New Bright Co BT44-4 RC Toy Transmitter User Manual 2 max
New Bright Industrial Co Ltd RC Toy Transmitter 2 max
User Manual
Table of Contents Battery Installation Section 1: Table of Contents Component Checklist Section 2: Vehicle Battery Installation Section Vehicle Features . . . install batteiies as shown, making sure the Section - Charm“ "19 Transmitter tri positive and (c) negative markings iine Section 5: Transmitter Operation Instructions up wiih the it) and (at marking inlhe battery Section 6: Proper Use and Care “WWW” Section 7: Trouble shooting To protect components tram damage, they may be packaged out olplain sight. Please search packaging malerrals and remove all at the components lrsted below. Packaging annuin be saved for storing yaw vehicle. 1» iieriazeiai Transmitter Features . Charging the Transmitter t Turn vehicle power switch to the or? position helare charging the Transmitter 2 Locate the tiansmitlei charging pus1 on the underSide at the vehicle between the rear wheels 3 Gently pull charging post until II is lully extended past the vehicle‘s rear bumper Tmnsmittei charging Past 4 Next rotate the charging post so that it is veitical and lacing the [up oi the vehicle 5 Return vehicle to its upiight position 6 Locatn the charging receptacle on the bottom oi the transmitter 7 tine up the we Touch Transmitter so that the charging post lines up With the Transmitters charging receptacle s set the Transmitter lirmiy onto the charging post The Transmitter lights Will Iiash during charging Flashing will stop when the Transmitter is lully charged won Will know when your Tiansrriittei needs chaiging when the lights iiash lot to seconds and then power nl'l) Steering Trim' ON/OFF Swttch Note ONiOFF snitch must be in OFF‘ position when charging the Transmitter Your Ric ranch runaniinar ta mm "taming Make we last. Isamrioc arc in your vehicle belore charging the Transmitter. Once tully charged. [after 30 minutes) the Transmitter will be functional tor up to 4 hours. Transmitter Operation Instructions Hold lrarrsrrrmer in two lrands and npenle by pressing arms willr your lrrurrrhs. REVERSE Mono": Press and hold REVERSE armw lor eorrlrruous rwerse rrrurrurr ficivnw rusrup FORWARD Marlon Press and hold FORWARD arruw lor curlrnuuus lorward mallan Release in slflD 7 NEW‘WBR‘GMT) 7 db chm LEFTTURNiNG: Press arru hold rm arm urrrle srrrullarreuusly pressrrrg FORWARD armw in lurrr lerl wrrrle derlng lerwaru Press are held LEFY arruw wrrre slrrruilarrenusiy presslrlg Reverrse arruw lu lurrr lerl wrrrre drlvlrrg rrr reverse arcwr warms; Press and rrnid RiGHT armw wrrrle srrrrurlerrenuely pressrng FORWARD alruw lo lurrr rrgrrl wrrlie drivrng lemma press and rrcle RraRr arrow wrrrla simultaneously nresslrrg REVERSE arm m lurrr rrgrrlwrrrle derlrrg lrr reverse Proper Use and Care Dr: nol recharge rrarrsrrrmer ll rl appears in be damaged Do not anempl lo dlsassembie Transrrrlller Arrays remove Ballerres imm vehlcie Ballery Companmem wrrerr nol In use Do nul arspose banerres rn ire Leakage explosrurr and personal lnlury may occur Drspese ul Banerles properly Do not anempl lumps er mm mm llrrs Vehlcie be run use chlrrucais u! wrlsr lo dam surrerr Verure or; wrrerr rrm rrr use Bmx'l areas wlrere urn gels rapped OWN ER’S MAN UAL Please read and understand all precaufr'ans prior to use. Thank yen for choosing a premium New 8 51h! product. usA a Caflafld an my Llr'lr edWarra/ri) rua l'grll Posing,lrarra’lslalrlearlglrrai nurmasnrlnal'hlsvrnduciw re rm max/em rrrmaierlais anflwurkr'lansmuinr