MobiWireS KWANITA 3G SmartPhone User Manual UM V1
MobiWire SAS 3G SmartPhone UM V1
Safety In orderto ensure the phone rs useo satery ano correctry. prease read the precautrons berow careturry betore use. 1.1 GsneraI precautron -Your phone rs onry surtabre tor the battery ano charger approveo by our company or erse rt may cause the battery to reak. overheat. uprooe or even catch trre. - Do not kmckr vIbrate onhrow the phone MavIIy to svoId maIlunctIon, IIrer overheatrng. eprosIon or trre. - rt there are abnormar phenomena. rrke temperature rrsrng. coror change or oratortron ourrng the usage. chargrng or storage at the battery. prease stop usrng rt ano reprace rt wrth a new battery. - It may burn the skrn rt rrouro rn the battery reaks onto skrn or crothes. rt thrs happens prease trush wrth prerrty ot crean water rmmeorateryano go to a hosprtar at once. - Prcaee keep the battery away trom trre to avoro trre ano exprosron rt the battery reaks or emrts a strange smerr. - Do not prace expose the battery to mornure er rt may cause overheatrng. tumes ano corrosron. - Do not use or prace the battery unoer orrect sunrrght. or rn hot praces or. rt may cause reakagc anc overheatrng. thus recucrng pertormance anc shortenrngthe rrtespan. - Do not charge the battery tor over 2A hours contrnuousry. - Use caretur wrth the earphone maybe possrbre excessIve sound pressure trom earphones ano headphones can cause hearrng rm 1.2 Frecaulron [or the use olcharqsr - Do not cause short crrcu rt to the charger. or rt may cause erectrrc shock. tumes ane camage to the charger. - Do not use the charger rtthe power wrre rs broken. or rt may cause frre ano erectrrc shook. - Prease remove accumurateo dust on the power prug. - Do not put water contarners next to the power su ppry to avorc overheatrng. trre. erectrrc shock ant martunctron rn case they come rnto contact. - Do not a‘sausmme 07 tamper WIlh the charger or I! may cause personar rnrury. erectrrc shcck. trre and the damage otthe charger. - Do not use the charger rn pracesot hrgh humrorty. rrke bathrooms. or rt may cause erectrrc shock. trre and damage otcharger. - Do not touch the charger. power cord or power prug wrth wet hanos or rt can cause erectnc shook. - Do not put heavy obreots on the power cord or change the power core or rt may cause erectrrc shock and trre. - Prease unprug the power socket betore creanrng ano marntenance. - Prease horo the charger to unpr ug the socket as purrrng the power cord may damage the power wrre ano cause erectnc shock and trre. 1.3 creanrng and marntenance - As the phone. battery and chargerare not waterproot. do not use them rn praces ot hrgh humrorty anc avoro them berng wet by rarn. - Prease crean the battery and charger wrth a set ory coth. -Never use aroohor. thrnner or sorutrons. rrke benzene. to wrpe the phone. - nrrty sockets can cause poor contact and power down. and even make rechargrng unavarrabre. So. crease crean them perrocrcarry. LA Common Precautron Mobr re Phone: - Mensa use the phone rn an anwonmem WIlh temperature between -1o°<> 40°C ano humrorty ot 515%. - Prease use the phone tar away trom regurarterephones. Tv sets. raoro sets and aims aubmatron squrpmsnt. to avert! aflsctrng (he normaI use otthese sourprrants ano mobrre phone. Battery: - Store the battery rn ccor and ventrrateo prace wrthout orrect sunrrght. - The