Motorola Solutions 92FT4896 Mobile 2-way Radio User Manual 6878215A01

Motorola Solutions, Inc. Mobile 2-way Radio 6878215A01

Ex8c Excerpt from Install Manual

Chapter 5 Motorcycle Radio InstallationNOTE: The motorcycle radio installation is not applicable for 100W radios and O9 control heads.5.1 Motorcycle Radio DescriptionThe motorcycle model includes all the same components in the standard radio, with the exceptions listed in the model charts in the APX 7500 Basic Service Manual (6875964M01). The following paragraphs describe the unique items provided with the motorcycle models. NOTE: The APX 7500 Basic Service Manual (6875964M01) includes complete parts lists and parts numbers for all parts shown in the exploded views in this chapter.A small label is included with the motorcycle radio, which can be placed on the radio to identify it as a motorcycle radio. The label should be placed on a flat and protected area to avoid damage during handling. See Figure 5-1.Figure 5-1.  Identification of a Motorcycle Radio by Using a Label5.1.1 Transceiver EnclosureThe transceiver is mounted in the weather-resistant enclosure that consists of a bottom housing and a hinged top cover. The top cover has a locking latch that requires a key to open. The enclosure is mounted above the rear motorcycle wheel, oriented so that the lock is forward and the hinged cover opens toward the rear of the motorcycle. The bottom housing has a grommeted hole for cable entry and weep holes to permit water drainage.The enclosure is mounted on the motorcycle with a universal mounting plate and shock and vibration isolators. A large, braided ground-strap (installed between the mounting plate bolts and the motorcycle frame) grounds the transceiver.5.1.2 Control/Display UnitAll radio functions, except push-to-talk (PTT), are activated from the control head, which also is weather-resistant. The control head and the external speaker are mounted for easy access near the center of the handlebars. The control head is positioned for unobstructed viewing, and it may be tilted on the horizontal axis for ease of viewing. The microphone cable port on the front of the control head is plugged and is not used.
6878215A015-2 Motorcycle Radio Installation: Motorcycle Radio Description5.1.3 Control Head CableThe control-head cable connects the control head to the transceiver. The cable is routed along the motorcycle’s frame and has weather-resistant connections at both ends. Excess cable is coiled under the transceiver inside the weather-resistant enclosure.Each end of the cable is strain-relieved with jackscrews at the control head and the transceiver. The cable is shielded to reduce the effects of radio frequency interference and ignition sense noise.5.1.4 MicrophoneA weather-resistant, palm microphone and coiled cord plug into a pigtail connector on the control cable. The microphone attaches to a hang-up bracket located within easy reach of the motorcycle rider. The coiled cord is long enough to be operated by someone standing next to the motorcycle, yet short enough to not interfere with the motorcycle’s steering or operation.5.1.5 Keypad MicThe Mobile Keypad Microphone (Mic) is a full keypad handheld microphone. The keypad on this microphone is intended to assist in navigating through the menus on its parent device, as well as entering information such as phone numbers and menu picks.5.1.6 External SpeakerA 3.2-ohm, 10-watt-rated-audio-power, external speaker is mounted on the front of the motorcycle. The speaker cable is routed along the motorcycle frame to the transceiver’s rear accessory connector. A sealed, weather-resistant, speaker-muting (toggle) switch is mounted on top of the speaker.The external speaker connects to the rear accessory connector of the transceiver.5.1.7 Headset CapabilityThe motorcycle radio is compatible with headset accessories that would provide hands-free operation of the radio. Motorola does not manufacture headset equipment, but provides the interconnection for headset equipment with the motorcycle radio. Aftermarket headset equipment is available through Motorola (see Appendix A: Replacement Parts Ordering).5.1.8 AntennaThe antenna(s) are mounted on top of the transceiver’s weather-resistant enclosure. The enclosure’s metal lining acts as the antenna’s ground plane.5.1.9 Ignition Sense (ACC) WireThe ignition sense wire connects to the motorcycle’s fuse box and is routed along the motorcycle frame to the transceiver’s rear accessory connector.The radio is wired so that transmission is inhibited if the motorcycle’s ignition sense switch is off. If the PTT switch is pressed with the ignition sense off, a low-frequency tone sounds. The receiver is controlled by the control head on/off switch.To avoid possible injury to hearing, the audio setting in the mobile radio MUST be confirmed, if the Motorola mobile radio is used with any motorcycle helmet headset. See CPS Help for details.!C a u t i o n
