Moxa Technologies De 303 Users Manual NPort Server Pro User's

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N P o r t Server Pro User’s Manual

for DE-303/308

Fourth Edition, Mar. 2001

Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.

N P o r t Server Pro User’s Manual
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in
accordance with the terms of that agreement.

Copyright Notice
Copyright  2000 Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.

MOXA is a registered trademark of Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd.
All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their respective manufacturers.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on
the part of Moxa.
Moxa provides this document “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied,
including, but not limited to, its particular purpose. Moxa reserves the right to make improvements and/or
changes to this manual or the product(s) and/or program(s) described herein at any time.
Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa
Technologies assumes no responsibility for its use, or for any infringements on the rights of fourth parties
which may result from its use.
This product could include technical or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the
information herein; these changes may be incorporated in new editions of the publication.

MOXA Internet Services
Customer satisfaction is one of our number one concerns. To ensure that customers receive the full
benefit of our products, Moxa Internet Services has been set up to provide technical support, driver
updates, product information, and user’s manual updates.

The following services are provided
E-mail for technical support:
FTP site for free driver updates: ...........................


user ID: .................................ftp
password: ..............................your_email_address
World Wide Web (www) site for product information:


Table of Contents
Chapter 1.1.

Overview ...........................................................................................1-1
Features .................................................................................................1-2
Package Checklist ...................................................................................1-2
Front Panel View....................................................................................1-3
Rear Panel View.....................................................................................1-4

Chapter 2.2.

Getting Started ................................................................................2-1
Knowing Your Application......................................................................2-2
Single-Host Mode..........................................................................................................2-2
Multi-Host Mode ...........................................................................................................2-3
Custom Mode .................................................................................................................2-5

Connecting the Hardware........................................................................2-5
Locating NPort Server Pro...........................................................................................2-6
Connecting to the Network ..........................................................................................2-7
Connecting the Power...................................................................................................2-7
Connecting Asynchronous Serial Devices ................................................................2-7

Chapter 3.3.

IP Address Configuration.............................................................3-1
Telnet Console ........................................................................................3-2
DHCP Server..........................................................................................3-4

Chapter 4.4.

Setting Up Single-Host..................................................................4-1
Driver and Software Installation...............................................................4-3
Using NPort Pro Manager .......................................................................4-6
Saving Your Configuration..........................................................................................4-7
Adding an NPort Server Pro — Add Server Wizard .................................................4-7
Deleting a Server..........................................................................................................4-12
Modifying COM Name Mappings............................................................................4-12
Un-Mapping a Port ......................................................................................................4-13
Configuring Server Properties ...................................................................................4-13
Upgrading NPort Server Pro Firmware....................................................................4-15

Replacing a Server................................................................................4-16

Chapter 5.5.

Setting Up Multi-Host ....................................................................5-1
Driver and Software Installation...............................................................5-3

Using NPort Pro Manager .......................................................................5-6
Saving Your Configuration.......................................................................................... 5-7
Adding an NPort Server Pro — Add Server Wizard ................................................. 5-7
Deleting a Server ......................................................................................................... 5-13
Modifying COM Name Mappings ........................................................................... 5-13
Un-Mapping a Port ...................................................................................................... 5-14
Upgrading NPort Server Pro Firmware ................................................................... 5-14
Configuring Server Properties ................................................................................... 5-15

Access Control .....................................................................................5-17
Configuring Through View by IP............................................................................. 5-18
Configuring Through View by Port ......................................................................... 5-23

Chapter 6.6.

Setting Up Custom.........................................................................6-1
Driver and Software Installation...............................................................6-4
Using NPort Pro Manager .......................................................................6-7
Saving Your Configuration.......................................................................................... 6-8
Adding an NPort Server Pro — Add Server Wizard ................................................. 6-8
Deleting a Server ......................................................................................................... 6-13
Modifying COM Name Mappings ........................................................................... 6-14
Un-Mapping a Port ...................................................................................................... 6-15
Upgrading NPort Server Pro Firmware ................................................................... 6-15
Configuring Server Properties ................................................................................... 6-16

Access Control .....................................................................................6-18
Configuring Through View by IP............................................................................. 6-19
Configuring Through View by Port ......................................................................... 6-24

Adding Routes to NPort Server Pro........................................................6-26
Adding Routes Through Server Properties ............................................................. 6-27
Modifying Routes ........................................................................................................ 6-28
Removing Routes ........................................................................................................ 6-29
Examples of Internet/Intranet Routing Configurations......................................... 6-29

Chapter 7.7.

Utility Programs ..............................................................................7-1
Firmware Utility .....................................................................................7-3
Toolbar Functions.......................................................................................................... 7-4

NPort Server Monitor ..............................................................................7-7
Toolbar Funct ions.......................................................................................................... 7-8

NPort Pro Diagnostic ............................................................................7-16
Toolbar Functions........................................................................................................ 7-17

Uninstalling the Software......................................................................7-25

Chapter 8.8.

Changing Your Installation Type................................................8-1

Chapter 9.9.

Windows 2000 — Installation and Configuration.....................9-1
Installing NPort Server Pro..........................................................................................9-2
Installing NPort Server Pro’s Serial Port ...................................................................9-9

NPort Server Pro Properties...................................................................9-11

Appendix AA. Troubleshooting ............................................................................A-1
Installation and Configuration Troubleshooting .......................................A-1
Programming Problems ..........................................................................A-4
LED Description....................................................................................A-5

Appendix BB. About PComm Pro ........................................................................B-1
Features ................................................................................................B-2

Appendix CC. Cable Pinouts .................................................................................C-1
10/100BaseT Port Pinouts ......................................................................C-1
Asynchronous Port Pinouts.....................................................................C-2
CN20040 – RJ45 to Male DB25 RS-232 Cable Pinouts ............................C-3

Appendix DD. Setting Up a Windows NT/95/98 Network ...................................D-1




Welcome to Moxa NPort Server Pro, an Industrial Serial Device Server that greatly enhances the
ability of a Windows NT/95/98 host to control multiple serial port devices over a TCP/IP based
Ethernet network.
This chapter is an overview of NPort Server Pro and includes the following:



Package Checklist


Front Panel View


Rear Panel View

NPort Server Pro provides a data communication solution for connecting Windows NT/95/98 hosts
to multiple asynchronous RS-232 serial ports through a TCP/IP network. Each model has 8 (DE-308)
or 16 (DE-303) asynchronous RS-232 serial port connections, and one 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
connection, allowing any device that supports primarily the asynchronous communications protocol
to attach to a network. NPort Server Pro works like an add-on multi-port serial board to the NT/95/98
server, but with one major advantage—the TCP/IP network. Since the Windows NT/95/98 host
communicates with the COM ports on Nport Server Pro over a TCP/IP network, you are able to
control asynchronous serial devices from virtually anywhere in the world.
Although it connects through the virtual link of the Ethernet, the ports on NPort Server Proare
recognized as real COM ports by the Windows NT/95/98 operating system. NPort Server Pro
provides the basic transmit/receive data functions, as well as RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, and DCD
control signals. Moreover, the NPort Server Pro driver is fully compatible with the Windows
NT/95/98 standard COM driver.
NPort Server Pro can be used with your existing applications that support serial communication. It
also comes with a utility program providing a simple step-by-step installation procedure, and a
maintenance wizard that gives you easy access to your asynchronous devices.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual



Provides a stand-alone multi-port serial solution, over a TCP/IP network, for connecting 8
or 16 COM ports for each NPort Server Pro


Long range connection and distributed serial device control over an Ethernet network


Easy expansion to provide up to 256 serial ports for one Windows NT server


Supports sharing of the server and its ports to multiple hosts


Remote control of NPort Server Pro over the Internet and Intranet


Driver for Windows NT/95/98 platform


Fixed TTY driver for SCO Unix and Linux


Easy configuration and management under Windows NT/95/98


Secured access control to network hosts


Free Moxa PComm Pro Serial Control Library for easy serial device control


Serial connection speed from 50 to 230.4 Kbps


19-inch rack-mountable

Package Checklist



One 8 or 16 port NPort Server Pro


NPort Server Pro User's Manual


Driver and utility programs on 3 1/2-inch floppy diskette or CD


PComm Pro CD


PComm Pro registration card


Power cable


RJ45 to male DB25 cable


Cross-wired Ethernet cable


Rackmount kit, including 2 L-shape metal plates and 12 screws

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual


Front Panel View

Figure 1-1. 16-Port NPort Server Pro Front Panel (DE-303)

Figure 1-2. 8-Port NPort Server Pro Front Panel (DE-308)

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 1-3

Rear Panel View

Figure 1-3. 16-Port NPort Server Pro Rear Panel (DE-303)

Figure 1-4. 8-Port NPort Server Pro Rear Panel (DE-308)


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual


Getting Started


Now that you are familiar with NPort Server Pro's features and specifications, it’s time to install the
hardware and get your system up and running.
We begin this chapter with a brief explanation of the operation modes available when using NPort
Server Pro, and then discuss the basics of setting it up.
This chapter includes:


Knowing Your Application

Single-Host Mode


Multi-Host Mode


Custom Mode

Connecting the hardware

Locating NPort Server Pro





Connecting to the Network


Connecting the Power


Connecting Asynchronous Serial Devices

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual


Knowing Your Application
NPort Server Pro is an advanced Industrial Serial Device Server designed to fit into today's everexpanding networking world. It extends the usage of traditional COM ports on a PC—an isolated
machine with restricted ports—to being able to access the ports over a TCP/IP network. Through the
nature of networking, you are able to control your serial devices from a distance, either over a LAN,
or even over the Internet.
Since NPort Server Pro is connected through a TCP/IP network, you will need to know some basic
facts about networking in order to get the server hooked up correctly. In the next section we discuss
theSingle-Host Mode.

Single-Host Mode
Traditional serial port communication uses a COM port board that slides into one of the slots on the
back of your PC. In this case, only the computer containing the board can access the serial port. With
Moxa’s 8/16-port NPort Server Pro serial device server, communicating with COM ports is much
more versatile, since you are now able to access the COM ports from a distance. For example, the
server could be located in Stockholm, and the serial devices in Frankfurt.

Figure 2-1. Traditional Multi-Port Serial Communication
If you use the type of application described in the previous paragraph, NPort Server Pro with its
Ethernet connection is the best solution available for adding RS-232 serial devices to your computer.
It allows you to extend the range of your operation, increase the number of ports used, and provides
high throughput. The installation procedure is as simple as installing a traditional multi-port serial
board. You don't have to spend a lot of time learning advanced networking concepts to configure
NPort Server Pro. The least you will need to do is install an Ethernet card in your computer.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Getting Started

Figure 2-2. Single-Host Mode using two NPort Server Pros

Multi-Host Mode
For advanced applications you may share one NPort Server Pro with multiple hosts on a Local Area
Network(LAN).Unlikeserialdevicesbundledtoa dedicated host, sharing one NPort Server Pro
with several computers saves resources, since you no longer need to add multi-port serial boards to
each computer. Figure 2-3 shows the basic concept of the Multi-Host application.
For example, let’s assume that you have three hosts on the same network, and each host requires 5
serial ports to communicate with five serial devices. All you need to do is install one 16 port NPort
Server Pro, and connect 5 ports to each of the three hosts. In some types of applications,suchasa
modem pool, or other RS-232 device pooling situations, you can allow different hosts to access the
same serial devices. The TCP/IP protocol automatically handles the time-sharing problem introduced
by this type of application.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 2-3





Figure 2-3. Three-Hosts sharing two NPort Server Pros
If you decide to configure your NPort Server Pro as Multi-Host, you will need to know something
about the networking concept of assigning IP addresses. There are two basic roles at play with this
application mode—the administrator, and general users. The administrator assigns a dedicated IP
address to NPort Server Pro, so that other Windows NT/95/98 hosts on the network, i.e., the general
users, are able to locate the server that is being administered. The administrator also decides who has
the right to access which ports. General users only need to install the driver and software, add NPort
Server Pro to their system, and then run their application. These procedures protect NPort Server
Pro’s security, and help keep the server running as a clean, simple device for serial communication.

