Nero Handbuch PhotoSnap Photo Snap User Manual Eng
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Nero PhotoSnap Manual
Nero AG

Copyright and Trademark Information
The Nero PhotoSnap and all its contents are protected by copyright and property of Nero
AG. All rights reserved. This manual contains material that is protected by internationally
valid copyright. No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted or transcribed without
the express written permission of Nero AG.
Nero rejects any claims that transcend the clauses of the guarantee rights. Nero AG does
not undertake any liability for the correctness of the Nero PhotoSnap manual. The contents
of the software supplied, as well as the Nero PhotoSnap manual, may be changed without
prior warning.
All trade names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The trademarks mentioned here are listed only for information purposes.
Copyright © 2007 Nero AG and its licensors. All rights reserved.
REV 1.0, SW

Page 3
1 General Information 5
1.1 About the Manual 5
1.2 About Nero PhotoSnap and Nero PhotoSnap Viewer 5
1.3 Versions of Nero PhotoSnap 6
2 Technical Information 7
2.1 System Requirements 7
2.2 Supported Formats 7
3 Launching the Program 8
3.1 Starting Nero PhotoSnap via Nero StartSmart 8
3.2 Starting Nero PhotoSnap On-the-Fly 8
4 Program Interface 9
5 Image Effects 11
5.1 Effect Area 17
5.2 Exposure Area 17
5.2.1 Correct Brightness Range 18
5.2.2 Correct Gradation Curve 19
5.3 Color Balance 20
5.3.1 Color Balance 21
5.4 Resolution Area 22
5.5 Noise Area 23
5.6 Sharpen Area 24
5.7 Red Eye Removal 25
5.8 Rotate Area 26
5.8.1 Rotate Image 27
5.9 Aging Area 28
6 Edit Image 29
7 Save Image 30
7.1 Image Format Settings Window 31

General Information
Page 5
1 General Information
1.1 About the Manual
This manual is intended for all users who want to find out how to use Nero PhotoSnap. It is
process-based and explains how to reach a particular objective on a step-by-step basis.
In order to make best use of this manual, please note the following conventions:
Symbol Meaning
Indicates warnings, preconditions or instructions that have to be
followed strictly.
Indicates additional information or notice messages.
1. Start… A number at the beginning of a line indicates a request for
action. Carry out these actions in the order specified.
Æ Indicates an intermediate result.
Î Indicates a result.
OK Indicates text passages or buttons that appear in the program
interface. They are shown in bold print.
Chapter Indicates references to other chapters. They are executed as
links and are shown in red and underlined.
[…] Indicates keyboard shortcuts for entering commands.
1.2 About Nero PhotoSnap and Nero PhotoSnap Viewer
Nero PhotoSnap lets you edit your digital photographs. You can choose from a large
selection of tools to improve the image quality or to create special picture effects.
Nero PhotoSnap also includes image viewing software Nero PhotoSnap Viewer. Nero
PhotoSnap Viewer lets you view your digital photos and image files.
Nero Scout is integrated in both applications in the window Select an image file to open.
You have various search options with Nero Search.
Nero Scout and the search wizard Nero Search are applications in the Nero 7 Suite and
are automatically installed when Nero 7 is installed. You will find more information in the
Nero Scout manual.

General Information
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1.3 Versions of Nero PhotoSnap
Nero PhotoSnap is available in three different versions:
Nero PhotoSnap
Nero PhotoSnap Essentials
Nero PhotoSnap Essentials SE
Nero PhotoSnap and Nero PhotoSnap Essentials offer the full range of functions. Nero
PhotoSnap Essentials SE does not offer the following filters and tools:
Autofix Image
Auto-remove color cast
Red Eye Removal
JPEG artefact remover

Technical Information
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2 Technical Information
2.1 System Requirements
Nero PhotoSnap is installed together with the full version of Nero; the same system
requirements apply. You can find more detailed information about the system requirements
in the Nero QuickStart Guide.
2.2 Supported Formats
Nero PhotoSnap supports all common image formats.
Formats that can be
read Formats supported
when writing

Launching the Program
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3 Launching the Program
3.1 Starting Nero PhotoSnap via Nero StartSmart
To start Nero PhotoSnap via Nero StartSmart, proceed as follows:
1. Click on the "Nero StartSmart" icon.
Æ The Nero StartSmart window is opened.
2. Click the arrow button on the left in the window.
Æ The extended dialog box opens.
Fig. 1: Nero StartSmart
3. Select the Nero PhotoSnap entry from the Applications selection list.
Æ The Nero PhotoSnap window is opened.
Î You have started Nero PhotoSnap via Nero StartSmart.
3.2 Starting Nero PhotoSnap On-the-Fly
To start Nero PhotoSnap on-the-fly, proceed as follows:
1. Select Start (the start icon) > (All) Programs > Nero 7 (Premium) > Photo and Video >
Nero PhotoSnap.
Æ The Nero PhotoSnap window is opened.
Î You have started Nero PhotoSnap.
You launch Nero PhotoSnap Viewer the same way as you do Nero PhotoSnap. You can
also start Nero PhotoSnap Viewer by double-clicking an image.
You can also start Nero PhotoSnap via Nero PhotoSnap Viewer by clicking the Edit button.