6878215A01Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installation Overview 5-35.2 Installation Overview5.2.1 GeneralAll APX 7500 radios are tested and inspected before shipment. It is, however, suggested that the transmitter frequency, deviation, and power output be checked at the time of installation. It is the license holder’s responsibility to ensure that the operating parameters of his station comply with applicable laws governing radio communications equipment. For tests and alignment procedures, refer to the appropriate service manual (refer to “Related Publications” on page vi).Generally, the installation of the motorcycle radio takes place in the following parts:• Mounting the universal mounting plate and related hardware at the rear of the motorcycle;• Mounting the control head, speaker, microphone, and related hardware forward on the motorcycle;• Routing the power cable, control-head cable, speaker cable, and ignition sense cable to the weather-resistant enclosure;• Mounting the weather-resistant enclosure and radio chassis, and connecting the cables;• Mounting the antenna(s) to the weather-resistant enclosure.A universal mounting plate, supplied by Motorola, is first mounted to either a motorcycle carrier at the rear of the motorcycle or to the rear frame of the motorcycle itself. The mounting procedures for the universal mounting plate vary from motorcycle to motorcycle. Therefore, the procedures given in this manual for installing the mounting plate may not specifically apply, but are provided for guidance.The control head, speaker, and microphone are mounted forward on the motorcycle, on or near the steering column. There are several possible mounting configurations which use a combination of Motorola and customer-built brackets. These configurations are outlined in this manual. Because of the large number of motorcycle makes and models in existence, the customer-built brackets are necessary to tailor the mounting of the Motorola equipment to the particular motorcycle being used. Suggestions for customer-built brackets are given in this manual.The power cable, control-head cable, speaker cable, and ignition sense cable are routed to the weather-resistant enclosure position. The enclosure and the radio chassis are then mounted. Special care is required when connecting cables to the radio equipment within the enclosure.
6878215A015-4 Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installation Overview5.2.2 Important Installation HintsConsider the following when mounting the radio components:• Excess lengths of control-head, power, ignition sense, and speaker cables must be routed in the enclosure as shown in Figure 5-15.• All components must be mounted securely in order to withstand the constant and sometimes severe vibration experienced on a motorcycle.• No cantilever action, which could cause severe vibration, should be generated in the mounting hardware.• The control head and microphone must be placed for ease of accessibility by the motorcycle operator.• Forward components (control head, microphone, and speaker) should not interfere with visual or physical access to controls and instruments.• Forward components should not interfere with the handling of the motorcycle.• Cabling between the control head and the radio chassis should be run to minimize interference with operator movements.• The weather-resistant enclosure should be placed to avoid any interference with the motorcycle operator.• Electrical continuity must be present through the enclosure shock mounts to the motorcycle frame for proper electrical and RF grounding.• The antenna(s) are designed for mounting on the top of the weather-resistant enclosure.• Only the supplied microphone mounting clip should be used to ensure secure mounting of the microphone. This clip has a very strong spring to ensure positive retention of the microphone over rough terrain. Also, there must be electrical continuity from this clip to the motorcycle frame for DC grounding.• Direct access to the microphone should be provided from both sides of the motorcycle.• Sufficient slack in the microphone coiled cord should be allowed so as not to impede steering.• Mounting hardware must be stainless steel to prevent corrosion.• If an extra length of cable is used to extend the microphone, ensure that the added capacitance does not interfere with the operation of the radio.
6878215A01Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installation Overview 5-55.2.3 Parts IdentificationThe following installation procedures refer to Figure 5-2 through Figure 5-16. Detailed descriptions of the mounting hardware used in each procedure are provided in parts lists located in the exploded views located in the APX 7500 Basic Service Manual (Motorola publication part number 6881096C73). Those parts supplied by Motorola are contained in one of the following kits:• Motorcycle Weather-Resistant Microphone• Motorcycle Weather-Resistant Speaker with Mute Switch• Motorcycle Weather-Resistant Speaker with Keypad Mic• Motorcycle Hardware Kit SECURENET or Motorcycle Hardware Kit• Motorcycle Power Cable Kit• Motorcycle Mounting Kit• Weather-Resistant Enclosure (Black)• Antenna5.2.4 Order of InstallationBefore starting the installation, familiarize yourself with the mounting hardware (see Figure 5-2 through Figure 5-16). Perform the installation procedures in the order that follows.1. Install the universal mounting plate on the motorcycle.2. Install the control head and speaker.3. Install the microphone hang-up clip.4. Install antenna base and cable onto enclosure.5. Install the cables.6. Install the weather-resistant enclosure on the universal mounting plate.7. Route the cables inside the weather-resistant enclosure.8. Install the transceiver in the weather-resistant enclosure.9. Install the antenna(s) on the enclosure.
