Netgear orporated 06200054 Skype Wifi Phone User Manual A5FEADB6B6C7AF75A643A64C

Netgear Incorporated Skype Wifi Phone A5FEADB6B6C7AF75A643A64C


Users Manual Part I

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Document DescriptionUsers Manual Part I
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2006-06-27 00:00:00
Date Available2006-08-11 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-06-27 14:08:37
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Document Author:

User Manual for the
SkypeTM WiFi Phone
4600 Gfeat America Parkway
Santa Clara. CA 95054 USA
lb 2006 by NETGEAR. Inc. All rights reserved.
Customer Support
For problems with your Slrype ”Moe. contact Skype at: skypecom
For hardwore support for your Skypomwm Phone. contact NETGEAR.
NETGEAR. Inc Support Norm-Hm
the: 1-868-NETGEAR. {or US & Canada only. For other counties. see your
support information cord.
Emu: supportgnetgoomom
North American NETGEAR website: maroon»
Foreign language upponzdommenmion.netonrcmvsph1o1nr:dex.Mm
Getting Started
Mat Is in the Box .......................... . .................... . .................. 2
Charge the Battery 2
JoinawrelessNerwork W“... ,.. ...4
Sign IntoSkype .............................. , ................................... .....6
Try Your WIFi Phone ................................................................... 7
Using the WIFI phone
Controls ....................................................................................... 10
Your Skype Service ..................
Gazing Your Stype Contact:
SettingsMenu .. ....
Network ....................................................................................... 26
General ..................................................................................... 27
Advanced ‘ . .................. . 28
Preferred Networks. . 29
Connectmg to Networks ..... . 30
Finding the Problem 31
Wreless Networks ...... .,. .. r. ..32
Wireless Default Settlngs and Technlcal Specifications ..35
Related Documents .......................................................................... 37
Regulatory Compliance. .r .. .. a .. . w, 39
iv Contents
Getting Started
Warning: This WlFi phone will not work during a power failure.
A broadband Internet outage. or without a wireless
lb W fi.
The NH phone connects wrrelessly to your Skype servroe
through your broadoand lntemet connection You can use the
NH phone to make and receive calls and to manage your Skype
service. To set up and use your WlFi phone:
1.Check the package contenS.
2A Charge the battery,
3. Connect to a wireless network
4 Sign into your Skype service
5. Use your VWFi phone.
What Is in the Box
The Skype"W|Fi Phone package includes the following items
- WIFr phone
- Battery
- Battery charger
- User Manual for theSkype”u WtFi PnoneModel SPH101
- Vthrtanty card
Charge the Battery
For information about radio frequency (RF) exposure, FCC
notices and regulahory information. see “Regulatory Compliance"
on page 39.
The first time that you use the WtFi phone. follow these steps.
1 Remove the clear ptastic cover from the display
2. Open the back panel. put the battery inside the NH phone. and
replace the back panel
2 Getting Started
3‘ Connect the power cord. and plug it into an outlet
The bathry charges. which can tab up to 12 hours.
4. Push the OnIOfi‘ button to turn on the VWFi phone.
_—~On10ff button
5. Use the soft koytb accept the No Emergency Calls message.
ThewFiphonebwstoconnoctmanotwotk Seo‘Joina
WmtessNetm1k“onpeged. Thenitpronptsyoutosign into
atype. See"SignIntoSkype‘ onpsges.
GelfingStadad 3
Join a Wireless Network
The W! phone scans for wireless networks in your eree. It joins
the first open network mom wireless security that it finds. Then
the display shows:
- Sign in to Skype
- Crede new account
Secure Netvmrks
if you went to join e perliculer network. or e network with wireless
security. select Cencei with the soft key. The WlFi phone shows e
list of available networks.
Network m 2,
Use the 'eIA button
to change to lower-
cese. uppercese. '
or numeric entry.
