NEC of America KMP6G1D1-1A Dual-Band Tri-Mode Analog/PCS Phone (AMPS/TDMA) User Manual

NEC Corporation of America Dual-Band Tri-Mode Analog/PCS Phone (AMPS/TDMA) Users Manual


Users Manual

Download: NEC of America KMP6G1D1-1A Dual-Band Tri-Mode Analog/PCS Phone (AMPS/TDMA) User Manual
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Document ID51641
Application IDdcRaNXWcHnw1Ct2ih249wg==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize202.89kB (2536114 bits)
Date Submitted1999-08-03 00:00:00
Date Available1999-09-21 00:00:00
Creation Date1999-07-07 15:29:55
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in
Document Lastmod1999-07-07 15:31:19
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 3.0 Scan Plug-in

D Talk NEX 2600
Owner’s Manual
lnl'lal Dram June ‘0, 1999
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Gettlng Starts
Phone Activatlon
Phone Salety & Perlormanoe
NEC Authentic Aeoessorles'“ .....
Connecting & Diswnnecting the Battery
Charging the Battery
NiCd and NiMH Battery Charging T
Voice Mail Messaging 5. Text M
Phone Password A
Phone Layout
Display Icon
Menu Tree Overview
Menu Navigation '
Chapter 2: Baal
Turning On Ph-
Placing a Ca ,
Ending a Call..
Answering a Call
Adjusting Earpieoe Volume
Adjusting Keypad Volumet
Accessing and Navigating Menus
Setting Ringer Volume
Selecting RingerType
Viewing Your Phone Number
Retrieving Voioe Mail
Retrieving Text Messages.
Using the Phone Book A
Setting the Time and Date
chapter 3: Menus
Menu Navigatlo
Maln Menu.
1. c.“ Logs
Dialed (Calls Log)
Received (Calls Log
Missed (Calls Log) .
Air Tlme . . .
Clear Call Logs & Air Time Countert
2. Phone Boo
Add to Phone
View by Name.
View by Location ,
View by (Phone) Numbe
Locking the Phone Book
Clearing the Phone Book
Table 01 Contents
3. Message...
Voice Messages
Text Message
Text Message
SMS Menu
Clear All Text Message
Store As Voice Mail Number
A1 7
4. Settlngm... .17
Lock . . .18
Auto Lock ,18
Set (Change) Password .18
Call ...... .18
Any Key Answer .18
Analog/Digital c .18
DTMF Length“. .19
Transmi 20
Text - 20
Hall 0 ' 20
Word W J 20
Sort Order 21
Audio 21
Fling volume 21
Fling type , 21
Escalating a e 21
Network 22
Voice Privac 22
Select System 22
Select Phone Number 23
Clock 23
Set Clock. 23
Set Alarm, Auto On, Auto Of! 23
Environment 24
One-Touch D ng. 24
Fixed Dlglt Dialing 24
Language 25
Wakeup Message 25
Handslree 25
Handslree 25
Backlight,, 26
Auto Answer 26
Fleset Settingst 26
5. Lock/Unlock Keypad 26
6. Sllenl Mode... 27
1 Non Pub(llc) Mode 27
Acquire New System 27
Search for System“ 25
View Stored Systemst M23
Table of Contents
& Dlglh Edltlng
Manual Pause
Auto Pause.
Link lo Phone Book
Safety Precautions
Phone Perlormence
Technical Inform '
Battery Care 8-
Chapter 1: Gettlng Started
Phone Actlvatlon
Beiore you can use your new NEC cellular ie phone. the phone
must be activated by a cellular service pro r, Please contact
your local cellular service provider for a estlone regarding
Phone activation,
Phone Safety & Perform
Prior to operating your cellular pho
thoroughly including Chant
mance' on page 32A
ease read this manual
4: saiety a Perlor-
NEC Authentic ‘ ' ,
NEC recommend . Authentic Accessories with
your cellular phon . 4 mum quality periormance,
- by a rechargeable battery (See ‘Battery
- age 35 ior important battery inlormation.)
To connect th — v y to your phone. piece the grooved end ol
the battery age , the base or the phone. Lower the battery
toward the phone to lock Into place To remove the battery,
check that the phone Is turned 0". Slide the locking latch located
above the battery upward and careiully Illt the battery away lrom
the phone
Locking Latch
Charging the Battery
A new phone battery must be iully charged belore being
used {or the first time. The phone battery can be charged
through one or two setups, During charging, the phone must be
either powered oil, or powered on but in stan y mode only, The
charging times listed below Indicate the 0 ng duration with
the phone powered on
Note: The phone can only be cherg
when the phone Is connected to a v
ever, a vehicle power adapter ls
times longer than the standard an
below. See ‘NEC Service Su- -ort' o
ordering a vehicle power ad
serum: -
reation mode
dapter; how-
charger times listed
e 36 (or Information on
setup 2: -
Plug the Ac adapter into
a standard AC electrical
outlet. insert the adapter
plug Into the charging
stand jack Place the r
phone In the charging
stand, The red LED Indi-
cater on the charging @ J
stand illuminates while \/
the bamry is charging
Nlcd and NIH" Battery
Charging Time:
40-12 hours -1.5 hours
45 hours ~ 2 hours
Voice Mail Messaging at Text Messaging
Voice mail messaging and text messaging services. when avaIIA
able. are provided by your cellular service provider. Belore you
can receive either voice or text messages with your phone. you
must subscribe to these cellular service provider optionet Con-
tact your cellular service provider tor Inlormatlon on availability
and setup at these services See ‘Volce Messages" on page 14
and “Text Messages" on page 15 tor Information on retrieving
Phone Password
When your phone Is activated. it 4-dlgit password Is programmed
Into the unit, The password locks and unlocks your phone. and
provides access to restricted phone settings. Check with your
cellular service provider lor information on your security pass-
Phone Layout
Phone Line Art IIIu tion
N 0! Yet Avai
Volume key:
su Modc Dis
mam-ll?" ”Tm S/ulemm
5mm. Area
Phone Keys
Call in qume Displlly
Ewamlzlo with Plum
Opemtglrelon ll D; it's! Voice
. nno w n
Mwhmo — Digital cm cmnnel
Display Icons
SAW mummnmm
Dignal or Banefy Charge
m °' El Analog Channel . Indicator (fully
In use charged status
m B Home or Roam shown)
°’ system Service "I" Cellular Signal
In use ' Strengltl
Roam System Battery Charging In
E °’ E A or B In Use E Progress
a Phone Full Lock
wow Selling mm“,
d 0°" '“ ”WW 5 Phone Penis! Lock
Senlng Mill/aim
a Voice Mail Message Alarm Clock Semng
Received {in Acllvated
E Tm Message — In Standby, Keypad
Received B Volume Adjusted:
During Conversa-
l|0fl. Earplsce
Volume Adjusted
Menu Tree Overvlew
“mm...“ m...
mm.“ mm."
mew...“ m...
i...a"'“" ”new...“
W‘ ‘N zrmw’
u... wmmmuw
"m..." ...,...vm.....m..,
s m
7” "WW iAaqulnn-ww'
a min Idling n| M”. I“
1 um mm
1 Al um-
: limb
a Phone mu , N,
[2 Dem-l
z "meek
e cmxmm your 0.“qu my». men tor mun-w um uMce.
