NKOK FT071049TX Remote Controller For Toy User Manual Microsoft Photo Editor 702 IM jpg

NKOK, Inc. Remote Controller For Toy Microsoft Photo Editor 702 IM jpg


Download: NKOK FT071049TX Remote Controller For Toy User Manual Microsoft Photo Editor   702 IM jpg
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]NKOK FT071049TX Remote Controller For Toy User Manual Microsoft Photo Editor   702 IM jpg
Document ID1352860
Application IDsigFE6MgED4+fNmqP/YcZQ==
Document DescriptionManual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize92.18kB (1152308 bits)
Date Submitted2010-10-01 00:00:00
Date Available2010-10-01 00:00:00
Creation Date0000-01-01 00:00:00
Producing SoftwareGNU Ghostscript 7.05
Document Lastmod2010-09-27 20:46:44
Document TitleMicrosoft Photo Editor - 702 IM.jpg
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: yeungshingtai

HAL/E)? 8+
Full Functlon Radio Control
Toutes fonctlons contrélées par radlocommande
Radio Control de Funcion Completa
customer Toll Free Nun-bet (um)-
Numem vm cur-in (Et-li- n : s
SIIVIEIG Ttlflfllllco momma ( E.UU.).
tau-us sun
Em-II Adar-n: Cnnnmnrscrvlnlénlwlncnm
Col" custom crvlclénkokmom
nlrecclon 69 time Electronlco: Customfievvlcmkokmim
Thls oev-ce complies wrlh pan 15 or lhe FCC
Rules Opelallon lS suoiecx io ine lollowing Iwo Condlllons
m this device may not muse lnler'erence and (27 (NS
osvica must accepi any inisnerance including intanerenw
inai may cause undeswed operation or me device
Cal apparell as| conforms a la seam 15 dss regies oe la
Commlssmn Federals 095 Communications (FCC) Son
utlllsallen esl sounnse aux deux conditions summers in net
sppereil ne amt pas calmer a inleflerenoes. el (21 tel
apparell can acceptor n impofle quells inlar'érefloa y
comprls les intenerences susceptibles d alléler son Don
Esle disuoslllvo ample con la seamen 15 del Reglamenlu
oel FCC Su luncroflarmenlo esia suiero a eslas dos
Dondlcmfles (1) el dlsposlhvo no oeoe causar mieneienc-as
y (2; el disposmvu debs aceplar cualquler Ilpn de
inienerencia incluldas aquellas qua puedan causar un
luncmnarrlienlo no deseadu del dlspcsxllvo
Retain the packaging and manual for future relerenoe as they contain Important mlormaticn
L'emballage et Ie mode d‘emplol mnllennenl ties informations lmpor'antes, veulllez Ies Conserver pour lame re'iérenne ultérleure
Guarde el paqueta y el manual para tuluras oonsultas ya que que contienen inlormaaon importante
IIIIIIIIH: Illlllllllll !
IIPEIIMEII PIIIIIllllll. “1131le 1
IIIll lfllllllllll: I
Mira-1mm in.1 “nu-m kfi'f'fl'gm " | lglllfill mm
= an
Ill. isnmal'um: lama“ WEI!“ umnmnn‘snimi: l,
m ml: nmallins II mum lll Illlllllilulllu
minimum m llmmllmm mm
mum mmnm mus,
null irlrlulul. “I.“
INPUT 120VAC60H135mA
OUTPUT 7 2V DC 250mA
Includes: Inclut: Incluye:
- Mongoose Vehicle - Mongoose Vehicule - Mongoose Vehiculo
- Battery Charger » Chargeur de batterie - Cargador de la Pila
» 7.2V Ni-CD Battery Pack » 7.2V Ni-CD Batterie
» “9»Vo|t" Battery » “9»Vo|t” Piles
» Transmitter » Transmission
» Antenna - Antenne
- 2 Antenna tubes
- Operator's Manual
©2010 NKOK, Inc.
