Molex CVS Dabendorf MBC-NAR Wideband Consumer Signal Booster User Manual

Laird Dabendorf GmbH Wideband Consumer Signal Booster Users Manual


Users Manual

38 Using the telephoneUsing the telephoneUsing the Audi phoneboxApplies to vehicles: with Audi phone boxWith the Audi phone box* and a USB adaptercable for your cell phone, you can make callsthrough the vehicle antenna and charge yourcell phone. Using the external antenna helpswhen there is low signal strength and alsoprovides better reception quality. The Audiphone box is located in the center console un-der the center armrest.Fig. 23 Audi phone boxFig. 24 Available adapter cablesRequirement:–Read the note ð  in this chapter prior tousing the Audi phone box.–A cell phone must be connected throughBluetooth.–Connecting to the external vehicle anten-na: Lay the cell phone on the center of thecell phone symbol in the Audi phone boxwith the display facing up. Make sure thereare no objects between the Audi phone boxand the cell phone.–Charging the cell phone with the USBadapter cable: Connect your cell phone tothe 5 Volt socket using the USB adapter ca-ble  1 ð fig. 23.For ease of use, Audi offers special USB adapt-er cables* ð fig. 24. The following USB adapt-er cables are available at this time:A Micro USB adapter cable*B Adapter cable for Apple devices with Light-ning connector*C iPod adapter cable*/iPod adapter cableplus*WARNINGLoose objects can be thrown around thevehicle interior during sudden driving orbraking maneuvers. This can cause seriousinjuries and loss of control of the vehicle.Always keep the center armrest closedwhile driving.NoteOperation of the Audi phone Box is subjectto the following requirements of the Fed-eral Communications Commission:–This is a consumer device.–BEFORE USE, you MUST REGISTER THISDEVICE with your wireless provider andhave your provider´s consent. Most wire-less providers consent to the use of sig-nal boosters. Some providers may notconsent to the use of this device in theirnetwork. If you are unsure, contact yourservice provider.–You MUST operate this device with ap-proved antennas and cables as specifiedby the manufacturer. Antennas MUST beinstalled at least 20 cm (8 inches) fromany person.–You MUST cease operating this deviceimmediately if requested by the FCC or alicensed wireless service provider.–WARNING. E911 location informationmay not be provided or may be inaccu-rate for calls served by using this device. 
39Using the telephoneBedienungKommunikationNavigationUnterhaltungTips–The Audi phone box is not available in allcountries. Contact your authorized Audidealer for additional information.–To prevent malfunctions, make sure thecell phone is positioned correctly in theAudi phone box.–If the cell phone is placed in a bag orprotective sleeve inside the Audi phonebox, this can interfere with the connec-tion to the external antenna.–Audi recommends using original Audi ac-cessories. Audi has established their reli-ability, safety and suitability.–USB adapter cables are available fromyour authorized Audi dealer or specialtystores.161.566.6MH.00

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