6878215A015-6 Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing the Universal Mounting Plate5.3 Installing the Universal Mounting PlateThe universal mounting plate, supplied with the motorcycle radio, must be mounted on the motorcycle first. It provides the base on which the weather-resistant enclosure is to be mounted. The method used for mounting the plate depends on the make and model of the motorcycle and whether the plate is mounted to a carrier or to the motorcycle chassis. After the plate has been securely mounted to the motorcycle, mounting the weather-resistant enclosure onto the plate is straightforward.Figure 5-2 illustrates the universal mounting plate mounted to a motorcycle carrier. Since there are so many makes and models of motorcycles and motorcycle carriers, it is impossible to give specific step-by-step instructions for mounting the universal mounting plate. However, noting the following considerations will aid in the installation procedure.• A minimum of holes are predrilled into this plate as supplied. Mounting holes must be drilled as required for the particular motorcycle on which the plate is being mounted.• The universal mounting plate should be mounted on the motorcycle in such a manner that the later mounting of the weather-resistant enclosure will not interfere with the motorcycle seat back, with any other obstacles, or with the motorcycle operator. The enclosure may be temporarily bolted to the universal mounting plate and the unit positioned on the motorcycle to ensure the above criteria are met.• To ensure a good grounding path from the universal mounting plate to the motorcycle carrier or frame, stainless steel lock washers must be used with the mounting hardware in two areas to score through the paint on the universal mounting plate and on the carrier or frame, thereby, providing good electrical contact with the underside of the motorcycle carrier or motorcycle frame.Figure 5-2.  Universal Mounting Plate Installation (Part of Radio Enclosure Kit)Follow the procedures below to mount the universal mounting plate to the motorcycle (see Figure 5-2).1. Determine the mounting position for the mounting plate.2. Determine whether stainless steel spacers are required for clearance in mounting the plate.3. Drill four 9/32-inch holes in the mounting plate and the corresponding motorcycle carrier or chassis for mounting the plate.4. Attach the universal mounting plate to the motorcycle using four machine screws, eight lock washers, and four nuts. Tighten screws securely. The lock washers must cut through the paint on the plate and motorcycle carrier or frame to ensure a good ground path.
6878215A01Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing the Speaker and Control Head 5-75.4 Installing the Speaker and Control HeadThe control head mounting location and configuration is determined largely by the make and model of motorcycle. Two different mounting configurations are described below. One involves mounting the speaker and control head together as a unit using the combination speaker/control-head bracket (shown in Figure 5-4) supplied by Motorola. Alternately, the control head may be mounted by itself using a smaller control-head bracket supplied by Motorola. In this case, the speaker is mounted elsewhere. This section outlines installation procedures for each configuration mentioned above. The customer (or installer) is in the best position to determine the most appropriate mounting configuration for the control head and speaker based on the particular motorcycle on which the equipment is to be mounted. Figure 5-3.  Motorcycle Control Head Cabling (3075217A01)When determining its location, position the control head so that it is clearly visible and within easy reach of the motorcycle operator.!C a u t i o n
6878215A015-8 Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing the Speaker and Control Head5.4.1 Handlebar Installation with Speaker and Control Head Mounted TogetherFigure 5-4 illustrates the combination speaker/control head bracket. This combination bracket is used only when the control head and speaker are to be mounted as a unit. Also illustrated in Figure 5-4 is a handlebar-mounting bracket which may be required if the combination speaker/control-head bracket cannot be easily mounted to the motorcycle. In this case the handlebar-mounting bracket is mounted to the motorcycle, and the combination bracket is then mounted to the handlebar-mounting bracket.Figure 5-4.  Handlebar Installation with Speaker and Control Head Mounted Together
6878215A01Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing the Speaker and Control Head 5-9Provision has been made on the combination speaker/control-head bracket for mounting the microphone hang-up clip. If that mounting is desired, the hang-up clip must be attached to the bracket before installing the control head and speaker. See Section 5.6: “Installing the Microphone Hang-Up Clip” on page 5-14 for the hang-up clip procedure. Install the speaker and control head as described below.1. Determine the location where the speaker/control head is to be mounted. Consider how the speaker/control-head bracket may be mounted, and whether or not a handlebar-mounting bracket is needed. Take care to select a location that is not only mechanically convenient, but is located for ease of operation.NOTE: The angle at which the handlebar-mounting bracket or the speaker/control-head bracket is mounted to the motorcycle determines the firing angle of the speaker.2. If the handlebar-mounting bracket is needed, install it first.3. Mount the speaker/control-head bracket, either directly to the motorcycle, or, if used, to the handlebar-mounting bracket, using four stainless-steel machine screws, lock washers, and nuts. 4. Mount the 9-pin D-connector end of the motorcycle control-head cable to the speaker/control head bracket, using two machine screws, flat washers, and nuts. (Cable routing directions appear later in this section.) 5. Mount the speaker on the speaker/control-head bracket, using two machine screws and lock washers. Torque these screws to 20 in-lbs. 6. Attach the control-head cable to the control head and tighten the locking screws on the connector. This connection must be made before you mount the control head in the bracket. (Cable routing directions appear later in this section.) 7. Mount the control head to the bracket, using two machine screws, lock washers, and flat washers. 8. Adjust the control head viewing angle by loosening its mounting screws and rotating the control head to the desired angle. Then, retighten screws to 20 in-lbs torque. This concludes the speaker/control-head installation.5.4.2 Fuel Tank Console Installation with Speaker and Control Head Mounted TogetherSome motorcycles provide a console for mounting radio equipment. This console is attached to the top of the fuel tank. With the use of a mounting bracket, screws, nuts, and lock washers, the combination speaker/control-head bracket can be mounted to this console. Figure 5-5 illustrates this type of mounting.The console attachment screws must be removed, and the console must be lifted slightly from the fuel tank to gain access in order to attach mounting hardware, and to route cables later.In this installation, the microphone (mic), mic hang-up bracket, and mic extension bracket will interfere with handlebar travel. Installation using this method is the same as in Section 5.4.1: “Handlebar Installation with Speaker and Control Head Mounted Together” on page 5-8.