. ow mum-mm- ml. uud mu. Inn-lime m.
c uu-xnmnw-wunwmueumnm,
Menu Nevlgetlon Keys
Key Actlon Key Aztlan
Display Main Menu ® Exit amt menu and
or select a flashing return to standby
menu or submenu state display
© Scroll to view entire @ Press to return to
menu and next higher menu
submenu contents. level: press and hold
to return to standby
mode display.
Chapter 2: Basic Operations
Turning On Phone
Press and hold the @ key tor approximate
turn on the phone,
two seconds to
Standby M -
Once the phone is powered on, the phone enters the standby
mode. (The above screen illustration depicts the phone In
standby mode.) The standby mode remains displayed until a call
is placed or received, a menu is accessed. or the phone is pow-
ered ott.
Signal Strength
The cellular signal ls indicated on the display as I'll" with the
maximum of six bars indicating a strong signal. Although you
can use the phone without extending the phone antenna.
extending the antenna can Increase the strength of the received
cellular signal,
Battery Charge Indicator
The battery charge indicator 1.) shows the charge level of the
battery, When the battery charge drops to a low level. the phone
displays the tollowlng warnin massa e:
While displaying the recharge notification, the phone also
sounds a double beep up to six times at tO-second Intervals
The phone then automatically powers on See “Charging the
Battery' on page 2.
Placing a Call
With the phone in the standby mode key In the telephone num-
ber and press.. The phone Icon (1) appears indicating the
Phone Is In use
ress 63 once to
to erase all at
It you make a mlslake entering a phone
delete the last entered digit, of press
the entered (llgltsI
Ls ® to access the
: deslred phone number.
With the phonein the slanuby m
phone book, use theG) key 0 local:
and press 6.
. phone as a notepad or scratchpao
- bet prowldeo to u Once lhe call‘ In
» a you press to terminate the call, u
: ratchpao phone number by pressing
ers lrom Scratchpao to the Phone Book' on
Endan a Call
Press ‘. Note that it you are within lhe menu system (see
“Menu Nevrgation" on p 9), pressan .once only exits the
menu system; pressing Q lwlce returns the phone to the
standby mode and ends the call.
Answering a Cell
When the phone rings. press to answer the call.
ll caller Identification ls available in your area, the phone number
and/or name ol the lnoomlng call may be dlsolayed when the call is
receiveot Contact your cellular service provider on the availability
of caller identification
it call waiting is available in your area, the phone sounds a tone
during a call In progress m indium a second call is incoming, To
answer the incoming call. press 6; press 6 again to return to
the initial call in progress Contact yourcellular service provider on
the availability ol cell waiting.
lithe any key answer setting Is turned on. any key exoept ® or
G) can be pressed to answer an Incoming call. See any Key
Answer“ on page 184
The type and volume 0! the incoming call ringer alert can be
adlusted, See “Selewng Ringer ”Iype“ on page 7 and ‘Setting
Ringer Volume" on page 7A
Adjusting Earpiece Volume
The scroll key can be used to adjust the earpiece volume during
a phone call With a call In progress, press© Io increase or to
decrease the earpiece volumet
Adiusting Keypad Volume
The scroll key located can be used I
With the phone in the standby st
© to increase or to decrease the ke
The phone menus c
pressing ., tn @
. -n
raI menu selections. additional usage Inlor-
. ion Is provided to assist you with making the
.ppropriate selection. These helpiul usage tips are
Identified with the marker shown on the ieltt
Setting Ringer Volume
The incoming c ri gar v e can be set to one oi live set-
tingst Press The ring volume menu appears
with the currently selected ring volume setting flashing on the
display. The available settings are t lor mlnlmum, 2 lor low, a for
medium, 4 for high, and 5 tor on (no ringert Press the corre-
spondlng number lor the desired rIn er volume setting, The
phone rings your selection, Press to save your selection
and exit the ring volume menut
Selecting Ringer Type
The incoming call ringer alert can be set to one at lour selec-
tions, Press n... The ring type menu appears
with the currently selected ringer selection flashing on the dis-
play The available settings aret 2 3 and 4 Press @
. . . EEG-3 or @ to hear the selected setting The
phone rings your selection Press . to save the selected set-
ting and exit the ring type menut
Viewing Your Phone Number
To view the phone number oi your cellular phone. press @
with the phone In the standby mode, The phone number appears
on the bottom line at the display tor approximately three sec-
Retrieving Voice Mail
It voice mail service is available through you cellular provider.
you can easll retrieve your voice mail me gee by pressing
and holding with the phone in the mode, It the
voice mail retrieval phone number h
phone. the phone number ls auto
cellular service provider Ihstructi Ice me retrieval.
ble through your cellular pro-
messages received In your
phone by pres ‘ with the phone In the standby
mode, See . . s" on page 15.
phone number e rles are stored. the phone book is at your lin-
gertlps tor easy dialingt To dial a phone number stored In the
phone book, press @ with the phone In the standby mode to access
phone book , Use the© key to locate the desired phone number and
press@t To add‘ view, edit. or delete phone book entries, see
“2 Phone Book‘ on page 11.
Setting the Time and Date
To access the clock menu Ior setting the correct time and date,
press The current time and date settings are
displayed. Key In the correct hour; press © Key In the correct
minutes; press © Press to select either am, or p,m. Key
In the correct month by entering in the corresponding number
trom I through 12 tor the desired month: press©t Key in the
correct day at the month Irom I through at; press©. It the cor-
rect year is displayed, press ® to save the clock entry and to
exit the clock menu. (Note that to enter the date “February 29"
during a leap year, the year must be entered belore the day.) It
the correct year is not displayed, key in the corresponding tour
digits of the correct year, and press to save the time and
date settings‘ and to exit the clock menut
Chapter 3: Menus
Menu Navigation
The phone contains menus and submenus to access and select
the phone settings, You can navigate thro all menus and sub-
menus by using the© key to scroll thr menu listings,
pressing the assigned menu umbe the keypad or by press~
Ing @ when the desired rn
Vou can return to t isplayed menu by pressing
@, You can re y display by pressing or
You can ~
submenu n
are provided to
Main Menu I’l
The main menu contains all at the menu and submenu settings.
With the phone in the standby mode, the main menu can be
accessed and displayed by pressing .. The main menu is dis-
played below.
s menus by using the assigned menu and
shortcuts. Note that the menu shortcuts
.ch menu and submenu.
to scroll through
and view the entire
Main Menu
I Book
: Mode
.Non Pub
, Editing
I Phone
Menu shortcut
1. Call Logs
Wlth the phone In the stench mode, the Call Log Menu can be
accessed by pressing “. The call Log Menu is displayed
Dialed (C
Your pho at up to 20 of the last phone num-
bers you w the list oi the last 20 outgoing calls.
press . Scroll through the contents oi the dialed
phone number lo- by presslng©. Press to dlel a displayed
phone number2 in the log or press ‘to exit the dlaled phone
number log.