4 6mm sum
The first time that you join a wireless network with security, you
must knowthe password or WEP keys When entering letters. tap
the button to change from a. to b. and so on Alter you havejoined
the network, the WiFi phone remembers the network settings and
saves them in Preferred Networks. See ”Preferred Networks" on
ifyou do notseethe nelworkthat you want. make sure that it is up
and running. Select Cancel and you wil see these options.
- Connect
- Network properties
- Refresh list
- Preferred networks
Seled Refresh list to find the network For more help with wieless
networks. see ‘Settxnge and Wireless Networks" on page 23.
Getting Stated 5
Sign in to Skype
Afleryou join a network. you are prompted to sip In to Skype. or
to create a new Skype account. Enter your Skype name and
Skype password.
Use the WA button
to change to lower-
case. uppercase.
or numeric entry.
' th/lttl/t/rlh
Select Yes to save your name and pasword for automaic sim in.
If you have many coriacts. you may need to wait five minutes or
more to get them onto the WiFi phone the fist time you sign in.
You can use the son keys to select Menu or Contacts.
6 6001179 sum
Try Your WiFi Phone
Your lMFi phone is now ready to use. Hold the phone as you
would any other telephone with the antenna pointed up and over
your shoulder.
For your phone to operate most efficiently:
- Extend your antenna fully.
- Do not touch the antenna unnwesearily when the phone is in
use Contactwith the antenna affects call qualty and may
muse the phoneto operate a a higher power level than
othervnse needed.
To make a call;
14 Enter the phone number
f e 1‘ Tip: For SkypeOut calls. you rmsthave SkypeOut
service. SkypeOut money. and you must
‘ press + before entering the phone number,
2 Press the Call button
TheCaIbuttonhasagreen phoneioononitandisonthelett
side of the lMFi phone.
For information about getting your Skype contacts and using the
WiFi phone. see “Using the WlFi phone' on page 9.
Gemng Slated 7
Gamay Slated
Using the WiFi phone
Afterycusetuplherl-‘i phone. youcen useitwrmkeand
receive mils. The NH phone controls are shown below.
connector phone control
Volume ‘
Select or f. Back at
Options " 1 Cancel
-Hang up
Call chamders
'aIA button
USB connector for
supplied battery
The controls on the WrFi phone are described in this section
Volume control. Change the volume for the WP i phone.
Speaker phone control. Turn the speaker phone on or off.
Select or Optlons. This set: key works with the display as
Select. or Options
Back or Cancel. This soft key works with the display as “Back"
or ‘Cencel.’
Call. Make a call.
Hang up. End a sell.
Scroll. Scroll up or down through menu displays. You can use
the edges to move left or right
aIA ' button. Use thrstogether with the keypad buttons to enter
lowercase letters. uppercase letters. or numbers
Speclal characters. Use this to enter specml characters such
as punctuation marks
Using the WIFI phone
Your Skype Service
The NF! phone mkswith your Skype service If you have signed
up for the foliowmg Skype services. you can use them with the
NH phone.
- Skype. Make calls to anyone who has Skype.
- SkypeOut. Also make fills to people without Skype.
- Skypein. People wnhom Skype an call you at an assigned
Stype phone number
- Skype Volcemall. Send and receive voicemail from other
Skype users,
For mote infomhon aboutthese services. see the Skype Web
stte at
Using the WIFI phone 11
Getting Your Skype Contacts
The first time that you use yourWtFI phone. or atter It has been
reset. you need to get the contacts from your Skype service onto
the WIFI phone.
To get your Skype contacts. use the WI phone to slgn h to your
Skype service. Skype eutometlcalty sends your contacts to the
WIFI phone. This can take five minutes or more. The contacts
remain on the WIFI phone unless It ts reset or you stgn h Nth a
dttt‘erent Skype name.
Select Contacts. Then scroll and select a contact.
Elther select the
contacts Icon.
or choose Contacts
with the sott key.
12 Ushq the WFI phone
You can use these optlons:
- Call. Call a contact.
' Said volcematl. Send voloemall to a contact.