. Note: Multi-Host Mode is designed to be used only at the local level, such as over a LAN.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Getting Started

NT Router





NPort Server Pro

Figure 2-4. A remote control link diagram

Custom Mode
The Custom Mode of operating NPort Server Pro allows for situations more complex than those
mentioned in the two previous subsections. These functions include remote control from an Internet
host, setting the ports on NPort Server Pro as WAN ports for remote control, and adding complicated
routing protocols. Setting up these types of application requires more network knowledge, and
possibly knowledge about the Internet and Intranet. Figure 2-4 shows a complex remote-control
In most cases, if NPort Server Pro is used for remote access or control, you will need to customize the
server to suit your needs. You could be the administrator setting up NPort Server Pro for other
Windows NT/95/98 hosts, or you could be a general user with access to NPort Server Pro from a
remote site.

Connecting the Hardware
In the previous section we illustrated the general operation modes of NPort Server Pro. In this section
we begin by describing how to find a proper location for your server, and then explain how to
connect to the network, hook up the power cable, and connect to the server’s serial port.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 2-5

Locating NPort Server Pro
There are two placement options available. NPort Server Pro can be:

placed on a desktop,
fixed to a 19-inch rack-mount.

This option involves placing NPort Server Pro on a clean, flat, well-ventilated desktop. There are four
rubber pads fixed to the bottom of the server, and we recommend leaving sufficient room between
NPort Server Pro and neighboring equipment to create clearance for air to circulate.

. Note: Please remember to not put anything on top of NPort Server Pro, since this could
damage the internal components.

Rack Mount
NPort Server Pro can also be mounted on a standard 19-inch rack-mount. First use four screws to
attach the L-shaped brackets to the server. Next, attach the server to the rack-mount with two screws,
as shown below.

Figure 2-5. Rack Mount


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Getting Started

Connecting to the Network
There are two ways to use the 10/100BaseT Ethernet jack located on NPort Server Pro’s back panel
(see Figs. 1-3 and 1-4):

For many of the applications using NPort Server Pro, you will simply plug one end of
your Ethernet cable into the 10/100BaseT jack, and the other end into the hub
connected to your network.


In some cases, such as when configuring drivers and software, you will find it
convenient to hook NPort Server Pro directly to your computer’s Ethernet card. To do
this you will need to use a “crossed-cable”, such as the one supplied with your server.

Connecting the Power
After connecting NPort Server Pro to your network, you should take the following steps to connect
the power cable.
NPort Server Pro’s power supply is designed to support 90-260V AC, making it possible for you to
use the server regardless of your AC power supply’s voltage.

. Note: It is strongly recommended that NPort Server Pro be connected to the network before
turning on the power.

Connect the power cord to NPort Server Pro’s rear panel.


Plug the other end of the power cord into an electrical outlet.


Turn the on/off switch to the I–position.


Check the power LED on the front panel to verify that the server is receiving power.

Connecting Asynchronous Serial Devices
You may use the RJ-45 to female DB-25 cable included with NPort Server Pro to connect serial
devices to the server. Plug the RJ-45 connector into one of the serial port jacks on the server’s rear
panel, and then connect the DB25 connector to the serial device.
Refer to Appendix C for details on NPort Server Pro’s RJ-45 pinouts to make your own cable.

. Note: You can also use the RJ-45 to male DB25 cable to connect the server to a modem.
Check with Appendix C for pinout details to make your own modem cable.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 2-7



IP Address Configuration

In this chapter we explain how to configure NPort Server Pro’s IP address, using:

Telnet Console


DHCP Server

The first method uses the Telnet program to access the server over the network. The second method
applies if you have a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual


Telnet Console
You may use the Telnet program to easily communicate with NPort Server Pro over a TCP/IP
Ethernet network. All you need is the server’s current IP address and a computer running the Telnet
program, provided the computer is hooked up to the server’s network. The example in this section
was generated using a Windows NT/95/98 host.

. Note: After activating the Telnet Console, you will need to use the keyboard keys to
maneuver about the VT100 screen.



While in the Telnet Console MAIN MENU, the left/right arrow keys move the cursor
between menu headings, and pressing the Enter key activates whichever menu heading
is highlighted.


After pressing Enter from the MAIN MENU, the Tab key and up/down arrow keys are
used to move between configurable options.


The Esc key is used to maneuver backwards. For example, if you have made
modifications to the settings listed under the serverConfig menu, press the Esc key to
return to the MAIN MENU.


Carry out the following procedure to configure the server’s IP address.


From the Windows NT/95/98 desktop click on Start and then choose Run.


Type telnet [IP_address] in the Open text input box, where
[IP_address] is the IP address of the NPort Server Pro you intend to configure.
Click OK to continue.


When the Telnet window opens up, type 1 to select ansi/vt100 for Console terminal
type, and then press Enter on the computer keyboard.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

IP Address Configuration


A connection between your computer and NPort Server Pro should now be established,
and the MOXA NPort Server Pro utility program will automatically start running.

. Note: After activating the Telnet console, use the following procedure to make sure that the
VT100 Arrows option is selected. Not doing so could cause the server’s name to be
changed inadvertently.

Choose Preferences from the Telnet Console Terminal menu.


Make sure that the VT100 Arrows box in the lower left hand corner of the window is
checked, and then click OK to return to the Telnet Console window.


Use the keyboard arrow keys to highlight [serverConfig] as shown below, and then
press Enter to select this option.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 3-3


Use the keyboard arrow keys to position the cursor over the first digit of the IP address.


Type in the correct IP address and then press Enter to accept this value.

10. Press ESC to return to the main menu, and then select Restart to activate the change.

DHCP Server
This section applies if you are using your Windows NT host as a DHCP server. This type of server is
set up to provide IP addresses for new devices as they log onto a network. As the operation of NPort
Server Pro requires a fixed IP address, we strongly recommend that you establish an IP reservation
list in DHCP in order to maintain fixed IP assignments based on the server’s MAC address. NPort
Server Pro’s unique MAC address, which is required when setting up the DHCP server, can be found
on the server’s back panel.

. Note: For NPort Server pro, the DHCP setting is ENABLED by default.

Access DHCP Manager from the Windows NT desktop by clicking on
Start à Programs à Administrative Tools à DHCP Manager.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

IP Address Configuration


The left info box of the DHCP Manager window will show a list of DHCP hosts
currently hooked up to the network.
Note that before you can make changes to the host’s parameters, there must be a minus
sign (–) located to the left of the server name (Local Machine in the example shown
below.) If, as shown, there is a plus sign (+) to the left of the server name, use the left
mouse button to click on the name of the host until the minus sign appears.


You must now define the DHCP server “scope”.
A scope is simply a range of IP addresses that the server assigns to machines as they
log onto the network. Since the assignment is dynamic, the IP address assigned to a
particular device can change each time the device is logged in. What we will do is use
DHCP Manager to set aside a specific IP address that will always be assigned to your
NPort Server Pro when it is hooked up to the network. When the device is not hooked
up, the reserved IP address is not used.
If you have already defined a scope, continue with step 5 below.


To get started, click on DHCP Options and then chose Scope from the pull down

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 3-5


Once the Create Scope (Local) window opens (see below), you will be required to
input a range of IP addresses in the IP Address Pool.
There is also an Exclusion Range used to prevent the DHCP server from issuing
addresses to existing devices that have already been assigned IP addresses from this
range. By using the Add and Remove buttons, several different ranges can be excluded,
and later included.



Another item that must be attended to is the Subnet Mask. This is a number that is
combined with a device’s IP address to determine which subnet the device belongs to.
For a Class C address you should input, and for Class B addresses use


Make sure the Unlimited option under Lease Duration is checked. This prevents the
system from automatically disconnecting devices that are using IP addresses in the
specified range.


Assign a name to the scope, and if you would like, include a comment. Click OK to
accept the values.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

IP Address Configuration


A window opens with the question: Activate the new scope now? Click on Yes to

At this point we explain how to input a unique IP address reserved exclusively for use
by your NPort Server Pro.
10. From the DHCP Manager – (Local) menu bar, click on Scope, and then select Add

11. The Client Properties window that opens contains text input boxes for IP address,
Unique Identifier, Client Name, and Client Comment. First enter the selected IP
address, and then locate and enter your NPort Server Pro’s MAC address in the Unique
Identifier field. (The MAC address is located on NPort Server Pro’s back panel.)
Be sure to enter the same Client Name that was entered in the Name field of the
Create Scope - (Local) window (see step 8 above). The Client Comment is optional.
At this point you should double-check the MAC address and IP address, and then click
OK to accept the values.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 3-7

12. To check that the numbers just entered are correct, return to the DHCP Manager main
window, click on Scope, and then choose Active Leases from the pull down menu.
The IP address reserved for your NPort Server Pro will be displayed in the window that
opens up. Check to make sure that it is accurate.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual


Setting Up Single-Host


In this chapter we explain how to set up NPort Server Pro for Single-Host Mode. This type of
application uses one Windows NT/95/98 server to control several serial devices in a manner similar
to the way you would use a traditional multi-port serial board.
We cover the following topics:

Driver and Software Installation


Using NPort Pro Manager

Saving Your Configuration


Adding an NPort Server Pro—Add Server Wizard


Deleting a Server


Modifying COM Name Mappings

Changing All COM Names Consecutively


Changing the COM Name of One Port


Un-Mapping a Port


Configuring Server Properties



Server Properties—General


Server Properties—Password


Server Properties—Transmission

Upgrading NPort Server Pro Firmware

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual



Replacing a Server

NPort Server

Figure 4-1 Application with one host and two NPort Server Pros

. Note: If you need to set up Multi-Host Mode or Custom Mode, refer to Chapters 5 and 6,
respectively, for complete descriptions of these types of application.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Single-Host

Driver and Software Installation

Insert the NPort Server Pro disk into either the floppy disk drive or CD ROM drive,
depending on the type of disk that was provided.
From the Windows NT/95/98 desktop, click on Start and then choose Run.


Type A:\setup in the Open input box if using drive A and then click OK
(replace A with the correct drive letter if you are using a different drive).


The Welcome to NPort Server Pro window opens, giving you the option to continue
with the installation process. Click on Next to continue.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 4-3



When the Setup Wizard window opens, choose Single-Host, and then click on Next
to continue.


The Select Destination Directory window gives you the option to change the directory
which program files will be copied to. Click on Next to copy NPort Server Pro files to
the given default directory. To choose a different directory, click on Browse, navigate
to the desired directory, and then click on Next.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Single-Host


The Installing window shows the progress of the installation process. Click on Cancel
at any time to terminate the installation.


The next window verifies that the installation process has completed. Click on Next to

. Note: If you click on Cancel you will need to run Add Server Wizard at a later time to
install your NPort Server Pro.

Clicking on Next in the previous window activates the Add Server Wizard.
Refer to the subsection Adding an NPort Server Pro — Add Server Wizard in the section for
instructions on how to add an NPort Server Pro.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 4-5

Using NPort Pro Manager
When you run the Setup program to install NPort Server Pro software, you are given the option to run
the Add Server Wizard. However, you may run NPort Pro Manager at a later time if you decide to
add more servers, change server names, remove servers, or change COM names. To start NPort Pro
Manager, click on:
Start à Programs à NPort Server Pro à NPortPro Manager.

This activates the NPort Pro Manager main window, shown below, with server names and model
numbers displayed in the left info box. When a particular NPort Server Pro is highlighted, the ports
associated with that server, the associated COM portnames,andotherrelevantinformation,are
shown in the right info box.
NPort Pro Manager functions can be selected from either the main menu or the toolbar. As shown
below, functions related to servers are listed under the Server menu, and port functionsareunderthe
Portmenu. Moreover, when you use the right mouse button to click on a port or server, a window
with a list of functions available for the selected item opens up. If you forget the function associated
with a particular icon, position the mouse pointer over the icon. This will cause a message window
containing the name of the function to pop up.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Single-Host

Figure 4-2. NPort Pro Manager menus and toolbar functions.