Menu Shortcut
Reoelved (Cells Log) I @@@j
Your phone maintains a list oi up to 20 oi the test Incoming calls
you ceivedt To view the Ilst oithe last 20 inoomlng calls, press
‘. Scroll through the contents oi the received
phone number log by presslng©. Press to dlal a displayed
phone number2 in the log or press .to exit the received
phone number Iogt
Menu Shortcut
Missed (Calls Log)|
Your phone malntalns a list 01 up to 20 oi the last Incomlng calls
view the llst oi the last 20 unanswered calls.
.'l Scroll through the contents oi the missed
phone number log by presslng©. Press to dial a dlspleyed
phone number2 in the log or press .to exit the mlssed phone
number Iogt
1. ii the dialed, received of mm phone number log does not con-
uinae any mll linoimelion, no phone ham-no ine eall log menu
umeins dlopleyed when an unempt tom the log It made.
2. When e phone numretoiea in a can log isviewed, onty the leel
weighs the pnone humbereie alepleyea; then a mximum
or 15 dtqits ere retnlned in memory. All elqiie at a phone number
stored in a can low In aiepleyed end alelee when 8 ie preeud.
.1 o.
Menu Shortcut
AerIme @ @
Your phone automatically maintains a log oi the total air time
e usage In your
n 1-l' tor home
service provider (Indicated with a
played, Press ®to exit the air a
Menu Shortcut
C unter @-
the call logs and the air time
Clear Call Logs '
The phone numb
usage log can be
clear the
phone num f D to clear the missed phone number log,
to clear time log. or. to clear all oi the logsl
Press @ for Yes. Press ®or ®to exit the call log clear
Menu shortcut
2. Phone Book @@
With the phone in the standby mode, the Phone Book Menu can
be accessed by pressing .@ The Phone Book Menu is
displayed below.
hone Book
| h an e l to View ihe entire
:3.Uieu by : PhoneBookMenu
:4.Uiew be
1 number
Phone Book
lPhone Book-
_____ -_--¢
Menu shortcut
Add to Phone Book .@
To add a phone number to the phone book, press @@
Enter the phone number you want to add to the phone book and
press . Use the keypad to enter a na ssociated with the
phone number. By repeatedly pressing he characters
erect with any
recter. Press @ to
G] blank spaces
G e MNO mno ®® Auto Pause (indicated by ','t
E 7 PQRS pore ©® Manuel Pause (indicated by m
Alter the name Is entered, press .. Press @ again to
accept the displayed (next available) speed dial location, or
specliy another speed dial location and press .. Note that il
you enter another speed dial location instead oi accepting the
displayed next available location, a phone book entry currently
stored In the epeciiied location could be overwritten and deleted.
Ii you went to add a phone number from a call log to your phone
book, displgtne call log entry containing the deslred phone num-
ber, Press to access the phone book menut Press @ to add
the number to the phone book and iollcw the steps described in
“Add to Phone Book' on page 12.
During a call, you can use your phone as a soratchpad to record e
phone numban Once the call in progress is ended. you can either
dial the stratchpad phone number (see “Dialing a phone number
on scratchpad' on page 6) or you can store the scratchped num-
ber to the phone back. With the strawhpad phone number dis-
played, press ©®® .As promoted. entera name and complete
the phone book addition followan the steps described above,
The phone book entries can be recalled using the name stored
with the phone number, the speed dial location number, or the
phone number itsell.
.1 2.
VI b N Menu Shortcut
ew y ame @..
To recall a phone book entry by name, press ..@.
Enter the first Ietter(e) oi the desired phone book entry name
and press @. ll necessar , press the© key to locate the
phone book entry Press ® to dial the
press ® to exit the phone book.
View by Location I
To recall a hone book entry the
press@ .. Entert ' n
Press @ to dial the
phone book menut
d dlal location number,
her and press ..
press to exit the
Menu Shortcut
View by mber ®..
To recall k entry by the phone number, press
©®m : ne lirst numberts) at the desired phone
number and pr . Ii necessary, press the© key to locate
the phone book entry, Press to dial the phone number or
press to exit the phone book,
Menu shortcut
Locking the Phone Book
Your phone book can be secured to prevent the contents trom
being altered or vleweo. Locking your phone book also safe-
guards egalnst the contents being accidentally erased.
To restrict access to your phone book, press .@.. As
prompteo. enter your 4-dlglt -esewordt Press for no restric-
tions on your phone book m to restrict the phone book con-
tents to vlew only, or to completely restrict access to the
phone book, Press to exlt the phone book menut
Menu Shortcut
Clearing the Phone Book] ©@.
The phone book contents can be completely erasedt To erase
the contents, press @@. As prompted, enter your 4-
dlgltpessword, Press@ to clear your phone book, Press@
to exit the phone book menu,
.1 3.
Menu Shortcut
3. Message @.
The Message Menu can be accessed by pressing @. The
Message Menu is displayed below.
1. .Uoi ce
a view the entire
, Message Menu
Your phone can receive voice and text messages. Contact your
cellular service provider for inlormation and availability ol voice
and text messaging
Voice Messages
When you receive a voice mall message. the loilowing notiiica-
tion displays:
“an Have Um Neil
To retrieve your voice mail immediately. press®, Ii your voice
mail number has been stored in your phone (see "Store As Voice
Mail Number” on page 17), the voice mail system phone number
Is automatically dialed, Follow your cellular service provider
instructions tor accessing your voice mail and checking your
ii you do not wish to retrieve a voice mail message immediately,
press .4 The voice mail notillcetlon Is removed lrom the dis-
play; however, with the phone in the standby state. the voice
mail icon (5) and the number oi voice mail messages appear
on the display. It the voice mail phone number Is stored in your
phone, you can retrieve messa-es at any time by pressing and
or pressing m
Menu Shortcut
Text Messages @..
When you receive a text message, your phone sounds an alert
and displays a notification. The alert and the displayed notifica-
tlon vary depending on the type at received t xt message. The
types ol text messages, the displayed notii‘ ions, and the
alerts are shown below.
Duel tone alert; repeated
three times.
Urgent Dual tone aim; repented
two times.
Dual lone alert: repeated
es on. time.
Dual tone alert: mm
on- time.
>oc< in dispilyed notification oaualsth. actual numb-rot messages received.
To view your text messageis) Immediately, press ., The first
new message ls displayed within the text message viewer, Use
© to scroll through each line oi the message. (See ‘Text Mes-
sage Vlewel" on page Is tor additional information on navigating
within text messages.) The end oi a text message Is Indicated by
the toilowlng displayed notation:
fit * 5k * * it tit ik St ’|<
sic N 5 G E N D ale
30! * * at ’t‘ ll‘ * it ”t 5k
The viewing order that text messages are displayed can be
selected. (See “SMS Menu" on page Is for iniormalion on
selecting message sort order.) It the sort order setting Is based
on message urgency, message types are displayed in the lollow-
Ing descending order: emergency, urgent, normal, and bulk.
