Musical Electronics BU80 Two Way Family Radio System User Manual
Musical Electronics Ltd Two Way Family Radio System
User manual
mnaon 0/ 5/31/01%& Page 12 fibmurex® 14 CHANNEL FRS BASE STATION MODEL: MK 1800 BEFORE OPERATING THIS PRODUCT, PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETELY. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS {E Earphone Earphone mason o/M.qxn 5/21/01 x1¢m Page 1 AFETY PRECA IO mm:— RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK). N0 USER~ SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING T0 QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. DANGEROUS VOLTAGE The fighmlng llnh with wmwhead symhul. wllhln an equllu'aml mangle ls intended m alert the use! to lhe premium of unlnsularad dang-mus VOIEBB wllhln (he pmducl‘s snainsura mm may be of museum mnqnllude to consume a risknhledrlc shock to pamm, ATTENTION me sxdsmaliun palm wimln an equillheral mangle is imunflorl In alum me um 10 (he pruenm nl impunanl oparanng and mlimenanca (servimng) lnslmcllnns in the "eel-awe Inmmpmying ms appliance. SURGE PROTECTORS: It is recummended to use a surge protector lor Ac connecllon. ngmenlng and power surges ARE NOT covered under warranty Var this pmducl. IMPORTANT: PLEASE KEEP ALL PACKAGNG MATERIAL FOR AT LEAST 90 DAYS IN CASE YOU NEED TO RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO YOUR PLACE OF PURCHASE OR MEMOREX. Before using. fill eux and mall the registration card. ThI| will make sure a permanent record in mad. with the date of purchase in cmserviee is needed. mason G/M.QXD 5/21/01 $m Page 2 ‘ AFETY PRECAUTl S [CONTINUE FCC WARNINGS: This device complies with part 15 nfthe FCC mies. Operalion is subjeei to the condition that this device does not cause harmlul Interference. PRECAUTIONS: - Do not modify or attempt to adjust the transceiver for any reason. - Avoid extremes In exposure in Wfl|sn heel and cold. - Do not expose the transceiver to long periods of direct sunlight. nor should the transceiver be placed close to healing appliances. - Do not place the transceiver in excessively dusty areas, humid areas, wet areas, or on unstable surfaces. - If smoke Is coming from the Iranscsiver. immediawa turn of! the power and remove the batteries or unplug lhe unit. Contact your dealer. |MK1900 o/M.QxD 5/21/01 $AM Page 3 OCATION OF CONTROLS 1 2 34 1. Antenna 1 14 2. CHANNELNOLUME 12. UpIDown Bultons 13. 3. TransmiUReoelver lndlcamr 14. 4. Display 1 51 5. Battery Compartment 15 (Bantam of Unit) GA POWER Bulton 7. MICIEARPHONE Jack (Slda of Unlt) B. MENU Button 9 TALK Button 1b. CALL Button 8 9101112131415 ................\, _L c» MIC (Mlcrcprmne) AUTO Button MONITOR Button PowerNOX lndlcalof ENTER/LOCK Bunon . DCSVJack -£-—~ (Side of Unit) MKlsUi) D/ 5/21/01 $AM Page 4 POWER SOURCES BATTERY INSTALLATION Open the battery compartment and insert four (4) "AA" size batteries (noi included) following the polarity diagram. Pu! the battery compartment cuvsr back Into place, BATTERY PRECAUTIONS Fabflmwawlhmwhm using bans- in Hide/u: 1. u“ an, m size and rypsnihanuiss spsdfiad. 2. Be wr‘ in human maximum-[mu hex-ling in mm a India-ind In me [away comp-mm. Ravalsad batteries my wussdsmne in ma denim. 3, Do "m min differs!