Saving Your Configuration
Modifications of Nport Server Pro, or changes to port configurations, must be saved in order to be
activated.Choose Save Configuration fromthe Server menu, or click on the toolbar Save all
Servers icon to automatically detect any changes and save them in the appropriate places.

Adding an NPort Server Pro—Add Server Wizard
The Add Server Wizard is activated automatically during the driver and sofware installation
procedure. If you need to add another NPort Server Pro to your system at a later time, run NPort Pro
Manager,andthenchoose Add Server Wizardfrom the Server menu, or click on the toolbar Add
Server button.

Select Yes and then click on Next to start the Add Server Wizard.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 4-7


If the NPort Server Pro you wish to add is listed in the Add Server Wizard window,
use the mouse to highlight the server Model and then click on Next to continue.

. Note: If the server you want to add is not listed in the above window, you will receive the
warning window shown below. Check to make sure that the power cord is connected,
and the power switch is in the “on” position. C lick OK to return to the window shown
above, and click on Find. The new server should now be listed as shown above.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Single-Host

. Note: If you have several servers hooked up to your network, and it’s not clear which server
is the one you are currently adding, click on Locate in the Add Server Wizard window
shown in step 2 above. The “Ready” LED on the listed server will start blinking,
allowing you to identify it.


Select the COM port name that you would like the first port on the server to map to.
This will add all of NPort Server Pro’s ports (8 or 16, depending on the server model
number) to your NT/95/98 system, using consecutively numbered COM names. Click
on Next to continue.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 4-9


You will be asked to assign a server password if you are installing a new server. We
highly recommend assigning a password, since this will help to prevent other users
from changing the server’s configuration. Click on Next to continue.

. Note: Make sure the Auto Saved check box is selected if you want your NT/95/98 system to
remember the password.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Single-Host


Check the Add Server Wizard Complete! window to verify that all of the information
is correct. Click on Finish if everything is correct, or click on Back to return to the
previous window.


The NPort Pro Manager window opens, with the newly installed server listed.


Click on the server name to highlight it. Basic information about the server’s COM
ports will be listed in the right info box.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 4-11

. Note: The NPort Pro Manager title bar shows the application mode of the newly installed
server—Single-Host in this case.

To add another server, choose Add Server Wizard from the Server menu, or click on
the toolbar Add Server icon, and then repeat the above steps.


Before exiting NPort Pro Manger you should save the new configuration. Choose Save
Configuration from the Server menu, or click on the toolbar Save all Servers icon to
carry this out.

10. Exit NPort Pro Manager when you finish.

Deleting a Server
If for some reason you need to delete a server from your system, click on the server name to highlight
it,andthenchoose Delete Server from the Server menu, or click on the toolbar Delete Server icon.
A warning window will pop up asking if you really want to delete the server. Click OKto delete.

Modifying COM Name Mappings
You may use NPort Pro Manager to change previously assigned COM names. Choose Map Port
fromthe Portmenu, or click on the toolbar Map Porticon. You will be asked to choose from two
options. You may change the name of all servers simultaneously, provided you want the COM port
numbers to be consecutive, or, you may change the names one port at a time. The procedure is as

Changing All COM Names Consecutively:



Click on the server name whose port names you
would like to modify.


Click on port 1 in the right info box.


Choose Map Port from the Port menu, or click on
the toolbar Map Port icon to activate the function.


Select the COM name that the first port will be
mapped to.


Check the Mapping COM number consecutively


Click OK to activate the change.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Single-Host

Changing the COM Name of One Port

Click on the server name whose port you would
like to modify.


Click on the port, in the right info box, whose
COM name you would like to modify.


Choose Map Port from the Port menu, or click on
the toolbar Map Port icon to activate the function.


Select the COM name that the port will be mapped


Click OK to activate the change.

Un-Mapping a Port
If you do not need to use a port any more, you may use the UnMapPortfunctiontoremoveitfrom
your Windows NT/95/98 operating system.

Click on the port (in the right info box) that you
want to remove.


Choose UnMap Port from the Port menu, or click
on the toolbar Unmap Port icon

. Note: The screen at the right shows the display after unmapping ports 3 and 5.

Configuring Server Properties
The Server Properties function can be used to change the server’s name, password, and transmission
parameters.Choose Server Properties fromthe Server menu, or click on the toolbar Server
Properties icon to open the Server Properties window.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 4-13

Server Properties—General

Select the General tab in the
Server Properties window.


Modify the server name as desired.


Select Enable or Disable, for DHCP,
depending on whether or not you are
using a DHCP server.

Server Properties—Password
Toaddmore security to your NPort Server Pro, it is highly recommended that you set a password as
soon as you complete the installation. If you did not set the password while running Add Server
Wizard, or you would like to change the current password, you may use the toolbar Properties
function to do so.
You may also use this function to “Auto-Save”, i.e., to have Windows NT/95/98 remember your
password for you. By auto saving the password, you will not be asked to enter the password when
modifying server properties from this computer.

. Note: Keep in mind that other people using your computer will also have ready access to
the NPort Pro Manager functions.
Steps for configuring the server’s

Select the Password tab in the
Server Properties window.


Enter the current password and
new password as indicated.


Check the Auto Save Password on
this computer box if you want
Windows NT/95/98 to remember
your password.

. Note: If you do not check the Auto Save Password on this computer box, you will need to
enter the correct password each time you want to view Server Properties.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Single-Host

Server Properties—Transmission
The Transmission page allows the user to set the Transmission Mode and TxFIFO options for
each of NPort Server Pro’s ports.
Transmission Mode
SelectHi-Performance tousebuffering
technology to accelerate data writing. This
allows your communication software to
reach maximum data throughput when
transmitting large amounts of data. The
driver will notify the user that the
transmission is complete when the output
WATER setting.
Classical Mode lets the port behave like a
generic COM port. Transmission of small
data packets is more precise and reliable. In
this case, the driver will notify the user that
the transmission is complete whenalldata
has been transmitted.
Set to Enable to the get the best performance from the board.
Set to Disable toavoiddatalosswhencommunicatingwithplaincommunicationdevicesusingS/W
flow control. In this case only one byte will be put intothe UART when the FIFO is empty.

Upgrading NPort Server Pro Firmware
Moxa continually upgrades its driver software and server firmware to
keep pace with the ever-expandingworldofcomputing.Youcanuse
NPort Pro Manager’s Upgrade function to carry out theupgrade
procedure. Access Moxa's Web site atwww.moxa.comtodownloadthe
required computer file (contact our sales department if you need
assistance with this), and then follow these instructions.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 4-15


Stop all port action related to the server you are upgrading.


Choose Upgrade Server from the Server menu, or click on the toolbar Upgrade icon.


Locate and then select the filename of the firmware that you downloaded.


Click on Open and then wait until you see an “upgrade completed” message. The
server will restart automatically.

. Note: When using this procedure, only the selected server’s firmware is upgraded. If you
know that new NPort Pro Manager software has been released, it is recommended that
you uninstall the old NPort Pro Manager program from your NT/95/98 host’s hard
drive, and then install the new one.

Replacing a Server
In the unlikely event that your NPort Server Pro needs to be replaced, you can use NPort Pro
Manager’s Replace Server… function. This procedure uses NPort Server Pro’s “hot-swap” feature,
and gives you an easy way to locate the replacement server. The configurations that were set while
installing the now defective server will also be saved. Otherwise, you would need to use NPort Pro
Manager to delete the old server, and then configure the new server and all of its ports.
Follow the steps below to perform hot-swap:



Click on the server that has a question mark (?)
on top of it to highlight it.


Choose Replace Server… from the Server

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Single-Host


The Replace Server… window that opens up shows a list of
servers that you have not configured. You can identify the new
server by looking at the serial number.


Confirm the Server with the pop-up window.


If the new server is password protected, enter the pre-set password
when prompted to do so.


Click OK to save the current settings to the new server.


Click on Save Configuration to activate.

. Note:Previous configurations,
including server name and port
settings, are retained after going
through the above described
Replace Server procedure.
However, the server password will
be set to the one you entered
during the replacement procedure,
so you will need to start using the
new password to access the server.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 4-17



Setting Up Multi-Host

In this chapter we explain how to set up NPort Server Pro for Multi-Host Mode. This type of
application uses more than one host on a local network to control several serial port devices.
We cover the following topics:

Driver and Software Installation


Using NPort Pro Manager

Saving Your Configuration


Adding an NPort Server Pro—Add Server Wizard


Deleting a Server


Modifying COM Name Mappings

Change All COM Names Consecutively


Change the COM Name of One Port


Un-Mapping a Port


Upgrading NPort Server Pro Firmware


Configuring Server Properties

Server Properties—General


Server Properties—Password


Server Properties—Transmission

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual



Access Control


Configuring Through View by IP

Adding Access Permission of One Host


Modifying the Host Settings


Removing Ports from a Granted Host


Removing a Granted Host

Configuring Through View by Port

Adding a Host IP Address to a Specific Port


Modifying a Granted Host


Removing Granted Host





Figure 5-1. Application with three hosts and two NPort Server Pros.

. Note: If you need to set up Single-Host Mode or Custom Mode, refer to Chapters 4 and 6,
respectively, for complete descriptions of these types of application.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Multi-Host

Driver and Software Installation

Insert the NPort Server Pro disk into either the floppy disk drive or CD ROM drive,
depending on the type of disk that was provided.
From the Windows NT/95/98 desktop, click on Start and then choose Run.


Type A:\setup in the Open input box if using drive A and then click OK
(replace A with the correct drive letter if you are using a different drive).


The Welcome to NPort Server Pro window opens, giving you the option to continue
with the installation process. Click on Next to continue.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 5-3



When the Setup Wizard window opens, choose Multi-Host, and then click on Next to


The Select Destination Directory window gives you the option to change the directory
which program files will be copied to. Click on Next to copy NPort Server Pro files to
the given default directory. To choose a different directory, click on Browse, navigate
to the desired directory, and then click on Next.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Multi-Host


The Installing window shows the progress of the installation process. Click on Cancel
at any time to terminate the installation.


The next window verifies that the installation process has completed. Click on Next to

. Note: If you click on Cancel you will need to run Add Server Wizard at a later time to
install your NPort Server Pro.

Clicking on Next in the previous window activates the Add Server Wizard.
Refer to the subsection Adding an NPort Server Pro—Add Server Wizard inthenext section for
instructions on how to add an NPort Server Pro.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 5-5

Using NPort Pro Manager
When you run the Setup program to install NPort Server Pro software, you are given the option to run
the Add Server Wizard. However, you may run NPort Pro Manager at a later time if you decide to
add more servers, change server names, remove servers, or change COM names. To start NPort Pro
Manager, click on:
Start à Programs à NPort Server Pro à NPort Pro Manager.

This activates the NPort Pro Manager main window, shown below, with server names and model
numbers displayed in the left info box. When a particular NPort Server Pro is highlighted, the ports
associated with that server, the associated COM port names, and other relevant information, are
shown in the right info box.
NPort Pro Manager functions can be selected from either the main menu or the toolbar. As shown
below, functions related to servers are listed under the Server menu, and port functions are under the
Portmenu. Moreover, when you use the right mouse button to click on a port or server, a window
with a list of functions available for the selected item opens up. If you forget the function associated
with a particular icon, position the mouse pointer over the icon. This will cause a message window
containing the name of the function to pop up.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Multi-Host

Figure 5-2. NPort Manager and the menus.

Saving Your Configuration
Modifications of NPort Server Pro, or changes to port configurations, must be saved in
order to be activated. Choose Save Configuration from the Server menu, or click on the
toolbar Save all Servers icon to automatically detect any changes and save them in the
appropriate places.

