User Manual

Document ID2095573
Application IDhFrbtX505XrzOXVlWIVeww==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize158.58kB (1982251 bits)
Date Submitted2013-10-18 00:00:00
Date Available2014-04-15 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-10-25 12:28:05
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-10-25 12:28:05
Document TitleUser Manual
Document Creator28BW-4

User Manual |
SYSCALL Receiver
Arm-um "My
ma! 413-9 NTTWORKS Bldg, Galhyun-Dong. Eunpyong-Gu, Seoul, Korea
usna I TeJ‘BZ-2-337-3190~5 Fax.82-2-352-5672
I htth/
1. UNIT / APU2003N
1. Function of keys
Key to start luncttun
ESC (ESCAPE. Key to escape trom tunclion
to contlrrn function
DOWN( v ) . Key to decrease the setttng detaufl / turn down the volume
tlovEt< v) . Key to change dtgtt number
UP( A ) . Key to tnereuse the setttng detaull / turn up the votume
2. Call—Number registration
1) Recewer IS connected to a power by uslnq the adapter m the product box.
2) Jlt “Have a nice day“lt the inlmmatton Votce occurs lhet means normal.
3) Press the “FUN“ key tor 5 seconds.
lli‘Wease select tuncllon setttng.“ “Call bell number setttng "
Please “ENT” button when the lntormatlon votct: ot Catt bell regtstrallun ls dune.
lm “Please se| a number"
Accordrng to intolmatlon vnl'ce. set the numbers by ustng each buttons
V 4 > A. Attet settlng number.. Press “ENT” button.
t, t
01!) r
[23‘ "Pless the bail"
ACLuldillg lo lntorrnatlon votce. Dress Me Catt button which you ate Going
to use as No.1
Int “Registered“
When you hear the votes lnslrucllon which has been tearstered. then set
the next numbel Altel settlno numbers, mess “ENT” button agarn and
call belt to save all call buttons whteh you want to leststel.
x How to set up English / other characters ' It you press the “FUN"bulton when you set
the numbers.
tt wlll be dlenlayed to athev charactevs.
“FUN“ press buttmn
set any omet deslred numbev
4t Attet sat ed, mess “ESC” button once to move to next lunctiun settlna.
3. Set the type of ringtonetmelody)
33 “Call beH number setting."
When there ts tnlotmatlun VOICE. press A button.
”1%“qu tone settlnu“
Press "EMT“ button.
fl my “Press select a Rtng tune" Dlng~Deng
U Press deslreu sound by uslno v A .
Volce and Ktlld 0t metody
DhnLDouu ltt
Ditv~DM§Kfl a ls...“ at:
louwsm 15 tum-Ca“ utt ,
3mm: month alt
s outset. use we tt ttt
mum I8 Queen. tfli»
muse te plusuemsm ua
aya 20 Witt-[Cult U]!
V was“ 2| smomneyginlt
m mums 22 t smut: rt)
2: short mund
Atter set desfitsound. Press “EN? button.
a rut “Set up complete
Ring tone setting"
A. Display time setting ('I ~ 99 seconds)
n ma “Call bell number setttng.‘
E d When there t5 tntormotton Volce press A buflon twlce.
“Tune selttng"
Press “ENT' button.
,4 EV tut “Please set a tlrne"
”25 Press desired trme by using v 4 y A button
a The beglnninu dlspley setttng hme E 10 seconds.
f «s an ‘Sel up compllted" “Time settlng"
t 1 Press “‘ENT" button atlel set deslred tlme.
5. Sound frequency sefiing mm “RF test mode”
(Melody / Voice 9,9 represemed as much as get frequency) Fb’ When itansmlssion ts contlrmoo by oresstng iransmlitcl. "Cuckoo Sound"
is sounded and the test .s conwleied. Alter then test ls iermlnaied by
r C: "Call bell number setting.” oresstnu‘Esc“ button.
When there iS tntorrnattun voice. press A buflurl atlrnes.