- Mew hallo. View dotalls about a coma.
- Advanced. Display the Advanced Opllons menu.
Calling a Contact
To call a contact:
1.Seloct I contact.
You can press a letter key on the phone to go to contacts whose
names begin wlth thd letter.
2. Select Options win the sol key. Then select coll.
.. firml'cttKPM) r-
Ushg the WP! phone 1 3
3. During the call. you can use the son koys to select Options or
End Call.
Solact Options to use
Hold. Muto/Urmuto. . innu-
or Switch calls. Mm
zlaihfi 4t-
‘.'!'- niu-iNuQ'.
Options During a Call
Choosing Options lots you money. your call and work with
- Hold. Pu tho porson you are caling on hold. Tho phone puts a
call on hold if then is another incoming call.
- Muhnlcrophonolllnmito. Turn off the sound and turn it back
on again.
- Switch calls. Swlch botwoon calls.
- Vlow call participants. So. which contacts are particth in
the call.
Ushg the WFI phone
When you recelve a col. the WIFl phone shows an Incoming call
message. You can answer the call. send a busy signal. or reject
the call. To answer the call. use the soft key to select Answer. or
press the Cell button.
Advanced Options
Select a contact. Select Options, and then select Advanced. Scroll
and select an advanced optlon.
- Rename. Change a contact's name.
- Remove. You can remove any contact from your contacts list.
. Block. You can block or unblock a contact. A blocked Icon
shows which contacts are blocked.
- Request alliteration. See “Authorization" on page 19.
- Add a contact. See “Adding a Contact" on page 16.
- Search for usets. See "Searching for Users' on page 18.
Ushg the WIFI phone 15
Adding a Contact
You can add a contact by Skype name or by Skype Out numbef.
By Skype Name
To add a contact by Full Name or Skype Name:
1 From the contacts list, select Options. and then select
2. Scroll down and select Add Contact.
3. Choose By Skype Name.
4. Enter the name. and the WlFi phone searches for that name
5. Seiect Add.
The contact is added to the list.
6. Select OK to send an authorization request.
By Skype Out Number
_ Tip: Depending on your service. you may
—} need Skype Out money to call 3 Skype
Out numbet
16 Using the WIFI phone
To add a contact by Skype Out numbef:
1. Fnom the contacts list. select Options, and then select
2 Scmll down and select Add Contact.
3. Choose By Skype Out number.
4. Emzr the number. and the WFi phone searches for that
5. Select Add
The contact is added to the list
8. Select 0K to send an authorization request
Us‘ng the WIFI phone
Searching for Users
You can search by Skypo name. by M name. or by e-mali.
T0 search:
1.SO|OC1 $0013" from “10 mem. Of SOIOC’ n on 0 sum
the Options menu with the soft key. ’
2. Type your search criteria will the keypad.
Tip: Use in. aIA ' button to change trom lowercase.
to uppercase. or numeric entry.
To stop a search. we the soil keys to choose Sop or Cancel,
3. Select 3 Skype user from the list.
4‘ Use the soil key to select Options.
The following options It disphyed:
- Show more resutu. View more search resuls.
Previous results. Go back to previous search results
Search again. Start e new search.
Cell. Call a contact.
Add to contacts. See "Adding a Contact" on page 16.
Wow profile. View the Skype profile for a contact.
Ushq the Wit-“i phone
If you want to let other Skype users know when you are onllne.
then you need to euthorize them, If someone adds you to his or
her contact lst, Inst person Is listed as Authortzation wetting.
You can use the privacy settings In your Skype service to receive
Incoming calls oniy from peopie wlh auhomation.
After you add a contact. you can request authortatlon from that
Req uest Authorization
To request authorizetlon from a contact: ,. m mnlxt —
1.Select a contact. go to the Call list and select ‘"“:.,‘,,",‘.,§;,'.‘""
Al‘fIOl'Rfl‘OflS. um um. n w A
2.Select Request authorization. iff" "°“ " "'
Ushq the WIFI phone 19
Authorization Waiting
These contacts are waiting for you to minutiae them so that they
wil be nofified when you are online.