Program Interface
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4 Program Interface
The program interface of Nero PhotoSnap is where you begin to edit photos and images.
Fig. 2: Nero PhotoSnap program interface, with opened image
In one task bar Nero PhotoSnap offers file, display and configuration options, and in the
Tools area it offers filters and effects for image editing. The opened image is displayed in
the editing area.
The following buttons are available in the toolbar:
Opens the Select an image file to open window where you can select an
image to open. In the combo box you can select one of the most recently
opened image files.
Saves the image. In the combo box you can save the image under a different
name and set the options for compression if needed (see Save Image).
Undoes the last editing step.
Redo the editing step.
Fits the image to the editing area.
Increases the view of the image.
Displays the image in its original size (100% zoom).
Decreases the view of the image.
Opens the Options window where you can configure the program (see
Configuration). In the combo box you can display the file information (see File
Information Window) or register plug-ins (no plug-ins are currently available).

Program Interface
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Prints the image. You can configure the printer settings in the combo box.
Closes Nero PhotoSnap.
Opens the About Nero PhotoSnap window to display information such as the
version number.
Opens the Help window to display Online Help (provided you installed the
corresponding manual during installation).
The following options are available in the editing area:
tab Displays the original image as it is saved.
tab Displays the current editing state of the image (not saved).
Shows what the image would look like with the current filter.
This tab is available only if a filter is selected.
Shows the current image in the left pane and in the right pane how the
image would look if the current filter were applied.
This tab is available only if a filter is selected.
Synchronizes the view of the left and right images, i.e. if the left image is
enlarged, the right image is also enlarged and vice versa.
If the button is deactivated, the views are not synchronized.
This button is available when the Split preview tab is displayed.
In the Tools area, effects are available that you can apply to images (see Image Effects).
The following buttons are also available:
Other effects Shows additional effects.
Back to main
effects Shows the main effects.
The main effects are particularly useful for correcting imperfections in the digital image
caused by, for example, a faulty shot or a faulty scan. The other effects are used for artistic
editing and creative image manipulation.

Image Effects
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5 Image Effects
When an image is open, you can switch between main effects and other effects in the Tools
area with the Other effects and Return to main effects buttons. The main effects are
particularly useful for correcting imperfections in the digital image caused by, for example, a
faulty shot or a faulty scan. The other effects are used for artistic editing and creative image
The following main effects are available:
Original image
Shows the Automatic
correction area where you can
automatically perform
corrections. Depending on what
you want to do, you can remove
color cast, poor exposure, tilting
and/or image noise.
Shows the Color/Exposure area
where you can correct the
exposure automatically or
manually (see Exposure Area).
Shows Color/Color balance
area where you can increase or
decrease the individual color
values and in this way correct
color cast or create special
effects (see Color Balance).
Example: in the sample image
the amount of red is reduced.
Shows the Resolution area
where you can change the pixel
size, resolution and/or print size
of the image (see Resolution
Shows the Crop area where you
can extract (crop) part of the

Image Effects
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Shows the Lens distortion area
where you can offset pincushion
or barrel lens distortion.
Example: the sample image has
barrel distortion.
Shows the Brightness and
contrast area where you can
adjust the brightness and
Example: the sample image has
been made brighter.
Shows the Noise area where you
can reduce or add image noise
(see Noise Area).
Example: in the sample image
the image noise has been
Shows the Sharpen area where
you can sharpen or unsharpen
the image (see Sharpen Area).
Example: the sample image has
been sharpened.
red eye
Shows the Red eye removal
area where you can correct red
eyes (see Red Eye Removal).
Shows the Rotate area where
you rotate the image (see Rotate
Example: The sample image has
been rotated 330 degrees.
Hot pixel
Shows the Hot pixel fixer area
where you can remove so-called
hot pixels. Hot pixels are single
bright pixels in white, green, red
and blue that can occur in digital
cameras due to excess charge in
the CCD chip.

Image Effects
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The following additional effects are available:
Original image
Shows the Median area
where you can use a
water color effect. This
effect reduces image
noise, diffuses the image
and makes it somewhat
blurred. The filter is useful
for removing outlier and
artifact pixels.
The filter calculates the
median brightness value
within a defined
environment and replaces
the central pixels with the
calculated value.
Shows the
Color/Inverting area
where you can invert the
colors of an image and
create a negative of the
image. When you do this,
you can choose to exclude
the red, green or blue
channel from the color
Convert to
gray scale
Converts a color image to
a black & white image.

