Monster 169069-A FM transmitter User Manual 1

Monster, LLC FM transmitter 1

User manual

Download: Monster 169069-A FM transmitter User Manual                      1
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Document ID3050921
Application IDkCleq+vityMmNFGmHCZo7w==
Document DescriptionUser manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize299.18kB (3739731 bits)
Date Submitted2016-07-05 00:00:00
Date Available2016-07-05 00:00:00
Creation Date2016-06-27 09:29:54
Producing SoftwareCorel PDF Engine Version
Document Lastmod2016-06-27 09:52:42
Document Title未命名 -1
Document CreatorCorelDRAW X7
Document Author: 周自友

Wireless FM Transmitter
User some a Warranty Inlnrmatlan
Monster iCarplayaoo
wireless Features
u Highrquallly srerea audro or your rar
' Full range 0' FM 513mm 0mm 88‘ m IE" 9
- 3 “lavorire srarion' programmable presers
. orglral [ED sranon display
- nrmrnahle drsolay
- smell, maximum range“
. Mruoproressor convened
' Eulh'ln antenna
a powered by lzv car rrgarme llgnler adaptor
- Aurasresel lose ro pmlefl rrarrsmrner and playe
"range mud ay Dledun oerhranm and am mwlmlmld wn
Connect KadioPlay
i Plug Monsrernndroray- 300 mm yarr
rnro rne headphone pl)" on your player
\ J
2 Plug Monsrer Radrovlay- zoo Dawe' adaprer
rnrn your (al‘s lzv aeressory ourler
[(lgarene lrolrler srrrkel)
2 choose your sranon by plesslng one
rrl me a preset memory buttons (see sunny
~rarrorrre srauorr“ Preset Buuons below)
4 lune your PM rariro ro rhe same rhannel
as mdrrared on Monsrer RadluPlaly~ zoo
s Press lne 'P ay‘ lnrllrm on your player
a use your (a! radius volume krlnb ro adilm
sound level Adiusl play volume m rmd level
Sefling "Favorite S‘allorl"
Preset Buttons
Monsrer RadloPlay , aim learures rnree
programmable "lavome srarron' memony presels
rhe loll, nnddle and ngm ounons reoresenl slallorl
oreseis l, 2 and a, resoearvely Salem slarrum on
your cal slereu mar are ‘qurelesrf l e lne nrosl
lree ol srrono radro slalrrrn signals These may
rnange dependlrlg on where you are To program
l Press and nuld human 3 (also ldennfred as ‘M’)
(or l serond All hunons wrll llasn, lndrcarlng
"firarlnn Selenlon" mode
mas and Mold
for On- mm
2 Fress lnrlrons l or 1 (also ldelllllled as Cam
lo mull FM 'adm (leqllfirwm up or dovyr
Down "P
a Clue you‘ve sererred r srano r, press and mill
anyone ol me rnree anions lor one seeond
ro ser rnar slarron lrlla memory and em slanon
seleulon mode Youl isletllun le be m’lhllvled
nr rhedrsvlayas h 2 or a
Chans- mm
K Llwlirld Huld
4 Alrer your slarron rs ser, rne liml wrll
autamarlzally go hxk m Ils dilault 'Plewl'
memory mode. where plesslrlg rhe l-3 bullorls
reeall your delaun preset srarronsJo (hangs
presers repear sreps I rnrougn 3
Mme: Whlle lrl "slzlion seleaiml' mode, ll yell
dan‘! ser 3 slallon wrrlnn lo seeonds rne unrr
w-lr’ aurornanrally reven ro “Fraser“ memory mode
while lempolalvly keeplng your oresenr siarren
ming the display
Fweasletvlewmg day or mgnr, pressrne i am
ounons ar me same lrme ra alremarely arm
or ungnren rhe dlsp‘ay
mas ragemr
to nlmllrlunm J
Perlormante Ir Sa'ety Tips:
- For besl perlavmanlzer selecr an Monsrer
RadlnPlay- 3w channel that ls nor attupled
by a strung local FM radla srarron,
- salemne channel drar ollers dearest sound
vvrdr me leasr rnrerlererrre.lhrs may ralre
some expenmenrarron.