Adding an NPort Server Pro—Add Server Wizard
The Add Server Wizard is activated automatically during the driver and software
installation procedure. If you need to add another NPort Server Pro to your system at a later
time, run NPort Pro Manager, and then choose Add Server Wizard from the Servers menu,
or click on the toolbar Add Server button.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 5-7


Select Yes and then click on Next to continue the installation process.


If the NPort Server Pro you wish to add is listed in the Add Server Wizard window,
use the mouse to highlight the server Model and then click on Next to continue.

. Note: If the server you want to add is not listed in the above window, you will receive the
warning window shown below. Check to make sure that the power cord is connected,
and the power switch is in the “on” position. Click OK to return to the window shown
above, and then click Find. The new server should now be listed as shown above.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Multi-Host

. Note: If you have several servers hooked up to your network, and it’s not clear which server
is the one you are currently adding, click on Locate in the Add Server Wizard window
shown in step 2 above. The “Ready” LED on the listed server will start blinking,
allowing you to identify it.


If you are the system administrator and know the current password, or if you are setting
up a new password, select Yes, I am the administrator and then enter the password in
the text input box.
If you select No, I am a general user, you will be allowed to install your NPort Server
Pro, but you will not be able to change any of the parameter settings. Click on Next to

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 5-9



The next window lists NPort Server Pro’s current IP address. Change the number if
needed, and then click on Next to continue.


Select the COM port name that you would like the first port on the server to map to.
This will add all of NPort Server Pro’s ports (8 or 16, depending on the server model
number) to your NT/95/98 system, using consecutively numbered COM names. Click
on Next to continue.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Multi-Host


When the Complete! window opens, check the information to make sure that
everything is correct, and then click on Finish to continue.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 5-11


This evokes the NPort Pro Manager program, with the newly installed server listed.


Click on the server name to highlight it. Basic information about the server’s COM
ports will be listed in the right info box.

. Note: If you see ports with status ‘Non-authorized’, and you are a general user, be sure to
ask your server administrator to add access permission so that you may make
modifications to the server.

. Note: The NPort Pro Manager title bar shows the application mode of the newly installed
server—Multi-Host in this case.

To add another server, choose Add Server Wizard from the Server menu, or click on
the toolbar Add Server icon, and then repeat the above steps.

10. Before exiting NPort Pro Manger you should save the new configuration. Choose Save
Configuration from the Server menu, or click on the toolbar Save all Servers icon to
carry this out.
11. Exit NPort Pro Manager when you finish.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Multi-Host

Deleting a Server
If for some reason you need to delete a server from your system, click on the server name to highlight
it,andthenchoose Delete Server fromthe Server menu, or click on the toolbar Delete Server icon.
A warning window will pop up asking if you really want to delete the server. Click OKto delete.

Modifying COM Name Mappings
You may use NPort Pro Manager to change previously assignedCOMnames.Choose Map Port
fromthe Portmenu, or click on the toolbar Map Port icon. You will be asked to choose from two
options. You may change the name of all servers simultaneously, provided you want the COM port
numbers to be consecutive, or, you may change the names one port at a time. The procedure is as

Change All COM Names Consecutively:

Click on the server name whose port names you
would like to modify.


Click on port 1 in the right info box.


Choose Map Port from the Port menu, or click on
the toolbar Map Port icon to activate the function.


Select the COM name that the first port will be
mapped to.


Check the Mapping COM number consecutively


Click OK to activate the change.

Changing the COM Name of One Port

Click on the server name whose port name you
would like to modify.


Click on the port, in the right info box, you would
like to modify.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 5-13


Choose Map Port from the Port menu, or click on the toolbar Map Port icon to
activate the function.


Select the COM name that the port will be mapped to.


Click OK to activate the change.

Un-Mapping a Port
If you do not need to use a port any more, you may use the UnMap Portfunctiontoremoveitfrom
your Windows NT/95/98 operating system.

Click on the port (in the right info box) that you
want to remove.


Choose UnMap Port from the Port menu, or click
on the toolbar Unmap Port icon

. Note: The screen at the right shows the display after
un-mapping ports 3 and 5.

Upgrading NPort Server Pro Firmware
Moxa continually upgrades its driver software and
server firmware to keep pace with the everexpandingworldofcomputing.Youcanusethe
Upgrade function located on NPort Pro
Manager’s toolbar to carry out the upgrade
procedure. Access Moxa's Web site at
www.moxa.comto download the required
computer file (contact our sales department if you
need assistance with this), and then follow these



Stop all port action related to the server you are upgrading.


Choose Upgrade Server from the Server menu, or click on the toolbar Upgrade icon.


Locate and then select the filename of the firmware that you downloaded.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Multi-Host


Click on Open and then wait until you see an “upgrade completed” message. The
server will restart automatically.

. Note: When using this procedure, only the selected server’s firmware is upgraded. If you
know that new NPort Pro Manager software has been released, it is recommended that
you uninstall the old NPort Pro Manager program from your NT/95/98 host’s hard
drive, and then install the new one.

Configuring Server Properties
The Server Properties function can be used to change the server’s name, password, and transmission
parameters.Choose Server Properties fromthe Server menu, or click on the toolbar Server
Properties icon to start the function.

Server Properties—General
You may modify the Server Name, Server
IP, and Netmask by using the toolbar
Properties function.

Select the General tab in the Server
Properties window.


Modify the Server Name, Server
IP, and Netmask, as needed.


Select Enable or Disable, for DHCP,
depending on whether or not you are
using a DHCP server.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 5-15

Server Properties—Password
To add more security to your NPort Server Pro, it is highly recommended that you set a password as
soon as you complete the installation. If you did not set the password while running Add Server
Wizard, or you would like to change the current password, you may use the toolbar Properties
function to do so.
You may also use this function to “Auto-Save”, i.e., to have Windows NT/95/98 remember your
password for you. By auto saving the password, you will not be asked to enter the password when
modifying server properties from this computer.

. Note: Keep in mind that other people using your computer will also have ready access to
the NPort Pro Manager functions.
Steps for configuring the server’s password:

Select the Password tab in the
Server Properties window.


Enter the current password and
new password as indicated.


Check the Auto Save Password on
this computer box if you want
Windows NT/95/98 to remember
your password.

. Note: If you do not check the Auto
Save Password on this computer
box, you will need to enter the
correct password each time you
want to view Server Properties.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Multi-Host

Server Properties—Transmission
The Transmission page allows the user
to set the Transmission Mode and Tx
FIFO options for each of NPort Server
Pro’s ports.
Transmission Mode
SelectHi-Performance tousebuffering
technology to accelerate data writing.
This allows your communication
softwaretoreachmaximum data
amounts of data. The driver will notify
the user that the transmission is
completed when the output data length is
lower than the LOW WATER setting.
Classical Mode lets the port behave like a generic COM port. Transmission of small data packets is
more precise and reliable. In this case, the driver will notify the user that the transmission is complete
when all data has been transmitted.
Set to Enable to the get the best performance from the board.
Set to Disable toavoiddatalosswhencommunicatingwithplaincommunicationdevicesusingS/W
flow control. In this case only one byte will be put into the UART when the FIFO is empty.

Access Control
It is possible to assign access permission to hosts to allow them access to the ports on a shared NPort
Server Pro. For security reasons, the access control list can only be defined by the server’s
administrator. If you have not been granted access to a port, youwillseeascreenwiththemessage
‘Non-authorized’ for that port.
After running Add Server Wizard and typing in your password showing that you are the
administrator, you are granted access to the server you have added. You may go to server properties
to check that. However, if you did not enter the correct password, you can still map the ports to your
NT/95/98, but you will not have access to the ports. You will need to ask your administrator to add
your IP address to the access control list of the server to grant you access. If you are not sure of the IP
address of the host you want to add, run ‘ipconfig’ from the host’s NT/95/98 MS-DOS prompt.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 5-17

. Note: If you empty the access control list, then by default, only the connecting host’s IP
address is granted.

Select the Access Control tab.


The screen will show a list of ports, and two methods of adding permission.

. Note: When adding access permission, you may either view the access control list by Port,
or by IP address. These two approaches also apply to the procedure for adding new
hosts. The next two sections describe how to add hosts using both approaches.

Configuring Through View by IP
Using the view access control list by IP address option displays the access control list by listing server
IP addresses. It will be clear which IP addresses have been granted access to which ports, and which
IP addresses are allowed onto the server.

Adding Access Permission of One Host
If a particular host is permitted access to all ports on a specific server, we recommend that you
configure using the view access control list by IP address option.


Click on the Access Control tab, and then select the IP address option next to View
access control list by:

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Multi-Host


Click on the server you would like to modify.


Click on Add IP to open the Grant Access IP window.


To add access for only one computer, select a single computer, and then enter the
host’s IP address in the appropriate text box.
To add access for a group of computers, select a group of computer, and then enter
the IP address and netmask. (E.g., for network class C computers, you might enter for IP address and then for netmask.)


Click OK.


When the Add Port window opens up, highlight the port(s) that the host will be
granted access to.

. Note: You can select blocks of ports by holding down the left mouse button while scrolling
through the list of ports.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 5-19


Click OK to finish and return to the Access Control page.


The ports granted access to will be listed under the host’s IP address.
Click OK to finish, and then choose Save Configuration to activate the settings.

Modifying the Host Settings



Select the IP address of the host you would like to modify.


Click on the Modify button.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Multi-Host


Modify the configuration as desired.


Click OK to exit.

Removing Ports from a Granted Host

Select the IP address of the host you would like to modify.


Click on the Port that you would like to remove from the list.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 5-21


Click on Remove, and then click OK to exit. As you can see from the window shown
below, Port 3 has been removed from the host’s access control.

Removing a Granted Host
If you do not allow a particular host to use any of the ports, simply remove the host from the list.

. Note: If you empty the access control list, then by default, only the connecting host’s IP
address is granted.



Click on the host’s IP address to highlight it.


Click on the Remove button, and then click OK to exit.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Multi-Host

Configuring Through View by Port
By choosing the option View access control list by Port, it is easy to see the access permission granted
for each port. This viewing option is particularly useful for adding hosts to specific ports.

Adding a Host IP Address to a Specific Port

Click on the Port you would like to add a host to.


Click on Add IP.


To add access for only one computer, select a single computer, and then enter the
host’s IP address in the appropriate text box.
To add access for a group of computers, select a group of computers, and then enter
the IP address and netmask. (E.g., for network class C computers, you might enter for IP address, and then for netmask.)


Click OK to finish.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 5-23


When the Server Properties window opens up, you can look at the Access Control
page to verify that the host was added to the port.


Click OK to finish.

Modifying a Granted Host



Click on the port whose host you would like to modify.


Click on the IP address you want to change, and then click on Modify.


Modify the IP address as needed.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Multi-Host

. Note: The modification will only be valid for this port.
Removing a Granted Host

Click on the port whose host you would like to remove.


Click on the IP address you want to delete, and then click on Remove.


