bit U Word Zn \G Constants K, H Other S1 –– S2 –– S3 –– –– D –– Function BAND (1) Controls the output value to be stored at the device designated by the input value (BIN 16 bits) designated by S3 D by checking whether is within the range of dead band upper and lower limit values specified by S1 and S2 or not. Output value is controlled in the way shown below: • When S1 Lower limit value S3 Input value .......... Input value - S1 Lower D Output value • When S2 Upper limit value S3 Input value ......... S3 Input value - S2 Upper D Output value • When S1 Lower limit value S3 Input value Upper ..... 0 D Output value S2 S3 Output value ( D ) Dead band lower limit value ( S1 ) Input value ( S2 ) 0 Dead band upper limit value ( S3 ) (2) The values that can be designated by 32767. 7-324 S1 , S2 , and S3 are in the range of from 32768 to BAND(P),DBAND(P) (3) The output value stored at D is a signed 16-bit BIN value. Therefore, if the operation results exceed the range of from 32768 to 32767, the following will take place: Dead band lower limit value When : Input value Output value S3 .................10 S1 ............................................ 32768 32768 10 1 8000H AH 7FF6H 2 32758 DBAND 3 (1) Controls the output value to be stored at the device designated by the input value (BIN 32 bits) designated by ( S3 , and lower limit values specified by ( S1 , S1 S3 D by checking whether +1) is within the range of dead band upper +1) and ( S2 , S2 +1) or not. 4 Output value is controlled in the way shown below: S1 +1 S3 +1 S1 When Lower limit value S2 +1 S2 When Upper limit value S1 +1 When Lower limit value S1 +1 S3 Input value S3 +1 S3 +1 S3 Input value S3 +1 S1 S3 +1 S3 Input value S3 Input value S2 +1 D +1 Input value S2 Upper limit value D Output value D +1 0 6 D Output value S2 +1 S2 Upper limit value S3 D +1 S1 Lower limit value 6 D Output value 7 Output value ( D +1, D ) Dead band lower limit value ( S1 , S1 +1) 8 Input value ( S3 , S3 +1) 0 Dead band upper limit value ( S2 , S2 +1) S2 +1), or ( S3 , S3 +1) are within the range of from (3) The output value stored at D , D +1 is a signed 32-bit BIN value. Therefore, if the operation results exceed the range of from 2147483648 to 2147483647, the following takes place: When : Dead band lower limit value ( S1 , Input value ( S3 , Output value S3 S1 +1).....1000 +1) ............................... 2147483648 2147483648 1000 80000000H 000003E8H 7FFFFC18H 2147482648 Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The lower limit value designated by S2 . S1 is greater than the upper limit value designated by (Error code: 4100) 7-325 7.13 Data Control Instructions 7.13.2 BIN 16-bit and 32-bit dead band controls (BAND(P),DBAND(P)) (2) The values designated by ( S1 , S1 +1), ( S2 , 2147483648 to 2147483647. BAND(P),DBAND(P) Program Example (1) The following program performs the dead band control by applying the lower and upper limits of 0 and 1000 for the data set in BCD at X20 to X2F and stores the result of control at D1 when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] • "0" is stored at D1 if 0 D0 1000. Example D0 500 D1 0 • The value of (D0) Example 1000 is stored at D1 if 1000 D0. D0 7000 D1 6000 (2) The following program performs the dead band control by applying the lower and upper limits of 10000 and 10000 for the data set at D0 and D1 and stores the result of control at D10 and D11 when X0 is turned ON [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] • The value (D1, D0) Example ( 10000) is stored at (D11, D10) if (D1, D0) ( 10000). (D1, D0) 12345 (D11, D10) • The value 0 is stored at (D11, D10) if Example 7-326 (D1, D0) 10000. (D1, D0) 6789 (D11, D10) 0 • The value (D1, D0) Example 10000 2345 10000 is stored at (D11, D10) if 10000 (D1, D0) 50000 (D11, D10) 40000 (D1, D0). ZONE(P),DZONE(P) 7.13.3 Zone control for BIN 16-bit and BIN 32-bit data (ZONE(P),DZONE(P)) 1 ZONE(P),DZONE(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 indicates an instruction symbol of ZONE/DZONE. Command ZONE,DZONE S1 S2 S3 D S1 S2 S3 D Command P ZONEP,DZONEP : Negative bias value to be added to an input value (BIN 16/32 bits) S2 : Positive bias value to be added to an input value (BIN 16/32 bits) S3 : Input value used for a zone control (BIN 16/32 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the output value controlled by the zone control will be stored (BIN 16/32 bits). Bit Word J R, ZR Bit \ U Word \G 6 6 S1 Internal Devices Setting Data Constants K, H Zn 7 Other S1 –– S2 –– S3 –– –– Function ZONE device number designated by or S1 D S2 to input value designated by S3 , and stores at . Bias values are calculated in the following manner: • When S3 Input value 0....... • When S3 Input value 0................................................................... 0 • When S3 Input value 0....... S3 S3 Input value + Input value + S1 S2 Negative bias value Positive bias value D Output value D Output value D Output value Output value ( D ) Positive bias value ( S2 ) 0 Input value ( S3 ) Negative bias value ( S1 ) 7-327 8 7.13 Data Control Instructions 7.13.3 Zone control for BIN 16-bit and BIN 32-bit data (ZONE(P),DZONE(P)) –– D (1) Adds bias value designated by 4 ZONE(P),DZONE(P) (2) The values that can be designated by 32767. S1 , S2 , and S3 are in the range of from 32768 to (3) The output value stored at D is a signed 16-bit BIN value. Therefore, if the operation results exceed the range of 32768 to 32767, the following will take place: Negative bias value When : Input value Output value S3 S1 .............................. 100 ............................................ 32768 32768 + ( 100) 8000H + FF9C 7F9CH 32668 DZONE (1) Adds bias value designated by ( S1 , S3 S1 +1) or ( S2 , S2 +1) to input value designated by ( S3 , +1), and stores the result at device number designated by ( , D D +1). Addition of the bias value is performed as follows: S3 +1 When S3 +1 S3 0 Input value S3 +1 S1 +1 S1 + Negative bias value S3 Input value S3 When Input value 0 When S3 +1 S3 Input value 0 0 S2 +1 S2 + Positive bias value S3 S3 +1 Input value D +1 D Output value D D +1 Output value D D +1 Output value Output value ( D +1, D ) Positive bias value ( S2 , S2 +1) Input value ( S3 , S3 +1) 0 Negative bias value ( S1 , S1 +1) (2) The values designated by ( S1 , S1 +1), ( S2 , 2147483648 to 2147483647. (3) The value stored at ( D , D S2 +1), or ( S3 , S3 +1) is a signed 32-bit BIN value. Therefore, if the operation results exceed the range of from the following takes place: When : Negative bias value ( S1 , Input value ( S3 , Output value +1) are within the range of from S3 S1 2147483648 to 2147483647, +1).................. 1000 +1) ............................... 2147483648 2147483648 + ( 1000) 7FFFFC18 80000000H + FFFFFC18H 2147482648. Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the ZONE(P) or DZONE(P) instructions. 7-328 ZONE(P),DZONE(P) Program Example 1 (1) The following program performs zone control by applying negative and positive bias values of 100 to 100 for the data set at D0 and stores the result of control at D1 when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] 2 [List Mode] Step Instruction 3 Device 4 [Operation] • The value (D0) + ( 100) is stored at D1 if D0 Example D0 200 D1 • The value 0 is stored at D1 if D0 300 6 0. • The value of (D0) + 100 is stored at D1 if 0 Example 6 0. D0. D0 700 D1 800 7 (2) The following program performs zone control by applying negative and positive bias values of 10000 to 10000 for the data set at D0 and D1 and stores the result of control at D10 and D11 when X1 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] Step Device Instruction 7.13 Data Control Instructions 7.13.3 Zone control for BIN 16-bit and BIN 32-bit data (ZONE(P),DZONE(P)) [Operation] • The value (D1, D0) + ( 10000) is stored at (D11, D10) if (D1, D0) Example (D1,D0) 12345 (D11,D10) • The value 0 is stored at (D11, D10) if (D1, D0) 0. 22345 0. • The value (D1, D0) + 10000 is stored at (D11, D10) if 0 Example 8 [List Mode] (D1, D0). (D1,D0) 50000 (D11,D10) 60000 7-329 (SCL(P),DSCL(P)) 7.13.4 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL(P),DSCL(P)) (SCL(P),DSCL(P)) Ver. Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal QnU(D)(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. QnUDE(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. indicates an instruction symbol of SCL/DSCL. Command SCL.DSCL S1 S2 D S1 S2 D Command SCLP.DSCLP P Setting Data S1 : Input values for scaling or head number of the device where input values are stored(BIN 16/32 bits) S2 : Head number of the devices where scaling conversion data are stored(BIN 16/32 bits) D : Head number of the devices where output values depending on scaling are stored(BIN 16/32 bits). Internal Devices Bit S1 –– S2 –– D –– Word J R, ZR Bit \ U Word \G Constants K, H Zn Other –– –– –– –– –– –– ) Function SCL(P) (1) This instruction executes scaling for the scaling conversion data (16-bit data units) specified by S2 with the input value specified by S1 , and then stores the operation result into the devices specified by D . The scaling conversion is executed based on the scaling conversion data stored in the device specified by and up. S2 Y Scaling conversion data component Setting item Device assignment Number of coordinate points S2 X coordinate S2 +1 Y coordinate S2 +2 X coordinate S2 +3 Y coordinate S2 +4 Point 1 Point 2 Point 2 Output value: D Point 3 Point n Point 1 Point n−1 X coordinate S2 +2n−1 Y coordinate S2 +2n Point n X Input value: S1 ※n indicates the number of coordinates specified by (S2). Operation error Operable range Operation error (2) If the value does not result in an integer, this instruction rounds the value to the whole number. (3) Set the X coordinate of the scaling conversion data in ascending order. (4) Set the input value devices). 7-330 S1 within the range of the scaling conversion data (within the range of S2 (SCL(P),DSCL(P)) (5) If some specified points have same X coordinates, the Y coordinate data of the highest point number will be output. 1 (6) Specify the number of coordinate points of scaling conversion data from 1 to 32767. DSCL(P) (1) This instruction executes scaling for the scaling conversion data (32-bit data units) specified by S2 with the input value specified S1 , and then stores the operation result into the devices specified by D . The scaling conversion is executed based on the scaling conversion data stored in the device specified by 3 and up. S2 2 Scaling conversion data component Setting item Point 1 Device assignment S2 +1 ,S2 X coordinate S2 +3 ,S2 +2 Y coordinate S2 +5 ,S2 +4 X coordinate S2 +7 ,S2 +6 Number of coordinate points Point 2 Y coordinate S2 +9 ,S2 Operation error Operation error Operable range Input value: S1 X 6 Point n−1 +8 X coordinate S2 +4n−1 , S2 +4n−2 Y coordinate S2 +4n+1 , S2 +4n Point n 4 Y ※n indicates the number of coordinates specified by (S2). Output D value: Point n 6 Point 1 Point 2 7 (2) If the value does not result in an integer, this instruction rounds the value to the whole number. (3) Set the X coordinate of the scaling conversion data in ascending order. (4) Set the input value and S2 S1 within the range of the scaling conversion data (within the range of S2 8 +1 devices). (5) If some specified points have same X coordinates, the Y coordinate data of the highest point number will be output. 7.13 Data Control Instructions 7.13.4 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL(P),DSCL(P)) (6) Specify the number of coordinate points of scaling conversion data from 1 to 32767. 7-331 (SCL(P),DSCL(P)) (1) There are two searching methods that depend on whether SM750 is on or off. SM750 Searching method Range of number of searches OFF Sequential search 1 Number of times 32767 ON Binary search 1 Number of times 15 (2) When the scaling conversion data are set in ascending order, the searching methods change from one to the other depending on the SM750 status. Therefore, the processing speed also changes. The number of searches determines the processing speed. Fewer number of serches make the processing run faster. (a) If the data processing speed with the sequential search rises: If the number of coordinates is highest and the input value S1 is within the coordinate range from 1 to 15 point, the number of sequential searches will be 15 or smaller. Therefore, the data processing speed with the sequential search will rise. (b) If the data processing speed with the binary search rises: f the maximum number of searches is 15 and the input value S1 is out of the coordinate range, 16 or over, the number of binary searches will be equal to the number of sequential numbers or smaller. Therefore, the data processing speed with the binary search will rise. Number of coordinate points=32767 Number of sequential searches=32767 Number of binary searches=15 The processing speed with binary search rises since the number of binary searches is smaller than the number of sequential searches. S1 S1 Number of sequential searches=1 Number of binary searches=15 The processing speed with sequential searches rises since the number of binary searches is larger than the number of sequential searches. 7-332 (SCL(P),DSCL(P)) Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns on, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The X coordinates of the scaling conversion data positioned before the point specified by S1 are not set in ascending order. (However, this error is not detected when SM750 is on.) (Error code: 4100) • The input value specified by S1 is out of the range of the scaling conversion data set. (Error code: 4100) • The number of X and Y coordinates of the device specified by 1 to 32767. • The number of X and Y coordinates of the device specified by range. S2 S2 is out of the range from (Error code: 4100) is out of the specified (Error code: 4101) Program Example 1 2 3 4 6 6 (1) The following program executes scaling for the scaling conversion data of which the devices specified at D100 and up are set with the input value specified at D0, and then outputs the data at D20. [Ladder Mode] 7 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 8 [Operation] 7.13 Data Control Instructions 7.13.4 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL(P),DSCL(P)) Scaling conversion data component Setting item Device Setting contents Number of coordinate points D100 K5 X coordinate D101 K5 Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Y coordinate D102 K13 X coordinate D103 K10 Y coordinate D104 K15 X coordinate D105 K17 Y coordinate D106 K13 X coordinate D107 K20 Y coordinate D108 K8 X coordinate D109 K25 Y coordinate D110 K22 Y Point 2 Point 1 (10,15) (5,13) D20=11 (Output value) Point 3 (17,13) Point 4 (20,8) Point 5 (25,4) D0=18 (Output value) X 7-333 SCL2,DSCL2 7.13.5 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL2(P),DSCL2(P)) SCL2,DSCL2 Ver. Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal QnU(D)(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. QnUDE(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. indicates an instruction symbol of SCL/DSCL. Command SCL.DSCL S1 S2 D S1 S2 D Command SCLP.DSCLP P S1 : Input values for scaling or head number of the device where input values are stored(BIN 16/32 bits) S2 : Head number of the devices where scaling conversion data are stored(BIN 16/32 bits) D : Head number of the devices where output values depending on scaling are stored(BIN 16/32 bits). Internal Devices Setting Data Bit S1 –– S2 –– D –– Word J R, ZR \ Bit Word U Constants K, H Zn \G Other –– –– –– –– –– –– Function SCL2 (1) This instruction executes scaling for the scaling conversion data (16-bit data units) specified by S2 with the input value specified by S1 , and then stores the operation result into the devices specified by D . The scaling conversion is executed based on the scaling conversion data stored in the device specified by S2 and up. Y Scaling conversion data component Setting item Number of coordinate points X coordinate Device assignment S2 Point 1 S2 +1 Point 2 S2 +2 Point n S2 +n Point 1 S2 +n+1 Point 2 S2 +n+2 Point 2 Point 3 Output D value: Point n−1 Point n Y coordinate Point 1 X Input value: S1 Point n S2 +2n Operation error Operable range Operation error ※n indicates the number of coordinates specified by (S2). (2) If the value does not result in an integer, this instruction rounds the value to the whole number. (3) Set the X coordinate of the scaling conversion data in ascending order. 7-334 SCL2,DSCL2 (4) Set the input value devices). S1 within the range of the scaling conversion data (within the range of S2 (5) If some specified points have same X coordinates, the Y coordinate data of the highest point number will be output. DSCL2(P) (1) This instruction executes scaling for the scaling conversion data (32-bit data units) specified by S2 with the input value specified S1 3 and up. S2 4 Scaling conversion data component Setting item Device assignment Number of coordinate points S2 +1 , S2 Point 1 S2 +3 , S2 +2 Point 2 S2 +5 , S2 +4 X coordinate Y coordinate 2 , and then stores the operation result into the devices specified by D . The scaling conversion is executed based on the scaling conversion data stored in the device specified by 1 Y Operation error Operation error Operable range Input value: S1 6 X Point n−1 Point n S2 +2n+1 , S2 +2n Point 1 S2 +2n+3 , S2 +2n+2 Point 2 S2 +2n+5 , S2 +2n+4 Point n S2 +4n+1 , S2 +4n Output D value: 6 Point n Point 1 Point 2 7 ※n indicates the number of coordinates specified by (S2). (2) If the value does not result in an integer, this instruction rounds the value to the whole number. 8 (3) Set the X coordinate of the scaling conversion data in ascending order. (4) Set the input value and S2 S1 within the range of the scaling conversion data (within the range of S2 +1 devices). (6) Specify the number of coordinate points of scaling conversion data from 1 to 32767. When the coordinates of the scaling conversion data are set in ascending order, the searching methods change from one to the other depending on the SM750 status. Therefore, the processing speed also change. The number of searches determines the processing speed. Fewer number of searches make the processing run faster. For details, refer to Section 7.13.4. 7-335 7.13 Data Control Instructions 7.13.5 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL2(P),DSCL2(P)) (5) If some specified points have same X coordinates, the Y coordinate data of the highest point number will be output. SCL2,DSCL2 Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns on, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The X coordinates are not set in ascending order. • The input value specified by S1 (Error code: 4100) is out of the range of the scaling conversion data set. (Error code: 4100) • The number of X and Y coordinates of the device specified by 1 to 32767. • The number of X and Y coordinates of the device specified by range. S2 S2 is out of the range from (Error code: 4100) is out of the specified (Error code: 4101) Program Example (1) The following program executes scaling for the scaling conversion data of which the devices specified at D100 and up are set with the input value specified at D0, and then outputs the data at D20. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] Scaling conversion data component Setting item Device Setting contents Number of coordinate points D110 K5 Point 1 D111 K7 Point 2 D112 K13 Point 3 D113 K15 Point 4 D114 K18 Point 5 D115 K20 Point 1 D116 K-14 Point 2 D117 K-7 X coordinate Y coordinate 7-336 Point 3 D118 Point 4 D119 K-11 Point 5 D120 K-18 K-15 Y D0=11 (Input value) X Point 2 (13, -7) Point 3 (15, -9) D200=-9 (Output value) Point 1 (7, -14) Point 4 (18, -11) Point 5 (20, -13) RSET(P) 7.14 File register switching instructions 1 7.14.1 Switching file register numbers (RSET(P)) 2 RSET(P) High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal 3 4 Command RSET RSET S RSETP S 6 Command RSETP S : Block number data used to change the block number or the number of the device where the block number data is stored (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit Word J R, ZR \ Bit Word U Zn \G Constants K, H Other 6 7 –– S 8 Function Example When switching block number from block No. 0 to block No. 1 Processing executed to file registers S Setting of a block number R0 Block 0 ( R32767 Presently used file register R0 ) R0 Block 1 File register used after the execution of RSET R32767 instruction ( ) Block n R32767 When a file register (R) is refreshed and the block No. of the file register is switched with the RSET instruction, follow restrictions. For the restrictions on file registers, refer to Section 3.10. 7-337 7.14 File register switching instructions 7.14.1 Switching file register numbers (RSET(P)) (1) Changes the file register block number used in the program to the block number stored in the device designated at S . Following the block number change, all file registers used in the sequence program are processed to the file register of the block number after the change. RSET(P) Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The block number designated by S does not exist. (Error code: 4100) • There is no file register for the specified block No. (Error code: 4101) Program Example (1) The following program compares R0 of block No. 0 and block No. 1. [Ladder Mode] Designates block No. 0 Executes reading R0 of block No.0 Designates block No. 1 Executes reading R0 of block No.1 Compares the read values [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] Block No. 0 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 -3216 5001 128 -7981 9610 0 Block No. 1 D0 D1 -3216 756 Y41 turns ON since D0 ,DT>,DT<=,DT<,DT>=) 7.15.7 Date comparison (DT=,DT<>,DT>,DT<=,DT<,DT>=) (DT=,DT<>,DT>,DT<=,DT<,DT>=) Ver. High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal QnU(D)(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. QnUDE(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. indicates an instruction symbol of DT=/DT<>/DT<=/DT>/DT>=. LD Command AND Command OR S1 : Head number of the devices where the data to be compared are stored (BIN 16 bits) S2 : Head number of the devices where the data to be compared are stored (BIN 16 bits) n : Value of the data to be compared or the number of the stored data to be compared (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit Word U Zn \G Constants K, H Other S1 –– –– –– –– S2 –– –– –– –– n –– –– Function (1) This instruction compares the date data specified by date data specified by compared. S1 S1 with those specified by S2 , or the with current date data. Setting n can determine the data to be (a) Comparison of given date data • This instruction treats the date data specified by S1 and S2 as a normally open contact, and then compares the data in accordance with the value of n. Data range S1 Year S1 +1 Month S1 +2 Day Data range (1980∼2079) Comparison (1∼12) operator (1∼31) S2 Year (1980∼2079) S2 +1 Month (1∼12) S2 +2 Day (1∼31) Comparison operation result (b) Comparison of current date data • This instruction treats the date data specified by S1 and the current date data as a normally open contact, and then compares the data in accordance with the value of n. Data range S1 7-356 Year (1980∼2079) S1 +1 Month (1∼12) S1 +2 Day (1∼31) Comparison operator Current date Comparison operation result (DT=,DT<>,DT>,DT<=,DT<,DT>=) When either S1 or S2 corresponds to any of the following in comparing given or current date data with given date data, the operation error (error code: 4101) or a malfunction may occurs. • The range of the devices to be used for the index modification is specified over the range of the device specified by • File registers are specified by S1 or S1 or S2 without a register set. S2 3 (3) This instruction sets the year of four digits selected from 1980 to 2079 with the BIN value S1 or S2 S1 +1 or S2 S1 +2 or S2 6 +2. (6) This instruction specifies the following values at n so that the data to be compared can be specified. The bit configuration specified at n is as follows. This instruction specifies 0 at bits from 3rd to 14th. The instruction will be non-conductive status without specifying 0 regardless of the operation result. b15 b14 0/1 6 +1. (5) This instruction sets the day selected from 1 to 31 (1st to 31st) for with the BIN value specified by 4 . (4) This instruction sets the month selected from 1 to 12 (January to December) with the BIN value specified by 2 . (2) This instruction sets BIN values for each item. specified by 1 b3 0 b2 b1 7 8 b0 0/1 0/1 0/1 Day If this instruction specifies 1 (on) at 15th bit, the instruction compares S1 with the current date in accordance with the bit condition specified at 0 to 2nd bit. 7.15 Clock instructions 7.15.7 Date comparison (DT=,DT<>,DT>,DT<=,DT<,DT>=) Month Year (a) Date data to be compared (from 0 to 2nd bit) • 0: Does not compare specified date data (year/month/day). • 1: Compares specified date data (year/month/day). (b) Operation data to be compared (15th bit) • 0: Compares the date data specified by S1 with the date data specified by • 1: Compares the date data specified by S1 with the current date data. • Ignores the date data specified by S2 S2 . . 7-357 (DT=,DT<>,DT>,DT<=,DT<,DT>=) (c) The following table shows processing details of bits to be compared. n value for n value for comparison of comparison of Date to be specified date data specified date data compared with given date data with current date data 0001H 8001H Day Comparison of days ( S1 +2) 0002H 8002H Month Comparison of months ( S1 +1) 0003H 8003H Month, day Comparison of months ( S1 +1) and days ( S1 +2) 0004H 8004H Year Comparison of years ( S1 ) 0005H 8005H Year, day Comparison of years ( S1 ) and days ( S1 +2) 0006H 8006H Year, month Comparison of years ( S1 ) and months ( S1 +1) 0007H 8007H Year, month, day Processing details Comparison of years ( S1 ), months ( S1 +1), and days ( S1 +2) Other than 0001H to 0007H,8001H to 8007H No objects No comparison of years ( S1 ), months ( S1 +1), and days ( S1 +2) (Non-conductive) (7) If the data stored in the devices to be compared are not recognized as date data, SM709 will be turned on after the instruction execution and no-conductive status will be made. Even if they are not recognized as date data but the range of the devices is within the setting range, SM709 will not be turned on. Moreover, if the range of devices specified by S1 to S1 +2 or S2 to S2 +2 exceeds the range of specified devices, SM709 will be turned on after the instruction execution and no-conductive status will be made. Once SM709 is turned on, on-status will be retained till when the CPU modules are reset or powered off. Therefore, turn off SM709 if necessary. (8) The following table shows the comparison operation results for each instruction. Instruction symbols in DT= DT<> DT> DT<= DT< DT>= 7-358 Condition S1 = > S1 S1 < Conductive status S2 S2 symbols in DT<> S2 S2 S1 Instruction DT= S2 S2 S1 S1 Comparison operation result DT> DT<= DT< DT>= Condition S2 S1 S2 = > S2 S2 S1 S1 S1 S2 S1 S1 Comparison operation result < S2 No-conductive status (DT=,DT<>,DT>,DT<=,DT<,DT>=) (a) The following figure shows the comparison example of dates. A 2006/1/1 B 1 C 2007/1/1 2008/1/1 2009/1/1 (2006/9/22) (2007/6/23) (2008/8/8) The following table shows the conductive states resulting from performing the comparison operation of the dates A, B, and C shown above. Even if the objects to be compared are under the same condition, the comparison operation results vary depending on the objects selected. 3 Comparison condition Comparison objects 2 A,DT>,DT<=,DT<,DT>=) • Date B: 2007/03/29 • Date C: 2008/02/31 (This date is settable, though it does not exist.) Comparison condition Comparison objects A,DT>,DT<=,DT<,DT>=) Operation Error (1) Any operation errors do not occur in DT=,DT<>,DT>,DT<=,DT<,DT>= instruction. Program Example (1) The following program compares the data stored in D0 with the data (year, month, and day) stored in D10, and makes Y33 be conductive status when the data stored in D0 meet the data stored in D10. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (2) The following program compares the data stored in D0 with the current date data (year and month), and makes Y33 be conductive status when the data stored in D0 do not meet the current date data, when M0 is turned on. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (3) The following program compares the data stored in D0 with the data (year and day) stored in D10, and makes Y33 be conductive status when the data value stored in D10 is smaller than the data value stored in D0, when M0 is turned on. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (4) The following program compares the data stored in D0 with the current date data (year), and makes Y33 be conductive status when the value of the current date data is the data value stored in D0 or larger. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 7-360 Instruction Device (TM=,TM<>,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=) 7.15.8 Clock comparison (TM=,TM<>,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=) 1 (TM=,TM<>,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=) Ver. Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal QnU(D)(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. 2 QnUDE(H)CPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. (TM=,TM<>,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=) 3 indicates an instruction symbol of DT=/DT<>/DT</DT<=/DT>/DT>=. LD S1 S2 n S1 S2 n S1 S2 n 4 Command AND 6 Command OR S1 6 : Head number of the devices where the data to be compared are stored (BIN 16 bits) 7 : Head number of the devices where the data to be compared are stored (BIN 16 bits) n : Value of the data to be compared or the number of the stored data to be compared (BIN 16 bits) S2 Internal Devices Setting Data Bit R, ZR Word J \ Bit U Word Zn \G Constants K, H Other S1 –– –– –– –– S2 –– –– –– –– n –– –– (1) This instruction compares the clock data specified by clock data specified by compared. S1 with those specified by S1 S1 , or the with the current time data. Setting n determines the data to be (a) Comparison of given clock data • This instruction treats the clock data specified by S1 and the clock data specified by as a normally open contact, and compares the data in accordance with the value of n. S1 Data range Hour (0∼23) S1 +1 Minute (0∼59) S1 +2 Second (0∼59) Data range S2 Comparison operator Hour (0∼23) S2 +1 Minute (0∼59) S2 +2 Second (0∼59) Comparison operation result 7-361 7.15 Clock instructions 7.15.8 Clock comparison (TM=,TM<>,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=) Function S1 8 (TM=,TM<>,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=) (b) Comparison of current time data • This instruction treats the clock data specified by S1 and the current time data as a normally open contact, and compares the data in accordance with the value of n. • This instruction treats the clock data specified by data. S1 as dummy data and ignores the Data range S1 Hour (0∼23) S1 +1 Minute (0∼59) S1 +2 Second (0∼59) Comparison operator Current time Comparison operation result When either S1 or S1 corresponds to any of the following conditions in comparing given or current time data with specified clock data, the operation error (error code: 4101) or a malfunction may occurs. • The range of the devices to be used for the index modification is specified over the range of the device specified by • File registers are specified by or S1 S1 or S1 without a register set. S1 . (2) This instructions set BIN values for each item. (3) This instructions sets the time selected from 0 to 23 (midnight to 23 o'clock) with the BIN value specified by S1 or S1 . (Uses the 24-hour clock.) (4) This instructions sets the minute selected from 0 to 59 (0 to 59 minutes) with BIN value specified by S1 +1 or S1 +1. (5) This instructions sets the second selected from 0 to 59 (0 to 59 seconds) with BIN value specified by S1 +2 or S1 +2. (6) This instructions specifies the following values at n so that the data to be compared can be specified. The bit configuration specified at n is as follows. This instruction specifies 0 at bits from 3rd to 14th. The instruction will be non-conductive status without specifying 0 regardless of the operation result. b15 b14 0/1 b3 0 b2 b1 b0 0/1 0/1 0/1 Second If this instruction specifies 1 (on) at 15th bit, the instruction compares S1 with the current date in accordance with the bit condition specified at 0 to 2nd bit. Minute Hour (a) Clock data to be compared (from 0 to 2nd bit) • 0: Does not compare specified clock data (hour/minute/second). • 1: Compares specified clock data (hour/minute/second). (b) Operation data to be compared (15th bit) • 0: Compares the clock data specified by S1 with the clock data specified by • 1: Compares the clock data specified by S1 with the current time data. Ignores the clock data specified by 7-362 S1 . S1 . (TM=,TM<>,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=) (c) The following table shows processing details of bits to be compared. 1 n value for n value for comparison of comparison of Time to be pecified clock data with specified clock data with compared given clock data current time data 0001H 8001H Second Comparison of seconds ( S1 +2) 0002H 8002H Minute Comparison of minutes ( S1 +1) 0003H 8003H Minute, Comparison of minutes ( S1 +1) and seconds second days ( S1 +2) Hour Comparison of hours ( S1 ) Hour, Comparison of hours ( S1 ) and second seconds ( S1 +2) Hour, minute Comparison of hours ( S1 ) and minutes ( S1 +1) Hour, minute, Comparison of hours ( S1 ), minutes ( S1 +1), second and seconds ( S1 +2) 0004H 8004H 0005H 8005H 0006H 8006H 0007H 8007H Other than 0001H to 0007H, No objects 8001H to 8007H Processing details 2 3 4 No comparison of hours ( S1 ), minutes ( S1 +1), 6 6 and seconds ( S1 +2) (Non-conductive) (7) If the data stored in the devices to be compared are not recognized as date data, SM709 will be turned on after the instruction execution and no-conductive status will be made. Once SM709 is turned on, on-status will be retained till when the CPU modules are reset or powered off. Therefore, turn off SM709 if necessary. Moreover, if the range of devices specified by S1 to S1 +2 or S1 to S1 +2 exceeds the range of specified devices, SM709 will be turned on and no-conductive status will be made. 7 8 (8) The following table shows the comparison operation results for each instruction. TM= TM<> TM> TM<= TM< TM>= Condition S1 S1 S2 Conductive status S2 S1 S1 TM<> S2 > < S2 S2 Instruction symbols in TM= = S2 S1 S1 Comparison operation result TM> TM<= TM< TM>= Condition S2 S1 S2 = > S2 No-conductive status S2 S1 S1 S1 S2 S1 S1 Comparison operation result < S2 7-363 7.15 Clock instructions 7.15.8 Clock comparison (TM=,TM<>,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=) Instruction symbols in (TM=,TM<>,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=) (a) The following figure shows the comparison example of time. A 0 Midnight 6:00 4:50:55 B C 18:00 0 Midnight N00n 22:47:05 14:08:58 The following table shows the conductive states resulting from performing the comparison operation of the dates A, B, and C shown above. Even if the objects to be compared are under the same condition, the comparison operation results vary depending on the objects selected. Comparison objects Comparison condition A,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=instruction. 7-364 (TM=,TM<>,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=) Program Example 1 (1) The following program compares the data stored in D0 with the data (hour, minute, and second) stored in D10, and makes Y33 be conductive status when the data stored in D0 meet the data stored in D10. [Ladder Mode] 2 [List Mode] Step Instruction 3 Device 4 (2) The following program compares the data stored in D0 with the current time data (hour and minute), and makes Y33 be conductive status when the data stored in D0 do not meet the current date data, when M0 is turned on. [Ladder Mode] 6 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6 7 (3) The following program compares the data stored in D0 with the data (hour and second) stored in D10, and makes Y33 be conductive status when the data value stored in D10 is smaller than the data value stored in D0, when M0 is turned on. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 7-365 7.15 Clock instructions 7.15.8 Clock comparison (TM=,TM<>,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=) (4) The following program compares the data stored in D0 with the current time data (hour), and makes Y33 be conductive status when the value of the current time data is the data value stored in D0 or larger. [Ladder Mode] 8 S(P).DATERD 7.16 Expansion Clock Instructions 7.16.1 Reading expansion clock data (S(P).DATERD) S(P).DATERD Ver. Basic High performance Ver. Ver. Process Redundant Universal The first 5 digits of the serial No. are "07032" or higher. Command S.DATERD S.DATERD D SP.DATERD D Command SP.DATERD D Setting Data : Head number of the devices where the read clock data will be stored (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices D Bit R, ZR Word J \ Bit U Word Zn \G –– Constants Other –– Function (1) Reads "year, month, day, hour, minute, second, day of the week, and millisecond" from the clock element of the CPU module, and stores it as BIN value into the device specified by D or later device. Clock element (2) The "year" at D D D D D D D D D Year Month +1 +2 Day +3 Hour (24-hour clock) Minute +4 Second +5 +6 Day of week +7 Millisecond (1980 to 2079) (1 to 12) (1 to 31) (0 to 23) (0 to 59) (0 to 59) (0 to 6) (0 to 999) is stored as 4-digit year indication. (3) The "day of the week" at D +6 is stored as 0 to 6 to represent the days Sunday to Saturday. Day of week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Stored data 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (4) Compensation is made automatically for leap years. Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The device specified by D exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (For the Universal model QCPU only.) (Error code: 4101) 7-366 S(P).DATERD Program Example 1 (1) The following program outputs the following clock data as BCD values: Year .................... Y70 to Y7F Month ................. Y68 to Y6F Day ..................... Y60 to Y67 Hour.................... Y58 to Y5F Minute................. Y50 to Y57 Second ............... Y48 to Y4F Week .................. Y44 to Y47 Millisecond.......... Y38 to Y43 2 3 4 [Ladder Mode] 6 Outputs "Year" Outputs "Month" 6 Outputs "Day" Outputs "Hour" 7 Outputs "Minute" Outputs "Second" 8 Outputs "Day of Week" Outputs "Millisecond" 7.16 Expansion Clock Instructions 7.16.1 Reading expansion clock data (S(P).DATERD) [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] BCD Y7F 2 Clock data 2005, 12, 24 12:57:39 Sunday 530 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 2005 12 24 12 57 39 0 530 BIN Y6F 1 Y5F 1 Y4F 3 Y70 0 5 Y68 Y67 Y60 2 4 2 Y58 Y57 Y50 2 7 5 (Year) (Month, Day) (Hour, Minute) Y48 Y47 Y44 9 Y43 5 0 0 (Second, Day of week) Y38 3 0 (Millisecond) 7-367 S(P).DATERD Caution (1) This instruction reads clock data and stores those to a specified device even if a wrong clock data is set to the CPU module. (example: Feb. 30th) When setting clock data with the DATEWR instruction or GX Developer, make sure to set a correct data. (2) Time error of reading a clock data of millisecond is a maximum of 2ms. (Difference between the data memorized by clock element inside of the CPU module and the data read by this function.) (3) Specifying digit for the bit device can be used only when the following conditions (a) and (b) are met. (a) Digit specification: K4 (b) Head of device: multiple of 16 When the above conditions (a) and (b) are not met, INSTRCT CODE ERR. (error code: 4004) will occur. 7-368 S(P).DATE+ 7.16.2 Expansion clock data addition operation (S(P).DATE+) 1 S(P).DATE+ Ver. Basic Ver. High performance Ver. Process Redundant Universal The first 5 digits of the serial No. are "07032" or higher. 2 3 Command S.DATE+ S.DATE+ S1 S2 D SP.DATE+ S1 S2 D 4 Command SP.DATE+ Setting Data 6 S1 : Head number of the devices where the clock data to be adjusted by addition is stored (BIN 16 bits) S2 : Head number of the devices where the time data to be added for adjustment is stored (BIN 16 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the result of addition of clock (time) data will be stored (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit Word U Zn \G S1 –– –– S2 –– –– D –– –– Constants 6 Other 7 8 Function S1 S1 +1 S1 +2 S1 +3 S1 +4 Hour Minute Second -Millisecond Setting data (0 to 23) (0 to 59) (0 to 59) + S2 S2 +1 S2 +2 S2 +3 S2 +4 (0 to 999) Hour Minute Second -Millisecond Setting data (0 to 23) (0 to 59) (0 to 59) D D D D D (0 to 999) +1 +2 +3 +4 S1 , and stores the Hour Minute Second -Millisecond Setting data (0 to 23) (0 to 59) (0 to 59) (0 to 999) For example, adding the time 7:48:10:500 to 6:32:40:875 would result in the following operation: S1 S1 +1 S1 +2 Hour: 6 Minute: 32 Second: 40 S1 +3 -S1 +4 Millisecond: 875 S2 + S2 +1 S2 +2 Hour: 7 Minute: 48 Second: 10 S2 +3 -S2 +4 Millisecond: 500 D D D D D Hour: 14 +1 Minute: 20 +2 Second: 51 +3 -+4 Millisecond: 375 7-369 7.16 Expansion Clock Instructions 7.16.2 Expansion clock data addition operation (S(P).DATE+) (1) Adds the time data designated by S2 to the clock data designated by result into the area starting from the device designated by D . S(P).DATE+ (2) If the results of the addition of time exceed 24 hours, 24 hours will be subtracted from the sum to make the final operation result. For example, when the time 20:20:20:500 is added to 14:20:30:875, the result is not 34:40:51:375, but 10:40:51:375. Hour: 14 S1 S2 S1 +1 S1 +2 Minute: 20 Second: 30 S1 +3 -S1 +4 Millisecond: 875 Hour: 20 S2 +1 S2 +2 Minute: 20 Second: 20 S2 +3 -S2 +4 Millisecond: 500 + D D D D D Hour: 10 +1 Minute: 40 +2 Second: 51 +3 -+4 Millisecond: 375 Devices, S1 +3, S2 +3, and D +3 are not used for operation. A clock data read by the S(P).DATERD instruction can be directly added. D D D D D Hour Minute +1 Second +2 +3 Day of week +4 Millisecond When the clock data is read by the S(P).DATERD instruction, day of week is inserted between "second" and "millisecond". If the S(P).DATE+ instruction is used to read the clock data, the data can be directly used for addition since it does not perform the calculation for the day of a week. Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The data set by S1 and S2 is outside the range. (See Function (1).) (Error code: 4100) • The device specified by S1 , S2 or D exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (For the Universal model QCPU only.) (Error code: 4101) Caution (1) Specifying digit for the bit device can be used only when the following conditions (a) and (b) are met. (a) Digit specification: K4 (b) Head of device: multiple of 16 When the above conditions (a) and (b) are not met, INSTRCT CODE ERR. (error code:4004) will occur. 7-370 S(P).DATE+ Program Example 1 (1) The following program adds 1 hour to the clock data read from the clock element, and stores the results into the area starting from D100 when X20 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] Reads out the clock element data to D0 or later. 2 3 Sets the time to D10 or later. 4 6 6 [List Mode] Step Instruction 7 Device 8 7.16 Expansion Clock Instructions 7.16.2 Expansion clock data addition operation (S(P).DATE+) [Operation] • Time data read operation by the SP.DATERD instruction Clock element D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 05 5 17 10 23 41 2 100 Year Month Day Hour Minute Time data Second Day of week Millisecond Time data • Addition by the SP.DATE+ instruction D3 Hour: 10 D4 Minute: 23 D5 Second: 41 D6 2 (Tuesday) D7 Millisecond: 100 + Hour: 1 D10 D11 Minute: 0 D12 Second: 0 -D13 D100 Hour: 11 D101 Minute: 23 D102 Second: 41 -D103 D14 Millisecond: 0 D104 Millisecond: 100 7-371 S(P).DATE- 7.16.3 Expansion clock data subtraction operation (S(P).DATE-) S(P).DATE- Ver. Basic Ver. High performance Ver. Process Redundant Universal The first 5 digits of the serial No. are "07032" or higher. Command S.DATE- S.DATE- S1 S2 D SP.DATE- S1 S2 D Command SP.DATE- Setting Data S1 : Head number of the devices where the clock time data to be adjusted by substraction is stored (BIN 16 bits) S2 : Head number of the devices where time data to be subtracted for adjustment is stored (BIN 16 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the result of subtraction of clock (time) data will be stored (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit Word U Zn \G S1 –– –– S2 –– –– D –– –– Constants Other Function (1) Subtracts the time data designated by S2 from the clock data designated by the result into the area starting from the device designated by D . S1 S1 +1 S1 +2 S1 +3 S1 +4 Hour Minute Second -Millisecond Setting data (0 to 23) (0 to 59) (0 to 59) - S2 S2 +1 S2 +2 S2 +3 S2 +4 (0 to 999) Hour Minute Second -Millisecond Setting data (0 to 23) (0 to 59) (0 to 59) D D D D D (0 to 999) +1 +2 +3 +4 Hour Minute Second -Millisecond S1 , and stores Setting data (0 to 23) (0 to 59) (0 to 59) (0 to 999) For example, when the clock time 3:50:10:500 is subtracted from the clock time 10:40:20:875, the operation is performed as follows: S1 S1 +1 S1 +2 Hour: 10 Minute: 40 Second: 20 S1 +3 -S1 +4 Millisecond: 875 7-372 S2 - S2 +1 S2 +2 Hour: 3 Minute: 50 Second: 10 S2 +3 -S2 +4 Millisecond: 500 D D D D D Hour: 6 +1 Minute: 50 +2 Second: 10 +3 -+4 Millisecond: 375 S(P).DATE- (2) If the subtraction results in a negative number, 24 will be added to the result to make a final operation result. For example, when the clock time 10:42:12:500 is subtracted from 4:50:32:875, the result is not 6:8:20:375, but 18:8:20:375. S1 Hour: 4 Hour: 10 S2 S1 +1 S1 +2 Minute: 50 Second: 32 S1 +3 -S1 +4 Millisecond: 875 - S2 +1 S2 +2 Minute: 42 Second: 12 S2 +3 -S2 +4 Millisecond: 500 D D D D D Hour: 18 +1 Minute: 8 +2 Second: 20 +3 -+4 Millisecond: 375 2 3 4 Devices, S1 +3, S2 +3, and D +3 are not used for operation. A clock data read by S(P).DATERD instruction can be directly subtracted. D D D D D 1 Hour Minute +1 Second +2 +3 Day of week +4 Millisecond 6 6 When the clock data is read by the S(P).DATERD instruction, day of week is inserted between "second" and "millisecond". 7 If the S(P).DATE- instruction is used to read the clock data, the data can be directly used for subtraction since it does not perform the calculation for the day of the week. 8 Operation Error • The data set by S1 and S2 is outside the range. (See Function (1).) (Error code: 4100) • The device specified by S1 , S2 or D exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (For the Universal model QCPU only.) (Error code: 4101) Caution (1) Specifying digit for the bit device can be used only when the following conditions (a) and (b) are met. (a) Digit specification: K4 (b) Head of device: multiple of 16 When the above conditions (a) and (b) are not met, INSTRCT CODE ERR. (error code:4004) will occur. 7-373 7.16 Expansion Clock Instructions 7.16.3 Expansion clock data subtraction operation (S(P).DATE-) (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. S(P).DATE- Program Example (1) The following program subtracts the time data stored in the area starting from D10 from the clock data read from the clock element when X1C is turned ON, and stores the result into the area starting from D100. [Ladder Mode] Reads out the clock element data to D0 or later. Sets the time to D10 or later. [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] • Time data read operation by the SP.DATERD instruction Clock element D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 05 2 23 8 42 1 3 997 Year Month Day Hour Minute Time data Second Day of week Millisecond Time data • Subtraction by the SP.DATE- instruction D3 Hour: 8 D4 Minute: 42 D5 Second: 1 D6 3 (Wednesday) D7 Millisecond: 997 - D10 Hour: 10 D11 Minute: 40 D12 Second: 10 -D13 D100 Hour: 22 D101 Minute: 1 D102 Second: 51 -D103 D14 Millisecond: 500 D104 Millisecond: 497 8:42:1:997 - 10:40:10:500 -2:1:51:497 Adds 24 to this value 22:1:51:497 7-374 7.17 Program control instructions 1 (1) Processing when the execution type is converted with the program control instruction is as follows. Executed Instruction 3 Execution type before change PSCAN Scan execution type PSTOP No change-remains POFF Stand-by type that. No change-remains stand-by type Low speed execution type execution is Low speed execution type from the next scan after Becomes scan execution type. stopped, becomes scan execution type from the next scan. (Execution from step 0) 4 next scan. Becomes stand-by type. Becomes stand-by type Initial execution type PLOW Output turned OFF in scan type execution. Becomes low speed execution type. 6 Ignored Low speed execution Low speed execution type execution is type execution is stopped, and output is stopped, becomes turned OFF in the next stand-by type from next scan. Becomes scan. stand-by type from the 6 No change -remains low speed execution type. Fixed scan execution type execution type. 7 next scan after that. Output turned OFF in Becomes scan 2 next scan. Becomes stand-by type. Becomes stand-by type from the next scan after 8 Becomes low speed execution type. that. 7-375 7.17 Program control instructions Once the fixed scan execution type program is changed to another execution type, it cannot be returned to the fixed scan execution type. (2) As program execution type conversions by PSCAN and PSTOP instructions occur at the END processing, such conversions are impossible during program execution. When different execution types have been set for the same program in the same scan, the execution type will be that specified by the execution switching command that was executed last. END processing Execution program name GHI "ABC" END processing GHI GHI PSTO executes "ABC" PSCAN executes "DEF" *1 DEF END processing *1 GHI Converts "DEF" into the scan execution type program and "ABC" to the stand-by type program *1: The order of "GHI" and "DEF" program execution is determined by the program settings parameters. Switching from the fixed scan execution type program to the execution type program is performed in the following timing. (a) For the Universal model QCPU The execution type is changed when the execution of the fixed scan execution type is stopped at the END processing after the program control instruction execution. (b) For the CPU modules other than the Universal model QCPU The execution of the fixed scan execution type is stopped at the execution of the program control instruction, and the execution type is changed at the END processing. (3) When the POFF instruction is executed, the output is turned OFF at the next scan, and the execution type will be the stand-by type at the second next scan and later. If executed prior to the output OFF processing, the program control instruction is ignored. 7-376 PSTOP(P) 7.17.1 Program standby instruction (PSTOP(P)) 1 PSTOP(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 3 Command PSTOP PSTOP S PSTOPP S 4 Command PSTOPP S Setting Data S : Character string for the name of the program file to be set in the stand-by status or head number of the devices where the character string data is stored (character string) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR 2 J Bit \ U Word –– Constants $ Zn \G –– Other 6 6 –– 7 Function (1) Places the file name program stored in the device designated by S in the stand-by status. 8 (2) Only the programs stored in the drive No. 0 (program memory/internal RAM) can be set as the stand-by type. (3) The specified program is placed in the stand-by status when END processing is performed. (5) It is not necessary to designate the extension (.QPG) with the file name. (Only .QPG files will be acted on.) Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The program with the file name specified by S • The program type of the file name specified by • The file name storage destination device of device. S does not exist. S (Error code: 2410) is the SFC program. (Error code: 2412) exceeds the range of the corresponding (Error code: 4101) Program Example (1) The following program places the program with the file name ABC in the stand-by status when X0 goes ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 7-377 7.17 Program control instructions 7.17.1 Program standby instruction (PSTOP(P)) (4) This instruction will be given priority even in cases when a program execution type has been designated in the parameters. POFF(P) 7.17.2 Program output OFF standby instruction (POFF(P)) POFF(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command POFF POFF S POFFP S Command POFFP S Setting Data S : File name of the program to be set in the standby status by turning OFF the output, or the device where the file name is stored (character string) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word –– U \G Zn Constants $ –– Other –– Function (1) Changes the execution type of the program with the file name stored in the device designated by S . • Scan execution type: Turns OFF outputs at the next scan (Non-execution processing). Programs are set as the stand-by type after the subsequent scan. • Low speed execution type: Stops the execution of the low speed execution type program and turns OFF outputs at the next scan. Programs are set as the stand-by type after the subsequent scan. (2) Only the programs stored in the drive No. 0 (program memory) can be set as the stand-by type. (3) This instruction will be given priority even in cases when a program execution type has been designated in the parameters. (4) It is not necessary to designate the extension (.QPG) with the file name. (Only .QPG files will be acted on.) Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The program with the file name specified by S does not exist. (Error code: 2410) • The file name storage destination device of device. 7-378 S exceeds the range of the corresponding (Error code: 4101) POFF(P) Remark 1. Non-execution processing is identical to the processing that is conducted when the condition contacts for the individual coil instructions are in the OFF state. The operation results for the individual coil instructions following non-execution processing will be as follows, regardless of the ON/OFF status of the individual contacts: OUT instruction SET instruction RST instruction SFT instruction Basic instruction Application instruction PLS instruction Pulse generation instruction ( P) Current value of low speed/high speed timer Current value of retentive timer Current value of counter ...... Forced OFF 1 2 3 4 ...... Maintains status Processing identical to ...... when condition contacts are OFF ...... 0 6 6 ...... Preserves 7 Program Example 8 (1) The following program makes the program with the file name ABC non-executionable and places it in the standby status when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Instruction 7.17 Program control instructions 7.17.2 Program output OFF standby instruction (POFF(P)) Step Device 7-379 PSCAN(P) 7.17.3 Program scan execution registration instruction (PSCAN(P)) PSCAN(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command PSCAN PSCAN S PSCANP S Command PSCANP S Setting Data S : File name of the program to be set as a scan execution type, or head number of the devices where the file name is stored (character string) Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR \ Bit Word –– U Constants $ Zn \G –– Other –– Function (1) Sets the program whose file name is being stored at the device designated by execution type. S in the scan (2) Only the programs stored in the drive No. 0 (program memory/internal RAM) can be set as the scan execution type. (3) Designated programs assume the scan execution type with END processing. Example When programs A, B, and C exist and program A performs "PSCAN" of program D. A B C END A B C END Program D is executed Execution of PSCAN Scan D Scan (4) This instruction will be given priority even in cases when a program execution type has been designated in the parameters. (5) It is not necessary to designate the extension (.QPG) with the file name. (Only .QPG files will be acted on.) 7-380 PSCAN(P) Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The program with the file name specified by S does not exist. 2 (Error code: 2410) • The file name storage destination device of device. S exceeds the range of the corresponding (Error code: 4101) • The specified file name is the SFC program, and the SFC program for the other file name has been already started. (Dual activation error of the SFC program) (For the Universal model QCPU) (Error code: 4131) (For the High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Redundant CPU) (Error code: 2504) Program Example 4 6 6 (1) The following program sets the program with file name ABC as scan execution type when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] 3 [List Mode] Step Instruction 7 Device 8 7.17 Program control instructions 7.17.3 Program scan execution registration instruction (PSCAN(P)) 7-381 PLOW(P) 7.17.4 Program low speed execution registration instruction (PLOW(P)) PLOW(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command PLOW PLOW S PLOWP S Command PLOWP S Setting Data S : File name of the program to be set as a low speed execution type, or head number of the devices where the file name is stored (character string) Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word J Bit \ U Word –– Zn \G Constants $ Other –– –– Function (1) Sets the program whose file name is being stored at the device designated by low-speed execution type. S in (2) Only the programs stored in the drive No. 0 (program memory/internal RAM) can be set as the low speed execution type. (3) Designated programs assume the low speed execution type with END processing. Example When programs A, B, and C exist and program A performs "PLOW" of program D. (Assume that the constant scan has been set.) Waiting for constant A B C END A B C Execution of PLOW Scan END D Program D is executed Scan (4) This instruction will be given priority even in cases when a program execution type has been designated in the parameters. (5) It is not necessary to designate the extension (.QPG) with the file name. (Only .QPG files will be acted on.) Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The program with the designated file name does not exist. (Error code: 2410) • There is a CHK instruction contained within the program whose file name has been designated. (Error code: 4235) 7-382 PLOW(P) Program Example 1 (1) The following program sets the program with file name ABC as low-speed execution type when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 2 Device 3 4 6 6 7 8 7.17 Program control instructions 7.17.4 Program low speed execution registration instruction (PLOW(P)) 7-383 PCHK 7.17.5 Program execution status check instruction (PCHK) PCHK Basic LDPCHK High performance Process Redundant Universal File name PCHK Command ANDPCHK PCHK File name Command ORPCHK File name PCHK S Setting Data : File name of the program whose execution status will be checked (character string) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word U \G Zn Constants $ –– S Other –– Function (1) Checks whether the program of the specified file name is in execution or not (non-execution). (2) The instruction is in conduction when the program of the specified file name is in execution, and the instruction is in non-conduction when the program is in non-execution. (3) Specify the file name without an extension (.QPG). For example, specify "ABC" when the file name is ABC.QPG. Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The program with the designated file name does not exist. (Error code: 2410) Program Example (1) Program that keeps Y10 ON when the program file "ABC.QPG" is being executed. PCHK "ABC" Execution Non-execution 7-384 Y10 PCHK Remark Non-execution indicates that the program execution type is a stand-by type. Execution indicates that the program execution type is a scan execution type (including during output OFF (during non-execution processing)), low speed execution type or fixed scan execution type. 1 2 3 The PCHK instruction is in conduction when the program of the specified file name (target program) is in execution, and the instruction is in non-conduction when the program is in non-execution. When the target program is set to non-execution (stand-by type) with the POFF instruction, the PCHK instruction is in conduction while the non-execution processing of the target program is being performed. At the END processing of the scan where the non-execution processing is completed, the target program is put into non-execution (stand-by type), and the PCHK instruction is brought into non-conduction. Therefore, note that if the PCHK instruction is executed for the program where the non-execution processing has been completed by the POFF instruction, the PCHK instruction may be brought into conduction. The following chart shows the operation performed when program A executes the POFF instruction of program B and program C executes the PCHK instruction of program B with the programs being executed in order of program A, program B and program C. END processing Scan execution Scan execution Program A Scan execution Scan execution Scan execution Scan execution Program B END processing END processing Scan execution Scan execution Scan execution Program C POFF instruction is executed in program B Non-execution processing is performed. Continuity PCHK B Non-continuity 7-385 6 6 7 8 7.17 Program control instructions 7.17.5 Program execution status check instruction (PCHK) Program B execution type change (Scan execution type to stand-by type) 4 WDT(P) 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.1 Resetting watchdog timer (WDT(P)) WDT(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command WDT WDT Command WDTP WDTP Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR Bit \ U Word –– \G Zn Constants Other –– Function (1) Resets watchdog timer during the execution of a sequence program. (2) Used in cases where the scan time exceeds the value set for the watchdog timer due to prevailing conditions. If the scan time exceeds the watchdog timer setting value on every scan, change the watchdog timer settings at the peripheral device parameter settings. (3) Make sure that the setting for t1 from step 0 to the WDT instruction and the setting for t2 from the WDT instruction to the END (FEND) instruction do not exceed the setting value of the watchdog timer. Step 0 END (FEND) WDT T1 T2 (4) The WDT instruction can be used two or more times during a single scan, but care should be taken in such cases, because of the time required until the output goes OFF during the generation of an error. (5) Scan time values stored at the special register will not be cleared even if the WDT or WDTP instruction is executed. Accordingly, there are times when the value for the scan time for the special register is greater than the value of the watchdog timer set at the parameters. 7-386 WDT(P) Operation Error 1 (1) There are no operation errors associated with the WDT(P) instruction. 2 Program Example (1) The following program has a watchdog timer setting of 200 ms, when due to the execution conditions program execution requires 300 ms from step 0 to the END (FEND) instruction. 4 [When WDT instruction is used] Program where scan time is 300 ms. Program where scan time is 150 ms. 6 WDT END 3 Program where scan time is 150 ms. 6 END 7 8 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.1 Resetting watchdog timer (WDT(P)) 7-387 DUTY 7.18.2 Timing pulse generation (DUTY) DUTY Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command DUTY DUTY n1 n2 D n1 : Number of scans for ON (BIN 16 bits) n2 : Number of scans for OFF (BIN 16 bits) : User timing clock (SM420 to SM424, SM430 to M434) (bits) D Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR \ Bit U Word \G Constants K, H Zn n1 –– n2 D Other –– *1 –– –– *1: Only SM420 to SM424, SM430 to SM434 can be used. Function (1) Turns the user timing clock (SM420 to SM424, SM430 to M434), designated by D , ON for the duration equivalent to the number of scans specified by n1, and OFF for the duration equivalent to the number of scans specified by n2. ON SM420 to SM424 OFF SM430 to SM434 n1 scans n2 scans (2) Scan execution type programs use SM420 to SM424, and low speed execution type programs use SM430 to SM434. (3) The following will take place if both n1 and n2 have been set for 0: (a) n1 0, n2 0 SM420 to SM424 and SM430 to SM434 will stay OFF. (b) n1 0, n2 0 SM420 to SM424 and SM430 to SM434 will stay ON. (4) The data designated by n1, n2, and D is registered with the system when the DUTY instruction is executed, and the timing pulse is turned ON and OFF by END processing. Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The device designated by D is not from SM420 to SM424 or SM430 to SM434. (Error code: 4101) • The values of n1 and n2 are less than 0. 7-388 (Error code: 4100) DUTY Program Example 1 (1) The following program turns SM420 ON for 1 scan, and OFF for 3 scans if X0 is ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 2 Instruction Device 3 4 [Operation] ON X0 OFF 6 ON SM420 OFF 1 scan 3 scans 6 7 8 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.2 Timing pulse generation (DUTY) 7-389 TIMCHK 7.18.3 Time check instruction (TIMCHK) TIMCHK Ver. Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Basic model QCPU: The upper five digits of the serial No. are "04122" or larger. command TIMCHK TIMCHK Setting Data S1 S1 : Device where the measured current value will be stored (BIN 16 bits) S2 : Device where the set value of measurement is stored (BIN 16 bits) D : Device to be turned ON at time-out (bits) Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word J Bit \ U Word \G –– S1 S2 Zn D Constants K, H –– Other –– –– S2 –– D –– –– Function (1) Measures the ON time of the device used as a condition, and turns ON the device specified by S2 by D if the condition device remains ON for longer than the time set to the device specified . (2) The current value of the device specified by S1 is cleared to 0 and the device specified by is turned OFF at the leading edge of the execution command. The current value of the device designated by designated by D S1 D and the ON status of the device are retained after the execution command turns OFF. (3) Set the set value of measurement in units of 100ms. Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The device that cannot be specified has been specified. (Error code: 4100) Program Example (1) Program where the ON time of X0 is set to 5s, the current value storage device to D0, and the device that will turn ON at time-out to Y10. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 7-390 Instruction Device ZRRDB(P) 7.18.4 Direct 1-byte read from file register (ZRRDB(P)) 1 ZRRDB(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 Command ZRRDB ZRRDB n D ZRRDBP n D 4 Command ZRRDBP 6 n : Serial byte number for the file register to be read (BIN 32 bits) D Setting Data : Number of the device where the read data will be stored (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR \ Bit U Word Constants K, H Zn \G n Other 6 –– –– D –– 7 8 Function (1) Reads the serial byte number designated by n that does not signify a block number, and stores at the lower 8 bits of the device designated by . will become 00H. D File register ZR0 ZR32767 ZR32768 Area for block No. 0 Area for block No. 1 b15 D n Serial byte number ZR65535 ZR65536 b8B7 B0 00H Read-out contents Area for block No. 2 (2) The correspondence between file register numbers and serial byte numbers is as indicated below: b15 b8b7 b0 Serial byte No. 0 ZR0 Serial byte No. 1 Serial byte No. 2 ZR1 Serial byte No. 3 Serial byte No. 4 ZR2 Serial byte No. 5 ZR2500 Serial byte No. 5001 ZR2501 Serial byte No. 5003 ZR2502 Serial byte No. 5005 ZR2503 Serial byte No. 5007 Serial byte No. 5000 Serial byte No. 5002 Serial byte No. 5004 Serial byte No. 5006 Data when an even number is designated Data when an odd number is designated 7-391 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.4 Direct 1-byte read from file register (ZRRDB(P)) The upper 8 bits designated by D ZRRDB(P) (a) If the value of n has been designated as 23560, the data at the lower 8 bits of ZR11780 will be read. n 23560 Read destination b0 b15 b8 b7 designation ZR11780 43H 21H b8 b7 b15 D 00H b0 21H Data is stored (b) If the value of n has been designated as 43257, the data at the upper 8 bits of ZR21628 will be read. n 43257 Read destination b15 b8 b7 b0 designation 93H 42H ZR21628 b8 b7 b15 D b0 93H 00H Data is stored Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • A device number (serial byte number) that exceeds the range of allowable designations has been designated. (Error code: 4101) Program Example (1) The following program reads the lower bits of ZR16000 and the upper bits of R16003, and stores results at D100 and D101 when X0 is ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] Serial byte No. 32000 (Lower bits of R16000) Serial byte No. 32007 (Upper bits of R16003) 7-392 b15 R16000 R16001 R16002 R16003 b8 b7 8FH 42H 12H 93H b0 25H 32H 34H 00H b15 D100 D101 b8 b7 00H 00H b0 25H 93H ZRWRB(P) 7.18.5 File register direct 1-byte write (ZRWRB(P)) 1 ZRWRB(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 3 Command ZRWRB ZRWRB n S ZRWRBP n S 4 Command ZRWRBP 6 n : Serial byte number for the file register to be written (BIN 32 bits) D Setting Data 2 : Number of the device where the data to be written is stored (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit Word U Zn \G Constants K, H Other n –– S –– Function 6 7 8 (1) Writes the lower bits of data stored in the device designated by S that does not signify a block number to the file register of the serial byte number designated by n. S File register ZR0 n Serial byte number ZR32767 ZR32768 Write destination designation Area for block No. 0 Area for block No. 1 Writing the data S ZR65535 ZR65536 b15 b8b7 Ignored b0 Contents to be written Area for block No. 2 (2) The correspondence between file register numbers and serial byte numbers is as indicated below: b15 b8b7 b0 Serial byte No. 0 ZR0 Serial byte No. 1 Serial byte No. 2 ZR1 Serial byte No. 3 Serial byte No. 4 ZR2 Serial byte No. 5 ZR2500 Serial byte No. 5001 ZR2501 Serial byte No. 5003 ZR2502 Serial byte No. 5005 ZR2503 Serial byte No. 5007 Serial byte No. 5000 Serial byte No. 5002 Serial byte No. 5004 Serial byte No. 5006 Storage destination when an even number is designated Storage destination when an odd number is designated 7-393 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.5 File register direct 1-byte write (ZRWRB(P)) The upper 8 bits of data in the device designated by are ignored. ZRWRB(P) If n 12340 is specified, the data will be written to the lower 8 bits of ZR11170. n Write destination b0 b15 b8 b7 designation 43H 21H ZR11170 12340 b15 b8 b7 43H S b15 b8 b7 b0 54H Ignored b0 54H If n 43257 is specified, the data will be written to the upper 8 bits of ZR21628. n 43257 Write destination b15 b8 b7 b0 designation ZR21628 12H 50H b15 b8 b7 S b15 b8 b7 b0 43H Ignored b0 50H 43H Operation Error (1) In the following case, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • A device number (serial byte number) that exceeds the range of allowable designations has been designated. (Error code: 4101) Program Example (1) The following program writes the data at the lower bits of D100 and D101 to the lower bits of R16000 and the upper bits of R16003 when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device [Operation] Serial byte No. 32000 (Lower bits of R16000) Serial byte No. 32007 (Upper bits of R16003) b8 b7 b15 R16000 R16001 R16002 R16003 54H 4AH ABH 99H b15 R16000 R16001 R16002 R16003 7-394 b0 b8 b7 54H 4AH ABH 01H D100 59H BAH 80H 77H b15 b8 b7 b0 D101 Ignored 01H b0 10H BAH 80H 77H b15 b8 b7 b0 10H Ignored ADRSET(P) 7.18.6 Indirect address read operations (ADRSET(P)) 1 ADRSET(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 3 Command ADRSET ADRSET S D ADRSETP S D 4 Command ADRSETP 6 S : Number of the device whose indirect address is read out (Device name) D : Number of the device where the indirect address of the device designated by Internal Devices Setting Data Bit Word 2 J R, ZR \ Bit U Word S will be stored (BIN 32 bits) Zn \G S –– D –– Constants Other 6 7 8 Function (1) Stores the indirect address of the device designated by ADRSET W100 D100 D at D +1 and D . is used when an indirect device address 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.6 Indirect address read operations (ADRSET(P)) The address stored at the device designated by is performed by the sequence program. S Stores the address of W100 address to D101 and D100. MOV K1234 @D100 Reads the contents of D100. Writes 1234 to the address specified by D100 and D101. Device area D0 D1 D100 Address of W100 D101 (2) A bit device designation cannot be made at S W100 1234 . Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the ADRSET(P) instruction. Remark See Section 3.4 for further information on indirect designations. 7-395 KEY 7.18.7 Numerical key input from keyboard (KEY) KEY High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal Command KEY KEY S n S D1 D2 : Head number of the devices (X) to which a numeral will be input (bits) n : Number of digits of the numeral to be input (BIN 16 bits) D1 : Head number of the devices where the input numeral will be stored (BIN 16 bits) D2 : Number of the bit device to turn ON at the completion of input (bits) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit \ Bit –– (Only X) S J R, ZR Word U Word \G –– Constants K, H Zn –– n Other –– –– –– D1 –– D2 –– –– –– –– Function (1) Fetches ASCII data from the 8 points of input (X) designated by S , converts it to hexadecimal values and stores the result in the area starting from the device designated by D1 . n Designation of the number of digits to be input b12 b11 b8b7 b4 b3 b0 Number of digits that are input 5 digits 6 digits 7 digits 8 digits 2 digits 3 digits 4 digits 1 digit b15 D1 D1 +1 D1 +2 Input module S S S S S S S S S +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 "0" (30H) to "9" (39H) "A" (41H) to "F" (46H) Strobe signal For example, in a case where the number of digits (n) has been set at 5, and the values "31", "33", "35", "37" and "39" have been input through X10 to X18 of the input module, the following will take place: Number of digits of input data D0 b15 D10 D11 D12 7-396 b12b11 b8 b7 5 b4 b3 b0 5 3H 0H 5H 0H 7H 0H 9H 1H Input module X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X16 X17 X18 The first input value " 1 3 5 7 9 " (31H)(33H)(35H)(37H)(39H) Strobe signal KEY (2) Numerical input to input (X) designated by S S undergoes bit development at S through +7 and is input as the ASCII code corresponding to the numbers. ASCII code which can be input is from 30H (0) to 39H (9), and from 41H (A) to 46H (F). (1 H) (3 H) b7 b4 b3 b0 "1"(31 H)= 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Input module 2 S S +1 S +2 S +3 S +4 S +5 S +6 S +7 (3) After ASCII code is input to S to designated numbers internally. 1 3 S +7, the strobe signal at S +8 goes ON to incorporate the The strobe signal should be held at its ON or OFF status for more than one scan of the sequence program. If this time is less than 1 scan, there will be cases when the data is correctly incorporated. 4 6 6 Execution command Condition contact for the execution of KEY instruction ON for 1 scan OFF for 1 scan or longer or longer 7 Strobe signal ( S +8) ASCII code input ( S to S +7) 31H Fetches "1" 32H Fetches "2" 33H 8 34H Fetches "3" Fetches "4" The KEY instruction cannot be executed if the execution command turns OFF. (5) The digits for the numbers actually fetched to D1 will be stored at the device designated by D1 , and these will be converted to the ASCII codes input at hexadecimal BIN values, and stored. D1 +1 and D1 +2, converted to Execution command Condition contact for the execution of KEY instruction Strobe signal ( S ASCII code input ( S to S 7) 8) 31H D1 1 D1 1 0 0 0 1 D1 2 0 0 0 0 33H 35H 37H 39H 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 3 5 0 0 0 0 4 1 3 5 7 0 0 0 0 5 3 5 7 9 0 0 0 1 (6) The number of digits that can be designated by n is from 1 to 8. 7-397 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.7 Numerical key input from keyboard (KEY) (4) Be sure to keep the execution command (condition contact for the KEY instruction) ON until the specified number of digits has been input. KEY (7) Fetching of the input data is completed when any of the inputs shown below has been made. At the completion, the bit device designated by D2 is turned ON. • When the number of digits specified by n has been input • When the "0DH" code has been input For example, the operations at the location designated if n 5 will be as indicated below: Execution command When the designated number of digits are input Strobe signal ( S +8) ASCII code input ( S to S +7) 31H D1 1 D1 +1 0 0 0 1 D1 +2 0 0 0 0 42H 35H 37H 39H 2 0 0 1 B 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 B 5 0 0 0 0 4 1 B 5 7 0 0 0 0 5 B 5 7 9 0 0 0 1 42H 35H 0DH 2 0 0 1 B 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 B 5 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 B 5 0 0 0 0 Processing completed ( D2 ) Execution command When 0DH code is input Strobe signal ( S +8) ASCII code input ( S to S +7) 31H D1 1 D1 +1 0 0 0 1 D1 +2 0 0 0 0 Processing completed ( D2 ) If input processing is to be performed a second time, it is necessary to clear the number of digits input and the input data stored at program. If D1 is not cleared and D2 D1 , and turn OFF the designated device at the user not turned OFF, the next input processing cannot be performed. Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The device designated by D is not an input (X) device. (Error code: 4100) • The number of digits designated by n are outside the range of from 1 to 8. (Error code: 4100) 7-398 KEY Program Example 1 (1) The following program fetches data of the 5 or fewer digits from the numerical key pad connected to X20 to X28, and stores it to the area starting from D0 when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] 2 3 Clears the previous input data Sets the number of digits to be input 4 6 Resets the data input completion fag 6 [List Mode] Step Instruction 7 Device 8 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.7 Numerical key input from keyboard (KEY) [Operation] Input module " 1 2 3 4 5" Numerical keypad (Strobe signal) X20 X21 X22 X23 X24 X25 X26 X27 X28 b15 b12b11 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0 5 D0 D1 2H 3H 4H 5H D2 0H 0H 0H 1H 7-399 ZPUSH(P),ZPOP(P) 7.18.8 Batch save or recovery of index register (ZPUSH(P),ZPOP(P)) ZPUSH(P),ZPOP(P) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal indicates an instruction symbol of ZPUSH/ZPOP. Command ZPUSH, ZPOP D Command ZPUSHP, ZPOPP P D Setting Data D : Head number of the devices to/from which contents of an index register are saved/recovered (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Bit D Word R, ZR J \ Bit Word –– U Zn \G Constants Other –– Function ZPUSH (1) Saves the contents of the following index registers to after the device specified by (When contents of an index register are saved, increased by 1.) D D . + 0 (the number of saves made) is • Basic model QCPU: Z0 to Z9 • High Performance model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU: Z0 to Z15 • Universal model QCPU: Z0 to Z19 (2) The ZPOP instruction is used for data recovery. Nesting is possible within the ZPUSH to ZPOP cycle. (3) If nesting has been done, each time the ZPUSH instruction is executed, the field used following D will be added to, so a field large enough to accommodate the number of times the instruction will be used should be maintained from the beginning. (4) The composition of the field used following • When Basic model QCPU is used D +0 +1 +2 D is as shown below: Number of saves Z0 Z1 1st nesting (15 words for the 1st nesting) +10 +11 +15 +16 +17 7-400 Z9 Reserved by the system (5 words) Z0 Z1 2nd nesting ZPUSH(P),ZPOP(P) • When using a High Performance model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU D +0 Number of saves +1 Z0 +2 Z1 1 1st nesting (18 words for the 1st nesting) +16 +17 +18 +19 +20 2 Z15 Reserved by the system (2 words) Z0 Z1 3 2nd nesting • When Universal model QCPU is used 4 D +0 Number of saves +1 Z0 +2 Z1 6 1st nesting (22 words for the 1st nesting) +20 +21 +22 +23 +24 Z19 6 Reserved by the system (2 words) Z0 Z1 2nd nesting 7 ZPOP (1) Recovers the contents saved in the area starting from the device designated by D to the index register. (When the saved content is read out to the index register, D + 0 (the number of saves made) is decreased by 1.) (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The range for the number of points to be used at exceeds the corresponding device range. • The contents of D D and later by the ZPUSH(P) instruction (Error code: 4101) + 0 (number of saves made) is 0 in the ZPOP(P) instruction. (Error code: 4100) Program Example (1) The following program saves the contents of the index register to the fields following D0 before calling the subroutine following P0 that uses the index register. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 7-401 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.8 Batch save or recovery of index register (ZPUSH(P),ZPOP(P)) Operation Error 8 UNIRD(P) 7.18.9 Reading Module Information (UNIRD(P)) UNIRD(P) Basic High performance UNIRD n1 D n2 UNIRDP n1 D n2 Process Redundant Universal Command UNIRD Command UNIRDP n1: Value obtained by dividing the head I/O number of the reading module information source by 16 (0 to FFn) (BIN 16 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the module information will be stored (device name) n2: The number of points of read data (0 to 256) (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Setting Data Bit J R, ZR Word \ Bit Word n1 U \G Zn Constants K, H –– –– D –– n2 –– Other –– –– –– –– Function (1) Reads the module information as much as designated by n2 from the module designated by n1 (value obtained by dividing the head I/O number by 16), and stores that information into the area starting from the device designated by D . (Reads the status of the actually installed modules instead of the module type designated by I/O assignment.) Remark The value of n1 is designated by the higher 3 digits of the head I/O number of the slot from which the module information is read, when it is expressed in 4 digits in hexadecimal notation. QY10 QY10 QY41P Q68ADV QX10 QX10 QX10 QX10 CPU module Power supply module X0000 X0010 X0020 X0030 0040 Y0050 Y0070 Y0080 to to to to to to to to X000F X001F X002F X003F 004F Y006F Y007F Y008F Head input number is read as K4 or H4 7-402 UNIRD(P) The details of the module information are described as follows: Bit 1 b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Individual module information Bit Item b0 b1 Number of I/O points b2 b4 Module type b5 b7 000: 16 points 001: 32 points 010: 48 points 011: 64 points 100: 128 points 101: 256 points 110: 512 points 111: 1024 points 3 000: Input module b3 b6 2 Meaning 001: Output module 4 010: I/O mixed module 011: Intelligent function module External supply power status (For future expansion) Presence/absence of fuse blown 1: External supply power is connected. 0: External supply power is not connected. 1: Some modules have fuse blown. 0: Normal Online module replacement 1: Module information on the extension base unit is tried to be read during online b8 status/ execution from the standby system b9 b10 b11 Minor/medium error status Module error status Module standby status b13 Empty b14 Q module b15 Module installation status 6 system.*1 0: Other than above 1: Minor/medium error occurred 7 0: Normal 00: No module error 01: Minor error 10: Medium error 11: Serious error 1: Normal 0: Module error occurred 8 Fixed to 0 0: Q series module 1: Modules are installed. 0: No modules are installed. *1: The Universal model QCPU used in the multiple CPU system is turned ON during the online module change of the module controlled by the other CPU. Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. [High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Redundant CPU and Universal model QCPU] • When n1 is other than 0 to FFH (Error code: 4100) • When n2 is other than 0 to 256 (Error code: 4100) • When a total of n1 and n2 is equal to or greater than 257 [Q00/Q01CPU] (Error code: 4100) • When n1 is other than 0 to 3FH (Error code: 4100) • When n2 is other than 0 to 64 (Error code: 4100) • When a total of n1 and n2 is equal to or greater than 65 [Q00JCPU] (Error code: 4100) • When n1 is other than 0 to FH (Error code: 4100) • When n2 is other than 0 to 16 (Error code: 4100) • When n1 and n2 is equal to or greater than 17 (Error code: 4100) 7-403 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.9 Reading Module Information (UNIRD(P)) b12 module change or from the CPU module of standby system in the redundant 6 UNIRD(P) Program Example (1) The following program stores the module information at I/O numbers 10H to 20H into the devices starting from D0 when X10 is turned ON. Card information Device X/Y0 module information D0 X/Y10 module information D1 X/Y20 module information : X/YFE0 module information X/YFF0 module information [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device Readout result (When read to D0) (a) 32-point intelligent function module for Q series b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 D0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 32-point module Intelligent function module No external power supply connected No blown-fuse error existing Execution other than during online module change or from the standby system No module error existing Module ready status (Empty) Q series module Module installed b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 D1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All of these bits turn 0 because information is stored to "D0." A module is installed as latter 16 points of a 32-point module. • With a 48- or 64-point module, the same contents as those of D1 are stored in D2 or D2 and D3 respectively. 7-404 UNIRD(P) (b) 32-point module for A series 1 b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 1 D0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 For an A series module, all of these bits turn 0 because information is not stored. 2 A series module 3 Module is installed b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 D1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 All of these bits turn 0 because information is stored to "D0." A module is installed as latter 16 points of a 32-point module. • With a 48- or 64-point module, the same contents as those of D1 are stored in D2 or D2 and D3 respectively. 6 6 (c) Empty slot b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 D0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 For an empty slot, all of these bits turn 0. 8 (d) Performing online module replacement b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 D0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (e) Module information on the extension base unit is tried to be read from the standby system of the redundant system in separate mode. b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 D0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Execution from the standby system (Module information on the extension base unit is tried to be read from the standby system of the redundant system in separate mode.) 7-405 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.9 Reading Module Information (UNIRD(P)) Performing online module replacement 7.18.10 Reading module model name(TYPERD(P)) Ver. High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal Universal model QCPU: The serial number (first five digits) is "11043" or later. Command TYPERD TYPERD n D TYPERDP n D Command TYPERDP . Internal device Setting data Bit Word *6 R, ZR J Bit \ U Word n –– –– D –– –– Zn \G Constant K, H Others –– –– –– Set Data Setting data n Description Value obtained by dividing the start I/O number of a module whose model name is to be read by 16 Execution result of the instruction D +0 D D +1 to D +9 Module model name Setting range 0 to FFH, 3E0 to 3E3H Within each device range Set by Data type User BIN 16 bits System BIN 16 bits Character string Function (1) This instruction reads the module information stored in the area starting from the I/O number specified by "n", and stores it in the area starting from the device specified by The following 6 modules (Q series only) support the instruction. • CPU module • Input module • Output module • I/O combined module • Intelligent function module • GOT (bus connection) 7-406 D . (2) Specify the start I/O number of a module whose model name is to be read by "n" as follows: • Specify the value obtained by dividing the start I/O number of the target module by 16. 1 Power CPU supply module QX10 QX10 QX10 module 2 QX10 Q68 ADV QY41 P QY10 QY10 3E00H 0000H 0010H 0020H 0030H 0040H 0050H 0070H 0080H Start I/O number configured in the I/O assignment setting 3 Specify the start I/O number by K3 or H3. When the target module is a CPU module itself, specify the start I/O number by H3E0. 4 • When the target module occupies two slots The start I/O number to be specified may differ from that of the mounted module. For the start I/O number, refer to the manual of each module. Specify the value obtained by dividing the start I/O number of the target module by 16. Example) QJ71GP21S-SX Specify a value to which 0010H, start I/O number of the mounted module, is added. 0030H 0040H 0050H 0060H 0070H 0080H 6 7 Power supply CPU QJ71G P21S-SX Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty module module 3E00H 0000H 0010H 6 8 Start I/O number configured in the I/O assignment setting Specify the start I/O number by K1 or H1. Power Q20UDH Q20UDH Q20UDH QY41 supply CPU CPU CPU CPU P module module Q68 ADV QY41 P QY10 QY10 3E00H 3E10H 3E20H 3E30H 0000H 0010H 0020H 0030H 0040H Start I/O number configured in the I/O assignment setting Specify the start I/O number by H3E3. Or, the model name can be read by specifying the start I/O number of a module controlled by another CPU. 7-407 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.10 Reading module model name(TYPERD(P)) • When the target module is a CPU module in multiple CPU systems Specify the value obtained by dividing the start I/O number of the target CPU module by 16. (3) D +0 and D +1 to D +9 store the execution result of the instruction and module model name, respectively. A value stored in D is as follows: (a) When the model name has been written to the target module (example: QJ71GP21-SX) b15 to b8 b7 b0 0 D ○+0 D ○+1 Nine words are used. to 4AH (J) Stores 0. Indicates that the model name that has been written to the target module is stored. 51H (Q) D ○+2 31H (1) 37H (7) D ○+3 50H (P) 47H (G) D ○+4 31H (1) 32H (2) D ○+5 53H (S) 2DH (-) D ○+6 00H 58H (X) D ○+7 00H 00H D ○+8 00H 00H D ○+9 00H 00H Stores the model name that has been written to the target module (stored in ASC II). Stores the remaining model name and 00H to the 12th to 17th devices and the 18th device, respectively. The following table shows the examples of model names stored in Target module Stored model name CPU module Q06UDEHCPU Intelligent function module QJ71GP21-SX GOT GOT1000 D +1 to D +9. (b) When the model name has not been written to the target module (example: QX40) b15 to b8 b7 Nine words are used. to b0 1 D ○+0 Stores 1. D ○+1 4AH (N) 49H (I) D ○+2 55H (U) 50H (P) D ○+3 5FH (_) 54H (T) D ○+4 36H (6) 31H (1) D ○+5 00H 00H D ○+6 00H 00H D ○+7 00H 00H D ○+8 00H 00H D ○+9 00H 00H Indicates that the character string consists of module type and the number of points is stored. Stores the character string consists of module type and the number of points. (stored in ASC II). Stores the remaining model name and 00H to the 12th to 17th devices and the 18th device, respectively. The following table shows the examples of character strings stored in Target module Input module INPUT_16 Output module OUTPUT_32 I/O combined module MIXED_64 Intelligent function module INTELLIGENT_128 [Character string indicating module type] • Input module: INPUT • Output module: OUTPUT • I/O combined module: MIXED • Intelligent function module*1: INTELLIGENT • 1: Includes the QI60 and GOT. 7-408 Stored character string D +1 to D +9.. [Character string indicating the number of points] • 16 points:_16 1 • 32 points:_32 • 48 points:_48 2 • 64 points:_64 • 128 points:_128 3 • 256 points:_256 • 512 points:_512 • 1024 points:_1024 4 (c) Others • The specified slot is empty or the target module is during online module change. • The specified value (n) is not the start I/O number. • The specified value (n) is within the allowable setting range, but cannot be set in the I/O assignment setting screen of the PLC parameter dialog box. b15 to to -1 D ○+0 Nine words are used. b8 b7 6 6 b0 Stores -1. 00H 00H D ○+2 00H 00H D ○+3 00H 00H D ○+4 00H 00H D ○+5 00H 00H D ○+6 00H 00H D ○+7 00H 00H D ○+8 00H 00H D ○+9 00H 00H 7 Indicates that the model name is not stored. 8 Stores 00H. Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns on, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The target module cannot be communicated due to a failure. • Devices by 10 words starting from the device specified by D • The specified value (n) is except 0 to FFH and 3E0 to 3E3H. (Error code: 2110) exceed the device range. (Error code: 4101) (Error code: 4101) 7-409 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.10 Reading module model name(TYPERD(P)) D ○+1 Program Example (1) The following program stores the model name of a module having the start I/O number 0020H in the area starting from the device specified by [Ladder Mode] Step 7-410 D when X0 is turned on. [List Mode] Instruction Device TRACE,TRACER 7.18.11 Trace Set/Reset (TRACE,TRACER) 1 TRACE,TRACER Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 Command TRACE TRACE 4 Command TRACER TRACER 6 Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ U Word –– Zn \G Constants Other 6 –– Function The sampling trace function collects the specified device data of a CPU module consecutively at the specified timing. With the sampling trace function, the traced results obtained through the specified number of trace operations will be stored in the trace file of the memory card when SM800, SM801, and SM802 are turned ON. Trace ends by number of trace after trigger TRACER Trace reset Number of trace after trigger Total number of traces SM800 (Preparation for trace) SM801 (Starting trace) SM802 (During the execution of trace) SM803 (Trigger for trace) SM804 (After the execution of trace trigger) SM805 (Completion of trace) 7-411 8 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.11 Trace Set/Reset (TRACE,TRACER) TRACE Trace start request Trigger condition enabled 7 TRACE,TRACER TRACE (1) The TRACE instruction turns ON SM803, executes sampling by the number of times set for "After trigger number of times" in the Trace condition settings, latches the data and stops sampling trace. (2) The sampling is stopped if SM801 is turned OFF during the trace execution. (3) After the TRACE instruction is executed and the trace is completed, SM805 is turned ON. (4) Once the TRACE instruction is executed, the second and the subsequent TRACE instructions are ignored. When the TRACER instruction is executed, the TRACE instruction is enabled again. TRACER (1) The TRACER instruction resets the TRACE instruction. When the TRACER instruction is executed, the TRACE instruction is enabled again. (2) When the TRACER instruction is executed, SM803 to SM805 are turned OFF. Remark 1. For details of the trace, refer to the QnUCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals). 2. For trace execution with GX Developer, refer to the GX Developer Operating Manual. Operation Error (1) There are no operation errors associated with the TRACE or TRACER instruction. Program Example (1) The following program executes the TRACE instruction when X0 is turned ON, and resets the TRACE instruction with the TRACER instruction when X1 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 7-412 Instruction Device SP.FWRITE 7.18.12 Writing Data to Designated File (SP.FWRITE) 1 SP.FWRITE High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal 2 3 Command SP.FWRITE U0 SP.FWRITE S0 D0 S1 S2 D1 4 Setting Data Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word J Bit \ Word U Zn \G Constants K, H –– S0 $ Other –– –– D0 –– –– –– –– –– S1 –– –– –– –– –– S2 –– –– –– –– –– D1 *1 *1 Meaning Data Setting Range Set by U0 Dummy –– –– S0 Drive designation 2 User –– –– Data Type Item Contents/Setting Data Setting Range Set by D0 Execution/ completion type Designate the execution type. 0000H : Write binary data 0100H : Write data after CSV format conversion 0000H 0100H User D0 +1 (Not used) Used by system –– System D0 +2 Writing result (No. of written data) Contains the number of actually written data against the data designated by S2 . The unit of the value depends on data type specified at D0 +7. –– System D0 +3 (Not used) –– –– –– File position Set the file position when binary data writing is specified by D0 . 00000000H :Starting at the beginning of the file 00000001H to FFFFFFFEH: From the specified position The unit of the value depends on data type specification. FFFFFFFFH : Addition starts from the end of the file. When CSV format write is specified at D0 • For the High Performance model QCPU of which the first 5 digits of the serial number are "01111" or lower, always set the beginning (0H) of the file. • For the High Performance model QCPU/ Process CPU/Redundant CPU/Universal model QCPU of which the first 5 digits of the serial number are "01112" or higher, set the file position. 00000000H to FFFFFFFEH : Starting at the beginning of the file FFFFFFFFH : Addition starts at the end of the file. D0 D0 D0 +4 +5 BIN 16 bits 00000000H to FFFFFFFFH User 7-413 7 8 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.12 Writing Data to Designated File (SP.FWRITE) Head number of the devices storing the control data. The following control data is required. Device 6 –– *1: Local devices and the devices designated for individual programs cannot be used. Setting 6 SP.FWRITE Setting Meaning Data Setting Range Set by Data Type When binary write is specified at D0 , always set 0. When CSV format write is specified at D0 , No. of D0 +6 columns set the number of columns where data will be designation 0 D0 0H to FFFFH written. : No columns. Regarded as User (0 to 65535) one row. Other than 0 : Set to the specified number of columns. D0 +7 Data type 0: Word specification 1: Byte 0,1 User Head number of the devices storing a file name. A file name is expressed as follows: Device Item Contents/Setting Data Setting Range Set by Designate the character string of a file name. • When omitting an extension, also omit the "." (Period). S1 to S1 S1 + File name character string • Limit the file name within 8 characters + period + 3 characters. • When 9 or more characters are used, BIN 16 bits Character string User the extension is ignored regardless of its presence, and "BIN" or "CSV" is automatically assigned as an extension. Head number of the devices storing the data. Written data is expressed as follows: Device Item Contents/Setting Data Setting Range Set by Designate the number of data to request No. of S2 S2 request write data writing (word units). This data should be designated in units of words even when byte is designated by D0 S2 +1 to S2 + Write data 1 to 480 1 to 32767 *2 User +7. Data to request writing. 0000H to FFFFH Bit device that turned ON at the completion of the processing. ( D1 +1 is also turned ON at error completion.) Device Item Completion D1 D1 signal Error D1 +1 completion signal Contents/Setting Data Indicates the completion of the processing. ON: Completed OFF: Not completed Setting Range –– Indicates whether the processing is normally completed or abnormally completed. ON: Error completion Bit System –– OFF: Normal completion *2: Indicates the range applicable only for the Universal model QCPU. 7-414 Set by SP.FWRITE Caution (1) At 1 S0 (drive designation), only the ATA card drive (2) can be set. Note that when the Flash card is loaded, the SP.FWRITE instruction cannot be used to perform writing. The SRAM card, standard RAM or standard ROM drive cannot be set. 2 3 (2) For CSV setting, the data written are decimal values. Example Character "A" (41H) "65" is written. Handling range: -32768 to 32767 (3) For binary write, the word-specified file position setting range is 00000000H to 7FFFFFFFH and FFFFFFFFH. 4 6 6 7 8 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.12 Writing Data to Designated File (SP.FWRITE) 7-415 SP.FWRITE Function (1) The designated number of data is written to the designated file. Set the execution/completion type in the control data to designate whether to write binary data without any conversion or to convert binary data into CSV format data before writing it. (The writing target is the ATA card only.) (2) The execution completion bit device ( D1 ) is automatically turned ON at the END processing after the completion of the instruction is detected. The bit device is turned OFF at the execution of the END instruction in the next scan. Use this bit device as the execution completion flag for the SP.FWRITE instruction. When this instruction is completed abnormally, the error completion device ( D1 +1) is turned ON/OFF in synchronization with the processing complete ( D1 ) device. Use this device as the error completion flag for this instruction. SM721 is turned ON during the execution of the instruction. This instruction cannot be executed while SM721 is ON. (If an attempt is made, no processing is performed.) When an error is detected at the execution of the instruction (before SM721 is turned ON), the processing complete device ( D1 ), the error completion device ( D1 +1), and SM721 are not turned ON. (3) Be sure to use in units of words to designate the No. of request write data ( S2 ) and the file position ( D0 +4 and D0 +5). The following shows the method for writing binary data when No. of request write data and file position are specified. Control data D0+0 H0000 D0+1 - D0+2 K3 D0+3 - D0+4 K1 Execution/completion type (Not used) Number of written result data (Not used) Head position of the file to be written D0+5 D0+6 - Designation of the number of columns D0+7 K0 Data type specification Data device D1+0 K3 File data (in byte unites) H00 H00 D1+1 H33 22 Total H22 H33 D1+2 H55 44 Data to be written H44 H55 D1+2 H77 66 H66 H77 H00 H00 H00 7-416 One word shift SP.FWRITE (4) When writing binary data (a) If the extension of the target file is omitted, ".BIN" is used as an extension. (b) When the designated file does not exist, a new file is created and the data is added/ saved from the beginning of the file. The attributes of this new file are set using the archive attributes. (c) When the size of the data exceeds that of the existing area in the file during the writing, the excess data is added/saved. 1 2 3 (d) If the file position specified is greater than the existing file size: • The High Performance model QCPU of which the first 5 digits of the serial number are "01111" or lower results in an error. • The High Performance model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU/Universal model QCPU of which the first 5 digits of the serial number are "01112" or higher performs writing at point 0 and is completed normally. (e) An error occurs when the saving space becomes full while data is added and saved. In such a case, the data that is successfully added/saved remains in the medium. The error completion is indicated after as much data as possible is added/saved. (5) When writing data after CSV format conversion (a) If the extension is omitted, ".CSV" is used as an extension. (b) When the existing file is specified: [High Performance model QCPU of which the first 5 digits of the serial number are "01111" or lower] File contents are all deleted and data are saved, starting at the beginning. [High Performance model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU/Universal model QCPU of which the first 5 digits of the serial number are "01112" or higher] • When FFFFFFFFH is set at ( D0 +4, file. D0 D0 6 6 7 8 +5), file contents are all deleted and +5), data are saved, starting at the end of the (c) When the designated file does not exist, a new file is created and the data is added/ saved from the beginning of the file. The attributes of this new file are set using the archive attributes. (d) An error occurs when the saving space becomes full while data is added and saved. In such a case, the data that is successfully added/saved remains in the medium. The error completion is indicated after as much data as possible is added/saved. 7-417 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.12 Writing Data to Designated File (SP.FWRITE) • When other than FFFFFFFFH is set at ( D0 +4, data are saved, starting at the beginning. 4 SP.FWRITE (e) When the designated number of columns is "0", the data is stored as single-row data in CSV format file. Example When data is written after CSV format conversion and the designated No. of columns is "0": SP.FWRITE U0 K2 D10 D20 D99 M0 * Designation in word units D10 H0100 Execution/completion type D11 - D12 K0 D13 - Not used Number of written result data (In normal completion, it is the same number as the number of data to be written.) Not used D14 K0 D15 K0 D16 K0 Designation of the number of columns D17 K0 Data type specification D20 H4241 D21 H4443 D22 H0045 D099 K7 D100 K0 D101 K10 D102 K20 D103 K30 D104 K40 D105 K-50 D106 K100 File name (If a file name consists of 8 or less characters, "00"s are filled in the remaining area.) "ABCDE" Number of data to be written Data to be written Data to be written to the file 0 , 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , -50 , 100 CR LF Data to be read out to EXCEL file 7-418 SP.FWRITE (f) When data is written after CSV format conversion and the designated number of columns is other than "0", the data is stored as table data with designated number of columns in a CSV format file. Example When data is written after CSV format conversion and the designated No. of columns is other than "0": 1 2 3 SP.FWRITE U0 K2 D10 D20 D99 M0 * Designation in word units 4 D10 H0100 Execution/completion type D11 K0 D12 K0 D13 K0 In the module Number of written result data (In normal completion, it is the same number as the number of data to be written.) Not used D14 K0 D15 K0 D16 K3 No. of columns designation D17 K0 Data type specification D20 H4241 File name D21 H4443 "ABCD" D22 H0000 D099 K7 D100 K0 D101 K10 D102 K20 D103 K30 D104 K40 6 6 7 K-50 D106 K100 Number of data to be written Data to be written 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.12 Writing Data to Designated File (SP.FWRITE) D105 8 Data to be written to the file 0 , 10 , 20 CR LF 30 , 40 , -50 CR LF 100 CR LF Data to be read to EXCEL file 7-419 SP.FWRITE (g) When data is added by the High Performance model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU/Universal model QCPU of which the first 5 digits of the serial number are 01112 or higher: [Specify the file to which data will be written.] (If a file exists, delete it and create a new file again.) Execution type = CSV format Column designation = 4H*3*5 Data type specification = Word File position = 0H (New file is created) Write head device = D0 = 6H*3 Number of data Device data (Data to be written) Column 1 Starting row Row 1 1 5 Row 2 , , Column 2 2 6 , Column 3 3 , Column 4 4 CR LF *3 CR LF K6 D0 K1 D1 K2 D2 K3 D3 K4 D4 K5 D5 K6 D6 K5 D7 K7 D8 K8 D9 K9 D10 K10 D11 K11 D12 K12 D13 Number of write points [In the addition mode, make addition from the end of the file.] Execution type = CSV format Column designation = 3H*3*5 Data type specification = Word File position = FFFFFFFH (Continuation mode) Write head device = D7 = 8H*3 Number of data Device data (Data to be written) K6 D0 Column 1 Row 1 1 5 Row 2 Column 2 , , 2 6 , 3 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 7 10 13 , , , 8 11 14 , 4 CR LF *4 Present starting row Column 4 Column 3 , , 9 12 *3 CR LF *5 CR LF CR LF CR LF *5 K1 D1 K2 D2 K3 D3 K4 D4 K5 D5 K6 D6 K8 D7 K7 D8 K8 D9 K9 D10 K10 D11 K11 D12 K12 D13 K13 D14 K14 D15 Number of write points *3: Unless the "number of write points" is set to an integral multiple of "column designation", the column numbers will be random. *4: Since the last data is always followed by the line feed code, addition normally starts at the beginning of the new row in the addition mode. *5: If, in the addition mode, "column designation" is changed from that in the previous writing, the column numbers are shifted. (h) Do not execute the SP.FWRITE instruction in an interrupt program. (If execute it, the operation is not guaranteed.) 7-420 SP.FWRITE Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • Drive specified by drive designation device card. • Values specified in control data range. S0 contains the medium other than the ATA (Error code: 4100) 2 and the subsequent devices are out of the setting (Error code: 4100) 3 • Value designated by "No. of request write data" ( S2 ) is out of the setting range, or exceeds the device range designated by ( S2 +1) or the subsequent devices. (Error code: 4101) 4 D0 • Empty space in the ATA card is insufficient. (Error code: 4100) • No free space is found when an attempt is made to create a new file. (Error code: 4100) • Invalid device is designated. (Error code: 4004) • Access error occurred in the ATA card. (Error code: 4100) • An unusable value is set for a file name ( S1 ). (Error code: 4100) • The attribute of a file name ( S1 ) is "read only". (Error code: 4100) • The device specified by D0 or D1 exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (For the Universal model QCPU only.) (Error code: 4101) 6 6 7 8 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.12 Writing Data to Designated File (SP.FWRITE) 7-421 SP.FWRITE Program Example (1) When X10 is turned ON, the following program adds four bytes of binary data (00H, 01H, 02H, and 03H) to file "ABCD.BIN" in the memory card inserted to drive 2. • Assume that 8 points from D0 are reserved for the control data devices. [Ladder Mode] Sets the execution/completion type Sets the file position Sets the file name Sets the number of request write data Sets the data to be written. Normal completion display Error completion display [List Mode] Step 7-422 Instruction Device SP.FWRITE (2) When X10 is turned ON, the following program creates a file named "ABCD.CSV" in the memory card inserted to drive 1, and writes four bytes of data (00H, 01H, 02H, and 03H) as two-column table data in CSV format. 1 • The written file is displayed as follows: [Ladder Mode] 2 Sets the execution/completion type Sets the designation of the number of columns 3 Sets the file name 4 Sets the number of request write data Sets the data to be written. 6 Normal completion display 6 Error completion display 7 8 [List Mode] Step Instruction 0 2 , , 1 3 D0 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.12 Writing Data to Designated File (SP.FWRITE) • Assume that 8 points from Device are reserved for the control data devices. , CR LF Contents of the file to be written , CR LF Data to be read to the EXCEL file 7-423 SP.FREAD 7.18.13 Reading Data from Designated File (SP.FREAD) SP.FREAD High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal Command SP.FREAD SP.FREAD Setting Data Internal Devices Bit R, RZ Word J Bit \ Word U D0 S0 U0 S1 Zn \G D1 Constants K, H –– S0 D2 $ Other –– –– D0 –– –– –– –– –– S1 –– –– –– –– –– D1 –– –– –– –– –– D2 *1 *1 –– –– –– *1: Local devices and the devices designated for individual programs cannot be used. Setting Meaning Data Setting Range Set by U0 Dummy –– –– S0 Drive designation 2 User Data Type Head number of the devices storing the control data The following control data is required. Device D0 D0 +1 Item Contents/Setting Data Setting Range Set by Execution/ completion type Designate the execution type. 0000H: Read binary data 0100H: Read data after CSV format conversion 0000H 0100H User (Not used) Used by system –– System D0 Designate the number of data to request reading. D0 +2 No. of request read data (Unit: Word) 1 to 480 Even when byte is specified at D0 +7 by data 1 to 32767*2 User type specification, specify the value in units of words (16 bits), not in units of bit devices. D0 +3 (Not used) –– –– *2: Indicates the range applicable only for the Universal model QCPU. 7-424 –– BIN 16 bits SP.FREAD Setting Meaning Data Setting Range Set by Data Type Designate the file position to start reading when binary data reading is designated by D0 . 00000000H: Starting at the beginning of the file 00000001H to FFFFFFFEH :From the designated position The unit for the value is determined by word/byte unit designation. FFFFFFFFH: Setting disabled D0 +4 D0 +5 File position D0 When CSV format read is specified at D0 • For the High Performance model QCPU of which the first 5 digits of the serial number are "01111" or lower, always set the beginning (0H) of the file. • For the High Performance model QCPU/ Process CPU/Redundant CPU/Universal model QCPU of which the first 5 digits of the serial number are "01112" or higher, set the file position (Row). 00000000H: Read starts at the beginning of the file. 00000001H to FFFFFFFEH :Read starts at the specified row. FFFFFFFFH: Read continues, starting at the previous read position. D0 +6 No. of columns designation D0 +7 Data type 0: Word specification 1: Byte 2 3 00000000H to FFFFFFFFH 4 User 6 6 7 8 0H to FFFFH (0 to 65535) User 0,1 User BIN 16 bits 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.13 Reading Data from Designated File (SP.FREAD) When binary read is specified at D0 , always set 0. When CSV format read is specified at D0 , set the number of columns from where data will be read. 0: No columns. Regarded as one row. Other than 0: Regarded as the specified number of columns. Head number of the devices storing a file name. A file name is expressed as follows: Device Item Contents/Setting Data Setting Range Set by Character string User Setting Range Set by –– System –– System Designate the character string of a file name. S1 S1 to S1 + File name character string • When omitting an extension, also omit the "." (Period). • Limit the file name within 8 characters + period + 3 characters. • When 9 or more characters are used, the extension is ignored regardless of its presence, and "BIN" or "CSV" is automatically assigned as an extension. Head number of the devices for storing the read data. Device Item Contents/Setting Data Contains the number of actually read data D1 D1 Reading against the data designated by D0 +2. The result (No. of unit on the value depends on data type read data) specification. D1 +1 to D1 + Reading data Read data 1 7-425 SP.FREAD Setting Meaning Data Setting Range Set by Setting Range Set by Data Type Bit device that turned ON at the completion of the processing. ( D2 +1 is also turned ON at error completion.) Device D2 D2 D2 +1 Item Contents/Setting Data Completion signal Indicates the completion of the processing. ON: Completed OFF: Not completed Error completion signal Indicates whether the processing is normally completed or abnormally completed. ON: Error completion OFF: Normal completion –– Bit System –– Caution (1) At S0 (drive designation), only the ATA card drive (2) can be set. Note that when the Flash card is loaded, the SP.FREAD instruction cannot be used to perform read. The SRAM card, standard RAM or standard ROM drive cannot be set. (2) For CSV setting, the data written are decimal values. Example "65" is written. Character "A" (41H) Handling range: -32768 to 32767 (3) For binary read, the word-specified file position setting range is 00000000H to 7FFFFFFFH. Function (1) Data is read from the designated file. Set the execution/completion type in the control data to designate whether to read binary data without any conversion or to convert binary data into CSV format data before reading it. (The reading target is the ATA card only.) (2) The execution completion bit device ( D2 ) is automatically turned ON at the END processing after the completion of the instruction is detected. The bit device is turned OFF at the execution of the END instruction in the next scan. Use this bit device as the execution completion flag for the SP.FWRITE instruction. When this instruction is completed abnormally, the error completion device ( D2 +1) is turned ON/OFF in synchronization with the execution completion ( D2 ) device. Use this device as the error completion flag for this instruction. SM721 is turned ON during the execution of the instruction. This instruction cannot be executed while SM721 is ON. (If an attempt is made, no processing is performed.) When an error is detected at the execution of the instruction (before SM721 is turned ON), the processing complete device ( D1 ), the error completion device ( D1 +1), and SM721 are not turned ON. 7-426 SP.FREAD (3) Be sure to use word units to designate the number of request read data ( D0 +2), file position ( D0 +4 and D0 +5), and read data device size ( D1 ). The following shows how the individual device data is read in binary data reading operation. 1 Control data D0+0 H0000 Execution/completion type D0+1 - (Not used) D0+2 K3 Number of request read data D0+3 - (Not used) D0+4 K1 D0+5 2 3 Location to start reading in the file D0+6 - Designation of columns D0+7 K0 Data type specification Data device 4 File data (in byte units) D1+0 K3 6 H00 H11 D1+1 H33 22 Total H22 6 H33 D1+2 H55 44 Read data H44 H55 D1+3 H77 7 H66 H77 H88 8 H99 HAA (4) When reading binary data (b) When the designated file does not exist, an error occurs. (c) If the position specified is greater than the existing file size: • The High Performance model QCPU of which the first 5 digits of the serial number are "01111" or lower results in an error. • The High Performance model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU/Universal model QCPU of which the first 5 digits of the serial number are '01112' or higher will perform reading at point 0 and will be completed normally. (5) When reading data after CSV format conversion (a) The elements in CSV format file (cells for EXCEL) are read by each row. The numerical value and character strings are converted into binary data and stored in the device. (b) If the extension is omitted, ".CSV" is used as an extension. (c) When the designated file does not exist, an error occurs. (d) The elements designated by the number of request read data ( D0 +2) are read from the beginning of the file. When the last data of the file is reached before the specified number of data are read: • The High Performance model QCPU of which the first 5 digits of the serial number are "01111" or lower results in an error. • The High Performance model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU/Universal model QCPU whose the first 5 digits of the serial number are '01112' or higher reads the data up to the point where the reading is possible. 7-427 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.13 Reading Data from Designated File (SP.FREAD) (a) If the extension of the target file is omitted, ".BIN" is used as an extension. SP.FREAD (e) When the designated number of columns is 0, the data is read by ignoring the rows in CSV format file. Example When data is read after CSV format conversion and the designated No. of columns is 0: Data created by EXCEL Measured value Main / sub item Length Temperature Data saved in the CSV format Main / sub item , , Measured value CR LF Length , 1 , 3 CR LF Temperature , -21 , CR LF Data to be read into devices SP.FREAD U0 K2 D10 D20 D99 M0 Data that was read File name Control data Control data Loaded data Stores the number of read data Read data 7-428 D10 H0100 Execution/completion type D11 - Number of unused read data D12 K9 Request D13 - Not used D14 K0 D15 K0 D16 K0 Designation of the number of columns D17 K0 Data type specification D20 H4241 File name D21 H4443 "ABCDE" D22 H0045 D099 K9 Number of read result data Conversion data (0) is stored since "Main/sub item" is nonnumeric data. Main/sub item D100 K0 Data between , and , D101 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since " " is nonnumeric data. Measured value D102 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since "Measured value" is nonnumeric data. Length D103 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since "Length" is nonnumeric data. 1 D104 K1 Since " 1 " is a numeric value, it is converted to a binary value. 3 D105 K3 Since " 3 " is a numeric value, it is converted to a binary value. Temperature D106 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since "Temperature" is nonnumeric data. -21 D107 K-21 Since " -21 " is a numeric value, it is converted to a binary value. Data between , and CR D108 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since " " is nonnumeric data. SP.FREAD If the number of columns varies in each row, the data is also read by ignoring the rows. 1 Such file cannot be created using EXCEL. This happens when CSV file is modified by a user. 2 Example If the number of columns varies in each row when the data is read: 3 Main / sub item , , Measured value , Excess CR LF Length CR LF Temperature , -21 , CR LF 4 6 Data to be read into devices SP.FREAD U0 K2 D10 D20 D99 M0 6 Data that was read File name Control data Control data 7 D10 H0100 D11 - D12 K7 D13 - D14 K0 D15 K0 D16 K0 Designation of the number of columns D17 K0 Data type specification D20 H4241 File name D21 H4443 "ABCD" D22 H0000 D099 K7 Execution/completion type Not used 8 Number of request read data Not used Stores the number of read data Read data Number of read result data Main/sub item D100 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since "Main/sub item" is nonnumeric data. Data between , and , D101 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since " " is nonnumeric data. Measured value D102 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since "Measured value" is nonnumeric data. Excess D103 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since "Excess" is nonnumeric data. Length D104 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since "Length" is nonnumeric data. Temperature D105 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since "Temperature" is nonnumeric data. -21 D106 K-21 Since " -21 " is a numeric value, it is converted to a binary value. 7-429 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.13 Reading Data from Designated File (SP.FREAD) Loaded data SP.FREAD (f) When data is read after CSV format conversion and the designated number of columns is other than 0, the data is read as the table with designated number of columns in CSV format file. The elements outside of the designated columns are ignored. Example When data is read after CSV format conversion and the designated No. of columns is other than "0": Data created by EXCEL Measured value Main / sub item Length Temperature Data saved in the CSV format Main / sub item , , Measured value CR LF Length , 1 , 3 CR LF Temperature , -21 , CR LF Elements outside the designated number of columns are ignored. Data to be read into devices SP.FREAD U0 K2 D10 D20 D99 M0 Data that was read File name Control data Control data D10 Loaded data Stores the number of read data Read data 7-430 H0100 D11 - D12 K6 Execution/completion type Not used Number of request read data Not used D13 - D14 K0 D15 K0 D16 K2 Designation of the number of columns D17 K0 Data type specification D20 H4241 File name D21 H4443 "ABCD" D22 H0000 D099 K6 Number of read result data Main/sub item D100 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since "Main/sub item" is nonnumeric data. Data between , and , D101 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since " " is nonnumeric data. Length D102 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since "Length" is nonnumeric data. 1 D103 K1 Since " 1 " is a numeric value, it is converted to a binary value. Temperature D104 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since "Temperature" is nonnumeric data. -21 D105 K-21 Since " -21 " is a numeric value, it is converted to a binary value. SP.FREAD If the number of columns varies in each row, the elements outside of the designated columns are ignored and "0" is added to the places where elements do not exist. 1 Example 2 If the number of columns varies in each row when the data is read: Main / sub item , , Measured value , Excess CR LF Length CR LF Temperature , -21 , CR LF Elements outside the designated number of columns are ignored. 3 4 Data to be read into devices SP.FREAD U0 K2 D10 D20 D99 M0 6 Data that was read File name Control data 6 Control data D10 H0100 D11 - D12 K6 D13 - D14 K0 D15 K0 D16 K2 Designation of the number of columns D17 K0 Data type specification D20 H4241 File name D21 H4443 "ABCD" D22 H0000 D099 K6 Number of read result data Main/sub item D100 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since "Main/sub item" is nonnumeric data. Data between , and , D101 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since " " is nonnumeric data. Length D102 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since "Length" is nonnumeric data. No data D103 K0 No data Since no element exists here, conversion data (D) is added. Temperature D104 K0 Conversion data (0) is stored since "Temperature" is nonnumeric data. -21 D105 K-21 Since " -21 " is a numeric value, it is converted to a binary value. Read data 7 Not used Number of request read data Not used 8 7-431 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.13 Reading Data from Designated File (SP.FREAD) Loaded data Stores the number of read data Execution/completion type SP.FREAD (g) With the High Performance model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU/Universal model QCPU whose first 5 digits of the serial number are "01112" or later, it is possible to divide read operation into multiple times. [Specify the row desired to start read.] Execution type = CSV format Starting row number Read head device Column designation = 4H Data type specification = Word Number of data = 2H = D0 = 6H Device data (Data to be read out) Column 1 Row 1 Starting row 1 Row 2 Column 2 , 5 2 , Column 3 , 6 3 , Column 4 , 7 4 , 8 CR LF CR LF K6 D0 K5 D1 K6 D2 K7 D3 K8 D4 K9 D5 K10 D6 Number of read points D7 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 CR LF D8 Next starting position Row 3 D9 D10 D11 D12 Row 4 13 , 14 , 15 , Row 5 17 , 18 , 19 , 16 CR LF D13 CR LF [In the continuation mode, read continues from the end of the previous read position.] Execution type = CSV format Starting row number Read head device Column designation = 4H Data type specification = Word Number of data = FFFFFFFH (Continuation mode) = D7 = 5H Device data (Data to be read out) Column 1 Row 1 5 , , 2 6 , , Column 3 3 7 , , Column 4 4 8 CR LF CR LF Present starting position Row 2 1 Column 2 Row 3 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 CR LF K6 D0 K5 D1 K6 D2 K7 D3 K8 D4 K9 D5 K10 D6 K5 D7 K11 D8 K12 D9 K13 D10 K14 D11 K15 D12 Number of read points D13 13 , 14 , 15 , Row 5 17 , 18 , 19 , 16 CR LF Next starting position Row 4 20 CR LF • When read is performed in the continuation mode, the previous addition cannot be made normally if the "execution type", "column designation" and "Data type specification" settings differ from those at the previous time. • The previous addition cannot be made normally if the SP.FREAD instruction or SP.FWRITE instruction with another setting is executed while data is being read continuously in the continuation mode. 7-432 SP.FREAD (h) When data is read after CSV format conversion, the numerical values that are out of range or the elements other than numerical values in the object CSV format file are converted into 0H. (i) When data is read after CSV format conversion, numerical values are read and converted as follows: Numerical Values in CSV Format Without Word a sign device With a sign (j) -32768 to -1 0 to 32767 32768 to 65535 32768 to 65535 0 to 32767 32768 to 65535 -32768 to -1 0 to 32767 -32768 to -1 1 2 3 4 Do not execute this instruction in an interrupt program. (Otherwise, a malfunction may result.) 6 Operation Error 6 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • Drive specified by drive designation device ( S0 ) contains the medium other than the ATA card. (Error code: 4100) • Values designated in control data ( D0 ) and the subsequent devices are out of the setting range. (Excluding D0 +2) (Error code: 4100) 7 8 • Value designated by number of data blocks to be read ( D0 +2) is out of the setting range. (Error code: 4101) (Error code: 4004) • File name designated by file name character string ( S1 ) or the subsequent devices does not exist in the designated drive. (Error code: 2410) • Size of read data exceeds the size of reading device. (Error code: 4101) • When binary data is read, the number of data in the file is less than the size designated by the number of request read data ( D0 +2). (High Performance model QCPU of which the first 5 digits of the serial number are '01111' or lower) (Error code: 4100) • Access error occurred in the ATA card. (Error code: 4100) • The device specified by D0 or D2 exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (For the Universal model QCPU only.) (Error code: 4101) 7-433 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.13 Reading Data from Designated File (SP.FREAD) • Invalid device is designated. SP.FREAD Program Example (1) The following program reads 4 bytes of binary data from the beginning of file "ABCD.BIN" in the memory card inserted to drive 2 when X10 is turned ON. • Assume that 8 points from (D0) are reserved for the control data devices. • Assume that 100 bytes from D20 are reserved for the reading devices. [Ladder Mode] Sets the execution/completion type Sets the number of request read data Sets the file position Sets the file name Normal completion display Error completion display [List Mode] Step 7-434 Instruction Device SP.FREAD (2) The following program reads file "ABCD.CSV" in the PC card inserted to slot 0 as two-column table data in CSV format when X10 is turned ON. 1 • Assume that 8 points from (D0) are reserved for the control data devices. • Assume that 100 bytes from D20 are reserved for the reading devices. 