Note that th mrtordereppllos to unrea and road
plrfltll .AII am no melu an die
nm- pproprlat con order, dihenp e~
viously mo mosngn are displayed.
Ii ou do not wish to view a text message immediately, press
. The text message notlilcatlon Is removed lrom the display;
however, when the phone is In the standby mode, the text mes-
sage Icon (5a) and the number oi received unread text mes-
sages remain displayed until the text messages are view You
can view text messages at any time by pressing @..
Text Message Viewer
Text messages are displayed within the text message viewer.
The loilowing keys can be used to navigate and operate within
the text message viewer.
Scrolls up or down through text v sages line-by-
® ® ©®®©
entage of text message
= the number ol unread and
en exits the text message
> message vimn
sms Menu
The SMS (sh ssaglng service) Menu within the text mes-
sage viewer co .Ins text messaging options such as locking
or unlocking a message. deleting a massage. displaying more
or less message details. and displaying text messages based
on message urgency or arrival time.
1- L0“ vwm atext message displayed. press“ to
a lock 3 message; the lock indicator it?!) appears on
the top line at the text messa e indicating the mes-
sage is locked, Press 96 @ m unlock the mes-
sage. Note that a locked message cannot be
deleted using the SMS menu delete message selec-
hon: locked messages can only be deleted through
the Message Menu (©EDEDE) page 14.
2 $919“ With a text message displayed. press 0.:
9 press @ to delete.
3 ' DEF“ With a text message displayed, press @@ to
m "5° display a more detailed message header (includes
di m the time and date the text message Is sent and
received): press again to display a less
detailed message header (Includes only the time
and date the text message Is received).
With a text message displayed:
4 501 be ~ Press to display the text messages
"955599 by message urgency (see page 15 for inter-
“m mutton on message types and sort order),
5.511 be . Press“ to displath oldest mxt
dds-st. messages tlrst.
mssag e
6 by ~ Press @@ to display the newest text
so l‘ t messages first.
messes e
Menu shortcut
Clear All Text Messages I ©.@
Text messees stored in your phone can be deleted. Press
©.‘. Press to delete all text messages stored in
your phone or press @ to delete only in
sages stored in your phone. Press
locked text mes-
lext messages menu.
Store As Voice Mail
The voice mail sysie - umber can be stored into your
» - an - asliy retrieved by pressing and
k ”GEL To store the voice mall tele-
Press @ or to exit the store es voice mall number set-
Menu Shortcut
4. Settings 3.33:
The Settings Menu can be accessed by pressing... The
Settings Menu is displayed below.
|3.Text. I
: Message:
.4.F|udio |
:5.Netuork :
.6.Cloek I
to scroll through
and view the entire
Settings Menu
'? .Envi ron-
, went.
'8 nHandFree
:9 .Reset.
| settings
Menu Shortcut
Lock 0@@
M nu Shortcut
' when It Is
ne, press enter the
. and press @ tor unlock,
4-dlglt passw ,
Press to
, entsf DESSA
, Press @ to exit the lock menu.
Menu Shortcut
$6! (CM e) Password @@ @
The Avoigit password used to access all secured menu
selections and to lock the phone can be changed. Press
. As prompted, enter the current 4-digii
password and then enter the desired new 4-digit password,
Press .t The phone automatically resets and powers on
again. The new password must now be entered to access
secured menu settingsl
Menu Shortcut
ea" em.
Menu Shortcut
Any Key Answer
With the any key answer setting activated, any key except
and n be pre ed to answer the phone, Press
©.. Press to set any key answer to on
or press to set any key answer to On. When set to On,
you can answer a call with any key except or @
Menu Shortcut
Analog/Digital Cell Type
Your olgital phone operates on either a digital or an analog
system control channel, As shown in “Phone Layout" on
page a, the current system control channel Is Indicated on
the standby mode display by the [i Icon tor digital or the El
icon tor analogl Even when your phone Is operating on a
digital control channel, the voice channel your phone uses
each time a call Is either sent or received also can be either
digital or analog. (See the lollowing paragraph ior inlorma-
tion on the use oi digital and analog voice channels. To
channel type, press @@@é,
select the
then press tor digital call type or ”J ior analog call
type. The call type/voice channel c : in use tor the call
in progress Is Indicated on the . ' by the E Icon
for digital voice channel on , for an 09 voice
. .
e eeieciion eet to digi-
. ie we e ohennel, no avail-
eceive eiie. it e diqhal voice
lbl your phone then eutorneti-
ioq voice onennet
nnei/cell type selection set to ana-
r phone only um an onion voice channel to
< reoelue calls. The restricted use oi enei
c neie is necemry it you ere ueinp e PC -
eta nierteoe com with your phone to send tac-
t Oi communicate via modem. Note the!
ting on en enelog voice channel consumes the
A battery power ei e teeter rete then operetlno on
digital voioe ohennei.
For optimum muite eno periorrnence, you can eet
your phone to the dlgital cell type eeieotion and tree
the eneiog call type eeiection, ee needed, tor use with
a data interiece card.
Menu Shortcut
DTMF Length @...
Your phone can transmit tones. reierred to as DTMF tones,
when the keys oi the phone are pressed. These tones allow
your phone to successiuily communicate with automated
telephone services such as banking transactions and credit
card inquiries You can set your phone to transmit short
tones or long tones, (Sea the iollowing paragraph ior addi-
tional iniormatlon on short tone use and long tone use). To
select the length at the tone, press @@@.
Press to select the short tone setting or press 6“) to
select the long tone setting. Press to exit the DTMF
length menu.
You con etc a mo utonietea eyeteme by setting
your phone othe (hon tone eeleotion. it you experi-
once any problem communicating with an eutomeieo
system, set the DTMF length to ion and vent that
the oepeoiiity to transmit tones tn the toilow ng
menu selection, Trenentii DTMF To e is turned on.
Note that you must preee eno hold e ey, up to a niex-
imum oi three eeoonde, totrenernit a long tone.
Beuuee transmitting long tones can reeuli in slower
oieilno. you can eet your phon to the short ione
eeleotion and only use the iono tone ctlon. as
Menu shortcut
Transmit DTMF Tone Q..@
For your phone to successlully transmit tones. as described
In ‘Transmit DTMF Tone' on page 20, ior accessing auto-
mated telephone systems, the capabi o transmit tones
must be turned an. (See the follow“ agraph lor addi-
tional information on setting to To select the
made you can usually at an
’ F tone transmit selection to 0". Il
(h. phone wretchpad teature lees ‘Dialing e
. her on wratchpad' on page 5) to key in a
her durin all i 10 rm. you can lurn
DTMF selection‘ at a ,to avoid generat-
diblo lanes um can a. disruptive during a
e conversation.
Menu Shortcut
Text Message I ©..