Click OK to finish.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 5-25



Setting Up Custom

In this chapter we explain how to set up NPort Server Pro for Custom Mode. Custom Mode users can
apply NPort Server Pro for multi-port serial applications with remote control or monitoring, and as
stand-alone machines connected to serial devices at a remote site.
We cover the following topics:

Driver and Software Installation


Using NPort Pro Manager

Saving Your Configuration


Adding an NPort Server Pro—Add Server Wizard


Deleting a Server


Modifying COM Name Mappings

Change All COM Names Consecutively


Change the COM Name of One Port


Un-Mapping a Port


Upgrading NPort Server Pro Firmware


Configuring Server Properties

Server Properties—General


Server Properties—Password


Server Properties—Transmission

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual



Access Control




Configuring Through View by IP

Adding Access Permission of One Host


Modifying the Host Settings


Removing Ports from a Granted Host


Removing a Granted Host

Configuring Through View by Port

Adding a Host IP Address to a Specific Port


Modifying a Granted Host


Removing a Granted Host

Adding Routes to NPort Server Pro

Adding Routes Through Server Properties


Modifying Routes


Removing Routes


Examples of Internet/Intranet Routing Configurations

Configuring Router for Internet Connection


Configuring Router for One Internet and One Intranet Connection

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom

NT Router



NPort Server Pro

Figure 6-1. A remote control link diagram

. Note: If you need to set up Single-Host Mode or Multi-Host Mode, refer to Chapters 4 and 5,
respectively, for complete descriptions of these types of application.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-3

Driver and Software Installation

Insert the NPort Server Pro disk into either the floppy disk drive or CD ROM drive,
depending on the type of disk that was provided.
From the Windows NT/95/98 desktop, click on Start and then choose Run.



Type A:\setup in the Open input box if using drive A and then click OK
(replace A with the correct drive letter if you are using a different drive).


The Welcome to NPort Server Pro window opens, giving you the option to continue
with the installation process. Click on Next to continue.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom


When the Setup Wizard window opens, choose Custom, and then click on Next to


The Select Destination Directory window gives you the option to change the directory
that program files will be copied to. Click on Next to copy NPort Server Pro files to the
given default directory. To choose a different directory, click on Browse, navigate to
the desired directory, and then click on Next.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-5


The Installing window shows the progress of the installation process. Click on Cancel
at any time to terminate the installation.


The next window verifies that the installation process has completed. Click on Next to

. Note: If you click on Cancel you will need to run Add Server Wizard at a later time to
install your NPort Server Pro.

Clicking on Next in the previous window activates the Add Server Wizard.
Refer to the subsection Adding an NPort Server Pro—Add Server Wizard in the next
section for instructions on how to add an NPort Server Pro.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom

Using NPort Pro Manager
When you run the Setup program to install NPort Server Pro software, you are given the option to run
the Add Server Wizard. However, you may run NPort Pro Manager at a later time if you decide to
add more servers, change server names, remove servers, or change COM names. To start NPort Pro
Manager, click on:
Start à Programs à NPort Server Pro à NPort Pro Manager.

Thisactivatesthe NPort Pro Manager main window, shown below, with server names andmodel
numbers displayed in the left info box. When a particular NPort Server Pro is highlighted, the ports
associated with that server, the associated COM port names, and other relevant information, are
shown in the right info box.
NPort Pro Manager functions can be selected from either the main menu or the toolbar. As shown
below, functions related to servers are listed under the Server menu, and port functions are under the
Portmenu. Moreover, when you use the right mouse button to click on a port or server, a window
with a list of functions available for the selected item opens up. If you forget the function associated
with a particular icon, position the mouse pointer over the icon. This will cause a message window
containing the name of the function to pop up.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-7

Current Installation

Figure 6-2. NPort Manager and the menus

Saving Your Configuration
Moditications of NPort Server Pro, or changes to port configurations, must be saved in
order to be activated. Choose Save Configuration from the Server menu, or click on the
toolbar Save all Servers icon to automatically detect any changes and save them in the
appropriate places.

Adding an NPort Server Pro—Add Server Wizard
The Add Server Wizard is activated automatically during the driver and software
installation procedure. If you need to add another NPort Server Pro to your system at a later
time, run NPort Pro Manager, and then choose Add Server Wizard from the menu, or
click on the toolbar Add Server button.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom


Select Yes and then click on Next to continue the installation process.


If the NPort Server Pro you wish to add is listed in the Add Server Wizard window,
use the mouse to highlight the server Model and then click on Next to continue.

. Note: If the server you want to add is not listed in the above window, you will receive the
warning window shown below. Check to make sure that the power cord is connected,
and the power switch is in the “on” position. Click OK to return to the window shown
above, and then click on Find. The new server should now be listed as shown above.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-9

. Note: If you have several servers hooked up to your network, and it’s not clear which server
is the one you are currently adding, click on Locate in the Add Server Wizard window
shown in step 2 above. The “Ready” LED on the listed server will start blinking,
allowing you to identify it.


If you are the system administrator and know the current password, or if you are setting
up a new password, select Yes, I am the administrator and then enter the password in
the text input box.
If you select No, I am a general user, you will be allowed to install your NPort Server
Pro, but you will not be able to change any of the parameter settings Click on Next to


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom


The next window lists the NPort Server Pro’s current IP address. Change the number if
needed, and then click on Next to continue.


Select the COM port name that you would like the first port on the server to map to.
This will add all of NPort Server Pro’s ports (8 or 16, depending on the server model
number) to your NT/95/98 system, using consecutively numbered COM names. Click
on Next to continue.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-11



When the Complete! window opens, check the information to make sure that
everything is correct, and then click on Finish to continue.


This evokes the NPort Pro Manager program, with the newly installed server listed.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom


Click on the server name to highlight it. Basic information about the server’s COM
ports will be listed in the right info box.

. Note: If you see ports with the status ‘Non-authorized’, and you are a general user, be sure
to ask your server administrator to add access permission so that you can make
modifications to the server settings.

. Note: The NPort Pro Manager title bar shows the application mode of the newly installed
server—Custom in this case.

To add another server, choose Add Server Wizard from the Server menu, or click on
the toolbar Add Server icon, and then repeat the above steps.

10. Before exiting NPort Pro Manger you should save the new configuration. Choose Save
Configuration from the Server menu, or click on the toolbar Save all Servers icon to
carry this out.
11. Exit NPort Pro Manager when you finish.

Deleting a Server
If for some reason you need to delete a server from your system, click on the server name to highlight
it,andthenchoose Delete Server fromthe Server menu, or click on the toolbar Delete Server icon.
A warning window will pop up asking if you really want to delete the server. Click OK to delete.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-13

Modifying COM Name Mappings
You may use NPort Pro Manager to change previously assigned COM names.Choose Map Port
fromthe Portmenu, or click on the toolbar Map Porticon. You will be asked to choose from two
options. You may change the name of all servers simultaneously, provided you want the COM port
numbers to be consecutive, or, you may change the names one port at a time. The procedure is as

Change All COM Names Consecutively:

Click on the server name whose port names you
would like to modify.


Click on port 1 in the right info box.


Choose Map Port from the Port menu, or click on
the toolbar Map Port icon to activate the function.


Select the COM name that the first port will be
mapped to.


Check the Mapping COM number consecutively


Click OK to activate the change.

Change the COM Name of One Port



Click on the server name whose port name you
would like to modify.


Click on the port, in the right info box, you would
like to modify.


Choose Map Port from the Port menu, or click
on the toolbar Map Port icon to activate the


Select the COM name that the port will be
mapped to.


Click OK to activate the change.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom

Un-Mapping a Port
If you do not need to use a port any more, you may use the UnMap Portfunctiontoremoveitfrom
your Windows NT/95/98 operating system.

Click on the port (in the right info box) that you
want to remove.


Choose UnMap Port from the Port menu, or click
on the toolbar Unmap Port icon

. Note: The screen at the right shows the display
after un-mapping ports 3 and 5.

Upgrading NPort Server Pro Firmware
Moxa continually upgrades its driver software and server firmware to keep
pace with the ever-expandingworldofcomputing.Youcanusethe Upgrade
function located on NPort Pro Manager’s toolbar to carry out the upgrade
procedure. Access Moxa's Web site atwww.moxa.comto downloadthe
required computer file (contact our sales department if you need assistance
with this), and then follow these instructions.

Stop all port action related to the server you are upgrading.


Choose Upgrade Server from the Server menu, or click on the
toolbar Upgrade icon.


Locate and then select the filename of the firmware that you downloaded

Click on Open and then wait until you see an “upgrade completed” message. The
server will restart automatically.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-15

. Note: When using this procedure, only the selected server’s firmware is upgraded. If you
know that new NPort Pro Manager software has been released, it is recommended
that you uninstall the old NPort Pro Manager program from your NT/95/98 host’s
hard drive, and then install the new one.

Configuring Server Properties
The Server Properties function can be used to change the server’s name, password, and
transmissionparameters.Choose Server
Properties fromthe Server menu, or
click on the toolbar Server Properties
icon to start the function.

Server Properties—General
Youmaymodifythe Server Name,
Server IP, and Netmask byusingthe
toolbar Properties function.

Select the General tab in the
Server Properties window.


Modifythe Server Name, Server
IP, and Netmask, as needed.


Select Enable or Disable, for DHCP, depending on whether or not you are using a
DHCP server.

Server Properties—Password
To add more security to your NPort Server Pro, it is highly recommended that you set a password as
soon as you complete the installation. If you did not set the password while running Add Server
Wizard, or you would like to change the current password, you may use the toolbar Properties
function to do so.
You may also use this function to “Auto-Save”, i.e., to have Windows NT/95/98 remember your
password for you. By auto saving the password, you will not be asked to enter the password when
modifying server properties from this computer.

. Note: Keep in mind that other people using your computer will also have ready access to
the NPort Pro Manager functions.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom

Stepsfor configuring the server’s password:

Select the Password tab in the Server
Properties window.


Enter the current password and new
password as indicated.


Checkthe Auto Save Password on this
computer box if you want Windows
NT/95/98 to remember your password.

. Note: If you do not check the Auto
Save Password on this computer box,
you will need to enter the correct
password each time you want to view
Server Properties.

Server Properties—Transmission
The Transmission page allows the user to set the Transmission Mode and TxFIFO options for each
of NPort Server Pro’s ports.
Transmission Mode

SelectHi-Performance to use buffering technology to accelerate data writing. This allows your
communication software to reach maximum data throughput when transmitting large amounts of data.
The driver will notify the user that the transmission is completed when the output data length is lower
than the LOW WATER setting.
Classical Mode lets the port behave like a generic COM port. Transmission of small data packets is
more precise and reliable. In this case, the driver will notify the user that the transmission is complete
when all data has been transmitted.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-17

Set to Enable to the get the best performance from the board.
Set to Disable to avoid data loss when communicatingwithplaincommunicationdevicesusingS/W
flow control. In this case only one byte will be put into the UART when the FIFO is empty.

Access Control
It is possible to assign access permission to hosts to allow them access to the ports on a shared NPort
Server Pro. For security reasons, the access control list can only be defined by the server’s
administrator. If you have not been granted access to a port, youwillseeascreenwiththemessage
‘Non-authorized’ for that port.
After running Add Server Wizard and typing in your password showing that you are the
administrator, you are granted access to the server you have added. You may go to server properties
to check that. However, if you did not enter the correct password, you can still map the ports to your
NT, but you will not have access to the ports. You will need to ask your administrator to add your IP
address to the access control list of the server to grant you access. If you are not sure of the IP address
of the host you want to add, run ‘ipconfig’ from the host’s NT MS-DOS prompt.

. Note: If you empty the access control list, then by default, only the connecting host’s IP
address is granted.



Select the Access Control tab.


The screen will show a list of ports, and two methods of adding permission.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom

. Note: When adding access permission, you may either view the access control list by Port,
or by IP address. These two approaches also apply to the procedure for adding new
hosts. The next two sections describe how to add hosts using both approaches.

Configuring Through View by IP
Using the view access control list by IP address option displays the access control list by giving the
server IP addresses. It is clear to see which IP addresses have been granted access to which ports, and
which IP addresses are allowed onto the server.

Adding Access Permission of One Host
If a particular host is permitted access to all ports on a specific server, we recommend that you
configure using the view access control list by IP address option.

Click on the Access Control tab, and then select the IP address option next to View
access control list by:


Click on the Server you would like to modify.


Click on Add IP to open the Grant Access IP window.


To add access for only one computer, select a single computer, and then enter the
host’s IP address in the appropriate text box.
To add access for a group of computers, select a group of computer, and then enter the IP
address and netmask. (E.g., for network class C computers, you might enter for
IP address and then for netmask.)