3 Group number setting ( 'I ~ 69 group )
lw "Ring lone repeal setttng" / m ,
Press "ENT“ button.
k C2 7 I1 you need a group Setting
1 * lrl caSe at setting CAP CODE of PAGER and PAGER UNIT lecelver.
* The initial dlsplay freuuancy is once Total 5 |lmes are narsibie, ‘ ,,
u ‘ Please :ot number olre eai tor rtn tone" ,
"5/ p 9 ~:v 11E “Testmooe'
u; Press destled sound ireauency by uzlna v 4 b A % 5 Press A Wm Once
my "Group setting"
Pre "ENT" button once.
buttons. _
t n m Set up compleleo” "Hlno lone repeat setting“ a
Set With "ENT" button. W
" [g ml) "Piease set group number"
Set the group number by usan V < b A
After sot the group number, Fri-".5 “ENT” button to comnlele selling.
B. How to se‘i up extension function _
my “Set up oompleted' "Group setting’
F .
1. How to enter the extension function mods
, Atrer all the setllngs. Dress “ESC” button and exll trom the lunctton mode,
A| the beginning screen. Bless "FUN" bullon i0! Ssecands.
tJ];l “Please select lunctlon settino. Cali bell number settlng.“ l1: ‘oloso the lunotton mode"
When [here is lnlarmatlon voice, press ”FUN” bullun ngaln for
2. Test mode (The funciion to confirm for abnormalities of the hardware)
4. System reset (Delete all dais)
14 “Te .t mode"
it , r l t
tr, 1 Press ENT button FE? my "Sysiem reset"
I,sr& Press 'ENT" button once
W Melody~
Maiodtes sound is stopped and the SC'een IS flashed. : T, ., t ..
, i Press “EMT“ button in the receiver. m t: n' Be 5TH": A” dam,“ be deleled
; » RECEIVE, FND We check Q A Press ENT button 5 econos,
When checktng is completed, tnotcateu as below, It all dam ls deieted. screen ts lnltlaliZahOn and back to s|andby.
. [F3 “Have a nlce da "
L; ,‘L n: (no sounot ’
b—uh As a button test "bl“. press each button at recelvel in older. °
5, Copying data (All data
t A copy cable is needed to copy the date. (Purchased separately)
. Go into test mode (mm the receiver which will rECEIIVP. oata copy.
sent trom receiver to receiver and copied)
w 4 D1? “Tcstmode”
1/ s C Pres, A button 3 times,
(It? fit “Copying oat
7}: ’i Press "ENT" button once.
F ,r r, it "Ples; coniirm button atler linking caibe"
5:, f’ Alter tne copy cable is connecled to tire receiver tnet data is stored.
Press “ENT‘ button lor 5 seconds and then data copy is completed.
~ It the cable is connected incorrectly. there will be a cantlrmatton wanng vorce instruction.
' Cable commotion volce tnsliuctlonlm ”Press conlirrri button after Ilnklng caibe"
. When the data cop, is completed. swttched lo standby mode with vorce instruction as below.
Eve 5 nice day"
6. Channel setting ( 1 ~ 16 channel )
A What is channel?
Thls is an identiiicalion number tor interception/ Separation tram tire contusion with
other user or :urrounoino user
v r Ll} “Testmode”
be L Press A button 4 times.
V ‘ D A
[1'97 l1? "Cnennelsettine“
t—. e17 Pre .s “ENT” bullon Once.
It]: “Please set number oi work group’
Set the channel number by using V 4 b A buttons.
Save the setttrtg by pressing “ENT” button alter channel number selling.
Lfli ”Set up completed" "Channel selling"
3 T
‘ Atter all the settings, press “ESQ" button and exit from [he tuctton mode.
mi "Clnse trie tunction mode"
CAP cons E5 :2 rim no. rim No. rm No,
niottnitrnoer toiott 2610er 7' a alai| Joint salon Vfiflioil 7dlnl|
tame rH H M 0—9 2 a u
1. Pager unit. channel setting ( E5 2 1~16 channel )
* Move lrorrr function setting mode to extention lunction mode,
v iLi‘ "'I'est mode"
fl Press A button A times.
