New Bright Co 615HD-2 Remote controller for toy User Manual Manual
New Bright Industrial Co Ltd Remote controller for toy Manual
mm comm - mm COMMANDE - Hanunsmmuuc - common RADIO MANDD DE RADIO - comma POR nfimm - RADIOGHAFISGH BESTUUBBAAH mumom RADIOWA . RAqlovA KUNTHULA . mpvq KONTROLLU 3mm THAEKATEYOYNZH)’. - RIADENE nimlom . RflDlOVEZERLES - wmo YHPABIIEHME HF ‘—23& 10 l B15109223/JN32409 sun-w hum-mum WWI—4m mmmwnmm mum- . m-rwm ainmmmummfi olrnml-whmvumunrmmflmnm lhmurmwmmmh‘tflmmht— ewtwmnmmnl-mh u.- manml-mnmmurmmlw Mnmnwmmmm arr-m lMMtt-tlmmhuu L—uwqu-t s—www WWND ammo!) mnmlct mmicx l—mm—anm-mwmfl rwnmmmwmnmmm annular-m mum-nun" DWFsmw»-bambmmdu|£flmm Mummmwnmnvfln mnmmmmnmum mummflwwnnmnmm mnmmmw-mmnmn rim-umnm-yowmmmm ummnwanwm - zlnuflz‘M’flh-llum autumn-1M.- Mama wammmuuump-m rrnmtnmmmmmwnm mm- Adm-WW mmmflm—Mm LAID-91W“ MMmyt-em‘ utmunsmmm mmmtmuummmw- . Miami-ma mmmmmlmmwm-fl-m. mmmdmhwmumuflmm WWW-ultima- m.mwmmwmmmmmm .mmn mmmmmmwmummm mam-mm FCC CAUT|0N: The manutacturer is not responsibl modification to this equipment. Stmh modi MmehM-dmnamsaumm - t‘mnmnwoMM-idmuv-W mun-nuns.— -Mm.mrmnnmw lit-M mfimmmmuuw . vuan'manvu-wmlnm urn-lune: m." mun-u. . “(van-mn- {tn-M) - V-rud- . “A m.- w— an new (m. nl-Mnnfi win m-n mun-i.- Von-ale. ' trummwmwm-‘mmmmys. J‘J‘AA Immmmnmmn .. mat-a e tor radio lnterlerence caused by unauthorized trequency licallcns could void the useHs authority to operate the equipment. Nm'EzThls equipment has been to rnlts tor a Class 8 digital device. pursuant a reasonable protection against hanniul uses and can radiate radio (requenc/ may cause harmiul interterence ill not occur in a particular narence to radio or television reception, which an ad to try to correct the sted and iound to comply with the Ii to Part 15 o! the FCC Rules. These llmns are designed to provid intonaronoe in a residential installation. This equipment generates. energy and. it not installed and used in accordance wtth the instructions. to radio communicatione However. there is no guarantee that intertarenca w installation. It this equipment does cause harmtul inte be determined by turning the equipment ott end on. the user is encourag interference by one or more oi the tollowing measures: - Hoorient or relocate the receiving antenna, - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. 4 Conned the equipment into an outlet on a cirou'n difierenl trom that to whic - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician tor help. h the receiver is connected.
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