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-19


Click OK.


When the Add Port window opens up, highlight the port(s) that the host will be
granted access to.

. Note: You can select blocks of ports by holding down the left mouse button while scolling
through the list of ports.



Click OK to finish, and return to the Access Control page.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom


The ports granted access to will be listed under the host’s IP address.
Click OK to finish, and the choose Save Configuration to activate the settings.

Modifying the Host Settings

Select the IP address of the host you would like to modify.


Click on the Modify button.


Modify the configuration as desired.


Click OK to exit.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-21

Removing Ports from a Granted Host



Select the IP address of the host you would like to modify.


Click on the Port you would like to remove from the list.


Click on Remove, and then click OK to exit. As you can see from the window shown
below, Port 3 has been removed from the host’s access control.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom

Removing a Granted Host
If you do not allow a particular host to use any of the ports, simply remove the host from the list.

. Note: If you empty the access control list, then by default, only the connecting host’s IP
address is granted.

Click on the host’s IP address to highlight it.


Click on the Remove button, and then click OK to exit.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-23

Configuring Through View by Port
By choosing the option View access control list by Port, it is easy to see the access permission granted
for each port. This viewing option is particularly useful for adding hosts to specific ports.

Adding a Host IP Address to a Specific Port

Click on the Port you would like to add a host to.


Click on Add IP.


To add access for only one computer, select a single computer, and then enter the
host’s IP address in the appropriate text box.
To add access for a group of computers, select a group of computer, and then enter
the IP address and netmask. (E.g., for network class C computers, you might enter for IP address, and then for netmask.)


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom


Click OK to finish.


When the Server Properties window opens up, you can look at the Access Control
page to verify that the host was added to the port.


Click OK to finish.

Modifying a Granted Host

Click on the port whose host you would like to modify.


Click on the IP address you want to change, and then click on Modify.


Modify the IP address as needed.

. Note: The modification will only be valid for this port.
NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-25

Removing a Granted Host

Click on the port whose host you would like to modify.


Click on the IP address you want to delete, and then click on Remove.


Click OK to finish.

Adding Routes to NPort Server Pro
To enable access from an Internet/Intranet host, first make sure your NPort Server Pro can be
connected through the Internet.
You may add routes into NPort Server Pro if your Windows NT/95/98 host is at a remote site. This
section lists the steps you should follow to add new routes, including examples you can refer to.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom

Adding Routes Through Server Properties

Select the Advanced tab in the Server Properties window, and then click on Add.


Enter the Destination, Gateway, Netmask and Metric as needed.


Click OK to exit Gateway Settings.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-27

Modifying Routes



Select the Advanced tab in the Server Properties window.


Click on the route setting you would like to modify to highlight it.


Click on Modify and then make any necessary modifications.


Click OK to exit Gateway Settings.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom

Removing Routes

Select the Advanced tab in the Server Properties window.


Click on the route setting you would like to remove to highlight it.


Click on Remove.

Examples of Internet/Intranet Routing Configurations
Configuring Router for Internet Connection
Some routers have the capability to learn routes automatically. To ensure that your Internet
connection will work properly, you can consider adding the routes without RIP protocol. Figure 5-1
shows an example of connecting to the Internet through a Router.

NPort Server Pro


Asynchronous Devices

Figure 6-3. Scheme for LAN with NPort Server Pro connecting to the Internet

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-29

For the case shown above, you should set up the Destination, Gateway, Netmask, and Metric as
shown below:

Configuring Router for One Internet and One Intranet Connection
In the more complex case in which NPort Server Pro connects to both the Internet and Intranet, you
will need to add two routes to the server.



NPort Server Pro

Asynchronous Devices

Figure 6-4. Scheme for NPort Server Pro connecting to the Intranet and Internet.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Setting Up Custom

If you are under the same environment as shown above but your NPort Server Pro only needs to be
accessed by the private network as opposed to the global Internet, then just add the first route to the
server. In this case the routing setup is as follows:

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 6-31


Utility Programs


In this chapter we cover the following topics:

Firmware Utility


Toolbar Functions

NPort Server General Info


Search All NPort Servers


Connect to an NPort Server Pro


Upgrade Firmware

NPort Server Monitor

Toolbar Functions

Configuring NPort Monitor


Save Configuration


Load Configuration




Port Status


Refresh Monitor


Reset Port


Reset Server


Exiting NPort Server Monitor

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual



NPort Pro Diagnostic



Toolbar Functions



Viewer Status and Diagnose


Test Initiation




Saving the Configuration


Exiting NPort Pro Diagnostic

Uninstalling the Software

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration

Firmware Utility
Moxa continually upgrades its driver software and server firmware to keep pace with the everexpanding world of computing. Youcanusethe Firmware Utility to carry out the upgrade
procedure. Access Moxa's Web site atwww.moxa. comto download the required computer file
(contact our sales department if you need assistance with this), and then follow these instructions.

To start Firmware Utility, click on
Start à Programs à NPort Server Pro à Firmware Utility.


The Search all NPort Servers window opens, indicating that the program is searching
the network for all active NPort Server Pros.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 7-3


After completing the search, the NPort Server firmware upgrade utility window
opens, listing all NPort Server Pros that were found.

Toolbar Functions
In this section we describe how to use the Firmware Utility toolbar functions.

NPort Server General Info
The General Info function can be used to display basic information about a specific NPort Server
Pro. To apply the function, do the following:



Click on the server you would like to obtain information about to highlight it.


Choose General Info. from the Server menu, or click on the toolbar General Info.


If the server in question is password protected, enter the password in the Enter Server
Password text input box.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration


The NPort Server General Info window opens, displaying the Server Name, IP
address, Model Number, Serial Number, MAC Address, and Firmware Version.
Attributes that can be modified are displayed in a text input box.


Make modifications as needed, and then click OK to close the window.

Search All NPort Servers
The Search all NPort Servers function can be used to search the network for all active NPort Server

Choose Search all servers from the Server menu, or click on the toolbar Search all
NPort Servers icon. A search will be initiated, during which time the following
window will be visible.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 7-5


Click on Cancel if during the search you decide that it’s no longer necessary to
continue. Otherwise, when the search is complete, you will see the NPort Server
firmware upgrade utility window. The servers located by the search will be listed in
the info box.

Connect to an NPort Server Pro
The Connect an NPort Server function can be used to manually connect to a specific NPort Server



Choose Connect from the Server menu, or click on the toolbar Connect an NPort
Server icon.


The Connect an NPort Server window opens up. Enter the IP address of the server
you would like to connect to in the NPort Server IP text input box.


Click OK.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration

Upgrade Firmware
The Upgrade NPort Server function can be used to upgrade the server firmware.

Access Moxa's Web site at to download the required computer file
(contact our sales department if you need assistance with this).


Click on the server whose firmware you would like to upgrade to highlight it.


Choose Upgrade from the Tool menu, or click on the toolbar Upgrade firmware icon.


The Upgrade NPort Server window opens. Either type the upgrade file name in the
text input box, or use the Browse button to navigate to the folder containing the
software, click on the file name to transfer the name to the text input box, and then
click OK to start upgrading.

NPort Server Monitor
The first time you run NPort Monitor you will need to set up the configuration by selecting target
servers, target ports, and monitoring items. You will be able to save the configuration for the next
time you use it, or go back to NPort Server Monitor to check the monitoring information. Check the
Help menu if you have trouble using this program.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 7-7


To start NPort Server Monitor, click on
Start à Programs à NPort Server Pro à NPort Monitor.


The NPort Server Monitor window opens.

. Note: You will need to configure your server before using any of the NPort Server Monitor
toolbar functions. Refer to the next section for instructions on how to configure.

Toolbar Functions
In this section we describe how to use the NPort Monitor toolbar functions.

Configuring NPort Monitor
You will need to run the Configure function before using any of the other functions
provided by NPort Server Monitor.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration


Choose Configure from the Monitor menu, or click on the toolbar Configure icon to
open the Monitor configuration window.

. Note: There are three tabs, Select Port, Select Item, and General, located at the top of the
window. The Select Port page will be opened by default, and the program will find all
NPort Server Pros currently connected to the network.

Select the server that you want to monitor from the Server IP Address pull down
menu. The server information will appear in the Monitoring NPort Server info box.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 7-9



The Port No. check box, for ports needing to be monitored, should be checked as
shown above. For those ports that no longer need monitoring, click inside of the
checked box to remove the check mark.


If you need to delete some servers from the list, highlight the servers to be deleted, and
then click on the Delete Server button in the lower left hand corner of the Monitor
configuration window.


Click on the Select Item tab to open the list of options shown below. This function is
provided so that you can select monitoring items according to your needs. Items
selected will be displayed in the NPort Server Monitor window. Some operations can
be activated simultaneously. Check or uncheck the boxes as needed.


Click on the General tab to set up the Sampling interval. This is the time interval the
program waits before updating NPort Server Pro’s current data. Select a number from
the pull-down list, and then click OK.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration


The servers and ports that were selected will be listed in the info box upon returning to
the NPort Server Monitor window. General information such as Model No., NPort
Server Pro Name, OP_mode, NPort Server Pro IP Address, and Port No. will also
be displayed.

Save Configuration
This function is provided so that you can save new or updated configurations for future use after
making modifications to the monitoring program.
To save a configuration, do the following:

Choose Save Configuration from the File menu, or click on the toolbar Save
Configuration icon.


Navigate to the directory where you would like to store the file.


Type the desired file name in the File Name text input box, and then click on Save.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 7-11

. Note: The configuration file will be saved in .mnt format.
Load Configuration
This function is provided so that you can load a configuration file that was previously saved. When
initating NPort Server Monitor, you will be give the option to load a previously save file.
To load a saved configuration file, do the following (refer to the figure in the previous subsection):



Choose Load Configuration from the File menu, or click on the toolbar Load
Configuration icon.


Navigate to the directory that contains the configuration file you would like to load
(recall that the file extension is .mnt).


Click on the file name, or type the name into the File name text input box


Click on Open to load the selected configuration file.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration

Once a configuration has been set up, or a configuration file has been loaded, NPort Server Monitor
will automatically start monitoring servers and ports. Refer to the figure below for an example of the
type of monitoring information that will be displayed. (Check the Help menu to find additional
information about using this program.)

NPort Server Monitor will use different colors to indicate the status of the ports.

Black means that the port is currently hooked up to your LAN and is active.


Red means that the port is currently not accessible. It could either be inactive,
removed from the LAN, or have a routing error.


Pink means that two or more NPort Server Pros have been assigned the same IP
address. You must use NPort Pro Manager to rectify the situation.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 7-13

Port Status
This function is used to display a status graph for each port being monitored. It also provides
additional information such as TX/RX CPS history.


Click on the port item you wish to check to highlight it.


Choose Port Status from the Monitor menu, or click on the toolbar Port Status icon.


Click OK to return to the NPort Server Monitor window.

Refresh Monitor
This function is provided to allow you to manually update or refresh port information.



Click on the port you would like to refresh to highlight it.


Click on Monitor and choose Refresh Monitor, or click on the toolbar Refresh
Monitor icon to update port information manually.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration

Reset Port
This function is provided to allow you to reset the port whenever the NT/95/98 server was not shut
down properly, or the network was disconnected. Normally, NPort Server Pro will be launched
automatically five minutes after the NT/95/98 server is reconnected. This function allows you to
restart the port manually if necessary. While resetting the port, the port transmission process will be
halted, and all temporary data will be lost.

. Note: Do not use Port Reset while transmitting IMPORTANT data.

Click on the port that you are going to reset to highlight it.


Choose Reset Port from the Monitor menu, or click on the toolbar Reset Port icon to
reset the port.

. Note: If you have previously set up the security password using NPort Pro Manager, a
Reset Port dialog box will open requesting a password before resetting the port. If you
did not set up the security password, the following dialog box will not be displayed.