an OF lNDusl'lV, u N 746, usA
- 2 tubes pour l’antenne
- Manuel d'utilisation
- 72V Ni~CD Pila
- "9-Volt" Pilas
- Transmisor
- 2 antenas
- Manual de usuario
to 2010 Microsoft Curpovallofl All ng’lts Reserved
Mic-osoli‘ 343 lntluslnes. me 343 lnduslrles logo.
naier me Halo ngOl Knox XnanGO, anulhe xbnx logos
are Irademarks or Ihe Mlcmsull group ol companies
CHOKING HAZARD -sn-an rum. DANGER DE surrounon. mu. m. PELIGRO DE ASFIXIA—Piezas pequeilas.
Not for Chlldnn umm : ynn. lh mm p- m nil-mu- uni-Gum. No 5pm para menores de 3 am.
Made in China / Fabriqué en Chine / Fabricado en China
Batter-g Installation Installation de la pile Instalacién de la pila
Sleeuhg Allqlmam Lever
Marlelle as raglage de le
Paianca as Ailnssclfirl de la
Dlrewm Aj- 7zv Nl-co
° _ Battery Pack
lhlefruplmr ON/OFF
lnlefluploroefineefldldc OQDGOGO 0@o(§o(3
Remove screw lu Im cover CDI’
Rahraz la vl! paw mulevaf la muvarua
Rellre al lomlllo para levanlar la eublarua
Controller Forward Len
Radlocommande Mame Avinl Gauche
Avancs lzqulerda
Controlador A
' Meme 4 P Anlaflrla screw
Ballery Regurremenla Backwaro Rm
7 zv Rechargeable Ballery Pack and Charger Amen 0m, 1
“W““edi Retroeesa Deraeha ?
1 “9 Velr Ballefy (Included) U
Pllus Requlses' l
7 zv Des Plles
Rechargeables Pack er Chargeur (Foumles)
| “9 Voil‘ Plies (Fuunleal
Pllns Requerlda!
7 zv Pllas Recargables Paquele y Cargaduv (Incluldas)
1 “9 Velr Prlae (Induldas)
ON [OFF swllch
3m”! Pack lmermplaur ONIOFF (Marsha/Amer;
Batterle Inlerruplur omorr (Encendldcl/Apagado)
Pi la
7 2v banary padls are NOT merged prim le shlpplrlg and musl be charged 8 hours barbra lha first and second baa
l lhaerl lhe suwllad 7 zv flahery Pack securely Inlu lhe charger as shuwn
2 Plug lhe charger mm a standard llollmv lndoor aleclrlcal omlal
3 Allbw the Balier Padl to charge far a mnnlmum al 5 hours an lha mural [we charge: Subsaguam charges requlre bnly 4 hour!
4 Remnve charger and ballery lrbm bullel Unplug ms behery pack from lha merger by aapraaalng lha aaleh on one Ellis ml the cnnneclur
anu gerrlly pullmg me plug halves apan mg 1)
NOTE Eallery Pack wrll become warm allef chivglng or aurrng use Make banal" lo allow me Biliary Pack lo wol befbre reeherglhg
Chargmg a warm Ballery Padl wrll greally reduce me his Do nol overcharge lrle ballery pack whlch may resul! m ballery larlure
The ballery charger & ballery pack need le be penefllcally exammed lor pclenhal hazards
Any pelenllally hazareeus pans need le be rapalred er replaoed
Les bananas da 7 2 v na sonl PAS analgees avanl d‘élra snvoyées al Galvan! Ave analgeas panaanl a news avam la warmers al la
meme ullllsallons
l Insévez lamamanl la banana Ioume de 7 2 v pans la charge-n panlalmamanl au schema
z Bram: le cnaaem qana une pnse ue pouranl mleneure de slanaam 1101le v
3 PDUI’ lei dew: PMIQM marge; Ialssez Ia aanene charw pendant an mums 8 names 4 neures sufllnm pour les charges sulvames
