NKOK 75071127TX Remote Controller for Toy User Manual Print P1 jpg 1 page

NKOK, Inc. Remote Controller for Toy Print P1 jpg 1 page


Download: NKOK 75071127TX Remote Controller for Toy User Manual Print P1 jpg  1 page
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]NKOK 75071127TX Remote Controller for Toy User Manual Print P1 jpg  1 page
Document ID1517892
Application IDyR0gLNnq3X+Ms6eW72b2uQ==
Document DescriptionManual
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Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize85.38kB (1067188 bits)
Date Submitted2011-08-05 00:00:00
Date Available2011-08-05 00:00:00
Creation Date0000-01-01 00:00:00
Producing SoftwareGNU Ghostscript 7.05
Document Lastmod2011-08-03 17:37:43
Document TitlePrint P1.jpg (1 page)
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: yeungshingtai

_4’x4 18+
Full Functlon ludlo Control
Tout-s fonclions contrfil‘ol par radiocommando
R-dlo Control de Funclén Con-plea
customer Tull Fm Number (USA): “MSW“?
“Hm "r! bllont (Elm-Hull): “LESS-SI“
Scrvlele TOMMICG Cir-tuna (EE.UU.): COG-8506059
Email “drum cunomoamlcmknkamm
cwrml: cummmnlcafinmm
Dir-eclbll I. Corr-u Ellctrbltlu: Cummmnlmm-Mm
This dew/toe complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not muse harmful lntarlarnnce. and
(2) this devloe must accept any Interterenoe received
including interference that may cause undasimd operation.
Cal apparst'l est cnnfamm a la section 15 (185 mgles da Ia
Commission Federals Gas Communications (FCC). Sun
utilisation est soumlse aux deux conditions suit/antes:
(1) out appareil ne doit pas causer d'intertévenoss. st
(2) cat appareil dent aooepter n'impofle quelle intedérenee. y
compris Ies interferences susceptibles d'eltérer son hon
Esta disposirwu cumple con la sacciort 15 del Reglamento us!
For; Su luncionamiento estA sum: 6 estas dos condicionesz
(1) Lil dispositivo no debs causar intarlemncifls y
(2) el dtspusilivo debs scents! cualquisr upo de Interferefloin,
lncluldas aquellas qua pueaan causar un funcnmamientu nu
deseado dsl 6&9“th
Retain the packaging and manual for future mierence as they contain important inlorvnation.
L’emballage at la mode d'emploi oontiennsnt des iniormations importantes. veuillez Ies oonserver pour touts reference ultérieuret
Guards el paquete y el manual para futures consultas. ya que que contienen inlormacién importante.
iiiiiill !
lilll Millfllili
if lilillllii:
lliiiiil lIiIIIIiI.
II null-lull!“ u“
INPUT: 120V AC 60Hz
OUTPUT : 9.6V DC 250mA
Includes: Inclut: Incluye:
- Vehicle - Véhicule - Vehiculo
- Battery Charger - Chargeur de batterie - Cargador de la Pila
- 9.6V Ni-CD Battery Pack - 9.6V Ni-CD Batterie - 9.6V Ni-CD Pita
- “9—Volt" Battery - “9-Volt" Piles - “9-Volt” Pilas
- Transmitter - Transmission - Transmisor
- Antenna - Antenne - Antena
- Operator’s Manual
Not for Chlldnn under 3 years.
- Manuel d'utilisation
ll. eomi-nt pal lunnflnts do main! 6- 3 am.
- Manual de usuario
02011 "Knit, Inc.
Irwil‘lll. CA 011“; U“
PELIGRO DE ASFIXIA— Piezas pequefias.
No apto para menores de 3 anus.
Made in China / Fabriqué en Chine/ Fabricado en China
Battery Installatlon Installation de la plle Instalaclén de la plla
Vehicle SlaenngAllgnmenl um:
Manon; as réglage de la dimcfion
Véhlcule - Pajamas an Alinuu'an do In
Vehiculo - Dir-scion
Interruplaur oN/OFF
* , . Inlarmpinf de Eneendldo
9.6V NI-CD Battery Pack (manna) X
9.6V NI-CD Rachavgalflea Pack (Foumbs) mm W 1° “R W
9.6V NI-CD Plln Rschalgabbs Paqum (Induldas) Rm“: l“ W W‘" mulevsr |° cowards
Ratlre el momma para levanmr la cubism
Radlocommande mm 5m“, "3
Indium Whosl " m
Controlador mm“ mm” Mm",
ON I OFF swileh Indicatnur mus Anmna
Interrupleur ONIOFF (Mame/Mel) Luz 60°10“
Interrupmr omen: (EnmdidolApagudo) “diced" Rusti-
FulIy extant! tho untanna
hr maximum operating dlshnee.
Banary quulmmefm: REMARQUE:
asv Rachnrgeahlu Emmy Pack and Churgur
Iayez mplélslnenl I'ammne
(Included) up
pour une distance maxlmnle as
1 “9 Von“ Bansfy (Included) lendionnemenl.
Files Requim:
95V Du Fibs NOTA:
Exlbenda complammeme In antena
para la distance méxima de
Rechargeable! Pack a Charqeur (Foum'ns)
1 1; var Pllee (Faumles)
Pilaa Requen'das:
9.6V Pilat Racmgahles Pmum y Camadnr (Induidas)