battery has a rrmrteo rrtespan. The usage at battery wrrr be shortened progressryery cue to treouent chargrng. Once the battery rs out of UIGr rt meanuhat rh Irlupan halandad. and you erI need to NpIaca rt wrth an approuec new battery. - Do not dIspose ot oro batterres as househoro waste. GIve them to specrtrco orsposar praces and terrow any atrpuratao rnstructrcns ter orsposar. CAUTION : RISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY ts REPLACED BYAN INCORRECT TYPE. DISPOSE OF USED BATTERIES ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS Charger: - no not charge unoer torrowrng conortrons: ~ praces wrth orrect sunrrgtt ~ praces wrth ambrent temperature ress than »10"c or over we. wet or may mics: WIlh mroflg VIDValIOH! (I! may cause maI'WrClIOH): — praces near erectrrcar apprrances (rt may street the rmage ano souno) rrke Tv set. raoro. etc. — Adapter sharr be rnstarreo near the equrpment ano sharr be easrry accessrbre.The prug consroereo as orsconnect oeyrce otaoapter Getting m knuw your touch phone L110“— ;m vhunc on (a me! a Back k amen Hash hght Volume key Power oxx’ull'kev mum cover \ )gak m k key Rprcm key Hume key Stanlng up the devlce Yo mm" m. SlMcIrd - Open the SIM cerd end Memory card rubber. - Locale the SIM cerd srm. end then \nsen the SIM cerd Mm \ls oord conracrs «acrno up. Note: The phone Iruppor! one SIM 01rd. The card will upper: 36 card and 26 card. It you mod to uu as opouuon. pluu Insert 36 card In the card slot To Inmn . memory cord - Open the SIM card and Memory card rupper. - Locate the Memory card sror. and men \nsenme Memory card wun us oord Canteen lacmg up Chlrglng m. Emory New padenee are enrpped pamaHy charged. Before you dart umrvg your deyroe. \l ‘5 recommended «ner you ”We“ end cnerge (he ballery. Some penenes perform MM ener severer NH cnarge/drscnerge cycres. Nate: any the“) adapter and use sync cadre prourded wnn your deurce mus1 be used to cnaroe (he devrce. sonnecnne USE aarmsctar o1 the AC adapter 10 the sync connector on your devrce. and «non prug m «ne AC adamer 0.0 an erectrrcar auflet ta nan chargmg (he ballery. As the ballary rs oerng energed We the deyree rs on, e energrng reon appears \n me (We par onne Home screen Aner (he ballery nas been 1tu chawed. a NH panery rcon appears rn me we bar 01 me Home screen. Wammg - Do no1 remove the panery lrorn the demos me you are cnargrng rt uerng the AC or car adapter. - As e salmy pram-mum. the battery stops cnergrng before u overneers. Faweranlofl Ta power 0" your phone. press 5 how POWER. On remiss. 015 Phone optrone rnenu opens. Serect ‘Pawer all‘ and confirm. To power on egern. press a. nerd POWER. SAR TN! dawn meI with P3115 M m. FCC Rtfil. Cosmic» ll mum to "I: thhq M wndhnl' (1 mm om: mly not um- rumm lmflor'ma. 12mm am:- musl new my Imnmm mum‘ loaning 'morverenco am my flu” “Mar“ ope-many FCC ID: G’N-KWANITA NOTE: Any mung- or mane-am nm wrlllly approved by mu puny nwemhhfor mum-nu- mm vuh m- unr‘x mmryw opor mu oqubmonn NOTE: mum-imam hll own MM Ind lound lo COMP” Mlhlha Inill lurICI-l savv- owlcu, warm-n: to Fun 15 atm- Fcc Run Thu-e In“: m deslgmd In prwlfll mun-m prowabn nuns! rum-ml momma In - admit! Inn-hum TH: mpmom non-mu um um an (flute rflh MW energy ind. N "01 Ilium Id wed In 3:me W10! VII hllluaiurll, filly an. Mm“! lmerfunm lo [Ida amulem. HOWE [hue I! no gulf-film! (Mt Inhfleme wll no! cumin a mum lnlfllllon, In?