“ (was mhmm mom“ (mg, AikaHnl m cam-zinc) or old ham-nu wim huh ones. 4. "mama mlmbauudfurabmpsrbdmfinmmrvmemebahefissinprevmt damagsu‘ mm m pmlhlfi ban-q iii-kayo. 5. De now-y to mzharg- mam um launder: 10 ha yum-mum unyunumunam mum, (Pam binary manuiachln’s tedious) DC JACK - {EM To use this unit with (he provided AC adapter having SV and a positive center pin, Insert the AC adapter’s piug inlo (he DCGV jack @ on the unit and the omer and into an AC outlet The batteries will be AC O‘me' disconnected when the AC adapter is connemd. AC Adapter mueou D/M.QxD 5/21/01 $AM Page 5 OPERATION TO TURN THE UNIT OFF TO TURN THE UNIT ON Press and hold the POWER button for 1 second: the unll wlll beep and the Power/Vex indicator erI light green. Press and hold the POWER button for 1 second; the unlt wlll beep end the Power/Vex indlcfllorwlll turn all. T0 ADJUST THE VOLUME If there are no transmissions (or 2 ascends, the unil will automatically switch to standby mode (cllspls/y wlll tum ofl), whlch wlll save batteries (if used). when a trflnemleelan Is received orlfyou attempt to send a transmission, the display wlll tum beck rm. T0 SELECT A CHANNEL Tn adjust the volume, press the CHANNEL/VOLUME Up or Down bulbs" unlil the dsslred level (1 lo 16) appears In the dlsplayv To select a channel, press the MENU button 0 once and the dleplay wlll hllnkl Wlthln 7 seconds, press the CHANNEL! VOLUME Up or Dawn butten' until the deslred channel (1 lo 14) appears in the display. Press the ENTER/LOCK button Q when dons, Ja— manna c/ 5/21/01 $104 Page 6 OPER ON (CON UED TO SET THE BEEF TO TRANSMIT Thls option wll dalannlne whether ur not a beep Is heard after each hullon press. Press the MENU human (I lwlce and [he display wIlI eilher show "b" or “-". Wlthln 7 secnnds‘ press the CHANNEL/ VOLUME Up or DW" human 9 to turn the beep on ('b' will appear In To transmil. press and hold llle TALK bullan and speak Into the buIIl-ln mauphons (or-the external mlm'oghone‘ If connected). when lhe TALK button is pressed, the Transmll Indicator wIII light and the speaksr will be muledl When me TALK button Is released, the listener wIlI hears beep lo comm the dlsplay), or an r:- will appear). Press The ENTER/LOCK human 0 You are 4°"? speaklng. when done. TO MONITOR TO SEND A CALL TONE Thls lunctlon wIlI unmute the speaker/dlsable Auto Squelch as long as It Is pressedr Thls ls useful to hear signals mm are too weak to be rewgnimd or to adjust the volume to background nolss, To munllor, slmply press and hold me MONITOR button. This luncliun wIII send a dlsflnotlve tone to users who are tuned lo the same channel as your unil. The users you are trylng to reach wlll remgnlze your dleflmtlve call tmel To send a cell tone, simply press the CALL button once. LISTENGTOTRANfiMSSIONS MKleoo O/M.QXD 8/21/01 ¢m Page 7 OPERATION (CONTINUED) TO LOOK CONTROL KEYS When the unll Is an. it wlll automatically broadcast the incoming signal when a strung incoming signal Is received an the selected channeL Thls function will lock the CHANNELNOLUME UplDuwn 0 and the MENU 9 buttons. To activate, press and hold "is ENTER/LOCK bulton 0 for 2 seconds} the Hull WIII been and "L." wll briefly appear In the dispiay. Tc deactivate, press and main ma ENTER/LOCK human 0 for 2 seconds: the unit will been and “—' wII briefly appear In the dispiny. VDX (vows ACTWATION) This unit Is equipped with Aula Squelch, which will automatically mule weak transmissions and unwanted nelsei Auto Squslch can be lemporarlly turned all using the MONITOR button (see To MONITOR section on the previous page) Voice antlvatlan will allow you to h‘lsnnmnsrrfl while imam pir innds inf otnur tasks, Frau the AUTO bmhn; ma vox indium- will lam mi. The“ whenever the unlt dated; a sound or voles. It will uutcmaucaiiy imnsmh. To snul lhls fiirfliun M, rims mu NJTO human awl"; the PM! vox 1mm Id1t gem. MK1Bao 0/ 3/21/01 ¢AM Page a OPERATION (CONTINUED) CONNECTING EARPHONE/HEADPHONES: For privale lislening. you can conned an earphone or headphones WIlh a 1/B-Inch plug to the MICIEARPHONE Jack on the side of the unil. This aummeiicalry disconnects the internal speaker. Adjust lo a dsslred volume level, but do nol adjust |he voiume loo high to avoid damage to your hearing. CONNECTING A MICROPHONE: Connect a micmphone with a 1/B4nch plug In the MIC! EARPHONElack on the slde of the unII. This automallcally disconnects the inlemal microphone. FREQUENCY RANGE: FRS CHANNEL CHANNEL FREQUENCY (MHZ) 1 462.5625 2 462.5675 3 462.61 25 4 462.6375 5 462.6625 6 462.6875 7 462.7125 5 457.5625 9 467.5875 10 467.6125 11 487.6375 12 467.6625 13 467.6875 14 467.7125 —$— muson o/nmm 3/11/01 $5" 719: 9 1 SPECIFICATIONS FREQUENCY: Frequency ............................. 