New Bright Co 6366A Radio Control Toy Vehicle Tansmitters and Receiver User Manual Unknown

New Bright Industrial Co Ltd Radio Control Toy Vehicle Tansmitters and Receiver Unknown


Download: New Bright Co 6366A Radio Control Toy Vehicle Tansmitters and Receiver User Manual Unknown
Mirror Download []New Bright Co 6366A Radio Control Toy Vehicle Tansmitters and Receiver User Manual Unknown
Document ID101402
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Document DescriptionManual
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Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize19.14kB (239268 bits)
Date Submitted2000-05-22 00:00:00
Date Available2000-05-26 00:00:00
Creation Date0000-00-00 00:00:00
Producing SoftwareAcrobat PDFWriter 3.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2000-05-10 09:38:34
Document TitleUnknown
Document Author: HKSTC Preferred User

FCC ID: G6D6366A
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Butler}.- Requirements:
One 9‘.’ Alkaline Buttery
Um: 91W Elndmrgcuhlc Pownr Putk/(lmrgar
' Conlmllerunrl Vehicle }
ANTENNAS we pmked
L amonmumm em
Are me + and Js [001005 correctly marched in Ironsmilrcr?
Are the meal conlaci labs Iouching, rusty or diny in lmnsmillcr?
Are there burlcries in vehicle and Trunsm‘wller?
Is the power switch on vehicle turned on?
Is he balmy/power pack weak or out of power?
There (3 radio inferfcmnce in Ihe area.
Anofluer R/C which with Ihc same frequency is close by.
The antenna 0! Trunsmiller is not screwed in Iighl.
The umenne is not fully extended.
The bulhwy is weak in fading.
The power pack is worn GUI and needs Io be replaced,
Bollcncs (In: nol Nkulw’no, arr: miss motchnd or are a!
The Buttery charger 3. butlcry puck need In be periodically
examined for porenlial hazards and 21m! any polenfinlly
hazardnus puns be rcpuimd or replaced.
limmcmmfl m;
The vehicle antenna is self-contained in the internal system 01' the vehicle.
Hence, inslallntion ofzmtenna is no! required [or this mudcl.
cmw antenna in nghfly
[er bes1 hansmission,
Be sure Ihc + and - arc
NOIE: res ncsr rayon/mum
AlWAVS USE MKAUNE umcmcs. / pmpflriy matched,
. Join the pack
conncclor plug inlo
compartment plug
fecepruclc and
secure Iighfly.
close and lock cover.
(When disconnecling pack
NEW BRlGHT 9.6 Voll Rechargeable NiCd Bullcry Pack and Charger.
[Sold Separclcly]
NiCd Rechargeable , 120V Household Omlel
Bailery Pack
1, Plug charger inln a 120V hcuschald oullet.
2. Cam-cc! Ihe ballery pack to Ilrc charger clip.
3. Charge the ballery pack For liHRS
NOTE: Pack is not charged when new. Pack is fully charged alter Ahrs of
charging, extended charging does nol improve running timer
4. Allar charging for dlrrs, unplug charger and disconnect pack by pressing
Clown an lever lOCk,
Running Trmc
Battery pack can be charged up 70 1,000 times!
Approximate running lime is 20 lo 30 min, Running limo can vary lrom 10 I0
20 min. according la size & weight of vehicle or speed & terrain. Bauery
puck wrll lose power or quir suddenly. Let pack cool, lhen recharge aller
removing pack from velflcle
- Always disconnect umrs by put on plugz, do no] pun on wires.
- force on wire conncdiorrs can cause sharlr'nn.
- Do mar recharge warm or 110! buncry packs. Wait 23 nin. unifi pack
has cooled Recharging foo 0014}: will shorten pack li-‘c.
Recharging near fin: or M911 temperature is dangerous.
’ Dc not recharge puck“. rho! Show wear or leakage.
0 Always unplug battery pack when not in use.
‘ Do no: dispose [la-dz r'n (ire, cxpr‘usiuu or personal injury may occur.
- Dispnxv nf MiCa‘ battery packs properly, do no: rfisasscmblc.
' Always remove battery pack from vehiric before rhmgr'ng.
- Do not use rlmchr {or any (lie ether Alta“ Instrucrca' -'n (limuions.
- F-‘rr'nu'L ‘l'n;;l-':,'3a“ xvii (r,- :;f1rr" .-— fr,» ..
, U ‘,|
Avoid collisions Avoid running on thick pile
wilh hard surFuccs. carpeling or dusty floors.
Avoid running 2 vehicles
wilh Ihc some frequencies
Aiwoys run one mi 0 lime
unless you purchase
vehicles with different
Wipe body oil with a
sofv rag or lac? cloth.
Brush areas where dirl ,, 4 - 1A Do noi cieqn
vehicle wilh
chemiccis or waler.
and dusl gel trapped.
Radio waves conlrol and drive Ihe vehicle. Any of Ihe Folloang condilions
may inlerlcrc wilh the behavior and function.
The ironsmilter signals can uusily bl: inlerrupved, caring for your lrunsmiflcr
and vehicle Ts illustrated on ihese pages.
Do not abuse your vehicle!
Remember in ovoid waver, hear, sand and high impocl crashes!
Off road vehicles may run on grassy areas.
Keep vchidu away from Keep vehicle away from
wm surfaces or rain. sandy: dusly nreosr
Elemronic Emlrumcnls are very quys store vchidc and
sensifivc 10 direct sunlighl or heal. lransmmur in a dry coo‘
Avoid long periods 0[ p|oy under piece away from hearers
dirccr sunlight or hut air regulars,

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : No
Creator                         : 
Create Date                     : Wednesday, May 10, 2000 9:37:55 AM
Title                           : Unknown
Author                          : HKSTC Preferred User
Producer                        : Acrobat PDFWriter 3.0 for Windows
Subject                         : 
Modify Date                     : 2000:05:10 09:38:34
Page Count                      : 6
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FCC ID Filing: G6D6366A

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