‘F cit “unannetsettinu”
E2 Press “ENT” button once
g E} “Please set number at work group”
Se| the company number by usmg V 4 D A bu|tons.
Save the selling by pressing “ENT” button atler channel number setting
FF it “Setuo completed‘ "cnanneIsettino"
E 3 Press v button 3 times.
2. Pager unit. grpup setting ( E2 : l~69 group)
,JE lily ”Group setting"
L? ’ Press “ENT” button once.
01‘s “Please set oraup number'
i Set tne group number by using v 4 > A,
Aftel set the group number, PtEss “ENT” bultorl to Complete settlnu.
EIE Gr- "Set up completed" “Group setting"
a Alter all the sel'inasr press “ESC” button and exit lrom tire ionction mode
Fi’t ‘Ctose tne tuncllon mode"
2. Watch pager / 38—500
3. Pager Cap code setting
~ The CAPCODE semng uu rn order m use ror page! um and pager rirsr
' Bulmn descrmlmn ‘
F/N Enrenng Iunctrun serlrno made and number rncremem
PVVR Confirmauon (Enter) and move the CUISOY Dosiuorl in
snmng made.
3‘1 Input fhe password
* U53 baltary LEV/AAA
fit Pager le \umed on wr|h sound " BIIVHIICN bbrrlrm‘ on (our (Imes
and Press the FIN Button \uno (me a\ same a\ lhe same trme.
3’ J’ erirrc» bbrrmc _ 5"
n F! lnnn
PnEr'Er * r El ruuu
* Inpur your password by PM Bunon ( Number Incremenr ) and PWR ( Movement r
e PWR Burton Dress arter mm the paeewordv
3-2, Cap Code lnpui (Scope : CAP'I ~ CAPS )
. How to se\ up CAPCODE rn me pager
F’WR PWR buuon press and enler me semng or drsplay
on We Group number 01 Channel
FR 1 a” ‘ F/N F/N Eunon rs selec|ed Ihe number.
L LI 1
3—3. Channel number / Group number input
A . .
In lil‘il‘l mmnl Derdurr rndlcate as berow
[Ll ll. UU
Number increase
Ccmp‘eled Seflmq by pressina more than 3 seconds.
12) Cap code mmar deraulls ' Channel number / Group number / Aunhuhon / Frxed Number
channe‘number group number anrebuuon fixed number
(MODE 4599mm Channel meg (harm rumba rm mmher rm runner mm umber
mower we 1 Draw 2 Drgrls : we 4 we 5 Drum 4 our“ 7 Drum
mung: gramme mm. my a . 1 n - a M w 1 n n
5mm lyrmrumr mum, Seflmg ‘04 5mm mm
x as mg
n. mg, orsequ m the Rater. a
4r Pager regisrrufion as groups Cap code sefling
x rr rs abre m racewe |h2 signal that caiegonzed (he pager as group and the pager
correspond u: me groun.
_‘ ,. Manner lunahnn E5 ,,
Setting We charmer number - 5
Caulron ‘ Monitor / Pager charmer
number correspondence.
Manner ’ Pager channel number
TGrouu ZGrouD SGroUD
, , Morrnor runcrzon E5 4
Satrrng the group number
Hegrsrerea Reaierered Regrs|ered Relemce ; 7 page
call be" call be“ caH bcu
r~1o “~20 2140
« Pager > set Cap code tn the matter.
E5 settrno I F6 sotttng
Channct number 5 / Grout) number 2 Pager dtsptaymu as grout:
.. ..
[HP .5“ t USGEEGU t-E‘
Cali betl leceiylng No.1 to to
No.1 Callbeil Is called tn the ZaroUD
~ Name & runotron at each Carts
1 ScrEertt LCD DISPLAY)‘ The Wlndow 0| contlrmtng the tncomma data and the Various tundtons.
2. PM button' The button or changtng cotton. enterlng cap code se|trtg mode and lunetton setttnc mode.
3. PWR button. The sate button tar power ON/OFF and REPEAT. approachtn’) TEXT support function
and venous Chances.