2 • Assume that the target CSV format file contains numerical values only. [Ladder Mode] 3 Sets the execution/completion type Sets the number of request read data Sets the designation of number of columns 4 Sets the file name 6 Normal completion display 6 Error completion display 7 8 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.13 Reading Data from Designated File (SP.FREAD) 7-435 SP.DEVST 7.18.14 Writing Data to Standard ROM (SP.DEVST) SP.DEVST High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal Command SP.DEVST SP.DEVST n1 S n2 D n1: Write offset of the device data storage file (specified in units of 16-bit words) (BIN 32-bit) S : Head device number written to the standard ROM (device name) n2: The number of write points (BIN 16-bit) D : D D Setting Data +0 : FCompletion device (bit) +1 : FError completion device (bit) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word U n1 –– –– S –– –– n2 –– –– D *1 –– *1 Zn \G Constants K,H Other –– –– –– –– –– –– –– *1:Devices assigned as local devices can not be used. Function (1) Writes device data for the number of points specified at n2 of the device S to the write offset, which is specified for n1, of the device data storage file in the standard ROM. n1 is the offset from the head of device data storage file and specified by word offset (in units of 16-bit words). Standard ROM Head device number S Write offset n1 Device data storage file Write offset of device data stofage file Write offset Number of n2 points 16-bit +0 +1 +2 (2) Since the device data write position completion device ( D +0) in the standard ROM automatically turns ON at execution of the END instruction, which detects the completion of this instruction, and turns OFF with the END instruction of next scan, it is used as an execution completion flag of this instruction. (3) When this instruction is completed in error, the error completion device ( D +1) turns ON/ OFF at the same timing with the completion device ( D +0). This device is used as an error completion flag of this instruction. 7-436 SP.DEVST (4) SM721 turns ON during execution of this instruction. When SM721 has already turned ON, this instruction can not be executed. (If executed, no processing is performed.) (5) When an error is detected at execution of this instruction, the completion device ( error completion device ( D +1) and SM721 do not turn ON. D +0), Operation Error 1 2 3 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The write offset specified at n1 is out of the device data storage file range. (Error code: 4100) • The number of n2 points from the write offset specified at n1 is out of the device data storage file range. (Error code: 4100) • The range for the number of n2 points from the device device. S exceeds the corresponding (Error code: 4141) 4 6 6 • The device data storage file is not set at "PLC file" of PLC parameter on GX Developer. (Error code: 2410) • The device specified by D exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (Error code: 4101) 7 8 Program Example (1) The program which writes the ten points of data from D100 to the device data storage file in the standard ROM when M0 turns ON. [List Mode] Step Instruction Device Caution (1) The value written to the standard ROM is the value at execution of this instruction. (2) The standard ROM write count index (SD687 and SD688) is increased by the execution of the SP.DEVST instruction. If the standard ROM write count index exceeds hundred thousand times, FLASH ROM ERROR (error code: 1610) occurs. (3) To prevent the number of ROM writes from increasing due to executing instruction carelessly, set the specification of writing to standard ROM instruction count (SD695) to restrict the number of writes a day. Exceeding the number of writes (the default values are 36 times.) set causes OPERATION ERROR (error code: 4113). 7-437 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.14 Writing Data to Standard ROM (SP.DEVST) [Ladder Mode] (S(P).DEVLD) 7.18.15 Read Data from Standard ROM (S(P).DEVLD) (S(P).DEVLD) Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command S.DEVLD S.DEVLD n1 D n2 SP.DEVLD n1 D n2 Command SP.DEVLD n1 : Read offset of the device data storage file (specified in units of 16-bit words) (BIN 32-bit) D : Head device number read from the standard ROM (device name) n2 : The number of reading points (BIN 16-bit) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word U n1 –– –– D –– –– n2 –– –– \G Constants E Zn Other –– –– –– –– Function (1) Reads device data for the number of points specified at n2 from the read offset, which is specified for n1, of the device data storage file in the standard ROM, and stores the data to the device specified for D . n1 is the offset from the head of device data storage file and specified by word offset (in units of 16-bit words). Standard ROM Head device number D Read offset n1 Device data storage file Read offset of device data storge file Read offset Number of n2 points 7-438 +0 +1 +2 16-bit (S(P).DEVLD) Operation Error 1 (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The address specified at n1 is out of the standard ROM range. (Error code: 4100) • The number of n2 points from the address specified at n1 is out of the standard ROM range. (Error code: 4100) • The range for the number of n2 points from the device device. D exceeds the corresponding (Error code: 4101) • The device data storage file is not set at "PLC file" of PLC parameter on GX Developer. (Error code: 2410) 3 4 6 Program Example (1) The program which reads the ten points of data from D100 to the device data storage file in the standard ROM when M0 turns ON. [Ladder Mode] 2 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 6 7 8 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.15 Read Data from Standard ROM (S(P).DEVLD) 7-439 PLOADP 7.18.16 Load Program from Memory Card (PLOADP) PLOADP High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal Command PLOADP PLOADP S S D : Drive No. storing the program to be loaded, character string data of the file name, or head number of the devices storing the character string data (BIN 16 bits) *1 D Setting Data S D : Device that turns ON for 1 scan by the instruction completion (bits) Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word J \ Bit Word –– *2 U \G Zn Constants $ Other –– –– –– –– –– –– *1: Designated as " : ". Example) 1:MAIN *2: Local devices cannot be used. Function (1) The program stored in the memory card or standard ROM is transferred to the program memory (drive 0). If the transferred program is not registered to the program setting of the PLC parameter dialog box, its program setting in the CPU module is set to the standby type. At this time, the program setting of the PLC parameter dialog box does not change. (To transfer a program with the PLOADP instruction, a continuous free space is required in the program memory.) (2) The program added using the PLOADP instruction is assigned the lowest number among the unused program Nos. (To assign a program number manually, store the program number to be assigned in SD720.) The following example assumes that "MAIN6" is added by the PLOADP instruction. (a) When the program Nos. have been set consecutively, the new program is added at the end of the preset program Nos. When programs No. 1 to 5 have been set, the new program is added as program No. 6. Program No. Program name 1 MAIN1 2 MAIN2 MAIN3 3 MAIN4 4 MAIN5 5 7-440 Adds "MAIN6" by the PLOADP instruction. Program No. Program name 1 MAIN1 2 MAIN2 MAIN3 3 4 MAIN4 5 MAIN5 MAIN6 6 Added at the end. PLOADP (b) When there are multiple open program Nos., the program designated by the PLOADP instruction is added to the lowest number among them to be added. (The open program Nos. are made when programs are deleted by the PUNLOADP instruction.) When programs No. 2 and 4 are open, the new program is added as program No. 2. Program No. 1 2 3 4 5 Program name MAIN1 Empty MAIN3 Empty MAIN5 Adds "MAIN6" by the PLOADP instruction. Program No. 1 2 3 4 5 Program name MAIN1 MAIN6 MAIN3 Empty MAIN5 Added to the smallest program number which is empty. 1 2 3 4 (3) Drive Nos. 1, 2, and 4 can be specified. (Drive 3 cannot be specified.) • Drive 1: Memory card (RAM) • Drive 2: Memory card (ROM) 6 • Drive 4: Standard ROM (4) An extension (.QPG) need not be specified for the file name. (5) The bit device specified by D is turned ON during the END processing of the scan where this instruction is completed. The bit device is turned OFF at the next END processing. (6) The PLOADP, PUNLOADP and PSWAPP instructions cannot be executed simultaneously. If two or more of the above instructions are executed simultaneously, the instruction executed later will not be executed. When using the above instructions, provide interlocks manually to avoid simultaneous execution. 6 7 8 (7) Do not execute this instruction in an interrupt program. (Otherwise, a malfunction may result.) (9) The PLC file settings of the loaded program are set as follows: (a) File usage for each program All the usage of file register, device initial value, comment, and local device of the program transferred by this instruction are set as "Use PLC file setting". However, an error will be returned if both of the conditions below are met when the program is transferred using this instruction. • Setting is made so that local devices are used in the PLC file setting. • The number of programs in the program memory exceeds the number of programs set at the parameters. To use local devices in the program transferred by this instruction, register a dummy program file in the parameter, delete the dummy file with the PUNLOADP instruction, and then load the program with the PLOADP instruction. (b) I/O refresh setting Nothing is set for both input and output for the I/O refresh setting of the program transferred by this instruction. 7-441 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.16 Load Program from Memory Card (PLOADP) (8) To execute the program that was transferred to the program memory with the PLOADP instruction, execute the scan execution type with the PSCAN instruction (See Section 7.17.3). PLOADP (10) The "PLOADP instruction" and "Write during RUN" processing cannot be executed simultaneously. (a) When a write during RUN request is given during processing of the PLOADP instruction, write during RUN is delayed. Write during RUN is started after the processing of the PLOADP instruction is completed. (b) When the PLOADP instruction is executed during write during RUN, the processing of the PLOADP instruction is delayed. The processing of the PLOADP instruction is started after completion of write during RUN. Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • File name does not exist at the drive number designated by • The drive No. designated by S S . (Error code: 2410) is invalid. (Error code: 4100) • There is not enough memory to load the specified program in drive 0. (Error code: 2413) • The number of files registered in the program memory is as much number as the one indicated in the table below. (Error code: 4101) • The program No. stored in SD720 is already used, or larger than the largest program number shown in the table below. (Error code: 4101) • The program file which has the same name as the program file to be loaded already exists. (Error code: 2410) • The file size of the local devices cannot be reserved. (Error code: 2401) CPU Model Name Program Memory (No. of Files) Largest Program No. Q02 (H) CPU 28 28 Q06HCPU 60 60 Q12HCPU 124 124 Q25HCPU 124 124 Q12PHCPU 124 124 Q25PHCPU 124 124 Program Example (1) The following program transfers "ABCD.QPG" stored in drive 4 to drive 0 and places the program in standby status when M0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 7-442 Instruction Device PUNLOADP 7.18.17 Unload Program from Program Memory (PUNLOADP) 1 PUNLOADP Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 Command PUNLOADP PUNLOADP S D 4 S : Character string data of the program file name to be unloaded, or head number of the devices storing the D : Device turned ON for 1 scan on completion of the instruction (bits) character string data (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data S D Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word J Bit \ Word –– *1 U \G 6 Constants $ Zn Other –– –– –– –– –– 6 –– *1: Local devices cannot be used. Function 7 8 (1) The standby program stored in the program memory (drive 0) is deleted from the program memory. (2) The program No. deleted by the PUNLOADP instruction is made "Empty". When programs No. 1 to 5 have been set in the program setting of the PLC parameter dialog box, deleting program No. 2 with this instruction makes program No. 2 open. Program No. 1 2 3 4 5 Program name MAIN1 MAIN2 MAIN3 MAIN4 MAIN5 Deletes "MAIN2" by the PUNLOADP instruction. Program No. 1 2 3 4 5 Program name MAIN1 Empty MAIN3 MAIN4 MAIN5 Program No. 2 is deleted. (3) An extension (.QPG) need not be specified for the file name. (4) The bit device specified by D is turned ON during the END processing of the scan where this instruction is completed. The bit device is turned OFF at the next END processing. (5) The PLOADP, PUNLOADP and PSWAPP instructions cannot be executed simultaneously. If two or more of the above instructions are executed simultaneously, the instruction executed later will not be executed. When using the above instructions, provide interlocks manually to avoid simultaneous execution. 7-443 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.17 Unload Program from Program Memory (PUNLOADP) (The program set as the "scan execution type" with the PSCAN instruction or the program set as the "low speed execution type" with the PLOW instruction cannot be deleted.) PUNLOADP (6) When the Programmable Controller is powered OFF, then ON or the CPU module is reset after execution of the PUNLOADP instruction, the following operation is performed. (a) When boot setting has been made in the PLC parameter dialog box, the program where the boot setting has been made is transferred to the program memory. When the program deleted by the PUNLOADP instruction is not to be executed, delete the corresponding program name from the boot setting and program setting of the PLC parameter dialog box. (b) When boot setting has not been made in the PLC parameter dialog box, "FILE SET ERROR (error code: 2400)" occurs. 1) When the program deleted by the PUNLOADP instruction is not to be executed, delete the corresponding program name from the program setting of the PLC parameter dialog box. 2) When the program deleted by the PUNLOADP instruction is to be executed again, write the corresponding program to the CPU module. (7) Do not execute this instruction in an interrupt program. (Otherwise, a malfunction may result.) (8) The program to be deleted from the program memory by this instruction should be set to the "standby execution type" with the PSTOP instruction beforehand. (See Section 7.17.1) (9) The "PUNLOADP instruction" and "write during RUN" processing cannot be executed simultaneously. (a) When a write during RUN request is given during processing of the PUNLOADP instruction, write during RUN is delayed. Write during RUN is started after the processing of the PUNLOADP instruction is completed. (b) When the PUNLOADP instruction is executed during write during RUN, the processing of the PUNLOADP instruction is delayed. The processing of the PUNLOADP instruction is started after completion of write during RUN. Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The file name designated by • The program designated by S S does not exist. (Error code: 2410) is not in standby status or is being executed. (Error code: 4101) Program Example (1) The following program deletes "ABCD.QPG" stored in drive 0 from the memory when M0 turns from OFF to ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 7-444 Instruction Device PSWAPP 7.18.18 Load + Unload (PSWAPP) 1 PSWAPP Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 2 3 Command PSWAPP PSWAPP S1 S2 D 4 S1 : Character string data of the file name of the program to be unloaded, or head number of the devices storing the character string data (BIN 16 bits) S2 : Drive No. storing the program to be loaded, character string data of the file name, or head number of the 6 devices storing the character string data (BIN 16 bits) *1 D Setting Data : Device turned ON for 1 scan on completion of the instruction (bits) Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word J Bit \ Word U \G Zn Constants $ 6 Other S1 –– –– –– S2 –– –– –– D *2 –– –– –– –– *1: Designated as " : ". Example) 1:MAIN *2: Local devices cannot be used. (1) The standby type program stored in the program memory (drive 0) designated by S1 is deleted from the program memory, and at the same time, the program stored in the memory card or standard ROM designated by S2 is transferred to the program memory and placed in standby status. (When the program is transferred to the program memory, the program must have a continuous free space.) The program set as the "scan execution type" with the PSCAN instruction or the program set as the "low speed execution type" with the PLOW instruction cannot be deleted. (2) The program to be transferred to the program memory by the PSWAPP instruction will have the program No. of the program to be deleted from the program memory. (If there is an open program No. before the program to be deleted from the program memory, the program to be transferred to the program memory will not have the open program No.) When program No. 2 is "Empty", the program transferred to the program memory is registered as program No. 3 by the program swapping of program No. 3 with this instruction. Program name MAIN1 Empty MAIN3 MAIN4 MAIN5 Swaps "MAIN3" with "MAIN6" by the PSWAPP instruction. Program No. 1 2 3 4 5 Program name MAIN1 Empty MAIN6 MAIN4 MAIN5 MAIN6 enters 7-445 8 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.18 Load + Unload (PSWAPP) Function Program No. 1 2 3 4 5 7 PSWAPP (3) Drive Nos. 1, 2, and 4 can be specified. (Drive 3 cannot be specified.) • Drive 1: Memory card (RAM) • Drive 2: Memory card (ROM) • Drive 4: Standard ROM (4) An extension (.QPG) need not be specified for the file name. (5) The bit device specified by D is turned ON during the END processing of the scan where this instruction is completed. The bit device is turned OFF at the next END processing. (6) The PLOADP, PUNLOADP and PSWAPP instructions cannot be executed simultaneously. If two or more of the above instructions are executed simultaneously, the instruction executed later will not be executed. When using the above instructions, provide interlocks manually to avoid simultaneous execution. (7) When the Programmable Controller is powered OFF, then ON or the CPU module is reset after execution of the PSWAPP instruction, the following operation is performed. (a) When boot setting has been made in the PLC parameter dialog box, the program where the boot setting has been made is transferred to the program memory. When the program replaced by the PSWAPP instruction is to be executed, change the boot setting and program setting of the PLC parameter dialog box for the corresponding program name. (b) When boot setting has not been made in the PLC parameter dialog box, "FILE SET ERROR (error code: 2400)" occurs. 1) When the program replaced by the PSWAPP instruction is to be executed, change the program setting of the PLC parameter dialog box for the corresponding program name. 2) To execute the program set in the program setting of the PLC parameter dialog box, write the corresponding program to the CPU module again. (8) Do not execute this instruction in an interrupt program. (Execution of this instruction in an interrupt program can cause a malfunction.) (9) The PLC file settings of the program on which the PSWAPP instruction has been conducted are set as follows: (a) File usage for each program All the usage of file register, device initial value, comment, and local device of the program after the execution of the PSWAPP instruction are set as "Use PLC file setting". (b) I/O refresh setting Nothing is set for both input and output for the I/O refresh setting of the program after the PSWAPP instruction has been executed. (10) The "PSWAPP instruction" and "write during RUN" processing cannot be executed simultaneously. (a) When a write during RUN request is given during processing of the PSWAPP instruction, write during RUN is delayed. Write during RUN is started after the processing of the PSWAPP instruction is completed. (b) When the PSWAPP instruction is executed during write during RUN, the processing of the PSWAPP instruction is delayed. The processing of the PSWAPP instruction is started after completion of write during RUN. 7-446 PSWAPP Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • The drive No. or the file name designated by S1 or S2 does not exist. (Error code: 2410) • The drive No. designated by S1 is invalid. (Error code: 4100) • There is not enough memory to load the specified program in drive 0. 1 2 3 (Error code: 2413) • The program designated by S1 is not in standby status or is being executed. (Error code: 4101) Program Example 6 (1) The following program deletes "EFGH.QPG" stored in drive 0 from the memory, transfers "ABCD.QPG" stored in drive 4 to drive 0, and places the program in standby status when M0 is turned from OFF to ON. [Ladder Mode] 4 6 [List Mode] Step Instruction 7 Device 8 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.18 Load + Unload (PSWAPP) 7-447 RBMOV(P) 7.18.19 High-speed Block Transfer of File Register (RBMOV(P)) RBMOV(P) High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal Command RBMOV RBMOV S D n RBMOVP S D n Command RBMOVP S D n Setting Data : Head number of the devices where the data to be transferred is stored (BIN 16 bits) : Head number of the devices of transfer destination (BIN 16 bits) : Number of data to be transferred (BIN 16 bits) Internal Devices Bit Word J R, ZR \ Bit Word U Constants K, H Zn \G Other S –– –– D –– –– n –– Function (1) Transfers in batch 16-bit data of n points from the device designated by points from the device designated by b15 D 1234H 5678H 7FF0H S +(n-2) S +(n-1) 6FFFH 553FH b15 Block transfer n to location n . b0 S S +1 S +2 S b0 D D +1 D +2 1234H 5678H 7FF0H D +(n-2) D +(n-1) 6FFFH 553FH n (2) The transfer is available even if there is an overlap between the source and destination devices. For the transmission to the smaller number of device, the data is transferred from S . For the transmission to the larger number of device, the data is transferred from S +(n-1). However, as shown in the example below, when transferring data from R to ZR, or from ZR to R, the range to be transferred (source) and the range of destination must not overlap. • ZR transfer range ((specified head No. of ZR) to (specified head No. of ZR + the number of transfers -1)) R transfer range ((specified head No. of R + file register block No. 32768) to (specified head No. of R + file register block No. 32768 + the number of transfers -1)) 7-448 RBMOV(P) Example Transfer ranges of ZR and R overlap when transferring 10000 points of data from ZR30000 (source) to R10 (block No.1 of the destination). • ZR transfer range (30000) to (30000+10000-1) (30000) to (39999) 2 • R transfer range (10+(1 32768)) to (10+(1 32768)+10000-1) (32778) to (42777) Therefore, the range 32778 to 39999 overlaps. Source of transfer ZR0 1 3 Destination of transfer R0 Overlapped 4 Block No. 0 ZR30000 R32767 R10 ZR39999 R10009 6 Block No. 1 6 (3) When S is a word device and D is a bit device, the number of bits designated by the bit device digit specification will be transferred. If K1Y30 has been designated by D , the lower four bits of the word device designated by S will be transferred. S b15 R100 b4b3b2b1b0 1011 D +2 S +1 R101 0011 n S +2 R102 0111 D +1 8 D Y3B Y38Y37 Y34Y33 Y30 011100111011 n (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. S or • The file register is not specified for either exceeds the corresponding device range. (Error code: 4101) D S or D . (Error code: 4101) 7-449 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.19 High-speed Block Transfer of File Register (RBMOV(P)) Operation Error • The device range of n points from 7 RBMOV(P) Program Example (1) The following program outputs the lower four bits of data in R66 to R69 to Y30 through Y3F in units of 4 points. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Before execution (source of transfer) b15 b4b3 b0 R66 1110 1 R67 00000 R68 10011 R69 0 110 1 Instruction Device After execution (destination of transfer) 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 Y33 to Y30 Y37 to Y34 Y3B to Y38 Y3F to Y3C Ignored (2) The following program outputs the data in X20 to X2F to R100 to R103 in units of 4 points. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Before execution Instruction Device X2F X2C X2B X28X27 X24X23 X20 10 0 0 0 1 1 10 1 10 0 10 0 After execution (destination of transfer) b15 b4 b3 b0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 R100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 R101 4 points 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 R102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 R103 Filled with 0s 7-450 RBMOV(P) The RBMOV (P) instruction is useful to batch transfer a large quantity of file register data with the QnHCPU/QnPHCPU/QnPRHCPU. For the QnUCPU, the processing speed of the RBMOV instruction is equivalent to that of the BMOV instruction. The comparison of processing speed between the RBMOV and BMOV instructions is as follows: (1)Transfer from file registers to internal devices/internal devices to file registers CPU Instruction RBMOV QnHCPU QnPHCPU QnPRHCPU BMOV 1 word Target memory where file register is stored Min. Min. Max. 775.0 µs SRAM card 22.0 µs 305.0 µs 2900.0 µs Flash card *1 22.5 µs 405.0 µs 3950.0 µs Standard RAM 7.5 µs 76.2 µs 720.0 µs 384.0 µs 3900.0 µs 418.0 µs 4250.0 µs 45.5 µs 215.0 µs 1850.0 µs 49.5 µs 540.0 µs 5150.0µs 17.5 µs 177.0 µs 1700.0 µs 500.0 µs 5050.0 µs SRAM card 8.0 µs SRAM card Standard RAM SRAM card 18.0 µs Flash card *1 572.0 µs 7 5800.0 µs 121.5 µs 145.1 µs 1111.5 µs 1135.1 µs SRAM card*2 - - - - - - Flash card *2 - - - - - - Standard RAM 7.3 µs 13.8 µs 116.5 µs 124.2 µs 1106.5 µs 1114.2 µs SRAM card*2 - - - - - - Flash card *2 - - - - - - Standard RAM 9.4 µs 31.3 µs 118.5 µs 141.3 µs 1108.5 µs 1131.3 µs SRAM card 9.4 µs 31.4 µs 178.5 µs 201.3 µs 1708.5 µs 1731.3 µs Flash card *1 9.4 µs 32.1 µs 278.5 µs 301.3 µs 2708.5 µs 2731.3 µs Standard RAM 5.0 µs 11.6 µs 114.5 µs 122.3 µs 1104.5 µs 1112.3 µs SRAM card 5.1 µs 11.7 µs 174.5 µs 182.3 µs 1704.5 µs 1712.3 µs Flash card *1 5.0 µs 11.6 µs 274.5 µs 282.3 µs 2704.5 µs 2712.3 µs Standard RAM 11.3 µs 16.8 µs 120.7 µs 127.1 µs 1110.7 µs 1117.1 µs SRAM card 11.2 µs 16.7 µs 180.7 µs 187.1 µs 1710.7 µs 1717.1 µs Flash card *1 11.3 µs 16.8 µs 280.7 µs 287.1 µs 2710.7 µs 2717.1 µs Standard RAM 4.8 µs 6.6 µs 114.7 µs 117.1 µs 1104.7 µs 1107.1 µs SRAM card 4.8 µs 6.6 µs 147.7 µs 177.1 µs 1704.7 µs 1707.1 µs Flash card *1 4.8 µs 6.5 µs 274.7 µs 277.1 µs 2704.7 µs 2707.1 µs Standard RAM 9.2 µs 15.1 µs 61.0 µs 68.6 µs 531.0 µs 538.6 µs SRAM card 9.4 µs 15.6 µs 165.0 µs 172.6 µs 1576.0 µs 1583.6 µs Q10UDE(H)CPU Flash card *1 9.4 µs 15.7 µs 260.0 µs 267.6 µs 2526.0 µs 2533.6 µs Q13UDE(H)CPU Standard RAM 4.1 µs 5.6 µs 56.0 µs 58.6 µs 526.0 µs 528.6 µs SRAM card 4.5 µs 6.1 µs 160.0 µs 162.6 µs 1571.0 µs 1573.6 µs Flash card *1 4.3 µs 6.2 µs 255.0 µs 257.6 µs 2521.0 µs 2523.6 µs BMOV RBMOV Q02UCPU BMOV RBMOV Q03UD(E)CPU BMOV Q04UD(E)HCPU Q06UDE(H)CPU Q20UDE(H)CPU Q26UDE(H)CPU RBMOV BMOV *1 : When file registers are stored in the Flash card, no processing is performed for transfer from internal devices to file registers. *2 : Unusable for the Q00UCPU and Q01UCPU. 7-451 8 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.19 High-speed Block Transfer of File Register (RBMOV(P)) 34.9 µs Q01UCPU 4 6 12.2 µs RBMOV 3 6 Standard RAM Q00UCPU 2 10000 words Max. 91.0 µs Flash card *1 BMOV Min. 20.0 µs Standard RAM QnCPU Max. Standard RAM Flash card *1 RBMOV 1000 words 1 RBMOV(P) (2)Transfer from file registers to file registers CPU QnHCPU Instruction RBMOV QnPHCPU QnPRHCPU BMOV RBMOV QnCPU BMOV RBMOV 1 word Target memory where file register is stored Min. 1000 words Max. Min. 10000 words Max. Min. Max. Standard RAM 20.0 µs 91.0 µs 775.0 µs SRAM card 22.5 µs 545.0 µs 5300.0 µs Standard RAM 7.5 µs 77.0 µs 720.0 µs SRAM card 8.5 µs 692.0 µs 7050.0 µs Standard RAM 45.5 µs 215.0 µs 1850.0 µs SRAM card 50.0 µs 870.0 µs 8350.0 µs Standard RAM 17.5 µs 179.0 µs 1700.0 µs SRAM card Standard RAM 18.5 µs 12.6 µs 839.0 µs 35.3 µs 232.5 µs 8600.0 µs 256.1 µs 2211.5 µs 2235.1 µs Q00UCPU SRAM card*2 - - - - - - Q01UCPU Standard RAM 7.7 µs 14.2 µs 227.5 µs 234.2 µs 2206.5 µs 2214.2 µs BMOV RBMOV Q02UCPU BMOV RBMOV Q03UD(E)CPU BMOV Q04UD(E)HCPU Q06UDE(H)CPU RBMOV Q10UDE(H)CPU Q13UDE(H)CPU Q20UDE(H)CPU Q26UDE(H)CPU BMOV SRAM card*2 - - - - - - Standard RAM 9.6 µs 31.5 µs 228.5 µs 252.3 µs 2208.5 µs 2231.3 µs SRAM card 9.6 µs 31.5 µs 378.5 µs 401.3 µs 3708.5 µs 3731.3 µs Standard RAM 5.2 µs 11.8 µs 224.5 µs 232.3 µs 2204.5 µs 2212.3 µs SRAM card 5.2 µs 11.8 µs 374.5 µs 382.3 µs 3704.5 µs 3712.3 µs Standard RAM 11.2 µs 16.7 µs 230.7 µs 237.1 µs 2210.7 µs 2217.1 µs SRAM card 11.6 µs 16.7 µs 380.7 µs 387.1 µs 3710.7 µs 3717.1 µs Standard RAM 4.9 µs 6.7 µs 224.7 µs 227.1 µs 2204.7 µs 2207.1 µs SRAM card 5.2 µs 6.7 µs 374.7 µs 377.1 µs 3704.7 µs 3707.1 µs Standard RAM 9.3 µs 15.5 µs 118.0 µs 124.6 µs 1102.0 µs 1107.6 µs SRAM card 9.7 µs 15.5 µs 365.0 µs 371.6 µs 3571.0 µs 3578.6 µs Standard RAM 4.3 µs 6.2 µs 113.0 µs 115.6 µs 1096.0 µs 1098.6 µs SRAM card 4.5 µs 6.1 µs 360.0 µs 362.6 µs 3566.0 µs 3568.6 µs *1 : Unusable for the Q00UCPU and Q01UCPU. 7-452 I INDEX I Index-1 [Symbols] - (BIN 16-bit subtraction operations).................... 6-22 $+ (Linking character strings) ...................... 6-65,6-67 $=, $<>, $>, $<=, $<, $>= (Character string data comparisons) ....................................................... 6-11 $MOV (Character string transfers) .................... 6-112 * (BIN 16-bit multiplication operations) ................ 6-30 + (BIN 16-bit addition operations)........................ 6-22 / (BIN 16-bit division operations) ......................... 6-30 <(BIN 16-bit data comparisons)............................. 6-2 <=(BIN 16-bit data comparisons)........................... 6-2 <>(BIN 16-bit data comparisons)........................... 6-2 =(BIN 16-bit data comparisons)............................. 6-2 >(BIN 16-bit data comparisons)............................. 6-2 >=(BIN 16-bit data comparisons)........................... 6-2 [Numerics] 16-bit data block transfers (FMOV) ......... 6-120,6-122 16-bit data checks (SUM) .................................... 7-69 16-bit data exchange (XCH) .............................. 6-124 16-bit data exclusive NOR operation (WXNR)..... 7-27 16-bit data searches (SER) ................................. 7-66 16-bit dead band controls (BAND)..................... 7-324 16-bit exclusive OR operations (WXOR) ............. 7-19 16-bit negation transfers (CML) ......................... 6-114 16-bit transfers (MOV) ....................................... 6-106 1-bit shift to left of n-bit data (BSFL) ............ 7-49,7-51 1-bit shift to right of n-bit data (BSFR) ......... 7-49,7-51 1-word shift to left of n-word data (DSFL).... 7-54,7-56 1-word shift to right of n-word data (DSFR) ..................................................................... 7-54,7-56 32-bit data checks (DSUM) ................................. 7-69 32-bit data exchanges (DXCH).......................... 6-124 32-bit data exclusive NOR operation (DXNR) ..... 7-27 32-bit data searches (DSER)............................... 7-66 32-bit dead band controls (DBAND) .................. 7-324 32-bit exclusive OR operations (DXOR) .............. 7-19 32-bit negation transfers (DCML) ...................... 6-114 32-bit transfers (DMOV) .................................... 6-106 4-bit dissociation of 16-bit data (DIS) .................. 7-77 4-bit linking of 16-bit data (UNI) ........................... 7-79 7-segment decode (SEG) .................................... 7-75 [A] A contact operation start (LD)................................ 5-2 A contact parallel connection (OR) ........................ 5-2 A contact series connection (AND)........................ 5-2 ACOS (COS-1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision)) .......................................................... 7-267 ACOSD (COS-1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision)) ............................................ 7-269 Addition Addition of floating decimal point (Double precision) (ED+)........................................................ 6-50,6-52 Addition of floating decimal point (Single precision) (E+) .......................................................... 6-46,6-48 BCD 4-digit addition (B+) ................................. 6-34 BCD 8-digit addition (DB+)............................... 6-38 Index - 2 BIN 16-bit addition operations (+) .................... 6-22 BIN 32-bit addition operations (D+).................. 6-26 Block addition (BK+)................................. 6-59,6-62 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Double precision) (ED+, ED-) ..................... 6-50,6-52 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Single precision) (E+, E-)............................ 6-46,6-48 ADRSET (Indirect address read) ....................... 7-395 ANB (Ladder block series connections)............... 5-10 AND (=, <>, >, <=, <, >=) (BIN 16-bit data comparisons) ......................................................... 6-2 AND (A contact series connection) ........................ 5-2 AND (D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<, D>=) (BIN 32-bit data comparisons) ......................................................... 6-4 AND (E=, E<>, E>, E<=, E<, E>=) (Floationg decimal point data comparisons(Single precision))............. 6-6 AND (ED=, ED<>, ED>, ED<=, ED<, ED>=) (Floationg decimal point data comparisons(Double precision)) ............................................................................... 6-8 And inverse (ANI) .................................................. 5-3 AND($=, $<>, $>, $<=, $<, $>=) (Character string data comparisons) ....................................................... 6-11 ANDF (Pulse series connections / trailing edge leading edg) ..................................................... 5-5,5-7 ANDP (Pulse series connections / leading edge leading edg) ..................................................... 5-5,5-7 ANDPI, ANDFI ....................................................... 5-8 ANI (B contact series connection) ......................... 5-2 Annunciator output (OUT F) ................................ 5-28 Application instructions ........................................ 2-29 Arithmetic operation instructions.......................... 2-16 ASC (Conversion from hexadecimal BIN to ASCII) ........................................................................... 7-228 ASIN (SIN-1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision)) .......................................................... 7-262 ASIND (SIN-1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision)) .......................................................... 7-265 ATAN (TAN-1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision)) .......................................................... 7-271 ATAND (TAN-1 operation on floating-point data ........................................................................... 7-273 [B] B- (BCD 4-digit subtraction) ................................. 6-34 B contact operation start (LDI) ............................... 5-2 B* (BCD 4-digit multiplication) ............................. 6-42 B+ (BCD 4-digit addition) ..................................... 6-34 B/ (BCD 4-digit division)....................................... 6-42 BACOS (BCD type COS-1 operation) ................ 7-317 BAND (16-bit dead band controls) ..................... 7-324 Basic instructions ................................................. 2-10 BASIN (BCD type SIN-1 operation).................... 7-315 BATAN (BCD type TAN-1 operation) ................. 7-313 Batch recovery of index register (ZPOP) ........... 7-400 Batch reset of bit devices (BKRST) ..................... 7-64 Batch save of index register (ZPUSH) ............... 7-400 BCD (BIN data to 4-digit) ..................................... 6-73 BCD 4-digit addition and subtraction operations (B+, B-) ........................................................................ 6-34 BCD 4-digit multiplication and division operations (B*, B/) ........................................................................ 6-42 BCD 4-digit square roots (BSQR)...................... 7-306 BCD 8-digit addition and subtraction operations (DB+, DB-) ..................................................................... 6-38 BCD 8-digit multiplication and division operations (DB*, DB/)............................................................ 6-44 BCD 8-digit square roots (BDSQR) ................... 7-306 BCD conversion Conversion from BIN data to 4-digit BCD (BCD) ......................................................................... 6-73 Conversion from BIN data to 8-digit BCD (DBCD) ......................................................................... 6-73 BCD type COS operations (BCOS) ................... 7-311 BCD type COS-1 operations (BACOS) .............. 7-317 BCD type SIN operation (BSIN) ........................ 7-309 BCD type SIN-1 operation (BASIN) ................... 7-315 BCD type TAN operation (BTAN) ...................... 7-313 BCD type TAN-1 operations (BATAN) ............... 7-319 BCDDA (Conversion from BCD 4-digit to decimal ASCII) ................................................................ 7-189 BCOS (BCD type COS operations) ................... 7-311 BDSQR (BCD 8-digit square roots) ................... 7-306 BIN (BCD 4-digit data to BIN data)...................... 6-75 BIN 16-bit addition and subtraction operations (+, -) ............................................................................. 6-22 BIN 16-bit data comparisons (=, <>, >, <=, <, >=) ............................................................................... 6-2 BIN 16-bit data sort operations (SORT) .............. 7-95 BIN 16-bit multiplication and division operations (*, /) ............................................................................. 6-30 BIN 16-bit to BIN 32-bit (DBL) ............................. 6-88 BIN 16-bit to Gray code (GRY)............................ 6-90 BIN 32-bit addition and subtraction operations (D+, D-) ............................................................................. 6-26 BIN 32-bit block data comparisons (DBKCMP , DBKCMP P) .................................................... 6-18 BIN 32-bit data block addition and subtraction operations (DBK+(P),DBK-(P))............................ 6-62 BIN 32-bit data comparisons (D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<, D>=)....................................................................... 6-4 BIN 32-bit data sort operations (DSORT)............ 7-95 BIN 32-bit data to BIN 16-bit data (WORD)......... 6-89 BIN 32-bit data to Gray code (DGRY) ................. 6-90 BIN 32-bit multiplication and division operations (D*, D/)........................................................................ 6-32 BIN block data comparisons (BKCMP ) ... 6-15,6-18 BINDA (Conversion from BIN 16-bit data to decimal ASCII) ................................................................ 7-183 BINHA (Conversion from BIN 16-bit data to hexadecimal ASCII)........................................... 7-186 Bit data .................................................................. 3-3 Bit device output reverse (FF) ............................. 5-40 Bit device shifts (SET) ......................................... 5-44 Bit processing instructions................................... 2-34 Bit reset for word devices (BRST) ....................... 7-59 Bit set for word devices (BSET)........................... 7-59 Bit tests (TEST/DTEST) ...................................... 7-61 BK- (Block subtraction)................................ 6-59,6-62 BK+ (Block addition) .................................... 6-59,6-62 BKAND (Block logical products) ............................ 7-9 BKBCD (Conversion from block BIN 16-bit data to BCD 4-digit data) ................................................. 6-98 BKBIN (Conversion from block BCD 4-digit data to block BIN 16-bit data) ........................................ 6-100 BKCMP (BIN block data comparisons).... 6-15,6-18 BKOR (Block logical sum operations).................. 7-17 BKRST (Batch reset of bit devices) ..................... 7-64 BKXNR (Block exclusive NOR operations).......... 7-33 BKXOR (Block exclusive OR operations) ............ 7-25 Block 16-bit exchanges (BXCH) ........................ 6-126 Block 16-bit transfers (BMOV) ........................... 6-117 Block addition (BK+) .................................... 6-59,6-62 Block exclusive NOR operations (BKXNR).......... 7-33 Block exclusive OR operations (BKXOR) ............ 7-25 Block logical products (BKAND) ............................ 7-9 Block logical sum operations (BKOR).................. 7-17 Block subtraction (BK-) ................................ 6-59,6-62 BMOV (Block 16-bit data transfers) ................... 6-117 BREAK (Forced end of FOR to NEXT instruction loop) ........................................................................... 7-108 BRST (Bit reset for word devices) ....................... 7-59 BSET (Bit set for word devices)........................... 7-59 BSFL (1-bit shift to left of n-bit data) ............ 7-49,7-51 BSFR (1-bit shift to right of n-bit data) ......... 7-49,7-51 BSIN (BCD type SIN operation)......................... 7-309 BSQR (BCD 4-digit square roots)...................... 7-306 BTAN (BCD type TAN operation) ...................... 7-313 BTOW (Data linking in byte units)........................ 7-85 Buffer memory access instructions...................... 2-41 BXCH (Block 16-bit data exchanges) ................ 6-126 [C] Calculation of averages for 16-bit or 32-bit data (MEAN(P),DMEAN(P)) ...................................... 7-103 Calculation of totals for 16-bit data (WSUM) ....... 7-99 Calculation of totals for 32-bit data (DWSUM) ................................................................. 7-101,7-103 CALL (Subroutine program calls) ...................... 7-110 Cautions on programming ................................... 3-27 Changing check format of CHK instruction (CHKCIR, CHKEND) .......................................................... 7-179 Character string data ........................................... 3-11 Character string data comparisons...................... 6-11 Character string length detection (LEN) ............ 7-204 Character string processing instructions.............. 2-43 Character string search (INSTR) ...7-239,7-241,7-243 Character string transfers ($MOV)..................... 6-112 CHKCIR (Changing check format of CHK instruction) ........................................................................... 7-179 CHKEND (Changing check format of CHK instruction) ........................................................................... 7-179 CHKST, CHK (Special format failure checks).... 7-175 CJ (Pointer branch instruction) .......................... 6-129 Clock comparison (TM=,TM,TM>,TM=)............. 7-361 Clock data addition operation (DATE+) ............. 7-348 Clock data subtraction operation (DATE-) ......... 7-350 Clock instructions................................................. 2-52 Index - 3 I CML (16-bit negation transfers) ......................... 6-114 COM (Refresh instruction) ............. 7-134,7-137,7-141 Common logarithm operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (LOG10D(P)) ....................... 7-302 Common logarithm operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (LOG10(P)) ........................... 7-300 Comparison operation instruction table ............... 2-10 Comparison operation instructions ........................ 6-2 Comparisons (BIN 16-bit data) .............................. 6-2 Comparisons (BIN 32-bit data) .............................. 6-4 Comparisons (Character string data) .................. 6-11 Complement of 2 of BIN 16-bit data (NEG) ......... 6-94 Complement of 2 of BIN 32-bit data (DNEG) ...... 6-94 COMRD (Reading device comment data) ......... 7-201 Conditions for execution of instructions ............... 3-33 Connection instructions Association instruction table............................... 2-7 Ladder block parallel connection (ORB) .......... 5-10 Ladder block series connection (ANB)............. 5-10 Linking character strings ($+)........................... 6-65 Contact instruction ................................................. 2-6 Contact instructions Operation start (LD, LDI).................................... 5-2 Parallel connection (OR, ORI)............................ 5-2 Pulse operation start (LDF, LDP) ................. 5-5,5-7 Pulse parallel connection (ORF,ORP) ......... 5-5,5-7 Pulse serial connection (ANF, ANP) ............ 5-5,5-7 Series connection (AND, ANI)............................ 5-2 Conversion BCD 4-digit to BIN (BIN) .................................. 6-75 BCD 8-digit to BIN (DBIN)................................ 6-75 BIN 16-bit to BIN 32-bit (DBL).......................... 6-88 BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point (Double precision) (FLTD) ............................................. 6-81 BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point (Single precision) (FLT)................................................ 6-78 BIN 16-bit to Gray code (GRY) ........................ 6-90 BIN 32-bit to BIN 16-bit (WORD) ..................... 6-89 BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point (Double precision) (DFLTD)........................................... 6-81 BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point (Single precision) (DFLT) ............................................. 6-78 BIN 32-bit to Gray code (DGRY)...................... 6-90 BIN to BCD 4-digit (BCD)................................. 6-73 BIN to BCD 8-digit (DBCD) .............................. 6-73 Double precision to Single precision (EDCON) ....................................................................... 6-104 Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Double precision) (INTD).............................................. 6-86 Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Single precision) (INT) ................................................ 6-83 Floating decimal point data to BIN 32-bit (Single precision) (DINT).............................................. 6-83 Floating decimal point data to BIN32-bit (Double precision) (DINTD) ........................................... 6-86 Gray code to BIN 16-bit (GBIN) ....................... 6-92 Gray code to BIN 32-bit (DGBIN)..................... 6-92 Single precision to Double precision (ECON) ....................................................................... 6-102 Index - 4 Conversion from ASCII to hexadecimal BIN (HEX) ........................................................................... 7-230 Conversion from BCD 4-digit to decimal ASCII (BCDDA) ............................................................ 7-189 Conversion from BCD 8-digit to decimal ASCII (DBCDDA) ......................................................... 7-189 Conversion from BIN 16-bit to character string (STR) ........................................................................... 7-206 Conversion from BIN 16-bit to decimal ASCII (BINDA) ........................................................................... 7-183 Conversion from BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point (Double precision) (FLTD) ................................... 6-81 Conversion from BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point (Single precision) (FLT) ....................................... 6-78 Conversion from BIN 16-bit to hexadecimal ASCII (BINHA) ............................................................. 7-186 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to character string (DSTR) ........................................................................... 7-206 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to decimal ASCII (DBINDA) ........................................................... 7-183 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point (Double precision) (DFLTD)................................. 6-81 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point (Single precision) (DFLT)..................................... 6-78 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to hexadecimal ASCII (DBINHA) ........................................................... 7-186 Conversion from block BCD 4-digit data to block BIN 16-bit data (BKBIN)............................................ 6-100 Conversion from block BIN 16-bit data to BCD 4-digit data (BKBCD) ...................................................... 6-98 Conversion from character string to BIN 16-bit (VAL) ........................................................................... 7-212 Conversion from character string to BIN 32-bit (DVAL) ........................................................................... 7-212 Conversion from character string to floating decimal point (EVAL) ...................................................... 7-224 Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD 4-digit (DABCD) ............................................................ 7-198 Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD 8-digit (DDABCD) ......................................................... 7-198 Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit (DABIN) ........................................................................... 7-192 Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN 32-bit (DDABIN) ........................................................... 7-192 Conversion from floating decimal point to character string (ESTR) ..................................................... 7-217 Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Double precision) (RADD).............................................. 7-277 Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Single precision) (RAD) ................................................ 7-275 Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Double precision) (DEGD) .........................7-281,7-283,7-285 Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Single precision) (DEG) ................................................ 7-279 Conversion from hexadecimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit (HABIN) ............................................................. 7-195 Conversion from hexadecimal ASCII to BIN 32-bit (DHABIN) ........................................................... 7-195 Conversion from hexadecimal BIN to ASCII (ASC) ........................................................................... 7-228 Conversion of Gray code to BIN 16-bit (GBIN).... 6-92 Conversion of Gray code to BIN 32-bit (DGBIN) ............................................................................. 6-92 Conversion to BIN BCD 4-digit to BIN 16-bit (BIN) ........................ 6-75 BCD 8-digit to BIN 32-bit (DBIN)...................... 6-75 Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Double precision) (INTD).............................................. 6-86 Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Single precision) (INT) ................................................ 6-83 Floating decimal point data to BIN 32-bit (Double precision) (DINTD) ........................................... 6-86 Floating decimal point data to BIN 32-bit (Single precision) (DINT).............................................. 6-83 Conversion to floating decimal point (Double precision) (FLTD, DFLTD) ................................... 6-81 Conversion to floating decimal point (Single precision) (FLT, DFLT)......................................................... 6-78 COS (COS operation on floating-point data (Single precision)).......................................................... 7-254 COS operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (COSD) ............................................. 7-256 COS operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (COS)................................................ 7-254 COS-1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (ACOSD)........................................... 7-269 COS-1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (ACOS) ............................................. 7-267 COSD (COS operation on floating-point data (Double precision)).......................................................... 7-256 Count 1-phase input or down (UDCNT1) .......... 6-143 Count 2-phase input or down (UDCNT2) .......... 6-146 Counters (OUT C) ............................................... 5-26 [D] D- (BIN 32-bit subtraction operations .................. 6-26 D(P).DDRD(Reading Devices to Another CPU) ........................................................................... 10-17 D(P).DDWR(Writing Devices to Another CPU) ........................................................................... 10-13 D* (BIN 32-bit multiplication operations).............. 6-32 D+ (BIN 32-bit addition operations) ..................... 6-26 D/ (BIN 32-bit division operations)....................... 6-32 D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<, D>= (BIN 32-bit data comparisons) ......................................................... 6-4 DABCD (Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD 4-digit)................................................................ 7-198 DABIN (Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit) ........................................................................... 7-192 DAND (Logical products with 32-bit data) ............. 7-3 Data control instructions ...................................... 2-49 Data conversion instruction table ........................ 2-22 Data conversion instructions ............................... 6-73 Data dissociation in byte units (WTOB)............... 7-85 Data link instructions ........................................... 2-59 Data linking in byte units (BTOW) ....................... 7-85 Data processing instructions ............................... 2-35 Data table operation instructions ......................... 2-40 DATE- (Clock data subtraction operation) ......... 7-350 Date comparison (DT=,DT,DT>,DT=)................ 7-356 DATE+ (Clock data addition operation) ............. 7-348 DATERD (Reading clock data) .......................... 7-344 DATEWR (Writing clock data) ........................... 7-346 DB- (BCD 8-digit subtraction) .............................. 6-38 DB* (BCD 8-digit multiplication)........................... 6-44 DB+ (BCD 8-digit addition) .................................. 6-38 DB/ (BCD 8-digit division) .................................... 6-44 DBAND (32-bit dead band controls) .................. 7-324 DBCD (Conversion from BIN to BCD 8-digit) ...... 6-73 DBCDDA (Conversion from BCD 8-digit to decimal ASCII) ................................................................ 7-189 DBIN (BCD 8-digit to BIN 16-bit conversion) ....... 6-75 DBINDA (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to decimal ASCII) ................................................................ 7-183 DBINHA (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to hexadecimal ASCII) ................................................................ 7-186 DBK- .................................................................... 6-63 DBK+ ................................................................... 6-62 DBL (BIN 16-bit to BIN 32-bit) ............................. 6-88 DCML (32-bit negation transfers) ...................... 6-114 DDABCD (Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD 8-digit)................................................................ 7-198 DDABIN (Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN 32-bit)................................................................. 7-192 DDEC (Decrementing 32-bit BIN)........................ 6-71 Debugging and failure diagnosis instructions ...... 2-42 DEC (Decrementing 16-bit BIN) .......................... 6-69 DECO (Decoding from 8 to 256 bits) ................... 7-71 Decoding from 8 to 256 bits (DECO) ................... 7-71 Decrement BIN 16-bit (DEC) .............................................. 6-69 BIN 32-bit (DDEC)............................................ 6-71 Decrementing 16-bit BIN (DEC) .......................... 6-69 Decrementing 32-bit BIN (DDEC)........................ 6-71 DEG (Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Single precision)).............................................. 7-279 DEGD (Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Double precision)) ........................7-281,7-283,7-285 Deleting data from data tables (FDEL) .............. 7-157 Deletion of character string (STRDEL(P)) ......... 7-243 DELTA (Pulse conversion of direct output).......... 5-42 Designating data.................................................... 3-3 Designation of modification values in index modification (IXDEV, IXSET) ............................. 7-148 Device range check ............................................. 3-27 DFLT (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point (Single precision)) ....................................... 6-78 DFLTD (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point (Double precision)) ........................ 6-81 DFRO (Reading 2-word data from intelligent function modules) ............................................................ 7-160 DGBIN (Conversion of Gray code to BIN 16-bit) ............................................................................. 6-92 DGRY (BIN 32-bit to Gray code) ......................... 6-90 DHABIN (Conversion from hexadecimal ASCII to BIN 32-bit)................................................................. 7-195 Index - 5 I DI (Interrupt disable) .......................................... 6-133 Digit designation .................................................... 3-4 Digit designation of bit devices .............................. 3-4 DINC (Incrementing 32-bit BIN)........................... 6-71 DINT (Floating decimal point data to BIN 32-bit (Single precision)) ............................................................ 6-83 DINTD (Floating decimal point data to BIN 32-bit (Double precision)) .............................................. 6-86 Direct 1-byte read from file register (ZRRDB).... 7-391 DIS (4-bit grouping of 16-bit data) ....................... 7-77 Display instructions.............................................. 2-41 Dissociation of random data (NDIS) .................... 7-81 Division BCD 4-digit (B/) ................................................ 6-42 BCD 8-digit division (DB/) ................................ 6-44 BIN 16-bit (/)..................................................... 6-30 Division of floating decimal point(Double precision) (ED/)................................................................. 6-56 Division of floating decimal point(Single precision) (E/) ................................................................... 6-54 DLIMIT (Upper and lower limit controls for BIN 32-bit) ........................................................................... 7-321 DMAX (Maximum value search for 32-bit data)... 7-89 DMEAN(P) ......................................................... 7-103 DMIN (Minimum value search for 32-bit data) ..... 7-92 DMOV (32-bit transfers) .................................... 6-106 DNEG (Complement of 2 of BIN 32-bit data) ...... 6-94 DOR (Logical sums of 32-bit data) ...................... 7-11 Double precision to Single precision conversion (EDCON) ........................................................... 6-104 Double word data .................................................. 3-6 DRCL (Left rotation of 32-bit data) ...................... 7-44 DRCR (Right rotation of 32-bit data) ................... 7-41 DROL (Left rotation of 32-bit data) ...................... 7-44 DROR (Right rotation of 32-bit data) ................... 7-41 DSCL(P) ............................................................ 7-331 DSCL2(P) .......................................................... 7-335 DSER (32-bit data searches)............................... 7-66 DSFL (1-word shift to left of n-word data).... 7-54,7-56 DSFR (1-word shift to right of n-word data) ..................................................................... 7-54,7-56 DSORT (BIN 32-bit data sort).............................. 7-95 DSTR (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to character string) ........................................................................... 7-206 DSUM (32-bit data checks) ................................. 7-69 DTEST (Bit tests)................................................. 7-61 DTO (Writing 2-word data to intelligent function modules) ............................................................ 7-163 DUTY (Timing pulse generation) ....................... 7-388 DVAL (Conversion from character string to BIN 32-bit) ........................................................................... 7-212 DWSUM (Calculation of totals for 32-bit data) ................................................................. 7-101,7-103 DXCH (16-bit data exchanges).......................... 6-124 DXNR (32-bit data exclusive NOR operation) ..... 7-27 DXOR (32-bit exclusive OR operations) .............. 7-19 DZONE (Zone control for BIN 32-bit data) ....................................................... 7-327,7-330,7-334 Index - 6 [E] E- (Subtraction of floating decimal point data (Single precision)) .................................................... 6-46,6-48 E* (Multiplication of floating decimal point data (Single precision)) ............................................................ 6-54 E+ (Addition of floating decimal point data (Single precision)) .................................................... 6-46,6-48 E/ (Dividion of floating decimal point data (Single precision)) ............................................................ 6-54 E=, E<>, E>, E<=, E<, E>= (Floationg decimal point data comparisons(Single precision)) ..................... 6-6 ECALL (Sub-routine calls between program files) ........................................................................... 7-120 ECON (Single precision to Double precision conversion) ........................................................ 6-102 ED- (Subtraction of floating decimal point data (Double precision)) ...................................... 6-50,6-52 ED* (Multiplication of floating decimal point data (Double precision)) .............................................. 6-56 ED+ (Addition of floating decimal point data (Double precision)) .................................................... 6-50,6-52 ED/ (Dividion of floating decimal point data (Double precision)) ............................................................ 6-56 ED=,ED<>,ED>,ED<=,ED<,ED>= (Floationg decimal point data comparisons (Double precision)) .......... 6-8 EDCON (Double precision to Single precision conversion) ........................................................ 6-104 EDMOV (Floating-point data transfer (Double precision)) .......................................................... 6-110 EDNEG (Floating-point sign invertion (Double precision)) ............................................................ 6-97 EFCALL (Output OFF calls between program files) ........................................................................... 7-125 EGF (Pulse operation results / leading edge) ...... 5-18 EGP (Pulse operation results / trailing edge)....... 5-18 EI (Interrupt enable) ........................................... 6-133 EMOD (Floating decimal point to BCD) ............. 7-245 EMOV (Floating-point data transfer (Single precision)) ........................................................................... 6-108 ENCO (Encoding from 256 to 8 bits) ................... 7-73 Encoding from 256 to 8 bits (ENCO) ................... 7-73 END (End sequence program) ............................ 5-53 End main routine program (FEND) ...................... 5-51 End sequence program (END) ............................ 5-53 ENEG (Floating-point sign invertion(Single precision)) ............................................................................. 6-96 EREXP (From BCD format data to floating decimal point).................................................................. 7-248 Error display and annunciator reset instruction (LEDR) ........................................................................... 7-172 ESTR (Conversion from floating decimal point to character string) ................................................. 7-217 EVAL (Conversion from character string to floating decimal point) .................................................... 7-217 EXP (Exponent operation on floating-point data (Single precision)) .............................................. 7-291 Expansion clock data addition operation (S.DATE+) ........................................................................... 7-366 Expansion clock data subtraction operation (S.DATE-) ........................................................................... 7-366 EXPD (Exponent operation on floating-point data (Double precision)) ............................................ 7-294 Exponent operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (EXPD).............................................. 7-294 Exponent operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (EXP) ................................................ 7-291 Exponentiation operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (POW(P)) .............................. 7-283 Exponentiation operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (POWD(P)) ........................... 7-285 Extracting character string data from the left (LEFT) ........................................................................... 7-232 Extracting character string data from the right (RIGHT) ........................................................................... 7-232 [F] FCALL (Subroutine program output OFF calls) ........................................................................... 7-116 FDEL (Deleting data from data tables) .............. 7-157 FEND (End main routine program)...................... 5-51 FF (Bit device output reverse) ............................. 5-40 FIFR (Reading oldest data from data tables) .... 7-153 FIFW (Writing data to the data tables)............... 7-151 File register direct 1-byte write (ZRWRB).......... 7-393 File setting for comments (QCDSET) ................ 7-342 FINS (Inserting data in data tables)................... 7-157 Fixed cycle pulse output (PLSY) ....................... 6-162 Floating decimal point data comparisons (Double precision) (ED=, ED<>, ED>, ED<=, ED<, ED>=) ............................................................................... 6-8 Floating decimal point data comparisons (Single precision) (E=, E<>, E>, E<=, E<, E>=) ................ 6-6 Floating decimal point to BCD (EMOD)............. 7-245 Floating-point data transfer (Double precision) (EDMOV) ........................................................... 6-110 Floating-point data transfer (Single precision) (EMOV) ........................................................................... 6-108 Floating-point sign invertion (Double precision) (EDNEG) ............................................................. 6-97 Floating-point sign invertion (Single precision) (ENEG) ............................................................................. 6-96 FLT (Conversion from BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point (Single precision))....................................... 6-78 FLTD (Conversion from BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point (Double precision)) ..................................... 6-81 FMOV (16-bit data block transfers) ......... 6-120,6-122 FOR (FOR to NEXT) ......................................... 7-105 FOR to NEXT (FOR, NEXT).............................. 7-105 Forced end of FOR to NEXT instruction loop (BREAK) ........................................................................... 7-108 FPOP (Reading newest data from data tables) ........................................................................... 7-155 FROM (Reading from other CPU shared memory) ............................................................................. 9-12 FROM (Reding 1-word data from intelligent function modules)............................................................ 7-160 From BCD format data to floating decimal point (EREXP) ............................................................ 7-248 [G] GBIN (Conversion of Gray code to BIN 16-bit).... 6-92 GOEND (Jump to END)..................................... 6-132 GRY (BIN 16-bit to Gray code) ............................ 6-90 [H] HABIN (Conversion from hexadecimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit)................................................................. 7-195 HEX (Conversion from ASCII to hexadecimal BIN) ........................................................................... 7-230 High speed retentive timer (OUTH ST)................ 5-22 High speed timer (OUTH T)................................. 5-22 High-speed block transfer of file register (RBMOV) ........................................................................... 7-448 HOUR (Time data conversion) .......................... 7-354 How to read instruction tables ............................... 2-4 How to read instructions ........................................ 4-2 [I] I/O refrech (RFS) ............................................... 6-141 I/O refresh instruction table.................................. 2-27 Identical 32-bit data block transfers (DFMOV(P)) ........................................................................... 6-122 IMASK (Interrupt program mask)....................... 6-133 INC (Incrementing 16-bit BIN) ............................. 6-69 Increment BIN 16-bit (INC)................................................ 6-69 BIN 32-bit (DINC) ............................................. 6-71 Incrementing 16-bit BIN (INC) ............................. 6-69 Incrementing 32-bit BIN (DINC)........................... 6-71 Index modification................................................ 3-12 Indirect address read (ADRSET) ....................... 7-395 Indirect specification ............................................ 3-23 Inserting data in data tables (FINS) ................... 7-157 Insertion of character string (STRINS(P)).......... 7-241 INSTR (Character string search) ...7-239,7-241,7-243 Instructions for data link....................................... 2-59 INT (Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Single precision)) ............................................................ 6-83 INTD (Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Double precision)) .............................................. 6-86 Interrupt disable (DI) .......................................... 6-133 Interrupt enable (EI)........................................... 6-133 Interrupt program mask (IMASK)....................... 6-133 INV (Operation results inversion)......................... 5-15 Inversion Bit device output reverse (FF).......................... 5-40 Operation results inversion (INV) ..................... 5-15 IRET (Recovery from interrupt programs) ......... 6-139 IX, IXEND (Index modification of entire ladder) ........................................................................... 7-144 IXDEV (Designation of modification values in index modification) ...................................................... 7-148 IXSET (Designation of modification values in index modification) ...................................................... 7-148 Index - 7 I [J] JMP (Pointer branch)......................................... 6-129 Jump to END (GOEND)..................................... 6-132 [K] KEY (Numerical key input from keyboard)......... 7-396 [L] Ladder block parallel connections (ORB) ............ 5-10 Ladder block series connections (ANB) .............. 5-10 LD ($=, $<>, $>, $<=, $<, $>=) (Character string data comparisons) ....................................................... 6-11 LD (=, <>, >, <=, <, >=) (BIN 16-bit data comparisons) ............................................................................... 6-2 LD (A contact operation start)................................ 5-2 LD (D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<, D>=) (BIN 32-bit data comparisons) ......................................................... 6-4 LD (E=, E<>, E>, E<=, E<, E>=) (Floationg decimal point data comparisons(Single precision)) ............ 6-6 LD (ED=, ED, ED>, ED<=, ED<, ED>=) (Floationg decimal point data comparisons(Double precision)) ............................................................................... 6-8 LDF (Pulse operation start / trailing edge) ....... 5-5,5-7 LDI (B contact operation start)............................... 5-2 LDP (Pulse operation start / leading edge)...... 5-5,5-7 LDPI, LDFI ............................................................. 5-7 Leading edge output (PLS).................................. 5-37 LEDR (Error display and annunciator reset instruction) ........................................................................... 7-172 LEFT (Extracting character string data from the left) ........................................................................... 7-232 Left rotation of 16-bit data (ROL, RCL)................ 7-38 Left rotation of 32-bit data (DROL, DRCL) .......... 7-44 LEN (Character string length detection) ............ 7-204 LIMIT (Upper and lower limit controls for BIN 16-bit) ........................................................................... 7-321 Link refresh instructions....................................... 2-59 Linking character strings ($+) ...................... 6-65,6-67 Linking of random data (NUNI) ............................ 7-81 Load (LD)............................................................... 5-2 Load + unload (PSWAPP) ................................. 7-445 Load inverse (LDI) ................................................. 5-2 Load program from Memory Card (PLOADP) ... 7-440 LOG (Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data (Single precision))............................ 7-296,7-302 LOGD (Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data (Double precision)) .................................... 7-298 Logical operation instructions .............................. 2-29 Logical product ...................................................... 7-2 Logical products with 16-bit data (WAND)............. 7-3 Logical products with 32-bit data (DAND) ............. 7-3 Logical sum ........................................................... 7-2 Logical sums of 16-bit data (WOR) ..................... 7-11 Logical sums of 32-bit data (DOR) ...................... 7-11 Low speed retentive timer (OUTH ST) ................ 5-22 Low speed timer (OUT T) .................................... 5-22 Index - 8 [M] Master control instructions ................................... 5-47 Matrix input (MTR) ............................................. 6-166 MAX (Maximum value search for 16-bit data) ..... 7-89 Maximum value search for 16-bit data (MAX) ..... 7-89 Maximum value search for 32-bit data (DMAX) ... 7-89 MC (Setting the master control) ........................... 5-47 MCR (Resetting the master control) .................... 5-47 MEAN(P)............................................................ 7-103 MEF (Pulse operation results / trailing edge)....... 5-17 MEP (Pulse operation results / leading edge) ..... 5-17 MIDR (Random selection from character strings) ........................................................................... 7-235 MIDW (Random replacement in character strings) ........................................................................... 7-235 MIN (Minimum value search for 16-bit data)........ 7-92 Minimum value search for 16-bit data (MIN)........ 7-92 Minimum value search for 32-bit data (DMIN) ..... 7-92 MOV (16-bit transfers) ....................................... 6-106 MPP (Operation results pop) ............................... 5-12 MPS (Operation results push) ............................. 5-12 MRD (Operation results read).............................. 5-12 MTR (Matrix input) ............................................. 6-166 Multiplication BCD 4-digit (B*)................................................ 6-42 BCD 8-digit (DB*) ............................................. 6-44 BIN 16-bit (*) .................................................... 6-30 BIN 32-bit (D*) .................................................. 6-32 Multiplication of floating decimal point (Double precision) (ED*) ................................................ 6-56 Multiplication of floating decimal point (Single precision) (E*) .................................................. 6-54 Multiplication and division of floating decimal point (Double precision)(ED*, ED/) ............................... 6-56 Multiplication and division of floating decimal point (Single precision)(E*, E/) ..................................... 6-54 [N] Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (LOGD) ................................ 7-298 Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (LOG) .......................... 7-296,7-302 n-bit shift to left of 16-bit data (SFL) .................... 7-46 n-bit shift to right of 16-bit data (SFR).................. 7-46 n-bit shift to right or left of n-bit data (SFTBR(P), SFTBL(P))............................................................ 7-51 n-bit shift to right or left of n-word data (SFTWR(P), SFTWL(P))........................................................... 7-56 NEG (complement of 2 of BIN 16-bit data) .......... 6-94 Network refresh instruction (ZCOM) ...................... 8-2 NEXT (FOR to NEXT)........................................ 7-105 No operation (NOP, NOPLF, PAGE) ................... 5-57 NOP ..................................................................... 5-57 NOP (No operation) ............................................. 5-57 NOPLF (No operation page change) ................... 5-57 Number of steps .................................................. 3-34 Numerical key input (KEY)................................. 7-396 Numerical key input from keyboard (KEY)......... 7-396 NUNI (Linking of random data) ............................ 7-81 [O] Operation errors .................................................. 3-27 Operation results inversion (INV) ........................ 5-15 Operation results pop (MPP) ............................... 5-12 Operation results push (MPS) ............................. 5-12 Operation results read (MRD) ............................. 5-12 Operation start (LD, LDI) ....................................... 5-2 OR ($=, $<>, $>, $<=, $<, $>=) (Character string data comparisons) ....................................................... 6-11 OR (=, <>, >, <=, <, >=) (BIN 16-bit data comparisons) ............................................................................... 6-2 OR (A contact parallel connection)........................ 5-2 OR (D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<, D>=) (BIN 32-bit data comparisons) ......................................................... 6-4 OR (E=, E<>, E>, E<=, E<, E>=) (Floationg decimal point data comparisons (Single precision)) ........... 6-6 OR (ED=, ED<>, ED>, ED<=, ED<, ED>=) (Floationg decimal point data comparisons (Double precision)) ............................................................................... 6-8 Or inverse (ORI) .................................................... 5-2 ORB (Ladder block parallel connections) ............ 5-10 ORF (Pulse parallel connection / trailing edge) ......................................................................... 5-5,5-7 ORI (B contact parallel connection)....................... 5-2 ORP (Pulse parallel connection / leading edge) ......................................................................... 5-5,5-7 ORPI, ORFI ........................................................... 5-8 Other convenient instructions ................................ 2-6 Other instructions ................................................ 5-55 Application instructions .................................... 2-29 Sequence instructions........................................ 2-6 OUT Annunciator output (OUT F)............................. 5-28 Counters (OUT C)............................................ 5-26 High speed retentive timer (OUTH ST)............ 5-22 High speed timer (OUTH T) ............................. 5-22 Low speed retentive timer (OUT ST) ............... 5-22 Low speed timer (OUT T) ................................ 5-22 Output (OUT) ................................................... 5-20 Out instructions (OUT)......................................... 5-20 Output instruction table.......................................... 2-8 Output instructions (OUT).................................... 5-20 Output of sub-routine program OFF calls (FCALL) ........................................................................... 7-116 Output OFF calls between program files (EFCALL) ........................................................................... 7-125 Output reverse (FF) ............................................. 5-40 [P] PAGE (No operation page change)..................... 5-57 Page change (NOPLF) ........................................ 5-57 Page change (PAGE n) ....................................... 5-57 Parallel connection (OR, ORI) ............................... 5-2 Parallel connections (ORB) ................................. 5-10 PCHK (Program low speed execution registeration instruction) ......................................................... 7-384 PLF (Trailing edge output)................................... 5-37 PLOADP (Load program from Memory Card) ... 7-440 PLOW (Program low speed execution registration) ........................................................................... 7-382 PLS (Leading edge output).................................. 5-37 PLSY (Fixed cycle pulse output)........................ 6-162 POFF (Program output OFF standby instruction) ........................................................................... 7-378 Pointer branching instruction (CJ, SCJ, JMP) ... 6-129 Pop (MPP) ........................................................... 5-12 PR (Print ASCII code instruction) ...................... 7-166 PRC (Print comment instruction) ....................... 7-169 Print ASCII code instruction (PR) ...................... 7-166 Print comment instruction (PRC) ....................... 7-169 Program branch instruction table......................... 2-27 Program control instructions ................................ 2-56 Program execution control instruction table......... 2-27 Program low speed execition registration instruction (PCHK) .............................................................. 7-384 Program low speed execution registration (PLOW) ........................................................................... 7-382 Program output OFF standby instruction (POFF) ........................................................................... 7-378 Program scan execution registration instruction (PSCAN) ............................................................ 7-380 Program standby instruction (PSTOP) .............. 7-377 PSCAN (Program scan execution registration instruction) ......................................................... 7-380 PSTOP (Program standby instruction) .............. 7-377 PSWAPP (Load + unload) ................................. 7-445 Pulse conversion (DELTA) ........................................................... 5-42 (EGF, EGP)...................................................... 5-18 (MEF, MEP) ..................................................... 5-17 Pulse conversion of direct output (DELTA).......... 5-42 Pulse density measurement (SPD).................... 6-160 Pulse NOT operation start, pulse NOT series connection, pulse NOT parallel connection LDPI,LDFI, ANDPI,ANDFI,ORPI,ORFI) ................................... 5-7 Pulse operation results Operation result conversions (MEF, MEP)....... 5-17 Pulse conversions of edge relay operation results (EGF, EGP)...................................................... 5-18 Pulse operation start (LDF, LDP)..................... 5-5,5-7 Pulse parallel connection (ORF, ORP) ............ 5-5,5-7 Pulse series connection (ANDF, ANDP)................ 5-5 Pulse width modulation (PWM).......................... 6-164 PUNLOADP (Unload program from program memory) ........................................................................... 7-443 Push (MPS) ......................................................... 5-12 PWM (Pulse width modulation).......................... 6-164 [Q] QCDSET (File setting for comments) ................ 7-342 QCPU dedicated instructions............................... 2-60 QDRSET(Setting files for file register use) ........ 7-339 [R] RAD (Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Single precision)).............................................. 7-275 Index - 9 I RADD (Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Double precision)) ............................................ 7-277 RAMP (Ramp signal) ......................................... 6-157 Ramp signal (RAMP) ......................................... 6-157 Random number generation (RND/SRND)........ 7-304 Random selection from and replacement in character strings (MIDR) ................................................... 7-235 Random selection replacement in character strings (MIDW) .............................................................. 7-235 RBMOV (High-speed block transfer of file register) ........................................................................... 7-448 RCL (Left rotation of 16-bit data) ......................... 7-38 RCR (Right rotation of 16-bit data) ...................... 7-35 Read (MRD) ........................................................ 5-12 Read data from standard ROM (S.DEVLD)....... 7-438 Reading 1-word data from intelligent function modules (FROM).............................................................. 7-160 Reading 2-word data from intelligent function modules (DFRO) .............................................................. 7-160 Reading clock data (DATERD) .......................... 7-344 Reading data from designated file (SP.FREAD) 7-424 Reading device comment data (COMRD) ......... 7-201 Reading expansion clock data (S.DATERD) ..... 7-366 Reading from other CPU shared memory (FROM) ............................................................................. 9-12 Reading module information (UNIRD) ............... 7-402 Reading newest data from data tables (FPOP) ........................................................................... 7-155 Reading oldest data from data tables (FIFR) .... 7-153 Reading routing information (RTREAD) ................ 8-6 Real number data .................................................. 3-8 Recovery from interrupt programs (IRET) ......... 6-139 Refresh instruction (COM) ................................. 7-134 Related programming manuals ............................. 1-2 Resetting devices (RST).............................. 5-32,5-35 Resetting the annunciators (RST F) .................... 5-35 Resetting the master control (MCR) .................... 5-47 Resetting watchdog timer (WDT) ...................... 7-386 RET (Return from sub-routine programs) .......... 7-115 Return from sub-routine programs (RET) .......... 7-115 Revercing Bit device output reverse (FF).......................... 5-40 Floating-point sign invertion (Double precision) (EDNEG) .......................................................... 6-97 Floating-point sign invertion (Single precision) (ENEG)............................................................. 6-96 Operation results inversion (INV) ..................... 5-15 RFS (I/O refresh) ............................................... 6-141 RIGHT (Extracting character string data from the right) ........................................................................... 7-232 Right rotation of 16-bit data (ROR, RCR) ............ 7-35 Right rotation of 32-bit data (DROR, DRCL)........ 7-41 RND (Random number generation and series update) ........................................................................... 7-304 ROL (Left rotation of 16-bit data) ......................... 7-38 ROR (Right rotation of 16-bit data) ...................... 7-35 Rotary table shortest direction control (ROTC) ........................................................................... 6-154 Rotation instructions ............................................ 2-32 Index - 10 ROTC (Rotary table shortest direction control) ........................................................................... 6-154 RSET (Switching file register numbers) ............. 7-337 RST Resetting devices (RST) .................................. 5-32 Resetting the annunciators (RST F)................. 5-35 RTREAD (Reading routing information) ................ 8-6 RTWRITE (Writing routing information) ................. 8-8 [S] S.DATE- (Expansion clock data subtraction operation) ........................................................................... 7-366 S.DATE+ (Expansion clock data addition operation) ........................................................................... 7-366 S.DATERD (Reading expansion clock data) ..... 7-366 S.DEVLD (Read data from standard ROM) ....... 7-438 S.TO (Write to host CPU shared memory) ............ 9-4 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL(P), DSCL(P)) ........................................................... 7-330 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL2(P), DSCL2(P)) ......................................................... 7-334 SCJ (Pointer branching instruction) ................... 6-129 SCL(P) ............................................................... 7-330 SCL2 .................................................................. 7-334 SECOND (Time data conversion)...................... 7-352 SEG (7-segment decode) .................................... 7-75 Sequence instructions ........................................... 2-6 Sequence program stop (STOP) ......................... 5-55 SER (16-bit data searches) ................................. 7-66 Series connection (AND, ANI) ............................... 5-2 Series connections (ANB).................................... 5-10 SET Setting devices (SET) ...................................... 5-30 Setting the annunciators (SET F) ..................... 5-35 Setting devices (SET) .................................. 5-30,5-35 Setting files for file register use (QDRSET) ....... 7-339 Setting the annunciators (SET F) ........................ 5-35 Setting the master control (MC) ........................... 5-47 SFL (n-bit shift to left of 16-bit data) .................... 7-46 SFR (n-bit shift to right of 16-bit data).................. 7-46 SFT (Bit device shifts).......................................... 5-44 SFTBL(P) ............................................................. 7-52 SFTBR(P) ............................................................ 7-51 SFTWL(P) ............................................................ 7-57 SFTWR(P) ........................................................... 7-56 Shift instruction ............................................ 5-44,7-46 (Application instructions) .................................. 2-29 Shift instruction table (Sequence instructions) ..................................... 2-6 SIN (SIN operation on floating-point data (Single precision)) .......................................................... 7-250 SIN operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (SIND) ............................................... 7-252 SIN operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (SIN) .................................................................. 7-250 SIN-1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (ASIND) ............................................. 7-265 SIN-1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (ASIN) ............................................... 7-262 SIND (SIN operation on floating-point data (Double precision)).......................................................... 7-252 Single precision to Double precision conversion (ECON).............................................................. 6-102 SORT (BIN 16-bit data sort) ................................ 7-95 SP.CONTSW (System switching instruction) ...... 11-2 SP.DEVST (Writing data to standard ROM)...... 7-436 SP.FREAD (Reading data from designated file) ........................................................................... 7-424 SP.FWRITE (Writing data to designated file) .... 7-413 SPD (Pulse density measurement) ................... 6-160 Special format failure checks (CHKST, CHK) ... 7-175 Special function instructions ................................ 2-46 Special timer (STMR) ........................................ 6-151 SQR (Square root operation for floating-point data (Single precision)).............................................. 7-287 SQRD (Square root operation for floating-point data (Double precision)) ............................................ 7-289 Square root operation for floating-point data (Double precision) (SQRD) ............................................. 7-289 Square root operation for floating-point data (Single precision) (SQR)................................................ 7-287 SRND (Random number generation and series updates)............................................................. 7-304 STMR (Special function timer)........................... 6-151 STOP (Sequence program stop) ......................... 5-55 STR (Conversion from BIN 16-bit to character string) ........................................................................... 7-206 Structure creation instructions ............................. 2-38 Subrotine program calls (CALL) ........................ 7-110 Subroutine calls (XCALL) .................................. 7-129 Subroutine calls between program files (ECALL) ........................................................................... 7-120 Subroutine program output OFF calls (FCALL) ........................................................................... 7-116 Subset processing ............................................... 3-25 Subtraction BCD 4-digit subtraction (B-) ............................. 6-34 BCD 8-digit subtraction (DB-) .......................... 6-38 BIN 16-bit subtraction operations (-) ................ 6-22 BIN 32-bit subtraction operations (D-) ............. 6-26 Block subtraction (BK-) ............................ 6-59,6-62 Subtraction of floating decimal point data (Double precision) (ED-)........................................ 6-50,6-52 Subtraction of floating decimal point data (Single precision) (E-) .......................................... 6-46,6-48 SUM (16-bit data checks) .................................... 7-69 SWAP (Upper and lower byte exchanges) ........ 6-128 Switching file register numbers (RSET)............. 7-337 Switching instructions .......................................... 2-51 System Switching (SP.CONTSW) ....................... 11-2 [T] TAN (TAN operation on floating-point data (Single precision)).......................................................... 7-258 TAN operation on floating-point data (Double precision)(TAND)............................................... 7-260 TAN operation on floating-point data (Single precision)(TAN) ................................................. 7-258 TAN-1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision)(ATAND)............................................. 7-273 TAN-1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision)(ATAN) ............................................... 7-271 TAND (TAN operation on floating-point data (Double precision)) .......................................................... 7-260 Teaching timer (TTMR)...................................... 6-149 Termination instruction table.................................. 2-9 TEST (Bit tests) ................................................... 7-61 TIMCHK (Time check instruction)...................... 7-390 Time check instruction (TIMCHK)...................... 7-390 Time data conversion (HOUR) ......7-354,7-356,7-361 Time data conversion (SECOND)...................... 7-352 Timer (OUT T) ..................................................... 5-22 Timing pulse generation (DUTY) ....................... 7-388 TO (Writing 1-word data to intelligent function modules) ............................................................ 7-163 TRACE (Trace set) ............................................ 7-411 TRACER (Trace reset) ...................................... 7-411 TTMR (Teaching timer)...................................... 6-149 Types of Instructions.............................................. 2-2 [U] UDCNT1 (Counter 1-phase input up or down) .. 6-143 UDCNT2 (Counter 2-phase input up or down) .. 6-146 UNI (4-bit linking of 16-bit data) ........................... 7-79 UNIRD (Reading module information) ............... 7-402 Unload program from program memory (PUNLOADP) ........................................................................... 7-443 Up / Down counter Count 1-phase input or dawn (UDCNT1) ....... 6-143 Count 2-phase input or down (UDCNT2) ....... 6-146 Upper and lower byte exchanges (SWAP) ........ 6-128 Upper and lower limit controls for BIN 32-bit (DLIMIT) ........................................................................... 7-321 [V] VAL (Conversion from character string to BIN 16-bit) ........................................................................... 7-212 [W] WAND (Logical products with 16-bit data)............. 7-3 WDT (Resetting watchdog timer)....................... 7-386 WOR (Logical sums of 16-bit data)...................... 7-11 WORD (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to BIN 16-bit) ............................................................................. 6-89 Word data .............................................................. 3-4 Word device bit designation................................... 3-3 Writing 1-word data to intelligent function modules (TO) ................................................................... 7-163 Writing 2-word data to intelligent function modules (DTO)................................................................. 7-163 Writing clock data (DATEWR) ........................... 7-346 Writing data to designated file (SP.FWRITE) .... 7-413 Writing data to standard ROM (SP.DEVST) ...... 7-436 Writing data to the data tables (FIFW)............... 7-151 Writing routing information (RTWRITE) ................. 8-8 Writing to the CPU shared memory of host CPU... 9-2 Index - 11 I S.TO................................................................... 9-4 TO ...................................................................... 9-7 WSUM (Calculation of totals for 16-bit data) ....... 7-99 WTOB (Data dissociation in byte units) ............... 7-85 WXNR (16-bit data exclusive NOR operation)..... 7-27 WXNR (16-bit data non-exclusive logical sum operations)........................................................... 7-30 WXOR (16-bit exclusive OR operations) ..... 7-19,7-22 [X] XCALL (Subroutine program call)...................... 7-129 XCH (32-bit data exchange) .............................. 6-124 [Z] ZCOM (Network refresh instruction) ...................... 8-2 ZONE (Zone control for BIN 16-bit) ....................................................... 7-327,7-330,7-334 Zone control for BIN 16-bit (ZONE) ....................................................... 7-327,7-330,7-334 Zone control for BIN 32-bit data (DZONE) ....................................................... 7-327,7-330,7-334 ZPOP (Batch recovery of index register) ........... 7-400 ZPUSH (Batch save of index register)............... 7-400 ZRRDB (Direct 1-byte read from file register).... 7-391 ZRWRB (File register direct 1-byte write) .......... 7-393 Index - 12 Warranty Please confirm the following product warranty details before using this product. 1. Gratis Warranty Term and Gratis Warranty Range If any faults or defects (hereinafter "Failure") found to be the responsibility of Mitsubishi occurs during use of the product within the gratis warranty term, the product shall be repaired at no cost via the sales representative or Mitsubishi Service Company. However, if repairs are required onsite at domestic or overseas location, expenses to send an engineer will be solely at the customer's discretion. Mitsubishi shall not be held responsible for any re-commissioning, maintenance, or testing on-site that involves replacement of the failed module. [Gratis Warranty Term] The gratis warranty term of the product shall be for one year after the date of purchase or delivery to a designated place. Note that after manufacture and shipment from Mitsubishi, the maximum distribution period shall be six (6) months, and the longest gratis warranty term after manufacturing shall be eighteen (18) months. The gratis warranty term of repair parts shall not exceed the gratis warranty term before repairs. [Gratis Warranty Range] (1) The range shall be limited to normal use within the usage state, usage methods and usage environment, etc., which follow the conditions and precautions, etc., given in the instruction manual, user's manual and caution labels on the product. (2) Even within the gratis warranty term, repairs shall be charged for in the following cases. 1. Failure occurring from inappropriate storage or handling, carelessness or negligence by the user. Failure caused by the user's hardware or software design. 2. Failure caused by unapproved modifications, etc., to the product by the user. 3. When the Mitsubishi product is assembled into a user's device, Failure that could have been avoided if functions or structures, judged as necessary in the legal safety measures the user's device is subject to or as necessary by industry standards, had been provided. 4. Failure that could have been avoided if consumable parts (battery, backlight, fuse, etc.) designated in the instruction manual had been correctly serviced or replaced. 5. Failure caused by external irresistible forces such as fires or abnormal voltages, and Failure caused by force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning, wind and water damage. 6. Failure caused by reasons unpredictable by scientific technology standards at time of shipment from Mitsubishi. 7. Any other failure found not to be the responsibility of Mitsubishi or that admitted not to be so by the user. 2. Onerous repair term after discontinuation of production (1) Mitsubishi shall accept onerous product repairs for seven (7) years after production of the product is discontinued. Discontinuation of production shall be notified with Mitsubishi Technical Bulletins, etc. (2) Product supply (including repair parts) is not available after production is discontinued. 3. Overseas service Overseas, repairs shall be accepted by Mitsubishi's local overseas FA Center. Note that the repair conditions at each FA Center may differ. 4. Exclusion of loss in opportunity and secondary loss from warranty liability Regardless of the gratis warranty term, Mitsubishi shall not be liable for compensation of damages caused by any cause found not to be the responsibility of Mitsubishi, loss in opportunity, lost profits incurred to the user by Failures of Mitsubishi products, special damages and secondary damages whether foreseeable or not , compensation for accidents, and compensation for damages to products other than Mitsubishi products, replacement by the user, maintenance of on-site equipment, start-up test run and other tasks. 5. Changes in product specifications The specifications given in the catalogs, manuals or technical documents are subject to change without prior notice. 6. Product application (1) In using the Mitsubishi MELSEC programmable controller, the usage conditions shall be that the application will not lead to a major accident even if any problem or fault should occur in the programmable controller device, and that backup and fail-safe functions are systematically provided outside of the device for any problem or fault. (2) The Mitsubishi programmable controller has been designed and manufactured for applications in general industries, etc. Thus, applications in which the public could be affected such as in nuclear power plants and other power plants operated by respective power companies, and applications in which a special quality assurance system is required, such as for Railway companies or Public service purposes shall be excluded from the programmable controller applications. In addition, applications in which human life or property that could be greatly affected, such as in aircraft, medical applications, incineration and fuel devices, manned transportation, equipment for recreation and amusement, and safety devices, shall also be excluded from the programmable controller range of applications. However, in certain cases, some applications may be possible, providing the user consults their local Mitsubishi representative outlining the special requirements of the project, and providing that all parties concerned agree to the special circumstances, solely at the users discretion. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Pentium and Celeron are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries. Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Co., Ltd. in the United States. CompactFlash is a trademark of SanDisk Corporation. VxWorks, Tornado, WindPower, WindSh and WindView are registered trademarks of Wind River Systems, Inc. Other company names and product names used in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of respective owners. SH(NA)-080809ENG-C 1/2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (Always read these cautions before using the product) Before using this product, please read this manual and the related manuals introduced in this manual, and pay full attention to safety to handle the product correctly. Please store this manual in a safe place and make it accessible when required. Always forward a copy of the manual to the end user. A-1 REVISIONS *The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover. Print Date *Manual Number Revision Dec., 2008 SH (NA)-080809ENG-A First edition Mar., 2009 SH (NA)-080809ENG-B Partial corrections Section 3.3, 3.8, 5.1.3, 6.1.7, 6.2.14, 7.3.3, 7.11.18, 7.11.19,,12.7, 7.12.11, 7.12.25, 7.12.26, 7.13.4, 7.13.5, 7.15.7, 7.15.8 Jul., 2009 SH (NA)-080809ENG-C Revision because of function support by the Universal model QCPU having a serial number "11043" or later Partial corrections Section 2.1, 2.5.6, 2.5.18, 2.5.20, 7.6.9, 7.12.7, 7.12.11, 12.1.3, 12.1.4, APPENDIX 1.2, 1.3, 1.4.2, 3, 5.1 Additions Section 2.5.16, 7.16, 7.18.10 Modification Section 2.5.21 Section 9.14 Section 9.15.3 2.5.22, Section 2.5.22 7.6.1, Section 9.15 7.16.3, Section 9.1 2.5.21, Section 9.13 7.16, Section 9.15.1 7.16.2, 7.18.9, Section 9.2 7.18.11, Section 9.3 7.18.12, 7.18.15, Section 9.7 7.18.16, Section 9.4 7.18.13, Section 9.5 7.18.14, Section 9.6 Section 9.8 7.18.17, Section 9.9 7.18.18, Section 9.10 Section 9.11.1 Chapter 10 9.1.1, Section 9.11.2 11, Chapter 11 7.6.10, 7.16.1, Section 9.15.2 9.1.2, Section 9.12 7.18.19, Section 9.11 9.1, 9.2, Section 9.12.1 9.2.1, 10 Japanese Manual Version SH-080804-B This manual confers no industrial property rights or any rights of any other kind, nor does it confer any patent licenses. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation cannot be held responsible for any problems involving industrial property rights which may occur as a result of using the contents noted in this manual. © 2008 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION A-2 INTRODUCTION This manual explains the common instructions required for programming of the QCPU. • The common instructions refer to all instructions except those dedicated to special function modules (such as AJ71QC24 and AJ71PT32-S3) and to AD57 models, as well as PID control instructions, SFC instructions and ST instructions. Before using this product, please read this manual and the relevant manuals carefully and develop familiarity with the functions and performance of the Q series programmable controller to handle the product correctly. ■ Relevant CPU module CPU module Basic model QCPU High Perfomance model QCPU Process CPU Redundant CPU Model Q00JCPU, Q00CPU, Q01CPU Q02CPU, Q02HCPU, Q06HCPU, Q12HCPU, Q25HCPU Q02PHCPU, Q06PHCPU, Q12PHCPU, Q25PHCPU Q12PRHCPU, Q25PRHCPU Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, Q02UCPU, Q03UDCPU, Q04UDHCPU, Q06UDHCPU, Q10UDHCPU, Q13UDHCPU, Universal model QCPU Q20UDHCPU, Q26UDHCPU, Q03UDECPU, Q04UDEHCPU, Q06UDEHCPU, Q10UDEHCPU, Q13UDEHCPU, Q20UDEHCPU A-3 CONTENTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ..................................................................................................................A - 1 REVISIONS .......................................................................................................................................A - 2 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................A - 3 CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................................A - 4 MANUALS........................................................................................................................................A - 14 Common Instructions 1/2 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 Related Programming Manuals 1-2 1.2 Abbreviations and Generic Names 1-5 2. INSTRUCTION TABLES 2 - 1 to 2 - 62 2.1 Types of Instructions 2-2 2.2 How to Read Instruction Tables 2-4 2.3 Sequence Instructions 2-6 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.4 2.5 Contact instructions ...................................................................................................... 2 - 6 Association instructions ................................................................................................ 2 - 7 Output instructions........................................................................................................ 2 - 8 Shift instructions ........................................................................................................... 2 - 8 Master control instructions............................................................................................ 2 - 9 Termination instructions ............................................................................................... 2 - 9 Other instructions ......................................................................................................... 2 - 9 Basic instructions 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.4.7 2.4.8 2 - 10 Comparison operation instructions ............................................................................. 2 - 10 Arithmetic operation instructions ................................................................................ 2 - 16 Data conversion instructions ...................................................................................... 2 - 22 Data transfer instructions............................................................................................ 2 - 24 Program branch instructions....................................................................................... 2 - 27 Program execution control instructions ...................................................................... 2 - 27 I/O refresh instructions ............................................................................................... 2 - 27 Other convenient instructions ..................................................................................... 2 - 28 Application Instructions 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 2.5.6 2.5.7 2.5.8 2.5.9 2.5.10 A-4 1 - 1 to 1 - 8 2 - 29 Logical operation instructions ..................................................................................... 2 - 29 Rotation instructions ................................................................................................... 2 - 32 Shift instructions ......................................................................................................... 2 - 33 Bit processing instructions.......................................................................................... 2 - 34 Data processing instructions ...................................................................................... 2 - 35 Structure creation instructions .................................................................................... 2 - 38 Data table operation instructions ................................................................................ 2 - 40 Buffer memory access instructions............................................................................. 2 - 41 Display instructions..................................................................................................... 2 - 41 Debugging and failure diagnosis instructions ............................................................. 2 - 42 2.5.11 2.5.12 2.5.13 2.5.14 2.5.15 2.5.16 2.5.17 2.5.18 2.5.19 2.5.20 2.5.21 2.5.22 Character string processing instructions .................................................................... 2 - 43 Special function instructions ....................................................................................... 2 - 46 Data control instructions ............................................................................................. 2 - 49 Switching instructions ................................................................................................. 2 - 51 Clock instructions ....................................................................................................... 2 - 52 Expansion clock instruction ........................................................................................ 2 - 55 Program control instructions....................................................................................... 2 - 56 Other instructions ....................................................................................................... 2 - 57 Instructions for Data Link............................................................................................ 2 - 59 Multiple CPU dedicated instruction............................................................................. 2 - 60 Multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction..................................... 2 - 60 Redundant system instructions (For Redundant CPU) .............................................. 2 - 61 3. CONFIGURATION OF INSTRUCTIONS 3 - 1 to 3 - 48 3.1 Configuration of Instructions 3-2 3.2 Designating Data 3-3 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 Using bit data................................................................................................................ 3 - 3 Using word (16 bits) data.............................................................................................. 3 - 4 Using double word data (32 bits).................................................................................. 3 - 6 Using real number data ................................................................................................ 3 - 8 Using character string data......................................................................................... 3 - 11 3.3 Indexing 3 - 12 3.4 Indirect Specification 3 - 23 3.5 Reducing Instruction Processing Time 3 - 25 3.5.1 3.5.2 Subset Processing...................................................................................................... 3 - 25 Operation processing with standard device registers (Z) (only Universal model QCPU) ............................................................................ 3 - 26 3.6 Cautions on Programming (Operation Errors) 3 - 27 3.7 Conditions for Execution of Instructions 3 - 33 3.8 Counting Step Number 3 - 34 3.9 Operation when the OUT, SET/RST, or PLS/PLF Instructions Use the Same Device 3 - 39 3.10 Precautions for Use of File Registers 4. HOW TO READ INSTRUCTIONS 5. SEQUENCE INSTRUCTIONS 5.1 Contact Instructions 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.2 4 - 1 to 4 - 4 5 - 1 to 5 - 60 5-2 Operation start, series connection, parallel connection (LD,LDI,AND,ANI,OR,ORI).... 5 - 2 Pulse operation start, pulse series connection, pulse parallel connection (LDP,LDF,ANDP,ANDF,ORP,ORF) ..................................................................... 5 - 5 Pulse NOT operation start, pulse NOT series connection, pulse NOT parallel connection (LDPI,LDFI,ANDPI,ANDFI,ORPI,ORFI) ............................................................... 5 - 7 Association Instructions 5.2.1 5.2.2 3 - 44 5 - 10 Ladder block series connection and parallel connection (ANB,ORB) ........................ 5 - 10 Operation results push,read,pop (MPS,MRD,MPP) ................................................... 5 - 12 A-5 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.3 Output Instructions 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.7 5.3.8 5.3.9 5.3.10 5.4 5.6 5.7 Comparison Operation Instructions 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.2 A-6 6 - 1 to 6 - 168 6-2 BIN 16-bit data comparisons (=,<>,>,<=,<,>=) ............................................................. 6 - 2 BIN 32-bit data comparisons (D=,D<>,D>,D<=,D<,D>=) ............................................. 6 - 4 Floating decimal point data comparisons (Single precision) (E=,E<>,E>,E<=,E<,E>=)..................................................................................... 6 - 6 Floating decimal point data comparisons (Double precision) (ED=,ED<>,ED>,ED<=,ED<,ED>=) ..................................................................... 6 - 8 Character string data comparisons ($=,$<>,$>,$<=,$<,$>=) ..................................... 6 - 11 BIN block data comparisons (BKCMP ,BKCMP P) ............................................ 6 - 15 BIN 32-bit block data comparisons (DBKCMP ,DBKCMP P) ............................ 6 - 18 Arithmetic Operation Instructions 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 6.2.7 6.2.8 6.2.9 5 - 55 Sequence program stop (STOP) ................................................................................ 5 - 55 No operations (NOP,NOPLF,PAGE n) ....................................................................... 5 - 57 6. BASIC INSTRUCTIONS 6.1 5 - 51 End main routine program (FEND)............................................................................. 5 - 51 End sequence program (END) ................................................................................... 5 - 53 Other instructions 5.7.1 5.7.2 5 - 47 Setting and resetting the master control (MC,MCR)................................................... 5 - 47 Termination Instructions 5.6.1 5.6.2 5 - 44 Bit device shifts (SFT(P))............................................................................................ 5 - 44 Master Control Instructions 5.5.1 5 - 20 Out instruction (excluding timers, counters, and annunciators) (OUT)....................... 5 - 20 Timers (OUT T,OUTH T) ............................................................................................ 5 - 22 Counter (OUT C) ........................................................................................................ 5 - 26 Annunciator output (OUT F) ....................................................................................... 5 - 28 Setting devices (except for annunciators) (SET) ........................................................ 5 - 30 Resetting devices (except for annunciators) (RST).................................................... 5 - 32 Setting and resetting the annunciators (SET F,RST F) .............................................. 5 - 35 Leading edge and trailing edge outputs (PLS,PLF).................................................... 5 - 37 Bit device output reverse (FF) .................................................................................... 5 - 40 Pulse conversions of direct outputs (DELTA(P)) ........................................................ 5 - 42 Shift Instructions 5.4.1 5.5 Operation results inversion (INV) ............................................................................... 5 - 15 Operation result conversions (MEP,MEF) .................................................................. 5 - 17 Pulse conversions of edge relay operation results (EGP,EGF).................................. 5 - 18 6 - 22 BIN 16-bit addition and subtraction operations (+(P),-(P)) ......................................... 6 - 22 BIN 32-bit addition and subtraction operations (D+(P),D-(P)) .................................... 6 - 26 BIN 16-bit multiplication and division operations (*(P),/(P))........................................ 6 - 30 BIN 32-bit multiplication and division operations (D*(P),D/(P)) .................................. 6 - 32 BCD 4-digit addition and subtraction operations (B+(P),B-(P)) .................................. 6 - 34 BCD 8-digit addition and subtraction operations (DB+(P),DB-(P)) ............................. 6 - 38 BCD 4-digit multiplication and division operations (B*(P),B/(P)) ................................ 6 - 42 BCD 8-digit multiplication and division operations (DB*(P),DB/(P)) ........................... 6 - 44 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Single precision) (E+(P),E-(P)) ...................................................................................................... 6 - 46 6.2.10 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Double precision) (ED+(P),ED-(P)) ................................................................................................. 6 - 50 6.2.11 Multiplication and division of floating decimal point data (Single precision) (E*(P),E/(P)) ....................................................................................................... 6 - 54 6.2.12 Multiplication and division of floating decimal point data (Double precision) (ED*(P),ED/(P)) .................................................................................................. 6 - 56 6.2.13 Block addition and subtraction (BK+(P),BK-(P))......................................................... 6 - 59 6.2.14 BIN 32-bit data block addition and subtraction operations (DBK+(P),DBK-(P)) ........ 6 - 62 6.2.15 Linking character strings ($+(P)) ................................................................................ 6 - 65 6.2.16 Incrementing and decrementing 16-bit BIN data (INC(P),DEC(P)) ............................ 6 - 69 6.2.17 Incrementing and decrementing 32-bit BIN data (DINC(P),DDEC(P)) ....................... 6 - 71 6.3 Data conversion instructions 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.3.6 6.3.7 6.3.8 6.3.9 6.3.10 6.3.11 6.3.12 6.3.13 6.3.14 6.3.15 6.3.16 6.3.17 6.4 6.5 Conversion from BIN data to 4-digit and 8-digit BCD (BCD(P),DBCD(P)) ................. 6 - 73 Conversion from BCD 4-digit and 8-digit data to BIN data (BIN(P),DBIN(P)) ............ 6 - 75 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to floating decimal point (Single precision) (FLT(P),DFLT(P)) ............................................................................................... 6 - 78 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to floating decimal point (Double precision) (FLTD(P),DFLTD(P)).......................................................................................... 6 - 81 Conversion from floating decimal point data to BIN16- and 32-bit data (Single precision) (INT(P),DINT(P)) ................................................. 6 - 83 Conversion from floating decimal point data to BIN16- and 32-bit data (Double precision) (INTD(P),DINTD(P)) ........................................... 6 - 86 Conversion from BIN 16-bit to BIN 32-bit data (DBL(P)) ............................................ 6 - 88 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to BIN 16-bit data (WORD(P))........................................ 6 - 89 Conversion from BIN 16 and 32-bit data to Gray code (GRY(P),DGRY(P)) .............. 6 - 90 Conversion of Gray code to BIN 16 and 32-bit data (GBIN(P),DGBIN(P))................. 6 - 92 Complement of 2 of BIN 16- and 32-bit data (sign reversal) (NEG(P),DNEG(P)) ...... 6 - 94 Floating-point sign invertion (Single precision) (ENEG(P)) ........................................ 6 - 96 Floating-point sign invertion (Double precision) (EDNEG(P)) .................................... 6 - 97 Conversion from block BIN 16-bit data to BCD 4-digit data (BKBCD(P))................... 6 - 98 Conversion from block BCD 4-digit data to block BIN 16-bit data (BKBIN(P)) ......... 6 - 100 Single precision to Double precision conversion (ECON(P)) ................................... 6 - 102 Double precision to Single precision conversion (EDCON(P))................................. 6 - 104 Data Transfer Instructions 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 6.4.5 6.4.6 6.4.7 6.4.8 6.4.9 6.4.10 6.4.11 6 - 106 16-bit and 32-bit data transfers (MOV(P),DMOV(P))................................................ 6 - 106 Floating-point data transfer (Single precision) (EMOV(P)) ....................................... 6 - 108 Floating-point data transfer (Double precision) (EDMOV(P)) ................................... 6 - 110 Character string transfers ($MOV(P))....................................................................... 6 - 112 16-bit and 32-bit negation transfers (CML(P),DCML(P)) .......................................... 6 - 114 Block 16-bit data transfers (BMOV(P)) ..................................................................... 6 - 117 Identical 16-bit data block transfers (FMOV(P)) ....................................................... 6 - 120 Identical 32-bit data block transfers (DFMOV(P))..................................................... 6 - 122 16-bit and 32-bit data exchanges (XCH(P),DXCH(P)) ............................................. 6 - 124 Block 16-bit data exchanges (BXCH(P)) .................................................................. 6 - 126 Upper and lower byte exchanges (SWAP(P)) .......................................................... 6 - 128 Program Branch Instructions 6.5.1 6.5.2 6 - 73 6 - 129 Pointer branch instructions (CJ,SCJ,JMP) ............................................................... 6 - 129 Jump to END (GOEND)............................................................................................ 6 - 132 A-7 6.6 Program Execution Control Instructions 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.7 6.8 Interrupt disable/enable instructions, interrupt program mask (DI,EI,IMASK) .......... 6 - 133 Recovery from interrupt programs (IRET) ................................................................ 6 - 139 I/O Refresh Instructions 6.7.1 Logical operation instructions 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.1.5 7.1.6 7.1.7 7.1.8 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 A-8 7 - 46 7 - 59 Bit set and reset for word devices (BSET(P),BRST(P)) ............................................. 7 - 59 Bit tests (TEST(P),DTEST(P)).................................................................................... 7 - 61 Batch reset of bit devices (BKRST(P)) ....................................................................... 7 - 64 Data processing instructions 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.3 7.5.4 7 - 35 n-bit shift to right or left of 16-bit data (SFR(P),SFL(P)) ............................................. 7 - 46 1-bit shift to right or left of n-bit data (BSFR(P),BSFL(P)) .......................................... 7 - 49 n-bit shift to right or left of n-bit data (SFTBR(P),SFTBL(P)) ...................................... 7 - 51 1-word shift to right or left of n-word data (DSFR(P),DSFL(P)) .................................. 7 - 54 n-bit shift to right or left of n-word data (SFTWR(P),SFTWL(P)) ................................ 7 - 56 Bit processing instructions 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7-2 Right rotation of 16-bit data (ROR(P),RCR(P)) .......................................................... 7 - 35 Left rotation of 16-bit data (ROL(P),RCL(P)) .............................................................. 7 - 38 Right rotation of 32-bit data (DROR(P),DRCR(P)) ..................................................... 7 - 41 Left rotation of 32-bit data (DROL(P),DRCL(P))......................................................... 7 - 44 Shift instruction 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.5 7 - 1 to 7 - 452 Logical products with 16-bit and 32-bit data (WAND(P),DAND(P)).............................. 7 - 3 Block logical products (BKAND(P)) .............................................................................. 7 - 9 Logical sums of 16-bit and 32-bit data (WOR(P),DOR(P))......................................... 7 - 11 Block logical sum operations (BKOR(P)).................................................................... 7 - 17 16-bit and 32-bit exclusive OR operations (WXOR(P),DXOR(P)) .............................. 7 - 19 Block exclusive OR operations (BKXOR(P)) .............................................................. 7 - 25 16-bit and 32-bit data exclusive NOR operations (WXNR(P),DXNR(P)).................... 7 - 27 Block exclusive NOR operations (BKXNR(P))............................................................ 7 - 33 Rotation instruction 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 6 - 143 Counter 1-phase input up or down (UDCNT1) ......................................................... 6 - 143 Counter 2-phase input up or down (UDCNT2) ......................................................... 6 - 146 Teaching timer (TTMR) ............................................................................................ 6 - 149 Special function timer (STMR).................................................................................. 6 - 151 Rotary table shortest direction control (ROTC) ........................................................ 6 - 154 Ramp signal (RAMP)................................................................................................ 6 - 157 Pulse density measurement (SPD) .......................................................................... 6 - 160 Fixed cycle pulse output (PLSY) .............................................................................. 6 - 162 Pulse width modulation (PWM) ................................................................................ 6 - 164 Matrix input (MTR).................................................................................................... 6 - 166 7. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 7.1 6 - 141 I/O refresh (RFS(P)) ................................................................................................. 6 - 141 Other Convenient Instructions 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.8.3 6.8.4 6.8.5 6.8.6 6.8.7 6.8.8 6.8.9 6.8.10 6 - 133 7 - 66 16-bit and 32-bit data searches (SER(P),DSER(P))................................................... 7 - 66 16-bit and 32-bit data checks (SUM(P),DSUM(P))..................................................... 7 - 69 Decoding from 8 to 256 bits (DECO(P)) ..................................................................... 7 - 71 Encoding from 256 to 8 bits (ENCO(P)) ..................................................................... 7 - 73 7.5.5 7.5.6 7.5.7 7.5.8 7.5.9 7.5.10 7.5.11 7.5.12 7.5.13 7.5.14 7.5.15 7.6 Structure creation instructions 7.6.1 7.6.2 7.6.3 7.6.4 7.6.5 7.6.6 7.6.7 7.6.8 7.6.9 7.6.10 7.6.11 7.6.12 7.6.13 7.7 7.8.2 7.9 7 - 160 Reading 1-/2-word data from the intelligent function module (FROM(P),DFRO(P))........................................................................................ 