Enter the correct password and then click OK.

Reset Server
This function is provided to allow you to reset NPort Server Pro whenever the NT/95/98 server was
not shut down properly or the network was disconnected. Normally, NPort Server Pro will
automatically launch five minutes after the NT/95/98 server is reconnected. This function allows you
to restart the server manually if necessary. While resetting the server, the server transmission process
will be halted and all remaining data will be cleared.

. Note: Do not use Reset Server while transmitting IMPORTANT information.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 7-15


Click on the server that you are going to reset to highlight it.


Choose Reset Server from the Monitor menu, or click on the toolbar Reset Server
icon to reset the server.

. Note: If you have previously set up a security password using NPort Pro Manager, a Reset
Server window will open requesting a password before resetting the port. If you did
not set up the security password, the following dialog box will not be displayed.

Enter the correct password, and then click OK.

Exiting NPort Server Monitor
When you have finished using NPort Server Monitor, choose Exitfromthe File menu, or click on
the close window box in the upper right hand corner of the NPort Server Monitor window.

NPort Pro Diagnostic
NPort Pro Diagnostic is used to test the operation of NPort Server Pro. In this section we explain how
to configure and use Nport Pro Diagnostic.
To start NPort Server Diagnostic, click on:


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration


Start à Programs à NPort Server Pro à NPort Pro Diagnostic.


The NPort Server Diagnostics window will open, from which you can navigate to the
different functions provided by this utility.

Toolbar Functions
In this section we describe how to use the NPort Pro Diagnostic toolbar functions.

The first time you run NPort Server Diagnostics you will need to choose configuration
settings by selecting target servers, ports, and diagnostics items.

To start the configuration procedure, either choose Config from the Diagnose menu, or
click on the toolbar Config icon.


The Diagnostic Config window will open, displaying the tabs Test Object, Test Item
and Communication Parameters. We start with the Test Item tab, which is chosen by
default when the window opens.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 7-17


When the Diagnostic Config window first opens, the Selected NPort Server info box
under the Test Object tab is empty. Click on the text box’s pull down button and
choose the desired server, and then press Enter to select.
If the server you’re looking for is not on the list, click on Search to let the program
search the network for all connected NPort Server Pros, and then choose the desired



If the NPort Server Pro you chose is password protected, the following window will
open. Type in the correct password and then click OK.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration


The server information will now appear in the Selected NPort Server information

. Note: Click the Search button before selecting a server from the pull down menu if you add
more NPort Server Pros after the Diagnostics utility is initiated.

The check box for all ports needing to be tested should be checked (refer to the figure
in step 5). For those ports that no longer need to be tested, click inside the checked box
to remove the check mark.


If you do not need to change any Test Items or Communication Parameters, click
OK to return to the NPort Server Diagnostics window. Otherwise continue the
configuration process described in the next sub sections.
Test Item Selection

Click the Test Item tab in the Diagnostic Config window.


The tests that you want to run should be checked. Add or remove check marks as
necessary by clicking inside the appropriate check box.


Internal Test: If this test item is selected an internal test will be done on the RS232 serial port, and the result (successful or failed) will be displayed when the
test is completed.
External Test: If this test item is selected an external test will be done to check
that the connection signals between NPort Server Pro and other points on the line
are OK.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 7-19


The items described below which are check marked will be tested.
Tx n Rx: Displays test result of transmitting and receiving data between two
RTS g CTS: Displays test result of the RTS and CTS signals between two ports.
DTR g DSR: Displays test result of the DTR and DSR signal between two ports.
DTR g DCD: Displays test result of the DTR and DCD signal between two

Communication Parameters Selection



Click on the Communication Parameters tab to set up communication parameters.


Set Baud rate, Data bits, Parity, and Stop bits, to the appropriate values.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration

Exiting Config
Click OK in the bottom right corner of the Diagnostic Config window to return to the
NPort Server Diagnostics window.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 7-21

Viewer Status and Diagnose
Before starting the testing procedure, you can use the Server Status function to check the status of
your NPort Server Pro.

Choose Server Status from the Diagnose menu, or click on the toolbar Server Status
icon to open the NPort Server Status window. The server information displayed is
server name, IP address, model number, serial number, and firmware version. The
port information displayed is the COM name (COM3 in the example below), serial port
interface, and current port status.


Click OK to return to the NPort Server Diagnostics window.

Test Initiation
You can begin testing once all modifications have been made to the test procedure.



To begin testing, either choose Go from the Diagnose menu, or click on the toolbar Go


A window containing a warning message opens up. Click OK to proceed with the

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration


The Test Status window that opens displays some basic information about the test and
test results. Click on View Report to see details about the tests that were done.


The report will be displayed in the Test Report info box. Items that tested okay will be
marked with a green OK. Error codes are in red. To check error messages with
corresponding error codes, choose Error Code Reference from the Help menu in the
NPort Server Diagnostics window.
If one or more of the test items for a particular server fails, the test object in the To be
tested… info box is marked with a red colored Fail.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 7-23

The printing function is included to provide a convenient way to print out test reports.

Click on the NPort Server Pro shown in the To be tested… info box to determine
which testing report to print.


Choose Print… from the File menu, or click on the toolbar Printer icon to print out
the report.

Saving the Configuration
This function allows you to save the diagnostic report in a .txt file for future reference.

Click on the test object in the To be tested… info box.


Choose Save Report from the File menu, or click on the toolbar Save Report icon to
save the report.


You will be prompted to enter a file name in the File name text input box. Click on
Save to save the file to disk.

Exiting NPort Pro Diagnostic
When you have finished all testing and report procedures, click on File andchoose Exit, or click on
the close window box in the upper right hand corner of the NPort Server Diagnostics window.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration

Uninstalling the Software
If your Windows NT/95/98 host no longer needs access to any NPort Server Pros, you may use the
Uninstall NPort Server utility to uninstall the driver and software.
To activate Uninstall NPort Server Pro, click on

Start à Programs à NPort Server Pro à Uninstall NPort Server Pro.


To completely remove the driver and utility programs, select Automatic. To remove or
modify only part of the installed software, select Custom.
Click on Next to continue.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 7-25



Click on Finish to complete the uninstall procedure.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual



Changing Your Installation Type

This chapter describes how to change between the three application modes — Single-Host, Multi-Host,
and Custom—after installation. The only way to change from one application mode to another is to
rerun the driver/software Setup program
If you started off by installing your serverasSingle-Host, you will have noticed, for one thing, that it
is not possible to change the server’s IP address from this application type. If at some point during the
server’s operation you find it necessary to change the IP address, share the ports with another
NT/95/98 server, or initiate some type of remote control function, you will need to change to a
different application mode.
Note that changing between application types will not automatically wipe out previously set
configurations. Be sure toselect the correct mode for your application. See chapter 2 of this manual
for details.

. Note: To change to a different application mode, you will need to rerun the Setup program.
See chapter 4 to install Single-Host, chapter 5 to install Multi-Host, and chapter 6 to
install Custom.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual




Windows 2000—Installation and

In this chapter, we explain how to configure NPort Server Pro under the Windows 2000 operating
system. The installation and configuration procedure is substantially different than for Windows
NT/95/98/ME, so read carefully.
We discuss the following topics:

q Windows 2000 Driver Intallation
• Installing NPort Server Pro
• Installing NPort Server Pro’s Serial Port
q NPort Server Pro Properties
• General
• Configuration
Ø NPort Server
Ø Port Status
• Driver

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual


Windows 2000 Driver Installation
Installing NPort Server Pro to run under Windows 2000 involves installing the drivers that are used
to operate the NPort Server Pro and its port. This is done by running the Windows 2000
“Add/Remove Hardware Wizard”. In fact, unless you have previously installed and then uninstalled
an NPort Server Pro on your system, you will need to run the “Add/Remove Hardware Wizard”
twice, once to install NPort Server Pro itself, and then once to install NPort Server Pro’s ports.

Installing NPort Server Pro

From the Windows 2000 desktop, click on Start à Settings à Control Panel.


Double click on the Add/Remove Hardware icon.


When the Welcome to the Add/Remove Hardware Wizard window opens, click on Next to
continue with the installation process.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration



Select the Add/Troubleshoot a device option, and then click on Next to continue.

Windows 2000 will spend some searching for a device that is connected directly to your
computer. Keep in mind, however, that this procedure does not detect devices that are
connected over a network.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 9-3



Select Add a new device and then click on Next to continue.

Choose the No, I want to select the hardware from a list option from the next window, and then
click on Next to continue.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration



Select Multiport serial adapters and then click on Next to continue.

The Select a device driver window displays a list of manufacturers and products. If Moxa’s name
is not listed, you will need to click on Have Disk… and then select the NPort Server Pro driver
from diskette, CD, or from your hard drive.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 9-5

10. If necessary, click on Browse… to locate the directory that contains the NPort Server Pro driver.
During the installation shown here, the driver was located on the A: drive, so the next step is to
click OK. Note from the second figure that the driver name is NPSERVER.

11. The next window will contain a list of NPort Family products. Select MOXA NPort Server Pro DE311 and then click on Next to continue.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration

MOXA NPort Server Pro DE-303

12. The Start Hardware Installation window should verify that you have chosen the correct driver.
Click on Next to continue.

MOXA NPort Server Pro DE-303

13. You may safely ignore any admonitions such as Digital Signature Not Found. Simply click on
Next to continue.

MOXA NPort Server Pro DE-303

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 9-7

14. A series of windows indicating the progress of the installation procedure will open and then

15. The next window lists all NPort Server Pro units that are currently connected to your network.
Select the server you wish to install, or manually enter an IP address of your server if it does
not show up in the list. Click on Next to continue.

D E-303

16. When the Installation Completed! window opens, check to make sure that the information
displayed is correct.

D E-303


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration

17. Click on Finish to complete the installation of NPort Server Pro. Keep in mind, however, that
you may still need to install the port.

MOXA NPort Server Pro DE-303

Installing NPort Server Pro’s Serial Port
If you or someone else has previously installed an NPort Server Pro on your system, then NPort
Server Pro’s serial port should be installed automatically. In this case, you may skip this section
and continue to the section “NPort Server Pro Properties”.
If this is the first time that anyone has installed an NPort Server Pro on your system, the following
window should open automatically.


When the Found New Hardware Wizard starts up, choose the option Search for a suitable driver
for my device (recommended) and then click on Next to continue.

Choose the Specify a location option from the Locate Driver Files window, and then click on Next

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 9-9

to continue.


If necessary, click on Browse… to locate the directory that contains the NPort Server Pro driver.
During the installation shown here, the driver was located on the A: drive, so the next step is to
click OK. Note from the second figure that the driver name is NPORT.


The next window verifies that a MOXA communication port will be installed, and the correct
driver, nport.ini, will be used for the installation.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration


Click on Finish to complete the installation procedure.

NPort Server Pro Properties
NPort Server Pro’s configuration parameters, such as IP address, COM port number, etc., are
easily changed from within the Windows 2000 system’s device manager.

To evoke the device manager, double click on the System icon from the Control panel window.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 9-11



Select the Hardware tab, and then click on Device Manager….

Click on the plus sign to the left of Multi-port serial adapters and then double click on MOXA
NPort Server Pro DE-303 or DE-308 to open the Properties window.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration

MOXA NPort Server Pro DE-303

MOXA NPort Server Pro DE-303 Properties

MOXA NPort Server Pro DE-303

Select the Properties window’s Configuration tab to change
parameter settings for your NPort Server Pro. Most of the
system settings are accessed by clicking on Settings (see the
“NPort Server” subsection below). The COM port number can
be changed by clicking on Ports Setting (see the “Port Status”
subsection below).

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 9-13

MOXA NPort Server Pro DE-303 Properties

D E-303


NPort Server
Clicking on Settings in the above Properties window causes NPort Server Pro’s Property Sheet to
open. If prompted, enter NPort Server Pro’s password, and then click OK to continue.