6878215A015-10 Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing the Speaker and Control HeadFigure 5-5.  Fuel Tank Console Installation with Speaker and Control Head Mounted Togetherf
6878215A01Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing the Speaker and Control Head 5-115.4.3 Handlebar Installation with Speaker and Control Head Mounted SeparatelyIt may be necessary to use the smaller control head bracket (part number 07-80127N02) and mount the speaker and microphone hang-up clip in another location on the motorcycle.Before installing the control head using the bracket described above, the control-head end of the control-head cable should be temporarily fastened to the control head, and the control head fastened to its bracket. Motorola-supplied spacers and the mic-cable bracket are required to mount the control head to the handlebar. This mic-cable bracket has holes to mount the microphone-cable connector.Follow these procedures when mounting the smaller control-head bracket:1. Determine the location at which the control head is to be mounted. Take care to choose a location that is not only mechanically convenient, but is located for ease of operation.2. Securely mount the Motorola-supplied spacers, mic-cable bracket, and small control-head bracket to the handlebars.3. Mount the 9-pin D-connector end of the motorcycle control-head cable to the mic-cable bracket, using two machine screws, flat washers, and nuts. (Cable routing directions appear later in this section.)4. Attach the control-head end of the cable to the control head and tighten the locking screws on the connector.5. Mount the control head to the small control-head bracket, at the proper viewing angle, using two wing screws. Tighten firmly. This concludes the control-head installation.
6878215A015-12 Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing the Speaker and Control HeadFigure 5-6.  Handlebar Installation with Speaker and Control Head Mounted Separately5.4.4 Fuel Tank Console Installation with Speaker and Control Head Mounted SeparatelyThe control head may be mounted to the fuel tank console using the smaller control-head bracket and spacers/hardware. In this configuration, the microphone cable connector may be attached directly to the console, eliminating the need for a custom bracket.
6878215A01Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing the Speaker and Control Head 5-13Figure 5-7.  Fuel Tank Console Installation with Speaker and Control Head Mounted SeparatelyInstallation is the same as detailed in Section 5.4.2: “Fuel Tank Console Installation with Speaker and Control Head Mounted Together” on page 5-9 and Section 5.4.3: “Handlebar Installation with Speaker and Control Head Mounted Separately” on page 5-11.
6878215A015-14 Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing the Speaker5.5 Installing the SpeakerUse the following procedure when the speaker is mounted separate from the control head. The speaker bracket supplied with the speaker may be used alone if a suitable location can be found, or if necessary, a customer-supplied bracket may be fabricated for mounting the speaker.1. Determine the location in which the speaker is to be mounted and whether there is a requirement for a customer-supplied bracket.2. Fabricate a bracket if required. Use the Motorola-supplied speaker bracket as a template for drilling mounting holes. Also drill holes in the fabricated bracket for mounting to the motorcycle.3. Mount the fabricated bracket to the motorcycle chassis.4. Mount the Motorola-supplied bracket to the fabricated bracket using two machine screws, flat washers, lock washers, and nuts.5. Mount the speaker to the speaker bracket using two wing screws. Directions for speaker cable routing appear later in this section. Speaker mounting is now complete.5.6 Installing the Microphone Hang-Up ClipInstall the hang-up clip either on the supplied microphone extension bracket or on the side of the speaker/control head bracket. Both methods are shown in Figure 5-4. Determine the mounting location and install as described in the following paragraphs.NOTE: Wherever the hang-up clip is mounted, it must be DC grounded for proper operation. After mounting the clip, be sure there is electrical continuity between the clip and the motorcycle chassis.5.6.1 Extension Bracket MountingUsing this method, you can mount the clip so that it faces the operator. 1. Attach the bracket to the speaker/control-head bracket using two machine screws, four lock washers, and two nuts as shown in Figure 5-4.2. Torque nuts to 20 in-lbs torque.3. Fasten the hang-up clip to the extension bracket using two machine screws, lock washers, and nuts as shown in Figure 5-4.4. Torque nuts to 20 in-lbs torque.5.6.2 Speaker/Control Head Bracket Side MountingAttach the hang-up clip to the left side of the speaker/control-head bracket using two machine screws, lock washers, and nuts as shown in Figure 5-4. Torque nuts to 20 in-lbs. torque.