4 Rallraz la mew al la banana ae la pnsa Swlsvaz le nape: snua sur la me an maraauv pour pouvolr ralna la banana uhargée a [and
Ne lalssez pas le mergeur blame sur la pnse Iorsqu‘ll n'fll pas unnse mg 1)
REMARQUE Apras avan ale chargée on pendant lmnlselm la banana aawam chnuda vamlaz que la aanana a lane-q. avant aa la
Ramargar una banana maude laaun nelablamanl sa durée de vle Na lachargaz pas Imp la banana oala nsquaran de la mama an panna
Ann eévnsrloul danger polennel la enavaaur ae banene el la banana calvem ens venues régulléremenI
Youla Dléca aalanlanamanl flangefsusa dull ana reparaa ou rsmplaoée
La on: 63 72V No vm cargaua on lalma per lo que debs set recargadas a horas ames ue ser usada per pnmera y segunaa vaz
1 Canacla la plla as 7.2v sumlmslracla an al cargm oomo sa muasna an al albulo
2 Encnule el cargauor a una lama de comm enamel ae 110“qu y rasguamada Gel enanor
3 Dale qua la plla se cargua un mlnlma aa a name duranls las aaa pnmaras calgas
Las cargas poslanaras salb raquman 4 hams para nacalgal las pnas
4 Guns al camadof y la plla de la lama de wmeme Levime al engamhe a un Iado cal argaael para ranrar la plla cargada
Ne dale el cargador en la lama de eomenla ouamo no eslé en use
AVISO' La plln eslara callanla despuers qa W cargada u wanna asla en use Parmna de qua la pna sa annia was da cargarla
La lacavga de uma pna Calleme puede veaucn consmaalamema su mla llln Na macargua la pna, ya qua podrl'a plumper su mal
El cargaoel y la plla aeben sel exam-naflos regularmenle an buaca as peslbles cams
Cualquler pteL! qua prasama puslbles danas aaba sar vepamda a raamplazaaa
Insert the Antenna tube
Insérez Ie tube de I’antenne
Insertar Ia Antena
. Locate the vehicle antenna wwe, which leads through an openan On the top 0’ the vehicle
- Localisez la cable de I'anlenne du ve'hicule. a la some de I'une des ouvenures snuaas
sur le aesaus du véhlcule
o Localloe el cable de la anlena. que sobresale por un orlflclo en la pane superlor del venlculp
0 Slide the vshlcle antenna wlre through the Vehicle Antenna Tube Insert the tube inio (he openlng
0 Falles gllsser Ie cable de I'anlenne du véhlcule a lravers Ie lube de l'amenne
Insérez Ie lube dans I'ouvenure.
C Pase eI cable por la antena del vehlculo e inserts Ia antena en el onficm.
. Tle a simple kfl0\ In the antenna Mr? (0 hold me Vehlcle Antenna TUBE In place
0 Failes un slmple neaud au cable 65 I‘anlenne, afin de mainlanir Ie lube de I'antenne du vehloule bien en place
0 Haga un nudo cornanle al mule de la anlena pala fijar la anlana en su lugar
Problem - Vchiele docs MI morn or mow-s slowly.
- Replace rresh ev block battery tn trenstmttar and that rt has been mstelled tn the curved posltlen
, Extend the antenna on lransmttler for better range
- nu (In any aclb on hrs on In the venue '
- ms the rechargeable emery eoh been Tully enamel?
. An the m cal-h“ ubs lauclllnu, mm or My tn HI. "summon
- Mil. COMIII “III ”I "mel- ONIOFF when II In th- “ON' pn‘lnon.