“ moment 6030 we hllmM Interment. Io mac or MMBIOVI lIquIIDfl‘ which can b! «(mm by Inning "I. Iqubmanl DflInd on. m- um I: nmrngedla lry mean-d Immummmlbyam or mm 54 mo Making run-um: «Ready! or rice-re m nuwlng .menm. Mum's ma lip-ration Ween 1h- Iquipm-nt mu mow-r. vvConnlfl In. mum-n! hm In null-1 m a circuit Mmm «cm mm In mm mom-(mi command, "Conn" VII dlhrar In inflamed IIGD/TVlImm'din larhwr Bow-worn war-non This mm m- mm Inr maid may-mom tap-mums To earn», wm RF upon"- luwmm‘ I "rim!“ Ilpllflon dilly" 011cm mun be mdmlnld between he ml”: body Ind (M Mndnh hfludnfl m IMIIMI Trim-puny hon—clam uni-urn m dm‘lumcmlnq m- Arm-mu. Tummy bdl-clply mum, ma irrill' lemma and by m owls. «mu no: comm my mlic mammals. Body-worn mamas mu do run mm mm r-quurmnu mly norm» wnn RF expo-m nwmmu m sham homeland. 1. Switch MlinMenu style (1) In nevaum Home screen, Shae your nngenrp ml and ngm along the screen to revea} me more home screen. (2) On Home screen, drck icon on me bollom onne screen (Main menu roan) to emanhe mam menu scrbsn, shde your fingertip >9" and "gm a‘ong me screen to revea‘ me more apphcalions. 5° ergo 09nd MG 1. Hamllcllln (1) Ralc your nctmcettons When you 539 a noflflcaflon \n the status bar. touch the barand sta your finger down the screen to open the Met ot notrttcatrons dtsptsyed m the shmrq wmdow. Ongomg notmosttons report aclwmes such as oaH iorwarothg ON. currehtcaH status. song p‘aymg. Noflflmihns report the ew‘va‘ at new messages. cstender events. and a‘arms. You can dear nohflcaflons H51 by sa‘ecl‘ng ‘C‘oar‘ noflflcaflons at the top olthe noflflcaflons Wmdow. To open the message. remmder. or other notmcstton. you can touch the ttems. To dose the notmosttons wmdaw. shde your nnger up the screen. (2) Create Home screen shortcuts and wtdgets: From lhe Home screen. touch and he‘d (he b‘ank screen. and same! ‘W‘dgels‘. Enter the MM menu screen. shda your nngerttp van to reveat tre wrdoet, setect a shortcut to some at your saved mlormauon (such asa way hat). a wtdw (a dock) (or your Home screen. fig (3) Move objects on the Home screen -To move an man or other Ham on the Home screen. you must first touch a. hotd t to enter move mode. The object vnu nagmfy when W‘s ready Io be moved. -wnhout hang your nnger (or you‘H drop outot move mode). drag the Obtad la the new Daemon. To move an Ham (0 a sacltan of the Home screen not \h Wow. move \I to the edge at the screen and hotd \I there tor e moment. The screen vtew wm shm: posmon the object and retesse. 3. Camera AM the pt ctu res you can capture or vrew on your phone are stored on a memory card. whrch vs the phone storage or the mslaHed so card m your phone Betore you use the Camera or new mantras m GaHery. make sure you have a card mslaHed. 4. GPRSMILAN nemarlt Vour device‘s networktng cspebnmes aHow you to access the Internet or your corporate network thmugh WLAN. GPRS. or WCDMA (r1 SIM card su pponec ). You can step add and set ups VPN or proxy oonnectron. To use WLAN onyour dewce. you need access to a wrrekess access pornt or “holspot” Note- The avavatnhty and range otyouroewoe's WLAN sonet depends on the number. mlraslmclure, and other omecls through whtch the srgnat posses To open the Browser you need to be connected to a network. a Lntmmmn m Anto‘flJ‘ W; ‘ We 0 Myvedrmue —> ‘234567890 "W” qwérlyutap 6 VudabnhSocmt zsdtghtkt ozxcvenmu nm . 