Image Effects
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Reduce the image to its
edges, i.e. to the
transitions between color
Applies the vignetting
filter. The image is
elliptically shadowed
toward the corners.
Mirrors the image
Mirrors the image
Applies the embossing

Image Effects
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Shows the Aging area
where you can apply an
aging effect (see Aging
Shows the Glow area
where you can add a glow
emanating from a bright
surface area.
JPEG artefact
Shows the JPEG artefact
removal area where you
can improve pixelated
JPEG images. Pixels in
JPEG images occur, for
example, through too
much compression. This
effect diffuses ladder
effects and offsets abrupt
color changes.
Shows the Kaleidoscope
area where you can use a
kaleidoscope effect. This
effect lets you determine
depth and tiling.
Shows the Canvas area
where you can apply the
canvas effect. You have a
number of textures from
which to choose. The
image appears as though
printed on the selected

Image Effects
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Shows the Posterization
area where you can use
the oil painting effect. Hue
separation and hue
reduction are performed
so that zones with the
same brightness are
Shows the Solarization
area where you can apply
the solarization effect. It
distorts the image through
lighting effects while at the
same time light and
shadow areas are partially
inverted and colors
Shows the Water area
where you can apply
water effects. The image
appears as though
distorted by waves.
Shows the Duotone area
where you can color
images in two colors. You
can freely choose the two

Image Effects
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5.1 Effect Area
When you select an effect, a corresponding effect area is usually shown. The following
setting options are available in this area:
Presets Creates a name for the selected settings.
Save Saves the preset.
Delete Deletes the selected preset.
Apply Applies the effect.
Cancel Cancels the action and shows the Tools area.
preview Shows the Filter preview preview window. Here you see the saved
image above and the edited image below.
Fig. : Filter preview window
5.2 Exposure Area
You can correct the exposure with Nero PhotoSnap. For this purpose there is a histogram
and gradation correction curve available in the Color/Exposure area. The following tabs are
This defines the brightness range of the histogram using two lines.
On the left are the light pixels, on the right the dark pixels.
The histogram is recorded in the background.
Defines the distribution of the brightness values using a curve. On
the X axis are the hue values of the original from light to dark, on the
X axis the tone values after the correction from light to dark. A
straight curve with a 45° angle means that the original values remain
The histogram is recorded in the background.
The histogram graphically shows the brightness distribution of the image pixels. On the X
axis are the hue values from 0 (light) to 255 (dark), on the Y axis the number of pixels.

Image Effects
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5.2.1 Correct Brightness Range
With Nero PhotoSnap you can correct the exposure of the image by adjusting the brightness
range of the histogram. The histogram graphically shows the brightness distribution of the
image pixels. On the X axis are the hue values from 0 (light) to 255 (dark), on the Y axis the
number of pixels.
The following prerequisite must be met:
The Exposure area is displayed.
To correct the brightness range, proceed as follows:
1. Click the Histogram correction tab.
Æ The Histogram correction tab is displayed.
Fig. 3: Exposure area, Histogram correction tab -- this image is underexposed
2. To automatically adjust the brightness range, click the Adjust automatically button.
Æ The two lines that define the brightness range are shifted.
3. If you want to adjust the brightness range manually:
1. Move the left line.
Æ The beginning of the brightness range is defined.
2. Move the right line.
Æ The end of the brightness range is defined.
4. Click the Apply button.
Î You have adjusted the exposure. The histogram of the image being edited now
stretches across the entire brightness range.
A well-exposed image has a histogram with different elevations spread from left to right. In
contrast, an image which is underexposed or overexposed has no elevations or only very
flat elevations in the left and/or right areas. To correct such an image, you can move the
lines accordingly until they achieve the elevations or you can have it done automatically.
The hue values then cover the entire brightness range, and the exposure is corrected.

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5.2.2 Correct Gradation Curve
You can correct the exposure of the image with Nero PhotoSnap. The gradation curve
defines the distribution of the brightness values. On the X axis are the hue values of the
original from light to dark, on the X axis the hue values after the correction from light to dark.
A straight curve with a 45° angle means that the original values remain unchanged.
The following prerequisite must be met:
The Exposure area is displayed.
To correct the gradation curve, proceed as follows:
1. Click the Gradation curves tab.
Æ The Gradation curves tab is displayed.
2. To prevent a distortion of the brightness ranges that should not be changed, click the curve.
Æ A control point is set.
Fig. 4: Exposure area, Gradation curves tab -- drawn gradation curves with control points
3. Pull the curve upward or downward to lighten or darken the hue values of this area.
4. Click the Apply button.
Î You have adjusted the exposure. The histogram of the edited image then shows a
changed profile.
If you are not satisfied with the change, you can reset to the default value with the Reset

Image Effects
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5.3 Color Balance
You can correct the color of the image with Nero PhotoSnap and, for example, remove a
color cast. Correction options in RGB and HSL modes are available for that purpose in the
Color/Color balance area.
Fig. 5: Color balance area
You can perform the color balance with the RGB tab in RGB mode: colors are defined with
combinations of the three primary colors red, green and blue. The following input options are
Red / Green /
Regulates the amount of color. Slide the regulator to the right to
increase the amount of color (up to 100%). Slide the regulator to
the left to decrease the amount of color (to 0%).
Auto remove
color cast Automatically balances a present color cast.
The color balance can be performed on the HSL tab in HSL mode: colors are defined by a
combination of hue factors, saturation and lightness. The following input options are
Hue Regulates the primary colors. Slide the regulator to the right or
left to change the primary color hue of each pixel.
Saturation Regulates the saturation of the colors. Slide the regulator to the
right to increase the saturation or to the left to decrease.
Brightness Regulates the color lightness. Slide the regulator to the right to
increase the lightness or to the left to decrease it.