7 - 160 Writing 1-/2-word data to intelligent function module (TO(P),DTO(P)) ..................... 7 - 163 Display instructions 7.9.1 7.9.2 7.9.3 7 - 151 Writing data to the data table (FIFW(P))................................................................... 7 - 151 Reading oldest data from tables (FIFR(P))............................................................... 7 - 153 Reading newest data from data tables (FPOP(P)) ................................................... 7 - 155 Deleting and inserting data from and in data tables (FDEL(P),FINS(P)).................. 7 - 157 Buffer memory access instruction 7.8.1 7 - 105 FOR to NEXT instruction loop (FOR,NEXT)............................................................. 7 - 105 Forced end of FOR to NEXT instruction loop (BREAK(P))....................................... 7 - 108 Subroutine program calls (CALL(P)) ........................................................................ 7 - 110 Return from subroutine programs (RET) .................................................................. 7 - 115 Subroutine program output OFF calls (FCALL(P)) ................................................... 7 - 116 Subroutine calls between program files (ECALL(P)) ................................................ 7 - 120 Subroutine output OFF calls between program files (EFCALL(P))........................... 7 - 125 Subroutine program call (XCALL)............................................................................. 7 - 129 Refresh instruction (COM)........................................................................................ 7 - 134 Select Refresh Instruction (COM)............................................................................. 7 - 137 Select Refresh Instruction (CCOM) .......................................................................... 7 - 141 Index modification of entire ladder (IX,IXEND)......................................................... 7 - 144 Designation of modification values in index modification of entire ladders (IXDEV,IXSET)................................................................................................. 7 - 148 Data Table Operation Instructions 7.7.1 7.7.2 7.7.3 7.7.4 7.8 7-segment decode (SEG(P)) ...................................................................................... 7 - 75 4-bit dissociation of 16-bit data (DIS(P))..................................................................... 7 - 77 4-bit linking of 16-bit data (UNI(P)) ............................................................................. 7 - 79 Dissociation or linking of random data (NDIS(P),NUNI(P)) ........................................ 7 - 81 Data dissociation and linking in byte units (WTOB(P),BTOW(P)) .............................. 7 - 85 Maximum value search for 16- and 32-bit data (MAX(P),DMAX(P)) .......................... 7 - 89 Minimum value search for 16- and 32-bit data (MIN(P),DMIN(P)) ............................. 7 - 92 BIN 16 and 32 bits data sort operations (SORT,DSORT) .......................................... 7 - 95 Calculation of totals for 16-bit data (WSUM(P)) ......................................................... 7 - 99 Calculation of totals for 32-bit data (DWSUM(P))..................................................... 7 - 101 Calculation of averages for 16-bit or 32-bit data (MEAN(P),DMEAN(P)) ................. 7 - 103 7 - 166 Print ASCII code instruction (PR) ............................................................................. 7 - 166 Print comment instruction (PRC) .............................................................................. 7 - 169 Error display and annunciator reset instruction (LEDR) ........................................... 7 - 172 7.10 Debugging and failure diagnosis instructions 7 - 175 7.10.1 Special format failure checks (CHKST,CHK) ........................................................... 7 - 175 7.10.2 Changing check format of CHK instruction (CHKCIR,CHKEND) ............................. 7 - 179 7.11 Character string processing instructions 7 - 183 7.11.1 Conversion from BIN 16-bit or 32-bit to decimal ASCII (BINDA(P),DBINDA(P))...... 7 - 183 7.11.2 Conversion from BIN 16-bit or 32-bit data to hexadecimal ASCII (BINHA(P),DBINHA(P)).................................................................................... 7 - 186 A-9 7.11.3 Conversion from BCD 4-digit and 8-digit to decimal ASCII data (BCDDA(P),DBCDDA(P))................................................................................. 7 - 189 7.11.4 Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit and 32-bit data (DABIN(P),DDABIN(P)).................................................................................... 7 - 192 7.11.5 Conversion from hexadecimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit and 32-bit data (HABIN(P),DHABIN(P)).................................................................................... 7 - 195 7.11.6 Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD 4-digit or 8-digit data (DABCD(P),DDABCD(P))................................................................................. 7 - 198 7.11.7 Reading device comment data (COMRD(P)) ........................................................... 7 - 201 7.11.8 Character string length detection (LEN(P)) .............................................................. 7 - 204 7.11.9 Conversion from BIN 16-bit or 32-bit to character string (STR(P),DSTR(P)) ........... 7 - 206 7.11.10 Conversion from character string to BIN 16-bit or 32-bit data (VAL(P),DVAL(P)) .... 7 - 212 7.11.11 Conversion from floating decimal point to character string data (ESTR(P))............. 7 - 217 7.11.12 Conversion from character string to floating decimal point data (EVAL(P)) ............. 7 - 224 7.11.13 Conversion from hexadecimal BIN to ASCII (ASC(P)) ............................................. 7 - 228 7.11.14 Conversion from ASCII to hexadecimal BIN (HEX(P)) ............................................. 7 - 230 7.11.15 Extracting character string data from the right or left (RIGHT(P),LEFT(P)).............. 7 - 232 7.11.16 Random selection from and replacement in character strings (MIDR(P),MIDW(P)) ........................................................................................................................ 7 - 235 7.11.17 Character string search (INSTR(P)) ......................................................................... 7 - 239 7.11.18 Insertion of character string (STRINS(P))................................................................. 7 - 241 7.11.19 Deletion of character string (STRDEL(P)) ................................................................ 7 - 243 7.11.20 Floating decimal point to BCD (EMOD(P)) ............................................................... 7 - 245 7.11.21 From BCD format data to floating decimal point (EREXP(P)) .................................. 7 - 248 7.12 Special function instructions 7.12.1 7.12.2 7.12.3 7.12.4 7.12.5 7.12.6 7.12.7 7.12.8 7.12.9 7.12.10 7.12.11 7.12.12 7.12.13 7.12.14 7.12.15 7.12.16 7.12.17 7.12.18 7.12.19 7.12.20 7.12.21 7.12.22 7.12.23 7.12.24 A-10 7 - 250 SIN operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (SIN(P)) .............................. 7 - 250 SIN operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (SIND(P)) .......................... 7 - 252 COS operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (COS(P)) .......................... 7 - 254 COS operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (COSD(P)) ...................... 7 - 256 TAN operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (TAN(P))............................ 7 - 258 TAN operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (TAND(P))........................ 7 - 260 SIN-1 operation on floating point data (Single precision) (ASIN(P)) ......................... 7 - 262 SIN-1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (ASIND(P)) ..................... 7 - 265 COS -1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (ACOS(P)) .................... 7 - 267 COS -1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (ACOSD(P)) ................ 7 - 269 TAN -1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (ATAN(P))...................... 7 - 271 TAN -1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (ATAND(P)).................. 7 - 273 Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Single precision) (RAD(P)) ............ 7 - 275 Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Double precision) (RADD(P)) ........ 7 - 277 Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Single precision) (DEG(P)) ............ 7 - 279 Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Double precision) (DEGD(P)) ........ 7 - 281 Exponentiation operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (POW(P)).......... 7 - 283 Exponentiation operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (POWD(P)) ....... 7 - 285 Square root operation for floating-point data (Single precision) (SQR(P)) ............... 7 - 287 Square root operation for floating-point data (Double precision) (SQRD(P)) ........... 7 - 289 Exponent operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (EXP(P)).................... 7 - 291 Exponent operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (EXPD(P))................ 7 - 294 Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (LOG(P)) ....... 7 - 296 Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (LOGD(P)) ... 7 - 298 7.12.25 Common logarithm operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (LOG10(P))....................................................................................................... 7 - 300 7.12.26 Common logarithm operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (LOG10D(P)) .................................................................................................... 7 - 302 7.12.27 Random number generation and series updates (RND(P),SRND(P)) ..................... 7 - 304 7.12.28 BCD 4-digit and 8-digit square roots (BSQR(P),BDSQR(P)) ................................... 7 - 306 7.12.29 BCD type SIN operation (BSIN(P))........................................................................... 7 - 309 7.12.30 BCD type COS operations (BCOS(P)) ..................................................................... 7 - 311 7.12.31 BCD type TAN operation (BTAN(P)) ........................................................................ 7 - 313 7.12.32 BCD type SIN -1 operations (BASIN(P)) ................................................................... 7 - 315 7.12.33 BCD type COS -1 operation (BACOS(P)) ................................................................. 7 - 317 7.12.34 BCD type TAN -1 operations (BATAN(P)) ................................................................ 7 - 319 7.13 Data Control Instructions 7 - 321 7.13.1 Upper and lower limit controls for BIN 16-bit and BIN 32-bit data (LIMIT(P),DLIMIT(P)) ....................................................................................... 7 - 321 7.13.2 BIN 16-bit and 32-bit dead band controls (BAND(P),DBAND(P)) ............................ 7 - 324 7.13.3 Zone control for BIN 16-bit and BIN 32-bit data (ZONE(P),DZONE(P))................... 7 - 327 7.13.4 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL(P),DSCL(P)).................................... 7 - 330 7.13.5 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL2(P),DSCL2(P))................................ 7 - 334 7.14 File register switching instructions 7 - 337 7.14.1 Switching file register numbers (RSET(P))............................................................... 7 - 337 7.14.2 Setting files for file register use (QDRSET(P)) ......................................................... 7 - 339 7.14.3 File setting for comments (QCDSET(P)) .................................................................. 7 - 342 7.15 Clock instructions 7.15.1 7.15.2 7.15.3 7.15.4 7.15.5 7.15.6 7.15.7 7.15.8 7 - 344 Reading clock data (DATERD(P)) ............................................................................ 7 - 344 Writing clock data (DATEWR(P)) ............................................................................. 7 - 346 Clock data addition operation (DATE+(P)) ............................................................... 7 - 348 Clock data subtraction operation (DATE-(P)) ........................................................... 7 - 350 Time data conversion (from Hour/Minute/Second to Second) (SECOND(P)) .......... 7 - 352 Time data conversion (from Second to Hour/Minute/Second ) (HOUR(P)).............. 7 - 354 Date comparison (DT=,DT<>,DT>,DT<=,DT<,DT>=) .............................................. 7 - 356 Clock comparison (TM=,TM<>,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=).......................................... 7 - 361 7.16 Expansion Clock Instructions 7 - 366 7.16.1 Reading expansion clock data (S(P).DATERD) ....................................................... 7 - 366 7.16.2 Expansion clock data addition operation (S(P).DATE+)........................................... 7 - 369 7.16.3 Expansion clock data subtraction operation (S(P).DATE-)....................................... 7 - 372 7.17 Program control instructions 7.17.1 7.17.2 7.17.3 7.17.4 7.17.5 Program standby instruction (PSTOP(P)) ................................................................ 7 - 377 Program output OFF standby instruction (POFF(P))................................................ 7 - 378 Program scan execution registration instruction (PSCAN(P)) .................................. 7 - 380 Program low speed execution registration instruction (PLOW(P)) ........................... 7 - 382 Program execution status check instruction (PCHK)................................................ 7 - 384 7.18 Other instructions 7.18.1 7.18.2 7.18.3 7.18.4 7 - 375 7 - 386 Resetting watchdog timer (WDT(P))......................................................................... 7 - 386 Timing pulse generation (DUTY) .............................................................................. 7 - 388 Time check instruction (TIMCHK)............................................................................. 7 - 390 Direct 1-byte read from file register (ZRRDB(P))...................................................... 7 - 391 A-11 7.18.5 7.18.6 7.18.7 7.18.8 7.18.9 7.18.10 7.18.11 7.18.12 7.18.13 7.18.14 7.18.15 7.18.16 7.18.17 7.18.18 7.18.19 File register direct 1-byte write (ZRWRB(P)) ............................................................ 7 - 393 Indirect address read operations (ADRSET(P)) ....................................................... 7 - 395 Numerical key input from keyboard (KEY) ............................................................... 7 - 396 Batch save or recovery of index register (ZPUSH(P),ZPOP(P)) .............................. 7 - 400 Reading Module Information (UNIRD(P))................................................................. 7 - 402 Reading module model name(TYPERD(P))............................................................. 7 - 406 Trace Set/Reset (TRACE,TRACER) ........................................................................ 7 - 411 Writing Data to Designated File (SP.FWRITE)......................................................... 7 - 413 Reading Data from Designated File (SP.FREAD) .................................................... 7 - 424 Writing Data to Standard ROM (SP.DEVST)............................................................ 7 - 436 Read Data from Standard ROM (S(P).DEVLD)........................................................ 7 - 438 Load Program from Memory Card (PLOADP).......................................................... 7 - 440 Unload Program from Program Memory (PUNLOADP) ........................................... 7 - 443 Load + Unload (PSWAPP) ....................................................................................... 7 - 445 High-speed Block Transfer of File Register (RBMOV(P)) ........................................ 7 - 448 Common Instructions 2/2 8. INSTRUCTIONS FOR DATA LINK 8.1 Network refresh instructions 8.1.1 8.2 Writing to the CPU Shared Memory of Host CPU 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.2 9 - 1 to 9 - 18 9-2 Write to Host CPU Shared Memory (S(P).TO) ............................................................. 9 - 4 Writing to host station CPU shared memory (TO(P), DTO(P))..................................... 9 - 7 Reading from the CPU Shared Memory of another CPU 9.2.1 8-6 Reading routing information (S(P)/Z(P).RTREAD) ....................................................... 8 - 6 Registering routing information (S(P)/Z(P).RTWRITE)................................................. 8 - 8 9. Multiple CPU dedicated instruction 9.1 8-2 Refresh instruction for the designated module (S(P)/J(P)/G(P).ZCOM)....................... 8 - 2 Reading/Writing Routing Information 8.2.1 8.2.2 8 - 1 to 8 - 10 9 - 11 Reading from Other CPU Shared Memory (FROM(P), DFRO(P)) ............................. 9 - 12 10. QCPU INSTRUCTIONS 10.1 Overview 10 - 1 to 10 - 20 10 - 2 10.2 Writing Devices to Another CPU (D(P).DDWR) 10 - 13 10.3 Reading Devices from Another CPU (D(P).DDRD) 10 - 17 11. QCPU INSTRUCTIONS 11.1 System Switching Instruction (SP.CONTSW) 12. ERROR CODES 12.1 Error Code List 11 - 1 to 11 - 4 11 - 2 12 - 1 to 12 - 84 12 - 2 12.1.1 Error codes ................................................................................................................. 12 - 3 12.1.2 Reading an error code................................................................................................ 12 - 3 12.1.3 Error code list (1000 to 1999) ..................................................................................... 12 - 4 A-12 12.1.4 12.1.5 12.1.6 12.1.7 12.1.8 12.1.9 Error code list (2000 to 2999) ................................................................................... 12 - 16 Error code list (3000 to 3999) ................................................................................... 12 - 34 Error code list (4000 to 4999) ................................................................................... 12 - 51 Error code list (5000 to 5999) ................................................................................... 12 - 66 Error code list (6000 to 6999) ................................................................................... 12 - 68 Error code list (7000 to 10000) ................................................................................. 12 - 78 12.2 Canceling of Errors 12 - 83 APPENDICES App - 1 to App - 198 Appendix 1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME App - 2 Appendix 1.1 Appendix 1.2 Appendix 1.3 Definition .....................................................................................................App - 2 Operation Processing Time of Basic Model QCPU.....................................App - 3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/ Redundant CPU ........................................................................................App - 21 Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU.............................App - 50 Appendix 1.4.1 Subset instruction processing time............................................................App - 50 Appendix 1.4.2 Processing time of instructions other than subset instruction ...................App - 66 Appendix 2 CPU PERFORMANCE COMPARISON App - 114 Appendix 2.1 Appendix 2.1.1 Appendix 2.1.2 Appendix 2.1.3 Appendix 2.1.4 Appendix 2.1.5 Appendix 2.1.6 Appendix 2.1.7 Comparison of Q with AnNCPU, AnACPU, and AnUCPU ......................App - 114 Usable devices ........................................................................................App - 114 I/O control mode......................................................................................App - 115 Data that can be used by instructions .....................................................App - 115 Timer comparison....................................................................................App - 116 Comparison of counters ..........................................................................App - 117 Comparison of display instructions..........................................................App - 117 Instructions whose designation format has been changed (Except dedicated instructions for AnACPU and AnUCPU) ....................App - 118 Appendix 2.1.8 AnACPU and AnUCPU dedicated instructions........................................App - 119 Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST App - 120 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST App - 146 Appendix 5 APPLICATION PROGRAM EXAMPLES Appendix 5.1 INDEX App - 198 n Concept of Programs which Perform Operations of X , X ....................App - 198 n Index - 1 to Index - 12 A-13 MANUALS To understand the main specifications, functions, and usage of the CPU module, refer to the basic manuals. Read other manuals as well when using a different type of CPU module and its functions. Order each manual as needed, referring to the following list. The numbers in the "CPU module" and the respective modules are as follows. Nunber CPU module 1) Basic model QCPU 2) High Perfomance model QCPU 3) Process CPU 4) Redundant CPU 5) Universal model QCPU :Basic manual, Manual name :Other CPU module manuals Description < Manual number (model code) > ■User’s manual Specifications of the hardware (CPU modules, QCPU User's Manual (Hardware design, Maintenance and Inspection) < SH-080483ENG (13JR73) > power supply modules, base units, extension cables, and memory cards), system maintenance and inspection, troubleshooting, and error codes QnUCPU User’s Manual Functions, methods, and devices for programming (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) < SH-080807ENG (13JZ27) > Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) Functions, methods, and devices for programming < SH-080808ENG (13JZ28) > QnUCPU User's Manual (Communication via Built-in Ethernet Port) < SH-080811ENG (13JZ29) > Functions for the communication via built-in Ethernet port of the CPU module ■Programming Manual QCPU Programming Manual (Common Instructions) How to use sequence instructions, basic instructions, < SH-080809ENG (13JW10) > and application instructions QCPU (Q Mode)/QnACPU Programming Manual (SFC) System configuration, performance specifications, functions, programming, debugging, and error codes < SH-080041 (13JF60) > for SFC (MELSAP3) programs QCPU (Q Mode) Programming Manual (MELSAP-L) Programming methods, specifications, and functions < SH-080072 (13JC03) > for SFC (MELSAP-L) programs QCPU (Q Mode) Programming Manual (Structured Text) Programming methods using structured languages < SH-080366E (13JF68) > QCPU (Q Mode) / QnACPU Programming Manual (PID Control Instructions) Dedicated instructions for PID control < SH-080040 (13JF59) > QnPH/QnPRHCPU Programming Manual (Process Control Instructions) < SH-080316E (13JF59) > A-14 Describes the dedicated instructions for performing process control. CPU module 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Related Manuals Manual name Description < Manual number (model code) > CC-Link IE Controller Network Reference Manual Specifications, procedures and settings before system operation, parameter < SH-080668ENG (13JV16) > setting, programming, and troubleshooting of the CC-Link IE controller network module Q Corresponding MELSECNET/H Network System Reference Explains the specifications for a MELSECNET/H network system for PLC to PLC Manual (PLC to PLC network) network. It explains the procedures and settings up to operation, setting the parame- < SH-080049 (13JF92) > ters, programming and troubleshooting. Q Corresponding MELSECNET/H Network System Refer- Explains the specifications for a MELSECNET/H network system for remote I/O ence Manual (Remote I/O network) network. It explains the procedures and settings up to operation, setting the < SH-080124 (13JF96) > parameters, programming and troubleshooting. Type MELSECNET, MELSECNET/B Data Link System Reference Manual < IB-66530 (13JF70) > Q Corresponding Ethernet Interface Module User's Manual (Application) < SH-080010 (13JF70) > Describes the general concept, specifications, and part names and settings for MELSECNET (II) and MELSECNET/B. Describes various functions of the Ethernet module: e-mail function, PLC CPU status monitoring, communication via MELSECNET/H or MELSECNET/10 network system, communication using data link instructions, file transfer (using FTP) and other functions. A-15 MEMO A-16 8 7 INSTRUCTIONS FOR DATA LINK 7 7 7 Category Processing Details Reference 7 section Network refresh instructions Refreshes the specified network module. Section 8.1 Routing information Reading the data specified by routing parameters. Section 8.2.1 read/write instructions Writing routing data to the area specified by routing parameters. Section 8.2.2 7 7 Remark In this chapter, instruction names are abbreviated as follows if not specified particularly. • S(P)/J(P)/G(P).ZCOM • S(P)/Z(P).RTREAD ZCOM • S(P)/Z(P).RTWRITE 8 RTWRITE RTREAD 8-1 ZCOM 8.1 Network refresh instructions 8.1.1 Refresh instruction for the designated module (S(P)/J(P)/G(P).ZCOM) ZCOM Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command S.ZCOM S.ZCOM Jn SP.ZCOM Jn S.ZCOM Un SP.ZCOM Un Command SP.ZCOM Command S.ZCOM Command SP.ZCOM Jn : Network No. of host station (BIN 16 bits) Un : Head I/O number of host station network module (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J \ Bit –– U Word \G Zn Constants Other –– The ZCOM instruction is used to perform refresh at any timing during execution of a sequence program. The targets of refresh performed by the ZCOM instruction are indicated below. • Refresh of CC-Link IE controller network (when refresh parameters are set) • Refresh of MELSECNET/H (when refresh parameters are set) • Auto refresh of CC-Link (when refresh device is set) • Auto refresh of intelligent function module (when auto refresh is set) Function (1) When the ZCOM instruction is executed, the CPU module temporarily suspends processing of the sequence program and conducts refresh processing of the network modules designated by Jn/Un. Execution of ZCOM instruction END 0 Refresh processing 8-2 Execution of ZCOM instruction Refresh Refresh processing processing Execution of ZCOM instruction END Refresh processing Refresh processing ZCOM (2) The ZCOM instruction does not perform the following processing. 1 (a) Communication processing between CPU module and programming tool (b) Monitor processing of other station 2 (c) Read processing of buffer memory of other intelligent function module by serial communication module. (d) Low-speed cyclic data transmission of MELSECNET/H 3 (3) PLC to PLC network*1 (a) When the scan time for the sequence program of host station is longer than the scan time for the other station, the ZCOM instruction is used to ensure the data reception from the other station. (1) Example of data communications when the ZCOM instruction is not used Control station program 0 END 0 0 END 6 END 6 Link scan Normal station program 4 0 0 END END 7 0 (2) Example of data communications when the ZCOM instruction is used Control station 0 program END 0 END 0 8 END Link scan END 0 ZCOM END 8.1 Network refresh instructions 8.1.1 Refresh instruction for the designated module (S(P)/J(P)/G(P).ZCOM) Normal station 0 program 0 ZCOM ZCOM For details of the transmission delay time on the PLC to PLC network*1, refer to the manual below: • CC-Link IE Controller Network Reference Manual • Q Corresponding MELSECNET/H Network System Reference Manual (PLC to PLC network) (b) When the link scan time is longer than the sequence program scan time, data communications will not be faster even if the ZCOM instruction is used. END Sequence program 0 ZCOM END 0 ZCOM END 0 ZCOM 0 ZCOM END Link scan *1 : Controller network in CC-Link IE controller network. 8-3 ZCOM (4) Remote I/O network The link refresh of the remote master station is performed by the "END processing" of the CPU module. Since link scan is performed at completion of link refresh, link scan 'synchronizes' with the program of the CPU module. When the ZCOM instruction is used at the remote master station, link refresh is performed at the point of ZCOM instruction execution, and link scan is performed at completion of link refresh. Hence, use of the ZCOM instruction at the remote master station speeds up send/receive processing to/from the remote I/O station. (1) When the ZCOM instruction is not used Remote master station program 0 END 0 END 0 END 0 Link refresh Link scan Link refresh Remote I/O station network refresh I/O refresh I/O module Auto refresh Intelligent function module (2) When the ZCOM instruction is used Remote master station program 0 ZCOM ZCOM ZCOM END 0 END 0 END 0 Link refresh Link scan Link refresh Remote I/O station network refresh I/O refresh I/O module Auto refresh Intelligent function module For details of the transmission delay time on the remote I/O network, refer to the manual below: • Q Corresponding MELSECNET/H Network System Reference Manual (Remote I/O network) (5) The ZCOM instruction can be used as many times as desired in sequence programs. However, note that each execution of a refresh operation will lengthen the sequence program scan time by the amount of time required for the refresh operation. 8-4 ZCOM (6) Designating "Un" in the argument enables the target designation of the intelligent function as well as the network modules. In this case, the auto refresh is performed for the buffer memory of the intelligent function modules. (It replaces the FROM/TO instructions.) (7) Only with the universal model QCPU, interruption of processing is enabled during the execution of the ZCOM instruction. However, when refresh data are used in an interrupted program, the data can split. 1. The ZCOM instruction cannot be used in a fixed cycle execution type program or interrupt program. 2. The Redundant CPU has restrictions on use of the ZCOM instruction. Refer to the manual below for details. • QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Redundant System) 1 2 3 4 6 Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • When the specified network number is not connected to the host station (Error code: 4102) • When the module specified with the head I/O number is not a network module or link module (Except Universal model QCPU) (Error code: 2111) • When the module specified with the head I/O number is not a network module or link module (Only Universal model QCPU) (Error code: 4102) Program Example (1) The following program conducts a link refresh for the network module of network No. 6 while X0 is ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (2) The following program conducts a link refresh for the network module mounted to the position whose head I/O number is a X/Y30 to X/Y4F while X0 is ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 8-5 7 8 8.1 Network refresh instructions 8.1.1 Refresh instruction for the designated module (S(P)/J(P)/G(P).ZCOM) To conduct only communication with peripheral device, use the COM instruction (refer to Section 7.6.9, 9.1). 6 RTREAD 8.2 Reading/Writing Routing Information 8.2.1 Reading routing information (S(P)/Z(P).RTREAD) RTREAD Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command S.RTREAD S.RTREAD n D SP.RTREAD n D Command SP.RTREAD Setting Data n : Transfer destination network No. (1 to 239) (BIN 16 bits) D : Head number of the devices that stores the read data (Device name) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word n D U \G Zn Constants K, H Other –– –– –– –– –– –– Function (1) Reads data from transfer destination network number specified by n, using routing information set by the routing parameters, and stores it into the area starting from D . (2) If no data for the transfer destination network number specified by n is set at the routing parameters, stores 0 into the area starting from D . (3) The contents of the data stored in the area starting from D is as indicated below. (Individual data ranges) D +0 +1 +2 Relay network number Relay station number Dummy (1 to 239) (1 to 120) Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • When data specified by n is other than 1 to 239. (Error code: 4100) • The device specified by D exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (For the Universal model QCPU only.) (Error code: 4101) 8-6 RTREAD Program Example 1 (1) The following program reads the routing information for the network number specified by D0 when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 2 Device 3 [Operation] D0 1 D1 10 3 D2 D3 Dummy 4 [Content of routing parameter setting] Transfer Relay network Relay station destination number network number number 1 10 3 2 3 10 10 6 2 1 6 7 8 8.2 Reading/Writing Routing Information 8.2.1 Reading routing information (S(P)/Z(P).RTREAD) 8-7 RTWRITE 8.2.2 Registering routing information (S(P)/Z(P).RTWRITE) RTWRITE Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command S.RTWRITE S.RTWRITE n S SP.RTWRITE n S Command SP.RTWRITE Setting Data n : Transfer destination network No. (1 to 239) (BIN 16 bits) S : Head number of the devices where the data to be written is stored (Device name) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ n S U Word \G Zn Constants K, H –– –– Other –– –– –– –– Function (1) Registers routing data of S or later in the area for the transfer destination network number specified by n in the routing parameters. (2) The following shows the contents of data to be set at S or later. (Individual data ranges) S +0 +1 +2 Relay network number Relay station number Dummy (0 to 239) (0 to 120) (3) If data for the transfer destination network number specified by n is set in the routing parameters, it is used to update the data in the area starting from S . (4) If all data in S or later ( S +0 to S +2) is 0, the data for the transfer destination network number specified by n is deleted from the routing parameters. Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. • When data specified by n is other than 1 to 239. (Error code: 4100) • When the data of (Error code: 4100) S or later exceeds each setting ranges. • When the total number of routing information registered in the routing parameter of the network parameters and routing information registered with the RTWRITE instruction exceeds 64. (Error code: 4100) • The device specified by S exceeds the range of the corresponding device. (For the Universal model QCPU only.) (Error code: 4101) 8-8 RTWRITE Program Example 1 (1) The following program writes the routing information specified by D1 to D3 to the network module of the network number specified by D0 when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction 2 Device 3 4 [Operation] D0 1 D1 20 D2 1 D3 Dummy [Content of routing parameter setting] 6 Transfer Relay network Relay station destination number network number number 20 1 1 2 3 10 10 2 1 6 7 8 8.2 Reading/Writing Routing Information 8.2.2 Registering routing information (S(P)/Z(P).RTWRITE) 8-9 MEMO 8-10 9 MULTIPLE CPU DEDICATED INSTRUCTION 9 7 7 7 7 7 Category Processing Details Writing to the CPU shared Writes device data of the host CPU to the CPU shared memory of host CPU memory of the host CPU module. Reading from the CPU shared Reads device data from the CPU shared memory of another memory of another CPU CPU module to the host CPU. Reference 7 section Section 9.1 Section 9.2 9-1 7 9.1 Writing to the CPU Shared Memory of Host CPU The S.TO or TO instruction is used to write to the CPU shared memory of the host station in the multiple CPU system. The following table indicates the usability of the S.TO and TO instructions. CPU Module Type Name Basic model QCPU Q00CPU, Q01CPU S.TO Instruction TO Instruction Usable Usable Usable Unusable Usable Unusable Unusable Unusable Usable Usable Q02CPU, Q02HCPU, High Performance model QCPU Q06HCPU, Q12HCPU, Q25HCPU Q02PHCPU, Q06PHCPU, Process CPU Q12PHCPU, Q25PHCPU Redundant CPU Q12PRHCPU, Q25PRHCPU Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, Q02UCPU, Q03UDCPU, Q04UDHCPU, Q06UDHCPU, Q10UDHCPU, Q13UDHCPU, Q20UDHCPU, Q26UDHCPU, Q03UDECPU, Universal model QCPU Q04UDEHCPU, Q06UDEHCPU, Q10UDEHCPU, Q13UDEHCPU, Q20UDEHCPU, Q26UDEHCPU (1) Operation of S.TO instruction The S.TO instruction can write data to the CPU shared memory of the host CPU module. The following figure shows the processing performed when the S.TO instruction is executed in CPU No. 1. CPU No. 1 Device memory Data write CPU No. 2 CPU shared memory Device memory CPU shared memory Intelligent function module Buffer memory [ SP.TO H3E0 n2 n3 n4 D ] Designation of CPU shared memory in CPU No. 1 9-2 (2) Operation of the TO instruction The TO instruction can write device memory data to the following memories. 9 • CPU shared memory of host CPU module • Buffer memory of intelligent function module The following figure shows the processing performed when the TO instruction is executed in CPU No. 1. 7 7 CPU No. 1 Device memory Data write Intelligent function module CPU No. 2 CPU shared memory Device memory CPU shared memory 7 Buffer memory 7 Writes data 7 [ TO H3E0 n2 S n3 ] 7 Designation of CPU shared memory in CPU No. 1 [ TO H0 n2 S n3 ] 7 Designation of intelligent function module Remark Refer to Section 7.8.2 when writing to the buffer memory of the intelligent function module by the TO instruction. 9-3 9.1 Writing to the CPU Shared Memory of Host CPU Both of the S.TO and TO instructions can be used for the Basic model QCPU (Q00CPU or Q01CPU) and Universal model QCPU to write data to the CPU shared memory. However, use of the TO instruction is recommended, since use of S.TO instruction reduces the number of steps and processing time. S(P).TO 9.1.1 Write to Host CPU Shared Memory (S(P).TO) S(P).TO Ver. Basic Ver. High performance Process Redundant Universal Basic model QCPU:The first 5 digits of serial No is "04122" or higher. Hight performance modele QCPU:Function version B or later. Command S.TO S.TO n1 n2 n3 n4 D SP.TO n1 n2 n3 n4 D Command SP.TO n1 : Head I/O number of the host CPU (BIN 16 bits) n2 : CPU shared memory address of the write destination host CPU (BIN 16 bits) •Basic model QCPU: 0 to 511 •High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Universal model QCPU: 0 to 4095 n3 : Head number of the devices where data to be written is stored (BIN 16 bits) n4 : Number of data blocks to be written (BIN 16 bits) •Basic model QCPU: 1 to 320 •High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU: 1 to 256 •Universal model QCPU: 1 to 2048 D Setting Data : Device of the host CPU which is turned ON for one scan by the completion of writing (bits) Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word U n1 –– –– n2 –– –– n3 –– –– n4 –– –– Zn \G Constants K, H Other –– –– –– –– –– –– D –– Function (1) Writes device data of words n3 to n4 to the CPU shared memory address specified by n2 of the host CPU module or later address. When writing is completed, the completion bit specified by D turns ON. Host CPU CPU shared memory of host CPU (n1) Device memory n3 n2 n4 Writes the data of n4 words 9-4 S(P).TO (a) CPU shared memory address of the Basic model QCPU 9 CPU shared memory address 0(0H) Host CPU operation information area 96(60H) System area 192(C0H) Host CPU refresh area Write designation prohibited area 7 *3 User free area Write designation permitted area 7 511(1FFH) (b) CPU shared memory address of the High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU and Universal model 7 QCPU*4 CPU shared memory address 0(0H) Host CPU operation information area 512(200H) System area 2048(800H) *3 Host CPU refresh area User free area 7 Write designation prohibited area 7 Write designation permitted area 7 4095(0FFFH) *3 : Usable as a user free area when auto refresh setting is not made. In addition, even when auto refresh setting is made, the auto refresh send range or later is usable as a user free area. *4 : Data cannot be written to the multiple CPU high speed transmission area of the Universal model QCPU with the S(P).TO instruction. (3) The S.TO instruction can be executed once to one scan for each CPU. When execution condition is established at two or more places at the same time, the S.TO instruction executed later is not processed since handshake is established automatically. (4) The number of data that can be written varies depending on the target CPU module. CPU module Basic model QCPU Number of Write Points 1 to 320 High Performance model QCPU Process CPU 1 to 256 Universal model QCPU 1 to 2048 Writing data to CPU shared memory can be performed using the intelligent function module device. For intelligent function module device, refer to the QnUCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals). 9-5 9.1 Writing to the CPU Shared Memory of Host CPU 9.1.1 Write to Host CPU Shared Memory (S(P).TO) (2) When the number of write points is 0, no processing is performed and the completion device does not turn ON, either. 7 S(P).TO Operation Error In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. (1) When the specified data is outside the following range (Error code: 4101) • When the number of write points (n4) is outside the specified range of the setting data. • When the head of the CPU shared memory address (n2) of the write destination host CPU exceeds the CPU shared memory address range • When the CPU shared memory address (n2) + the number of write points (n4) of the write destination host CPU exceeds the CPU shared memory address range • When the head number of the devices (n3) where the data to be written is stored + the number of write points (n4) exceeds the device range (2) When the host CPU operation information area, system area or host CPU refresh area is specified to the CPU shared memory address (n2) of the write destination (High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU) (Basic model QCPU, Universal model QCPU) (Error code: 4101) (Error code: 4111) (3) When the head I/O number (n1) of the host CPU is other than that of the host CPU (High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU) (Basic model QCPU, Universal model QCPU) (Error code: 2107) (Error code: 4112) (4) No CPU module is installed at the position specified by the head I/O number of the CPU module. (Error code: 2110) (5) When the head I/O number (n1) of the host CPU is other than 3E0H/3E1H/3E2H/3E3H (Error code: 4100) (6) When the specified instruction is improper (Error code: 4002) (7) When the specified number of devices is wrong (Error code: 4003) (8) When the unusable device is specified (Error code: 4004) Program Example (1) The following program stores 10 points of data from D0 into address 800H of the CPU shared memory of CPU No. 1 when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device Remark The n1 is specified by the first 3 digits of the hexadecimal 4 digits which represent the head I/O number of the slot mounted to the CPU module. 9-6 CPU Slot Slot 0 Slot 1 Slot 2 Head I/O number 3E00 3E10 3E20 3E30 n1 3E0 3E1 3E2 3E3 TO(P), DTO(P) 9.1.2 Writing to host station CPU shared memory (TO(P), DTO(P)) 9 Ver. Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Q00CPU/Q01CPU whose first 5 digits of the serial No. is "04122" or higher 7 TO(P), DTO(P) 7 indicates an instruction symbol of TO/DTO. Command TO,DTO n1 n2 S n3 n1 n2 S n3 7 Command TOP,DTOP P 7 n1 : Head I/O number of the host CPU (BIN 16 bits) • Basic model QCPU : 3E0H • Universal model QCPU: 3E0H to 3E3H 7 n2 : CPU shared memory address of the write destination host CPU (BIN 16 bits) • Basic model QCPU : 192 to 511 • Universal model QCPU: 2048 to 4095, 10000 to 24335*2 S 7 : Data to be written or head number of the devices where the data to be written is stored (BIN 16 bits) n3 : Number of data blocks to be written (BIN 16 bits) • Basic model QCPU : TO(P): 1 to 320, DTP(P) : 1 to 160 • Universal model QCPU: TO(P): 1 to 14336*2, DTP(P) : 1 to 7168*2 Setting Data Internal Devices Bit Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word U \G Zn Constants K, H Other U 7 n1 n2 –– n3 *2: –– –– The setting range varies depending on the auto refresh setting range of the multiple CPU high speed transmission function. Function TO (1) Writes device data of words S to n3 to the CPU shared memory address specified by n2 of the host CPU module or later address. Host CPU CPU shared memory of host CPU (n1) Device memory S n2 n3 Writes the data of n3 words 9-7 9.1 Writing to the CPU Shared Memory of Host CPU 9.1.2 Writing to host station CPU shared memory (TO(P), DTO(P)) –– S TO(P), DTO(P) When a constant is specified to S , writes the same data (value specified to of n3 words from the specified CPU shared memory. Constant 5 S (When "5" is designated for S ) n2 Writes the same data to the area of n3 words S ) to the area CPU shared memory of host CPU (n1) 5 5 5 n3 words 5 (a) CPU shared memory addresses of the Basic model QCPU CPU shared memory address 0(0H) Host CPU operation information area 96(60H) System area 192(C0H) Write designation prohibited area *2 Host CPU refresh area Write designation permitted area User free area 511(1FFH) (b) CPU shared memory address of the Universal model QCPU*3 CPU shared memory address 0(0H) 512(200H) Host CPU operation information area Write designation prohibited area System area 2048(800H) *2 Host CPU refresh area User free area 4096(1000H) Unusable 10000(2710H) Write designation permitted area Multiple CPU high speed transmission area 24335(5F0FH) *2 : Usable as a user free area when auto refresh setting is not made. In addition, even when auto refresh setting is made, the auto refresh send range or later is usable as a user free area. *3 : With Q02UCPU, data can not be written to the multiple CPU high speed transmission area. (2) No processing is performed when the number of write points is 0. (3) The number of write data varies depending on the target CPU module. CPU module Basic model QCPU Universal model QCPU 9-8 Number of Write Points 1 to 320 1 to 14336 TO(P), DTO(P) DTO (1) Writes device data of words S to (n3×2) to the CPU shared memory address specified by n2 of the host CPU module or later address. 9 Host CPU CPU shared memory of host CPU (n1) Device memory 7 n2 S n3 2 7 Writes the data of (n3 2) words When a constant is specified to S , writes the same data (value specified to of (n3×2) words from the specified CPU shared memory. S ) to the area CPU shared memory of host CPU (n1) n2 Constant 5 S (When "5" is designated Writes the same for S ) data to the area of (n3 2) words 5 5 5 7 7 (n3 2) words 7 5 7 (2) No processing is performed when the number of write points is 0. (3) The number of data that can be written varies depending on the target CPU module. CPU mode 7 Number of Write Points Basic model QCPU 1 to 160 Universal model QCPU 1 to 7168 9.1 Writing to the CPU Shared Memory of Host CPU 9.1.2 Writing to host station CPU shared memory (TO(P), DTO(P)) Writing data to CPU shared memory can be performed using the intelligent function module device. For intelligent function module device, refer to the QnUCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals). 9-9 TO(P), DTO(P) Operation Error In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. (1) When the specified data is outside the following range (Error code: 4101) • When the number of write points (n3) is outside the specified range of the setting data. • When the CPU shared memory address (n2) of the write destination host CPU + the number of write points (n3) exceeds the CPU shared memory range • When the head number of the devices that stores the data to be written ( of write points (n3) exceeds the device range S ) + the number • When the head of CPU shared memory address (n2) of the write destination host CPU is outside the write permitted area. (2) When the head of CPU shared memory address (n2) of the write destination host CPU is an invalid value. (Error code: 4111) (3) When the I/O number specified in (n1) is other than that of the host CPU (Exclude the case when the multiple CPU high speed transmisson area of other CPU is used.) (Error code: 4112) (4) No CPU module is installed at the position specified by the head I/O number of the CPU module. (Error code: 2110) Program Example (1) The following program stores 10 points of data from D0 into address 10000 of the CPU shared memory of CPU No. 1 when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device (2) The following program stores 20 points of data from D0 into address 10000 of the CPU shared memory of CPU No. 4 when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device Remark The n1 is specified by the first 3 digits of the hexadecimal 4 digits which represent the head I/O number of the slot mounted to the CPU module. 9-10 CPU Slot Slot 0 Slot 1 Slot 2 Head I/O number 3E00 3E10 3E20 3E30 n1 3E0 3E1 3E2 3E3 9.2 Reading from the CPU Shared Memory of another CPU 9 The FROM(P)/DFRO(P) instruction of Multiple CPU system can be read from the following memories. 7 • Buffer memory of intelligent function module • CPU shared memory of other CPU module • CPU shared memory of host CPU module (applicable for the Basic model QCPU and Universal model QCPU) 7 The following figure shows the processing performed when the FROM(P) instruction is executed in CPU No. 1. 7 7 CPU No. 1 Intelligent function module CPU No. 2 7 Data read Device memory *1 Data read CPU shared memory Device memory CPU shared memory Buffer memory 7 7 Reads data n1 n2 D n3] Designation of CPU shared memory of CPU No. 2 [ FROM H3E0 n1 n2 D n3] Designation of CPU shared memory of CPU No. 1 [ FROM H0 n1 n2 D n3] Designation of intelligent function module *1 : Applicable for the Basic model QCPU and Universal model QCPU Remark Refer to Section 7.8.1 for reading the buffer memory of the intelligent function module with the FROM/DFRO instruction. 9-11 9.2 Reading from the CPU Shared Memory of another CPU [ FROM H3E1 FROM(P),DFRO(P) 9.2.1 Reading from Other CPU Shared Memory (FROM(P), DFRO(P)) FROM(P),DFRO(P) Ver. Ver. High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal Basic model QCPU:The first 5 digits of serial No is "04122" or higher. High performance model QCPU:Function version B or later. (1) When Basic model QCPU, Universal model QCPU is used indicates an instruction symbol of FROM/DFRO. Command FROM,DFRO n1 n2 D n3 n1 n2 D n3 Command FROMP,DFROP P n1 : Head I/O number of the reading target CPU module (BIN 16 bits) • Basic model QCPU : 3E0H to 3E2H • Universal model QCPU: 3E0H to 3E3H n2 : Head address of data to be read (BIN 16 bits) • Basic model QCPU : 0 to 512 • Universal model QCPU: 0 to 4095, 10000 to 24335*3 D : Head number of the devices where the read data is stored (BIN 16 bits) n3 : Number of read data (BIN 16 bits) • Basic model QCPU : FROM(P): 1 to 512, DFRO(P) : 1 to 256 • Universal model QCPU: FROM(P): 1 to 14336*3, DRRO(P) : 1 to 7168*3 Setting Data Internal Devices Bit n1 –– n2 –– D –– n3 –– Word R, ZR J \ Bit Word U \G Zn Constants K, H Other U –– –– –– –– –– *3: The setting range varies depending on the auto refresh setting range of the multiple CPU high speed communication function. Function FROM (1) Reads the data of n3 words from the CPU shared memory address designated by n2 of the CPU module designated by n1, and stores that data into the area starting from the device designated by D . CPU shared memory of the designated CPU (n1) Device memory D n2 n3 Reads the data of n3 words 9-12 FROM(P),DFRO(P) (a) CPU shared memory address of the Basic model QCPU CPU shared memory address 9 0(0H) Host CPU operation information area 96(60H) System area 192(C0H) Host CPU refresh area *4 7 Read designation permitted area User free area 7 511(1FFH) (b) CPU shared memory address of the Universal model QCPU*5 7 CPU shared memory address 0(0H) 512(200H) Host CPU operation information area 7 System area 2048(800H) *4 Host CPU refresh area 7 User free area 4096(1000H) Unusable 10000(2710H) Read designation permitted area 7 Multiple CPU high speed transmisson area 7 24335(5F0FH) (2) When 0 is specified in n3 as the number of data to be read, no processing is performed. (3) The number of data to be read changes depending on the target CPU module. CPU Module Number of Read Points 1 to 512 Basic model QCPU 1 to 14336 Universal model QCPU DFRO (1) Reads the data of (n3×2) words from the CPU shared memory address designated by n2 of the CPU module designated by n1, and stores that data into the area starting from the device designated by D . Device memory D CPU shared memory of the designated CPU (n1) n2 Reads the data of (n3 2) words n3 9-13 9.2 Reading from the CPU Shared Memory of another CPU 9.2.1 Reading from Other CPU Shared Memory (FROM(P), DFRO(P)) *4 : Usable as a user free area when auto refresh setting is not made. When auto refresh setting is made, the auto refresh send range and later are usable as a user free area. *5 : With Q02UCPU, data can not be written to the multiple CPU high speed transmission area. FROM(P),DFRO(P) (2) When 0 is specified in n3 as the number of data to be read, no processing is performed. (3) The number of data to be read changes depending on the target CPU module. CPU Module Number of Read Points Basic model QCPU 1 to 256 Universal model QCPU 1 to 7168 Read of data from the CPU shared memory can also be performed using the intelligent function module devices. For intelligent function module device, refer to the QnUCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals). Operation Error In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. (1) When the specified data is outside the following range. (Error code: 4101) • The head of the CPU shared memory address (n2) which performs reading is outside the CPU shared memory range. • The address of the CPU shared memory (n2) which performs reading plus the number of read points (n3) is outside the CPU shared memory range. • The read data storage device number (D) plus the number of read points (n3) is outside the specified device range. (2) The CPU module does not exist in the position specified by the CPU module head I/O number. (Error code: 2110) (3) When the head of the CPU shared memory address (n2) which performs reading is an invalid value. (4097 to 9999) (Error code: 4101) 9-14 FROM(P),DFRO(P) Program Example 9 (1) The following program stores 10 points of data from address C0H of the CPU shared memory of CPU No. 2 into the area starting from D0 when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] 7 [List Mode] Step Instruction Device 7 (2) The following program stores 20 points of data from address 10000 of the CPU shared memory of CPU No. 4 into the area starting from D0 when X0 is turned ON. [Ladder Mode] 7 [List Mode] Step Instruction 7 Device 7 Remark The n1 is specified by the first 3 digits of the hexadecimal 4digits which represent the head I/O number of the slot mounted to the CPU module. CPU Slot Slot 0 Slot 1 Slot 2 Head I/O number 3E00 3E10 3E20 3E30 n1 3E0 3E1 3E2 3E3 7 7 The QCPU provides automatic interlocks for the FROM and TO instructions. 9.2 Reading from the CPU Shared Memory of another CPU 9.2.1 Reading from Other CPU Shared Memory (FROM(P), DFRO(P)) 9-15 FROM(P),DFRO(P) (2) When High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU is used Command FROM FROM n1 n2 D n3 FROMP n1 n2 D n3 Command FROMP n1 : Head I/O number of the reading target CPU module (BIN 16 bits) n2 : Head address of data to be read (BIN 16 bits) D : Head number of the devices where the read data is stored (BIN 16 bits) n3 : Number of read data (BIN 16 bits) Setting Data Internal Devices Bit n1 –– n2 –– D –– n3 –– J R, ZR Word \ Bit U Word \G Zn Constants K, H Other U –– –– –– –– –– Function (1) Reads the data of n3 words from the CPU shared memory address designated by n2 of the CPU module designated by n1, and stores that data into the area starting from the device designated by D . CPU shared memory of the designated CPU (n1) Device memory n2 D n3 Reads the data of n3 words CPU shared memory address of the High Performance model QCPU and Process CPU CPU shared memory address 0(0H) Host CPU operation information area 512(200H) System area 2048(800H) Host CPU refresh area *1 Read designation permitted area User free area 4095(0FFFH) *1 : Usable as a user free area when auto refresh setting is not made. When auto refresh setting is made, the auto refresh send range and later are usable as a user free area. (2) When 0 is specified in n3 as the number of data to be read, no processing is performed. (3) The number of data to be read changes depending on the target CPU module. CPU Module High Performance model QCPU Process CPU 9-16 Number of Read Points 1 to 4096 FROM(P),DFRO(P) Read of data from the CPU shared memory can also be performed using the intelligent function module devices. For intelligent function module device, refer to the QnUCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) or Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals). 9 7 7 Operation Error In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. (1) When the specified data is outside the following range. (Error code: 4101) • The head address of the CPU shared memory (n2) from which read will be performed is outside the CPU shared memory range. • The address of the CPU shared memory (n2) from which data is read plus the number of read points (n3) is outside the CPU shared memory range. • The read data storage device number (D) plus the number of read points (n3) is outside the specified device range. (2) The CPU module does not exist in the position specified by the CPU module head I/O number. (Error code: 2110) (3) When the head of read CPU shared memory address (n2) is an invalid value. (4097 to 9999) (Error code: 4101) 7 7 7 7 7 Program Example [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step Instruction Device Remark The n1 is specified by the first 3 digits of the hexadecimal 4digits which represent the head I/O number of the slot mounted to the CPU module. CPU Slot Slot 0 Slot 1 Slot 2 Head I/O number 3E00 3E10 3E20 3E30 n1 3E0 3E1 3E2 3E3 The QCPU provides automatic interlocks for the FROM and TO instructions. 9-17 9.2 Reading from the CPU Shared Memory of another CPU 9.2.1 Reading from Other CPU Shared Memory (FROM(P), DFRO(P)) (1) The following program stores data of 10 points from address 800H of the CPU shared memory of CPU No. 2. into the area starting from D0 when X0 is turned ON. MEMO 9-18 10 7 QCPU INSTRUCTIONS 10 7 7 7 7 Category Processing Details Write instruction to another CPU Writes devices to another CPU. Read instruction from another CPU Reads devices from another CPU. Reference 7 section Section 10.2 Section 10.3 10-1 7 10.1 Overview The multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction directs the Universal model QCPU to write/read device data to/from the Universal model QCPU in another CPU. The following shows an operation when CPU No.1 writes device data to CPU No.2 with the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction. CPU No.2 CPU No.1 User program DP.DDWR U3E1 D0 D100 D200 M0 D0 D0 D100 Writing D200 The multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction in either host CPU or another CPU (target CPU module of instruction) is available only for the following CPU modules. • Q03UDCPU, Q04UDHCPU, Q06UDHCPU The first five digits of serial numeber is 10012 or higer. • Q10UDHCPU, Q13UDHCPU, Q20UDHCPU, Q26UDHCPU • QnUDE (H) CPU (1) Parameter setting and system configuration to execute the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction The multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction can be executed in the following parameter setting and system configuration. • CPU No.1 uses QnUD(H)CPU or QnUDE(H)CPU. • The multiple CPU high speed main base unit (Q3 DB) is used. • "Use multiple CPU high speed transmission" is selected in the Multiple CPU settings screen of PLC parameter. 10-2 (2) Writable/readable devices (a) Writable/readable device names The following table shows the devices that can be written to/read from the Univesal model QCPU in another CPU with the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction. Category Type Device name Setting of target Internal user device X, Y, M, L, B, F, SB Word device T, ST, C, D, W, SW 10 Remarks device Requirements for the setting Bit device 7 • Digits are specified by 16 bits (4 digits). 7 • The start bit device is multiples of 16(10H). 7 –– Requirements for the setting Internal system device • Digits are specified by 16 bits (4 digits). SM Bit device • The start bit device is multiples of 7 16(10H). File register Word device SD –– Word device R, ZR –– :Settable :Settable with conditions SB, SW, SM, and SD include system information area. Take care not to destroy the system information when writing data to the devices above with the D(P).DDWR instruction of the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction. 7 7 7 (3) Specification method of a device and writable/readable device range (a) Device specification The device specification is a method to directly specify a device in another CPU to be written/read. Program for device specification with the DP.DDWR instruction X0 DP.DDWR H3E1 D0 D100 D200 M0 Directly specifies "D200", a device in another CPU to be written. In the device specification, data can be written/read within the device range of host CPU. For example, when data register in host CPU is 12k points and data register in another CPU is 16k points, data can be written/read by 12k points from the start of the data register in another CPU. 10-3 10.1 Overview There are two methods for specifying a device in another CPU: device specification and string specification. They differ in writable/readable device range to another CPU. Writable/readable device range in device specification Host CPU Another CPU D0 D0 Data register (12k points) Data register (16k points) D12287 Writable/readable D12287 D12288 Not writable/not readable D16383 (b) String specification The string specification is a method to specify a device in another CPU to be written/ read by character string. Program for string specification with the DP.DDWR instruction X0 DP.DDWR H3E1 D0 D100 "D200" M0 Specifies "D200", a device in another CPU to be written by characer string. In the string specification, data can be written to/read from all device ranges of another CPU. For example, when data register in host CPU is 12k points and data register in another CPU is 16k points, data can be written/read by 16k points from the start of the data register in another CPU. Writable/readable device range in string specification Host CPU D0 to Another CPU D0 Data register (12k points) to Data register (16k points) Writable/readable D12287 D16383 Remark The following explains precautions for string specification. • The number of characters that can be specified is 32. • Whether "0" is appended at the start of the device number or not, the devices are processed as the same. • For example, both "D1" and "D0001" are processed as "D1". • Whether a device is specified by upper case character or lower-case character, they are processed as the same. • For example, both "D1" and "d1" are processed as "D1". • If a device not existing in another CPU is specified by a character string, the instruction will be completed abnormally. 10-4 (4) Managing the multiple CPU high speed transmission area (a) The multiple CPU high speed transmission area is managed by blocks in units of 16 words. The following table shows the number of blocks that can be used in each CPU and the number of blocks used in the instruction. System area C Number of CPU modules 2k points 2 46 110 3 22 54 4 14 35 7 *1: For setting of the system area, refer to the QCPU User's Manual (Multiple CPU System). (b) The following shows configuration of the multiple CPU high speed transmission area when the multiple CPU system is configured with three CPU modules and the system area size is 1k word. Multiple CPU high speed Multiple CPU high speed Multiple CPU high speed transmission area in transmission area in transmission area in CPU No.1 CPU No.2 CPU No.3 Area to be sent from CPU No.1 to CPU No.s 2 and 3 Receive area from CPU No.1 Send area to CPU No.1 Receive area to CPU No.2 22 blocks 7 22 blocks Send area to CPU No.3 Receive area to CPU No.2 22 blocks 10.1 Overview Area to sent from CPU No.3 to CPU No.s 1 and 2 22 blocks Send area to 22 CPU No.1 blocks Receive area to CPU No.3 22 blocks Receive area to CPU No.3 Send area to 22 CPU No.2 blocks (5) The number of blocks used for the instruction The number of blocks used for the instruction depends on the number of write points. The following table shows the number of blocks used for the instruction. Number of write/read points specified by the instruction 7 7 22 blocks Area to be sent from CPU No.2 to CPU No.s 1 and 3 22 blocks 7 7 22 blocks Receive area from CPU No.1 10 *1 1k points 22 Send area to blocks CPU No.2 22 Send area to blocks CPU No.3 7 D(P).DDWR instruction 1 to 4 1 5 to 20 2 21 to 36 3 37 to 52 4 53 to 68 5 69 to 84 6 85 to 100 7 D(P).DDRD instruction 1 10-5 (6) The multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instructions that can be executed concurrently For the Universal model QCPU, the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instructions can be concurrently executed within the range satisfying the following formula. The number of blocks that can be used in each CPU Total number of blocks used for the instructions concurrently executed When the number of blocks used for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instructions exceeds the total number of blocks in the multiple CPU high speed transmission area, the instruction will not be executed in the scan (no processing) but executed at the next scan. Note that the instruction will be completed abnormally when the number of empty blocks in the multiple CPU high speed transmission area is less than the setting values of SD796 to SD799 (maximum number of used blocks for multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction setting) at the execution of the instruction. The following table shows execution possibility of the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instructions when the number of empty blocks in the multiple CPU high speed transmission area is less than the number of blocks used for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instructions or the setting values of SD796 to SD799. Magnitude relation between the number of blocks used for the instructions*1 and the number of empty Number of blocks used blocks for the instruction*1 Magnitude relation Number of empty blocks*2 Number of blocks used Number of empty blocks*2 for the instruction*1 between SD setting value and the number of empty blocks SD setting value*3 Number of empty blocks*2 SD setting value*3 Number of empty blocks*2 Executed Not executed (no processing) Completed abnormally *1:The number of blocks used for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction. *2:The number of empty blocks in the multiple CPU high-speed transmission area. *3:Setting values from SD796 of SD799. 10-6 (7) Interlock when using the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction (a) Special relays SM796 to SM799 (maximum number of used blocks for multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction setting) can be used as an interlock for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction. When executing the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instructions concurrently, use SM796 to SM799 as an interlock for the instructions. 7 10 7 When using special relays SM796 to SM799, set the maximum number of blocks for the instruction used for each CPU to special registers SD796 to SD799. (For example, when the maximum number of blocks for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction to be executed to CPU No.3 is 5, set 5 to SD798.) When the multiple CPU high speed transmission area becomes equal to or less than the number of blocks set at SD796 to SD799, the corresponding special relay (SM796 to SM799) turns on. CPU No.1 CPU No.2 Multiple CPU high speed transmission area Multiple CPU high speed transmission area Execution command SM 797 DP.DDWR H3E1 Number of request blocks:4 Turns on when the number of empty blocks is less than the number of blocks used for the DP.DDWR instruction. (The DP.DDWR instruction is not executed.) Send area (1 2) Receive area (1 2) 7 Lnsufficient for writing a request from the DP.DDWR instruction. 2) has been increased. Send area (1 2) Receive area (1 2) H3E1 During use Number of request blocks:4 Number of empty blocks: 8 Turns off as empty blocks by the number of blocks used for the DP.DDWR instruction became available (The DP.DDWR instruction can be written.) The request from the DP.DDWR instruction can be written. 10-7 10.1 Overview CPU No.2 Multiple CPU high speed transmission area Multiple CPU high speed transmission area DP.DDWR 7 7 Number of empty blocks: 2 Empty area of the request blocks in send area (1 SM 797 7 During use CPU No.1 Execution command 7 (b) Program example when SM796 to SM799 are used as an interlock The following shows a program that executes the D.DDWR instruction to CPU No.2 at the rise of X0, and executes the D.DDWR instruction to CPU No.3 at the rise of X1. The maximum number of used blocks for multiple CPU hight speed transmission dedicated SM402 0 MOV K7 SD797 Turn-on for one scan after RUN Maximum number of used blocks (CPU No.2) MOV K7 SD798 Maximum number of used blocks (CPU No.3) 8 SM402 MOV K100 D1 Turn-on for one scan after RUN Mumber of write points to CPU No.2 MOV K100 D3 Mumber of write points to CPU No.3 The DDWR instruction is executed to CPU No.2 at the rise of X0 X0 11 SET M0 Execution command of the DDWR instruction to CPU No.2 M0 During execution the DDWR instruction to CPU No.3 SM797 14 D.DDWRH3E1 D0 Completion status (CPU No.2) During execution Number of used of the DDWR blocks information instruction to (CPU No.2) CPU No.3 ZR0 ZR0 M1 Write data to CPU No.2 Write data to CPU No.2 Completion devaice (CPU No.2) RST M0 During execution of the DDWR instruction to CPU No.2 The DDWR instruction is executed to CPU No.3 at the rise of X1 X1 29 SET M3 During execution of the DDWR instruction to CPU No.3 M3 During execution the DDWR instruction to CPU No.3 SM798 32 D.DDWRH3E2 During execution Number of used of the DDWR blocks information instruction to (CPU No.3) CPU No.3 D2 Completion status (CPU No.3) ZR1000 ZR1000 M4 Write data to CPU No.3 Write data to CPU No.3 Completion device (CPU No.3) RST M3 During execution of the DDWR instruction to CPU No.3 10-8 (8) Program example when the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instructions are executed to CPU modules by turns When the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instructions are executed to Universal model QCPUs by turns, release an interlock to prevent the concurrent execution. Use the cyclic transmission area device (from U3En¥G10000) as an interlock. The following shows a program example when the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instructions are executed at CPU No.s 1 and 2 by turns. Program example when the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction is executed at CPU No.1 SM402 MOV K7 SD797 Maximum number of used blocks (CPU No.2) Turn-on for one scan after RUN 10 7 7 7 X0 SET M0 During execution of the DDWR instruction Write command U3E0¥G10000.0 is turned on while CPU No.1 is executing the DP.DDWR instruction. M0 7 U3E1¥G10000.0 SM797 SET During execution of the DDWR instruction CPU No.2 is during execution of the instruction U3E0¥ G10000.0 CPU No.1 is during execution of the instruction Number of used blocks information (CPU No.2) MOV K100 7 7 7 D1 Number of write points H3E1 D0 ZR100 ZR100 Completion status M1 Completion device RST M0 During execution of the DDWR instruction U3E0¥G10000.0 is turned on while CPU No.1 is executing the DP.DDWR instruction. M1 SET Completion device U3E0¥ G10000.0 CPU No.1 is during of the instruction 10-9 10.1 Overview DP.DDWR Program example when the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction is executed at CPU No.2 SM402 MOV K1 Turn-on for one scan after RUN SD796 Maximum number of used blocks (CPU No.1) X20 SET M0 During execution the DDRD instruction Read instruction U3E1¥G10000.0 is turned on while CPU No.2 is executing the DP.DDRD instruction. M0 U3E0¥G10000.0 SM796 SET During execution of the DDWR instruction CPU No.1 is during execution of the instruction U3E1¥ G10000.0 CPU No.2 is during execution of the instruction Number of used blocks information (CPU No.1) MOV K50 D1 Read instruction DP.DDRD H3E0 D0 D1000 D1000 Completion status M1 Completion devaice RST M0 During execution of the DDRD instruction U3E1¥G10000.0 is turned off at the completion of the DP.DDRD instruction. M1 RST Completion device U3E1¥ G10000.0 CPU No.2 is during of execution the instruction (9) Program example when data exceeding 100 words are written/read with the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction The maximum number of write/read points that can be processed with the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction is 100 words. Data exceeding 100 words can be written/read by executing the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction at several times. The following shows a program example using the D(P).DDWR instruction of the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction. The similar program can be used when using the D(P).DDRD instruction of the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction. 10-10 (a) Program example when one D(P).DDWR instruction is executThe following shows a program example that writes ZR0 to ZR999 (1000 points) in CPU No.1 to ZR0 to ZR999 in CPU No.2 with the D.DDWR instruction. In the following program example, the next D.DDWR instruction is executed after the completion device of the D.DDWR instruction (M2) turns on so that only one D.DDWR instruction may be executed. 7 10 Program example when one D(P).DDWR instruction is executed 7 The maximum number of used blocks for multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction setting is set to CPU No.2 SM402 0 MOV K7 Turn-on for one scan after SD797 Maximum number of used blocks (CPU No.2) MOV K100 D1 Number of write points Data writing is started at the rise of the write command (X0) X0 M0 Write comman During writing 7 7 7 37 RST Z2 7 SET M0 During writing M0 68 SET M1 7 During execution of the DDWR instruction During writing M4 10.1 Overview Execution request of the next DDWR instruction The DDWR instruction is executed M1 SM797 71 D.DDWR H3E1 D0 Completion status During execution Number of used of the DDWR blocks information instruction (CPU No.2) ZR0Z2 Write destination ZR0Z2 source/write RST M2 Completion device M1 During execution of the DDWR instruction When the DDWR instruction is completed abnomally, the annunciator is turned on and data writing is stopped M2 M3 Completion device Error completion device 98 SET RST F0 M0 During writing Next data writing is requested at nomal completion of the DDWR instruction M2 M3 Completion device Error completion device 134 + K100 < Z2 K1000 PLS = Z2 K1000 RST Z2 M4 Execution request of the next DDWR instruction M0 During writing 173 END 10-11 (b) Program example when the D(P).DDWR instructions are executed concurrently The following shows a program example that writes ZR0 to ZR999 (1000 points) in CPU No.1 to ZR0 to ZR999 in CPU No.2 with the D.DDWR instruction. As shown on the program example, multiple CPU device write/read instructions can be executed concurrently. When reading/writing devices with the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instructions concurrently, the more the total number of blocks in the multiple CPU high speed transmission area (send area), the more the time taken to complete reading/ writing with the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction can be shortened. Program example when the D(P).DDWR instructions are executed concurrently The maximum number of used blocks for multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction setting is set to CPU No.2 SM402 0 MOV K7 MOV K100 MOV K100 Turn-on for one scan after RUN Data writing is started at the rise of the write command (X0) X0 M0 39 Write comma RST SET SET M7 SET Z2 M0 During writing M1 M2 During execution of the DDWR instruction 2 Execution request of the next DDWR instruction The first DDWR instruction is executed SM797 M1 94 D.DDWR H3E1 D0 Completion status 1 During execution Number of used blocks information of the DDWR (CPU No.2) instruction 1 ZR0Z2 Write destination ZR0Z2 source write RST The second DDWR instruction is executed M3 Completion device 1 M1 During execution of the DDWR instruction 1 SM797 D.DDWR H3E1 D2 Completion status 2 During execution Number of used 3 blocks information of the DDWR (CPU No.2) instruction 2 ZR100Z2 Write destination ZR100Z2 M5 source write RST When the DDWR instruction is completed abnomally, the annunciator is turned on and data writing is stopped M3 M4 158 SET Completion device 1 Error completion device 1 M5 M6 Completion device 2 Error completion device 2 M2 During execution of the DDWR instruction 2 F0 M0 During writing Next data writing is requested at nomal completion of the second DDWR instruction M5 M6 197 Error completion device 2 Completion device 2 DDWR instruction error display RST Completion device 2 D3 Number of write points 2 During execution of the DDWR instruction 1 During writing M2 D1 Number of write points 1 During writing First DDWR instruction, Second DDWR instruction M0 70 126 SD797 Maximum number of used blocks (CPU No.2) + K200 < Z2 K1000 PLS = Z2 K1000 RST Z2 M7 Execution request of the next DDWR instruction M0 During writing 241 10-12 END D(P).DDWR 10.2 Writing Devices to Another CPU (D(P).DDWR) 7 D(P).DDWR Ver. Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal 10 Q03UDCPU, Q04UDHCPU, Q06UDHCPU: that the first 5 digits of serial number is 10012 or higer QnUDE(H)CPU. 7 Command D.DDWR D.DDWR n S1 S2 D1 D2 DP.DDWR n S1 S2 D1 D2 7 Command DP.DDWR 7 Setting data Internal device Bit n *2 –– S1 *3 –– S2 *3 D1 *3 D2 *3 Word*6 R, ZR J Bit \ Word U \G Zn Constant K, H Others –– *4 *5 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– *7 –– *5 *2: Index modification cannot be made to setting data n. *3: Index modification cannot be made to setting data from S1 to D2 . 7 7 7 *4: Local devices cannot be used. *5: File registers cannot be used per program. *6: FD @ (indirect specification) cannot be used. *7: FX and FY cannot be used. Setting data n Description The result of dividing the start I/O number of another CPU by 16 CPU No.1: 3E0H, CPU No.2: 3E1H, CPU No.3: 3E2H, CPU No.4: 3E3H S1 Start device of the host CPU that stores control data S2 Start device of the host CPU that stores data to be written D1 S Start device of another CPU that stores write data D2 Completion device Data type BIN 16 bits Device name Device*6 Character string*7 Bit *6: By specifying a file register (R, ZR), data can be written to devices in another CPU, outside the range of host CPU. *7: By specifying the start device by " ", devices can be written to devices in another CPU, outside the range of host CPU. 10-13 10.2 Writing Devices to Another CPU (D(P).DDWR) Set Data D(P).DDWR Control Data Device Item Setting data Setting range Set by –– System 1 to 100 User An execution result upon completion of the S1 +0 Completion status instruction is stored. 0000(H): No errors (normal completion) Other than 0000(H): Error code (error completion) S1 +1 Number of write points Set the number of write points in units of words. Function (1) In multiple CPU system, data stored in a device specified by host CPU ( S2 ) or later is stored by the number of write points specified by ( D2 +1) into a device specified by another CPU (n) ( D1 ) or later. Start device nimber of the strage iocation where write data has stored Strat devaice number of the storageiocation for write data S2 Host CPU (CPU that repuests writing) Another CPU n (CPU to be read) D1 Number of write points S1 +1 (2) Whether to complete the D(P).DDWR instruction normally can be checked by the completion device ( D2 +0) and completion status display device ( D2 +1). (a) Completion device ( D2 +0) Turns on at END processing in the scan where the instruction has been completed, and turns off at the next END processing. (b) Completion status display device ( D2 +1) This device turns on/off depending on the status upon completion of the instruction. • Normal completion: Off • Error completion: Turns on at END processing in the scan where the instruction has been completed, and turns off at the next END processing (At error completion, an error code is stored at control data ( S1 +0): Completion status)). 10-14 D(P).DDWR (3) The number of blocks used for the instruction depends on the number of write points (refer to Section 12.1). Number of blocks used for the instruction Number of write points D(P).DDWR specified by the instruction instruction 1 to 4 1 5 to 20 2 21 to 36 3 37 to 52 4 53 to 68 5 69 to 84 6 85 to 100 7 7 10 7 (4) The instruction will be completed abnormally when there are no empty blocks in the multiple CPU high speed transmission area. Set the number of blocks used for the instruction at special registers (SD796 to SD799), and use the special relays (SM796 to SM799)as an interlock prevent error completion (refer to Section 12.1). 7 7 7 Operation Error In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns on, and an error code is stored into SD0. (1) Specified another CPU is wrong or the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction cannot be used in the setting (Error code: 4350) • The reserved CPU has been specified. 7 7 • Unmounted CPU has been specified. • Another CPU start I/O number divided by 16n is out of 3E0H to 3E3H. • The instruction was executed with the Q02UCPU. • Host CPU has been specified. • The CPU where the instruction cannot be executed has been specified. (2) The instruction cannot be executed with the CPU. (Error code: 4351) • Another CPU does not support this instruction. (3) The number of devices is wrong. (Error code: 4352) (4) The device that cannot be used for the instruction has been specified. (Error code: 4353) (5) A device has been specified by the character string that cannot be used. (Error code: 4354) (6) The number of write points ( S1 +1)is other than 0 to 100. (Error code 4354) 10-15 10.2 Writing Devices to Another CPU (D(P).DDWR) • The instruction was executed without setting "Use multiple CPU high speed transmission". D(P).DDWR In any of the following cases, the instruction is completed abnormally, and an error code is stored into a device specified at completion status storage device ( S1 +0). (1) The request of the instruction to the target CPU is more than the acceptable value (no empty blocks exist in the multiple CPU high speed transmission area). (Error code: 0010H) (2) A device for another CPU specified at range. S1 cannot be used at another CPU, or is out of device (Error code: 1001H) (3) The number of write points set with the D(P).DDWR instruction is 0. (Error code: 1080H) (4) The response of the instruction from another CPU cannot be returned (no empty blocks exist in the multiple CPU high speed transmission area). (Error code: 1003H) Program Example (1) This program stores data by 10 words starting from DO in host CPU into W10 or later in CPU No.2 when XO turns on. [Ladder mode] K10 D101 The number of write points "10" is stored into D101, setting device of the number of write points (S1+1) of control data. W10 M100 D0 to D9 in host CPU are stored into W10 to W19 in CPU No.2. X0 MOVP Execution command of the instruction DP.DDWR M100 H3E1 D100 D0 M101 Normal completion Program Completion device M101 Error completion Program Caution (1) Digit specification of bit device is possible for n, specification of bit device is made to S2 or D1 S2 , and D1 . Note that when the digit , the following conditions must be met. • Digits are specified by 16 bits (4 digits). • The start bit device is multiples of 16 (10H). (2) Execute this instruction after checking that the write target CPU is powered on. Not doing so may end up no processing. (3) If changing a range of the device specified at setting data between after execution of the instruction and turn-on of the completion device, data to be stored by system (completion status, completion device) cannot be stored normally. (4) SB, SW, SM, and SD include system information area. Take care not to destroy the system information when writing data to the devices above with the D(P).DDWR instruction of the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction. 10-16 D(P).DDRD 10.3 Reading Devices from Another CPU (D(P).DDRD) 7 D(P).DDRD Ver. High performance Basic Process Redundant Universal 10 Q03UDCPU, Q04UDHCPU, Q06UDHCPU: that the first 5 digits of serial number is 10012 or higer QnUDE(H)CPU. Command D.DDRD D.DDRD n S1 S2 D1 D2 DP.DDRD n S1 S2 D1 D2 7 7 Command DP.DDRD Setting data Internal device Bit n *2 –– S1 *3 –– S2 *3 –– D1 S *3 –– D2 *3 *3 Word R, ZR J Bit \ Word U \G Zn 7 Constant K, H Others –– *3 *3 –– *4 *4 *4 7 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– *2: Index modification cannot be made to setting data n. 7 7 *3: Index modification cannot be made to setting data from S1 to D2 . *4: Local devices cannot be used. *5: File registers cannot be used per program. *6: FD @ (indirect specification) cannot be used. *7: FX and FY cannot be used. Setting data n Description The result of dividing the start I/O number of another CPU by 16 CPU No.1: 3E0H, CPU No.2: 3E1H, CPU No.3: 3E2H, CPU No.4: 3E3H S1 Start device of the host CPU that stores control data S2 Start device of another CPU that stores data to be read D1 S Start device of the host CPU that stores read data D2 Completion device Data type BIN 16 bits Device name Device*6 Character string*7 Bit *6: By specifying a file register (R, ZR), data can be read to devices in another CPU, outside the range of host CPU. *7: By specifying the start device by " ", devices can be read to devices in another CPU, outside the range of host CPU. 10-17 10.3 Reading Devices from Another CPU (D(P).DDRD) Set Data D(P).DDRD Control Data Device Item Setting data Setting range Set by –– System 1 to 100 User An execution result upon completion of the S1 Completion status +0 instruction is stored. 0000(H): No errors (normal completion) Other than 0000(H): Error code (error completion) S1 Number of read +1 Set the number of read points in units of words. points (1) In multiple CPU system, data stored in a device specified by another CPU (n) ( D1 ) or later is stored by the number of read points specified by ( S1 +1) into a device specified by host CPU ( S2 ) or later. Strat device number of the storage location where read has been stored Start device number of the storage location for read data Host CPU (CPU that requests reading) D2 Another CPU n (CPU to be read) S1 Number of read points S1 +1 (2) Whether to complete the D(P).DDRD instruction normally can be checked by the completion device ( D2 +0) and completion status display device ( D2 +1). (a) END processing in scan data that CPU completed the instruction turns on the device and the next END processing turns off the device. (b) This device turns on/off depending on the status upon completion of the instruction. • Normal completion: Off • Error completion: Turns on at END processing in the scan where the instruction has been completed, and turns off at the next END processing (At error completion, an error code is stored at control data ( S1 +0): Completion status)). (3) The number of blocks used for the instruction depends on the number of read points (refer to Section 12.1). Number of blocks used for the instruction Number of read points specified by the instruction 1 to 100 (4) D(P).DDRD instruction 1 The instruction will be completed abnormally when there are no empty blocks in the multiple CPU high speed transmission area. Set the number of blocks used for the instruction at special registers (SD796 to SD799), and use the special relays (SM796 to SM799)as an interlock prevent error completion (refer to Section 12.1). 10-18 D(P).DDRD Operation Error 7 In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns on, and an error code is stored into SD0. (1) Specified another CPU is wrong or the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction cannot be used in the setting (Error code: 4350). • The reserved CPU has been specified. 10 7 • Unmounted CPU has been specified. • The result of dividing the start I/O number of another CPU by 16n is outside the range of 3E0H to 3E3H. • The instruction was executed without setting "Use multiple CPU high speed transmission". 7 7 • The instruction was executed with the Q02UCPU. • Host CPU has been specified. • The CPU where the instruction cannot be executed has been specified. (2) The instruction cannot be executed with the CPU. 7 (Error code: 4351) • Another CPU does not support this instruction. (3) The number of devices is wrong. (Error code: 4352) (4) The device that cannot be used for the instruction has been specified. (Error code: 4353) (5) A device has been specified by the character string that cannot be used.(Error code: 4354) (6) The number of read points ( S1 +1)is other than 0 to 100. 7 7 (Error code: 4355) In any of the following cases, the instruction is completed abnormally, and an error code is (1) The request of the instruction to the target CPU is more than the acceptable value (no empty blocks exist in the multiple CPU high speed transmission area). (Error code: 0010H) (2) A device for another CPU specified at range. S2 cannot be used at another CPU, or is out of device (Error code: 1001H) (3) The number of read points set with the D(P).DDRD instruction is 0. (Error code: 1081H) (4) The response of the instruction from another CPU cannot be returned (no empty blocks exist in the multiple CPU high speed transmission area). (Error code: 1003H) 10-19 10.3 Reading Devices from Another CPU (D(P).DDRD) stored into a device specified at completion status storage device ( S1 +0). D(P).DDRD Program Example (1) This program stores data by 10 words starting from DO in CPU No.2 into W10 or later in host CPU when XO turns on. [Ladder mode] X0 MOVP K10 D101 D0 W10 M100 Execution command of the instruction DP.DDRD M100 H3E1 D100 M101 Normal completion Program Completion device M101 Error completion Program Caution (1) Digit specification of bit device is possible for n, specification of bit device is made to S2 or D1 S2 , and D1 . Note that when the digit , the following conditions must be met. • Digits are specified by 16 bits (4 digits). • The start bit device is multiples of 16 (10H). (2) Execute this instruction after checking that the read target CPU is powered on. Not doing so may end up no processing. (3) 10-20 If changing a range of the device specified at setting data between after execution of the instruction and turn-on of the completion device, data to be stored by system (completion status, completion device) cannot be stored normally. 11 7 QCPU INSTRUCTIONS 7 11 7 7 7 Category Processing Details Reference Switches between the control system and standby system at System switching instruction the END processing of the scan executed with the 7 section Section 11.1 SP.CONTSW instruction. 11-1 7 SP.CONTSW 11.1 System Switching Instruction (SP.CONTSW) SP.CONTSW Basic High performance Process Redundant Universal Command SP.CONTSW Setting Data S D SP.CONTSW S D S : Value other than 0 and used to identify the processing that issued the system switching request (BIN 16 bits) D : Error completion device number (bits) Internal Devices Bit R, ZR Word –– J Bit \ Word U \G Zn Constants K, H Other –– *1 –– –– –– –– *1: The bit specification for the word device is available. Function (1) Switches between the control system and standby system at the END processing of the scan executed with the SP.CONTSW instruction. (2) When using the SP.CONTSW instruction for system switching, the "manual switching enable flag (SM1592)" must have been turned ON (enabled) in advance. (3) S is provided to identify the processing block of the program where system switching occurred when multiple SP.CONTSW instructions are used. At S , specify a value within the ranges -32768 to -1 and 1 to 32767 (1H to FFFFH). The S value specified for the SP.CONTSW instruction is stored into the "system switching instruction argument (SD6)" of the error common information when the system switching is normally completed. *2 When multiple SP.CONTSW instructions are executed during the same scan, the argument of the SP.CONTSW instruction executed first is stored into the system switching instruction argument (SD6). (4) When system switching is normally completed, the S value specified for the SP.CONTSW instruction is stored into the "system switching instruction argument (SD1602)" of the new control system CPU module. *3 By reading the SD1602 value from the new control system CPU module, which the SP.CONTSW instruction was used for system switching can be confirmed. *2 : The S value specified for the SP.CONTSW instruction can be confirmed in the error common information of the PLC diagnostics dialog box on GX Developer. *3 : The new control system CPU module means the CPU module that was switched from the standby system to the control system by the SP.CONTSW instruction. 11-2 SP.CONTSW (5) The error completion device is turned ON by the control system CPU module when system switching by the SP.CONTSW instruction was unsuccessful. (a) When OPERATION ERROR is detected due to any of the following reasons at the execution of the SP.CONTSW instruction, the error completion device is turned ON during the instruction execution. • 0 is specified at S 7 of the executed SP.CONTSW instruction. • The "manual switching enable flag (SM1592)" is OFF. • The SP.CONTSW instruction was executed by the standby system in the separate mode. (b) If systems could not be switched due to any of the reasons given in the following table, the error completion device turns ON when system switching is executed in the END processing. Reason No. 11 7 • The SP.CONTSW instruction was executed in the debug mode. 7 Reasons for System Switching Failure 0 Normally completed 1 Tracking cable is disconnected or faulty. 7 Hardware fault, power-off, reset or watchdog timer error occurred in the standby 2 system. 7 3 Watchdog timer error occurred in the control system. 4 Preparations being made for tracking transfer. 5 Communication time-out. 6 Stop error occurred in the standby system. (Excluding watchdog timer error) 7 Operating status different between the control system and standby system. 8 Memory copy being executed from the control system to the standby system. 9 Write during RUN being executed. 7 Network fault detected by the standby system. When the error completion device was turned ON due to unsuccessful system switching, 16 is stored into the "reason(s) for system switching (SD1588)" and the reason No. of the above table into the "reason(s) for system switching failure (SD1589)". (6) Use a user program or GX Developer to turn OFF the error completion bit that has turned ON. If normal system switching is performed by the execution of the SP.CONTSW instruction with the error completion device ON, the error completion device of the new standby system CPU module is also turned OFF. When system switching is performed due to a factor other than the SP.CONTSW instruction, however, the error completion device is not turned OFF. Operation Error (1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and an error code is stored into SD0. S is 0 at execution of the SP.CONTSW instruction. (Error code: 4100) • The manual switching enable flag (SM1592) is OFF (disable) at execution of the SP.CONTSW instruction. (Error code: 4120) • The SP.CONTSW instruction was executed by the standby system CPU module in the separate mode. (Error code: 4121) • The SP.CONTSW instruction was executed in the debug mode. (Error code: 4121) 11-3 11.1 System Switching Instruction (SP.CONTSW) 10 • The value specified at 7 SP.CONTSW (2) If system switching was unsuccessful, the error flag (SM0) is turned ON and an error code is stored into SD0. • The tracking cable is disconnected or faulty. (Error code: 6220) • Hardware fault, power-off, reset or watchdog timer error occurred in the standby system. (Error code: 6220) • Watchdog timer error occurred in the control system. (Error code: 6220) • Preparations are being made for tracking transfer. (Error code: 6220) • Communication time-out occurred. (Error code: 6220) • Stop error, excluding watchdog timer error, occurred in the standby system. (Error code: 6220) • The operating status differs between the control system and standby system. (Error code: 6220) • Memory copy is being executed from the control system to the standby system. (Error code: 6220) • Write during RUN is being executed. (Error code: 6220) • Network fault was detected by the standby system. (Error code: 6220) Program Example (1) The following program executes system switching on the leading edge of the system switching command (M100). If the system switching command (M100) remains ON, the SP.CONTSW instruction is also executed by the new control system CPU module after system switching. Therefore, M101 is added to the execution conditions as a consecutive switching prevention flag. [Ladder Mode] [List Mode] Step 11-4 Instruction Device 12 6 ERROR CODES 6 6 12 6 6 6 6 12-1 12.1 Error Code List The CPU module uses the self diagnostics function to display error information (on the LED) and stores the information into the special relay SM and special register SD, when an error occurs in the following situations: • When the Progammable Controller is powered ON. • When the CPU module is switched from STOP to RUN. • While the CPU module is running. If an error occurs when a communication request is issued from the peripheral device, intelligent function module or network system to the CPU module, the CPU module returns the error code (4000H to 4FFFH) to the request source. The following describes the description of errors which occur in the CPU module and the corrective actions for the errors. (1) How to read the error code list The following describes how to read Section 12.1.3 Error code list (1000 to 1999) to Section 12.1.9 Error code list (7000 to 10000). (a) Error code, common information and individual information Alphanumeric characters in the parentheses of the titles indicate the special register numbers where each information is stored. (b) Compatible CPU QCPU Q00J/Q00/Q01 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU Each CPU module model name 12-2 : Indicates all the Q series CPU modules. : Indicates the Basic model QCPU. : Indicates the High Performance model QCPU. : Indicates the Process CPU. : Indicates the Redundant CPU. : Indicates the Universal model QCPU. : Indicates the relevant specific CPU module. (Example: Q02U) 12.1.1 Error codes 1 Errors are detected by the self diagnostic function of the CPU module or detected during communication with the CPU module. The relation between the error detection pattern, error detection location and error code is shown in Table 12.1. 3 Table12.1Reference destination Error detection pattern Error detection location Error code Reference 12 Detection by the self diagnostics function of CPU CPU module 1000 to 10000*1*2 Section 12.1.3 to 12.1.9 CPU module 4000H to 4FFFH module Serial communication module, etc. Detection at communication with CPU module 7000H to 7FFFH CC-Link module B000H to BFFFH Ethernet module C000H to CFFFH CC-Link IE controller network E000H to EFFFH 2 • QCPU User’s Manual (Hardware design, 6 Maintenance and Inspection) Serial Communication User’s Manual, etc. CC-Link System Master/Local Module User’s 6 Manual Ethernet Interface Module User’s Manual 7 CC-Link IE Controller Network Reference Manual • MELSECNET/H mode Q Corresponding MELSECNET/H Network MELSECNET/H network module F000H to FFFFH System Reference Manual 8 • MELSECNET/10 mode For QnA/Q4AR MELSECNET/10 Network System Reference Manual *1: CPU module error codes are classified into minor, moderate, major errors as shown below. • Minor error: 12.1.2 Reading an error code When an error occurs, reading an error code, error message or the like can be executed with GX Developer. For the details of the operation method, refer to the operating manual for GX Developer. 12-3 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.1 Error codes Errors that may allow the CPU module to continue the operation, e.g., battery error. (Error code: 1300 to 10000) • Moderate error: Errors that may cause the CPU module to stop the operation, e.g., WDT error. (Error code: 1300 to 10000) • Major error: Errors that may cause the CPU module to stop the operation, e.g., RAM error. (Error code: 1000 to 1299) Determine the error level, i.e. whether the operation can be continued or stopped, by referring to "Operating Statuses of CPU" described in Section 12.1.3 to 12.1.9 "Error Code List" *2: When detected an error code without being noted in the reference table, please contact your local Mitsubishi representive. 12.1.3 Error code list (1000 to 1999) The following shows the error messages from the error code 1000 to 1999, the contents and causes of the errors, and the corrective actions for the errors. Error Code Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action 1000 [MAIN CPU DOWN] Runaway or failure of CPU module or failure of main CPU • Malfunctioning due to noise or other reason • Hardware fault ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • Take noise reduction measures. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again.If the same error is displayed again, this suggests a CPU module hardware fault.(Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) 1001 [MAIN CPU DOWN] Runaway or failure of CPU module or failure of main CPU • Malfunctioning due to noise or other reason • Hardware fault • Accessed to outlying devices with the device range checks disabled (SM237 is turned on)(This error occurs only when BMOV, FMOV, and DFMOV instructions are executed.) (Universal model QCPU only) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • Take noise reduction measures. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again.If the same error is displayed again, this suggests a CPU module hardware fault.(Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) • Check the devices specified by BMOV, FMOV, and DFMOV instructions and correct the device settings. (Universal model QCPU only) [MAIN CPU DOWN] Runaway or failure of CPU module or failure of main CPU • Malfunctioning due to noise or other reason • Hardware fault ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • Take noise reduction measures. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again.If the same error is displayed again, this suggests a CPU module hardware fault.(Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) [MAIN CPU DOWN] Runaway or failure of CPU module or failure of main CPU • Malfunctioning due to noise or other reason • Hardware fault ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • Take noise reduction measures. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again.If the same error is displayed again, this suggests a CPU module hardware fault.(Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) [MAIN CPU DOWN] Boot operation was performed in the transfer destination without formatting. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON • Before performing boot operation by the parameter, select "Clear program memory" to clear the program memory. 1002 1003 1004 1005 12-4 LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU QCPU RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH Error Code 1006 1007 1008 1009 Error Contents and Cause [MAIN CPU DOWN] Runaway or failure of CPU module or failure of main CPU • Malfunctioning due to noise or other reason • Hardware fault ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always [MAIN CPU DOWN] • A failure is detected on the power supply module, CPU module, main base unit, extension base unit or extension cable. • When using the redundant base unit, the redundant power supply module failure in both systems and/or the redundant base unit failure are detected. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 • Take noise reduction measures. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again.If the same error is displayed again, this suggests a CPU module hardware fault.(Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH 2 3 Reset the CPU module and RUN it again.If the same error is detected again, it is considered that the power supply module, CPU module, main base unit, extension base unit or extension cable is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) Q00J/Q00/Q01*4 Qn(H)*6 QnPH QnPRH QnU 6 6 [END NOT EXECUTE] Entire program was executed without the execution of an END instruction. • When the END instruction is executed it is read as another instruction code, e.g. due to noise. • The END instruction has been changed to another instruction code somehow. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed • Take noise reduction measures. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, this suggests a CPU module hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) 1020 [SFCP. END ERROR] The SFC program cannot be normally terminated due to noise or other reason. • The SFC program cannot be normally terminated due to noise or any similar cause. • The SFC program cannot be normally terminated for any other reason. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When SFC program is executed • Take noise reduction measures. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, this suggests a CPU module hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) Q00J/Q00/Q01*4 QnPH QnU 1035 [MAIN CPU DOWN] Runaway or error of the CPU module was detected. • Malfunction due to noise etc. • Hardware failure ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • Take measures against noise. • Reset the CPU module and run it again. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module has hardware failure.(Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) QnU 1010 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 7 QCPU CPU Status: Stop 8 Function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "04101" or later. 12-5 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.3 Error code list (1000 to 1999) *4 *6 12 Error Code Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action 1101 [RAM ERROR] The sequence program storing program memory in the CPU module is faulty. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset/ When an END instruction executed • Take noise reduction measures. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again,this suggests a CPU module hardware fault.(Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) 1102 [RAM ERROR] • The work area RAM in the CPU module is faulty. • The standard RAM and extended RAM in the CPU module are faulty. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset/ When an END instruction executed • Take noise reduction measures. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again,this suggests a CPU module hardware fault.(Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) [RAM ERROR] The device memory in the CPU module is faulty. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset 1103 1104 [RAM ERROR] • The device memory in the CPU module is faulty. • The device out of range is accessed due to indexing, and the device for system is overwritten. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset/ When an END instruction executed [RAM ERROR] The address RAM in the CPU module is faulty. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset [RAM ERROR] The CPU memory in the CPU module is faulty. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset 1105 *4 *8 *9 12-6 [RAM ERROR] The CPU shared memory in the CPU module is faulty. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset • Take noise reduction measures. • When indexing is performed, check the value of index register to see if it is within the device range. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again,this suggests a CPU module hardware fault.(Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) • Take noise reduction measures. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again.If the same error is displayed again, this suggests a CPU module hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU QCPU RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop Qn(H)*8 QnPH*8 QnPRH*9 QCPU Q00J/Q00/Q01 QnU • Take noise reduction measures. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again.If the same error is displayed again, this suggests a CPU module hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) Function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "08032" or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. Qn(H)*4 QnPH QnPRH QnU Error Code 1106 Error Contents and Cause [RAM ERROR] The battery is dead. The program memory in the CPU module is faulty. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • STOP RUN/When an END instruction executed 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1113 *7 *8 *9 LED Status CPU Status • Check the battery to see if it is dead or not. If dead, replace the battery. • Take noise reduction measures. • Format the program memory, write all files to the PLC, then reset the CPU module, and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the possible cause is a CPU module hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) 1 Qn(H) QnPH*7 QnPRH [TRK. CIR. ERROR] A fault was detected by the initial check of the tracking hardware. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset 2 3 [RAM ERROR] The work area RAM in the CPU module is faulty. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset [RAM ERROR] The work area RAM in the CPU module is faulty. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always Corresponding CPU QnPRH 12 6 Qn(H)*8 QnPH*8 QnPRH*9 This suggests a CPU module hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 7 CPU Status: Stop 8 [TRK. CIR. ERROR] A tracking hardware fault was detected. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset [TRK. CIR. ERROR] A tracking hardware fault was detected during running. • The tracking cable was disconnected and reinserted without the standby system being powered off or reset. • The tracking cable is not secured by the connector fixing screws. • The error occurred at a startup since the redundant system startup procedure was not followed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • During running 6 QnPRH 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.3 Error code list (1000 to 1999) 1112 Corrective Action • Start after checking that the tracking cable is connected. If the same error is displayed again, the cause is the hardware fault of the tracking cable or CPU module. (Please contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) • Confirm the redundant system startup procedure, and execute a startup again. For details, refer to the QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Redundant System). The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "07032" or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "08032" or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. 12-7 Error Code Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action 1115 [TRK. CIR. ERROR] A fault was detected by the initial check of the tracking hardware. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset 1116 [TRK. CIR. ERROR] A tracking hardware fault was detected during running. • The tracking cable was disconnected and reinserted without the standby system being powered off or reset. • The tracking cable is not secured by the connector fixing screws. • The error occurred at a startup since the redundant system startup procedure was not followed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • During running • Start after checking that the tracking cable is connected. If the same error is displayed again, the cause is the hardware fault of the tracking cable or CPU module. (Please contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) • Confirm the redundant system startup procedure, and execute a startup again. For details, refer to the QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Redundant System). 1150 [RAM ERROR] The memory of the CPU module in the Multiple CPU high speed transmission area is faulty. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset • Take noise reduction measures. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module has hardware failure. Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem. 1160 [RAM ERROR] The program memory in the CPU module is overwritten. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At program execution • Take noise reduction measures. • Format the program memory, write all files to the PLC, then reset the CPU module, and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module has hardware failure. Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem. 1161 [RAM ERROR] The data of the device memory built in the CPU module is overwritten. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At program execution • Take noise reduction measures. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module has hardware failure. Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem. 1162 [RAM ERROR] The error of the data held by the battery in the CPU module is detected. (It occurs when the automatic format is not set.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset • Take noise reduction measures. • Change the CPU main body or SRAM card battery. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module has hardware failure. Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem. *10 12-8 LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU This suggests a CPU module hardware fault. (Contact your nearest Mitsubishi representative.) The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. QnPRH RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker QnU*10 CPU Status: Stop QnU Error Code 1164 1200 Error Contents and Cause [RAM ERROR] The destruction of the data stored in the standard RAM is detected. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 • Take noise reduction measures. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module has hardware failure. Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem. QnU*11 2 [OPE. CIRCUIT ERR.] The operation circuit for index modification in the CPU module does not operate normally. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset 1201 [OPE. CIRCUIT ERR.] The hardware (logic) in the CPU module does not operate normally. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset 1202 [OPE. CIRCUIT ERR.] The operation circuit for sequence processing in the CPU module does not operate normally. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset 1204 [OPE. CIRCUIT ERR.] The hardware (logic) in the CPU module does not operate normally. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed 1205 [OPE. CIRCUIT ERR.] The operation circuit for sequence processing in the CPU module does not operate normally. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed 3 12 6 QCPU 6 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker This suggests a CPU module hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) 7 CPU Status: Stop 8 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.3 Error code list (1000 to 1999) 1203 [OPE. CIRCUIT ERR.] The operation circuit for index modification in the CPU module does not operate normally. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed *11 Corrective Action QnPRH The Q10UD(E)HCPU, Q13UD(E)HCPU, Q20UD(E)HCPU, .Q26UD(E)HCPU only. 12-9 Error Code [FUSE BREAK OFF] There is an output module with a blown fuse. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(Slot No.) [For Remote I/O network]Network No./ Station No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always 1300 1310 1311 • Check FUSE. LED of the output modules and replace the module whose LED is lit. (The module with a blown fuse can also be identified using GX Developer. Check the special registers SD1300 to SD1331 to see if the bit corresponding to the module is "1".) • When a GOT is bus-connected to the main base unit or extension base unit, check the connection status of the extension cable and the earth status of the GOT. Check ERR. LED of the output modules and replace the module whose LED is lit. (The module with a blown fuse can also be identified using GX Developer. Check the special registers SD130 to SD137 to see if the bit corresponding to the module is "1".) [I/O INT. ERROR] An interruption has occurred although there is no interrupt module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • During interrupt Any of the mounted modules is experiencing a hardware fault. Therefore, check the mounted modules and change the faulty module. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) [I/O INT. ERROR] An interrupt request from other than the interrupt module was detected. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • During interrupt Take action so that an interrupt will not be issued from other than the interrupt module. [LAN CTRL.DOWN] The H/W self-diagnostics detected a LAN controller failure. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset 1321 Corrective Action [FUSE BREAK OFF] There is an output module with a blown fuse. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(Slot No.) [For Remote I/O network]Network No./ Station No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always [I/O INT. ERROR] An interrupt request from the module where interrupt pointer setting has not been made in the PLC parameter dialog box was detected. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • During interrupt 1320 *1 *4 *5 *13 Error Contents and Cause • Correct the interrupt pointer setting in the PLC system setting of the PLC parameter dialog box. • Take measures so that an interrupt is not issued from the module where the interrupt pointer setting in the PLC system setting of the PLC parameter dialog box has not been made. Correct the interrupt setting of the network parameter. Correct the interrupt setting of the intelligent function module buffer memory. Correct the basic program of the QD51. This suggests a CPU module hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) CPU operation can be set in the parameters at error occurrence. (LED indication varies.) Function version is B or later. Function version is A. This applies to the Built-in Ethernet port QCPU. 12-10 LED Status CPU Status RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On Corresponding CPU Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU CPU Status: Stop/ Continue*1 Q00J/Q00/Q01 QCPU RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Q00J/Q00/Q01*4 QnU CPU Status: Stop Q00J/Q00/Q01 *5 QnPRH QnU RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop QnU*13 Error Code 1401 1402 1403 *2 LED Status CPU Status Corrective Action [SP. UNIT DOWN] • There was no response from the intelligent function module/special function module in the initial processing. • The size of the buffer memory of the intelligent function module/special function module is invalid. • The unsupported module is mounted. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset/When intelligent function module is accessed When the unsupported module is mounted, remove it. When the corresponding module is supported, this suggests the intelligent function module/special function module, CPU module and/or base unit is expecting a hardware fault (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) [SP. UNIT DOWN] The intelligent function module/special function module was accessed in the program, but there was no response. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing • When an intelligent function module access instruction is executed This suggests the intelligient function module/ special function module , CPU module and/or base unit is expecting a hardware fault (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) [SP. UNIT DOWN] • The unsupported module is mounted. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed When the unsupported module is mounted, remove it. When the corresponding module is supported, this suggests the intelligent function module/special function module , CPU module and/or base unit is expecting a hardware fault (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) [SP. UNIT DOWN] • There was no response from the intelligent function module/special function module when the END instruction is executed. • An error is detected at the intelligent function module/special function module. • The I/O module (intelligent function module/ special function module) is nearly removed, completely removed, or mounted during running. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always The CPU module, base module and/or the intelligent function module/special function module that was accessed is experiencing a hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) [CONTROL-BUS. ERR.] When performing a parameter I/O allocation the intelligent function module/special function module could not be accessed during initial communications. (On error occurring, the head I/O number of the corresponding intelligent function module/special function module is stored in the common information.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the intelligent function module/special function module, CPU module or base unit is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) Corresponding CPU 1 2 3 12 6 RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On 6 CPU Status: Stop/ Continue*2 7 QCPU 8 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.3 Error code list (1000 to 1999) 1411 Error Contents and Cause RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop In the QCPU, either error stop or continue can be selected for each intelligent function module by the parameters. 12-11 Error Code Error Contents and Cause [CONTROL-BUS. ERR.] The FROM/TO instruction is not executable, due to a control bus error with the intelligent function module/special function module. (On error occurring, the program error location is stored in the individual information.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing • During execution of FROM/TO instruction set 1412 [CONTROL-BUS. ERR.] In a multiple CPU system, a CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU system is mounted. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always 1413 [CONTROL-BUS. ERR.] An error is detected on the system bus. • Self-diagnosis error of the system bus. • Self-diagnosis error of the CPU module ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always [CONTROL-BUS. ERR.] • Fault of a loaded module was detected. • In a multiple CPU system, a CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU system is mounted. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always 1414 [CONTROL-BUS. ERR.] An error is detected on the system bus. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always *4 Function version is B or later. 12-12 Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the intelligent function module/special function module, CPU module or base unit is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) QCPU • Remove the CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU system from the main base unit, or replace the CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU system with a CPU module compatible with the multiple CPU system. • The intelligent function module, CPU module or base unit is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the intelligent function module, CPU module or base unit is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) • Remove the CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU system from the main base unit, or replace the CPU module with a CPU module compatible with the multiple CPU system. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the intelligent function module, CPU module or base unit is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the intelligent function module, CPU module or base unit is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) Corresponding CPU Q00J/Q00/Q01*4 Qn(H)*4 QnPH RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop QCPU Q00J/Q00/Q01*4 Qn(H)*4 QnPH QnU Q00J/Q00/Q01*4 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU Error Code Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status [CONTROL-BUS. ERR.] Fault of the main or extension base unit was detected. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed 1415 1416 [CONTROL-BUS. ERR.] Fault of the main or extension base unit was detected. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-ON/ At reset/ When an END instruction executed 1418 [CONTROL-BUS.ERR.] In the redundant system, at power-on/reset or switching system, the control system cannot access the extension base unit since it failed to acquire the access right. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-ON/ At reset/ At Switching execution 1430 [MULTI-C.BUS ERR.] The error of host CPU is detected in the Multiple CPU high speed bus. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset *4 *8 *9 *10 1 Qn(H)*4 QnPH QnPRH QnU 2 Qn(H) *8 QnPH*8 Qn(H)*4 QnPH QnU RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Q00/Q01*4 QnU 12 6 6 7 8 Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the CPU Status: same error is displayed again, the intelligent Stop function module, CPU module or base unit is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) QnPRH Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module, the Q6 WRB, or hardware of extension cable is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module has hardware failure. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) QnPRH*9 QnU*10 Function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "08032" or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. 12-13 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.3 Error code list (1000 to 1999) 1417 [CONTROL-BUS. ERR.] A reset signal error was detected on the system bus. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always Q00J/Q00/Q01 3 Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the intelligent function module, CPU module or base unit is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) [CONTROL-BUS. ERR.] System bus fault was detected at power-on or reset. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset [CONTROL-BUS. ERR.] In a multiple CPU system, a bus fault was detected at power-on or reset. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset Corresponding CPU Error Code Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action 1431 [MULTI-C.BUS ERR.] The communication error with other CPU is detected in the Multiple CPU high speed bus. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset • Take noise reduction measures. • Check the main base unit mounting status of the CPU module. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module has hardware failure. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) 1432 [MULTI-C.BUS ERR.] The communication time out with other CPU is detected in the Multiple CPU high speed bus. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module has hardware failure. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) [MULTI-C.BUS ERR.] The communication error with other CPU is detected in the Multiple CPU high speed bus. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • Take noise reduction measures. • Check the main base unit mounting status of the CPU module. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module has hardware failure. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) 1433 1434 1435 1436 [MULTI-C.BUS ERR.] The error of the Multiple CPU high speed main base unit is detected. (The error of the Multiple CPU high speed bus is detected.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset 1437 1439 [MULTI-C.BUS ERR.] An error of the multiple CPU high speed main base unit was detected. (An error of the multiple CPU high speed bus was detected.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset 1500 [AC/DC DOWN] • A momentary power supply interruption has occurred. • The power supply went off. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always *10 Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module has hardware failure. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Corresponding CPU QnU*10 CPU Status: Stop • Take noise reduction measures. • Check the main base unit mounting status of the CPU module. • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module has hardware failure. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module has hardware failure. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) Check the power supply. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. 12-14 LED Status CPU Status RUN: On ERR.: Off CPU Status: Continue QCPU Error Code 1510 1520 1600 1601 *3 *6 *12 *14 [SINGLE PS. DOWN] The power supply voltage of either of redundant power supply modules on the redundant base unit dropped. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Base No./ Power supply No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always Corrective Action Check the power supplied to the redundant power supply modules mounted on the redundant base unit. Hardware fault of the redundant power supply module. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) [BATTERY ERROR*3] • The battery voltage in the CPU module has dropped below stipulated level. • The lead connector of the CPU module battery is not connected. • The lead connector of the CPU module battery is not securely engaged. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Drive Name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • Change the battery. • If the battery is for program memory, standard RAM or for the back-up power function, install a lead connector. • Check the lead connector of the CPU module for looseness. Firmly engage the connector if it is loose. [FLASH ROM ERROR] The number of writing to flash ROM (standard ROM and system securement area) exceeds 100,000 times. (Number of writings >100,000 times) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When writing to ROM Corresponding CPU 1 [SINGLE PS. ERROR] On the redundant base unit, the one damaged redundant power supply module was detected. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Base No./ Power supply No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always [BATTERY ERROR*3] Voltage of the battery on memory card has dropped below stipulated level. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Drive Name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always LED Status CPU Status RUN: On ERR.: On CPU Status: Continue Qn(H)*6 QnPH*6 QnPRH QnU*12 2 3 12 6 QCPU RUN: On ERR.: Off 6 7 CPU Status: Continue Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH Change the battery. 8 QnU*14 Change the CPU module. RUN: On ERR.: On QnU CPU Status: Continue BAT. LED is displayed at BATTERY ERROR. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "04101" or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10042" or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU. 12-15 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.3 Error code list (1000 to 1999) 1610 Error Contents and Cause 12.1.4 Error code list (2000 to 2999) The following shows the error messages from the error code 2000 to 2999, the contents and causes of the errors, and the corrective actions for the errors. Error Code (SD0) 2000 Replace the CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU system with a CPU module compatible with the multiple CPU system. [UNIT VERIFY ERR.] The I/O module status is different from the I/O module information at power ON. • I/O module (or intelligent function module) is not installed properly or installed on the base unit. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) [For Remote I/O network] Network No./Station No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed Read the error common information at the GX Developer, and check and/or change the module that corresponds to the numerical value (module number) there. Alternatively, monitor special registers SD150 to SD157 using GX Developer, and check and replace the module where the bit of its data is "1". [UNIT VERIFY ERR.] I/O module information power ON is changed. • I/O module (or intelligent function module/special function module) not installed properly or installed on the base unit. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) [For Remote I/O network] Network No./Station No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed • Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, and check and/or change the module that corresponds to the numerical value (module number) there. • Alternatively, monitor the special registers SD1400 to SD1431 at a peripheral device, and change the fuse at the output module whose bit has a value of "1". • When a GOT is bus-connected to the main base unit or extension base unit, check the connection status of the extension cable and the grounding status of the GOT. [BASE LAY ERROR] • More than applicable number of extension base units have been used. • When a GOT was bus-connected, the CPU module was reset while the power of the GOT was OFF. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Base No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 2010 Corrective Action [UNIT VERIFY ERR.] In a multiple CPU system, a CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU system is mounted. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) [For Remote I/O network] Network No./Station No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed [UNIT VERIFY ERR.] During operation, a module was mounted on the slot where the empty setting of the CPU module was made. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed 2001 *1 *2 *3 Error Contents and Cause Corresponding CPU Qn(H)*3 QnPH RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On Q00J/Q00/Q01 CPU Status: Stop/ Continue*1 During operation, do not mount a module on the slot where the empty setting of the CPU module was made. Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On Q00J/Q00/Q01*3 QnU CPU Status: Stop/ Continue*2 • Use the allowable number of extension base units or less. • Power on the Progammable Controller and GOT again. CPU operation can be set in the parameters at error occurrence. (LED indication varies.) Either error stop or continue can be selected for each module by the parameters. The function version is B or later. 12-16 LED Status CPU Status RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop Q00J/Q00/Q01*3 QnPRH Q00UJ Q00U/Q01U Q02U Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 [BASE LAY ERROR] The QA1S6 B, QA6 B, or QA6ADP+A5 B/A6 B was used as the base unit. 2011 ■Collateral information • Common Information:Base No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset Q00J/Q00/Q01*3 QnPH QnPRH QnU Do not use the QA1S6 B, QA6 B, or QA6ADP+A5 B/A6 B as the base unit. 3 [BASE LAY ERROR] The GOT is bus-connected to the main base unit of the redundant system. The following errors are detected in the CPU redundant system compatible with the extension base unit. • The base unit other than the Q6 WRB is connected to the extension stage No.1. • The base unit is connected to any one of the extension stages No.2 to No.7, although the Q6 WRB does not exist in the extension stage 2012 No.1 . • The other system CPU module is incompatible with the extension base unit. • The Q5 B, QA1S6 B, QA6 B or QA6ADP+A5 B/A6 B is connected. • The number of slots of the main base unit for both systems is different. Information of the Q6 WRB cannot be read 2 12 • Remove a bus connection cable for GOT connection connected to the main base unit. 6 • Use the Q6 WRB (fixed to the extension stage No.1) • Use the CPU module compatible with the extension base unit for the other system. 6 • Do not use the Q5 B, QA1S6 B, QA6 B or QA6ADP+A5 B/A6 B for the base unit. • Use the main base unit which has the same number of slots. • Hardware failure of the Q6 WRB. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) correctly. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Base No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker QnPRH*6 7 8 CPU Status: Stop [BASE LAY ERROR] Stage number of the Q6 WRB is recognized as [EXT.CABLE ERR.] The following errors are detected in the redundant system. • At power-on/reset, the standby system has detected the error in the path between the control system and the Q6 WRB. 2020 • The standby system has detected the error in the path between the host system CPU and the Q6 WRB at END processing. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-ON/At reset/ When an END instruction executed *3 *6 Hardware failure of the Q6 WRB. (Contact your 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.4 Error code list (2000 to 2999) 2013 other than extension stage No.1 in the redundant system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Base No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) Check to see if the extension cable between the main base unit and the Q6 WRB is connected correctly. If not, connect it after turning OFF the main base unit where the extension cable will be connected. If the cable is connected correctly, hardware of the QnPRH*6 CPU module, Q6 WRB, or extension cable is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) The function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. 12-17 Error Code (SD0) 2100 *3 [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] The slot to which the QI60 is mounted is set to other than Inteli (intelligent function module) or Interrupt (interrupt module) in the I/O assignment of PLC parameter. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset Make setting again to match the PLC parameter I/O assignment with the actual loading status. Qn(H)*3 QnPH QnPRH [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] • In the I/O assignment setting of PLC parameter, Inteli (intelligent function module) was allocated to an I/O module or vice versa. • In the I/O assignment setting of PLC parameter, a module other than CPU (or nothing) was allocated to the location of a CPU module or vice versa. • In the I/O assignment setting of the PLC parameter, switch setting was made to the module that has no switch setting. • In the I/O assignment setting of the PLC parameter dialog box, the number of points assigned to the intelligent function module is less than the number of points of the mounted module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Make the PLC parameter’s I/O assignment setting again so it is consistent with the actual status of the intelligent function module and the CPU module. • Delete the switch setting in the I/O assignment setting of the PLC parameter. Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] 13 or more A-series special function modules (except for the A1SI61) that can initiate an interrupt to the CPU module have been installed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset The function version is B or later. 12-18 Corresponding CPU Corrective Action RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] • In the parameter I/O allocation settings, an Inteli (intelligent function module) was allocated to a location reserved for an I/O module or vice versa. • In the parameter I/O allocation settings, a module other than CPU (or nothing) was allocated to a location reserved for a CPU module or vice versa. Reset the parameter I/O allocation setting to • In the I/O assignment setting of the PLC conform to the actual status of the intelligent parameter dialog box, the number of points function module and the CPU module. assigned to the intelligent function module is less than the number of points of the mounted module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 2101 LED Status CPU Status Error Contents and Cause Reduce the A series special function modules (except the A1SI61) that can make an interrupt start to the CPU module to 12 or less. CPU Status: Stop Q00J/Q00/Q01 Qn(H) Error Code (SD0) 2102 Error Contents and Cause [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] Seven or more A1SD51S have been installed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] • Two or more QI60/A1SI61 modules are mounted in a single CPU system. • Two or more QI60/A1SI61 modules are set to the same control CPU in a multiple CPU system. • Two or more A1SI61 modules are loaded in a multiple CPU system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 2103 LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 Keep the number of A1SD51S to six or fewer. Qn(H) 2 • Reduce the number of QI60/A1SI61 modules mounted in the single CPU system to one. • Change the number of QI60/A1SI61 modules set to the same control CPU to only one in the multiple CPU system. • Reduce the number of A1SI61 modules to only one in the multiple CPU system. When using an interrupt module with each QCPU in a multiple CPU system, replace it with the QI60. (Use one A1SI61 module + max. three QI60 modules or only the QI60 modules.) [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] Two or more QI60, A1SI61 interrupt modules have been mounted. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset Install only 1 QI60, A1SI61 module. [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] Two or more QI60 modules are mounted. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset Reduce the QI60 modules to one. 3 Qn(H)*3 QnPH 6 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop 12 Qn(H) QnPRH 6 7 • Reduce the QI60 modules to one. • Make interrupt pointer setting to the second QI60 module and later. Q00J/Q00/Q01*5 Q00J/Q00/Q01*3 QnU The function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "04101" or later. 12-19 8 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.4 Error code list (2000 to 2999) [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] Two or more QI60 modules where interrupt pointer setting has not been made are mounted. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset *3 *5 Corrective Action Error Code (SD0) 2106 *6 *7 *9 Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action Corresponding CPU [SP.UNIT LAY ERR.] • Two or more MELSECNET/H modules are mounted. • Two or more CC-Link IE controller network modules are mounted. • Two or more Ethernet modules are mounted. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Reduce the number of MELSECNET/H modules to one. • Reduce the number of CC-Link IE controller network modules to one. • Reduce the number of Ethernet modules to one. Q00UJ [SP.UNIT LAY ERR.] • Five or more MELSECNET/H and CC-Link IE controller network modules in total are mounted in the entire system. • Two or more MELSECNET/H modules are mounted in the entire system. • Two or more CC-Link IE controller network modules are mounted in the entire system. • Two or more Ethernet modules are mounted in the entire system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Reduce the number of MELSECNET/H and CCLink IE controller network modules to four or less in total in the entire system. • Reduce the number of MELSECNET/H modules to one in the entire system. • Reduce the number of CC-Link IE controller network modules to one in the entire system. • Reduce the number of Ethernet modules to one in the entire system. Q00U/Q01U [SP.UNIT LAY ERR.] • Three or more MELSECNET/H and CC-Link IE controller network modules in total are mounted in the entire system. • Three or more Ethernet interface modules are mounted in the entire system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Reduce the MELSECNET/H and CC-Link IE controller network modules up to two or less in the entire system. • Reduce the Ethernet interface modules up to two or less in the entire system. [SP.UNIT LAY ERR.] • Five or more MELSECNET/H and CC-Link IE controller network modules in total are mounted in the entire system. • Five or more Ethernet interface modules are mounted in the entire system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Reduce the MELSECNET/H and CC-Link IE controller network modules up to four or less in the entire system. • Reduce the Ethernet interface modules up to four or less in the entire system. [SP.UNIT LAY ERR.] • Three or more CC-Link IE controller network modules are mounted in the entire system. • Five or more MELSECNET/H and CC-Link IE controller network modules in total are mounted in the entire system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Reduce the CC-Link IE controller network modules up to two or less in the entire system. • Reduce the total number of the MELSECNET/H and CC-Link IE controller network modules up to four or less in the entire system. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10042" or later. 12-20 LED Status CPU Status RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Q02U CPU Status: Stop QnU*7 Qn(H)*6 QnPH*9 QnPRH*9 Error Code (SD0) 2106 Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action Corresponding CPU 1 [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] • Five or more MELSECNET/H modules have been installed. • Five or more Ethernet interface modules have been installed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Reduce the number of MELSECNET/H modules to four or less. • Reduce the number of Ethernet modules to four or less. [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] • Two or more MELSECNET/H modules were installed. • Two or more Ethernet modules were installed. • Three or more CC-Link modules were installed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Reduce the MELSECNET/H modules to one or less. • Reduce the Ethernet modules to one or less. • Reduce the CC-Link modules to two or less. [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] • The same network number or same station number is duplicated in the MELSECNET/H network system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset LED Status CPU Status Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH 2 3 • Check the network number and station number. 12 Q00J/Q00/Q01 6 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Q00J/Q00/Q01 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH CPU Status: Stop 2107 [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] The start X/Y set in the PLC parameter’s I/O assignment settings is overlapped with the one for another module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset Make the PLC parameter’s I/O assignment setting again so it is consistent with the actual status of the intelligent function module/special function modules. QCPU 2108 [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] • Network module A1SJ71LP21, A1SJ71BR11, A1SJ71AP21, A1SJ71AR21, or A1SJ71AT21B dedicated for the A2USCPU has been installed. • Network module A1SJ71QLP21 or A1SJ71QBR11 dedicated for the Q2AS has been installed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset Replace the network module for the A2USCPU or the network module for the Q2ASCPU with the MELSECNET/H module. Qn(H) 6 7 8 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.4 Error code list (2000 to 2999) 12-21 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action [SP. UNIT ERROR] • The location designated by the FROM/TO instruction set is not the intelligent function module/special function module. • The module that does not include buffer memory has been specified by the FROM/TO instruction. • The intelligent function module/special function module, Network module being accessed is faulty. • Station not loaded was specified using the instruction whose target was the CPU share memory. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 2110 [SP. UNIT ERROR] • The location designated by a link direct device LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU Q00J/Q00/Q01 Qn(H)*3 QnPH QnPRH QnU • Read the individual information of the error using the GX Developer, check the FROM/TO instruction that corresponds to that numerical value (program error location), and correct when necessary. • The intelligent function module/special function module that was accessed is experiencing a hardware fault. Therefore, change the faulty module. Alternatively, contact your local Mitsubishi representative. (J \ ) is not a network module. • The I/O module (intelligent function module/ special function module) was nearly removed, completely removed, or mounted during running. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 2111 [SP. UNIT ERROR] • The module other than intelligent function module/special function module is specified by the intelligent function module/special function module dedicated instruction. Or, it is not the corresponding intelligent function module/special function module. • There is no network No. specified by the network dedicated instruction. Or the relay target network does not exit. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing 2112 • When instruction executed/STOP CPU Status: Stop/ Continue*1 • When instruction executed/STOP RUN RUN CPU operation can be set in the parameters at error occurrence. (LED indication varies.) The function version is B or later. 12-22 QCPU Read the individual information of the error using a peripheral device, and check the special function module /special function module dedicated instruction (network instruction) that corresponds to the value (program error part) to make modification. [SP. UNIT ERROR] The module other than network module is specified bythe network dedicated instruction. ■Collateral information • Common Information:FFFFH (fixed) • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing 2113 *1 *3 RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On Qn(H) QnPH Error Code (SD0) 2114 Error Contents and Cause 2117 RUN [SP. UNIT ERROR] • An instruction that does not allow the under the control of another CPU to be specified is being used for a similar task. • Instruction was executed for the A or QnA module under control of another CPU. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed/ STOP Qn(H)*3 QnPH QnU Q00J/Q00/Q01*3 Qn(H)*3 QnPH Read the individual information of the error using the GX Developer, check the program corresponding that value (program error location), and make correction. 7 Q00J/Q00/ Q01*3 Qn(H)*3 QnPH QnU • When performing the online module change in a multiple CPU system, correct the program so that access will not be made to the intelligent function module controlled by the other CPU. • When accessing the intelligent function module controlled by the other CPU in a multiple CPU system, set the online module change setting to be “disabled” by parameter. 6 6 RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On CPU Status: Stop/Continue 12 Qn(H)*3 QnPH QnU*7 The function version is B or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. 12-23 8 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.4 Error code list (2000 to 2999) function module device (U \ G) is specified. 2 3 RUN ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed *3 *7 Q00J/Q00/Q01*3 RUN [SP. UNIT ERROR] When the online module change setting is set to be “enabled” in the PLC parameter in a multiple CPU system, intelligent function module controlled by other CPU using the FROM instruction/intelligent 2118 1 [SP. UNIT ERROR] A CPU module that cannot be specified in the instruction dedicated to the multiple CPU system was specified. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed/ STOP Corresponding CPU RUN [SP. UNIT ERROR] An instruction, which on execution specifies the host CPU, has been used for specifying other CPUs. (An instruction that does not allow other stations to be specified). ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed/ STOP 2116 LED Status CPU Status [SP. UNIT ERROR] An instruction, which on execution specifies other stations, has been used for specifying the host CPU. (An instruction that does not allow the host CPU to be specified). ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed/ STOP 2115 Corrective Action Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] The locations of the Q5 B/Q6 B, QA1S6 B/ QA6 B, and QA6ADP+A5 B/A6 B are improper. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 2120 [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] The CPU module is installed to other than the CPU slot and slots 0 to 2. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 2121 Q00J/Q00/Q01*4 Qn(H) QnPH Check the location of the base unit. Check the loading position of the CPU module and reinstall it at the correct slot. Qn(H) QnPH [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] The QA1S6 B/QA6 B and QA6ADP+A5 B/ A6 B are used for the main base unit. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 2122 2124 *4 *7 [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] • A module is mounted on the 65th slot or later slot. • A module is mounted on the slot whose number is greater than the number of slots specified at [Slots] in [Standard setting] of the base setting. • A module is mounted on the slot whose number of I/O points exceeds 4096 points. • A module is mounted on the slot whose number of I/O points strides 4096 points. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Remove the module mounted on the 65th slot or later slot. • Remove the module mounted on the slot whose number is greater than the number of slots specified at [Slots] in [Standard setting] of the base setting. • Remove the module mounted on the slot whose number of I/O points exceeds 4096 points. • Replace the module with the one whose number of occupied points does not exceed 4096 points. [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] • A module is mounted on after the 25th slot (on after the 17th slot for the Q00UJ). • A module is mounted on the slot whose number is later than the one set in the "Base setting" on the I/O assignment tab of PLC parameter in GX Developer. • A module is mounted on the slot for which I/O points greater than 1024 (greater than 256 for the Q00UJ) is assigned. • A module is mounted on the slot for which I/O points is assigned from less than 1024 to greater than 1024 (from less than 256 to greater than 256 for the Q00UJ). ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Remove the module mounted on after the 25th (on after the 17th slot for the Q00UJ). • Remove the module mounted on the slot whose number is later than the one set in the "Base setting" on the I/O assignment tab of PLC parameter in GX Developer. • Remove the module mounted on the slot for which I/O points greater than 1024 (greater than 256 for the Q00UJ) is assigned. • Replace the end module with the one whose number of occupied points is within 1024 (within 256 for the Q00UJ). The function version is A. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. 12-24 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH Replace the main base unit with a usable one. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU*7 Q00UJ Q00U/Q01U Error Code (SD0) 2124 Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] • A module is mounted on the 37th slot or later slot. • A module is mounted on the slot whose number is greater than the number of slots specified at [Slots] in [Standard setting] of the base setting. • A module is mounted on the slot whose number of I/O points exceeds 2048 points. • A module is mounted on the slot whose number of I/O points strides 2048 points. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Remove the module mounted on the 37th slot or later slot. • Remove the module mounted on the slot whose number is greater than the number of slots specified at [Slots] in [Standard setting] of the base setting. • Remove the module mounted on the slot whose number of I/O points exceeds 2048 points. • Replace the module with the one whose number of occupied points does not exceed 2048 points. [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] • A module is mounted on the 25th slot or later slot. (The 17th slot or later slot for the Q00J.) • A module is mounted on the slot whose number is greater than the number of slots specified at [Slots] in [Standard setting] of the base setting. • A module is mounted on the slot whose number of I/O points exceeds 1024 points. (256 points for the Q00J.) • A module is mounted on the slot whose number of I/O points strides 1024 points. (256 points for the Q00J.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Remove the module mounted on the 25th slot or later slot. (The 17th slot or later slot for the Q00J.) • Remove the module mounted on the slot whose number is greater than the number of slots specified at [Slots] in [Standard setting] of the base setting. • Remove the module mounted on the slot whose number of I/O points exceeds 1024 points. (256 points for the Q00J.) • Replace the module with the one whose number of occupied points does not exceed 1024 points. (256 points for the Q00J.) [SP. UNIT LAY ERR.] 5 or more extension base units were added. (3 bases for Q00J) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset *4 Corresponding CPU 1 2 Q02U 3 12 6 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Q00J/Q00/Q01 6 7 CPU Status: Stop 8 Remove 5 or more extension base units. (3 bases for Q00J) Q00J/Q00/Q01*4 • Install a usable module. • The intelligent function module/special function module is experiencing a hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) QCPU The function version is A. 12-25 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.4 Error code list (2000 to 2999) 2125 [SP. UNIT LAY. ERR.] • A module which the QCPU cannot recognise has been installed. • There was no response form the intelligent function module/special function module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset LED Status CPU Status Error Code (SD0) LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action 2126 [SP. UNIT LAY. ERR.] CPU module locations in a multiple CPU system are either of the following. • There are empty slots between the QCPU and QCPU/motion controller. • A module other than the High Performance model QCPU/Process CPU (including the motion controller) is mounted on the left-hand side of the High Performance model QCPU/Process CPU. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset • Mount modules on the available slots so that the empty slots will be located on the right-hand side of the CPU module. • Remove the module mounted on the left-hand side of the High Performance model QCPU/ Process CPU, and mount the High Performance model QCPU/Process CPU on the empty slot. Mount the motion CPU on the right-hand side of the High Performance model QCPU/Process CPU. Qn(H)*3 QnPH 2128 [SP.UNIT LAY ERR.] The unusable module is mounted on the extension base unit in the redundant system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-ON/ At reset • Remove the unusable module from the extension base unit. QnPRH*6 [SP. UNIT VER. ERR.] In a multiple CPU system, the control CPU of the intelligent function module incompatible with the multiple CPU system is set to other than CPU No.1. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ At writing to progurammable controller • Change the intelligent function module for the one compatible with the multiple CPU system (function version B). • Change the setting of the control CPU of the intelligent function module incompatible with the multiple CPU system to CPU No.1. 2150 [SP. UNIT VER. ERR.] Either of the following modules incompatible with the redundant system has been mounted in a redundant system. • CC-Link IE controller network modules • MELSECNET/H modules • Ethernet modules ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. (Slot No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ At writing to progurammable controller 2151 *3 *6 *10 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Use either of the following modules compatible with the redundant system. • CC-Link IE controller network modules • MELSECNET/H modules • Ethernet modules The function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-26 CPU Status: Stop Q00J/Q00/Q01 QnPH QuU*10 QnPRH Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [MISSING PARA.] There is no parameter file in the drive specified as valid parameter drive by the DIP switches. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Drive Name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ STOP 2200 Corresponding CPU 1 • Check and correct the valid parameter drive settings made by the DIP switches. • Set the parameter file to the drive specified as valid parameter drive by the DIP switches. Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH 3 Set the parameter file to the program memory. Q00J/Q00/Q01 12 6 Set a parameter file in a drive to be valid. QuU RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker RUN 6 2211 [BOOT ERROR] File formatting is failed at a boot. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset • Reboot. • CPU module hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) Qn(H) QnPRH QnU 2220 [RESTORE ERROR] • The device information (number of points) backuped by the device data backup function is different from the number of device points of the PLC parameter. After this error occurred, perform restore per power-on/reset until the number of device points is identical to the number of device points in the PLC parameter, or until the backup data is deleted. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset • Set the number of device points at the time of backup to the device point setting in [PLC parameter]. Then, turn ON from OFF power supply, or reset the CPU and cancel reset. • Delete the backuped data, and turn ON from OFF power supply, or reset the CPU and cancel reset. QnU Check the boot setting. CPU Status: Stop Q00J/Q00/Q01*3 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU The function version is B or later. 12-27 7 8 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.4 Error code list (2000 to 2999) 2210 [BOOT ERROR] The contents of the boot file are incorrect. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset *3 2 RUN [MISSING PARA.] Parameter file does not exist in all drives where parameters will be valid. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Drive Name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ STOP LED Status CPU Status RUN [MISSING PARA.] There is no parameter file at the program memory. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Drive Name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ STOP Corrective Action Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action 2221 [RESTORE ERROR] • The device information backuped by the device data backup function is incomplete. (Turning power supply OFF or reset is suspected.) Do not return the data when this error occurs. Also, delete the incomplete device information at the time of this error occurrence. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset Reset the CPU module and run it again. 2225 [RESTORE ERROR] The model name of the restoration destination CPU module is different from the one of the backup source CPU module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset Execute a restore for the CPU module whose name is same as the backup source CPU module. 2226 [RESTORE ERROR] • ·The backup data file is destroyed. (The content of the file is different from the check code. • Reading the backup data from the memory card is not successfully completed. • Since the write protect switch of the SRAM card is set to on (write inhibited), the checked "Restore for the first time only" setting cannot be performed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset 2227 [RESTORE ERROR] Writing the backup data to the restoration destination drive is not successfully completed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset 2300 [ICM. OPE. ERROR] • A memory card was removed without switching the memory card in/out switch OFF. • The memory card in/out switch is turned ON although a memory card is not actually installed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When memory card is inserted or removed *1 *11 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Corresponding CPU QnU CPU Status: Stop • Execute a restore of other backup data because the backup data may be destructed. • Set the write protect switch of the SRAM card to off (write enabled). Execute a restore for the other CPU module too because the CPU module may be damaged. • Remove memory card after placing the memory card in/out switch OFF. • Turn on the card insert switch after inserting a memory card. CPU operation can be set in the parameters at error occurrence. (LED indication varies.) The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU. 12-28 LED Status CPU Status RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On CPU Status: Stop/ Continue*1 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU*11 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [ICM. OPE. ERROR] • The memory card has not been formatted. • Memory card format status is incorrect. • The QCPU file does not exist in the Flash card. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When memory card is inserted or removed/When memory card is inserted 2301 2302 *1 *3 *11 LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH • Format memory card. • Reformat memory card. • Write the QCPU file the Flash card 2 QnU*11 3 Format SRAM card after changing battery of SRAM card. Write a parameter, which set the file register at "Not available", in CPU, and then perform the ioperation. RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On CPU Status: Stop/ 12 QnU*11 6 Continue*1 6 [ICM. OPE. ERROR] A memory card that cannot be used with the CPU module has been installed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When memory card is inserted or removed • Format memory card. • Reformat memory card. • Check memory card. [FILE SET ERROR] Automatic write to standard ROM was performed on the CPU module that is incompatible with automatic write to standard ROM. (Memory card where automatic write to standard ROM was selected in the boot file was fitted and the parameter enable drive was set to the memory card.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ At writing to progurammable controller • Execute automatic write to standard ROM on the CPU module which is compatible with automatic write to standard ROM. • Using GX Developer, perform write of parameters and programs to standard ROM. • Change the memory card for the one where automatic write to standard ROM has not been set, and perform boot operation from the memory card. [FILE SET ERROR] The file designated at the PLC file settings in the parameters cannot be found. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ At writing to progurammable controller • Read the individual information of the error using peripheral device, check to be sure that the parameter drive name and file name correspond to the numerical values there (parameter number), and correct. • Create a file created using parameters, and load it to the CPU module. Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU*11 7 8 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Qn(H)*3 QnPH QnPRH CPU Status: Stop QCPU CPU operation can be set in the parameters at error occurrence. (LED indication varies.) The function version is B or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU. 12-29 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.4 Error code list (2000 to 2999) 2400 [ICM. OPE. ERROR] SRAM card failure is detected. (It occurs when automatic format is not set.) Writing parameters was performed duruing setting file registers. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When memory card is inserted or removed/When memory card is inserted Corrective Action Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [FILE SET ERROR] Program memory capacity was exceeded by performing boot operation or automatic write to standard ROM. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ At writing to progurammable controller [FILE SET ERROR] Program memory capacity was exceeded by performing boot operation. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ At writing to progurammable controller [FILE SET ERROR] The file specified by parameters cannot be made. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ At writing to progurammable controller 2401 [FILE SET ERROR] • Although setting is made to use the device data storage file, there is no empty capacity required for creating the device data storage file in the standard ROM. • When the latch data backup function (to standard ROM) is used, there is no empty capacity required for storing backup data in standard ROM. (The parameter number "FFFFH" is displayed for the error individual information.) • Standard RAM capacity is insufficient that error history of the module cannot be stored. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ At writing to progurammable controller [FILE OPE. ERROR] • The specified program does not exist in the program memory. This error may occur when the ECALL, EFCALL, PSTOP, PSCAN, POFF or PLOW instruction is executed. • The specified file does not exist. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 2410 *1 *3 Corrective Action Corresponding CPU Qn(H)*3 QnPH QnPRH • Check and correct the parameters (boot setting). • Delete unnecessary files in the program memory. • Choose "Clear program memory" for boot in the parameter so that boot is started after the program memory is cleared. QnU • Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, check to be sure that the parameter drive name and file name correspond to the numerical values there (parameter number), and correct. • Check the space remaining in the memory card. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker • Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, check to be sure that the program corresponds to the numerical values there (program location), and correct. Create a file created using parameters, and load it to the CPU module. • In case a specified file does not exist, write the file to a target memory and/or check the file specified with the instruction again. QCPU CPU Status: Stop Secure the empty capacity of the standard ROM. CPU operation can be set in the parameters at error occurrence. (LED indication varies.) The function version is B or later. 12-30 LED Status CPU Status QnU RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On CPU Status: Stop/ Continue*1 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU Error Code (SD0) 2411 2412 2413 Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, check to be sure that the program corresponds to the numerical values there (program location), and correct. [FILE OPE. ERROR] The SFC program file is one that cannot be designated by the sequence program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, check to be sure that the program corresponds to the numerical values there (program location), and correct. [FILE OPE. ERROR] No data has been written to the file designated by the sequence program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, check to be sure that the program corresponds to the numerical values there (program location), and correct. Check to ensure that the designated file has not been write protected. [CAN'T EXE. PRG.] • There is a program file that uses a device that is out of the range set in the PLC parameter device setting. • After the PLC parameter setting is changed, only the parameter is written into the PLC. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ STOP • At power ON/At reset/ STOP LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 [FILE OPE. ERROR] • The file is the one which cannot be specified by the sequence program (such as comment file). • The specified program exists in the program memory, but has not been registered in the program setting of the Parameter dialog box. This error may occur when the ECALL, EFCALL, PSTOP, PSCAN or POFF instruction is executed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Program error location ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On • Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check to be sure that the parameter device allocation setting and the program file device allocation correspond to the numerical values there (file name), and correct if necessary. • If PLC parameter device setting is changed, batch-write the parameter and program file into the PLC. CPU Status: Stop/ Continue*1 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU 3 6 6 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH 7 8 QCPU RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop When the index modification of the PLC parameter is changed, batch-write the parameter and program file into the PLC. 2 12 RUN [CAN'T EXE. PRG.] After the index modification of the PLC parameter is changed, only the parameter is written to the PLC. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing *1 Corrective Action QnU RUN CPU operation can be set in the parameters at error occurrence. (LED indication varies.) 12-31 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.4 Error code list (2000 to 2999) 2500 Error Contents and Cause Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [CAN'T EXE. PRG.] There are multiple program files although "none" has been set at the PLC parameter program settings. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ STOP 2501 • At power ON/At reset/ STOP • At power ON/At reset/ STOP • At power ON/At reset/ STOP 2504 RUN Check whether the program version The function version is B or later. 12-32 QCPU is .QPG, and check the file contents to be sure they are for a sequence program. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Create a program using GX Developer or PX Developer for which the PLC type has been set to the redundant CPU (Q12PRH/Q25PRH), and write it to the CPU module. CPU Status: Stop QnPRH QCPU • Check program configuration. • Check parameters and program configuration. Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU RUN [CAN'T EXE. PRG.] There are two or more SFC programs. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ STOP Q00J/Q00/Q01 RUN [CAN'T EXE. PRG.] Two or more SFC normal programs or control programs have been designated. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing *3 • Delete unnecessary program files. • Match the program name with the program contents. [CAN'T EXE. PRG.] There are no program files at all. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 2503 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU Edit the PLC parameter program setting to "yes". Alternatively, delete unneeded programs. RUN [CAN'T EXE. PRG.] The program file is not the one for the redundant CPU. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ STOP Corresponding CPU RUN [CAN'T EXE. PRG.] The program file is incorrect. Alternatively, the file contents are not those of a sequence program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 2502 LED Status CPU Status RUN [CAN'T EXE. PRG.] • There are three or more program files. • The program name differs from the program contents. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ STOP Corrective Action RUN Reduce the SFC programs to one. Q00J/Q00/Q01*3 Error Code (SD0) 2700 2710 Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action [REMOTE PASS.FAIL] The count of remote password mismatches reached the upper limit. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always Check for illegal accesses. If any illegal access is identified, take actions such as disabling communication of the connection. If no illegal access is identified, clear the error and perform the following. (Clearing the error also clears the count of remote password mismatches.) • Check if the remote password sent is correct. • Check if the remote password has been locked. • Check if concurrent access was made from multiple devices to one connection by UDP. • Check if the upper limit of the remote password mismatch count is too low. [SNTP OPE.ERROR] Time setting failed when the programmable controller was powered ON or reset. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When time setting function is executed • Check if the time setting function is set up correctly. • Check if the specified SNTP server is operating normally, or if any failure has occurred on the network connected to the specified SNTP server computer. LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 RUN: ON ERR.: ON 2 CPU Status: Continue QnU*8 3 12 RUN: Off/ON ERR.: Flicker/ON 6 CPU Status: Stop/Continue 6 7 8 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.4 Error code list (2000 to 2999) *8 This applies to the Built-in Ethernet port QCPU. 12-33 12.1.5 Error code list (3000 to 3999) The following shows the error messages from the error code 3000 to 3999, the contents and causes of the errors, and the corrective actions for the errors. Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action [PARAMETER ERROR] In a multiple CPU system, the intelligent function module under control of another CPU is specified in the interrupt pointer setting of the PLC parameter. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller • Specify the head I/O number of the intelligent function module under control of the host CPU. • Delete the interrupt pointer setting of the parameter. LED Status CPU Status Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnU*10 [PARAMETER ERROR] The PLC parameter settings for timer time limit setting, the RUN-PAUSE contact, the common pointer number, general data processing, number of empty slots, system interrupt settings, baud rate setting, and service processing setting are outside the range that can be used by the CPU module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP Corresponding CPU QCPU RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller [PARAMETER ERROR] In a program memory check, the check capacity has not been set within the range applicable for the CPU module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing 3000 • At power ON/At reset/STOP RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller [PARAMETER ERROR] The parameter settings in the error individual information (special register SD16) are illegal. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP • Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, check the parameter item corresponding to the numerical value (parameter No.), and correct it. • Rewrite corrected parameters to the CPU module, reload the CPU power supply and/or reset the module. • If the same error occurs, it is thought to be a hardware error. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop QnPH QnPRH*5 QCPU RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller [PARAMETER ERROR] The ATA card is set to the memory card slot when the specified drive for the file register is set to “memory card (ROM)” and [Use the following file] or [Use the same file name as the program] (either one is allowed) is set in the PLC file setting. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller *1 *5 *10 *11 The function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "07032" or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU. 12-34 QnU*11 Error Code (SD0) 3001 Error Contents and Cause [PARAMETER ERROR] The parameter settings are corrupted. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller Corrective Action • At power ON/At reset/STOP RUN/ 2 3 12 At writing to progurammable controller 3002 QCPU Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH RUN/ [PARAMETER ERROR] When [Use the following file] is set for the file register in the PLC file setting of the PLC parameter dialog box and the capacity of file register is not set, the file register file does not exist in the specified target memory. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing Corresponding CPU 1 • Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, check the parameter item corresponding to the numerical value (parameter No.), and correct it. • Rewrite corrected parameters to the CPU module, reload the CPU power supply and/or reset the module. • If the same error occurs, it is thought to be a hardware error. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) [PARAMETER ERROR] When "Use the following file" is selected for the file register in the PLC file setting of the PLC parameter dialog box, the specified file does not exist although the file register capacity has been set. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP LED Status CPU Status • Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, check the parameter item corresponding to the numerical value (parameter No.), and correct it. • Rewrite corrected parameters to the CPU module, reload the CPU power supply and/or reset the module. • If the same error occurs, it is thought to be a hardware error. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 6 6 CPU Status: Stop 7 QnU*10 8 At writing to progurammable controller • At power ON/At reset/STOP QnU RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller *10 The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-35 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.5 Error code list (3000 to 3999) [PARAMETER ERROR] When [Use the following file.] is set for the device data storage file in [PLC file] of [PLC parameter], and [Capacity] is not set, the device data storage file does not exist in the target memory. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [PARAMETER ERROR] The automatic refresh range of the multiple CPU system exceeded the file register capacity. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed [PARAMETER ERROR] The number of devices set at the PLC parameter device settings exceeds the possible CPU module range. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing 3003 • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller [PARAMETER ERROR] The parameter file is incorrect. Alternatively, the contents of the file are not parameters. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing 3004 • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP Corrective Action 3005 • At power-ON/ At reset/ STOP [PARAMETER ERROR] • The high speed interrupt is set in a Q02CPU. • The high speed interrupt is set in a multiple CPU system. • The high speed interrupt is set when aQA1S6 B or QA6 B is used. • No module is installed at the I/O address designated by the high speed interrupt. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing 3006 • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller *1 *4 *7 *9 *10 QCPU Check whether the parameter file version is .QPA, and check the file contents to be sure they are parameters. • Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, check the parameter item corresponding to the numerical value (parameter No.), and correct it. • Write the modified parameter items to the CPU module again, and power-on the Programmable Controller or reset the CPU module. • When the same error occurs again, the hardware is faulty. Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem. • Delete the setting of the Q02CPU' s high speed interrupt. To use high speed interrupts, change the CPU module to one of the Q02H/Q06H/ Q12H/Q25HCPU. • To use a multiple CPU system, delete the setting of the high-speed interrupt. To use high speed interrupts, change the system to a single CPU system. • To use either the QA1S6 B or QA6 B, delete the setting of the high speed interrupt. To use high speed interrupts, do not use the QA1S6 B/ QA6 B. • Re-examine the I/O address designated by the high speed interrupt setting. The function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "04012" or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10042" or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-36 QnU*10 • Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, check the parameter item corresponding to the numerical value (parameter No.), and correct it. • If the error is still generated following the correction of the parameter settings, the possible cause is the memory errorm of the CPU module's program memory or the memory card. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) RUN/ RUN Corresponding CPU Qn(H)*1 QnPH Change the file register file for the one refreshenabled in the whole range. At writing to progurammable controller [PARAMETER ERROR] The contents of the parameter are broken. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing LED Status CPU Status RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop Qn(H)*7 QnPH*9 QnPRH*9 Qn(H)*4 Error Code (SD0) 3007 Error Contents and Cause [PARAMETER ERROR] The parameter file in the drive specified as valid parameter drive by the DIP switches is inapplicable for the CPU module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 Create parameters using GX Developer, and write them to the drive specified as valid parameter drive by the DIP switches. QnPRH 3 RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller 3009 [PARAMETER ERROR] In a multiple CPU system, the modules for AnS, A, Q2AS and QnA have been set to multiple control CPUs. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP Re-set the parameter I/O assignment to control them under one CPU module. (Change the parameters of all CPUs in the multiple CPU system.) RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller 3010 [PARAMETER ERROR] The parameter-set number of CPU modules differs from the actual number in a multiple CPU system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP 2 Match the number of (CPU modules in multiple CPU setting) - (CPUs set as empty in I/O assignment) with that of actually mounted CPU modules. 12 Qn(H)*1 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 6 6 CPU Status: Stop Qn(H)*1 QnPH 7 RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller 3012 [PARAMETER ERROR] Multiple CPU setting or control CPU setting differs from that of the reference CPU settings in a multiple CPU system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing Match the multiple CPU setting or control CPU setting in the PLC parameter with that of the reference CPU (CPU No.1) settings. Q00/Q01*1 Qn(H)*1 QnU RUN/ 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.5 Error code list (3000 to 3999) • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP 8 At writing to progurammable controller *1 The function version is B or later. 12-37 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [PARAMETER ERROR] Multiple CPU auto refresh setting is any of the followings in a multiple CPU system. • When a bit device is specified as a refresh device, a number other than a multiple of 16 is specified for the refresh-starting device. • The device specified is other than the one that may be specified. • The number of send points is an odd number. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU Check the following in the multiple CPU auto refresh setting and make correction. • When specifying the bit device, specify a multiple of 16 for the refresh starting device. • Specify the device that may be specified for the refresh device. • Set the number of send points to an even number. Qn(H)*1 QnPH Check the following in the multiple CPU auto refresh setting and make correction. • The total number of transmission points is within the maximum number of refresh points. Q00/Q01*1 RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller [PARAMETER ERROR] In a multiple CPU system, the multiple CPU auto refresh setting is any of the following. • The total number of transmission points is greater than the maximum number of refresh points. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing 3013 • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller [PARAMETER ERROR] In a multiple CPU system, the multiple CPU auto refresh setting is any of the following. • The device specified is other than the one that may be specified. • The number of send points is an odd number. • The total number of send points is greater than the maximum number of refresh points. • The setting of the refresh range crosses over the boundary between the internal user device and the extended data register (D) or extended link register (W). ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Check the following in the multiple CPU auto refresh setting and make correction. • Specify the device that may be specified for the refresh device. • Set the number of send points to an even number. • Set the total number of send points within the range of the maximum number of refresh points. • Set the refresh range so that it does not cross over the boundary between the internal user device and the extended data register (D) or extended link register (W). CPU Status: Stop QnU*10 RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller [PARAMETER ERROR] • In a multiple CPU system, the online module change parameter (multiple CPU system parameter) settings differ from those of the reference CPU. • In a multiple CPU system, the online module change setting is enabled although the CPU module mounted does not support online module chang parameter. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller 3014 *1 *8 *10 • Match the online module change parameter with that of the reference CPU. • If the CPU module that does not support online module change is mounted, replace it with the CPU module that supports online module change. The function version is B or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-38 Qn(H) QnPH QnU*8 Error Code (SD0) 3015 Error Contents and Cause [PARAMETER ERROR] In a multiple CPU system configuration, the CPU verified is different from the one set in the parameter setting. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number/CPU No. ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, check the parameter item corresponding to the numerical value (parameter No./CPU No.) and parameter of target CPU, and correct them. 2 3 RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller [PARAMETER ERROR] The CPU module incompatible with multiple CPU synchronized boot-up is set as the target for the synchronized boot-up in the [Multiple CPU synchronous startup setting]. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number/ CPU No. ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/ At reset/ At writing to progurammable controller Delete the CPU module incompatible with multiple CPU synchronized boot-up from the setting. 3040 [PARAMETER ERROR] The parameter file is damaged. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset With GX Developer, write [PLC parameter/Network parameter/Remote password] to a valid drive then reload the power supply for system and/or reset the CPU module. If the same error occurs, it is thought to be hardware error. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) 3041 [PARAMETER ERROR] Parameter file of intelligent function module is damaged. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset With GX Developer, write [Intelligent function module parameter] to a valid drive to write the parameters then reload the power supply for system and/or reset the CPU module. If the same error occurs, it is thought to be a hardware error. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) 3016 *5 *8 12 6 6 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 7 CPU Status: Stop 8 Qn(H)*5 • With GX Developer, write [PLC parameter/ Network parameter/Remote password] to a valid drive then reload the power supply for system and/or reset the CPU module. If the same error occurs, it is thought to be a hardware error. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) • When a valid drive for parameter is set to other than [program memory], set the parameter file (PARAM) at the boot file setting to be able to transmit to the program memory. With GX Developer, write [PLC parameter/ Network parameter/Remote password] to a valid drive then reload the power supply for system and/or reset the CPU module. If the same error occurs, it is thought to be hardware error. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) QnPH*5 QnPRH*5 The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "07032" or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. 12-39 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.5 Error code list (3000 to 3999) 3042 [PARAMETER ERROR] The system file that have stored the remote password setting information is damaged. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset QnU*8 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [LINK PARA. ERROR] In a multiple CPU system, the CC-Link IE controller network module controlled by another CPU is specified as the head I/O number of the CC-Link IE controller network module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-ON/ At reset/ STOP • At power-ON/ At reset/ STOP RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] • The CC-Link IE controller network module is specified for the head I/O number of network parameter in the MELSECNET/H. • The MELSECNET/H module is specified for the head I/O number of network parameter in the CC-Link IE controller network. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-ON/ At reset/ STOP *7 *9 • Delete the network parameter of the CC-Link IE controller network module controlled by another CPU. • Change the setting to the head I/O number of the CC-Link IE controller network module controlled by host CPU. Qn(H)*7 QnPH*9 QnU RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop Qn(H)*7 QnPH*9 • Check the network parameter and actual mounting status, and if they differ, make them matched. When network parameters are modified, write them to the CPU module. • Check the setting of extension base unit stage number. • Check the connection status of extension base unit and extension cable. When the GOT is busconnected to the main base unit or extension base unit, also check its connection status. If an error occurs even after performing the above checks, the hardware may be faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) RUN The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10042" or later. 12-40 Corresponding CPU Reset the CPU module. RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] • The number of modules actually mounted is different from that is set in Network parameter for MELSECNET/H. • The head I/O number of the actually mounted module is different from the one set in the network parameter of the CC-Link IE controller network. • Data cannot be handled in the parameter exists. • The network type of CC-Link IE controller network is overwritten during power-on. (When changing the network type, switch RESET to RUN.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing 3100 LED Status CPU Status RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] The network parameter of the CC-Link IE controller network operating as the normal station is overwritten to the control station. Or, the network parameter of the CC-Link IE controller network operating as the control station is overwritten to the normal station. (The network parameter is updated on the module by resetting.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-ON/ At reset/ STOP Corrective Action QnPRH*9 QnU Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [LINK PARA. ERROR] • Although the CC-Link IE controller network module is mounted, network parameter for the CC-Link IE controller network module is not set. • Although the CC-Link IE controller network and MELSECNET/H modules are mounted, network parameter for the MELSECNET/H module is not set. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-ON/ At reset/ STOP RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] In a multiple CPU system, the MELSECNET/H under control of another CPU is specified as the head I/O number in the network setting parameter of the MELSECNET/H. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP 3100 1 • Check the network parameter and actual mounting status, and if they differ, make them matched. When network parameters are modified, write them to the CPU module. • Check the setting of extension base unit stage number. • Check the connection status of extension base unit and extension cable. When the GOT is busconnected to the main base unit or extension base unit, also check its connection status. If an error occurs even after performing the above checks, the hardware may be faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) Qn(H)*7 2 9 QnPH* QnPRH*9 QnU 3 12 • Delete the MELSECNET/H network parameter of the MELSECNET/H under control of another CPU. • Change the setting to the head I/O number of the MELSECNET/H under control of the host CPU. Q00/Q01*1 Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnU*10 6 6 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Reset the CPU module. CPU Status: Stop 7 Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnPRH QnU 8 RUN • Check the network parameters and actual mounting status, and if they differ, make them matched. If any network parameter has been corrected, write it to the CPU module. • Check the extension base unit stage No. setting. • Check the connection status of the extension base units and extension cables. When the GOT is bus-connected to the main base unit and extension base units, also check the connection status. If the error occurs after the above checks, the possible cause is a hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) QCPU • Set the mode switch of MELSECNET/H module*5 within the range. The function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "07032" or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10042" or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-41 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.5 Error code list (3000 to 3999) • The mode switch of MELSECNET/H module*5 is outside the range. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing *1 *5 *7 *9 *10 Corresponding CPU RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] • The number of modules actually mounted is different from that is set in Network parameter for MELSECNET/H. • The head I/O number of actually installed modules is different from that designated in the network parameter of MELSECNET/H. • Some data in the parameters cannot be handled. • The network type of MELSECNET/H is overwritten during power-on. (When changing the network type, switch RESET to RUN.) • At power ON/At reset/STOP LED Status CPU Status RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] The network parameter of the MELSECNET/H operating as the normal station is overwritten to the control station. Or, the network parameter of the MELSECNET/H operating as the control station is overwritten to the normal station. (The network parameter is updated on the module by resetting.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP Corrective Action Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [LINK PARA. ERROR] The link refresh range exceeded the file register capacity. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed [LINK PARA. ERROR] • When the station number of the MELSECNET/H module is 0, the PLC-to-PLC network parameter has been set. • When the station number of the MELSECNET/H module is other than 0, the remote master parameter setting has been made. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP • At power ON/At reset/STOP RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] • The network No. specified by a network parameter is different from that of the actually mounted network. • The head I/O No. specified by a network parameter is different from that of the actually mounted I/O unit. • The network class specified by a network parameter is different from that of the actually mounted network. • The network refresh parameter of the MELSECNET/H, MELSECNET/10 is out of the specified area. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP *1 *7 *9 *10 Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnPRH Change the file register file for the one that enables entire range refresh. QnU*10 Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnPRH Correct the type or station number of the MELSECNET/H module in the network parameter to meet the used system. Qn(H)*7 QnPH*9 • Check the network parameters and mounting status, and if they differ, match the network parameters and mounting status. If any network parameter has been corrected, write it to the CPU module. • Confirm the setting of the number of extension stages of the extension base units. • Check the connection status of the extension base units and extension cables. When the GOT is bus-connected to the main base unit and extension base units, also check their connection status. If the error occurs after the above checks, the cause is a hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) Use a module that supports the MELSECNET/H multi-remote I/O network. RUN The function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10042" or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-42 Corresponding CPU RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker QnPRH*9 QnU CPU Status: Stop QCPU RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] A multi-remote I/O network was configured using a module that does not support the MELSECNET/H multi-remote I/O network. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP LED Status CPU Status RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] The refresh parameter for the CC-Link IE controller network is outside the range. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing 3101 Corrective Action QnPH Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [LINK PARA. ERROR] • The system A of the MELSECNET/H remote master station has been set to other than Station No. 0. • The system B of the MELSECNET/H remote master station has been set to Station No. 0. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 • Set the system A of the MELSECNET/H remote master station to Station No. 0. • Set the system B of the MELSECNET/H remote master station to any of Station No. 1 to 64. QnPRH 3 RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] Since the number of points of the B/W device set in [Device] of the PLC parameter is lower than the number of B/W refresh device points shown in the following table when parameters of the MELSECNET/H are not set, the refresh between the CPU module and the MELSECNET/H cannot 12 6 be performed.. Refresh device 3101 1 No. of 2 mountable network modules 3 4 No. of refresh device points of B device 8192 points (8192 points×1 module) 8192 points (4096 points×2 modules) 6144 points (2048 points×3 modules) 8192 points (2048 points×4 modules) No. of refresh device points of W device 8192 points (8192 points×1 module) 8192 points (4096 points×2 modules) 6144 points (2048 points×3 modules) 8192 points (2048 points×4 modules) Set the refresh parameter of the MELSECNET/H in accordance with the number of points of B/W devices set in [Device] of the PLC parameter. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop Qn(H)*7 QnPH*7 QnPRH*7 QnU Set the network refresh range so that it does not cross over the boundary between the internal user device and the extended data register (D) or extended link register (W). QnU RUN The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. 12-43 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.5 Error code list (3000 to 3999) *7 7 RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] The setting of the network refresh range crosses over the boundary between the internal user device and the extended data register (D) or extended link register (W). ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP 6 8 ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP 2 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status [LINK PARA. ERROR] A CC-Link IE controller network parameter error was detected. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] • The network module detected a network parameter error. • A MELSECNET/H network parameter error was detected. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP • At power ON/At reset/STOP *7 *9 • Correct and write the network parameters. • If the error occurs after correction, it suggests a hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) QCPU Refer to the troubleshooting of the network module, and if the error is due to incorrect pairing setting, reexamine the pairing setting of the network parameter. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop Mount the CC-Link IE controller network module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09042" or later. Set group cyclic function in function version D or later of CC-Link IE controller network. QnU QnU*9 Q00J/Q00/Q01 Examine the paring setting for the network parameter in the control staion. RUN The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10042" or later. 12-44 QnPRH RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] Paring setting in CC-Link IE controller network modules installed in CPUs except for redundant CPUs was performed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP QnPRH*9 QnU RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] Group cyclic function in CC-Link IE controller network that does not correspond to group cyclic function is set. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP QnPH*9 RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] The CC-Link IE controller network module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09041" or earlier is mounted. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP Qn(H)*7 RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] The station No. specified in pairing setting are not correct. • The stations are not numbered consecutively. • Pairing setting has not been made for the CPU module at the normal station. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing 3102 Corresponding CPU Qn(H)*9 QnPH*9 QnU*9 Error Code (SD0) 3102 Error Contents and Cause [LINK PARA. ERROR] • LB/LW own station send range at LB/LW4000 or later was set. • LB/LW setting (2) was performed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP 3103 RUN 3104 *1 *7 *10 Examine the network range assignments for the network parameter in the control station. Q00J/Q00/Q01 2 3 • Delete the Ethernet network parameter of Ethernet interface module under control of another station. • Change the setting to the start I/O number of Ethernet interface module under control of the host station. Q00/Q01*1 Qn(H)*1 QnPH 12 QnU*10 6 6 QCPU • Correct and write the network parameters. • If the error occurs after correction, it suggests a hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop QnPRH*7 • Correct and write the network parameters. • If the error occurs after correction, it suggests a hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) 7 8 RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] • The Ethernet, MELSECNET/H and MELSECNET/10 use the same network number. • The network number, station number or group number set in the network parameter is out of range. • The specified I/O number is outside the range of the used CPU module. • The Ethernet-specific parameter setting is not normal. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP 1 QCPU RUN The function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-45 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.5 Error code list (3000 to 3999) [LINK PARA. ERROR] • Ethernet module whose network type is set to “Ethernet (main base)” is mounted on the extension base unit in the redundant system. • Ethernet module whose network type is set to “Ethernet (extension base)” is mounted on the main base unit in the redundant system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP Corresponding CPU RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] • Although the number of modules has been set to one or greater number in the Ethernet module count parameter setting, the number of actually mounted module is zero. • The start I/O No. of the Ethernet network parameter differs from the I/O No. of the actually mounted module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP LED Status CPU Status RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] In a multiple CPU system, Ethernet interface module under control of another station is specified to the start I/O number of the Ethernet network parameter. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP Corrective Action Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [LINK PARA. ERROR] In a multiple CPU system, the CC-Link module under control of another station is specified as the head I/O number of the CC-Link network parameter. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP • At power ON/At reset/STOP RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] • CC-Link module whose station type is set to “master station (compatible with redundant function)” is mounted on the extension base unit in the redundant system. • CC-Link module whose station type is set to “master station (extension base)” is mounted on the main base unit in the redundant system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP *1 *7 *10 Corresponding CPU Q00/Q01*1 • Delete the CC-Link network parameter of the CC-Link module under control of another station. • Change the setting to the start I/O number of the CC-Link module under control of the host station. Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnU*10 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker • Correct and write the network parameters. • If the error occurs after correction, it suggests a hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) RUN The function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-46 LED Status CPU Status RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] • Though the number of CC-Link modules set in the network parameters is one or more, the number of actually mounted modules is zero. • The start I/O number in the common parameters is different from that of the actually mounted module. • The station type of the CC-Link module count setting parameters is different from that of the actually mounted station. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing 3105 Corrective Action QCPU CPU Status: Stop QnPRH*7 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [LINK PARA. ERROR] The CC-Link link refresh range exceeded the file register capacity. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed 3106 [LINK PARA. ERROR] The network refresh parameter for CC-Link is out of range. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP 3107 3201 *1 RUN [SFC PARA. ERROR] The block parameter setting is illegal. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • STOP 2 3 Check the parameter setting. QCPU 12 6 Set the network refresh range so that it does not cross over the boundary between the internal user device and the extended data register (D) or extended link register (W). QnU RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 7 CPU Status: Stop Check the parameter setting. 6 QCPU 8 RUN [SFC PARA. ERROR] The parameter setting is illegal. • Though Block 0 was set to "Automatic start" in the SFC setting of the PLC parameter dialog box, Block 0 does not exist. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • STOP Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnPRH QnU Change the file register file for the one refreshenabled in the whole range. Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. Q00J/Q00/Q01*1 QnPH QnPRH QnU Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH RUN The function version is B or later. 12-47 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.5 Error code list (3000 to 3999) 3200 Corresponding CPU 1 RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] • The CC-Link parameter setting is incorrect. • The set mode is not allowed for the version of the mounted CC-Link module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP LED Status CPU Status RUN [LINK PARA. ERROR] The setting of the network refresh range crosses over the boundary between the internal user device and the extended data register (D) or extended link register (W). ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP Corrective Action Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [SFC PARA. ERROR] The number of step relays specified in the device setting of the PLC parameter dialog box is less than that used in the program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing 3202 • STOP RUN [SFC PARA. ERROR] The execution type of the SFC program specified in the program setting of the PLC parameter dialog box is other than scan execution. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing 3203 • At power-ON/ At reset/ STOP LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU RUN*3 [SP. PARA ERROR] The start I/O number in the intelligent function module parameter set on GX Configurator differs from the actual I/O number. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name 3300 Corrective Action Check the parameter setting. QCPU • Individual Information:Parameter number*2 ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP RUN/ RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker At writing to progurammable controller [SP. PARA ERROR] • The refresh setting of the intelligent function module exceeded the file register capacity. • The intelligent function module set in GX Configurator differs from the actually mounted module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name • Change the file register file for the one which allows refresh in the whole range. • Check the parameter setting. • Individual Information:Parameter number*2 ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP CPU Status: Stop Q00J/Q00/Q01 Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnPRH QnU RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller [SP. PARA ERROR] The intelligent function module's refresh parameter setting is outside the available range. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name 3301 • Individual Information:Parameter number*2 ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP Check the parameter setting. QCPU RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller [SP. PARA ERROR] The setting of the refresh parameter range crosses over the boundary between the internal user device and the extended data register (D) or extended link register (W). ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name • Individual Information:Parameter number*2 ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP Set the refresh parameter range so that it does not cross over the boundary between the internal user device and the extended data register (D) or extended link register (W). QnU RUN/ At writing to progurammable controller *1 *2 *3 The function version is B or later. Parameter No. is the value gained by dividing the head I/O number of parameter in the intelligent function module set by GX Configurator by 10H. The diagnostic timing of CPU modules except for Universal QCPU can be performed only when switching the CPU modules to run. 12-48 Error Code (SD0) 3302 Error Contents and Cause [SP. PARA ERROR] The intelligent function module's refresh parameter are abnormal. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name • Individual Information:Parameter number*2 ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 Check the parameter setting. QCPU RUN/ 3 At writing to progurammable controller 3303 [SP. PARA ERROR] In a multiple CPU system, the automatic refresh setting or other parameter setting was made to the intelligent function module under control of another station. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/ Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-On/ At reset/ STOP • Delete the automatic refresh setting or other parameter setting of the intelligent function module under control of another CPU. • Change the setting to the automatic refresh setting or other parameter setting of the intelligent function module under control of the host CPU. At writing to progurammable controller 3400 6 Change the head I/O number of the target module to be within the 0H to 0FF0H range. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnPRH QnU*7 6 7 8 Change the head I/O number of the target module to be within the 0H to 07E0H range. Q02U Change the head I/O number of the target module of the remote password for the number within the following range. • Q00JCPU: 0H to 1E0H • Q00CPU/Q01CPU: 0H to 3E0H Q00J/Q00/Q01*1 RUN The function version is B or later. Parameter No. is the value gained by dividing the head I/O number of parameter in the intelligent function module set by GX Configurator by 10H. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. 12-49 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.5 Error code list (3000 to 3999) *1 *2 *7 QnU*10 12 RUN [REMOTE PASS. ERR.] The head I/O number of the target module of the remote password is outside the following range. • Q00JCPU: 0H to 1E0H • Q00CPU/Q01CPU: 0H to 3E0H ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP Qn(H)*1 QnPH RUN [REMOTE PASS. ERR.] The head I/O number of the target module of the remote password is set to other than 0H to 07E0H. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP Q00/Q01*1 RUN/ [REMOTE PASS. ERR.] The head I/O number of the target module of the remote password is set to other than 0H to 0FF0H. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP 2 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [REMOTE PASS. ERR.] Position specified as the head I/O number of the remote password file is incorrect due to one of the following reasons: • Module is not loaded. • Other than a the intelligent function module (I/O module) • Intelligent function module other than serial communication module, modem interface module or Ethernet module • Serial communication module or Ethernet module of function version A The intelligent function module where remote password is available is not mounted. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP • At power ON/At reset/STOP *1 *10 RUN The function version is B or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-50 Corresponding CPU Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnPRH QnU RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Mount any of the following modules in the position specified for the head I/O number of the remote password. • Serial communication module of function version B or later • Ethernet module of function version B or later • Modem interface module of function version B or later CPU Status: Stop Q00J/Q00/Q01*1 RUN [REMOTE PASS. ERR.] Serial communication module, modem interface module or Ethernet module of function version B or later controlled by another CPU was specified in a multiple CPU system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP LED Status CPU Status Mount serial communication module, modem interface module or Ethernet module of function version B or later in the position specified in the head I/O No. of the remote password file. RUN [REMOTE PASS. ERR.] Any of the following modules is not mounted on the slot specified for the head I/O number of the remote password. • Serial communication module of function version B or later • Ethernet module of function version B or later • Modem interface module of function version B or later ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 3401 Corrective Action • Change it for the Ethernet module of function version B or later connected by the host CPU. • Delete the remote password setting. Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnU*10 12.1.6 Error code list (4000 to 4999) The following shows the error messages from the error code 4000 to 4999, the contents and causes of the errors, and the corrective actions for the errors. 1 2 Error Code (SD0) 4000 Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status [INSTRCT. CODE ERR] • The program contains an instruction code that cannot be decoded. • An unusable instruction is included in the program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP Corresponding CPU 3 12 QCPU 6 RUN When instruction executed 4001 [INSTRCT. CODE ERR] The program contains a dedicated instruction for SFC although it is not an SFC program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP Q00J/Q00/Q01*2 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU 6 7 RUN When instruction executed 4002 • At power ON/At reset/STOP Read the common information of the error using a peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. 8 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop RUN When instruction executed 4003 [INSTRCT. CODE ERR] The number of devices for the dedicated instruction specified by the program is incorrect. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP QCPU RUN When instruction executed 4004 [INSTRCT. CODE ERR] The device which cannot be used by the dedicated instruction specified by the program is specified. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/STOP RUN When instruction executed *2 The function version is B or later. 12-51 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.6 Error code list (4000 to 4999) [INSTRCT. CODE ERR] • The name of dedicated instruction specified by the program is incorrect. • The dedicated instruction specified by the program cannot be executed by the specified module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status [MISSING END INS.] There is no END (FEND) instruction in the program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4010 • At power ON/At reset/STOP QCPU RUN [CAN'T SET(P)] The total number of internal file pointers used by the program exceeds the number of internal file pointers set in the parameters. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4020 • At power ON/At reset/STOP • At power ON/At reset/STOP RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker RUN [CAN'T SET(P)] • The common pointer Nos. assigned to files overlap. • The local pointer Nos. assigned to files overlap. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4021 Read the common information of the error using a peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU CPU Status: Stop RUN QCPU [CAN'T SET(I)] The allocation pointer Nos. assigned by files overlap. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4030 • At power ON/At reset/STOP RUN [OPERATION ERROR] The instruction cannot process the contained data. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4100 *1 *11 Corresponding CPU QCPU [OPERATION ERROR] Access error of ATA card occurs by SP.FREAD/SP.FWRITE instructions. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed • Take measurements against noise. • Reset and restart the CPU module. When the same error is displayed again, the ATA card has hardware failure. (Please consult your local Mitsubishi service center or representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) [OPERATION ERROR] The file being accessed by other functions with SP.FWRITE instruction was accessed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed • Stop the file accessed with other functions to execute SP.FWRITE instruction. • Stop the access with othrer functions and the SP.FWRITE instructuion to execute at same time. CPU Status: Stop/ Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU*11 Continue*1 CPU operation can be set in the parameters at error occurrence. (LED indication varies.) The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU. 12-52 RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On QnU*11 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [OPERATION ERROR] • The number of setting data dealt with the instruction exceeds the applicable range. • The storage data and constant of the device specified by the instruction exceeds the applicable range. • When writing to the host CPU shared memory, the write prohibited area is specified for the write destination address. • The range of storage data of the device specified by the instruction is duplicated. • The device specified by the instruction exceeds the range of the number of device points. • The interrupt pointer No. specified by the instruction exceeds the applicable range. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4101 [OPERATION ERROR] • The storage data of file register specified by the instruction exceeds the applicable range. Or, file register is not set. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed Corrective Action Corresponding CPU 1 2 QCPU 3 12 Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On 6 6 CPU Status: Stop/ Continue*1 QnU*10 7 8 QnU 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.6 Error code list (4000 to 4999) [OPERATION ERROR] • The block data that crosses over the boundary between the internal user device and the extended data register (D) or extended link register is specified (including 32-bit binary, real number (single precision, double precision), indirect address, and control data) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed *1 *10 LED Status CPU Status CPU operation can be set in the parameters at error occurrence. (LED indication varies.) The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-53 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU [OPERATION ERROR] In a multiple CPU system, the link direct device (J \ ) was specified for the network module under control of another station. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed • Delete from the program the link direct device which specifies the network module under control of another CPU. • Using the link direct device, specify the network module under control of the host CPU. Q00/Q01*2 Qn(H)*2 QnPH QnU*10 [OPERATION ERROR] • The network No. or station No. specified for the dedicated instruction is wrong. • The link direct device (J \ ) setting is incorrect. • The module No./ network No./number of character strings exceeds the range that can be specified. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4102 [OPERATION ERROR] • The specification of character string (" ") specified by dedicated instruction cannot be used for the character string. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4103 [OPERATION ERROR] The configuration of the PID dedicated instruction is incorrect. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4105 [OPERATION ERROR] PLOADP/PUNLOADP/PSWAPP instructins were executed while setting program memory check. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4107 [OPERATION ERROR] 33 or more multiple CPU dedicated instructions were executed from one CPU module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed *1 *2 *5 *10 QCPU Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. QnU CPU Status: Stop/ Continue*1 Q00J/Q00/ Q01*2 Qn(H) QnPRH QnU • Delete the program memory check setting. • When using the program memory check, delete PLOADP/PUNLOADP/PSWAPP instructions. Using the multiple CPU dedicated instruction completion bit, provide interlocks to prevent one CPU module from executing 33 or more multiple CPU dedicated instructions. CPU operation can be set in the parameters at error occurrence. (LED indication varies.) The function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "07032" or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-54 RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On QnPH*5 Q00/Q01*2 Qn(H)*2 QnPH Q00U/Q01U Q02U Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause 4109 [OPERATION ERROR] With high speed interrupt setting PR, PRC, UDCNT1, UDCNT2, PLSY or PWM instruction is executed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4111 [OPERATION ERROR] An attempt was made to perform write/read to/from the CPU shared memory write/read disable area of the host station CPU module with the instruction. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4112 [OPERATION ERROR] The CPU module that cannot be specified with the multiple CPU dedicated instruction was specified. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4113 [OPERATION ERROR] • When the SP.DEVST instruction is executed, the number of writing to the standard ROM of the day exceeds the value specified by SD695. • The value outside the specified range is set to SD695. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4121 *1 *2 *3 *10 [OPERATION ERROR] • In the separate mode, the control system switching instruction (SP. CONTSW) was executed in the standby system CPU module. • In the debug mode, the control system switching instruction (SP. CONTSW) was executed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 Delete the high-speed interrupt setting. When using high-speed interrupt, delete the PR, PRC, UDCNT1, UDCNT2, PLSY and PWM instructions. Qn(H)*3 RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On Read the common information of the error using GX Developer, and check and correct the error step corresponding to that value (program error location). CPU Status: Stop/ 2 3 Q00/Q01*2 QnU Continue*1 12 6 Q00/Q01*2 QnU*10 6 7 • Check that the number of execution of the SP.DEVST instruction is proper. • Execute the SP.DEVST instruction again the following day or later day. Or, arrange the value of SD695. • Correct the value of SD695 so that it does not exceed the range. To execute control system switching by the SP. CONTSW instruction, turn ON the manual system switching enable flag (special register SM1592). RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On QnU CPU Status: Stop/Continue RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On QnPRH CPU Status: Stop/ Continue*1 • Reexamine the interlock signal for the SP. CONTSW instruction, and make sure that the SP. CONTSW instruction is executed in the control system only. (Since the SP. CONTSW instruction cannot be executed in the standby system, it is recommended to provide an interlock using the operation mode signal or like.) • As the SP. CONTSW instruction cannot be executed in the debug mode, reexamine the interlock signal related to the operation mode. 8 RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On QnPRH CPU Status: Stop/ Continue*1 CPU operation can be set in the parameters at error occurrence. (LED indication varies.) The function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "04012" or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-55 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.6 Error code list (4000 to 4999) 4120 [OPERATION ERROR] Since the manual system switching enable flag (special register SM1592) is OFF, manual system switching cannot be executed by the control system switching instruction (SP. CONTSW). ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed Corrective Action Error Code (SD0) 4122 Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action [OPERATION ERROR] • The dedicated instruction was executed to the module mounted on the extension base unit in the redundant system. • The instruction for accessing the intelligent function module mounted on the extension base unit from the standby system at separate mode was executed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed • Delete the dedicated instruction for the module mounted on the extension base unit. • Delete the instruction for accessing the intelligent function module mounted on the extension base unit from the standby system. [OPERATION ERROR] Instructions to read SFC step comment (S(P).SFCSCOMR) and SFC transition condition comment (S(P).SFCTCOMR) are executed for the comment file in ATA card ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When END/other instruction executed 4130 Target comment file is to be other than the comment file in ATA card. 4140 [OPERATION ERROR] Operation where the input data is special value ("-0", unnormalized number, nonnumeric, ) is performed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check the error step corresponding to the numerical value (program error part), and correct it. 4141 [OPERATION ERROR] Overflow occurs at operation. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4200 [FOR NEXT ERROR] No NEXT instruction was executed following the execution of a FOR instruction. Alternatively, there are fewer NEXT instructions than FOR instructions. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed QnPRH*6 CPU Status: Stop/Continue RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On Qn(H)*4 QnPH*5 QnPRH RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On CPU Status: Stop/Continue Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check the error step corresponding to the numerical value (program error part), and correct it. Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. CPU operation can be set in the parameters at error occurrence. (LED indication varies.) The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "07012" or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "07032" or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. 12-56 Corresponding CPU Continue*1 Check the SFC program specified by the instruction. Or, check the executing status of the SFC program. *1 *4 *5 *6 RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On CPU Status: Stop/ [OPERATION ERROR] The SFC program is started up by the instruction while the other SFC program has not yet been completed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4131 LED Status CPU Status QnU RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On CPU Status: Stop/ Continue*1 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop QCPU Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action 4201 Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. 4202 [FOR NEXT ERROR] More than 16 nesting levels are programmed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed Keep nesting levels at 16 or under. 4203 [FOR NEXT ERROR] A BREAK instruction was executed although no FOR instruction has been executed prior to that. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4210 4211 4212 [CAN'T EXECUTE(P)] The RET instruction exists before the FEND instruction of the main routine program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4213 [CAN'T EXECUTE(P)] More than 16 nesting levels are programmed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 2 3 12 6 6 Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 7 QCPU CPU Status: Stop 8 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.6 Error code list (4000 to 4999) [CAN'T EXECUTE(P)] There was no RET instruction in the executed subroutine program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed Corresponding CPU 1 [FOR NEXT ERROR] A NEXT instruction was executed although no FOR instruction has been executed. Alternatively, there are more NEXT instructions than FOR instructions. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed [CAN'T EXECUTE(P)] The CALL instruction is executed, but there is no subroutine at the specified pointer. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed LED Status CPU Status Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. Keep nesting levels at 16 or under. 12-57 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause 4220 [CAN'T EXECUTE(I)] Though an interrupt input occurred, the corresponding interrupt pointer does not exist. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4221 [CAN'T EXECUTE(I)] An IRET instruction does not exist in the executed interrupt program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed [CAN'T EXECUTE(I)] The IRET instruction exists before the FEND instruction of the main routine program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4225 [CAN'T EXECUTE(I)] The interrupt pointer for the module mounted on the extension base unit is set in the redundant system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-ON/At reset 4230 [INST. FORMAT ERR.] The number of CHK and CHKEND instructions is not equal. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed [INST. FORMAT ERR.] The number of IX and IXEND instructions is not equal. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4231 Corresponding CPU Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker QnU CPU Status: Stop Delete the setting of interrupt pointer for the module mounted on the extension base unit, since it cannot be used. QnPRH*6 Qn(H) QnPH Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. 12-58 LED Status CPU Status QCPU [CAN'T EXECUTE(I)] • The IRET instruction was executed in the fixed scan execution type program. • The STOP instruction was executed in the fixed scan execution type program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4223 *6 Corrective Action QCPU Error Code (SD0) 4235 Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 [INST. FORMAT ERR.] The configuration of the check conditions for the CHK instruction is incorrect. Alternatively, a CHK instruction has been used in a low speed execution type program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed Qn(H) QnPH 3 [MULTI-COM.ERROR] • The multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction used in the program specifies the wrong CPU module. Or, the setting in the CPU module is incompatible with the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction. • The reserved CPU is specified. • The uninstalled CPU is specified. • The head I/O number of the target CPU/16 (n1) is outside the range of 3EH to 3E3H. 4350 • The CPU module where the instruction cannot be executed is specified. • The instruction is executed in a single CPU system. • The host CPU is specified. • The instruction is executed without setting the "Use multiple CPU high speed communication". ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4352 [MULTI-COM.ERROR] The number of devices for the multiple CPU highspeed transmission dedicated instruction specified by the program is wrong. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed *7 12 6 6 Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 7 CPU Status: Stop 8 QnU*7 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.6 Error code list (4000 to 4999) 4351 [MULTI-COM.ERROR] • The multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction specified by the program cannot be executed to the specified target CPU module. • The instruction name is wrong. • The instruction unsupported by the target CPU module is specified. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 2 The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. 12-59 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause 4353 [MULTI-COM.ERROR] The device which cannot be used for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction specified by the program is specified. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4354 [MULTI-COM.ERROR] The character string which cannot be handled by the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction is specified. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4355 [MULTI-COM.ERROR] The number of read/write data (number of request/ receive data) for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction specified by the program is not valid. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed • STOP LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU QnU*7 Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. QnU*7 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker [SFCP. CODE ERROR] No SFCP or SFCPEND instruction in SFC program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4400 CPU Status: Stop Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH RUN [CAN'T SET(BL)] The block number designated by the SFC program exceeds the range. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4410 • STOP RUN [CAN'T SET(BL)] Block number designations overlap in SFC program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4411 • STOP Write the program to the CPU module again using GX Developer. RUN [CAN'T SET(S)] A step number designated in an SFC program exceeds the range. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4420 • STOP *2 *7 Corrective Action RUN The function version is B or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. 12-60 Q00J/Q00/Q01*2 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU Error Code (SD0) 4421 Error Contents and Cause [CAN'T SET(S)] Total number of steps in all SFC programs exceed the maximum. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • STOP 4422 [CAN'T SET(S)] Step number designations overlap in SFC program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • STOP 4423 2 3 12 6 Correct the total number of step relays so that it does not exceed the total number of (maximum step No.+1) of each block. 6 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker • Write the program to the CPU module again using GX Developer. • After correcting the setting of the SFC data device, write it to the CPU module. • After correcting the device setting range set in the PLC parameter, write it to the CPU module. 7 CPU Status: Stop 8 Q00J/Q00/Q01*2 QnU RUN RUN [SFC EXE. ERROR] The SFC program cannot be executed. • The structure of the SFC program is illegal. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • STOP *2 Write the program to the CPU module again using GX Developer. [SFC EXE. ERROR] The SFC program cannot be executed. • The block parameter setting is abnormal. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • STOP 4432 Q00J/Q00/Q01*2 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.6 Error code list (4000 to 4999) 4431 Corresponding CPU 1 RUN [SFC EXE. ERROR] The SFC program cannot be executed. • The data of the block data setting is illegal. • The SFC data device of the block data setting is beyond the device setting range set in the PLC parameter. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/Drive name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • STOP LED Status CPU Status RUN [CAN'T SET(S)] The total number of (maximum step No.+1) of each block exceeds the total number of step relays. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • STOP 4430 RUN Corrective Action Write the program to the CPU module again using GX Developer. RUN The function version is B or later. 12-61 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU [SFCP. FORMAT ERR.] The numbers of BLOCK and BEND instructions in an SFC program are not equal. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4500 • STOP RUN [SFCP. FORMAT ERR.] The configuration of the STEP* to TRAN* to TSET to SEND instructions in the SFC program is incorrect. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4501 • STOP Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH Write the program to the CPU module again using the peripheral device. RUN [SFCP. FORMAT ERR.] The structure of the SFC program is illegal. • STEPI* instruction does not exist in the block of the SFC program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4502 • STOP • STOP • STOP RUN The function version is B or later. 12-62 CPU Status: Stop • Write the program to the CPU module again using GX Developer. • Read the common information of the error using GX Developer, and check and correct the error step corresponding to that value (program error location). RUN [SFCP. FORMAT ERR.] The structure of the SFC program is illegal. • The step specified in the TAND instruction does not exist. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4504 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker RUN [SFCP. FORMAT ERR.] The structure of the SFC program is illegal. • The step specified in the TSET instruction does not exist. • In jump transition, the host step number was specified as the destination step number. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4503 *2 Corrective Action Write the program to the CPU module again using GX Developer. Q00J/Q00/Q01*2 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU Error Code (SD0) 4505 Error Contents and Cause [SFCP. FORMAT ERR.] The structure of the SFC program is illegal. • In the operation output of a step, the SET Sn/ BLmSn or RST Sn/BLmSn instruction was specified for the host step. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • STOP 4506 RUN [SFCP. FORMAT ERR.] The structure of the SFC program is illegal. • In a reset step, the host step number was specified as the destination step. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • STOP 4600 4601 [SFCP. OPE. ERROR] Exceeds device range that can be designated by the SFC program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed Corresponding CPU 1 2 Read the common information of the error using GX Developer, and check and correct the error step corresponding to that value (program error location). RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Q00J/Q00/Q01*2 QnU CPU Status: Stop 3 12 6 6 7 Read common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. RUN: Off/On ERR.: Flicker/On CPU Status: Stop/ Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH 8 Continue*1 [SFCP. OPE. ERROR] The START instruction in an SFC program is preceded by an END instruction. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.6 Error code list (4000 to 4999) *1 *2 LED Status CPU Status RUN [SFCP. OPE. ERROR] The SFC program contains data that cannot be processed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4602 Corrective Action CPU operation can be set in the parameters at error occurrence. (LED indication varies.) The function version is B or later. 12-63 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [SFCP. EXE. ERROR] The active step information at presumptive start of the SFC program is incorrect. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4610 • STOP RUN [SFCP. EXE. ERROR] Key-switch was reset during RUN when presumptive start was designated for SFC program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing 4611 • STOP 4620 4621 [BLOCK EXE. ERROR] Startup was attempted at a block that does not exist in the SFC program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed *2 [STEP EXE. ERROR] Startup was executed at a block in the SFC program that was already started up. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed The function version is B or later. 12-64 Read common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. The program is automatically subjected to an initial start. LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU RUN: On ERR.: On CPU Status: Continue Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH RUN [BLOCK EXE. ERROR] Startup was executed at a block in the SFC program that was already started up. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 4630 Corrective Action Read common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. • Read the common information of the error using GX Developer, and check and correct the error step corresponding to that value (program error location). • Turn ON if the special relay SM321 is OFF. Read common information of the error using the peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and correct the problem. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop Q00J/Q00/Q01*2 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH Error Code (SD0) 4631 4632 4633 Error Contents and Cause [STEP EXE. ERROR] • Startup was attempted at the step that does not exist in the SFC program. Or, the step that does not exist in the SFC program was specified for end. • Forced transition was executed based on the transition condition that does not exit in the SFC program. Or, the transition condition for forced transition that does not exit in the SFC program was canceled. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 Q00J/Q00/Q01*2 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU • Read the common information of the error using the peripheral device, and check and correct the error step corresponding to that value (program error location). • Turn ON if the special relay SM321 is OFF. [STEP EXE. ERROR] There were too many simultaneous active steps in blocks that can be designated by the SFC program. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– Read common information of the error using the ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed peripheral device, check error step corresponding to its numerical value (program error location), and [STEP EXE. ERROR] There were too many simultaneous active steps in correct the problem. all blocks that can be designated. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 2 3 12 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 6 CPU Status: Stop Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU 6 7 8 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.6 Error code list (4000 to 4999) *2 The function version is B or later. 12-65 12.1.7 Error code list (5000 to 5999) The following shows the error messages from the error code 5000 to 5999, the contents and causes of the errors, and the corrective actions for the errors. Error Code (SD0) 5000 5001 12-66 LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action [WDT ERROR] • The scan time of the initial execution type program exceeded the initial execution monitoring time specified in the PLC RAS setting of the PLC parameter. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Time (value set) • Individual Information:Time (value actually measured) ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • Read the individual information of the error from the peripheral device, check its value (time), and shorten the scan time. • Change the initial execution monitoring time or the WDT value in the PLC RAS setting of the PLC parameter. • Resolve the endless loop caused by jump transition. Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU [WDT ERROR] • The power supply of the standby system is turned OFF. • The tracking cable is disconnected or connected without turning off or resetting the standby system. • The tracking cable is not secured by the connector fixing screws. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Time (value set) • Individual Information:Time (value actually measured) ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • Since power-off of the standby system increases the control system scan time, reset the WDT value, taking the increase of the control system scan time into consideration. • When the tracking cable is disconnected during operation, securely connect it and restart the CPU module. If the same error is displayed again, the tracking cable or CPU module has a hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) QnPRH [WDT ERROR] • The scan time of the program exceeded the WDT value specified in the PLC RAS setting of the PLC parameter. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Time (value set) • Individual Information:Time (value actually measured) ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, check its value (time), and shorten the scan time. • Change the initial execution monitoring time or the WDT value in the PLC RAS setting of the PLC parameter. • Resolve the endless loop caused by jump transition. [WDT ERROR] • The power supply of the standby system is turned OFF. • The tracking cable is disconnected or connected without turning off or resetting the standby system. • The tracking cable is not secured by the connector fixing screws. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Time (value set) • Individual Information:Time (value actually measured) ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • Since power-off of the standby system increases the control system scan time, reset the WDT value, taking the increase of the control system scan time into consideration. • When the tracking cable is disconnected during operation, securely connect it and restart the CPU module. If the same error is displayed again, the tracking cable or CPU module has a hardware fault. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop QCPU QnPRH Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [PRG. TIME OVER] The program scan time exceeded the constant scan setting time specified in the PLC RAS setting of the PLC parameter. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Time (value set) • Individual Information:Time (value actually measured) ■Diagnostic Timing • Always 5010 5011 [PRG. TIME OVER] The low speed program execution time specified in the PLC RAS setting of the PLC parameter exceeded the excess time of the constant scan. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Time (value set) • Individual Information:Time (value actually measured) ■Diagnostic Timing • Always Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU • Review the constant scan setting time. • Review the constant scan setting time and low speed program execution time in the PLC parameter so that the excess time of constant scan can be fully secured. 3 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH Review the constant scan setting time in the PLC parameter so that the excess time of constant scan can be fully secured. [PRG. TIME OVER] The scan time of the low speed execution type program exceeded the low speed execution watch time specified in the PLC RAS setting of the PLC parameter dialog box. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Time (value set) • Individual Information:Time (value actually measured) ■Diagnostic Timing • Always Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, check the numerical value (time) there, and shorten scan time if necessary. Change the low speed execution watch time in the PLC RAS setting of the PLC parameter dialog box. 12 6 RUN: On ERR.: On [PRG. TIME OVER] The program scan time exceeded the constant scan setting time specified in the PLC RAS setting of the PLC parameter. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Time (value set) • Individual Information:Time (value actually measured) ■Diagnostic Timing • Always 2 6 CPU Status: Continue Q00J/Q00/Q01 7 8 Qn(H) QnPH 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.7 Error code list (5000 to 5999) 12-67 12.1.8 Error code list (6000 to 6999) The following shows the error messages from the error code 6000 to 6999, the contents and causes of the errors, and the corrective actions for the errors. Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU [FILE DIFF.] In a redundant system, the control system and standby system do not have the same programs and parameters. The file type detected as different between the two systems can be checked by the file name of the error common information. 6000 6001 12-68 • The program is different. (File name = ********.QPG) • The PLC parameters/network parameters/ redundant parameters are different. (File name = PARAM.QPA) • The remote password is different. (File name = PARAM.QPA) • The intelligent function module parameters are different. (File name = IPARAM.QPA) • The device initial values are different. (File name = ********.QDI) • The capacity of each write destination within the CPU for online pchange of multiple program blocks is different. (File name = MBOC.QMB) (This can be detected from the standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/ At tracking cable connection/At changing to backup mode/At completion of write during RUN/ At system switching/At switching both systems into RUN [FILE DIFF.] In a redundant system, the valid parameter drive settings (SW2, SW3) made by the DIP switches are not the same. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/At tracking cable connection/At operation mode change • Match the programs and parameters of the control system and standby system. • Verify the systems by either of the following procedures 1), 2) to clarify the differences between the files of the two systems, then correct a wrong file, and execute “Write to PLC“ again. 1) After reading the programs/parameters of System A using GX Developer or PX Developer, verify them with those of System B. 2) Verify the programs/parameters of GX Developer or PX Developer saved in the offline environment with those written to the CPU modules of both systems. • When the capacity of each write destination within the CPU for online change of multiple program blocks is different between the two systems, take corrective action 1) or 2). 1) Using the memory copy from control system to standby system, copy the program memory from the control system to the standby system. 2) Format the CPU module program memories of both systems. (For the capacity of each write destination within the CPU for online change of multiple program blocks, set the same value to both systems.) Match the valid parameter drive settings (SW2, SW3) by the DIP switches of the control system and standby system. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop QnPRH Error Code (SD0) 6010 Error Contents and Cause [OPE. MODE DIFF.] The operational status of the control system and standby system in the redundant system is not the same. (This can be detected from the standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always 6020 [OPE. MODE DIFF.] At power ON/reset, the RUN/STOP switch settings of the control system and standby system are not the same in a redundant system. (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 6030 [UNIT LAY. DIFF.] • In a redundant system, the module configuration differs between the control system and standby system. • The network module mode setting differs between the two systems. (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/At tracking cable connection/At operation mode change LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 Synchronise the operation statuses of the control system and standby system. RUN: On ERR.: On 2 CPU Status: Continue 3 12 Set the RUN/STOP switches of the control system and standby system to the same setting. 6 6 QnPRH • Match the module configurations of the control system and standby system. • In the redundant setting of the network parameter dialog box, match the mode setting of System B to that of System A. 7 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 8 CPU Status: Stop 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.8 Error code list (6000 to 6999) 6035 [UNIT LAY. DIFF.] In a redundant system, the CPU module model name differs between the control system and standby system. (This can be detected from the standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/At tracking cable connection/At operation mode change Corrective Action Match the model names of the control system and standby system. 12-69 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action 6036 [UNIT LAY. DIFF.] A difference in the remote I/O configuration of the MELSECNET/H multiplexed remote I/O network between the control system and standby system of a redundant system was detected. (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No. • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always Check the network cables of the MELSECNET/H multiplexed remote I/O network for disconnection. 6040 [CARD TYPE DIFF.] In a redundant system, the memory card installation status (installed/not installed) differs between the control system and standby system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset Match the memory card installation statuses (set/ not set) of the control system and standby system. 6041 [CARD TYPE DIFF.] In a redundant system, the memory card type differs between the control system and standby system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset Match the memory card types of the control system and standby system. 6050 6060 12-70 [CAN'T EXE. MODE] The function inexecutable in the debug mode or operation mode (backup/separate mode) was executed. (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always [CPU MODE DIFF.] In a redundant system, the operation mode (backup/separate) differs between the control system and standby system. (This can be detected from the standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/At tracking cable connection LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Execute the function executable in the debug mode or operation mode (backup/separate mode). CPU Status: Stop QnPRH RUN: On ERR.: On CPU Status: Continue Match the operation modes of the control system and standby system. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop Error Code (SD0) 6061 Error Contents and Cause [CPU MODE DIFF.] In a redundant system, the operation mode (backup/separate) differs between the control system and standby system. (This can be detected from the standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed 6062 [CPU MODE DIFF.] Both System A and B are in the same system status (control system). (This can be detected from the system B of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset/At tracking cable connection 6100 [TRK. TRANS. ERR.] • An error (e.g. retry limit exceeded) occurred in tracking data transmission. (This error may be caused by tracking cable removal or other system power-off (including reset).) • The error occurred at a startup since the redundant system startup procedure was not followed. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Tracking transmission data classification • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 2 Match the operation modes of the control system and standby system. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 3 12 CPU Status: Stop Power the CPU module (System B) which resulted in a stop error, OFF and then ON. 6 6 QnPRH 7 8 • Check the CPU module or tracking cable. If the error still occurs, this indicates the CPU module or tracking cable is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) • Confirm the redundant system startup procedure, and execute a startup again. RUN: On ERR.: On 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.8 Error code list (6000 to 6999) 6101 [TRK. TRANS. ERR.] • A timeout error occurred in tracking (data transmission). (This error may be caused by tracking cable removal or other system power-off (including reset).) • The error occurred at a startup since the redundant system startup procedure was not followed. (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Tracking transmission data classification • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always Corrective Action CPU Status: Continue 12-71 Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause 6102 [TRK. TRANS. ERR.] A data sum value error occurred in tracking (data reception). (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always 6103 [TRK. TRANS. ERR.] • A data error (other than sum value error) occurred in tracking (data reception). (This error may be caused by tracking cable removal or other system power-off (including reset).) • The error occurred at a startup since the redundant system startup procedure was not followed. (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always 6105 [TRK. TRANS. ERR.] • An error (e.g. retry limit exceeded) occurred in tracking (data transmission). (This error may be caused by tracking cable removal or other system power-off (including reset).) • The error occurred at a startup since the redundant system startup procedure was not followed. (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Tracking transmission data classification • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always 6106 [TRK. TRANS. ERR.] • A timeout error occurred in tracking (data transmission). (This error may be caused by tracking cable removal or other system power-off (including reset).) • The error occurred at a startup since the redundant system startup procedure was not followed. (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Tracking transmission data classification • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always 12-72 Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU • Check the CPU module or tracking cable. If the error still occurs, this indicates the CPU module or tracking cable is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) • Confirm the redundant system startup procedure, and execute a startup again. RUN: On ERR.: On CPU Status: Continue • Check the CPU module or tracking cable. If the error still occurs, this indicates the CPU module or tracking cable is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) • Confirm the redundant system startup procedure, and execute a startup again. QnPRH Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause 6107 [TRK. TRANS. ERR.] A data sum value error occurred in tracking (data reception). (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always 6108 [TRK. TRANS. ERR.] • A data error (other than sum value error) occurred in tracking (data reception). (This error may be caused by tracking cable removal or other system power-off (including reset).) • The error occurred at a startup since the redundant system startup procedure was not followed. (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 2 3 • Check the CPU module or tracking cable. If the error still occurs, this indicates the CPU module or tracking cable is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) • Confirm the redundant system startup procedure, and execute a startup again. 12 6 6 RUN: On ERR.: On Reexamine the tracking capacity. 6111 [TRK. SIZE ERROR] The control system does not have enough file register capacity for the file registers specified in the tracking settings. (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed Switch to the file registers of which capacity is greater than the file registers specified in the tracking settings. 6112 [TRK. SIZE ERROR] File registers greater than those of the standby system were tracked and transmitted from the control system. (This can be detected from the standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed Switch to the file registers of which capacity is greater than the file registers specified in the tracking settings. 7 QnPRH 8 CPU Status: Continue 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.8 Error code list (6000 to 6999) 6110 [TRK. SIZE ERROR] The tracking capacity exceeded the allowed range. (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Tracking capacity excess error factor • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • When an END instruction executed 12-73 Error Code (SD0) 6120 6130 6140 6200 12-74 Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action [TRK. CABLE ERR.] • A start was made without the tracking cable being connected. • A start was made with the tracking cable faulty. • As the tracking hardware on the CPU module side was faulty, communication with the other system could not be made via the tracking cable. (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset Make a start after connecting the tracking cable. If the same error still occurs, this indicates the tracking cable or CPU module side tracking transmission hardware is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) [TRK. DISCONNECT] • The tracking cable was removed. • The tracking cable became faulty while the CPU module is running. • The CPU module side tracking hardware became faulty. (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • If the tracking cable was removed, connect the tracking cable to the connectors of the CPU modules of the two systems. • When the error is not resolved after connecting the tracking cable to the connectors of the CPU modules of the two systems and resetting the error, the tracking cable or CPU module side tracking hardware is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) [TRK.INIT. ERROR] • The other system did not respond during initial communication at power ON/reset. • The error occurred at a startup since the redundant system startup procedure was not followed. (This can be detected from the control system or standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Power the corresponding CPU module OFF and then ON again, or reset it and then unreset. If the same error still occurs, this indicates the CPU module is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) • Confirm the redundant system startup procedure, and execute a startup again. [CONTROL EXE.] The standby system has been switched to the control system in a redundant system. (Detected by the CPU that was switched from the standby system to the control system) Since this error code does not indicate the error information of the CPU module but indicates its status, the error code and error information are not stored into SD0 to 26, but are stored into the error log every system switching. (Check the error information by reading the error log using GX Developer.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Reason(s) for system switching • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop RUN: On ERR.: On CPU Status: Continue QnPRH – RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop RUN: On ERR.: Off CPU Status: No error Error Code (SD0) 6210 6220 [STANDBY] The control system has been switched to the standby system in a redundant system. (Detected by the CPU that was switched from the control system to the standby system) Since this error code does not indicate the error information of the CPU module but indicates its status, the error code and error information are not stored into SD0 to 26, but are stored into the error log every system switching. (Check the error information by reading the error log using GX Developer.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Reason(s) for system switching • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 – 2 RUN: On ERR.: Off 3 CPU Status: No error 12 6 [CAN'T SWITCH] System switching cannot be executed due to standby system error/ tracking cable error/ online module change in execution at separate mode. Causes for switching system at control system are as follows: • System switching by SP. CONTSW instruction • System switching request from network module ■Collateral information • Common Information:Reason(s) for system switching • Individual Information:Reason(s) for system switching failure ■Diagnostic Timing • At switching execution • Check the status of the standby system and resolve the error. • Complete the online module change. [STANDBY SYS. DOWN] Any of the following errors was detected in the backup mode. • The standby system has not started up in the redundant system. • The standby system has developed a stop error in the redundant system. • The CPU module in the debug mode was connected to the operating control system. (This can be detected from the control system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • Check whether the standby system is on or not, and if it is not on, power it on. • Check whether the standby system has been reset or not, and if it has been reset, unreset it. • Check whether the standby system has developed a stop error or not, and if it has developed the error, remove the error factor and restart it. • When the CPU module in the debug mode was connected to the control system operating in the backup mode, make connection so that the control system and standby system are combined correctly. RUN: On ERR.: On 6 QnPRH 7 CPU Status: No error 8 RUN: On ERR.: On 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.8 Error code list (6000 to 6999) 6300 Error Contents and Cause CPU Status: Continue 12-75 Error Code (SD0) 6310 6311 6312 6313 6400 12-76 Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status [CONTROL SYS. DOWN] Any of the following errors was detected in the backup mode. • The control system has not started up in the redundant system. • The control system has developed a stop error in the redundant system. • The CPU module in the debug mode was connected to the operating standby system. • The error occurred at a startup since the redundant system startup procedure was not followed. (This can be detected from the standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • The standby system exists but the control system does not exist. • Check whether the system other than the standby system is on or not, and if it is not on, power it on. • Check whether the system other than the standby system has been reset or not, and if it is RUN: has been reset, unreset it. Off • Check whether the system other than the ERR.: standby system has developed a stop error or Flicker not, and if has developed the error, remove the error factor, set the control system and standby CPU Status: system to the same operating status, and restart. Stop • When the CPU module in the debug mode was connected to the control system operating in the backup mode, make connection so that the control system and control system are combined correctly. • Confirm the redundant system startup procedure, and execute a startup again. [CONTROL SYS. DOWN] • As consistency check data has not transmitted from the control system in a redundant system, the other system cannot start as a standby system. • The error occurred at a startup since the redundant system startup procedure was not followed. (This can be detected from the standby system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Replace the tracking cable. If the same error still occurs, this indicates the CPU module is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) • Confirm the redundant system startup procedure, and execute a startup again. [CONTROL SYS. DOWN] The control system detected the error of the system configuration and informed it to the standby system (host system) in the redundant system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset [PRG. MEM. CLEAR] The memory copy from control system to standby system was executed, and the program memory was cleared. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At execution of the memory copy from control system to standby system Restart the system after checking that the connection between base unit and the system configuration (type/number/parameter of module) are correct. After the memory copy from control system to standby system is completed, switch power OFF and then ON, or make a reset. Corresponding CPU QnPRH RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker QnPRH*1 CPU Status: Stop RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop QnPRH Error Code (SD0) 6410 6500 6501 Error Contents and Cause [MEM.COPY EXE] The memory copy from control system to standby system was executed. (This can be detected from the control system of the redundant system.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At execution of the function of copying memory from control system to standby system Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status Corresponding CPU 1 – RUN: On ERR.: On 2 CPU Status: Continue [TRK. PARA. ERROR] The file register file specified in the tracking setting of the PLC parameter dialog box does not exist. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset Read the individual information of the error using GX Developer, and check and correct the drive name and file name. Create the specified file. [TRK. PARA. ERROR] The file register range specified in the device detail setting of the tracking setting of the PLC parameter dialog box exceeded the specified file register file capacity. ■Collateral information • Common Information:File name/Drive name • Individual Information:Parameter number ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset Read the individual information of the error using GX Developer, and increase the file register capacity. 3 QnPRH RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 12 6 6 CPU Status: Stop 7 8 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.8 Error code list (6000 to 6999) 12-77 12.1.9 Error code list (7000 to 10000) The following shows the error messages from the error code 7000 to 10000, the contents and causes of the errors, and the corrective actions for the errors. Error Code (SD0) 7000 Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action [MULTI CPU DOWN] • In the operating mode of a multiple CPU system, a CPU error occurred at the CPU where "All station stop by stop error of CPU " was selected. • In a multiple CPU system, a CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU system was mounted. • CPU modules other than CPU No.1 were removed from the base unit in operation, or reset. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • Read the individual information of the error using GX Developer, identify the error of the CPU module, and remove the error. • Remove the CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU system from the main base unit. • Check the mounting status of CPU modules other than CPU No.1 and whether the CPU modules were reset. [MULTI CPU DOWN] In a multiple CPU system, CPU other than CPU No.1 cannot be started up due to stop error of the CPU No.1 at power-on, which occurs to CPU No.2 to No.4. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 7002 7003 *1 *6 • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, this suggests the hardware fault of any of the CPU modules. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) • Remove the CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU system from the main base unit. Or, replace the CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU system with the compatible one. [MULTI CPU DOWN] • There is no response from the target CPU module in a multiple CPU system during initial communication. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, this suggests the hardware fault of any of the CPU modules. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) The function version is B or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-78 Reset the CPU module and RUN it again. If the same error is displayed again, this suggests the hardware fault of any of the CPU modules. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative.) Corresponding CPU Q00/Q01*1 Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnU*6 Q00/Q01*1 Read the individual information of the error using GX Developer, identify the error of the CPU module, and remove the error. [MULTI CPU DOWN] • There is no response from the target CPU module in a multiple CPU system during initial communication. • In a multiple CPU system, a CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU system was mounted. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset [MULTI CPU DOWN] There is no response from the target CPU module in a multiple CPU system at initial communication stage. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset LED Status CPU Status Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnU*6 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop Q00/Q01*1 Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnU*6 Q00/Q01*1 Qn(H)*1 QnPH Error Code (SD0) 7004 Error Contents and Cause Corrective Action [MULTI CPU DOWN] In a multiple CPU system, a data error occurred in communication between the CPU modules. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always • Check the system configuration to see if modules are mounted in excess of the number of I/O points. • When there are no problems in the system configuration, this indicates the CPU module hardware is faulty. (Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem.) [MULTI EXE. ERROR] • In a multiple CPU system, a faulty CPU module was mounted. • In a multiple CPU system, a CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU system was mounted. (The CPU module compatible with the multiple CPU system was used to detect an error.) • In a multiple CPU system, any of the CPU No. 2 to 4 was reset with power ON. (The CPU whose reset state was cancelled was used to detect an error.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 7010 • Read the individual information of the error using GX Developer, and replace the faulty CPU module. • Replace the CPU module with the one compatible with the multiple CPU system. • Do not reset any of the No. 2 to 4 CPU modules. • Reset CPU No. 1 and restart the multiple CPU system. [MULTI EXE. ERROR] The Universal model QCPU (except Q02UCPU) and Q172(H)CPU(N) are mounted on the same base unit. (This may result in a module failure.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset *1 *4 *6 Q00/Q01*1 QnU*6 2 CPU Status: Stop RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop Q00/Q01*1 Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnU*6 12 6 Change the version of the PC CPU modulecompatible software package (PPC-DRV-01)*5 to 1.07 or later. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 7 Q00/Q01*1 8 CPU Status: Stop Replace the Q172(H)CPU(N) and Q173(H)CPU(N) with the Motion CPU compatible with the multiple CPU high-speed main base unit. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop Qn(H)*4 QnPH*4 Check the QCPU and Motion CPU that can be used in a multiple CPU system, and change the system configuration. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Stop The function version is B or later. The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09082" or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-79 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.9 Error code list (7000 to 10000) failure.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 1 6 [MULTI EXE. ERROR] The Q172(H)CPU(N) or Q173(H)CPU(N) is mounted on the multiple CPU high-speed main base unit (Q3 DB). (This may result in a module RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Corresponding CPU 3 [MULTI EXE. ERROR] The PC CPU module-compatible software package (PPC-DRV-01)*5 whose version is 1.06 or earlier is used in a multiple CPU system. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset LED Status CPU Status Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause [MULTI EXE. ERROR] Either of the following settings was made in a multiple CPU system. • Multiple CPU automatic refresh setting was made for the inapplicable CPU module. • "I/O sharing when using multiple CPUs" setting was made for the inapplicable CPU module. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset • Correct the multiple CPU automatic refresh setting. • Correct the "I/O sharing when using multiple CPUs" setting. LED Status CPU Status RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Corresponding CPU Q00/Q01*1 QnU*6 CPU Status: Stop [MULTI EXE. ERROR] The system configuration for using the Multiple CPU high speed transmission function is not met. • The QnUCPU is not used for the CPU No.1. • The Multiple CPU high speed main base unit 7011 (Q3 DB) is not used. • Points other than 0 is set to the send range for the CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU high speed transmission function. • Points other than 0 is set to the send range for the CPU module incompatible with the multiple CPU. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset [MULTI EXE. ERROR] The Q172(H)CPU(N) or Q173(H)CPU(N) is mounted to the CPU slot or slots 0 to 2. (The module may break down.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 7013 [MULTI CPU ERROR] In the operating mode of a multiple CPU system, an error occurred in the CPU where "system stop" was not selected. (The CPU module where no error occurred was used to detect an error.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always 7020 [CPU LAY. ERROR] An assignment error occurred in the CPUmountable slot (CPU slot, I/O slot 0, 1) in excess of the number of CPU modules specified in the multiple CPU setting of the PLC parameter dialog box. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 7030 *1 *3 *6 Corrective Action • Change the system configuration to meet the conditions for using the Multiple CPU high speed transmission function. • Set the send range of CPU, that does not correspond to multiple CPU compatible area, at 0 point, when performing automatic refreshing in multiple CPU compatible area. • Check the QCPU and Motion CPU that can be used in a multiple CPU system, and change the system configuration. • Remove the Motion CPU incompatible with the multiple CPU system. Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, check the error of the CPU module resulting in CPU module fault, and remove the error. QnU*3 CPU Status: Stop RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker QnU CPU Status: Stop RUN: On ERR.: On CPU Status: Continue • Set the same value to the number of CPU RUN: modules specified in the multiple CPU setting of Off the PLC parameter dialog box and the number of ERR.: mounted CPU modules (including CPU (empty)). Flicker • Make the type specified in the I/O assignment setting of the PLC parameter dialog box CPU Status: consistent with the CPU module configuration. Stop The function version is B or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. 12-80 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Q00/Q01*1 Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnU*6 Q00J/Q01/Q01*1 QnU Error Code (SD0) Error Contents and Cause 7031 [CPU LAY. ERROR] An assignment error occurred within the range of the number of CPUs specified in the multiple CPU setting of the PLC parameter dialog box. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 7032 [CPU LAY. ERROR] • The number of CPU modules mounted in a multiple CPU system is wrong. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 7035 7036 8031 [CPU LAY. ERROR] The CPU module has been mounted on the inapplicable slot. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset Corrective Action LED Status CPU Status • Set the same value to the number of CPU RUN: modules specified in the multiple CPU setting of Off the PLC parameter dialog box and the number of ERR.: mounted CPU modules (including CPU (empty)). Flicker • Make the type specified in the I/O assignment setting of the PLC parameter dialog box CPU Status: consistent with the CPU module configuration. Stop Configure a system so that the number of mountable modules of each CPU module does not exceed the maximum number of mountable modules specified in the specification. Mount the CPU module on the applicable slot. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Corresponding CPU 1 Q00J/Q01/Q01*1 QnU 3 Q00/Q01 *1 QnU*6 12 CPU Status: Stop RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Q00J/Q00/Q01*1 QnPRH QnU CPU Status: Stop • Mount the mounting slot of the CPU module correctly. • Correct the host CPU No. set by the multiple CPU setting to the CPU No. determined by the mounting position of the CPU module. [INCORRECT FILE] The error of stored file (enabled parameter file) is detected. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:File diagnostic information ■Diagnostic Timing • At power-On/ • At reset/ • STOP RUN/At writing to progurammable controller Write the file shown as SD17 to SD22 of individual information to the drive shown as SD16(L) of individual information, and turn ON from OFF the power supply of the CPU module or cancel the reset. If the same error is displayed again, the CPU module has hardware failure. Contact your local Mitsubishi representative, explaining a detailed description of the problem. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 6 QnU*3 RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker 8 QnU CPU Status: Stop 9000 On/Off *2 Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, and check the program corresponding to the numerical value (annunciator number). CPU Status: Continue QCPU RUN: ERR.: USER LED On CPU Status: Continue *1 *3 7 CPU Status: Stop RUN: On ERR.: [F**** ] Annunciator (F) was set ON ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:Annunciator number ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 6 The function version is B or later. The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. 12-81 12.1 Error Code List 12.1.9 Error code list (7000 to 10000) [CPU RAY ERROR] The host CPU No. set by the multiple CPU setting and the host CPU No. determined by the mounting position of the CPU module are not the same. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Module No.(CPU No.) • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 2 Error Code (SD0) [ ERR ***-***] Error detected by the CHK instruction. ■Collateral information • Common Information:Program error location • Individual Information:Failure No. ■Diagnostic Timing • When instruction executed 9010 [BOOT OK] Storage of data onto ROM was completed normally in automatic write to standard ROM. (BOOT LED also flickers.) ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • At power ON/At reset 9020 [CONT. UNIT ERROR] In the multiple CPU system, an error occurred in the CPU module other than the Process CPU/High Performance model QCPU. ■Collateral information • Common Information:– • Individual Information:– ■Diagnostic Timing • Always 10000 *1 Error Contents and Cause The function version is B or later. 12-82 Corrective Action Read the individual information of the error using the peripheral device, and check the program corresponding to the numerical value (error number) there. LED Status CPU Status RUN: On ERR.: Off USER LED On Corresponding CPU Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH CPU Status: Continue Use the DIP switches to set the valid parameter drive to the standard ROM. Then, switch power on again, and perform boot operation from the standard ROM. Check the details of the generated error by connecting to the corresponding CPU module using GX Developer. RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnPRH CPU Status: Stop RUN: Off ERR.: Flicker CPU Status: Continue Qn(H)*1 QnPH 12.2 Canceling of Errors 1 Q series CPU module can perform the cancel operation for errors only when the errors allow the CPU module to continue its operation. To cancel the errors, follow the steps shown below. 1) Eliminate the cause of the error. 2) Store the error code to be canceled in the special register SD50. 3) Energize the special relay SM50 (OFF ON). 4) The error to be canceled is canceled. 2 3 After the CPU module is reset by the canceling of the error, the special relays, special registers, and LEDs associated with the error are returned to the status under which the error occurred. If the same error occurs again after the cancellation of the error, it will be registered again in the error history. When multiple enunciators(F) detected are canceled, the first one with No. F only is canceled. 12 6 6 Refer to the following manual for details of error canceling. QCPU User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) 7 8 12-83 12.2 Canceling of Errors (1) When the error is canceled with the error code to be canceled stored in the SD50, the lower one digit of the code is neglected. (Example) If error codes 2100 and 2101 occur, and error code 2100 to cancel error code 2101. If error codes 2100 and 2111 occur, error code 2111 is not canceled even if error code 2100 is canceled. (2) Errors developed due to trouble in other than the CPU module are not canceled even if the special relay (SM50) and special register (SD50) are used to cancel the error. (Example) Since "SP. UNIT DOWN" is the error that occurred in the base unit (including the extension cable), intelligent function module, etc. the error cause cannot be removed even if the error is canceled by the special relay (SM50) and special register (SD50). Refer to the error code list and remove the error cause. MEMO 12-84 A 8 APPENDICES 8 8 8 A 8 8 8 App-1 Appendix 1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.1 Definition (1) Processing time taken by the QCPU is the total of the following processing times. • Total of each instruction processing time • END processing time (including I/O refresh time) • Processing time for the function that increases the scan time (2) Instruction processing time This is the total of processing time of each instruction shown in Appendix 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4. (3) END processing time, I/O refresh time, and processing time for the function that increases the scan time Refer to the following manual(s) for the END processing time, I/O refresh time, and processing time for the function that increases the scan time. (a) For QCPUs • QnUCPU User's Manual (Functions Explanation, Program Fundamentals) • Qn(H)/QnPH/QnPRHCPU User's Manual (Functions Explanation, Program Fundamentals) App-2 Appendix 1.2 Operation Processing Time of Basic Model QCPU 8 The processing time for the individual instructions are shown in the table on the following pages. Operation processing times can vary substantially depending on the nature of the sources and destinations of the instructions, and the values contained in the following tables should therefore be taken as a set of general guidelines to processing time rather than as being strictly accurate. (1) Sequence instructions Instruction Q00JCPU Q00CPU Q01CPU X0 0.20 0.16 0.10 A D0.0 0.30 0.24 0.15 6 LD LDI 8 8 Processing Time (µs) Condition (Device) 8 AND ANI OR ORI LDP LDF 7 X0 ANDP 0.30 ANDF ORP 0.24 0.15 8 D0.0 ORF ANB ORB –– 0.20 0.16 0.10 0.20 0.16 0.10 0.30 0.24 0.15 0.20 0.16 0.10 17 9.5 9.4 18 14 14 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.2 Operation Processing Time of Basic Model QCPU MPS MRD MPP INV When not executed When executed MEP When not executed MEF When executed When not executed EGP When executed When not executed EGF When executed (OFF OFF) (ON ON) (OFF ON) (ON OFF) (OFF OFF) (ON ON) (OFF ON) (ON OFF) App-3 Instruction Y D0.0 OUT Processing Time (µs) Condition (Device) When not (OFF OFF) changed (ON ON) When (OFF ON) changed (ON OFF) When not (OFF OFF) changed (ON ON) When (OFF ON) changed (ON OFF) When OFF F App-4 20 19 0.55 1.1 0.88 0.55 When K When added D After time up When When added When When added When When not changed (ON executed When changed (OFF When changed (OFF 0.96 0.60 0.88 0.55 1.1 0.88 0.55 1.1 0.88 0.55 D 1.2 0.96 0.60 1.1 0.88 0.55 1.1 0.88 0.55 K 1.1 0.88 0.55 D 1.2 0.96 0.60 0.20 0.16 0.10 0.20 0.16 0.10 0.20 0.16 0.10 0.40 0.32 0.20 0.40 0.32 0.20 ON) ON) When not changed (ON When 1.2 1.1 K After time up ON) ON) 0.40 0.32 0.20 0.50 0.44 0.25 When When displayed 255 205 195 executed Display completed 195 160 150 0.20 0.16 0.10 0.20 0.16 0.10 When not changed (OFF When When changed (ON OFF) OFF) When not changed (ON When When changed (OFF ON) ON) 0.20 0.16 0.10 0.40 0.32 0.20 0.40 0.32 0.20 0.40 0.32 0.20 When not executed 0.20 0.16 0.10 When executed 0.20 0.16 0.10 When not executed 0.48 0.44 0.25 75 69 65 When displayed When executed R 24 0.55 SM Z 0.20 0.88 executed D 0.32 0.88 When not executed T, C 0.40 1.1 executed F 0.20 1.1 After time up When not executed RST 0.32 200 When not executed D0.0 0.40 155 executed Y 0.10 210 When not executed F 0.16 165 When not executed D0.0 0.20 260 executed SET 0.10 205 When not executed Y 0.16 When displayed executed T 0.20 Display completed When not executed OUTH Q01CPU ON executed C Q00CPU When When not executed T Q00JCPU Display completed When not executed 43 35 33 0.80 0.64 0.40 When executed 1.0 0.80 0.50 When not executed 0.40 0.32 0.20 When executed 0.60 0.48 0.30 When not executed 0.50 0.40 0.25 When executed 9.4 7.9 7.4 When not executed –– 0.32 0.20 When executed –– 0.48 0.30 Instruction Condition (Device) Processing Time (µs) Q00JCPU Q00CPU Q01CPU PLS 12 9.5 9.2 PLF 11 9.5 8.9 When not executed 0.68 0.40 0.25 When executed 7.5 6.2 5.7 When not executed 0.50 0.40 0.25 When executed 26 21 21 When not executed 0.48 0.40 0.25 Y FF DY0 DELTA DY0 DELTAP SFT SFTP When executed 58 45 43 When not executed 0.50 0.34 0.25 When executed 12 8.7 8.3 0.20 M0 0.40 0.32 D0.0 3.3 2.9 2.8 –– 0.20 0.16 0.10 Error check performed 660 600 520 660 600 520 –– 0.20 0.16 0.10 –– 0.20 0.16 0.10 MC MCR 8 8 8 8 A No error check performed FEND (• Battery check) END (• Fuse blown check) 6 (• I/O module verification) NOP NOPLF PAGE 8 (2) Basic instructions LD = AND = Condition (Device) Q00JCPU Q00CPU In conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 When not executed When executed LD < > AND < > When executed Q01CPU 0.70 0.56 0.35 In conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 When not executed OR = Processing Time (µs) 0.70 0.56 0.35 In conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 When not executed 0.70 0.56 0.35 When executed In conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 App-5 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.2 Operation Processing Time of Basic Model QCPU The processing time when the instruction is not executed is calculated as follows: Q00JCPU ··················································· 0.20 (No. of steps for each instruction + 1) µs Q00CPU ····················································· 0.16 (No. of steps for each instruction + 1) µs Q01CPU ····················································· 0.10 (No. of steps for each instruction + 1) µs Instruction 7 Instruction Condition (Device) Q00JCPU Q00CPU Q01CPU 0.70 0.56 0.35 In conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 When not executed OR < > LD > When executed In conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 0.70 0.56 0.35 0.80 0.64 0.40 When not executed AND > When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 0.70 0.56 0.35 In conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 When not executed OR > LD < = When executed In conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 0.70 0.56 0.35 0.80 0.64 0.40 When not executed AND < = When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 0.70 0.56 0.35 In conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 When not executed OR < = LD < When executed In conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 0.70 0.56 0.35 0.80 0.64 0.40 When not executed AND < When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 0.70 0.56 0.35 In conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 When not executed OR < LD > = When executed In conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 0.70 0.56 0.35 0.80 0.64 0.40 When not executed AND > = When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 0.70 0.56 0.35 In conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 In non-conductive status 0.80 0.64 0.40 When not executed OR > = LDD = ANDD = When executed In conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 When not executed 0.80 0.64 0.40 1.0 0.80 0.50 1.0 0.80 0.50 0.80 0.64 0.40 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ORD = LDD < > ANDD < > App-6 Processing Time (µs) When executed In conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 When not executed When executed 0.80 0.64 0.40 In conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 Instruction Condition (Device) When not executed ORD < > ANDD > 0.80 0.50 0.80 0.50 In conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 When not executed 0.80 0.64 0.40 1.0 0.80 0.50 In conductive status In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 0.80 0.64 0.40 In conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 When not executed When executed 0.80 0.64 0.40 In conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 0.80 0.64 0.40 When not executed ORD < = When executed LDD < ANDD < In conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 When not executed 0.80 0.64 0.40 When executed In conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 0.80 0.64 0.40 When not executed When executed In conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 1.0 0.80 0.50 In conductive status LDD > = ANDD > = In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 When not executed 0.80 0.64 0.40 When executed In conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 0.80 0.64 0.40 In conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 In non-conductive status 1.0 0.80 0.50 n=1 130 105 97 n = 96 205 175 165 n=1 130 105 98 n = 96 210 180 165 n=1 130 105 97 When not executed ORD > = When executed BKCMP = S1 S2 n D BKCMP = P S1 S2 BKCMP<> S1 S2 n D n D BKCMP<>P S1 S2 D BKCMP> S1 S2 n D n BKCMP>P S1 S2 D n n = 96 210 180 165 BKCMP>= S1 S2 D n n=1 130 105 98 n = 96 205 175 165 BKCMP>=P S1 S2 D n App-7 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.2 Operation Processing Time of Basic Model QCPU ORD < 0.40 1.0 When executed ANDD < = Q01CPU 0.64 1.0 When not executed LDD < = Q00CPU 0.80 In conductive status When executed ORD > Q00JCPU In non-conductive status When executed LDD > Processing Time (µs) Instruction BKCMP< S1 S2 Condition (Device) n D Processing Time (µs) Q00JCPU Q00CPU Q01CPU n=1 130 105 98 BKCMP ANDE < > Single precision Single precision Single precision When executed When executed When not executed ORE < > LDE > ANDE > Single precision Single precision Single precision When executed When executed When not executed Single precision LDE < = Single precision ANDE < = Single precision 1.5 1.2 1.0 In conductive status 45.0 37.5 34.5 In non-conductive status 37.0 31.0 29.0 In conductive status 45.5 37.5 35.0 In non-conductive status 46.5 38.5 35.5 When executed When not executed When executed 1.5 1.2 1.0 In conductive status 38.5 31.5 29.0 In non-conductive status 42.5 35.5 32.5 1.5 1.2 1.0 In conductive status 45.0 37.5 34.5 In non-conductive status When not executed ORE < = Single precision LDE < Single precision ANDE < Single precision When executed 37.5 31.5 28.5 In conductive status 45.5 37.5 35.0 In non-conductive status 46.5 38.5 35.5 When not executed 1.5 1.2 1.0 In conductive status 38.0 31.5 29.0 In non-conductive status 42.5 35.5 32.5 1.5 1.2 1.0 In conductive status 45.0 37.5 34.5 In non-conductive status 37.5 31.5 29.0 In conductive status 45.5 38.0 35.5 In non-conductive status 46.5 38.0 35.0 When not executed 1.5 1.2 1.0 In conductive status 38.5 32.0 29.0 In non-conductive status 42.5 35.5 32.5 When executed When not executed ORE < LDE > = ANDE > = Single precision Single precision Single precision When executed When executed App-17 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.2 Operation Processing Time of Basic Model QCPU ORE > 8 Instruction Condition (Device) Q00JCPU Q00CPU Q01CPU 1.5 1.2 1.0 In conductive status 45.0 38.5 34.5 In non-conductive status 37.5 31.0 28.5 When not executed Single precision ORE > = E+ S D E+P S Single precision D E+ S1 S2 D Single precision E+P S1 S2 D E- S D E -P S Single precision D E - S1 S2 D E -P S1 S2 E* S1 S2 D D E*P S1 S2 E/ S1 S2 E/P S1 S2 INT INTP DINT DINTP FLT FLTP DFLT DFLTP ENEG Single precision Single precision D D Single precision D Single precision Single precision Single precision Single precision EMOVP ESTR ESTRP EVAL EVALP App-18 S = 0, D = 0 29.5 25.0 23.0 S = 2127, D = 2127 65.5 60.5 49.5 S1 = 0, S2 = 0 31.0 27.0 24.0 S1 = 2127, S2 = 2127 66.5 56.0 51.0 S = 0, D = 0 29.5 25.0 23.0 S = 2127, D = 2127 48.5 41.0 37.5 S1 = 0, S2 = 0 31.0 27.0 24.0 S1 = 2127, S2 = 2127 50.5 42.5 38.5 S1 = 0, S2 = 0 30.0 25.5 23.0 S1 = 2127, S2 = 2127 65.5 55.0 49.5 S1 = 0, S2 = 1 30.0 26.0 23.0 S1 = 2127, S2 = - 2126 69.5 57.5 53.0 S =0 21.5 18.5 16.0 S = 32766.5 38.0 32.0 29.5 S =0 23.0 19.5 17.5 S = 1234567890.3 42.0 35.5 32.0 S =0 22.5 19.5 17.0 S = 7FFFH 26.5 23.0 20.0 S =0 23.0 20.0 17.5 S = 7FFFFFFFH 26.0 23.5 19.5 S =0 20.5 17.0 15.5 S = E - 1.0 31.5 26.0 24.0 –– 1.5 1.2 1.0 –– 604.0 686.0 831.0 Decimal point format all 2-digit specification 138.0 148.0 196.0 Exponent format all 6-digit specification 164.0 177.0 214.0 ENEGP EMOV When executed Processing Time (µs) Instruction SIN SINP COS COSP TAN TANP RAD RADP DEG DEGP SQR SQRP EXP EXPP LOG LOGP Q00JCPU Q00CPU Q01CPU Single precision 204.0 173.0 157.0 Single precision 187.0 158.0 144.0 Single precision 224.0 190.0 173.0 Single precision 51.0 43.0 39.0 Single precision 51.0 43.0 39.0 Single precision 60.0 51.0 46.5 = - 10 306.0 259.0 235.0 S =1 306.0 259.0 235.0 S =1 73.0 61.5 56.0 = 10 301.0 255.0 232.0 –– 12.5 11.0 10.0 –– 13.5 12.0 11.0 S Single precision Single precision S RND RNDP SRND SRNDP Processing Time (µs) Condition (Device) 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.2 Operation Processing Time of Basic Model QCPU App-19 Instruction Condition/Number of Points Processed Name COM *2 –– 920 880 –– –– 150 135 n3 = 1 –– 100 90 (0.5k words assigned equally to all CPUs) memory of host CPU n3 = 320 –– 440 420 Read from CPU shared n3 = 1 –– 110 105 memory of another CPU n3 = 320 –– 305 290 n3 = 1 –– 100 95 n3 = 320 –– 440 425 n4 = 1 –– 205 195 n4 = 320 –– 545 525 Write to CPU shared memory of host CPU Write to CPU shared memory S.TO Q01CPU shared memory Read from CPU shared TO Q00CPU Refresh range: 2k words shared memory FROM Q00JCPU With auto refresh of CPU Without auto refresh of CPU Processing Time (µs) of host CPU *2: If the processing overlaps those of the other CPUs in a multiple CPU system, the processing time increases by a maximum of the following time. For a system having only the main base unit (Instruction processing time increase) = 4 0.54 processed) (number of other CPUs) (µs) (number of points For a system including extension base units (Instruction processing time increase) = 4 1.30 processed) (number of other CPUs) (µs) (number of points (6) Table of the time to be added when file register, module access device or link direct device is used Instruction Name data Bit Word File register (ZR) (Un\G , U3En\G0 to G511) App-20 ) Q00CPU Q01CPU Source –– 34 32 Destination –– 23 22 Source –– 13 12 Destination –– 9 8 Source –– 14 13 word Destination –– 10 9 Source 99 82 77 Destination 167 137 129 Source 74 61 58 Destination 72 60 56 Double Source 76 63 59 word Destination 92 75 71 Source 178 147 137 Destination 303 248 233 Source 154 126 118 Destination 153 125 117 Double Source 155 127 119 word Destination 163 133 125 Word Bit Link direct device (Jn\ Location Q00JCPU Double Bit Module access device Processing Time (µs) Device Specification Word Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU 8 The processing time for the individual instructions are shown in the table on the following pages. Operation processing time can vary substantially depending on the nature of the sources and destinations of the instructions, and the values contained in the following tables should therefore be taken as a set of general guidelines to processing times rather than as being strictly accurate. Processing Time (µs) Condition (Device) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH 0.079 0.034 0.034 0.034 LD LDI AND –– ANI 8 8 (1) Sequence instructions Instruction 8 OR A 6 ORI LDP 7 LDF ANDP 0.158 –– ANDF 0.068 0.068 0.068 ORP 8 ORF ANB ORB MPS –– 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.079 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.173 0.073 0.073 0.073 0.158 0.068 0.068 0.068 MPP INV When not executed When executed MEP When not executed MEF When executed EGP EGF When not executed When executed (OFF OFF) (ON ON) (OFF ON) (ON OFF) App-21 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU 0.079 MRD Instruction Processing Time (µs) Condition (Device) When not changed When changed (OFF OFF) (ON ON) (OFF ON) (ON OFF) When OFF F When When added When added DELTA DELTAP When App-22 When executed When added When not changed (ON When changed (OFF ON) ON) When displayed Display completed When not changed (OFF When changed (ON 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 K 0.63 0.27 0.27 0.27 D 0.63 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.63 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.63 0.27 0.27 0.27 K 0.63 0.27 0.27 0.27 D 0.63 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.63 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.63 0.27 0.27 0.27 K 0.63 0.27 0.27 0.27 D 0.63 0.27 0.27 0.27 OFF) OFF) 0.158 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.158 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.158 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 161 69 69 69 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.158 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.158 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.158 0.068 0.068 0.068 When not executed 0.158 0.068 0.068 0.068 When executed 0.158 0.068 0.068 0.068 When not executed 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 When displayed 90 38 38 38 Display completed 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 When not executed 0.63 0.27 0.27 0.27 When executed 0.63 0.27 0.27 0.27 When not executed 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 When executed 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 When not executed 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 When executed 4.3 1.9 1.9 1.9 When not executed 0.40 0.17 0.17 0.17 When executed 0.40 0.17 0.17 0.17 1.0 0.44 0.44 0.44 –– DY0 1.2 0.27 After time up When SM Y 1.2 0.63 After time up When When executed FF 1.2 0.63 After time up When not executed PLF 2.8 54 executed PLS 0.068 69.7 When not executed R 0.068 54 SET Z 0.068 69.7 When executed D 0.158 54 When not executed T, C 0.068 69.7 executed RST 0.068 162 When not executed F 0.068 126 executed F 0.158 When displayed When not executed T QnPRH Display completed executed OUTH QnPH ON When not executed C QnH When OUT T Qn When not executed 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 When executed 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 When not executed 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 When executed 5.9 2.6 2.6 2.6 Instruction SFT SFTP Condition (Device) Processing Time (µs) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH When not executed 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 When executed 1.66 0.71 0.71 0.71 MC –– 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 MCR –– 0.079 0.034 0.034 0.034 Error check performed 380 150 150 500 380 150 150 500 –– 0.079 0.034 0.034 0.034 –– 0.079 0.034 0.034 0.034 FEND END (• Fuse blown check) (• I/O module verification) NOP NOPLF PAGE 8 8 No error check performed (• Battery check) 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU App-23 (2) Basic instructions The processing time when the instruction is not executed is calculated as follows: Q02CPU ·····················································0.079 (No. of steps for each instruction + 1) µs Q02HCPU, Q06HCPU, Q12HCPU, Q25HCPU, Q02PHCPU, Q06PHCPU, Q12PHCPU, Q25PHCPU, Q12PRHCPU, Q25PRHCPU 0.034 (No. of steps for each instruction + 1) µs Instruction LD = AND = Condition (Device) In conductive status LD < > AND < > LD > AND > LD < = AND < = App-24 QnPH QnPRH 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 When In conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 executed In non-conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 When not executed 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 In conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 In non-conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 When executed When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 When not executed 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 In conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 In non-conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 When executed When not executed OR > QnH When not executed When not executed OR < > Qn 0.24 In non-conductive status When not executed OR = Processing Time (µs) When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 When not executed 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 In conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 In non-conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 When executed Instruction Condition (Device) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 In conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 In non-conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 When not executed OR < = LD < AND < When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 When not executed 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed OR < LD > = AND > = When executed In conductive status LDD = ANDD = ANDD < > LDD > ANDD > LDD < = ANDD < = 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 In non-conductive status 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 When not executed 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 In conductive status In non-conductive status When executed In conductive status 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In non-conductive status 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 When not executed When executed In non-conductive status 0.24 0.24 In conductive status 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 In conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In non-conductive status 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.55 0.24 0.24 When executed 0.24 In conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In non-conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 When not executed When executed In non-conductive status 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 In conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In non-conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 When executed 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 In conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In non-conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In non-conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 When not executed 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 In conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In non-conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 In conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In non-conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 When executed When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 When not executed 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 In conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In non-conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 In conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In non-conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 When executed When not executed ORD < = 0.10 0.10 When not executed ORD > 0.24 0.10 When not executed ORD < > 0.10 0.10 When executed App-25 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU LDD < > 0.10 0.10 0.24 When not executed ORD = 0.10 0.10 0.24 When executed In non-conductive status 0.24 0.24 In conductive status When not executed OR > = Processing Time (µs) Instruction Condition (Device) In conductive status LDD < ANDD < 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.17 0.17 In conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In non-conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In conductive status In non-conductive status In non-conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 When not executed 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 In conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In non-conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 When executed When executed precision LDE = 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 In conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 In non-conductive status 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– 0.24 0.24 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– –– –– 0.24 0.24 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– –– –– In conductive status In non-conductive status *1 Double precision In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Single precision ANDE = *1 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Double precision When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Single precision ORE = *1 Double *1 App-26 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed precision 0.24 0.17 In conductive status Single QnPRH 0.24 0.55 When not executed ORD > = QnPH 0.24 0.39 When executed ANDD > = QnH When not executed When executed LDD > = Qn 0.55 In non-conductive status When not executed ORD < Processing Time (µs) When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 –– –– 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 : The Qn/QnH changes in processing time depending on the serial No. of the CPU module. Top : The first 5 digits of the serial No. are "05031" or lower Bottom : The first 5 digits of the serial No. are "05032" or higher For the condition to be satisfied when the instruction is not executed, there is no differentiation between the top and bottom. Instruction Condition (Device) Single precision In conductive status In non-conductive status LDE<> *1 Double precision In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Single precision ANDE<> *1 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Double precision When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Single precision ORE<> *1 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Double precision When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed precision In conductive status LDE> *1 Double precision In non-conductive status When not executed Single precision ANDE> *1 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Double precision *1 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status QnH 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 92 40 14.9 6.4 93 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 92 40 14.9 6.4 93 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 QnPH QnPRH 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– 0.24 0.24 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– –– –– 0.24 0.24 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– –– –– 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– 0.24 0.24 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– –– –– : The Qn/QnH changes in processing time depending on the serial No. of the CPU module. Top : The first 5 digits of the serial No. are "05031" or lower Bottom : The first 5 digits of the serial No. are "05032" or higher For the condition to be satisfied when the instruction is not executed, there is no differentiation between the top and bottom. App-27 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU Single Processing Time (µs) Qn Instruction Condition (Device) When not executed Single precision ORE> *1 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Double precision Single precision When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status LDE<= *1 Double precision In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Single precision ANDE<= *1 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Double precision When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Single precision ORE<= *1 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Double precision Single precision When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status LDE< *1 Double precision *1 App-28 In conductive status In non-conductive status Processing Time (µs) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 93 40 14.9 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– –– –– 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– 0.24 0.24 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– –– –– 0.24 0.24 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– –– –– 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 : The Qn/QnH changes in processing time depending on the serial No. of the CPU module. Top : The first 5 digits of the serial No. are "05031" or lower Bottom : The first 5 digits of the serial No. are "05032" or higher For the condition to be satisfied when the instruction is not executed, there is no differentiation between the top and bottom. Instruction Condition (Device) When not executed Single precision ANDE< *1 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Double precision When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Single precision ORE< *1 executed In non-conductive status When not executed Double precision Single precision LDE>= When In conductive status When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status *1 precision In non-conductive status When not executed Single precision ANDE>= *1 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed Double precision *1 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– –– –– 0.24 0.24 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– –– –– 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– 0.24 0.24 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– –– –– 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 93 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 : The Qn/QnH changes in processing time depending on the serial No. of the CPU module. Top : The first 5 digits of the serial No. are "05031" or lower Bottom : The first 5 digits of the serial No. are "05032" or higher For the condition to be satisfied when the instruction is not executed, there is no differentiation between the top and bottom. App-29 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU Double In conductive status Processing Time (µs) Instruction Condition (Device) When not executed Single precision When executed ORE>= *1 In non-conductive status When not executed Double precision When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status LD$ = AND$ = In conductive status AND$ < > App-30 0.24 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 –– –– –– –– –– –– 16 16 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 0.55 0.24 92 40 14.9 6.4 92 40 14.9 6.4 38 16 15 15 15 0.23 0.23 0.23 In conductive status 39 17 17 17 In non-conductive status 32 14 14 14 0.56 0.24 0.24 0.24 In conductive status 40 17 17 17 In non-conductive status 33 14 14 14 32 14 14 14 In conductive status In non-conductive status 40 17 17 17 When not executed 0.56 0.23 0.23 0.23 In conductive status 33 14 14 14 In non-conductive status 39 17 17 17 0.56 0.24 0.24 0.24 32 14 14 14 When executed When executed *1 QnPRH 0.24 34 When executed LD$ > QnPH 0.24 0.56 When not executed OR$ < > QnH When not executed When executed LD$ < > Qn 0.55 In non-conductive status When not executed OR$ = Processing Time (µs) In conductive status 39 17 17 17 In conductive status In non-conductive status 32 14 14 14 In non-conductive status 40 17 17 17 : The Qn/QnH changes in processing time depending on the serial No. of the CPU module. Top : The first 5 digits of the serial No. are "05031" or lower Bottom : The first 5 digits of the serial No. are "05032" or higher For the condition to be satisfied when the instruction is not executed, there is no differentiation between the top and bottom. Instruction Condition (Device) When not executed AND$ > When executed When executed AND$ < = 14 14 14 17 17 17 0.56 0.24 0.24 0.24 32 14 14 14 In conductive status In non-conductive status 14 0.23 In conductive status 39 17 17 17 In non-conductive status 32 14 14 14 0.56 0.24 0.24 0.24 40 17 17 17 In conductive status 33 14 14 14 In conductive status In non-conductive status 32 14 14 14 In non-conductive status 40 17 17 17 When not executed 0.56 0.23 0.23 0.23 In conductive status 32 14 14 14 In non-conductive status 39 16 16 16 0.24 0.56 0.24 0.24 In conductive status 32 14 14 14 In non-conductive status 39 16 16 16 40 17 17 17 In non-conductive status 32 14 14 14 When not executed 0.56 0.23 0.23 0.23 In conductive status 39 16 16 16 In non-conductive status 32 14 14 14 D BKCMP <> S1 S2 n n D BKCMP <>P S1 S2 D BKCMP > S1 S2 n D n 0.56 0.24 0.24 0.24 In conductive status 39 17 17 17 In non-conductive status 32 14 14 14 n=1 48 21 21 21 n = 96 142 61 61 61 n=1 48 21 21 21 n = 96 150 65 65 65 n=1 48 21 21 21 BKCMP >P S1 S2 D n n = 96 142 61 61 61 BKCMP >= S1 S2 D n n=1 48 21 21 21 n = 96 150 65 65 65 n=1 48 21 21 21 BKCMP >=P S1 S2 D BKCMP < S1 S2 n D n BKCMP
= 0.23 32 When executed AND$ > = 0.23 33 When not executed LD$ > = 0.23 0.56 When executed OR$ < 0.56 When not executed When executed AND$ < QnPRH 39 When not executed LD$ < QnPH In non-conductive status When executed OR$ < = QnH In conductive status In conductive status LD$ < = Qn In non-conductive status When not executed OR$ > Processing Time (µs) Instruction + S D +P S D +P S1 S2 S -P D S D+ S D QnPRH When executed 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 When executed 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 When executed 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 When executed 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 When executed 0.71 0.31 0.31 0.31 When executed 0.79 0.34 0.34 0.34 When executed 0.71 0.30 0.30 0.30 When executed 0.79 0.34 0.34 0.34 When executed 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 –– 2.7 1.2 1.2 1.2 –– 7.9 3.4 3.4 3.4 –– 14 6.1 6.1 6.1 –– 2.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 –– 5.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 –– 2.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 –– 4.9 2.1 2.1 2.1 –– 12 5.0 5.0 5.0 –– 12 5.3 5.3 5.3 –– 11 4.8 4.8 4.8 –– 12 5.2 5.2 5.2 –– 3.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 D D+ S1 S2 D D+P S1 S2 S D D D-P S D D - S1 S2 D D - P S1 S2 * S1 S2 D D * P S1 S2 / S1 S2 D D /P S1 S2 D D * S1 S2 D D * P S1 S2 D/ S1 S2 B+ S D D D/P S1 S2 D D B+P S D B+ S1 S2 D B+P S1 S2 S D D B-P S D B - S1 S2 D B - P S1 S2 S DB+P D D S D DB+ S1 S2 D DB+P S1 S2 DB - QnPH D D D+P S DB+ QnH D - P S1 S2 B- Qn D - S1 S2 D- Processing Time (µs) D + S1 S2 - Condition (Device) S DB - P S D D D DB - S1 S2 D DB - P S1 S2 B * S1 S2 B * P S1 S2 App-32 D D D Instruction B/ S1 S2 Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH –– 3.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 –– 24 10 10 10 –– 27 12 12 12 1.8 0.78 0.78 0.78 1.8 0.78 0.78 0.78 D B/P S1 S2 D DB * S1 S2 DB/ S1 S2 D D DB/P S1 S2 S precision D S D Double precision S precision D E+P S1 S2 D Double precision Single E- S precision D E -P S D Double S precision D E -P S1 S2 D S1 precision D E*P S1 S2 D S1 S1 E/P S1 S2 precision D D S1 –– = 2127, D = 2127 203 87 –– –– = 0, S2 =0 2.4 1.1 1.1 1.1 = 2127, S2 = 2127 2.4 1.1 1.1 1.1 = 0, S2 =0 209 90 –– –– = 2127, S2 = 2127 209 90 –– –– = 0, D =0 1.8 0.78 0.78 0.78 = 2127, D = 2127 1.8 0.78 0.78 0.78 = 0, D =0 202 87 –– –– = 2127, D = 2127 202 87 –– –– = 0, S2 =0 2.4 1.1 1.1 1.1 = 2127, S2 = 2127 2.4 1.1 1.1 1.1 = 0, S2 =0 210 90 –– –– = 2127, S2 = 2127 210 90 –– –– = 0, S2 =0 2.4 1.1 1.1 1.1 = 2126, S2 = 2127 2.4 1.1 1.1 1.1 = 0, S2 =0 222 96 –– –– = 2126, S2 = 2127 222 96 –– –– = 0, S2 =1 12 5.2 5.2 5.2 12 5.2 5.2 5.2 369 159 –– –– 369 159 –– –– S1 S1 Double precision –– S1 Single E/ S1 S2 87 S1 Double precision 203 S1 Single E* S1 S2 =0 S1 Double precision D = 2127, S1 S1 = 0, = 2127, S2 S2 S2 = - 2126 =1 = - 2126 App-33 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU Single E - S1 S2 = 0, S precision 127 =2 S S =0 D S1 S1 127 D , S1 S1 = 0, =2 S Single E+ S1 S2 8 D Single E+P S 8 8 D DB * P S1 S2 E+ S Processing Time (µs) Condition (Device) Instruction $+ S Condition (Device) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH –– 68 29 29 29 –– 81 35 35 35 –– 0.32 0.14 0.14 0.14 –– 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 –– 0.32 0.14 0.14 0.14 –– 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 –– 1.1 0.48 0.48 0.48 –– 3.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 –– 1.0 0.44 0.44 0.44 –– 1.9 0.82 0.82 0.82 D $+P S D $+ S1 S2 $+P S1 S2 D D INC INCP DINC DINCP DEC DECP DDEC DDECP BCD BCDP DBCD DBCDP BIN BINP DBIN DBINP Single INT INTP S =0 3.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 S = 32766.5 3.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 S =0 22 9.3 –– –– S = 32766.5 22 9.3 –– –– S =0 2.5 1.1 1.1 1.1 S = 1234567890.3 2.5 1.1 1.1 1.1 S =0 24 10 –– –– S = 1234567890.3 24 10 –– –– S =0 2.1 0.92 0.92 0.92 S = 7FFFH 2.1 0.92 0.92 0.92 S =0 22 9.6 –– –– S = 7FFFH 22 9.6 –– –– S =0 2.1 0.88 0.88 0.88 S = 7FFFFFFFH 2.1 0.88 0.88 0.88 S =0 26 11 –– –– S = 7FFFFFFFH 26 11 –– –– precision Double precision Single DINT DINTP precision Double precision Single FLT FLTP precision Double precision Single DFLT DFLTP precision Double precision App-34 Processing Time (µs) Instruction Condition (Device) Processing Time (µs) QnH QnPH QnPRH –– 4.5 1.9 1.9 1.9 –– 4.7 2.0 2.0 2.0 –– 4.7 2.0 2.0 2.0 –– 5.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 –– 18 7.7 7.7 7.7 –– 32 14 14 14 –– 3.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 –– 4.3 1.8 1.8 1.8 –– 3.9 1.7 1.7 1.7 n=1 38 17 17 17 n = 96 99 43 43 43 n=1 38 17 17 17 n = 96 99 43 43 43 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.10 MOV –– –– –– –– MOVP –– –– –– –– 140*1 60*1 60*1 60*1 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 DMOV –– –– –– –– DMOVP –– –– –– –– 147*1 64*1 64*1 64*1 –– 0.63 0.27 0.27 0.27 –– 40 17 17 17 –– 0.40 0.17 0.17 0.17 –– 0.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 DBLP WORD WORDP GRY GRYP DGRY DGRYP GBIN GBINP DGBIN DGBINP NEG NEGP DNEG DNEGP ENEG ENEGP BKBCD S BKBCDP S BKBIN S BKBINP S n D D n n D D n S S = D0, S S EMOV EMOVP $MOV $MOVP CML CMLP DCML DCMLP *1 = D0, D = D0, = D0, D D = D1 = J1 \ W1 D = D1 = J1 \ W1 : The upper row indicates the processing time when A38B/A1S38B and the extension base are used. The center row indicates the processing time when A38HB/A1S38HB is used. The lower row indicates the processing time when Q312B is used. App-35 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU Qn DBL Instruction Condition (Device) Processing Time (µs) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH n=1 17 7.1 7.1 7.1 n = 96 32 14 14 14 n=1 6.7 2.9 2.9 2.9 n = 96 14 6.1 6.1 6.1 –– 1.3 0.54 0.54 0.54 BXCH D1 D2 n n=1 31 13 13 13 BXCHP D1 D2 n n = 96 84 36 36 36 –– 3.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 CJ –– 3.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 SCJ –– 3.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 JMP –– 3.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 GOEND –– 0.39 0.34 0.34 0.34 DI –– 0.95 0.41 0.41 0.41 EI –– 1.3 0.54 0.54 0.54 IMASK –– 11 4.6 4.6 4.6 IRET –– 1.6 0.68 0.68 0.68 RFS n=1 6.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 RFSP n = 96 19 13 13 13 UDCNT1 –– 15 6.5 6.5 –– UDCNT2 –– 16 6.8 6.8 –– TTMR –– 10 4.4 4.4 –– STMR –– 20 7.1 7.1 –– ROTC –– 26 11 11 –– RAMP –– 18 7.7 7.7 –– SPD –– 19 8.3 8.3 –– PLSY –– 10 4.5 4.5 –– PWM –– 9.1 3.9 3.9 –– MTR –– 11 4.9 4.9 –– BMOV S BMOVP S FMOV S FMOVP S n D D n n D D n XCH XCHP DXCH DXCHP SWAP SWAPP App-36 (3) Application instructions The processing time when the instruction is not executed is calculated as follows: Q02CPU ·······················································0.079 (No. of steps for each instruction + 1) µs Q02HCPU, Q06HCPU, Q12HCPU, Q25HCPU, Q02PHCPU, Q06PHCPU, Q12PHCPU, Q25PHCPU, Q12PRHCPU, Q25PRHCPU ·0.034 (No. of steps for each instruction + 1) µs Instruction WAND S Condition (Device) D WANDP S When executed Processing Time ( µs) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 D When executed 0.47 0.20 0.20 D DANDP S1 S2 D BKAND S1 S2 D BKANDP S1 S2 WOR S When executed 0.71 0.31 0.31 0.31 When executed 0.79 0.34 0.34 0.34 n=1 36 16 16 16 n = 96 74 32 32 32 When executed 0.40 0.17 0.17 0.17 When executed 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 When executed 0.71 0.31 0.31 0.31 When executed 0.79 0.34 0.34 0.34 n=1 36 16 16 16 n = 96 74 32 32 32 When executed 0.39 0.17 0.17 0.17 When executed 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 When executed 0.71 0.31 0.31 0.31 When executed 0.79 0.34 0.34 0.34 n=1 36 16 16 16 n = 96 74 32 32 32 D DAND S1 S2 n n D D WORP S D WOR S1 S2 D WORP S1 S2 D DOR S1 S2 D DORP S1 S2 D BKOR S1 S2 D BKORP S1 S2 WXOR S D WXORP S1 S2 DXORP S n D D WXOR S1 S2 DXOR S n D WXORP S 7 8 D D DORP S 6 D D D DXOR S1 S2 D DXORP S1 S2 D BKXOR S1 S2 D BKXORP S1 S2 n D n App-37 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU DOR S A D DANDP S 8 0.20 WANDP S1 S2 D DAND S 8 8 D WAND S1 S2 8 Instruction Condition (Device) Processing Time (µs) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH When executed 0.40 0.17 0.17 0.17 When executed 0.47 0.20 0.20 0.20 When executed 0.71 0.31 0.31 0.31 When executed 0.79 0.34 0.34 0.34 n=1 36 16 16 16 n = 96 74 32 32 32 ROR D n n=1 2.0 0.85 0.85 0.85 RORP D n n = 15 2.0 0.85 0.85 0.85 RCR D n n=1 1.6 0.68 0.68 0.68 RCRP D n n = 15 1.6 0.68 0.68 0.68 ROL D n n=1 2.0 0.85 0.85 0.85 ROLP D n n = 15 2.0 0.85 0.85 0.85 RCL D n n=1 1.6 0.68 0.68 0.68 RCLP D n n = 15 1.6 0.68 0.68 0.68 DROR D n n=1 3.9 1.7 1.7 1.7 DRORP D n n = 31 4.0 1.7 1.7 1.7 DRCR D n n=1 4.3 1.8 1.8 1.8 DRCRP D n n = 31 4.3 1.9 1.9 1.9 DROL D n n=1 3.9 1.7 1.7 1.7 DROLP D n n = 31 4.0 1.7 1.7 1.7 DRCL D n n=1 4.3 1.8 1.8 1.8 DRCLP D n n = 31 4.3 1.9 1.9 1.9 SFR D n n=1 1.7 0.75 0.75 0.75 SFRP D n n = 15 2.0 0.85 0.85 0.85 SFL D n n=1 1.7 0.75 0.75 0.75 SFLP D n n = 15 2.0 0.85 0.85 0.85 BSFLR D n n=1 20 8.6 8.6 8.6 BSFLRP D n n = 96 24 10 10 10 BSFL D n n=1 20 8.5 8.5 8.5 BSFLP D n n = 96 23 10 10 10 DSFR D n n=1 1.3 0.58 0.58 0.58 DSFRP D n n = 96 25 11 11 11 DSFL D n n=1 1.3 0.58 0.58 0.58 DSFLP D n n = 96 26 11 11 11 WXNR S D WXNRP S D WXNR S1 S2 D WXNRP S1 S2 DNXR S D D DNXRP S D DNXR S1 S2 D DNXRP S1 S2 D BKNXOR S1 S2 BKNXORP S1 S2 App-38 n D D n Instruction Condition (Device) Processing Time (µs) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH n=1 7.6 3.3 3.3 3.3 BSETP D n n = 15 7.6 3.3 3.3 3.3 BRST D n n=1 7.6 3.3 3.3 3.3 BRSTP D n n = 15 7.6 3.3 3.3 3.3 –– 8.2 3.5 3.5 3.5 –– 9.2 3.9 3.9 3.9 BKRST S n n=1 18 7.8 7.8 7.8 BKRSTP S n n = 96 19 8.2 8.2 8.2 BSET n D TEST S1 S2 D TESTP S1 S2 D DTEST S1 S2 D DTESTP S1 S2 SER S1 S2 DSERP n 22 9.6 9.6 9.6 21 8.9 8.9 8.9 All match 115 49 49 49 None match 133 57 57 57 All match 23 9.9 9.9 9.9 None match 23 9.7 9.7 9.7 All match 142 61 61 61 None match 132 57 57 57 3.9 1.7 1.7 1.7 =0 4.7 2.0 2.0 2.0 = FFFFFFFFH 12 5.0 5.0 5.0 n=2 20 8.6 8.6 8.6 n=8 27 12 12 12 M1 = ON 21 9.1 9.1 9.1 M4 = ON 21 9.1 9.1 9.1 M1 = ON 28 12 12 12 M256 = ON 26 11 11 11 –– 1.3 0.54 0.54 0.54 n=1 18 7.7 7.7 7.7 n=4 19 8.3 8.3 8.3 n=1 21 8.9 8.9 8.9 n=4 23 9.7 9.7 9.7 –– 41 18 18 18 –– 42 18 18 18 n=1 47 20 20 20 n = 96 99 43 43 43 n=1 45 19 19 19 n = 96 89 38 38 38 n = 96 n=1 n D S1 S2 All match None match n=1 n D DSER S1 S2 D n n = 96 SUM S SUMP S DSUM DECOP S n n D ENCO S ENCOP S n D SEG SEGP DIS S DISP S UNI S n D n D n D UNIP S D NDIS S1 D NDISP S1 NUNI S1 n S2 D S2 D D WTOB S D WTOBP S BTOWP S n=8 S2 NUNIP S1 BTOW S =0 n=2 n D S2 n n D n D D 8 n A 6 7 8 App-39 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU S D 8 = FFFFH S DSUMP DECO S 8 D D SERP S1 S2 8 Instruction Condition (Device) n MAX S D MAXP S MIN S n D n D MINP S n D DMAX S DMAXP S DMIN S n D n D n D DMINP S n D SORT S1 n S2 D1 D2 DSORT S1 n S2 D1 D2 WSUM S n D Processing Time (µs) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH n=1 17 7.1 7.1 7.1 n = 96 136 59 59 59 n=1 17 7.1 7.1 7.1 n = 96 159 69 69 69 n=1 27 12 12 12 n = 96 181 78 78 78 n=1 27 12 12 12 n = 96 112 48 48 48 n=1 16 7.1 7.1 7.1 n = 96 14 6.2 6.2 6.2 n=1 17 7.1 7.1 7.1 n = 96 16 6.8 6.8 6.8 n=1 16.4 7.1 7.1 7.1 WSUMP S D n n = 96 68.4 29.5 29.5 29.5 DWSUM S D n n=1 18.9 8.2 8.2 8.2 n = 96 130.4 56.1 56.1 56.1 FOR n n=0 2.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 NEXT –– 3.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 –– 11 4.6 4.6 4.6 Internal file pointer 2.1 0.88 0.88 0.88 Common pointer 33 14 14 14 –– 135 58 58 58 Return to original program 2.9 1.3 1.3 1.3 DWSUMP S D n BREAK BREAKP CALL Pn CALLP Pn CALL Pn S1 to S5 CALLP Pn S1 to S5 RET FCALL Pn FCALLP Pn FCALL Pn S1 to S5 Return to other program 20 8.5 8.5 8.5 Internal file pointer 3.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 Common pointer 20 8.7 8.7 8.7 –– 134 57 57 57 –– 77 33 33 33 –– 162 70 70 70 –– 78 34 34 34 –– 200 86 86 86 FCALLP Pn S1 to S5 ECALL * Pn ECALLP * Pn *: Program name ECALL * Pn S1 to S5 ECALLP * Pn S1 to S5 *: Program name EFCALL * Pn EFCALLP * Pn *: Program name EFCALL * Pn S1 to S5 EFCALLP * Pn S1 to S5 *: Program name *1: Indicates extension of scan time to completion of instruction. App-40 Instruction Condition (Device) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH 55 16 16 16 –– 12 5.2 5.2 5.2 –– 4.7 2.0 2.0 2.0 Number of contacts 1 48 21 21 21 COM –– IX IXEND IXDEV + IXSET Processing Time (µs) 93 40 40 40 Number of data points 0 11 4.5 4.5 4.5 FIFWP Number of data points 96 11 4.5 4.5 4.5 FIFR Number of data points 1 13 5.6 5.6 5.6 FIFRP Number of data points 96 32 14 14 14 FPOP Number of data points 1 16 7.0 7.0 7.0 FPOPP Number of data points 96 16 7.0 7.0 7.0 FINS Number of data points 0 20 8.4 8.4 8.4 FINSP Number of data points 96 36 15 15 15 FDEL Number of data points 1 19 7.5 7.5 7.5 FDELP Number of data points 96 39 15 15 15 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 47 22 22 22 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 476 437 437 437 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 51 24 24 24 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 478 437 437 437 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 48 20 20 20 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 479 412 412 412 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 50 23 23 23 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 457 416 416 416 n3 = 1 FROM n1 n2 D n3 FROMP n1 n2 D n3 n3 = 1000 *1 n3 = 1 DFRO n1 n2 D n3 DFROP n1 n2 D n3 n3 = 500 *1 n3 = 1 TO n1 n2 D n3 TOP n1 n2 D n3 n3 = 1000 *1 n3 = 1 DTO n1 n2 D n3 DTOP n1 n2 D n3 n3 = 500 *1 Variable 1 character 33 11 11 –– Variable 32 character 48 18 18 –– SM701OFF 21 7.8 7.8 –– SM701ON PR PRC LED *1 –– 181 16 16 –– When displayed –– –– –– –– Display completed –– –– –– –– : The upper row indicates the processing time when A38B/A1S38B and the extension base are used. The center row indicates the processing time when A38HB/A1S38HB is used. The bottom row indicates the processing times taken when the Q312B is used to execute the instruction for the QJ71C24 in slot 0. The FROM/TO instruction differs in processing time according to the number of slots and the loaded modules. (The QnCPU/QnHCPU also differs in processing time according to the extension base type.) App-41 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU Number of contacts 14 FIFW 8 Instruction LEDC LEDR Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH When displayed –– –– –– –– Display completed –– –– –– –– 0.40 0.17 0.17 0.17 103 44 44 44 5.8 2.5 2.5 2.5 No display no display LED instruction execution CHKST CHK 1 contact no error 24 10 10 10 150 contact no error 1676 721 721 721 1 contact error 88 38 38 38 10 steps 5.8 2.5 2.5 2.5 All internal devices –– –– –– –– File register 8k points –– –– –– –– SLT execution completion –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– Start –– –– –– –– SLTR STRA no display –– CHKCIR SLT Processing Time (µs) Condition (Device) STRA execution completion –– –– –– –– STRAR –– –– –– –– –– PTRA –– –– –– –– –– PTRAR –– –– –– –– –– When operating –– –– –– –– Trace in progress –– –– –– –– =1 15 6.7 6.7 6.7 = - 32768 24 10 10 10 =1 43 18 18 18 = - 2147483648 86 37 37 37 =1 18 7.7 7.7 7.7 = FFFFH 19 8.2 8.2 8.2 =1 23 10 10 10 = FFFFFFFFH 24 10 10 10 =1 23 9.8 9.8 9.8 = 9999 21 8.9 8.9 8.9 =1 22 9.5 9.5 9.5 = 99999999 29 13 13 13 =1 57 25 25 25 = - 32768 58 25 25 25 =1 92 40 40 40 = - 2147483648 106 46 46 46 =1 13 5.8 5.8 5.8 = FFFFH 15 6.4 6.4 6.4 =1 22 9.5 9.5 9.5 = FFFFFFFFH 25 11 11 11 PTRAEXE PTRAEXEP BINDA S BINDAP S DBINDA S DBINDAP S BINHA S BINHAP S DBINHA S DBINHAP S BCDDA S BCDDAP S DBCDDA S DBCDDAP S DABIN S DABINP S DDABIN S DDABINP S HABIN S HABINP S DHABIN S DHABINP S App-42 Instruction Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH =1 16 6.9 6.9 6.9 = 9999 17 7.2 7.2 7.2 =1 25 11 11 11 = 99999999 29 13 13 13 –– 40 17 17 17 DABCD S DABCDP S DDABCD S DDABCDP S COMRD COMRDP 18 8.0 8.0 8.0 86 37 37 37 –– 53 23 23 23 –– 123 53 53 53 –– 95 41 41 41 –– 166 72 72 72 –– 564 243 243 243 Decimal point format all 2-digit specification 100 43 43 43 Exponent format all 6-digit specification 127 55 55 55 n=1 64 28 28 28 n = 96 289 125 125 125 n=1 60 26 26 26 n = 96 343 148 148 148 n=1 49 21 21 21 n = 96 131 56 56 56 n=1 50 21 21 21 n = 96 131 56 56 56 –– 53 23 23 23 –– 128 55 55 55 LENP STR STRP DSTR DSTRP VAL VALP DVAL DVALP ESTR ESTRP EVALP ASC S ASCP S HEX S n D n D n D HEXP S D RIGHT S n n D RIGHTP S D LEFT S n LEFTP S D D n n MIDR MIDRP MIDW MIDWP No match INSTR INSTRP Match 58 25 25 25 Head 55 24 24 24 End 58 25 25 25 App-43 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU 1 character 96 characters LEN EVAL Processing Time (µs) Condition (Device) Instruction Processing Time (µs) Condition (Device) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH –– 527 227 227 227 –– 1656 713 713 713 SIN Single precision 115 50 50 50 SINP Double precision 1945 837 –– –– COS Single precision 122 53 53 53 COSP Double precision 2618 1127 –– –– TAN Single precision 123 53 53 53 TANP Double precision 2618 1127 –– –– ASIN Single precision 111 48 48 48 ASINP Double precision 2491 1072 –– –– ACOS Single precision 115 49 49 49 ACOSP Double precision 2367 1019 –– –– ATAN Single precision 157 68 68 68 ATANP Double precision 3140 1352 –– –– RAD Single precision 17 7.2 7.2 7.2 RADP Double precision 24 10 –– –– DEG Single precision 17 7.2 7.2 7.2 DEGP Double precision 23 9.9 –– –– SQR Single precision 28 12 12 12 SQRP Double precision 1812 780 –– –– 129 56 56 56 2386 1026 –– –– 113 49 49 49 2146 924 –– –– –– 3.9 1.7 1.7 1.7 –– 3.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 EMOD EMODP EREXP EREXPP = - 10 S Single precision EXP S EXPP = - 10 S Double precision Single precision LOG S =1 S =1 S LOGP S Double precision S RND RNDP SRND SRNDP App-44 =1 = 10 =1 = 10 Instruction Condition (Device) QnH QnPH QnPRH =0 6.2 2.7 2.7 2.7 = 9999 38 16 16 16 =0 6.2 2.7 2.7 2.7 = 99999999 38 16 16 16 –– 12 5.1 5.1 5.1 –– 12 5.2 5.2 5.2 –– 12 5.2 5.2 5.2 –– 20 8.7 8.7 8.7 –– 21 9.0 9.0 9.0 –– 22 9.6 9.6 9.6 –– 10 4.3 4.3 4.3 –– 11 4.7 4.7 4.7 –– 9.8 4.2 4.2 4.2 –– 11 4.9 4.9 4.9 –– 9.1 3.9 3.9 3.9 –– 11 4.6 4.6 4.6 –– 6.8 2.9 2.9 2.9 –– 205 88 88 88 –– 147 63 63 63 –– 13 5.5 5.5 5.5 –– 15 6.4 6.4 6.4 S BSQRP S S BDSQRP S BSIN BSINP BCOS BCOSP BTAN BTANP BASIN BASINP BACOS BACOSP BATAN BATANP LIMIT LIMITP DLIMIT DLIMITP BAND BANDP DBAND DBANDP ZONE ZONEP DZONE DZONEP RSET RSETP QDRSET QDRSETP QCDSET QCDSETP DATERD DATERDP DATEWR DATEWRP App-45 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU Qn BSQR BDSQR Processing Time (µs) Instruction DATE+ DATE+P DATE DATE - P SECOND SECONDP HOUR HOURP MSG PKEY PSTOP PSTOPP POFF POFFP PSCAN PSCNAP PLOW PLOWP WDT WDTP DUTY ZRRDB ZRRDBP ZRWRB ZRWRBP ADRSET ADRSETP KEY ZPUSH ZPUSHP ZPOP ZPOPP EROMWR EROMWRP App-46 Condition (Device) Processing Time (µs) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH No digit increase 13 5.4 5.4 5.4 Digit increase 13 5.4 5.4 5.4 No digit increase 12 5.2 5.2 5.2 Digit increase 12 5.2 5.2 5.2 –– 10 4.5 4.5 4.5 –– 12 5.2 5.2 5.2 1 character 3.0 1.3 1.3 1.3 32 characters 3.0 1.3 1.3 1.3 Initial time 20 8.6 8.6 8.6 No reception 19 8.2 8.2 8.2 –– 79 34 34 34 –– 79 34 34 34 –– 75 32 32 32 –– 80 34 34 –– –– 5.9 2.6 2.6 2.6 –– 9.3 4.0 4.0 4.0 –– 7.9 3.4 3.4 3.4 –– 9.4 4.0 4.0 4.0 –– 4.9 2.1 2.1 2.1 –– 17 7.3 7.3 –– –– 11 4.7 4.7 4.7 –– 5.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 –– –– –– –– –– Instruction Processing Time (µs) Condition (Device) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH ZCOM –– 691 289 289 289 READ –– –– –– –– –– SREAD –– –– –– –– –– WRITE –– –– –– –– –– SWRITE –– –– –– –– –– SEND –– –– –– –– –– RECV –– –– –– –– –– REQ –– –– –– –– –– ZNFR –– –– –– –– –– ZNTO –– –– –– –– –– MELSECNET/10 –– –– –– –– MELSECNET (II) –– –– –– –– MELSECNET/10 –– –– –– –– ZNRD ZNWR MELSECNET (II) –– –– –– –– RFRP –– –– –– –– –– RTOP –– –– –– –– –– 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 (4) Processing time for QCPU instructions (QCPU instructions only) (a) Instructions available from function version A Instruction UNIRD TRACE Processing Time (µs) Condition (Device) –– Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH 79 34 34 34 Start 176 76 76 76 STRA execution completion 6.3 2.7 2.7 2.7 –– 19 8.2 8.2 8.2 SP.FWRITE –– 84 36 36 36 SP.FREAD –– 82 35 35 35 PLOADP –– 58 25 25 –– PUNLOADP –– 272 117 117 –– PSWAPP –– 308 133 133 –– 1 point 45.5 20 20 20 1000 points 215 91 91 91 1 point 49.5 22 22 22 1000 points 540 305 305 305 When standard RAM is used RBMOV When SRAM card is used App-47 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU TRACER 8 (b) Instructions available from function version B Instruction Processing Time (µs) Condition/Number of Points Processed Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH 720 660 660 –– 860 730 730 –– –– 43 20 20 20 n3 = 1 59 29 29 –– n3 = 1000 530 500 500 –– Refresh range: 2k words (0.5k words With auto refresh of assigned equally to all CPUs) CPU shared memory COM *1 Refresh range: 4k words (1k words assigned equally to all CPUs) Without auto refresh of CPU shared memory Reading from CPU shared memory of another CPU FROM *1 Reading buffer memory n3 = 1 of intelligent function module*2 n3 = 1000 Writing to CPU shared S.TO memory of host CPU S (P).DATERD S (P).DATE+ *3 S (P).DATE- *3 *3 Main base unit 51 24 24 –– Extension base unit 54 27 27 –– Main base unit 540 480 480 –– Extension base unit 1100 1050 1050 –– 74 33 33 –– n2 = 256 126 54 54 –– –– 25 11 11 11 –– 38 17 17 17 –– 38 17 17 17 n3 = 1 ("TO" instruction) n4 = 1 ("S.TO instruction") Reading data of the expansion clock Expansion clock data addition operation Expansion clock data subtraction operation *1 : If the processing overlaps those of the other CPUs in a multiple CPU system, the processing time increases by a maximum of the following time. For system having only the main base unit (Instruction processing time increase) = 0.54 processed) (number of other CPUs) (µs) (number of points For system including extension base units (Instruction processing time increase) = 1.30 processed) (number of other CPUs) (µs) *2 *3 (number of points : In a multiple CPU system, the instruction processing time for the intelligent function module under control of the host CPU is equal to that for the intelligent function module under control of another CPU. : Products with the first 5 digits of the serial No. "07032" or higher are applicable. (5) Redundant system instructions (for redundant CPU) Instruction SP.CONTSW App-48 Condition (Device) –– Processing Time (µs) Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH –– –– –– 9.6 (6) Table of the time to be added when file register, module access device or link direct device is used Instruction data Bit When standard RAM is used Word Double word File register (ZR) When SRAM card is used (Q2MEM-1MBS, Q2MEM-2MBS) Bit Word Double word Bit Module access device (Un\G , U3En\G0 to G4095) Word Double word Bit Link direct device (Jn\ ) Word Double word Processing Time (µs) Device Specification Location Qn QnH QnPH QnPRH Source 5.56 2.40 2.40 2.40 Destination 4.44 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.12 Source 2.60 1.12 1.12 Destination 3.76 1.62 1.62 1.62 Source 2.83 1.22 1.22 1.22 Destination 4.00 1.72 1.72 1.72 2.25 Source 5.22 2.25 2.25 Destination 4.09 1.76 1.76 1.76 Source 2.25 0.97 0.97 0.97 Destination 3.42 1.47 1.47 1.47 Source 2.49 1.07 1.07 1.07 Destination 3.65 1.57 1.57 1.57 Source 35.56 15.31 15.31 15.31 Destination 65.08 28.01 28.01 28.01 Source 32.76 14.10 14.10 14.10 Destination 28.84 12.41 12.41 12.41 14.20 Source 32.99 14.20 14.20 Destination 29.07 12.51 12.51 12.51 Source 75.67 32.57 32.57 32.57 Destination 138.65 59.67 59.67 59.67 31.30 Source 72.73 31.30 31.30 Destination 137.32 59.10 59.10 59.10 Source 72.96 31.40 31.40 31.40 Destination 137.55 59.20 59.20 59.20 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.3 Operation Processing Time of High Performance Model QCPU/Process CPU/Redundant CPU App-49 Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU The processing time for the individual instructions are shown in the table on the following pages. Operation processing times can vary substantially depending on the nature of the sources and destinations of the instructions, and the values contained in the following tables should therefore be taken as a set of general guidelines to processing time rather than as being strictly accurate. Appendix 1.4.1 Subset instruction processing time The following describes the subset instruction processing time. 1. The subset instruction processing time table shown in (1) applies when the device used in an instruction satisfies either of the conditions (a) and (b). 2. Since the processing time of each instruction is not constant due to the cache function in the Universal model QCPU, the minimum value and the maximum value are described. (1) Subset instruction processing time table (a) When using Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU and Q02UCPU. Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Min. Max. Q00UCPU Min. Max. Q01UCPU Min. Max. Q02UCPU Min. Max. LD LDI AND ANI OR ORI LDP When executed 0.120 0.080 0.060 0.040 LDF ANDP ANDF ORP Sequence ORF instruction LDPI LDFI When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 ANDPI ANDFI ORPI ORFI When executed 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 0.120 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.120 0.080 0.060 0.040 OUT SET RST App-50 When not changed When changed When not executed When executed When not changed When changed Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Min. LD= In conductive status In non-conductive status Max. 0.360 Q00UCPU Min. Max. 0.240 Q01UCPU Min. Max. 0.180 Q02UCPU Min. Max. 0.120 8 When not executed AND= When executed In conductive status 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 In non-conductive status 8 When not executed OR= LD<> When executed In conductive status 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 A 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 6 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed AND<> When executed In conductive status LD> When executed 8 In non-conductive status When not executed OR<> 8 In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status 7 When not executed AND> When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status 8 When not executed OR> Basic LD<= In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed AND<= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed OR<= LD< When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed AND< When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed OR< LD>= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed AND>= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed OR>= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status App-51 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU instruction When executed Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Min. LDD= In conductive status In non-conductive status Max. Q00UCPU Min. Max. Q01UCPU Min. Max. Q02UCPU Min. Max. 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When not executed ANDD= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ORD= LDD<> When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ANDD<> When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ORD<> LDD> When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ANDD> When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ORD> Basic instruction LDD<= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ANDD<= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ORD<= LDD< When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ANDD< When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ORD< LDD>= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ANDD>= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ORD>= App-52 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Min. + S D + S1 S2 - S D D - S1 S2 D+ S D D D + S1 S2 D- S D D D - S1 S2 D Max. Q01UCPU Min. Max. Q02UCPU Min. Max. When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When executed 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When executed 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When executed 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When executed 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 D When executed 0.420 0.300 0.240 0.180 / S1 S2 D When executed 0.520 0.400 0.340 0.280 When executed 0.500 0.380 0.320 0.260 When executed 0.640 0.520 0.460 0.400 D/ S1 S2 B+ S B- S D D D B + S1 S2 D D When executed 3.100 12.300 3.100 12.300 3.100 12.300 3.300 8.300 When executed 5.900 13.500 5.900 13.500 5.900 13.500 4.600 6.200 When executed 3.150 12.300 3.150 12.300 3.150 12.300 3.300 9.000 B - S1 S2 D When executed 5.950 13.600 5.950 13.600 5.950 13.600 4.600 8.200 B * S1 S2 D When executed 3.700 12.100 3.700 12.100 3.700 12.100 4.000 8.200 When executed 4.000 14.000 4.000 14.000 4.000 14.000 4.200 12.400 B/ S1 S2 E+ S D = 0, D =0 0.420 0.300 0.240 0.180 = 2127, D = 2127 0.420 0.300 0.240 0.180 = 0, S2 =0 0.540 0.380 0.300 0.220 = 2127, S2 = 2127 0.540 0.380 0.300 0.220 = 0, D =0 0.420 0.300 0.240 0.180 = 2127, D = 2127 0.420 0.300 0.240 0.180 = 0, S2 =0 0.540 0.380 0.300 0.220 = 2127, S2 = 2127 0.540 0.380 0.300 0.220 = 0, S2 =0 0.420 0.300 0.240 0.180 S1 = 2127, S2 = 2127 0.420 0.300 0.240 0.180 S1 = 2127, S2 = 2127 Single D S precision S E + S1 S2 E- S Single D precision S1 S1 Single D S precision S E - S1 S2 E * S1 S2 E/ S1 S2 Single D precision S1 S1 Single D precision S1 Single D precision 4.900 18.900 4.900 18.900 4.900 18.900 5.100 14.100 INC When executed 0.240 0.160 0.120 0.080 DINC When executed 0.240 0.160 0.120 0.080 DEC When executed 0.240 0.160 0.120 0.080 DDEC When executed 0.240 0.160 0.120 0.080 BCD When executed 0.320 0.240 0.200 0.160 DBCD When executed 0.400 0.320 0.280 0.240 BIN When executed 0.260 0.180 0.140 0.100 DBIN When executed 0.260 0.180 0.140 0.100 App-53 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU instruction Q00UCPU Min. * S1 S2 D * S1 S2 Basic Max. Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Min. 0.220 0.180 0.140 =0 0.300 0.220 0.180 0.140 = 7FFFFFFFH 0.300 0.220 0.180 0.140 =0 0.300 0.220 0.180 0.140 = 32766.5 0.300 0.220 0.180 0.140 =0 0.300 0.220 0.180 0.140 = 1234567890.3 0.300 0.220 0.180 0.140 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 0.240 4.200 4.600 4.850 5.150 6.800 11.300 7.450 11.900 4.100 4.600 0.160 0.160 0.160 0.160 0.160 4.200 4.600 4.850 5.150 6.800 11.300 7.450 11.900 4.100 4.600 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.120 4.200 4.600 4.850 5.150 6.800 11.300 7.450 11.900 4.100 4.600 0.080 0.080 0.080 0.080 0.080 4.100 4.500 4.700 5.100 6.300 8.900 5.900 9.500 4.100 4.600 4.800 4.600 6.150 2.250 2.400 2.700 6.500 4.000 8.000 5.200 8.250 10.600 8.100 8.200 2.800 6.800 8.150 12.200 4.800 4.600 6.150 2.250 2.400 2.700 6.500 4.000 8.000 5.200 8.250 10.600 8.100 8.200 2.800 6.800 8.150 12.200 4.800 4.600 6.150 2.250 2.400 2.700 6.500 4.000 8.000 5.200 8.250 10.600 8.100 8.200 2.800 6.800 8.150 12.200 4.800 4.600 5.300 2.500 2.800 2.350 5.950 3.000 6.600 5.200 7.900 8.500 6.000 7.900 2.450 6.000 6.950 10.600 3.500 3.500 3.500 10.100 10.100 10.100 3.500 3.500 3.500 10.100 10.100 10.100 3.500 3.500 3.500 10.100 10.100 10.100 1.900 1.900 1.900 10.100 10.100 10.100 S Single DINT Basic 0.300 S precision S precision S MOV –– DMOV –– EMOV –– CML –– DCML –– SM237= instruction n=1 n=96 n=1 n=96 n=1 ON SM237= BMOV OFF SM=237 =ON SM237= FMOV n=96 n=1 n=96 OFF XCH –– DXCH –– SM237= n=1 n=96 n=1 n=96 ON SM237= DFMOV OFF CJ –– SCJ –– JMP –– WAND S D WAND S1 S2 DAND S D D DAND S1 S2 WOR S D WOR S1 S2 DOR S WXOR S D D WXOR S1 S2 DXOR S D D DXNR S1 S2 App-54 D D WXNR S1 S2 DXNR S D D DXOR S1 S2 WXNR S D D Application DOR S1 S2 instruction D D Max. = 7FFFH Single INT Q02UCPU Min. =0 S S Max. 0.140 S precision Q01UCPU Min. 0.180 Single DFLT Max. 0.220 S precision Min. 0.300 Single FLT Max. Q00UCPU When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When executed 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When executed 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When executed 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When executed 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When executed 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When executed 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When executed 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When executed 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) ROR D n RCR D n ROL D n RCL D n DROR D n DRCR D n DROL D n Application DRCL D n instruction SFR D n SFL D n DSFR D n DSFL D n Min. Max. Min. Max. 2.250 10.800 2.250 10.800 2.250 10.800 2.300 7.800 2.250 10.800 2.350 10.800 2.350 10.800 2.400 7.800 n=1 2.250 10.800 2.250 10.800 2.250 10.800 2.300 3.900 n = 15 2.250 10.800 2.250 10.800 2.250 10.800 2.400 4.100 n=1 2.250 10.800 2.350 10.800 2.350 10.800 2.500 4.600 n = 15 2.250 10.800 2.350 10.800 2.350 10.800 2.400 4.600 n=1 2.250 11.500 2.300 11.500 2.300 11.500 2.400 7.500 n = 15 2.250 11.500 2.300 11.500 2.300 11.500 2.500 7.500 n=1 2.350 11.500 2.350 11.500 2.350 11.500 2.400 10.300 n = 31 2.350 11.500 2.350 11.500 2.350 11.500 2.500 10.300 n=1 2.350 13.300 2.350 13.300 2.350 13.300 2.500 12.700 n = 31 2.350 14.900 2.350 14.900 2.350 14.900 2.500 12.700 n=1 2.350 10.800 2.350 10.800 2.350 10.800 2.500 11.800 n = 31 2.350 10.800 2.350 10.800 2.350 10.800 2.500 11.800 n=1 2.350 13.300 2.350 13.300 2.350 13.300 2.500 5.100 n = 31 2.350 13.300 2.350 13.300 2.350 13.300 2.500 5.100 n=1 2.350 9.900 2.350 9.900 2.350 9.900 2.400 6.100 n = 15 2.350 9.900 2.350 9.900 2.350 9.900 2.300 5.700 n=1 2.350 9.850 2.350 9.850 2.350 9.850 2.400 4.300 n = 15 2.350 9.850 2.350 9.850 2.350 9.850 2.400 4.300 n=1 3.250 15.500 3.250 15.500 3.250 15.500 3.300 12.000 n = 96 32.600 45.000 32.600 45.000 32.600 45.000 32.600 42.200 n=1 3.200 15.500 3.200 15.500 3.200 15.500 3.300 8.200 n = 96 32.600 45.100 32.600 45.100 32.600 45.100 32.600 37.700 =0 3.100 8.950 3.100 8.950 3.100 8.950 3.400 6.700 = FFFFH 3.000 8.850 3.000 8.850 3.000 8.850 3.500 6.700 2.100 7.700 2.100 7.700 2.100 7.700 2.100 5.900 –– 1.500 7.500 1.500 7.500 1.500 7.500 1.200 6.300 Internal file pointer 4.800 5.400 4.800 5.400 4.800 5.400 2.700 4.800 Common pointer 7.100 30.500 7.100 30.500 7.100 30.500 4.400 5.700 –– 50.200 62.000 50.200 62.000 50.200 62.000 28.700 42.600 FOR CALL Pn Q02UCPU Max. n=1 When executed SEG Q01UCPU Min. CALL Pn S1 to S5 Remark For the instructions for which a leading edge instruction ( P) is not described, the processing time is the same as an ON execution instruction. Example MOVP instruction, WANDP instruction etc. App-55 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU S Q00UCPU Max. n = 15 S SUM Q00UJCPU Min. (b) When using Q03UD(E)HCPU, Q04UD(E)HCPU, Q06UD(E)HCPU, Q10UD(E)HCPU,Q13UD(E)HCPU, Q20UD(E)HCPU, Q26UD(E)HCPU Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU Min. Max. Q04/Q06UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. LD LDI AND ANI OR ORI LDP When executed 0.020 0.0095 0.0095 When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 When executed 0.080 0.038 0.038 0.020 0.0095 0.0095 0.020 0.0095 0.0095 LDF ANDP ANDF Sequence ORP instruction ORF LDPI LDFI ANDPI ANDFI ORPI ORFI OUT SET RST App-56 When not changed When changed When not executed Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU Min. LD= In conductive status In non-conductive status Max. Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. 8 Max. 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 8 When not executed AND= When executed In conductive status 8 In non-conductive status When not executed OR= LD<> When executed In conductive status 8 In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status A When not executed AND<> When executed In conductive status 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 In non-conductive status 6 When not executed OR<> LD> When executed In conductive status 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status 7 When not executed AND> When executed In conductive status 8 In non-conductive status When not executed OR> instruction LD<= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU Basic When not executed AND<= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed OR<= LD< When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed AND< When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed OR< LD>= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed AND>= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed OR>= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status App-57 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU Min. LDD= In conductive status In non-conductive status Max. Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 When not executed ANDD= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ORD= LDD<> When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ANDD<> When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ORD<> LDD> When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ANDD> When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ORD> Basic instruction LDD<= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ANDD<= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ORD<= LDD< When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ANDD< When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ORD< LDD>= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ANDD>= When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed ORD>= App-58 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU Min. + S D + S1 S2 - S D D - S1 S2 D+ S D D D + S1 S2 D- S D D D - S1 S2 D Max. Min. When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 When executed 0.080 0.038 0.038 When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 When executed 0.080 0.038 0.038 When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 When executed 0.080 0.038 0.038 When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 When executed 0.080 0.038 0.038 When executed 0.120 0.057 0.057 / S1 S2 D When executed 0.220 0.110 0.110 When executed 0.200 0.095 0.095 When executed 0.340 0.170 0.170 B+ S B+ D D S1 S2 B- S D D D 8 8 8 A 6 When executed 3.300 5.500 3.000 4.100 3.000 4.100 When executed 4.600 6.200 4.200 5.900 4.200 5.900 When executed 3.300 4.400 2.900 3.800 2.900 3.800 B - S1 S2 D When executed 4.600 6.300 4.200 4.600 4.200 4.600 B * S1 S2 D When executed 4.000 4.800 3.400 4.800 3.400 4.800 When executed 4.200 5.700 3.700 5.200 3.700 5.200 B/ S1 S2 E + S1 S2 E- S = 0, D =0 0.120 0.057 0.057 = 2127, D = 2127 0.120 0.057 0.057 = 0, S2 =0 0.140 0.0665 0.0665 = 2127, S2 = 2127 0.140 0.0665 0.0665 = 0, D =0 0.120 0.057 0.057 = 2127, D = 2127 0.120 0.057 0.057 = 0, S2 =0 0.140 0.0665 0.0665 = 2127, S2 = 2127 0.140 0.0665 0.0665 = 0, S2 =0 0.120 0.057 0.057 S1 = 2127, S2 = 2127 0.120 0.057 0.057 S1 = 2127, S2 = 2127 Single D precision S S Single D precision S1 S1 Single D E - S1 S2 E * S1 S2 E/ S1 S2 precision S S Single D precision S1 S1 Single D precision S1 Single D precision 4.500 5.600 3.900 4.900 0.285 INC When executed 0.040 0.019 0.019 DINC When executed 0.040 0.019 0.019 DEC When executed 0.040 0.019 0.019 DDEC When executed 0.040 0.019 0.019 BCD When executed 0.120 0.057 0.057 DBCD When executed 0.200 0.095 0.095 BIN When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 DBIN When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU E+ S D 8 Max. D D/ S1 S2 instruction Min. Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU * S1 S2 D * S1 S2 Basic Max. Q04/Q06UD(E)HCPU App-59 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU Min. FLT DFLT INT DINT = 7FFFH 0.100 0.0475 0.0475 =0 0.100 0.0475 0.0475 = 7FFFFFFFH 0.100 0.0475 0.0475 =0 0.100 0.0475 0.0475 = 32766.5 0.100 0.0475 0.0475 =0 0.100 0.0475 0.0475 = 1234567890.3 0.100 0.0475 0.0475 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 6.300 8.200 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019 5.400 7.000 5.400 7.000 8.200 10.600 3.900 5.100 3.900 5.100 6.000 7.800 2.900 3.700 2.900 3.700 7.100 8.800 5.900 7.600 5.900 7.600 9.300 11.900 4.400 5.700 4.400 5.700 7.100 9.100 3.400 4.300 3.400 4.300 5.300 5.900 4.200 4.800 4.200 4.800 7.000 8.000 3.400 3.800 3.400 3.800 5.900 6.800 2.800 3.200 2.800 3.200 5.300 7.600 4.400 6.800 4.400 6.800 7.400 12.200 3.600 5.800 3.600 5.800 6.300 11.000 3.000 5.200 3.000 5.200 S Single S S Single precision S S MOV –– DMOV –– EMOV –– CML –– DCML –– *1 n=1 Basic instruction BMOV n = 96 SM237=OFF SM237=ON *1 SM237=OFF*1 SM237=ON *1 *1 n=1 FMOV SM237=OFF SM237=ON *1 *1 n = 96 XCH DXCH DFMOV*2 CJ SCJ JMP App-60 Max. =0 Single precision Min. 0.0475 S S Max. 0.0475 S precision Min. Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU 0.100 Single precision Max. Q04/Q06UD(E)HCPU SM237=OFF SM237=ON *1 2.500 2.900 1.800 2.300 1.800 2.300 –– 2.800 3.700 2.100 2.900 2.100 2.900 SM237=OFF 2.600 3.750 2.250 3.150 2.250 3.150 n=1 SM237=ON 2.050 2.250 1.750 1.750 1.750 1.750 SM237=OFF 5.850 7.350 4.200 5.500 4.200 5.500 n=96 SM237=ON 5.300 6.000 3.650 4.150 3.650 4.150 –– 1.800 2.800 1.400 2.400 1.400 2.400 –– 1.800 2.800 1.400 2.400 1.400 2.400 –– 1.800 2.800 1.100 2.400 1.100 2.400 *1 : Can be used onliy for the Q03UDCPU, Q04UDHCPU and Q06UDHCPU whose first 5 digits of serial number is “10012” or later. *2 : Can be used onliy for the Q03UD(E)CPU, Q04UD(E)HCPU, Q06UD(E)HCPU, Q13UD(E)HCPU and Q26UD(E)HCPU whose first 5 digits of serial number is “10012” or later. –– Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU Min. WAND S D WAND S1 S2 DAND S D D DAND S1 S2 WOR S D WOR S1 S2 DOR S WXOR S D D WXOR S1 S2 DXOR S D D WXNR S1 S2 DXNR S D D DXOR S1 S2 WXNR S D D Application DOR S1 S2 instruction D D D DXNR S1 S2 D Max. Q04/Q06UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. 8 Max. When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 When executed 0.080 0.038 0.038 When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 When executed 0.080 0.038 0.038 When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 When executed 0.080 0.038 0.038 When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 When executed 0.080 0.038 0.038 When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 When executed 0.080 0.038 0.038 When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 When executed 0.080 0.038 0.038 When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 When executed 0.080 0.038 0.038 When executed 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 When executed 0.080 0.038 0.038 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU App-61 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) n=1 ROR D n RCR D n ROL D n RCL D n DROR D n DRCR D n DROL D n Application DRCL D n instruction SFR D n SFL D n DSFR D n DSFL D n S Q04/Q06UD(E)HCPU Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 2.300 3.100 1.700 2.500 1.700 2.500 n = 15 2.400 3.100 1.800 2.500 1.800 2.500 n=1 2.300 3.900 1.700 3.200 1.700 3.200 n = 15 2.400 4.100 1.700 3.200 1.700 3.200 n=1 2.400 3.300 1.800 3.200 1.800 3.200 n = 15 2.400 3.300 1.800 3.200 1.800 3.200 n=1 2.400 2.700 1.800 2.100 1.800 2.100 n = 15 2.400 2.800 1.800 2.200 1.800 2.200 n=1 2.400 3.400 1.900 2.700 1.900 2.700 n = 31 2.500 3.400 1.900 2.700 1.900 2.700 n=1 2.500 4.800 1.900 4.200 1.900 4.200 n = 31 2.500 4.900 1.900 4.200 1.900 4.200 n=1 2.500 3.900 1.800 3.200 1.800 3.200 n = 31 2.500 3.900 1.800 3.300 1.800 3.300 n=1 2.500 4.800 1.900 3.800 1.900 3.800 n = 31 2.500 4.600 1.900 3.800 1.900 3.800 n=1 2.400 3.900 1.700 2.600 1.700 2.600 n = 15 2.300 3.900 1.800 2.600 1.800 2.600 n=1 2.400 4.300 1.800 2.700 1.800 2.700 n = 15 2.400 4.300 1.800 2.700 1.800 2.700 n=1 2.700 4.800 2.200 4.300 2.200 4.300 n = 96 32.600 35.900 23.900 26.100 23.900 26.100 n=1 2.700 4.600 2.100 4.000 2.100 4.000 n = 96 32.600 35.300 23.700 25.800 23.700 25.800 =0 3.400 4.300 2.900 3.600 2.900 3.600 = FFFFH 3.500 4.200 2.900 3.600 2.900 3.600 S SUM Q03UD(E)CPU SEG When executed 2.100 2.800 1.500 2.100 1.500 2.100 FOR –– 1.200 2.400 0.870 2.100 0.870 2.100 Internal file pointer 2.600 4.000 2.300 3.600 2.300 3.600 Common pointer 4.000 5.300 3.200 4.900 3.200 4.900 –– 28.700 33.400 26.100 29.300 26.100 29.300 CALL Pn CALL Pn S1 to S5 Remark For the instructions for which a leading edge instruction ( P) is not described, the processing time is the same as an ON execution instruction. Example MOVP instruction, WANDP instruction etc. App-62 (2) Table of the time to be added when file register, module access device is used 8 (a) When using Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU and Q02UCPU Device name data Bit When standard RAM is used Word Double word Bit File register (R) When SRAM card is used (Q2MEM-1MBS, Q2MEM-2MBS) Word Double word Bit When SRAM card is used (Q3MEM-4MBS, Q3MEM-8MBS) Word Double word Bit When standard RAM is used Word Double word File register Bit (ZR)/ data register (D)/Extended When SRAM card is used (Q2MEM-1MBS, Q2MEM-2MBS) link register Word Double word (W)) Bit When SRAM card is used (Q3MEM-4MBS, Q3MEM-8MBS) Word Double word Module access device (Multiple CPU high speed transmission area) (U3En\G10000) Bit Word Double word Processing Time (µs) Location Q00UJCPU Q00UCPU Q01UCPU Q02UCPU Source 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Destination 0.220 0.220 0.220 0.220 Source 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Destination 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Source 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 Destination 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 Source –– –– –– 0.220 Destination –– –– –– 0.420 Source –– –– –– 0.220 Destination –– –– –– 0.180 Source –– –– –– 0.440 Destination –– –– –– 0.380 Source –– –– –– 0.160 Destination –– –– –– 0.320 Source –– –– –– 0.160 Destination –– –– –– 0.140 0.320 Source –– –– –– Destination –– –– –– 0.300 Source 0.220 0.180 0.160 0.140 Destination 0.280 0.320 0.300 0.280 Source 0.220 0.180 0.160 0.140 Destination 0.220 0.180 0.160 0.140 Source 0.320 0.280 0.260 0.240 Destination 0.320 0.280 0.260 0.240 Source –– –– –– 0.260 Destination –– –– –– 0.480 Source –– –– –– 0.260 Destination –– –– –– 0.220 Source –– –– –– 0.480 Destination –– –– –– 0.420 Source –– –– –– 0.200 Destination –– –– –– 0.380 Source –– –– –– 0.200 Destination –– –– –– 0.180 Source –– –– –– 0.360 Destination –– –– –– 0.340 Source –– –– –– –– Destination –– –– –– –– Source –– –– –– –– Destination –– –– –– –– Source –– –– –– –– Destination –– –– –– –– App-63 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU Extended Device Specification (b) When using Q03UD(E)CPU, Q04UD(E)HCPU, Q06UD(E)HCPU, Q10UD(E)HCPU, Q13UDE(H)CPU,Q20UD(E)HCPU and Q26UD(E)HCPU Device name data Bit When standard RAM is used Word Double word Bit File register (R) When SRAM card is used (Q2MEM-1MBS, Q2MEM-2MBS) Word Double word Bit When SRAM card is used (Q3MEM-4MBS, Q3MEM-8MBS) Word Double word Bit When standard RAM is used Word Double word File register Bit (ZR)/ Extended data register (D)/Extended When SRAM card is used (Q2MEM-1MBS, Q2MEM-2MBS) link register Word Double word (W)) Bit When SRAM card is used (Q3MEM-4MBS, Q3MEM-8MBS) Word Double word Bit Module access device (Multiple CPU high speed transmission area) (U3En\G10000) Word Double word App-64 Processing Time (µs) Device Specification Location Q03UD(E)CPU Q04/Q06UD(E)HCPU Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Source 0.100 0.048 0.048 Destination 0.100 0.038 0.038 Source 0.100 0.048 0.048 Destination 0.100 0.038 0.038 Source 0.200 0.095 0.095 Destination 0.200 0.086 0.086 Source 0.220 0.200 0.200 Destination 0.180 0.162 0.162 Source 0.220 0.200 0.200 Destination 0.180 0.162 0.162 Source 0.440 0.399 0.399 Destination 0.380 0.361 0.361 Source 0.160 0.152 0.152 Destination 0.140 0.133 0.133 Source 0.160 0.152 0.152 Destination 0.140 0.133 0.133 Source 0.320 0.304 0.304 Destination 0.300 0.295 0.295 Source 0.120 0.057 0.057 Destination 0.120 0.048 0.048 Source 0.120 0.057 0.057 Destination 0.120 0.048 0.048 Source 0.220 0.105 0.105 Destination 0.220 0.095 0.095 Source 0.240 0.209 0.209 Destination 0.200 0.171 0.171 Source 0.240 0.209 0.209 Destination 0.200 0.171 0.171 Source 0.460 0.409 0.409 Destination 0.400 0.371 0.371 Source 0.180 0.162 0.162 Destination 0.160 0.143 0.143 Source 0.180 0.162 0.162 Destination 0.160 0.143 0.143 Source 0.340 0.314 0.314 Destination 0.320 0.304 0.304 Source 0.220 0.181 0.181 Destination 0.140 0.105 0.105 Source 0.220 0.181 0.181 Destination 0.140 0.105 0.105 Source 0.500 0.437 0.437 Destination 0.340 0.285 0.285 (3) Table of the time to be added when F/T(ST)/C device is used in OUT/SET/RST instruction 8 (a) When using Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU amd Q02UCPU. Instruction name Device name Condition When not executed F When executed OUT When executed F When executed F 2.900 2.900 2.100 116.000 116.000 68.800 Display completed 116.000 116.000 116.000 61.600 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 After time up 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When added 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 0.120 0.080 0.006 0.004 When displayed 116.000 116.000 116.000 68.600 Display completed 116.000 116.000 116.000 65.700 0.120 0.080 0.006 0.004 When displayed 55.800 55.800 55.800 26.500 Display completed 29.200 29.200 29.200 21.600 When not executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When executed T(ST), C Q02UCPU 2.900 When not executed RST Q01UCPU 116.000 When not executed SET Q00UCPU When displayed When not executed T(ST), C Processing Time (µs) Q00UJCPU (b) When using Q03UD(E)CPU, Q04UD(E)HCPU, Q06UD(E)HCPU, Q10UD(EHCPU, Q13UD(E)HCPU, Q20UD(E)HCPU and Q26UD(E)HCPU Instruction name Condition When not executed OUT T(ST), C When executed 1.940 1.570 1.570 39.930 38.090 38.090 Display completed 39.750 37.980 37.980 0.060 0.030 0.030 0.060 0.030 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 When displayed 42.900 40.600 40.600 Display completed 39.270 37.900 37.900 0.000 0.000 0.000 After time up When not executed SET F When executed When not executed F RST T(ST), C When displayed 45.260 36.600 36.600 Display completed 19.020 16.190 16.190 When not executed 0.060 0.030 0.030 When executed 0.060 0.030 0.030 When executed A 6 7 Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU When displayed When not executed When executed Q04/Q06UD(E)HCPU 8 App-65 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU F Q03UD(E)CPU 8 8 Processing Time (µs) Device name 8 Appendix 1.4.2 Processing time of instructions other than subset instruction The following table shows the processing time of instructions other than subset instructions. (1) Table of the processing time of instructions other than subset instructions (a) When using Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU and Q02UCPU Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Min. Max. Q00UCPU Min. Max. Q01UCPU Min. Max. Q02UCPU Min. Max. ANB ORB MPS –– 0.120 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.120 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.120 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.120 0.080 0.060 0.040 MRD MPP INV Sequence instruction When executed MEP When not executed MEF When executed EGP When not executed EGF When executed PLS –– 1.800 1.900 1.800 1.900 1.800 1.900 1.300 1.600 PLF –– 1.800 1.900 1.800 1.900 1.800 1.900 1.600 1.700 FF DELTA SFT When not executed When executed When not executed When executed When not executed When executed 0.240 1.700 1.800 0.240 4.000 14.700 0.240 1.800 12.600 0.160 1.700 1.800 0.160 4.000 14.700 0.160 1.800 12.600 0.120 1.700 1.800 0.120 4.000 14.700 0.120 1.800 12.600 0.080 1.200 1.500 0.080 2.800 3.600 0.800 1.600 6.600 MC –– 0.240 0.160 0.120 0.080 MCR –– 0.120 0.080 0.060 0.040 FEND END App-66 When not executed Error check performed 250.000 250.000 250.000 250.000 250.000 250.000 175.000 252.000 No error check performed 250.000 250.000 250.000 250.000 250.000 250.000 175.000 221.000 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Min. Sequence instruction Q00UCPU Min. Max. Q01UCPU Min. Max. Q02UCPU Min. Max. 8 NOP NOPLF –– 0.120 0.080 0.060 0.040 PAGE LDE= ANDE= ORE= LDE< > ANDE< > ORE< > LDE> Basic Max. ANDE> instruction LDE<= ANDE<= ORE<= LDE< ANDE< ORE< In conductive status 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.700 10.100 precision In non-conductive status 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.700 10.100 Single precision Single When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status When not executed In conductive status 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.200 12.500 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.400 11.900 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.600 10.800 executed In non-conductive status 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.500 9.800 Single In conductive status 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.700 7.700 precision In non-conductive status 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.600 8.200 precision Single precision Single When When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status When not executed In conductive status 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.300 14.200 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.400 14.200 0.360 0.240 0.180 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.600 6.700 executed In non-conductive status 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.400 6.600 Single In conductive status 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.700 13.700 precision In non-conductive status 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.600 13.700 precision Single precision Single When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status When not executed In conductive status 0.360 0.240 0.180 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.300 8.100 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.200 8.100 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.600 executed In non-conductive status 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.400 8.100 Single In conductive status 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.700 11.100 precision In non-conductive status 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.700 9.600 precision Single precision Single When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status When not executed In conductive status 0.360 0.240 0.180 8.500 0.120 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.100 7.800 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.400 8.200 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.500 executed In non-conductive status 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.400 9.800 Single In conductive status 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.700 11.500 precision In non-conductive status 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.700 10.900 precision Single precision Single precision When When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status 0.360 0.240 0.180 10.300 0.120 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.300 9.200 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.400 9.400 0.360 0.240 0.180 8 A 6 7 8 0.120 4.200 When 8 0.120 4.200 When 8 0.120 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.600 10.400 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.400 9.800 App-67 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU ORE> Single Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction LDE>= ANDE>= ORE>= LDED= ANDED= ORED= LDED<> Basic ANDED<> instruction ORED<> LDED> ANDED> ORED> LDED<= ANDED<= ORED<= App-68 Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.700 12.200 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.400 20.900 4.700 11.800 Single In conductive status In non-conductive status 4.400 precision Single When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status When not executed In conductive status Q02UCPU Min. precision Single Q01UCPU Max. 4.400 When not executed Q00UCPU Min. 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.100 6.700 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.200 19.600 4.400 7.000 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.600 14.000 executed In non-conductive status 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.200 17.400 4.500 14.300 Double In conductive status 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.200 21.000 precision In non-conductive status 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 5.100 21.900 precision Double precision Double When When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status When not executed In conductive status 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 3.800 17.800 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.100 18.100 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.100 23.800 executed In non-conductive status 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.900 25.500 Double In conductive status 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 5.100 23.500 precision In non-conductive status 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.200 22.600 precision Double precision Double When When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status When not executed In conductive status 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.000 18.800 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.000 18.700 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 5.000 25.200 executed In non-conductive status 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.100 23.400 Double In conductive status 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 5.100 25.100 precision In non-conductive status 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.200 23.400 precision Double precision Double When When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status When not executed In conductive status 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.000 19.500 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.100 19.700 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 5.000 24.200 executed In non-conductive status 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.900 25.800 Double In conductive status 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.200 22.500 precision In non-conductive status 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.200 13.500 precision Double precision Double precision When When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.000 19.600 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.100 19.700 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 5.000 26.300 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 5.000 25.200 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction LDED< ANDED< ORED< LDED>= ANDED>= ORED>= LD$= Condition (Device) Basic instruction LD$> LD$<= 4.700 37.400 5.100 25.000 precision In non-conductive status 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.200 24.100 Double precision Double precision When not executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When In conductive status 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.000 19.400 executed In non-conductive status 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.100 19.700 When not executed When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 In conductive status 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 5.000 25.100 In non-conductive status 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 5.000 25.100 Double In conductive status 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.200 13.100 precision In non-conductive status 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.700 37.400 4.300 13.100 Double precision Double precision When not executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When In conductive status 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 3.900 19.500 executed In non-conductive status 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.500 34.700 4.100 19.800 When not executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 When In conductive status 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 5.000 25.100 executed In non-conductive status 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.700 33.200 4.200 18.500 In conductive status 8.300 38.500 8.300 38.500 8.300 38.500 5.500 14.900 In non-conductive status 8.300 38.500 8.300 38.500 8.300 38.500 5.500 15.600 When executed When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 In conductive status 7.200 37.300 7.200 37.300 7.200 37.300 5.200 13.800 7.200 37.300 7.200 37.300 7.200 37.300 5.300 14.500 0.360 0.240 0.180 7.500 36.600 7.500 36.600 7.500 36.600 5.500 14.900 In non-conductive status 7.500 36.600 7.500 36.600 7.500 36.600 5.300 14.600 In conductive status 8.300 39.300 8.300 39.300 8.300 39.300 5.600 15.200 In non-conductive status 8.300 39.300 8.300 39.300 8.300 39.300 5.600 15.400 When executed 0.240 0.180 0.120 In conductive status 8.000 38.200 8.000 38.200 8.000 38.200 4.300 21.500 In non-conductive status 8.000 38.200 8.000 38.200 8.000 38.200 4.500 23.400 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 In conductive status 8.300 37.300 8.300 37.300 8.300 37.300 5.400 17.700 In non-conductive status 8.300 37.300 8.300 37.300 8.300 37.300 5.300 19.400 In conductive status 8.300 41.600 8.300 41.600 8.300 41.600 6.400 19.200 In non-conductive status 8.300 41.600 8.300 41.600 8.300 41.600 5.600 20.100 When executed When executed When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 In conductive status 8.000 38.100 8.000 38.100 8.000 38.100 4.500 15.400 In non-conductive status 8.000 38.100 8.000 38.100 8.000 38.100 4.600 15.300 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 In conductive status 8.200 35.700 8.200 35.700 8.200 35.700 5.400 20.000 In non-conductive status 8.200 35.700 8.200 35.700 8.200 35.700 5.400 22.100 In conductive status 8.300 39.200 8.300 39.200 8.300 39.200 5.800 12.800 In non-conductive status 8.300 39.200 8.300 39.200 8.300 39.200 6.300 13.900 When executed 0.360 0.240 0.180 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 0.120 In conductive status 0.360 8 0.120 In non-conductive status When not executed AND$<= Max. 37.400 When not executed OR$> Min. 4.700 When not executed AND$> Max. 37.400 When not executed OR$< > Min. 4.700 When not executed AND$< > Q02UCPU Max. 0.120 In conductive status 7.100 36.500 7.100 36.500 7.100 36.500 6.000 16.000 In non-conductive status 7.100 36.500 7.100 36.500 7.100 36.500 6.100 16.200 App-69 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU LD$< > Q01UCPU Min. In conductive status When not executed OR$= Q00UCPU Max. Double When not executed AND$= Q00UJCPU Min. Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Min. When not executed OR$<= When executed LD$< 7.400 35.600 7.400 35.600 7.400 35.600 4.700 14.600 35.600 7.400 35.600 7.400 35.600 4.600 14.400 7.400 40.000 7.400 40.000 7.400 40.000 4.800 17.000 40.000 7.400 40.000 7.400 40.000 5.500 18.000 BKCMP<> S1 S2 D n Basic instruction BKCMP> S1 S2 BKCMP<= S1 S2 BKCMP< S1 S2 n D n D BKCMP>= S1 S2 n D DBKCMP = S1 S2 D n DBKCMP<> S1 S2 D n DBKCMP> S1 S2 DBKCMP<= S1 S2 DBKCMP< S1 S2 DBKCMP>= S1 S2 App-70 n D n D n D n D D n 0.240 0.180 0.120 In conductive status 8.000 37.300 8.000 37.300 8.000 37.300 5.900 13.400 8.000 37.300 8.000 37.300 8.000 37.300 6.200 14.500 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 In conductive status 8.300 35.600 8.300 35.600 8.300 35.600 6.200 18.700 In non-conductive status 8.300 35.600 8.300 35.600 8.300 35.600 5.400 19.700 In conductive status 7.400 38.300 7.400 38.300 7.400 38.300 4.800 10.000 In non-conductive status 7.400 38.300 7.400 38.300 7.400 38.300 5.500 11.200 When executed n 0.360 In non-conductive status 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 In conductive status 7.200 37.300 7.200 37.300 7.200 37.300 4.400 21.600 In non-conductive status 7.200 37.300 7.200 37.300 7.200 37.300 4.500 21.800 When not executed D Max. 0.120 7.400 When executed BKCMP = S1 S2 0.180 Q02UCPU Min. 7.400 When not executed OR$>= Max. In conductive status When executed AND$>= 0.240 Q01UCPU Min. In conductive status When not executed LD$>= Max. In non-conductive status When executed OR$< 0.360 Q00UCPU Min. In non-conductive status When not executed AND$< Max. 0.360 0.240 0.180 0.120 In conductive status 8.200 36.400 8.200 36.400 8.200 36.400 5.400 15.400 In non-conductive status 8.200 36.400 8.200 36.400 8.200 36.400 5.300 15.300 8.200 22.600 n=1 15.300 36.100 15.300 36.100 15.300 36.100 n = 96 64.500 85.500 64.500 85.500 64.500 85.500 57.400 72.500 n=1 15.300 36.100 15.300 36.100 15.300 36.100 n = 96 66.600 87.500 66.600 87.500 66.600 87.500 59.500 74.500 8.200 22.500 n=1 15.300 36.100 15.300 36.100 15.300 36.100 n = 96 66.600 87.500 66.600 87.500 66.600 87.500 59.500 74.400 8.200 23.100 n=1 15.300 36.100 15.300 36.100 15.300 36.100 n = 96 64.500 85.500 64.500 85.500 64.500 85.500 57.400 72.400 8.200 22.500 n=1 15.300 36.100 15.300 36.100 15.300 36.100 n = 96 66.600 87.500 66.600 87.500 66.600 87.500 59.500 74.500 8.300 23.000 n=1 15.300 36.100 15.300 36.100 15.300 36.100 n = 96 64.500 85.500 64.500 85.500 64.500 85.500 57.400 72.400 8.200 22.500 n=1 15.800 36.300 15.800 36.300 15.800 36.300 n = 96 64.900 85.700 64.900 85.700 64.900 85.700 60.700 78.400 9.350 29.000 n=1 15.700 36.300 15.700 36.300 15.700 36.300 n = 96 67.000 87.700 67.000 87.700 67.000 87.700 62.500 80.300 9.350 28.900 n=1 15.800 36.300 15.800 36.300 15.800 36.300 n = 96 67.000 87.700 67.000 87.700 67.000 87.700 62.600 80.300 9.350 29.000 n=1 15.700 36.300 15.700 36.300 15.700 36.300 n = 96 64.800 85.700 64.800 85.700 64.800 85.700 60.800 78.400 9.350 29.000 n=1 15.800 36.300 15.800 36.300 15.800 36.300 n = 96 67.000 87.700 67.000 87.700 67.000 87.700 62.700 80.400 n=1 15.700 36.300 15.700 36.300 15.700 36.300 n = 96 64.800 85.700 64.800 85.700 64.800 85.700 60.700 78.400 9.350 9.300 29.000 29.000 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction DB + S D DB + S1 S2 DB - S Condition (Device) D D Q00UJCPU Q00UCPU Q01UCPU Q02UCPU Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. When executed 5.750 13.300 5.750 13.300 5.750 13.300 4.900 7.500 When executed 5.650 13.200 5.650 13.200 5.650 13.200 5.200 11.000 When executed 5.750 12.700 5.750 12.700 5.750 12.700 4.900 10.200 DB - S1 S2 D When executed 5.650 12.600 5.650 12.600 5.650 12.600 5.200 8.600 DB * S1 S2 D When executed 8.750 40.200 8.750 40.200 8.750 40.200 8.300 22.200 When executed 5.750 21.500 5.750 21.500 5.750 21.500 6.100 19.200 DB/ S1 S2 ED + S D Double precision D ED + S1 S2 ED - S Double precision D Double precision D ED - S1 S2 Double precision D ED * S1 S2 Double precision D Basic instruction ED / S1 S2 D DBK + S1 S2 DBK - S1 S2 DFLTD INTD DINTD 4.500 26.700 4.500 26.700 4.500 26.700 4.800 16.800 = 21023, D = 21023 5.800 32.900 5.800 32.900 5.800 32.900 4.800 16.800 = 0, S2 =0 5.450 35.400 5.450 35.400 5.450 35.400 7.100 20.100 = 21023, S2 = 21023 6.750 41.400 6.750 41.400 6.750 41.400 7.100 20.100 = 0, D =0 5.200 25.900 5.200 25.900 5.200 25.900 5.000 17.300 = 21023, D = 21023 6.000 27.700 6.000 27.700 6.000 27.700 5.000 17.300 = 0, S2 =0 5.550 32.900 5.550 32.900 5.550 32.900 6.000 16.300 = 21023, S2 = 21023 5.750 33.900 5.750 33.900 5.750 33.900 6.000 16.300 = 0, S2 =0 5.550 34.400 5.550 34.400 5.550 34.400 10.500 22.300 S1 = 21023, S2 = 21023 5.950 39.100 5.950 39.100 5.950 39.100 10.500 22.300 S1 = 21023, S2 = 21023 8.050 44.200 8.050 44.200 8.050 44.200 7.500 27.200 S S1 S1 S S S1 S1 S1 n D D n n n=1 13.500 28.500 13.500 28.500 13.500 28.500 12.100 19.700 n = 96 63.100 78.200 63.100 78.200 63.100 78.200 61.700 69.300 n=1 13.500 28.500 13.500 28.500 13.500 28.500 12.100 20.600 n = 96 63.100 78.200 63.100 78.200 63.100 78.200 61.700 70.200 n=1 10.100 24.200 10.100 24.200 10.100 24.200 7.050 19.200 n = 96 59.800 73.900 59.800 73.900 59.800 73.900 59.400 68.900 n=1 10.100 24.200 10.100 24.200 10.100 24.200 7.050 19.900 n = 96 59.800 73.900 59.800 73.900 59.800 73.900 59.400 69.600 –– 15.400 64.300 15.400 64.300 15.400 64.300 14.400 34.000 –– 19.700 71.000 19.700 71.000 19.700 71.000 9.200 22.900 =0 3.100 19.600 3.100 19.600 3.100 19.600 4.000 8.900 = 7FFFH 3.350 19.900 3.350 19.900 3.350 19.900 3.400 9.000 =0 3.200 20.400 3.200 20.400 3.200 20.400 4.100 10.800 = 7FFFFFFFH 3.450 20.500 3.450 20.500 3.450 20.500 3.600 10.800 =0 3.200 22.900 3.200 22.900 3.200 22.900 3.500 9.300 = 32766.5 4.100 34.300 4.100 34.300 4.100 34.300 5.100 19.500 =0 3.200 23.000 3.200 23.000 3.200 23.000 2.600 6.800 = 1234567890.3 4.050 33.500 4.050 33.500 4.050 33.500 3.400 11.700 D $ + S1 S2 FLTD =0 n D BK - S1 S2 D D Double precision S S Double precision S S Double precision Double precision S S S S App-71 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU BK + S1 S2 $+ S Double precision D = 0, S 8 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UCPU Q01UCPU Q02UCPU Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. DBL When executed 3.300 5.900 3.300 5.900 3.300 5.900 2.700 3.800 WORD When executed 3.000 7.250 3.000 7.250 3.000 7.250 2.900 7.000 GRY When executed 3.350 7.500 3.350 7.500 3.350 7.500 2.700 6.100 DGRY When executed 3.000 7.200 3.000 7.200 3.000 7.200 2.900 4.600 GBIN When executed 4.600 9.700 4.600 9.700 4.600 9.700 4.000 8.200 DGBIN When executed 5.550 10.700 5.550 10.700 5.550 10.700 5.500 8.000 NEG When executed 3.300 6.850 3.300 6.850 3.300 6.850 2.400 4.100 DNEG When executed 3.050 5.700 3.050 5.700 3.050 5.700 2.500 4.300 ENEG EDNEG BKBCD S n D Floating point = 0 3.100 7.350 3.100 7.350 3.100 7.350 2.500 3.400 Floating point = -1.0 3.350 11.700 3.350 11.700 3.350 11.700 2.700 4.500 Floating point = 0 3.000 21.200 3.000 21.200 3.000 21.200 2.200 3.500 Floating point = -1.0 3.100 22.900 3.100 22.900 3.100 22.900 2.400 3.500 n=1 8.700 27.600 8.700 27.600 8.700 27.600 9.700 22.000 n = 96 84.200 104.000 84.200 104.000 84.200 104.000 74.200 86.500 n=1 8.450 28.100 8.450 28.100 8.450 28.100 8.900 16.300 n = 96 56.100 75.800 56.100 75.800 56.100 75.800 58.500 65.100 ECON –– 3.100 21.300 3.100 21.300 3.100 21.300 4.300 6.800 EDCON –– 5.050 24.000 5.050 24.000 5.050 24.000 2.800 5.400 –– 2.900 22.900 2.900 22.900 2.900 22.900 3.200 7.800 6.250 30.100 6.250 30.100 6.250 30.100 4.500 13.900 15.500 39.300 15.500 39.300 15.500 39.300 15.400 17.500 n=1 8.400 20.900 8.400 20.900 8.400 20.900 8.700 15.200 BKBIN S D n EDMOV Character string to be $MOV Basic transferred = 0 Character string to be transferred = 32 instruction BXCH D1 D2 n n = 96 67.100 79.900 67.100 79.900 67.100 79.900 67.200 74.000 SWAP –– 3.300 3.550 3.300 3.550 3.300 3.550 2.400 2.700 GOEND –– DI –– 8.400 1.800 EI –– 4.300 12.300 4.300 12.300 4.300 12.300 3.100 3.800 IMASK –– 12.900 40.600 12.900 40.600 12.900 40.600 9.800 25.000 IRET RSF X n RSF Y n App-72 Q00UJCPU Min. –– 0.550 2.800 8.400 1.000 0.550 2.800 8.400 0.550 2.800 1.000 0.500 1.000 2.200 1.000 n=1 7.500 26.500 7.500 26.500 7.500 26.500 4.300 16.100 n = 96 11.400 30.400 11.400 30.400 11.400 30.400 11.400 23.700 n=1 7.300 26.300 7.300 26.300 7.300 26.300 3.800 10.000 n = 96 10.900 29.900 10.900 29.900 10.900 29.900 8.500 15.200 UDCNT1 –– 1.500 7.100 1.500 7.100 1.500 7.100 1.000 2.000 UDCNT2 –– 1.500 6.300 1.500 6.300 1.500 6.300 1.000 4.000 TTMR –– 5.300 20.900 5.300 20.900 5.300 20.900 3.900 6.100 STMR –– 8.900 49.800 8.900 49.800 8.900 49.800 7.200 30.000 ROTC –– 52.300 52.600 52.300 52.600 52.300 52.600 15.200 16.100 RAMP –– 7.400 30.900 7.400 30.900 7.400 30.900 5.900 18.300 SPD –– 1.500 6.300 1.500 6.300 1.500 6.300 1.000 2.800 PLSY –– 6.400 7.100 6.400 7.100 6.400 7.100 3.500 4.700 PWM –– 3.900 4.600 3.900 4.600 3.900 4.600 3.400 3.400 MTR –– 10.100 61.400 10.100 61.400 10.100 61.400 20.500 28.400 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) BKAND S1 S2 n D BKOR S1 S2 n D BKXOR S1 S2 D n BKXNR S1 S2 D n BSFR D n BSFL D n SFTBR D n1 n2 SFTBL D n1 n2 SFTWR D n1 n2 SFTWL D n1 n2 Q00UCPU Q01UCPU Q02UCPU Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. n=1 13.600 28.500 13.600 28.500 13.600 28.500 12.100 20.100 n = 96 63.200 78.200 63.200 78.200 63.200 78.200 57.400 63.200 n=1 13.500 28.500 13.500 28.500 13.500 28.500 7.700 13.200 n = 96 63.100 78.200 63.100 78.200 63.100 78.200 57.400 62.800 n=1 13.600 28.300 13.600 28.300 13.600 28.300 7.800 13.200 n = 96 63.100 78.000 63.100 78.000 63.100 78.000 57.300 62.800 n=1 13.500 28.300 13.500 28.300 13.500 28.300 7.800 14.100 n = 96 63.100 78.000 63.100 78.000 63.100 78.000 57.400 62.900 n=1 5.050 21.100 5.050 21.100 5.050 21.100 3.700 6.300 n = 96 9.000 34.800 9.000 34.800 9.000 34.800 10.200 12.800 n=1 4.800 19.100 4.800 19.100 4.800 19.100 4.500 8.900 n = 96 8.550 34.300 8.550 34.300 8.550 34.300 10.100 14.300 n1 = 16 / n2 = 1 10.300 46.500 10.300 46.500 10.300 46.500 8.800 43.400 n1 = 16 / n2 = 15 10.300 46.400 10.300 46.400 10.300 46.400 8.750 43.400 n1 = 16 / n2 = 1 10.500 49.800 10.500 49.800 10.500 49.800 8.050 45.100 n1 = 16 / n2 = 15 10.500 49.800 10.500 49.800 10.500 49.800 8.050 45.100 n1 = 16 / n2 = 1 7.950 24.000 7.950 24.000 7.950 24.000 6.500 22.800 n1 = 16 / n2 = 15 7.950 24.100 7.950 24.100 7.950 24.100 6.500 22.800 n1 = 16 / n2 = 1 8.700 23.600 8.700 23.600 8.700 23.600 7.350 23.600 n1 = 16 / n2 = 15 8.650 23.700 8.650 23.700 8.650 23.700 7.300 23.700 n=1 4.550 4.750 4.550 4.750 4.550 4.750 3.000 3.400 n = 15 4.550 4.750 4.550 4.750 4.550 4.750 3.000 3.500 BSET D n Application instruction Q00UJCPU Min. 4.600 4.750 4.600 4.750 4.600 4.750 3.000 3.400 4.600 4.750 4.600 4.750 4.600 4.750 3.000 3.400 TEST When executed 7.250 13.200 7.250 13.200 7.250 13.200 4.400 6.900 DTEST When executed 6.950 12.900 6.950 12.900 6.950 12.900 4.500 7.000 BKRST D n n D D n 11.600 7.350 11.600 7.350 11.600 4.300 5.200 22.600 10.100 22.600 10.100 22.600 6.500 13.200 All match 6.650 6.800 6.650 6.800 6.650 6.800 5.000 5.300 6.650 6.800 6.650 6.800 6.650 6.800 5.000 5.300 n= All match 34.000 42.300 34.000 42.300 34.000 42.300 32.300 35.900 96 None match 34.000 42.300 34.000 42.300 34.000 42.300 32.400 35.900 All match 8.000 16.300 8.000 16.300 8.000 16.300 6.800 10.200 None match 8.000 16.300 8.000 16.300 8.000 16.300 6.800 10.200 n= All match 54.100 62.600 54.100 62.600 54.100 62.600 52.800 56.300 96 None match 54.100 62.600 54.100 62.600 54.100 62.600 52.800 56.300 =0 4.100 4.200 4.100 4.200 4.100 4.200 3.700 4.100 = FFFFFFFFH 4.100 4.200 4.100 4.200 4.100 4.200 3.800 4.100 n=2 8.850 23.000 8.850 23.000 8.850 23.000 6.000 16.400 n=8 13.600 36.600 13.600 36.600 13.600 36.600 8.100 15.200 7.650 11.900 7.650 11.900 7.650 11.900 5.300 6.300 n=1 DSER S1 S2 7.350 10.100 None match n=1 SER S1 S2 n=1 n = 96 S DSUM S D S DECO S D n n=2 ENCO S D n n=8 M1 = ON M4 = ON 7.500 11.700 7.500 11.700 7.500 11.700 5.200 6.200 M1 = ON 14.600 27.800 14.600 27.800 14.600 27.800 10.400 17.900 M256 = ON 10.600 23.700 10.600 23.700 10.600 23.700 5.700 13.300 App-73 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU n=1 n = 15 BRST D n 8 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction DIS S UNI S n D n D Q00UCPU Q01UCPU Q02UCPU Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. n=1 6.500 14.800 6.500 14.800 6.500 14.800 5.000 10.900 n=4 6.900 15.200 6.900 15.200 6.900 15.200 5.400 11.300 n=1 6.800 15.100 6.800 15.100 6.800 15.100 5.500 8.900 n=4 7.500 15.900 7.500 15.900 7.500 15.900 6.200 9.600 When executed 4.750 18.700 4.750 18.700 4.750 18.700 11.000 16.300 NUNI When executed 4.750 18.700 4.750 18.700 4.750 18.700 10.600 16.000 n=1 6.600 14.900 6.600 14.900 6.600 14.900 5.000 6.500 n = 96 37.700 46.100 37.700 46.100 37.700 46.100 36.000 38.400 n=1 7.350 15.600 7.350 15.600 7.350 15.600 5.100 6.100 n = 96 32.100 40.500 32.100 40.500 32.100 40.500 29.900 32.000 n=1 8.250 24.900 8.250 24.900 8.250 24.900 4.300 6.900 n = 96 34.200 51.600 34.200 51.600 34.200 51.600 32.000 34.300 n=1 8.250 24.800 8.250 24.800 8.250 24.800 4.400 6.800 n = 96 34.200 51.600 34.200 51.600 34.200 51.600 30.300 34.800 n=1 6.800 34.900 6.800 34.900 6.800 34.900 4.800 14.200 n = 96 60.300 89.200 60.300 89.200 60.300 89.200 56.400 68.000 n=1 7.600 35.700 7.600 35.700 7.600 35.700 4.800 9.300 n = 96 59.400 90.000 59.400 90.000 59.400 90.000 55.400 62.800 n=1 10.100 28.900 10.100 28.900 10.100 28.900 6.200 12.200 n = 96 52.100 92.400 52.100 92.400 52.100 92.400 6.200 13.100 n=1 9.300 29.000 9.300 29.000 9.300 29.000 6.200 10.500 n = 96 43.600 89.600 43.600 89.600 43.600 89.600 6.100 10.500 n=1 6.700 15.000 6.700 15.000 6.700 15.000 4.800 6.200 n = 96 28.900 37.100 28.900 37.100 28.900 37.100 26.900 28.700 n=1 8.600 26.800 8.600 26.800 8.600 26.800 5.500 7.000 n = 96 56.200 74.700 56.200 74.700 56.200 74.700 53.000 56.300 n=1 5.850 19.800 5.850 19.800 5.850 19.800 4.300 17.300 n = 96 17.300 38.200 17.300 38.200 17.300 38.200 16.000 35.500 n=1 6.900 23.300 6.900 23.300 6.900 23.300 5.750 21.900 n = 96 29.400 49.900 29.400 49.900 29.400 49.900 29.200 48.600 –– 1.000 1.100 1.000 1.100 1.000 1.100 0.980 1.400 n D MAX S MIN S n D BTOW S n D n D DMAX S DMIN S D n n D SORT S1 n S2 D1 D2 DSORT S1 n S2 D1 D2 instruction Q00UJCPU Min. NDIS WTOB S Application Condition (Device) WSUM S DWSUM S MEAN S n D D n D n DMEAN S D n NEXT BREAK RET FCALL Pn FCALL Pn S1 to S5 ECALL * Pn *: Program name ECALL * Pn S1 to S5 –– 4.700 25.000 4.700 25.000 4.700 25.000 21.300 17.900 Return to original program 4.100 19.500 4.100 19.500 4.100 19.500 2.000 3.000 Return to other program 4.700 16.700 4.700 16.700 4.700 16.700 2.300 4.900 Internal file pointer 5.400 5.400 5.400 5.400 5.400 5.400 3.300 5.300 Common pointer 7.600 30.500 7.600 30.500 7.600 30.500 4.900 6.600 –– 50.400 62.700 50.400 62.700 50.400 62.700 19.800 23.700 –– 105.000 214.000 105.000 214.000 105.000 214.000 75.700 134.000 –– 164.000 271.000 164.000 271.000 164.000 271.000 109.000 173.000 –– 105.000 214.000 105.000 214.000 105.000 214.000 76.200 134.000 –– 164.000 271.000 164.000 271.000 164.000 271.000 90.500 170.000 3.800 6.400 *: Program name EFCALL * Pn *: Program name EFCALL * Pn S1 to S5 *: Program name XCALL App-74 –– 5.100 6.700 5.100 6.700 5.100 6.700 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Q01UCPU Q02UCPU Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 18.100 89.100 18.100 89.100 18.100 89.100 12.800 79.000 33.300 132.000 33.300 132.000 33.300 132.000 24.900 119.000 33.300 132.000 33.300 132.000 33.300 132.000 24.900 119.000 78.600 231.000 78.600 231.000 78.600 231.000 54.000 212.000 78.600 231.000 78.600 231.000 78.600 231.000 54.000 212.000 18.100 89.000 18.100 89.000 18.100 89.000 12.800 79.000 15.700 71.600 15.700 71.600 15.700 71.600 8.600 76.500 40.200 152.000 40.200 152.000 40.200 152.000 26.300 135.000 45.800 153.000 45.800 153.000 45.800 153.000 26.100 135.000 –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 18.200 89.000 18.200 89.000 18.200 89.000 7.250 54.300 Number of data points = 0 6.100 14.200 6.100 14.200 6.100 14.200 3.700 10.100 Number of data points = 96 6.100 14.200 6.100 14.200 6.100 14.200 3.800 5.200 When selecting I/O refresh only When selecting CC-Link refresh only (Master station side) When selecting CC-Link refresh only (Local station side) When selecting MELSECNET/H refresh only (Control station side) When selecting MELSECNET/H refresh only (Normal station side) When selecting intelli auto refresh only COM CCOM Q00UCPU Min. When selecting I/O outside the group only (Input only) When selecting I/O outside the group only (Output only) When selecting I/O outside the group only (Both I/O) When selecting refresh of multiple CPU high speed transmission area only When selecting communication with peripheral device FIFW Application instruction FIFR FINS FDEL 7.500 15.600 7.500 15.600 7.500 15.600 4.400 5.800 37.000 45.000 37.000 45.000 37.000 45.000 33.500 35.200 Number of data points = 0 7.600 15.600 7.600 15.600 7.600 15.600 4.400 10.800 Number of data points = 96 7.600 15.600 7.600 15.600 7.600 15.600 4.400 10.800 Number of data points = 0 6.900 15.000 6.900 15.000 6.900 15.000 5.000 10.700 Number of data points = 96 36.600 44.700 36.600 44.700 36.600 44.700 4.400 10.900 Number of data points = 0 8.000 16.100 8.000 16.100 8.000 16.100 4.900 11.300 Number of data points = 96 37.300 45.500 37.300 45.500 37.300 45.500 34.200 35.900 17.400 74.700 17.400 74.700 17.400 74.700 12.100 71.300 n3 = 1 FROM n1 n2 D n3 n3 = 1000 406.000 498.500 406.000 498.500 406.000 498.500 402.600 495.100 n3 = 1 DFRO n1 n2 D n3 19.600 n3 = 500 n3 = 1 TO n1 n2 S n3 16.400 n3 = 1000 19.600 85.600 14.600 81.800 69.600 16.400 69.600 16.400 69.600 11.700 63.400 85.100 18.600 85.100 18.600 85.100 14.200 78.500 1.500 7.100 1.500 7.100 1.500 7.100 5.100 5.100 38.900 109.000 38.900 109.000 38.900 109.000 35.700 89.200 =1 5.600 13.900 5.600 13.900 5.600 13.900 4.900 6.500 = -32768 7.800 16.200 7.800 16.200 7.800 16.200 7.200 8.700 =1 6.200 14.500 6.200 14.500 6.200 14.500 5.700 7.100 = -2147483648 11.000 19.200 11.000 19.200 11.000 19.200 10.400 12.200 LED instruction execution S no D S S DBINDA S 85.600 381.300 471.200 381.300 471.200 381.300 471.200 375.900 464.300 no display display BINDA S 18.600 n3 = 500 No display LEDR 19.600 381.300 471.200 381.300 471.200 381.300 471.200 375.900 464.300 n3 = 1 DTO n1 n2 S n3 85.600 406.000 498.500 406.000 498.500 406.000 498.500 402.600 495.100 D S App-75 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU FPOP Number of data points = 0 Number of data points = 96 8 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Min. Max. Min. Max. =1 5.050 13.400 5.050 13.400 5.050 13.400 4.400 5.900 = FFFFH 5.050 13.400 5.050 13.400 5.050 13.400 4.400 5.800 =1 5.600 13.900 5.600 13.900 5.600 13.900 5.200 6.700 = FFFFFFFFH 5.600 13.900 5.600 13.900 5.600 13.900 5.100 6.500 =1 4.850 13.200 4.850 13.200 4.850 13.200 4.300 5.800 = 9999 5.300 13.600 5.300 13.600 5.300 13.600 4.700 6.100 =1 5.300 13.600 5.300 13.600 5.300 13.600 4.800 6.300 = 99999999 6.200 14.500 6.200 14.500 6.200 14.500 5.600 7.100 =1 7.000 18.500 7.000 18.500 7.000 18.500 6.500 9.000 = -32768 6.950 18.500 6.950 18.500 6.950 18.500 6.300 8.900 =1 9.450 21.000 9.450 21.000 9.450 21.000 9.400 12.000 = -2147483648 9.450 21.000 9.450 21.000 9.450 21.000 9.100 11.600 =1 5.650 17.100 5.650 17.100 5.650 17.100 4.900 7.500 = FFFFH 5.750 17.300 5.750 17.300 5.750 17.300 5.100 8.100 =1 6.800 18.200 6.800 18.200 6.800 18.200 6.000 8.500 = FFFFFFFFH 7.100 18.600 7.100 18.600 7.100 18.600 6.300 8.900 =1 5.650 17.200 5.650 17.200 5.650 17.200 5.000 7.500 = 9999 5.700 17.200 5.700 17.200 5.700 17.200 5.000 7.500 =1 6.850 18.300 6.850 18.300 6.850 18.300 6.200 8.800 = 99999999 6.850 18.300 6.850 18.300 6.850 18.300 6.200 8.800 185.000 188.000 185.000 188.000 185.000 188.000 S D S S D S S DBCDDA S D S S D S S DDABIN S D S Application instruction S HABIN S D S S DHABIN S D S S DABCD S D S S DDABCD S D S COMRD LEN App-76 Q02UCPU Max. D DBINHA S DABIN S Q01UCPU Min. S BCDDA S Q00UCPU Max. S BINHA S Q00UJCPU Min. 97.300 97.400 1 character 4.700 16.200 4.700 16.200 4.700 16.200 4.100 6.600 –– 96 characters 20.600 32.900 20.600 32.900 20.600 32.900 19.800 22.400 STR –– 9.800 36.500 9.800 36.500 9.800 36.500 6.900 14.400 DSTR –– 12.100 40.400 12.100 40.400 12.100 40.400 10.200 20.800 VAL –– 12.200 40.900 12.200 40.900 12.200 40.900 9.800 23.900 DVAL –– 19.400 45.600 19.400 45.600 19.400 45.600 14.000 33.100 ESTR –– 29.700 87.800 29.700 87.800 29.700 87.800 22.100 52.400 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) EVAL ASC S HEX S D D RIGHT S LEFT S D Q01UCPU Q02UCPU Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Decimal point format all 2-digit specification 23.900 70.400 23.900 70.400 23.900 70.400 23.300 36.500 Exponent format all 6-digit specification 23.700 70.300 23.700 70.300 23.700 70.300 23.300 36.400 n=1 10.200 41.800 10.200 41.800 10.200 41.800 5.600 19.700 n = 96 31.900 66.600 31.900 66.600 31.900 66.600 30.200 44.700 n=1 8.600 43.400 8.600 43.400 8.600 43.400 7.500 23.100 n = 96 77.100 115.000 77.100 115.000 77.100 115.000 37.500 53.300 n=1 10.900 29.600 10.900 29.600 10.900 29.600 7.600 11.400 n = 96 41.400 60.300 41.400 60.300 41.400 60.300 36.300 46.000 n=1 10.600 29.300 10.600 29.300 10.600 29.300 6.500 16.100 n = 96 41.300 60.200 41.300 60.200 41.300 60.200 36.200 46.200 –– 11.700 30.600 11.700 30.600 11.700 30.600 9.500 19.100 n n n MIDR –– 12.400 24.000 12.400 24.000 12.400 24.000 10.300 18.200 No match 22.000 38.200 22.000 38.200 22.000 38.200 19.300 29.000 Head 13.300 29.600 13.300 29.600 13.300 29.600 10.300 20.000 End 21.900 38.100 21.900 38.100 21.900 38.100 51.100 60.800 MIDW INSTR Q00UCPU Max. n D Q00UJCPU Min. Match EMOD –– 11.600 24.000 11.600 24.000 11.600 24.000 10.300 15.300 EREXP –– 19.700 28.000 19.700 28.000 19.700 28.000 19.300 22.300 47.000 102.000 47.000 102.000 47.000 102.000 44.300 96.700 70.100 134.000 70.100 134.000 70.100 134.000 58.800 112.000 46.400 93.600 46.400 93.600 46.400 93.600 39.000 78.100 44.500 70.600 44.500 70.600 44.500 70.600 36.000 69.200 S = 128 / D = 40 / n=1 STRINS S D n S = 128 / D = 40 / 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 n = 48 Application = 128 / D = 40 / n=1 STRDEL S D n S = 128 / D = 40 / n = 48 SIN Single precision 6.400 13.900 6.400 13.900 6.400 13.900 4.500 9.900 COS Single precision 6.100 13.500 6.100 13.500 6.100 13.500 4.300 8.200 TAN Single precision 8.300 15.000 8.300 15.000 8.300 15.000 5.100 7.200 ASIN Single precision 7.300 15.600 7.300 15.600 7.300 15.600 6.100 13.700 ACOS Single precision 8.100 16.500 8.100 16.500 8.100 16.500 6.800 11.100 ATAN Single precision 5.350 12.000 5.350 12.000 5.350 12.000 4.000 6.900 SIND Double precision 13.400 51.300 13.400 51.300 13.400 51.300 9.600 26.000 COSD Double precision 14.700 51.700 14.700 51.700 14.700 51.700 10.000 26.900 TAND Double precision 17.400 54.400 17.400 54.400 17.400 54.400 11.400 25.300 ASIND Double precision 22.600 60.300 22.600 60.300 22.600 60.300 12.100 30.800 ACOSD Double precision 19.700 60.000 19.700 60.000 19.700 60.000 11.700 28.000 ATAND Double precision 15.000 51.800 15.000 51.800 15.000 51.800 9.700 22.000 RAD Single precision 3.200 10.300 3.200 10.300 3.200 10.300 2.500 4.800 RADD Double precision 5.200 43.100 5.200 43.100 5.200 43.100 4.100 16.400 DEG Single precision 3.200 11.500 3.200 11.500 3.200 11.500 2.500 4.700 DEGD Double precision 5.150 43.800 5.150 43.800 5.150 43.800 5.000 18.100 SQR Single precision 3.900 12.300 3.900 12.300 3.900 12.300 3.500 9.300 SQRD Double precision 7.000 45.700 7.000 45.700 7.000 45.700 5.700 25.400 = -10 6.350 13.800 6.350 13.800 6.350 13.800 4.000 13.000 =1 6.350 13.800 6.350 13.800 6.350 13.800 4.000 13.000 EXP S Single D S precision S App-77 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU S instruction Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Double EXPD S LOG S Condition (Device) D Min. Max. Min. Max. = -10 15.800 52.700 15.800 52.700 15.800 52.700 8.800 27.600 S =1 15.400 52.500 15.400 52.500 15.400 52.500 8.500 27.300 S =1 5.800 14.900 5.800 14.900 5.800 14.900 4.100 8.100 = 10 7.450 16.500 7.450 16.500 7.450 16.500 6.200 10.300 =1 11.000 48.900 11.000 48.900 11.000 48.900 9.500 28.300 = 10 12.600 51.300 12.600 51.300 12.600 51.300 11.100 29.900 precision Double D S precision Q02UCPU Max. S LOGD S Q01UCPU Min. S Single Q00UCPU Max. precision D Q00UJCPU Min. S RND –– 1.950 5.450 1.950 5.450 1.950 5.450 1.200 2.300 SRND –– 2.750 4.550 2.750 4.550 2.750 4.550 1.400 2.400 =0 2.500 6.800 2.500 6.800 2.500 6.800 1.800 3.300 = 9999 6.400 15.500 6.400 15.500 6.400 15.500 5.100 8.800 =0 2.600 6.050 2.600 6.050 2.600 6.050 1.900 3.700 = 99999999 8.450 17.600 8.450 17.600 8.450 17.600 7.500 10.900 S BSQR S D S S BDSQR S D S BSIN Application BCOS instruction BTAN –– 11.500 32.800 11.500 32.800 11.500 32.800 8.700 20.200 –– 10.400 32.500 10.400 32.500 10.400 32.500 7.800 14.400 –– 12.100 33.700 12.100 33.700 12.100 33.700 9.000 17.000 BASIN –– 13.300 32.800 13.300 32.800 13.300 32.800 12.200 15.100 BACOS –– 13.400 33.700 13.400 33.700 13.400 33.700 13.100 14.900 BATAN –– 12.600 31.400 12.600 31.400 12.600 31.400 11.400 15.700 12.200 22.100 12.200 22.100 12.200 22.100 8.950 19.500 27.300 61.000 27.300 61.000 27.300 61.000 19.400 55.200 POW S1 S2 POWD S1 S2 App-78 S1 = 12.3 E + 5 S2 = 3.45 E + 0 Double S1 = 12.3 E + 5 precision S2 = 3.45 E + 0 Single D precision D LOG10 Single precision 8.200 16.500 8.200 16.500 8.200 16.500 5.950 14.800 LOG10D Double precision 15.100 48.000 15.100 48.000 15.100 48.000 12.400 46.500 LIMIT –– 5.350 5.500 5.350 5.500 5.350 5.500 5.200 5.400 DLIMIT –– 6.000 6.150 6.000 6.150 6.000 6.150 5.700 5.900 BAND –– 5.450 12.400 5.450 12.400 5.450 12.400 5.400 6.300 DBAND –– 6.050 11.900 6.050 11.900 6.050 11.900 5.800 6.900 ZONE –– 6.250 10.700 6.250 10.700 6.250 10.700 5.200 11.100 DZONE –– 6.000 11.900 6.000 11.900 6.000 11.900 5.700 10.800 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Q00UCPU Q01UCPU Q02UCPU 8 Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 14.900 50.100 14.900 50.100 14.900 50.100 14.700 48.000 8 15.800 50.900 15.800 50.900 15.800 50.900 19.600 50.400 8 13.900 53.100 13.900 53.100 13.900 53.100 13.700 51.000 8 16.600 56.600 16.600 56.600 16.600 56.600 20.400 56.200 13.400 52.400 13.400 52.400 13.400 52.400 12.800 50.300 14.200 54.100 14.200 54.100 14.200 54.100 17.300 53.500 Point No.1 SM750 = ON < S1 < Point No.2 Point No.9 < S1 < Point No.10 SCL S1 S2 D Point No.1 SM750 = OFF < S1 < Point No.2 Point No.9 < S1 < Point No.10 A Point No.1 SM750 = ON < S1 < Point No.2 < S1 < Point No.10 DSCL S1 S2 D < S1 < Point No.2 < S1 < Point No.10 instruction Point No.1 < S1 < Point No.2 12.300 53.200 12.300 53.200 11.500 51.100 8 15.000 57.600 15.000 57.600 15.000 57.600 18.100 57.100 14.200 53.300 14.200 53.300 14.200 53.300 13.200 51.200 14.900 55.000 14.900 55.000 14.900 55.000 18.000 54.500 15.000 53.500 15.000 53.500 15.000 53.500 14.000 51.300 16.300 56.400 16.300 56.400 16.300 56.400 19.300 55.800 13.400 52.700 13.400 52.700 13.400 52.700 13.100 50.500 14.200 54.300 14.200 54.300 14.200 54.300 18.100 53.700 12.300 53.200 12.300 53.200 12.300 53.200 12.100 51.000 15.000 57.600 15.000 57.600 15.000 57.600 18.900 57.100 Point No.9 < S1 < Point No.10 D 53.200 Point No.1 SM750 = OFF < S1 < Point No.2 Point No.9 < S1 < Point No.10 Point No.1 SM750 = ON < S1 < Point No.2 Point No.9 < S1 < Point No.10 DSCL2 S1 S2 D Point No.1 SM750 = OFF < S1 < Point No.2 Point No.9 < S1 < Point No.10 App-79 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU SM750 = ON 12.300 Point No.9 Application SCL2 S1 S2 7 Point No.1 SM750 = OFF 6 Point No.9 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) RSET QDRSET Q00UJCPU Q01UCPU Q02UCPU Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Standard RAM 6.800 26.900 6.800 26.900 6.800 26.900 3.000 16.400 SRAM card –– –– –– –– –– –– 3.000 16.400 SRAM card to standard RAM –– –– –– –– –– –– 230.000 327.000 Standard RAM to SRAM card –– –– –– –– –– –– 997.000 1066.000 SRAM card to standard ROM –– –– –– –– –– –– 525.000 690.000 Standard ROM to SRAM card –– –– –– –– –– –– 490.000 655.000 DATERD –– 5.600 27.800 5.600 27.800 5.600 27.800 5.100 14.700 DATEWR –– 7.800 42.100 7.800 42.100 7.800 42.100 7.100 23.000 No digit increase 14.200 41.200 14.200 41.200 14.200 41.200 6.500 13.100 QCDSET DATE + DATE - Digit increase 14.200 41.200 14.200 41.200 14.200 41.200 5.700 21.200 No digit increase 15.100 41.200 15.100 41.200 15.100 41.200 6.500 11.500 Digit increase 15.100 41.200 15.100 41.200 15.100 41.200 5.700 17.200 SECOND –– 5.800 20.500 5.800 20.500 5.800 20.500 2.600 5.900 HOUR –– 6.200 22.500 6.200 22.500 6.200 22.500 3.000 5.300 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.400 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 Comparison of specified date LDDT = Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status When not executed Application Comparison instruction of specified ANDDT= date Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 0.480 Comparison of specified ORDT= date Comparison of current date Comparison of specified date LDDT <> Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 0.320 0.240 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.200 23.400 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.200 23.400 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 When not executed App-80 Q00UCPU 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.300 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.300 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.400 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.400 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Min. When not executed Comparison of specified ANDDT<> date Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status of specified ORDT<> date Comparison of current date Comparison of specified date LDDT> Comparison of current date Application status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status of specified ANDDT> date Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status of specified ORDT> date Comparison of current date Comparison of specified date LDDT<= Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 0.320 Max. Min. 0.240 0.160 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.200 23.400 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.200 23.400 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 0.480 0.320 0.240 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.300 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.300 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.400 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.400 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 0.320 0.240 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 7.200 23.400 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 7.200 23.400 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 0.480 0.320 8 8 8 0.160 8.200 0.480 8 Max. 25.500 When not executed Comparison Min. Q02UCPU 8.200 When not executed Comparison Max. Q01UCPU 0.240 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 7.400 23.300 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 7.400 23.300 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.400 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.400 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 App-81 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU instruction In conductive Min. 0.480 When not executed Comparison Max. Q00UCPU Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Min. When not executed Comparison of specified ANDDT<= date Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status When not executed Comparison of specified ORDT<= date Comparison of current date Comparison of specified date LDDT< Comparison of current date Application instruction In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status When not executed Comparison of specified ANDDT< date Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status When not executed Comparison of specified ORDT< date Comparison of current date Comparison of specified date LDDT>= Comparison of current date App-82 In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status Max. 0.480 Q00UCPU Min. Max. 0.320 Q01UCPU Min. Max. 0.240 Q02UCPU Min. Max. 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.200 23.400 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.200 23.400 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.300 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.300 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.400 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.400 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.200 23.400 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.200 23.400 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.300 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.300 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.400 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.400 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Min. When not executed Comparison of specified ANDDT>= date Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status When not executed Comparison of specified ORDT>= date Comparison of current date Comparison of specified ciock LDTM= Comparison of current ciock Application status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status When not executed Comparison of specified ANDTM= ciock Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status When not executed Comparison of specified ORTM= ciock Comparison of current ciock Comparison of specified ciock LDTM<> Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 0.480 Min. Max. 0.320 Q01UCPU Min. Max. 0.240 Q02UCPU Min. 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.200 23.400 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.200 23.400 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.200 0.480 0.320 0.240 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.300 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.400 23.300 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.300 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.300 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.100 0.320 0.240 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.000 23.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.000 23.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.600 21.900 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.600 21.900 0.480 0.320 0.240 8 8 8 0.160 8.200 0.480 8 Max. 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.200 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.300 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.300 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.100 App-83 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU instruction In conductive Max. Q00UCPU Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Min. When not executed Comparison of specified ANDTM<> ciock Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status When not executed Comparison of specified ORTM<> ciock Comparison of current ciock Comparison of specified ciock LDTM> Comparison of current ciock Application instruction In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status When not executed Comparison of specified ANDTM> ciock Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status When not executed Comparison of specified ORTM> ciock Comparison of current ciock Comparison of specified ciock LDTM<= Comparison of current ciock App-84 In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status Max. 0.480 Q00UCPU Min. Max. 0.320 Q01UCPU Min. Max. 0.240 Q02UCPU Min. Max. 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.000 23.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.000 23.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.600 21.900 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.600 21.900 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.200 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.300 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.300 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.100 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.000 23.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.000 23.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.600 21.900 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.600 21.900 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.200 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.300 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.300 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.100 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Min. When not executed Comparison of specified ANDTM<= ciock Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status When not executed Comparison of specified ORTM<= ciock Comparison of current ciock Comparison of specified ciock LDTM< Comparison of current ciock Application status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status When not executed Comparison of specified ANDTM< ciock Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status When not executed Comparison of specified ORTM< ciock Comparison of current ciock Comparison of specified ciock LDTM>= Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 0.480 Min. Max. 0.320 Q01UCPU Min. Max. 0.240 Q02UCPU Min. 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.000 23.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.000 23.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.600 21.900 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.600 21.900 0.480 0.320 0.240 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.200 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.300 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.300 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.100 0.320 0.240 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.000 23.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.000 23.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.600 21.900 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.600 21.900 0.480 0.320 0.240 8 8 8 0.160 8.200 0.480 8 Max. 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.200 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.200 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.300 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.300 23.300 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.100 App-85 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU instruction In conductive Max. Q00UCPU Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Min. When not executed In conductive Comparison of specified ANDTM>= ciock status In nonconductive status In conductive Comparison of current ciock status In nonconductive status Max. 0.240 Min. Max. 0.160 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.000 23.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.000 23.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.600 21.900 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.600 21.900 0.480 0.320 0.240 0.160 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.000 23.000 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 7.000 23.000 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 5.900 22.100 –– 9.250 51.000 9.250 51.000 9.250 51.000 7.500 23.400 No digit increase 16.800 75.400 16.800 75.400 16.800 75.400 9.100 23.400 Digit increase 16.800 75.400 16.800 75.400 16.800 75.400 8.900 22.200 No digit increase 17.600 75.300 17.600 75.300 17.600 75.300 9.000 22.200 Digit increase 16.900 75.300 16.900 75.300 16.900 75.300 9.800 22.100 PSTOP –– 82.200 199.000 82.200 199.000 82.200 199.000 61.400 84.500 POFF –– 82.600 198.000 82.600 198.000 82.600 198.000 121.000 246.000 PSCAN –– 83.600 200.000 83.600 200.000 83.600 200.000 126.000 232.000 WDT –– 2.900 12.000 2.900 12.000 2.900 12.000 1.300 3.000 DUTY –– 7.700 27.500 7.700 27.500 7.700 27.500 4.900 24.300 TIMCHK –– 5.350 24.500 5.350 24.500 5.350 24.500 7.400 23.300 File register of standard RAM 4.100 4.200 4.100 4.200 4.100 4.200 2.400 2.600 ORTM>= ciock status In nonconductive status In conductive Comparison of current ciock S.DATERD S.DATE + S.DATE - ZRRDB ZRWRB App-86 Min. 0.320 Q02UCPU 25.500 of specified instruction Max. Q01UCPU 8.200 Comparison Application Min. 0.480 When not executed In conductive Max. Q00UCPU status In nonconductive status File register of SRAM card –– –– –– –– –– –– 2.500 2.800 File register of standard RAM 5.400 5.500 5.400 5.500 5.400 5.500 3.100 3.300 File register of SRAM card –– –– –– –– –– –– 3.300 3.600 ADRSET –– 2.400 6.650 2.400 6.650 2.400 6.650 4.200 4.900 ZPUSH –– 9.200 20.500 9.200 20.500 9.200 20.500 6.900 14.000 ZPOP –– 9.000 15.500 9.000 15.500 9.000 15.500 7.500 12.500 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q00UJCPU Q00UCPU Q01UCPU Q02UCPU 8 Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 29.400 91.700 29.400 91.700 29.400 91.700 20.600 55.000 8 29.500 91.600 29.500 91.600 29.500 91.600 20.600 66.100 8 79.900 214.000 79.900 214.000 79.900 214.000 102.000 180.000 When mounting CC-Link module (Master station side) When mounting CC-Link module (Local station side) When mounting MELSECNET/H, S.ZCOM CC-Link IEcontroller network module(Control 8 station side) When mounting A MELSECNET/H, CC-Link IEcontroller 79.900 214.000 79.900 214.000 79.900 214.000 29.800 102.000 network module(Normal 6 station side) –– 9.200 57.700 9.200 57.700 9.200 57.700 6.700 33.500 instruction –– 10.900 67.100 10.900 67.100 10.900 67.100 8.300 26.000 n2 = 1 6.000 33.100 6.000 33.100 6.000 33.100 4.000 29.100 n2 = 16 16.500 43.600 16.500 43.600 16.500 43.600 12.500 37.600 48.50 141.30 43.50 139.90 43.40 139.80 32.40 134.20 Start 174.000 174.000 174.000 174.000 174.000 174.000 96.600 103.000 –– 5.100 15.500 5.100 15.500 5.100 15.500 3.800 13.600 –– –– 12.200 34.900 12.200 34.900 9.400 31.300 –– –– 121.500 145.100 121.500 145.100 118.500 141.300 –– –– –– –– –– –– 9.400 31.400 –– –– –– –– –– –– 178.500 201.300 S.RTWRITE UNIRD n1 D n2 TYPERD TRACE TRACER When standard RAM is used RBNOV S D n When SRAM card is used 1 point 1000 points 1 point 1000 points SP.FWRITE –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 9.200 12.100 SP.FREAD –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 489.000 544.000 SP.DEVST –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 87.000 144.000 S.DEVLD –– –– –– –– –– –– –– 127.000 140.000 App-87 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU Application S.RTREAD Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Writing to host S.TO n1 n2 n3 n4 CPU shared D memory Writing to host TO n1 n2 CPU shared n3 S memory Writing to host DTO n1 n2 CPU shared n3 S memory Multiple Reading from CPU host CPU shared dedicated instruction memory FROM n1 n2 D n3 n3 Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 64.600 78.100 64.600 78.100 64.600 78.100 64.600 78.100 115.000 126.000 115.000 126.000 115.000 126.000 154.000 126.000 12.700 62.200 12.700 62.200 8.300 58.200 n3 = 320 63.500 112.300 63.500 112.300 63.500 112.300 56.200 107.800 n3 = 1 13.500 62.300 13.500 62.300 13.500 62.300 8.600 58.300 n3 = 320 112.900 160.800 112.900 160.800 112.900 160.800 106.800 157.300 n3 = 1 12.100 58.700 12.100 58.700 12.100 58.700 8.400 52.600 n3 = 320 56.000 101.700 56.000 101.700 56.000 101.700 51.700 96.600 24.400 82.900 24.400 82.900 24.400 82.900 16.600 37.000 152.000 243.000 152.000 243.000 152.000 243.000 153.000 185.000 n3 = 1000 418.000 518.000 418.000 518.000 418.000 518.000 432.000 485.000 n3 = 1 12.100 58.700 12.100 58.700 12.100 58.700 8.800 53.400 n3 = 320 97.400 143.700 97.400 143.700 97.400 143.700 94.900 139.600 24.800 94.200 24.800 94.200 24.800 94.200 16.600 47.300 Reading from n3 = 1 other CPU n3 = 320 shared memory Q02UCPU 62.200 n3 = 1 memory Q01UCPU 12.700 n3 = 320 host CPU shared Q00UCPU n3 = 1 other CPU Reading from DFRO n1 n2 n4 = 320 Reading from shared memory D n4 = 1 Q00UJCPU 276.000 367.000 276.000 367.000 276.000 367.000 278.000 339.000 n3 = 1000 799.000 892.000 799.000 892.000 799.000 892.000 841.000 892.000 Remark For the instructions for which a rise execution instruction ( P) is not specified, the processing time is the same as an ON execution instruction. Example WORDP instruction and TOP instruction App-88 (b) When using Q03UD(E)JCPU, Q04UD(E)HCPU, Q06UD(E)HCPU, Q10UD(E)HCPU, Q13UD(E)HCPU, Q20UD(E)HCPU and Q26UD(E)HCPU 8 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU Min. Max. Q04/Q06UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. 8 ANB ORB MPS –– 0.020 0.0095 0.0095 8 0.020 0.0095 0.0095 8 0.020 0.0095 0.0095 0.020 0.0095 0.0095 MRD MPP INV Sequence instruction When not executed When executed MEP When not executed MEF When executed EGP When not executed EGF When executed PLS –– 1.300 1.600 0.890 1.100 0.890 1.100 PLF –– 1.500 1.600 0.940 1.200 0.940 1.200 FF DELTA SFT MC A When not executed When executed 0.040 1.200 When not executed When executed –– 1.500 0.790 0.040 2.800 When not executed When executed 0.0185 3.600 1.600 0.0185 0.910 0.790 0.0185 2.400 0.040 3.200 1.100 0.040 2.400 2.700 1.100 2.700 0.0185 0.0185 FEND 108.000 130.000 75.800 89.300 75.800 89.300 No error check performed 107.000 124.000 75.800 89.800 75.800 89.800 NOP –– 0.020 0.0095 0.0095 PAGE App-89 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU –– Error check performed NOPLF 8 0.0185 MCR END 7 3.200 0.0185 0.0185 0.040 0.910 0.0185 0.0185 3.300 6 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction LDE= ANDE= ORE= LDE< > ANDE< > ORE< > LDE> Basic ANDE> instruction ORE> LDE<= ANDE<= ORE<= LDE< ANDE< ORE< App-90 Condition (Device) Single In conductive status precision In non-conductive status Single precision Single precision When not executed When Q03UD(E)CPU Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 3.700 4.700 3.300 4.300 3.300 4.300 3.800 5.000 3.400 4.500 3.400 4.500 In conductive status 0.060 0.0285 3.300 5.800 3.000 5.100 3.000 5.100 When not executed 3.500 5.600 3.000 5.200 3.000 5.200 4.500 3.200 When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status 0.060 3.600 0.0285 4.200 Single In conductive status 3.500 4.800 3.200 4.300 In non-conductive status 4.000 4.700 3.600 4.200 When not executed 3.900 4.500 3.500 4.000 Single Single precision When In conductive status 0.060 executed In non-conductive status 3.300 5.100 3.000 4.800 When not executed 3.500 5.000 3.100 4.600 6.000 3.300 When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status 0.060 3.600 5.500 In conductive status 3.500 5.800 3.100 5.300 In non-conductive status 3.800 5.000 3.300 4.600 When not executed 3.700 4.900 3.300 4.400 Single precision When In conductive status 0.060 3.500 4.700 3.100 4.200 When not executed 3.600 4.500 3.100 4.000 5.100 3.300 When In conductive status 0.060 3.600 4.600 Single In conductive status 3.500 4.800 3.200 4.500 In non-conductive status 3.800 5.600 3.400 5.200 When not executed 3.800 5.600 3.400 5.100 Single Single precision When In conductive status 0.060 3.200 4.600 2.800 4.200 When not executed 3.500 5.000 3.100 4.500 5.800 3.400 When In conductive status 0.060 3.700 5.400 Single In conductive status 3.800 5.700 3.300 5.300 In non-conductive status 4.000 5.400 3.500 4.900 When not executed 4.000 5.200 3.500 4.900 Single Single precision When In conductive status 0.060 3.400 4.600 3.000 4.200 When not executed 3.500 4.900 3.100 4.400 5.200 3.300 When In conductive status 0.060 3.600 0.0285 0.0285 0.0285 0.0285 0.0285 0.0285 executed In non-conductive status executed In non-conductive status 0.0285 0.0285 precision precision 0.0285 0.0285 executed In non-conductive status executed In non-conductive status 0.0285 0.0285 precision precision 0.0285 0.0285 executed In non-conductive status executed In non-conductive status 0.0285 0.0285 Single Single 0.0285 0.0285 precision precision 0.0285 executed In non-conductive status precision precision Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU 0.0285 4.900 0.0285 0.0285 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU Min. LDE>= ANDE>= ORE>= LDED= ANDED= ORED= LDED<> Basic ANDED<> instruction ORED<> ANDED> ORED> LDED<= ANDED<= ORED<= Min. Max. Single In conductive status 3.800 6.000 3.300 5.500 precision In non-conductive status 3.800 5.900 3.400 5.400 Single precision Single When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status When not executed Max. 0.0285 4.800 2.900 4.600 3.500 5.400 3.100 5.100 0.0285 5.200 3.300 4.700 3.500 5.200 3.200 4.700 Double In conductive status 4.100 7.700 3.500 7.200 3.500 7.200 precision In non-conductive status 4.300 8.100 3.800 7.400 3.800 7.400 Double precision Double precision When not executed When In conductive status 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 3.600 7.600 3.200 7.000 3.200 7.000 When not executed 3.900 7.700 3.400 7.400 3.400 7.400 In conductive status 0.060 0.0285 3.800 8.800 3.400 8.300 3.400 8.300 Double In conductive status 4.000 9.300 3.700 8.800 3.700 8.800 precision In non-conductive status 4.400 8.200 3.900 7.700 3.900 7.700 4.100 7.900 3.500 7.500 3.500 7.500 precision Double precision When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status 0.060 0.0285 7.600 3.300 7.200 3.300 7.200 3.800 7.700 3.400 7.300 3.400 7.300 0.0285 0.0285 Double In conductive status 4.100 9.300 3.700 8.900 3.700 8.900 precision In non-conductive status 3.800 8.900 3.400 8.400 3.400 8.400 When not executed 4.300 8.100 3.800 7.500 3.800 7.500 4.100 7.800 3.500 7.200 3.500 7.200 Double precision Double precision When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status Double In conductive status precision In non-conductive status Double precision Double precision When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 3.800 7.700 3.300 7.300 3.300 7.300 4.000 7.900 3.500 7.500 3.500 7.500 0.060 4.100 0.0285 0.0285 9.300 3.700 8.800 3.700 8.800 4.100 9.300 3.700 8.800 3.700 8.800 4.000 8.000 3.500 7.400 3.500 7.400 4.100 9.400 3.600 8.800 3.600 8.800 0.060 3.800 7.700 0.0285 3.300 7.200 A 6 7 8 0.0285 3.800 0.060 8 0.0285 executed In non-conductive status Double 8 0.0285 executed In non-conductive status When 8 0.0285 3.600 When 8 0.0285 3.200 0.060 Min. executed In non-conductive status precision In conductive status 0.060 Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU 0.0285 3.300 7.200 App-91 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU LDED> Max. Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction LDED< ANDED< ORED< LDED>= ANDED>= ORED>= LD$= AND$= Basic instruction Condition (Device) Double In conductive status precision In non-conductive status Double precision Double precision When not executed In conductive status When executed In non-conductive status When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status LD$< > AND$< > LD$> AND$> LD$<= AND$<= App-92 Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 4.300 8.300 3.800 7.600 3.800 7.600 3.700 7.900 3.500 7.400 3.500 7.400 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 3.800 7.800 3.300 7.300 3.300 7.300 3.900 7.900 3.400 3.900 3.400 3.900 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 4.100 9.600 3.700 9.200 3.700 9.200 In conductive status 4.000 9.600 3.700 9.200 3.700 9.200 In non-conductive status 4.100 9.600 3.600 9.000 3.600 9.000 4.100 9.600 3.600 8.900 3.600 8.900 Double precision Double precision When not executed In conductive status When executed In non-conductive status When not executed When In conductive status executed In non-conductive status 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 3.800 7.900 3.400 7.400 3.400 7.400 3.900 8.100 3.400 7.500 3.400 7.500 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 In conductive status 4.100 9.600 3.700 9.200 3.700 9.200 In non-conductive status 4.000 7.200 3.600 6.600 3.600 6.600 When not executed 5.300 8.900 4.700 8.100 4.700 8.100 4.700 9.000 4.200 8.200 4.200 8.200 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 4.400 6.800 3.900 6.400 3.900 6.400 4.500 6.700 4.000 6.300 4.000 6.300 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 In conductive status 5.100 8.200 4.200 7.600 4.200 7.600 In non-conductive status 5.000 8.100 4.000 7.200 4.000 7.200 When not executed 4.800 8.100 4.300 7.500 4.300 7.500 4.700 8.400 4.200 7.800 4.200 7.800 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 4.300 5.500 4.100 5.100 4.100 5.100 4.500 5.900 4.400 5.400 4.400 5.400 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 In conductive status 5.200 7.300 4.100 6.700 4.100 6.700 In non-conductive status 5.100 7.200 4.100 6.700 4.100 6.700 When not executed 4.800 7.200 4.300 6.700 4.300 6.700 4.800 7.700 4.200 7.100 4.200 7.100 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status When not executed OR$> Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Double When not executed OR$< > Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU precision When not executed OR$= Q03UD(E)CPU When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 4.500 7.100 4.000 6.700 4.000 6.700 4.600 7.600 4.300 7.000 4.300 7.000 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 In conductive status 5.100 6.800 4.300 6.200 4.300 6.200 In non-conductive status 5.200 7.200 4.300 6.600 4.300 6.600 When not executed 5.000 6.300 4.400 5.700 4.400 5.700 4.800 6.400 4.200 5.800 4.200 5.800 When executed In conductive status In non-conductive status 0.060 0.0285 0.0285 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU Min. When not executed OR$<= When executed LD$< 7.200 4.400 7.200 In non-conductive status 7.600 4.400 7.100 4.400 7.100 4.800 8.100 4.500 7.500 4.500 7.500 In non-conductive status 5.000 8.300 4.500 7.900 4.500 7.900 In conductive status 4.500 7.100 4.000 6.600 4.000 6.600 4.900 7.500 4.400 7.100 4.400 7.100 Basic instruction BKCMP<> S1 S2 4.100 7.200 4.100 7.200 In non-conductive status 5.000 8.100 4.100 7.600 4.100 7.600 In conductive status 4.800 6.700 4.500 6.200 4.500 6.200 In non-conductive status 5.000 6.700 4.400 6.300 4.400 6.300 BKCMP<= S1 S2 BKCMP< S1 S2 n D n D n D BKCMP>= S1 S2 DBKCMP = S1 S2 DBKCMP<> S1 S2 DBKCMP> S1 S2 DBKCMP<= S1 S2 DBKCMP< S1 S2 DBKCMP>= S1 S2 n D D n n D n D n D n D D n 0.0285 0.0285 In conductive status 4.400 6.800 4.100 6.300 4.100 6.300 In non-conductive status 4.500 7.000 4.200 6.600 4.200 6.600 In conductive status 0.060 5.400 6.600 0.0285 4.100 5.800 0.0285 4.100 A 6 7 5.800 5.300 6.300 4.100 5.700 4.100 5.700 n=1 8.200 10.700 7.500 10.000 7.500 10.000 n = 96 57.400 61.800 46.400 48.700 46.400 48.700 n=1 8.200 10.700 7.500 10.000 7.500 10.000 n = 96 59.500 63.300 45.600 50.400 45.600 50.400 n=1 8.200 10.800 7.500 10.100 7.500 10.100 n = 96 59.500 63.400 47.700 50.500 47.700 50.500 n=1 8.200 10.600 7.500 10.000 7.500 10.000 n = 96 57.400 61.700 46.400 49.000 46.400 49.000 n=1 8.300 10.600 7.500 10.000 7.500 10.000 n = 96 59.500 63.600 47.600 50.500 47.600 50.500 n=1 8.200 10.900 7.500 10.000 7.500 10.000 n = 96 57.400 62.000 46.400 48.900 46.400 48.900 n=1 9.250 14.000 8.600 13.000 8.600 13.000 n = 96 60.700 67.500 47.900 52.800 47.900 52.800 n=1 9.250 14.000 8.600 13.000 8.600 13.000 n = 96 60.700 67.500 47.900 52.800 47.900 52.800 n=1 9.250 14.000 8.600 13.000 8.600 13.000 n = 96 60.700 67.500 47.900 52.800 47.900 52.800 n=1 9.250 14.000 8.600 13.000 8.600 13.000 n = 96 60.700 67.500 47.900 52.800 47.900 52.800 n=1 9.250 14.000 8.600 13.000 8.600 13.000 n = 96 60.700 67.500 47.900 52.800 47.900 52.800 n=1 9.250 14.000 8.600 13.000 8.600 13.000 n = 96 60.700 67.500 47.900 52.800 47.900 52.800 In non-conductive status 8 0.0285 7.800 0.060 8 App-93 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU BKCMP> S1 S2 n D 0.0285 5.100 When executed n 0.060 8 0.0285 In non-conductive status When not executed D 0.0285 In conductive status When executed BKCMP = S1 S2 0.0285 4.400 0.060 8 Max. 7.700 When not executed OR$>= 0.0285 Min. 4.600 When executed AND$>= 0.060 Max. 4.700 When not executed LD$>= Min. In conductive status When executed OR$< Max. Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU In conductive status When not executed AND$< Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction DB + S D DB + S1 S2 DB - S Condition (Device) D D Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. When executed 4.900 7.000 4.600 6.400 4.600 6.400 When executed 5.200 7.300 4.800 6.700 4.800 6.700 When executed 4.900 6.600 4.700 6.000 4.700 6.000 DB - S1 S2 D When executed 5.200 7.500 4.800 6.600 4.800 6.600 DB * S1 S2 D When executed 8.300 12.100 8.100 11.600 8.100 11.600 When executed 6.100 9.100 5.800 8.800 5.800 8.800 DB/ S1 S2 ED + S D Double precision D ED + S1 S2 ED - S Double precision D Double precision D ED - S1 S2 Double precision D ED * S1 S2 Double precision D Basic instruction ED / S1 S2 D DBK + S1 S2 DBK - S1 S2 DFLTD INTD DINTD D =0 4.800 8.000 4.300 7.200 4.300 7.200 = 21023, D = 21023 4.800 8.000 4.300 7.200 4.300 7.200 = 0, S2 =0 5.500 9.800 4.800 9.200 4.800 9.200 = 21023, S2 = 21023 5.500 9.800 4.800 9.200 4.800 9.200 = 0, D =0 5.000 8.200 4.400 7.500 4.400 7.500 = 21023, D = 21023 5.000 8.200 4.400 7.500 4.400 7.500 = 0, S2 =0 4.400 8.100 3.800 7.500 3.800 7.500 = 21023, S2 = 21023 4.400 8.100 3.800 7.500 3.800 7.500 = 0, S2 =0 5.800 9.500 5.100 8.800 5.100 8.800 S1 = 21023, S2 = 21023 5.800 9.500 5.100 8.800 5.100 8.800 S1 = 21023, S2 = 21023 6.600 10.600 5.900 10.000 5.900 10.000 n=1 9.100 11.200 8.500 10.600 8.500 10.600 n = 96 60.700 62.900 44.600 47.000 44.600 47.000 n=1 9.700 12.000 8.900 11.300 8.900 11.300 n = 96 61.300 63.600 45.600 47.900 45.600 47.900 n=1 7.000 10.700 6.450 9.950 6.450 9.950 n = 96 59.400 63.100 43.700 47.500 43.700 47.500 n=1 7.000 10.700 6.450 9.950 6.450 9.950 n = 96 59.400 63.100 43.700 47.500 43.700 47.500 –– 8.800 14.600 8.100 13.900 8.100 13.900 –– 7.300 11.100 6.500 10.300 6.500 10.300 =0 2.300 5.000 1.800 4.700 1.800 4.700 = 7FFFH 2.500 5.200 2.200 4.800 2.200 4.800 =0 2.400 5.200 2.000 4.900 2.000 4.900 = 7FFFFFFFH 2.700 5.400 2.300 5.100 2.300 5.100 =0 2.700 4.100 2.200 4.100 2.200 4.100 = 32766.5 3.700 5.900 3.200 5.600 3.200 5.600 =0 2.600 3.900 2.200 3.400 2.200 3.400 = 1234567890.3 3.400 5.600 3.000 5.100 3.000 5.100 S S1 S1 S S S1 S1 S1 n D D n n D $ + S1 S2 FLTD = 0, S n D BK - S1 S2 $+ S Double precision D BK + S1 S2 App-94 Q03UD(E)CPU D Double precision S S Double precision S S Double precision Double precision S S S S Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. DBL When executed 2.700 3.400 2.300 2.700 2.300 2.700 WORD When executed 2.900 4.300 2.600 3.600 2.600 3.600 GRY When executed 2.700 3.900 2.300 3.400 2.300 3.400 DGRY When executed 2.900 3.500 2.500 3.000 2.500 3.000 GBIN When executed 4.000 4.800 3.800 4.300 3.800 4.300 DGBIN When executed 5.500 6.100 5.000 5.900 5.000 5.900 NEG When executed 2.400 3.900 2.000 3.300 2.000 3.300 DNEG When executed 2.500 3.700 2.500 3.300 2.500 3.300 ENEG EDNEG BKBCD S n D Floating point = 0 2.500 3.300 2.300 2.800 2.300 2.800 Floating point = -1.0 2.700 4.500 2.500 3.900 2.500 3.900 Floating point = 0 2.200 3.500 1.800 3.100 1.800 3.100 Floating point = -1.0 2.400 3.500 1.900 3.000 1.900 3.000 n=1 6.600 8.900 5.900 8.200 5.900 8.200 n = 96 71.300 74.100 61.000 63.400 61.000 63.400 6.500 9.800 5.600 9.300 5.600 9.300 56.300 59.500 49.200 52.500 49.200 52.500 ECON –– 2.600 5.400 2.100 4.500 2.100 4.500 EDCON –– 2.800 5.400 2.500 5.400 2.500 5.400 –– 2.300 5.500 1.700 5.000 1.700 5.000 4.000 6.300 3.400 5.600 3.400 5.600 14.600 16.500 11.400 13.300 11.400 13.300 n=1 6.200 7.900 5.500 7.300 5.500 7.300 D n EDMOV Character string to be $MOV Basic transferred = 0 Character string to be transferred = 32 instruction BXCH D1 D2 n n = 96 67.000 68.800 47.300 49.300 47.300 49.300 SWAP –– 2.400 2.700 1.900 2.200 1.900 2.200 GOEND –– DI –– 1.800 2.200 1.500 1.800 1.500 EI –– 3.100 3.800 3.000 3.300 3.000 3.300 IMASK –– 9.800 13.300 7.200 10.500 7.200 10.500 IRET RSF X n 0.500 0.500 1.000 –– 0.500 1.000 1.800 1.000 n=1 4.200 5.900 3.700 5.600 3.700 5.600 n = 96 11.400 13.800 10.700 12.400 10.700 12.400 n=1 3.800 4.800 3.400 4.800 3.400 4.800 n = 96 8.500 9.500 8.100 8.900 8.100 8.900 UDCNT1 –– 0.900 1.500 0.500 0.983 0.500 0.983 UDCNT2 –– 0.900 1.700 0.600 1.300 0.600 1.300 TTMR –– 3.900 6.100 3.400 5.400 3.400 5.400 STMR –– 6.800 13.500 5.800 12.500 5.800 12.500 ROTC –– 9.000 10.500 8.000 9.400 8.000 9.400 RAMP –– 5.900 8.800 5.200 8.400 5.200 8.400 SPD –– 0.900 1.900 0.500 1.400 0.500 1.400 PLSY –– 1.900 2.200 1.500 1.800 1.500 1.800 PWM –– 1.200 1.600 0.900 1.200 0.900 1.200 MTR –– 10.400 19.800 9.400 10.000 9.400 10.000 RSF Y n App-95 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU n=1 n = 96 BKBIN S 8 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU Min. BKAND S1 S2 n D BKOR S1 S2 n D BKXOR S1 S2 D n BKXNR S1 S2 D n BSFR D n BSFL D n SFTBR D n1 n2 SFTBL D n1 n2 SFTWR D n1 n2 SFTWL D n1 n2 Min. Min. Max. Max. n=1 9.000 11.700 8.300 11.000 8.300 11.000 n = 96 57.400 63.100 43.800 47.300 43.800 47.300 n=1 7.700 10.000 7.700 9.500 7.700 9.500 n = 96 57.400 61.900 44.300 45.800 44.300 45.800 n=1 7.800 10.100 7.300 9.200 7.300 9.200 n = 96 57.300 61.500 43.800 45.800 43.800 45.800 n=1 7.800 9.600 7.600 8.900 7.600 8.900 n = 96 57.400 61.400 43.900 45.300 43.900 45.300 n=1 3.700 5.400 3.200 4.800 3.200 4.800 n = 96 6.900 9.000 5.800 7.700 5.800 7.700 n=1 4.100 5.900 3.400 5.100 3.400 5.100 n = 96 7.100 9.100 6.000 7.900 6.000 7.900 n1 = 16 / n2 = 1 7.950 17.500 7.600 16.900 7.600 16.900 7.950 17.500 7.550 16.900 7.550 16.900 n1 = 16 / n2 = 1 7.950 17.900 7.500 17.400 7.500 17.400 n1 = 16 / n2 = 15 7.900 17.800 7.500 17.300 7.500 17.300 n1 = 16 / n2 = 1 5.950 10.600 4.600 8.700 4.600 8.700 n1 = 16 / n2 = 15 5.900 10.600 4.600 8.700 4.600 8.700 n1 = 16 / n2 = 1 5.950 10.700 4.550 8.700 4.550 8.700 n1 = 16 / n2 = 15 5.950 10.700 4.600 8.800 4.600 8.800 Application n=1 3.000 3.400 2.500 2.800 2.500 2.800 n = 15 3.000 3.500 2.500 2.800 2.500 2.800 n=1 3.000 3.400 2.600 2.800 2.600 2.800 n = 15 3.000 3.400 2.500 2.800 2.500 2.800 TEST When executed 4.400 5.300 3.700 4.700 3.700 4.700 DTEST When executed 4.500 5.400 3.900 4.800 3.900 4.800 n=1 4.300 4.600 3.700 4.100 3.700 4.100 n = 96 6.000 6.800 5.100 6.000 5.100 6.000 4.900 5.300 4.200 4.600 4.200 4.600 BRST D n BKRST D n n=1 SER S1 S2 n D DSER S1 S2 D n All match None match 5.000 5.300 4.200 4.600 4.200 4.600 n= All match 32.300 32.900 25.900 26.300 25.900 26.300 96 None match 32.400 32.900 25.900 26.300 25.900 26.300 All match 6.100 6.500 5.400 5.700 5.400 5.700 None match 6.200 6.600 5.500 5.900 5.500 5.900 n= All match 52.800 54.200 41.200 41.800 41.200 41.800 96 None match 52.800 54.200 41.200 41.800 41.200 41.800 =0 3.700 4.100 3.300 3.600 3.300 3.600 = FFFFFFFFH 3.800 4.100 3.200 3.700 3.200 3.700 n=2 6.000 7.500 5.300 6.900 5.300 6.900 n=8 8.100 9.300 6.800 7.800 6.800 7.800 M1 = ON 5.300 5.700 4.700 5.100 4.700 5.100 M4 = ON 5.200 5.700 4.600 5.000 4.600 5.000 M1 = ON 10.400 11.400 9.000 10.000 9.000 10.000 M256 = ON 5.700 6.800 5.100 6.100 5.100 6.100 n=1 S DSUM S D S DECO S D n n=2 ENCO S D n n=8 App-96 Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU n1 = 16 / n2 = 15 BSET D n instruction Max. Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. n=1 4.400 5.300 3.800 4.600 3.800 4.600 n=4 4.800 5.700 4.000 5.000 4.000 5.000 n=1 5.000 5.300 3.500 4.800 3.500 4.800 n=4 5.600 6.000 4.000 5.100 4.000 5.100 NDIS When executed 11.000 13.100 11.000 13.200 11.000 13.200 NUNI When executed 10.600 12.700 7.300 13.200 7.300 13.200 DIS S D n UNI S D n WTOB S D n BTOW S D n MIN S n D n D DMAX S DMIN S D n n D SORT S1 n S2 D1 D2 DSORT S1 n S2 D1 D2 WSUM S DWSUM S MEAN S n D D n D n DMEAN S D n n=1 5.000 6.500 4.400 5.800 4.400 5.800 n = 96 36.000 38.400 28.200 29.300 28.200 29.300 n=1 5.100 6.100 4.600 5.500 4.600 5.500 n = 96 29.900 32.000 22.800 23.800 22.800 23.800 n=1 4.300 6.900 4.000 6.100 4.000 6.100 n = 96 31.200 33.500 24.700 27.000 24.700 27.000 n=1 4.400 6.800 4.000 6.000 4.000 6.000 n = 96 30.300 34.800 26.500 28.300 26.500 28.300 n=1 4.800 9.100 4.800 8.100 4.800 8.100 n = 96 56.400 62.200 47.100 49.600 47.100 49.600 n=1 4.800 6.800 4.300 5.900 4.300 5.900 n = 96 55.400 60.200 45.400 47.400 45.400 47.400 n=1 6.200 9.300 5.600 8.800 5.600 8.800 n = 96 6.200 9.400 5.600 8.600 5.600 8.600 n=1 6.200 9.300 5.600 8.200 5.600 8.200 n = 96 6.100 9.100 5.600 8.400 5.600 8.400 n=1 4.800 6.200 4.200 5.500 4.200 5.500 n = 96 26.900 28.700 21.300 22.300 21.300 22.300 n=1 5.500 7.000 4.800 6.100 4.800 6.100 n = 96 53.000 56.300 42.700 44.000 42.700 44.000 n=1 4.300 8.650 3.900 7.800 3.900 7.800 n = 96 16.000 21.400 12.900 18.000 12.900 18.000 n=1 5.700 10.600 5.300 9.950 5.300 9.950 n = 96 29.200 35.200 23.000 28.800 23.000 28.800 NEXT –– 0.940 1.400 0.770 1.200 0.770 1.200 BREAK –– 10.400 5.500 9.100 5.000 9.100 5.000 RET FCALL Pn FCALL Pn S1 to S5 ECALL * Pn *: Program name ECALL * Pn S1 to S5 Return to original program 2.000 3.000 1.600 2.600 1.600 2.600 Return to other program 2.300 3.700 2.000 3.100 2.000 3.100 Internal file pointer 3.100 4.400 2.700 3.600 2.700 3.600 Common pointer 4.000 5.700 3.600 5.100 3.600 5.100 –– 19.300 21.500 16.500 18.600 16.500 18.600 –– 70.300 82.300 65.900 77.600 65.900 77.600 –– 101.000 114.000 91.800 105.000 91.800 105.000 –– 70.700 82.800 66.200 78.100 66.200 78.100 –– 86.500 107.000 78.800 91.600 78.800 91.600 –– 3.800 5.700 3.700 5.200 3.700 5.200 *: Program name EFCALL * Pn *: Program name EFCALL * Pn S1 to S5 *: Program name XCALL App-97 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU instruction Q03UD(E)CPU Min. MAX S Application Condition (Device) Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU When selecting I/O refresh only When selecting CC-Link refresh only (Master station side) When selecting CC-Link refresh only (Local station side) When selecting MELSECNET/H refresh only (Control station side) When selecting MELSECNET/H refresh only (Normal station side) When selecting intelli auto refresh only COM CCOM When selecting I/O outside the group only (Input only) When selecting I/O outside the group only (Output only) When selecting I/O outside the group only (Both I/O) Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 12.800 29.100 12.400 28.600 12.400 28.600 16.000 39.500 15.500 39.100 15.500 39.100 16.100 39.500 15.500 39.100 15.500 39.100 34.700 70.400 34.400 69.800 34.400 69.800 34.700 70.400 34.400 69.800 34.400 69.800 12.800 33.200 12.800 33.200 12.800 33.200 7.900 21.100 7.700 20.700 7.700 20.700 16.900 44.800 16.500 44.200 16.500 44.200 22.600 52.600 22.400 52.600 22.400 52.600 13.000 33.800 12.700 33.200 12.700 33.200 7.250 18.800 7.100 18.500 7.100 18.500 3.700 5.300 3.200 4.600 3.200 4.600 When selecting refresh of multiple CPU high speed transmission area only When selecting communication with peripheral device Number of data points = 0 FIFW Application instruction FIFR FPOP FINS FDEL Number of data points = 96 3.800 4.400 3.300 3.800 3.300 3.800 Number of data points = 0 4.300 5.000 3.800 4.400 3.800 4.400 Number of data points = 96 33.500 35.500 24.800 25.700 24.800 25.700 Number of data points = 0 4.300 5.900 3.800 5.300 3.800 5.300 Number of data points = 96 4.300 5.900 3.700 5.400 3.700 5.400 Number of data points = 0 4.800 5.900 3.700 5.300 3.700 5.300 Number of data points = 96 4.300 5.900 3.700 5.300 3.700 5.300 Number of data points = 0 4.900 6.500 4.200 5.800 4.200 5.800 Number of data points = 96 34.200 35.900 25.400 25.900 25.400 25.900 n3 = 1 10.800 24.100 10.700 23.600 10.700 23.600 n3 = 1000 392.600 413.300 390.900 410.200 390.900 410.200 n3 = 1 13.600 27.700 12.600 26.700 12.600 26.700 n3 = 500 392.600 413.300 390.900 410.200 390.900 410.200 n3 = 1 10.200 21.900 9.600 21.300 9.600 21.300 n3 = 1000 373.700 394.100 372.500 390.800 372.500 390.800 n3 = 1 13.000 26.700 12.000 25.700 12.000 25.700 n3 = 500 373.700 394.100 372.500 390.800 372.500 390.800 2.400 2.600 1.900 2.000 1.900 2.000 28.100 39.400 24.400 35.800 24.400 35.800 =1 4.900 6.500 4.300 5.600 4.300 5.600 = -32768 7.200 8.700 6.500 8.000 6.500 8.000 =1 5.700 7.100 4.900 6.300 4.900 6.300 = -2147483648 10.400 12.000 9.600 11.000 9.600 11.000 FROM n1 n2 D n3 DFRO n1 n2 D n3 TO n1 n2 S n3 DTO n1 n2 S n3 No display LEDR no display LED instruction execution display S BINDA S D S S DBINDA S D S App-98 no Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Min. Max. Min. Max. =1 4.400 5.900 3.800 5.200 3.800 5.200 = FFFFH 4.400 5.800 3.700 5.200 3.700 5.200 =1 5.200 6.700 4.600 6.000 4.600 6.000 = FFFFFFFFH 5.100 6.500 4.600 6.000 4.600 6.000 =1 4.300 5.800 3.600 5.000 3.600 5.000 = 9999 4.700 6.100 4.100 5.400 4.100 5.400 =1 4.800 6.300 4.000 5.500 4.000 5.500 = 99999999 5.600 7.100 4.900 6.300 4.900 6.300 =1 6.500 8.500 5.800 7.800 5.800 7.800 = -32768 6.300 8.300 5.600 7.700 5.600 7.700 =1 9.400 11.500 8.500 10.500 8.500 10.500 = -2147483648 9.100 11.200 8.100 10.200 8.100 10.200 =1 4.900 7.100 4.400 6.400 4.400 6.400 = FFFFH 5.100 7.300 4.600 6.500 4.600 6.500 =1 6.000 8.100 5.300 7.300 5.300 7.300 = FFFFFFFFH 6.300 8.500 5.600 7.700 5.600 7.700 =1 5.000 7.100 4.400 6.300 4.400 6.300 = 9999 5.000 7.100 4.300 6.300 4.300 6.300 =1 6.200 8.300 5.500 7.400 5.500 7.400 = 99999999 6.200 8.300 5.500 7.500 5.500 7.500 51.600 52.400 50.900 51.200 50.900 51.200 D S DBINHA S D S S D S S DBCDDA S D S S DABIN S D S S DDABIN S Application S HABIN S S S S D S COMRD LEN 8 A 6 7 8 –– 1 character 4.100 6.200 3.600 5.500 3.600 5.500 96 characters 19.800 22.200 16.800 18.700 16.800 18.700 STR –– 6.900 11.100 6.600 10.400 6.600 10.400 DSTR –– 10.200 12.500 9.600 11.500 9.600 11.500 VAL –– 9.800 14.200 8.900 13.000 8.900 13.000 DVAL –– 14.000 18.700 12.700 16.800 12.700 16.800 ESTR –– 18.700 24.100 17.900 23.100 17.900 23.100 App-99 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU D S DDABCD S 8 D S DABCD S 8 D S DHABIN S 8 D S instruction Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Max. S BCDDA S Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Min. S BINHA S Q03UD(E)CPU Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Decimal point format all 2-digit specification EVAL Exponent format all 6-digit specification ASC S D n HEX S D n RIGHT S LEFT S n D D n Q03UD(E)CPU Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 23.300 30.400 22.800 29.000 22.800 29.000 23.300 30.500 22.500 29.000 22.500 29.000 n=1 5.600 9.000 5.400 8.300 5.400 8.300 n = 96 28.700 32.100 25.200 28.400 25.200 28.400 n=1 6.000 9.700 5.400 9.000 5.400 9.000 n = 96 35.600 39.800 31.300 35.000 31.300 35.000 n=1 7.600 9.400 7.300 6.600 7.300 6.600 n = 96 36.300 40.000 29.200 31.600 29.200 31.600 n=1 6.500 8.900 5.900 8.200 5.900 8.200 n = 96 36.200 39.700 29.200 31.500 29.200 31.500 MIDR –– 9.500 12.100 8.100 10.300 8.100 10.300 MIDW –– 10.300 12.000 8.800 10.200 8.800 10.200 No match INSTR Match 19.300 21.800 16.600 18.400 16.600 18.400 Head 10.300 12.800 9.100 10.900 9.100 10.900 End 51.100 54.200 42.700 44.900 42.700 44.900 EMOD –– 10.300 11.800 9.600 11.000 9.600 11.000 EREXP –– 19.300 21.000 18.800 20.100 18.800 20.100 41.100 54.200 35.300 47.600 35.300 47.600 56.700 81.400 48.600 61.700 48.600 61.700 39.000 49.500 34.800 44.600 34.800 44.600 36.000 45.200 29.200 38.100 29.200 38.100 S = 128 / D = 40 / n=1 STRINS S D n S Application = 128 / D = 40 / n = 48 instruction S = 128 / D = 40 / n=1 STRDEL S D n S = 128 / D = 40 / n = 48 App-100 SIN Single precision 4.500 6.200 4.100 5.700 4.100 5.700 COS Single precision 4.300 6.000 4.000 5.600 4.000 5.600 TAN Single precision 5.100 7.200 5.100 6.700 5.100 6.700 ASIN Single precision 6.100 8.900 5.900 8.500 5.900 8.500 ACOS Single precision 6.800 9.300 6.700 8.900 6.700 8.900 ATAN Single precision 4.000 6.500 3.900 6.000 3.900 6.000 SIND Double precision 8.800 14.300 8.500 13.800 8.500 13.800 COSD Double precision 9.300 15.100 8.800 14.600 8.800 14.600 TAND Double precision 11.200 16.900 10.800 16.500 10.800 16.500 ASIND Double precision 12.000 17.100 11.600 16.600 11.600 16.600 ACOSD Double precision 11.700 16.500 11.200 16.200 11.200 16.200 ATAND Double precision 9.500 14.200 9.100 13.800 9.100 13.800 RAD Single precision 2.500 4.800 2.100 4.300 2.100 4.300 RADD Double precision 4.000 9.600 3.600 9.200 3.600 9.200 DEG Single precision 2.500 4.700 2.200 4.400 2.200 4.400 DEGD Double precision 4.300 9.000 3.800 9.000 3.800 9.000 SQR Single precision 3.000 4.600 2.600 4.300 2.600 4.300 SQRD Double precision 5.600 11.500 5.200 11.000 5.200 11.000 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction EXP S Condition (Device) Single D Min. Max. Min. Max. = -10 4.000 6.100 3.800 5.500 3.800 5.500 =1 4.000 6.100 3.800 5.600 3.800 5.600 = -10 8.700 13.900 8.200 13.500 8.200 13.500 S =1 8.400 13.600 8.000 13.200 8.000 13.200 S =1 4.100 6.900 3.800 6.400 3.800 6.400 = 10 5.600 8.200 5.200 7.700 5.200 7.700 =1 8.100 13.000 7.700 12.500 7.700 12.500 = 10 9.700 14.800 9.200 14.300 9.200 14.300 S Double LOG S S precision Single D precision S LOGD S Double D S precision S RND –– 1.200 2.300 0.800 1.800 0.800 1.800 SRND –– 1.400 2.400 1.100 2.000 1.100 2.000 =0 1.800 3.300 1.600 2.800 1.600 2.800 = 9999 5.100 8.800 5.100 8.000 5.100 8.000 =0 1.900 3.400 1.500 3.000 1.500 3.000 = 99999999 7.500 10.200 7.500 9.900 7.500 9.900 S BSQR S 8 8 8 8 A 6 D S S BDSQR S 7 D S Application instruction Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Max. precision D Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Min. S EXPD S Q03UD(E)CPU –– 8.600 15.100 8.100 14.500 8.100 14.500 BCOS –– 7.800 14.400 7.800 13.700 7.800 13.700 BTAN –– 9.000 13.800 9.000 13.300 9.000 13.300 BASIN –– 10.600 13.400 10.100 12.800 10.100 12.800 BACOS –– 11.600 14.400 11.100 14.100 11.100 14.100 BATAN –– 9.800 11.700 9.100 10.900 9.100 10.900 8.750 11.400 8.400 10.900 8.400 10.900 18.600 27.200 18.200 26.500 18.200 26.500 POW S1 S2 POWD S1 S2 D D Single S1 = 12.3 E + 5 precision S2 = 3.45 E + 0 Double S1 = 12.3 E + 5 S2 = 3.45 E + 0 precision LOG10 Single precision LOG10D Double precision LIMIT –– 5.900 8.550 5.700 8.050 5.700 8.050 DLIMIT –– 11.500 19.400 11.100 18.600 11.100 18.600 BAND –– 2.800 3.100 2.400 2.700 2.400 2.700 DBAND –– 3.200 3.500 2.800 3.000 2.800 3.000 ZONE –– 3.000 4.300 2.700 3.800 2.700 3.800 DZONE –– 3.600 5.100 3.300 4.600 3.300 4.600 App-101 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU BSIN Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 13.200 23.600 12.300 22.500 12.300 22.500 13.300 23.600 12.600 22.700 12.600 22.700 12.000 23.100 11.400 22.200 11.400 22.200 14.100 25.300 12.800 23.900 12.800 23.900 12.800 23.800 11.900 23.000 11.900 23.000 12.900 23.900 12.100 23.000 12.100 23.000 11.500 22.400 10.900 21.500 10.900 21.500 13.800 24.900 12.700 23.600 12.700 23.600 12.700 24.200 11.900 23.300 11.900 23.300 12.900 24.600 12.100 23.300 12.100 23.300 12.300 23.400 11.500 22.600 11.500 22.600 13.700 25.000 12.600 23.900 12.600 23.900 12.600 23.800 11.800 22.900 11.800 22.900 13.000 23.900 12.200 22.800 12.200 22.800 11.500 22.400 11.000 21.400 11.000 21.400 13.900 24.900 12.800 23.600 12.800 23.600 Point No.1 SM750 = ON < S1 < Point No.2 Point No.9 < S1 < Point No.10 SCL S1 S2 D Point No.1 SM750 = OFF < S1 < Point No.2 Point No.9 < S1 < Point No.10 Point No.1 SM750 = ON < S1 < Point No.2 Point No.9 < S1 < Point No.10 DSCL S1 S2 D Point No.1 SM750 = OFF < S1 < Point No.2 Point No.9 Application < S1 < Point No.10 instruction Point No.1 SM750 = ON < S1 < Point No.2 Point No.9 < S1 < Point No.10 SCL2 S1 S2 D Point No.1 SM750 = OFF < S1 < Point No.2 Point No.9 < S1 < Point No.10 Point No.1 SM750 = ON < S1 < Point No.2 Point No.9 < S1 < Point No.10 DSCL2 S1 S2 D Point No.1 SM750 = OFF < S1 < Point No.2 Point No.9 < S1 < Point No.10 App-102 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) QCDSET Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Standard RAM 3.000 6.300 2.700 5.900 2.700 5.900 SRAM card 3.000 6.400 2.600 5.800 2.600 5.800 SRAM card to standard RAM 120.000 134.000 115.000 134.000 115.000 134.000 RSET QDRSET Q03UD(E)CPU Standard RAM to SRAM card 533.000 560.000 520.000 553.000 520.000 553.000 SRAM card to standard ROM 306.000 346.000 305.000 346.000 305.000 346.000 Standard ROM to SRAM card 311.000 342.000 300.000 334.000 300.000 334.000 DATERD –– 3.200 5.000 2.500 4.200 2.500 4.200 DATEWR –– 4.900 9.700 4.100 8.900 4.100 8.900 No digit increase 5.100 8.000 4.700 6.600 4.700 6.600 Digit increase 5.700 8.000 4.600 6.500 4.600 6.500 No digit increase 5.800 8.500 4.600 7.000 4.600 7.000 Digit increase 5.700 7.400 4.600 6.500 4.600 6.500 SECOND –– 2.600 3.900 2.200 3.400 2.200 3.400 HOUR –– 2.900 4.800 2.400 4.300 2.400 4.300 7.400 11.400 6.800 10.900 6.800 10.900 7.400 11.600 6.800 10.900 6.800 10.900 5.900 10.000 5.500 9.700 5.500 9.700 5.900 10.100 5.500 9.700 5.500 9.700 DATE + DATE - Comparison of specified date LDDT = Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status When not executed Application Comparison of specified ANDDT= date Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 11.400 6.500 10.700 6.500 10.700 7.200 11.400 6.500 10.700 6.500 10.700 5.700 9.900 5.300 9.300 5.300 9.300 5.700 9.900 5.300 9.300 5.300 9.300 of specified ORDT= date Comparison of current date Comparison of specified date LDDT <> Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 0.008 8 8 A 6 7 8 0.038 7.200 When not executed Comparison 0.038 8 0.038 0.038 7.400 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 7.400 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 5.900 10.000 5.400 9.600 5.400 9.600 5.900 10.000 5.400 9.600 5.400 9.600 7.400 11.400 6.800 10.900 6.800 10.900 7.400 11.600 6.800 10.900 6.800 10.900 5.900 10.000 5.500 9.700 5.500 9.700 5.900 10.100 5.500 9.700 5.500 9.700 App-103 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU instruction 0.008 8 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU Min. When not executed Comparison of specified ANDDT<> date Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status Comparison of specified ORDT<> date Comparison of current date Comparison of specified Application instruction date LDDT> Comparison of current date status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status of specified ANDDT> date Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status Comparison of specified ORDT> date Comparison of current date App-104 status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status Min. Max. 0.038 Max. 0.038 11.400 6.500 10.700 6.500 10.700 7.200 11.400 6.500 10.700 6.500 10.700 5.700 9.900 5.300 9.300 5.300 9.300 5.700 9.900 5.300 9.300 5.300 9.300 0.008 0.038 0.038 7.400 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 7.400 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 5.900 10.000 5.400 9.600 5.400 9.600 5.900 10.000 5.400 9.600 5.400 9.600 7.400 11.400 6.800 10.900 6.800 10.900 7.400 11.600 6.800 10.900 6.800 10.900 5.900 10.000 5.500 9.700 5.500 9.700 5.900 10.100 5.500 9.700 5.500 9.700 0.008 0.038 0.038 7.200 11.400 6.500 10.700 6.500 10.700 7.200 11.400 6.500 10.700 6.500 10.700 5.700 9.900 5.300 9.300 5.300 9.300 5.700 9.900 5.300 9.300 5.300 9.300 When not executed In conductive Min. 7.200 When not executed Comparison Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU 0.008 When not executed In conductive Max. Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU 0.008 0.038 0.038 7.400 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 7.400 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 5.900 10.000 5.400 9.600 5.400 9.600 5.900 10.000 5.400 9.600 5.400 9.600 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Comparison of specified date LDDT<= Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status Q03UD(E)CPU of specified ANDDT<= date Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 7.400 11.400 6.800 10.900 6.800 10.900 7.400 11.600 6.800 10.900 6.800 10.900 5.900 10.000 5.500 9.700 5.500 9.700 5.900 10.100 5.500 9.700 5.500 9.700 0.008 Comparison of specified ORDT<= date Comparison of current date instruction Comparison of specified date LDDT< Comparison of current date In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 11.400 6.500 10.700 6.500 10.700 7.200 11.400 6.500 10.700 6.500 10.700 5.700 9.900 5.300 9.300 5.300 9.300 5.700 9.900 5.300 9.300 5.300 9.300 0.008 of specified ANDDT< date Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 7.400 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 5.900 10.000 5.400 9.600 5.400 9.600 5.900 10.000 5.400 9.600 5.400 9.600 7.400 11.400 6.800 10.900 6.800 10.900 7.400 11.600 6.800 10.900 6.800 10.900 5.900 10.000 5.500 9.700 5.500 9.700 5.900 10.100 5.500 9.700 5.500 9.700 0.008 Comparison of specified ORDT< date Comparison of current date status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 0.038 0.038 7.200 11.400 6.500 10.700 6.500 10.700 7.200 11.400 6.500 10.700 6.500 10.700 5.700 9.900 5.300 9.300 5.300 9.300 5.700 9.900 5.300 9.300 5.300 9.300 0.008 0.038 8 8 8 A 6 7 0.038 11.500 When not executed In conductive 0.038 7.400 When not executed Comparison 0.038 8 0.038 7.400 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 7.400 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 5.900 10.000 5.400 9.600 5.400 9.600 5.900 10.000 5.400 9.600 5.400 9.600 App-105 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU Application status 0.038 7.200 When not executed In conductive Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. When not executed Comparison Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Comparison of specified date LDDT>= Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status Q03UD(E)CPU of specified ANDDT>= date Comparison of current date In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 7.400 11.400 6.800 10.900 6.800 10.900 7.400 11.600 6.800 10.900 6.800 10.900 5.900 10.000 5.500 9.700 5.500 9.700 5.900 10.100 5.500 9.700 5.500 9.700 0.008 Comparison of specified ORDT>= date Comparison of current date Application instruction Comparison of specified ciock LDTM= Comparison of current ciock status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status of specified ANDTM= ciock Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 6.500 10.700 6.500 10.700 7.200 11.400 6.500 10.700 6.500 10.700 5.700 9.900 5.300 9.300 5.300 9.300 5.700 9.900 5.300 9.300 5.300 9.300 0.008 Comparison of specified ORTM= ciock Comparison of current ciock App-106 status In nonconductive status In conductive status 0.038 0.038 7.400 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 7.400 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 5.900 10.000 5.400 9.600 5.400 9.600 5.900 10.000 5.400 9.600 5.400 9.600 7.300 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 7.300 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 5.800 9.900 5.400 9.500 5.400 9.500 5.800 9.900 5.400 9.500 5.400 9.500 0.008 0.038 0.038 7.000 11.500 6.300 10.800 6.300 10.800 7.000 11.500 6.300 10.800 6.300 10.800 5.500 9.900 5.100 9.500 5.100 9.500 5.500 9.900 5.100 9.500 5.100 9.500 When not executed In conductive 0.038 11.400 When not executed Comparison 0.038 7.200 When not executed In conductive Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. When not executed Comparison Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU 0.008 0.038 0.038 7.300 11.500 6.600 10.800 6.600 10.800 7.300 11.500 6.600 10.800 6.600 10.800 5.900 9.900 5.300 9.500 5.300 9.500 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Comparison of specified ciock LDTM<> Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status Q03UD(E)CPU of specified ANDTM<> ciock Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 7.300 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 7.300 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 5.800 9.900 5.400 9.500 5.400 9.500 5.800 9.900 5.400 9.500 5.400 9.500 0.008 Comparison of specified ORTM<> ciock Comparison of current ciock instruction Comparison of specified ciock LDTM> Comparison of current ciock In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 11.500 6.300 10.800 6.300 10.800 7.000 11.500 6.300 10.800 6.300 10.800 5.500 9.900 5.100 9.500 5.100 9.500 5.500 9.900 5.100 9.500 5.100 9.500 0.008 of specified ANDTM> ciock Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 6.600 10.800 6.600 10.800 7.300 11.500 6.600 10.800 6.600 10.800 5.900 9.900 5.300 9.500 5.300 9.500 5.900 9.900 5.300 9.500 5.300 9.500 7.300 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 7.300 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 5.800 9.900 5.400 9.500 5.400 9.500 5.800 9.900 5.400 9.500 5.400 9.500 0.008 Comparison of specified ORTM> ciock Comparison of current ciock status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 0.038 0.038 7.000 11.500 6.300 10.800 6.300 10.800 7.000 11.500 6.300 10.800 6.300 10.800 5.500 9.900 5.100 9.500 5.100 9.500 5.500 9.900 5.100 9.500 5.100 9.500 0.008 0.038 8 8 8 A 6 7 0.038 11.500 When not executed In conductive 0.038 7.300 When not executed Comparison 0.038 8 0.038 7.300 11.500 6.600 10.800 6.600 10.800 7.300 11.500 6.600 10.800 6.600 10.800 5.900 9.900 5.300 9.500 5.300 9.500 5.900 9.900 5.300 9.500 5.300 9.500 App-107 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU Application status 0.038 7.000 When not executed In conductive Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. When not executed Comparison Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Comparison of specified ciock LDTM<= Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status Q03UD(E)CPU of specified ANDTM<= ciock Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 7.300 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 7.300 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 5.800 9.900 5.400 9.500 5.400 9.500 5.800 9.900 5.400 9.500 5.400 9.500 0.008 Comparison of specified ORTM<= ciock Comparison of current ciock Application instruction Comparison of specified ciock LDTM< Comparison of current ciock status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status of specified ANDTM< ciock Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 6.300 10.800 6.300 10.800 7.000 11.500 6.300 10.800 6.300 10.800 5.500 9.900 5.100 9.500 5.100 9.500 5.500 9.900 5.100 9.500 5.100 9.500 0.008 Comparison of specified ORTM< ciock Comparison of current ciock App-108 status In nonconductive status In conductive status In nonconductive status 0.038 0.038 7.300 11.500 6.600 10.800 6.600 10.800 7.300 11.500 6.600 10.800 6.600 10.800 5.900 9.900 5.300 9.500 5.300 9.500 5.900 9.900 5.300 9.500 5.300 9.500 7.300 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 7.300 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 5.800 9.900 5.400 9.500 5.400 9.500 5.800 9.900 5.400 9.500 5.400 9.500 0.480 0.320 0.240 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 When not executed In conductive 0.038 11.500 When not executed Comparison 0.038 7.000 When not executed In conductive Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. When not executed Comparison Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU 0.480 0.320 0.240 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Comparison of specified ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status LDTM< Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status Q03UD(E)CPU of specified ANDTM< ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status Comparison of current ciock In conductive status In nonconductive status Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 7.300 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 7.300 11.500 6.700 10.800 6.700 10.800 5.800 9.900 5.400 9.500 5.400 9.500 5.800 9.900 5.400 9.500 5.400 9.500 0.480 Comparison of specified Application ORTM< instruction ciock of current S.DATE + In conductive status In nonconductive status 0.240 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 0.480 0.320 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 8.200 25.500 8.200 25.500 6.500 25.500 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 6.500 23.100 –– 9.250 51.000 9.250 51.000 9.250 51.000 No digit increase 16.800 75.400 16.800 75.400 16.800 75.400 75.400 Digit increase 16.800 75.400 16.800 75.400 16.800 17.600 75.300 17.600 75.300 17.600 75.300 Digit increase 16.900 75.300 16.900 75.300 16.900 75.300 PSTOP –– 82.200 199.000 82.200 199.000 82.200 199.000 POFF –– 82.600 198.000 82.600 198.000 82.600 198.000 PSCAN –– 83.600 200.000 83.600 200.000 83.600 200.000 WDT –– 2.900 12.000 2.900 12.000 2.900 12.000 DUTY –– 7.700 27.500 7.700 27.500 7.700 27.500 TIMCHK –– 5.350 24.500 5.350 24.500 5.350 24.500 File register of standard RAM 4.100 4.200 4.100 4.200 4.100 4.200 ZRRDB ZRWRB 8 8 8 A 6 7 0.240 No digit increase S.DATE - 8 File register of SRAM card –– –– –– –– –– –– File register of standard RAM 5.400 5.500 5.400 5.500 5.400 5.500 File register of SRAM card –– –– –– –– –– –– ADRSET –– 2.400 6.650 2.400 6.650 2.400 6.650 ZPUSH –– 9.200 20.500 9.200 20.500 9.200 20.500 ZPOP –– 9.000 15.500 9.000 15.500 9.000 15.500 App-109 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU S.DATERD In nonconductive status Comparison ciock status 0.320 8.200 When not executed In conductive Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. When not executed Comparison Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Q03UD(E)CPU Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 19.600 26.500 19.300 26.000 19.300 26.000 19.600 26.500 19.100 26.200 19.100 26.200 53.500 73.500 53.000 72.700 53.000 72.700 29.800 41.200 29.800 40.600 29.800 40.600 5.900 11.000 5.400 10.500 5.400 10.500 When mounting CC-Link module (Master station side) When mounting CC-Link module (Local station side) When mounting MELSECNET/H, S.ZCOM CC-Link IEcontroller network module(Control station side) When mounting MELSECNET/H, CC-Link IEcontroller network module(Normal station side) Application S.RTREAD instruction S.RTWRITE –– UNIRD n1 D n2 –– 6.700 11.100 6.000 10.400 6.000 10.400 n2 = 1 4.000 8.400 3.700 8.000 3.700 8.000 n2 = 16 12.500 17.000 12.200 16.600 12.200 16.600 29.800 53.000 29.500 52.300 29.500 52.300 Start 46.600 48.300 43.800 44.700 43.800 44.700 –– 3.300 6.800 2.600 6.000 2.600 6.000 11.300 16.800 9.200 15.100 9.200 15.100 120.700 127.100 61.000 68.600 61.000 68.600 11.200 16.700 9.400 15..600 9.400 15.600 180.700 187.100 165.000 172.600 165.000 172.600 11.100 6.000 10.400 6.000 10.400 TYPERD TRACE TRACER When standard RAM is used RBNOV S D n When SRAM card is used App-110 1 point 1000 points 1 point 1000 points SP.FWRITE –– 6.700 SP.FREAD –– 5.900 11.000 5.400 10.500 5.400 10.500 SP.DEVST –– 4.500 36.500 4.000 34.500 4.000 34.500 S.DEVLD –– 11.000 17.800 10.000 17.000 10.000 17.000 Processing Time (µs) Category Instruction Condition (Device) Writing to host S.TO n1 n2 n3 n4 CPU shared D memory Writing to host TO n1 n2 CPU shared n3 S memory Writing to host DTO n1 n2 CPU shared n3 S memory Multiple Reading from CPU host CPU shared dedicated instruction memory FROM n1 n2 D n3 Reading from n3 DP.DDWR n D.DDRD n 34.700 34.900 33.500 34.400 33.500 34.400 n4 = 320 85.900 87.600 75.200 75.500 75.200 75.500 n3 = 1 4.700 23.800 5.200 23.300 5.200 23.300 n3 = 320 57.500 76.200 47.100 64.500 47.100 64.500 n3 = 1 5.300 23.800 5.800 23.300 5.800 23.300 n3 = 320 111.300 128.400 91.500 108.500 91.500 108.500 n3 = 1 5.000 23.800 4.300 23.300 4.300 23.300 n3 = 320 51.400 65.600 44.400 60.700 44.400 60.700 n3 = 1 11.600 17.700 10.600 13.900 10.600 13.900 142.000 149.000 142.000 149.000 422.000 448.000 422.000 448.000 Reading from n3 = 1 5.200 23.800 5.600 23.300 5.600 23.300 n3 = 320 96.400 113.200 83.600 100.800 83.600 100.800 n3 = 1 12.900 20.800 12.200 17.100 12.200 17.100 other CPU n3 = 320 277.000 299.000 274.000 291.000 274.000 291.000 shared memory n3 = 1000 838.000 860.000 835.000 857.000 835.000 857.000 n=1 34.700 34.900 33.500 34.400 33.500 34.400 n=16 85.900 87.600 75.200 75.500 75.200 75.500 n=96 5.600 10.200 3.300 9.900 3.300 9.900 D1 D2 Reads devices from another CPU. DP.DDRD n S1 S2 D1 D2 n4 = 1 463.000 D1 D2 instruction Max. 160.000 sion dedicated Min. 431.000 transmisS1 S2 Max. n=1 36.700 42.400 34.300 39.200 34.300 39.200 n=16 5.000 12.100 3.100 10.500 3.100 10.500 n=96 59.100 66.800 55.300 65.100 55.300 65.100 n=1 3.300 12.700 2.400 9.600 2.400 9.600 n=16 50.900 64.400 45.200 48.200 45.200 48.200 n=96 11.600 17.700 10.600 13.900 10.600 13.900 n=1 142.000 160.000 142.000 149.000 142.000 149.000 n=16 431.000 463.000 422.000 448.000 422.000 448.000 n=96 6.700 12.600 2.800 9.900 2.800 9.900 Remark the instructions for which a rise execution instruction ( P) is not specified, the processing time is the same as an ON execution instruction. Example WORDP instruction and TOP instruction App-111 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU speed Min. 142.000 Writes devices to another CPU. S1 S2 Max. n3 = 320 D.DDWR n S1 S2 D1 D2 CPU high- Min. n3 = 1000 Reading from Multiple Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q26UD(E)HCPU other CPU memory D Q04/ Q06UD(E)HCPU shared memory host CPU shared DFRO n1 n2 Q03UD(E)CPU (2) Table of the time to be added when file register, module access device or link direct device is used (a) When using Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPUI, Q01UCPU and Q02UCPU Device name data Bit When standard RAM is used Word Double word When SRAM File register (R) card is used (Q2MEM-1MBS, Q2MEM-2MBS) When SRAM card is used (Q3MEM-4MBS, Q3MEM-8MBS) Bit Word Double word Bit Word Double word Bit When standard RAM is used Word Double word When SRAM File register (ZR) card is used (Q2MEM-1MBS, Q2MEM-2MBS) When SRAM card is used (Q3MEM-4MBS, Q3MEM-8MBS) Bit Word Double word Bit Word Double word Bit Module access device (Un\G , U3En\G0 to G4095) Word Double word Bit Link direct device (Jn\ ) Word Double word App-112 Processing Time (µs) Device Specification Location Q00UJCPU Q00UCPU Q01UCPU Source 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Destination 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Q02UCPU Source 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Destination 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Source 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.200 Destination 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.200 Source –– –– –– 0.220 Destination –– –– –– 0.180 Source –– –– –– 0.220 Destination –– –– –– 0.180 Source –– –– –– 0.440 Destination –– –– –– 0.380 Source –– –– –– 0.160 Destination –– –– –– 0.140 Source –– –– –– 0.160 Destination –– –– –– 0.140 Source –– –– –– 0.320 Destination –– –– –– 0.300 Source 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.120 Destination 0.120 0.120 0.120 Source 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.120 Destination 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.120 Source 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.220 Destination 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.220 Source –– –– –– 0.240 Destination –– –– –– 0.200 Source –– –– –– 0.240 Destination –– –– –– 0.200 Source –– –– –– 0.460 Destination –– –– –– 0.400 Source –– –– –– 0.180 Destination –– –– –– 0.160 Source –– –– –– 0.180 Destination –– –– –– 0.160 Source –– –– –– 0.340 Destination –– –– –– 0.320 Source –– –– –– 12.000 Destination –– –– –– 17.300 Source –– –– –– 9.700 Destination –– –– –– 33.000 Source –– –– –– 24.200 Destination –– –– –– 34.800 Source –– –– –– 32.900 Destination –– –– –– 67.300 Source –– –– –– 37.200 Destination –– –– –– 37.000 Source –– –– –– 39.500 Destination –– –– –– 41.900 (b) When using Q03UD(E)CPU, Q04UD(E)HCPU, Q06UD(E)HCPU, Q10UD(E)HCPU, Q13UD(E)HCPU, Q20UD(E)HCPU and Q26UD(E)HCPU Device name data Bit When standard RAM is used Word Double word When SRAM File register (R) card is used (Q2MEM-1MBS, Q2MEM-2MBS) When SRAM card is used (Q3MEM-4MBS, Q3MEM-8MBS) Bit Word Double word Bit Word Double word Bit When standard RAM is used Word Double word File rExtended Extended link register (W)) egister (ZR) card is used (Q2MEM-1MBS, Q2MEM-2MBS) When SRAM card is used (Q3MEM-4MBS, Q3MEM-8MBS) Bit Word Double word Bit Word Double word Bit Module access device (Un\G , U3En\G0 to G4095) Word Double word Bit Link direct device (Jn\ ) Word Double word Device Specification Q04/ Q10/Q13/Q20/ Q06UD(E)HCPU Q26UD(E)HCPU 0.100 0.048 0.048 Destination 0.100 0.038 0.038 Source 0.100 0.048 0.048 Destination 0.100 0.038 0.038 Source 0.200 0.095 0.095 Destination 0.200 0.086 0.086 Source 0.220 0.200 0.200 Destination 0.180 0.162 0.162 Location Q03UD(E)CPU Source Source 0.220 0.200 0.200 Destination 0.180 0.162 0.162 Source 0.440 0.399 0.399 Destination 0.380 0.361 0.361 Source 0.160 0.152 0.152 Destination 0.140 0.133 0.133 Source 0.160 0.152 0.152 Destination 0.140 0.133 0.133 Source 0.320 0.304 0.304 Destination 0.300 0.295 0.295 Source 0.120 0.057 0.057 Destination 0.120 0.048 0.048 Source 0.120 0.057 0.057 Destination 0.120 0.048 0.048 Source 0.220 0.105 0.105 Destination 0.220 0.095 0.095 Source 0.240 0.209 0.209 Destination 0.200 0.171 0.171 Source 0.240 0.209 0.209 Destination 0.200 0.171 0.171 Source 0.460 0.409 0.409 Destination 0.400 0.371 0.371 Source 0.180 0.162 0.162 Destination 0.160 0.143 0.143 Source 0.180 0.162 0.162 Destination 0.160 0.143 0.143 Source 0.340 0.314 0.314 Destination 0.320 0.304 0.304 Source 11.700 11.200 11.200 Destination 15.400 15.300 15.300 Source 9.460 9.410 9.410 Destination 19.000 19.000 19.000 Source 11.000 10.900 10.900 Destination 18.800 18.700 18.700 Source 32.700 31.300 31.300 Destination 52.300 29.900 29.900 Source 28.500 17.300 17.300 Destination 27.500 14.700 14.700 Source 30.300 18.100 18.100 Destination 30.600 15.700 15.700 App-113 8 8 8 8 A 6 7 8 Appendix1 OPERATION PROCESSING TIME Appendix 1.4 Operation Processing Time of Universal Model QCPU data register (D)/ When SRAM Processing Time (µs) Appendix 2 CPU PERFORMANCE COMPARISON Appendix 2.1 Comparison of Q with AnNCPU, AnACPU, and AnUCPU Appendix 2.1.1 Usable devices TableApp.2.1 Device Comparison Device name Number of I/O points*9 Number of I/O device points*8 QCPU 2048 points*1 Internal relay Step relay 8192 points*1 8192 points 2048 points*1 Latch relay Sequence program 8192 points Same with I/O devices points of each CPU Total 2048 points Total 8192 points 8192 points points*1 points*1 1024 1024 points*1 2048 points*1 Link relay 2048 points*1 1024 points 8192 points*1 2048 points 512 points*1 2048 points*1 2048 0 points*1 Retentive timers 512 points*1 Counter –– –– A1N: 256 points A2U: 512 points A2A: 512 points A2N: 512 points A2U-S1: 1024 points A2A-S1: 1024 points A2N-S1: 1024 points A3U: 2048 points A3A: 2048 points A3N: 2048 points –– –– A4U: 4096 points –– Edge relay Timer AnNCPU –– Annunciator Link special relay AnACPU *1 8192 points*1 2048 points*6 SFC AnUCPU Q02 Q02H Q06H Q12H Q25H Q02PH Q06PH Q12PH 4096 Q00J: 256 points Q00UJ: 256 points points Q25PH Q00U: 1024 points Q00: 1024 points Q12PRH Q01: 1024 points Q01U: 1024 points Q25PRH Q03UD(E) Q04UD(E)H Q06UD(E)H Q10UD(E)H Q13UD(E)H Q20UD(E)H Q26UD(E)H Q02U : 2048 points 1024 points*1 –– 2048 points 2048 points 256 points –– 8192 points 4096 points 56 points Total 2048 points 1024 points 1024 points Total 256 points 256 points Data register 11136 points*1 12288 points*1 8192 points 6144 points 1024 points Link register 2048 points*1 1024 points 8192 points*1 2048 points 8192 points 4096 points 56 points 1024 points Link special register Function input 16 points (FX0 to FXF)*7 Function output 16 points (FY0 to FYF)*7 2048 points 5 points (FD0 to FD4) 2048 points Special relay Function register Special register 1000 points 1000 points Link direct device Designated by J Intelligent function module device Index register Z Designated by U 10 points (Z0 to Z9) V*2 File register 32768 points/ block*5 (R0 to R32767) Accumulator*3 Nesting Pointer Interrupt pointers SFC blocks SFC transition devices Decimal constants Hexadecimal constants Real number constants*6 Character string App-114 –– –– 256 points –– 256 points \ –– \G –– 16 points (Z0 to Z15) 7 points (Z, Z1 to Z6) 1 point (Z) –– 7 points (V, V1 to V6) 1 point (V) 32768 points/block(R0 to R32767)*10 8192 points/block(R0 to R8191) –– 300 points 128 points 126*6 –– E± 15 points 512 points 4096 points 128 points 256 points 320 points 512 points K - 2147483648 toK2147483647 H0 to HFFFFFFFF 1.17550-38 to E ± 3.40282+38 "QnACPU", "ABCD"*4 2 points 8 points 256 points 32 points –– –– –– –– *1 *2 *3 : The number of device points can be changed at the parameters. : QCPU uses V as an edge relay. : Instructions that used accumulators with the AnNCPU, AnACPU, and AnUCPU have different formats with the QCPU. *4 : Can only be used by the $MOV instruction with the Q00JCPU, Q00CPU, and Q01CPU. *5 : The Q00JCPU does not have file registers. *6 : Applicable to products with the first 5 digits of the serial number 04122 or higher (Q00JCPU, Q00CPU, and QCPU). *7 : Each 5 points of FX0 to FX4 and FY0 to FY4 can be used on the programs. *8 : The number of points that can be used on the programs *9 : The number of accessible points to actual I/O modules *10 : The Q00UJCPU does not have file registers.%ParaEnd% Appendix 2.1.2 I/O control mode 8 8 8 8 TableApp.2.2 I/O Control Mode I/O control mode QCPU AnUCPU AnACPU AnNCPU Partial refresh instructions Direct Dedicated instruction*1 I/O method Direct access input –– –– –– Direct access output –– –– –– –– –– Direct mode –– *2 6 –– –– *1 *2 Symbol in table : Usable, ––: Unusable : The DOUT, DSET, and SRST instructions are direct output dedicated instructions. There are no dedicated instructions for direct input. : Switching between the refresh mode and direct mode is conducted with an AnNCPU DIP switch. Data that can be used by instructions TableApp.2.3 Data That Can Be Used by Instruction Setting Data QCPU AnUCPU AnACPU AnNCPU –– –– –– Bit device Word data Word device Bit device (Bit specification required) (Digit specification required) (Digit (Digit (Digit specification specification specification required) required) required) Word device Double word data Bit device (Digit specification required) (Digit (Digit (Digit specification specification specification required) required) required) Word device Real number data *1 Character string data *2 *1 *2 –– –– –– Symbols in table : Applicable to products with the first 5 digits of the serial number 04122 or higher (Q00JCPU, Q00CPU, and Q01CPU). : Usable with only the MOV instruction for the Q00JCPU, Q00CPU, and Q01CPU. –– : Usable, –– : Unusable App-115 7 8 Appendix2 CPU PERFORMANCE COMPARISON Appendix 2.1 Comparison of Q with AnNCPU, AnACPU, and AnUCPU Appendix 2.1.3 Bit data A *2 Refresh mode Appendix 2.1.4 Timer comparison TableApp.2.4 Timer Comparison Function QCPU Measurement unit Change of measurement unit at the parameter is enabled. QCPU Low speed timer AnUCPU AnACPU AnNCPU 100ms (default value) Fixed at 100ms : 1 to 1000ms (1ms unit) K100 T0 Designation method K100 T0 10ms (default value) Change of measurement unit at the parameter is enabled. Measurement unit QnUCPU : 0.01 to 100ms (0.01ms unit) Fixed at 10ms QCPU(Other than QnUCPU) : 0.1 to 100ms (0.1ms unit) High speed timer High speed timer specification H T0 Designation method K100 T200 K100 High speed timer setting: Conducted by sequence program Measurement unit Retentive timers Same measurement unit as low speed timer Designation unit K100 T0 Same measurement unit as high speed timer High speed timer specification High speed retentive timer Fixed at 100ms K100 ST0 method Measurement High speed timer setting: Conducted at parameters H K100 ST0 Designation None method High speed timer setting: Conducted by sequence program Setting range for set values Processing for set value 0 Index modification 1 to 32767 1 to 32767 Momentarily ON No maximum (does not time out) Contact Enabled (only Z0 and Z1 are usable) Enabled Disabled Coil Enabled (only Z0 and Z1 are usable) Disabled Disabled Enabled (Z0 to Z15 are usable)*1 Disabled Disabled Present value Enabled (Z0 to Z15 are usable)*1 Enabled Enabled Set value Update processing for present value Contact ON/OFF processing *1 When OUT Tn instruction is executed When END processing is done : The Q00J/Q00/Q01CPU can use Z0 to Z9. The Universal model QCPU can use Z0 to Z19. (1) Cautions on using timers QCPU updates the present value of timers and turns ON/OFF the contacts of them at the execution of OUT T instruction. Therefore, if "Present value Set value" when the timer coil is turned ON, the contact of that timer is turned ON. When creating a program in which the operation of the timer contact triggers the operation of another timer, create the program for the timer that operates later first. In the following cases, all timers go ON at the same scan if the program is created in the order the timers operate. • With high speed timers, if the set value is smaller than a scan time. • With slow timers, if "1" is set. App-116 Example 8 • For timers T0 to T2, the program is created in the order the timer operates later. T1 T0 X0 K1 T2 T2 timer starts measurement from the next scan after turning the contact of T1 ON. K1 T1 T1 timer starts measurement from the next scan after turning the contact of T0 ON. K1 T0 T0 timer starts measurement when X0 is turned ON. 8 8 8 • For timers T0 to T2, the program is created in the order of timer operation. X0 K1 T0 T0 A T0 timer starts measurement when X0 is turned ON. K1 T1 T1 6 Contacts of T1 and T2 timers are turned ON when contact of T0 is turned ON. K1 T2 7 Appendix 2.1.5 Comparison of counters 8 TableApp.2.5 Comparison of Counters Function QCPU AnACPU AnNCPU K100 C0 Contact • Enabled (only Z0 and Z1 are usable) • Enabled • Disabled Coil • Enabled (only Z0 and Z1 are usable) • Disabled • Disabled Set value • Disabled • Disabled • Disabled • Enabled (Z0 to Z15 are usable)*1 • Enabled • Enabled • When OUT Cn instruction is executed • When END processing is done Present value Update processing for present value Contact ON/OFF processing *1: The Q00J/Q00/Q01CPU can use Z0 to Z9. The Universal model QCPU can use Z0 to Z19. Appendix 2.1.6 Comparison of display instructions TableApp.2.6 Comparison of Display Instructions Instruction QCPU • When SM701 is OFF: Output continued until PR*1 00H encountered • When SM701 is ON: 16 characters output AnUCPU AnACPU AnNCPU • When M9049 is OFF: Output continued until 00H encountered • When M9049 is ON: 16 characters output • When SM701 is OFF: 32-character comment PRC*1 output • When SM701 is ON: Upper 16 characters 16-character comment output output *1: Unusable for the Q00J/Q00/Q01CPU. App-117 Appendix2 CPU PERFORMANCE COMPARISON Appendix 2.1 Comparison of Q with AnNCPU, AnACPU, and AnUCPU K100 C0 Designation method Index modification AnUCPU Appendix 2.1.7 Instructions whose designation format has been changed (Except dedicated instructions for AnACPU and AnUCPU) Because the QCPU does not have accumulators (A0, A1), the format of AnUCPU, AnACPU and AnNCPU instructions that used accumulators has been changed. TableApp.2.7 Instructions Whose Expression Has Changed QCPU Function Instruction Format ROR D n 16-bit rotation to right n ROL D n • D : Rotation data ROL n RCL D n • D : Rotation data • SM700 is used for carry flag. RCL n DROR D n • D : Rotation data DROR n DRCR D • D : Rotation data • SM700 is used for carry flag. DRCR n DROL D n • D : Rotation data DROL n DRCL D • D : Rotation data • SM700 is used for carry flag. DRCL n n n SER 32-bit data search DSER S1 S2 D n S1 S2 D n SUM S D DSUM S D Partial refresh RFS D n 8-character ASCII conversion $MOV (Character string) D Carry flag set SET SM700 Carry flag reset RST SM700 data bit check 16-bit data bit check Jump to END instruction n RCR 16-bit data search 16-bit ROR • D : Rotation data • SM700 is used for carry flag. 32-bit rotation to left • D : Rotation data D n 32-bit rotation to right GOEND CHKST CHK instruction*1 • Search results are stored at the D and D+1 devices. • Search results are stored at the D and D+1 devices. • Check results are stored at the D device. • Check results are stored at the D device. • Dedicated instruction is added. –– • No dedicated instruction • No dedicated instruction • Dedicated instruction is added. • The CHKST instruction is added. CHK *1: Unusable for the Q00J/Q00/Q01CPU. App-118 Instruction Format RCR 16-bit rotation to left AnUCPU/AnACPU/AnNCPU Remarks Remarks • Rotation data are set at A0. • Rotation data are set at A0. • M9012 is used for carry flag. • Rotation data are set at A0. • Rotation data are set at A0. • M9012 is used for carry flag. • Rotation data are set at A0 and A1. • Rotation data are set at A0 and A1. • M9012 is used for carry flag. • Rotation data are set at A0 and A1. • Rotation data are set at A0 and A1. • M9012 is used for carry flag. SER S1 S2 n • Search results are stored at A0 and A1. DSER S1 S2 n • Search results are stored at A0 and A1. SUM S • Check results are stored at A0. DSUM S • Check results are stored at A0. SEG D n ASC (Character string) D • Only when M9052 is ON –– STC –– CLC –– CJ P255 • P255: END instruction designation CJ Pn –– P254 CHK Appendix 2.1.8 AnACPU and AnUCPU dedicated instructions 8 (1) Method of expression of dedicated instructions Dedicated instructions based on the LEDA, LEDB, LEDC, SUB, and LEDR instructions, that are used with the AnACPU or AnUCPU have been changed for the same format as the basic instructions and the application instructions for the QCPU. The instructions that cannot be converted due to the absence of the corresponding instructions in the QCPU are converted into OUT SM1255/OUT SM999 (for the Q00J/Q00/ Q01CPU). The instructions that have been converted into OUT SM1255/OUT SM999 should be replaced by other instructions or deleted. 8 8 8 TableApp.2.8 Method of Expression of Dedicated Instruction QCPU AnUCPU/AnACPU Command LEDA(B) Command Instruction name S D n A Instruction name LEDC/SUB S LEDC/SUB D LEDC/SUB n 6 7 LEDR : S, D, and n indicate data used by instructions. 8 (2) Dedicated instructions whose names have been changed TableApp.2.9 Method of Expression of Dedicated Instruction QCPU AnUCPU/AnACPU Floating point addition Function E+ ADD Floating point subtraction E SUB Floating point multiplication E* MUL Floating point division E/ DIV Data dissociation NDIS DIS Data association NUNI UNI CHKCIR,CHKEND CHK, CHKEND Updating check patterns App-119 Appendix2 CPU PERFORMANCE COMPARISON Appendix 2.1 Comparison of Q with AnNCPU, AnACPU, and AnUCPU Dedicated instructions for the AnUCPU or AnACPU which have the same instruction name as is used for basic instructions and application instructions have undergone name changes in the QCPU. Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST Special relays, SM, are internal relays whose applications are fixed in the Programmable Controller. For this reason, they cannot be used by sequence programs in the same way as the normal internal relays. However, they can be turned ON or OFF as needed in order to control the CPU module. The heading descriptions in the following special relay lists are shown in 3.1. TableApp.3.1 Explanation of special relay list Item Function of Item Number • Indicates special register number Name • Indicates name of special relay Meaning • Indicates contents of special relay Explanation • Discusses contents of special relay in more detail • Indicates whether the relay is set by the system or user, and, if it is set by the system, when setting is performed.
S : Set by system U : Set by user (sequence programs or test operations from GX Developer) S/U : Set by both system and user Set by (When set) Indicated only for registers set by system Each END : Set during each END processing Initial : Set only during initial processing (when power supply is turned ON, or when going from STOP Status change : Set only when there is a change in status Error : Set when error occurs to RUN) Instruction execution : Set when instruction is executed Request : Set only when there is a user request (through SM, etc.) System switching : Set when system switching is executed. • Indicates the corresponding special relay (M9 ) of the ACPU. Corresponding (When the contents are changed, the special relay is represented M9 ACPU M9 Q00J/Q00/Q01 and QnPRH.) format change. Incompatible with the • New indicates the special relay newly added to the Q series CPU module. Indicates the corresponding CPU module type name. QCPU : Indicates all the Q series CPU modules. Q00J/Q00/Q01 : Indicates the Basic model QCPU. Corresponding Qn(H) : Indicates the High Performance model QCPU. CPU QnPH : Indicates the Process CPU. QnPRH : Indicates the Redundant CPU. QnU : Indicates the Universal model QCPU Each CPU module model name: Indicates the relevant specific CPU module. (Example: Q02U) For details on the following items, refer to the following manuals: • Networks Manual of the corresponding network module • SFC QCPU(Q mode)/QnACPU Programming Manual (SFC) POINT Do not change the values of special relays set by the system with user program or device test operations. Doing so may result in system downtime or communication fault. App-120 (1) Diagnostic Information 8 TableApp.3.2 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM0 SM1 Diagnostic errors Self-diagnostic error OFF : No error ON : Error OFF : No self-diagnosis errors ON : Self-diagnosis • Turns ON if an error occurs as a result of diagnosis. (Includes when an annunciator is ON, and when an error is detected with CHK instruction) • Remains ON even if the condition is restored to normal thereafter. S (Error) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH • Turns ON if an error occurs as a result of diagnosis. (Includes when an annunciator is ON) • Remains ON even if the condition is restored to normal thereafter. S (Error) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 QnU • Turns ON if an error occurs as a result of diagnosis. (Does not include when an annunciator is ON or when an error is detected by the CHK instruction) • Remains ON even if the condition is restored to normal thereafter. S (Error) M9008 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH • Turns ON if an error occurs as a result of diagnosis. (Does not include when an annunciator is ON) • Remains ON even if the condition is restored to normal thereafter. S (Error) New Error common information OFF : No error common information ON : Error common information • When SM0 is ON, turns ON if there is error common information S (Error) New SM16 Error individual information OFF : No error individual information ON : Error individual information • When SM0 is ON, turns ON if there is error individual information S (Error) New SM50 Error reset OFF • Conducts error reset operation SM51 SM53 Battery low AC/DC DOWN detection OFF : Normal ON : Battery low OFF : Normal ON : Battery low OFF : AC/DC DOWN not detected ON : AC/DC DOWN detected U New • Turns ON if battery voltage at CPU module or memory card drops below rated value. • Remains ON even if the battery voltage returns to normal thereafter. • Synchronizes with the BAT. LED. S (Error) M9007 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU • Turns ON if battery voltage at CPU module drops below rated value. • Remains ON even if the battery voltage returns to normal thereafter. • Synchronous with ERR. LED S (Error) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 • Same as SM51, but turns OFF subsequently when battery voltage returns to normal. S (Error) M9006 S (Error) M9005 • Turns ON if an instantaneous power failure of within 10ms occurs during use of the DC power supply module. Reset when the power supply is switched OFF, then ON. A Q00J/Q00/Q01 QnU QCPU • Turns ON if an instantaneous power failure of within 20ms occurs during use of the AC power supply module. Reset when the power supply is switched OFF, then ON. 8 QCPU App-121 7 8 Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST SM52 Battery low latch 8 8 SM5 ON: Error reset 8 TableApp.3.2 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM56 SM60 Operation error OFF : Normal ON : Operation error • ON when operation error is generated • Remains ON if the condition is restored to normal thereafter. S (Error) M9011 Blown fuse detection OFF : Normal ON : Module with blown fuse • Turns ON if there is at least one output module whose fuse has blown. • Remains ON if the condition is restored to normal thereafter. • Blown fuse status is checked even for remote I/O station output modules. S (Error) M9000 S (Error) M9002 QCPU SM61 I/O module verify error OFF : Normal ON : Error • Turns ON if the I/O module differs from the status registered at power on. • Remains ON if the condition is restored to normal thereafter. • I/O module verification is also conducted for remote I/O station modules. SM62 Annunciator detection OFF : Not detected ON : Detected • Goes ON if even one annunciator (F) goes ON. S (Instruction execution) M9009 SM80 CHK detection OFF : Not detected ON : Detected • Goes ON if error is detected by CHK instruction. • Remains ON if the condition is restored to normal thereafter. S (Instruction execution) New SM90 Corresponds to SD90 M9108 SM91 Corresponds to SD91 M9109 SM92 Corresponds to SD92 M9110 SM93 Corresponds to SD93 SM94 Corresponds to SD94 SM95 Startup of monitoring timer for step transition (Enabled only when SFC program exists) OFF : Not started(monitoring timer reset) ON : Started(monitoring timer started) Corresponds to SD95 M9111 • Goes ON when measurement of step transition monitoring timer is commenced. • Resets step transition monitoring timer when it goes OFF. M9112 U M9113 SM96 Corresponds to SD96 M9114 SM97 Corresponds to SD97 New SM98 Corresponds to SD98 New SM99 Corresponds to SD99 New SM100 Serial communication function using flag OFF : Serial communication function is not used. ON : Serial communication function is used. • Stores the setting of whether the serial communication function is used or not in the serial communication setting parameter S (Power-ON or reset) SM101 Communication protocol status flag OFF : GX Developer ON : MC protocol communication device • Stores whether the device that is communicating via the RS-232 interface is GX Developer or MC protocol communication device S (RS232 communication) SM110 Protocol error OFF : Normal ON : Abnormal • Turns ON when an abnormal protocol was used to make communication in the serial communication function. • Remains ON if the condition is restored to normal thereafter S (Error) S (Error) U SM111 Communication status OFF : Normal ON : Abnormal • Turns ON when the mode used to make communication was different from the setting in the serial communication function. • Remains ON if the condition is restored to normal thereafter. SM112 Error information clear ON : Cleared • Turns ON when the error codes stored in SM110, SM111, SD110 and SD111 are cleared. (Activated when turned from OFF to ON) SM113 Overrun error OFF : Normal ON : Abnormal • Turns ON when an overrun error occurred in the serial communication error. S (Error) SM114 Parity error OFF : Normal ON : Abnormal • Turns ON when a parity error occurred in the serial communication error. S (Error) SM115 Framing error OFF : Normal ON : Abnormal • Turns ON when a framing error occurred in the serial communication error. S (Error) OFF : Completed ON : Not being executed or Not completed • Turns ON when the data is written to the program cache memory. • Turns OFF when the program memory batch transfer is completed. • Remains ON if the program memory batch transfer is not executed after the data is written to the program cache memory. S (When status changed) SM165 Program memory batch transfer execution status *6: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10012" or later. • Q13UDHCPU, Q26UDHCPU *7: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10102" or later. App-122 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH Q00/Q01 Q00UJ Q00U Q01U Q02U*7 New QnU*6 (2) System information TableApp.3.3 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU 8 Corresponding CPU M9 SM202 LED OFF command OFF ON : LED OFF • When this relay goes from OFF to ON, the LEDs corresponding to the individual bits at SD202 go off U New SM203 STOP contact STOP status • Goes ON at STOP status S (Status change) M9042 SM204 PAUSE contact PAUSE status • Goes ON at PAUSE status S (Status change) M9041 SM206 PAUSE enable coil OFF : PAUSE disabled ON : PAUSE enabled • PAUSE status is entered if this relay is ON when the PAUSE contact goes ON U M9040 SM210 Clock data set request OFF : Ignored ON : Set request • When this relay goes from OFF to ON and after END instruction execution of subsequent scan, clock data stored in SD210 to SD213 are written to the CPU module. U M9025 SM211 Clock data error OFF : No error ON : Error • ON when error is generated in clock data (SD210 to SD213) value, and OFF if no error is detected. S (Request) M9026 SM213 Clock data read request OFF : Ignored ON : Read request • When this relay is ON, clock data is read to SD210 to SD213 as BCD values. U M9028 SM220 CPU No.1 preparation completed OFF : CPU No.1 preparation uncompleted ON : CPU No.1 preparation completed Turned ON when access can be made to the CPU module No.1 from the other CPU module at power-on or reset operation. SM220 is used as interlock for accessing the CPU module No.1 when the multiple CPU synchronous setting is asynchronous. SM221 CPU No.2 preparation completed OFF : CPU No.2 preparation uncompleted ON : CPU No.2 preparation completed Turned ON when access can be made to the CPU module No.2 from the other CPU module at power-on or reset operation. SM221 is used as interlock for accessing the CPU module No.2 when the multiple CPU synchronous setting is asynchronous. Turned ON when access can be made to the CPU module No.3 from the other CPU module at power-on or reset operation. SM222 is used as interlock for accessing the CPU module No.3 when the multiple CPU synchronous setting is asynchronous. Turned ON when access can be made to the CPU module No.4 from the other CPU module at power-on or reset operation. SM223 is used as interlock for accessing the CPU module No.4 when the multiple CPU synchronous setting is asynchronous. Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU QCPU 8 8 8 A QnU 8 7 S (When status changed) New SM222 CPU No.3 preparation completed OFF : CPU No.3 preparation uncompleted ON : CPU No.3 preparation completed SM223 CPU No.4 preparation completed OFF : CPU No.4 preparation uncompleted ON : CPU No.4 preparation completed SM235 Online module change flag OFF : Online module change is not in progress ON : Online module change in progress • Turns on during online module change. (for host CPU) SM236 Online module change complete flag OFF : Online module change incomplete ON : Online module change complete • Turns ON for one scan after online module change is complete. • This contact point can only be used by the scan program. (for host CPU) S (When online module change is complete) New SM237 Device range check inhibit flag OFF : Device range checked ON : Device range not checked • Selects whether to check a device range during execution of the BMOV, FMOV or DFMOV instruction (only when the conditions for subset processing are established). U New QnU*8 8 QnU*5 New QnPH QnU*6 *5: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. *6: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10012" or later. • Q13UDHCPU, Q26UDHCPU *8: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. App-123 Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST S (During online module change) TableApp.3.3 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM240 SM241 SM242 SM243 SM244 SM245 No. 1 CPU reset flag OFF : No. 1 CPU reset cancel ON : No. 1 CPU resetting • Goes OFF when reset of the No. 1 CPU is canceled. • Comes ON when the No. 1 CPU is resetting (including the case where the CPU module is removed from the base). The other CPUs are also put in reset status. No. 2 CPU reset flag OFF : No. 2 CPU reset cancel ON : No. 2 CPU resetting • Goes OFF when reset of the No. 2 CPU is canceled. • Comes ON when the No. 2 CPU is resetting (including the case where the CPU module is removed from the base). The other CPUs result in "MULTI CPU DOWN" (error code: 7000). No. 3 CPU reset flag OFF : No. 3 CPU reset cancel ON : No. 3 CPU resetting • Goes OFF when reset of the No. 3 CPU is canceled. • Comes ON when the No. 3 CPU is resetting (including the case where the CPU module is removed from the base). The other CPUs result in "MULTI CPU DOWN" (error code: 7000). No. 4 CPU reset flag OFF : No. 4 CPU reset cancel ON : No. 4 CPU resetting • Goes OFF when reset of the No. 4 CPU is canceled. • Comes ON when the No. 4 CPU is resetting (including the case where the CPU module is removed from the base). The other CPUs result in "MULTI CPU DOWN" (error code: 7000). No. 1 CPU error flag OFF : No. 1 CPU normal ON : No. 1 CPU during stop error • Goes OFF when the No. 1 CPU is normal (including a continuation error). • Comes ON when the No. 1 CPU is during a stop error. No. 2 CPU error flag OFF : No. 2 CPU normal ON : No. 2 CPU during stop error • Goes OFF when the No. 2 CPU is normal (including a continuation error). • Comes ON when the No. 2 CPU is during a stop error. SM246 No. 3 CPU error flag OFF : No. 3 CPU normal ON : No. 3 CPU during stop error • Goes OFF when the No. 3 CPU is normal (including a continuation error). • Comes ON when the No. 3 CPU is during a stop error. SM247 No. 4 CPU error flag OFF : No. 4 CPU normal ON : No. 4 CPU during stop error • Goes OFF when the No. 4 CPU is normal (including a continuation error). • Comes ON when the No. 4 CPU is during a stop error OFF : Ignored ON : Read • When this relay goes from OFF to ON, maximum loaded I/O number is read to SD250. SM250 Max. loaded I/O read Q00/Q01*1 Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnU*8 S (Status change) New Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnU*5 Q00/Q01*1 Qn(H)*1 QnPH QnU*8 S (Status change) New QnU*5 U New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH • Effective for the batch refresh (also effective for the low speed cyclic) • Designate whether to receive arrival stations only or to receive all slave stations in the MELSECNET/H. SM254 All stations refresh command OFF : Refresh arrival station ON : Refresh all stations • Designate whether to receive arrival stations only or to receive all slave stations in the CC-Link IE controller network . • Effective for the batch refresh (also effective for the low speed cyclic) • Specify whether to receive only arrival station or all stations in the MELSECNET/H or CC-Link IE controller network. *1: This applies to the CPU of function version B or later. *2: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. *5: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. *6: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10042" or later. *8: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. App-124 Qn(H)*1 QnPH Qn(H)*2 U New QnPH*6 QnPRH*6 QnU TableApp.3.3 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 M9 SM255 OFF : Operative network ON : Standby network • Goes ON for standby network(If no designation has been made concerning active or standby, active is assumed.) OFF : Reads ON : Does not read New • For refresh from link to CPU module (B, W, etc.) indicate whether to read from the link module. U New OFF : Writes ON : Does not write • For refresh from CPU module to link (B, W, etc.), designate whether to write to the link module. U New OFF : Operative network ON : Standby network • Goes ON for standby network (If no designation has been made concerning active or standby, active is assumed.) S (Initial) New OFF : Reads ON : Does not read • For refresh from link to CPU module (B, W, etc.) indicate whether to read from the link module. U New SM262 OFF : Writes ON : Does not write • For refresh from CPU module to link (B, W, etc.), designate whether to write to the link module. U New SM265 OFF : Operative network ON : Standby network • Goes ON for standby network (If no designation has been made concerning active or standby, active is assumed.) S (Initial) New OFF : Reads ON : Does not read • For refresh from link to CPU module (B, W, etc.) indicate whether to read from the link module. U New OFF : Writes ON : Does not write • For refresh from CPU module to link (B, W, etc.), designate whether to write to the link module. U New OFF : Operative network ON : Standby network • Goes ON for standby network (If no designation has been made concerning active or standby, active is assumed.) S (Initial) New OFF : Reads ON : Does not read • For refresh from link to CPU module (B, W, etc.) indicate whether to read from the link module. U New OFF : Writes ON : Does not write • For refresh from CPU module to link (B, W, etc.), designate whether to write to the link module. U New OFF : Normal ON : Error • Goes ON when a CC-Link error is detected in any of the installed CC-Link module. Goes OFF when normal operation is restored. S (Status change) New U New S (Initial) M9100 SM256 SM257 SM260 SM261 SM266 MELSECNET/10, MELSECNET/H module 2 information MELSECNET/10, MELSECNET/H module 3 information SM267 SM270 SM271 MELSECNET/10, MELSECNET/H module 4 information SM272 SM280 CC-Link error SM315 Communication reserved time delay enable/disable flag OFF : Without delay ON : With delay • This flag is enabled when the time reserved for communication processing is set in SD315. • Turns ON to delay the END processing by the time set in SD315 in order to perform communication processing. (The scan time increases by the period set in SD315.) • Turns OFF to perform the END processing without a delay of the time set in SD315 when there is no communication processing. (Defaults to OFF) SM320 Presence/absence of SFC program OFF : SFC program absent ON : SFC program present • Turns ON when an SFC program is registered. • OFF when an SFC program is not registered. OFF : SFC program not executed (stop) ON : SFC program executed (start) • Initial value is set at the same value as SM320. (Goes ON automatically if SFC program is present.) • Turn this relay from ON to OFF to stop program execution. • Turn this relay from OFF to ON to resume program execution. SM321 Start/stop SFC program S (Initial)/U M9101form at change 8 8 8 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH A 8 7 8 Q00J/Q00/Q01 Q00J/Q00/Q01*1 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU *1: This applies to the CPU of function version B or later. App-125 Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST S (Initial) MELSECNET/10, MELSECNET/H module 1 information TableApp.3.3 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM322 SFC program start status OFF : Initial start ON : Resume start SM323 Presence/absence of continuous transition for entire block OFF : Continuous transition not effective ON : Continuous transition effective SM324 Continuous transition prevention flag OFF : When transition is executed ON : When no transition • The SFC program starting mode in the SFC setting of the PLC parameter dialog box is set as the initial value. AT initial start: OFF At continued start: ON S (Initial)/U M9102form at change Set the presence/absence of continuous transition for the block where "Continuous transition bit" of the SFC data device has not been set. U M9103 S (Instruction execution) M9104 S (Status change) New S (Initial)/U M9196 U New • OFF during operation in the continuous transition mode or during continuous transition, and ON when continuous transition is not executed. • Always ON during operation in the no continuous transition mode. SM325 Output mode at block stop OFF : OFF ON : Preserves Select whether the coil outputs of the active steps are held or not at the time of a block stop. • As the initial value, the output mode at a block stop in the parameter is OFF when the coil outputs are OFF, and ON when the coil outputs are held. • All coil outputs go OFF when this relay is OFF. • Coil outputs are preserved when this relay is ON. SM326 SFC device clear mode OFF : Clear device ON : Preserves device Selects the device status when the stopped CPU is run after the sequence program or SFC program has been modified when the SFC program exists. Output during end step execution OFF : Hold step output turned OFF (cleared) ON : Hold step output held Select the device status at the time of switching from STOP to program write to RUN.(All devices except the step relay) SM327 S (Initial)/U New Clear processing mode when end step is reached Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU Q00J/Q00/Q01*1 U SM328 Q00J/Q00/Q01*1 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU OFF : Clear processing is performed. ON : Clear processing is not performed. Select whether clear processing will be performed or not if active steps other than the ones being held exist in the block when the end step is reached.? • When this relay turns OFF, all active steps are forcibly terminated to terminate the block. • When this relay is ON, the execution of the block is continued as-is. • If active steps other than the ones being held do not exist when the end step is reached, the steps being held are terminated to terminate the block. U New Q00J/Q00/Q01*1 QnU Select whether the low speed execution type program will be executed in the asynchronous mode or in the synchronous mode. • Asynchronous mode (this relay is turned OFF.) Mode in which the operation of the low speed execution type program is performed continuously within the excess time. • Synchronous mode (this relay is turned ON.) Mode in which the operation of the low speed execution type program is not performed continuously and operation is performed from the next scan if there is excess time. U New Qn(H) QnPH S (Status change) New SM330 Operation mode for low speed execution type program OFF : Asynchronous mode ON : Synchronous mode SM331 Normal SFC program execution status OFF : Not executed ON : Being executed • Indicates whether the normal SFC program is being executed or not. • Used as an SFC control instruction execution interlock. Qn(H)*3 QnPH*4 QnPRH Program execution management SFC program execution status OFF : Not executed ON : Being executed • Indicates whether the program execution management SFC program is being executed or not. • Used as an SFC control instruction execution interlock. SM390 Access execution flag ON indicates completion of intelligent function module access • The status of the intelligent function module access instruction executed immediately before is stored. (This data is overwritten when the intelligent function module access instruction is executed again.) • Used by the user in a program as a completion bit. S (Status change) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH SM391 GINT instruction execution completion flag OFF : Not executed ON : Execution completed Indicates execution status of the S(P).GINT instruction. • Turned OFF before the instruction is executed. • Turned ON after the instruction is completed. S (Instruction execution) New QnU SM332 *1: This applies to the CPU of function version B or later. *3: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "04122" or later. *4: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "07032" or later. App-126 (3) System clocks/counters 8 TableApp.3.4 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM400 Always ON ON OFF Always OFF ON OFF • Normally is ON S (Every END processing) • Normally is OFF S (Every END processing) M9036 QCPU SM401 SM402 After RUN, ON for 1 scan only • After RUN, ON for 1 scan only. • This connection can be used for scan execution type programs only. • When an initial execution type program is used, this relay turns OFF at the END processing of the scan execution type program in the first scan after RUN. ON OFF 1 scan ON OFF Initial execution type program • After RUN, OFF for 1 scan only. • This connection can be used for scan execution type programs only. • When an initial execution type program is used, this relay turns OFF at the END processing of the scan execution type program in the first scan after RUN. SM403 After RUN, OFF for 1 scan only ON OFF 1 scan ON OFF Initial execution type program Low speed execution type programON for 1 scan only after RUN SM405 Low speed execution type programAfter RUN, OFF for 1 scan only ON OFF ON OFF SM409 0.01 second clock 0.005s SM410 0.1 second clock 0.05s SM411 0.2 second clock 0.1s SM412 1 second clock 0.5s SM413 2 second clock 1s SM414 2n second clock 0.5s S (Every END processing) ns Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU S (Every END processing) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 S (Every END processing) M9039 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU 1 scan of scan execution type program New 1 scan • After RUN, ON for 1 scan only. • This connection can be used for low speed execution type programs only. S (Every END processing) New 1 scan • After RUN, OFF for 1 scan only. • This connection can be used for low speed execution type programs only. S (Every END processing) New • Repeatedly changes between ON and OFF at 5-ms interval. • When Programmable Controller power supply is turned ON or a CPU module reset is performed, goes from OFF to start. (Note that the ON-OFF status changes when the designated time has elapsed during the execution of the program.) S (Status change) New Qn(H) QnPH Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU M9031 S (Status change) M9032 M9033 • This relay alternates between ON and OFF at intervals of the time (unit: s) specified in SD414. • When Programmable Controller power supply is turned ON or a CPU module reset is performed, goes from OFF to start. (Note that the ON-OFF status changes when the designated time has elapsed during the execution of the program.) 