New Bright Co 820H RC Toy Transmitter User Manual

New Bright Industrial Co Ltd RC Toy Transmitter

User Manual

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Document ID1239847
Application ID503Ufpfy5P4BmndMbljM3A==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize22.7kB (283789 bits)
Date Submitted2010-02-10 00:00:00
Date Available2010-02-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2010-02-09 11:24:27
Producing SoftwareHewlett-Packard Intelligent Scanning Technology 3
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleUser Manual
Document Author: spqacqfy [ SZ05W497 ]

#8201 Air Force Xtreme
Aircraft— Features & Functions
0 ON/OFF Switch- is located on the bottom of the aircrafi.
0 Charging Port- is located next to the ONIOFF switch.
a Antenna Wire - runs along the bottom of the aircrafi
0 Aircraft goes FORWARD, UP, LEFT & RIGHT
Transmitter~ Features & Functions
0 ON/OFF Switch - Turn ON/OFF switch to the ON position and the green Power Indicator Light will go
Left Joystick UP — Controls the Propellers
Right Joystick Leftx- Aircmfl turns LEFT
Right Joystick Right n Aircrafi turns RIGHT
“Speed UP” Button — Press and hold for a boost in altitude
Charging Status Light - glows red when aircraft is charging
Charging Cord —- Pull out of the back of the transmitter to charge aircrafl.
Transmitter Battery Installation:
0 Remove the Battery Compartment Cover (which is located on the back of the transmitter).
0 Insert 6 “AA” batteries (included). Be sure the (+) and (-) are properly matched.
- Replace the Battery Compartment Cover.
Charging The Aircraft
0 Make sure that both the aircraft and the transmitter’s ON/OFF switches are in the OFF position prior to
' charging.
Locate the Charging Port on the underside of the aircrafi.
Locate the Charging Cord on the back of the transmitter.
Pull the Charging Cord out and connect it to the Charging Port (making sure the arrow on the Charging
Cord is facing the same direction as the arrow on the Charging Port).
' The red “Charging Status Light” light on the transmitter will turn on while the aircrafi is charging.
The charge is complete when the red “Charging Status Light" light turns off (approximate charge time is
20 — 30 minutes).
0 Disconnect the charging Cord from the Charging Port when charging is complete.
Before Flying:
- Insert fresh alkaline batteries into the Transmitter Battery Compartment (as described above)
Charge Aircrafi (as described above)
0 Insert antenna and tum clockwise until securely fastened.
0 Raise Transmitter antenna
Move ON/OFF switch to the ON position. ‘
To Fly:
0 Hold the aircrafi in one hand and the Transmitter in the other hand.
0 Push the Lefi Joystick on the Transmitter UP to start the aircraft’s propellers.
0 Launch the aircrafi by gently throwing it forward in a smooth motion.
0 Keep the Lefi Joystick in the UP position.
- Immediately afier launching the aircrafi, press and hold the “Speed Up” button to begin gaining altitude.
0 When the aircrafi maintains steady flight, release the Speed Up button.
0 If the aircrafi begins to lose altitude, press the Speed Up button again. This will take you higher in the air.
0 Once steady flight is maintained, gently move the Right Joystick in the direction you would like to turn
(Lefi or Right).
Launching and Flying becomes easier the more you practise.
Do not operate in heavy winds
Do not operate aircrafi where there are many trees or overhead wires. This could damage or impair the
Do not operate outdoors during thunderstorms
When lifiing the aircrafi, be sure to hold the body securely.
Never put your fingers close to the propeller when the aircrafi is turned on. The spinning propeller is
extremely dangerous.
Do not recharge aircr‘afi if it is hot or warm to the touch. Allow internal battery to cool before recharging.
Recharging a hot or warm battery will shorten its life.
Always disconnect the Charging Cord from the aircralt befo‘re flying.
Always remove batteries from Battery Compartment when not in use.
Dispose of alkaline batteries properly.
Do not attempt to disassemble airerafl or transmitter.
Do not use Battery Charger for any use other than instructed herein (charger is for use with this product
Do not use any other charger with this product as this may result in damage to the aircrafi‘s battery and
Never use chemicals (including benzene, alcohol or thinner) to clean
Operate the vehicle within 100 feet (30 meters) ranger
Switch off the toy when not in use.
Remove all batteries when not in use for long periods.
Adult supervision recommended,
Please remove all packaging attachments before giving this toy to your child
4. If the vehicle is not functioning properly. replace the batteries
Do not insert the antenna wire into electrical socket outlets
The performance of this toy may be affected by strong environmental disturbance or interference.
This product will not perform normally in a strong electrostatic environment.
We wish you many happy hours of pleasure with your New Bright toy.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply
with the limits for a Class B digital device‘ pursuant to Part 15 ol
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmlul interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates. uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, it not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interlerence to radio communications However. there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation If this equipment does cause harmlUI interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try
to correct the interference by one or more 01 the following
measures: _ ~
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-» Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different
lrom that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician
for help,
50.0. CAUTION:
m manulacturer is not mponsmu to:
radio imerterenc- causal by unauthorized ~ a ®
"ruminations in this equipment Such A
Mllcallans could we the users ’
may to ope-ye the equipment, m
rec JWN

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 3
Producer                        : Hewlett-Packard Intelligent Scanning Technology.3
Author                          : spqacqfy [ SZ05W497 ]
Create Date                     : 2010:02:09 11:24:27
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: G6D820H

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