6878215A01Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing Antenna Base and Cables 5-155.6.3 Other Hang-Up Clip MountingTo mount the microphone hang-up clip in another location, a customer-supplied bracket may be used. Suggested locations include the handlebars, fuel-tank console, or any location which provides easy access to the microphone without blocking controls and indicators and without interfering with motorcycle handling. See Figure 5-5, Figure 5-6, and Figure 5-7 for alternative microphone hang-up clip mounting methods.1. Fabricate a bracket, then secure it to the motorcycle.2. Use two machine screws, lock washers, and nuts to secure the hang-up clip to the customer-supplied bracket. Ensure that the microphone clip is DC grounded to the motorcycle chassis (a grounding lug and strap are provided in the hang-up clip kit for this purpose) – this is essential for proper radio operation.5.7 Installing Antenna Base and CablesNOTE: Antenna hole placement and cable routing in 7/800, VHF and UHF antenna manuals are not applicable for the APX Series.The GPS antenna assembly must be done after the removal of the metal liner but before reinstalling the APX Series liner.1. Open the top cover of the weather-resistant enclosure.2. Uninstall the metal liner that is shipped attached to the weather-resistant enclosure. This liner has one depressed area at the top of the enclosure liner just toward the rear of the enclosure. This metal liner is not used with APX Series products.3. Place the metal liner with two round, depressed areas toward the enclosure hinge and 5/8” hole near the front of the housing, inside the top cover, and align the six slots in the metal liner with the screw holes in the top housing.4. The metal liner of the enclosure’s top cover acts as a ground plane for the antenna.5. Locate the two round, depressed areas about 3 inches in diameter in the metal liner near the enclosure hinge. Referring to Figure 5-8, these areas are either Band 1 or Band 2 depending on the antenna port they align to. Refer to band markings on radio for the proper antenna port location. For the GPS antenna, use the 5/8” hole near the front of the housing near the lock.Figure 5-8.  Location of Band 1 or Band 2 (Depending on the Antenna Port They Align to)GPSBand 2AntennaBand 1AntennaBand 1 Antenna PortBand 2 Antenna PortTop Cover for APX Radios
6878215A015-16 Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing Antenna Base and Cables6. These holes in the metal liner is used as a template to mark the position of the hole(s) to be drilled at the top cover. Follow the below guidelines for the various options.-Single Band – Refer to your APX radio (see Figure 5-9) and see if your single band antenna is in the position of Band 1 or 2. Depending on which location your antenna port is mark a hole in the appropriate antenna position only. Refer to Figure 5-8.-Dual Band – Mark a hole in both the Band 1 and Band 2 Antenna position as seen on Figure 5-8.-GPS – Mark a hole in the GPS Antenna position as seen on Figure 5-8.Figure 5-9.  Antenna Band Identification7. Remove the metal liner from the top cover.8. For Band 1 and Band 2 positions, use the Motorola RPX-4378A Hole-Cutting Saw or equivalent, and carefully drill a 3/4-inch hole at the marked location from the inside of the cover until the saw bottoms out. For the GPS carefully drill a 9/16-inch hole at the marked location from the inside of the cover until the saw bottoms out. The saw should clean a neat circle to assure good contact between the antenna and the housing.IMPORTANT: For proper seating of the antennas, deburr and scrape any foreign matter from both sides of the hole, being careful not to mar the finish of the shell.9. Clean the mounting surface around the hole to remove dirt and wax.10. Refer to the Motorcycle GPS Instruction Manual for further installation instruction for the GPS. GPS must be mounted before the APX metal liner is installed.11. Reinstall the APX metal liner (see Figure 5-8) with the cable clamps provided in the weather-resistant housing. If installing GPS, the GPS coaxial cable must be fed through the hole in the APX metal liner before the liner can be placed onto the housing. Then route the GPS Coaxial Cable through the cable clamps before tightening the hex screws as installing the cable after that is difficult due to the connector. See Figure 5-10 for GPS Cable Routing.Figure 5-10.  Routing the Coaxial Cable for GPSAntenna Band Label Band 1 Antenna PortBand 2 Antenna PortGPS Antenna PortCableClampCoaxialCableConnector
