Motorola Radius P110 Users Manual

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P110_Owners    -1  Wed Sep  3 16:10:59 1997P110Portable RadiosOperating InstructionsP110
P110_Owners    0  Wed Sep  3 16:10:59 1997WARNINGCertain combinations of chemical environmentscan adversely affect thermoplastic resins. Forthis reason, lubricants, cleaning agents, sol-vents or any other material which may come incontact with the finished parts should be care-fully evaluated for compatibility. We recommenda mild dishwashing soap for cleaning the exte-rior of the product.Recycling or Disposal of BatteriesThis product is powered by a nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cad) recharge-able battery. At the end of its useful life, the battery can be recy-cled. However, recycling facilities may not be available in allareas. Under various state or local laws, the battery must berecycled or disposed of properly and cannot be disposed of inlandfills or incinerators.In addition, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regula-tions classify used Ni-Cad batteries as hazardous waste, unlesscertain exemptions apply.Motorola fully endorses and encourages the recycling of Ni-Cadbatteries. If you are located in the United States, you can shippost paid your used Ni-Cad batteries to INMETCO, an EPAapproved recycling facility, at this address:INMETCOP.O. Box 720245 Portersville RoadEllwood City, PA 16117Telephone: (412) 758-5515Fax: (412) 758-9311Consideration should be given to the methods of collecting,labeling, and shipping used Ni-Cad batteries. Your federal, stateor locate EPA should be consulted for specific legal require-ments and for recycling options in your area.Motorola, as a responsible corporate citizen, has always beenconcerned with the protection of the environment. Please feelfree to call the phone number 1-800-422-4210 for further infor-mation.

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