. :onnecr Monsrer NadinPlay" 300 and seleer
(hannels BEFORE operaung your vehicle;
never wlrrle drrvrno
- The Monsrer RadlcPlayr zno rransmmer
slrenorh rs regulared and lrrrrirerl by
lhe rcc RadinPIay~ aw nansrnrrs
ar the power allowable ivy law
- Monsrer Radiorlayv 300 is desrgned
lo nansrnrl wnnln yum car's penmeqer
while nor rruerlermg wrrn rhe surrounding
ouairr allways
- More: Monsrer RadloPlay - 300 ads Just
like a Ilrly m radio srarron however no FM
rransmrner will ever sound lrke yourlavorlre
sullwwm ladla srarlon
- (mam cars may experrerrre more drlhrvlry
lxelvlng rlearsronalsrhan erhers Lorarian
or me alumna (an alien signal Smflgmr
Some vehliles have a metallll: Mm
ln [he wmdws wfllch (all zlsn make
rr harder In receive clearsignals
- In dens! mlmpollfarl areas there are cases
Mere all Monsrer RadloPlay‘ zoo ore-ser
sralrons are lxwpled by local radio srarions
Sumellllws a sraeon smlng nan re a mi
srarron may he soong enough ro hleed'
aver ro me adjarenr rrequencies
- Radio lrequenrres lrorn local srarrons
(an 'thE‘ llom hllls and bulldlngs
and (ause momenmry interlerenre
- A sreel hrrdge or parklng garage may act like
an alllellnar suengrhening local and disranr
radio station signals,Vuu may need la wan
umrl you are 'over rhe hlldge' or “an!
al rhe srrucrure- lor rlearesr lecepuon.
More lllusrrauorsnayvary rnaooeararre nonranual omdun
\ J
rcc Notlce: This device aurnplies wiin Pan is dime it:
rules aperariaa issulayea la rue lpllawrng Mn epndilians
llllliis devke may ndi pause narrnlul imeflewme, and m
inis device must aeeepr any inlerlerenee reeeived, Imludlng
lnrerlerenee man may cause undesved operalian
CZIIII :(nanges or modnicanoris noi euplessl‘y appimrad
py Mpnsier Cable Pioducts, lne may vpid me users aulliaruy
id pperaie lms devise.
More: this equipriierrl has been iesred and laund ra aunrply
wlrli me lrmirs lpr a Class B dlgllal deviee pursuanud Pan
I5 dlrne KC rules lirese lrmlrs are designed in pruvrde
reasonable preieeuan againsi nannlul inrederenee in a
residedlial rnsiallaudn lliis equipmenr denerales uses
and {an radrare radia lrequerny energy and n riar insralled
and used in armrdanee vndi die insrrueuans maycause
lrarmlul inredererreero ladiu (ummunlmllam llavvever,
were is nu auaranlee mal inierlerence le llul deeur in a
panimlav insiallarian, ll misedurpmerii does cause nannlul
rnlerlerense lu ladlo pr ielenslon mepllm mm (all be
derenrrined by Immg llie edulprnerri alland an, lne user
is eneeuraged Io rry io (oiled me inierleierice by one
or mere ullne follrmirlq measum’
. liedrierrl or reldoaie ilie lKewlng amenna
- lncrease rne separauan penueen die euuusnienl and reeerver
- (milled me equipmern inld arr auileran a eireun drllerenr
ndm inal lo wuieli ilie lecelm is eonneaed
. (ensulr me dealer or an experieneed radiurlv reelimeian
lar neip
rcc lD: IUEl 69069-1:
United States
Manner Cable Radium Inc, 455 Valley Drive
Enslzane, on 94005 (4798402000 ('Monsre-r”)
extends Had this Llniiled Warranly Slazulwy or
eprnrnpn lawmay pmvlde You vvnli addmolla/ rrgnrs
or remedies wni'm shall no: be aflecied by this
Lr‘nimad warranty.