Menu Shortcut
Roll Off Order was.
As described In ‘Text Messages" on page 15, your phone
can receive text messages it text messaging service Is
available through your cellular service provider. When the
phone text message storage Is lull and more text messages
are delivered, existing messages are automatically replaced
with the new messages. The order in which the existing
messages are replaced, relerred to as roll all order, can be
selected based on message arrival time or message
To select the ll order l messages. press
Press lor existing messages to be
replaced based on time and date or message receipt (oldest
messages replaced llrst) or press lor messages to be
replaced based on message urgency classification (with
messages labeled urgent replaced last). Press to exit
the roll all order menu.
Menu shortcut
Word Wrap m@
The display at words within received text messages can be
changed using the word wrap setting. The word wrap setting
allows you to determine how text breaks within received
messages. (See the loilowing paragraph tor additional lnlor-
mation on enabling or dis biln word wrap.) To set the word
wrap selection, press ...@: press to
enable word wrap or press @ to disable word wrap.
t to enabled. the worn
' limited to words
bled usually
With the we - on not to disabled. text
menu on A zln each of the to char-
acter been . ea so. I: not restricted,
Although we! fly ell-ct uldlbllily. the
disabled usually contain
a require less scrolling.
ncomlng messa-es can be set using
= tion. Press .®.. ress
messages ilrst, or to view new messages first.
Menu Shortcut
Audlo I @..
Menu Shortcut
Ring volume ©..
The ring volume can he set to one or five settings. See “Set-
ting Ringer Volume' on page 7.
Menu Shortcut
Ring type @@..
The incoming call ringer alert can be set to one at tour sel-
tlngs. See “Selecting Ringer Type' on page 7.
Menu Shortcut
Escalating alert
The incoming call ringer alert can be set to increase in vol-
ume as the phone continues to ring. The Initial ring alert
sounds at the minimum volume level. As the phone contin-
ues to ring. the volume level escalates up to the maximum
volume levelt To set the escalating alert selection, press
.. Press @ to turn on escalating alert or
press to turn 0" escalating alert. Press to exit the
escalating alert menu,
.z1 .
Menu shortcut
Network | @@.
Menu shortcut
Voice Privacy l...’
Voice privacy is an enhanced secur
private. For your
rovlder's enhanced
setting in your
voice privacy selection.
voice privacy leature, tn
phone must be tu
press as to turn on voice pri»
vacy capabil ns or press to turn on
voice pr' -lIity and notification, When sending a
turne . ed voice privacy Is available through the
cellular ~ rovloar, and voice privacy security is active
tor the call progress When sending a call, lP move
is displayed ii the voice privacy selection is turned on; out
voice privacy is not available through the cellular service
provider or voice privacy security is inactive tor the call In
progress, Contact your cellular provider tor the availability
oi voice privacy,
Menu shortcut
Select System @..@
When your telephone is initially activated, your cellular ser-
vice provider programs (or instructs you to program) your
phone with system Inlormation including your telephone
number, The inlormatlon programmed Into your phone is
referred to as the Number Assignment Module or NAMA
Your cellular phone can be programmed with two dillerent
telephone numbers or NAMs. (See "Select Phone Number"
on page 23,) Note that only one phone number or NAM can
be active at one time.
During activation, your phone is also set up on your cellular
service provider’s network. The network your phone uses Is
ralarred to as the Home system. Whenever possible, your
phone accesses the Home system; however, it you are out-
side of the home cellular service area, your phone attempts
to locate an available systemt Locating an available system
Is relerred to as roaming, The call air time rate on roam sys-
terns is usually more expensive than the call air time rate on
your home system. You can, however, limit your phone’s
access to roam systems through your system selection set-
To set the system selection, press @..@.
Select one ol the lollowing system settings.
Press @ to set your system selection to standard (Home and
Roam), The Standard setting allows the ph to first search tor
an available channel in the home system a phone cannot llnd
an available channel In the home syst one searches tor
an outside or roam system The r
system type Indicator, lit or E, are
Press @ to set the sysm ome Only The Home
Only setting restricts the p r an available channel
in the home system only. ll nnot locate an available
channel in the no
until a channel
phone enters a no service status
stem is again locamd,
tem ection to system A only. The Sys-
the phone to search tor an available
or a roam system within syemm A
.V l e system selection to system B onty The Sys-
. ing restricts the phone to search for an availabte
channel In the home system or a roam system within system B
Menu Shortcut
Select Phone Number @..@
Your phone can be programmed with up to two phone num-
bers It two phone numbers are programmed into the phone,
you can select the desired hone number to use by pressing
.... Press to highlight the phone number
selection (N01 or No. 2.), Press to exit the select
phone number menu,
Menu shortcut
Clockl @@.
Menu shortcut
Set Clock ©...
The clock can be set with the time, date, and year, See
“setting the Time and Dete“ on page so
Menu shortcut
Set Alarm, Auto On, Auto Off .@@@
Your phone can be used as an alarm clock, and your phone
can be set to automatically turn on or of! at a specified time
each on To access the alarm or the auto on/olt selectlons,
mess 615-30.
Set Alarm: With the Auto On/Auto ell/Alarm setting screen
displayed. prees© until ALM is flashing; press ®. it the
alarm has been prew‘ously set, the last alarm time setting ls
automatically displayed Presser to advance to the hour field,
Key in hour. press (94 Key in minutes; (3), use @ to
specily e (tor aim.) or p (tor p.m.). G) to save the alarm
time setting and exit the set aler The alarm icon (6)
appears on the standby mod arm sounds at
the specified n‘me setting.
‘lurn ott Alarming Phone: to turn all the phone
alarm when it sounds
Deactivate Alarm P : To turn all the alarm
sedlng prior to the , e, press Q...
' ' » , ress© to cancel alarm
, Power on: With the Auto Orr/Auto
- screen displayed, press© until either ON or
= s (Q it the auto power selection has
ly . t, the last auto power setting is automati-
A Press© to advance to the hour lietdi Key in
. Key In minutes; press©i Use (E) to speclly a
. -r p (tor p.m.)i Press ® to save the auto power on
or auto power on setting and exit the menu. The phone auto
matically turns on or tums oll each day at the specified time
Deactivate Auto Povm art/Auto Power on: To deactivate
the auto power on or auto power oil setting, press
(sec-ea and presa© until either ON or OFF is flashing.
Press @ to cancel the auto power on or auto power on time:
Dress @ to eat the menu
Menu shortcut
Environment | @@@
Menu shortcut
One-Touch Dialing ®.. |
The one-touch dialing leature allows you to quickly speed
dial a phone number by pressing only one key. With one»
touch dialing turned on, phone numbers stored In phone
book locations 1 through 9 can be dialed by pressing and
holding the corresponding key on the ke -ad4 To turn on
one-touch dialing, press d®® Press E“) to
turn on the one-touch dialing selection or press to turn
till the one—touch dialing selection, See “Add to Phone
Book' on page 12 tor phone book storing inlormatlon.
