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Nero Disc to Device
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Nero Disc to Device
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Nero AG, Rueppurrer Str. 1a, 76137 Karlsruhe, Germany.
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Table of Contents
Nero Disc to Device
Table of Contents
Start Successfully
About the Manual
About Nero Disc to Device
Versions of Nero Disc to Device
System Requirements
Starting Nero Disc to Device
Send Audio CD to Device
Send Video Disc to Device
Supported Formats
Start Successfully
Nero Disc to Device
1 Start Successfully
1.1 About the Manual
This manual is intended for all users who want to learn how to use Nero Disc to Device. It is
process-based and explains how to achieve a specific objective on a step-by-step basis.
To make best use of this documentation, please note the following conventions:
Indicates warnings, preconditions or instructions that have to be
precisely followed.
Indicates additional information or advice.
1. Start …
The number at the beginning of a line indicates a prompt for action.
Carry out these actions in the order specified.
Indicates an intermediate result.
Indicates a result.
Indicates text passages or buttons that appear in the program
interface. They are shown in boldface.
Indicates references to other chapters. They are executed as links and
are shown in red and underlined.
Indicates keyboard shortcuts for entering commands.
1.2 About Nero Disc to Device
Nero Disc to Device is an autoplay application and lets you easily send and transcode disc
content to your device.
Working with Nero Disc to Device is easy: Open Nero Disc to Device. With just two mouse
clicks you can then send the content of your Blu-ray Disc movie, DVD-Video, or Audio CD
straight to your connected smartphone, tablet, cloud storage (Dropbox, Google Drive,
SkyDrive), iTunes, or to a PC folder.
1.3 Versions of Nero Disc to Device
Nero Disc to Device is part of Nero 2015, Nero 2015 Platinum, and Nero Recode 2015.
Start Successfully
Nero Disc to Device
Blu-ray Disc and AVCHD transcoding is only available in Nero 2015 Platinum. You can
always upgrade your Nero 2015 or Nero Recode 2015 version to Nero 2015 Platinum at
1.4 System Requirements
Nero Disc to Device is part of the Nero product you have installed. Its system requirements
are the same. Detailed system requirements of this and all other Nero products can be found
in the Support section on our Web site
1.5 Starting Nero Disc to Device
You can start Nero Disc to Device the following ways:
1. To start Nero Disc to Device via autoplay:
1. Insert a disc in your disc drive.
The AutoPlay window from Windows is opened automatically.
2. Select the Nero Disc to Device entry in the AutoPlay window.
If you have disabled autoplay in your computer, you can activate it again via
Windows Control Panel > AutoPlay. For each media type you can choose a
default action here. The action Ask me every time will open the AutoPlay
window. You can also choose to open Nero Disc to Device per default.
2. To start Nero Disc to Device via context menu:
1. Open the Windows Explorer.
2. Right-click on the disc drive entry in Windows Explorer. (The disc drive has to contain a
3. Select the Nero Disc to Device (Send to device) entry in the menu.
3. To start Nero Disc to Device via Windows start menu, click Start (the start icon) > (All)
Programs > Nero > Nero 2015 > Nero Disc to Device.
The Nero Disc to Device window is opened.
Send Audio CD to Device
Nero Disc to Device
2 Send Audio CD to Device
With Nero Disc to Device you can transcode and copy the content of an Audio CD to any
connected device, installed cloud service, library service, or to your computer. The encoding
settings are optimized for a specific output format on the chosen specific destination.
Audio files from copy-protected Audio CDs cannot be saved.
The Audio CD can be automatically identified with Gracenote MusicID. So called metadata
such as title and artist are accessed by the Gracenote Media Database and associated to
the tracks. That way you have audio files that are accurately and fully named after the
encoding process.
Music recognition technology and related data are provided by Gracenote®.
Gracenote is the industry standard in music recognition technology and related
content delivery. For more information, please visit
To send an Audio CD to a device, proceed as follows:
1. Select a destination from the Select destination screen.
The following destinations are supported:
Connected devices like external hard drives, USB flash drives or Android phones
Installed cloud services like Dropbox, SkyDrive or Google Drive
Installed library services like iTunes and your computer's library (Music / Videos
Your computer (My folders entry)
Send Audio CD to Device
Nero Disc to Device
Select destination for Audio CD
The Select content screen is displayed. Transcoding options are set in the background
optimized for the chosen destination, a modification is not needed.