'Adequaue use' means use ul rne vrddueili) wulun a
name or dwelling. in) lor prlvare las nppdsed ra cummmlal)
purpdses (nil rn rdnlarnranee vnil. aii applisaple IMaL
sraieor lederal law, eade ar regularians (lntluding
wrinaui lmll|atlon bulldlng and/pr eleeiriral codes), livl in
acmldance widi manulaeiurer recdrnmendauona andler
lnsllunluns in lire malerials and dixunienlandn luau
accompany die Plodlm (v) wiln prpper eleeirieal grpunding.
admixed dealer- means any disrrrpuipr, reseller
or rel Ier rlrallil was duly arririprlzedmdp business in
me jurisdiqipn Mere ii sold me Plodllmo You. liilwas
permirled m sell ilpu me Plndun umerlhe laws dime
yunsdielidn whele lpu blaugm die Product. and (iii) sold
ldu lne nedun new and in ris pnginal natkaglng.
“rarrrialwarr-anuy uairrr' means a daim made
in atmldance wrili irie sedrpn “FulmalWallarlty
claims" lierern
'Pvudlm' meansa VlDdud lisred in me Speeineananslaple
below, and (lulled pauglrr lrarn newlram an Audidrized
Dealer new and in us original vackaglug
'Pmdm Delea' means a» mafltqllacy dl ine Praducr
lliar exisued ai ine line when You mlved me Pmduu lrem
an Auinarraed Dealer and mar muses a lallure pl lne Pludlla
id pedann in aeeardanee vviili Mansier's ddurnlenranpn
aeeampanying die Produei, unless SIKMallme nas peen
caused completely drpaml I'll (a) any use pilier inan
Adequate Use, my rranspenalian. neglect. misuse er apuse
pyanydne dder inan Mensrer's empldyaes, (el alreraiidn,
lampenng ar madlfirallnrl erllne produei by anyone,
(el acoderll: (ll mainienanse arservise oldie Produd by
anyone airier man a Mansler emplayee ar auinanzed serviee
iedinlelaru lgl exposure dime Pmdlmm near, uriani Ilghl,
sun, liquids sand ar arner mnuaniinanis prlhl am pulsrde
rne eanrial al Monsier, lndudlng Wlmut lrrruiairen ans
pl Gad, fire, slums eanllduake ol llapd.
'Warlanly Mod" means we lime period dullnq v/uirlr
Mansrer rriusi nave received You! romialwarianinlaim.
rne drllerererananly Parade relared la Pmdun Deleers are
defined in me specilieanans laple pelavv. nie Warramy Pelmd
camnienees on de dale wlsen llau purdiased m reserved
Mimeverpeeurs laierline Prodvq lrdm anAulnprized
dealer as evideneed by llieAuiliduLed Dealer‘s nivuiee,
sales reeeipi, m packlrlg slip lliluu do nai nave wrirren plwl
al ine dare al purelrase ar reeeipi, ilsen meWananry Perldd
canimeriees diree lal rndriins aller die dale Mien ine Ploduu
lelr Mdusler's or us laaery as endeneed by Mansrer's reeands
llieWarramy Period ends alrerrrie iirne delined in [he
Speulean‘dns lanle has expired or aller lair nave iranslerred
dwnerslvp ul lne Praducu vmkrimr eceuis earlier
'Vou' means are nrsi individual persan mar purenased
rne Produd rn irs original padlaglng'lom an Amarized
Dealer. llys lelmd Wananiy dnes nor apply ip persons
arennpes drar trough! me ridduei (o in used ar unparleaded
lenii, liil ldr resale, lease prprrler epmrrierdal use, er in)
lrurn sameuuepmerinan ariAulliorizud Dealer.
predueis ll a Ploducl [amalned a eraduer Deleer wnen
vau rmgm ri lrdm an Allmolized Dealer and Mansrer
reeervesa RudeWallarlly clairn lram llau pelare me end
al rlie WarraIlIy Period ldi Produd Delecis applicable (a
ll»: afiecud Pioduei, men Manner vvill pnavideyau vviu.