Ill-nu Shortcut
Fixed Digit Dialing |.@@@
The type oi outgoing calls made from your phone can be
restricted by using llxed digit dialing. For example, the lixed
digit dialing selection can be set to 7 digits to restrict the
outgoing calls to local phone numbers. To set the fixed digit
dialing selection, press @...@ As prompted on
the display, enter the 4-dlgit password. Type in a specliled
number oi digits ior restricting outgoing ails; ior example.
~ .
press has to restrict outgoing calls i digit numbers. The
range is o to 26 digits. Press @ setting; press
The phone dis can be set to English, Spanish.
or Fre . lay language selection, press
. “sh, to
select men 5 to select French. or a to select Por-
tuguese. “ . ., The phone automatically powers oil
and then powers on again In the selected display language.
Menu Shortcut
Wakeup Message @...
A personal message. relerred to as a wakeup message. can
be stored and displayed brieily each time your phone is
turned on. To store a wakeup message, press
.@ .. Using the table under “Add to Phone
Book' on page 12. type In the message using the phone
keys. Press to save the message and exit the wakeup
message menu.
Menu shortcut
Handsfree I
The following menu selections - handsiree switch. oackllghi, and
automatic answer - can only be activated when the phone is
used with a handslree adapter.
_ Menu shorts t
Handsiree Swatch .@@
When your phone is connected to an In—vehicie handsfree
adapter. two phone leatures are available for some vehicle
installation configure n ll available, the iealures can be
activated by pressl “Ed Press
enable call alert, m to enable radio mute, or to
disable the call alert or radio mute ieature. Press to
exit the handsiree switch menu.
Menu shortcut
Backiight |..@@
When your phone is connected to an in-vehlcle handsiree
adapter. the keypad and display becklight can be set to
remain Illuminated continuously. To s the backlight set-
ting. press .@@@ > a” tor the phone
backlight to re ' nsfree contigu-
ration or press . : Q 0 exit the
becklight menu.
et tor automatic answering oi
tivate the automatic answer setting,
Q. Press to turn on automatic
Menu shortcut
The current phone selections can be cleared and reset to the
tester delault settings, To reset the phone settings, press
Reset Settings
. As prompted. enter the 4-dlglt password. Pr
@ to reset all selections to the deleult settings or pres
to maintain the current settings. Press to exit the reset set-
tings menu.
Menu shortcut
Your phone keypad can be easily and quickly locked to prevent
Inadvertent key pressing when the nhone is turned on. Press
to lock keypad; press @. again to unlock key
pad. It a key is pressed when the keypad is locked. the iollowing
message Is displayed:
Keefisd is locked. Use PENJ 5 to Unlock
Note that even with the keypad locked. you can still dial an
emergency number (such as 911) and press to call lor
emergency services.
5. Lock/Unlock Keypad
Menu Shortcut
6. Silent Mode @.
The Silent Mode Menu can be accessed by pressing @@
The Silent Mode Menu is displayed below,
. all phone alerts are
turned olf: an incnm 4 cated only by the keypad and
Inotitlcation app ' a on the
display, With the si nu displayed, pres to turn
on silent to turn on silent modet Press
to exit "1 -
Menu shortcut
7. Non ub(lic) Mode @@
The No Public Mode Menu on be accessed by pressing
@ The menu is displayed below
|2 .5ea rah l mscrali through
14-0,» Sssten' andviewmeentire
‘3 .Uieu : PrwateMoueMenu
Stored :
. Systems-
In addition to operating on a cellular network system. your
phone Is also capable oi operating on a non-public or private
telephone system, Note that the phone user must rirst subscribe
or have rights to a non-public or private telephone system to uti-
lize the following private mode menu selections - Acquire New
System. Search lor System, and View stared Systems
Menu shortcut
Acquire New System @ |
The phone automatically searches or scans for the first available
private network system by pressing 0“. The loilowing
message Is displayed:
in Prosressn
It a system is located‘ the phone returns to the standby state
with the private system‘s descriptive name or label displayed.
The private system Is now available tor use and is stored Into the
phone system database. It a system is not located, the tollowlng
message is displayed:
No Systems F
Press to exit the acquire new syst Iectlon.
Menu 8
Search for System | @
You can set your phone to m nuall
network systems by pressin
sage Is displayed:
Pess- .
displays a list at the available
It systems are Ioc
4 the list; press @ to save the
phone syste se. It no systems are located, the iollowing
message is disp yed:
N:- Ssebms Fm
Press to exit the search lor system selection.
Menu shortcut
View Stored Systems I ©..
System Inlarmation at each located private system is stored in
the phone system databa The contents 0! the database can
be viewed by lesslng m A list oi the systems is dis-
played Use to scroll through the list; press ® to exit the
database. I! there is no information stored In the database, the
tollowlng message is displayed:
DataBaee Erma Press SLR
Press @ to exit the view stored systems selection.
Menu shortcut
8. Digits Editing @@
The Digits Editing Menu can be accessed by ressing ©..
The Digits Editing Menu Is displayed below
scroll through
and View the entire
Digts Editing Menu
ms prompt you through a recorded
tor sets oi identifying numbers such as a
: mber, bank account number, or personal
identification r. You can use your phone to easily dial or
store multiple s. of numbers. for accessing automated sys»
tems. by separating the sets at digits with Indicators relerred to
as peuse marks Pause marks alert your phone to wait or pause
before sending the remaining sets of digits. There are two types
of pause marks: manual and automatic, The two types are
described below
Menu shortcut
Manuel Pause I ©@@
When entering the digits oi an automated system telephone
number and any additional strings oi numbers needed to com-
municate with the system, you can Insert manual pauses
between the sets oi digits. To enter manual pause marks, enter
In the telephone number; press @ .A P' Is displayed
eiter the phone numb Enter In the next set at digits, Ii neces-
sary, press to Insert another manual pause and
then enter in the next set oi alone when the automated system
telephone number Is dialed, your phone waits to transmit the
sets of numbers following a manual pause mark. The iollowing
message is displayed:
Press SM) For Marvel Pause Dial
As prompted by the automated system. press @ to send the
next set oi digits. Continue to press to send any remaining
sets oi digits.
Menu Shortcut
Auto Pause @@@
An automatic pause can be inserted between sets ol digits in a
similar manner as manual pauses. To enter automatic iause
marks. enter In the telephone number; pres 69229 A
(comma) is displayed alter the phone nu r. Enter in the next
set ol digitst il necessary, Press Insert another
automatic pause and then enter In
the automated system telephone
welts approximately three seconds
mark and then automatioall
Link to Phone
Il the total numb. — to access an automated tele-
ch automatic pause
remaining sets at dig-
phone system exce e me mum 26 digits that can be trans-
mitted at 0 ed In each phone book location), the
phone n en ered and then linked to a phone book
phone number phone book record location. key in the phone
number and press @.. an ‘L" is displayed, Enter the
phone book location (1-99) containing the applicable informa-
tion Press to dial the phone number. Alter the phone num-
ber is dialed, the lollowlng message ls displayed indicating that
the remaining sets ol digits must be sent manually be pressing
Menu Shortcut
9. Mute @@
The Mute Menu can be accessed by pressing @@ during a
conversation, The Mute Menu Is displayed below
Set. mute
1.l'1ic. Mute
2.911 Mute
The phone microphone can be turned 0" or muted
varsationt With a call In progress. press @
@@. to turn on the microphone again.