8 7 Q00J/Q00/Q01 M9030 • Repeatedly changes between ON and OFF at each designated time interval. • When Programmable Controller power supply is turned ON or a CPU module reset is performed, goes from OFF to start. (Note that the ON-OFF status changes when the designated time has elapsed during the execution of the program.) A 8 1s ns M9038 S (Every END processing) 0.05s 0.1s 8 • After RUN, OFF for 1 scan only. 0.005s 8 S (Status change) QCPU M9034form at change App-127 Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST SM404 M9037 1 scan of scan execution type program • After RUN, ON for 1 scan only. 8 TableApp.3.4 Special relay Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM415 2n (ms) clock SM420 User timing clock No.0 SM421 User timing clock No.1 SM422 User timing clock No.2 SM423 User timing clock No.3 SM424 User timing clock No.4 • This relay alternates between ON and OFF at intervals of the time (unit: ms) specified in SD415. • When Programmable Controller power supply is turned ON or a CPU module reset is performed, goes from OFF to start. (Note that the ON-OFF status changes when the designated time has elapsed during the execution of the program.) n(ms) n(ms) n2 scan n2 scan • Relay repeats ON/OFF switching at fixed scan intervals. • When Programmable Controller power supply is turned ON or a CPU module reset is performed, goes from OFF to start. (For the redundant CPU, however, this relay is always OFF after system switching.) • The ON/OFF intervals are set with the DUTY instruction DUTY n1 scan SM430 User timing clock No.5 SM431 User timing clock No.6 SM432 User timing clock No.7 SM433 User timing clock No.8 SM434 User timing clock No.9 n1 n2 S (Status change) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU M9020 M9021 M9022 M9023 S (Every END processing) QCPU M9024 SM420 n1: ON scan interval n2: OFF scan interval • For use with SM420 to SM424 low speed programs S (Every END processing) New Qn(H) QnPH (4) Scan information TableApp.3.5 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM510 Low speed program execution flag OFF : Completed or not executed ON : Execution under way. SM551 Reads module service interval OFF : Ignored ON : Read • Goes ON when low speed execution type program is executed. • When this relay goes from OFF to ON, the module service interval designated by SD550 is read to SD551 to SD552. S (Every END processing) New Qn(H) QnPH U New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU (5) I/O refresh TableApp.3.6 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Corresponding CPU M9 SM580 Program to program I/ O refresh OFF : Not refreshed ON : Refreshed *1: This applies to the CPU of function version B or later. App-128 • When this special relay is turned ON, I/O refresh is performed after execution of the first program, and the next program is then executed. When a sequence program and an SFC program are to be executed, the sequence program is executed, I/O refresh is performed, and the SFC program is then executed. U New Q00J/Q00/Q01*1 (6) Memory cards TableApp.3.7 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU 8 Corresponding CPU 8 M9 SM600 Memory card usable flags OFF : Unusable ON : Use enabled • ON when memory card is ready for use by user S (Status change) New SM601 Memory card protect flag OFF : No protect ON : Protect • Goes ON when memory card protect switch is ON S (Status change) New SM602 Drive 1 flag OFF : No drive 1 ON : Drive 1 present • Turns ON when the mounted memory card is RAM S (Status change) New SM603 Drive 2 flag OFF : No drive 2 ON : Drive 2 present • Turns ON when the mounted memory card is ROM S (Status change) New SM604 Memory card in-use flag OFF : Not used ON : In use • Goes ON when memory card is in use S (Status change) New SM605 Memory card remove/ insert prohibit flag OFF : Remove/insert enabled ON : Remove/insert prohibited • Goes ON when memory card cannot be inserted or removed SM609 Memory card remove/ insert enable flag OFF : Remove/insert prohibited ON : Remove/insert enabled • Turned ON by user to enable the removal/insertion of memory card. • Turned OFF by the system after the memory card is removed. • This contact can be used only when SM604 and SM605 are OFF. SM620 Drive 3/4 usable flags OFF : Unusable ON : Use enabled • Always ON Drive 3 flag OFF : No drive 3 ON : Drive 3 present SM622 • Always ON 8 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU*1 U 8 New A S/U New S (Initial) New S (Initial) New QCPU Q00J/Q00/Q01 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH 8 7 QnU*2 Drive 4 flag OFF : No drive 4 ON : Drive 4 present • Always ON SM624 Drive 3/4 in-use flag OFF : Not used ON : In use • Goes ON when the file within Drive 3 (standard RAM) or Drive 4 (standard ROM) is used. File register use OFF : File register not used ON : File register in use SM640 • Goes ON when file register is in use S (Initial) New QCPU S (Status change) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU S (Status change) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU*2 *1: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU. *2: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. App-129 8 Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST SM623 TableApp.3.7 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM650 SM660 Comment use Boot operation OFF : File register not used ON : File register in use • Goes ON when comment file is in use S (Status change) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU OFF : Internal memory execution ON : Boot operation in progress • Goes ON while boot operation is in process • Goes OFF if boot designation switch is OFF S (Status change) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH OFF : Program memory execution ON : Boot operation in progress • Goes ON while boot operation is in process S (Status change) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 QnU*1 SM671 Latch data backup to standard ROM completion flag OFF : Not completed ON : Completed • Turned ON when latch data backup to the standard ROM is completed. • Time when the latch data backup to the standard ROM was performed is stored in SD672 or later. S (Status change) New QnU SM672 Memory card file register access range flag OFF : Within access range ON : Outside access range • Goes ON when access is made to area outside the range of file register of memory card(Set within END processing.) • Reset at user program S/U New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH SM675 Error completion of latch data backup to standard ROM OFF : No Error ON : Error • Turned ON when data cannot be backuped to the standard ROM by the latch data backup normally. • Turned OFF when data is backuped to the standard ROM by the latch data backup normally. S New U New SM676 Specification of restration repeated execution OFF : Not specified ON : Specified • If latch data backup is performed when SM676 is ON, restore the data every time turning ON from OFF the power supply from the next power-on. • Delete the backuped latch data, or restore the data every time turning ON from OFF the power supply until the latch data backup operation will be executed again. SM680 Program memory write error OFF : Write error ON : Write not executed/ normal • Turns ON if a write error is detected at writing to program memory (flash ROM). Turns OFF by the write direction. S (At write) New SM681 Program memory writing flag OFF : During writing ON : Write not executed • Turns ON when writing to the program memory (flash ROM) is in progress, and turns OFF when writing is completed. S (At write) New SM682 Program memory overwrite count error flag OFF : Overwrite count is 100,000 or more ON : Overwrite count is less than 100,000 • Turns ON when the overwrite count of program memory (flash ROM) reaches 100,000. S (At write) New SM685 Standard ROM write error OFF : Write error ON : Write not executed/ normal • Turns ON when write error is detected at writing to standard ROM (flash ROM). • Turns OFF by the write direction. S (At write) New SM686 Standard ROM writing flag OFF : During overwriting ON : Overwrite not executed • Turns ON when writing to the standard ROM (flash ROM) is in progress, and turns OFF when writing is completed. S (At write) New SM687 Standard ROM overwrite count error flag OFF : Overwrite count is 100,000 or more ON : Overwrite count is less than 100,000 • Turns ON when the overwrite count of standard ROM (flash ROM) reaches 100,000. (It is necessary to change CPU module.) S (At write) New SM691 Backup start preparation status flag OFF : Backup start preparation not completed ON : Backup start preparation completed Turns on when the backup start preparation is completed. S (Status change) New Restoration complete flag OFF : Restoration not completed ON : Restoration completed Turns on when restoration of the backup data in the memory card is completed. SM692 QnU QnU*3 S (Status change) New *1: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU. *3: The modules whose serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later are the relevant models. (Except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU) App-130 (7) Instruction-Related Special Relays TableApp.3.8 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 M9 Carry flag OFF : Carry OFF ON : Carry ON SM701 Number of output characters selection Switching the number of output characters and the output pattern • Used for the PR, PRC, BINDA, DBINDA, BINHA, DBINHA, BCDDA, DBCDDA, or COMRD instruction SM702 Search method OFF : Search next ON : 2-part search SM703 Sort order OFF : Ascending order ON : Descending order SM704 Block comparison OFF : Non-match found ON : All match SM700 SM709 DT/TM instruction improper data detection flag OFF : Improper data not detected ON : Improper data detected SM710 CHK instruction priority ranking flag OFF : Conditions priority ON : Pattern priority EI flag OFF : During DI ON : During EI SM715 SM716 Block comparison (Except an interrupt program) • Carry flag used in application instruction M9012 QCPU U M9049 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU • Designates method to be used by search instruction. • Data must be arranged for 2-part search. U New • The sort instruction is used to designate whether data should be sorted in ascending order or in descending order. U New • Goes ON when all data conditions have been met for the BKCMP instruction. S (Instruction execution) New • Goes ON when all data conditions have been met for the DBKCMP instruction. S (Instruction execution) New S (Instruction execution) or U New • Remains as originally set when OFF. • CHK priorities updated when ON. S (Instruction execution) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH • ON when EI instruction is being executed. S (Instruction execution) New QCPU Turns on when the data to be compared by the DT or TM instruction is not recognized as date data or time data, or the device (3 words) to be compared exceeds the specified device range. OFF : Mismatch found ON : No mismatch Turns on when all data conditions are confirmed that they are met by the DBKCMP instruction. (Initial execution type program, scan execution type program, stand-by type program executed from initial execution type program or scan execution type program) Block comparison (Interrupt program) OFF : Mismatch found ON : No mismatch SM718 Block comparison (Interrupt program (I45)) OFF : Mismatch found ON : No mismatch Turns on when all data conditions are confirmed that they are met by the DBKCMP instruction. (Interrupt program (I45) or Stand-by type program executed from interrupt program (I45)) SM720 Comment read completion flag OFF : Comment read not completed ON : Comment read completed SM721 SM722 File being accessed BIN/DBIN instruction error disabling flag OFF : Error detection performed ON : Error detection not performed • Turns on only during one scan when the processing of the COMRD or PRC instruction is completed. • Turns on only during one scan when the processing of the COMRD instruction is completed. 8 QCPU 8 QnU*2 A 8 7 QnU*2 S (Instruction execution) New 8 QnU*3 S (Status change) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU • Switches ON while a file is being accessed by the SP. FWRITE, SP. FREAD, COMRD, PRC, or LEDC instruction. Qn(H) QnPH • Switches ON while a file is being accessed by the SP. FWRITE, SP. FREAD, COMRD or LEDC instruction. Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH S (Status change) New • Switches ON while a file is being accessed by the SP. FWRITE, SP. FREAD, COMRD or SP.DEVST instruction. QnU • Turns ON while the ATA card or standard ROM is being accessed. QnU*1 • Turned ON when "OPERATION ERROR" is suppressed for BIN or DBIN instruction. 8 U New QCPU *1: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09042" or later. *2: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. • Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU *3: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. • Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU App-131 Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST SM717 Turns on when all data conditions are confirmed that they are met by the DBKCMP instruction. (Interrupt program, fixed scan execution type program, stand-by type program executed from interrupt program or fixed scan execution type program) OFF : File not accessed ON : File being accessed S (Instruction execution) TableApp.3.8 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM734 XCALL instruction execution condition designation OFF : Not executed by execution condition risen ON : Executed by execution condition risen SM735 SFC comment readout instruction in execution flag OFF : SFC comment readout instruction is inactivated. ON : SFC comment readout instruction is activating. • Turns on the instructions, (S(P).SFCSCOMR) to read the SFC step comments and (S(P). SFCTCOMR) to read the SFC transition condition comments. SM738 MSG instruction reception flag OFF : Instruction not executed ON : Instruction execution • Goes ON when MSG instruction is executed S (Instruction execution) New Qn(H) QnPRH SM750 Scaling instruction search method setting OFF : Search next ON : 2-part search Determines a search method when the scaling instruction is executed. U New QnU*8 SM774 PID bumpless processing (for complete derivative) OFF : Matched ON : Not matched • Specifies whether to match the set value (SV) with the process value (PV) or not in the manual mode. U New Q00J/Q00/Q01*4 Qn(H) QnPRH QnU OFF : Performs link refresh ON : Performs no link refresh • Select whether link refresh processing will be performed or not when only communication with the CPU module is made at the execution of the COM instruction. U New Q00J/Q00/Q01 Qn(H) QnPH OFF : Performs refresh processes other than an I/O refresh ON : Performs refresh set by SD778 • Select whether to perform refresh processes other than an I/O refresh set by SD778 when the COM or CCOM instruction is executed. U New QnPH*3 QnPRH QnU SM775 Selection of refresh processing during COM/CCOM instruction execution • During OFF, XCALL instructions will not be executed even if execution condition is risen. • During ON, XCALL instructions will be executed when execution condition is risen. U New S (status change) New Qn(H)*1 Qn(H)*2 QnPH*3 QnPRH*3 Q00J/Q00/Q01*4 Qn(H)*5 SM776 Enable/disable local device at CALL OFF : Local device disabled ON : Local device enabled • Set whether the local device of the subroutine program called at execution of the CALL instruction is valid or invalid. U New SM777 Enable/disable local device in interrupt program OFF : Local device disabled ON : Local device enabled • Set whether the local device at execution of the interrupt program is valid or invalid. Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH U New QnU*9 SM794 PID bumpless processing(for incomplete derivative) OFF : Matched ON : Not matched • Specifies whether to match the set value (SV) with the process value (PV) or not in the manual mode. U New Q00J/Q00/Q01*4 *1: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "06082" or later. *2: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "07012" or later. *3: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "07032" or later. *4: This applies to the CPU module of function version B or later. *5: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "04012" or later. *6: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "05032" or later. *8: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. • Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU *9: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. App-132 Qn(H)*6 QnPRH QnU TableApp.3.8 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 M9 SM796 Block information using multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction (for CPU No.1) OFF : Block is secured ON : Block set by SD796 cannot be secured • Turns ON when the number of the remaining blocks of the dedicated instruction transmission area used for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction(target CPU= CPU No.1) is less than the number of blocks specified by SD796. Turns ON at instruction execution. Turns OFF when the empty area exists at END processing. SM797 Block information using multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction (for CPU No.2) OFF : Block is secured ON : Block set by SD797 cannot be secured • Turns ON when the number of the remaining blocks of the dedicated instruction transmission area used for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction (target CPU= CPU No.2) is less than the number of blocks specified by SD797. Turns ON at instruction execution. Turns OFF when the empty area exists at END processing. S (When instruction/END processing executed) SM798 Block information using multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction (for CPU No.3) OFF : Block is secured ON : Block set by SD798 cannot be secured • Turns ON when the number of the remaining blocks of the dedicated instruction transmission area used for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction (target CPU= CPU No.3) is less than the number of blocks specified by SD798. Turns ON at instruction execution. Turns OFF when the empty area exists at END processing. S (When instruction/END processing executed) SM799 Block information using multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction (for CPU No.4) OFF : Block is secured ON : Block set by SD799 cannot be secured • Turns ON when the number of the remaining blocks of the dedicated instruction transmission area used for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction(target CPU= CPU No.4) is less than the number of blocks specified by SD799. Turns ON at instruction execution. Turns OFF when the empty area exists at END processing. S (When instruction/END processing executed) S (When instruction/END processing executed) New New 8 8 QnU*7 A New 8 *7: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. (8) Debug 7 TableApp.3.9 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM800 Trace preparation OFF : Not ready ON : Ready • Switches ON when the trace preparation is completed Trace start OFF : Suspend ON : Start SM802 Trace execution in progress OFF : Suspend ON : Start • Switches ON during execution of trace. • Trace is triggered when this relay switches from OFF to ON. (Identical to TRACE instruction execution status) S (Status change) New U M9047 S (Status change) M9046 U M9044 SM803 Trace trigger OFF SM804 After trace trigger OFF : Not after trigger ON : After trigger • Switches ON after trace is triggered. S (Status change) New SM805 Trace completed OFF : Not completed ON : End • Switches ON at completion of trace S (Status change) M9043 SM826 Trace error OFF : Normal ON : Errors • Switches ON if error occurs during execution of trace S (Status change) New ON : Forced registration enabled OFF : Forced registration disabled • Even when the trace condition or the trigger condition is established, the sampling trace setting can be set to the CPU module by turning SM829 ON and registering the sampling trace setting by GX Developer. U New SM829 Forced registration specification of trace setting ON: Start Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU*1 QnU*1 *1: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. App-133 8 Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST SM801 • Trace is started when this relay switches ON. • Trace is suspended when this relay switches OFF. (All related special Ms switches OFF.) 8 New (9) A to Q conversion correspondences Special relays SM1000 to SM1255 are the relays which correspond to ACPU special relays M9000 to M9255 after A to Q conversion. (However, the Basic model QCPU and Redundant CPU do not support the A to Q conversion.) These special relays are all set by the system, and cannot be set by the user program. To turn them ON/OFF by the user program, change the special relays in the program into those of QCPU. However, some of SM1084 and SM1200 to SM1255 (corresponding to M9084 and M9200 to M9255 before conversion) can be turned ON/OFF by the user program, if they could be turned ON/OFF by the user program before conversion.For details on the ACPU special relays, see the user's manuals for the individual CPUs, and MELSECNET or MELSECNET/ B Data Link System Reference Manuals POINT Check "Use special relay/special register from SM/SD1000" for "A-PLC" on the PLC system tab of PLC parameter in GX Developer when the converted special relays are used with the High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, and Universal model QCPU. When not using the converted special relays, uncheck "Use special relay/special register from SM/SD1000" to save the time taken for processing special relays. Remark The following are additional explanations about the Special Relay for Modification column. When a special relay for modification is provided, the device number should be changed to the provided QCPU special relay. When is provided, the converted special relay can be used for the device number. When is provided, the device number does not work with QCPU. TableApp.3.10 Special relay ACPU Special Relay M9000 M9002 Special Relay after Conversion SM1000 SM1002 Special Relay for Modification – – Name Fuse blown I/O module verify error Meaning Details OFF : Normal ON : Module with blown fuse • Turned on when there is one or more output modules of which fuse has been blown. • Remains ON if the condition is restored to normal thereafter. • Output modules of remote I/O stations are also checked fore fuse condition. OFF : Normal ON : Error • Turned on if the status of I/O module is different form entered status when power is turned on. • Remains ON if the condition is restored to normal thereafter. • I/O module verification is done also to remote I/O station modules. • Reset is enabled only when special registers SD1116 to SD1123 are reset. *1: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. • Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU App-134 Corresponding CPU Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 TableApp.3.11 Special relay ACPU Special Relay Special Special Relay after Relay for Conversion Modification Name Meaning Details • Turns ON if an instantaneous power failure of within 20ms occurs during use of the AC power supply module. • Reset when the power supply is switched OFF, then ON. M9005 SM1005 – AC DOWN detection OFF : AC DOWN not detected ON : AC DOWN detected M9006 SM1006 – Battery low OFF : Normal ON : Battery low • Turns ON when the battery voltage drops to or below the specified. • Turns OFF when the battery voltage returns to normal thereafter. M9007 SM1007 – Battery low latch OFF : Normal ON : Battery low • Turns ON when the battery voltage drops to or below the specified. • Remains ON if the battery voltage returns to normal thereafter. M9008 SM1008 SM1 Self-diagnosis error OFF : No error ON : Error • Turned on when error is found as a result of selfdiagnosis. M9009 SM1009 SM62 Annunciator detection OFF : No F number detected ON : F number detected • Turned on when OUT F of SET F instruction is executed. • Switched off when SD1124 data is cleared to zero. M9011 SM1011 SM56 Operation error flag OFF : No error ON : Error • Turned on when operation error occurs during execution of application instruction. • Remains ON if the condition is restored to normal thereafter. Carry flag OFF : Carry OFF ON : Carry ON • Carry flag used in application instruction. SM1012 M9016 SM1016 Data memory clear flag OFF : lgnored ON : Output claered • Clears the data memory including the latch range (other than special relays and special registers) in remote run mode from computer, etc. when SM1016 is on. M9017 SM1017 Data memory clear flag OFF : lgnored ON : Output claered • Clears the unlatched data memory (other than special relays and special registers) in remote run mode from computer, etc. when SM1017 is on. M9020 SM1020 – User timing clock No.0 M9021 SM1021 – User timing clock No.1 – User timing clock No.2 SM1023 – Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 8 A 8 Qn(H) QnPH 7 8 • Relay which repeats on/off at intervals of predetermined scan. • When power is turned on or reset is per-formed, the clock starts with off. Set the intervals of on/off by DUTY instruction. DUTY n1 n2 SM1020 n2 scan n2 scan n1: ON scan interval n2: OFF scan interval * : If DUTY instruction, which specified from SM 1020 to SM 1024 of User timing clock in programs other than a program for a Universal model QCPU, changes the programmable controller to the Universal model QCPU, the special relays SM 420 to 424 will be replaced. (Universal model QCPUs cannot specify the special relays from SM 1020 to SM1024.) n1 scan M9023 8 User timing clock No.3 M9024 SM1024 – User timing clock No.4 M9025 SM1025 – Clock data set request OFF : Ignored ON : Set request present used • Writes the clock data stored in SD1025 to SD1028 to the CPU module after the END instruction is executed in the scan in which SM1025 turned from OFF to ON. M9026 SM1026 – Clock data error OFF : No error ON : Error • Switched on by clock data (SD1025 to SD1028) error M9028 SM1028 – Clock data read request OFF : Ignored ON : Read request • Reads clock data to SD1025 to SD1028 in BCD when SD1028 is on. Batch processing of data communications requests OFF : Batch processing not conducted ON : Batch processing conducted • The SM1029 relay is turned on using a sequence program to process all data communication requests accepted during one scan in the END processing of that scan. • The batch processing of the data communication requests can be turned on and off during running. • The default is OFF (processed one at a time for each END processing in the order in which data communication requests are accepted). M9029 SM1029 M9030 SM1030 – 0.1 second clock 0.05s M9031 SM1031 – 0.2 second clock 0.1s M9032 SM1032 – 1 second clock 0.5s M9033 SM1033 – 2 second clock 1s Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 Qn(H) QnPH 0.05s 0.1s 0.5s • 0.1 second, 0.2 second, 1 second and 2 second, clocks are generated. • Not turned on or off per scan but turned on and off even during scan if corresponding time has elapsed. • Starts with off when Programmable Controller power supply is turned on or CPU module reset is performed. Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 1s *1: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. • Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU App-135 Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST SM1022 8 8 • Turns ON if an instantaneous power failure of within 10ms occurs during use of the DC power supply module. • Reset when the power supply is switched OFF, then ON. M9012 M9022 SM700 Corresponding CPU TableApp.3.11 Special relay ACPU Special Relay Special Relay after Conversion Special Relay for Modification M9034 SM1034 – M9036 SM1036 – Name 2n minute clock(1 minute clock)*2 Always ON Meaning Details • Alternates between ON and OFF according to the seconds specified at SD414. (Default: n = 30) • Not turned on or off per scan but turned on and off even during scan if corresponding time has elapsed. • Starts with off when Programmable Controller power supply is turned on or CPU module reset is performed. ns ns ON OFF • Used as dummy contacts of initialization and application instruction in sequence program. • SM1038 and SM1037 are turned on and off without regard to position of key switch on CPU module front. SM1038 and SM1039 are under the same condition as RUN status except when the key switch is at STOP position, and turned off and on. Switched off if the key switch is in STOP position. SM1038 is on for one scan only and SM1039 is off for one scan only if the key switch is not in STOP position. M9037 SM1037 – Always OFF ON OFF M9038 SM1038 – ON for 1 scan only after RUN ON OFF 1 scan M9039 SM1039 – RUN flag(After RUN, OFF for 1 scan only) ON OFF 1 scan M9040 SM1040 SM206 PAUSE enable coil OFF : PAUSE disabled ON : PAUSE enabled M9041 SM1041 SM204 PAUSE status contact OFF : PAUSE not in effect ON : PAUSE in effect M9042 SM1042 SM203 STOP status contact OFF : STOP not in effect ON : STOP in effect • Switched on when the RUN key switch or RUN/STOP switch is in STOP position. M9043 SM1043 SM805 Sampling trace completed OFF : Sampling trace in progress ON : Sampling trace completed • Turned on upon completion of sampling trace performed the number of times preset by parameter after STRA instruction is executed. Reset when STRAR instruction is executed. OFF M9044 SM1044 M9045 SM1045 M9046 SM1046 SM803 SM802 Sampling trace ON ON Same as STRA instruction execution OFF Same as STRAR instruction execution • When RUN key switch is at PAUSE position or pause contact has turned on and if SM1040 is on, PAUSE mode is set and SM1041 is turned on. • Turning on/off SM1044 can execute STRA/STRAR instruction. (SM1044 is forcibly turned on/off by a peripheral device.) When switched from OFF to ON: STRA instruction When switched from ON to OFF: STRAR instruction The value stored in SD1044 is used as the condition for the sampling trace. At scanning, at time Time (10 ms unit) Watchdog timer (WDT) reset OFF : Does not reset WDT ON : Resets WDT • The SM1045 relay is turned on to reset the WDT when the ZCOM instruction and data communication request batch processing are executed (used when the scan time exceeds 200 ms). Sampling trace OFF : Trace not in progress ON : Trace in progress • Switched on during sampling trace. • Sampling trace is not executed unless SM1047 is turned ON. Sampling trace is suspended when SM1047 goes OFF. M9047 SM1047 SM801 Sampling trace preparations M9049 SM1049 SM701 Switching the number of output characters OFF : Output until NULL code encountered ON : 16 characters output • When SM1049 is OFF, characters up to NULL (00H) code are output. • When SM1049 is ON, ASCII codes of 16 characters are output. OFF : Enabled ON : Disable • Switched ON to disable the CHG instruction. • Switched ON when program transfer is requested. Automatically switched OFF when transfer is complete. OFF : 7SEG segment display ON : I/O partial refresh • When SM1052 is ON, the SEG instruction is executed as an I/O partial refresh instruction. When SM1052 is OFF, the SEG instruction is executed as a 7-SEG display instruction. M9051 SM1051 M9052 SM1052 SEG instruction switch *1: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. • Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU *2: minute clock indicates the name of the special relay (M9034) of the ACPU. App-136 Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 Qn(H) QnPH Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 Qn(H) QnPH Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 OFF : Sampling trace suspended ON : Sampling trace started CHG instruction execution disable Corresponding CPU Qn(H) QnPH TableApp.3.11 Special relay ACPU Special Relay M9056 Special Special Relay after Relay for Conversion Modification SM1056 Name Meaning Main side P, I set request OFF : Other than when P, I set being requested ON : P, I set being requested M9057 SM1057 Sub side P, I set request OFF : Other than when P, I set being requested ON : P, I set being requested M9058 SM1058 Main side P, I set completion Momentarily ON at P, I set completion M9059 SM1059 Sub program P, I set completion Momentarily ON at P, I set completion M9060 SM1060 Sub program 2 P, I set request OFF : Other than when P, I set being requested ON : P, I set being requested M9061 SM1061 Sub program 3 P, I set request OFF : Other than when P, I set being requested ON : P, I set being requested M9070 SM1070 A8UPU/ A8PUJrequired search time*3 OFF : Read time not shortened ON : Read time shortened Details 8 8 • Provides P, I set request after transfer of the other program (for example subprogram when main program is being run) is complete during run. Automatically switched off when P, I setting is complete. 8 • Turned ON once when the P, I set has been completed, and then turned OFF again. 8 • Provides P, I set request after transfer of the other program (for example subprogram when main program is being run) is complete during run. Automatically switched off when P, I setting is complete. • Turned ON to shorten the search time in the A8UPU/ A8PUJ. (In this case, the scan time is extended by 10 %.) It is set whether the error checks below are performed or not when the END instruction is processed (to set the END instruction processing time). • Check for fuse blown. • Check of battery • Collation check of I/O module M9084 SM1084 Error check OFF : Error check executed ON : No error check M9091 SM1091 Operation error details flag OFF : No error ON : Error • Turns ON when the detail factor of the operation error is stored into SD1091. • Remains ON if the condition is restored to normal thereafter. M9100 SM1100 Presence/absence of SFC program OFF : SFC programs not used ON : SFC programs used • Turned on if the SFC program is registered. • Turned off if the SFC program is not registered. SM320 Corresponding CPU SM1101 SM321 Start/stop SFC program OFF : SFC programs stop ON : SFC programs start M9102 SM1102 SM322 SFC program start status OFF : Initial start ON : Resume start • The SFC program start mode in the SFC setting of the PLC parameter dialog box is set as the initial value. At initial start: OFF At continue start: ON Qn(H) QnPH 8 7 8 Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST M9101 • The value in SM1100 is set as the initial value. (The relay automatically turns ON when the SFC program is present.) • When this relay turns from ON to OFF, execution of the SFC program stops. • When this relay turns from OFF to ON, execution of the SFC program resumes. A *3: The A8UPU/A8PUJ is not available for the QCPU/QnACPU. App-137 TableApp.3.11 Special relay ACPU Special Relay M9103 Special Relay after Conversion Special Relay for Modification SM1103 SM323 Presence/absence of continuous transition OFF : Continuous transition not effective ON : Continuous transition effective • Set whether continuous transition will be performed for the block where the "continuous transition bit" of the SFC information device is not set. OFF : When transition is completed ON : When no transition • OFF during operation in the continuous transition mode or during continuous transition, and ON when continuous transition is not executed. • Always ON during operation in the no continuous transition mode. OFF : Monitoring timer reset ON : Monitoring timer reset start • Turns ON when the measurement of the step transition monitoring timer is started. Turning this relay OFF resets the step transition monitoring timer. Name M9104 SM1104 SM324 Continuous transition suspension flag M9108 SM1108 SM90 Step transition monitoring timer start (equivalent of SD90) M9109 SM1109 SM91 Step transition monitoring timer start (equivalent of SD91) M9110 SM1110 SM92 Step transition monitoring timer start (equivalent of SD92) M9111 SM1111 SM93 Step transition monitoring timer start (equivalent of SD93) M9112 SM1112 SM94 Step transition monitoring timer start (equivalent of SD94) M9113 SM1113 SM95 Step transition monitoring timer start (equivalent of SD95) M9114 SM1114 SM96 Step transition monitoring timer start (equivalent of SD96) M9196 M9197 SM1196 SM325 Operation output at block stop SM1197 Switch between blown fuse and I/O verify error display M9198 M9199 Meaning Qn(H) QnPH OFF : Coil output OFF ON : Coil output ON SM 1197 SM 1198 I/O numbers to be displayed OFF OFF X/Y0 to 7F0 ON OFF X/Y800 to FF0 OFF ON X/Y1000 to 17F0 ON ON X/Y1800 to 1FF0 SM1198 Data recovery of online sampling trace/status latch SM1199 Corresponding CPU Details OFF : Data recovery disabled ON : Data recovery enabled • Selects the operation output when block stop is executed. ON : Retains the ON/OFF status of the coil being used by using operation output of the step being executed at block stop. OFF : All coil outputs are turned off. (Operation output by the SET instruction is retained regardless of the ON/OFF status of SM1196.) Switches I/O numbers in the fuse blow module storage registers (SD1100 to SD1107) and I/O module verify error storage registers (SD1116 to SD1123) according to the combination of ON/OFF of the SM1197 and SM1198. • Recovers the setting data stored in the CPU module at restart when sampling trace/status latch is executed. • SM1199 should be ON to execute again. (Unnecessary when writing the data again from peripheral devices.) (10) QCPU with built-in Ethernet port TableApp.3.12 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM1270 SM1273 Time setting function (SNTP client) execution Remote password mismatch count clear OFF : No time setting function (SNTP client) execution ON : Time setting function (SNTP client) execution Set this to ON when executing the time setting function (SNTP client). (Only when the time setting function is in "Use" with the time setting parameter.) U OFF : Normal ON : Clear To clear the acumulated numeber (SD979 to 999) of mismatched remote passwords, the setting SM1273 is executed. U * 1: This applies to the Built-in Ethernet port QCPU. App-138 New QnU*1 New (11) Process control instructions 8 TableApp.3.13 Special relay Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM1500 SM1501 Hold mode OFF : No-hold ON : Hold • Specifies whether or not to hold the output value when a range over occurs for the S.IN instruction range check. U Hold mode OFF : No-hold ON : Hold • Specifies whether or not the output value is held when a range over occurs for the S.OUT instruction range check. U New QnPH QnPRH New (12) For redundant systems (Host system CPU information *1) TableApp.3.14 Special relay Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU A Corresponding CPU M9 SM1510 Operation mode SM1511 System A identification flag SM1513 Debug mode status flag SM1515 Control system judgment flag SM1516 Standby system judgment flag • Turns on when the operating mode is redundant system separate. S (Each END) New 7 • Distinguishes between system A and system B. • The flag status does not change even if the tracking cable is disconnected. SM1511 SM1512 System A System B When TRK. CABLE ERR. (error code: 6210) occurs (Unknown) ON OFF OFF OFF OFF : Not in debug mode ON : Debug mode ON S (Initial) New 8 QnPRH OFF • Turns on when the redundant system operating mode is set to debug mode. S (Initial) New S (Status change) New • Indicates operation system status. • The flag status does not change even if the tracking cable is disconnected. Control system Standby system When TRK. CABLE ERR. (error code: 6210) occurs (Unknown) SM1515 ON OFF OFF SM1516 OFF ON OFF 8 Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST SM1512 System B identification flag OFF : Redundant system backup mode, standalone system ON : Redundant system separate mode 8 8 SM1510 to SM1599 are only valid for redundant systems. All off for standalone systems. Number 8 *1: The information of the host CPU module is stored. App-139 TableApp.3.13 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 • Turns on when the CPU module is started up by the system switching (switching from the standby system to the control system). Remains OFF when the standby system is switched to the control system by a power-ON startup. S (Status change) New 1 scan • Turns ON once switch between standby system to control system, (ON for 1 scan only) occurs. • This status flag can only be used for scan execution type programs. S (Each END) New 1 scan • On the last operation Control System was System B,if power supply is supplied, or reset is released on both SYSTEM together,After RUN, ON for 1 scan only by System A side. S (Each END) New OFF : Power supply on startup ON : Operation system switch start up SM1517 CPU module startup status SM1518 Standby system to control system switching status flag ON OFF SM1519 Previous Control System Identification Flag ON OFF SM1520 SM1520 Block 1 SM1521 SM1521 Block 2 SM1522 SM1522 Block 3 SM1523 SM1523 Block 4 SM1524 SM1524 Block 5 SM1525 SM1525 Block 6 SM1526 SM1526 Block 7 SM1527 SM1527 Block 8 SM1528 SM1528 Block 9 SM1529 SM1529 Block 10 SM1530 SM1530 Block 11 SM1531 SM1531 Block 12 SM1532 SM1532 Block 13 SM1533 SM1533 Block 14 SM1534 Block 15 SM1535 Block 16 SM1536 SM1536 Block 17 SM1537 SM1537 Block 18 SM1538 SM1538 Block 19 SM1539 SM1539 Block 20 SM1540 SM1540 Block 21 SM1541 SM1541 Block 22 SM1542 SM1542 Block 23 SM1543 SM1543 Block 24 SM1544 SM1544 Block 25 SM1545 SM1545 Block 26 SM1546 SM1546 Block 27 SM1547 SM1547 Block 28 SM1548 SM1548 Block 29 SM1534 SM1535 Data tracking transfer trigger specification App-140 OFF : No trigger ON : Trigger • When data is transferred based on the tracking setting of the redundant parameter dialog box, the target block is specified as trigger. • When "Auto Tracking block No.1" is enabled in the tracking setting, SM1520 is turned ON by the system at power ON/ STOP to RUN. In other cases, SM1520 to SM1583 are turned ON by the user. QnPRH S (initial)/U New TableApp.3.13 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 M9 SM1549 Block 30 SM1550 SM1550 Block 31 SM1551 SM1551 Block 32 SM1552 SM1552 Block 33 SM1553 SM1553 Block 34 SM1554 SM1554 Block 35 SM1555 SM1555 Block 36 SM1556 SM1556 Block 37 SM1557 SM1557 Block 38 SM1558 SM1558 Block 39 SM1559 SM1559 Block 40 SM1560 SM1560 Block 41 SM1561 SM1561 Block 42 SM1562 SM1562 Block 43 SM1563 SM1563 Block 44 SM1564 SM1564 Block 45 SM1565 SM1565 Block 46 SM1566 Block 47 SM1567 Block 48 SM1568 SM1568 Block 49 SM1569 SM1569 Block 50 SM1570 SM1570 Block 51 SM1571 SM1571 Block 52 SM1572 SM1572 Block 53 SM1573 SM1573 Block 54 SM1574 SM1574 Block 55 SM1575 SM1575 Block 56 SM1576 SM1576 Block 57 SM1577 SM1577 Block 58 SM1578 SM1578 Block 59 SM1579 SM1579 Block 60 SM1580 SM1580 Block 61 SM1581 SM1581 Block 62 SM1582 SM1582 Block 63 SM1583 SM1583 Block 64 SM1566 SM1567 Data tracking transfer trigger specification OFF : No trigger ON : Trigger SM1590 System switching enable/disable flag from network module OFF : System switching request issuing module absent ON : System switching request issuing module present SM1591 Standby system error detection disable flag at system switching ON : Error is not detected by new standby system at system switching OFF : Error is detected by new standby system at system switching SM1592 Enable/disable user system switching OFF : Disable user system switching ON : Enable user system switching 8 8 8 • When data is transferred based on the tracking setting of the redundant parameter dialog box, the target block is specified as trigger. • When "Auto tracking block No. 1" is enabled in the tracking setting, SM1520 is turned ON by the system at power ON/ STOP to RUN. In other cases, SM1520 to SM1583 are turned ON by the user. • Turns ON when a system switching request is issued from the network module. The module No. that issued system switching can be checked by SD1590. • Turns OFF when all bits of SD1590 are OFF. A S (initial)/U 8 New 7 QnPRH 8 S (Each END) New This flag is used to determine if the new standby station detects 6210:STANDBY during system switching. This applies to the following switching methods: • System switching from GX Developer • System switching using dedicated instruction • System switching by the intelligent function module U New • This flag enables system switching by the user from GX Developer or by dedicated instruction. (SP.CONTSW). U New Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST SM1549 App-141 TableApp.3.13 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM1593 Setting to access extension base unit of standby system CPU OFF : Error ON : Ignored Sets the operation for the case accessing buffer memory of the intelligent function module mounted on the extension base unit from the standby system CPU in separate mode. OFF : “OPERATION ERROR” (error code: 4112) will be returned when accessing buffer memory of the intelligent function module on the extension base unit from the standby system CPU. ON : No processing is performed when accessing buffer memory of intelligent function module on the extension base unit from the standby system CPU. • When SM1595 is turned from OFF to ON, memory copy from control system to standby system starts. Note that when SM1595 is turned from OFF to ON, memory copy does not start if the I/O No. of the copy destination (standby system CPU module: 3D1H) is not stored in SD1595. SM1595 Memory copy to other system start flag OFF : Start memory copy ON : No memory copy initiated SM1596 Memory copy to other system status flag OFF : Memory copy not executed ON : Memory copy executed • Turns on while memory is copied to other system. • Turns off when memory copy execution has completed. SM1597 Memory copy to other system completion flag OFF : Memory copy not completed ON : Memory copy completed • Turns on once the memory copying to the other system has completed. SM1598 Copy contents of standard ROM during memory copy OFF : Copy standard ROM data ON : Standard ROM data is not copied • If set to on by user, the standard ROM data is not copied to the other system while memory copy is executing. QnPRH*2 U New S (Starting to copy/finish) QnPRH S (finish)/U New U *2: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is “09012” or later. (13) For redundant system (Other system CPU information *1) SM1600 to SM1650 only valid for the CPU redundant system backup mode, so they cannot be refreshed during the separate mode. Either the backup mode or the separate mode is valid for the SM4651 to SM1699. SM1600 to SM1699 are all turned off for stand-alone system. TableApp.3.14 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresp onding Host SM *2 SM1600 Other system error flag OFF : No error ON : Error • Turns on when an error occurs during redundant system. Error check (Turns on single bit of SD1600.) • Is off when no errors are present S (Each END) – SM1610 Other system diagnostics error OFF : No error ON : Error • Turns on when a diagnostics error occurs. (Includes error detection when annunciator is ON, and by CHK instruction) • Corresponds to status of SM0 at other system S (Each END) SM0 SM1611 Other systems self diagnostics error. OFF : No self diagnostics error occurred ON : Self diagnostics error occurred • Turns on when a self diagnostics error occurs. (Does not include error detection when annunciator is ON, and by CHK instruction) • Corresponds to status of SM1 at other system S (Each END) SM1 SM1615 Other system common error information OFF : No common error information present ON : Common error information present • Turns on when there is common error information at other system • Corresponds to status of SM5 at other system S (Each END) SM5 SM1626 Error individual information for other systems OFF : No individual error information present ON : Individual error information present • Turns on when there is individual error information at other system • Corresponds to status of SM16 at other system S (Each END) SM16 SM1649 Standby system cancel error flag OFF to ON: Cancels error of standby system By turning this relay from OFF to ON, the continue error that occurred in the standby system CPU module can be canceled. Use SD1649 to specify the error code of the error to be canceled. U – *1 Stores other system CPU diagnostic information and system information. *2 This shows the special relay(SM App-142 ) for the host system CPU. Corresponding CPU QnPRH QnPRH (14) For redundant system (tracking) Either the backup mode or the second mode is valid for SM1700 to SM1799. All is turned off for stand-alone system. 8 TableApp.3.15 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM1700 Transfer trigger completion flag OFF : Transfer not completed ON : Transfer completed • Turns on for one scan, once transfer of block 1 to block 64 is completed. (1) SM1709 Manual system switching disable/ enable setting during online program change redundant tracking ON : Manual system switching enabled (Disable canceled) OFF : Manual system switching disabled (2) (3) (1) SM1710 Transfer tracking data during online program change enable flag OFF : No device tracking ON : Transfer device memory (2) (3) Turning this relay from OFF to ON enables manual system switching during online program change redundant tracking. After the manual system switching disable status is canceled, the system automatically turns off SM1709. System switching due to any of the following conditions is executed even during online program change redundant tracking, regardless of the status of this relay. •Power off, reset, hardware failure, CPU stop error In either of the following statuses, the system switching disable status can also be canceled by this relay. •Multiple-block online program change redundant tracking execution status •File batch online program change redundant tracking execution status 8 S (status change) 8 A S (When executed)/U New QnPRH 8 7 8 U Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST Set whether the tracking of the following data will be executed or not during online program change redundant tracking. •Device memory (Including SM/SD that will automatically execute tracking) •PIDINIT information, S.PIDINIT information, SFC information SM1710 can be also used to set whether tracking will be executed or not while online change of multiple program blocks or batch of files is being performed to ensure consistency of both systems. This SM is also transferred form control system CPU module to standby system CPU module by tracking data. 8 App-143 TableApp.3.15 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU M9 SM1712 SM1712 Block 1 SM1713 SM1713 Block 2 SM1714 SM1714 Block 3 SM1715 SM1715 Block 4 SM1716 SM1716 Block 5 SM1717 SM1717 Block 6 SM1718 SM1718 Block 7 SM1719 SM1719 Block 8 SM1720 SM1720 Block 9 SM1721 SM1721 Block 10 SM1722 SM1722 Block 11 SM1723 SM1723 Block 12 SM1724 SM1724 Block 13 SM1725 SM1725 Block 14 SM1726 SM1726 Block 15 SM1727 SM1727 Block 16 SM1728 SM1728 Block 17 SM1729 SM1729 Block 18 SM1730 SM1730 Block 19 SM1731 SM1731 Block 20 SM1732 SM1732 Block 21 SM1733 SM1733 Block 22 SM1734 SM1734 Block 23 SM1735 Block 24 SM1736 Block 25 SM1737 SM1737 Block 26 SM1738 SM1738 Block 27 SM1739 SM1739 Block 28 SM1740 SM1740 Block 29 SM1741 SM1741 Block 30 SM1742 SM1742 Block 31 SM1743 SM1743 Block 32 SM1744 SM1744 Block 33 SM1745 SM1745 Block 34 SM1746 SM1746 Block 35 SM1747 SM1747 Block 36 SM1748 SM1748 Block 37 SM1749 SM1749 Block 38 SM1750 SM1750 Block 39 SM1751 SM1751 Block 40 SM1752 SM1752 Block 41 SM1753 SM1753 Block 42 SM1754 SM1754 Block 43 SM1755 SM1755 Block 44 SM1756 SM1756 Block 45 SM1757 SM1757 Block 46 SM1758 SM1758 Block 47 SM1759 SM1759 Block 48 SM1735 SM1736 Transfer trigger completion flag App-144 OFF : Transfer uncompleted ON : Transfer completed Turns ON only during one scan when the transmission of the corresponding block is completed. S (status change) New QnPRH TableApp.3.15 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 M9 SM1760 SM1760 Block 49 SM1761 SM1761 Block 50 SM1762 SM1762 Block 51 SM1763 SM1763 Block 52 SM1764 SM1764 Block 53 SM1765 SM1765 Block 54 SM1766 SM1766 Block 55 SM1767 Block 56 SM1768 Block 57 SM1769 Block 58 SM1770 SM1770 Block 59 SM1771 SM1771 Block 60 SM1772 SM1772 Block 61 SM1773 SM1773 Block 62 SM1774 SM1774 Block 63 SM1775 SM1775 Block 64 SM1767 SM1768 Transfer trigger completion flag SM1769 OFF : Transmission uncompleted ON : Transmission end 8 Turns ON only during one scan when the transmission of the corresponding block is completed. 8 S (status change) New QnPRH 8 A (15) Redundant power supply module information TableApp.3.16 Special relay Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU 8 Corresponding CPU M9 SM1780 SM1781 SM1783 • Turns ON when one or more redundant power supply modules with input power OFF are detected. • Turns on if any of SD1780 bits is on. • Turns off if all bits of SD1780 are off. • Turns OFF when the main base unit is not the redundant main base unit (Q38RB). • When the multiple CPU system is configured, the flags are stored only to the CPU No.1. S (Each END) Power supply failure detection flag OFF : No faulty redundant power supply module detected ON : Faulty redundant power supply module detected • Turns ON when one or more faulty redundant power supply modules are detected. • Turns on if any of SD1781 bits is on. • Turns off if all bits of SD1781 are off. • Turns OFF when the main base unit is not the redundant main base unit (Q38RB). • When the multiple CPU system is configured, the flags are stored only to the CPU No.1. S (Each END) OFF : No momentary power failure detected ON : Momentary power failure detected • Turns ON when a momentary power failure of the input power supply to the power supply 1 or 2 is detected one or more times. After turning ON, remains ON even if the power supply recovers from the momentary power failure. • Turns OFF the flag (SM1782, SM1783) of the power supply 1/2 when the CPU module starts. • When the input power to one of the redundant power supply modules turns OFF the corresponding flag turns OFF. • Turns OFF when the main base unit is not the redundant main base unit (Q38RB). • When the multiple CPU system is configured, the flags are stored only to the CPU No.1. S (Each END) Momentary power failure detection flag for power supply 1 *1 Momentary power failure detection flag for power supply 2 *1 7 8 New Qn(H)*2 QnPH*2 QnPRH QnU*3 *1: The "power supply 1" indicates the redundant power supply module mounted on the POWER 1 slot of the redundant base unit (Q38RB/Q68RB/Q65WRB). The "power supply 2" indicates the redundant power supply module mounted on the POWER 2 slot of the redundant base unit (Q38RB/Q68RB/Q65WRB). *2: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "04012" or later. However, for the multiple CPU system configuration, this applies to all CPU modules whose first 5 digits of serial No. are "07032" or later. *3: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10042" or later. App-145 Appendix 3 SPECIAL RELAY LIST SM1782 Power supply off detection flag OFF : No redundant power supply module with input power OFF detected ON : Redundant power supply module with input power OFF detected Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST The special registers, SD, are internal registers with fixed applications in the Programmable Controller. For this reason, it is not possible to use these registers in sequence programs in the same way that normal registers are used. However, data can be written as needed in order to control the CPU modules. Data stored in the special registers are stored as BIN values if no special designation has been made to the contrary. The heading descriptions in the following special register lists are shown in 4.1. TableApp.4.1 Descriptions of the special register lists headings Item Number Function of Item • Indicates special register number Name • Indicates name of special register Meaning • Indicates contents of special register Explanation • Discusses contents of special register in more detail Set by (When set) • Indicates whether the relay is set by the system or user, and, if it is set by the system, when setting is performed. S : Set by system U : Set by user (sequence programs or test operations from GX Developer) S/U : Set by both system and user Indicated only for registers set by system Each END : Set during each END processing Initial : Set only during initial processing (when power supply is turned ON, or when going from STOP to RUN) Status change : Set only when there is a change in status Error : Set when error occurs Instruction execution : Set when instruction is executed Request : Set only when there is a user request (through SM, etc.) System switching : Set when system switching is executed. • Indicates corresponding special register in ACPU Corresponding ACPU M9 Corresponding CPU (When the contents are changed, the special register is represented D9 and QnPRH.) • New indicates the special register newly added to the Q series CPU module. format change. Incompatible with the Q00J/Q00/Q01 Indicates the relevant CPU module. QCPU : Indicates all the Q series CPU modules. Q00J/Q00/Q01 : Indicates the Basic model QCPU. Qn(H) : Indicates the High Performance model QCPU. QnPH : Indicates the Process CPU. QnPRH : Indicates the Redundant CPU. QnU : Indicates the Universal model QCPU Each CPU type name : Can be applied only to the specific CPU. (e.g. Q02U) For details on the following items, refer to the following manuals: • Networks Manual of the corresponding network module • SFC QCPU(Q mode)/QnACPU Programming Manual (SFC) POINT Do not change the values of special relays set by the system with user program or device test operations. Doing so may result in system downtime or communication fault. App-146 (1) Diagnostic Information 8 TableApp.4.2 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 SD0 Diagnostic errors Diagnosis error code • Error codes for errors found by diagnosis are stored as BIN data. • Contents identical to latest fault history information. S (Error) D9008 format change 8 • Year (last two digits) and month that SD0 data was updated is stored as BCD 2-digit code. SD1 SD2 b15 to b8 b7 to b0 Year (0 to 99) Month (1 to 12) Clock time for diagnosis error occurrence Clock time for diagnosis error occurrence (Example) October, 1995 9510H 8 • The day and hour that SD0 was updated is stored as BCD 2-digit code. b15 to b8 b7 to b0 Day (1 to 31) Hour (0 to 23) (Example) 10 a.m. on 25th 2510H S (Error) New A • The minute and second that SD0 data was updated is stored as BCD 2digit code. SD3 b15 to b8 b7 to b0 Minutes (0 to 59) Seconds (0 to 59) (Example) 35 min. 48 sec. 3548H 8 Category codes which help indicate what type of information is being stored in the common information areas (SD5 through SD15) and the individual information areas (SD16 through SD26) are stored here. The category code for judging the error information type is stored. b15 b8 b7 b0 to to Individual information Common information category codes category codes 7 • The common information category codes store the following codes: 0 : No error Error information categories Error information category code 1: Unit/module No./ CPU No./Base No.* 2: File name/Drive name 3: Time (value set) 4: Program error location 5: System switching cause (for Redundant CPU only) 6: Reason(s) for tracking capacity excess error (specific to Redundant CPU) 7: Base No./Power supply No. (The first 5 digits of serial number 10072 or higer are chosen for Universal model QCPU.) 8: Tracking transmission data classification (specific to Redundant CPU) *: For a multiple CPU system that consists of the Basic model QCPU, High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Universal model QCPU the module number or CPU number is stored depending on the error that occurred. (Refer to the corresponding error code for which number has been stored.) CPU No. 1: 1, CPU No. 2: 2, CPU No. 3: 3, CPU No. 4: 4 • The individual information category codes store the following codes: 0: No error 1: (Empty) 2: File name/Drive name 3: Time (value actually measured) 4: Program error location 5: Parameter number 6: Annunciator number 7: CHK instruction failure No. (except for the Basic model QCPU and the Universal model QCPU) 8: Reason(s) for system switching failure (specific to Redundant CPU) 12: File diagnostic information (specific to the Universal model QCPU) 13: Parameter No./CPU No. (specific to the Universal model QCPU) QCPU S (Error) 8 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST SD4 8 New App-147 TableApp.4.2 Special register Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 • Common information corresponding to the error codes (SD0) is stored here. • The following ten types of information are stored here: • The error common information type can be judged by the "common information category code" in SD4. (The values of the "common information category code" stored in SD4 correspond to following 1) to 8).) 1) Slot No. SD5 SD6 Number SD5 SD6 SD7 SD8 SD9 SD10 SD11 SD12 SD13 SD14 SD15 SD7 SD8 SD9 SD10 SD11 SD12 SD13 Error common information Error common information (Empty) *1: For a multiple CPU system that consists of the Basic model QCPU, High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, Universal model QCPU, the slot number or CPU number is stored depending on the error that occurred. Slot 0 in the multiple CPU system is the one on the slot on the right of the rightmost CPU module. (Refer to the corresponding error code for which number has been stored.) No. 1 CPU: 1, No. 2 CPU: 2, No. 3 CPU: 3, No. 4 CPU: 4 *2: If a fuse blown or I/O verify error occurred in the module loaded in the MELSECNET/H remote I/O station, the network number is stored into the upper 8 bits and the station number into the lower 8 bits. Use the I/O No. to check the module where the fuse blown or I/O verify error occurred. *3: 255 is stored into SD5 of the Basic model QCPU when an instruction, etc. has been executed for the module later than the one on the last slot where a module can be mounted. *4: Definitions of base No. and slot No. Value used to identify the base unit on which the CPU module has been mounted. The following shows the definition of the base No. Base No. Definition Indicates the main base unit mounted with the CPU 0 module. 1 to 7 Indicates the extension base unit. The stage number setting made by the stage number setting connector on the extension base unit is the base No. When stage number setting is extension 1: Base No. = 1 when stage number setting is extension 7: Base No. = 7 SD14 SD15 Meaning Slot No./CPU No./Base No. 1, 2, 3, 4 I/O No. 5 Value used to identify the slot of each base unit and the module mounted on that slot. •The I/O slot 0 (slot on the right side of the CPU slot) of the main base unit is defined as the slot of "Slot No. = 0". •The slot Nos. are consecutively assigned to the slots of the base units in order of the main base unit and extension base units 1 to 7. •When the number of base unit slots has been set in the I/O assignment setting of the PLC parameter dialog box, the slot Nos. are assigned for only the number of set slots. *5: When 0FFFFH is stored into SD6 (I/O No.), the I/O No. cannot be identified due to overlapping I/O No., etc. in the I/O assignment setting of the PLC parameter dialog box. Therefore, identify the error location using SD5. 2) File name/Drive name (Example) File name = Number Meaning ABCDEFGH. IJK SD5 Drive b15 to b8 b7 to b0 SD6 42H(B) 41H(A) SD7 File name 44H(D) 43H(C) SD8 (ASCII code: 8 characters) 46H(F) 45H(E) SD9 48H(H) 47H(G) SD10 Extension 6 2EH(.) 49H(I) 2EH(.) (ASCII code: 3 characters) SD11 4BH(K) 4AH(J) SD12 SD13 (Empty) SD14 SD15 App-148 S (Error) New QCPU TableApp.4.2 Special register Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 D9 8 SD5 8 SD6 3) Number SD5 SD6 SD7 SD8 SD9 SD10 SD11 SD12 SD13 SD14 SD15 SD7 SD8 4) SD9 Error common information SD10 SD11 Error common information 8 Time (value set) Meaning Time : 1 s units (0 to 999 s) Time : 1ms units (0 to 65535ms) A (Empty) 8 Program error location Meaning Number SD5 File name SD6 (ASCII code: 8 characters) SD7 SD8 2EH(.) SD9 Extension 6 (ASCII code: 3 characters) SD10 SD11 Pattern 7 SD12 Block No. SD13 Step No./transition condition Sequence step No. (L) SD14 Sequence step No. (H) SD15 7 S (Error) New QCPU 8 *7 : Contents of pattern data SD12 to to 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 (Not used) (Bit number) Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST 15 14 0 0 SFC block designation present (1)/absent (0) SFC step designation present (1)/absent (0) SD13 SFC transition designation present (1)/absent (0) SD14 SD15 App-149 TableApp.4.2 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 5) Reason(s) for system switching Number SD5 SD5 Meaning System switching condition 13 Control system switching instruction argument SD6 SD7 SD8 SD9 SD10 SD11 SD12 SD13 SD14 SD15 SD6 SD7 (Empty) *13: Details of reason(s) for system switching 0 : No system switching condition (default) 1 : Power-OFF, reset, hardware failure, watchdog timer error 2 : Stop error (except watchdog timer error) 3 : System switching request by network module 16 : Control system switching instruction 17 : Control system switching request from GX Developer SD8 SD9 6) SD10 Error common information SD11 SD12 Error common information SD13 SD14 SD15 b15 b8 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 QnPRH New QnPH*1 QnPRH b0 1 (SM1535) (Block16) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (SM1528) (Block9) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (SM1520) (Block1) SD6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SD7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SD8 1 (SM1583) (Block64) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (SM1568) (Block49) SD9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SD15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Power supply No. Number SD5 SD6 SD7 SD8 SD9 SD10 SD11 SD12 SD13 SD14 SD15 Meaning Base No. Power supply No. (Empty) 1: Power supply 1 fault 2: Power supply 2 fault "Power Redundant power supply module supply mounted on POWER 1 slot of redundant module 1": base unit (Q38RB, Q68RB, Q65WRB) Redundant power supply module "Power mounted on POWER 2 slot of redundant supply module 2": base unit (Q38RB, Q68RB, Q65WRB) *1: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "07032" or later. *2: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10042" or later. App-150 New Reason(s) for tracking capacity excess error The block No. when the data amount that can be tracked (100k) is exceeded is indicated by the bit pattern of the corresponding special relay. SD5 7) S (Error) Qn(H)*1 S (Error) QnU*2 TableApp.4.2 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 D9 8 SD5 8 SD6 8 SD7 A 8) Number SD5 SD6 SD7 SD8 SD9 SD10 SD11 SD12 SD13 SD14 SD15 SD8 SD9 SD10 Tracking transmission data classification Stores the data classification during tracking. Error common information Error common information Meaning Data type 15 8 7 (Empty) 8 *15: Details of data classification b15 b14 to b6 b5 0 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 S (Error) New QnPRH Each bit 0: Not sent 1: Being sent Device data Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST SD11 Signal flow PIDINIT/S. PIDINIT instruction data SFC execution data SD12 System switching request Operation mode change request System data SD13 SD14 SD15 App-151 TableApp.4.2 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 • Individual information corresponding to error codes (SD0) is stored here. • There are the following eight different types of information are stored. • The error individual information type can be judged by the "individual information category code" in SD4. (The values of the "individual information category code" stored in SD4 correspond to following 1) to 8), 12), and 13).) SD16 1) (Empty) 2) File name/Drive name SD17 Number Meaning SD16 Drive SD17 File name SD18 SD19 (ASCII code: 8 characters) SD20 2EH(.) SD21 Extension 6 SD22 (ASCII code: 3 characters) SD23 SD24 (Empty) SD25 SD26 SD18 3) SD19 Time (value actually measured) Number SD16 SD17 SD18 SD19 SD20 SD21 SD22 SD23 SD24 SD25 SD26 SD20 4) SD21 (Example) File name = ABCDEFGH. IJK b15 to b8 b7 to b0 42H(B) 41H(A) 44H(D) 43H(C) 46H(F) 45H(E) 48H(H) 47H(G) 49H(I) 2EH(.) 4BH(K) 4AH(J) Meaning Time : 1 s units (0 to 999 s) Time : 1ms units (0 to 65535ms) (Empty) Program error location SD22 Number Meaning SD16 SD17 File name SD18 (ASCII code: 8 characters) SD19 2EH(.) SD20 Extension 6 (ASCII code: 3 characters) SD21 SD22 Pattern 7 SD23 Block No. SD24 Step No./transition No. Sequence step No. (L) SD25 Sequence step No. (H) SD26 SD23 *7 : Contents of pattern data Error individual information Error individual information 15 14 0 0 to to 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 (Bit number) SFC block designation present (1)/absent (0) (Not used) SFC step designation present (1)/absent (0) SD24 SFC transition designation present (1)/absent (0) SD25 SD26 5) Parameter No. 6) Annunciator number / 7) CHK instruction malfunction number Number Meaning SD16 Parameter No. 16 SD17 SD18 SD19 SD20 SD21 (Empty) SD22 SD23 SD24 SD25 SD26 Number SD16 SD17 SD18 SD19 SD20 SD21 SD22 SD23 SD24 SD25 SD26 Meaning No. (Empty) *16: For details of the parameter No., refer to the User's Manual (Function Explanation, Program Fundamentals) of the CPU module used. App-152 S (Error) New QCPU *6 : Extensions are shown below. TableApp.4.3 Extension name SDn SDn+1 Higher 8 bits Lower 8 bits Extension Higher 8 bits Name 8 File Type 51H 50H 41H QPA 51H 50H 47H QPG 51H 43H 44H QCD 51H 44H 49H QDI Initial device value 51H 44H 52H QDR File register 51H 44H 4CH QDL 51H 54H 44H QTD 51H 46H 44H QFD Parameters 8 • Sequence program • SFC program Device comment 8 Local device (Other than the Basic model QCPU) Sampling trace data Breakdown history data (Other than the Basic model QCPU and the Universal model QCPU) 51H 53H 54H QST 8 (Other than the Basic model QCPU) A SP.DEVST/S.DEVLD instruction file (For Universal model QCPU only) 8 7 8 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST App-153 TableApp.4.2 Special register Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 8) Reason(s) for system switching failure Number SD16 SD17 SD18 SD19 SD20 SD21 SD22 SD23 SD24 SD25 SD26 Meaning System switching prohibition condition 14 (Empty) *14: Details of reason(s) for system switching failure SD26 Error individual information 0 : Normal switching completion (default) 1 : Tracking cable fault (cable removal, cable fault, internal circuit fault, hardware fault) 2 : Hardware failure, power OFF, reset or watchdog timer error occurring in standby system 3 : Hardware failure, power OFF, reset or watchdog timer error occurring in control system 4 : Preparing for tracking 5 : Time limit exceeded 6 : Standby system is in stop error (except watchdog timer error) 7 : Operation differs between two systems (in backup mode only) 8 : During memory copy from control system to standby system 9 : Online program change 10 : Error detected by network module of standby system 11 : System switching being executed 12 : Online module change in progress Error individual information 12) Failuer information (H) New drive No.(L) File name (ASCll: 8 characters) EXtension *6 2EH(.) (ASCll; 3 characters) Failure information 2 (CRC value that is read) Failure information 3 (CRC value that is calculated) QnU Parameter No./CPU No. Number SD16 SD17 SD18 SD19 SD20 SD21 SD22 SD23 SD24 SD25 SD26 App-154 S (Error) File diagnostic information SD16 SD17 SD18 SD19 SD20 SD21 SD22 SD23 SD24 SD25 SD26 13) QnPRH Meaning Parameter No.*16 CPU No. (1 to 4) (Empty) TableApp.4.2 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 D9 SD50 Error reset Error number that performs error reset • Stores error number that performs error reset U 8 New • All corresponding bits go 1(ON) when battery voltage drops. • Subsequently, these remain 1(ON) even after battery voltage has been returned to normal. b15 SD51 Battery low latch Bit pattern indicating where battery voltage drop occurred to 0 8 b3 b2 b1 b0 CPU error alarm error 1 S (Error) New 8 1: This does not apply to Basic model QCPU. • In the alarm, data can be held within the time specified for battery low. • The error indicates the complete discharge of the battery. QCPU SD52 Battery low Bit pattern indicating where battery voltage drop occurred • Same configuration as SD51 above • After the alarm is detected (ON), the alarm turns OFF by error detection (ON). (For the Universal model QCPU only) • Turns to 0 (OFF) when the battery voltage returns to normal thereafter. S (Error) SD53 AC/DC DOWN detection Number of times for AC/DC DOWN detection • Every time the input voltage falls to or below 85% (AC power)/65% (DC power) of the rating during operation of the CPU module, the value is incremented by 1 and stored in BIN code. • The counter repeats increment and decrement of the value ; 0 32767 -32768 0 S (Error) D9005 SD60 Number of module with blown fuse Number of module with blown fuse • Value stored here is the lowest station I/O number of the module with the blown fuse. S (Error) D9000 SD61 I/O module verify error number I/O module verify error module number • The lowest I/O number of the module where the I/O module verification number took place. S (Error) D9002 A New 8 7 8 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST App-155 TableApp.4.2 Special register Number Name Corresponding ACPU Explanation Set by (When Set) • The first annunciator number (F number) to be detected is stored here. S (Instruction execution) D9009 • Stores the number of annunciators searched. S (Instruction execution) D9124 Meaning Corresponding CPU D9 SD62 Annunciator number Annunciator number SD63 Number of annunciators Number of annunciators When F goes ON due to OUT F or SET F instruction, the F numbers which go progressively ON from SD64 through SD79 are registered. The F numbers turned OFF by RST F instruction are deleted from SD64 SD79, and the F numbers stored after the deleted F numbers are shifted to the preceding registers. Execution of the LEDR instruction shifts the contents of SD64 to SD79 up by one. After 16 annunciators have been detected, detection of the 17th will not be stored from SD64 through SD79. SD64 SD65 SD66 SD67 SD68 Table of detected annunciator numbers SD63 0 Annunciator detection number SD73 SD74 SD75 SD76 SD77 SD78 SD79 SD80 CHK number CHK number SD90 SD91 SD92 SD93 SD94 SD95 SD96 D9127 D9128 D9129 D9130 SD62 0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 99 (Number detected) SD70 SD72 D9126 SET SET SET RST SET SET SET SET SET SET SET F50 F25 F99 F25 F15 F70 F65 F38 F110 F151 F210 LEDR SD69 SD71 D9125 Step transition monitoring timer setting value (Enabled only when SFC program exists) SD97 SD98 SD99 App-156 F number for timer set value and time over error SD64 SD65 SD66 SD67 SD68 SD69 SD70 SD71 SD72 SD73 SD74 SD75 SD76 SD77 SD78 SD79 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 (Number of annunciators detected) 0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 99 0 0 25 25 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 15 0 0 0 99 0 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 70 70 70 70 70 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 65 65 65 65 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 38 38 38 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 110 110 151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 151 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 QCPU S (Instruction execution) to b8 b7 to New New New (Number detected) New New New New S (Instruction execution) New D9108 • Set the annunciator number (F number) that will be turned ON when the step transition monitoring timer setting or monitoring timeout occurs. b15 D9132 New • Error codes detected by the CHK instruction are stored as BCD code. Corresponds to SM90 Corresponds to SM91 Corresponds to SM92 Corresponds to SM93 Corresponds to SM94 Corresponds to SM95 Corresponds to SM96 Corresponds to SM97 Corresponds to SM98 Corresponds to SM99 D9131 D9109 D9110 b0 D9111 D9112 F number setting (0 to 255) Timer time limit setting (1 to 255s: (1s units)) • Turning ON any of SM90 to SM99 during an active step starts the timer, and if the transition condition next to the corresponding step is not met within the timer time limit, the set annunciator (F) turns ON. U D9113 D9114 New New New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH TableApp.4.2 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 D9 SD100 Transmission speed storage area Stores the transmission speed specified in the serial communication setting. 96 576 : 9.6kbps, : 57.6kbps, b15 SD101 Communication setting storage area Stores the communication setting specified in the serial communication setting. 192 1152 : 19.2kbps, : 115.2kbps 384 : 38.4kbps, b6 b5 b4 b3 to Write during RUN setting 0: Disabled 1: Enabled to S (Power-ON or reset) 8 New 8 b0 Sumcheck presence 0: Absent 1: Present S (Power-ON or reset) New Q00/Q01 Q00UJ Q00U Q01U Q02U*4 A * : Since the data is used by the system, it is undefined. CH1 transmission speed setting (RS-232) Stores the preset transmission speed when GX Developer is used. 96 : 9600bps, 192 : 19.2kbps, 384 : 38.4kbps, 576 : 57.6kbps, 1152 : 115.2kbps *: Other than RS-232 connection holds the data at RS-232 connection. (When disconnected, the default value is 1152.) Data sending result storage area Stores the data sending result when the serial communication function is used. Stores the error code at the timeout sending data. SD111 Data receiving result storage area Stores the data receiving result when the serial communication function is used. Stores the error code at the time of receiving data. S (Error) SD118 Amount of battery consumption Amount of battery consumption Displays the current amount of battery consumption. The value range:1 to 2(Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, Q02UCPU, Q03UD(E)CPU, Q04UD(E)HCPU) 1 to 3(Q06UD(E)HCPU) 1 to 4(Q10UD(E)HCPU, Q20UD(E)HCPU, Q13UD(E)HCPU, Q26UD(E)HCPU) SD105 SD110 0 : No waiting time 10 to 150: Waiting time (unit: ms) Defaults to 0. S (Power-ON or reset) New S New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU*3 New Q00/Q01 Q00UJ Q00U Q01U Q02U*4 S (Status change) New QnU*4 S (Status change) New QnU S (Error) 8 Stores the factor which makes the battery life-prolonging function valid. When SD119 is other than 0, the battery life-prolonging function is valid. SD119 Battery lifeprolonging factor Battery lifeprolonging factor b15 to 0:No factor 1:Foctor b2 b1 b0 b0: CPU switch setting b1: Backup in execution by latch data backup function (to standard ROM) *3: This applies to Universal model QCPUs except for the Built-in Ethernet port QCPU. *4: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10102" or later. App-157 7 8 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST Transmission wait time storage area Stores the transmission wait time specifed in the serial communication setting. SD102 8 TableApp.4.2 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 • The numbers of output modules whose fuses have blown are input as a bit pattern (in units of 16 points). (If the module numbers are set by parameter, the parameter-set numbers are stored.) SD130 SD131 SD132 SD133 SD134 Fuse blown module SD135 Bit pattern in units of 16 points, indicating the modules whose fuses have blown 0: No blown fuse 1: Blown fuse present SD130 b15 b14 b13 b12 b11b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 1 1 0 0 0 (YC0) 0 0 0 (Y80) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 SD131 (Y1F0) 0 SD137 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Y7B0) 1 1 (Y1A0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Y730) SD136 0 0 0 0 Indicates fuse blow. • When I/O modules, of which data are different from those entered at power-ON, have been detected, the I/O module numbers (in units of 16 points) are entered in bit pattern. (Preset I/O module numbers set in parmeters when parameter setting has been performed.) SD150 SD151 SD152 SD154 0 • Not cleared even if the blown fuse is replaced with a new one. This flag is cleared by error resetting operation SD137 SD153 1 0 I/O module verify error SD155 SD156 SD157 App-158 Bit pattern, in units of 16 points, indicating the modules with verify errors. 0: No I/O verify errors 1: I/O verify error present b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (X Y) 0 1 SD151 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( X Y) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 SD150 0 1 SD157 0 ( X Y) 0 7E0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Indicates an I/O module verify error. • Not cleared even if the blown fuse is replaced with a new one. This flag is cleared by error resetting operation. 0 0 S (Error) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 (2) System information 8 TableApp.4.4 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 8 • The CPU switch status is stored in the following format: b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 3) Status of switch Status of CPU switch b4 b3 2) Empty to b0 8 1) 0: RUN 1: STOP 2: L.CLR 1): CPU switch status SD200 to S (Every END processing) 2): Memory card switch Always OFF 3): DIP switch b8 through b12 correspond to SW1 through SW5 of system setting switch 1. 0: OFF, 1: ON. b13 through b15 are empty. New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH A 8 • The CPU switch status is stored in the following format: to b15 b8 b7 to b4 b3 2) Empty to b0 1) 1): CPU switch status 0: RUN 1: STOP 2): Memory card switch Always OFF S (Every END processing) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 b15 b8 b7 to b4 b3 2) Empty to b0 1) CPU switch status 0: RUN 1: STOP 2): Memory card switch Always OFF S (when RUN/ STOP/RESET switch changed) New QnU S (Status change) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH S (Status change) New QnU • The following bit patterns store the status of the LEDs on the CPU module: • 0 is off, 1 is on, and 2 is flicker. b15 to 8) SD201 LED status Status of CPU-LED b12b11 7) to 6) b8 b7 5) to 4) b4 b3 3) to 2) b0 1) 1): RUN 5): BOOT 2): ERR. 6): Empty Mode bit pattern 3): USER 7): Empty 0: OFF 1: Green 4): BAT. 8): MODE 2: Orange (The Basic model QCPU does not include 3) to 8).) • The following bit patterns store the status of the LEDs on the CPU module: • 0 is off, 1 is on, and 2 is flicker. b15 8) to b12b11 7) 6) to b8 b7 5) 4) to b4 b3 3) to 2) b0 1) 1): RUN 5): BOOT 2): ERROR 6): Empty 3): USER 7): Empty 4): BAT. 8): MODE (The Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU do not include 5).) App-159 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST 1): 7 8 • The CPU switch status is stored in the following format: to 8 TableApp.4.4 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 • Specify the LEDs to be turned off using this register, and turn SM202 from OFF to ON to turn off the specified LEDs. USER and BOOT can be specified as the LEDs to be turned off. • Specify the LEDs to be turned off in the following bit pattern. (Turned off at 1, not be turned off at 0.) b15 SD202 LED off command b8 Fixed to 0 Bit pattern of LED that is turned off b4 Fixed to 0 b0 Fixed to 0 U New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU S (Every END processing) D9015 format change QCPU S (status change) New QnU USER LED BOOT LED (The Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU cannot specify the BOOT LED.) • The CPU operating status is stored as indicated in the following figure: to b15 b12 b11 to b8 b7 to 2) 1): Operating status of CPU SD203 Operating status of CPU Operating status of CPU 2): STOP/PAUSE cause Note: Priority is earliest first 0: 1: 2: 3: to b4 b3 b0 1) RUN STEP-RUN (For the QnACPU only) STOP PAUSE 0: Instruction in remote operation program from RUN/STOP switch ("RUN/STOP/ RESET switch" for Basic model QCPU) 1: Remote contact 2: Remote operation from GX Developer/ serial communication, etc. 3: Internal program instruction 4: Error • The LED display color of the LED status shown in SD201 1) to 8). b15 b12 b11 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0 1)RUN LED 0: OFF 1: Green 2)ERROR LED 0: OFF 1: Red SD204 LED display color CPU-LED display color 3)USER LED 0: OFF 1: Red 4)BAT. LED 0: OFF 1: Yellow 2: Green 5)BOOT LED 0: OFF 1: Green 6)Empty 7)Empty 8)MODE LED 0: OFF 1: Green (The Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU do not include 5).) App-160 TableApp.4.4 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 D9 SD207 Priorities 1 to 4 SD208 Priorities 5 to 8 8 • When error is generated, the LED display (flicker) is made according to the error number setting priorities. (The Basic model QCPU supports only the annunciator (error item No. 7). • The Universal model QCPU sets execution/non-execution of LED display of the error corresponding to the each priority ranking when the error occurs. • The setting areas for priorities are as follows: b15 to b12 b11 to b8 SD207 Priority 4 Priority 3 SD208 Priority 8 Priority 7 SD209 Priority 11 D9038 8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Priority 2 Priority 1 Priority 6 Priority 5 Priority 10 Priority 9 D9039 format change (Priority 11 is valid when Redundant CPU is used.) LED display priority ranking SD209 Priorities 9 to 11 Default Value SD207 = 4321H(0000H for Basic model QCPU) SD208 = 8765H(0700H for Basic model QCPU) (0765H for Redundant CPU) SD209 = 00A9H(0000H for Basic model QCPU) (0B09H for Redundant CPU) • No display is made if "0" is set. • In case of the Basic model QCPU, the ERR. LED turns ON when the annunciator turns ON, if "7" has been set to either of priorities 1 to 11. • In case of the Basic model QCPU, the ERR. LED does not turn ON when the annumciator turns ON, if "7" has not been set to either of priorities 1 to 11. However, even if "0" has been set, information concerning CPU module operation stop (including parameter settings) errors will be indicated by the LEDs without conditions. U Q00J/ Q00/Q01*9 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU Clock data Clock data (year, month) b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to 7 8 b0 Example: D9025 July, 1993 9307H Year A 8 New • The year (last two digits) and month are stored as BCD code as shown below: SD210 8 Month • The day and hour are stored as BCD code as shown below: Clock data b8 b7 to b4 b3 to Clock data (day, hour) b0 Example: 31st, 10 a.m. 3110H Day S (Request)/U D9026 QCPU Hour • The minutes and seconds (after the hour) are stored as BCD code as shown below: SD212 Clock data Clock data (minute, second) b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Example: 35 min, 48 s 3548H Minute D9027 Second *9: Function version is B or later. App-161 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST b15 to b12 b11 to SD211 TableApp.4.4 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 • The year (first two digits) and the day of the week are stored as BCD code as shown below. b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Example: 1993, Friday 1905H SD213 Clock data Clock data (higher digits of year, day of week) Day of the week 0 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday Higher digits of year (19 or 20) S (Request)/U D9028 • LED display ASCII data (16 characters) stored here. (On the Basic model QCPU, the registers store the message (16 characters of ASCII data) at error occurrence (including annunciator ON). SD220 SD221 b15 SD220 SD222 SD221 SD223 SD222 LED display data LED display data SD224 SD223 SD224 SD225 SD225 SD226 SD226 SD227 SD227 to b8 b7 15th character from the right 13th character from the right 11th character from the right 9th character from the right 7th character from the right 5th character from the right 3rd character from the right 1st character from the right to QCPU b0 16th character from the right 14th character from the right 12th character from the right 10th character from the right 8th character from the right 6th character from the right 4th character from the right 2nd character from the right S (When changed) New S (During online module change) New • The LED display device data at the time of CHK is not stored in the Basic model QCPU and the Universal model QCPU. SD235 Module to which online module change is being performed The header I/O number of the module to which online module change is being performed /10H • 10H is added to the value of the header I/O number of which the online module change is being performed. SD240 Base mode 0: Automatic mode 1: Detail mode • Stores the base mode. S (Initial) New SD241 Extension stage number 0: Main base only 1 to 7: Extension stage number • Stores the maximum number of the extension bases being installed. S (Initial) New App-162 QnPH QnPRH QCPU TableApp.4.4 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 D9 b7 A/Q base differentiation Base type differentiation 0: QA**B is installed (A mode) 1: Q**B is installed (Q mode) Fixed to 0 Main base unit 1st extension base 2nd extension base to 7th extension base b4 Installed Q base presence/ absence SD242 Base type differentiation 0: Base not installed 1: Q**B is installed 8 b2 b1 b0 to S (Initial) New Fixed to 0 when the base is not installed. Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH 8 b2 b1 b0 Fixed to 0 to Main base unit 1st extension base 2nd extension base S (Initial) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 A to 4th extension base b7 Fixed to 0 Installed Q base presence/ absence 8 8 b2 b1 b0 to Main base unit 1st extension base 2nd extension base to 7th extension base Base type differentiation 0: Base not installed 1: Q**B is installed Fixed to 0 when the base is not installed. 7 S (Initial) New QnU 8 • The bits from the third extension stage to the seventh extension stage are fixed to "0" in the Q00UJCPU. • The bits from the fifth extension stage to the seventh extension stage are fixed to "0" in the Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Extension Extension SD243 Extension 3 2 1 No. of base slots No. of base slots SD244 SD243 SD244 No. of base slots (Operation status) SD250 • As shown above, each area stores the number of slots being installed. • The bits from the third extension stage to the seventh extension stage are fixed to "0" in the Q00UJCPU. • The bits from the fifth extension stage to the seventh extension stage are fixed to "0" in the Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Extension Extension Extension Main 3 2 1 to Fixed to Fixed to Extension SD244 Fixed 0 0 0 4 S (Initial) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU SD243 No. of base slots S (Initial) • As shown above, each area stores the number of slots being installed. (Number of set slots when parameter setting has been made) SD245 SD246 Main Extension Extension Extension SD244 Extension 7 6 5 4 No. of base slots (Mounting status) No. of base slots Loaded maximum I/O Loaded maximum I/O No. b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Extension Extension Main SD245 Extension 3 2 1 to Fixed to Fixed to Extension SD246 Fixed 0 0 0 4 Q00J/Q00/Q01 New Q00J/Q00/Q01*9 S (Initial) • As shown above, each area stores the number of module-mounted slots of the base unit (actual number of slots of the installed base unit). • When SM250 goes from OFF to ON, the upper 2 digits of the final I/O number plus 1 of the modules loaded are stored as BIN values. S (Request END) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH • The upper 2 digits of the final I/O number plus 1 of the modules loaded are stored as BIN values. S (Initial) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 QnU *9: Function version is B or later. App-163 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST SD243 TableApp.4.4 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 Number of modules installed SD254 SD256 SD257 SD258 SD259 MELSECNET/ 10. MELSECNET/H information Information from 1st module SD255 • Indicates the number of mounted MELSECNET/10 modules or MELSECNET/H modules. I/O No. • Indicates I/O number of mounted MELSECNET/10 module or MELSECNET/H module Network No. • Indicates network No. of mounted MELSECNET/10 module or MELSECNET/H module Group number • Indicates group No. of mounted MELSECNET/10 module or MELSECNET/H module Station No. • Indicates station No. of mounted MELSECNET/10 module or MELSECNET/H module Standby information • In the case of standby stations, the module number of the standby station is stored. (1 to 4) QCPU S (Initial) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH SD260 to SD264 Information from 2nd module • Configuration is identical to that for the first module. QnU*10 SD265 to SD269 Information from 3rd module • Configuration is identical to that for the first module. SD270 to SD274 Information from 4th module Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH • Configuration is identical to that for the first module. QnU*11 1) When Xn0 of the mounted CC-Link module turns ON, the bit of the corresponding station turns to 1 (ON). 2) When either Xn1 or XnF of the mounted CC-Link module turns OFF, the bit of the corresponding station turns to 1 (ON). 3) Turns to 1 (ON) when communication between the mounted CC-Link module and CPU module cannot be made. Information of 3) SD280 CC-Link error Error detection status b15 to b12 b11 to Empty Information of 2) b8 b7 to Information of 1) b4 b3 to b0 1st module 2nd module 3rd module 4th module The above module Nos. n are in order of the head I/O numbers. (However, the one where parameter setting has not been made is not counted.) *10: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU. *11: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. App-164 S (Error) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH TableApp.4.4 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 D9 8 1) When Xn0 of the mounted CC-Link module turns ON, the bit of the corresponding station turns to 1 (ON). 2) When either Xn1 or XnF of the mounted CC-Link module turns OFF, the bit of the corresponding station turns to 1 (ON). 3) Turns to 1 (ON) when communication between the mounted CC-Link module and CPU module cannot be made. Information of 3) SD281 CC-Link error Error detection status b15 to b12 b11 to Empty Information of 2) b8 b7 to 8 Information of 1) b4 b3 to b0 Qn(H)*14 5st module 6nd module 7rd module 8th module S (Error) New QnPH*14 QnPRH*15 A The above module Nos. n are in order of the head I/O numbers. (However, the one where parameter setting has not been made is not counted.) SD286 • The number of points assigned to M is stored with 32 bits. • Even if the points assigned to M are 32k points or less, the points are stored. Points assigned to B (for extension) • The number of points assigned to B is stored with 32 bits. • Even if the points assigned to B are 32k points or less, the points are stored. SD290 Number of points assigned for X • Stores the number of points currently set for X devices SD291 Number of points assigned for Y • Stores the number of points currently set for Y devices Number of points assigned for M • Stores the number of points currently set for M devices Number of points assigned for L • Stores the number of points currently set for L devices Number of points assigned for B • Stores the number of points currently set for B devices SD295 Number of points assigned for F • Stores the number of points currently set for F devices SD296 Number of points assigned for SB • Stores the number of points currently set for SB devices SD297 Number of points assigned for V • Stores the number of points currently set for V devices SD298 Number of points assigned for S • Stores the number of points currently set for S devices SD299 Number of points assigned for T • Stores the number of points currently set for T device Number of points assigned for ST • Stores the number of points currently set for ST devices Number of points assigned for C • Stores the number of points currently set for C devices SD302 Number of points assigned for D • Stores the number of points currently set for D devices SD303 Number of points assigned for W • Stores the number of points currently set for W devices SD304 Number of points assigned for SW • Stores the number of points currently set for SW devices SD287 SD288 Device assignment SD289 SD292 SD293 SD294 SD300 SD301 Device assignment (Same as parameter contents) Device assignment (Same as parameter contents) 8 S (Initial) New QnU*16 7 8 S (Initial) New QCPU S (Initial) New *14: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "08032" or later. *15: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. *16: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10042" or later. App-165 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST Points assigned to M (for extension) 8 TableApp.4.4 Special register Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 16 bit modification Number of points assigned for Z Device assignment (Same as parameter contents) Number of points assigned for ZR (for extension) • Stores the number of ZR device points (except the number of points of extended data register (D) and extended link register (W)). The number of assignment points of ZR device is stored into this SD only when 1k point or more is set to the extended data register (D) and extended link register (W). Number of points assigned for D (for inside + for extension) • Stores the total number of points of the extended data register (D) and data register in internal device memory area (stores the value in 32-bit binary). Number of points assigned for W (for inside + for extension) • Stores the total number of points of the extended link register (W) and link register in internal device memory area (stores the value in 32-bit binary). Time reserved for communication processing • Reserves the designated time for communication processing with GX Developer or other units. • The greater the value is designated, the shorter the response time for communication with other devices (GX Developer, serial communication units) becomes. • If the designated value is out of the range above, it is processed that no setting is made. • Setting range: 1 to 100 ms • Note that the scan time becomes longer by the designated time. SD340 No. of modules installed • Indicates the number of mounted Ethernet module. SD341 I/O No. • Indicates I/O No. of mounted Ethernet module SD342 Network No. • Indicates network No. of mounted Ethernet module Group No. • Indicates group No. of mounted Ethernet module Station No. • Indicates station No. of mounted Ethernet module Empty • Empty (With QCPU, the Ethernet module IP address of the 1st module is stored in buffer memory.) Empty • Empty (With QCPU, the Ethernet module error code of the 1st module is read with the ERRRD instruction.) SD305 SD306 SD307 SD308 SD309 SD310 SD311 SD315 Device assignment (assignment including the number of points set to the extended data register (D) and extended link register (W)) Time reserved for communication processing SD343 SD344 Ethernet information SD345 to SD346 SD347 SD348 to SD354 SD355 to SD361 Ethernet information SD362 to SD368 Information of 1st module Device assignment (Index register) • Stores the number of points of index register (Z) to be modified in the range of 16 bits. (The assignment is set by the ZR device index modification setting parameter.) Information from 2nd module • Configuration is identical to that for the first module. Information from 3rd module • Configuration is identical to that for the first module. Information from 4th module • Configuration is identical to that for the first module. *10: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU. *11: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. *17: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. App-166 S (Initial) New QnU S (Initial) New QnU*17 U New Q00J/Q00/Q01 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QCPU S (Initial) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU*10 S (Initial) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU*11 TableApp.4.4 Special register Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 D9 SD380 Ethernet instruction reception status Instruction reception status of 1st module b15 to b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 Not used Instruction reception status of channel 1 Instruction reception status of channel 2 Instruction reception status of channel 3 Instruction reception status of channel 4 Instruction reception status of channel 5 Instruction reception status of channel 6 Instruction reception status of channel 7 Instruction reception status of channel 8 8 8 8 S (Instruction execution) New QnPRH ON: Received (Channel is being used.) OFF: Not received (Channel is not used.) SD381 SD382 SD383 Ethernet instruction reception status Instruction reception status of 2nd module • Configuration is identical to that for the first module. Instruction reception status of 3rd module • Configuration is identical to that for the first module. Instruction reception status of 4th module • Configuration is identical to that for the first module. A 8 7 8 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST App-167 TableApp.4.4 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 Number of multiple CPUs SD393 Q00/Q01*9 QnU • The number of CPU modules that comprise the multiple CPU system is stored. (1 to 3, Empty also included) • The CPU module types of No. 1 CPU to 3 and whether the CPU modules are mounted or not are stored. SD394 b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 b0 to b4 b3 to Empty (0) CPU No.3 CPU No.2 CPU No.1 S (Initial) CPU mounting information SD394 Q00/Q01*9 CPU module mounted or not mounted 0: Not mounted 1: Mounted SD395 Multiple CPU system information Multiple CPU number SD396 No. 1 CPU operation status SD397 No. 2 CPU operation status CPU module type 0: PLC CPU 1: Motion CPU 2: PC CPU • In a multiple CPU system configuration, the CPU number of the host CPU is stored. CPU No. 1: 1, CPU No. 2: 2, CPU No. 3: 3, CPU No. 4: 4 No. 3 CPU operation status SD399 No. 4 CPU operation statu Q00/Q01*9 S (Initial) New Qn(H)*9 QnPH QnU The operation information of each CPU No. is stored. (The information on the number of multiple CPUs indicated in SD393 is stored.) b15 b14 to Vacancy to b8 b7 to b4 b3 b0 Classification Operation status mounted 0: Not mounted 1: Mounted SD398 New Q00/Q01*9 QnU*17 S (END processing error) 0: Normal 1: Minor fault 2: Medium fault 3: Major fault FH: Reset New 0: RUN 2: STOP 3: PAUSE 4: Initial FH: Reset QnU*11 *9: Function version is B or later. *11: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. *17: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. (3) System clocks/counters TableApp.4.5 Special register Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 SD412 SD414 SD415 SD420 SD430 1 second counter Number of counts in 1-second units 2n second clock setting 2nms clock setting 2n second clock units Scan counter Low speed scan counter App-168 2nms clock units Number of counts in each scan Number of counts in each scan • Following programmable controller CPU module RUN, 1 is added each second • Count repeats from 0 to 32767 to -32768 to 0 • Stores value n of 2n second clock (Default is 30) • Setting can be made between 1 and 32767 • Stores value n of 2nms clock (Default is 30) • Setting can be made between 1 and 32767 • Incremented by 1 for each scan execution after the CPU module is set to RUN. (Not counted by the scan in an initial execution type program.) • Count repeats from 0 to 32767 to -32768 to 0 • Incremented by 1 for each scan execution after the CPU module is set to RUN. • Count repeats from 0 to 32767 to -32768 to 0 • Incremented by 1 for each scan execution after the CPU module is set to RUN. • Count repeats from 0 to 32767 to -32768 to 0 • Used only for low speed execution type programs S (Status change) D9022 U New U New S (Every END processing) New S (Every END processing) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 S (Every END processing) New Qn(H) QnPH QCPU Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU (4) Scan information 8 TableApp.4.6 Special register Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 SD500 Execution program No. Program No. in execution • Program number of program currently being executed is stored as BIN value. SD510 Low speed excution type program No. Low speed execution type program No. in execution • Program number of low speed excution type program No. currently being executed is stored as BIN value. • Enabled only when SM510 is ON. Current scan time (in 1 ms units) SD520 Current scan time SD521 Current scan time (in 100 s units) SD522 Initial scan time (in 1 ms units) Initial scan time SD523 Initial scan time (in 100 s units) SD524 Minimum scan time (in 1 ms units) Minimum scan time SD525 Minimum scan time (in 100 s units) SD526 Maximum scan time (in 1 ms units) Maximum scan time SD528 SD529 SD532 SD533 SD534 SD535 Current scan time for low speed execution type programs Minimum scan time for low speed execution type programs Maximum scan time for low speed execution type programs SD540 END processing time SD541 Current scan time (in 1 ms units) Current scan time (in 100 s units) Minimum scan time (in 1 ms units) Minimum scan time (in 100 s units) Maximum scan time (in 1 ms units) Maximum scan time (in 100 s units) END processing time (in 1 ms units) END processing time (in 100 s units) • Stores the scan time of an initial execution type program into SD522 and SD523. (Measurement is made in 100 s units. (For the Universal model QCPU, in 1 s units.)) SD522: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD523: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900 (For the Universal model QCPU, storage range is 0 to 999)) • Stores the minimum value of the scan time except that of an initial execution type program into SD524 and SD525. (Measurement is made in 100 s units. (For the Universal model QCPU, in 1 s units.)) SD524: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD525: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900 (For the Universal model QCPU, storage range is 0 to 999)) S (Every END processing) New Qn(H) QnPH S (Every END processing) D9018 format change S (Every END processing) New S (Status change) 8 8 8 QCPU A 8 S (First END processing) New S (Every END processing) D9017 format change S (Every END processing) New 7 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU 8 D9019 format change • Stores the maximum value of the scan time except that of an initial execution type program into SD526 and SD527. (Measurement is made in 100 s units. (For the Universal model QCPU, in 1 s units.)) SD526: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD527: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900 (For the Universal model QCPU, storage range is 0 to 999)) S (Every END processing) • Stores the current scan time of a low speed execution type program into SD528 and SD529. (Measurement is made in 100 s units.) SD528: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD529: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900) S (Every END processing) New • Stores the minimum value of the scan time of a low speed execution type program into SD532 and SD533. (Measurement is made in 100 s units.) SD532: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD533: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900) S (Every END processing) New • Stores the maximum value of the scan time except that of the first scan of a low speed execution type program into SD534 and SD535. (Measurement is made in 100 s units.) SD534: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD535: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900) S (Every END processing) New • Stores the time from the end of a scan execution type program to the start of the next scan into SD540 and SD541. (Measurement is made in 100 s units.(For the Universal model QCPU, in 1 s units.)) SD540: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD541: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900) (Storage range: 0 to 900 (For the Universal model QCPU, storage range is 0 to 999)) S (Every END processing) New New Qn(H) QnPH Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU App-169 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST SD527 Maximum scan time (in 100 s units) • The current scan time is stored into SD520 and SD521. (Measurement is made in 100 s units. (For the Universal model QCPU, in 1 s units.)) SD520: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD521: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900 (For the Universal model QCPU, storage range is 0 to 999)) (Example) When the current scan time is 23.6ms, the following values are stored. SD520 = 23 SD521 = 600 New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU TableApp.4.6 Special register Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 SD524 Minimum scan time Minimum scan time (in 1 ms units) SD525 Minimum scan time (in 100 s units) SD526 Maximum scan time (in 1 ms units) Maximum scan time SD527 Maximum scan time (in 100 s units) SD540 END processing time (in 1 ms units) END processing time SD541 END processing time (in 100 s units) SD542 Constant scan wait time (in 1 ms units) Constant scan wait time SD543 Constant scan wait time (in 100 s units) SD544 Cumulative execution time for low speed execution type programs (in 1 ms units) Cumulative execution time for low speed execution type programs SD545 SD546 Execution time for low speed execution type programs Cumulative execution time for low speed execution type programs (in 100 s units) Execution time for low speed execution type programs (in 1 ms units) SD547 Execution time for low speed execution type programs (in 100 s units) SD548 Scan execution type program execution time (in 1 ms units) Scan execution type program execution time SD549 Scan execution type program execution time (in 100 s units) SD548 Scan program execution time (in 1 ms units) Scan program execution time SD549 SD550 Service interval measurement module SD551 Service interval time SD552 App-170 Scan program execution time (in 100 s units) Unit/module No. Module service interval (in 1 ms units) Module service interval (in 100 s units) • Stores the minimum value of the scan time into SD524 and SD525. (Measurement is made in 100 s units.) SD524: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD525: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900) S (Every END processing) New • Stores the maximum value of the scan time into SD526 and SD527. (Measurement is made in 100 s units.) SD526: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD527: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900) S (Every END processing) • Stores the time from when the scan program ends until the next scan starts into SD540 and SD541. (Measurement is made in 100 s units.) SD540: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD541: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900) S (Every END processing) New • Stores the wait time for constant scan setting into SD542 and SD543. (Measurement is made in 100 s units. (For the Universal model QCPU, in 1 s units.)) SD542: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD543: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900 (For the Universal model QCPU, storage range is 0 to 999)) S (Every END processing) New • Stores the cumulative execution time of a low speed execution type program into SD544 and SD545. (Measurement is made in 100 s units.) SD544: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD545: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900) • Cleared to 0 after the end of one low speed scan. S (Every END processing) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 QCPU Qn(H) QnPH • Stores the execution time of a low speed execution type program during one scan into SD546 and SD547. (Measurement is made in 100 s units.) SD546: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD547: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900) • Stored every scan. S (Every END processing) New • Stores the execution time of a scan execution type program during one scan into SD548 and SD549. (Measurement is made in 100 s units.) SD548: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD549: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900) • Stored every scan. S (Every END processing) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH • Stores the execution time of a scan program during one scan into SD548 and SD549. (Measurement is made in 100 s units. (For the Universal model QCPU, in 1 s units.)) SD548: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD549: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900 (For the Universal model QCPU, storage range is 0 to 999)) • Stored every scan. S (Every END processing) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 QnU U New • Sets I/O number for module that measures service interval. • Stores the service interval for the module specified in SD550 into SD551 and SD552 when SM551 is turned ON. (Measurement is made in 100 s units.) SD551: Stores the ms place. (Storage range: 0 to 65535) SD552: Stores the s place. (Storage range: 0 to 900) S (Request) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH (5) Memory card 8 TableApp.4.7 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 • Indicates the type of the memory card installed. b15 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to 8 b0 0 SD600 Memory card typs Drive 1 (RAM) type Memory card typs 0: Does not exist 1: SRAM card 0: Does not exist (1: SRAM) Drive 2 type 2: ATA card 3: Flash card S (Initial and card removal) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU (The bits for the drive 1 (RAM) type and drive 2 (ROM) type are fixed to "0" in the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU.) SD602 SD603 Drive 1 (Memory card RAM) capacity Drive 2 (Memory card ROM) capacity Drive 1 capacity • Drive 1 capacity is stored in 1 k byte units. • (Empty capacity after format is stored.) S (Initial and card removal) New Drive 2 capacity • Drive 2 capacity is stored in 1 k byte units.*1 S (Initial and card removal) Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH New QnU*2 S (Status change) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH • The use conditions for memory card are stored as bit patterns . (In use when ON) • The significance of these bit patterns is indicated below: Memory card use conditions Memory card use conditions b0 : Boot operation (QBT) b8 : Not used b1 : Parameters (QPA) b9 : CPU fault history (QFD) b2 : Device comments (QCD) b10 : Not used b3 : Device initial value (QDI) b11 : Local device (QDL) b4 : File register R (QDR) b12 : Not used b5 : Sampling trace (QTD) b13 : Not used b6 : Not used b14 : Not used b7 : Not used b15 : Not used A 8 7 8 Memory card use conditions b0 : Boot operation (QBT)*1 b8 : Not used b1 : Parameters (QPA) b9 : Not used b2 : Device comments (QCD) b10 : Not used b3 : Device initial value (QDI)*2 b11 : Local device (QDL) b4 : File register R (QDR) b12 : Not used b5 : Sampling trace (QTD) b13 : Not used b6 : Not used b14 : Not used b7 : Backup data (QBP) *3 b15 : Not used S (Status change) New QnU*2 *1: Turned ON at boot start and OFF at boot completion. *2: Turned ON when reflection of device initial value is started and OFF when reflection of device initial value is completed. *3: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10102" or later. When the Q2MEM-8MBA is used, value stored in the special register SD603 differs depending on the combination of the serial number of the High Performance model QCPU and the manufacture control number of the ATA card. For details, refer to QCPU User's Manual (Hardware Design, Maintenance and Inspection). The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU. App-171 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST Memory card use conditions *2: 8 • The use conditions for memory card are stored as bit patterns . (In use when ON) • The significance of these bit patterns is indicated below: SD604 *1: 8 TableApp.4.7 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 • Indicates the drive 3/4 type. b15 SD620 Drive 3/4 typs Drive 3/4 typs to 0 to b8 b7 b4 b3 to b0 Drive 3 (Standrd RAM) Fixed to 1 Drive 4 (Standrd ROM) Fixed to 3 S (Initial) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU S (Initial) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 • Drive 3 capacity is stored in 1 k byte units. (Empty capacity after format is stored.) S (Initial) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU • Drive 3 capacity is stored in 1k byte units. S (Initial) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 • Drive 4 capacity is stored in 1 k byte units. (Empty capacity after format is stored.) S (Initial) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU S (Initial) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 S (Status change) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH S (Status change) New QnU S (Status change) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 (The bits for the drive 3 (standard RAM) type is fixed to "0" in the Q00UJCPU.) • Indicates the drive 3/4 type. b15 b8 b7 to to 0 b4 b3 to b0 0: Absent Drive 3 (Standard RAM) 1: Present Fixed to Drive 4 (Standrd ROM) "3 (FLASH ROM)" SD622 SD623 Drive 3 (Standard RAM) capacity Drive 4 (Standard ROM) capacity Drive 3 capacity Drive 4 capacity • Drive 4 capacity is stored in 1k byte units. • The conditions for usage for drive 3/4 are stored as bit patterns. (In use when ON) • The significance of these bit patterns is indicated below: Drive 3/4 use conditions Drive 3/4 use conditions b0 : Boot operation (QBT) b8 : Not used b1 : Parameters (QPA) b9 : CPU fault history (QFD) b2 : Device comments (QCD) b10 : SFC trace (QTS) b3 : Device initial value (QDI) b11 : Local device (QDL) b4 : File register (QDR) b12 : Not used b5 : Sampling trace (QTD) b13 : Not used b6 : Not used b14 : Not used b7 : Not used b15 : Not used • The conditions for usage for drive 3/4 are stored as bit patterns. (In use when ON) • The significance of these bit patterns is indicated below: SD624 Drive 3/4 use conditions Drive 3/4 use conditions b0 : Not used b8 : Module error log*2 b1 : Parameters (QPA) b9 : Not used b2 : Device comments (QCD) b10 : Not used b3 : Device initial value (QDI)*1 b11 : Local device (QDL) b4 : File register (QDR) b12 : Not used b5 : Sampling trace (QTD) b13 : Not used b6 : Not used b14 : Not used b7 : Not used b15 : Not used *1: Turned ON at boot start and OFF at boot completion. *2: The modules whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "11043" or later. • The conditions for usage for drive 3/4 are stored as bit patterns. b15 SD624 Drive 3/4 use conditions Drive 3/4 use conditions to 0 to b5 b4 0 0 0 0 b0 0 Boot operation (QBT) 0: Not used 1: In use File register (QDR) 0: Not used 1: In use SD640 File register drive Drive number: • Stores drive number being used by file register S (Status change) *10 New Q00J/Q00/Q01 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU*3 *3: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. *10: On the Basic model QCPU, data is set at STOP to RUN or RSET instruction execution after parameter execution. App-172 TableApp.4.7 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU 8 Corresponding CPU D9 SD642 b15 b8 to 2nd character 4th character 6th character 8th character 1st character of SD645 extension SD641 SD642 SD643 SD644 SD643 SD644 SD645 SD646 File register file name File register file name SD645 SD646 File register capacity File register capacity 3rd character of the extension b7 b0 to 1st character 3rd character 5th character 7th character S (Status change) New b15 b8 to 2nd character (A) 4th character (N) 6th character ( ) 8th character ( ) 2EH(.) 8 2nd character of the extension 1st character of the extension (Q) 3rd character of the extension (R) b7 b0 to 1st character (M) 3rd character (I) 5th character ( ) 7th character ( ) 8 QnU*3 A S (Initial) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 8 2EH(.) 2nd character of the extension (D) • Stores the data capacity of the currently selected file register in 1 k word units. S (Status change) New S (Initial) SD648 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH • Stores file register file name (MAIN.QDR) selected at parameters as ASCII code. SD641 SD642 SD643 SD644 SD646 SD647 8 • Stores file register file name (with extension) selected at parameters or by use of QDRSET instruction as ASCII code. SD641 File register block number File register block number • Stores the currently selected file register block number. Comment drive Comment drive number • Stores the comment drive number selected at the parameters or by the QCDSET instruction. S (Status change) *10 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU*3 Q00J/Q00/Q01 D9035 7 8 Q00J/Q00/Q01 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU*3 • Stores the comment file name (with extension) selected at the parameters or by the QCDSET instruction in ASCII code. SD651 SD652 SD653 SD654 SD655 Comment file name Comment file name SD656 Boot designation file drive number SD660 SD662 SD664 SD665 SD666 b15 b8 to 2nd character 4th character 6th character 8th character 1st character of SD655 the extension 3rd character of SD656 the extension SD651 SD652 SD653 SD654 b7 b0 to 1st character 3rd character 5th character 7th character S (Status change) New S (Initial) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU 2EH(.) 2nd character of the extension • Stores the drive number where the boot designation file (*.QBT) is being stored. • Stores the file name of the boot designation file (*.QBT). SD661 SD663 New Boot operation designation file File name of boot designation file b15 b8 to 2nd character 4th character 6th character 8th character 1st character of SD665 the extension 3rd character of SD666 the extension SD661 SD662 SD663 SD664 b7 b0 to 1st character 3rd character 5th character 7th character S (Initial) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU*4 2EH(.) 2nd character of the extension *3: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU. *4: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU. *10: On the Basic model QCPU, data is set at STOP to RUN or RSET instruction execution after parameter execution. App-173 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST SD650 S (Status change) TableApp.4.7 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 SD670 Parameter enable drive information Parameter enable drive No. • Stores information of parameter storage destination drive which is enabled. 0: Drive 0 (Program memory) 1: Drive 1 (SRAM card) 2: Drive 2 (Flash card/ATA card) 4: Drive 4 (Standard ROM) (Only drive 0 and drive 4 are valid in the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU.) S (Initial) New S (Status change) New Indicates the status of the latch data backup function. Presence/ absence of backup data Status 0 SD671 Status of latch data backup function Status display No backup data Absent Restore operation at turning power supply ON from OFF Restoring not executed Restoring executed when turning power supply ON from OFF the following time 1 Restore ready completion 2 Restore execution completion 3 Backup execution wait Restoring not executed 4 Restore repeated execution ready completion Restoring executed when turning power supply ON from OFF Restoring not executed Present • "2 Restore ready completion" is a status immediately after restoring data. "3 Backup execution wait" is a status after turning power supply ON from OFF at "2 Restore ready completion". • Stores the last 2 digits of year and month when backup is performed in 2-digit BCD code. Backup time (Year and month) SD672 b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Example: July, 1993 9307H Year QnU Month • Stores the day and hour when backup is performed in 2-digit BCD code. b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to Backup time (Day and hour) SD673 b0 Example: 31st, 10 a.m. 3110H Day Hour • Stores the minute and second when backup is performed in 2-digit BCD code. SD674 Backup information Backup time (Minute and second) b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 b4 b3 to to b0 Example: 35 min., 48 sec. 3548H Minute Second • Stores the first 2 digits of year and day of week when backup is performed in BCD code. b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Example: 1993, Friday 1905H SD675 Backup time (Year and day of week) Higher digits of year (0 to 99) App-174 Day of the week 0 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday S (At write) New Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 • Stores the last 2 digits of year and month when data is restored in 2-digit BCD code. Restore time (Year and month) SD676 b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Example: 8 July, 1993 9307H Year Month • Stores the day and time when data is restored in 2-digit BCD code. b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to Restore time (Day and time) SD677 8 b0 Example: 31st, 10 a.m. 3110H Day 8 Hour • Stores the minute and second when data is restored in 2-digit BCD code. SD678 Backup data restration information Restore time (Minute and second) b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 b4 b3 to to b0 Example: 35 min., 48 sec. 3548H Minute S (Initial) A New Second 8 • Stores the first 2 digits of year and day of week when data is restored in BCD code. b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Example: 1993, Friday 1905H Restore time (Year and day of week) SD679 SD681 SD686 S (At write) New Program memory write count index Write count index up to present • Stores the index value for the number of write operations to the program memory (flash ROM) up to the present in BIN 32-bit value. When the index value exceeds 100 thousand times, "FLASH ROM ERROR" (error code: 1610) occurs. (The index value is calculated even when exceeding 100 thousand times.) Note) The write count does not equal to the index value.(Since a flash ROM write life is prolonged by the system, 1 is added to the write count index when writing is performed twice or so.). S (At write) New Standard ROM write (transfer) status Write (transfer) status display (percentage) Displays the status of writing (transferring) the standard ROM (flash ROM) in percentage. (0 to 100%) "0" is set when the write direction is set. S (At write) New Write count index up to present • Stores the index value for the number of write operations to the standard ROM (flash ROM) up to the present in BIN 32-bit value. When the index value exceeds 100 thousand times, "FLASH ROM ERROR" (error code: 1610) occurs. (The index value is calculated even when exceeding 100 thousand times.) Note) The write count does not equal to the index value. (Since a flash ROM write life is prolonged by the system, 1 is added to the write count index when the total write capacity after the previous count up reaches about 1M byte.) S (At write) New Backup error factor Stores the factor of the error that occurred in the backup. 0H : No error 100H: Memory card not inserted 200H: Size of backup target data exceeded 300H: Memory card write inhibit setting 400H: Memory card write error 500H: Backup target data read error (from program memory) 503H: Backup target data read error (from standard RAM) 504H: Backup target data read error (from standard ROM) 510H: Backup target data read error (from system data) SD689 S (Backup error occurrence) New SD690 Standard ROM write count index Backup error factor Backup status Backup status Stores the current backup status. 0 : Before backup start 1 : Backup start prepared 2 : Backup start preparation completed 3 : Backup in execution 4 : Backup completed FF: Backup error 7 8 Displays the status of writing (transferring) the program memory (flash ROM) in percentage. (0 to 100%) "0" is set when the write direction is set. SD687 SD688 QnU Write (transfer) status display (percentage) SD682 SD683 Higher digits of year (0 to 99) Day of the week 0 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST Program memory write (transfer) status 8 QnU*1 S (Status change) New *1: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10102" or later. (Except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU) App-175 Number Name Meaning Backup execution status Backup execution status display (Percentage) Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 SD691 SD692 Restoration error factor • Displays the execution status of data backup to the memory card in percentage (0 to 100%). • "0" is set when the backup starts. New S (Status change) New U New QnU S (Backup in operation) New QnU*1 Current restoration status SD694 Restoration execution status Restoration execution status display (Percentage) • Displays the execution status of restoration to the CPU module in percentage (0 to 100%). • "0" is set before the restoration. Sets "0" (Before restoring), however, when the restoration is completed only during the automatic restoration. SD698 SD699 New S (Status change) Restoration status SD697 S (Error occurrence) Factor of error occurred in the restoration SD693 SD696 New Stores the factor of an error that occurred in the restoration. Each error factor is as follows: 800H: The CPU module model name is not matched. 801H: The file password is set only for the restoration destination data or is not matched. 810H: The verified backup data file is not matched or the backup data read failed. Stores the current restoration execution status. Each error factor is as follows: 0 : Before restoration start 1 : Restoration in execution 2 : Restoration completed FF: Restoration error Sets "0" (Before restoring), however, when the restoration is completed only during the automatic restoration. SD695 S (Status change) Specification of writing to standard ROM instruction count Specification of writing to standard ROM instruction count Available memory in memory card Available memory in memory card Backup data capacity Backup data capacity • Specifies the maximum number of executions of the writing to standard ROM instruction (SP.DEVST) to write to the standard ROM per day. • When the number of executions of the writing to standard ROM instruction exceeds the number of times set by SD695, “OPERATION ERROR” (error code: 4113) occurs. • The setting range for SD695 is 1 to 32767. If 0 or value outside the range is set, “OPERATION ERROR” (error code: 4113) occurs at execution of the writing to standard ROM instruction. Stores the available memory in memory card. (Stores the value in 32-bit binary.) QnU*1 Stores the backup data capacity. (Stores the value in 32-bit binary.) *1: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10102" or later. (Except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU) App-176 (6) Instruction-Related Registers TableApp.4.8 Special register Number Name Meaning 8 Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 SD705 Mask pattern Mask pattern SD706 U New S (During execution) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH • Patterns masked by use of the IMASK instruction are stored in the following manner: SD715 SD716 • During block operations, turning SM705 ON makes it possible to use the mask pattern being stored at SD705 (or at SD705 and SD706 if double words are being used) to operate on all data in the block with the masked values. IMASK instruction mask pattern b1 b0 SD715 l15 to l1 l0 SD716 l31 to l17 l16 SD717 l47 to l33 l32 b15 Mask pattern SD717 8 8 8 QCPU A SD718 Accumulator Accumulator Program No. designation for PLOADP instruction Program No. designation for PLOADP instruction • For use as replacement for accumulators used in A series programs. S/U New Stores the program number of the program to be loaded by the PLOADP instruction when designated. Designation range: 1 to 124 U New SD719 SD720 SD738 • Stores the message designated by the MSG instruction. SD739 SD740 SD741 SD742 SD743 SD744 SD745 SD746 SD747 SD748 SD750 SD751 SD752 SD754 SD755 SD756 SD757 SD758 SD759 SD760 SD761 SD762 SD763 SD764 SD765 SD766 SD767 SD768 Message storage Message storage SD738 SD739 SD740 SD741 SD742 SD743 SD744 SD745 SD746 SD747 SD748 SD749 SD750 SD751 SD752 SD753 SD754 SD755 SD756 SD757 SD758 SD759 SD760 SD761 SD762 SD763 SD764 SD765 SD766 SD767 SD768 SD769 b15 b8 to 2nd character 4th character 6th character 8th character 10th character 12th character 14th character 16th character 18th character 20th character 22nd character 24th character 26th character 28th character 30th character 32nd character 34th character 36th character 38th character 40th character 42nd character 44th character 46th character 48th character 50th character 52nd character 54th character 56th character 58th character 60th character 62nd character 64th character b7 7 b0 to 1st character 3rd character 5th character 7th character 9th character 11th character 13th character 15th character 17th character 19th character 21st character 23rd character 25th character 27th character 29th character 31st character 33rd character 35th character 37th character 39th character 41st character 43rd character 45th character 47th character 49th character 51st character 53rd character 55th character 57th character 59th character 61st character 63rd character 8 8 S (During execution) New QCPU SD769 App-177 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST SD749 SD753 Qn(H) QnPH TableApp.4.8 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 • Specify the limit of each PID loop as shown below. SD774 to SD775 SD774 PID limit setting (for complete derivative) PID limit setting (for complete derivative) 0: With limit 1: Without limit b1 b0 SD774 Loop16 to Loop2 Loop1 SD775 Loop32 to Loop18 Loop17 b15 U New Qn(H) QnPRH QnU U New Q00J/Q00/Q01*9 U New U New • Specify the limit of each PID loop as shown below. 