6878215A01Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing Antenna Base and Cables 5-1712. Attach the 7/800, VHF or UHF antenna base per Antenna Installation Manual.IMPORTANT: Antenna Placement and Cable Routing in the Antenna Installation Manual is not applicable for the APX series.13. Route the coaxial cable for the 7/800, VHF or UHF antenna(s) through the cable clamps per Figure 5-11 for Band 1 and Figure 5-12 for Band 2.Figure 5-11.  Routing the Coaxial Cable for Band 1Figure 5-12.  Routing the Coaxial Cable for Band 214. After routing cable, allow enough of the cable to reach the radio’s antenna connector and cut off any excess length of the cable.15. Install the connector per Antenna Installation Manual.Be sure to observe the correct routing of the antenna cable. Failure to do so can damage the cable.!C a u t i o nCableClampCoaxialCableAttach to Antenna Connector onRadio Band 1CableClampCoaxialCableAttach to Antenna Connector onRadio Band 2
6878215A015-18 Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing the Antenna5.8 Installing the AntennaIMPORTANT: Antenna Placement and Cable Routing as described inside the Antenna Installation Manual is not applicable for the APX radio series. Refer to information listed below.• Connect the appropriate antenna connectors to the antenna receptacles on the radio. Tighten the coupling until fully engaged.5.9 Cable RoutingFive cables must be installed to interconnect the components of the radio system as shown in Figure 5-13. The antenna cable is routed away from the other cables inside the enclosure’s hinged cover (see Section 5.7 on page 5-15). The four remaining cables, routed along the motorcycle frame, are described in the following paragraphs.NOTE: Antenna Hole Placement and Cable Routing information in the Antenna Installation Manual is not applicable to the APX series.Removal of the fuel tank and seat from the motorcycle will facilitate routing the cables along the frame. Motorcycles with consoles attached to fuel tanks require routing cables between console and fuel tank. In this case the tank is not removed.Figure 5-13.  Cable RoutingCONTROL HEADCABLESPEAKER/CONTROL HEADSPEAKERCABLEMICROPHONEIGNITIONCABLECHASSIS GROUNDFUSED POWERCABLESPEAKERCABLEANTENNACABLEACCESSORYCABLEPOWERCABLECONTROL HEADCABLEBATTERYFUSEBLOCK
6878215A01Motorcycle Radio Installation: Cable Routing 5-191. Speaker Cable – runs from the speaker to the accessory-cable connector inside the weather-resistant enclosure.2. Control Cable – runs from the rear of the control head to the front of the transceiver inside the enclosure.3. Ignition Sense (Red) Wire Portion of Accessory Cable – runs from the ignition sense fuse terminal of the fuse box to the rear area inside the enclosure. The lug for attaching the ignition sense wire is contained on the accessory cable.4. Power Cable – The red, unterminated end runs from the positive terminal of the battery to the power connector that plugs in the rear of the transceiver. Lugs for attaching the red and black leads are contained in the motorcycle power-cable kit. The black, unterminated end runs from a suitable motorcycle chassis ground to the power connector. DO NOT connect the black lead directly to the negative battery post.You may route the cables in any order. As you route each cable, temporarily fasten it at both ends. When all cables have been run, permanently fasten the cables with appropriate cable tie wraps. Observe the following during routing and hook-up:1. Route the cables so that none interfere with motorcycle operation.2. Fasten the cables with supplied nylon tie wraps. The wraps should be firmly installed at frequent intervals along the cable length in such a manner that motorcycle vibration will not cause metal fatigue and subsequent breakage of the cable wires.3. Take care to position cables away from parts of the motorcycle that get hot.Bundle excess cable length inside the weather-resistant enclosure as discussed later in Section 5.11: “Transceiver and Cabling Installation” on page 5-21. The fifth cable is the microphone with coiled cord. Plug the 9-pin D-connector end of the coiled cord into its mating connector, which was attached near the control head discussed in an earlier paragraph. Tighten the coiled-cord-retention screws. Insert the S-hook strain relief (terminated to the coiled cord) into the hole in the mounting bracket. Slide the microphone into the microphone hang-up bracket.