M nu Shortcut
All Mute I @@
The phone microphone and earpiece can be turned oil or muted
during a conversation. With a call In progress. press
.@.. Press ..@ to tur the microphone
and earpiece again.
Menu shortcut
Unmute | ©@.
The microphone mute and iu mute
pressing ®@.
rigs can be cancelled by
Menu Shortcut
°- P | 9
Your phone d to prevent unauthorized use, To look
your pho k." As prompted, enter your 4-diglt
password. Lock menu is displayed,
‘hone Lock
2 .Pert:i al
3 .Unl oak
Press to completely lock your phone and restrict the ability
to piece calls; only call to an emergency number (such as 911)
can be dialed. Press to exit the lock menuo When the phone
Is set to iull lock, the iull lock icon (fi) Is displayed.
Press @ to partially lock your phone and limit the ability to
place cells: only calls to an emergency number (such as 911)
and the one m using the cellular phone.
0 . . nne while the plane Is in the air.
To prevent erenoe with aircraft systems, Federal Aviahon
Administratio ‘ ulations require airline crew permission prior to
phone usage. . ent interlerence with cellular systems, FCC regi-
latlons prohibit using the phone while an aircraft is in the air.
Do not allow children to play with the phone; the phone Is not a toy, Chil-
dren could hurt themselves or others. In addition, children could dam-
age the phone or make calls that result in an increase to the phone bill.
To avoid interterlng in construction projects, turn on the phone when In
a otasting area or In areas posted: “l‘urn Oil Tine-Way Radio.“ Construc-
tion crews ohen use remote control RF devices to set oft explosives.
An air bag lntiales with incredible force. Do not place objects, Including
installed and portaoie wireless equipment, in the area oi the air bag or
in deployment area of the air bag. It in-vehicle wireless equipment is
improperly installed and the air bag inflates, serious injury could result
Turn oil the phone In an area with a potentially explosive atmosphere
Althoth it Is rare, the phone or Its accessories could generate sparks.
Sparks ‘ certain areas could cause an explosion oi tire resulting in
bodily injury or even death.
Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere are usually, but not
always, clearty marked. Potenflally explosive areas include fueling
areas such as gas stations, below deck on boats, and fuel or chemical
transfer and storage facilities. Additional areas are atmospheres with
chemicals or particles In the air such as plain, dust, or metal powders:
and any area where it is advised to turn on the vehicle engine,
Do not transport or store flammabte gas, liquids, or explosives in the
same compartment that contains the phone or m accessories.
Vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas, such as propane or butane.
must comply with the National Fire Protection St dard (NFPA»58). For
a copy 01 the standard, contact the National Flr otec‘lion Association,
One Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 0 : Publication sales
Research sponsored by wireless Teo ogy Research (WT R) Indi-
cates that some wireless tel us erterence with pacemak-
ers. NEC America, Inc, endo
Wireless ph- > sho e at a sate distance from a
Indlcate that the greater the die-
and a wireless phone, the less
.. The data further indicates that six
achieve the recommended separation dis-
not placing a wireless telephone in the area
maker, such as a shirt pocket. when the phone
‘ on, (The unit Is constoered on when power ts
being supplied to the phone by the battery.) Another practi-
cal step Is to listen into the phone using the ear opposite the
location ot the pacemaker.
~ Note that no comprehensive data indicates that bystanders
with pacemakers are at risk at interterenoe from another
person operating a cellular phone
Phone Performance
Dimensions (without 133 x 46 x 24mm
antenna) " x " x ”
Transmitting Power
Operating Voltage
Cellular Frequency Band
PCS Frequency
standard Battery 3 An 77? (NiMH)
Capacity 1050 mAh777 (Li-Ion)
Number - 632
Memory Luca , 99
Memory Capacity 26 numeric digits per location
10 letters per location
Your phone battery is a sealed unit with no serviceable parts
inside: do not attempt to open the case. To ensure the maximum
liie irom your battery. allow the battery to iully discharge at least
once a week. To fully discharge the battery, leave the phone
turned on until the message
is displayed and the phone shuts itseli oil, It left unused. a iully
charged battery discharges in approximately one month. store
batteries uncharged in a cool, dark, and dry place.
Batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly; they must not be
disposed of in municipal waste. Contact local waste management oili-
Diais tor iniorrnation on the environmentally sound collection. recycling,
and disposal oi batteries.
Chapter 5: Warranty & Service
Limited Warranty
1. What Product: May Be Covered By TM
The toilowing products (the “Products'
chased through an NEC America, inc
[tad Warranty?
he 'Product') pur-
, Wireless Con»
thls warranty:
2. What Does This Warran
NECAM warrants to the or
(‘Vou') that the Prod ,
or Product purchaser
the applicable published
5 oi shipment irom NECAM to
will be tree irom defects in
normal use and service during
the Dealer, and
materials or work
the warrant rlbed In Paragraph 4.
3. who my Begin?
The war perIo will begin on the date You purchase the
, oi purchase Is necessary to accompany
and produc d tor warranty service consideration. Valid
prooi oi purcha. . must identity the point oi purchase, date or
purchase. Product model or trade name, and Electronic Serial
Number or Mechanical Serial Number ior transceivers and
4. How Long Don The Coverage Lam
The warranty period tor the Product is:
Any Products repaired or replaced under the terms at this war-
rarity are covered under the warranty tor the remainder oi the
original warranty period or ninety 190) days lrom the date at sar»
vice return shipping, whichever is longert
5. What Will m Manufacturer Do it The Product Becomes
Detective In Nhteriala Or Workmanship During The Warranty
Ii any Product covered under this warranty becomes detective In
materials or workmanship during the applicable warranty period,
NECAM will, at its option, either repair the deiectlve product
without charge ior parts and labor, or provide a replacement in
exchange tor the defective Product
3. What is Not Covered By Thu warranty?
(a) This warranty does not extend to:
(1) Products which have been subjected to misuse, accident, phys-
lcal damage, improper Installation, abnormal operation or han»
dling, neglect, inundaflon. fire, water, or other liquid intrusion, or:
ill) Products which have been damaged due to repair, altered, or
modiiled by anyone other than an authorized service warranty
component~ievel representative oi NECAM, or;
(iii) Detects caused by components, parts. or accessories not
compatibie with the warranted Product, or;
(iv) Products whose warranty/quality labels, product serial number
plates or electronic serial numbers have been removed, altered, or
rendered Illegible, or:
(v) Accessory items such as antenna, cables, curl cords, cases,
em. or;
(vi) Products shipped to NECAM lor repair lrom outside the United
(b) Any other warranties, including but not limit
rantias oi merchantability and fitness ior ular purpose, shall
be limited to the duration oi this warran slates do not allow
limitations on how long an Implied w so the above lim-
itation may not apply to you.