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5.3.1 Color Balance
You can perform a color balance or correct a color cast with Nero PhotoSnap. You can
perform the color balance manually, semi-automatically, or automatically.
The following prerequisite must be met:
The Color/Color balance area is displayed.
To correct the color of an image, proceed as follows:
1. To perform a manual color balance:
1. Click the RGB tab or the HSL tab.
Æ The RGB tab or the HSL tab is displayed.
You can perform the color balance with the RGB tab in RGB mode: colors are defined with
combinations of the three primary colors red, green and blue.
The color balance can be performed on the HSL tab in HSL mode: colors are defined by a
combination of hue factors, saturation and lightness.
2. Slide the regulator as required.
Æ The image shows the changes.
2. To perform a semi-automatic color balance:
1. Click the RGB tab.
Æ The RGB tab is displayed.
2. Move the cursor over the image.
Æ The cursor displays as a pipette.
3. Click in an area of the image with a neutral color, e.g. gray.
Æ The regulators are moved accordingly and the image shows the changes.
3. To perform an automatic color balance:
1. Click the RGB tab.
Æ The RGB tab is displayed.
2. Click the Remove color cast button.
Æ Nero PhotoSnap analyzes the color distribution. The regulators are moved
accordingly and the image shows the changes.
The automatic color balance is based on the analyzed features and balances color casts
automatically. If you are not satisfied with the corrected image, remember that a color
balance is a matter of taste and that a color cast may in fact be desired in order to impart a
certain mood.
4. Click the Apply button.
Î You have performed a color balance.

Image Effects
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5.4 Resolution Area
With Nero PhotoSnap you can change the resolution, the size and the print size of the
Fig. 6: Resolution area
The following areas are available in the Resolution area:
Resize Mode Selects a method for changing the size of the image.
Pixel Dimension Defines the size of the image in pixels.
resolution Defines the resolution of the image in pixels per cm or inch.
Document Print
Size Defines the print size of the image in cm or inches.
In the Resize mode area the following selection options are available:
check box Retains the proportions of the image.
Combo box entry
Do not resample
Changes the pixel size of the image; the image is not re-
calculated if there is a major change.
Combo box entry
Re-calculates the image if there is size change by doubling or
omitting pixels.
This method is the fastest and easiest and is especially suited to
illustrations with few colors. Contrasts and edges are retained.
Not well suited for photography.
Combo box entry
Re-calculates the image if there is size change by taking into
account the upper and lower pixels for the recalculation.
This method is fast and especially suitable for drawings and
Combo box entry If there is a size change, the image is re-calculated by taking into

Image Effects
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Bilinear (Bartlett) account the surrounding pixels in different parts.
Though more exact for image size reductions than the simple
bilinear method, it is slower. This method produces the best
results for drawings and illustrations.
Combo box entry
If there is a size change, the image is recalculated by taking into
account all adjacent pixels during the recalculation.
This method is particularly suited for realistic photos. The edges
and lines are retained relatively well. However the method may
produce artefacts on sharp edges and is therefore not well suited
for drawings.
Combo box entry
If there is a size change, this recalculates the image by taking
into account the surrounding pixels in a defined ratio to the
This method is qualitatively the best and thus requires the most
time to calculate. It is especially well suited for detailed half-tone
photos. However the method may produce artefacts on sharp
edges and is therefore not well suited for drawings.
If the default Apply and Cancel buttons are not visible, enlarge the program window using
the window corners.
5.5 Noise Area
With Nero PhotoSnap you can increase or reduce the noise of the image. Noise occurs in
digital photos if the ISO sensitivity is high when taking photos. Disturbance signals,
unwanted pixels or artefacts may appear.
Fig. 7: Noise area
The following configuration options are available in the Noise area:
Remove Noise tab
Smoothness Defines the degree of general noise reduction.
Noise levels Defines the degree of noise reduction of the primary colors red,

Image Effects
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green and blue.
Auto profile Automatically reduces noise. The regulators are set to an optimal
Add Noise tab
Noise levels Defines the level of general noise increase.
5.6 Sharpen Area
Nero PhotoSnap lets you sharpen or blur the image. The sharp effect is achieved with the
Unsharp masking filter, the unsharp or blur effect with Gaussian blur. The impression of
sharpness results from images with a great many tone value changes, i.e. from the contrast
between two areas. The more angular and different in tone value these areas are, the
sharper the transition appears.
Fig. 8: Sharpen area
The following entry options are available in the Sharpen area:
Unsharp masking
Size Defines how many pixels should be included in the sharpening
Amount Defines the degree of contrast removal.
Threshold Defines from which edge contrast sharpening should occur.
Gaussian blur tab
Size Defines how many pixels in an area should be included in the
unsharp calculation.
There is no regulator mixing for sharpening that applies to all images. The optimal regulator
mixing must be determined by trial and error.