6878215A015-20 Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing the Weather-Resistant Enclosure5.10 Installing the Weather-Resistant EnclosureFigure 5-14.  Weather-Resistant Enclosure Installation1. Remove the radio-mounting plate by removing four screws, lock washers, and flat washers.2. The weather-resistant enclosure is mounted to the universal mounting plate using shock mounts. Assemble the shock-mount components exactly as shown in Figure 5-14. Be sure to install ground straps between the shock-mount and the transceiver trunnion mount, and install one 7-1/2-inch ground strap between the right rear mount and the enclosure lid’s antenna ground plane 0 (shown in Figure 5-14 and in Figure 5-16).3. The order of assembly is important to ensure proper shock mount operation. All components are supplied with the mounting kit. The five 7- 1/2-inch straps are used on the rear and front shock mounts – four from shock mount to trunnion, and one from the shock mount to the lid’s antenna ground plane. NOTE: Grounding through the power-supply cable is NOT sufficient. Whether the radio transceiver is mounted to a carrier or the chassis itself, the transceiver MUST be properly grounded to the motorcycle chassis. The ground strap supplied with the installation kit may have to be used to ensure a good RF ground path from the radio transceiver to the motorcycle chassis.   4. Install the 3-foot ground strap on one of the front shock mounts. Route it through the cable-routing hole and connect the other end to the motorcycle frame (see Figure 5-14).DO NOT connect the ground strap directly to the negative battery post.71723 4856TO MOTORCYCLECHASSIS GROUNDItem No. Description Item No. Description1 Universal Mounting Plate 5 Flat Rubber Washer2 Machine Screw 6 Shouldered Rubber Washer3 Lockwasher 7 7-1/2-inch Ground Strap4 Flat Washer 8 Ground Strap!W A R N I N G!
6878215A01Motorcycle Radio Installation: Transceiver and Cabling Installation 5-215. The diagram of the shock mount is shown loosely assembled. After the hex screws are tightened, the rubber washers are compressed to fasten the weather- resistant enclosure securely to the universal mounting plate.6. Figure 5-16 is an exploded view of the enclosure; it shows details that will help to understand how the enclosure is mounted. After the enclosure is completely mounted, check for proper ground connection–continuity between the antenna ground plane and the motorcycle frame.5.11 Transceiver and Cabling InstallationAfter the weather-resistant enclosure has been installed, the radio chassis (transceiver) is installed in the enclosure and then appropriate cables are connected. However, before the transceiver can be installed, the cabling must be properly positioned in the enclosure. 5.11.1 Installing Cabling in the Enclosure Position the cabling in the weather-resistant enclosure as follows:1. Run the speaker, power, control-head, and ignition sense cables into the enclosure.2. Lay the excess cable length between the radio mounting bosses in an S configuration as shown in Figure 5-15. Do not coil any excess cable. Use the supplied tie wraps to bundle cable as shown.NOTE: If the extra cable length is not sufficient to match the illustrated cable routing, then match the illustration as closely as possible.3. Connect the speaker cable to the accessory cable connector.NOTE: The accessory-cable emergency connector is shipped with a shorting plug installed. The headset connector is also shipped with a shorting plug installed. The plugs must remain in if an emergency switch and/or headset is not used. If an emergency switch and/or headset is used, remove the shorting plug(s) and discard.4. Install the mounting plate in position on top of the cables installed above. Take care not to damage or pinch the cables when securing the mounting plate in position.NOTE: At this point, the control-head cable plug should be located at the forward end of the enclosure, and the power-cable, speaker-cable, and accessory-cable plugs should be located at the rear of the enclosure.
