Nec Np Um330W Installation And Setup Guide UM330W_IGv11
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NEC Display Solutions of America, Inc.
UM330W Installation Guide
Desktop and Ceiling Mount v1.1 UM330W Page 1 of 8
Product Description, Lens Specs, Notes and Formulas Page 1
Diagrams and Distance Charts
Ceiling Mounted Installation Page 2
Desktop Setup Page 3
Cabinet Dimensions
Top, Bottom, Front, Left and Right Side Page 4
Bottom Page 5
Optional Wall Mount Dimensions Page 6
Optional Wall Mount Dimensions cont. Page 7
Input Panel and Control Codes Page 8
Product Description
Type: 0.63 inch LCD with MLA Dimensions: 14.9”(W) x 6.5”(H) x 16.9”(D)
Weight: 12.6 lbs
Native Resolution: 1280 x 800 Screen Range: 58.0” – 110.0”” Diagonal (16:10)
Brightness: 3300 lumens Fan Noise: 35 dB / 28dB @ 1 meter
Power Consumption: 360W (max) BTU’s: 1228.37 BTU/hour
Screen/Aspect Ratio_
Both 4:3 and 16:9 screens are fully supported with proper aspect ratio control for both type sources using NEC developed
scaling technology. By selecting the screen type in the menus, Aspect Ratio control is reconfigured for that screen type.
For screen sizes not indicated on the projection charts, use the formulas below.
If the figures on the tables do not match the results of formulas, use the figures in the table.
All calculations are based on 4:3 aspect ratio.
Distances are in inches, for millimeters multiply by 25.4.
Distances may vary 5%.
The Projection Formulas use the image width for calculation. Image width is the same for all aspect ratios, only vertical image size
varies. For proper projector placement, determine the image width for a desired screen size. Use the Screen Formulas below to
calculate all screen dimensions. Plug the screen width in for “W” in the Projection Formulas.
Refer to the diagrams and charts for popular screen sizes on page 2 and 3.
Definitions: 4:3 Screen Formulas:
W = Screen width W = H x 4/3
H = Screen height H = W x 3/4
A = Distance between projector cabinet and screen Screen Diagonal = W x 5/4
B = Vertical distance between projector foot and screen center
C = Throw distance 16:10 Screen Formulas:
D = Vertical distance between projector foot and screen bottom W = H x 16/10
(screen top for ceiling mounted application) H = W x 10/16
Screen Diagonal = W x 18.868/16
Projection Formulas:
A = C-13.52
B = 0.4229W+4.174
C = 0.360W
D = 0.1104W+4.174

NEC Display Solutions of America, Inc.
UM330W Installation Guide
Desktop and Ceiling Mount v1.1 UM330W Page 2 of 8
Ceiling Mounted Installation
The following diagram shows the relationship between projector position and the screen. Refer to the charts below for data.
Distances are in inches. For millimeters multiply by 25.4.
Distance Chart for Popular 16:10 Screen Sizes
Note: For screen sizes not indicated in the distance charts, use the formulas on page 1.
Diagonal W idth H eight
inch inch inch inch inch inch inch
58.049 314.19 24.97 17.71 9.60
60.051 324.80 25.69 18.32 9.79
65.055 346.32 27.48 19.84 10.26
70.059 377.85 29.28 21.37 10.73
75.064 409.38 31.07 22.90 11.20
80.0 68 42 10.90 32.86 24.42 11.66
85.0 72 45 12.43 34.66 25.95 12.13
90.0 76 48 13.96 36.45 27.48 12.60
95.0 81 50 15.48 38.24 29.00 13.07
100.0 85 53 17.01 40.04 30.53 13.54
105.0 89 56 18.53 41.83 32.05 14.00
110.0 93 58 20.06 43.62 33.58 14.47
S c re e n S ize AB

NEC Display Solutions of America, Inc.
UM330W Installation Guide
Desktop and Ceiling Mount v1.1 UM330W Page 3 of 8
Desktop Setup
The following diagram shows the relationship between projector position and the screen. Refer to the charts below for data.
Distances are in inches. For millimeters multiply by 25.4.
Distance Chart for Popular 4:3 Screen Sizes
Note: For screen sizes not indicated in the distance charts, use the formulas on page 1.
Diagonal W idth H eigh t
inch inc h inch inch inch inch inch
61.549 374.19 28.02 17.71 9.57
65.052 395.20 29.38 18.72 9.88
70.056 426.64 31.32 20.16 10.32
75.060 458.08 33.27 21.60 10.77
80.064 489.52 35.21 23.04 11.21
85.0 68 51 10.96 37.15 24.48 11.65
90.0 72 54 12.40 39.09 25.92 12.09
95.0 76 57 13.84 41.03 27.36 12.53
100.0 80 60 15.28 42.97 28.80 12.97
105.0 84 63 16.72 44.92 30.24 13.42
110.0 88 66 18.16 46.86 31.68 13.86
115.0 92 69 19.60 48.80 33.12 14.30
116.6 93 70 20.06 49.42 33.58 14.44
Screen S ize AB

NEC Display Solutions of America, Inc.
UM330W Installation Guide
Desktop and Ceiling Mount v1.1 UM330W Page 4 of 8
Cabinet Dimensions
The following drawings show the cabinet dimensions for the UM330X and UM330W.
Dimensions are in inches. For millimeters multiply by 25.4.

NEC Display Solutions of America, Inc.
UM330W Installation Guide
Desktop and Ceiling Mount v1.1 UM330W Page 5 of 8
Cabinet Dimensions (continued)
The following drawings show the cabinet dimensions for the UM330X and UM330W.
Dimensions are in inches. For millimeters multiply by 25.4.

NEC Display Solutions of America, Inc.
UM330W Installation Guide
Desktop and Ceiling Mount v1.1 UM330W Page 6 of 8
Optional Wall Mount Dimensions (Model #: NP04WK)
The following drawings show the ceiling mount dimensions for the UM330X and UM330W.
Dimensions are in inches. For millimeters multiply by 25.4.

NEC Display Solutions of America, Inc.
UM330W Installation Guide
Desktop and Ceiling Mount v1.1 UM330W Page 7 of 8
Optional Wall Mount Dimensions (Model #: NP04WK)
onal Width Hei
inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch
49 31 4.1
24.97 17.71 9.60 8.39
51 32 4.8
25.69 18.32 9.79 8.58
70.0 59 37 7.85 29.28 21.37 10.73 9.49
80.0 68 42 10.90 32.86 24.42 11.66 10.43
90.0 76 48 13.96 36.45 27.48 12.60 11.38
53 17.01 40.04 30.53 13.54 12.32
Screen Size ABC

NEC Display Solutions of America, Inc.
UM330W Installation Guide
Desktop and Ceiling Mount v1.1 UM330W Page 8 of 8
Input Panel
Control Codes
Note: Contact your NEC rep for codes not listed.
Cable Connection
Communication Protocol:
Baud Rate: 38400 bps
Data Length: 8 bits
Parity: No Parity
Stop Bit: One bit
X on/off: None
Communications: Full duplex
NOTE 1: It is recommended to set the projector to “Idle Mode” in the Setup menu for best Power ON response.
NOTE 2: Pins 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8 are used inside the projector.
NOTE 3: For long cable runs it is recommended to set communication speed in the Setup menu to 9600 bps.
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