The Basic Configuration page, open by default, allows you to make changes to the following items.
Server Name

Choose an appropriate name for NPort Server Pro. The
default name is simply “NP” followed by the serial number.

IP Address

Check with your network administrator.

Netmask is for Class B networks. is for Class C networks.


This is the IP address of the router connecting your LAN to
the Internet.


Click on the DHCP box to allow NPort Server Pro’s IP
address to be chosen automatically by a DHCP server


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration

connected to your LAN.

D E-303

The Password page allows you to change the password. Click the Remember Password box to have
the password automatically stored by your operating system.

The Interface Setting page shows the current Serial Port interface setting. You must use the DIP
switch settings on NPort Server Pro’s front panel to make any changes. To see changes in the
setting, click OK at the bottom of the Property Sheet window to close the window, and then follow
the instructions given above to reopen the window.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 9-15

The Access Control page can be used to allow access to NPort Server Pro’s serial port. The process
of adding and removing IP addresses is straightforward, although three comments are in order.

You may add access by IP Address as shown here.


You may add access by Port as shown here.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration


There are two options to choose from when adding access. Choose
Single Host to only allow access to the computer with the given IP Address. Choose A Group of
Host to allow access to a group of computers. In the example shown here, computers
connected to the same LAN as NPort Server Pro, and with IP addresses of the form, will all be given access. More specific (limited or wider) access can be granted
by considering the bit-by-bit versions of both the IP Address and Netmask.

Port Status
NPort Server Pro’s serial port’s COM number can be changed by clicking on the Ports Setting

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 9-17

D E-303


Click on Modify Setting to make changes.

Use the following window to change the Port Number, Transmission Mode, and TxFIFO.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Installation and Configuration

The Driver page displays important information about the driver. Use the buttons at the bottom of
the window for Driver Details…, Uninstall the driver, or Update Driver.

MOXA NPort Server Pro DE-303

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual 9-19


A. Troubleshooting

This appendix explains how to solve some of the most common problems you could encounter while
using NPort Server Pro. If you are still having problems after reading this chapter, contact your dealer,
or e-mail Moxa for help. You may also use the "Problem Report Form" at the end of this manual to
notify your dealer that you require prompt technical support.
We cover the following topics.

Installation and Configuration Troubleshooting


Programming Problems


LED Descriptions

Installation and Configuration Troubleshooting

Cannot use the first computer installed with the Single-Host NPort Pro Manager to access
NPort Server Pro.
For security reasons, and to simplify operations, the Single-Host Mode allows only one host to
connect to NPort Server Pro at a time. Thus, if while using the single-host type of installation you
discover that the server has already been configured with password protection, it is advised that you
check to see if two or more NT/95/98 hosts are sharing the same NPort Server Pro configured for
Single-Host Mode. If you wish to use more than one host to access the same NPort Server Pro, you
will need to install NPort Server Pro under Custom Mode.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual



Cannot change IP address or other server properties.
There are two situations that could give rise to this problem.




Password Mismatch – If you type the wrong password while running NPort Pro
Manager, the Manager program automatically assumes that you are not the
administrator. The administrator of the server is the only one allowed to modify the
server’s configuration. Keep in mind that even when multiple hosts share the same
server, access to the server’s administrative functions is still protected. If you need to
change some configuration settings, you will have to ask your administrator for help. If
you are the administrator but forget the password, you can erase the current password
yourself by pressing the RESET key on NPort Server Pro’s back panel for three


Error Installation Type – You cannot change the server IP address if you are installing
NPort Server Pro under Single-Host Mode. Setting the installation procedure up in this
way makes the Single-Host Mode configuration procedure very similar to installing a
traditional multi-port serial board. Under Single-Host Mode, users are only allowed to
modify the server's name and password. This is because Single-Host users are not
sharing their NPort Server Pro with other hosts. If you do need to modify other
properties, run the setup program and change to another mode of operation (see
Chapter 8 for details).

You would like to allow one more host to access your NPort Server Pro, but are unable to
reach the page for Access Control.

Check the NPort Manager mode. If it is Single-Host Mode, reinstall it as either MultiHost Mode or Custom Mode.


Double check your credentials to make sure that you are the administrator.

After installing NPort Server Pro, the NPort Pro Manager program indicates “'Unauthorized” status for some of the ports.
This means that NPort Server Pro’s Access Control List does not contain your computer’s correct IP
address. This can happen in one of two ways:



Your NT/95/98 machine is just one of the hosts sharing the ports on the selected server,
and you do not provide the server password while installing NPort Server Pro.


You install NPort Server Pro at a local site, with no access problems, but later move the
server to a remote site and connect through a WAN. Due to the different network
interface connection, your IP address might have changed, and as a consequence, you
are no longer on the server’s Access Control List.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual


To solve this problem:



Confirm your IP address with NPort Server Pro.


Ask the administrator to set up the server configuration so that you are on NPort Server
Pro’s Access Control List.

While running NPort Pro Manager, a question mark, '?', shows up on top of the server icon,
and you are unable to enter server properties.
This means that the host cannot find the server. Here are some steps you can take to recover from this
If the host and server are in the same location:

Make sure NPort Server Pro’s power cable is plugged in, and the server is receiving


Check that the server’s network connector is plugged in properly.


Make sure your computer is properly connected to the network.


Double click on the server icon that has the question mark (?) on top. This will evoke
NPort Pro Manager to reconnect with the server.

If the server is at remote site:

Make sure the network connection to the remote site is okay. If no route can be
established to the remote server, and you are connecting through the Internet, you may
need to wait until the route is reestablished.


If the route is okay, try running
ping [server-IP-address]
from your NT host, where [server-IP-address] is the server’s IP address. If the
server cannot be pinged, you will need to ask someone at the remote site to check and
see if the power is on, and make sure that the connection is okay. And then double
click on the server icon that has the question mark (?) on top. This will evoke NPort
Pro Manager to reconnect with the server.
If the problem is still not fixed, contact Moxa technical support for further information.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual



You cannot find the server after rebooting your Windows NT/95/98 server.
It’s possible that you have a DHCP server on your network. Since DHCP servers can assign IP
addresses, the IP address for either the host or NPort Server Pro might have been changed. To recover
from this problem, you should:

Ask the administrator of your DHCP server to assign a dedicated IP address to both
your Windows NT/95/98 host and to NPort Server Pro.


Make sure your NPort Manager Pro operating mode is either Multi-Host or Custom.


Change the IP address of the server to the dedicated IP address assigned by your DHCP


Change the IP address of your Windows NT/95/98 host to the dedicated IP address
assigned by your DHCP administrator.

. Note: Please refer to Appendix D to learn how to configure your Windows NT/95/98 to the
dedicated IP address.

Modify the Security list to include your NT/95/98 host.


Save Configuration.

Programming Problems

Win32 COMM API functions return fail, or the PComm Pro library functions return a Fail
code - SIO_WIN32FAIL
The fail code for the COMM API functions implies something different than the fail code received
from the standard COM driver. For example, you get the fail code when the network connected to the
server is unreachable, or the server is offline. If the network connection is through the Internet, the
network could be unreachable if Internet traffic is jammed. This does not mean you have a defective
server. Torecover from this type of error, you can modify your program so that the port is
automatically closed and then re-opened.
You should also check the following to make sure that the problem is only with the TCP/IP network:

If the server is off-line, turn it on.


If the route to NPort Server Pro is reachable, you may test it by using
Ping [NPort-Server-Pro-IP-address]
If a route to the server cannot be established, check your routing table or the server's
routing table.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual


To solve this problem, programs should:

Try to re-open the port if the fail code is returned during the open (i.e. sio_open)


If the fail code returns while writing data, reading data, changing settings, etc., you
should close the file handler, and then try to open the port again.

LED Description

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual



B. About PComm Pro

PComm Pro is a professional serial comm developing tool for PCs running Windows NT or
Windows 95/98. It consists of a powerful serial communication library for easy programming in most
popular programming languages. Furthermore, it contains useful utilities, such as Terminal Emulator,
Data Scope, and Performance Analyzer, as well as illustrative example programs and comprehensive
online documents.
With the serial communication library, you can develop systems for data communication,remote
access, data acquisition or industrial control in the Windows NT and Windows 95/98 environment.
PComm Pro offers an easier solution as compared to the more complex Windows Win32 COMM
PComm Pro includes over 50 easy-to-use API functions specially designed for serial comm., and
prevents you from struggling with sophisticated Microsoft Win32 API. Hence, it greatly saves
developing time and cost. (The API functions can be used for any serial comm hardware that
supports Microsoft Win32 driver, e.g. DIGI boards, standard com ports, etc.)
We cover the following topics in this chapter:




NPort Server Pro User’s Manual



Easy-to-use API (more than 50 functions)


Supports Zmodem, Ymodem, Xmodem


VB, C++, Delphi, examples


Compatible to standard COMs


Terminal Emulator, Datascope


Eliminates the need to use the more complicated Microsoft Win32 API


Easy to develop


Easy to debug


Quick time to market


Portable API, investment guaranteed

Formoreinformation,checkthePComm Pro CD included with your NPort Server Pro.

. Note: NPort Server Pro only includes the PComm Pro software. For a Pcomm diagnostic
cable, refer to the PComm Pro manual to make the cable yourself, or contact Moxa to
purchase a cable.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual


C. Cable Pinouts

This appendix lists the cables that you may use with NPort Server Pro, and includes information
needed to make your own cable.
We cover the following topics:

10/100BaseT Port Pinouts


Asynchronous Port Pinouts


CN20040-RJ45 to Male DB25 RS-232 Cable Pinouts

10/100BaseT Port Pinouts
Listed below are the pinouts for the 10BaseT port on NPort Server Pro.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual


Asynchronous Port Pinouts
Listed below are the pinouts for the asynchronous port on NPort Server Pro.


NPort Server Pro User’s Manual

Cable Pinouts

CN20040 – RJ45 to Male DB25 RS-232 Cable Pinouts

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual



D. Setting Up a Windows NT/95/98 Network

In order use a PC via an Ethernet network to control serial devices connected to NPort Server Pro,
you must first have a host running Windows NT/95/98 This type of application also requires the host
to have an Ethernet card and TCP/IP protocol installed. If your computer does not already have an
Ethernet card installed, you will need to purchase one, and then follow the instructions provided by
the Ethernet card manufacturer to install and set up the card.

. Note: We recommend installing a PCI Ethernet card on your NT/95/98 host. Because of the
BUS difference, a PCI bus Ethernet card will perform much better than an ISA
Ethernet card. The PCI card reduces system loading under high speed and multiple
port usage.

NPort Server Pro User’s Manual


Problem Report Form
NPort Server Pro
Customer name:





Moxa Product: o DE-308 ( 8 RS-232 ports) o DE-303 ( 16 RS-232 ports )


Serial Number: ___________


NPort Pro Firmware Version: ________________


NPort Pro Manager Version: ________________


PC Host: Make _________ Model _________


CPU: Speed _____MHz Make ______ Model ____


Ethernet Card : o ISA Card Make__________ o PCI Card Make: __________


Your Installation Type: o Single-Host o Custom


Problem Description: Please describe the symptoms as clearly as possible, including any error
messages you see. We may have to follow your description to reproduce the symptoms, so please
give a complete description of the problem.

For product repair, exchange, or refund, the customer must:
Provide evidence of original purchase.
Obtain a Product Return Agreement (PRA) from the sales representative or dealer.
Fill out the Problem Report Form (PRF). Include as much detail as possible for a shorter
product repair time.
Carefully pack the product in an anti-static package, and send it, pre-paid, to the dealer. The
PRA should be visible on the outside of the package, and include a description of the problem,
along with the return address and telephone number of a technical contact.


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Title                           : NPort Server Pro User's Manual
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Subject                         : Manufacturer Documentation
Author                          : Moxa
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