National Electronics and Watch M10-834HR 2.4GHz Digital Heart Rate Belt User Manual Manual

National Electronics & Watch Co., Ltd 2.4GHz Digital Heart Rate Belt Manual


Model No: M10-843
Model: 2.4GHz Digital Chest Strap
The 2.4GHz digital chest strap is designed to pick up heart rate signal from the skin of
the chest and converted into digital data. The digital data is transmitted out by 2.4GHz
RF signal. Receiver with 2.4GHz receiver can pick up the digital data and displayed
on the screen or display.
How to Use the 2.4GHz Digital Heart Rate Belt:
Wear the Heart Rate Belt on your chest with the sensor over your heart for detection
of the heart rate.
1. You will notice that there are two long grooved oval patches on the inside of the
heart rate belt. These are the electrode sensors for detecting your heart rate. Before
you put on the heart rate belt, wet these patches lightly with water or a conductive gel
using your index finger so that the sensors can better detect your heart rate.
2. Open up the belt by unbuckling one of the side clasps that connects the fabric strap
to the plastic strap.
3. Wrap the heart rate chest belt across your chest. Adjust the tightness of the strap
so that the strap sits snugly and comfortably just below your pectoral muscle. Close
the clasp.
4. Check that the wet electrode areas are firmly pressed against your skin and that the
logo is in a central upright position.
5. Turn on the Heart Rate Receiver by pushing button and entering the heart rate
mode. If a heart rate is detected by the receiver unit, the heart symbol should flash on
the receiver display, and your beats per minutes should be displayed on the screen.
Trouble Shooting:
• If you don’t get your heart rate within 15 seconds when using the Sensor Ring,
moisten finger pads and try again. It helps to wear the chest strap for a little while to
allow a layer of moisture to build up between the electrodes and your skin.
• If you don’t get a continuous readout when using the chest strap, check that strap is
properly positioned and fastened.
• Body hair or a thin layer of body grease may also interfere with the signal: if you wish
to remove body grease, wipe chest and back of chest strap with tissue or soft cloth.
• Exercising vigorously with a lot of body movement or body motion can cause
“muscle noise” that may prevent chest strap from detecting a HR signal.
• In dry or hot climates, you may need to wait a few minutes for a layer of perspiration
to form between your skin and your chest strap. To speed this process, moisten
electrodes with water or ECG conductive gel.
• If your heart rate varies, note that fluctuations are normal in a healthy heart.
• If you can’t get a stable readout when using the chest strap, avoid being too close to
areas with electrical field interference such as computers, motors & overhead power
• Make sure the battery of the chest strap is not exhausted.
· Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.
· Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.

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