ane alrnelallavrind remedies: Monsier wlll in repair er,
ai Mender's sale disueiiun. replace me Plodua,
ar (1) relund la rau me purdrase pneepaid lar ileallaeied
Ploducl lrdrn an Audwllled Dealer ii repair dr replasernenr
rs nar [anniversary praeneaple pr (annm ue urnely rnade
NOTE: mum does run assume any liabiliry larAN‘l
(hula al Izw/lllisdim'on. This Limired Wananiy and
any drspures arising eul Life! in eduneapn Willi dds Limired
Wananiy ("Owes") snall be deemed pyuie laws in me
sraie dl Calildinra, um excluding cenllins dl law prlneiples
andexdlldlrlg die (unveniian lar ine iniernarranal sale oi
Gepdslne pduns located in me slaie al calilamia, USA
snail nave excluswe lullde‘lnn over any Dispmes
serial number. ll rms naduer ednrairis a serial number. inls
lrmued Warranry is vaid illne label an rne Pladlm nearing
ilre serial number nas been removed. alieed, er delaeed.
up Lilbility lorAdviee.Any |edmltal pr urlrer adwe
allered pelore or alrer delivery min respeei idrne use
and appliealiun dldre PIE-dun is lulnlshed williuui enarge
and SublKl m Illa undemanflng Ihal sum ENC! IS issued
at Ill? pardlasa’s sol? Ilsk wllhulfl any llmlraflan
or mpdrlisauansalany dlsclalmm or inner pmvlmrl
mnuirled hEVEVI
00m Righ‘s THlS llMlTED WARRANTY GlVES vou
negismddrr. Please regrsler lpur Prpduei
ai WMansleKablemmIWallarlly, railvie id regisuer
Will nar drmrmsiriraurwarraruyrignrs
§EE§ E Q nus MEL:
Mn Model me mmmunddldrrmauet
MDIISIEI'I RadioPIayw 300 One lll Veal
EORMAL wuimm gm M
HawTa MaklA a in me evenr pla vidduei Deleei,
ldu musi lolldw diese insdunidris: (ll tall lalleourasas,
(2) leea derailed esplanarian al irie pradurel Deleel,
l3) olalain a lierurn Aumrlzallan Number, 14) lierurn
llie Prddueis, Shlpplrlg prepaid by lluu, lo Monslei F0!
verilisaiidn el Praducl Delem aldng wlili a sapy dlllaur
allglnal sales reeerpls and praal al pulthase(UP(13bEV)
lei susri Prdduas and primed neiurn Aumarizairdn
Number an Lne aulsrde al lire renurn paelage (me dalm
ldrrrr will include insimedans lar reiurn) IMPORTANT IN
onnen m exemse vouli mills UNDER ms LIMlTED
rrrrdrer Proceedings Mansuer will rermpurse lau liar any
Shlpplng casls lliarldu inmrred in atcmdarltewixh Mensiers
insuueipns and, 3! us piwaian, eiineilal dnequu m
Dblalll a repair eslirnale ai a serviee remel in me Pmdm, er,
lul make a payriieriu iolau in asedrdaiiee vridr rue scape el
mi; Limiied wananiy
vlming, ll llpu blind a FarmaIWzllanty (laim and lully
eomply wuri all ierms and (ondlllam dl rnis Lirnried
Warraniy, Munsrei Will use ils aesi elldns rd prervide
Vail wliri a remedy wunin ininy (3m days aner reeeipl
pl yaur Farmal Warranly Clalm (il lau reside rn irie urnred
slaies -funy1lve(¢5] days ililau reside elsewhere), unless
Dbslacles euisrde Mensier's eanirdl delay we process
Vei I Imus , uisadiePlay 300 ©2005 Mpnsler(able
Plenum Ine
connecting andldr selling Mmlslel RadlDFlay 300 wlrlle
(1le may eause serurus iniury and/er deaun Drive
responsibly—«men and sei Mdnsrer liadldplay zoo
BEFORE uperaiind ydur vehicle and pay allemierr
ra rne mad vvfllle driving.
W ln I! us: and menial-mud
lawn-pr indium wmulldns,
Balm-Ivy mirr- Mom and films Du. marl, lralarrrl
rrn isms

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