5. U-dllk storage rnts pnone supports mavaute storage. t.e.. tne uotsxrunctton. wnen tne pnone ts swttcned on. you can see tne tdon tn tne status per on tne top ottne screen wnen tl‘s connected to e PC by e dete ttne. Toucn me her and sttde your finger down we screen to open the H31 0! notttcattonsdtsptayed tn tne sttdtnq wtndow. Setect [use connected] and mum [Turn on usa storage] to mnfirm.thsn you cart use tna pnone as a U-dtsk. Tne product snett onty be connected to a use tntertece o1 yerston usam ”.mn ll.“ use In @ crooc tns dmcc O trans/21 me: I; name. pnotostvw) 0 Use one“; urn. s. Mustc Your ntustc ts ardentzed tnto tour cetegortes: Antsls. Atbums. Songs end Ftayttsts. Setect a category to ytew tne ttsts wttntn eecn. Once tn e category, keep seteottng unttt you reacn the muse you want to ptay Ibl1°>l0 7 Etumolh Tne pnone supports EtualonwET) tuncttons. you cen estepttsn e wtretess connectton beIwean tne pnone wttn otner contpettpte dedces. end dete lrartsmtsstort, you can estabttsh a wtretess can necttort befiweert devtces tn tne pnone wttn e dtstanceotup to 10 meters. atuetootn :onnectton may be tnterterence oy abatactes. sucn as watts or other etectrontc devtcs. 1. Enter he setttrtg menu. Touch (he Etuamth (a ope't (he luncltort. tdte screen wttt dtsptey ET tcon tn tne stetus per. 2. Open tne ET dtscoverepte. end otner davtoes can seercn tne pnone. 3. severe ustrtq me prtorte as a Etuetootrt devtoe, you need [0 patr me pnone wttn lt'telargel devtoe as tottows: -5ure your phone has atuetootnenaoted. -'roucn "Scan tordevtces." Etuetootn devtoes wttntn tne range ottne pnone wttt sun ecenntng. :roucn tne devtce you went to petr. to conttrnt password to comptete tne patrtnq You can use Etuetootn to snare tne ptc1ures, vtdeos or ntustc tttes wttn (amt ty and lnend s SMAF s rne pnone supports cps tunctton end outtt tn googte maps app. maps can provtde contatn admtntstrattye zones and transponatton, and oustness trtlormaltart olveclor maps, satetttte tntaqes o1dt«erent resotutton, and can be used to dtsptay tne terratn and terratn contour ytew. 9. FM Iadio " fl ' “° ‘“ Technlcal Speclflcall on The phone :uppon: FM radio. bug you 3 WII _ am. 1129 (Including wary) "9°“ 3" “PM“ “5 “"3““ - 9‘9”“ DImInIlonI: 12:.25'64'10.05MM Zmrg'pme bm'esemmw '°' and: GsmooMHzIncs1aooMHzIGsmsoMHzIPcs1oooMHzI WCDMA‘OOMHIIWCDMAZ100MHI Elmry Typo: LI-pIay amory capquy: 1750mm Thlk TIM: about about ZJPI sunduyrlnu: about zso-won amry Tlmo (No pnor or «pal-m nollu It roquIr-a lar upmlly china“) HW vmlon: vos SW Vortlon: Moleer_lenltl Flrmwlrn Vlrslon: Androld 7.0 H-ndne JWEPosn-MMR “SE ubll: AM MICROSP 1M Chum. .AMGA-050100u-MK1. 5V1A MAX pow-r output GSMISOIGSMW 1.5dbm PCS1BMIDCS1WO:19.5dbm WCDMMWIWCDMAZ100212dbm Mm: Actull aporltlng wndltlam dnpnd an m loul "mm snvanm-ncv SIM and um unwlon WarnIng: Any oonuqulncl cluud by mlIuI abuu, or not lollowlng .ny Ind .II 01 th- nImmrlmn wag-snarl: Ind Instructlons shnll not hold th- produur In my wly mmnslbla to any doqm. Announumnc. Tho mlnullnuror rourvu :no mm to change or upgrad- lplclflcltlonl or unwar- vlrllonl wIcnouc prIor or upam- notlcl. rud- mark: nunclonod or uud In cnI- mmrlll belong to thalr mpmlv. mars. 6% MobiWire MobflMre Kwanita FCC ID: QPN-KWANITA wwwMobWireLom
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