0: With limit 1: Without limit to b15 SD774 b8 b7 to b1 b0 Loop8 to Loop2 Loop1 • Selects whether or not the data is refreshed when the COM instruction is executed. • Designation of SD778 is made valid when SM775 turns ON. b15 b14 SD778 0/1 to 0 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 I/O refresh CC-Link refresh MELSECNET/H refresh Automatic refresh of intelligent function modules Automatic refresh of CPU shared memory (Fixed to "0" for Redundant CPU) Execution/nonexecution of communication with CPU module SD778 Refresh processing selection when the COM/ CCOM instruction is executed b0 to b14: 0: Do not refresh 1: Refresh b15 bit 0: Communication with CPU module is executed 1: Communication withCPU module is nonexecuted Q00J/Q00/Q01*9 • Refresh between multiple CPUs by COM instruction is performed under the following occasion. Receiving operation from other device: b4 of SD778(refresh in the CPU shared memory) is turned to 1. Sending operation from host CPU : b15 of SD778(communication with peripheral device is executed/nonexecuted) is turned to 0. • Selects whether or not the data is refreshed when the COM instruction is executed. • Designation of SD778 is made valid when SM775 turns ON. b15 b14 to 0 SD778 0/1 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 I/O refresh CC-Link refresh CC-Link IE controller network or MELSECNET/H refresh Automatic refresh of intelligent function modules Reading input/output from group outside multiple CPU system Auto refresh using the multiple CPU high speed transmission area of multiple CPU system Execution/nonexecution of communication with CPU module • Refresh between multiple CPUs by COM instruction is performed under the following occasion. Receiving operation from other device: b4 of SD778(refresh in the CPU shared memory) is turned to 1. Sending operation from host CPU : b15 of SD778(communication with peripheral device is executed/nonexecuted) is turned to 0. • When b2 (refresh of the CC-Link IE controller network and MELSECNET/H) of SD778 is 1, the CC-Link IE controller network and MELSECNET/H perform refresh. Therefore, if there are many refresh points, processing time for the COM instruction will be extended. *9: Function version is B or later. *11: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "04012" or later. *12: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "07032" or later. *13: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. App-178 Qn(H)*11 Qn(H)*13 QnPH*12 QnPRH TableApp.4.8 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 8 • Selects whether or not the data is refreshed when the COM, CCOM instruction is executed. • Designation of SD778 is made valid when SM775 turns ON. b15 b14 to SD778 0/1 0 SD778 Refresh processing selection when the COM/ CCOM instruction is executed b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 I/O refresh CC-Link refresh Refresh of MELSECNET/H and CC-Link IE controller network Automatic refresh of intelligent function modules b0 to b14: 0: Do not refresh 1: Refresh b15 bit 0: communication with peripheral device is executed 1: communication with peripheral device is nonexecuted 8 U New QnU Auto refresh using QCPU standard area of multiple CPU system and reading input/output from group outside. 8 • Stores the mask patterns masked by the IMASK instruction as follows: b15 Mask pattern of IMASK instruction b1 b0 SD781 l63 to l49 l48 SD782 l79 to l65 l64 Mask pattern to SD793 l255 8 A Auto refresh using the multiple CPU high speed transmission area of multiple CPU system Execution/nonexecution of communication with CPU module SD781 to SD793 8 7 S (During execution) New Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU S (During execution) New Q00J/Q00/Q01 U New Qn(H)*13 QnPRH QnU U New Q00J/Q00/Q01*9 8 l241 l240 to (The Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, and Q01UCPU cannot use the special registers SD786 to SD793.) b15 SD781 to SD785 Mask pattern of IMASK instruction Mask pattern b1 b0 SD781 l63 to l49 l48 SD782 l79 to l65 l64 to to SD785 l127 l113 l112 to • Specify the limit of each PID loop as shown below. SD794 to SD795 SD794 PID limit setting (for incomplete derivative) PID limit setting (for incomplete derivative) 0: With limit 1: Without limit b1 b0 SD794 Loop16 b15 to Loop2 Loop1 SD795 Loop32 to Loop18 Loop17 • Specify the limit of each PID loop as shown below. 0: With limit 1: Without limit b15 to SD794 b8 b7 Loop8 to b1 b0 Loop2 Loop1 *9: Function version is B or later. *13: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "09012" or later. App-179 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST • Stores the mask patterns masked by the IMASK instruction as follows: TableApp.4.8 Special register Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 SD796 SD797 SD798 SD799 Maximum number of blocks used for the multiple CPU highspeed transmission dedicated instruction setting (for CPU No.1) Maximum number of blocks used for the multiple CPU highspeed transmission dedicated instruction setting (for CPU No.2) Maximum number of blocks used for the multiple CPU highspeed transmission dedicated instruction setting (for CPU No.3) Maximum number of blocks used for the multiple CPU highspeed transmission dedicated instruction setting (for CPU No.4) Maximum number of blocks range for dedicated instructions Range: 1 to 7 (Default: 2 Or when setting other than 1 to 7, the register operates as 7). • Specifies the maximum number of blocks used for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction (target CPU=CPU No.1). When the dedicated instruction of Multiple CPU transmission is executed to the CPU No.1, and the number of empty blocks of the dedicated instruction transmission area is less than the setting value of this register, SM796 is turned ON, which is used as the interlock signal for consecutive execution of the dedicated instruction of Multiple CPU transmission. U (At 1 scan after RUN) New • Specifies the maximum number of blocks used for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction (target CPU=CPU No.2). When the dedicated instruction of Multiple CPU transmission is executed to the CPU No.2, and the number of empty blocks of the dedicated instruction transmission area is less than the setting value of this register, SM797 is turned ON, which is used as the interlock signal for consecutive execution of the dedicated instruction of Multiple CPU transmission. U (At 1 scan after RUN) New QnU*14*15 • Specifies the maximum number of blocks used for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction (target CPU=CPU No.3). When the dedicated instruction of Multiple CPU transmission is executed to the CPU No.3, and the number of empty blocks of the dedicated instruction transmission area is less than the setting value of this register, SM798 is turned ON, which is used as the interlock signal for consecutive execution of the dedicated instruction of Multiple CPU transmission. U (At 1 scan after RUN) New • Specifies the maximum number of blocks used for the multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction (target CPU=CPU No.4). When the dedicated instruction of Multiple CPU transmission is executed to the CPU No.4, and the number of empty blocks of the dedicated instruction transmission area is less than the setting value of this register, SM799 is turned ON, which is used as the interlock signal for consecutive execution of the dedicated instruction of Multiple CPU transmission. U (At 1 scan after RUN) New *14: The Universal model QCPU except the Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU, and Q02UCPU. *15: The range is from 1 to 9 for the Q03UDCPU, Q04UDCPU, and Q06UDHCP whose first 5 digits of serial number is "10012" or earlier. (Default: 2 Or when setting other than 1 to 9, the register operates as 9). App-180 (7) Debug TableApp.4.9 Special register Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU 8 Corresponding CPU D9 SD840 Debug function usage Debug function usage Stores the status of the debug function usage as shown below. 0: Forced ON/OFF for external I/O 1: Executional conditioned device test 2 to 15:Absent (0 fix) b15 to b2 b1 b0 0 S (Status change) 8 New QnU*1 Forced ON/OFF for external I/O Executional conditioned device test 8 8 (0: Not used, 1: Used) *1: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10042" or later. (8) Redundant CPU information (host system CPU information*1) A TableApp.4.10 Special register Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 D9 SD952 History of memory copy from control system to standby system Latest status of memory copy from control system to standby system Stores the completion status of the memory copy from control system to standby system executed last. 1) Stores the same value as stored into SD1596 at normal completion/ abnormal completion of the memory copy from control system to standby system. 2) Backed up for a power failure, this special register holds the status of memory copy from control system to standby system executed last. 3) Cleared to 0 by latch clear operation. S (Status change) New QnPRH 7 8 *1: The host system CPU information is stored. (9) Remote password count TableApp.4.11 Special register Name Meaning Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 SD979 Direct MELSOFT connection SD980 to SD995 Connection 1 to 16 SD998 MELSOFT connection using TCP port SD999 FTP communi cation port Count of unlock processing failures Stores the count of unlock processing failures. Range: 0 to FFFEH (FFFFH when the limit is exceeded) S(Status change) New QnU*1 *1: This applies to the Built-in Ethernet port QCPU. App-181 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST Number Set by (When Set) (10) A to Q conversion ACPU special registers D9000 to D9255 correspond to Q special registers SD1000 to SD1255 after A to Q/QnA conversion. (However, the Basic model QCPU and Redundant CPU do not support the A to Q conversion.) These special registers are all set by the system, and cannot be set by the user program. To set data by the user program, correct the program for use of the QCPU special registers. However, some of SD1200 to SD1255 (corresponding to D9200 to 9255 before conversion) can be set by the user program if they could be set by the user program before conversion. For details on the ACPU special registers, refer to the user's manual for the corresponding CPU, and MELSECNET or MELSECNET/B Data Link System Reference Manuals. POINT Check "Use special relay/special register from SM/SD1000" for "A-PLC" on the PLC system tab of PLC parameter in GX Developer when the converted special registers are used with the High Performance model QCPU, Process CPU, and Universal model QCPU. When not using the converted special registers, uncheck "Use special relay/ special registers from SM/SD1000" to save the time taken for processing special registers. Remark Supplemental explanation on "Special Register for Modification" column For the device numbers for which a special register for modification is specified, modify it to the special register for QCPU. For the device numbers for which conversion can be used. Device numbers for which App-182 is specified, special register after is specified do not function for QCPU. TableApp.4.13 Special register ACPU Special Register D9000 Special Register after Conversion Special Register for Modification – SD1000 Name Fuse blown Meaning Number of module with blown fuse Corresponding CPU Details • When fuse blown modules are detected, the first I/O number of the lowest number of the detected modules is stored in hexadecimal. (Example: When fuses of Y50 to 6F output modules have blown, "50" is stored in hexadecimal) To monitor the number by peripheral devices, perform monitor operation given in hexadecimal. (Cleared when all contents of SD1100 to SD1107 are reset to 0.) • Fuse blow check is executed also to the output modules of remote I/O stations. Qn(H) QnPH 8 8 QnU*1 8 • Stores the module numbers corresponding to setting switch numbers or base slot numbers when fuse blow occurred. AJ02 I/O module D9001 – SD1001 Fuse blown Number of module with blown fuse Setting switch Stored data 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Extension base unit Base unit slot No. 0 1 2 3 Stored data 4 5 6 7 Qn(H) QnPH 8 • For the remote I/O station, the value of (module I/O No./10H) + 1 is stored. D9002 D9008 – SD1005 SD1008 SD0 I/O module verify error AC DOWN counter Self-diagnostic error I/O module verify error module number Number of times for AC DOWN Self-diagnostic error number • When the AC power supply module is used, 1 is added at occurrence of an instantaneous power failure of within 20ms. (The value is stored in BIN code.) It is reset when the power supply is switched from OFF to ON. • When the DC power supply module is used, 1 is added at occurrence of an instantaneous power failure of within 10ms. (The value is stored in BIN code.) It is reset when the power supply is switched from OFF to ON. • When error is found as a result of self-diagnosis, error number is stored in BIN code. 7 Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 8 Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 *1: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. • Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU App-183 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST D9005 – SD1002 • If I/O modules, of which data are different from data entered, are detected when the power is turned on, the first I/O number of the lowest number unit among the detected units is stored in hexadecimal. (Storing method is the same as that of SD1000.) To monitor the number by peripheral devices, perform monitor operation given in hexadecimal. (Cleared when all contents of SD1116 to SD1123 are reset to 0.) • I/O module verify check is executed also to the modules of remote I/O terminals. A TableApp.4.13 Special register ACPU Special Register D9009 D9010 D9011 D9014 Special Register after Conversion Special Register for Modification Name Meaning Corresponding CPU Details Annunciator detection F number at which external failure has occurred • When one of F0 to 2047 is turned on by OUT F or SET F instruction, the F number, which has been detected earliest among the F numbers which have turned on, is stored in BIN code. • SD1009 can be cleared by RST F or LEDR instruction. If another F number has been detected, the clearing of SD1009 causes the next number to be stored in SD1009. Error step Step number at which operation error has occurred. • When operation error has occurred during execution of application instruction, the step number, at which the error has occurred, is stored in BIN code. Thereafter, each time operation error occurs, the contents of SD1010 are renewed. SD1011 Error step Step number at which operation error has occurred. • When operation error has occurred during execution of application instruction, the step number, at which the error has occurred, is stored in BIN code. Since the step number is stored into SD1011 when SM1011 turns from OFF to ON, the data of SD1011 is not updated unless SM1011 is cleared by a user program. SD1014 I/O control mode I/O control mode number • The I/O control mode set is returned in any of the following numbers: 0: Both input and output in direct mode 1: Input in refresh mode, output in direct mode 3: Both input and output in refresh mode SD1009 SD62 SD1010 Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 Qn(H) QnPH • The operation status of CPU as shown below are stored in SD1015. b15 to b12 b11 to Remote RUN/STOP by computer D9015 SD1015 SD203 Operating status of CPU Operating status of CPU 0 RUN 1 STOP 2 PAUSE 1 Status in program 0 Except below 1 STOP Instruction execution b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 CPU key switch 0 RUN 1 STOP 2 PAUSE 1 3 STEP RUN Remains the same in remote RUN/STOP mode. Remote RUN/STOP by parameter setting 0 RUN 1 STOP 2 PAUSE 1 *1: When the CPU mdoule is in RUN mode and SM1040 is off, the CPU module remains in RUN mode if changed to PAUSE mode. *1: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. • Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU App-184 Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 TableApp.4.13 Special register ACPU Special Register D9016 Special Register after Conversion Special Register for Modification Name Program number SD1016 Meaning 0: Main program (ROM) 1: Main program (RAM) 2: Subprogram 1 (RAM) 3: Subprogram 2 (RAM) 4: Subprogram 3 (RAM) 5: Subprogram 1 (ROM) 6: Subprogram 2 (ROM) 7: Subprogram 3 (ROM) 8: Main program Corresponding CPU Details 8 8 8 • Indicates which sequence program is run presently. One value of 0 to B is stored in BIN code. Qn(H) QnPH 8 A (E2PROM) 9: Subprogram 1 (E2PROM) A: Subprogram 2 8 (E2PROM) B: Subprogram 3 (E2PROM) D9017 SD1017 SD524 Scan time Minimum scan time (10 ms units) • If scan time is smaller than the content of SD1017, the value is newly stored at each END. Namely, the minimum value of scan time is stored into SD1017 in BIN code. D9018 SD1018 SD520 Scan time Scan time (10 ms units) • At every END, the scan time is stored in BIN code and always rewritten. Scan time Maximum scan time (10 ms units) • If scan time is larger than the content of SD1019, the value is newly stored at each END. Namely, the maximum value of scan time is stored into SD1019 in BIN code. D9019 D9020 SD1019 SD526 SD1020 SD1021 D9022 SD1022 – SD412 Constant scan time (User sets in 10 ms units) 1 to 200 : Set. Program is executed at intervals of (set value) 10 ms. Scan time Scan time (1 ms units) • At every END, the scan time is stored in BIN code and always rewritten. 1 second counter Count in units of 1s. • When the PC CPU starts running, it starts counting 1 every second. • It starts counting up from 0 to 32767, then down to -32768 and then again up to 0. Counting repeats this routine. QnU*1 8 Qn(H) QnPH • The year (last two digits) and month are stored as BCD code as shown below. D9025 SD1025 – Clock data Clock data (year, month) b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Example: 1987, July H8707 Year Qn(H) QnPH Month • The day and hour are stored as BCD code as shown below. b15 to b12 b11 to D9026 SD1026 – Clock data b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Clock data (day, hour) Day QnU*1 Example: 31st, 10 a.m. H3110 Hour • The minute and second are stored as BCD code as shown below. b15 to b12 b11 to D9027 SD1027 – Clock data Clock data (minute, second) b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Example: 35 min, 48 sec. H3548 Minute 7 Second *1: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. • Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU App-185 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST D9021 Constant scan • Sets the interval between consecutive program starts in multiples of 10 ms. 0 : No setting Qn(H) QnPH TableApp.4.13 Special register ACPU Special Register Special Register after Conversion Special Register for Modification Name Meaning Corresponding CPU Details • The day of the week is stored as BCD code as shown below. b15 D9028 D9035 D9036 – SD1028 SD1035 SD648 Clock data Extension file register to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Example: Friday H0005 Day of the week Clock data (day of week) Use block No. b12 b11 Always set "0" 0 Sunday 1 Monday Qn(H) QnPH 2 Tuesday QnU*1 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday • Stores the block No. of the extension file register being used in BCD code. • Designate the device number for the extension file register for direct read and write in 2 words at SD1036 and SD1037 in BIN data. Use consecutive numbers beginning with R0 of block No. 1 to designate device numbers. SD1036 Extension file registerfor designation of device number D9037 to Device number when individual devices from extension file register are directly accessed SD1037 Extension file register 0 Block No.1 to area 16383 16384 to SD1037,SD1036 Device No. (BIN data) Block No.2 area to D9038 SD1038 SD207 Priorities 1 to 4 LED display priority ranking • Sets priority of ERROR LEDs which illuminate (or flicker) to indicate errors with error code numbers. • Configuration of the priority setting areas is as shown below. SD207 SD208 D9039 D9044 D9049 SD1039 SD208 Priorities 5 to 7 b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Priority 4 Priority 3 Priority 2 Priority 1 Priority 7 Priority 6 Priority 5 • For details, refer to the applicable CPUs User's Manual and the ACPU Programming manual (Fundamentals). SD1044 For sampling trace Step or time during sampling trace • Turned on/off with a peripheral device. When STRA or STRAR instruction is executed, the value stored in SD1044 is used as the sampling trace condition. At scanning--------0 At time--------------Time (10 msec unit) The value is stored into SD1044 in BIN code. SD1049 Work area for SFC Block number of extension file register • Stores the block number of the expansion file register which is used as the work area for the execution of a SFC program in a binary value. • Stores "0" if an empty area of 16K bytes or smaller, which cannot be expansion file register No. 1, is used or if SM320 is OFF. D9050 SD1050 SFC program error number Error code generated by SFC program • Stores error code of errors occurred in the SFC program in BIN code. 0 : No error 80: SFC program parameter error 81: SFC code error 82: Number of steps of simultaneous execution exceeded 83: Block start error 84: SFC program operation error D9051 SD1051 Error block Block number where error occurred • Stores the block number in which an error occurred in the SFC program in BIN code. In the case of error 83 the starting block number is stored. D9052 SD1052 Error step Step number where error occurred • Stores the step number, where error code 84 occurred in an SFC program, in BIN value. • Stores "0" when error code 80, 81 or 82 occurred. • Stores the block stating step number when error code 83 occurs. *1: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. • Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU App-186 Qn(H) QnPH TableApp.4.13 Special register ACPU Special Register Special Register after Conversion Special Register for Modification Name Meaning Corresponding CPU Details D9053 SD1053 Error transition Transition condition number where error occurred • Stores the transition condition number, where error code 84 occurred in an SFC program, in BIN value. Stores "0" when error code 80, 81, 82 or 83 occurred. D9054 SD1054 Error sequence step Sequence step number where error occurred • Stores the sequence step number of transfer condition and operation output in which error 84 occurred in the SFC program in BIN code. D9055 • Stores the step number when status latch is executed. • Stores the step number in a binary value if status latch is executed in a main sequence program. • Stores the block number and the step number if status latch is executed in a SFC program. Status latch execution step number Status latch step SD1072 PLC communication check Data check of serial communication module • In the self-loopback test of the serial communication module, the serial communication module writes/reads data automatically to make communication checks. SD1085 Register for setting time check value 1 s to 65535 s • Sets the time check time of the data link instructions (ZNRD, ZNWR) for the MELSECNET/10. • Setting range : 1 s to 65535 s (1 to 65535) • Setting unit :1s • Default value : 10 s (If 0 has been set, default 10 s is applied) SD1055 SD812 Block No. (BIN) Upper 8 bits D9072 D9085 Number of special functions modules over Number of special functions modules over • For details, refer to the manual of each microcomputer program package. D9091 SD1091 Detailed error code Self-diagnosis detailed error code • Stores the detail code of cause of an instruction error. SD1094 Head I/O number of I/O module to be replaced Head I/O number of I/ O module to be replaced • Stores the first two digits of the head I/O number of the I/O module, which will be dismounted/mounted online (with power on), in BIN value. Example) Input module X2F0 H2F SD251 Qn(H) QnPH Qn(H) QnPH 8 7 Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 DIP switch information DIP switch information D9095 0 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 Qn(H) QnPH *1: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. • Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU App-187 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST SD200 8 Qn(H) QnPH b15 to b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 SD1095 A Qn(H) QnPH • The DIP switch information of the CPU module is stored in the following format. 0: OFF 1: ON D9095 8 8 Lower 8 bits SD1090 D9094 8 Step No. (BIN) D9090 8 TableApp.4.13 Special register ACPU Special Register Special Register after Conversion D9100 SD1100 D9101 SD1101 D9102 SD1102 Special Register for Modification Name Meaning Corresponding CPU Details • Output module numbers (in units of 16 points), of which fuses have blown, are entered in bit pattern. (Preset output module numbers when parameter setting has been performed.) b15 b14b13b12b11b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 D9103 SD1103 – D9104 SD1104 D9105 SD1105 D9106 SD1106 D9107 SD1107 D9108 SD1108 D9109 SD1109 D9110 SD1110 D9111 SD1111 D9112 SD1112 D9113 SD1113 D9114 SD1114 D9116 SD1116 D9117 SD1117 D9118 SD1118 D9119 SD1119 D9121 0 0 SD1101 0 0 0 SD1107 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qn(H) QnPH 0 Y7 B0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y7 30 0 0 0 QnU*1 (YC0) 1 (Y80) 1 Indicates fuse blow. • Fuse blow check is executed also to the output module of remote I/ O station. (If normal status is restored, clear is not performed. Therefore, it is required to perform clear by user program.) • Set the value of the step transition monitoring timer and the annunciator number (F number) that will be turned ON when the monitoring timer times out. b15 – Step transfer monitoring timer setting Timer setting valve and the F number at time out to b8 b7 F number setting (02 to 255) to b0 Qn(H) QnPH Timer time limit setting (1 to 255 s:(1 s units)) • By turning ON any of SM1108 to SM1114, the monitoring timer starts. If the transition condition following a step which corresponds to the timer is not established within set time, set annunciator (F) is turned on.) • When I/O modules, of which data are different from those entered at power-ON, have been detected, the I/O module numbers (in units of 16 points) are entered in bit pattern. (Preset I/O module numbers set in parmeters when parameter setting has been performed.) – D9120 Fuse blown module Bit pattern in units of 16 points, indicating the modules whose fuses have blown SD1100 0 SD1120 I/O module verification error Bit pattern, in units of 16 points, indicating the modules with verification errors. b15 b14b13b12b11b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 XY SD1116 0 0 SD1117 0 0 0 0 0 SD1123 0 0 0 0 XY 7B0 1 1 0 XY 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SD1121 Indicates an I/O module verify error. D9122 SD1122 D9123 SD1123 D9124 SD1124 • I/O module verify check is executed also to remote I/O station modules. (If normal status is restored, clear is not performed. Therefore, it is required to perform clear by user program.) SD63 Number of annuciator detections Number of annuciator detections • When one of F0 to 255 (F0 to 2047 for AuA and AnU) is turned on by SET F instruction 1 is added to the contents of SD63. When RST F or LEDR instruction is executed, 1 is subtracted from the contents of SD63. • Quantity, which has been turned on by SET F instruction is stored into SD63 in BIN code. The value of SD63 is maximum 16. *1: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. • Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU App-188 Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 TableApp.4.13 Special register Special Register after Conversion Special Register for Modification D9125 SD1125 SD64 D9126 SD1126 SD65 D9127 SD1127 SD66 ACPU Special Register Name Meaning Corresponding CPU Details 8 • When any of F0 to 2047 is turned on by SET F instruction, the annunciator numbers (F numbers) that are turned on in order are registered into SD1125 to SD1132. • The F number turned off by RST F instruction is erased from any of SD1125 to SD1132, and the F numbers stored after the erased F number are shifted to the preceding registerers. By executing LEDR instruction, the contents of SD1125 to SD1132 are shifted upward by one. When there are 8 annunciator detections, the 9th one is not stored into SD1125 to SD1132 even if detected. 8 8 SET SET SET RST SET SET SET SET SET SET SET F50 F25 F99 F25 F15 F70 F65 F38 F110 F151 F210 LEDR D9128 SD1128 SD67 Annunciator detection number D9129 D9130 D9131 D9132 SD1129 SD1130 SD1131 SD1132 SD68 SD69 SD70 SD71 Annunciator detection number SD1009 0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 99 SD1124 0 1 SD1125 0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 99 SD1126 0 0 25 25 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 15 SD1127 0 0 0 99 0 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 70 SD1128 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 70 70 70 70 70 65 SD1129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 65 65 65 65 38 SD1130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 38 38 38 110 SD1131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 110 110 151 SD1132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 Qn(H) QnPH QnU*1 A 8 7 0 151 151 210 8 *1: The relevant modules are as follows: • The Universal model QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "10102" or later. • Q00UJCPU, Q00UCPU, Q01UCPU Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST App-189 (11) QCPU with built-in Ethernet port TableApp.4.14 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 Operation result SD1270 Stores operationresult. Stores the operation result of the time setting function. 0: Not executed 1: Success FFFFH: Failure Stores years (last two digits of the Christian Era) and monthes by two digits of BCD code. b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Example: SD1271 July, 1993 9307H Year Month Stores dates and hours acquired with time setting function by two digits of BCD code. b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Example: SD1272 31st, 10 a.m. 3110H SD1273 Time setting function Day Hour Stores minutes and seconds acquired with time setting function by two digits of BCD code. Execution time Stores time acquired with time setting function. b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 b4 b3 to to b0 Example: 35 min., 48 sec. 3548H Minute S (status change) Second Stores years (first two digits of the Christian Era) and days acquierd with time setting function. b15 to b12 b11 to b8 b7 to b4 b3 to b0 Example: 1993, Friday 1905H SD1274 Higher digits of year (0 to 99) Required response time SD1275 Stores time required for clock time aquisition. SD1276 New Day of the week 0 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday Stores time taken from transmission to SNTP server to clook time setup at CPU. Range: 0 to FFFEH (Unit: ms) FFFFH when the above limit is exceeded. Specify this when a connection is to be invalidated forcibly on the user program. If invalidation is specified for a connection, it stops communication and does not respond. (When a remote password is used and frequent unlock processing errors have occurred on a connection, this is useful for temporarily inhibiting access to the connection.) b15b14 to b1 b0 SD1276 Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 15 SD1277 Forced connection invalidation Specifies forced connection invalidation. Connection 16 b15b14 b13 b12 SD1277 0 to 0 U b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 MELSOFT communication port (UDP/IP) MELSOFT communication port (TCP/IP) FTP communication port Directconnection to MELSOFT 0: Valid (default) 1: Invalid This register is to be invalidated if a socket communication is used as an open system. *1: This applies to the Built-in Ethernet port QCPU. App-190 QnU*1 TableApp.4.15 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU 8 D9 8 Open completion status of connections (whose open system is socket communication) using socket communication functions is stored. All bits corresponding to connections using any communications other than the socket communication are fixed to "0". b15b14 SD1282 Open completion signal Stores open completion status b1 b0 to SD1282 Connection 1 Connection 2 to Connection 15 S (Status change) New QnU*2 Connection 16 8 0 : Open processing is not completed. 1 : Open processing is completed. Open request status of connections using socket communication functions is stored. All bits corresponding to connections using any communications other than the socket communication are fixed to "0". b15b14 SD1284 Open request signal Stores open request status 8 A b1 b0 to SD1284 Connection 1 Connection 2 to Connection 15 S (Status change) New QnU*2 8 Connection 16 0 : No open requests 1 : In open request 7 Reception status of connections using socket communication functions is stored. All bits corresponding to connections using any communications other than the socket communication are fixed to "0". b15b14 8 b1 b0 to SD1286 SD1286 Reception status signal Stores reception status Connection 1 Connection 2 to Connection 15 Connection 16 S (Status change) New QnU*2 S (Status change) New QnU*2 Connection status of built-in Ethernet port is stored. b15 SD1288 SD1288 Built-in Ethernet port connection status Stores connection status of built-in Ethernet port to b11 b10 b9 to b0 1/0 Connection status 0 : Not connected with or disconnected from hubs or devices. 1 : Connected to hubs or devices It may take several seconds for the QCPU to determine whether to connect or disconnect a built-in Ethernet port. *2: The built-in Ethernet port QCPU whose serial number (first five digits) is "11012" or later is targeted. App-191 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST For TCP (Normal reception mode) 0 : Data have not been received. 1 : Data have been received. For TCP (Fixed length reception mode) 0 : Data have not been received ,or received data size has not been reached to valid buffer size. 1 : Received data size has been reached to valid buffer size. For UDP 0 : Data have not been received. 1 : Data have been received. (12) Fuse blown module TableApp.4.16 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 SD1300 SD1301 SD1302 SD1303 Bit pattern in units of 16 points, indicating the modules whose fuses have blown 0 : No blown fuse 1 : Blown fuse present SD1304 SD1305 SD1306 SD1307 Fuse blown module SD1308 SD1309 to SD1330 • The numbers of output modules whose fuses have blown are input as a bit pattern (in units of 16 points). (If the module numbers are set by parameter, the parameter-set numbers are stored.) • Also detects blown fuse condition at remote station output modules SD1300 SD1301 b15 b14 b13 b12 b11b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 1 1 0 0 0 (YC0) 0 0 0 (Y80) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (Y1F0) 0 0 0 0 1 (Y1A0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 SD1331 0 0 0 0 Y1F B0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D9100 D9101 D9102 D9103 D9104 D9105 S (Error) D9106 D9107 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y1F 30 New New Indicates fuse blow. • Not cleared even if the blown fuse is replaced with a new one. This flag is cleared by error resetting operation. SD1331 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU New (13) I/O module verification TableApp.4.17 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 SD1400 SD1401 SD1402 Bit pattern, in units of 16 points, indicating the modules with verification errors. 0 : No I/O verification errors 1 : I/O verification error present SD1403 SD1404 SD1405 SD1406 SD1407 I/O module verify error SD1408 SD1409 to SD1430 • When the I/O modules whose I/O module information differs from that registered at power-ON are detected, the numbers of those I/O modules are entered in bit pattern. (If the I/O numbers are set by parameter, the parameter-set numbers are stored.) • Also detects I/O module information. SD1400 b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X0Y SD1401 0 SD1431 0 0 1 XY 1FE0 1 0 0 0 0 XY 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D9116 D9117 D9118 D9119 D9120 D9121 S (Error) D9122 D9123 Qn(H) QnPH QnPRH QnU New New Indicates an I/O module verify error. • Not cleared even if the blown fuse is replaced with a new one. This flag is cleared by error resetting operation. SD1431 New (14) Process control instructions TableApp.4.18 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 SD1500 SD1501 Basic period SD1502 Process control instruction detail error code Process control instruction detail error code SD1503 Process control instruction generated error location SD1506 SD1507 SD1508 Basic period tome • Set the basic period (1 second units) use for the process control instruction using floating point data. U New • Shows the detailed error contents for the error that occurred in the process control instruction. S (Error) New Process control instruction generated error location • Shows the error process block that occurred in the process control instruction. S (Error) New Dummy device Dummy device • Used to specify dummy devices by a process control instruction. U New QnPH QnPRH Function availability selection for process control instruction • Selects the availability (enabled/disabled) of the function for process b0 control instructions. Bumpless function b15 b14 to b2 b1 b0 availability setting SD1508 0 0 1/0 0 for the S.PIDP instrunction Bumpless function 0: Enabled availability for the 1: Disabled S.PIDP instruction (Default: 0) U New QnPH QnPRH Floating point pointsdata data== App-192 SD1501 SD1500 QnPH (15) For redundant systems (Host system CPU information *1) 8 SD1510 to SD1599 are only valid for redundant systems. They are all set to 0 for stand-alone systems. TableApp.4.19 Special register Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU 8 Corresponding CPU D9 8 The LED status for BACKUP, CONTROL, SYSTEM A, SYSTEM B is stored in the following format: b15 to b10b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 to b0 0 SD1585 Redundant system LED status 4 LED states • BACKUP • CONTROL • SYSTEM A • SYSTEM B 0 BACKUP 0: Off 1: On (red) 5: On (orange-yellow) 2: Flicker(red) 6: Flicker (orange-yellow) 3: On(green) 4: Flicker(green) SYSTEM B 0: Off 1: On 2: Flicker SYSTEM A 0: Off 1: On 2: Flicker SD1588 Reason(s) for system switching failure conditions Reason(s) for system switching that occurred in host station Reason(s) for system switching failure No. New A CONTROL 0: Off 1: On Stores the reason(s) for system switching on the host system. The following values are stored corresponding to the methods for system switching: Initialized to 0 when the power supply is switched off and then on or the RESET switch is set to the RESET position and then to the neutral position. 0: Initial value (control system has not been switched) 1: Power off, Reset, H/W failure, WDT error, 2: CPU stop error (except WDT) 3: System switching request from network module 16: System switching dedicated instruction 17: System switching request from GX Developer • Stores the reason(s) for system switching failure. 0: System switching normal (default) 1: Tracking cable is not connected , tracking cable error, FPGA circuit failure. 2: H/W failure, power-OFF, Reset, WDT error on the standby system 3: H/W failure, power-OFF, Reset, WDT error on the Control system 4: Tracking data transfer initialization 5: Communication timeout 6: Serious error(except WDT error) on the Standby system 7: There is difference between both systems (detected as Backup mode only) 8: During memory copy from control system to standby system 9: During online program change 10: During detection of intelligent function module failure on the standby system 11: System switching being executed • Resets to "0" when host system is powered on. • Resets to "0" once system has been switched successfully. QnPRH 8 7 S (when condition occurs) 8 S(when system is switched) QnPRH • Stores head address of network module which a system switch request was initiated. • Turns off automatically by system, after network error is reset by user. SD1590 Network module head address, which requested system switching SD1590 Network module head address, which requested system switching b15 to b11 0 0/1 to b1 b0 0/1 0 Each bit 0:OFF 1:ON Module 0: CPU module is invalid as it is 2-slot model. Module 1: Module on the right side of the CPU module to S (Error/Status change) New Module11: Module at the rightmost end of the 12-slot base (Q312B) QnPRH • Please refer to SD1690 which stores the corresponding head address of network module on other system. SD1595 SD1596 Memory copy target I/O number Memory copy status Memory copy target I/O number • Stores the memory copy target I/O No.(Standby system CPU module: 3D1H) of before SM1595 is turned from OFF to ON. Memory copy status • Stores the execution result of Memory copy function. 0 : Memory copy successfully completed 4241H : Standby system power supply off 4242H : Tracking cable is disconnected or is damaged 4247H : Memory copy function is being executed 4248H : Unsupported memory copy destination I/O Number U New S (Status change) New *1: The information of the host CPU module is stored. App-193 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST SD1589 Reason(s) for system switching 8 S (status change) (16) For redundant systems (Other system CPU information *1) SD1600 to SD1659 is only valid during the back up mode for redundant systems, and refresh cannot be done when in the separate mode. SD1651 to SD1699 are valid in either the backup mode or separate mode. When a stand-alone system SD1600 to SD1699 are all 0. TableApp.4.20 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU SD Corresponding CPU *2 • If an error is detected by the error check for redundant system, the corresponding bit shown below turns ON. That bit turns OFF when the error is cleared after that. b15 SD1600 SD1600 System error information Each bit 0: OFF 1: ON b2 b1 b0 Fixed to 0 Tracking cable is not connected or damaged Power-OFF, reset, watchdog timer error or hardware failure occurred in other system Other system stop error (except watchdog timer error) Bit turns on when failing to connect with other system. The following causes are shown below: Tracking H/W failure Host system WDT error Cannot recognize other system therefore causing error System error information S(Every END) – • If any of b0, b1, b2 and b15 is ON, the other bits are all OFF. • In the debug mode, b0, b1, b2 and b15 are all OFF. Stores the reasons for system switching. • Stores the reasons for system switching into SD1601 of both systems when system switching occarred. • Initialized to 0 at power OFF to ON/reset to unreset. • The following shows values stored into this register. 0: Initial value (System switching has not occurred) 1: Power-OFF, Reset, H/W failure, WDT error,(*) 2: CPU stop error (except WDT) 3: System switching request by network module 16: System switching dedicated instruction 17: System switching request from GX Developer *: When the system is switched by the power OFF/reset of the control system, "1" is not stored into SD1601 of the new standby system. SD1601 System switching results System switching results SD1602 System switching dedicated instruction parameter System switching dedicated instruction parameter • Stores the parameters for system switching dedicated instruction SP.CONTSW. (The parameters (SD1602) for SP.CONTSW are stored in both systems A&B) • SD1602 is only valid when "16" is stored in SD1601. • This SD1602 is updated once system switch instruction SP.CONTSW is activated. S(when system is switched) SD1610 Other system diagnostic error Diagnostic error code • The error value sorted in BIN code. • Stores SD0 of the other system CPU module S(Every END) SD0 Other system diagnostic error occurrence time Diagnostic error occurrence time • Stores the date and time when diagnostics error occurred corresponding to error code stored in SD1610. • Data format is the same as SD1 to SD3. • Also, stores the value to SD1 to SD3. S(Every END) SD1 to SD3 SD1614 Other system error information category Error information category code • Stores the category code corresponding to the error comment information/individual information code. • Data format is the same as SD4. • Also, stores the value to SD4. S(Every END) SD4 SD1615 to SD1625 Other system error common information Error common information • Stores the common information corresponding to the error code stored in this system CPU. • Data composition is the same as SD5 to SD15. • Also, stores the value to SD5 to SD15. S(Every END) SD5 to SD15 SD1626 to SD1636 Other system error individual information Error individual information • Stores the individual information corresponding to the error code stored in this system CPU. • Data composition is the same as SD16 to SD26. • Also, stores the value to SD16 to SD26. S(Every END) SD16 to SD26 SD1611 SD1612 SD1613 *2: Shows the special register (SD App-194 ) for the host system CPU module. S(when system is switched) QnPRH TableApp.4.20 Special register Number Name Set by (When Set) Meaning Explanation Error code of error to be cleared • Stores the error code of the error to be cleared by clearing a standby system error. • Stores the error code of the error to be cleared into this register and turn SM1649 from OFF to ON to clear the standby system error. • The value in the lowest digit (1 place) of the error code is ignored when stored into this register. (By storing 4100 in this register and resetting the error, errors 4100 to 4109 can be cleared.) Corresponding ACPU SD SD1649 Standby system error cancel command 8 Corresponding CPU *2 8 S(Every END) 8 Stores the operation information of the other system CPU module in the following format. "00FFH" I stored when a communication error occurs, or when in debug mode. b15 SD1650 SD1650 Other system operating information to 0 8 b8 b7tob4 b3to b0 A 0:No error 1:Continue error 2:Stop error F:Communication with other system disabled ( ) Other system operating information 8 0:RUN 2:STOP 3:PAUSE F:Communication with other system disabled ( ) : Communication with other system disabled, debug mode S(Every END) 7 – QnPRH 8 Note : A communication error is caused by the following:. • When the power supply is switched off, or when the other system is reset. • H/W error occurs on either of system A or B. • WDT error occurs. • Tracking cable is not connected. • Tracking cable is disconnected or damaged. SD1690 Network module head address, which requested system switching on host (control) system SD1690 b15 to b11 0 0/1 Network module head address, which requested system switching on host (control) system to b1 b0 0/1 0 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST • Stores head address of network module which a system switch request was initiated, using the following format. • Turns off automatically by system, after network error is reset by user. Each bit 0:OFF 1:ON Module 0: Module 1: to Module11: CPU module is invalid as it is 2slot model Module on the right side of the CPU module Module at the rightmost end of the 12-slot base (Q312B) S(Every END) • Please refer to SD1590 which stores the corresponding head address of network module on host system. *2 : Shows the special register (SD ) for the host system CPU. App-195 (17) For redundant systems (Trucking) SD1700 to SD1779 is valid only for redundant systems. These are all 0 for stand-alone systems. TableApp.4.21 Special register Number Name Meaning Explanation Set by (When Set) Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 SD1700 SD1710 Tracking error detection count Waiting time for online program change (standby system) App-196 Tracking error detection count • When the tracking error is detected, count is added by one. • The counter repeats an increment and decrement of the value; 0 32767 - 32768 0 Waiting time for online program change (standby system) • Set in seconds the waiting time of the standby system CPU module from when online program change to the control system CPU module is completed by the online program change for redundancy function until the online program change to the standby system CPU module starts. • If no online program change request is issued to the standby system CPU module within the preset time after completion of the online program change to the control system CPU module, both system CPU modules judge it as the failure of the online program change for redundancy. In this case, both system CPU modules resume the consistency check between system A & B suspended during the online program change. Also, the control system CPU module is set to accept a new request of online program change for redundancy. • When both systems are powered on, 90 seconds are set to SD1710 as the default value. • Set the value within the range 90 to 3600 seconds. When the setting is 0 to 89 seconds, it is regarded as 90 seconds for operation. If the setting is outside the allowed range, it is regarded other than 0 to 3600 seconds for operation. • The waiting time for a start of online program change to the standby system CPU module is checked according to the SD1710 setting during online change of multiple blocks and online change of batch of files for redundancy. S(Error) QnPRH New U/ S (Initial) QnPRH (18) Redundant power supply module information SD1780 to SD1789 are valid only for a redundant power supply system. The bits are all 0 for a singular power supply system. 8 TableApp.4.22 Special register Number Name Meaning Set by (When Set) Explanation Corresponding ACPU Corresponding CPU D9 8 • Stores the status of the redundant power supply module with input power OFF in the following bit pattern. • Stores 0 when the main base unit is not the redundant power main base unit (Q38RB). Input power OFF detection status of 1 power supply 2 SD1780 Power supply off detection status Power supply off detection status b15 to Input power OFF detection status of power supply 1 1 b9 b8 b7 to SD1780 to b1 b0 to Each bit 0: Input power ON status/ No redundant power supply module 1: Input power OFF status 8 S(Every END) New A Main base unit Extension base unit 1st stage : Extension base unit 7th stage Main base unit Extension base unit 1st stage : Extension base unit 7th stage 8 • When configuring multiple CPU, the status is stored to 1st CPU module. • Stores the failure detection status of the redundant power supply module in the following bit pattern. (The corresponding bit is cleared to 0 when the input power to the faulty redundant power supply module is switched OFF after detection of the redundant power supply module failure.) • Stores 0 when the main base unit is not the redundant power main base unit (Q38RB). Failure detection status of power supply 2 1 SD1781 Power supply failure detection status Power supply failure detection status b15 SD1781 to to b9 b8 b7 Failure detection status of power supply 1 1 to to b1 b0 7 8 S(Every END) New Qn(H)*2 QnPH*2 QnPRH QnU*3 Appendix 4 SPECIAL REGISTER LIST Each bit 0: Redundant power supply module failure not detected/No redundant power supply module 1: Redundant power supply module failure detected (Detectable for redundant power supply module only) Main base unit Extension base unit 1st stage : Extension base unit 7th stage Main base unit Extension base unit 1st stage : Extension base unit 7th stage • When configuring multiple CPU, the status is stored to 1st CPU module. SD1782 Momentary power failure detection counter for power supply Momentary power failure detection count for power supply 1 1*1 SD1783 Momentary power failure detection counter for power supply 2*1 Momentary power failure detection count for power supply 2 • Counts the number of times of momentary power failure of the power supply 1/2. • Monitors the status of the power supply 1/ 2 mounted on the redundant power main base unit (Q38RB) and counts the number of times of momentary power failure. Status of power supply 1/power supply 2 mounted on the redundant extension base unit is not monitored. • When the CPU module starts, the counter of the power supply 1/ 2 is cleared to 0. • If the input power to one of the redundant power supply modules is turned OFF, the corresponding counter is cleared to 0. The counter is incremented by 1 every time the momentary power failure of the power supply 1/ 2 is detected.(The counter repeats increment and decrement of the value; 0 32767 – 32768 0 (The system monitor of GX Developer shows the counter within the range between 0 and 65535. • Stores 0 when the main base unit is not the redundant power main base unit (Q38RB). • When configuring multiple CPU, the status is stored to 1st CPU module. • The counter repeats increment and decrement of the value, 0 32767 – 32768 0 (The system monitor of GX Developer shows the counter within the range between 0 and 65535. 8 S(Every END) New S(Every END) New *1: The "power supply 1" in dicates the redundant power supply module mounted on the POWER 1 slot of the redundant base unit (Q38RB/68RB/Q65WRB). The "power supply 2" indicates the redundant power supply module mounted on the POWER 2 slot of the redundant base unit (Q38RB/68RB/Q65WRB). *2: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "07032" or later. However, for the multiple CPU system configuration, this applies to all CPU modules whose first 5 digits of serial No. are "07032" or later. *3: The module whose first 5 digits of serial No. is "10042" or later. App-197 Appendix 5 APPLICATION PROGRAM EXAMPLES Appendix 5.1 Concept of Programs which Perform Operations of Xn, n X (1) Concept of programs which perform operations of Xn Xn can be operated using e(nlogeX). For example, the operation of 101.2 is e(1.2 sequence program as shown below. loge10) , which is represented in the form of a Converts 10 into a real number format data and stores the result in D0 and D1. Executes Loge10 operation and stores the result in D2 and D3. Converts 12 into a real number format data and stores the result into D4 and D5. Divides D4 and D5 (12) by D0 and D1 (10), and stores the result (1, 2) in D6 and D7 (1, 2). Multiplies D2 and D3 (Loge10) by D6 and D7 (1, 2) and stores the result in D8 and D9. Executes Loge(D8, D9) operation and stores the result in D10 and D11. (2) Concept of program which performs operation of n X n 1 X can be operated using e( n logeX) . 1 For example, the operation of 3 10 is e( 3 log e10) , which is represented in the form of a sequence program as shown below. Converts 10 into a real number format data and stores the result in D20 and D21. Executes Loge10 operation and stores the result in D22 and D23. Converts 3 into a real number type data and stores the result in D24 and D25. Divides D22 and D23 (Loge10) by D24 and D25 (3) and stores the result in D26 and D27. Executes Loge(D26, D27) operation and stores the result in D28 and D29. App-198 I INDEX I Index-1 [Symbols] - (BIN 16-bit subtraction operations).................... 6-22 $+ (Linking character strings) ...................... 6-65,6-67 $=, $<>, $>, $<=, $<, $>= (Character string data comparisons) ....................................................... 6-11 $MOV (Character string transfers) .................... 6-112 * (BIN 16-bit multiplication operations) ................ 6-30 + (BIN 16-bit addition operations)........................ 6-22 / (BIN 16-bit division operations) ......................... 6-30 <(BIN 16-bit data comparisons)............................. 6-2 <=(BIN 16-bit data comparisons)........................... 6-2 <>(BIN 16-bit data comparisons)........................... 6-2 =(BIN 16-bit data comparisons)............................. 6-2 >(BIN 16-bit data comparisons)............................. 6-2 >=(BIN 16-bit data comparisons)........................... 6-2 [Numerics] 16-bit data block transfers (FMOV) ......... 6-120,6-122 16-bit data checks (SUM) .................................... 7-69 16-bit data exchange (XCH) .............................. 6-124 16-bit data exclusive NOR operation (WXNR)..... 7-27 16-bit data searches (SER) ................................. 7-66 16-bit dead band controls (BAND)..................... 7-324 16-bit exclusive OR operations (WXOR) ............. 7-19 16-bit negation transfers (CML) ......................... 6-114 16-bit transfers (MOV) ....................................... 6-106 1-bit shift to left of n-bit data (BSFL) ............ 7-49,7-51 1-bit shift to right of n-bit data (BSFR) ......... 7-49,7-51 1-word shift to left of n-word data (DSFL).... 7-54,7-56 1-word shift to right of n-word data (DSFR) ..................................................................... 7-54,7-56 32-bit data checks (DSUM) ................................. 7-69 32-bit data exchanges (DXCH).......................... 6-124 32-bit data exclusive NOR operation (DXNR) ..... 7-27 32-bit data searches (DSER)............................... 7-66 32-bit dead band controls (DBAND) .................. 7-324 32-bit exclusive OR operations (DXOR) .............. 7-19 32-bit negation transfers (DCML) ...................... 6-114 32-bit transfers (DMOV) .................................... 6-106 4-bit dissociation of 16-bit data (DIS) .................. 7-77 4-bit linking of 16-bit data (UNI) ........................... 7-79 7-segment decode (SEG) .................................... 7-75 [A] A contact operation start (LD)................................ 5-2 A contact parallel connection (OR) ........................ 5-2 A contact series connection (AND)........................ 5-2 ACOS (COS-1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision)) .......................................................... 7-267 ACOSD (COS-1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision)) ............................................ 7-269 Addition Addition of floating decimal point (Double precision) (ED+)........................................................ 6-50,6-52 Addition of floating decimal point (Single precision) (E+) .......................................................... 6-46,6-48 BCD 4-digit addition (B+) ................................. 6-34 BCD 8-digit addition (DB+)............................... 6-38 Index - 2 BIN 16-bit addition operations (+) .................... 6-22 BIN 32-bit addition operations (D+).................. 6-26 Block addition (BK+)................................. 6-59,6-62 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Double precision) (ED+, ED-) ..................... 6-50,6-52 Addition and subtraction of floating decimal point data (Single precision) (E+, E-)............................ 6-46,6-48 ADRSET (Indirect address read) ....................... 7-395 ANB (Ladder block series connections)............... 5-10 AND (=, <>, >, <=, <, >=) (BIN 16-bit data comparisons) ......................................................... 6-2 AND (A contact series connection) ........................ 5-2 AND (D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<, D>=) (BIN 32-bit data comparisons) ......................................................... 6-4 AND (E=, E<>, E>, E<=, E<, E>=) (Floationg decimal point data comparisons(Single precision))............. 6-6 AND (ED=, ED<>, ED>, ED<=, ED<, ED>=) (Floationg decimal point data comparisons(Double precision)) ............................................................................... 6-8 And inverse (ANI) .................................................. 5-3 AND($=, $<>, $>, $<=, $<, $>=) (Character string data comparisons) ....................................................... 6-11 ANDF (Pulse series connections / trailing edge leading edg) ..................................................... 5-5,5-7 ANDP (Pulse series connections / leading edge leading edg) ..................................................... 5-5,5-7 ANDPI, ANDFI ....................................................... 5-8 ANI (B contact series connection) ......................... 5-2 Annunciator output (OUT F) ................................ 5-28 Application instructions ........................................ 2-29 Arithmetic operation instructions.......................... 2-16 ASC (Conversion from hexadecimal BIN to ASCII) ........................................................................... 7-228 ASIN (SIN-1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision)) .......................................................... 7-262 ASIND (SIN-1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision)) .......................................................... 7-265 ATAN (TAN-1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision)) .......................................................... 7-271 ATAND (TAN-1 operation on floating-point data ........................................................................... 7-273 [B] B- (BCD 4-digit subtraction) ................................. 6-34 B contact operation start (LDI) ............................... 5-2 B* (BCD 4-digit multiplication) ............................. 6-42 B+ (BCD 4-digit addition) ..................................... 6-34 B/ (BCD 4-digit division)....................................... 6-42 BACOS (BCD type COS-1 operation) ................ 7-317 BAND (16-bit dead band controls) ..................... 7-324 Basic instructions ................................................. 2-10 BASIN (BCD type SIN-1 operation).................... 7-315 BATAN (BCD type TAN-1 operation) ................. 7-313 Batch recovery of index register (ZPOP) ........... 7-400 Batch reset of bit devices (BKRST) ..................... 7-64 Batch save of index register (ZPUSH) ............... 7-400 BCD (BIN data to 4-digit) ..................................... 6-73 BCD 4-digit addition and subtraction operations (B+, B-) ........................................................................ 6-34 BCD 4-digit multiplication and division operations (B*, B/) ........................................................................ 6-42 BCD 4-digit square roots (BSQR)...................... 7-306 BCD 8-digit addition and subtraction operations (DB+, DB-) ..................................................................... 6-38 BCD 8-digit multiplication and division operations (DB*, DB/)............................................................ 6-44 BCD 8-digit square roots (BDSQR) ................... 7-306 BCD conversion Conversion from BIN data to 4-digit BCD (BCD) ......................................................................... 6-73 Conversion from BIN data to 8-digit BCD (DBCD) ......................................................................... 6-73 BCD type COS operations (BCOS) ................... 7-311 BCD type COS-1 operations (BACOS) .............. 7-317 BCD type SIN operation (BSIN) ........................ 7-309 BCD type SIN-1 operation (BASIN) ................... 7-315 BCD type TAN operation (BTAN) ...................... 7-313 BCD type TAN-1 operations (BATAN) ............... 7-319 BCDDA (Conversion from BCD 4-digit to decimal ASCII) ................................................................ 7-189 BCOS (BCD type COS operations) ................... 7-311 BDSQR (BCD 8-digit square roots) ................... 7-306 BIN (BCD 4-digit data to BIN data)...................... 6-75 BIN 16-bit addition and subtraction operations (+, -) ............................................................................. 6-22 BIN 16-bit data comparisons (=, <>, >, <=, <, >=) ............................................................................... 6-2 BIN 16-bit data sort operations (SORT) .............. 7-95 BIN 16-bit multiplication and division operations (*, /) ............................................................................. 6-30 BIN 16-bit to BIN 32-bit (DBL) ............................. 6-88 BIN 16-bit to Gray code (GRY)............................ 6-90 BIN 32-bit addition and subtraction operations (D+, D-) ............................................................................. 6-26 BIN 32-bit block data comparisons (DBKCMP , DBKCMP P) .................................................... 6-18 BIN 32-bit data block addition and subtraction operations (DBK+(P),DBK-(P))............................ 6-62 BIN 32-bit data comparisons (D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<, D>=)....................................................................... 6-4 BIN 32-bit data sort operations (DSORT)............ 7-95 BIN 32-bit data to BIN 16-bit data (WORD)......... 6-89 BIN 32-bit data to Gray code (DGRY) ................. 6-90 BIN 32-bit multiplication and division operations (D*, D/)........................................................................ 6-32 BIN block data comparisons (BKCMP ) ... 6-15,6-18 BINDA (Conversion from BIN 16-bit data to decimal ASCII) ................................................................ 7-183 BINHA (Conversion from BIN 16-bit data to hexadecimal ASCII)........................................... 7-186 Bit data .................................................................. 3-3 Bit device output reverse (FF) ............................. 5-40 Bit device shifts (SET) ......................................... 5-44 Bit processing instructions................................... 2-34 Bit reset for word devices (BRST) ....................... 7-59 Bit set for word devices (BSET)........................... 7-59 Bit tests (TEST/DTEST) ...................................... 7-61 BK- (Block subtraction)................................ 6-59,6-62 BK+ (Block addition) .................................... 6-59,6-62 BKAND (Block logical products) ............................ 7-9 BKBCD (Conversion from block BIN 16-bit data to BCD 4-digit data) ................................................. 6-98 BKBIN (Conversion from block BCD 4-digit data to block BIN 16-bit data) ........................................ 6-100 BKCMP (BIN block data comparisons).... 6-15,6-18 BKOR (Block logical sum operations).................. 7-17 BKRST (Batch reset of bit devices) ..................... 7-64 BKXNR (Block exclusive NOR operations).......... 7-33 BKXOR (Block exclusive OR operations) ............ 7-25 Block 16-bit exchanges (BXCH) ........................ 6-126 Block 16-bit transfers (BMOV) ........................... 6-117 Block addition (BK+) .................................... 6-59,6-62 Block exclusive NOR operations (BKXNR).......... 7-33 Block exclusive OR operations (BKXOR) ............ 7-25 Block logical products (BKAND) ............................ 7-9 Block logical sum operations (BKOR).................. 7-17 Block subtraction (BK-) ................................ 6-59,6-62 BMOV (Block 16-bit data transfers) ................... 6-117 BREAK (Forced end of FOR to NEXT instruction loop) ........................................................................... 7-108 BRST (Bit reset for word devices) ....................... 7-59 BSET (Bit set for word devices)........................... 7-59 BSFL (1-bit shift to left of n-bit data) ............ 7-49,7-51 BSFR (1-bit shift to right of n-bit data) ......... 7-49,7-51 BSIN (BCD type SIN operation)......................... 7-309 BSQR (BCD 4-digit square roots)...................... 7-306 BTAN (BCD type TAN operation) ...................... 7-313 BTOW (Data linking in byte units)........................ 7-85 Buffer memory access instructions...................... 2-41 BXCH (Block 16-bit data exchanges) ................ 6-126 [C] Calculation of averages for 16-bit or 32-bit data (MEAN(P),DMEAN(P)) ...................................... 7-103 Calculation of totals for 16-bit data (WSUM) ....... 7-99 Calculation of totals for 32-bit data (DWSUM) ................................................................. 7-101,7-103 CALL (Subroutine program calls) ...................... 7-110 Cautions on programming ................................... 3-27 Changing check format of CHK instruction (CHKCIR, CHKEND) .......................................................... 7-179 Character string data ........................................... 3-11 Character string data comparisons...................... 6-11 Character string length detection (LEN) ............ 7-204 Character string processing instructions.............. 2-43 Character string search (INSTR) ...7-239,7-241,7-243 Character string transfers ($MOV)..................... 6-112 CHKCIR (Changing check format of CHK instruction) ........................................................................... 7-179 CHKEND (Changing check format of CHK instruction) ........................................................................... 7-179 CHKST, CHK (Special format failure checks).... 7-175 CJ (Pointer branch instruction) .......................... 6-129 Clock comparison (TM=,TM,TM>,TM=)............. 7-361 Clock data addition operation (DATE+) ............. 7-348 Clock data subtraction operation (DATE-) ......... 7-350 Clock instructions................................................. 2-52 Index - 3 I CML (16-bit negation transfers) ......................... 6-114 COM (Refresh instruction) ............. 7-134,7-137,7-141 Common logarithm operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (LOG10D(P)) ....................... 7-302 Common logarithm operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (LOG10(P)) ........................... 7-300 Comparison operation instruction table ............... 2-10 Comparison operation instructions ........................ 6-2 Comparisons (BIN 16-bit data) .............................. 6-2 Comparisons (BIN 32-bit data) .............................. 6-4 Comparisons (Character string data) .................. 6-11 Complement of 2 of BIN 16-bit data (NEG) ......... 6-94 Complement of 2 of BIN 32-bit data (DNEG) ...... 6-94 COMRD (Reading device comment data) ......... 7-201 Conditions for execution of instructions ............... 3-33 Connection instructions Association instruction table............................... 2-7 Ladder block parallel connection (ORB) .......... 5-10 Ladder block series connection (ANB)............. 5-10 Linking character strings ($+)........................... 6-65 Contact instruction ................................................. 2-6 Contact instructions Operation start (LD, LDI).................................... 5-2 Parallel connection (OR, ORI)............................ 5-2 Pulse operation start (LDF, LDP) ................. 5-5,5-7 Pulse parallel connection (ORF,ORP) ......... 5-5,5-7 Pulse serial connection (ANF, ANP) ............ 5-5,5-7 Series connection (AND, ANI)............................ 5-2 Conversion BCD 4-digit to BIN (BIN) .................................. 6-75 BCD 8-digit to BIN (DBIN)................................ 6-75 BIN 16-bit to BIN 32-bit (DBL).......................... 6-88 BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point (Double precision) (FLTD) ............................................. 6-81 BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point (Single precision) (FLT)................................................ 6-78 BIN 16-bit to Gray code (GRY) ........................ 6-90 BIN 32-bit to BIN 16-bit (WORD) ..................... 6-89 BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point (Double precision) (DFLTD)........................................... 6-81 BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point (Single precision) (DFLT) ............................................. 6-78 BIN 32-bit to Gray code (DGRY)...................... 6-90 BIN to BCD 4-digit (BCD)................................. 6-73 BIN to BCD 8-digit (DBCD) .............................. 6-73 Double precision to Single precision (EDCON) ....................................................................... 6-104 Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Double precision) (INTD).............................................. 6-86 Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Single precision) (INT) ................................................ 6-83 Floating decimal point data to BIN 32-bit (Single precision) (DINT).............................................. 6-83 Floating decimal point data to BIN32-bit (Double precision) (DINTD) ........................................... 6-86 Gray code to BIN 16-bit (GBIN) ....................... 6-92 Gray code to BIN 32-bit (DGBIN)..................... 6-92 Single precision to Double precision (ECON) ....................................................................... 6-102 Index - 4 Conversion from ASCII to hexadecimal BIN (HEX) ........................................................................... 7-230 Conversion from BCD 4-digit to decimal ASCII (BCDDA) ............................................................ 7-189 Conversion from BCD 8-digit to decimal ASCII (DBCDDA) ......................................................... 7-189 Conversion from BIN 16-bit to character string (STR) ........................................................................... 7-206 Conversion from BIN 16-bit to decimal ASCII (BINDA) ........................................................................... 7-183 Conversion from BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point (Double precision) (FLTD) ................................... 6-81 Conversion from BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point (Single precision) (FLT) ....................................... 6-78 Conversion from BIN 16-bit to hexadecimal ASCII (BINHA) ............................................................. 7-186 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to character string (DSTR) ........................................................................... 7-206 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to decimal ASCII (DBINDA) ........................................................... 7-183 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point (Double precision) (DFLTD)................................. 6-81 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point (Single precision) (DFLT)..................................... 6-78 Conversion from BIN 32-bit to hexadecimal ASCII (DBINHA) ........................................................... 7-186 Conversion from block BCD 4-digit data to block BIN 16-bit data (BKBIN)............................................ 6-100 Conversion from block BIN 16-bit data to BCD 4-digit data (BKBCD) ...................................................... 6-98 Conversion from character string to BIN 16-bit (VAL) ........................................................................... 7-212 Conversion from character string to BIN 32-bit (DVAL) ........................................................................... 7-212 Conversion from character string to floating decimal point (EVAL) ...................................................... 7-224 Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD 4-digit (DABCD) ............................................................ 7-198 Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD 8-digit (DDABCD) ......................................................... 7-198 Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit (DABIN) ........................................................................... 7-192 Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN 32-bit (DDABIN) ........................................................... 7-192 Conversion from floating decimal point to character string (ESTR) ..................................................... 7-217 Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Double precision) (RADD).............................................. 7-277 Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Single precision) (RAD) ................................................ 7-275 Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Double precision) (DEGD) .........................7-281,7-283,7-285 Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Single precision) (DEG) ................................................ 7-279 Conversion from hexadecimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit (HABIN) ............................................................. 7-195 Conversion from hexadecimal ASCII to BIN 32-bit (DHABIN) ........................................................... 7-195 Conversion from hexadecimal BIN to ASCII (ASC) ........................................................................... 7-228 Conversion of Gray code to BIN 16-bit (GBIN).... 6-92 Conversion of Gray code to BIN 32-bit (DGBIN) ............................................................................. 6-92 Conversion to BIN BCD 4-digit to BIN 16-bit (BIN) ........................ 6-75 BCD 8-digit to BIN 32-bit (DBIN)...................... 6-75 Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Double precision) (INTD).............................................. 6-86 Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Single precision) (INT) ................................................ 6-83 Floating decimal point data to BIN 32-bit (Double precision) (DINTD) ........................................... 6-86 Floating decimal point data to BIN 32-bit (Single precision) (DINT).............................................. 6-83 Conversion to floating decimal point (Double precision) (FLTD, DFLTD) ................................... 6-81 Conversion to floating decimal point (Single precision) (FLT, DFLT)......................................................... 6-78 COS (COS operation on floating-point data (Single precision)).......................................................... 7-254 COS operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (COSD) ............................................. 7-256 COS operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (COS)................................................ 7-254 COS-1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (ACOSD)........................................... 7-269 COS-1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (ACOS) ............................................. 7-267 COSD (COS operation on floating-point data (Double precision)).......................................................... 7-256 Count 1-phase input or down (UDCNT1) .......... 6-143 Count 2-phase input or down (UDCNT2) .......... 6-146 Counters (OUT C) ............................................... 5-26 [D] D- (BIN 32-bit subtraction operations .................. 6-26 D(P).DDRD(Reading Devices to Another CPU) ........................................................................... 10-17 D(P).DDWR(Writing Devices to Another CPU) ........................................................................... 10-13 D* (BIN 32-bit multiplication operations).............. 6-32 D+ (BIN 32-bit addition operations) ..................... 6-26 D/ (BIN 32-bit division operations)....................... 6-32 D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<, D>= (BIN 32-bit data comparisons) ......................................................... 6-4 DABCD (Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD 4-digit)................................................................ 7-198 DABIN (Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit) ........................................................................... 7-192 DAND (Logical products with 32-bit data) ............. 7-3 Data control instructions ...................................... 2-49 Data conversion instruction table ........................ 2-22 Data conversion instructions ............................... 6-73 Data dissociation in byte units (WTOB)............... 7-85 Data link instructions ........................................... 2-59 Data linking in byte units (BTOW) ....................... 7-85 Data processing instructions ............................... 2-35 Data table operation instructions ......................... 2-40 DATE- (Clock data subtraction operation) ......... 7-350 Date comparison (DT=,DT,DT>,DT=)................ 7-356 DATE+ (Clock data addition operation) ............. 7-348 DATERD (Reading clock data) .......................... 7-344 DATEWR (Writing clock data) ........................... 7-346 DB- (BCD 8-digit subtraction) .............................. 6-38 DB* (BCD 8-digit multiplication)........................... 6-44 DB+ (BCD 8-digit addition) .................................. 6-38 DB/ (BCD 8-digit division) .................................... 6-44 DBAND (32-bit dead band controls) .................. 7-324 DBCD (Conversion from BIN to BCD 8-digit) ...... 6-73 DBCDDA (Conversion from BCD 8-digit to decimal ASCII) ................................................................ 7-189 DBIN (BCD 8-digit to BIN 16-bit conversion) ....... 6-75 DBINDA (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to decimal ASCII) ................................................................ 7-183 DBINHA (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to hexadecimal ASCII) ................................................................ 7-186 DBK- .................................................................... 6-63 DBK+ ................................................................... 6-62 DBL (BIN 16-bit to BIN 32-bit) ............................. 6-88 DCML (32-bit negation transfers) ...................... 6-114 DDABCD (Conversion from decimal ASCII to BCD 8-digit)................................................................ 7-198 DDABIN (Conversion from decimal ASCII to BIN 32-bit)................................................................. 7-192 DDEC (Decrementing 32-bit BIN)........................ 6-71 Debugging and failure diagnosis instructions ...... 2-42 DEC (Decrementing 16-bit BIN) .......................... 6-69 DECO (Decoding from 8 to 256 bits) ................... 7-71 Decoding from 8 to 256 bits (DECO) ................... 7-71 Decrement BIN 16-bit (DEC) .............................................. 6-69 BIN 32-bit (DDEC)............................................ 6-71 Decrementing 16-bit BIN (DEC) .......................... 6-69 Decrementing 32-bit BIN (DDEC)........................ 6-71 DEG (Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Single precision)).............................................. 7-279 DEGD (Conversion from floating-point radian to angle (Double precision)) ........................7-281,7-283,7-285 Deleting data from data tables (FDEL) .............. 7-157 Deletion of character string (STRDEL(P)) ......... 7-243 DELTA (Pulse conversion of direct output).......... 5-42 Designating data.................................................... 3-3 Designation of modification values in index modification (IXDEV, IXSET) ............................. 7-148 Device range check ............................................. 3-27 DFLT (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point (Single precision)) ....................................... 6-78 DFLTD (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to floating decimal point (Double precision)) ........................ 6-81 DFRO (Reading 2-word data from intelligent function modules) ............................................................ 7-160 DGBIN (Conversion of Gray code to BIN 16-bit) ............................................................................. 6-92 DGRY (BIN 32-bit to Gray code) ......................... 6-90 DHABIN (Conversion from hexadecimal ASCII to BIN 32-bit)................................................................. 7-195 Index - 5 I DI (Interrupt disable) .......................................... 6-133 Digit designation .................................................... 3-4 Digit designation of bit devices .............................. 3-4 DINC (Incrementing 32-bit BIN)........................... 6-71 DINT (Floating decimal point data to BIN 32-bit (Single precision)) ............................................................ 6-83 DINTD (Floating decimal point data to BIN 32-bit (Double precision)) .............................................. 6-86 Direct 1-byte read from file register (ZRRDB).... 7-391 DIS (4-bit grouping of 16-bit data) ....................... 7-77 Display instructions.............................................. 2-41 Dissociation of random data (NDIS) .................... 7-81 Division BCD 4-digit (B/) ................................................ 6-42 BCD 8-digit division (DB/) ................................ 6-44 BIN 16-bit (/)..................................................... 6-30 Division of floating decimal point(Double precision) (ED/)................................................................. 6-56 Division of floating decimal point(Single precision) (E/) ................................................................... 6-54 DLIMIT (Upper and lower limit controls for BIN 32-bit) ........................................................................... 7-321 DMAX (Maximum value search for 32-bit data)... 7-89 DMEAN(P) ......................................................... 7-103 DMIN (Minimum value search for 32-bit data) ..... 7-92 DMOV (32-bit transfers) .................................... 6-106 DNEG (Complement of 2 of BIN 32-bit data) ...... 6-94 DOR (Logical sums of 32-bit data) ...................... 7-11 Double precision to Single precision conversion (EDCON) ........................................................... 6-104 Double word data .................................................. 3-6 DRCL (Left rotation of 32-bit data) ...................... 7-44 DRCR (Right rotation of 32-bit data) ................... 7-41 DROL (Left rotation of 32-bit data) ...................... 7-44 DROR (Right rotation of 32-bit data) ................... 7-41 DSCL(P) ............................................................ 7-331 DSCL2(P) .......................................................... 7-335 DSER (32-bit data searches)............................... 7-66 DSFL (1-word shift to left of n-word data).... 7-54,7-56 DSFR (1-word shift to right of n-word data) ..................................................................... 7-54,7-56 DSORT (BIN 32-bit data sort).............................. 7-95 DSTR (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to character string) ........................................................................... 7-206 DSUM (32-bit data checks) ................................. 7-69 DTEST (Bit tests)................................................. 7-61 DTO (Writing 2-word data to intelligent function modules) ............................................................ 7-163 DUTY (Timing pulse generation) ....................... 7-388 DVAL (Conversion from character string to BIN 32-bit) ........................................................................... 7-212 DWSUM (Calculation of totals for 32-bit data) ................................................................. 7-101,7-103 DXCH (16-bit data exchanges).......................... 6-124 DXNR (32-bit data exclusive NOR operation) ..... 7-27 DXOR (32-bit exclusive OR operations) .............. 7-19 DZONE (Zone control for BIN 32-bit data) ....................................................... 7-327,7-330,7-334 Index - 6 [E] E- (Subtraction of floating decimal point data (Single precision)) .................................................... 6-46,6-48 E* (Multiplication of floating decimal point data (Single precision)) ............................................................ 6-54 E+ (Addition of floating decimal point data (Single precision)) .................................................... 6-46,6-48 E/ (Dividion of floating decimal point data (Single precision)) ............................................................ 6-54 E=, E<>, E>, E<=, E<, E>= (Floationg decimal point data comparisons(Single precision)) ..................... 6-6 ECALL (Sub-routine calls between program files) ........................................................................... 7-120 ECON (Single precision to Double precision conversion) ........................................................ 6-102 ED- (Subtraction of floating decimal point data (Double precision)) ...................................... 6-50,6-52 ED* (Multiplication of floating decimal point data (Double precision)) .............................................. 6-56 ED+ (Addition of floating decimal point data (Double precision)) .................................................... 6-50,6-52 ED/ (Dividion of floating decimal point data (Double precision)) ............................................................ 6-56 ED=,ED<>,ED>,ED<=,ED<,ED>= (Floationg decimal point data comparisons (Double precision)) .......... 6-8 EDCON (Double precision to Single precision conversion) ........................................................ 6-104 EDMOV (Floating-point data transfer (Double precision)) .......................................................... 6-110 EDNEG (Floating-point sign invertion (Double precision)) ............................................................ 6-97 EFCALL (Output OFF calls between program files) ........................................................................... 7-125 EGF (Pulse operation results / leading edge) ...... 5-18 EGP (Pulse operation results / trailing edge)....... 5-18 EI (Interrupt enable) ........................................... 6-133 EMOD (Floating decimal point to BCD) ............. 7-245 EMOV (Floating-point data transfer (Single precision)) ........................................................................... 6-108 ENCO (Encoding from 256 to 8 bits) ................... 7-73 Encoding from 256 to 8 bits (ENCO) ................... 7-73 END (End sequence program) ............................ 5-53 End main routine program (FEND) ...................... 5-51 End sequence program (END) ............................ 5-53 ENEG (Floating-point sign invertion(Single precision)) ............................................................................. 6-96 EREXP (From BCD format data to floating decimal point).................................................................. 7-248 Error display and annunciator reset instruction (LEDR) ........................................................................... 7-172 ESTR (Conversion from floating decimal point to character string) ................................................. 7-217 EVAL (Conversion from character string to floating decimal point) .................................................... 7-217 EXP (Exponent operation on floating-point data (Single precision)) .............................................. 7-291 Expansion clock data addition operation (S.DATE+) ........................................................................... 7-366 Expansion clock data subtraction operation (S.DATE-) ........................................................................... 7-366 EXPD (Exponent operation on floating-point data (Double precision)) ............................................ 7-294 Exponent operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (EXPD).............................................. 7-294 Exponent operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (EXP) ................................................ 7-291 Exponentiation operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (POW(P)) .............................. 7-283 Exponentiation operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (POWD(P)) ........................... 7-285 Extracting character string data from the left (LEFT) ........................................................................... 7-232 Extracting character string data from the right (RIGHT) ........................................................................... 7-232 [F] FCALL (Subroutine program output OFF calls) ........................................................................... 7-116 FDEL (Deleting data from data tables) .............. 7-157 FEND (End main routine program)...................... 5-51 FF (Bit device output reverse) ............................. 5-40 FIFR (Reading oldest data from data tables) .... 7-153 FIFW (Writing data to the data tables)............... 7-151 File register direct 1-byte write (ZRWRB).......... 7-393 File setting for comments (QCDSET) ................ 7-342 FINS (Inserting data in data tables)................... 7-157 Fixed cycle pulse output (PLSY) ....................... 6-162 Floating decimal point data comparisons (Double precision) (ED=, ED<>, ED>, ED<=, ED<, ED>=) ............................................................................... 6-8 Floating decimal point data comparisons (Single precision) (E=, E<>, E>, E<=, E<, E>=) ................ 6-6 Floating decimal point to BCD (EMOD)............. 7-245 Floating-point data transfer (Double precision) (EDMOV) ........................................................... 6-110 Floating-point data transfer (Single precision) (EMOV) ........................................................................... 6-108 Floating-point sign invertion (Double precision) (EDNEG) ............................................................. 6-97 Floating-point sign invertion (Single precision) (ENEG) ............................................................................. 6-96 FLT (Conversion from BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point (Single precision))....................................... 6-78 FLTD (Conversion from BIN 16-bit to floating decimal point (Double precision)) ..................................... 6-81 FMOV (16-bit data block transfers) ......... 6-120,6-122 FOR (FOR to NEXT) ......................................... 7-105 FOR to NEXT (FOR, NEXT).............................. 7-105 Forced end of FOR to NEXT instruction loop (BREAK) ........................................................................... 7-108 FPOP (Reading newest data from data tables) ........................................................................... 7-155 FROM (Reading from other CPU shared memory) ............................................................................. 9-12 FROM (Reding 1-word data from intelligent function modules)............................................................ 7-160 From BCD format data to floating decimal point (EREXP) ............................................................ 7-248 [G] GBIN (Conversion of Gray code to BIN 16-bit).... 6-92 GOEND (Jump to END)..................................... 6-132 GRY (BIN 16-bit to Gray code) ............................ 6-90 [H] HABIN (Conversion from hexadecimal ASCII to BIN 16-bit)................................................................. 7-195 HEX (Conversion from ASCII to hexadecimal BIN) ........................................................................... 7-230 High speed retentive timer (OUTH ST)................ 5-22 High speed timer (OUTH T)................................. 5-22 High-speed block transfer of file register (RBMOV) ........................................................................... 7-448 HOUR (Time data conversion) .......................... 7-354 How to read instruction tables ............................... 2-4 How to read instructions ........................................ 4-2 [I] I/O refrech (RFS) ............................................... 6-141 I/O refresh instruction table.................................. 2-27 Identical 32-bit data block transfers (DFMOV(P)) ........................................................................... 6-122 IMASK (Interrupt program mask)....................... 6-133 INC (Incrementing 16-bit BIN) ............................. 6-69 Increment BIN 16-bit (INC)................................................ 6-69 BIN 32-bit (DINC) ............................................. 6-71 Incrementing 16-bit BIN (INC) ............................. 6-69 Incrementing 32-bit BIN (DINC)........................... 6-71 Index modification................................................ 3-12 Indirect address read (ADRSET) ....................... 7-395 Indirect specification ............................................ 3-23 Inserting data in data tables (FINS) ................... 7-157 Insertion of character string (STRINS(P)).......... 7-241 INSTR (Character string search) ...7-239,7-241,7-243 Instructions for data link....................................... 2-59 INT (Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Single precision)) ............................................................ 6-83 INTD (Floating decimal point data to BIN 16-bit (Double precision)) .............................................. 6-86 Interrupt disable (DI) .......................................... 6-133 Interrupt enable (EI)........................................... 6-133 Interrupt program mask (IMASK)....................... 6-133 INV (Operation results inversion)......................... 5-15 Inversion Bit device output reverse (FF).......................... 5-40 Operation results inversion (INV) ..................... 5-15 IRET (Recovery from interrupt programs) ......... 6-139 IX, IXEND (Index modification of entire ladder) ........................................................................... 7-144 IXDEV (Designation of modification values in index modification) ...................................................... 7-148 IXSET (Designation of modification values in index modification) ...................................................... 7-148 Index - 7 I [J] JMP (Pointer branch)......................................... 6-129 Jump to END (GOEND)..................................... 6-132 [K] KEY (Numerical key input from keyboard)......... 7-396 [L] Ladder block parallel connections (ORB) ............ 5-10 Ladder block series connections (ANB) .............. 5-10 LD ($=, $<>, $>, $<=, $<, $>=) (Character string data comparisons) ....................................................... 6-11 LD (=, <>, >, <=, <, >=) (BIN 16-bit data comparisons) ............................................................................... 6-2 LD (A contact operation start)................................ 5-2 LD (D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<, D>=) (BIN 32-bit data comparisons) ......................................................... 6-4 LD (E=, E<>, E>, E<=, E<, E>=) (Floationg decimal point data comparisons(Single precision)) ............ 6-6 LD (ED=, ED, ED>, ED<=, ED<, ED>=) (Floationg decimal point data comparisons(Double precision)) ............................................................................... 6-8 LDF (Pulse operation start / trailing edge) ....... 5-5,5-7 LDI (B contact operation start)............................... 5-2 LDP (Pulse operation start / leading edge)...... 5-5,5-7 LDPI, LDFI ............................................................. 5-7 Leading edge output (PLS).................................. 5-37 LEDR (Error display and annunciator reset instruction) ........................................................................... 7-172 LEFT (Extracting character string data from the left) ........................................................................... 7-232 Left rotation of 16-bit data (ROL, RCL)................ 7-38 Left rotation of 32-bit data (DROL, DRCL) .......... 7-44 LEN (Character string length detection) ............ 7-204 LIMIT (Upper and lower limit controls for BIN 16-bit) ........................................................................... 7-321 Link refresh instructions....................................... 2-59 Linking character strings ($+) ...................... 6-65,6-67 Linking of random data (NUNI) ............................ 7-81 Load (LD)............................................................... 5-2 Load + unload (PSWAPP) ................................. 7-445 Load inverse (LDI) ................................................. 5-2 Load program from Memory Card (PLOADP) ... 7-440 LOG (Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data (Single precision))............................ 7-296,7-302 LOGD (Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data (Double precision)) .................................... 7-298 Logical operation instructions .............................. 2-29 Logical product ...................................................... 7-2 Logical products with 16-bit data (WAND)............. 7-3 Logical products with 32-bit data (DAND) ............. 7-3 Logical sum ........................................................... 7-2 Logical sums of 16-bit data (WOR) ..................... 7-11 Logical sums of 32-bit data (DOR) ...................... 7-11 Low speed retentive timer (OUTH ST) ................ 5-22 Low speed timer (OUT T) .................................... 5-22 Index - 8 [M] Master control instructions ................................... 5-47 Matrix input (MTR) ............................................. 6-166 MAX (Maximum value search for 16-bit data) ..... 7-89 Maximum value search for 16-bit data (MAX) ..... 7-89 Maximum value search for 32-bit data (DMAX) ... 7-89 MC (Setting the master control) ........................... 5-47 MCR (Resetting the master control) .................... 5-47 MEAN(P)............................................................ 7-103 MEF (Pulse operation results / trailing edge)....... 5-17 MEP (Pulse operation results / leading edge) ..... 5-17 MIDR (Random selection from character strings) ........................................................................... 7-235 MIDW (Random replacement in character strings) ........................................................................... 7-235 MIN (Minimum value search for 16-bit data)........ 7-92 Minimum value search for 16-bit data (MIN)........ 7-92 Minimum value search for 32-bit data (DMIN) ..... 7-92 MOV (16-bit transfers) ....................................... 6-106 MPP (Operation results pop) ............................... 5-12 MPS (Operation results push) ............................. 5-12 MRD (Operation results read).............................. 5-12 MTR (Matrix input) ............................................. 6-166 Multiplication BCD 4-digit (B*)................................................ 6-42 BCD 8-digit (DB*) ............................................. 6-44 BIN 16-bit (*) .................................................... 6-30 BIN 32-bit (D*) .................................................. 6-32 Multiplication of floating decimal point (Double precision) (ED*) ................................................ 6-56 Multiplication of floating decimal point (Single precision) (E*) .................................................. 6-54 Multiplication and division of floating decimal point (Double precision)(ED*, ED/) ............................... 6-56 Multiplication and division of floating decimal point (Single precision)(E*, E/) ..................................... 6-54 [N] Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (LOGD) ................................ 7-298 Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (LOG) .......................... 7-296,7-302 n-bit shift to left of 16-bit data (SFL) .................... 7-46 n-bit shift to right of 16-bit data (SFR).................. 7-46 n-bit shift to right or left of n-bit data (SFTBR(P), SFTBL(P))............................................................ 7-51 n-bit shift to right or left of n-word data (SFTWR(P), SFTWL(P))........................................................... 7-56 NEG (complement of 2 of BIN 16-bit data) .......... 6-94 Network refresh instruction (ZCOM) ...................... 8-2 NEXT (FOR to NEXT)........................................ 7-105 No operation (NOP, NOPLF, PAGE) ................... 5-57 NOP ..................................................................... 5-57 NOP (No operation) ............................................. 5-57 NOPLF (No operation page change) ................... 5-57 Number of steps .................................................. 3-34 Numerical key input (KEY)................................. 7-396 Numerical key input from keyboard (KEY)......... 7-396 NUNI (Linking of random data) ............................ 7-81 [O] Operation errors .................................................. 3-27 Operation results inversion (INV) ........................ 5-15 Operation results pop (MPP) ............................... 5-12 Operation results push (MPS) ............................. 5-12 Operation results read (MRD) ............................. 5-12 Operation start (LD, LDI) ....................................... 5-2 OR ($=, $<>, $>, $<=, $<, $>=) (Character string data comparisons) ....................................................... 6-11 OR (=, <>, >, <=, <, >=) (BIN 16-bit data comparisons) ............................................................................... 6-2 OR (A contact parallel connection)........................ 5-2 OR (D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<, D>=) (BIN 32-bit data comparisons) ......................................................... 6-4 OR (E=, E<>, E>, E<=, E<, E>=) (Floationg decimal point data comparisons (Single precision)) ........... 6-6 OR (ED=, ED<>, ED>, ED<=, ED<, ED>=) (Floationg decimal point data comparisons (Double precision)) ............................................................................... 6-8 Or inverse (ORI) .................................................... 5-2 ORB (Ladder block parallel connections) ............ 5-10 ORF (Pulse parallel connection / trailing edge) ......................................................................... 5-5,5-7 ORI (B contact parallel connection)....................... 5-2 ORP (Pulse parallel connection / leading edge) ......................................................................... 5-5,5-7 ORPI, ORFI ........................................................... 5-8 Other convenient instructions ................................ 2-6 Other instructions ................................................ 5-55 Application instructions .................................... 2-29 Sequence instructions........................................ 2-6 OUT Annunciator output (OUT F)............................. 5-28 Counters (OUT C)............................................ 5-26 High speed retentive timer (OUTH ST)............ 5-22 High speed timer (OUTH T) ............................. 5-22 Low speed retentive timer (OUT ST) ............... 5-22 Low speed timer (OUT T) ................................ 5-22 Output (OUT) ................................................... 5-20 Out instructions (OUT)......................................... 5-20 Output instruction table.......................................... 2-8 Output instructions (OUT).................................... 5-20 Output of sub-routine program OFF calls (FCALL) ........................................................................... 7-116 Output OFF calls between program files (EFCALL) ........................................................................... 7-125 Output reverse (FF) ............................................. 5-40 [P] PAGE (No operation page change)..................... 5-57 Page change (NOPLF) ........................................ 5-57 Page change (PAGE n) ....................................... 5-57 Parallel connection (OR, ORI) ............................... 5-2 Parallel connections (ORB) ................................. 5-10 PCHK (Program low speed execution registeration instruction) ......................................................... 7-384 PLF (Trailing edge output)................................... 5-37 PLOADP (Load program from Memory Card) ... 7-440 PLOW (Program low speed execution registration) ........................................................................... 7-382 PLS (Leading edge output).................................. 5-37 PLSY (Fixed cycle pulse output)........................ 6-162 POFF (Program output OFF standby instruction) ........................................................................... 7-378 Pointer branching instruction (CJ, SCJ, JMP) ... 6-129 Pop (MPP) ........................................................... 5-12 PR (Print ASCII code instruction) ...................... 7-166 PRC (Print comment instruction) ....................... 7-169 Print ASCII code instruction (PR) ...................... 7-166 Print comment instruction (PRC) ....................... 7-169 Program branch instruction table......................... 2-27 Program control instructions ................................ 2-56 Program execution control instruction table......... 2-27 Program low speed execition registration instruction (PCHK) .............................................................. 7-384 Program low speed execution registration (PLOW) ........................................................................... 7-382 Program output OFF standby instruction (POFF) ........................................................................... 7-378 Program scan execution registration instruction (PSCAN) ............................................................ 7-380 Program standby instruction (PSTOP) .............. 7-377 PSCAN (Program scan execution registration instruction) ......................................................... 7-380 PSTOP (Program standby instruction) .............. 7-377 PSWAPP (Load + unload) ................................. 7-445 Pulse conversion (DELTA) ........................................................... 5-42 (EGF, EGP)...................................................... 5-18 (MEF, MEP) ..................................................... 5-17 Pulse conversion of direct output (DELTA).......... 5-42 Pulse density measurement (SPD).................... 6-160 Pulse NOT operation start, pulse NOT series connection, pulse NOT parallel connection LDPI,LDFI, ANDPI,ANDFI,ORPI,ORFI) ................................... 5-7 Pulse operation results Operation result conversions (MEF, MEP)....... 5-17 Pulse conversions of edge relay operation results (EGF, EGP)...................................................... 5-18 Pulse operation start (LDF, LDP)..................... 5-5,5-7 Pulse parallel connection (ORF, ORP) ............ 5-5,5-7 Pulse series connection (ANDF, ANDP)................ 5-5 Pulse width modulation (PWM).......................... 6-164 PUNLOADP (Unload program from program memory) ........................................................................... 7-443 Push (MPS) ......................................................... 5-12 PWM (Pulse width modulation).......................... 6-164 [Q] QCDSET (File setting for comments) ................ 7-342 QCPU dedicated instructions............................... 2-60 QDRSET(Setting files for file register use) ........ 7-339 [R] RAD (Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Single precision)).............................................. 7-275 Index - 9 I RADD (Conversion from floating-point angle to radian (Double precision)) ............................................ 7-277 RAMP (Ramp signal) ......................................... 6-157 Ramp signal (RAMP) ......................................... 6-157 Random number generation (RND/SRND)........ 7-304 Random selection from and replacement in character strings (MIDR) ................................................... 7-235 Random selection replacement in character strings (MIDW) .............................................................. 7-235 RBMOV (High-speed block transfer of file register) ........................................................................... 7-448 RCL (Left rotation of 16-bit data) ......................... 7-38 RCR (Right rotation of 16-bit data) ...................... 7-35 Read (MRD) ........................................................ 5-12 Read data from standard ROM (S.DEVLD)....... 7-438 Reading 1-word data from intelligent function modules (FROM).............................................................. 7-160 Reading 2-word data from intelligent function modules (DFRO) .............................................................. 7-160 Reading clock data (DATERD) .......................... 7-344 Reading data from designated file (SP.FREAD) 7-424 Reading device comment data (COMRD) ......... 7-201 Reading expansion clock data (S.DATERD) ..... 7-366 Reading from other CPU shared memory (FROM) ............................................................................. 9-12 Reading module information (UNIRD) ............... 7-402 Reading newest data from data tables (FPOP) ........................................................................... 7-155 Reading oldest data from data tables (FIFR) .... 7-153 Reading routing information (RTREAD) ................ 8-6 Real number data .................................................. 3-8 Recovery from interrupt programs (IRET) ......... 6-139 Refresh instruction (COM) ................................. 7-134 Related programming manuals ............................. 1-2 Resetting devices (RST).............................. 5-32,5-35 Resetting the annunciators (RST F) .................... 5-35 Resetting the master control (MCR) .................... 5-47 Resetting watchdog timer (WDT) ...................... 7-386 RET (Return from sub-routine programs) .......... 7-115 Return from sub-routine programs (RET) .......... 7-115 Revercing Bit device output reverse (FF).......................... 5-40 Floating-point sign invertion (Double precision) (EDNEG) .......................................................... 6-97 Floating-point sign invertion (Single precision) (ENEG)............................................................. 6-96 Operation results inversion (INV) ..................... 5-15 RFS (I/O refresh) ............................................... 6-141 RIGHT (Extracting character string data from the right) ........................................................................... 7-232 Right rotation of 16-bit data (ROR, RCR) ............ 7-35 Right rotation of 32-bit data (DROR, DRCL)........ 7-41 RND (Random number generation and series update) ........................................................................... 7-304 ROL (Left rotation of 16-bit data) ......................... 7-38 ROR (Right rotation of 16-bit data) ...................... 7-35 Rotary table shortest direction control (ROTC) ........................................................................... 6-154 Rotation instructions ............................................ 2-32 Index - 10 ROTC (Rotary table shortest direction control) ........................................................................... 6-154 RSET (Switching file register numbers) ............. 7-337 RST Resetting devices (RST) .................................. 5-32 Resetting the annunciators (RST F)................. 5-35 RTREAD (Reading routing information) ................ 8-6 RTWRITE (Writing routing information) ................. 8-8 [S] S.DATE- (Expansion clock data subtraction operation) ........................................................................... 7-366 S.DATE+ (Expansion clock data addition operation) ........................................................................... 7-366 S.DATERD (Reading expansion clock data) ..... 7-366 S.DEVLD (Read data from standard ROM) ....... 7-438 S.TO (Write to host CPU shared memory) ............ 9-4 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL(P), DSCL(P)) ........................................................... 7-330 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL2(P), DSCL2(P)) ......................................................... 7-334 SCJ (Pointer branching instruction) ................... 6-129 SCL(P) ............................................................... 7-330 SCL2 .................................................................. 7-334 SECOND (Time data conversion)...................... 7-352 SEG (7-segment decode) .................................... 7-75 Sequence instructions ........................................... 2-6 Sequence program stop (STOP) ......................... 5-55 SER (16-bit data searches) ................................. 7-66 Series connection (AND, ANI) ............................... 5-2 Series connections (ANB).................................... 5-10 SET Setting devices (SET) ...................................... 5-30 Setting the annunciators (SET F) ..................... 5-35 Setting devices (SET) .................................. 5-30,5-35 Setting files for file register use (QDRSET) ....... 7-339 Setting the annunciators (SET F) ........................ 5-35 Setting the master control (MC) ........................... 5-47 SFL (n-bit shift to left of 16-bit data) .................... 7-46 SFR (n-bit shift to right of 16-bit data).................. 7-46 SFT (Bit device shifts).......................................... 5-44 SFTBL(P) ............................................................. 7-52 SFTBR(P) ............................................................ 7-51 SFTWL(P) ............................................................ 7-57 SFTWR(P) ........................................................... 7-56 Shift instruction ............................................ 5-44,7-46 (Application instructions) .................................. 2-29 Shift instruction table (Sequence instructions) ..................................... 2-6 SIN (SIN operation on floating-point data (Single precision)) .......................................................... 7-250 SIN operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (SIND) ............................................... 7-252 SIN operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (SIN) .................................................................. 7-250 SIN-1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision) (ASIND) ............................................. 7-265 SIN-1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision) (ASIN) ............................................... 7-262 SIND (SIN operation on floating-point data (Double precision)).......................................................... 7-252 Single precision to Double precision conversion (ECON).............................................................. 6-102 SORT (BIN 16-bit data sort) ................................ 7-95 SP.CONTSW (System switching instruction) ...... 11-2 SP.DEVST (Writing data to standard ROM)...... 7-436 SP.FREAD (Reading data from designated file) ........................................................................... 7-424 SP.FWRITE (Writing data to designated file) .... 7-413 SPD (Pulse density measurement) ................... 6-160 Special format failure checks (CHKST, CHK) ... 7-175 Special function instructions ................................ 2-46 Special timer (STMR) ........................................ 6-151 SQR (Square root operation for floating-point data (Single precision)).............................................. 7-287 SQRD (Square root operation for floating-point data (Double precision)) ............................................ 7-289 Square root operation for floating-point data (Double precision) (SQRD) ............................................. 7-289 Square root operation for floating-point data (Single precision) (SQR)................................................ 7-287 SRND (Random number generation and series updates)............................................................. 7-304 STMR (Special function timer)........................... 6-151 STOP (Sequence program stop) ......................... 5-55 STR (Conversion from BIN 16-bit to character string) ........................................................................... 7-206 Structure creation instructions ............................. 2-38 Subrotine program calls (CALL) ........................ 7-110 Subroutine calls (XCALL) .................................. 7-129 Subroutine calls between program files (ECALL) ........................................................................... 7-120 Subroutine program output OFF calls (FCALL) ........................................................................... 7-116 Subset processing ............................................... 3-25 Subtraction BCD 4-digit subtraction (B-) ............................. 6-34 BCD 8-digit subtraction (DB-) .......................... 6-38 BIN 16-bit subtraction operations (-) ................ 6-22 BIN 32-bit subtraction operations (D-) ............. 6-26 Block subtraction (BK-) ............................ 6-59,6-62 Subtraction of floating decimal point data (Double precision) (ED-)........................................ 6-50,6-52 Subtraction of floating decimal point data (Single precision) (E-) .......................................... 6-46,6-48 SUM (16-bit data checks) .................................... 7-69 SWAP (Upper and lower byte exchanges) ........ 6-128 Switching file register numbers (RSET)............. 7-337 Switching instructions .......................................... 2-51 System Switching (SP.CONTSW) ....................... 11-2 [T] TAN (TAN operation on floating-point data (Single precision)).......................................................... 7-258 TAN operation on floating-point data (Double precision)(TAND)............................................... 7-260 TAN operation on floating-point data (Single precision)(TAN) ................................................. 7-258 TAN-1 operation on floating-point data (Double precision)(ATAND)............................................. 7-273 TAN-1 operation on floating-point data (Single precision)(ATAN) ............................................... 7-271 TAND (TAN operation on floating-point data (Double precision)) .......................................................... 7-260 Teaching timer (TTMR)...................................... 6-149 Termination instruction table.................................. 2-9 TEST (Bit tests) ................................................... 7-61 TIMCHK (Time check instruction)...................... 7-390 Time check instruction (TIMCHK)...................... 7-390 Time data conversion (HOUR) ......7-354,7-356,7-361 Time data conversion (SECOND)...................... 7-352 Timer (OUT T) ..................................................... 5-22 Timing pulse generation (DUTY) ....................... 7-388 TO (Writing 1-word data to intelligent function modules) ............................................................ 7-163 TRACE (Trace set) ............................................ 7-411 TRACER (Trace reset) ...................................... 7-411 TTMR (Teaching timer)...................................... 6-149 Types of Instructions.............................................. 2-2 [U] UDCNT1 (Counter 1-phase input up or down) .. 6-143 UDCNT2 (Counter 2-phase input up or down) .. 6-146 UNI (4-bit linking of 16-bit data) ........................... 7-79 UNIRD (Reading module information) ............... 7-402 Unload program from program memory (PUNLOADP) ........................................................................... 7-443 Up / Down counter Count 1-phase input or dawn (UDCNT1) ....... 6-143 Count 2-phase input or down (UDCNT2) ....... 6-146 Upper and lower byte exchanges (SWAP) ........ 6-128 Upper and lower limit controls for BIN 32-bit (DLIMIT) ........................................................................... 7-321 [V] VAL (Conversion from character string to BIN 16-bit) ........................................................................... 7-212 [W] WAND (Logical products with 16-bit data)............. 7-3 WDT (Resetting watchdog timer)....................... 7-386 WOR (Logical sums of 16-bit data)...................... 7-11 WORD (Conversion from BIN 32-bit to BIN 16-bit) ............................................................................. 6-89 Word data .............................................................. 3-4 Word device bit designation................................... 3-3 Writing 1-word data to intelligent function modules (TO) ................................................................... 7-163 Writing 2-word data to intelligent function modules (DTO)................................................................. 7-163 Writing clock data (DATEWR) ........................... 7-346 Writing data to designated file (SP.FWRITE) .... 7-413 Writing data to standard ROM (SP.DEVST) ...... 7-436 Writing data to the data tables (FIFW)............... 7-151 Writing routing information (RTWRITE) ................. 8-8 Writing to the CPU shared memory of host CPU... 9-2 Index - 11 I S.TO................................................................... 9-4 TO ...................................................................... 9-7 WSUM (Calculation of totals for 16-bit data) ....... 7-99 WTOB (Data dissociation in byte units) ............... 7-85 WXNR (16-bit data exclusive NOR operation)..... 7-27 WXNR (16-bit data non-exclusive logical sum operations)........................................................... 7-30 WXOR (16-bit exclusive OR operations) ..... 7-19,7-22 [X] XCALL (Subroutine program call)...................... 7-129 XCH (32-bit data exchange) .............................. 6-124 [Z] ZCOM (Network refresh instruction) ...................... 8-2 ZONE (Zone control for BIN 16-bit) ....................................................... 7-327,7-330,7-334 Zone control for BIN 16-bit (ZONE) ....................................................... 7-327,7-330,7-334 Zone control for BIN 32-bit data (DZONE) ....................................................... 7-327,7-330,7-334 ZPOP (Batch recovery of index register) ........... 7-400 ZPUSH (Batch save of index register)............... 7-400 ZRRDB (Direct 1-byte read from file register).... 7-391 ZRWRB (File register direct 1-byte write) .......... 7-393 Index - 12 Warranty Please confirm the following product warranty details before using this product. 1. Gratis Warranty Term and Gratis Warranty Range If any faults or defects (hereinafter "Failure") found to be the responsibility of Mitsubishi occurs during use of the product within the gratis warranty term, the product shall be repaired at no cost via the sales representative or Mitsubishi Service Company. However, if repairs are required onsite at domestic or overseas location, expenses to send an engineer will be solely at the customer's discretion. Mitsubishi shall not be held responsible for any re-commissioning, maintenance, or testing on-site that involves replacement of the failed module. [Gratis Warranty Term] The gratis warranty term of the product shall be for one year after the date of purchase or delivery to a designated place. Note that after manufacture and shipment from Mitsubishi, the maximum distribution period shall be six (6) months, and the longest gratis warranty term after manufacturing shall be eighteen (18) months. The gratis warranty term of repair parts shall not exceed the gratis warranty term before repairs. [Gratis Warranty Range] (1) The range shall be limited to normal use within the usage state, usage methods and usage environment, etc., which follow the conditions and precautions, etc., given in the instruction manual, user's manual and caution labels on the product. (2) Even within the gratis warranty term, repairs shall be charged for in the following cases. 1. Failure occurring from inappropriate storage or handling, carelessness or negligence by the user. Failure caused by the user's hardware or software design. 2. Failure caused by unapproved modifications, etc., to the product by the user. 3. When the Mitsubishi product is assembled into a user's device, Failure that could have been avoided if functions or structures, judged as necessary in the legal safety measures the user's device is subject to or as necessary by industry standards, had been provided. 4. Failure that could have been avoided if consumable parts (battery, backlight, fuse, etc.) designated in the instruction manual had been correctly serviced or replaced. 5. Failure caused by external irresistible forces such as fires or abnormal voltages, and Failure caused by force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning, wind and water damage. 6. Failure caused by reasons unpredictable by scientific technology standards at time of shipment from Mitsubishi. 7. Any other failure found not to be the responsibility of Mitsubishi or that admitted not to be so by the user. 2. Onerous repair term after discontinuation of production (1) Mitsubishi shall accept onerous product repairs for seven (7) years after production of the product is discontinued. Discontinuation of production shall be notified with Mitsubishi Technical Bulletins, etc. (2) Product supply (including repair parts) is not available after production is discontinued. 3. Overseas service Overseas, repairs shall be accepted by Mitsubishi's local overseas FA Center. Note that the repair conditions at each FA Center may differ. 4. Exclusion of loss in opportunity and secondary loss from warranty liability Regardless of the gratis warranty term, Mitsubishi shall not be liable for compensation of damages caused by any cause found not to be the responsibility of Mitsubishi, loss in opportunity, lost profits incurred to the user by Failures of Mitsubishi products, special damages and secondary damages whether foreseeable or not , compensation for accidents, and compensation for damages to products other than Mitsubishi products, replacement by the user, maintenance of on-site equipment, start-up test run and other tasks. 5. Changes in product specifications The specifications given in the catalogs, manuals or technical documents are subject to change without prior notice. 6. Product application (1) In using the Mitsubishi MELSEC programmable controller, the usage conditions shall be that the application will not lead to a major accident even if any problem or fault should occur in the programmable controller device, and that backup and fail-safe functions are systematically provided outside of the device for any problem or fault. (2) The Mitsubishi programmable controller has been designed and manufactured for applications in general industries, etc. Thus, applications in which the public could be affected such as in nuclear power plants and other power plants operated by respective power companies, and applications in which a special quality assurance system is required, such as for Railway companies or Public service purposes shall be excluded from the programmable controller applications. In addition, applications in which human life or property that could be greatly affected, such as in aircraft, medical applications, incineration and fuel devices, manned transportation, equipment for recreation and amusement, and safety devices, shall also be excluded from the programmable controller range of applications. However, in certain cases, some applications may be possible, providing the user consults their local Mitsubishi representative outlining the special requirements of the project, and providing that all parties concerned agree to the special circumstances, solely at the users discretion. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Pentium and Celeron are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries. Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Co., Ltd. in the United States. CompactFlash is a trademark of SanDisk Corporation. VxWorks, Tornado, WindPower, WindSh and WindView are registered trademarks of Wind River Systems, Inc. Other company names and product names used in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of respective owners. SH(NA)-080809ENG-C 2/2
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