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5.7 Red Eye Removal
Nero PhotoSnap lets you remove red eye. Red eye in photos usually occurs when a person
or animal is photographed with a flash in dark surroundings. The flash or light is reflected by
the retina and appears red in photos. The effect is even greater if the pupil is opened wide.
The following prerequisite must be met:
The Red eye removal area is displayed.
To remove red eye with Nero PhotoSnap proceed as follows:
1. Click the image, hold down the mouse button, and draw a circle or ellipse around the pupil.
Æ The area is marked and the red pupil is colored black.
You can change the size and position of the ellipse by dragging the corner points.
2. Click the Continue button.
Æ The marked area is defined.
3. Repeat the two previous steps for each pupil from which you want to remove red eye.
4. Move the Intensity of red eye reduction regulator.
Æ The black color of the pupils will be increased or reduced, depending on the initial state.
The regulator changes all areas marked in the image.
5. Click the Apply button.
Î You have removed red eyes.

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5.8 Rotate Area
Nero PhotoSnap lets you rotate the image or image content.
Fig 9: Rotate area
The following configuration options are available in the Rotate area:
No rotation The image is not rotated.
Left/Right 90
degrees Rotates the image 90 degrees to the left or right.
180 degrees Rotates the image 180 degrees.
Custom angle Rotates the image by any number of degrees.
color Defines the background color for unfilled areas that occur when
Autorotate image Rotates the image automatically by looking for edges; the image
is rotated so that most edges are horizontal or vertical.
The following items are available in the Size of the rotated image selection menu:
No cropping
Does not crop the
image and fits the
rotated image in an
outer frame with
horizontal and
vertical edges. The
newly created area
is filled with the
background color.

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Crop image
Crops the rotated
image so that no
background areas
are visible.
Crop but
keep image
Crops the image like
Crop image but
increases the size of
the crop so that the
dimensions of the
rotated image are
the same as the
5.8.1 Rotate Image
Nero PhotoSnap lets you rotate an image. You can rotate manually, semi-automatically or
The following prerequisite must be met:
The Rotate area is displayed.
To rotate an image with Nero PhotoSnap, proceed as follows:
1. To rotate manually:
1. Select one of the option fields or
rotate the angle circle.
Æ The image is rotated by the selected angle.
2. To rotate the image semi-automatically:
1. Click the image and draw a line.
Æ The image is rotated so that the drawn line is horizontally or vertically positioned.
The line is not added to the image; it is only for rotating the image.
3. To rotate the image automatically:
1. Click the Autorotate button.
Æ Nero PhotoSnap automatically rotates the image so that the majority of edges in the
image are horizontally or vertically positioned.
4. Select an item in the Size of the rotated image combo box to define the size of the rotated
image (see Rotate Area).
Æ The image size is adjusted as desired.

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5. If you selected the No cropping entry and unfilled areas were created by rotation, click the
Background color entry field and select a background color.
Æ The newly created image areas are filled with the selected background color.
6. Click the Apply button.
Î You have rotated the image.
5.9 Aging Area
You can artificially age an image with Nero PhotoSnap. The following configuration options
are available in the Aging area:
Intensity Defines the degree of aging. As an image ages, it becomes
increasingly sepia toned.
Desaturation Defines how faded the colors should be.
Noise Adds noise to the image, i.e. randomly distributed artefact pixels.
Scratches Adds sepia scratches to the image.
Lines Adds vertical lines to the image.

Edit Image
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6 Edit Image
Nero PhotoSnap lets you edit an image and apply effects to it. Image effects are available to
you in the Tools area for this purpose (see Image Effects). To edit an image, proceed as
1. Click the image effect button you want in the Tools area (see Image Effects).
Æ The corresponding area is displayed. The Preview and Split view tabs are displayed.
The effects Convert to gray scale to Embossing are applied immediately to the image.
The button lets you undo the effect you have applied.
2. To view both the current image and the image with the effect, click the Split preview tab.
Æ The Split preview tab is displayed. The button is shown over the editing area.
3. Enlarge or decrease the size of the image to be able to better view the effect.
4. To close the Preview window, deactivate the Show preview check box.
5. Define the desired settings in the section (see Image Effects).
Æ The image changes according to the settings.
For further instructions for
Exposure effect, see Correct Brightness Range and Correct Gradation Curve
Color balance effect, see Color Balance
Rotation effect, see Rotate Image
6. To save your settings for the effect:
1. Click in the Presets combo box.
2. Enter a name.
3. Click the Save button.
Æ The settings are saved under the selected name. The next time you use the effect,
the saved settings are available to you in the Presets combo box.
You can overwrite an existing preset with new settings by clicking the Save button when
the corresponding entry is selected in the Presets combo box.
7. Click the Apply button.
Î The effect is applied to the image. The Preview and Split preview tabs are hidden.

Save Image
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7 Save Image
If you have applied effects, you can save the image. You can overwrite the current image or
save the changed image under a different name. For images in the JPG or TIFF format you
have additional settings available for compression.
Compression for JPEG images is preset to 80%. This level of compression is applied every
time you save, with the result that the image quality becomes increasingly poorer. If you
don't want that to happen, save the image only when you have finished editing or change
the compression setting (see Image Format Settings Window)
To save an image, proceed as follows:
1. To save the image and/or overwrite, click the button.
Æ The image is saved.
2. To save the image at a different location, in a different image format and/or under a different
1. Click the small triangle next to the button.
2. Select the Save as entry.
Æ The Save as window opens.
3. Select where you want to save the image, select an image format from the File type
combo box, and enter a name.
4. If you want to define compression settings for JPG, JP2, TIFF or PNG, click Settings.
Æ The relevant window is opened (see Image Format Settings Window).
5. Define the settings you want and click the OK button.
6. Click the Save button.
Æ The image is saved.
3. To save the current image using the JPG, JP2, TIFF or PNG compression settings:
1. Click the small triangle next to the button.
2. Select the Settings entry.
Æ The relevant window is opened (see Image Format Settings Window).
3. Select the settings you want.
Î You have saved the image.