(c) NECAM‘s total liability Iol‘
to the Implied war-
arvy ca related to or
e the product, whether in
any other legal theory.
contract, negligence, stri
shall not exceed the ongln the product
(d) In no case shall N for y Indirect, special. Inciden-
tal. or consequ based upon breach oi warranty,
riot tort. or any other legal theory.
Such dama- ' not limited to, loss 0! profits. loss oi
savings , ‘ ability to use the products or any associ-
capital. cost of any supetinite equipment,
. claims by third parties other than you, and
> , ese limitations do not apply to claims for per-
sonal Iniur , 5 states do not allow the exclusion or limitation ol
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or
exclusion may not apply to your
1. How Do You Get Warranty Service?
If Your Product requires warranty service, it must be returned to
an NEC Authorized Service Center along with a description at
the Product malluncllon or dilliculty, You are required to sub-
stantiate warranty status with a dated prooi or purchase (as
explained in item we). inclusive oi Products‘s serial number (ii
applicable» The address or the nearest NECAM Authorized Ser-
vice Center may be obtained by calling (500) 637-5917 or 1972)
751~7500, or by writing to: Net: America, lnc.. Attention: Service
Support a Administration, 162i Walnut Hill Lane. Irving, Texas,
75038t NECAM assumes no risk ior damage or loss in transit,
If, in NECAM's sole opinion, the Product failure is not covered
under this warranty. or prool or purchase does not meet the
terms oi this warranty, you will be notliled and your authorization
will be requested for any lurther repair activity. Products
repaired under warranty will be returned to You. transportation
8. How Does state Law Apply To Thle warranty?
This warranty gives You speclllc legal rights, and You may also
have other rights which vary item state to state.
9. This Warranty la The Entire Agreamant.
Unless modilied in writing, signed by both You and NECAM, this
warranty Is understood to be the complete and exclusive agree—
R EV: LW012097
NEC Service Support
NEC Service Support can assist you with any additional Iniorme»
tion that you may need In the operation your NEC cellular tele-
phone and NEC Authentic Accessories“. Contact NEC Service
support at the iollowlng telephone number 0 ddress.
“The 500 number listed abo s access to NEC
Repair Service and Parts Sa
ntected at the iollowing
NEc America. Inc.
wireless Marketing Division
162! Walnut HIII Lana
Irving, Texas 75038
Copyrighto |999 by NEC America. inc.
Manual Part Number: 621-0328
Ist Edition June 1999
All Rights Reserved. Printed In USA.
All specllieeiione and condition: subject to chungo without notice
4,054.0“ 4mm. “mm an m . , , «mm:
s Mum 134 4410.6“ u m
- names u mu “mas scum
Aoguiro Maw Symm 27
Adivalion, Pnone v i
Add to Phone Book. 12
Adding Numbers iroineCen Log io ine
Prion. Book ................. I2
Adding Numbers irorn Soreiongea io
ine Phone Book . . iz
Earploot Voiuine, . . 7
Keypad Voiunr. . 7
Air Me. n
Alarm, 24
Sal. . .
Turn on.
All Mule,
Aneiog Ce yp
Answering . c.i .
Any Key Answer
can a. Disposal
Locking Lawn
nigiui 5 Analog 0 one
c." Weiung
Cello! iaerniiioenon
eeiiuier Pnone Number, Viwing
energing ine Benny.
Charging Twice. Benny
Checking Signei Stung] .
All Text Messages ......... 17
Can Log; 8. Air Tim Cournor u
Phone Book. .
Clock, . . .
dock unlng
Connocling Bonery .
eon-aing Dign Entry Error
one. Suiting . . .
Dialed calls Log , IO
Dialingu . . . s
FIX“ Digit 24
Number stored In Phone Book 5
Oanouch .............. 24
Digit Ernry Error, Collecting.
Digiuii eeii Type.
Display Icons .
Biepiey, Shndby Mooe
Home Oniy sworn
Indicator, Bunny charge ........ 5
Koypuo Volume. Amusing,
Language . . .
Lent Numbfl Dulefle Calling ,
Limitod Warranty
Link io Phofll Book
Looking Lnon, Bunny
Loeking me Pnone Book
Dulce eeiie
MM eon. .
Received Cells v
linens Tone Uu. . .
Mnin Menu , ,
Menu-i Fem .
Merkeiing, NEG Wireieu
Menu 0 Lock Pnon
Menu I cm Loge.
Monu 3 Memge .
Menu 4 swing:
Menu 5 Look/Lin
Menu e Siienn Moos.
Menu 7 Non Pubfllc) Moo
Menu 9 nigiu Edmng
Menu Nevigenion Myer
Menu Tm Overview r r
Mlsud cane Log ,
Non Plblic
sileni. .
Sundby ,,,,,,,,
All ....... .
Microphone A
Unmuie . .
Navigation, Menu
OMTODch Dhling .......
Change .
Set. . .
Turning 011.
Turning On
Phone Amer
Locking .
View by Location .
Dlnllnq Number Storeo in
Phone Book
soled. . .
Viwdng Your.
Pbom Peeewoco
Phone Ptdormnnee .
Phone Selety A Penonnence
Phone. Turning on
Pbom, Turning en
Piecing e Cell r .
Received Calls Log
amt Sanings.
Retrieving Vo
Type, Selecting
Volume setting .
Roll all cm
Selety A Periormence
Seiety Preooutlone . .
Selety, Phone
Search lor Synem c
Secured Conveneuon
Select Phone Number
SeieotSyeiem .,..
Selecting ainper Type
Sewioe . . .
smokes-“ see new; ”Mama;
Service Supporl AAAAAA
SM (Chlnge) Pulwold . 18
Sol Alarm. A010 On, AmoOfl . 23
Set Clock . . . .
Setting niooer Volume ,
ModeDispIay .
Voice Mail Num
' MallNumbor .
. 27
Salrm fol t , 29
View M . za
Syflom A Only . 23
syrtenr a One,
Teohnicel information . as
TextMeee-oe.,,. .zo
Text Mempe Viewer . 16
Text Meuam . 2, 15
Alien , . |5
eieerui . 17
olepieyeo Motilioelion u is
Read . |5
Uni-ed , is
Time. Setting .
length , ,
ehort a. iong 19
trenemit DTMF A 20
Trenemlt D'WIF Tone 20
Turning on Phone c 5
‘T‘urning On Phone u 5
Unmule .......
Using Phone Book
By lPhooe) Numoe
by Loo-lion
Vow Phone Number.
Voioe cnennewceii Type; A
Vole. Men
Retrieving vvvvv
Sim Ac Number .
storing Number.
Voice Meii Meeeeoee
Voice Memoee .
Voice Privacy .
Aoiuelino Eerpleoe
miuetino Keypea ,
Lrlrlr 53

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Page Count                      : 44
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