1 “9 Voif F'Ilus (Incluldu) Fotwardl Stop! Reverse
Avanll A"!!! Mame arviirn
Melanin! Pam! Retmuw
Hungry Can
Can da ll Bums
Cuw do In Baum
W Battery (Indudad)
File sv (Inclus)
aamrfa a. sv (Induidc)
Battery Pack
9.6V battery packs are NOT charged prior to shipping and mual be charged 8 hours Mora |he first and second use.
1. Inner! lhe supplied 9.6V Bathiy Pack aeourary into in. charger IS shown.
2. Hug the charger imn a standard 11011 20V indoor olactrical outlet.
1le m0 Btufly Pack to charge hr 3 minimum of 8 hours on {hi initial two chlrgu. Subuqutm chargal ruquiri only 4 houia.
4. Remove Charger and battery from outlet. Unplug lhe battery peek fmm the charger by depressing "is eaten en one slde at the eennecter,
and gently pulling the plug halves apart. (Fig. 1)
NOTE: Battery Pack wIII become warm alter charging of during use. Make eertaln to allow the Battery Peek to eeol before recharging.
Charging a warm Battery Pack will greetty reduee It's ltfe, De net wereharpa the battery pack whleh may result in battery lallure.
The battery charger ll battery paelt need to be perlodieally examined ler potential hazards.
Any petentieliy hazardous parts need to be repaired er replaced.
Les batteries ca 9.6 V ne son! PAS ehargées avani d'erte etwuyées et dolvenr are chargéfi pendant is heum nvanl Ia premiere el Ia
Sammie ufillsa’rinnl.
1. Influx refinement la batted: townie as 9.6 V dans la charwur. portiomlémml au adléms.
Z. Brandtez le chargeur darts um plise da couranl lniérleure, de mndnrd 1101120 V.
:l. Pour lea daux premieres merges, laissez Ia pntterie marge! pendant nu rnolm a heures. 4 heurea aufl'warll pour les charges strivnntas.
4. Retire: le chargeur et la battens de la prise. Souievez le dapet situe sur is cute du ehargeur pour pouvoir rather is batterie charges: a land.
Ne Iaisuz pas le ehergeur brunet» eur la prise Inuqu‘ll n'eet pal utilise, (Figi)
REMARQUE: Apris avplr ete etrargee ou pendant i'utiiiutton. Ia batterie deviant cheude. Vivifi-z que la batteri- a retreldi event de la
Rnchurgar um hmrh diam rfiduK nohbhm-m u dur‘w de vie. N0 rlchnrgtz pas (lop Ia bamrb. mla Muemlt d. In Mr. an punnt.
Afin dinner but danger potentiel, le ehargeur de batterie et la batterie detvent one verifies regulierenmrt.
Toule plies poinmiellamm dangerwse don m repara- ou ramplacéa,
La pila de 9.sv N0 viene cergeda de fabrics. por lo gue dens ser reeargedas a horas antes de ser usada per primera y segunda vez.
1. Canada In pila dB 9,EV suministmdl en el cnrgndor. mmo se muss!!! en El dibujc.
2. Enchulo el eargedor a una turn: an eorriente estandar de 11011 20V y resguardada del exterior.
3. De}: que la pita so argue un mlnimo da 5 horas durante Iaa dos primers: urges.
Lee cargea peeletleree sale requlamn 4 heme para reearger ins plies,
4. Quite el camadof y la pila de la ipma de oorrienre. stanile el enganehe a un Iado del cargadar para relirar la pila eargada.
No dais al camador en la lama da eorrienila wando no am) on use.
AVISO: La pile esters calienle dulpués de ser eergsda e wando 5506 en use. Permit. de eue Ia pile rte errtrte antes de esrgarts.
Ll realign dc uril P"! callerlre puede reducir mlderablemevlte su vifll WI. No wmwgue ll pile. ya que pod!!! provocar su mal
El cargader y la pile deben eer examinadee mgiilaimenta en bum de posibiea defies.
ouaiquier plaza gue presente posibles dafios debe ssr reparada e reemplazada.
Problem - Volilcle docs not move or move: slowly.
- Replace fresh 9V block battery in transmitter and that it has been inst-med In the correct position.
- Extend the antenna on transmitter for better range.
- ”as the Mary ml: been lnaulled In the whldo‘r
- ”as the nah-mum l-Ilery Peck been fully charged,
- Are the metal contact tabs touching. rusty M dirty In the Iran-minor?
- Malta “rt-h that the vehicle ONIOFF svmeli la In the -on- position.
In exceptional mumstxnoes baiterloe may leak fluid: that can cause a chemical burn injury or ruin your product. To avoid battery leakage:
1. Do not mix old and new batteries.
2. Do not mix alkaline. standard (carbon-zinc), or rechargeable (nickel-cedmium) batteries.
3. Only bananas oi the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used.