Save Image
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7.1 Image Format Settings Window
For TIFF, JPG and PNG image formats you have certain compression and saving options
available in Nero PhotoSnap. You can open the relevant window via Save > Settings.
Fig. 10: TIFF settings window
The following option fields are available in the Compression area of the TIFF settings
window for TIFF images:
None No compression.
Performs non-lossy fast compression using the Lempel, Ziv and
Welch method. The file size can be reduced by up to 50%. The
loading time in editing programs can, however, be longer. This
method is particularly well suited for gray scale and color images.
JPEG Carries out a lossy JPG compression (quality loss). Using the
JPEG compression strength slide regulator you can define the
degree of compression.
Group 3 fax Performs a non-lossy compression by encoding isochromatic
pixels and saving the information separately. This method is used
by all fax devices and is well suited for black & white images.
Group 4 fax Performs a non-lossy compression by encoding isochromatic
pixels and saving the information separately. The method is well
suited for black & white images.
Carries out a non-lossy compression using Run Length Encoding.
Isochromatic pixels are encoded using counters. This method is
particularly suitable for black & white images or images with large
areas of the same color.
Fig. 11: JPEG settings window
The following setting options are available in the JPEG settings window for JPEG/JPG
Compression Regulates the compression strength.

Save Image
Page 32
Uses the progressive compression method for JPEG images. If a
progressively compressed JPEG image is accessed and
transmitted in the Internet, the image is displayed layer by layer.
The user sees first an unsharp image that becomes increasingly
The following check boxes are available in the PNG configuration window for PNG images:
Convert current
image to 256
colors (dithered)
Reduces the color depth to 256 colors and thereby reduces the
file size.

File Information Window
Page 33
8 File Information Window
The File information window provides you with information about the image. If the photo
was taken with a digital camera, metadata is usually present, e.g. camera-specific EXIF
information such as aperture and shutter time. You can open the File information window
from Nero PhotoSnap or from Nero PhotoSnap Viewer.
Fig 12: File information window
The following information and setting options are available in the File information window:
Image format Displays the format of the image.
Image size Displays the size of the image in height and width.
Resize Displays the resolution of the image in dpi, horizontally and
Metadata Defines the way the metadata is displayed. It can be displayed as
a tree or list.
Display field Displays image metadata if present. (Metadata is usually present
if the image is a photo taken with a digital camera.)
Copy to
clipboard Copies the metadata to the clipboard. You can then insert the
information in another program (e.g. text editor).

Page 34
9 Configuration
Nero PhotoSnap lets you define the presets for displaying images. You define the presets in
the Options window, which you open with the button.
Fig. 13: Options window
The following setting options are available:
Zoom to see the
whole picture when
file is opened
Fits the image to the editing area.
If the check box is deactivated, the image is displayed in its
original size (100%) in the editing area.
Load last opened
image when started Loads the most recently opened image when Nero
PhotoSnap is launched.
Reload the image
after saving to see
the possible
Reloads after saving the image and displays it in the Saved
and Current tabs.
If the check box is activated, the Saved tab displays the
original image before editing (from Nero PhotoSnap's
cache) and the Current tab displays the edited and saved
If you are not satisfied with the changes, you can click the
button to reset the changes and edit again from the
original image.
Also allow image
enlargement during
Enlarges the image if required to fit into the editing area.
If the check box is deactivated, maximum image
enlargement is original size.
Background Color Defines the background color of the editing area.
Maximum undo
steps Defines the maximum number of undo steps possible.
Plug-ins Opens the Configure plug-in manager window where you
can register plug-ins (no plug-ins are currently available).

Nero PhotoSnap Viewer
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10 Nero PhotoSnap Viewer
You can view photos and images with Nero PhotoSnap Viewer.
10.1 Program Interface
The program interface of Nero PhotoSnap Viewer is where you begin to view images.
Fig. 14: Nero PhotoSnap Viewer program interface
The program interface consists of a menu bar, a toolbar and the viewing area.
The following items are available in the menu bar:
File Options for opening and printing an image. You can also
configure the printer and the program (see Configuration) and
register plug-ins (no plug-ins currently available).
View Options for viewing the image.
Start Options for browsing images.
Tools Options for rotating the image. You can also have information
about the image displayed and open Nero PhotoSnap.
Help Options for displaying Online Help and the About Nero
PhotoSnap Viewer window, where you can see the version
number among other things.
The following buttons are available in the toolbar:
Open Opens the Select an image file to open window where you can
select an image to open.
Edit Opens Nero PhotoSnap. You can then edit the image with Nero
Zoom In Increases the view of the image.
Zoom Out Decreases the view of the image.
Full Screen Full screen display of the image.