462 - 467 MHz RECEIVER: Sensltlvity (12 db signal). . . . .025 W Max aufilo output @1OTHD . 320 mW Max SIN ratio @1mV RF Inpu . . 40 dB Squelch sensitivity ........... 0.2 W Audln frequency response (300Hz13000Hz) . . 110 dB Adjacent channel rejection. . . . 50 dB lntsrmodulatlon rejection . . . SCI dB Spurious response rejecth . . TRANSMITTER: Effective radiated power. . . .'S20 mw 4 Carrier frequency stablllly . 1:1 KHz Modulation IImitlng . . 2.5 KHz Garner attack time. ., . 30 ms Audio frequenql response (300H7J3000Hz) . . 210 «15 Audio dlstortion .. ..3% Hum and noise. . 30 dB POWER SUPPLY Butterylife( 1:1:6 Ratio). Batteries (4 X 1.5V ‘AA" . Speclfloeflons are subject to change without notice. 449— MKlaoo o/M.QXD 8/21/fl1 ¢AM Pug! 10 FOR ADDITIONAL SET-UP DR OPERATING ASSISTANCE, PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.MEMCORPINC.COM OR CONTACT GUSTOMER SERVICE AT 1-800-8194641 PLEASE KEEP ALL PACKAGING MATERIAL FOR AT LEAST 90 DAYS IN CASE YOU NEED TO RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO YOUR PLACE OF PURCHASE OR MEMOREX. FOR PARTS AND ACCESSORIES, CONTACT FOX INT'L AT 1-800-321-6993. 10 Mmsoo 0/ 5/21/01 55$AM Page 11 Memcorp, Inc. Weston, FL Printed in Hong Kong Visit our website at ZBM~ZBZ1 17134 FROM MUSICRL ELECTRONICS LTD TD 27411693 P21 BM >_ _ ' : _fi77"/ ”ff-f: JOZCE ww ' URGENT . 74" " $437), /7G/z 4411-7“, ,c‘ 4— 774“ n]: U/VW?/~u Mdch 44/2745; x4“ ”T’ 0774 _J PQ A’éfifl’lflk‘ Aa/i' //*-‘V PL err/oy‘; [Qwfirz FL fi’f/J. ffwaL é/ymzu 4/44, . 2—441, SAFETY INFORMATION Vuur wired-n hum-Mm portable "man-Ivar canlnlm a low power inns-mm. man In Fuh-in-Tnlk (P'l'l’) human I; pushud. K undl mt Mnfiumlnny (RF) alum». mm In authoriud w opnruh nx l nuly mm: mm wad Sm. In Mme-t 1B“. in Fad-rd mammal-mm Communal (FOG) Mound HF nxpouurn Mme mm safety Inval- hrhand-hlld wit-ill d-vbea, 1M MINT : Tu malnuln myllum with flu FDC': NF W fifiavymv nihrgndqnfnrmulasn Inch (mic-01mm") {in-M mammal van-Mm“ amnnp palm-d up an ”Mum-u lymwnnhu film-(mmbodymu-m ‘ [figs-my, ut- nnlyme Mudml Bunnie: LtdAauppm hall Hip M lax-ma ma mur- an: m "115an I: as least 1 me. (as WM mm ynur body when “naming. Us. only lips up“ nut-uni. Upmmulnd mun. mdumlunl. or m: mulls could damage the msmlner and mly vlularu Fcc fidulllfim. WARNING : Minimum tn his null or mplncsmenl 01 any manner wimflzm, llrrdeendumr, m.) to am unit that amid mun In a . vlnlmfi'nv "in. “Nfi‘rEtTNinqnlm-m hau Noni-mum lam-dun mlymmo lnflh M I clu- 8 manual “vino, pumumnn PM 15 afm- FCC Hum. These Ilmnsaru mum's provide mmuhlu pmwanqmmmnnm him-ma In a mmmlll Install-Mm. TN- nqulpmnm gaunt-ma, use: and m manta rude lmqunnay unergy and. n mi Inn-lad and used In accordan- wflh mu Inwwnru. may ems: hum-NI [medal-am h ladle mmunlflflunn. Haww-nmar- lam gunman mlmrf-mn wmnnlocmrlnl pumulnr hstauafion. I! ml: aqulpnum don: can“ hum“ Inuflmnu In mllu or mm run-paw, whim cm be dmmlmd by mmlng ma wlpmnnt u" and on. th- unv In nnnaurlgod ta by to mouth- Inn-funne- by on: or mar- 01 m- anwlnu mausum: a mom.“ or "mm m- nuwhn anminl. El hclnn m sum-flan ham-an m- lquipn-m and nedvcl. n comm m tqllpmlfll m w umln on - own-m dlflmam 1mm um “I wmm m- m is mum-u. 3 El Cmuull the am.- at in “mm mic/w "causew- lor mlu. Mwmlmlhlw! ‘ ‘ “MM.I1"M \ x 1'an n m
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