In amemtonal etreumstanoes bettenes may leak flulfls that ran cause a mammal bum lnlttry or rutn your product To ayold battery tearage
Do not mlx old and new bartenes
Do not mlx alksltne‘ standard {Canaan-1m“ or vsdtargseble lnickel-t‘aflmtum) balterres
Only bartenes or Ihe same or equtvaleflt type as reoommended are to be used
Batterles are to be lnserted wrlh the correct polarlry
Exhausted beltenes are to be removed from the pmdm-A
The supply lermrnels are not to be snonctroulled
Non-rechargeable battenes are not to be recharged
Reohargeable bettenes are to be removed lrern the manual belore berng aherged
Rechargeable bottoms are only to be merged under adult supervrslon
|0 Drspose of batteryrles) safety
11 Do not dlspose of true product tn a fire The battenes rnsrde may explufle or leak
When the yehrote ls Gwen beyond redre slgna) range there could be a loss at sonnet
when operetmg outdoor the drstenee range tor most more controlled vshrdss rs approxlmalsly between 50 Feet (15 metersl to ma leer
(30 meters)
The range ls alsd subyeel ta rnterrerenoe
Any or the lollrmlng oondrtrons may lntenere wrrh the behavlor and lunetlon
The lranamrlter stgnals can easrly be lmerrupted
lmprooer hendlrng may hemper Ihe penorrnance orthe vehlcle
“member to avoid water. heal. sand and Man Impact!
~ Keep vehlcle away trom we! surlaees or ram
eAvotd mnntng on throk carpet or dusty lleers
- Avold column on hard surleoe
~ Ayold runntng 2 venlcles or the same lrequency Always run one at a ltme
unless you paehase yehtele wtth drtterent "emanates
~ Keep venlcle away Irom sandy or dusty areas
- Do NOT operate your remote on the streetsI
~ Do NOT carry the vehrele by pulttng the antennna wrre
Thls my vehlcle needs penod-c malntenanca and cleanan
Wloe body clean mm a soft rag Do not clean vehlcia wnh ohemleat or water
1 Do not recharge Battery Peck a II rs warm to touch Allow Battery Poor Io cool down betore rechavgmq Rechergtng a warm Ballery Pack wrll
shuns" [he MB III the Eanevy Pack
2 Do not recharge a Battery Pack ll tt appears to be damaged or leaklng
3 Always unplug charger when hot m use
4 Always remove Battery Pick 1mm Eausry Compartment wnen nul tn use
5 Do not dlspme battems tn file Leakage explostofl and personal lnrury mey doom
6 Drspose or Rechargeable Battery Paar properly
7 De not attempt to to drsassenrbte Ballety Pack or Charger
E Do not um Banery Chuger [or any use nine! man Instrumed ln Ihls manual
9 Recharglng barrenes should be done by an adult
Caurlon changes or modlfioatlons not expressly approved by the pany responslble lor oompt-anoe could vote the user amhorlly to operate the
NOTE Thts squrprnent tras been tested and round to comply wlth the trmrts tor a Class 5 dlgllsl oeylee pursuant to Part ls of the FCC Rules
These trmrrs are oeslgneo lo preyrde reasonable preteotren agarnst henntut rntenerenoe In a resrdenttal lnstattatren Thrs eourpmenl generates
uses and can mdlala radro frequency energy and ll not rnslatled and used rn accordance wnh the rnsrruqlons may cause nannfut lntenerenas
Io redro oommunusetlens Hwevev. there rs no guarantee ma] rnterlerenoe wrlt not occur m a banreular lnstaltatlon ll thls equlpment does aeose
harrnlul rnterlerenoe to more or lelevlston teoepllorl. much can be determlrled by lumrng the eourpment ell and on the user rs enoouraged to try
to oorrecl the rnlerlerenoe by one or more at the lollowrng measures
»Reorlertl or relocate the reoerylng antenna
rlnclease the separatron between the equlpment and reoetyer
connect the aqurpment lnto an outlet on a errant dtlierenl lrom that to wmch the reoeryar rs oomeued
Cansull the dealer or expenenoed radlonv teehnrelan lor help

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Title                           : Microsoft Photo Editor - 702 IM.jpg
Creator                         : yeungshingtai
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools
FCC ID Filing: XQPFT071049TX

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