6878215A015-22 Motorcycle Radio Installation: Transceiver and Cabling InstallationFigure 5-15.  Installing Cables5.11.2 Installing the TransceiverInstall the transceiver in the weather-resistant enclosure as follows (see Figure 5-16).NOTE: For new or existing installations, use only the APX 7500 trunnion (kit number: HLN7002_).1. Install the mounting trunnion and loose ends of the four ground straps to the radio-mounting plate, using four screws, flat washers, and external-tooth lock washers (see Figure 5-16). The ground straps must be sandwiched between the flat washers and lock washers. The lock washer must be against the trunnion. The flat washer must be under the screw head.2. Attach the transceiver to the mounting trunnion and secure with the two screws provided.3. Connect the control cable to the front of the transceiver. Ensure the control-cable connector screws are tightened.4. Attach the accessory connector to the transceiver. Plug in the power connector.5. Install the grommet around the cables and push the grommet into the cable-routing hole of the weather-resistant enclosure.ACCESSORYCABLETRANSCEIVERPOWER CABLEACCESSORY CABLEEMERGENCY ANDEXTERNAL ALARMCONNETORACCESSORYCABLE HEADSETCONNECTORHEADSETSPORTING PLUGEMERGENCYCABLE SHORTINGPLUGIGNITION SENSE(ACC)CONTROL HEADGROUND (BLACK)CONTROL HEADPOWER FUSECONTROL CABLE(CAN)CONTROL HEADPOWER (RED)
6878215A01Motorcycle Radio Installation: Transceiver and Cabling Installation 5-23Figure 5-16.  Installing the TransceiverTable 5-1.  Transceiver Installation Parts ListItem No. Description Item No. Description1Lock washer 10 Ground shield plane2Flat washer (8 used) 11 Top cover3Screw 12 Gasket4Screw 13 Hinge5Grommet 14 Enclosure mounts6Screw 15 Transceiver7Lock catch 16 Screw8Radio mounting plate 17 Trunnion9Bottom housing 18 External tooth lock washer (8 used)1111015736812134291716141826
6878215A015-24 Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing the Emergency Switch Option5.12 Installing the Emergency Switch OptionUse the two-conductor, green/black cable which has as one end terminated with two contacts (part number 3080221P02) and which is supplied with this W688 Motorcycle Emergency Push Button. Disconnect the emergency switch shorting plug from the accessory cable. Replace the shorting wire of the shorting plug with the terminated end of the green/black emergency cable. Reconnect the plug to the accessory cable.5.13 Installing the External Alarm Relay OptionThe motorcycle radio is offered with only one optional relay connection. If both horn and lights are required, wire a second relay coil parallel to the first relay. Use the two-conductor green/black cable which has one end terminated with two contacts (part number 3080221P02) and which is supplied with this W116 Motorcycle Alarm Relay Option. Insert the contacts into positions 3 and 4 of the emergency shorting plug of the accessory cable. Refer to Figure 5-22.5.14 Installing the Headset AccessoryA six-position connector on the accessory cable has been made available for connecting a headset accessory. Headset manufacturers should be consulted for compatibility with the motorcycle radio prior to purchase and installation of the headset. To install, disconnect the headset shorting plug. Remove the headset shorting wire from the headset shorting plug. Terminate the contacts provided to the applicable wires of the headset cable. Insert the terminated wires into the headset shorting plug per the contact positions illustrated in the typical headset schematic found in this manual. Reconnect the terminated headset shorting plug to the accessory cable.When upgrading from an APX 7500 radio, the existing headset cable HLN6890 requires these two pins to be swapped (see Figure 5-17). The other motorcycle headset cable with this pin change is 3080010R04.Figure 5-17.  Motorcycle Wiring Harness ReworkJ2, BACK OF RADIO Insert into Pin 22 (Monitor) Remove from Pin 1 (VI P  OU T  1 ) 1 7 8 14 13 20 21 26 Rework for Handlebar HUB operation when upgrading existing cable HLN6890. (Female-Pins) 1 3 5  6 4 2 SPK - VIP OUT 1 AUX_MIC SPK + GND AUX_PTT
6878215A01Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing the Control Head Sunshield 5-255.15 Installing the Control Head SunshieldInstall the sunshield (part number NNTN7279_) to the control head as follows.1. Assemble the sunshield to the remote mount trunnion as shown in Figure 5-18. The same process can be used for the motorcycle trunnion.Figure 5-18.  Remote Mount Trunnion with Sunshield2. Position the sunshield as shown in Figure 5-19 and remove the Velcro adhesive backing.Figure 5-19.  Position the SunshieldVelcro Adhesive Backing
6878215A015-26 Motorcycle Radio Installation: Installing the Control Head Sunshield3. Slide the control head onto the trunnion while aligning the edge of the control head with the edge of the sunshield as shown in Figure 5-20. Make sure the Velcro properly adheres to the control head.Figure 5-20.  Slide the Control Head onto Trunnion4. Position control head as desired and install screws as shown in Figure 5-21.Figure 5-21.  Position Control Head as Desired
6878215A01Motorcycle Radio Installation: Horn/Lights Wiring 5-275.16 Horn/Lights WiringFigure 5-22.  Horn/Lights Wiring Diagram5.17 Emergency Switch WiringFigure 5-23.  Emergency Switch Wiring DiagramMotorcycle products must have pins 1 and 2 connected together to allow the radio to power down. Opening this connection by REMOVING the emergency shorting plug, or pressing the emergency switch, will turn on the radio. Failure to maintain a normally-closed path could drain the vehicle battery if left unchecked.EMERGENCY-equipped radios are capable of TRANSMITTING without warning.!W A R N I N G!
6878215A015-28 Motorcycle Radio InstallationNotes

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