Nero PhotoSnap Viewer
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Left/Right Rotates the image 90° to the left or right.
Information Opens the File information window that displays information
about the image (see File Information Window).
Help Topics Opens the Online Help (if you installed it).
Previous image Displays the previous image in the folder. [Page up]
Next image Displays the next image in the folder. [Page down], [Space]
Images in a folder are displayed in the following file name sequence:
Special characters
Numbers from 0 to 9
Letters in alphabetical order
10.2 Full Screen View
Clicking the Full screen view button lets you view the image full screen. The image either
fills the entire screen or displays in its original size (100%) with a background. You can
display the next image by pressing the spacebar.
You can open the context menu by clicking with the right mouse button. The context menu
contains the same entries as the toolbar in the program interface. The following entry is also
Toggle full
screen view Exits full screen view and displays the image again in the viewing
10.3 View Image
To view images with Nero PhotoSnap Viewer, proceed as follows:
1. Click the Open button and select an image.
Æ The image is then displayed.
2. To change the display size of the image, click the Zoom in / Zoom out button.
Æ The image becomes larger or smaller.
3. To rotate the image, click the Left/Right button.
Æ The image is then rotated.
4. To display the image in full screen view, click the Full screen view button.
Æ The image is then displayed full screen.
5. To exit the full screen view, right click to open the context menu and select Toggle full
screen view.
Æ The image is displayed again in the viewing area.
6. To display the next image, click the Next image button or press the spacebar.
Î You have viewed images with Nero PhotoSnap Viewer.

Nero PhotoSnap Viewer
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10.4 Configuration
In Nero PhotoSnap Viewer you can define the presets for displaying images. The presets are
defined in the Settings window, accessible via File > Presets.
Fig. 15: Settings window (Nero PhotoSnap Viewer)
The following setting options are available:
Autosize images by
Fits the image to the size of the viewing area or screen.
Increases or decreases the view of the image if required.
If the check box is deactivated, the images are displayed
in their original sizes (100%). If the viewing area is too
small to show the entire image, the image borders are
Double clicking always
opens images in full
screen view
Opens images when double clicked in full screen view.
If the check box is deactivated, the image opens in the
viewing area.
Display image name in
full screen view Displays the image name in full screen view.
Resample pixels
Displays the image smoothly when enlarged. The image
is recalculated (resampled) using a special calculation
method that may take a while, depending on the image
If the check box is deactivated, the image will appear
pixelated when enlarged.
Close Nero PhotoSnap
Viewer when 'Edit' is
clicked Closes Nero PhotoSnap Viewer if you click Edit.
Select color Defines the color of the viewing area and background.
10.5 Key Combinations
The following shortcuts are available in Nero PhotoSnap Viewer for entering commands:
[Space] Displays the next image.
[Page up] Displays the previous image.
[Page down] Displays the next image.

Nero PhotoSnap Viewer
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You can also use the mouse wheel to navigate through the images in a folder.

List of Figures
Page 39
11 List of Figures
Fig. 1: Nero StartSmart.......................................................................................................................................8
Fig. 2: Nero PhotoSnap program interface, with opened image ........................................................................9
Fig. 3: Exposure area, Histogram correction tab -- this image is underexposed.........................................18
Fig. 4: Exposure area, Gradation curves tab -- drawn gradation curves with control points........................19
Fig. 5: Color balance area...............................................................................................................................20
Fig. 6: Resolution area....................................................................................................................................22
Fig. 7: Noise area.............................................................................................................................................23
Fig. 8: Sharpen area........................................................................................................................................24
Fig 9: Rotate area ............................................................................................................................................26
Fig. 10: TIFF settings window .........................................................................................................................31
Fig. 11: JPEG settings window .......................................................................................................................31
Fig 12: File information window .....................................................................................................................33
Fig. 13: Options window..................................................................................................................................34
Fig. 14: Nero PhotoSnap Viewer program interface ........................................................................................35
Fig. 15: Settings window (Nero PhotoSnap Viewer).......................................................................................37

Page 40
12 Glossary
The resolution is a measure of the amount of visual information contained in a picture. The
number of pixels in a photograph determines the absolute resolution, while the number of
pixels per unit of length provides the relative resolution, normally expressed in dpi (dots per
Image noise
Like all semiconductors, CCD chips possess a certain ground noise, which makes itself felt
as a disturbing image noise. If the ISO number is increased from 100 to 400 when it is dark,
then boosting the signal will also increase the noise and this will make itself noticeable in the
image. Wherever it is feasible, a lower ISO number should be used in order to keep the
image noise as low as possible.
CCD chip
CCD stands for charge coupled device. A CCD is a light-sensitive sensor that can collect
and store light. The light-sensitive cells called "pixels" are located in a matrix on the element.
A charge is decoupled from each cell, proportional to the amount of light, and is then stored
for further processing.
Abbreviation of "dots per inch". DPI indicates the number of dots (i.e. pixels) per inch (1 inch
= 2.54 cm) that an output device supports.
EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format and is a standard of JEITA (Japan
Electronic and Information Technology Industries Association) for meta information in image
files. Information such as camera type, aperture, exposure time, distance to object and the
date when the photo was taken can be stored in the metadata. JPEG and TIFF graphic
formats are supported. Metadata is written to the header of the photo, i.e. before the actual
image information. This information can be read in the File information window with Nero
PhotoSnap and Nero PhotoSnap Viewer.
ISO number
For analog films, the light-sensitivity is quoted as an ISO number, where the coarseness of
the grains of film increase as the number does. Although the sensitivity of the CCD chip is
constant for digital cameras, a higher ISO number can be simulated - by increasing
sensitivity as a result of boosting the signal. One undesired effect of boosting the image
signal is increased image noise.
An image format developed by the Joint Photographic Experts Group; an efficient but lossy
compression method.
The term "pixel" is an invented word, a hybrid of "pix" (picture) and "el" (for element). A pixel
is an image element and the smallest unit of a digital graphic. Multiplying the number of
pixels per inch of the height and width of the image gives the total number of pixels; an
image of 800 x 600 pixels in size thus contains 480.00 pixels.