4. Battery cotter. Dunng battery replacement. open the door and change the battery.
[' j Marked as there are unverttled messages
[2] Marked when uslng the sequence leature about the call messages
t1} Marked When uslrlg a sound alerttBEEP)
3 Flashed when the battery t5 low (belnw t.1 Vt
t\\\l Marked When usth a vtoratton alert (VtBRATtON)
1. Power ON/OFF Settings
1) It wtll be OFF wtth a short beep tt you press the FWR button tor 2 seconds on state.
2) Ir wt) be on wlth a short been tt you mess the PWR button tor 2 seconds on on state
3) Completed setttng ON/OFF.
2. Sounds settings
1) When you press FN button lur Eseconds and appeared "SOUND", then press FWR button
2) Press the F/N button to select the type or :ouhd when “SHEEP" come;
3] Press PWR button and Sale when selecttnc type at sounds is completed.
4) Completed setttng sounds.
3. Vibration settings
t) When you press F/N button to: Eseconds and appeared ”SOUND", then press F/N but|ort.
2) Press FN button to setect the type Dt Vlbrallorl when "L le" comes.
3) Press PWH bu|ton and save when setectlng type at vlbratton ls Comnte|ed.
4) Completed :ethng vrbrattcn.
4. Delete Message Individual / All
1) Press F/N button on "PAGE s|ate.
2) Press F/N button tor 2 seconds when raoerued mes age ts tndtcated.
3) Press PWR when "DELETE' comes.
4) Completed delettng the message.
t)Press F/N bulan on ePAGE state.
2) Pre. rF/N button tor 2 seconds when received message ls lndlrzated
3) Press PWR when "DELETE‘ cam es,
4) Press PWR when "DEL ALL" comes.
5) Com nteted delehno all messages.
5. Using clock on the standby screen settings
t) When you press FN button tor 2seconds and appeared “SOUND", then press FIN
button tor 3 tunes.
2) Press PWR button when “CLOCK" rs mdtoated.
3) When “CLOC CF" is lndroatect a Press FN button —) “ctoc on“ t: rndtcated
a press PWR button.
4) Completed settlno Using stock on the standby screen.
6. Current time settings
1) When you press F/N button tor 2seoorrds and appeared “SOUND",
then press F/N button tor 3 times
2) Press PWR button when “SET CLO" rs tndtoateo.
3) When the tett srde or hour number rs tlasned. press F/N button tor Cttanltng
And when It is completed, press Pwn button.
A) When the naht srde ot rntnute number Is tlaslted. oress F/N button tor ohanutno,
After then press PWR button
5) Completed settlno current ttme.
Fcc Compliance Information
This equipment has been lesled and round to comply wiih lne lirnils
for a ClessAdigilal devmel pursuant lo pen 15 cf lhe FCC Rules
These llrnlls are designed in prowde reasonable prnlecliun agalnsl harmful interference when
Ms equipmenl is operated in a mmmercual envlrpnrnenl. Tms equipmenl generales, uses, and
can radiale ladle lrequenm/ energy andl ll not installed and used m accordance wnn lhe
insuucllon manual, may cause harmful ‘lnlerference \o radia CDmmumcslloflSV Operallon of ms
equlpmenl m s resldenllal area is likely |o cause narrniul lnlerlerence in whlcn case (he user
Will be required in correci lne interference all his own expense
Fcc Compliance Information :
This devvoe complies wl‘h Parl 15 0' FCC Rules, Operatlon is subject to the followlng
(1)1he dewce may nni Cause inleflerenoe, and
(2) the device must accept anyinierierence‘ Includlng lnlerfererlce that may cause undesired
operatlnn of [his devrce
FCC Rulc Pm 15.21:
'I he use, manual for an lnlcnllmm] 0r unlnlcnlmnal l‘admlor shall caution me user um changes
ur llludlllcall
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