4. Batteries are to be inserted with the correct polarity.
5. Exhausted batteries are to be removed irom the product
5. The supply iemlinala are not to be short-circuited.
7. Nowreohalgeabie batteries are not to be recharged.
B. Rechargeable batteries are to be removed hem the product before being merged.
9. Rechargeable batteries are only to be charged under adult supervision.
to. Dispose of bane-yon) calety.
It. Do not dispose OI this product in a fire. The batteries inside may explode or Isak.
when the vehlde Is driven beyond radio signal range. there could be a loss at control.
When operating outdoor. the distance range for most radio connoiled vehicles is approximately between 50 Feet (15 mm) to 100 feet
(30 meters).
The range is also subiect to lrllfirlsrefles.
Any of the following conditions may interfere with the behavior and lunction.
The transmitter signals can easily be Interrupted.
improper handling may hamper the periormance or the vehicle.
Remember to avoid water, heat, and and III‘II Impact!
- Keep vehicle away from wet surieoes or rain.
- Avoid running on thick carpet or dusty floors.
' Avoid collision on hard surfau.
- Avoid mnnlng 2 vehicles or me same lrequoncy. Amy; run one at a time
unless you purchase vehicle with dMerent frequencies.
- Keep vehicle away rrom sandy or dusty areas.
- DO NOT operate your vehicle on the sheets!
. no NOT carry ltie which by pulling the aniennna wire.
This radiocommunication dwica comp as with all the requi oments of Industry Canada
Standard ass-310.
rhla toy vehicle needs periodic maintenance and cleaning.
Wipe body cicen with a so" rag. Do not dean vehicle with chemical or water
1. Do not recharge aatlery Pack it it is warm to touch. Nlow Battery Pack to cool down below rectiarg‘ng. Recharging a warm eatlery Pack will
shorten the life oi the Battery Pack.
2. Do not recharge a Battery Pack it it appear: in be damaged or leaking.
3. Always unplug Charger when not in use.
4.Ahrimys remove Battery Pack lrom Battery Compartment when not in use.
5. Do not dispose beneries in fire. Leakage. explosion and personal injury may occur.
5. Dispose or Rechargeable Battery Pack properly.
7. Do not attempt to to disassemble Battery Pack or Charger.
8. Do not use Battery Charger tor any use other than instructed in this manual.
9. Recharging batteries should be done by an adult
Warning: Change; or modifications to this unit not exprmiy approved by the party responsible ror compliance could void the user‘s authority to
operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equ' mom has been tested and found in comply with the limits for a Class B digital device. pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are Igned to pmvlde reesonabire‘froiedion against nanniul Interference In a residential Installation. This equipment generates.
uses and can {some radio frequency energy a , it not installed and used In accordance with the instnrstioris. may cause harmful Interference to
m eommun or: 3.
However. there Is no guarantee that InteNerenoe will not oocur In a particular installation. if this equipment does cause halmhrl lritertelenoe to
radio or television reception. which cart be determined by turning the equipment oil and on, the user is encouraged to try to correa the
lntcnerence by one or more ortiie following rho-sum:
vReorlent or relocate the receiving antenna.
-lncreace the separation between the equipment and receiver,
-Conried the equlpmenl Inln an outlet on a clruull different horn that in which the receiver is marinaded.
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV teshnidien for help.
"This device and its antenna must not be lac-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

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Author                          : yeungshingtai
Mod Date                        : 2011:08:03 17:37:43+08:00
Metadata Date                   : 2011:08:03 17:37:43+08:00
Title                           : Print P1.jpg (1 page)
Creator                         : yeungshingtai
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools
FCC ID Filing: XQP75071127TX

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