The disc is being analyzed and the required information is sent to Gracenote. If an
exactly matching metadata entry is found in the Gracenote Media Database then that
metadata entry will be used and displayed.
If several metadata entries are found or the found entry is ambiguous, then the Matches
window is opened and the metadata entries in question are displayed.
Send Audio CD to Device
Nero Disc to Device
Select content
2. Select the audio titles you want to copy.
3. If you want, you can select a specific folder on your chosen device via the Browse button.
(If you want to change the device itself, click the Back button.)
On the chosen destination in the Music folder, a new folder is created and named
with the album title. The audio files are named with track number und track title. The
audio settings like bit rate and file type are set automatically for the chosen
Send Video Disc to Device
Nero Disc to Device
3 Send Video Disc to Device
With Nero Disc to Device you can transcode and copy the content of a Video Disc (Blu-ray
Disc movie, AVCHD movie, DVD Video, miniDVD) to any connected device, installed cloud
service, library service, or to your computer. The encoding settings are optimized for a
specific output format on the chosen specific destination.
Video files from copy-protected Video Discs cannot be saved. Transcoding of Blu-
ray Discs is only possible with Nero Disc to Device in Nero 2015 Platinum.
To send a Video Disc to a device, proceed as follows:
1. Select a destination from the Select destination screen.
The following destinations are supported:
Connected devices like external hard drives, USB flash drives or Android phones
Installed cloud services like Dropbox, SkyDrive or Google Drive
Installed library services like iTunes and your computer's library (Music / Videos
Your computer (My folders entry)
The Select content screen is displayed. Transcoding options are set in the background
optimized for the chosen destination, a modification is not needed.
2. Select the video titles you want to copy.
3. Select the audio tracks for each title. (Subtitles cannot be selected.)
Send Video Disc to Device
Nero Disc to Device
Select content
4. For Blu-ray movies you can select your desired resolution in the Resolution drop-down
menu. The higher the resolution, the better the video quality but also the bigger the video
5. If you want, you can select a specific folder on your chosen device via the Browse button.
(If you want to change the device itself, click the Back button.)
On the chosen destination in the Video folder, a new folder is created and named
with the Video Disc title. The video files are named with their video title. The video
settings like bit rate and file type are set automatically for the chosen destination.
The source frame rate is kept. The video is converted to progressive mode. 3D is
converted to 2D.
Supported Formats
Nero Disc to Device
4 Supported Formats
Nero Disc to Device supports the following source disc formats:
Blu-ray Video
Only unprotected source discs are supported.
Nero Disc to Device supports the following audio output formats:
AAC 192 kbit/s CBR 44 kHz
MP3 224 kbit/s CBR 44 kHz
Nero Disc to Device supports the following video output formats:
H264, progressive mode, source frame rate will be kept
Nero Disc to Device supports cloud services that add an entry in the Windows Explorer:
Google Drive
Nero Disc to Device
5 Index
Start via autoplay ............................................ 6
Start via context menu .................................... 6
Start via start menu ......................................... 6
Technical information .................................... 12
Use of the application ...................................... 5
Versions of the application .............................. 5
Audio CD
Identify with Gracenote ................................... 7
Send Audio CD to device ................................ 7
Select content ............................................... 10
Send content to device .................................. 10
Blu-ray Disc movie
Select content ............................................... 10
Select resolution ........................................... 11
Send content to device .................................. 10
Supported devices .................................... 7, 10
DVD Video
Select content ............................................... 10
Send content to device .................................. 10
Gracenote .............................................. 7
Manual conventions ............................... 5
System requirements ............................. 6
Nero Disc to Device
6 Contact
Nero Disc to Device is a Nero AG product.
Nero AG
Rueppurrer Str. 1a
76137 Karlsruhe
+49 721 6272 6499
Copyright © 2014 Nero AG and its licensors. All rights reserved.

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