1 . From the contacts cisplay. select Options wlh
the sol! key.
2. Select Authorizalion witing.
3.Any contacts who are waiting ae listed here.
You can accept. decline. or decline and block
- Accept. thify this contact when you are
- Decline. Declineto let this conuct know when you are online.
- Decline and Block. Decline to la ihls contact know when
you me online. and block cells from this contact.
20 UshgtheWiFiphone
Call List
View the cells that have been made. received.
and missed hem this lMFl phone since the lest
time It was reset. You can also view
Authorizations here. To can go to this screen.
you can use the Call list button or the Call list
menu selection.
Missed Calls
Select Missed calls from the Call list to view missed calls. From
the Missed cells display. select Options with the soil key to use
these options:
- Call. Call the selected number.
- Said voicemeil. ltyou have voicemell you can send voicemeii.
- Details. View details about the caller.
- Delfle. Delete the missed cell hom the list.
' View profile. View the profile for the color.
- Add to contacts. Add this caller to your contacts.
' Clear list. Erase the list of missed cals.
Ushq the Wit-“i phone 21
"your Skypo suvlco includos volcomall. than A . _ .,,,
you can access n from the Call list menu orb‘om mm A
the main monu.
22 Ushg the WFlphono
Settings and Wireless Networks
You can use the Settings menu on the NH phone to view or
adjust the iollcm‘ng:
- Skype My profile settings. notifications and privacy
- Wireless network setup and secun'ty
- WiFi phone settings including sound. ring tone, time‘ language.
and back light
- Advanced settings
Once you set up the WiFi phone to work With a Wireless network, It
remembers the network settmgs in case you use that network
Settings Menu
Select Settings to view or adust
lheseltingsfottheNl-“i phone. Om
You can scroll to dsplaylhe items I
at the bdtom oflhe list.
The following options are
0 My profile. Erie: optimal My
profile settings it: your Skype
eccwnt. inducing full name.
birthday. gendef. country, province. city, and home phone.
- Network. View the network shtus and setup inducing NFi
status. IP “us. View networks, and Autoconnect. See
“Network“ on page 26.
. Gem. Select General ho manage the password. auto log'n.
lenglage, sollware upthtes and reselling lhe NF: phone. See
‘General' on page 27.
- Volcemdl. Enter your welcome message. Choose Use When
Talking or Use Vlhen Reject Sd the delay time
0 H1vecy.Work with cells and cal listory.
- Noflflcalone. Set up the consumer electronics to notify you if
someone is odine. someone calls. someone chds. and
24 Settings and Wireless Nelvloms
Sound devices. Set the Audio In. Audio Out. and auto
Tones. Set the r'ng'ng hone. ringing volume. sound alerts.
vibrator. key tones. and defauk
Time and Data. Set the date. clock rime zone. clock format,
date format and date separator.
Manage blocked users. View biocked contacts. You an
unblock them here.
Connectivity. This shows whe'her or not the earphone is
Phone Settings. Adjust the brightness and duration ofthe back
Informatlon. View the network. MAC address, firmware
version. firmware date, serial number. and hardware version.
Advanced. The advanced features are Check updates, Ports.
No. Alt Pena HTTPS enable. and HTTPS Address, See
"Advanced' on page 28.
Settings and Wrebss Networks 25
From the Settings menu. select Network The Network menu has
these options:
- Wireless networks In range. Scan for networks in your area.
and display them.
- Preferred networks. You have connected to these networks
with your WlFi phone See "Preferred Networks" on page 29.
- Auto-connect to open network. If the WiFi phone does not
find a preferred network. it will connect to the hm open Wireless
network that it finds An open wireless network does not use
wireless security.
- Define SSlD and connect. Use thisto work with hidden
networks Hidden networks do not broadcast their 5510. The
SSID is also (rolled the network name
26 Settings and Wreless Networks

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