y raw dayxirnm'hedaienivurchasé rrrl-smrrrursus-nerecrurrrrryewerrmcevm Newa'qmmiirevalrnrmpuu rrermuucr alnurscia ms'rs'r'rrr rrrsrem, nuts -er xre'flamage esurrrryrramureururm muurrsamrs arclcefi rr smear cbuse Srrnulu ynurrmrrr' ues usucr 'r~»rz¢urceilhi5 warmly llrslcaii l'elailrrw mrer rm nan Vesrnrunrem m be mm W N s rm“.N N er uh we“ serumrurrsrwua rumrrmrru auruelwermuem , Prnflucl Re um Fnr'rr rre PraduL‘r Re-urrr Fnr'n xln erusmrrer rprernrnqarmacilaus lpcsngfim Noam weary irew'sumzir W'e' mlurnlng a weary» nrnfluci fleas: we re maflur r-e flrcnuri Reil/rrr Fv'r'l and a my a rr. flared sales resem as Drnni r r Muss; ae Sire lo mark m ru were rm re rroaua Return Farm rr rr. prnfluci rs remnzfl wllflzm . um sees reeercr llwliibc nxnilmedlrnmcwzraye urrflzr‘rllswrlrrzmv Pluses ml”;Smasmflliwwnrrepalmfl ur rEyiace/lelli uerrm ueyururu urr yer" imalwnr riewfl'qM ircuslrlzs ilab mung/ms 'm.9ic'¢.is era frurkr'wlshln urrfler1m:warrarvlyshaiiacilrrrlimlcmum'nr rearsamcmarweareascrerrcrr r numm srr webs respoerue inr xlflerl‘ai mnxeque’llaiorcnnirgfi'l damage: izxczpi rrr-rrusesamrer an malim rrrmuusrrrrerrrrrurrurrr Vailn nrriylrllflEL/SAA cm Cnnmi MW Brlghl rmusrrrrs ousrmr Semce rnll re. at r err Mal rols rr err smear) Mnnflwmrougrl F'rday smAMla sun PM EasVEr'rTlrrle lrssrmezermm rq Trouble Shooting Problem - Vehicle does nor mave or moves slowly. , Make cerrarrr lrrere are lresrr ballerres ln me verrlcle and mar lrrey have been lrrs'aiied rrr lrre surreal pasrlrorr -Are me (r) and H markrrrgs on me ballerles lrr lrre same pusl'lorl as lrre («l and H marklrlgs rrr lrre verrrcle baflery wmparlmeniV - Are lhe melal corrlacl labs louchlng, rusly or dlrly rrr lrre barlery campanmenl” ~ Has me rechargeable battery rrr lrre lransrrrrner heen rully errargem 7 Make cerialrr live! "is Vehicle ON/OFF swllcrr ls lrr the ‘ON' pasrtlan. Problem . Vehicle man-e hy irselr m nyhihii; rammed range lmrr. «he Irznrmmor , Make cerlarrr lrrere ls rro aulsrde radlu lrrleriererrce rrr your area. The besl way lo lesl lrrls ls la lake Irre venrcle as iar away iram radro lowers elem-cal lrrres or lalr burldrrrgs as pusslhie lo ensure rm lurlrrer radlo lrrlerfererrce WlII occur FCC cannon: The rrarruiaclurer ls not respursrbic lol acre rmerlereree caused by ureurrurrzec lrequency mod rlcailn" in rrrrs eau prrrm Sucrr mearrrearers amid veld lrre user s aurrorrly lo operale lrre eaururrerrr norEzrrrrs ecuramerr res been lesrea arareura m Lomaiy Nlir'rlrre rrmrlsrera class a fllgliai dwlcer pursuarrr le Parr ls er lre rec Rules These ilrwiis are 595 gnenla preurne reasonabieprolecilnrr age rrsr harmlu‘ rrlerlererrce lrlz resldenilai lnsia lallc'r rrrrs eumnmem gEneralESr uses arm Carr rafllxie mfllul'equerrcy errergyara rr nclrrsrarreearra used rr acm'dancewlthlwe rrrslruclrurrs r'ray causerrrrmrul rrlerrererrce le radlu semrrrurrcarruns Reamer wars 5 no guaranlee lrar lrrlenerennewlii no! 00ch r a parllcuiar lrrslaiiailnrr ll lrrs equrarrrerrlaeescalse rarmrul l'rlefle's'rce leraare a' leleursrqrr reeeprorr wrrrcrr car he dererm rreu rylurrrrrrglre equrpmcnrall arra err lrre user rs Enmumyed lc “rylvmrredl're rrrlerlererrce ny nrle er mar: armrerawrrrq measures , eeurrerrr ur reruuare ure rm rrrru arrrerrr, — increase me seaarailnn beweerr lrre Equipmeniand recrruer » conned rrre equip/“EM rrrre arr eullel er aclrculldrliErE/ll rrarrr lrarlewrrcrme reLElVEr rs conneclm e Cnrrsui' me dealeroranexpsrlentsd marcrrVrecrrrrcrar ler rer
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