Page 41
Progressive compression
Type of compression for JPEG images. When a progressively compressed JPEG image is
accessed in the Internet, it becomes visible in layers. The user first sees an unsharp image
which then becomes increasingly sharp.
In RGB mode, all the different colors are characterized by their red, green and blue
components. The color produced is the result of adding the three color components.
In HSL mode, the color is described on the basis of its Hue, Saturation and Lightness.

Page 42
13 Index
aging.....................................................................15, 28
Automatic correction...................................................11
Bilinear .......................................................................22
black & white image....................................................13
Brightness ..................................................................12
brightness range
correct .................................................................................18
canvas ........................................................................15
CCITT RLE.................................................................31
color balance ........................................................11, 20
perform..........................................................................21, 29
Color balance .............................................................11
color cast
correct .................................................................................11
setting............................................................................30, 31
Compression quality ...................................................31
Configuration .......................................................... 9, 34
Contakt .......................................................................45
Control point
set 19
Convert to gray scale..................................................13
perform automatically..........................................................11
crop ............................................................................11
Display sequence .......................................................36
edge detection ............................................................14
apply ............................................................................. 17, 29
save .................................................................................... 17
effect settings
save .................................................................................... 29
show ................................................................................... 10
embossing ..................................................................14
Exif information
read..................................................................................... 33
correct........................................................................... 11, 17
file information ..................................................9, 33, 36
Full screen view..........................................................36
exit 36
toggle.................................................................................. 36
Gaussian blur..............................................................24
glow ............................................................................15
Gradation curve
correct........................................................................... 19, 29
gradation curves .........................................................17
Group 3 fax.................................................................31
Group 4 fax.................................................................31
correct................................................................................. 18

Page 43
Histogram Corretion ...................................................17
Hot Pixel
remove ................................................................................12
Hot Pixel Fixer ............................................................12
crop .....................................................................................27
edit 29
enlarge ................................................................................36
no cropping..........................................................................26
open ................................................................................9, 35
print ...............................................................................10, 35
rotate .............................................................................27, 29
save.................................................................................9, 30
view .....................................................................................36
image detail
crop .....................................................................................11
Image effects.................................................. 10, 11, 29
image view
display in original size .........................................................37
exit full screen view .............................................................36
Fits the size of Nero PhotoSnap Viewer .............................37
full screen display................................................................35
full screen view....................................................................36
narrow .................................................................................36
rotate .............................................................................35, 36
Installation ....................................................................7
JPEG artefact removal ...............................................15
JPEG compression.....................................................31
JPEG image
Lanczos ......................................................................23
Launching the program.................................................8
Lens distortion ............................................................12
LZW ............................................................................31
main effects ................................................................11
display................................................................................. 10
mirror ..........................................................................14
mirror horizontally .......................................................14
Nero PhotoSnap Essentials SE ....................................6
Nero PhotoSnap Viewer .............................................35
configure....................................................................... 35, 37
Nero Scout....................................................................5
Nero Search..................................................................5
next image
display................................................................................. 36
Noise.....................................................................12, 23
oil painting effect.........................................................16
other effects................................................................13
distortion ............................................................................. 12
pixelated images
improve............................................................................... 15
Plug-ins...................................................................9, 34
PNG image
compression ....................................................................... 32
previous image
display................................................................................. 36
Program interface .........................................................9
Progressive Kompression...........................................32

Page 44
red eye
remove ................................................................................12
Red Eye
remove ..........................................................................12, 25
Resolution ............................................................11, 22
rotate ..............................................................12, 26, 27
Save ...........................................................................17
Sequence of display ...................................................36
Sharpen................................................................12, 24
Show preview .............................................................17
Solarize ......................................................................16
Start Nero PhotoSnap via Nero PhotoSnap Viewer......8
Start Nero PhotoSnap Viewer.......................................8
Starting Nero PhotoSnap On-the-Fly............................8
Starting Nero PhotoSnap via Nero StartSmart .............8
Supported Formats.......................................................7
TIFF image
compression ....................................................................... 31
Tools.....................................................................10, 11
masking .............................................................................. 24
Users ............................................................................5
vertical mirror..............................................................14
vignetting ....................................................................14
Water ..........................................................................16
water color effect ........................................................13

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