New Bright Co 340D-R01 Remote Control Toy Transmitter User Manual 35
New Bright Industrial Co Ltd Remote Control Toy Transmitter 35
- 1. manual
- 2. manual statement
manual statement
’§2&“¢5§’132§52‘$c12§° HUSHECCHC , EHEEHHE ______ )E ACE SS? MC EEEC EC'SC C-ECSHJL 3ECC rLCCHSSH? PROBLEM! VEHICLE DOES NOT MOVE PESEF'EEE JIJHlEG CCU ME HEm MINE CECE EEEEIE SHECC 22, C5. CSZI’CQZCZJ‘SZLT ($3111! TLC"? 33,3”,2‘C‘C'nifime,g I 9.6V Am Shave bum-mes m Calms um! nunsmnwe _ OPERATOR'S MANUAL Is the pnwer swflda on VeESICIC lumcd on? Is She barevy/power puck week 31 on! of Power? FULL FUNCTION PROBLEM! VEHECIE MOVES BY CTSELF There S5 ludEU m'eVCevelme u- we ureu Anovher R/C vcmclc mrh he son-c Frequenry SS close by The omennu of vransrnmnr SS m5! sue-wed u Eighi Che amewnu I$ nrv My amended PROBLEM! VEHICLE RUNS SlOWlY Che balmy SS wmk n Eudmg Che powar pm-k i< worn m and needs vo oe replmed loflcncs are nm AlkuSme (we mvs; marched ov am old IF VEHICLE HAS A NOTICEABLE DROP IN PFRFORMANCF INCONSISTENT MOVEMFNT OR IUSS FAIES TO RUN RECHARGE POWER PACK AND/OR REPLACE A FRESH ’9V’ ALKALINE BATTERY. , (onlrolier and Vehicle 8011er Requitements: n.- lemry charger _n. buhery wk and n: b. paigdiuny ANTENNAS are mcked One 9V Alkulme Buttery 333-53,‘g;;:::’;:;:;;;'j: $353; w "mm-“W in shipping foam in box, One 9.6V Rethorgeable Power Puck/charger WARNING: User can not modify this product. '— 37‘7'00445 C M7595 NtW “1le 9.0 V0" Rechargeable NlLd Battery Pack and Charger. [Sold Separately) NiCd Rechargeable 120V Householc Outlet Gallery Pack Avoid Colllslons Avoid runnlng on lhlck pile wlh hard surfaces carpehng or dusty Floors Avoid running 7 whales Wilh lhc same hequenciesv Always run ane ul (1 hma unless you purchase Val’flcles Willi dillaranr Frequencles 1 Plug charger info a 120V household ouilel. 2 Connecl lhe bdlery puck In lhe charger clxp 3 Charge 0h: balmry pack for AHRS NOTE Pack ls nal charged when new Pack is fully charged after Ahrs of charging, extended charging does no! improve running lime. A. Ahar charging lor Ahrs, unplug charger and cisconnecl pack by pressing down on lever lock Rmnng Time My pack can In charged up 001,000fimsl Appraximole lunning time is 20 lo 30 min Running lime :an vurylrom love 20 mm occordmg to Slle G. werghi of vehicle or speed 5- lermrn. Battery _ pack will lose power or qul! suddenly‘ lei puck cool, Ihen recharge char lemming pack horn vehicle Wpe body all wilh a 505? rag or racl cloth - Alway; disconnecl will: by pulling on plugt, do not pull on wiron - for“ on wire comedians (an mm- lhnrllng. - be no! recharge warm or ho! bamry nat‘rs. Wall 20 min. until pa(k h" cooled. Redrurgr'ng ma early will lhar'en pad- life. lnhargl'ng near fire or high nmpnal‘ure ls dangmw. 00 nor "(halve padu that show wtar or lockaga. Always unplug bunny pack when no! in nu. Do not dilpau pack in fin, nrplon'on or personal iniury may can". “(pole of NiCd banery park! prapcrly, do no! Jilaucmbh. Do not clean Alway. mmm bamry pull rm.- "Md. befare charging and dusl gel "upped “h'clo wt'h Brush areas where din an nor use charger for any uu olh-r rlmn insnucud in dlmriom. chemicals or wcier. Pmodizul mtpoaon oi win: by pal-m. u lumflad. Turn ON/OFF switch on vehicle Extend Ilia antenna Io lull length lo the ON position For power Indicator light works when m use. Wonk or bond Pow Pack For best running performance, always star! with puck lully chargad. Partially charged packs Ant-mu Power Micah: will perlorm poorly‘ Forward Neutral “ Installation of Power Pack Be sure connector plugs are Rm [Ah/Ry!" securely locked bgellrer. Do not MW pull on ~ires when disconnecting peck, tl'is may Hort on! system, Alter play, always tun vehicle off. Remove ‘9V' battery and rechargeable pack when flOl in use or when stored. twinge Save Battery Life may occur and cause damage rl Ialt hr a period cl lime. Be sure vehicle is turned all whan not m play Range A Veh cle may go beymd radio Signal con‘acl loss al control or slowness wiI I I I I ll I I I be avrdenl when out ol range Hold Iransmnter antenna up high und keep screwed m righ- (or lvut yne-ppfim H I. . Inhrhnnu Errclic behavior, loss ol contact or prlung motion may occur in arms of high tension wires, phone poles Tnm ud|ustment ls locared unde' vehicle between lront wheels, (fl Adiurl trim to align wheels For srcight line drivmgr Q 91; A. nr (R rnrlrm Ruuliu «Wu. Mum: and dam 1m «lulu A.., J um lulluwlng Mum.» ~,V pug‘ “New, we , . . 2 lnsarl lube mlo may lnlevlere wnh lhe uehowor and luncnon Illrough hollow lube hole on vehlcle The Ironsmmer slgnols can 9051 y be inlanupled, caving lcr your lrunsmmer “ ' and vehicle is llluslruled on thaw pages no m” 0501. your vohicld ( Remember lo avoid wuler, heal sand and high unpacl croshesl \ 3 A knal may he fled Oll mod vehlcles may run on grassy areas. \ f i a! lhe 00 C? p‘ Q) (Do not pull wire flgl’!" 41 .', Inserl one 9V V Alkaline Baflery Screw onlenrlc in tightly (opp ‘lf'l‘llrll'f nwny lrom Kér‘p velurle away lmm lor bes' "onsm'ssmn we! SUYlUECS m mm sandy, dusy areas Be sure lbe + and — are NO“! my: amp arom- AIW'A“ “<5 AIKA NF BAT'lfilF, l 0an by Ummg lock and Ilh ‘ “w. ._»ll 2. Jam Ihe puck Hajvumr l l‘blHlWlF’lTS nrz- v» y Always slam Vchl(l0 0nd conneclor plug inlo d' ' k scrsxhvu yo man smlrgl’vl or heat nonsmmer m a dry cool compomnem plug DO " T'sff'lgkmgvz‘g‘; Aw”! lfn‘g pmmcs nl ploy mdey plate away lvom hmvers receplccle and NO Ll mm wrlmhl m m m rpgvflnrfi secwe thv
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Creator : .穨.二月 16, 2001 (35) Create Date : 2001:02:16 18:52:37 Title : .穨.(35) Author : .穨.cee3 Producer : Acrobat PDFWriter 4.0 for Windows Modify Date : 2001:02:20 10:03:53-05:00 Page Count : 4EXIF Metadata provided by